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Please note that this chapter is intended for adults (over 18 years), and contains images and text featuring extreme violence, nudity, explicit adult sexuality and strong language. Please do not view this chapter if you find such features objectionable....

'Jim returns to the Penthouse - with no memory - again ! Faunus successfully 'reboots' Jim's 'wonky brain' (to quote Ethan), providing him with many new memories of his time as a Roman slave-boy and a patrician 'dominus'. Later the 'Boss' sets off with Jim and Max on a seemingly relaxing trip to the the 'old confederacy', while Zac tries to ensure that a 'final solution' catches up with Brandt.'

After a long and silent drive, apart from the music from the CD, Faunus' they drove into the suburbs of Las Vegas
Then Faunus, who was sitting next to Jim, assumed his customary appearance... but Jim didn't seem to notice.
"Do you know me, Jim ?", Faunus asked, obviously suspicious that something was seriously wrong.
"No... should I ?", Jim replied, glancing at Faunus.
"Well... I think so.", Faunus replied.
"I'm Faunus.", Faunus said, feeling odd having to introduce himself.
"And I'm...", and then there was a pause..
"You called me Jim, yes ?", Jim asked.
"OK... no problem,
Now I think you have a touch of amnesia.
You've had this before, and it probably won't be a serious problem, but just relax and take it easy.
If there are things you can't remember - I'll sort it out later."
Jim nodded.
Faunus then switched on his cell-phone, and selected the number for the 'Boss'.
The 'Boss' picked up quickly.
"Hi... it's Faunus.
I've got Jim here, but there's a slight problem.
He's lost his memory - again.
So tell the boys, and insist that they don't make any negative comments.
I just want him to feel that he's home with friends... OK ?"
There was a pause.
"Great !", Faunus continued.
I'll get his memory working again once we get back to the 'Penthouse'.
We've here in 'Vegas, and should be with you soon... so just be patient."
Faunus then switched off the mobile.

"Someone who will be very pleased to see you.", Faunus replied.
"Do I know this person ?", Jim asked.
"Very well, as you will discover later...", Faunus said, leaving his answer purposefully vague.
Some time later Faunus turned into the parking area in front of the apartment in 'Vegas.
"Now we have to go up to the top of this building - it's where you live.
There will be a number of people there who will be very pleased to see you.... but don't worry if you can't remember who they are.
As I said, we can sort all that out later.
So let's get out of the auto, and just follow me.", Faunus said, trying to be as helpful as possible.
So they took the elevator to the top floor, and to the private vestibule of the penthouse.
Faunus buzzed, and Zac opened the doors.
"Jim !", Zac exclaimed.
"It's so good to see you !
Guys... It's Jim and Faunus !", Zac said, calling to the others.
And so everyone crowded round, filling the hallway, and patting Jim on the back, and shaking his hand.
"Yes, Jim - but now he probably looks a little different than when he brought you from - what shall we say - the 'hospital'.", the 'Boss' replied, trying to make things as easy as possible for Jim - at least in the beginning.
"Well thank you for bringing me here...", Jim said, shaking hands with Faunus, as if he had never met him before.
Ethan, of course, was grinning.
"And these are all my friends ?", Jim asked Faunus, looking around
"Yes, I'm afraid so... and even Glaux !".
Faunus had to mention Glaux, as the happy little owl had just landed on Jim's shoulder, and started to nibble Jim's ear.
"Is this my bird ?", Jim asked.
"Well not quite.
I suppose he really belongs to Josh - but Glaux's job is to look after you... and Josh's job is to look after Glaux."
Jim looked up and caught his first sight of the 'Boss'.
"And are you my father ?", Jim asked - and Ethan sniggered.
"Well, in a manner of speaking,", the 'Boss' replied, and it was the first time that any of them had seen the 'Boss' seemingly embarrassed.
"And Ethan... take this seriously !", the 'Boss' said quietly, turning to Ethan.
"Yes Sir... sorry.", Ethan mumbled, looking far more embarrassed by then than the 'Boss'.
"So let me introduce you to the 'Penthouse Gang', as they call themselves.", the 'Boss' said, getting the boys to line up.
"Faunus, of course, you already know...", Faunus nodded.
"This is Zac.
He's like a 'fixer' for me, and very good with computers and technical stuff - and he makes sure that everyone stays fit."
Jim awkwardly shook hands with Zac as the 'Boss' then moved on to Josh.
"This is Josh.
He's very close to Faunus, and looks after Glaux."
"This,", and Ethan did his best to stand very tall, with his shoulders back.
"This is Ethan - 'my special little guy' - who is very spoilt, but one of the best !", and Ethan blushed.
"And this is our new boy - and very welcome.
This is Brody, a useful guy to have in a difficult situation - meaning, simply, he's very tough."
"Hi !", Brody said shyly and awkwardly.
The 'Boss' stood back, proudly eyeing his boys.
"They all know you, and are very fond of you, and have been very worried about you because we thought we'd lost you.", the 'Boss' explained.
"But Faunus will make everything very clear to you soon, so just relax for now, because you are among friends.", the 'Boss' concluded, as everyone made for a comfortable seat - a little unsure what to do next.
"Now come and sit next to me and tell me how you are feeling.", the 'Boss' said, taking Jim to one side.
"Well, physically I feel OK... just a little bit tired perhaps.
But the real problem is that I can't remember anything.
You and the guy who brought me here call me 'Jim', so I suppose that's who I am, and you have introduced me to these other guys - but I'm afraid I don't remember ever seeing them before.", Jim said, nervously.
"Well I think this problem is probably the result of some treatment that you received over the past few days, but Faunus, the young man who brought you here, assures me that those memories are still intact, and he will set about restoring them tomorrow, after you have had a good rest.", the 'Boss' explained carefully.
"So where am I now ?", Jim asked.
"This is the 'Penthouse', in Las Vegas.", the 'Boss' replied.
"This is your home... you have a bedroom here, and all your clothes and belongings are here, and you live here with Ethan and Josh... and Zac and Brody each have their own apartments on floors below the 'Penthouse'.", the 'Boss' continued.
"And who are you ?", Jim asked.
"Well I am like your guardian, and in a way you work for me.", the 'Boss' said.
"I see.", Jim replied, not really being very sure of what the that answer meant.
"Anyway, Jim... I have to go now...", the 'Boss' said, somewhat apologetically.
"Oh... you don't live here.", Jim said, obviously surprised.
"No Jim.
When I'm in Vegas I live a few blocks away, but the boys have my 'number, and you have your own cell-phone, that Ethan will show you.
But regardless, I want you to come and see me tomorrow, probably in the afternoon, after Faunus has had time to speak to you."
Jim nodded, but had no idea what a 'number' or a 'cell-phone' meant.
"So I will leave you with Ethan.
He was your first friend here, and likes you a lot, and he'll get you something to eat - probably a cheeseburger - and show you your room.
Now don't stay up late.
There's a lot for you to do tomorrow.", the 'Boss' said, as he rose to his feet and beckoned over Ethan.
The 'Boss' then quietly left, leaving Ethan standing awkwardly beside Jim.
At the same time, Faunus, standing in the background, slowly 'faded', as only Faunus could... and nobody even noticed.
"So, Jim.", Ethan began awkwardly.
"It seems your brain's gone 'wonky' again."
Jim looked a little surprised at Ethan's forthright manner.
Josh intervened.
"Don't let that bother you, Jim... it's just Ethan's way."
"Well, he's my oldest and 'best-est' friend - so it's OK.", Ethan replied.
"Anyway, Faunus will soon set you up, and you'll be all back to normal... we hope.", Ethan continued, trying to sound optimistic.
Zac, who had been speaking to Brody, then came over.
"Well, me and Brody are going now... but we'll be only just below, and we'll see you tomorrow.
But let me tell you, Jim, I'm so really glad that your back, with or without your memory.", Zac said, showing a rarely displayed depth of feeling.
"Thanks....", Jim replied awkwardly, obviously embarrassed.
"See you tomorrow !", Brody said, sounding not too sure what to say.
It should be remembered, of course, that Brody was not aware of the previous life that the boys of the 'Penthouse Gang' had led, and was still puzzled as to why they showed so much respect, affection and concern for Jim, (even if Ethan managed to hide his very deep feelings most of the time - rather like Zac.)
Jim then had the first of many cheeseburgers he was destined to eat at the 'Penthouse', and later Ethan showed Jim to his bedroom.
"This is your room, Jim.... but if you want... if you feel lonely or scared, just come next door to my bedroom...", Ethan said shyly.
"Ok... thanks.", Jim replied, a little unsure of what, exactly, Ethan was meaning.
Rarely is it cloudy in Vegas, - and it's rare for there to be more that 15 rainy days in a year, so the next morning was bright and sunny - as usual.
But...also 'as usual'... Ethan over slept.
Jim, woke around seven, with the bright sun shining in his large, luxurious bedroom.
Jim got up, found a robe (UK. 'dressing gown') in his closet (UK. 'wardrobe'), and staggered into Ethan's bedroom.
Ethan stirred, and looked up with blinking eyes.
"Oh... I thought you were never coming...", Ethan said.
"What...?", Jim replied, confused - and at that moment he heard some noise in the penthouse - the clattering of crockery, presumably from the kitchen.
"Is that Josh ?", Jim asked.
Meanwhile, in the office of the 'Boss', Dr Lockwood and Jim were seated in the large black leather arm chairs, while Lockwood gave a brief medical report to the 'Boss'.
"That's good, Doc... so you're quite happy for Jim to go on this trip once Faunus has sorted out this memory problem.?", the 'Boss' asked.
Lockwood nodded.
"Well thank you Lockwood for your time, and your report... I won't detain you any longer.", the 'Boss concluded.
Lockwood, having been dismissed, left, and moments later the door opened and Katrina escorted Zac to the armchair that had just been vacated by Lockwood.
The 'Boss' rose to his feet, moved round his huge desk and shook hands with Zac.
"Good to see you, Zac... thanks for coming - and take a seat.", the 'Boss' said, seeming to go out of his way to be as polite as possible.
Zac sat down and looked to the 'Boss' - expectantly.
"I wanted to see you as I have some important instructions to give you - but let me give you the background first.", the 'Boss' began.
"Obviously you realize that Jim has returned...
Dr. Lockwood has told me that Jim is physically fine - if a little tired.
Faunus has assured me that he can reinstate Jim's memories - going right back to the very beginning, and he can do this today.
Jim, however, will need some time to rest and come to terms with his revived memories.
I have decided, therefore, to take him on a brief trip to a quieter, and hopefully more relaxing part of this country.
The area in question has a nickname - 'Dixieland' - and refers especially to the Southern United States.
As it happens, the term originally referred simply to the states south of the so-called 'Mason–Dixon' line, but now is more of a 'cultural reference', referring to parts of the United States that 'feel' southern.
Actually the areas that I hope to be visiting with Jim are in the South West - in particular Alabama, Mississippi and Tennessee.", the 'Boss' explained - filling Zac in with information about the US that he had previously not known.
"I see.", Zac replied, a little puzzled.
"But, may I ask, Sir, how does this effect me ?", Zac questioned.
"Well it's quite simple, Zac - while I am away, you will be in charge.", the 'Boss' said, smiling.
"Are you sure about this... I mean are you sure that I'm up to it, Sir ?", Zac asked, obviously disconcerted.
"Of course, Zac.
All the senior staff have been informed." the 'Boss' replied confidently.
"But there are a couple of things that it is important for you to organize.", the 'Boss' continued.
"The first concerns 'Brandt'.
Obviously he has now got a serious problem with the US security agencies - the CIA, the NSA, INR and the DIA - all or some of them, so he will be keeping a low profile.
"The problem is that, as far as I know, Brandt is still at large.", the 'Boss continued.
"Obviously you've realized that one of the reasons that I am taking Jim on a trip is to ensure that Brandt makes no further moves against him.
So, I need you to liaise with Kurt, who has the right sort of 'contacts', and ensure that we will have no further problems with Brandt - ever - and I need this done before Jim returns to 'Vegas." the 'Boss' explained.
"Understood.", Zac replied, in a manner that slightly alarmed Jim.
"Of course, by now the security agencies will have come to the conclusion that Brandt was almost certainly 'deranged', and his interest in Jim was of no significance.
With no video or photo evidence regarding Jim - and no research notes surviving of Brandt's activities with Jim, and everyone's memories of Jim wiped at Area 51, along with a 'non-existent' Plymouth Fury Convertible, with untraceable number plates, and a non existent 'Agent James Smith', I think that Jim is safe with regard to the security agencies.", the 'Boss' explained.
Zac smiled.
"You see how useful our Faunus is....", the 'Boss' said, leaning back in his well upholstered, black leather chair.
"But changing the subject - secondly, while I'm away, I want you to supervise the California Combat Club, and stage a début appearance for Brody - with a good build up - and find a good opponent for him, and a substantial number of other 'performances' to bulk up the show.
Is that clear ?", the 'Boss' continued.
"Yes Sir, perfectly." Zac replied.
"Don't worry about any financial or business matters as Franklin will deal with anything like that on your behalf.", the 'Boss' said, smiling.
"That's just as well -", Zac replied.
"Business and finance, at the moment, are a bit beyond me.", Zac admitted.
The 'Boss' then turned his attention to Jim, who had been sitting quietly, listening, but not really understanding much of what had been said.
"Now Jim, do you have any questions ?", the 'Boss' asked.
"Well... quite a lot, but they are mainly about things that I seem to have no memory of, so perhaps it's best if I wait until I've met again with Faunus.", Jim replied hesitantly.
"That... Jim, I think is very wise.", the 'Boss' said.
Jim nodded.
"So what about if you go and see Faunus now ?", the 'Boss' asked.
Jim smiled in agreement.
"Good... I'll buzz for Katrina, who can arrange for you to see Faunus, and Zac and I will drive down to the 'Combat Club', where we can get certain things arranged.
And perhaps later we can all meet up, with Ethan and Josh, for a meal ?", the 'Boss' suggested, looking obviously pleased with himself that everything seemed to be working out.
"You want me to 'phone Ethan and Josh ?", Zac asked.
"Why not... you can do it from the Combat Club.", the 'Boss' replied, as he rose from his seat and switched off his desk display.
Meanwhile, in another part of 'Club Jaguar', Katrina was escorting Jim to the elevators.
After dropping down a number of floors, Jim emerged in a corridor that he, strangely, felt was a little familiar.
It was however, only a typical hotel corridor, in a relatively expensive establishment, but the door that faced him had a significant number - 'Number 33'.
So Katrina left Jim outside Room 33.
Hesitantly Jim pressed the buzzer push.
Moments later Faunus, wearing an immaculately tailored black suite, answered the door, and invited Jim in.
The room - behind the door of number 33 - was strange !
It was like something out of a black and white film, circa 1930 - not that Jim realized that.
He just knew that it looked weird.
"Glad that you could drop by...", Faunus said, sounding very relaxed.
Now if Jim hadn't lost his memory, and if, like all good readers, he had been following this story from the beginning, he would realize that this was definitely not the 'Room 33' that he had stayed in on the rainy night when he had so oddly arrived in Vegas.
It was the same hotel - same corridor - same door - even the same room number, but a completely different room....at least on the inside.
But, and here's the point... he'd lost his memory, so he just accepted the oddly decorated room as just another hotel room - or was it a suite ? (no bed in the room, you see.)
"So Jim, we need to do some work on your memory." Faunus said in an off-hand manner.
"OK...", Jim replied, not really understanding the implications of what Faunus was saying.
Now, one of the strange things about losing your memory is that, for most of the time, you don't know that you've lost it.
You just go around accepting the world as it presents itself to you.
It's only when somebody insists that you know them, or refers to something that you've done in the past that you begin to suspect that something is wrong.
So, at Faunus' invitation, Jim lay down on the ridiculously comfortable white sofa - while Faunus began talking softly and quietly.
The odd thing, however, was that Jim couldn't really hear, or rather understand, what Faunus was actually saying.
And nor can we...
The process of restoring Jim's memory was an 'arcane secret', light years away from the fumblings of psychologists, psychiatrists, neurologists and such like - and that is why, in the end, Brandt failed to unravel the secrets held in Jim's mind.
The best way to describe what Faunus was doing is to make an analogy with a computer system of the time.
First, all ‘junk’ files needed to be deleted.
Then a lot of moving about of information was required, and then hidden, encrypted files (all the seemingly ‘lost memories’) needed to be unpacked and registered - and much more needed to be done, which would be too complex for even the most advanced, modern computer - and far too complex for this author to describe - so you can relax.
The most dangerous part of the whole procedure, however, was ‘rebooting’ - which involves the computer 'shutting down'.
Human brains rarely, if ever, completely 'shut-down'.
If they do - then the individual is usually declared to be‘deceased’- 'dead' - and there are not many examples of such individuals 're-booting'.
Faunus, however, had ways of avoiding such a critical situation.
Once Jim was successfully ‘rebooted’ (as Ethan, with a grin, would describe it), it was just a matter of slowly bringing Jim back to consciousness.
Jim, of course, had no conscious awareness of what had happened to him.
While Faunus had worked with Jim's mind for a number of hours - to Jim, no time would have seemed to have passed.
The only thing that Jim noticed, on 'awakening', was that for the first time since the literally 'dark days' after the Vesuvius eruption, he felt ‘normal’.
More to the point, he could even remember his childhood in Athens, the fateful and interrupted sea crossing to Brundisium, and he was able to remember all the people he had known over the many years - many of who were now his friends, (even if they had different names) in Vegas.
Many of the memories, however, that Faunus had reactivated in Jim's brain were - to Jim - unexpected.
In his newly 'refurbished', and very vivid memories, he now found himself in the Roman Empire of the 1st Century - during the reigns of the Emperors Nero - the brief reigns or the men who competed for the purple during the 'Year of the Four Emperors', and finally the reigns of Vespasian, and his son Titus.
In these memories it became clear to Jim that his adoptive Roman father, the fabulously wealthy Gnaeus Gracchus, was in fact the 'Boss' who had taken him in on his arrival in Vegas, and it became clear to him that the 'Penthouse Gang' were were all individuals that he had known in that 'other time' and 'other place'.
Much of what now became clear to him shocked him, particularly the violent nature of Ancient Roman society.
The first of these new, vivid memories was an image of his natural father - Gaius Agrippa Aelius - someone who had rarely occupied his thought even when he was very young.
There were memories of being chastised by his father for not attending to his lessons - in fact punishments for even skipping school, which Marcus often did in order to wander the streets of Athens, and go to the local gymnasion.
One set of memories that Faunus intentionally omitted was Marcus' meetings with him and Glaux on late evening walks through the fields and groves on the outskirts of the city.
The memories of his sea crossing, however, were included, along with the pirate attack that ended in the death of Marcus' parents, and Marcus becoming a slave.
A new shock for Jim was the memory of himself as Marcus, along with a few other boys being displayed naked at the upper class slave market - and subsequently being bought by a stranger, who later identified himself as Terentius, the senior freedman and steward of a rich patrician - Gnaeus Octavian Gracchus.
Jim also recognized the door-slave, Glykon, whom he met on arriving at the 'Villa Auream' - home of Gnaeus Octavian Gracchus - as the young wrestler Damien, who had worked for Brandt, and was subsequently 'disposed of' by Kurt.
Memories of Gnaeus Octavian Gracchus meeting Marcus in his Roman equivalent of an 'office', and it was shortly after that first meeting that Gracchus asked Terentius (his chief steward) to allocate to Marcus a beautiful slave-boy companion - a Greek boy called Cleon - who became Marcus', (and therefore Jim's) first love.
Probably some of the most significant memories were those of the of the 'Munera' that Gnaeus Gracchus held for the deified Emperor Octavian Augustus during which slave gladiators fought - and those who were defeated were sacrificed to the 'genius' (daimon) of the then 'divine' Emperor.
It was at the 'Munera for Augustus' that Marcus first met Adonios one of Gracchus' slave boys - and also Petronius - one of Gracchus' most senior (in rank but not in age) slaves - and Jim realized when Faunus revived that memory that Petronius was, in fact, Zac.
There were also memories of Gracchus taking Marcus to the amphitheatre where Marcus was introduced to the Roman Ludi (Games).
Previously Jim had few memories of the Roman Ludi, even after Faunus had recovered such memories after Jim had ended his treatments with Dr Brand.
Now that Jim had seemingly lost all his memories, as a result of Brandt's nefarious activities when he used a modified MRI scanner (installed in Area 51) in order to probe Jim's brain, Faunus in updating Jim's memories included memories of the numerous occasions on which Jim (as Marcus) had attended the Ludi to watch the gladiatorial contests, the wrestling and boxing, mythological re-enactments and executions.
Later this would be useful to Jim, and he would find it interesting to make comparisons between the exceptionally violent and explicit unarmed combat
sports that formed part of the Roman Ludi, and the unarmed combat sport that he was to witness (and subsequently organize) at the 'California Combat Club'.
The memories of the executions included the slow and horrific death one of Marcus' supposed 'mentors', Servius Juvenalus , who was implicated in the 'death' of Gnaeus Gracchus.
After a prolonged period of imprisonment in the Ludi Dungeons in Baiae, Servius was later subjected to prolonged public torture in the the Amphitheatre - also in Baiae, and was finally partially flayed alive, and later emasculated - finally being executed by having his throat cut.
There were also memories of the young door slave (who Jim was able to identify as Damien, who auditioned at the 'California Combat Club'.
While Damien - as the Greek door slave - had suffered appalling public torture and eventual execution in the arena at Baiae for his part in the failed attempt on the life of Marcus, he was equally mutilated and executed in the practice ring at the 'California Combat Club'.
It was a useful memory for Jim, as it showed him that events could repeat themselves, and similar crimes could be committed in a further incarnation, and equally punished in that other life.
And much to Jim's surprise there were memories of his 'little spiky haired friend' (the 'special little guy' of the 'Boss'), 'Aurarius', later to become Ethan.
But it would take Jim some time to come to terms with this sudden revelation, so Faunus let him rest - and later sleep.
Meanwhile, Faunus reported to ‘the Boss’ the apparent success of the procedure that he had undertake with Jim.
The ‘Boss’ of course was deeply relieved, and deeply grateful although, in his way, he hid his emotions well - but Faunus, of course, could read his mind, and appreciated the respect that the ‘Boss’ held for him.
Faunus, however, suggested that Jim was allowed to rest for the remainder of the afternoon, and suggested that the ‘Boss’ had Zac, Ethan and Josh contacted, and told that the previously arranged meal the ‘Boss’ had proposed earlier should take place about eight in the evening.
Late in the afternoon, Faunus gently woke up Jim.
“How are you feeling, Jim ?” Faunus asked.
“Never better !”, Jim replied.
"Well, it seems that you have an invitation to go to dinner with the ‘Boss’ and the ‘boys’, so I think you’d better be getting back to the penthouse to get changed.”, Faunus suggested.
“Yes, of course.”, Jim said, getting up from the remarkably comfortable sofa - (or did it just seem remarkably comfortable)
“I’ll come down to reception, and we can get Max to call up Chuck.”, Faunus said.
“Who’s Max ?”, Jim asked.
Faunus looked concerned.
“Sorry, just joking…”, Jim said.
“He’s the bellhop that the ‘Boss’ has taken a fancy to.”
Faunus looked relieved.
"Right - and don’t frighten me like that again.”, Faunus said - pretending he hadn't realized what Jim was really doing.
(When you can read people’s minds, you often have to pretend that you can’t - just to make them feel comfortable.)
So Chuck drove Jim back to the penthouse.
When Jim arrived, Zac, Ethan and Josh were already dressed and waiting for him.
Of course everyone was pleased to see him - and noticed that he was looking so well, and so relaxed.
“So, Jim… no more ‘wonky brain' ?”, Ethan said, grinning.
“Apparently not.”, Jim replied.,
"Well, I'm very pleased to hear that.", Zac said, joining in the conversation.
And so Jim went off to his room, (and he actually remembered where it was), and changed into something more formal.
"So where are we meeting the 'Boss' for this meal tonight ?", Josh asked, while they waited for Jim.
"Lakeside Dining...", Zac replied.
"Ah, one of Zac's favorite places...", Ethan said knowingly.
"And can we take Glaux, like we did before ?", Josh asked.
"Well, perhaps not, as we will be bringing the 'Boss' back with us to to the 'Club Jaguar' - and I don't think he'll appreciate Glaux perched on the back seat.", Zac said.
Glaux - who, for special reasons of his own, had other ideas - glowered, and turned his back on the boys.
"We'll see about that !", Glaux thought to himself, angrily - although owls don't normally think in English.....
they think in 'Owl'...
So before the boys had even left the 'Penthouse', Glaux had already launched himself off the top floor of the apartment block, and was winging his way to the 'Lakeside Restaurant'.
Now owls are not particularly fast flyers, but unlike an unwieldy Cadillac, Glaux had no problem with traffic lights, 'one-way' systems or traffic jams, so he arrived at the restaurant well in advance of the boys, and waited patiently for them.
Fortunately, because of the restaurant's 'woodland' setting, there were plenty of trees where Glaux could unobtrusively perch.
Owls, of course, have excellent eyesight (and very big eyes), and also excellent hearing.
The restaurant was open-air, but was also brightly lit, so Glaux could see (and hear) everything that was happening, and he soon spotted the ostentatious Cadillac draw up to the main entrance, and the 'Boss' and the boys being escorted to their table.
"So far, so good", Glaux thought to himself - in owl.
What was really interesting for Glaux, however, was a table quite close to the 'Boss' and the boys, but hidden from them by a pillar.
Seated at that table were an older gentleman - grey haired, with a grey beard and gold rimmed spectacles.
- A slightly foreign looking gentleman, and he was accompanied by young lady - possibly his daughter, or his niece - who, apparently unknown to Glaux, was Maria Orsitsch (Brandt's one time secretary).
Now Glaux had never seen Dr. Brandt, but Faunus had, and Faunus had passed on images of Brandt to Glaux (as a precaution), so Glaux knew that the 'would be' tourist - posing as a senior citizen - was Brandt - a 'wanted man' - wanted probably by the US security services, but also by Zac and Kurt - and probably Zac and Kurt would get to him first !
Now as usual, Ethan was talking quite loudly - enthusing over the trip that the 'Boss' and Jim were soon to make.
Glaux knew that was not good, so he sent a telepathic message to Josh, telling him that Brandt was close by, and that they should take care.
The 'Boss' turned to Zac.
"Arrange for Kurt to equip the boys and yourself with handguns - and get Kurt to arrange for all of you to be prepared to use them - as soon as possible - and get Kurt to 'deal' with Brandt.", the 'Boss said quietly and discretely.
Zac nodded in compliance.
And so the 'Boss' then changed the subject - to some extent, by starting on an involved and somewhat academic explanation of where the name 'Dixieland' cam from - hence
'Guns and Dixieland'.......
On November 28, 1861, Confederate soldiers in General Robert E. Lee's newly reorganized Army of Northern Virginia received the new battle flags in ceremonies at Centreville and Manassas, Virginia, and carried them throughout the Civil War. Beauregard gave a speech encouraging the soldiers to treat the new flag with honour and that it must never be surrendered. Many soldiers wrote home about the ceremony and the impression the flag had upon them, the 'fighting colors' boosting morale after the confusion at the Battle of First Manassas. From then on, the battle flag grew in its identification with the Confederacy and the South in general. The flag's stars represented the number of states in the Confederacy. The distance between the stars decreased as the number of states increased, reaching thirteen when the secessionist factions of Kentucky and Missouri joined in late 1861.
But...also 'as usual'... Ethan over slept.
Jim, woke around seven, with the bright sun shining in his large, luxurious bedroom.
Jim got up, found a robe (UK. 'dressing gown') in his closet (UK. 'wardrobe'), and staggered into Ethan's bedroom.
Ethan stirred, and looked up with blinking eyes.
"Oh... I thought you were never coming...", Ethan said.
"What...?", Jim replied, confused - and at that moment he heard some noise in the penthouse - the clattering of crockery, presumably from the kitchen.
"Is that Josh ?", Jim asked.
"Oh no... that's Clare, getting breakfast."
Jim looked surprised.
"And who's Clare ?", Jim asked.
"Your girlfriend ?"
Ethan instantly sat up.
"You must be joking !", Ethan replied, looking shocked.
"Your brain really must be 'wonky'...!", Ethan continued.
"The quicker we get Faunus to 'reload your memory banks' the better.
No... Clare is our very sweet housekeeper !
Like a very useful 'older sister', or an imitation 'mom', but without all the hassles that come with a real 'mom'.", Ethan explained.
At that moment Josh, fully dressed in jeans and a t-shirt came into Ethan's bedroom - with Glaux.
"If I was you, Ethan, I'd get out of bed pretty quickly.
Clare's on the 'war-path' because you're not up yet."
Jim discreetly left Ethan's bedroom with Josh, while Ethan hurriedly got up, and struggled into some clothes.
On their way out, in the corridor, the boys bumped into Clare.
"Hi Jim !
"So you're back !", Clare said brightly, giving Jim a really welcoming smile.
At that moment Ethan came into the corridor, leaving a trail of discarded clothes scattered in his bedroom.
"Ah !.. You've found him.", Ethan said, knowingly.
"Well don't expect him to recognize you - he's got 'wonky brain syndrome' again, and we're waiting for Faunus to come and fix him.", Ethan said in an annoyingly off-hand manner.
"I see...", said Clare, with an disapproving look at Ethan.
"Well Jim, it's really good to see you again." Clare said, smiling at Jim.
"Now just ignore Ethan, and come into the kitchen where I have breakfast all prepared."
The boys ate their breakfast, but said very little - and Glaux kept himself to himself.
It was, after all difficult to have a conversation with someone (Jim) who was, seemingly, a complete stranger.
As they finished eating the door buzzer sounded.
"That will be Chuck, our chauffeur", Josh explained to Jim.
Jim looked blank.
"What's a chauffeur ?", Jim asked innocently.
Ethan managed to restrain himself - with great difficulty.
"It's the guy who drives our limo, and before you ask about limos, just forget it, and wait until you've seen Faunus." Ethan said slowly and carefully.
Ethan then instantly thought about what he's just said.
"Forget it....", he mumbled to himself, and started giggling.
Josh opened the door.
"Hi Chuck !
Good news... we've got Jim back !", Josh said cheerfully.
"First class, sir.", Chuck said , very formally, as he shook Jim's hand.
"Well, let's get down and see what 'jalopy' Chuck's brought us today.", Ethan said, winking and Josh.
They quickly descended in the elevator (UK. 'lift'), and there, waiting in the parking area of the apartment block was yet another, large, and somewhat sinister looking black Cadillac.
"So that's a 'limo' !", Jim said, staring wide eyed at the huge black and chrome auto-mobile.
"Yes, Jim... and I think we've played this scene before !", Ethan said, grinning, - as his thoughts went back to the first time he met Jim at the Club Jaguar.
"So where do you think the 'Boss' gets all these limos from ?", Ethan asked Josh casually, as they all climbed into the rear compartment of the Cadillac.
"I think Faunus 'magics' them up for the 'Boss' each evening."
Josh paused, and looked quizzically at Jim
"I really don't think half the things that happen around here are real, anyway.", Josh continued.
"I sometimes wonder if anything is real - anywhere...", Ethan added.
"Well, quite the 'spiky haired' little philosopher aren't we...!", Ethan said, smiling.
And Jim just sat there - not really understanding anything his two companions were saying.
"Please !...
Only the 'Boss' can make comments about my hair !
Remember that !", Ethan retorted, tetchily.
"Yes, of course Ethan", Josh replied, grinning and winking at Jim.
Ethan then slumped back into the well upholstered, black leather back seat - obviously working himself up to one of his proverbial 'sulks'.
"Sorry Ethan - and what you said is very true.
There's a lot that goes on around here that's very odd.", Josh said, trying to calm his excitable friend.
Ethan nodded, but the mood stayed tense.
In reality, of course, it was really a bit to early in the morning for Ethan to be having a serious conversation.
While Ethan sulked, the huge limo drew up at the 'Club Jaguar'.
Chuck was quick to open the doors, and the still sleepy trio stepped out, as the hotel doormen ensured a clear path for them.
Ethan, rather moodily went up to the reception area, and announced their arrival.
In moments an under manager arrived, and escorted them to the elevator (as if they didn't already know where to find it - although, of course, to Jim the whole building was apparently a completely new experience).
Max, the elevator boy immediately whisked them up to the top floor, where Katrina (the personal assistant to the 'Boss') was waiting for them.
"Good morning, Katrina.", Ethan said, deciding to take the lead.
"Is the 'Boss' expecting us !"
Katrina smiled.
"Well... he thinks that you're a little late... so I suggest that you offer your apologies, and are a little careful.", Katrina advised.
"Thanks Katrina.", Ethan said nonchalantly, and breezed into the large, marble lined office of the 'Boss'.
The 'Boss' stood up, and moved from behind his desk.
"Good morning Ethan.
Nice of you to drop by.
Better late than never....", the 'Boss' began, a little sarcastically.
"Yes... well... er... it was my fault.
I overslept, Sir.", Ethan explained, in a not very successful attempt to be deferential.
"Well that's not unusual...", the 'Boss' commented - a slight smile playing on his lips, that indicated that he was not really angry.
At that point the door opened, and Katrina came back into the office.
"Dr Lockwood is here to see Jim." she said.
"Yes... and good morning Jim." the 'Boss said, realizing that he had not greeted Jim.
The 'Boss' then resumed his seat.
"As I should have told you yesterday, Jim, Dr Lockwood - my personal physician, wishes to give you a brief examination, just to check that you're OK.
I presume that won't be a problem - it will not take long.", the 'Boss' explained.
Jim nodded in agreement.
It was obvious from Jim's response to Lockwood's greeting that Jim had no recollection of having ever met him before - despite the fact that Lockwood had examined Jim on a number of previous occasions, and they had also met at the 'California Combat Club'.
Lockwood, of course, had been forewarned of Jim's loss of memory by Faunus, and so he was not overly concerned that Jim had not recognized him - and Faunus had assured Lockwood that Jim's memory would be restored quickly, and relatively easily.
Lockwood's concern, however was with regard to Jim's physical condition.
At that point Lockwood and Jim left the office of the 'Boss', and headed for the privacy of Lockwood's office, where the physical examination would take place.
Meanwhile, Ethan and Josh each took a seat, and waited to hear from the 'Boss'.
Once again the 'Boss' stood, and then began pacing across his office, obviously carefully choosing his words.
"Now boys, I am expecting to hear from Dr Lockwood that Jim is physically OK, after all he is young and fit, and according to Faunus, Jim seems not to have been subjected to any physical abuse while he was being kept at Area 51.", the 'Boss' explained.
"The next step will be for Faunus to re-instate Jim's previous memories - which he tells me should not be a problem.
So Jim should be back to normal sometime tomorrow."
The 'Boss resumed his seat behind his desk.
"Faunus, however, says that it would be best for Jim to then have a complete rest - away from all of you - the 'Club Jaguar', the 'California Combat Club', and even the 'Penthouse'... so I have decided to take Jim on a trip - so that he can relax, and experience something new."
Ethan was feeling jealous, but did his best not to show it.
"Sounds good... but what is this 'something new' ?", Ethan questioned, surprisingly boldly.
"Good question.", the 'Boss' replied, slightly taken aback.
"Well I've decided to take Jim west, to some parts of this country that are quieter and gentler than the rough and tumble of 'Vegas."
"So, Sir - I don't know much of the geography of this country.
Where exactly are you talking about ", Josh asked, genuinely interested.
You see, some considerable time ago there was a civil war in America, between the Southern and Northern States.
The North won, but since then the South has, to some degree, 'stagnated'.
As a result many parts of the South are quieter, more traditional - and some would say more 'backward' that the North.
But much of the South is very beautiful, and quieter than here - so it may be a good place for Jim to recover from some of his more recent experiences."
Ethan and Josh both nodded, realizing how much sense the 'Boss' was making.
"Just to show you what I'm talking about, come over and check out my desk display.
I've got a map up that will show you the places that I'm talking about."
"So, it's going to be a long drive, by the look of it.", Josh said, as he looked carefully at the map.
"Well, we could fly, but I want Jim to see the scenery, and we can stop off at some of the towns on the way." the 'Boss' replied.
Ethan looked worried.
"So what are we going to do while you and Jim are away, Sir ?", he asked, just a little petulantly.
"Well that's why we are meeting here today.
I need you both to help.", the 'Boss' stated - but seemed to be offering no further explanation.
"In what way, Sir ?", Josh asked.
"I want you to help Zac run the California Combat Club."
Ethan blinked (a bit like Glaux), obviously surprised.
"But doesn't Kurt run the Combat Club ?", Ethan asked.
"No - not really.
Kurt's like an 'under manager'.
He's good... he knows about wrestling and unarmed combat, but he doesn't have the real flair and experience.", the 'Boss' explained.
"And I suppose we do...", Ethan said, forgetting for a moment to show the respect always due to the 'Boss'.
"Actually... yes.", the 'Boss' replied, rather coldly.
"And Faunus will revive all the memories that you continue to have that will enable you to help Zac organise a spectacular 'modern Ludi' - here in Vegas." , the 'Boss' added.
"But enough's enough.", the 'Boss' said, getting up and walking to the door.
"You and Josh go off to the gym for the rest of the morning, and keep yourselves fit, and I will spend some time briefing Zac."
And with that Ethan and Josh were summarily dismissed.
"Well what the fuck was that all about ?", Ethan asked, as they walked down the corridor to the lift.
"Don't rightly know....", Josh answered.
"But we're obviously not going on any 'nice trips'.
Still, we'd better get off to the gym - as I'm sure the 'Boss' will check up on us."
And so they took the elevator down to the reception, left the 'Club', and got Chuck to drive them back to the penthouse - to pick up their kit - and then Chuck drove them to the gym.
Jim looked surprised.
"And who's Clare ?", Jim asked.
"Your girlfriend ?"
Ethan instantly sat up.
"You must be joking !", Ethan replied, looking shocked.
"Your brain really must be 'wonky'...!", Ethan continued.
"The quicker we get Faunus to 'reload your memory banks' the better.
No... Clare is our very sweet housekeeper !
Like a very useful 'older sister', or an imitation 'mom', but without all the hassles that come with a real 'mom'.", Ethan explained.
At that moment Josh, fully dressed in jeans and a t-shirt came into Ethan's bedroom - with Glaux.
"If I was you, Ethan, I'd get out of bed pretty quickly.
Clare's on the 'war-path' because you're not up yet."
Jim discreetly left Ethan's bedroom with Josh, while Ethan hurriedly got up, and struggled into some clothes.
On their way out, in the corridor, the boys bumped into Clare.
"Hi Jim !
"So you're back !", Clare said brightly, giving Jim a really welcoming smile.
At that moment Ethan came into the corridor, leaving a trail of discarded clothes scattered in his bedroom.
"Ah !.. You've found him.", Ethan said, knowingly.
"Well don't expect him to recognize you - he's got 'wonky brain syndrome' again, and we're waiting for Faunus to come and fix him.", Ethan said in an annoyingly off-hand manner.
"I see...", said Clare, with an disapproving look at Ethan.
"Well Jim, it's really good to see you again." Clare said, smiling at Jim.
"Now just ignore Ethan, and come into the kitchen where I have breakfast all prepared."
The boys ate their breakfast, but said very little - and Glaux kept himself to himself.
It was, after all difficult to have a conversation with someone (Jim) who was, seemingly, a complete stranger.
As they finished eating the door buzzer sounded.
"That will be Chuck, our chauffeur", Josh explained to Jim.
Jim looked blank.
"What's a chauffeur ?", Jim asked innocently.
Ethan managed to restrain himself - with great difficulty.
"It's the guy who drives our limo, and before you ask about limos, just forget it, and wait until you've seen Faunus." Ethan said slowly and carefully.
Ethan then instantly thought about what he's just said.
"Forget it....", he mumbled to himself, and started giggling.
Josh opened the door.
"Hi Chuck !
Good news... we've got Jim back !", Josh said cheerfully.
"First class, sir.", Chuck said , very formally, as he shook Jim's hand.
"Well, let's get down and see what 'jalopy' Chuck's brought us today.", Ethan said, winking and Josh.
They quickly descended in the elevator (UK. 'lift'), and there, waiting in the parking area of the apartment block was yet another, large, and somewhat sinister looking black Cadillac.
"So that's a 'limo' !", Jim said, staring wide eyed at the huge black and chrome auto-mobile.
"Yes, Jim... and I think we've played this scene before !", Ethan said, grinning, - as his thoughts went back to the first time he met Jim at the Club Jaguar.
"So where do you think the 'Boss' gets all these limos from ?", Ethan asked Josh casually, as they all climbed into the rear compartment of the Cadillac.
"I think Faunus 'magics' them up for the 'Boss' each evening."
Josh paused, and looked quizzically at Jim
"I really don't think half the things that happen around here are real, anyway.", Josh continued.
"I sometimes wonder if anything is real - anywhere...", Ethan added.
"Well, quite the 'spiky haired' little philosopher aren't we...!", Ethan said, smiling.
And Jim just sat there - not really understanding anything his two companions were saying.
"Please !...
Only the 'Boss' can make comments about my hair !
Remember that !", Ethan retorted, tetchily.
"Yes, of course Ethan", Josh replied, grinning and winking at Jim.
Ethan then slumped back into the well upholstered, black leather back seat - obviously working himself up to one of his proverbial 'sulks'.
"Sorry Ethan - and what you said is very true.
There's a lot that goes on around here that's very odd.", Josh said, trying to calm his excitable friend.
Ethan nodded, but the mood stayed tense.
In reality, of course, it was really a bit to early in the morning for Ethan to be having a serious conversation.
While Ethan sulked, the huge limo drew up at the 'Club Jaguar'.
Chuck was quick to open the doors, and the still sleepy trio stepped out, as the hotel doormen ensured a clear path for them.
Ethan, rather moodily went up to the reception area, and announced their arrival.
In moments an under manager arrived, and escorted them to the elevator (as if they didn't already know where to find it - although, of course, to Jim the whole building was apparently a completely new experience).
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Entrance Vestibule to the Office of the 'Boss' |
"Good morning, Katrina.", Ethan said, deciding to take the lead.
"Is the 'Boss' expecting us !"
Katrina smiled.
"Well... he thinks that you're a little late... so I suggest that you offer your apologies, and are a little careful.", Katrina advised.
"Thanks Katrina.", Ethan said nonchalantly, and breezed into the large, marble lined office of the 'Boss'.
The 'Boss' stood up, and moved from behind his desk.
"Good morning Ethan.
Nice of you to drop by.
Better late than never....", the 'Boss' began, a little sarcastically.
"Yes... well... er... it was my fault.
I overslept, Sir.", Ethan explained, in a not very successful attempt to be deferential.
"Well that's not unusual...", the 'Boss' commented - a slight smile playing on his lips, that indicated that he was not really angry.
At that point the door opened, and Katrina came back into the office.
"Dr Lockwood is here to see Jim." she said.
"Yes... and good morning Jim." the 'Boss said, realizing that he had not greeted Jim.
The 'Boss' then resumed his seat.
"As I should have told you yesterday, Jim, Dr Lockwood - my personal physician, wishes to give you a brief examination, just to check that you're OK.
I presume that won't be a problem - it will not take long.", the 'Boss' explained.
Jim nodded in agreement.
It was obvious from Jim's response to Lockwood's greeting that Jim had no recollection of having ever met him before - despite the fact that Lockwood had examined Jim on a number of previous occasions, and they had also met at the 'California Combat Club'.
Lockwood, of course, had been forewarned of Jim's loss of memory by Faunus, and so he was not overly concerned that Jim had not recognized him - and Faunus had assured Lockwood that Jim's memory would be restored quickly, and relatively easily.
Lockwood's concern, however was with regard to Jim's physical condition.
At that point Lockwood and Jim left the office of the 'Boss', and headed for the privacy of Lockwood's office, where the physical examination would take place.
Meanwhile, Ethan and Josh each took a seat, and waited to hear from the 'Boss'.
Once again the 'Boss' stood, and then began pacing across his office, obviously carefully choosing his words.
"Now boys, I am expecting to hear from Dr Lockwood that Jim is physically OK, after all he is young and fit, and according to Faunus, Jim seems not to have been subjected to any physical abuse while he was being kept at Area 51.", the 'Boss' explained.
"The next step will be for Faunus to re-instate Jim's previous memories - which he tells me should not be a problem.
So Jim should be back to normal sometime tomorrow."
The 'Boss resumed his seat behind his desk.
"Faunus, however, says that it would be best for Jim to then have a complete rest - away from all of you - the 'Club Jaguar', the 'California Combat Club', and even the 'Penthouse'... so I have decided to take Jim on a trip - so that he can relax, and experience something new."
Ethan was feeling jealous, but did his best not to show it.
"Sounds good... but what is this 'something new' ?", Ethan questioned, surprisingly boldly.
"Good question.", the 'Boss' replied, slightly taken aback.
"Well I've decided to take Jim west, to some parts of this country that are quieter and gentler than the rough and tumble of 'Vegas."
"So, Sir - I don't know much of the geography of this country.
Where exactly are you talking about ", Josh asked, genuinely interested.
"Well I hope to take Jim to Alabama, Mississippi and Tennessee, all southern states, and part of what was once the Confederate States of America.
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open this map in a new tab for a clearer view |
You see, some considerable time ago there was a civil war in America, between the Southern and Northern States.
The North won, but since then the South has, to some degree, 'stagnated'.
As a result many parts of the South are quieter, more traditional - and some would say more 'backward' that the North.
But much of the South is very beautiful, and quieter than here - so it may be a good place for Jim to recover from some of his more recent experiences."
Ethan and Josh both nodded, realizing how much sense the 'Boss' was making.
"Just to show you what I'm talking about, come over and check out my desk display.
I've got a map up that will show you the places that I'm talking about."
"So, it's going to be a long drive, by the look of it.", Josh said, as he looked carefully at the map.
"Well, we could fly, but I want Jim to see the scenery, and we can stop off at some of the towns on the way." the 'Boss' replied.
Ethan looked worried.
"So what are we going to do while you and Jim are away, Sir ?", he asked, just a little petulantly.
"Well that's why we are meeting here today.
I need you both to help.", the 'Boss' stated - but seemed to be offering no further explanation.
"In what way, Sir ?", Josh asked.
"I want you to help Zac run the California Combat Club."
Ethan blinked (a bit like Glaux), obviously surprised.
"But doesn't Kurt run the Combat Club ?", Ethan asked.
"No - not really.
Kurt's like an 'under manager'.
He's good... he knows about wrestling and unarmed combat, but he doesn't have the real flair and experience.", the 'Boss' explained.
"And I suppose we do...", Ethan said, forgetting for a moment to show the respect always due to the 'Boss'.
"Actually... yes.", the 'Boss' replied, rather coldly.
"And Faunus will revive all the memories that you continue to have that will enable you to help Zac organise a spectacular 'modern Ludi' - here in Vegas." , the 'Boss' added.
"But enough's enough.", the 'Boss' said, getting up and walking to the door.
"You and Josh go off to the gym for the rest of the morning, and keep yourselves fit, and I will spend some time briefing Zac."
And with that Ethan and Josh were summarily dismissed.
"Well what the fuck was that all about ?", Ethan asked, as they walked down the corridor to the lift.
"Don't rightly know....", Josh answered.
"But we're obviously not going on any 'nice trips'.
Still, we'd better get off to the gym - as I'm sure the 'Boss' will check up on us."
And so they took the elevator down to the reception, left the 'Club', and got Chuck to drive them back to the penthouse - to pick up their kit - and then Chuck drove them to the gym.
"That's good, Doc... so you're quite happy for Jim to go on this trip once Faunus has sorted out this memory problem.?", the 'Boss' asked.
Lockwood nodded.
"Well thank you Lockwood for your time, and your report... I won't detain you any longer.", the 'Boss concluded.
Lockwood, having been dismissed, left, and moments later the door opened and Katrina escorted Zac to the armchair that had just been vacated by Lockwood.
The 'Boss' rose to his feet, moved round his huge desk and shook hands with Zac.
"Good to see you, Zac... thanks for coming - and take a seat.", the 'Boss' said, seeming to go out of his way to be as polite as possible.
Zac sat down and looked to the 'Boss' - expectantly.
"I wanted to see you as I have some important instructions to give you - but let me give you the background first.", the 'Boss' began.
"Obviously you realize that Jim has returned...
Dr. Lockwood has told me that Jim is physically fine - if a little tired.
Faunus has assured me that he can reinstate Jim's memories - going right back to the very beginning, and he can do this today.
Jim, however, will need some time to rest and come to terms with his revived memories.
I have decided, therefore, to take him on a brief trip to a quieter, and hopefully more relaxing part of this country.
The area in question has a nickname - 'Dixieland' - and refers especially to the Southern United States.
As it happens, the term originally referred simply to the states south of the so-called 'Mason–Dixon' line, but now is more of a 'cultural reference', referring to parts of the United States that 'feel' southern.
Actually the areas that I hope to be visiting with Jim are in the South West - in particular Alabama, Mississippi and Tennessee.", the 'Boss' explained - filling Zac in with information about the US that he had previously not known.
"I see.", Zac replied, a little puzzled.
"But, may I ask, Sir, how does this effect me ?", Zac questioned.
"Well it's quite simple, Zac - while I am away, you will be in charge.", the 'Boss' said, smiling.
"Are you sure about this... I mean are you sure that I'm up to it, Sir ?", Zac asked, obviously disconcerted.
"Of course, Zac.
All the senior staff have been informed." the 'Boss' replied confidently.
"But there are a couple of things that it is important for you to organize.", the 'Boss' continued.
"The first concerns 'Brandt'.
Obviously he has now got a serious problem with the US security agencies - the CIA, the NSA, INR and the DIA - all or some of them, so he will be keeping a low profile.
Brandt, it should be remembered - in the view of US security agencies, -had released a valuable asset - 'Jim' - to an individual with no accreditation to any agency, (Faunus, disguised as 'Agent Smith'), on the basis of some blank sheets of paper ! The implication was that Brandt was, in some way, involved in this deception and he was being sought to be interrogated, - or more likely liquidated.

"Obviously you've realized that one of the reasons that I am taking Jim on a trip is to ensure that Brandt makes no further moves against him.
So, I need you to liaise with Kurt, who has the right sort of 'contacts', and ensure that we will have no further problems with Brandt - ever - and I need this done before Jim returns to 'Vegas." the 'Boss' explained.
"Understood.", Zac replied, in a manner that slightly alarmed Jim.
"Of course, by now the security agencies will have come to the conclusion that Brandt was almost certainly 'deranged', and his interest in Jim was of no significance.
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Plymouth Fury Convertible |
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Agent James Smith |
Zac smiled.
"You see how useful our Faunus is....", the 'Boss' said, leaning back in his well upholstered, black leather chair.
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Brody |
Is that clear ?", the 'Boss' continued.
"Yes Sir, perfectly." Zac replied.
"Don't worry about any financial or business matters as Franklin will deal with anything like that on your behalf.", the 'Boss' said, smiling.
"That's just as well -", Zac replied.
"Business and finance, at the moment, are a bit beyond me.", Zac admitted.
The 'Boss' then turned his attention to Jim, who had been sitting quietly, listening, but not really understanding much of what had been said.
"Now Jim, do you have any questions ?", the 'Boss' asked.
"Well... quite a lot, but they are mainly about things that I seem to have no memory of, so perhaps it's best if I wait until I've met again with Faunus.", Jim replied hesitantly.
"That... Jim, I think is very wise.", the 'Boss' said.
Jim nodded.
"So what about if you go and see Faunus now ?", the 'Boss' asked.
Jim smiled in agreement.
"Good... I'll buzz for Katrina, who can arrange for you to see Faunus, and Zac and I will drive down to the 'Combat Club', where we can get certain things arranged.
And perhaps later we can all meet up, with Ethan and Josh, for a meal ?", the 'Boss' suggested, looking obviously pleased with himself that everything seemed to be working out.
"You want me to 'phone Ethan and Josh ?", Zac asked.
"Why not... you can do it from the Combat Club.", the 'Boss' replied, as he rose from his seat and switched off his desk display.
Meanwhile, in another part of 'Club Jaguar', Katrina was escorting Jim to the elevators.
After dropping down a number of floors, Jim emerged in a corridor that he, strangely, felt was a little familiar.
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Club Jaguar Bellhop/Elevator Boy this is Max |
Now neither Jim, nor Katrina - nor Frank, nor the waiters, nor the bellhops nor the elevator-boys - nor almost anybody associated with 'Club Jaguar' knew anything about the significance of the number 33 - but as a reader of this story you should be given at least some information:
- 33 is:
- the largest positive integer that cannot be expressed as a sum of different triangular numbers.
- the smallest odd repdigit that is not a prime number.
- the sum of the first four positive factorials.
- the sum of the sum of the divisors of the first 6 positive integers.
- equal to the sum of the squares of the digits of its own square in bases 9, 16 and 31. For numbers greater than 1, this is a rare property to have in more than 1 base.
- the smallest integer such that it and the next two integers all have the same number of divisors.
- the first member of the first cluster of three semiprimes (33, 34, 35); the next such cluster is 85, 86, 87.
- the smallest Diophantine number which has yet to be represented in the form a³ + b³ + c³, where a, b and c are integers.
Strange.....yes ?
More to the point, Jim spent his first night at the 'Club Jaguar' in Room 33 - and Room 33 is where Faunus 'lives' when in Vegas.More significantly, perhaps, no number holds more esoteric significance than “33.” The number three is significant in all major religions. When the two threes are put together facing each other they offer a design that represents the ancient Hermetic maxim 'as above, so below'. The heavens mirror the earth; the high spiritual entities reflect sentient human beings - and 'The Masonic Great Seal', with the words 'Novus ordo seclorum' ('A new order of the ages') was added to the dollar bill in 1933. - The phrase 'Novus ordo seclorum' relates to the 'Fourth Eclogue' of Virgil, naming the Sibyl of Cumae - who plays an important role in 'The Story of Gracchus'
So Katrina left Jim outside Room 33.
Hesitantly Jim pressed the buzzer push.
Moments later Faunus, wearing an immaculately tailored black suite, answered the door, and invited Jim in.
The room - behind the door of number 33 - was strange !
It was like something out of a black and white film, circa 1930 - not that Jim realized that.
He just knew that it looked weird.
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Faunus in Room 33 |
Now if Jim hadn't lost his memory, and if, like all good readers, he had been following this story from the beginning, he would realize that this was definitely not the 'Room 33' that he had stayed in on the rainy night when he had so oddly arrived in Vegas.
It was the same hotel - same corridor - same door - even the same room number, but a completely different room....at least on the inside.
But, and here's the point... he'd lost his memory, so he just accepted the oddly decorated room as just another hotel room - or was it a suite ? (no bed in the room, you see.)
"So Jim, we need to do some work on your memory." Faunus said in an off-hand manner.
"OK...", Jim replied, not really understanding the implications of what Faunus was saying.
Now, one of the strange things about losing your memory is that, for most of the time, you don't know that you've lost it.
You just go around accepting the world as it presents itself to you.
It's only when somebody insists that you know them, or refers to something that you've done in the past that you begin to suspect that something is wrong.
So, at Faunus' invitation, Jim lay down on the ridiculously comfortable white sofa - while Faunus began talking softly and quietly.
The odd thing, however, was that Jim couldn't really hear, or rather understand, what Faunus was actually saying.
And nor can we...
The process of restoring Jim's memory was an 'arcane secret', light years away from the fumblings of psychologists, psychiatrists, neurologists and such like - and that is why, in the end, Brandt failed to unravel the secrets held in Jim's mind.
First, all ‘junk’ files needed to be deleted.
Then a lot of moving about of information was required, and then hidden, encrypted files (all the seemingly ‘lost memories’) needed to be unpacked and registered - and much more needed to be done, which would be too complex for even the most advanced, modern computer - and far too complex for this author to describe - so you can relax.
The most dangerous part of the whole procedure, however, was ‘rebooting’ - which involves the computer 'shutting down'.
Human brains rarely, if ever, completely 'shut-down'.
If they do - then the individual is usually declared to be‘deceased’- 'dead' - and there are not many examples of such individuals 're-booting'.
Faunus, however, had ways of avoiding such a critical situation.
Once Jim was successfully ‘rebooted’ (as Ethan, with a grin, would describe it), it was just a matter of slowly bringing Jim back to consciousness.
Jim, of course, had no conscious awareness of what had happened to him.
While Faunus had worked with Jim's mind for a number of hours - to Jim, no time would have seemed to have passed.
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Entrance to the Roman Agora - Athens |
More to the point, he could even remember his childhood in Athens, the fateful and interrupted sea crossing to Brundisium, and he was able to remember all the people he had known over the many years - many of who were now his friends, (even if they had different names) in Vegas.
Sea Crossing to Brundisium |
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Destruction of Pompeii |
In his newly 'refurbished', and very vivid memories, he now found himself in the Roman Empire of the 1st Century - during the reigns of the Emperors Nero - the brief reigns or the men who competed for the purple during the 'Year of the Four Emperors', and finally the reigns of Vespasian, and his son Titus.
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Gnaeus Gracchus and a Slave Gladiator |
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Gaius Agrippa Aelius |
There were memories of being chastised by his father for not attending to his lessons - in fact punishments for even skipping school, which Marcus often did in order to wander the streets of Athens, and go to the local gymnasion.

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Glykon (Damien) the Door Slave |
A new shock for Jim was the memory of himself as Marcus, along with a few other boys being displayed naked at the upper class slave market - and subsequently being bought by a stranger, who later identified himself as Terentius, the senior freedman and steward of a rich patrician - Gnaeus Octavian Gracchus.
Jim also recognized the door-slave, Glykon, whom he met on arriving at the 'Villa Auream' - home of Gnaeus Octavian Gracchus - as the young wrestler Damien, who had worked for Brandt, and was subsequently 'disposed of' by Kurt.
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Gracchus and Adonios at the Munera |
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Cleon |
Probably some of the most significant memories were those of the of the 'Munera' that Gnaeus Gracchus held for the deified Emperor Octavian Augustus during which slave gladiators fought - and those who were defeated were sacrificed to the 'genius' (daimon) of the then 'divine' Emperor.
It was at the 'Munera for Augustus' that Marcus first met Adonios one of Gracchus' slave boys - and also Petronius - one of Gracchus' most senior (in rank but not in age) slaves - and Jim realized when Faunus revived that memory that Petronius was, in fact, Zac.
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Adonios |
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Munera Gladiator About to be Sacrificed |
Previously Jim had few memories of the Roman Ludi, even after Faunus had recovered such memories after Jim had ended his treatments with Dr Brand.
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MRI Scanner - Area 51 |
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Execution as Mythological Re-enactment - 'Prometheus' |
sports that formed part of the Roman Ludi, and the unarmed combat sport that he was to witness (and subsequently organize) at the 'California Combat Club'.
The memories of the executions included the slow and horrific death one of Marcus' supposed 'mentors', Servius Juvenalus , who was implicated in the 'death' of Gnaeus Gracchus.

There were also memories of the young door slave (who Jim was able to identify as Damien, who auditioned at the 'California Combat Club'.
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Glykon - Disembowelled and Emasculated |
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'Aurarius', later to become Ethan |
And much to Jim's surprise there were memories of his 'little spiky haired friend' (the 'special little guy' of the 'Boss'), 'Aurarius', later to become Ethan.
But it would take Jim some time to come to terms with this sudden revelation, so Faunus let him rest - and later sleep.
Meanwhile, Faunus reported to ‘the Boss’ the apparent success of the procedure that he had undertake with Jim.
The ‘Boss’ of course was deeply relieved, and deeply grateful although, in his way, he hid his emotions well - but Faunus, of course, could read his mind, and appreciated the respect that the ‘Boss’ held for him.
Faunus, however, suggested that Jim was allowed to rest for the remainder of the afternoon, and suggested that the ‘Boss’ had Zac, Ethan and Josh contacted, and told that the previously arranged meal the ‘Boss’ had proposed earlier should take place about eight in the evening.
Late in the afternoon, Faunus gently woke up Jim.
“How are you feeling, Jim ?” Faunus asked.
“Never better !”, Jim replied.
"Well, it seems that you have an invitation to go to dinner with the ‘Boss’ and the ‘boys’, so I think you’d better be getting back to the penthouse to get changed.”, Faunus suggested.
“Yes, of course.”, Jim said, getting up from the remarkably comfortable sofa - (or did it just seem remarkably comfortable)
“I’ll come down to reception, and we can get Max to call up Chuck.”, Faunus said.
“Who’s Max ?”, Jim asked.
Faunus looked concerned.
“Sorry, just joking…”, Jim said.
“He’s the bellhop that the ‘Boss’ has taken a fancy to.”
Faunus looked relieved.
"Right - and don’t frighten me like that again.”, Faunus said - pretending he hadn't realized what Jim was really doing.
(When you can read people’s minds, you often have to pretend that you can’t - just to make them feel comfortable.)
So Chuck drove Jim back to the penthouse.
When Jim arrived, Zac, Ethan and Josh were already dressed and waiting for him.
Of course everyone was pleased to see him - and noticed that he was looking so well, and so relaxed.
“So, Jim… no more ‘wonky brain' ?”, Ethan said, grinning.
“Apparently not.”, Jim replied.,
"Well, I'm very pleased to hear that.", Zac said, joining in the conversation.
And so Jim went off to his room, (and he actually remembered where it was), and changed into something more formal.
"So where are we meeting the 'Boss' for this meal tonight ?", Josh asked, while they waited for Jim.
"Lakeside Dining...", Zac replied.
"Ah, one of Zac's favorite places...", Ethan said knowingly.
"And can we take Glaux, like we did before ?", Josh asked.
"Well, perhaps not, as we will be bringing the 'Boss' back with us to to the 'Club Jaguar' - and I don't think he'll appreciate Glaux perched on the back seat.", Zac said.
Glaux - who, for special reasons of his own, had other ideas - glowered, and turned his back on the boys.
"We'll see about that !", Glaux thought to himself, angrily - although owls don't normally think in English.....
they think in 'Owl'...
So before the boys had even left the 'Penthouse', Glaux had already launched himself off the top floor of the apartment block, and was winging his way to the 'Lakeside Restaurant'.
Now owls are not particularly fast flyers, but unlike an unwieldy Cadillac, Glaux had no problem with traffic lights, 'one-way' systems or traffic jams, so he arrived at the restaurant well in advance of the boys, and waited patiently for them.
Fortunately, because of the restaurant's 'woodland' setting, there were plenty of trees where Glaux could unobtrusively perch.
Owls, of course, have excellent eyesight (and very big eyes), and also excellent hearing.
The restaurant was open-air, but was also brightly lit, so Glaux could see (and hear) everything that was happening, and he soon spotted the ostentatious Cadillac draw up to the main entrance, and the 'Boss' and the boys being escorted to their table.
"So far, so good", Glaux thought to himself - in owl.
What was really interesting for Glaux, however, was a table quite close to the 'Boss' and the boys, but hidden from them by a pillar.
Seated at that table were an older gentleman - grey haired, with a grey beard and gold rimmed spectacles.

Now Glaux had never seen Dr. Brandt, but Faunus had, and Faunus had passed on images of Brandt to Glaux (as a precaution), so Glaux knew that the 'would be' tourist - posing as a senior citizen - was Brandt - a 'wanted man' - wanted probably by the US security services, but also by Zac and Kurt - and probably Zac and Kurt would get to him first !
Now as usual, Ethan was talking quite loudly - enthusing over the trip that the 'Boss' and Jim were soon to make.
Glaux knew that was not good, so he sent a telepathic message to Josh, telling him that Brandt was close by, and that they should take care.
Telepathy is no longer a myth, for researchers from the University of Southampton in the UK have shown that people can communicate with each other through the power of thought alone. Of course that was nothing new for Glaux and Faunus. - and such communication occurs on a number of occasions in 'The Story of Gracchus' and in this storyJosh quickly signalled to Ethan to talk more quietly, and change the subject, and whispered an explanation to the 'Boss', who quickly spotted Glaux in a tree close by.
The 'Boss' turned to Zac.
"Arrange for Kurt to equip the boys and yourself with handguns - and get Kurt to arrange for all of you to be prepared to use them - as soon as possible - and get Kurt to 'deal' with Brandt.", the 'Boss said quietly and discretely.
Zac nodded in compliance.
And so the 'Boss' then changed the subject - to some extent, by starting on an involved and somewhat academic explanation of where the name 'Dixieland' cam from - hence
'Guns and Dixieland'.......
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Coat of Arms of the Confederate States of America based on the Confederate Battle Flag |
'After a memorable meal, the 'Boss' and Jim, ensconced in the air-conditioned, luxurious comfort of their huge, black Cadillac, begin their eventful journey to to some of the south western states of the old Confederacy - and to what was once, romantically known as 'Dixieland'.