this article gives a brief description of the various characters
appearing in the Story of 'Club Jaguar'
(note: this article is subject to continuing editing as the story progresses)
'The BOSS'

the 'Boss' remains nameless throughout the events described in our story (we first meet him in Chapter II- 'The first Day').
The 'Boss' is the 'capo dei capi', as they say - the guy who, in reality, runs the town, and many others, as well.
Oddly enough - with a title like that, he is not, apparently, Sicilian - not even Italian - and he is not part of the Mafia - or more correctly, the 'Cosa Nostra'.
He is purportedly of English extraction - although few believed that story.
But he presents himself as a 'gentleman', well spoken and seemingly well educated.
He is undoubtedly not your image of the typical 'gangster' - he is just too refined.
And his name ?
Well, he is simply called 'the Boss' - and it would be a very foolish person who asked him his real name.
Not surprisingly, being the 'Boss', he appears to have no 'friends', but is surrounded always by lesser 'bosses' (managers), bodyguards, 'assistants', and often very attractive boys and girls.
Like some wealthy men collect stamps, or paintings or ' objets d'art', the 'Boss', apparently collects pretty boys and girls - but seemingly not for the reason that one would expect - which makes him a mystery to all who know him - or 'know of him'.

is the name that the 'Boss' gives to the apparently 'lost boy' (Chapter I - 'Once Upon Another Time'), found lying in the rain, outside the Casino.
'Jim' appears, seemingly from nowhere - possibly hit by a car.
He is taken by Frank, (see below) who is patrolling the casino perimeter - on the 'off chance' that the 'Boss' might take a liking to the kid.
Frank takes the youngster into the hotel and the boy is seen by the casino/hotel doctor.
Jim is not sure how old he is, or where he comes from - and couldn't even remember his name - 'amnesia' 'Doc' said - or was it ?
Later Jim is passed onto Dr. Brandt - a psychiatrist who is considered to be an authority on the human memory - but Dr. Brandt is not the person who he seems to be - as is discovered later.

Ethan is an alarmingly 'cute' teenage, blond boy who enters the story in Chapter III - 'An Evening with the Boss': - when he is sent by the 'Boss' to escort Jim to an evening at a roof-top restaurant - which is owned by the 'Boss' - overlooking nearby Lake Mead.
There is no explanation of who Ethan is, or what his relationship is to the 'Boss', but it is assumed that Ethan is another 'stray boy' who has been taken in by the 'Boss'.
Ethan - who was known as Aurarius in a previous 'time' and 'place' is strongly attracted to Jim, (for very complex reasons that shall only become apparent much later - see 'The Story of Gracchus' - [ADULT CONTENT]), and this is made easier when the 'Boss' decides that Jim should live in the luxurious penthouse (belonging to the 'Boss') that is used by Ethan.
The 'Boss' always refers to Ethan as his 'special little guy', mainly because Ethan has an endearing, almost childish innocence.
Later in the story Ethan takes care of Teddy - the oddly lifelike, animatronic teddy-bear, and close friend of Glaux.

Josh is a very sweet looking young man, who enters the story in Chapter VIII - 'A Drive on Interstate 15'.
(Josh was originally called Adonios, and despite his Latin name, given to him by Gracchus he was a Greek slave, and a companion of Marcus [Jim] - who was 'transported' from ancient times to 'modern' Las Vegas)
Initially, there is no explanation as to who Josh is, or what his relationship is to the 'Boss' (Gracchus), or any of the other boys, but his appearance has been 'arranged' by Don Picaro (later to be revealed by the mysterious 'Faunus' from the 'Story of Gracchus').
Josh has been 'picked up' by Frank in Vegas (by accident ?), and has then been driven along 'Interstate Highway 15' in yet another huge black Cadillac owned by the 'Boss'.
Josh arrives at the 'Villa de los Jaguares' - (a vast neo-Mayan home owned by the 'Boss', and later renamed the 'Villa Athena'), just in time to take part in the explanations and discussions between the boys, the 'Boss' and Don Picaro (Faunus).
The connection between Josh and the other characters, (the 'Penthouse Gang'), only becomes apparent much later - see 'The Story of Gracchus' - [ADULT CONTENT]).

Glaux, a cute and very fluffy 'baby' owl, is first mentioned in Chapter III - 'An Evening with the Boss', when the 'Boss' tells Jim and Ethan about his experiences in Mexico.
The 'Boss', however, refers to Glaux as 'Búho' (Mexican for Owl).
Later, when Don Picaro and Josh arrive, Glaux flies into the room, and the owl and Josh instantly recognize one another from 'another place' and 'another time'.
After the meeting, Glaux goes with Josh to live with Jim , Ethan, and Zac in an apartment block owned by the 'Boss'.
No one, except Don Picaro (Faunus), knows where Glaux originally comes from, and the owl must be incredibly old, as he was the pet of Don Picaro in 1924 - (the 'Athene noctua' are known to live for only 16 years !).
The initial problem on acquiring Glaux is what to feed him - and for a while he exists on hamburger meat provided by Ethan.
'Teddy' is a 'creation' of Faunus and Tony Stark (see below) - arriving at the Penthouse in a 'Fed Ex' box in Chapter 26, and is supposedly an 'animatronic toy' that can walk and talk, but it is soon discovered by the boys that if Teddy's USB charger is not plugged in he will just go on - indefinitely.......
He doesn't eat, need to use the toilet, or sleep, but he tries very hard to behave like a real human being - although, of course he's not - and he's very wise, like Glaux.
He also had 'hi-definition eyes' so he can see long distances and in the dark, and he is able to 'shut down' humans, aliens and most other things (except Glaux).
Although he was originally made as a companion for Glen Mk I, Teddy develops an abiding passion for Ethan because, as Teddy explains, "I was programmed to get along well with children".
Glen accepts this, and as he can't take Teddy to the military academy, Teddy will need a companion (apart from Glaux) at the Penthouse - and although he will not admit it, Ethan really loves Teddy.
Glen mark II thinks he's too old for a teddy-bear, so Ethan then has Teddy all to himself.
Teddy is later substantially 'upgraded' by during the first trip to Egypt - but still remains 'cuddly' and 'cute'.
Teddy is the only individual, apart from Faunus and Tony Stark, who can operate the 'Dimensional Portal'.
Please note that Teddy bears no relationship to 'TED' - as exists in some 'universes' - but Teddy may, at some time in the future, institute some such similar organization - depending on Jim's approval...

we first meet Zac in Chapter VII - 'Fitness and Fun'.
Zac, stunningly handsome and clever, yet 'street-wise', is one of the most trusted helpers of the 'Boss'.
He lives in an apartment just below the penthouse where Ethan and Jim live.
He is chosen by the 'Boss' to guide and mentor the 'boys', and to be their personal coach in a health and fitness plan that the 'Boss' has organised for the 'boys'.
Zac himself is a superb athlete, and is also a 'wizard' (how ?) in all matters relating to electronics and computers.
Zac also has more sinister responsibilities, but these only become apparent later in the story - but who is Zac ?
'PICARO' (Faunus)

we meet Picaro (known in a previous time and place as 'Faunus') in Chapter 8 - 'Drive on Interstate 15'.
A mysterious character, but central to the story, he is described by Ethan as the 'pet sorcerer' of the 'Boss'. (see 'The Daimon' for more information)
He is described, more precisely, as a 'nagual' or 'brujo' whom the 'Boss' met may years previously when he was helping to excavate Mayan ruins in 1924, (so how old does that make the 'Boss', or Picaro for that matter ?), and since then he has been a regular teacher and adviser to the 'Boss'.
Picaro, however, is considerably more than he initially seems - being, in fact Faunus from the Story of Gracchus - and his role in the life of 'the Boss' is only one of many that he performs.
Novius appears in Chapter 26 at the Arizona Inn.
Novius is a boyhood friend of the 'Boss' (who is really Gnæus Octavian Gracchus), and appears early on in 'The Story of Gracchus (the story preceding 'Club Jaguar)
Novius is 'transported' to an 'alternative America' by Faunus.
First believing himself to be a professor of philosophy at a Mormon university, called Nathan, he is subsequently 're-programmed' by Faunus with his original memories, and is re-united with the 'Boss' (Gnæus), and Jim (Marcus) in Arizona, and later the 'boys' and Glaux in 'Vegas.
Steeped in the culture, philosophy and mysticism of the late classical world, Novius, last of a long line of Etruscan priest/magicians had, in 'another time' and 'another place' faithfully served Gnæus and Marcus - and continues to do so, with valuable advice in their new and often difficult situation.
'GLEN' mark I
Glen appears in the desert, near Tucson, where Jim, Max, and Faunus are testing out Jim's new telescope.
But Glen is not Glen - yet, but a rather confused elemental, posing as an 'alien' - alone and abandoned (whom Faunus decides to call 'Roger')
To save 'Roger' from 'dissolving' into nothing, (because he has been abandoned by his companions), Faunus transforms the little alien into the apparent simulacrum of a human boy.
Subsequently Faunus provides this being - who he names 'Glen' with the personality and memories of a boy who believes himself to be Jim's cousin.
And so the 'Boss' becomes Glen's 'uncle' - and a new, young member is added to the 'Penthouse Gang.
'GLEN' mark II
During the 'road-Trip' Glen is abducted by 'aliens' (they want their 'alien back') when the 'Boss', Faunus, Jim and Ethan and Teddy are visiting Roswell.
Faunus, with the help of Teddy, eventually manage to find Glen, who is in a UFO (flying saucer) being transformed back into an 'alien Grey'.
Faunus manages to make a deal with the 'alien leader' and gets Glen back, but the process of halting and reversing the transformation leaves Glen with no memories, and a few years older.
During their time in Texas Glen undergoes initial 're-programing' by Faunus and later becomes a valued member of the group - although he is no longer presented as the nephew of the 'Boss' - which the 'Boss' likes, as he didn't like being known as 'Uncle Alex' - (an invention of Faunus).
After Brandt had abducted Jim, and Faunus had rescued Jim, Dr. Brandt continued to pursue Jim in the hope of discovering the secret of 'time travel'. After coming to terms with various US Government agencies, Brandt had become a serious problem - turning up at the 'Combat Club' with Maria Orsic. In turn Brandt was abducted by Zac and Faunus, and with the help of 'Teddy' Brandt was regressed to a teenager, with all his memories of the S.S., Third Reich and involvement with the US Government stripped away.
From then on known as 'Sigi, Brandt was sent, incognito, to Green Valley High School - by then no longer a threat to the 'Boss' and the 'boys'.

we meet Max in Chapter 16 ('Searching for Jim') when the 'Boss' gives the Club Jaguar bellhop an extremely large gratuity of $50 (UK. 'tip') for simply handing him a message.
From this it is clear that Max has caught the attention of the 'Boss'.
With separated parents, a father recently killed in a road accident, and an older brother who has disappeared, Max, who is older that he looks, having graduated from high school, is taken on at the 'Club Jaguar' by Franklin.
Jim is eventually taken on a 'road trip' to the US south-west by the 'Boss', Max is taken along as a companion for Jim, as the 'Boss' wants Jim to have 'friends' other that those from his 'previous past'.
The plan of the 'Boss' is successful, as Jim and Max become very (very) good friends.
Later Max is returned to the 'Club Jaguar', as the 'Boss' wants Jim to re-establish his relationship with Ethan.
Max Thomas is eventually is promoted by Jim to 'Assistant Director of the Entertainments Division of the Athena Corporation' - the deputy to Ethan Duncan - the Director.
Anthony Stark is the son of Howard Stark - and Howard was a business associate of 'The Boss' (Alexander Johnson - see top of page).
Anthony (Tony) Stark joins our story in Part 2, Book 3, Chapter 3 - 'The Remarkable Mr Stark' - where he travels to Egypt in order to assist Jim (James Johnson - Marcus - who has inherited the Athena Corporation from 'The Boss') in the retrieval of a 'hi-tech' object from a strange pyramid situated near the town of Armant in Egypt.
Hidden under the lapis casing of the sarcophagus is 'Armantium' - a dangerous, unearthly crystalline 'power source' capable of stopping or reversing time itself, and generating hyper-spacial anomalies.

we first meet Clare in Chapter VII - 'Fitness and Fun'.
Much to Jim's surprise Clare is the 'live in' housekeeper who looks after the Penthouse, and of course Ethan, and later Jim.
Clare, well aware of the boys' inclination, behaves rather like a young mother or older sister, and develops a particular affection for young Jim, as she is ale to empathise with his suffering as a consequence of his amnesia, and his struggle to find a sense of identity, and a purpose in his life in his new, and for him, at times disturbing situation.

is the guy who finds the 'lost boy'.
A street 'punk', Frank was 'picked up' a number of years before by an associate of the 'Boss'.
Frank, and this associate, 'Rudy', had an intense, passionate affair - at least as far as Rudy was concerned.
It ended when Rudy was found one night, emasculated, and with with a bullet in his head.
The police never found out who did it - but suspicion among those 'in the know' fell on Frank.
The 'Boss', however, took Frank under his wing - so Frank was safe, at least for a time, but most doubted if Frank and the 'Boss' ever had a relationship similar to that of Frank and Rudy.
Mr Franklin Black, is a 'geek', and his 'geekishness' - if there is such a word, was ideal as far as the 'Boss', and later Jim, was concerned.
Franklin, who was undoubtedly high on the spectrum of autism, was obsessed with -
one, 'computers', and two 'detail' - and that was about it !
So... there was no chance of Franklin indulging in any underhand or illegal business, or attempting to take over the financial empire that had been created by the 'Boss', mainly because Franklin did not have a single iota of imagination or ambition - and that was just the way the 'Boss', and later Jim, wanted it.
Generally, the 'Boss' treated Franklin as a 'sad puppy' that needed looking after but, despite this, the 'Boss' respected Franklin's monumental abilities, and relied on him almost entirely.
Jim equally relies on Franklin to guide and grow the ever developing 'Athena Corporation'.

Dr Lockwood is the private Doctor of the 'Boss', and we first meet him in Chapter I - 'Once Upon Another Time'.
He examines the boy found in the alley way, and the following day he makes a further examination, and submits a full medical report to the 'Boss', which is the usual procedure for all those who may potentially work for the 'Boss'.
Lockwood, although he is young, is very highly qualified, however the remuneration and 'perks' offered by the 'Boss' are so substantial that he lays aside any further medical advancement.
The 'Boss' can always make people 'an offer that they can't refuse'.
Apart from being on call at the various hotels owned by the 'Boss', Lockwood also acts a chief medical adviser at the 'California Combat Club'.

Dr. Siegfried Brandt (his father was obsessed with Wagner's 'music dramas') is an eminent psychiatrist, specialising in psychoanalysis and memory problems.
He first appears in Chapter V - 'Down memory Lane'
Trained in numerous universities in Germany, he is considered to be a leading specialist in his field.
On qualifying, and establishing his reputation in Europe, he subsequently emigrates to the United States, where he runs a highly lucrative practice.
His special area of interest and research is in 'Dissociative Disorders', and in particular trauma induced amnesia, and it is for this reason that the 'Boss' chose him to treat Jim.
There is more to Brandt than meets the eye, however, as later events shall show......particularly with regard to his age, his receptionist, and his activities in Germany in the thirties and forties.
Maria is the 'receptionist' at the psychiatric establishment run by Dr. Brandt.
Originally the leader of a group of female psychic mediums, Maria Orsitsch (Orsic) of Zagreb, a member of the Thule Gesellschaft, who claimed to have received communication from Aryan aliens living on Alpha Tauri, in the Aldebaran system, was the subject of experiments with regard to longevity.
Fleeing Germany at the end of the Second World War, and settling with Dr. Brandt in Vegas, she became involved in Brand's investigations into the possibilities of 'time travel'.
Faunus eventually catches up with her, strips her of her memories, and dispatches her to an outpost of Franklin's financial empire situated in Mexico.
famous as a 'genius rocket engineer', and later the 'public face' of NASA, young Wernher, while studying as a student in Berlin, is 'hijacked' by Faunus, Ethan and Teddy at the behest of the mysterious 'guardians', and reprogrammed to become a famous composer, (writing scores for Walt Disney films).
In this way, apparently by interfering with the previously established timeline in their 'alternative reality', the wrath of the 'creepy' ET's, who were 'freaking out' about the US space program is avoided - and Teddy also gets another chance to 'show off' his German.
Assistant Police Chief Eckart of the Henderson Police Department in Nevada is tasked with investigating the death of Damrosch - the manager of the 'Club Jaguar Paradise Park Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Eventually the Police department decide that the death of Damrosch is a suicide, and the matter is officially dropped.
For Jim, however, Brody's involvement in the mysterious death binds the young man even more firmly to the Penthouse Gang'.
Clyde is the 'Assistant Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation'.
He works directly with J Edgar Hoover - the 'Director' .
Hoover and Tolson work together more than 40 years.
They traveled together on vacation and official business, ride to work together, and share lunch nearly every day at Washington’s 'Mayflower Hotel', and sometimes even wear matching suits.
Both Hoover and Tolson have a hidden predilection for good looking young men - despite Hoover's well known condemnation of homosexuality.
Hoover decides to place Tolson in charge of the investigation of the 'Athena Corporation' in Las Vegas, and it is there that Tolson meets, with the young wrestler Caleb.
J Edgar Hoover is the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation - a part of the United States Department of Justice. Hoover lived his entire life in Washington, D.C.
Hoover obtained a Bachelor of Laws from the George Washington University - and later was initiated as a Freemason. Hoover's denial of the Mafia's existence, and his failure to use the full force of the FBI to investigate it were possibly due to Meyer Lansky and Frank Costello's (Mafia Leaders) possession of embarrassing photographs of Hoover in the company of his protégé, FBI Deputy Director Clyde Tolson and it is speculated that Clyde Tolson, who became an Assistant Director to Hoover, was a homosexual lover to Hoover. Hoover is also reported to have used the services of 'rent boys' on many occasions.
When Jim inherited the position of 'Dominus' (Boss) on the demise of Alexander Johnston (Gnaeus Gracchus), he immediately dismissed Katrina - basically on the premise that she knew too much, and could not be trusted once her 'Boss' was no longer the head of the corporation (what happened to her subsequently only possibly Zac or Kurt knew).
Emma was Jim's choice for his personal secretary.
Always looking immaculate - in and unlikely and 'creepy' way (according to Ethan) - Ethan developed the obsession that Emma was a very realistic android - (a human version of Teddy - but not so cute, cuddly, fury or intelligent and knowledgeable as Teddy)
Note Teddy was even smarter that Franklin - and that was saying something ! - Later, Emma and Police Chief Eckart 'became an item' - which was not a smart move

Kurt Neumann is a young 'associate' of the 'Boss' who has taken over the management of the prestigious 'California Combat Club'.
Having practiced numerous combat sports himself in the past, he is an accomplished trainer, with an excellent eye for new talent.
He also has an excellent appreciation of the requirements of the sophisticated and wealthy audience who attend the 'spectacles' offered by the California Combat Club.
We first meet Kurt in Chapter XIV - 'A New Beginning', when he supervises the auditions of the two new wrestlers, Damien and Brody.
Kurt is Jim's contact with 'organized crime' when needed, always carries a Beretta 92FS - and will not hesitate to use it in order to protect the 'Boss' - or any of his associates.

Adam is a young photographer, initially employed by the 'Boss' but now working for Jim, who produces work almost exclusively for the 'California Combat Club'.
He was originally discovered by a 'friend' of 'Frank' when Adam had been hustling the 'bars' but, from his time at High School, Adam had always been obsessed with photography.
The 'Boss' took a liking to Adam - sent him to college to study photography, and bought him the most expensive equipment on the market.
Adam was what was known in this 'time' and 'place' as a 'flit' (male homosexual), with a penchant for boys of his own age (or younger), and this made him ideal for the kind of photography he was required to produce 'publicity' photos for the Combat Club.

Tripp is a boy from Valley City, in North Dakota, of German stock (45% in Valley City), who drifted down south and ended up in 'Vegas. He attempted to 'hustle' Kurt one evening, but Kurt was not interested, and instead, seeing that the boy was badly undernourished, took him for a meal. Kurt liked Tripp, and thought he could help the kid by giving him a position at the 'California Combat Club' as a 'gopher' (UK. 'dogsbody'). At that task Tripp performed exceptionally well, and after a very short while he proved to be indispensable around the club - becoming the club 'mascot' and favorite of many of the fighters, and a constant companion to Marty, the initial 'manager' of the club. When Jim and the 'Penthouse Gang' took over the club, and Marty was dismissed by the 'Boss', Tripp, sensibly, transferred his attentions to Jim, Ethan, Josh and Zac - and then later, to Brody (initially much to Ethan's annoyance).

Mikey Christopher Harrison is another one of Kurt's 'discoveries'.
He is a boy from the far north - Canada in fact.
He's another boy searching for sun and a good life, who drifted down south and ended up in 'Vegas.
Kurt took a fancy to Mikey and gave him a position at the 'California Combat Club' as the 'second-string gopher' (UK. 'assistant dogsbody').
He joins the Combat Club at the time that Jim takes over as the new boss.
Ethan takes an instant liking to Mikey - and d Mikey is deeply involved in the plans to 'bring down' Clyde Tolson of the FBI.

is a teenage 'wanna be' wrestler, first appearing in Chapter 12 - 'Reflections and New Ventures', who is eager to 'make it big' by obtaining a contract with the 'California Combat Club', based in Nevada (LA) and California (Vegas).
This is a franchise, overseen by Marty - who later gets dropped in favor of Kurt.
In the first part of the story, Kurt is intending to create a lucrative betting 'scam' by using the talents of this very tough young fighter.
In addition, the undoubted good looks, and all to obvious undercurrent of sexual allure and seeming vulnerability - an attraction affecting both sexes - makes Brody, who inevitably ends up stripped stark-naked and 'horny' in almost every fight, an asset to the business.
Brody also assists Faunus (somewhat unwillingly) on some of Faunus' rather odd exploits.
Later, Brody attached himself to the 'club mascot', Tripp.
Johnathan Kent is a 'farm-boy' from Hutchinson, Kansas.
First spotted by 'the Boss' in the media as a one time 'star' High School Wrestler, no the orders of 'the Boss' he is tracked down by Jim and Ethan.
After prolonged negotiations with Martha Kent, Johnathan's mother, and generous financial inducements, Johnathan finally decide to move to Las Vegas, and trains as a wrestler at the California Combat Club.
Once at the 'Club', Johnathan trains hard - 'learns the ropes' - and makes an unlikely partnership with Brody.
Johnathan later become the co-equal star with Brody, and a major asset to the club
As the two boys are similar in height, weight and physique, Kurt decide to let the two lads have a 'practice bout' while the 'Boss' and Jim watch.
Unknown to the organizers of the wrestling 'auditions', Damien is not all that he seems, being in the pay of some rather unscrupulous characters.
Eventually, when things begin to go 'wrong' Damien is very roughly questioned by Kurt, and finally comes to a very unpleasant and 'sticky' end.
It seems that the 'Boss' has not changed much since the days at the amphitheater at Baiae (Story of Gracchus).
Damien, of course, looks suspiciously like Glykon, the sinister 'door slave' at the Villa Auream - who also came to a very 'sticky end'.'
As Kurt explained, Caleb had come down from Iowa - a 'farm boy' looking to 'make it big' in glamorous 'Vegas... who Kurt thought would make a good match for Johnathan.
Iowa is a state in the Mid Western region of the United States, bordered by the Mississippi River to the east and the Missouri River and Big Sioux River to the west. It is bordered by six states: Wisconsin to the northeast, Illinois to the east and southeast, Missouri to the south, Nebraska to the west, South Dakota to the northwest, and Minnesota to the north. Iowa, in common with other Midwestern states (especially Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota), has felt the brunt of 'rural flight from the land'.
Eventually a good friend of Mikey
'Paco' - who's real name is Francisco Valiente, comes from Santiago el Pinar, an appealingly poverty-stricken town, in the state of Chiapas in Mexico.
With no possibility of making his way in Mexico, 'Paco' illegally crosses the border at Calexico, California and then makes his way to Las Vegas, and for three years, where he 'works' as a male stripper and 'escort', before finding his way to the 'Combat Club'.
Having had some wrestling experience in Mexico as a teenager, Kurt, having checked out 'Paco's' credentials, is happy to take the well muscled Mexican boy on at the 'Combat Club' as one of the 'wrestling' team - and 'Paco' subsequently proves extremely popular with the 'Club' members...
to be continued as more characters appear...
with brief résumés
this is an additional article for your further enjoyment of