a story reaching from the 'Gulf of Napoli' to 'Las Vegas' and much more - over two thousand years...

a boy suddenly appears in a street in Las Vegas near a plush Hotel/Casino oddly named the 'Club Jaguar'. He has no identity, no money, no memory - a security guard called Frank, belonging to the 'Club', takes him in, and lets the hotel Doctor look him over - and there the story begins....
the lost boy, who has spent the night in Room 33 in 'Club Jaguar', on the Doctors orders, then meets
the mysterious ‘Boss’, and is given a name...
‘Jaguar Jim’
A young man called Ethan come to Jim’s room,
and together they travel by limo to a restaurant in Vegas, to dine with the ‘Boss’
who tells them about his days as an archaeologist in Mexico
Jim goes to live in a luxurious Penthouse in Las Vegas - where Jim and Ethan swim in the open air pool on the roof
Jim is sent for treatment to Dr .Brandt, a renowned psychiatrist
in order to cure him of his almost complete amnesia
Jim starts to come to terms with his new environment
by being taken shopping and for meals in restaurants
after a further session with Dr Brandt, Jim and Ethan
are taken to a local gym, and swimming pool by Zac
Jim and Ethan are invited to the luxurious villa owned by the ‘Boss’
situated near Los Angeles, where Jim meets Don Picaro, Josh and Glaux the owl
Josh and Glaux join Ethan and Jim in the lavish penthouse in 'Vegas
owned by the ‘Boss’
Don Picaro (Faunus) helps Ethan to recover his memories of his distant past, while the ‘Boss’ interviews Jim and Josh. Later Jim Ethan and Josh go shopping.
Jim has along session with Faunus, in which much is revealed about Jim’s role in 'another time' and 'another place', where he was known as Marcus
a boy called Brody comes to see Zac about a job as a wrestler at the ‘California Combat Club’ (owned by the ‘Boss’), while the boys go for a meal and discuss the memories of the past that they have begun to discover
Brody moves into an apartment below the Penthouse, while the boys of the ‘Penthouse Gang’ stage a dinner-party, (with the help of Clare), for the ‘Boss’ and Faunus
The ‘Penthouse Gang’ go to the ‘California Combat Club’ to watch Brody’s wrestling audition – Jim disappears, and one of the wrestlers implicated in the disappearance is shot dead by Kurt...
Zac starts researching Dr Brandt, who is the suspect for the disappearance of Jim, on the internet – and discovers his Nazi past, and his involvement with the US Government
Faunus and Brody go to see Dr. Brand, and Faunus uses his special powers to find out more about Brandt, and discovers that Jim is being held in Area 51, Nevada – it's the first appearance of the pink Edsel
Faunus drives out to Area 51, with false number plates, identity papers, etc - finds Brandt, and gives him fake orders to release Jim. Faunus then returns Jim to the ‘Penthouse Gang’
Jim has more memory problems after Brandt’s ‘treatment’, and Faunus ‘reboots’ Jim’s brain. The ‘Boss’ then decides to take Jim on a trip, along with Max (a 'cute' bellhop from the ‘Club Jaguar’) to the US South-West.
the ‘Boss’, Jim and Max drive down Interstate 40 – Jim learns about the Navajo, and their life and myths – and they stay in a hotel in Flagstaff and swim in the hotel pool
Jim and Max get very friendly – the ‘Boss’ buys the boys some Western clothes – and they visit the 'Lowell Observatory', where the ‘Boss’ buys Jim a very large, very expensive astronomical telescope
The ‘Boss’ takes the boys to Taliesin West, where they are shot at by one of Brandt’s agents. They stay in a Hotel designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, and swim in the pool used by Marilyn Monroe
the ‘Boss’ takes the boys to a Mormon temple, and tells them all about Joseph Smith, and meanwhile, at the ‘Villa Jaguar’, Zac teaches Ethan and Josh how to shoot and use firearms
with more stories about the Mormons and the dangers of ‘elementals, the ‘Boss’, with Jim and Max, then heads for Tucson, Arizona in an electrical storm
at the 'Arizona Inn', Tucson they run into an old man – who Faunus reveals to Jim as being ‘Novius’ - Trips to Tucson then follow, while back in 'Vegas Brody gets Tripp as his new 'boy-friend'
at the California Combat Club Ethan learns about Brody and Trip while they are looking at leaflets advertising Body's first fight. Jim, Faunus and Max take the telescope in to desert, and are accosted by an abandoned ‘alien’ who Faunus transforms in to a cute young ‘cousin’ for Jim
on his first day, Glen (one time ‘alien’) - reveals that the ‘Boss’ first name is ‘Alex’, much to Jim and Max amusement - discussion then follow as to where Glen shall live - and Novius and JIm talk about the past.
the road trip recommences with a drive up Interstate 10 to Las Cruces, and from there they head to Alamogordo. - In Vegas, Brody (as Dillon) appears in his first professional fight - while Brandt and Maria are spotted by Glaux at Brody's first fight at the 'Combat Club'.
Faunus and Ethan take Brandt and Maria to the Club Jaguar where Faunus, with Teddy's help neutralizes Brand (transforming him into 'Sigi')
back in Vegas - Brandt's boyhood teddy-bear was called 'Wilhelm' (after the Kaiser - hence the logo). Teddy takes the part of Wilhelm as Brandt is 'youthened' into 'Sigi', and Maria gets a 'memory wipe', and a job with Franklin in Mexico. The 'boys' visit the final frontier with the 'Boss'- and bump into some mysterious 'men in black'.
this chapter consists of a full and very explicit description of Brody's first fight - fighting under the 'ring name' of 'Dillon' - which takes place at the 'California Combat Club in Las Vegas Nevada.
Back in Los Angeles, Novius and Josh are living quietly, and in some style, at the magnificent Neo-Mayan 'Villa Jaguar', where Novius is coming to terms with his new life in the 'alternative America'. As an inveterate scholar, Novius busies himself on his 'new fangled' laptop, researching the history of the Americas, while Josh is visited by Faunus, with instructions to gently guide Novius' studies.
For some reason the 'Boss' is determined to visit Roswell, although the sudden appearance of the 'men in black' at Alamogordo has made this somewhat risky, if Faunus' theory about these 'strangers' is correct. Also Roswell is not really blessed with fine restaurants and hotels - so the stay may be a little uncomfortable...but the trip goes on.....
Unknown to the 'Boss' and the 'boys', the 'Men in Black' have been keeping watch, and are aware that much information has been given out about the 'Roswell Incident'. Also, and not surprisingly, the 'aliens' - who have already had one of their number 'abducted', are far from happy - and in their own 'confused' way are planning their revenge.
After returning to the hotel in Roswell, Grant is partially re-programmed by Faunus. All goes well, and the 'Boss', who is more that satisfied with the 'new Grant', having completed his researches in Roswell, decides to continue the road-trip by taking the straight highway to Amarillo in Texas. On arriving in Amarillo, Grant has repeated dreams about a strange 'butte' which he believes is in a nearby state. It is eventually identified as the 'Devils Tower', and as the dream might be some form of communications from the 'alien leader', so the 'Boss' decides to visit Wyoming

Now Amarillo, the 'Boss' has business matters to attend to, and lots of work via the Internet - so the question for Jim, Ethan and Glen is - 'what do you do in Amarillo ?' - But Glen is plagued by his dreams - day-dreams and night dreams - and all about pueblos, and a strange 'being', and a strange 'mountain - so Faunus and the 'Boss' need to know more about the problem.....
The 'Boss' decided to take the 'bull by the horns' - to use a well worn 'Western' cliché - and travel to Wyoming, and try to discover the true meaning of Glen's strange dreams and visions.......and we find out more about Teddy....
The Cadillac and the Edsel eventually arrive at Castle Rock, where the following day arrangements are made to hire a helicopter at Sundance. After a brief rest the 'Boss', Faunus and the 'boys', and of course Teddy, drive into Sundance, and preparations are made for their daylight reconnoiter of the Devils Tower.
(first part of the meeting on the summit)
And so the day arrives for the 'run-through', in daylight, on f the Devils Tower. Their pilot, Bob, flies them to the summit - and all goes well until a
would-be assassin strikes - but fortunately everyone survives. Glen is finally reprogrammed, and a further reconnaissance flight - this time in the dark - is undertaken - only to be interrupted by the appearance of a saucer.....
(second part of the meeting on the summit)
And so the saucer lands on the summit of the Devils Tower - a door opens, and Faunus, and the 'boys' and Teddy enter the UFO - and there they have the long awaited second meeting with the 'aliens' - and there is much to talk about....
Faunus, the 'boys' and Teddy return to Sundance, and make their report to the 'Boss'. The 'Boss' then reveals his latest plans - a trip to Denver - a 'real' city with 5 star hotels - a reward for all the gang's efforts - and lots more info about Native Americans on the way - and then, later, it's off to Kansas - to spot some talent on the advice of Kurt...
After a brief problem with the Government Agents - there is a long awaited reunion of the 'boys' and Teddy with Josh, Novius and, of course Glaux - followed by excellent dining, lots of shopping, and some sight-seeing - followed by a review of previous events and future plans.
And so they move on - fast approaching the end of their 'road trip' before their eventual return to 'Vegas - and why Kansas ? - Well Kurt got a message that there's a rumor of an up and coming young guy on the High School Wrestling scene who might be ideal for the 'Combat Club' - but not knowing the name of the High School or the town - how are they to find this handsome farm-boy ?
The 'Boss' and Faunus 'finalize' matters with young Jonathan and Mrs. Kent - and then, while the new member of the group prepares for what will be the final part of the journey, and also meets Teddy and Glaux, the 'gang' enjoys a short break in Wichita, before they move on to Tennessee - before anything else happens..... ?
And so the two automobiles speed away, taking two different routes - and perusing two different objectives
note: for those who may decide to follow the story by reading this chapter you should be warned that the person depicted in the chapter logo is not who you may think it is.
'Alternative America' has many surprises - as when Jim and Max bumped into a very elderly, alcoholic lady called Marylin Monroe in the pool in the Catalina Pool at the 'Biltmore' in Phoenix. - Equally, nobody talks about President Kennedy, as JFK died in action during World War II. Likewise, the 'Boss' owned a number of Hotels in Vegas that were not owned by Howard Hughes, who was killed in an air-crash in 1946 - so the logo does not represent Elvis - but then who ?
So Tripp arrives - and there's an opportunity for some shopping, and Brody and Tripp spend most of the afternoon after his arrival in the Hotel gym while Jim, Ethan and Glen go for a daylight look at the Chaco Canyon while waiting on a further message to be given to Glen. Eventually contact is renewed but everyone is in for a big surprise - meanwhile the 'Boss', Novius and Josh arrive in Memphis and meet the 'other' Presley.
According to 'Upuaut', the first of the 'Days of Sirius' arrived, and Faunus, Jim, Ethan and Teddy - and Glen and Brody set off for Chaco Canyon - and while the fireworks, family reunions, concerts, barbecues, picnics, parades, baseball games all get underway the boys, unnoticed, make their way to Chaco Canyon. - (It was 'Independence Day' - July fourth)
And so we rejoin the 'Boss', Novius, Josh and Glaux on their way to Memphis, while Faunus , Jim, Ethan, Teddy, Glen and Brody return to the Hotel Chaco in Albuquerque for a good night's sleep, and then later a period for consideration of their strange experiences with 'Upuaut' and the unlikely 'crew' of the 'Pyramid Ship'.
And so everyone goes to lunch - and Ethan and Jim need Faunus' help in order to sort out a serious problem with Teddy. Later Jim, Ethan and Glen explore Memphis. Then, the following morning, the 'Boss' and Faunus look for the unnamed singer.....
First there is lunch with Aaron's parents - then a further meeting with the group to finalize matters - then the time for decisions. Later the 'road trip' comes to an end, and the participants, including Jonathan Kent, return - with new agendas - to 'Vegas and Los Angeles. Undoubtedly it is a time for change....
Finally on their own - Jim, Ethan and Teddy have to decide what to do next. Strangely, they are not missed, as the 'Boss' has inexplicably decided to take a nostalgic trip to Mexico with 'Don Picaro' (Faunus). Everybody else has left the Peabody Hotel - Novius, Josh (without Glaux) to the 'Villa de los Jaguares', while Aaron, Jonathan and Glen have headed for the' Club Jaguar' in 'Vegas with Zac driving them in Jim's convertible.

Faunus appealed for Jim, Ethan, Teddy and Glaux to 'come home' - without telling them about what had happened to the 'Boss'. Glaux, of course, flew, but Jim, Ethan and Teddy decided to make the long journey by Greyhound Bus - something of an adventure, being a new experience......
Before the funeral can take place, Marcus (Jim) needs to be invested with the Ring of the House of Gracchus. The only person permitted to invest Marcus is the 'High Steward of the House of Gracchus'. After the investiture, all the senior members of the organization are then required to swear allegiance to the new 'Dominus' - and then the funeral can proceed - after which it is the beginning of a new era.....
Those closest to Marcus are driven the 250 miles along Interstate 15 to the newly named 'Villa Athena' - the neo-Mayan residence set in extensive parkland outside Los Angeles. Once there they stay as guests until Marcus had decided on his immediate plans. And the chapter title - 'In Novam Ætatem' - Latin for 'In the New Age'
Jim spends the first night at the Villa Athena in the bedroom previously used by the 'Boss' - simply to rest and be alone. In the morning he meets with Ethan, Teddy, Josh and Glaux, and over breakfast they begin to discuss Jim's talk with Terentius, and his comments about 'Upuaut' (Anubis) - and together they begin tentatively to plan a new direction for their lives - now that they can no longer rely on the 'Boss. Later Jim meets with Novius and they discuss the possible nature of Anubis.
It's the first morning 'home'.....Jim makes an arrangement to meet with Zac and Faunus - as Jim needs to give his initial orders. Also Jim summons Novius, Josh and Glen from Los Angeles. Then it''s just a question of eliminating all references to 'Jaguars' - including 'Jaguar Jim' - and establishing the new 'Club Athena'.
Jim spends the first night at the Villa Athena alone, in the bedroom previously used by the 'Boss' - simply to rest and be alone. In the morning he meets with Ethan, Teddy, Josh and Glaux, and over breakfast they begin to discuss Jim's talk with Terentius and his comments about Upuaut (Anubis) - and together they begin tentatively to plan a new direction for their lives - now that they can no longer rely on the 'Boss. Later Jim meets with Novius and they discus the possible nature of Anubis.
Jim faces the first challenges of being 'Dominus' of the newly renamed conglomerate, 'Club Athena', and his direct concerns are the new company logo, the 'Combat Club', and the entertainment venues. The more mundane aspects of the business - banking, insurance, import and export and such like, are routine matters dealt with by Franklin and his numerous associates.
After Glen has a strange communication from possibly unknown entities, Jim decides to consult with Novius and Faunus. Jim would, however, prefer to settle down to his new tasks in launching 'Club Athena', and the associated enterprises, but it seems that something - or someone - is reaching from the past and drawing the 'boys' back to a more mystical, mysterious world - and on the drive to the 'Villa Athena' even the 'roadside diner' is, in its own way, mystical and mysterious....and that's only the beginning !
Jim returns to 'Vegas, stopping off at Henderson to visit 'Sigi'. In 'Vegas Jim ties up all the 'loose ends', buys airline tickets, and makes reservation at the Marriott Ghezireh Palace Hotel in Cairo . After giving various instructions to Clare, at the Penthouse, Franklin at the 'Club Athena, and Kurt at the 'Combat Club', Jim then returns to Los Angeles with Zac, where he meets up with Ethan and Teddy and Josh. They then fly to Cairo in Egypt.
The new chapter is entitled 'Arrival in Cairo', however, it opens a little earlier with our intrepid travelers still sitting in the lounge in Los Angeles Airport. Eventually their flight is called, and they begin their long, arduous but very luxurious and comfortable flight to Cairo, arriving the following evening at the fabulous 'Palace of Khedive Ismail', (now a luxury hotel), situated on Ghezireh Island, in the middle of the Nile.
Egypt, and Cairo can be strange, and even dangerous, so on the first morning Jim, with the help of Teddy, sets the 'Ground Rules'. Then they explore the hotel, and finally meet up with Faunus and Glaux - who had made their own way to the 'Mystic Land of Egypt. Then it's a few days of sightseeing - just like ordinary tourists, while they wait for a further 'message' to be delivered to Glen.
There is an early start in the morning, and a drive to Saqqara, and then Giza - and then the return to Cairo, and the Cairo Museum - and a strange meeting by the shrine of Anubis - and a message - and then....what to do about the message ? Oh, and also an 'upgraded' Teddy !
Thebes (Ancient Greek: Θῆβαι, Thēbai), known to the ancient Egyptians as 'Waset', is located along the Nile about 800 kilometers (500 mi) south of the Mediterranean. Its ruins lie within the modern Egyptian city of Luxor. It has long been famous as the burial place of many Pharaohs, the site of the largest of all Egyptian Temples at Karnak, and the reputed site of the 'Primeval Mound', where the 'World' began - and Jim, Faunus and friends have been directed to this city for a very special meeting - but Ethan is wondering if Luxor has a McDonald's....
Ismail left at the doors to the Winter Palace in order to return to the family home on the West Bank. He had, however, exchanged cell-phone numbers with Jim previously, and had promised to ring in order to invite Jim and Ethan over to the West Bank for the following evening. Meanwhile, the group took their evening meal, and eventually retired to their elegant accommodation, exhausted after a long day. Later they would spend the first day looking round the hotel, which had beautiful gardens and a magnificent swimming pool, and then explore the city (town) of Luxor.
After their excellent lunch, Jim calls for the limousines to take them to Karnak. As the sun begins to drop towards the horizon, Glen collapses in the hypostyle hall of the Temple. At first it seems to be the result of the heat of the day, but subsequently it turns out to be a further 'contact' from 'whoever' or 'whatever' has brought them to Egypt. Next day, leaving Glen with Max at the Winter Palace to recover, the rest of the 'Gang' return to Karnak, and then visit Mahmoud at Medinet Habu before their evening meeting with the Sheikh...
Jim, Ethan and Teddy return to the Winter Palace, and meet up with Glen and Max, and Zac and Josh. Over a glass of 'shai' Jim describes Teddy's search for information at the Temple of Khonsu - which was, unfortunately, unsuccessful. Regardless, they all agree that their best bet, if they were to follow the 'communication' the Glen received, would be to search the West Bank with the boy called Khonsu.....
Jim and Ethan discover an interloper - Sekhmet. The day is spent on the West Bank looking at tombs and temples, followed by a Ṣa‘īdi evening meal, prior to meeting Khonsu, and then the return to the 'Cave of the Lion'.
Jim, Faunus, Ethan and Teddy, and Zac and Josh make their way back to Qurnah in Hassan's taxi in order to meet with Khonsu. With the Help of Sekhmet, Ethan finds Khonsu in the Mosque, and then Faunus tells Khonsu that the secret of their search for the cave may be known to others. Khons then reveals the alarming fact that anyone other than those who Khonsu has named who attempt to enter the cave will die in the attempt. Forewarned, and guided by the reunited cats, Sekhmet and Bastet, the 'boys', Teddy and Faunus then make their way through to Theban Hills, and enter the cave........
Khonsu with Faunus, the 'boys' and Teddy and the cats, return to the East Bank on Mahmoud's boat. After some 'hypnotic' persuasion directed at the reception staff, Faunus books a room for Khonsu in the Winter Palace, and there follows a long discussion with Khonsu which begins to explain what is really happening... And then the setting of the story changes - leaving Egypt (for a while) and locating in another time and another place.
After the trip to the Valley of the Kings, Khonsu gives Faunus, Ethan and Teddy a full briefing on the mission that the 'guardians' have proposed....Faunus and Jim then use the portal in the 'Lion's Cave' to travel to Nevada in order to collect 'Sigi', and then return to Luxor before setting off to 1920s Berlin and the search for von Braun.
for more information about this chapter go to the article
The morning before they set out on their 'mission', Ethan, Teddy, Faunus, Khonsu and 'Sigi' are given a brief preparatory talk by Teddy. Then Faunus explains that the process by which they shall be transported through 'time and space' shall transform them, so that they shall arrive in Berlin wearing appropriate clothing, and with all the papers they shall need, plus money for the duration of their stay. So - to some degree prepared - they then cross the Nile, and enter the 'Lion Cave'. There they pass through the temple 'courtyard', and exit by the gilded bronze doors. On the other side of the doors they are met with....Berlin in the 1920s.
While Ethan, along with Faunus, Khonsu and 'Sigi' try to turn von Braun into a composer of soundtrack music for the American movies, Jim, who is still in Luxor with Zac, Josh, Max and Glen, is busy arranging for a luxurious Nile cruise to keep them amused.... and without the assistance of Teddy as guide, Jim finds he needs to hire Ismail - the mysterious young Egyptian tourist guide from Cairo, but living in Luxor, to help them with their trip. Meanwhile, Faunus and Teddy plan to escape, with Ethan and 'Sigi', from 1920s Berlin.
The 'Hadeel' then cruises on to Kom Ombo and Edfu - on the way to Aswan, the Temple of Isis - and the 'Old Cataract Hotel'
The 'boys' returned to the 'Hadeel' for a relaxing afternoon, and after their evening meal, a chat about the Edfu Texts, and have an 'early night'. The following morning the 'Hadeel' sets off for the short trip to Aswan, where they all disembark and settle in their new temporary 'home', the 'Old Cataract Hotel'. prior the exploring Aswan....
The meeting resumes, and Faunus comments on the connection between the various mysterious monuments and structures to be found in Egypt, along with the cults of Osiris and Isis, and how these relate to 'modern' theories regarding 'Ancient Aliens' and the actuality of their own encounters with possible 'aliens'. The following day they all visit 'Agilkia Island'...
After the visit to the Temple of Isis and Kitchener's Island, the 'boys' return to the Old Cataract Hotel for their last night, and on the following morning they visit the tomb of the Aga Khan, and then board the 'Hadeel' to begin their return journey north along the Nile - where new adventures await them....
'I have had a most rare vision.
I have had a dream past the wit of man to say what dream it was,
And a man is but a fool if he goes about and tries to tell of this dream.'
Unexpectedly , strange things happen in sleepy Armant...
The 'gang' returns to the Winter Palace - and the Egyptian Police investigate - but events in Armant remain a mystery for the authorities.
The gang visits Dendera - the last of the Ptolemaic temples, and Zac and Josh take their revenge in Armant.
Faunus gets Teddy back on his feet....Zac gets the photo of the mysterious young man in 'Vegas', the limos are sent on ahead to Cairo, and everyone needs to pack, yet again for the flight the next evening - and then it's a fond farewell to Ismail - a fligth to Cairo, and in Cairo the last of the sightseeing, and time for some proper shopping....

Teddy recovers - and the Limos take the group to Cairo airport. There is then a repeat - in reverse - of the flights, taking the group back to Los Angeles, while JIm, Ethan Zac and Teddy discuss the appearance of Khonsu at the 'Club Athena. On arrival at Los Angeles they all return to the 'Villa Athena', and later the 'Club Athena' and the 'Penthouse' in Nevada.
Jim, Ethan and Teddy are reunited with the kittens Bastet and Sekhmet, and the following morning Josh meets up with Glaux, while Faunus arrives at the Villa Athena. After a morning of discussion Jim and his companions return to 'Vegas to 'take care of business'.
Among other things this chapter features a 'lecture' from Faunus in Room 33 - a murder in a minor key - a concert - a wrestling bout - a search for new apartment and a suitable location for a 'villa' - and a return to high school (at Henderson), for one of those embarrassing graduation ceremonies - and guess who the valedictorian might be....?
The time has come to 'set things up' in Nevada.
'Sigi' needs to join the 'family firm', and have a nice new 'upmarket' apartment, and at the same time Glen will take 'Sigi's place at Green Valley High School. And Brody and Aaron will each re-start their careers.

Eventually, after all the posters, advertising and arrangements had been made, the Concert was finally able to go ahead. Equally, 'Sigi's graduation takes place, with 'uncle' Jim attending - and finally the 'inaugural' wrestling show is staged at a packed 'California Combat Club'.
After 'Sigi's' graduation, the next 'gala' was the 'Inaugural Show' at the California Combat Club'. All the boys would be attending, but not Clare, as Jim thought such a display to be inappropriate for a 'nice young lady'. 'Sigi' also would not be attending as he would be taking Samantha to the 'Graduation Prom'. The final 'Grand Gala', however, was to be the Concert at the 'Park Theater' - intended to launch the 'Park' as the 'premier musical venue' in 'Vegas.
Finally Ethan and Teddy present their concert, featuring orchestral excerpts from the movies, and songs sung by Aaron - to the general acclaim of the invited audience. Very shortly after, preparation are made for a visit to Egypt in order to supervise the restoration of the 'Winter Palace' in Luxor.
After the concert Teddy gives Jim and Clare a 'good talking to', and then demonstrates the new 'portable' 'dimensional gateway' - by way of a quick trip to the Corniche at Luxor in Egypt. It seems that they all want to go back to Egypt as soon as possible, as travelling there had become so simple and easy (as well as cheap), but Jim then has the task of arranging things in 'Vegas and Mexico, (the gold, remember ?), as quickly as possible - as well a Visas for Egypt.
While Jim and Clare try to take stock of the Winter Palace, select staff and make plans for new decorations and furnishings, Ethan has the easy task (well fairly easy) of looking after Teddy, and letting the clever little bear show 'Sigi' round the 'city' of Luxor.
'The Penthouse Gang' - if you're wondering about the title - 'Penthouse Gang', then the Link above might help - a little - and you may see that this next chapter may be taken as a kind of 'new start' in a new place. So the work goes ahead on the Winter Palace, and eventually Jim feels that enough had been done for the moment, and that finally Novius and the kittens can be brought to Egypt, along with Glen, Brody and Jonathan.
Clare had been spending an unusually large amount of time with Jim, Ethan, Josh and Zac, although didn't have the usual distractions of having to look after them (particularly Jim and Ethan). The result was that she had begun to notice, what seemed to her, to be the unusual relationships that existed between the boys - and eventually she found herself discussing those matters with Ethan... prompted by a further use of the 'Portal'.
Now imagine that you had been granted the gift of eternal health and youth - in a word - 'immortality' - but not only that - you had also discovered the means by which you could travel freely, literally anywhere, and in an instant - and travel not only in space, but also in time. Now surely those would be secrets that you would need to keep 'locked away'... very securely
In the light of the return of Khonsu (Ashraf), Jim (with Teddy who has, on his data base, a complete record of all that Khonsu has reported) decides to consult Novius. Later, Ethan and Teddy return to 'Vegas to 'pick-up' Glen, Max and Brody, and bring them to the Winter Palace for a meeting to hear about Novius latest conclusions with regard to the information provided by Ashraf.
After an excellent evening meal, provided by Murad - the new Chef de Cuisine at the Winter Palace, everyone returned to the Victorian Lounge to hear the conclusion of Novius' talk, and then to ask any relevant questions - and surprise were awaiting them.
We catch up with Faunus and Ashraf on the West Bank, while the 'boys' are left, rather unexpectedly with an opportunity to ask Novius some questions. Meanwhile Jim and Clare 'make up', and Jim contacts Captain Hossam asking him to moor the 'Hadeel' on the Corniche next to the Winter Palace so that they can embark on a cruise up the Nile towards Aswan.
This Nile cruise had been planned by Jim mainly for Clare and 'Sigi' - It was partly as a 'thank you' to Clare for her having looked after him and Ethan for so long, and it was also intended to be a nice holiday for 'Sigi', for his 'gap year', after high school, and also a reward for 'services rendered' by Brody - but as with many things that Jim (in the footsteps of the 'Boss') had organized, there was a secret agenda, only shared with a few, such as Faunus, Zac and the inscrutable Mr Stark.
'Turning and turning in the widening gyre,
The hawk cannot hear the falconer...
Surely some revelation is at hand;
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to waking by a rocking cradle'
After visiting Edfu, the 'Hadeel' sailed even further south, to the temple of Sobek, the crocodile 'god', at Kom Ombo, while Jim and the 'boys' made preparation for their meeting with Mr. Stark at the Old Cataract Hotel at Aswan.
There are many Universes - some more different than others.
Perhaps in your universe there's a comic book character, or movie character, called Tony Stark - but this Tony Stark is a little different - so if you're expecting 'superheroes' well ... there's always Teddy and Faunus...
And so Jim, with a select group of 'companions' - including, on this occasion, the remarkable Mr Stark - set out on what could turn out to be a perilous adventure as they return to Armant in search of the elusive pyramid - which hopefully will house the mysterious, 'hi-tech' sarcophagus...
Having examined the sarcophagus 'in situ', Tony decided that it was best to return to the Cataract Hotel, and speak to the technicians who had driven down from Luxor. After they had seen the images taken by Teddy, they could then devise a plan that would enable them to extract the sarcophagus from the pyramid, and safely and securely transport it to the 'Winter Palace' in Luxor, where it could be thoroughly examined.
Jim, with Tony's help, successfully 'acquires' the 'Armant Sarcophagus', and then takes Clare and other members of the group to visit the various sights around Aswan - including the temples, and other monuments, and 'Kitchener's Island'.
the next part of the trip becomes complicated as Jim meets 'John' in the Cataract Bar - and later has an important discussions with Tony about the sarcophagus. Next day some of the group drive to Abu Simbel - and later fly to Cairo in order to show Clare some of the highlights of that fabulous - if noisy, smelly and crowded - city on the Nile.
Things needed to be done in Luxor, as Tony was waiting to discuss matters with Jin, Teddy, Novius and possibly Faunus - if he could be found - and there was business to attend to in 'Vegas - for example, concerts and Brody's wrestling, and of course there were new ventures to be launched in Mexico - and there was still the very important matter of the 'Armant sarcophagus'....
This chapter involves the solving of the problems posed by John Lewis - the transportation of the sarcophagus, and the return of the 'holiday group' to the good old US of A..
Having landed at McCarran Airport, the sarcophagus is transported to the 'Villa Athena' along with Novius, Tony and the kittens - 'Sigi' returns to Henderson - and Zac, Brody, Glen, Clare, Ethan and Teddy and Jim all are driven to the 'Penthouse Building'. And then it is down to business before a visit, for some, to Mexico.
after checking out Caesars Palace in 'Vegas, Ethan and 'Sigi' take the Interstate 15 and visit Novius, the kittens, Jim and Tony at the Villa Athena - initially to 'quiz' Novius on the links between Mexico and Spain - but later their conversation moves to matters relating to the sarcophagus and the 'aliens'.
having decided to try to contact the 'aliens' regarding the sarcophagus, the 'boys' then decide to stop off to consult with Glen - and then, hopefully arrange to return to Corona - where strange events await them.
Once inside the saucer, the 'boys' and Teddy soon meet up with the 'alien leader'. Before the 'alien' answers the questions that Tony has given Teddy, the 'alien leader' gives a long explanation of how the sarcophagus came to Egypt, and what its original purpose was - thus shedding light on many of the customs and beliefs of the ancient Egyptians.
Teddy passes on the 'alien' information to Tony, and then Chuck arrives to drive Ethan and Teddy, and Novius and Zac to Las Vegas for a meeting about the trip to Mexico. Two days later the whole group (including Clare) take the Boeing 'Dreamliner' from McCarran Airport to 'Villahermosa International Airport 'in Mexico - where their Mexican adventure begins.
The 'Dreamliner', after a ten hour flight, lands at Villahermosa International Airport, where pre-booked limousines are waiting to take the group to the 'Hotel Quinta Chanabnal' in Palenque. Then, after an early night, they plan their next move over breakfast in their new hotel...
with darkness falling, the trip to the Palenque ruins is cut short - but Novius spends time discussing the Mayan civilization with Teddy and some of the others on their return to the hotel. In the morning Mexican 'Police' visit the hotel to interview Jim - later the group return to the 'ruins' and also visit the 'Museo de Sitio de Palenque' - and then arrangements are made to visit Chichen Itza...
news comes through from the 'Villa Athena' that Tony Stark has achieved success with the 'Armant Sarcophagus' - and is awaiting Jim's return. - Jim, however, has a rendezvous at the 'Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl' at Chechen Itza, as well as a visit to to Ethan's Villa at San Cristóbal de las Casashe , and an inspection of the new Corporation Resort at 'Ciudad del Carmen'...
The 'boys', Teddy and Novius find a very different interior to the 'saucer', and Marcus and the 'alien leader' get down to an involved discussion, while Teddy takes detailed notes of his bright blue laptop.., When they finally leave the saucer, and return to the foot of the pyramid they are all in for a shock when they discover the identity of the 'spy' who Teddy accidentally 'knocked' from the temple platform.
The morning after the meeting on the pyramid, Ethan is upset, and wants to leave Mexico.
So Jim has a difficult decision to make. Also, having vital information uploaded into Teddy's database from the 'aliens', for Tony Stark, Jim needs to get Teddy back to Tony as soon as possible.
Strange ominous dark triangles over 'Antelope Valley' where 'Edwards Air-force Base' is situated - and where Tony Stark is working on the mysterious sarcophagus that seems to be able to 'stop time'. And the Ethan gets obsessed with buying a Cadillac for himself and Teddy so he can go for drives with Jim...
"We have commitments in 'Vegas and Los Angles also." Jim said.
"Commitments like what ?", Ethan asked. "Lots of commitments - like sorting things out at the 'Las Vegas Hotel Athena', and organizing new concerts for the theater of the 'Club Athena Paradise Park Hotel' - with your orchestra and your friend Aaron - remember ?", Jim added. "And getting a program at the 'California Combat Club' sorted out for Brody..."
And Ethan learns to drive...
Ethan's white Cadillac Eldorado convertible is delivered - and he has his first driving lesson with 'Sigi' - the designer-guys meet Jim and Ethan to discuss a new cabin decor for the AirWest airline - Caleb and Jim have their second meeting - plans are made for the pipe organ for the Park Theater - Ethan starts work on the concert program - and Jim, Ethan and Teddy visit the Villa Athena, while Clare and Brody arrive back from Mexico...
there is a reunion for Clare and Ethan and Teddy, and Brody - who then join Jim at the 'Penthouse'. Later Caleb spends some of the evening talking to Jim. The following day, meanwhile other developments take place in Washington. The following day Jim takes Ethan, Teddy and Caleb to meet Novius and Tony Stark at the 'Villa Athena'.
with the return Josh from Mexico things seem to be returning to normal - Tolson arrives in Las Vegas- staying at the 'Athena Park Hotel', and makes contact with Caleb, but Zac ensures that everyone adheres to Teddy's advice about Caleb - meanwhile Ethan and Teddy continue with preparations for the upcoming concert
Caleb returns to the Penthouse Building - meanwhile Tolson showers, and then gets on the encoded 'phone to Hoover - with what he thinks is the good news. Ethan and Max start working at full stretch with new posters for new contests, and the installation of the pipe organ is underway - while the 'spying' continues apace.
Ethan and Max return to the 'Club Athena' to meet with the pipe organ builders, who have drawings of the pipe organ for the 'Park Theater' - and an architect presents plans for the 'Athena Corporation Repository' in Henderson - and Ethan's 'designer-guy-thingys' also arrive for Jim to approve of the possible images for the new 'Combat Club' brochure..
Ethan and Teddy discover Tolson's plans for attending the 'Combat Club' - they inform Zac, who prepares a plan. Meanwhile Ethan sorts out the 'designer-thingy-guys', and the new brochure is issued, while Jim has serious discussions with Novius and Tony - and Ethan begins rehearsals for the next concert as the pipe organ is installed in the Park Theater.
Jim, Ethan and Teddy return to 'Vegas, and the 'Athena Park Hotel' for lunch at the 'Renaissance Restaurant' - and during the drive, Ethan asks Jim to explain what actually happened at the Villa Athena in 'Antelope Valley' - and Max contacts Ethan to tell him he's late for his rehearsal - while Jim joins with Kurt and Mikey in order to set a trap for Tolson. Later, Jim starts to outline hi plans for a projected trip to Europe and Egypt -
Faunus, Ashraf, Tony Stark and Novius meet at the 'Villa Athena' and discus the search for the ancient manuscripts, and make decisions about the use of the Armant Sarcophagus - Tolson and Mikey attend the latest 'show' at the 'Combat Club', and there is a Gala Evening at the 'Park Theater', with the inaugural concert featuring the newly installed pipe organ.
Ethan and Teddy and Max go to the 'Combat Club' and get Adam to take some 'action shots' of Brody and Paco for the new Combat Club Poster - and Teddy makes a 'Photo Shop' poster that Jim approves by midday. Posters then start going up for the 'Inaugural Concert'and the 'Wrestling Show', and Jim gives the dates for al those concerned - including Mikey, who tells Tolson, which is good as Hoover is by then very impatient.
And then everything goes ahead....
And then everything goes ahead....
It's the night of the concert - and a 'show' at the 'California Combat Club'. Everyone is looking their best - evening dress and bow-ties - arriving in a fleet of black Cadillacs. 'Sigi' gives an opening speech - inaugurating the new pipe organ, and honoring 'Marcus' - and the concert proceeds.
Later, Jim and the 'boys' attend the 'California Combat Club' for Paco's first public appearance -
and Mickey accompanies Tolson - but the evening does not turn out as Tolson was expecting
The long planned for confrontation with the FBI arrives at the conclusion to the wrestling match between Brody and Paco at the 'Combat Club'.
As Tolson and Mikey leave the 'Club' they are confronted by the Las Vegas Police and the Athena Security Service.
The evening ends uneventfully - but in the morning Josh is woken by a phone call telling him that Jim and Zac have arrived, and from then on Jim takes control...The boys go for a visit to Karnak, and arrangements are made for the business meeting in Cairo regarding mineral concessions -
and Jim and Faunus later have an 'interesting evening on the 'West Bank'...
Jim, Ethan Ashraf and Faunus visit Ahmed El-Tayeb at the mosque in the village of
el-Qurna on the West Bank. The following day Jim, Zac and Ashraf fly to Cairo,
and join Franklin for negotiations with Egyptian Government officials.
Back in Luxor, Jim sets in motion plans to mine Armantium,
and then utilise the power of the extra-terrestrial 'hype-element'.
Discussions follow regarding the nature of the 'aliens' in 'Chichén Itza', the
true identity of Upuaut - and the decision is made to fly to Alexandria to consult
documents in the 'Bibliotheca Alexandrina'
After a flight to Alexandria, Jim, Ethan and Teddy, Novius, Ashraf and Zac
arrive in Alexandria and search for evidence about the 'Guardians' and 'Archons'
arrive in Alexandria and search for evidence about the 'Guardians' and 'Archons'
The 'boys' & Teddy & Novius fly back to Luxor, and the return to Las Vegas by the 'dimensional portal. They then take the 'Dreamliner' to Rome to continue Novius' search for documents - and take in the ruins of the places that some of the knew so well, while Tony supervises the construction of the depot at 'Habu. Meanwhile Ethan and Max get on with some music and organizing the 'Combat Club.
Faunus arrives unexpectedly with a small gift for Ethan - and Jim encourages Ethan to get to work on the upcoming concert - but work is interrupted when 'Bot' arrives
Jim then visits Zac at the 'Athena Security HQ', and later is driven out to the 'Villa Athena' to confer with Novius. and while Jim is away, Teddy and Ethan attempt to 'program 'Bot'.
The following day Jim inspects the architects drawing for the proposed villa at Henderson. and later Jim, Ethan and Teddy and Max return to the 'California Combat Club' to inspect some more recruits - an 'Bot' arrives.
brief autobiographical information relating to some of the characters in the 'Club Jaguar'
the significance in this story of the number 33

a brief explanation of the widely accepted theories of Hugh Everett III, which suggests that there are an infinite number of alternative ‘worlds’ or 'universes' – a theory which forms part of the plot of ‘Club Jaguar’

a further explanation of the widely accepted theories of Hugh Everett III, which suggests that there are an infinite number of alternative ‘worlds’ or 'universes' – a theory which forms part of the plot of ‘Club Jaguar’
The Egyptians believed that on a certain date the material universes had been brought into existence through the activities of the 'Æons' at the instigation of the 'ONE' - the source of all being.
the 'Æons' are often referred to in 'Club Jaguar', and previously in 'The Story of Gracchus'. Although various definition are given by certain characters in both stories - this article aims to provide a more detailed and historically accurate account of the subject that was a fundamental belief throughout the later period of the civilization and culture of the Ancient World - not only in Greece but also throughout the Roman Empire and Ptolemaic Egypt.
In Chapter XXX Novius explains much about the 'rebirth of the Classical world' to Josh - but for the reader who would like a slightly more detailed account, the following article has been included in 'Club Jaguar'

a detailed explanation of the probable nature of 'Don Picaro' -
more properly know as 'Faunus'
amorphous, shape-shifting 'spirits' made of smokeless fire - related to the daimons - with origins in pre-Islamic Arabia.

a brief description of the history, culture and beliefs of the ancient Maya of Mexico and South America in relation to the fact that the ‘Boss’ was an archaeologist, studying the Maya, when he first came to the ‘alternative America’ of 'Club Jaguar'
a further description of the history, culture and beliefs of the ancient Maya of Mexico and South America - with special reference to the Maya 'Star Gods'
a further description of the history, culture and beliefs of the ancient Maya of Mexico and South America - with special reference to the Maya 'Star Gods'

‘Club Jaguar’ can only be understood in terms of the relationship between ‘Dreams and Reality’ -
a subject discussed in this article

Club Jaguar’ can only be understood in terms of the relationship between ‘Time and Illusion’
a subject discussed in this article

many of the characters in ‘Club Jaguar’ suffer for memory disruption and memory loss, mainly as a result of having been ‘transported’ across 'time and space' to an 'alternative reality' - this article looks at various theories relating to memory

a brief study of recent theories in physics relating to the nature of time
Additional information regarding Novius theory that UFO sightings during the 1940s and 1950s were related to German experiments with disk-type aircraft

a brief survey of the evidence for the development of devices to travel in 'time and space', possibly devised from the 1920s until the end of the Second World War.
'Scientific discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen, and thinking what nobody else has thought. Scientific discovery must be, by definition, at variance with existing knowledge.'

a brief study of the ancient concept of the ‘Vril’ - originally made popular in the novel, ‘The Coming Race’, and later adopted by some groups in Germany and Austria from the 1920 until the end of the Second World War.
information about the development of the German and American Space programs, and the connections between such programs and the occult as relating to 'Club Jaguar'

a brief explanation of Dr Brandt’s methods in ‘Club Jaguar’, as they relate to the theories of Dr. Sigmund Freud

a brief description of the ‘alternative America’ to which the characters from ‘The Story of Gracchus’ are transported by Faunus

a brief survey of the art, architecture and industrial design now known as Art Deco

a detailed description of the 'Philadelphia Experiment', and the various aspects of the 'Montauk Project' as they relate to the ongoing story of 'Club Jaguar'

a detailed description of the 'Philadelphia Experiment', and the various aspects of the 'Montauk Project' as they relate to the ongoing story of 'Club Jaguar'
This is a story that begins in a fairly ordinary way - but as the plot develops some of the characters are revealed to be more than they seem, and as time passes, the plot, as they say, 'thickens', and various strange, and some would consider unsavoury elements and themes emerge.
So what is this ?
Historical Fiction, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Erotic Fiction
Or something Unique ?
no more - and no less
Regardless - be warned, this tale turns out, eventually, to be a decidedly 'adult' story.
Please note that this story is intended for adults (over 18 years), and contains images and text featuring violence, mild nudity, references to explicit adult sexuality and strong language.
Please do not view these chapters if you find such features objectionable....