remember: to enlarge images open in a new tab
please note that this chapter may contain descriptions and images of nudity and explicit sexuality
Gib acht!
»Ich schlief, ich schlief—,
Aus tiefem Traum bin ich erwacht:—
Die Welt ist tief !«
Take heed !
"I sleep, I sleep -
"From deepest dream I have awoken -
The world is deep !"
'Also Sprach Zarathustra' - Friedrich Nietzsche
The poem 'The Midnight Song' figures as a central motif in the book 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' - by Friedrich Nietzsche. The poem first appears in "Chapter 59: The Second Dance-Song", as a psychological revelation that precedes "Chapter 60: The Seven Seals", a conclusion and affirmation of Zarathustra's philosophical ventures. Then, in the second last chapter, Zarathustra elaborates upon and explains his poem, revealing its connection to the doctrine of 'Eternal Recurrence'.
"Sit down, Jim.", Faunus said.
"We have a lot to talk about.", Faunus began.
"You have been here a while now, and you came to us rather precipitously - and I will explain why that was a little later.
The result of your 'precipitous' arrival was that I was unable to program you with an identity appropriate to this time and place - so, to those around you appeared to be a boy with 'chronic amnesia'.
Unfortunately, the 'Boss' didn't realize who you were - which was not surprising, as you didn't know who you were, and I was unable to reach him in time to give him that vital information - and even then I was not absolutely sure of your precise identity.
So, initially, the 'Boss' named you Jim - 'Jaguar Jim'.
Alarmed at your own lack of any sense of identity, he sent you to Dr. Brandt, which eventually produced it own problems.
Now, however, I am sure that you are who you are - but I am not prepared to name you, as such, and at present, but I can only give you some insight into your previous existence, and your relationship to many of those that you now find around you.", Faunus explained, slowly and carefully.
"Are you understanding me, so far, Jim ?".
Jim nodded.
"You have been given a great gift in what has happened.
Many - very many 'come back', but have no understanding of their previous selves, and no guide to help them to find that understanding - and so they are lost, and take the same path, and make the same mistakes.
This, with the understanding I am able to give you, should not happen to you."
Jim then interrupted.
"So why me, and why - I presume - the others ?, Jim questioned.
"That has a great deal to do with what happened at Eleusis, but at that moment, I'm afraid, that explanation will be of little help - but just be patient.
It should be enough for you that what has happened has happened - and having happened once - may also happen again."
'Eleusinia' - Attica - Greece |
"Yes... yes of course.", Jim said quietly, not really understanding.
"So now I would like you to relax yourself as fully as possible, and close your eyes, and I will rendezvous to pass to your mind some images and memories from your previous times.
The images will come in chronological order, and will appear to you as a very realistic dream - with images, and of the sounds and physical sensations associated with them.
A memory of these images will last for a few days in your immediate consciousness, but will very quickly fade, however they will never completely leave you, and may be summoned up, either consciously or unconsciously at a later date, but only in situations of need.
Is that clear ?", Faunus explained, and then questioned.
And so the process began...
The images and memories began in Athens - but not clearly. This was the lost - and seemingly misspent youth of Marcus.
First there were images of the 'new', Romanized city of Athens, and then the gymnasion (Greek spelling) training, and following that , the evening wheat fields, outside the city, where Marcus and Faunus first met.
Those images and memories were followed by the memories of the ill-fated voyage across the Ionian Sea, where the passengers and crew, including Marcus' parents were captured by pirates, and either killed of sold to slave traders - and this culminated in Marcus being sold into slavery - and being bought by the same steward, Terentius, and taken to the villa of the same fabulously wealthy Roman Patrician, Gnæus Octavian Gracchus - the same man who bought 'Ethan'.
Of course, this Gnæus Octavian Gracchus Jim recognized as the same person as he now knew as the 'Boss'.
Two other individuals, one a young Roman citizen, who acted as Marcus physical training instructor, and the other another was a Greek slave-boy belonging to Gnæus Octavian Gracchus - who was Marcus' first love - were included in these memories as Marcus had complex relationships with both individuals.
At this point you met Petronius - who you now think of as 'Zac', and you became the favorite of your master, Gnæus Octavian Gracchus'.
Jim then relived his introduction to Gnæus Octavian Gracchus' private arena - where gladiatorial fights and Greek wrestling and boxing, and also public executions took place.
A slave called Petronius, who Jim identified as 'Zac' supervised the arena on behalf of his master - Gracchus.
Eventually Gnæus Octavian Gracchus adopted Marcus as his son and heir, naming him Marcus Octavianus Gracchus - and Marcus became 'Master of the Games' - staging such games to celebrate the accession of the Emperor Vespasian.
At that point the visions and memories slowly faded as the swirling mists slowly blotted out all recognizable forms, and gradually dimmed, leaving Jim seemingly sitting in total darkness.
It was was not really dark, however, as Jim quickly discovered when Faunus gently told him to open his eyes.
Jim then found himself looking over the cityscape of tall buildings, silhouetted against a deep purple sunset.
Jim felt a shiver go through his body, but it was not because it was cold, but because he was deeply disturbed by what he had experienced.
"So how do you feel about that ?", Faunus, who was sitting beside Jim, asked.
"It's a lot to take in...", Jim replied, hesitantly.
"So have you any questions - or do you want anything explained ?", Faunus asked.
"Well, that's quite a question...", Jim replied, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Obviously yes... there was so much."
"OK... then ask.", Faunus replied.
"Well, to begin with... when did all of this happen ?", Jim asked.
"Oh, about two thousand years ago." Faunus casually replied.
"I see.", Jim replied, not really 'seeing' at all.
"So where have I been in all the time from then... until now ?". Jim asked, obviously puzzled.
"Actually.... nowhere.
You see, like most people, you don't really understand what time is - or was - or will be.
When you left 'then', you instantly arrived here, in 'now'.
'Then' and 'now' - in your limited way of thinking - are happening together, at the same time.
Scientists in this 'time' talk about 'quantum time', and 'quantum entanglement' - but they're just words to try and identify things that are impossible for the normal human mind to understand.
But to put it in simple words, like I said before - although not entirely accurately - everything's happening together, at the same time... so... no time passed between you leaving 'then', and 'arriving' here, at 'now'.", Faunus said with a knowing smile - knowing, of course, that Jim couldn't possibly understand.
Jim stroked his chin, looking dubiously at Faunus.
"Let's forget that.", he said, probably very wisely.
"Well... I understand that what I've seen is like a brief biography - beginning in Athens - although why I should thinks it's Athens I don't really know." Jim began.
That's evidence of 'memory leakage'...", Faunus interrupted.
"It's a good sign, and means that your memory of your 'past' is still available to you - with a little bit of help.", Faunus explained.
"It seems that you considered that your early youth in Athens was idyllic - and by the way, you were actually born in Rome, and your mother and father took you to Athens when you were a baby.", Faunus recounted.
"And do you know what my father was ?", Jim asked.
"Yes, of course.
He had a minor position in the Roman Government and, at the time that you were young, was working for the government in Athens - which was a province in the Roman Empire.
He was somewhat disappointed with you, and the pair of you didn't get along very well.
"I see...", Jim said, rather despondently.
"But no matter - he leaves the story very early on.", Faunus commented with a distinct lack of concern or emotion.
"Your father was recalled to Rome, and the three of you, there are no brothers or sisters, sailed from Athens to Italy.
The ship was attacked by pirates in the Ionian Sea, and your parents were killed, and you were taken to a port in Italy, and sold to a slave-trader.", Faunus continued.
"Ah, so that explains the ship, and the rough looking guys on the quay-side.", Jim added.
"Yes... so you were taken to be a Greek slave-boy, and not a Roman citizen, because of your Greek accent, and sold to a fabulously wealthy Roman aristocrat."
"Yes... but the image of me being sold doesn't look like me now - so why have I changed ?", Jim asked, looking concerned.
"Well, that's a 'technical' problem.
'Transporting' an individual in this way requires the imputing a 'somatic image' - if they are to have a similar identity - and that requires certain actions
If it is known, some time before, that the individual is to 'pass-on', then it can be achieved accurately, but if the individual 'passes on' suddenly and unexpectedly, then there can be problems.", Faunus explained, but seemed rather embarrassed.
"So be blunt, Faunus, you're talking about 'dying' - aren't you."
"Well yes, actually.", Faunus sheepishly admitted.
"So are you telling me that Ethan, Josh, Zac, and maybe the 'Boss', too - and me... we're all dead ?", Jim demanded to know.
"Well not as you would think of it, - after all, Ethan wouldn't be eating cheeseburgers if he was dead, now would he ?", Faunus tried to explain.
"This is not funny, Faunus.", Jim exclaimed, obviously upset.
"I know...", Faunus replied, "but regardless, I think you look better now, - more handsome in a boyish way - and you are a bit younger."
Jim looked up at Faunus, and couldn't help smiling.
"You are so weird, Faunus... but in a nice sort of way.
You tell a guy he's dead, and then you tell him he's better looking - even if he is dead." Jim said, shaking his head.
"So that's why the 'Boss'..", Faunus began.
"Who presumably is the wealthy Roman aristocrat - 'reincarnated'...", Jim interrupted.
"Didn't recognize you when he first saw you, and sent you off to Dr. Brandt.
And yes - the 'Boss' is the wealthy Roman aristocrat... and it was only when I told him who I thought you really were, that he let me get on with getting your memory back." Faunus explained.
"Well now some of it is just beginning to make sense.", Jim said, sounding relieved.
Jim paused for a moment, going through the numerous memories that had been revealed to him.
"And am I to presume from some of the later things that I saw that I was some sort of 'special favorite' of this wealthy aristocrat - like when I'm standing beside him holding some water or wine jug ?", he said, thinking of a particular memory.
"Yes indeed, but not a favorite in the sexual sense, although that was common among Roman slave owners.", Faunus said, reassuringly.
"And Zac, or at least someone who looks exactly like Zac - he appears in a number of memories.
Was he also a slave ?", Jim asked.
"Yes... a Greek slave, and he was another favorite of this Gnaeus Gracchus, and Zac, as you now know him, was responsible for organizing all the shows in Gracchus' arena.
Zac was called 'Petronius' by his master, and early on you fell in love with him - however, because of some later events, you could never do anything about that, and that was the great tragedy of your life in those times.
Jim sat thinking reflectively.
"So why was there a problem between us ?", Jim asked.
"That, Jim, is something that I will talk to you about at a later time.", Faunus said firmly and seriously.
Jim decided to change the subject slightly.

"Well spotted, - that's you, the 'Boss' and Zac and Josh in the 'Pulvinar' - like the Royal box - in Gracchus' amphitheater - and that is where there is a strange twist in the story.
The aristocrat eventually realized that you had previously been a Roman citizen, and had your citizenship reinstated, and then, much to many people's surprise he adopted you as his son, as he didn't have a legitimate son.
People were not only surprised, but in some cases jealous - and that caused problems later.", Faunus said.
"And some of the events in the arena seem very violent - was that usual ?", Jim asked.
"Oh yes.
All these ancient people were very violent, and that includes the Greeks, Romans and also the Mayans, and other Meso-American peoples - but usually in a very ritualized way - and often for 'religious' reasons - but not like people of these time who, until very recently, killed thousands upon thousands of innocent people for no particularly good reason -and then have the effrontery to call ancient civilization cruel and barbaric.
"I see...
And all of us - those who have come back - we had no problem with these events in the Roman arena ?", Jim asked.
"Of course not.
It was just part of your culture - and in a way, still is.", Faunus replied, cryptically.
"Now here we must finish, I think, Jim.
You have a lot of memories to think about, and those memories will stay vivid for some time to come, and we can talk more about them at another time...
Also, in a day or two, I will let you relive some of the later memories, which in some cases are not so pleasant - but must be faced.", Faunus said seriously.
"But I must go now...", Faunus said.
"Wait !", Jim called out as Faunus opened the glass door leading into the main living room.
"Will you tell me please... how did we 'die' ?", Jim asked.
Faunus left the glass door and turned to face Jim.
"That's one question that I am not permitted to answer - at least at this point.
Later maybe." Faunus answered solemnly.
"I'm going off now, for a short while, but I'll be back later to talk to Josh.", Faunus then said, with a seemingly cheery wave.
Josh and Ethan remained in the main bedroom, unsure of whether or not to venture out onto the deck, and see what Jim was able to report about his experiences with Faunus.
Eventually they got up enough courage to go to the glass doors leading to the deck.
Josh tapped lightly on the glass.
Immediately Jim turned to face them, and beckoned them in.
"So how was it ?", Ethan asked enthusiastically, eager as ever to know what was happening.
"Very difficult.", Jim said slowly.
"Very difficult."
Ethan and Josh looked at one another.
"So what was the problem ?", Josh asked.
Jim shook his head.
"Well it wasn't just one thing.
It's the whole business.
It's so difficult to get your head round it all.", Jim said.
"I agree.", Ethan said, "but did you learn anything more than what I told you."
"Oh yes", Jim answered, "but he's showing us things as they effect each of us, but not necessarily chronologically.
"And how's that ?", Ethan asked.
"Well in what he's told me, the 'Boss' comes into the story a lot, and also Zac.
You, however, don't seem to have appeared yet - so you seem to be in a later part of what happened - but Josh is there - but just in the background.", Jim explained.
"Well I think we should use these laptop things, write everything down that Faunus shows us, and then try to set it out into some sort of order.", Josh said, looking quite serious.
"OK, so lets have something to eat - and not cheeseburgers again Ethan - and then we can get to work.", Jim said.
Later that evening, after their meal, and after having worked on trying to put all the information they had received from Faunus on Josh's laptop, Jim 'phoned Zac.
Fortunately Zac was in his apartment on the floor below, and was happy to come up to the penthouse and have a talk.
While they waited, they went out onto the deck and fed Glaux, while discussing what they had managed to write up to that point.
Soon the buzzer sounded, and Zac arrived.
"So what's up ?", Zac asked, unaware of what Faunus had been doing recently.
Jim took the lead.
"Well, Zac, Faunus has been showing Ethan and I some of the memories of our past time - memories that we 'lost' when we arrived here.
What we would be interested in knowing is what you remember about that past time.", Jim asked.
"That seems fair enough.", Zac replied.
"But tell me... how did you and Ethan get on with Faunus' sessions.", Zac replied, apparently quite amenable to the idea.
I think it was quite difficult for both of us - as Faunus is able to get you to almost completely relive those memories".
"I see...", Zac said thoughtfully.
Then Zac launched into his own explanation...
"You see I was, I think, the first, apart from the 'Boss', to arrive - although I don't know why.
Like all of you, I was looked after by the 'Boss'.
He had been here for ages, possibly another one of those little 'screw ups', but he had met Faunus very early on, although he called him 'Don Picaro'.
And of course old Glaux was here."
At that point Glaux gave Zac an icy stare.
Glaux was not too pleased at being referred to as 'old'.
Zac noticed.
"Sorry Glaux, but its really a term of affection.", Zac, grinning, explained to the haughty little owl.
"Just as I was the first, excepting the 'Boss', to come back, so I was one of the first of Gnaeus' slave boys, being bought by him, or rather his freedman, Terentius, when I was just a kid - at least that what Faunus told me."
Jim suddenly interrupted.
"Terentius !... Yes... he's the freedman - and he he' only appeared in the memories as a background character, and doesn't seem to have 'come back'. Jim said excitedly.
"Yes, Jim. he was a freedman, and you're right, he hasn't come back, and from what Faunus says, he possibly won't be coming back.
"You see...", and Zac addressed all three boys, "according to Faunus, not everyone 'comes back', in fact most don't.
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Terentius |
"Come on, be blunt, we didn't disappear, ... we 'died'.", Jim said.
"Yes, OK....'died'.", Zac said, surprised at Jim's vehemence.
Ethan and Josh looked at one another with shocked expressions.

You may not realize it but, according to Faunus Terentius was a true philosopher, so astute that he had no need for the 'Mysteries', and on his death he would probably, simply be translated to the Empyrean, and leave all this 'nonsense' behind - or so Faunus says.", Zac said, sounding strangely serious (see below).
"The 'Empy'-whaty ?", Ethan questioned, looking completely confused.
"It's a special 'state' - Jim knew all about it when he was in his 'weird coma', long ago, but that might be a memory that none of you have recovered yet.", Zac explained, - but not very clearly.
Jim looked puzzled at the mention of a 'coma'.
"But enough !", Zac said.
"After I arrived, Faunus took me through most of my memories, and these matched very much to those of the 'Boss'.
Faunus also constructed for me an identity, and also put into my mind the knowledge that would enable me to live in this present environment.
The Empyrean is also known as the 'Hyperuranion' - a concept used by the philosopher Plato to mean a perfect realm of the 'Forms', which are aspatial (transcendent to space) and atemporal (transcendent to time). Atemporal means that it does not exist within any time period, rather it provides the formal basis for time. It therefore formally grounds beginning, persisting and ending. The 'Forms' are neither eternal, in the sense of existing forever, nor mortal, of limited duration. They exists transcendent to time altogether. The 'Forms' are 'aspatial' in that they have no spatial dimensions, and thus no orientation in space, nor do they even (like the point) have a location. They are non-physical, but they are not in the mind. The 'Forms' are 'extra-mental' (i.e. real - in the strictest sense of the word)
And so I was charged to work for my old 'master' - who here is known as the 'Boss', and to await your arrival.", Zac explained.
"And you know all about us - like what happened in the past ?", Ethan asked.
"Well - I know most of what happened, but Faunus has asked me to leave it to him to get you to remember.
Apparently me just telling you is not a very good idea.
You need to experience it for it to really become, once again, part of you." Zac said.
"So it's no use us asking you to fill in the gaps ?", Jim asked.
"No - not really.
Just be patient, Jim...
Faunus knows what he's doing - most of the time.", and Zac smiled and winked.
At that moment the buzzer went for the door, and Ethan bounded over to answer it.
"It's Faunus.", Ethan announced.
Faunus came through the hallway, and into the main living room.
"Hi guys !", Faunus said.
"I've come to have a chat with Josh, if that's convenient ?".
"That's fine... no problem.", Josh replied, getting up and going over the glass door that opened out onto the deck, while Jim, Zac and Ethan discretely retreated to the kitchen to have some more coffee.
Faunus followed Josh onto the deck.
"Well Josh.... it's your turn.", Faunus said, trying to be casual.
Josh nodded and sat down.
Faunus sat opposite him, and Glaux fluttered down and perched on Josh's shoulder.
"Now close your eyes and just relax, and I will guide you through some of your memories.", Faunus said gently.
"Do you remember, Josh, when we first met ?". Faunus asked.
"Yes, it was at the Villa Jaguar.", Josh replied.
"Well actually, no...
We met long before that, at the 'Villa Pastoralis' near Tibur, in Italy.", Faunus said.
"So that was in and earlier life ?", Josh said quizzically.
"Yes... but Glaux was there - he remembers it well - ", Faunus said, looking keenly at Glaux, and Glaux twittered.
It was then that you and Glaux became firm friends, despite the fact that he had originally been sent to Jim - but such is the way of things.
You and I, Josh, met in a dim clearing in the forest - where Glaux had led you - the result of a strange dream that you had the previous night.
It was a warm humid afternoon - and the world was half asleep.
I was hiding in a rhododendron, and you took me to be a 'faun' - hence the name I used...
The 'faun' (Latin: faunus, Ancient Greek: φαῦνος, phaunos) is a mythological creature appearing in Roman mythology, who are often depicted with small goat's horns and pointed ears. Romans believed fauns inhabited lonely, remote or wild places. They were also capable of guiding humans in need.
But I knew about you long before that."", Faunus explained.
"And who was I ?
What was my name ?", Josh asked, obviously intrigued.
"Now that's interesting, Josh.
You are the first to want to know your name in that previous life.", Faunus said.
"You were called 'Adonios' - a name that had been given to you by Gnaeus Gracchus - who you now know as the 'Boss', and you were a Greek slave-boy.
You were bought as his slave when you were very, very young.
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Gracchus and Marcus (left) and Adonios Right |
As to where you came from, your family... I don't know - but somewhere in Greece, close to Athens.
You and Petronius practically grew up together, although Petronius was quite a bit older than you, and you were a personal slave to Gnaeus Gracchus, whereas Petronius worked in the Amphitheater.
You first met Jim - then known as 'Markos', who was also a slave at the Villa Auream, during a banquet and Munera at the villa Auream.
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Decapitation in the Arena |
Once Gnaeus Gracchus adopted Marcus (Jim) as his heir, you accompanied him everywhere, and in particular attended the 'Ludi' - the Public Games - where the gladiators, wrestlers and boxers fought, and public executions took place."
There was almost no noise for a while, except the distant hum of the traffic far below.
"So, Josh.... you can open your eyes now.", Faunus said.
Josh yawned and stretched, and Glaux, who was still perched on Josh' shoulder, noisily ruffled his feathers.
"That was amazing !", Josh said, although he still sounded a little sleepy.
"Possibly,", Faunus said, "but that was just a small part of your memories of that time and place.
There's more to come - but not today."
"But tell me, Faunus.
"What's the point of showing us all of this ?
How's it going to help us live here ?". Josh asked.
"Well, as I probably told you, not everybody 'comes back', but many do.
Almost all those who do 'come back' have few or no memory of any previous lives.
That leaves a 'void' in their personalities.
This is so common that almost no one ever notices, or comments on it - but it is the reason why the vast majority of people seem to be 'half-formed' and 'empty', lacking in genuine vivacity or vitality.
You, and the others, however, by integrating aspects of your previous life into your subconscious, will develop strong and positive personalities which will enable you to be purposeful, successful and dominant individuals - which will be very much to your benefit."
Faunus then turned towards the glass door and opened it.
"Now if you come with me, Josh, ... I want to talk to all of you.", Faunus said, as he entered the main living room.
Zac and Jim, who had returned to the main room, were sitting quietly drinking their coffees, talking over recent events, and Zac was admiring Jim's new shoes - bought in LA.
"Can you ask Ethan to join us ?", Faunus said to Jim.
Jim disappeared into the kitchen, and then came back with Ethan.
Moments later everyone was seated, and Faunus began.
"Well guys... I think we are all at about the same point in reviewing our past memories - although Zac is probably just a little bit ahead of the rest of you, however, I think that I should fill in a few details, just so the things make sense.
Now for this I do not need you to 'relive' your memories now.
Your natural thought processes will probably do that, now that you have a good idea who you are.
Remember... the 'Boss' was 'Gnaeus Octavian Gracchus', Jim was 'Marcus', Zac was 'Petronius', Josh was 'Adonios', and coming last, Ethan was 'Aurarius'...
Is that clear ?", Faunus said, and then with a wicked grin he continued... " I, of course, was 'Faunus', and Glaux, of course, was 'Glaux'.", and Glaux looked around, hoping that everyone would notice him.
They all nodded in response, including Glaux.
"As I was saying to Josh - not everybody is permitted or is able to 'come back'....", Faunus continued, but was interrupted but Ethan.
"So what happens to them ?", he asked.
"Good question, Ethan... but difficult to answer.", Faunus began.
"..'thought it would be." Ethan said - a little cynically.
"Well no... more precisely, probably difficult to understand the answer
The ones that do not 'come back' simply 'drop out of time' at the ending of their life, and therefore presumably 'drop out of existence'.
In fact it is, for them, as if they had never existed at all."
"All a bit of a waste... if you ask me.", Ethan said.
"Exactly !", Faunus replied,
"And that is the tragedy of it...
And that is the situation that applies to some of the individuals with whom you were involved with in your past life.
At the moment, apart from the 'Boss', Zac and Jim, you don't have any direst memory of these individuals, as they feature at the end of these events, but in the final memory sessions that I will give some of you, you will see just why they didn't 'come back' - and, may I add, it may be just as well for us that they didn't 'come back !", Faunus said firmly.
Everyone, except for Faunus and Glaux, looked at one another anxiously.
It seemed that this series of events had a somewhat unpleasant ending.
Faunus continued...
"The individuals I am referring to, with whom you were directly involved, were Cleon, Glykon - both Greek slave-boys - Servius Juvenalius - a young Centurion, Petram - a young gladiator, and Menelaus - a freedman, working in Rome for Gnaeus Gracchus.
There were others, but those others will not be coming back either, and are of no real concern as regards understanding events."
"And why did we 'come back' ?", Jim asked.
"Because there is much more for you all to do.", Faunus replied.
"So where do we go from here ?", Jim asked.
"Well, hopefully living our 'new lives'...", Faunus replied, brightly.
And many more perhaps...".
"And will you stay with us ?", Josh - who first discovered Faunus at Tibur - asked Faunus.
"Of course... always.
I'm afraid you're stuck with me... and Glaux as well..."
And Glaux blinked and fluffed his feathers......
'The old order changes, giving place to new,
And God fulfills himself in many ways,
Lest one good custom should corrupt the world.'
Alfred Lord Tennyson