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Please note that this chapter is intended for adults (over 18 years), and may contain images and text featuring nudity, explicit adult sexuality and strong language. Please do not view this chapter if you find such features objectionable....
'the chapter opens with a short night drive to Phoenix.....a city, and an hotel and restaurant that is much more to Jim's liking - and then there is all the excitement about the new telescope, a new Western look for Jim and Max - and some target practice - plus another surprise appearance by Faunus

Phoenix is the capital and most populous city of the U.S. state of Arizona.
Phoenix is at the centre of the Phoenix metropolitan area, also known as the 'Valley of the Sun', which in turn is a part of the 'Salt River Valley'.
Settled in 1867 as an agricultural community near the confluence of the Salt and Gila Rivers, Phoenix incorporated as a city in 1881.
It became the capital of Arizona Territory in 1889.
Located in the north-eastern reaches of the 'Sonora Desert', Phoenix has a hot (very hot ?) desert climate.
Despite this, its canal system led to a thriving farming community with many of the original crops, such as alfalfa, cotton, citrus, and hay, remaining important parts of the Phoenix economy for decades.
Cotton, cattle, citrus, climate, and copper were known locally as the "Five C's" of Phoenix's economy. These industries remained the driving forces of the city until after World War II, when high-tech companies began to move into the valley, and air conditioning made Phoenix's hot summers more bearable.
Phoenix is the cultural center of the 'Valley of the Sun', as well as the entire state of Arizona.
Phoenix at Night
On the way into Phoenix, Chuck (the chauffeur to the 'Boss') chose a scenic route, close to the city, from where they all could have a panoramic view.
Jim pushed the button to activate the electric window in order to eliminate the dark tint of the windows in the rear compartment.
"That's it, Sir....that's what I call a city !", Jim said, and Max nodded in agreement.
"Yes...a real couple of 'city boys' aren't you.", the 'Boss' commented, only half joking.
Phoenix lay spread out before them, with numberless lights twinkling in the cool desert air.
"And where are we staying, Sir ?", Jim asked.
"Actually, I've made reservations at the Biltmore Hotel.", the 'Boss' replied.
"Hopefully it'll be up to the standard that you require.", he added - with a touch of sarcasm.
"Unfortunately, however, like the Lowell Observatory, it was built quite a long time ago - in 1929 in fact - so perhaps you might find it a bit old fashioned.", the 'Boss' continued.
"Oh..", said Jim, sounding a little disappointed
"Does it have a swimming pool ?", Max asked
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Catalina Pool - Biltmore Hotel - Phoenix - Arizona |
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Marilyn Monroe |
"And who's Marilyn Monroe ?", Jim asked.
"Oh just somebody from a long time ago - but I don't think she'll get in your way in the pool.", the 'Boss' said, pouring himself a drink from the built-in cocktail cabinet.
By this point in the conversation the 'Boss' was really enjoying himself.
"Anyway, pass this through to Chuck, so he knows where to go.", the 'Boss' said, handing Max a hastily scribbled note.
The note read: 'Arizona Biltmore Hotel - 2400 E Missouri Ave., Phoenix.'
The streets of Phoenix were crowded and busy, and the traffic dense.
To Jim and Max it was all very familiar - very much like 'Vegas - with lots of brightly lit, expensive looking shops.
It took some time for Chuck to wend his way through the tangle of traffic.
Eventually they came to a large imposing building.
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Biltmore Hotel - Phoenix - Main Entrance - Night |
Jim, however, had a different thought.
I reminded him, in some ways, of the 'Villa Jaguar' - the huge, palatial residence of the 'Boss', just outside Los Angeles.
"I think it might look 'creepy' just because it's at night, Max.", Jim said, hoping that Max's comment wouldn't upset the 'Boss'.
"Yes, I suppose you might think it a bit 'creepy', but I think that the architect who designed it thought it would look 'romantic'.", the 'Boss' said, obviously not offended.
"And who did design it ?", Jim asked.
"The architect was Albert Chase McArthur - not really a very famous architect, but Frank Lloyd Wright was a consultant on the design, and his style has also been used in later renovations, so many people think that Wright himself was the architect.
Frank Lloyd Wright, in case you didn't know, was strongly influenced by Meso-American architectural styles you know, 'Mayan', and also Art Deco, as you will have seen in the 'Villa Jaguar'.", the 'Boss' explained.
Max looked puzzled and confused.
"Don't worry Max- I'll tell you more about all of that later - and show you - and perhaps soon - after this trip - I may take you to the 'Villa Jaguar'.", the 'Boss' said, as Chuck drove the Cadillac up to the main entrance of the hotel.
Frank Lloyd Wright, in case you didn't know, was strongly influenced by Meso-American architectural styles you know, 'Mayan', and also Art Deco, as you will have seen in the 'Villa Jaguar'.", the 'Boss' explained.
Max looked puzzled and confused.
"Don't worry Max- I'll tell you more about all of that later - and show you - and perhaps soon - after this trip - I may take you to the 'Villa Jaguar'.", the 'Boss' said, as Chuck drove the Cadillac up to the main entrance of the hotel.
The 'Boss' quickly strode over to the reception desk.Frank Lloyd Wright (June 8, 1867 – April 9, 1959) was an American architect, interior designer and writer, who designed more than 1,000 structures, 532 of which were completed. Wright believed in a philosophy he called 'organic architecture'. His creative period spanned more than 70 years. He often designed interior elements for his buildings, as well, including furniture and stained glass. Wright wrote 20 books and many articles and was a popular lecturer in the United States and Europe. Although he would strenuously deny it, Wright was strongly influence by Art Deco and particularly Meso-American architecture, as exemplified in his textile concrete block system, which he used in many projects, including the Arizona Biltmore Hotel in 1927.
Frank Lloyd Wright
After announcing himself, and confirming his reservation, he explained about the luggage .
"In the trunk of my Cadillac is a very expensive, and very fragile piece of scientific equipment.
I want your most trusted and experienced staffers to have the item, which is contained in a large travelling case, taken up to Mr Johnson's suite as soon as possible.", the 'Boss' explained very emphatically.
The travelling case, of course, contained the 'Meade' 12" catadioptric telescope.
"Mr Johnson will accompany your staffers, and confirm to me that the item has been safely placed in the suite.", the 'Boss' concluded.
"Of course.", the receptionist replied.
"As usual, your instructions will be carried out to the letter."
Jim looked at Max.
"So - he's stayed here before....", Jim muttered to Max.
"Of course.", Max replied, quietly.
The 'Boss' turned to Jim.
"Go with them, and check it's all OK.", the 'Boss' said firmly.
Meanwhile, the 'Boss' approached the most pressing problem.
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Travelling case for the 'Meade' Catadioptric Telescope |
Upstairs, in the suite, Jim was very surprised to see the telescope's travelling case, as he hadn't seen it when it was loaded into the Cadillac at the Observatory.
When Max arrived, after taking his own case to his room, he was amazed at the large and very expensive looking case.
"Shit ! -It looks more like a funeral casket than a case for a telescope !", he exclaimed.
Meanwhile the 'Boss' was anxiously waiting to see if the restaurant would be available.
The receptionist finished 'phoning through.
"Of course, Sir.
As it's you, the restaurant will be available immediately.", the receptionist said, smiling.
"Someone will be here in a few moments to escort you, and your associates."
Fortunately, Jim and Max came back down to the reception area quickly, and Chuck joined them (diplomatically having left his chauffeur's cap in the limo), and so they all made their way to the restaurant, and moments later they arrived in the main restaurant.
"Now this is what I call a restaurant, Sir !", Jim said, looking round admiringly.
Chuck smiled, and Max, who was very hungry, looked delighted.
"Perhaps you can see, Jim, the similarity between this and the interior decoration of the 'Villa Jaguar'.", the 'Boss' said proudly.
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Biltmore Hotel - Phoenix |
"Of course !", the 'Boss' replied.
"And do you like the style ?",
Jim smiled...."Yes, of course, Sir.
It's excellent !".
At that moment the Maître d'hôte arrived.
"Glad to have you back, Sir", he began, in a very appealing French accent..
"Good to be back, Pierre.", the 'Boss' replied.
"Sorry to be dining so late, but we've just driven in from 'Flag', where I've been showing the boys the Lowell Observatory.", the 'Boss' explained, as if talking to an old friend.
"Ah... that's accounts for you being a little late - you needed the darkness.
But no matter... it's not too late for an excellent meal.
And did the boys enjoy the visit ?", Pierre asked.
"Very much, Pierre.", Jim answered, wanting to show his new found confidence.
(this confidence, of course, was very much related to the work that Faunus had been doing with Jim when he restored Jim's memories).
"That's good.", Pierre replied.
"And who is this, 'Boss' ?", Pierre asked politely, indicating Jim.
"This, Pierre, is James Edward Johnson - 'Jaguar Jim' to his friends - my adopted heir.", the 'Boss' explained.
Pierre nodded towards Jim, and smiled.
"Pleased to make your acquaintance Monsieur Johnson, or should I say 'Jaguar'.", he said formally (but then with an 'informal' use of Jim's 'nickname'), and smiled as he enunciated 'jaguar' with his delicious accent..
"I look forward to serving you many times in the future."
Pierre paused for a moment.
"And now, perhaps, the 'Boss' would like to order.",
The 'Boss' nodded, and Pierre clicked his fingers, and a handsome young waiter immediately came over to the table to take the order for l'entrée.
Max was stunned.
He had no idea of the actual relationship between the 'Boss' and Jim, and was then beginning to regret some of the comments he had previously made to Jim about the 'Boss'.
For the remainder of the meal Max said very little - mainly because he was very preoccupied, and didn't really know what to say.
"Now boys, after this meal I think we should have a short walk in the hotel grounds, just to ensure a good night's sleep.", the 'Boss' began.
"What, in the dark !", Jim said, in the middle of a mouthful.
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Meade 12" Catadioptric Telescope |
"Unless, of course, you're frightened of the dark.", the 'Boss' said sardonically.
"But that would be strange - 'jaguars' always hunt at night - in the dark.", the 'Boss' cryptically and prophetically added, and Chuck, knowingly smiled.

It's a simple thing to start messing about with something like that, Jim, and cause considerable problems.
Tomorrow will be soon enough... and then you and Max will have to begin by very carefully reading the manual, before you do anything.", the 'Boss' said, being unusually fussy and interfering.
"And the revolver I shall look after until we find somewhere safe where I can start teaching you and Max how to use it.", the Boss' continued.
Chucked winked at Jim and Max.
"And you know how to use a gun ?", Jim asked.
"It's called a 'piece', Jim - and yes, I do." the 'Boss said, firmly.
"I see.", Jim replied, puzzled.
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Catalina Pool by Night - Biltmore Hotel - Phoenix |
And they walked by the pool.
"Please Sir, will we be allowed to use the pool tomorrow ?", Max asked, a bit like a little boy, having been unnerved by the strict instructions that the 'Boss' had been giving at the dinner table.
"Of course, Max !", the 'Boss' replied, looking slightly embarrassed as he realized that he had been a little too strict over the matter of the telescope and the revolver.
"And I think that you'll really enjoy it.", the 'Boss' added.
And so to bed.....
As they reached the floor where their rooms were, Max stopped and looked nervously at Jim.
"Jim, could I come and talk to you for a few moments in your suite ?", Max asked hesitantly.
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Jim's Suite - Biltmore Hotel - Phoenix |
"'s nothing like that.", Max said, as Jim offered him a seat.
"I just wanted to say that what the 'Boss' said to that Pierre guy - about you being the heir to the 'Boss' - well it came as a bit of a shock.", Max explained tentatively.
"Well yes - maybe I should have told you, but I don't see that it should make any difference to us, Max", Jim replied.
"No... I suppose not... or, should I say, I hope not - really.", Max said, not sounding completely convinced.
"Look Max - I actually have a lot of explaining to do to you, but it's too late tonight, so could we leave it until tomorrow - and we'll chat, and get to wok on the telescope in the morning." Jim said.
"Promise ?", Max said.
"Promise... truly !", Jim replied.
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Biltmore Hotel - Phoenix |
Jim was woken from a deep, vivid dream by the sound of his mobile.
It was an erotic dream that he'd been having repeatedly since Faunus had restored his memories - and he was certain that the dream was based on real events that had happened in his past.
In the dream Jim - who was, in the dream, a Roman patrician called Marcus, was having sex with a handsome young slave called Aurarius ('golden one' in Latin).
But this slave - in the manner that dreams often have - was also Ethan.
When Jim woke up he was appallingly 'horny', and was having trouble deciding if the dream was just a fantasy, or something that was really happening.
Jim then realized that he was in Phoenix, and Ethan was in Vegas - so there was apparently no reality in his dreaming - and the dream might be a strange memory from his past.
Jim struggled to reach for his 'phone.
"Hi !", the voice said on the other end of the 'line'.
"You took a long time to answer... dreaming, I suppose.", - it was Max.
"I just got a call from the 'Boss'.
He wants us to join him for breakfast.
Apparently there's an outside dining area - 'Wright's Patio' - where they serve 'brunch'.", Max said cheerily.
"OK, I'll just have a quick shower and be right down.", Jim replied.
"Hi !", the voice said on the other end of the 'line'.
"You took a long time to answer... dreaming, I suppose.", - it was Max.
"I just got a call from the 'Boss'.
He wants us to join him for breakfast.
Apparently there's an outside dining area - 'Wright's Patio' - where they serve 'brunch'.", Max said cheerily.
"OK, I'll just have a quick shower and be right down.", Jim replied.
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Wright's Patio - Biltmore Hotel - Phoenix |
After a long, hot shower, Jim dried himself off, put some clothes on, doused himself with cologne, and made for the door.
He then used the elevator to get to reception, where he found Max.
He then used the elevator to get to reception, where he found Max.
"Hi !... the receptionist told me where the breakfast place is, so just follow me." Max said.
And it was very nice.
Quiet and secluded, and in the style that Jim and Ethan were getting used to.
The 'Boss' - who was sitting alone, instantly spotted them - stood up and waved.
"Hello boys... nice to see you again.
Sorry about last night... I was feeling a bit grumpy as I was worried that we might not get proper service for the evening meal - but Pierre made sure that it all turned out well.
I always get a bit 'out of sorts' on an empty stomach.", the 'Boss' explained.
Soon they were enjoying their breakfast.
"So what have you planned today ?" the 'Boss' asked.
"Well, Sir, we were hoping we could have a lazy day, as we have done a lot of driving, shopping and also had our trip to the observatory.", Jim said.
The 'Boss' listened with interest, being careful not to interrupt.
"So, if it's OK, we'd like to read through the manual for the telescope, and if everything seems straightforward we would like to get it ready to use, maybe, for a short time later tonight.", Jim explained.
The 'Boss' nodded approvingly.
"And before lunch we'd like to use the pool, and maybe in the afternoon use the gym." Jim concluded.
"That all sounds excellent.", the 'Boss' said.
After breakfast Jim and Max went to Jim's suite.
"OK so lets see what's in this big box.", Max said, and he unfastened the sturdy clips that held the lid in place.
The lid came off easily, and they were amazed to see all the parts of the telescope, its tripod, and a huge number of accessories all neatly arranged in the foam lined interior.
And there was the manual, plus a couple of computer discs.
Jim picked out the manual, and began reading.
"It seems that this 'baby' is all 'computer controlled', so it's a good thing that I brought my laptop.", Jim said, (copying Ethan's mode of speech without consciously realizing), as he continued to read.
"Apparently you can tell it what star, or planet, or nebula to find, and it will automatically 'lock' onto it - a bit like in the Observatory, and then it will follow it without you having to do anything." Jim explained.
"That's real cool !", Max said.
"And look - I've found a 'baby' telescope.", Max said.
"Ah... according to this diagram, that's a 'finder scope', although why you would want a small 'scope to help you find something, if you've got all this computer stuff I don't know.", Jim said, peering through the eyepiece of the refractor - which was really quite a large telescope - unless it was compared to the very substantial 12" telescope.
At that moment there was a faint knock on the door.
"So who could that be ?" Jim said quietly, puzzled and a bit apprehensive.
"Jim ?... Are you there ?..., a voice on the other side of the door said.
"No... it can't be !", Jim said, looking very surprised.
Jim went over to the door and opened it.
"What are you doing here ?". Jim asked.
"Just thought I'd look in, and see how things were going...", Faunus said very casually.
Max looked up.
"It's Don Picaro !", Max said, obviously shocked.
"No... it's Faunus - but that will need some explaining...", Jim said.
"Who ?", Max questioned.
"His real name is Faunus - but I'll explain that later...", Jim replied.
"So how is it with the 'scope ?", Faunus asked.
Jim was not sure why Faunus had suddenly appeared, or what he really wanted, or if the 'Boss' knew that he was in Phoenix - so he was unsure what to say.
"Well we're working on it.", Jim replied.
"No problem ...", Faunus said, apparently completely unconcerned.
"You just carry on looking at the instruction manual."
That last comment from Faunus, however, was not just an idle comment.
It was one of Faunus' 'hidden' hypnotic suggestions.
Faunus, wanting to get on with things, activated a 'slo-time' field round the boys, which ensured that they would have no awareness of the normal passage of time.
Faunus then quietly got on with carefully assembling the catadioptric telescope, loading the software onto Jim's laptop, and checking out all the systems.
Whistling softly to himself, Faunus then tidied everything up, placed the bulky case in which the telescope had been packed into the large, built in wardrobe in the suite, and then sat himself down on the comfortable sofa.
"Neat.", Faunus said quietly - (that was the 'release word' for the hypnosis).
"You put it all together really well....",
Jim and Max turned round, putting down the instruction manual.
"Yes, I thought so....", Jim said, apparently not realizing what had actually happened.
"Yes... looks good doesn't it.", Max said.
"So... how have you two boys been getting on ?", Faunus asked, abruptly changing the subject.
"Great...", Jim replied.
"And Max... What about this business of Jim being the heir to the 'Boss'....
Is that OK ?", Faunus asked pointedly.
"Well, it's none of my business really... I'm just a 'bellhop'.", Max said, looking surprised.
"But how did you know about that - you weren't there when the 'Boss' said that.?", Max asked, after he had realized what Faunus said.
"Max...", and Jim took a deep breath.
"Faunus here knows a lot of things that you would not expect him to.
You see he's... well... in a way... special.".
"Why all the hesitation, Jim...
What's goin' on ", Max asked, becoming nervous.
"And what do you mean by special !", Max persisted.
"Now this could be difficult Jim - but we can always edit out any parts that Max might find unacceptable.....", Faunus suggested.
"OK Faunus - I'll go along with you - but don't spoil it for Max and me... please !", Jim said, almost pleading.
"What the fuck are you two talking about ?", Max stammered.
"Well... sorry about the language,", Max said, realizing that Jim was, sort of, his boss, "but you're both behaving very oddly - and I don't like it."
"You see, Max, I know that you and Jim have become very close...", Faunus began.
Max looked at Jim, wondering if Faunus knew about the sex.
"And I know that you have been asking about where Jim comes from - and also about the other boys in the penthouse... so I think I need to explain some things.", Faunus continued.
"OK, then go on...", Max said, settling down on the floor, and seemingly eager to listen.
"Well it's like this... Jim, Zac, Ethan, Josh and the 'Boss' are not from here - and nor am I, for that matter.", Faunus began.
"I guessed that.", Max said.
"We come from another place, and perhaps more strangely, from another time.", Faunus said, finally plunging into the real story.
"That's freaky - what do you mean ?", Max said, wide eyed.
"Well that's enough, I suppose - ", Faunus said, trying not to shock Max too much.
Then Jim interrupted...
"And Faunus - well he's really different.
I suppose you would think of him as 'not of this earth' - although he's not a Martian.", Jim said, grinning - and trying to lighten the mood.
"And you two are 'having me on'... yes ?", Max said, desperately hoping that it was all a joke.
"No...", Faunus replied.
Max shook his head.
"Well I really don't know what's going on...", Max mumbled.
"Now listen carefully, Max.
You and Jim have become very close, in just a matter of days.
The 'Boss' - your boss - wants you to become a close friend of Jim - because Jim needs friends other than those he knew before he came here - that is to the US, and Vegas.", Faunus explained.
At that statement Jim looked surprised.
"I know that Jim likes you very much, and you also like Jim very much.
I know this because I have this special ability - I can read people's minds.", Faunus went on.
"It's true Max.....he knows what everyone is thinking - even from far away", Jim confirmed.
Max shook his head again, in obvious disbelief.
"Now this is all true, so listen carefully.", Faunus said firmly.
If you and Jim are to remain close, then you will need to know the truth about Jim, the 'Boss' and the others - because in the end you're going to find out anyway, but finding out bit by bit, with a suspicion here and there is not a good way to go on.
It's best if we're straight with you from the beginning.
"Yes...but what if I don't want to be involved in all of this ?", Max asked.
It all sounds very odd to me, and a bit crazy.", Max said hesitantly.
"That's OK, Max, but in that case I will just wipe your memory of everything you've been told - it will all be as if it had never happened - and I'll get the 'Boss' to send you back to the 'Club Jaguar', and you can carry on there as a bellhop.
I'm sure that Jim can manage to carry his own cases.", Faunus said in a rather offhand manner.
"You can do that ?", Max said, wide eyed and looking a little alarmed.
"Oh yes, he can do that...and almost anything, for that matter.", Jim said, being very serious.
Max sat and thought for a moment.
He then looked up at Jim and Faunus.
"OK...I'm in !", he said quietly but firmly.
"But not because I'm scared of Faunus - although I am, a bit - but because I don't want to loose Jim.", Max said, his voice slightly trembling with emotion.
"But what are the snags ?", Max asked.
Jim thought that was an interesting question.
Obviously Max was not a stupid boy - and wanted to know what he was getting himself into.
"Well, for the moment I don't think there are any...", Faunus said.
"But first I will have to discuss it with the 'Boss'."
Max nodded.
Then Faunus added....."I doubt if the 'Boss' will want you to go on being a bellhop, and he may - and I only say may, - give you a more senior position, either at the 'Club Jaguar', or at the 'California Combat Club'.
But, of course, to begin with you will be on probation."
Max looked puzzled.
"So what if I fail my probation !", he asked nervously.
"Well I don't think that Kurt will do anything nasty to you....", Faunus replied, grinning.
"Who's Kurt ?", Max asked, obviously alarmed.
"Oh, he's just an 'enforcer' for the 'Boss'.", Jim replied, trying to be casual.
"But it's not a good idea to get on the wrong side of Kurt - so don't fail....", Faunus concluded.
"But I think that's enough for the moment.
Too much information at one time is not a good idea.", Faunus continued.
Max stood up, looking a bit dazed.
"First, Max, I think you should 'relax', and take it easy with Jim in the pool.", Faunus said, giving another of his hypnotic suggestions, "and meanwhile, I will have a talk with the 'Boss'."
"OK, Jim, - no problem.", Max said, and as soon as they reached the pool, he dived into the water.
I thought that Faunus would be good at showing you and Max the observatory, and the Moon, Mars and Orion - and then of course I allowed him to sell me a very expensive telescope - as a present to you - so not only did Faunus rescue you from Brandt... but then later, he got you an invaluable present... yes ?", the 'Boss' said, thinking that the conversation was not really going anywhere.
Jim continued to be puzzled by the obvious fascination that the 'Boss' had for the rather eccentric architect Frank Lloyd Wright, but presumed that it was in some way connected with his involvement in studying the Maya - many years previously. (see Chapter III - 'An Evening with the 'Boss'')
And it was very nice.
Quiet and secluded, and in the style that Jim and Ethan were getting used to.
The 'Boss' - who was sitting alone, instantly spotted them - stood up and waved.
"Hello boys... nice to see you again.
Sorry about last night... I was feeling a bit grumpy as I was worried that we might not get proper service for the evening meal - but Pierre made sure that it all turned out well.
I always get a bit 'out of sorts' on an empty stomach.", the 'Boss' explained.
Soon they were enjoying their breakfast.
"So what have you planned today ?" the 'Boss' asked.
"Well, Sir, we were hoping we could have a lazy day, as we have done a lot of driving, shopping and also had our trip to the observatory.", Jim said.
The 'Boss' listened with interest, being careful not to interrupt.
"So, if it's OK, we'd like to read through the manual for the telescope, and if everything seems straightforward we would like to get it ready to use, maybe, for a short time later tonight.", Jim explained.
The 'Boss' nodded approvingly.
"And before lunch we'd like to use the pool, and maybe in the afternoon use the gym." Jim concluded.
"That all sounds excellent.", the 'Boss' said.
After breakfast Jim and Max went to Jim's suite.
"OK so lets see what's in this big box.", Max said, and he unfastened the sturdy clips that held the lid in place.
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Computer Software and Connecting Cable |
And there was the manual, plus a couple of computer discs.
Jim picked out the manual, and began reading.
"It seems that this 'baby' is all 'computer controlled', so it's a good thing that I brought my laptop.", Jim said, (copying Ethan's mode of speech without consciously realizing), as he continued to read.
"Apparently you can tell it what star, or planet, or nebula to find, and it will automatically 'lock' onto it - a bit like in the Observatory, and then it will follow it without you having to do anything." Jim explained.
"That's real cool !", Max said.
"And look - I've found a 'baby' telescope.", Max said.
"Ah... according to this diagram, that's a 'finder scope', although why you would want a small 'scope to help you find something, if you've got all this computer stuff I don't know.", Jim said, peering through the eyepiece of the refractor - which was really quite a large telescope - unless it was compared to the very substantial 12" telescope.

"So who could that be ?" Jim said quietly, puzzled and a bit apprehensive.
"Jim ?... Are you there ?..., a voice on the other side of the door said.
"No... it can't be !", Jim said, looking very surprised.
Jim went over to the door and opened it.
"What are you doing here ?". Jim asked.
"Just thought I'd look in, and see how things were going...", Faunus said very casually.
Max looked up.
"It's Don Picaro !", Max said, obviously shocked.
"No... it's Faunus - but that will need some explaining...", Jim said.
"Who ?", Max questioned.
"His real name is Faunus - but I'll explain that later...", Jim replied.
"So how is it with the 'scope ?", Faunus asked.
Jim was not sure why Faunus had suddenly appeared, or what he really wanted, or if the 'Boss' knew that he was in Phoenix - so he was unsure what to say.
"Well we're working on it.", Jim replied.
"No problem ...", Faunus said, apparently completely unconcerned.
"You just carry on looking at the instruction manual."
That last comment from Faunus, however, was not just an idle comment.
It was one of Faunus' 'hidden' hypnotic suggestions.
Faunus, wanting to get on with things, activated a 'slo-time' field round the boys, which ensured that they would have no awareness of the normal passage of time.
Faunus then quietly got on with carefully assembling the catadioptric telescope, loading the software onto Jim's laptop, and checking out all the systems.
Whistling softly to himself, Faunus then tidied everything up, placed the bulky case in which the telescope had been packed into the large, built in wardrobe in the suite, and then sat himself down on the comfortable sofa.
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The Telescope All Set Up - by Faunus |
"You put it all together really well....",
Jim and Max turned round, putting down the instruction manual.
"Yes, I thought so....", Jim said, apparently not realizing what had actually happened.
"Yes... looks good doesn't it.", Max said.
"So... how have you two boys been getting on ?", Faunus asked, abruptly changing the subject.
"Great...", Jim replied.
"And Max... What about this business of Jim being the heir to the 'Boss'....
Is that OK ?", Faunus asked pointedly.
"Well, it's none of my business really... I'm just a 'bellhop'.", Max said, looking surprised.
"But how did you know about that - you weren't there when the 'Boss' said that.?", Max asked, after he had realized what Faunus said.
"Max...", and Jim took a deep breath.
"Faunus here knows a lot of things that you would not expect him to.
You see he's... well... in a way... special.".
"Why all the hesitation, Jim...
What's goin' on ", Max asked, becoming nervous.
"And what do you mean by special !", Max persisted.
"Now this could be difficult Jim - but we can always edit out any parts that Max might find unacceptable.....", Faunus suggested.
"OK Faunus - I'll go along with you - but don't spoil it for Max and me... please !", Jim said, almost pleading.
"What the fuck are you two talking about ?", Max stammered.
"Well... sorry about the language,", Max said, realizing that Jim was, sort of, his boss, "but you're both behaving very oddly - and I don't like it."
"You see, Max, I know that you and Jim have become very close...", Faunus began.
Max looked at Jim, wondering if Faunus knew about the sex.
"And I know that you have been asking about where Jim comes from - and also about the other boys in the penthouse... so I think I need to explain some things.", Faunus continued.
"OK, then go on...", Max said, settling down on the floor, and seemingly eager to listen.
"Well it's like this... Jim, Zac, Ethan, Josh and the 'Boss' are not from here - and nor am I, for that matter.", Faunus began.
"I guessed that.", Max said.
"We come from another place, and perhaps more strangely, from another time.", Faunus said, finally plunging into the real story.
"That's freaky - what do you mean ?", Max said, wide eyed.
"Well that's enough, I suppose - ", Faunus said, trying not to shock Max too much.
Then Jim interrupted...
"And Faunus - well he's really different.
I suppose you would think of him as 'not of this earth' - although he's not a Martian.", Jim said, grinning - and trying to lighten the mood.
"And you two are 'having me on'... yes ?", Max said, desperately hoping that it was all a joke.
"No...", Faunus replied.
Max shook his head.
"Well I really don't know what's going on...", Max mumbled.
"Now listen carefully, Max.
You and Jim have become very close, in just a matter of days.
The 'Boss' - your boss - wants you to become a close friend of Jim - because Jim needs friends other than those he knew before he came here - that is to the US, and Vegas.", Faunus explained.
At that statement Jim looked surprised.
"I know that Jim likes you very much, and you also like Jim very much.
I know this because I have this special ability - I can read people's minds.", Faunus went on.
"It's true Max.....he knows what everyone is thinking - even from far away", Jim confirmed.
Max shook his head again, in obvious disbelief.
"Now this is all true, so listen carefully.", Faunus said firmly.
If you and Jim are to remain close, then you will need to know the truth about Jim, the 'Boss' and the others - because in the end you're going to find out anyway, but finding out bit by bit, with a suspicion here and there is not a good way to go on.
It's best if we're straight with you from the beginning.
"Yes...but what if I don't want to be involved in all of this ?", Max asked.
It all sounds very odd to me, and a bit crazy.", Max said hesitantly.
"That's OK, Max, but in that case I will just wipe your memory of everything you've been told - it will all be as if it had never happened - and I'll get the 'Boss' to send you back to the 'Club Jaguar', and you can carry on there as a bellhop.
I'm sure that Jim can manage to carry his own cases.", Faunus said in a rather offhand manner.
"You can do that ?", Max said, wide eyed and looking a little alarmed.
"Oh yes, he can do that...and almost anything, for that matter.", Jim said, being very serious.
Max sat and thought for a moment.
He then looked up at Jim and Faunus.
"OK...I'm in !", he said quietly but firmly.
"But not because I'm scared of Faunus - although I am, a bit - but because I don't want to loose Jim.", Max said, his voice slightly trembling with emotion.
"But what are the snags ?", Max asked.
Jim thought that was an interesting question.
Obviously Max was not a stupid boy - and wanted to know what he was getting himself into.
"Well, for the moment I don't think there are any...", Faunus said.
"But first I will have to discuss it with the 'Boss'."
Max nodded.
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Max - the Bellhop |
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Kurt |
But, of course, to begin with you will be on probation."
Max looked puzzled.
"So what if I fail my probation !", he asked nervously.
"Well I don't think that Kurt will do anything nasty to you....", Faunus replied, grinning.
"Who's Kurt ?", Max asked, obviously alarmed.
"Oh, he's just an 'enforcer' for the 'Boss'.", Jim replied, trying to be casual.
"But it's not a good idea to get on the wrong side of Kurt - so don't fail....", Faunus concluded.
"But I think that's enough for the moment.
Too much information at one time is not a good idea.", Faunus continued.
Max stood up, looking a bit dazed.
"First, Max, I think you should 'relax', and take it easy with Jim in the pool.", Faunus said, giving another of his hypnotic suggestions, "and meanwhile, I will have a talk with the 'Boss'."
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Biltmore Hotel - Phoenix - Main Pool and Waterfall |
So Faunus left Jim's suite, and Jim and Max went down to reception to find the pool.
This was not the pool that they had seen floodlit the previous night - the Catalina Pool.
The pool that they wanted for their morning swim was the main pool.
The Catalina Pool - which is smaller, was made famous by Marilyn Monroe.
Now probably Faunus and the 'Boss' had arranged things, as the boys found the 'Boss' sitting by the pool, quite close to the water slide (waterfall), which was set into the remarkable 'Deco - Mayan' gateway at one the end of the pool.
"Well...that's quite a pool !", Max said, obviously impressed.
Jim agreed.
They quickly found the changing rooms.
As they were changing into their Speedos Jim spoke to Max.
"So....I tell you what, Max, you go in, and have a splash around, and I'll join you soon - but first I need to speak to the 'Boss'." Jim was, rather nervous, making the suggestion, hoping that Max, after everything that Faunus had just told him, wouldn't feel offended, or left out of things.
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Max in the Pool |
Jim then went over to the 'Boss'.
"Hi Jim...You're looking really good this morning !", the 'Boss' said appreciatively.
"Do you mind if I spoke to you for a moment ?" Jim asked.
"Not at all, my boy....come and sit down !", the 'Boss' said.
So Jim sat down, as it appeared that the 'Boss' was in a very relax, good mood.
And in a matter of moments an iced 'Pepsi Max' appeared.
Jim was pleased to see that the 'Boss' was drinking coffee, as he sometimes worried about the 'Boss' drinking what the Americans called 'hard liquor' too often.
"So....", Jim began...
"I hope you don't mind me asking, but did you know that Faunus was here - in the hotel - today ?", Jim asked, deciding to be forthright.
"As a matter of fact.... yes.", the 'Boss' replied.
"And did you know that he impersonated the Director of the Lowell Observatory - and rather ineptly - as James Smith - which was also the name of the CIA agent (see left) who rescued me from Area 51 - and both the CIA agent, and the Observatory Director (see right) looked identical ?", Jim asked, obviously puzzled.
"But what's the problem, Jim.....?
At the observatory Faunus was only playing 'games' with Max - and you know how Faunus likes to play 'games' - whereas, at Area 51 the whole deception was very serious.", the 'Boss' asked and explained - by then a little annoyed by Jim's line of questioning.
"Yes.... but you might have let me in on what was going on.....", Jim said - a little lamely.
"Yes, but I didn't...

"Yes, Sir... I see what you mean....", Jim said, trying desperately not to apologize.
"And just to help you even more, Faunus set up the telescope for you and Max this morning - "
The 'Boss paused.
"And I was hoping that maybe you and Max might let me have a look through it tonight - if that's OK ?", the 'Boss' said with a smile.
"Of course...!", Jim said, wondering why he had ever wanted to question the 'Boss' in the first place.
"But don't worry about Faunus....
He knows what he 's doing, and always remember, he always has your best interests at heart !". the 'Boss' said.
Having seemingly resolved the problem about Faunus, the 'Boss' went on to talk to Jim about his proposed visit, planned for the next day, so that Jim and Max could view 'Taliesin West' in Scottsdale, at the McDowell Range, overlooking Paradise Valley- a drive of twenty-six miles from Phoenix.
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'Taliesin West' |
'Taliesin West' was architect Frank Lloyd Wright's winter home in the desert from 1937 until his death in 1959 at the age of 91. Open to the public, Taliesin West is located on Frank Lloyd Wright Boulevard in Scottsdale, Arizona. The complex drew its name from Wright's summer home, Taliesin, in Spring Green, Wisconsin. - [Taliesin (6th century AD) was an early Brythonic poet (Bard) of Sub-Roman Britain whose work has possibly survived in a Middle Welsh manuscript, the 'Book of Taliesin'.]
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Jim and Max at the Main Pool |
As they talked, Jim spotted Faunus making his way to where they were seated, and not wanting to find himself in an embarrassing situation, he made his excuses, and dived into the pool to join Max.
"Nice to see you, 'Don Picaro'.", the 'Boss' said in greeting to Faunus.
"And...?", Faunus replied - knowing that things were going on between the 'Boss' and Jim.
"Well, as you probably guessed, with your telepathy - or might it, in this case, be just 'eave-dropping' ? - Jim was a bit put out by your unannounced appearance at Flagstaff, and you surprise visit here this morning.", the 'Boss' explained.
"But now before we talk any further, I suggest we go somewhere a little less public - so come with me -", the 'Boss' added.
And so, after leaving some bills under one of the heavy glass ashtrays, Faunus followed the 'Boss' into the main building.
"This is very nice." - Faunus remarked as they entered the 'Mystery Room'.
"Yes, it's quiet, little used, and you can see around the room quite easily - so difficult for anyone to snoop.", the 'Boss replied.
"Yes.... well the business at Flagstaff was just a bit of a fun, and I did enjoying playing with the big telescope.", Faunus began, after the waiter left after serving the drinks.
"Today, however, I wanted to see how the 'boys' were getting on - and make sure that they didn't do anything foolish with the telescope that you so kindly bought for Jim.", Faunus explained.
"And ?", the 'Boss' asked., realizing that Faunus had not finished his explanation.
"Well, I'm worried about Brandt.
I can't trace him - and I'm unsure if the government authorities had caught up with him.
More seriously, I'm also worried that he might be tracking you and Jim.", Faunus said.
"That's worrying.", the 'Boss began.
"If neither you, nor Zac and Kurt can trace him, then he may already be in the hands of the CIA, or some other security agency.
If not, then he might be 'on the loose' - and as you say, looking for Jim - presumably because he thinks that Jim has the secret that he's searching for." the 'Boss' said, looking concerned.
"And I think that if Brandt can get that 'secret', then he will try to use it, first for his own benefit, and secondly to 'get himself off the hook' with the security people.", the 'Boss' continued.
"Yes, but in Brandt's case it's all completely misguided, as Jim does not posses the secret ", Faunus said.
"Yes, but you know the secret.", the 'Boss' said, almost in a whisper.
"True, but no one can capture me.", Faunus stated.
"Yes - true.", the 'Boss' said, stroking his chin.
"You'd just disappear !"
Faunus grinned.
"Exactly ! - I'm not really real !", Faunus said, with a triumphant gleam in his eye.
"Well... anyway, I was going to let the boys have an easy day to day - just 'hanging out' in the pool and the gym - but instead, I think it might be safer to take them off to Scottsdale and then back to West Pinnacle Peak Road.
I don't think anyone will be looking for them there.", the 'Boss' said.
"Ah.... I think I know what your second step will be all about." Faunus said knowingly.
Yes...of course.
And perhaps you could be on hand for us there - but not as Edward Smith... please.", the 'Boss' asked coyly.
"Of course...", Faunus replied, leaving the table without offering to pay.
Faunus almost never paid, as he hardly ever carried any money....
"Nice to see you, 'Don Picaro'.", the 'Boss' said in greeting to Faunus.
"And...?", Faunus replied - knowing that things were going on between the 'Boss' and Jim.
"Well, as you probably guessed, with your telepathy - or might it, in this case, be just 'eave-dropping' ? - Jim was a bit put out by your unannounced appearance at Flagstaff, and you surprise visit here this morning.", the 'Boss' explained.
"But now before we talk any further, I suggest we go somewhere a little less public - so come with me -", the 'Boss' added.
And so, after leaving some bills under one of the heavy glass ashtrays, Faunus followed the 'Boss' into the main building.
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Mystery Room - Biltmore Hotel - Phoenix |
"Yes, it's quiet, little used, and you can see around the room quite easily - so difficult for anyone to snoop.", the 'Boss replied.
(and it is secure - and just in case you plan to go there - if it's in your 'Everett World' - you need a password to enter which the 'Boss' has. Originally, in the 1930s it was a 'speak-easy' (a place selling illegal hard-liquor).They then both sat down and ordered drinks.
"Yes.... well the business at Flagstaff was just a bit of a fun, and I did enjoying playing with the big telescope.", Faunus began, after the waiter left after serving the drinks.
"Today, however, I wanted to see how the 'boys' were getting on - and make sure that they didn't do anything foolish with the telescope that you so kindly bought for Jim.", Faunus explained.
"And ?", the 'Boss' asked., realizing that Faunus had not finished his explanation.
"Well, I'm worried about Brandt.
I can't trace him - and I'm unsure if the government authorities had caught up with him.
More seriously, I'm also worried that he might be tracking you and Jim.", Faunus said.
"That's worrying.", the 'Boss began.
"If neither you, nor Zac and Kurt can trace him, then he may already be in the hands of the CIA, or some other security agency.
If not, then he might be 'on the loose' - and as you say, looking for Jim - presumably because he thinks that Jim has the secret that he's searching for." the 'Boss' said, looking concerned.
"And I think that if Brandt can get that 'secret', then he will try to use it, first for his own benefit, and secondly to 'get himself off the hook' with the security people.", the 'Boss' continued.
"Yes, but in Brandt's case it's all completely misguided, as Jim does not posses the secret ", Faunus said.
"Yes, but you know the secret.", the 'Boss' said, almost in a whisper.
"True, but no one can capture me.", Faunus stated.
"Yes - true.", the 'Boss' said, stroking his chin.
"You'd just disappear !"
Faunus grinned.
"Exactly ! - I'm not really real !", Faunus said, with a triumphant gleam in his eye.
"Well... anyway, I was going to let the boys have an easy day to day - just 'hanging out' in the pool and the gym - but instead, I think it might be safer to take them off to Scottsdale and then back to West Pinnacle Peak Road.
I don't think anyone will be looking for them there.", the 'Boss' said.
"Ah.... I think I know what your second step will be all about." Faunus said knowingly.
Yes...of course.
And perhaps you could be on hand for us there - but not as Edward Smith... please.", the 'Boss' asked coyly.
"Of course...", Faunus replied, leaving the table without offering to pay.
Faunus almost never paid, as he hardly ever carried any money....
The 'Boss' takes the boys to 'Taliesin West', and later back to Phoenix - and to a place which very much reminds Jim of a 'previous time' - meanwhile, back in Vegas, Ethan was causing almost lethal mayhem at the gun range, as Zac desperately tried to teach him and Josh how to handle a 'Colt Defender'....but 'lethal mayhem was also stalking Phoenix !