"I have had a most rare vision.
I have had a dream past the wit of man to say what dream it was,
And a man is but a fool if he goes about and tries to tell of this dream."
Unexpectedly , strange things happen in sleepy Armant...

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'Egyptian Sunset' |
Later, in the evening, after dinner, Faunus turned up.
Where he had been, or what he had been doing he did not say, and nobody asked.
The 'boys' were feeling a bit sorry for Teddy, realizing that he had been putting a lot of work into making their 'treks', as Glen had quite innocently put it, more meaningful, and maybe even enjoyable with all the explanations and information that he had given them.
So they gathered in the lounge, while Faunus had a long talk with Glaux, and they nicely asked Teddy to finish off giving his answer to the question that Ethan had asked about the 'Duat-thingy'....
"Well, if you really want me to explain a little more - then OK.", Teddy said, in response to the suggestion made by Zac, on behalf of the others.
"You see, the problem that we have is that the ancient Egyptian religion began so very long ago, and their way of thinking about things in general seems to have been very different to our way of thinking now.
Also, because their religion developed over many thousands of years it obviously changed and developed.
And then, of course, there's the problem that Egyptologists seem to find it difficult to agree about almost anything between themselves.", Teddy began.
"Yes... but what can you tell us, in a simple way, about this 'Duat-thingy', in addition to what you already told us earlier.", Ethan asked.
"OK... the first thing you must understand is that the ancient Egyptians were not 'logical' in the way that 'modern' people try to be - so they could quite easily hold two or more ideas to be true, even if they were contradictory.
"Yes... well that does make things difficult...", Josh commented.
"Well not that difficult, Josh.
You see in very early times the ancient Egyptians believed that they were close to the time - the 'Zep Tepi' - when the 'neteru' had been the 'rulers' of Egypt - a time when the 'neteru' were 'incarnated' on earth - and so the priests believed that they were close to the true teachings of the 'gods'."
And Ethan nodded wisely, having finally remembered what 'incarnated' meant.
So Teddy continued -
"Later, other ideas were incorporated into the Egyptian religion which were mainly intended to placate the 'ordinary' people, and the original ideas of the astral and solar 'religion', while not abandoned, were less prominent.
"Later, other ideas were incorporated into the Egyptian religion which were mainly intended to placate the 'ordinary' people, and the original ideas of the astral and solar 'religion', while not abandoned, were less prominent.
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Stellar Shafts of the 'Great Pyramid' - Giza - Cairo - Egypt - Reconstruction |
This probably explains the purpose of the 'astral shafts' to be found in the 'Great Pyramid' at Giza, which are precisely aligned to the 'circumpolar stars', and the stars in 'Orion'.
This, of course, is based on the idea, described in the 'Pyramid Texts', that the Pyramid was not a tomb, but a 'resurrection device', designed to project the 'soul' of the Pharaoh to the 'Amduat' - where he would become a 'star', and join the 'gods'.
Later, for reasons that are not exactly clear, the actual underground tombs of the Pharaohs, and other high status individuals, were seen as models for the 'Amduat', and so the 'afterlife' - once thought of specifically as an 'astral' destination, was seen more in terms of the 'Underworld', modelled on the underground chambers and tunnels that you have seen in the necropolis of the 'Valley of the Kings' - on the West Bank at Thebes.
The tomb that best illustrates this later idea of the afterlife is 'KV 34' - the tomb of the Pharaoh Thutmose III.
'KV 34' is one of the first tombs to be dug in the Valley, and it was cut high in the cliff face of the furthermost wadi.
It is undoubtedly one of the most complex designs to be found in the valley, and a full version of 'Amduat', an important New Kingdom funerary text, decorates the vestibule, making it the first tomb where the complete text was found.
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Tomb of the Pharaoh Thutmose III. |
Later, for reasons that are not exactly clear, the actual underground tombs of the Pharaohs, and other high status individuals, were seen as models for the 'Amduat', and so the 'afterlife' - once thought of specifically as an 'astral' destination, was seen more in terms of the 'Underworld', modelled on the underground chambers and tunnels that you have seen in the necropolis of the 'Valley of the Kings' - on the West Bank at Thebes.
The tomb that best illustrates this later idea of the afterlife is 'KV 34' - the tomb of the Pharaoh Thutmose III.
'KV 34' is one of the first tombs to be dug in the Valley, and it was cut high in the cliff face of the furthermost wadi.
It is undoubtedly one of the most complex designs to be found in the valley, and a full version of 'Amduat', an important New Kingdom funerary text, decorates the vestibule, making it the first tomb where the complete text was found.
The wall decorations in 'KV 34' are very strange, being shown in a simple 'diagrammatic' manner, rather than the more typically lavish wall decorations seen on most other royal tomb walls.
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The Boat of Millions of Years |
The 'diagrammatic' images themselves appear to clearly show the underground chambers, passageways and corridors to be found in the later royal tombs.
Always included in these decorations, however, are representations of the 'Boat of Millions of Years' conveying the 'sun god', which is a 'hangover' from the 'Pyramid Texts', from which the later funerary texts were derived.
The deceased pharaoh, in the various tomb texts, was identified with Ra - the sun 'god' - who was believed, each night, to defeat Apophis, who was given the titles 'Enemy of Ra', and also 'Lord of Chaos' - and was always represented as a snake or serpent..
And that's about it - as far as the 'Duat' goes....", Teddy said.
And then it was time for bed.
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Armant Island - River Nile - Upper Egypt - Morning |
The 'Hadeel' had set off as soon as it was light for Armant, and by the time that breakfast was over the large dahabiya was mooring on the East Bank, just a little way from the lush Armant Island.
As the limos were on the wrong bank of the Nile, there was no immediate hurry to get ready for the trip, as it would take time for the limos to drive down to the nearest road bridge, and then drive back up to where the 'Hadeel' was moored.
With breakfast over, the limos arrived.
"So where's Faunus ?", Ethan asked Jim, as they settled themselves in the air conditioned auto.
"He didn't say... but he just told me to get on with the trip...", Jim replied.
"And this 'trip-thingy' - is to where ?", Ethan asked.
"It's to the Temple of Montu.", Jim said.
"Now I don't really understand this.
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Armant - Map |
I told everybody yesterday about Armant, and also about the 'Temple of Montu', and there's not much there - only a few columns and a gateway - so I can't see why we should go all the way there way just to look at it.", Teddy said, sounding a little annoyed.
"And also I haven't got any plans of the temple...", Teddy added.
"Well Faunus also said something about Armant being the legendary entrance to the 'Duat'..." Jim said.
"Yes... but that is just a legend, and anyway if it really existed, it would be on the West Bank - and we're on the East Bank.", Teddy replied.
"Well, if there's not much to see at the 'Temple of Montu', we could always cross over - I think there's a bridge near here - and we could have a look at the other side, as I think Armant is on both sides of the river, and there might be some shops there.", Jim suggested.
And so Jim told the driver to make his way to the Temple of Montu, and the other two limos followed.
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Temple of Montu - Armant - Upper Egypt |
The roads were only village roads, but there was very little traffic so they were soon able to reach their destination.
The temple site itself was completely deserted.
They left the limos and scrambled over some of the odd stone blocks scattered around the site.
"So there your are 'boys'.", Teddy announced.
"As I told you before there is not much to see.
But what I forgot to tell you, however, is the fact that there is another Temple of Montu - known as the 'Precinct of Montu', which is part of the Karnak Temple Complex which we visited when we first came to Luxor.", Teddy explained.
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Karnak Complex showing the Precinct of Montu - (extreme right) |
"OK... so we've 'done' that, and it's still early, so why don't we cross the river, and see the main part of Armant - and who knows - we might come across the 'creepy' entrance to the 'Duat' that Ethan's always asking about.", Josh suggested.
So Jim gave instructions to the drivers, and they crossed to road bridge leading to the East Bank - and drove on, to the main part of the town of Armant.
As Teddy had already explained... because hardly any, (or maybe even no), tourists visited Armant, the town itself was a very unspoiled - a typical Upper Egyptian farming town.
Armant was what many American visitors would describe as 'quaint'.
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Armant - Main Street - Upper Egypt |
In reality it was dirty and poverty stricken.
Its redeeming features, however, were the friendliness of its people, and of course, the sunshine helped.
To those from the northern hemisphere, sunny places almost always seem more welcoming and romantic, which was why so many people in the US migrate from north to south.
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Road to Armant - Upper Egypt |
Jim decided that the limos should be left at the police checkpoint, close to where the main road entered the town, in order not to attract too much attention from the 'locals'.
They then made their way through the streets and alleyways of the town.
However, it was almost impossible for the 'boys' not to attract attention, as they were the only non-Egyptians in the town, and were conspicuous by their expensive Western clothing, and the fact that they were all fair skinned - even if well tanned - and fair-haired (except for Ismail).
Armant, of course, was not the sort of town in which the 'boy's usually liked to do their shopping.
Armant was a 'farmer's town', specialising in everyday items - tools, food, supplies - and the clothing and shoes on sale were 'work clothes' and inexpensive shoes.
It was a good place to buy a Galabia, but not a pair of Armani jeans.
It was, however, and excellent place for fresh fruit, spices and such like.
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Coffee Shop - Armant - Upper Egypt |
But initially they were looking for refreshment - but not being a 'tourist town', there were few, if any, restaurants.
Ismail, however, managed to find what, at first sight looked like a large 'hole in a wall', which turned out to be a coffee shop.
The owner appeared to be away, but there was one young man who was apparently looking after the establishment.
"Right, my young sir... tea all-round for my friends !", Ethan said imperiously.
The boy, who was very shabbily dressed, but also very handsome, looked at Ethan with an uncomprehending grin.
"Ethan... I think most of the people living here don't understand English...", Max said.
Of course Max couldn't really help, but Ismail was able to sort things out.
"الشاي لجميع أصدقائي ، من فضلك", Ismail said, and the waiter gave an alarmingly 'cute' smile, and went off to prepare the order.
"Of course... that's what I said...", Ethan said, looking sheepish.
"So, this seems to be the 'real Egypt'..", Zac said, looking around.
"Yes indeedy... and smelly...", Ethan said.

"Now there's more here than smelly alleyways here, according to my database.", Teddy said...
"Apparently there's a 'necropolis' - that's a burial place, Ethan, for bulls, like at Saqqara, near here, just where the town meets the desert.", Teddy said rather unexpectedly.
"Yes... I do know what 'necropolis' means...", Ethan said, sounding annoyed.
"OK, so why didn't you tell us about this before ?", Zac said, sounding equally annoyed.
"Well no one asked before... but if your all going to be angry with me, I won't tell you anything about the 'Buchis Bull'...", Teddy said.
"Now come on Teddy, we were just a bit surprised that there was something else here... so would you like to tell us about it ? - Please...", Jim said gently.
"Yes... well that's better....
You see it's a big database, and sometimes I just don't notice things.", Teddy explained.
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Buchis Bull |
"أنا أحب دمية دب الخاص بك..", the handsome boy who was serving them said, as he brought them their 'shai'.
"OK, well, in ancient Egyptian mythology, Buchis was the 'neter' who represented of the 'life-force' of the war 'god' Montu, and he was worshipped at Armant.", Teddy began.
"What did that boy say, when he brought us our tea ?", Ethan asked Ismail.
"He said 'he likes our teddy-bear'...", Ismail replied.
"Now do you want to know about the Buchis Bull or not ?", Teddy asked, annoyed that Ethan and Ismail appeared not to be listening.
"Yes, of course... it's just that the boy who brought us our 'shai'....", Ismail began...
"Yes, I know... he likes me... OK ? - I do understand Arabic...", Teddy said, sounding even more annoyed.
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Montu - Cult Statue |
"So, anyway...", Teddy continued "the Buchis Bull was subsequently identified as a form of the Apis Bull, and consequently was considered to represent Osiris.
The last burial of a Buchis Bull took place probably in twelfth regnal year of the Roman Emperor Diocletian.", Teddy concluded.
"So now all we have to do is ask someone where the 'bull necropolis' is, and we just might find the legendary site of the entrance to the 'Duat', and then Faunus will be happy.", Glen said.
So they paid for their 'shai', let the cute boy who had served them 'shai' tickle Teddy's ears, and then got Ismail to 'pop the question' - "هل تعرف أين هي مقبرة الثور".
Ismail, however was not surprised when he got the answer - "آسف لا أعرف".
"Sorry Mr Jim... he doesn't know", was Ismail's reply.
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Boy selling Papers - Armant - Upper Egypt |
So then they started wandering the narrow streets of Armant, and were soon accosted by a young boy selling news-papers.
"You like paper ?", he asked in not very grammatical English.
"Wowy... we've found someone who actually speaks English.", Ethan said.
"Yes, the children all learn English at school - but most of the adults here are too old, and have no English...", Ismail said.
"OK, then ask him about the bull cemetery, Ismail...", Jim said.
So Ismail repeated the question - "هل تعرف أين هي مقبرة الثور".
The boy immediately replied, "نعم اعرف".
"He knows...", Ismail told Jim.
"So where ?", Zac asked.
The boy then explained to Ismail where the cemetery was, and said that his older brother had a taxi, and could take them there.
Jim then got Ismail to explain that it was not possible, but if the older brother could come to the coffee shop where they had just been, and give Ismail directions, he would be well paid.
The boy then ran off, and the 'gang' returned to the coffee shop, and waited.
Only minutes later the boy returned with his brother, and the brother and Ismail had a brief conversation.
"It's not far away, just on the outskirts of the town.", Ismail said.
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Osiris |
It was not long before the three limos arrived, and Jim paid off the young paper-seller and his older brother once he was satisfied the drivers knew where to go.
So they travelled almost due West, which was a good sign, as ancient Egyptian burials were always in the West in the direction of the mythical 'Duat'. - and for that reason Osiris had, among his many titles that of 'Lord of the West'.
Eventually they came upon some dilapidated buildings, and nearby was the archaeological site, apparently abandoned.
Teddy then made a further search of his database.
"Yes... it seems that the excavations took place between 1926 and 1932.
The excavations were led by by Sir Robert Ludwig Mond, for the 'Egypt Exploration Society'.
These excavations revealed a series of burials of 'sacred bulls' from the 30th Dynasty into the later Roman period.", Teddy said.
"And that's it ?, Max asked.
The limos had pulled up by 'Bucheum House', the dilapidated 'site building' used many years before as the headquarters for the bull necropolis 'dig', and the boys got out and 'stretched their legs'.
As with so much of the Nile Valley, the built up area ended almost without warning, and suddenly they found themselves in the desert.
So then the 'boys' climbed up onto the crest of one of the dunes.
"Now that really shouldn't be there...", Ethan said.
"No... but it does look a bit familiar...", Glen said.
"Yes... I think we need to go back to the boat and talk to Faunus - if we can only find him.", Jim said.
"So should I take a photo..?", Josh asked.
"Good idea, Josh.". Jim replied.
So Josh got out his Hasselblad and took a few pictures.
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Hasselblad Preview |
"This is odd...", Josh said as he checked the previews.
"Just the dunes, and nothing else...", Josh said, mystified.
"Well, there's that lens flare." Jim said.
"Okey dokey... I'll try with my camera.", Ethan said.
But Ethan got the same result - and his camera was also a Hasselblad - exactly the same as that belonging to Josh.
"So perhaps it's not really there - just a mirage, or a 'hallucination-thingy'...", Ethan suggested.
"No... it's really there, but just doesn't want to be seen - just yet...", Teddy, who was sitting on the sand, gazing at the very obvious pyramid said.
"And I'll really need a very good brushing after all this sand...", Teddy added.
"So what do you know about this 'thingy' ?" Ethan asked.
"More that you could possibly imagine...", Teddy replied
"Well then, if you're not saying, we'll ask Faunus !", Ethan retorted.
"But... if you give me a really good brushing when we get back to the Hadeel - I might consider telling you...", Teddy added.
"OK - that's a deal...", Ethan said.
And so, with no record of what they had seen, the 'boys' and Teddy returned to the limos on the other side of the dune, and made their way back to the Hadeel.
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The Vision in the Desert |
And Jim was left wondering if what they had seen was a 'mirage', or the greatest Egyptological discovery ever - or perhaps something else - even more strange.

"OK guys, now when we get into the limos, don't say anything - I don't want any of the drivers getting any fancy ideas...
It's just straight back to the 'Hadeel', and then we can talk - but we really need to see Faunus - so lets see if we can find him.", Jim said.
Eventually the limos arrived on the East Bank, where the 'Hadeel' was moored.
Ethan and Glen in particular experienced a certain sense of relief as they mounted the gangplank and stepped on board.
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Hadeel Sundeck - Armant - Upper Egypt |
Seeing the strange 'vision' in the desert had unnerved them, as it reminded them vaguely of events that had occurred in the Chaco Canyon.
Once on board they made their way to the sundeck and flopped down in the comfortable wicker chairs.
At that point Ethan excused himself, and went down to the cabin to retrieve Teddy's brush, as he suddenly remembered the deal he had made on the dune with Teddy earlier.
"So Josh tells me that you couldn't take a photo of whatever it was out there in the desert ?", Glen said, questioningly.
"Yep... that's about it, but of course it could have been a fault in the camera..", Ethan said, as he began vigorously brushing Teddy.
"What... both cameras ?", Glen said.
"Well, Teddy has a theory that what we saw 'doesn't want to be seen - just yet'...", Ethan replied.
"That's very strange...", Glen said.
"Strange, but not surprising...
By now nothing surprises me !", Ethan said.
Then Jim joined them.
"So have you come to any conclusions ?", Jim asked.
"No... and have you come across Faunus ?", Ethan replied.
"No... no sign of him...", Jim said, sounding puzzled.
"So, Teddy, what have you got to tell us, now that I'm brushing you.", Ethan asked.
"Well to begin with, it's not an ancient Egyptian building, otherwise it would have come to the attention of the Egyptologists in the 1920s and 1930s, and anyway, it looks brand new - with no signs of age or erosion at all.
And it's hardly likely to be a reconstruction, designed by the Egyptian government to encourage tourists to visit Armant, after all, nobody comes to Armant.", Teddy began, as Zac, Josh, 'Sigi', and Max joined the group.
"Also, I can find no information in my database, or on the internet about a pyramid at Armant.", Teddy added.
"So ?", Josh said...
"So it's nothing from round here, but I believe it's for us, and we need to get in touch with it - or them - and find out what's going on.", Teddy said.
"Quite right.", Faunus said, who had Glaux perched on his shoulder, and who seemed to have turned up from nowhere.
"And the obvious candidate to get in touch with 'them' is Glen..", Faunus added.
Now to Max, Sigi, and Ismail - who had also joined them, Faunus' suggestion did not seem to make much sense - but then they did not know much about previous events.
"As long as Glen has no objections...", Jim said.
"Well it was part of the original 'deal' at the 'Devils Tower'...", Glen said.
"True...", Jim agreed.
"So I'll leave it up to you and Glen to work out...", Jim said.
"So is that it ?", Ethan asked, sounding disappointed.
"Yes Ethan.. just wait, and we'll see what might be arranged.", Faunus said - as he walked off with Glen.
"Well you didn't have a lot to tell me, Teddy... so I didn't really get much in return for giving you a good brush.", Ethan said.
"Well there is more - if you take me down to the cabin..", Teddy suggested.
"Okey dokey... then let's go down to the cabin...", Ethan said.
And so Ethan, Jim and Teddy went down to the cabin, leaving Josh to talk to Glaux.
"OK Teddy - 'spill the beans' !", Ethan said, trying to act like one of the characters from his 'fifties movies'.
"Now please just wait a moment while I get settled on my cushions..", Teddy said
And so, with them all sitting on the large double bed in the cabin, Teddy, with the kittens, Bastet and Sekhmet sitting either side of him, started his explanation.
"Well to begin with, this was probably planned by Faunus at about the time we left Aswan.", Teddy began, as Bastet yawned, and Sekhmet started washing.
"It all began with that talk about 'aging', when we were sailing away from Aswan, and if you remember Faunus mentioned Glen, Max and 'Sigi', and said that about them he was not entirely sure - but that he'd be 'working on it'...
Well he apparently 'worked on it', and it seems that he needed to take us to a place we he would have access to some sort of 'technology' - for want of a better word - where he could halt the aging process for them - and Armant - the legendary hidden entrance to the 'Duat' - happens to be the place - and, seemingly by accident, today we found it.", Teddy explained.
"Yes, but you know that there's no such thing as something 'accidental' with Faunus...", Ethan said.
"And that's why what we saw today looked like a pyramid.", Jim said.
"Yes, Jim... very good...
Faunus and I have been hinting for some time that the pyramids were not built as tombs, but were an ancient form of 'technology' - as is made clear in the 'Pyramid Texts' - and the pyramid form was designed to connect the Pharaohs with the stellar powers.
Now this has nothing to do with the various weird ideas of those who believe in 'Ancient Aliens' theories.
As to who built the Pyramids - or more precisely the 'Great Pyramid' - or how it was built - that is neither here nor there.
The important point is that it was built, and was never intended to be a tomb - or a 'power plant', or a 'beacon' for UFOs, or whatever.
The design of the 'Great Pyramid' - and only the 'Great Pyramid' - is a device for focusing the stellar power of the 'neteru' - or anyone else who happens to know how to use the pyramid.
It's as straightforward and as simple as that !", Teddy said.
"So why all the other 'pyramid-thingys' ?", Ethan quite sensibly asked.
"Duds...", Teddy said curtly.
"All failed attempts to copy, or maybe improve on the original", Teddy continued.
"A pyramid, you see, is a very precise instrument, and has to be precise in every part of its structure - and so it has never been duplicated.", Teddy explained.
"So what's that thing we saw today on the edge of the desert at Armant then ?", Jim asked.
"That is a sort of 'Platonic representation'...", Teddy explained - but not very helpfully.
"OK, so why don't we just go back to Giza - if we need a 'pyramid-thingy' ?", Ethan said.
"Well, as I'm sure you noticed, the 'Great Pyramid' at Giza is not in very good condition - so it doesn't work any more.", Teddy said.
"Mm... true...", Ethan said, thinking back to their visit to Giza, and all the dusty, 'crumbly' bits of stone.
"Yes, Teddy, but you said it could not be duplicated, so how is that thing in the dunes going to be of any use ?". Jim asked.
"Good question, Jim, but as a student of Hellenistic philosophy you should realize that the 'thing in the dunes', as you put it, is not a 'copy', or a 'duplication', it is the true 'Form', from which the 'Great Pyramid' in Giza had its origin - so it's even better than what ignorant people might call the 'real thing'.", Teddy said.
"Ah... so we're back to that guy Plato, and his 'forms' - which I really don't understand...", Ethan said, looking decidedly confused.
"Quite right, Ethan...", Teddy remarked - leaving the real meaning of what he had just said open to conjecture - and he tickled Sekhmet, who purred in response.
And so Ethan looked even more confused.
"So anyway - if Faunus can get Glen to make a 'connection', then hopefully we can soon go back, with Glen, Max and 'Sigi', and use the 'facilities' in the pyramid, and 'fix up' the 'boys' so that we all remain 'forever young' together...or at least don't age too rapidly until we find a more permanent solution.", Teddy suggested.
"Well I hope that pyramid in the desert is not going to be as cramped, dark and dirty as the one we visited at Giza.", Ethan said.
"Oh no... this one is the way the pyramid that we visited in Giza should have been...", Teddy said.
"And what do you mean by that ?", Jim asked, rather confused.
"Well, what I really mean is that if the 'Great Pyramid' at Giza hadn't been constructed by fallible humans, then it could have been a 'perfect form', like the one we saw in the desert.", Teddy replied.
"What, you mean without all the dust, spiders, and crumbly bits ?", Ethan asked.
"Yes... I suppose...", Teddy said, not wanting to get into a difficult discussion with Ethan.
"So Josh tells me that you couldn't take a photo of whatever it was out there in the desert ?", Glen said, questioningly.
"Yep... that's about it, but of course it could have been a fault in the camera..", Ethan said, as he began vigorously brushing Teddy.
"What... both cameras ?", Glen said.
"Well, Teddy has a theory that what we saw 'doesn't want to be seen - just yet'...", Ethan replied.
"That's very strange...", Glen said.
"Strange, but not surprising...
By now nothing surprises me !", Ethan said.
Then Jim joined them.
"So have you come to any conclusions ?", Jim asked.
"No... and have you come across Faunus ?", Ethan replied.
"No... no sign of him...", Jim said, sounding puzzled.
"So, Teddy, what have you got to tell us, now that I'm brushing you.", Ethan asked.
"Well to begin with, it's not an ancient Egyptian building, otherwise it would have come to the attention of the Egyptologists in the 1920s and 1930s, and anyway, it looks brand new - with no signs of age or erosion at all.
And it's hardly likely to be a reconstruction, designed by the Egyptian government to encourage tourists to visit Armant, after all, nobody comes to Armant.", Teddy began, as Zac, Josh, 'Sigi', and Max joined the group.
"Also, I can find no information in my database, or on the internet about a pyramid at Armant.", Teddy added.
"So ?", Josh said...
"So it's nothing from round here, but I believe it's for us, and we need to get in touch with it - or them - and find out what's going on.", Teddy said.
"Quite right.", Faunus said, who had Glaux perched on his shoulder, and who seemed to have turned up from nowhere.
"And the obvious candidate to get in touch with 'them' is Glen..", Faunus added.
Now to Max, Sigi, and Ismail - who had also joined them, Faunus' suggestion did not seem to make much sense - but then they did not know much about previous events.
"As long as Glen has no objections...", Jim said.
"Well it was part of the original 'deal' at the 'Devils Tower'...", Glen said.
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Glen on the 'Hadeel' at Armant - Upper Egypt |
"So I'll leave it up to you and Glen to work out...", Jim said.
"So is that it ?", Ethan asked, sounding disappointed.
"Yes Ethan.. just wait, and we'll see what might be arranged.", Faunus said - as he walked off with Glen.
"Well you didn't have a lot to tell me, Teddy... so I didn't really get much in return for giving you a good brush.", Ethan said.
"Well there is more - if you take me down to the cabin..", Teddy suggested.
"Okey dokey... then let's go down to the cabin...", Ethan said.
And so Ethan, Jim and Teddy went down to the cabin, leaving Josh to talk to Glaux.
"OK Teddy - 'spill the beans' !", Ethan said, trying to act like one of the characters from his 'fifties movies'.
"Now please just wait a moment while I get settled on my cushions..", Teddy said
And so, with them all sitting on the large double bed in the cabin, Teddy, with the kittens, Bastet and Sekhmet sitting either side of him, started his explanation.
"Well to begin with, this was probably planned by Faunus at about the time we left Aswan.", Teddy began, as Bastet yawned, and Sekhmet started washing.
"It all began with that talk about 'aging', when we were sailing away from Aswan, and if you remember Faunus mentioned Glen, Max and 'Sigi', and said that about them he was not entirely sure - but that he'd be 'working on it'...
Well he apparently 'worked on it', and it seems that he needed to take us to a place we he would have access to some sort of 'technology' - for want of a better word - where he could halt the aging process for them - and Armant - the legendary hidden entrance to the 'Duat' - happens to be the place - and, seemingly by accident, today we found it.", Teddy explained.
"Yes, but you know that there's no such thing as something 'accidental' with Faunus...", Ethan said.
"And that's why what we saw today looked like a pyramid.", Jim said.
"Yes, Jim... very good...
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Pyramid Texts |
Now this has nothing to do with the various weird ideas of those who believe in 'Ancient Aliens' theories.
As to who built the Pyramids - or more precisely the 'Great Pyramid' - or how it was built - that is neither here nor there.
The important point is that it was built, and was never intended to be a tomb - or a 'power plant', or a 'beacon' for UFOs, or whatever.
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Great Pyramids - Stellar Shafts |
It's as straightforward and as simple as that !", Teddy said.
"So why all the other 'pyramid-thingys' ?", Ethan quite sensibly asked.
"Duds...", Teddy said curtly.
"All failed attempts to copy, or maybe improve on the original", Teddy continued.
"A pyramid, you see, is a very precise instrument, and has to be precise in every part of its structure - and so it has never been duplicated.", Teddy explained.
"So what's that thing we saw today on the edge of the desert at Armant then ?", Jim asked.
"That is a sort of 'Platonic representation'...", Teddy explained - but not very helpfully.
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'Great Pyramid' at Giza - Egypt |
"Well, as I'm sure you noticed, the 'Great Pyramid' at Giza is not in very good condition - so it doesn't work any more.", Teddy said.
"Mm... true...", Ethan said, thinking back to their visit to Giza, and all the dusty, 'crumbly' bits of stone.
"Yes, Teddy, but you said it could not be duplicated, so how is that thing in the dunes going to be of any use ?". Jim asked.
"Good question, Jim, but as a student of Hellenistic philosophy you should realize that the 'thing in the dunes', as you put it, is not a 'copy', or a 'duplication', it is the true 'Form', from which the 'Great Pyramid' in Giza had its origin - so it's even better than what ignorant people might call the 'real thing'.", Teddy said.
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Plato |
"Quite right, Ethan...", Teddy remarked - leaving the real meaning of what he had just said open to conjecture - and he tickled Sekhmet, who purred in response.
And so Ethan looked even more confused.
"So anyway - if Faunus can get Glen to make a 'connection', then hopefully we can soon go back, with Glen, Max and 'Sigi', and use the 'facilities' in the pyramid, and 'fix up' the 'boys' so that we all remain 'forever young' together...or at least don't age too rapidly until we find a more permanent solution.", Teddy suggested.
"Well I hope that pyramid in the desert is not going to be as cramped, dark and dirty as the one we visited at Giza.", Ethan said.
"Oh no... this one is the way the pyramid that we visited in Giza should have been...", Teddy said.
"And what do you mean by that ?", Jim asked, rather confused.
"Well, what I really mean is that if the 'Great Pyramid' at Giza hadn't been constructed by fallible humans, then it could have been a 'perfect form', like the one we saw in the desert.", Teddy replied.
"What, you mean without all the dust, spiders, and crumbly bits ?", Ethan asked.
"Yes... I suppose...", Teddy said, not wanting to get into a difficult discussion with Ethan.
for a description of the 'Great Pyramid' that the 'boys' visited at Gizeh- go to:
Chapter XI - 'The Message'
"And what do Glen, Max and 'Sigi' think about all of this ?", Jim asked.
"Well, so far they haven't been told...", Teddy replied.
"Perhaps they should be told - I mean if this theory that the pyramid can enable a person to slow the aging process is correct, then shouldn't they be given a choice, after all, some people might not want to remain young - or maybe they would like to be a bit older than a teenager before they stopped aging.", Jim suggested.
"Perhaps, but that's not for me to decide - and I don't want you telling anybody else about our conversation - Faunus might not like it.", Teddy said nervously.
"Of course... anything between you, me and Ethan is just for us...", Jim said, and Ethan nodded in agreement.
"That's nice..", Teddy said.
So they went up to the sun deck with the kittens - and waited to see what would happen.
Lunch came and went, and there was no news.....
Ethan, of course, couldn't just do and say nothing, so he decided to have a quiet chat with Teddy.
"So, Teddy, what's this 'ancient form of technology' that you mentioned earlier ?", Ethan asked.
Teddy thought for a moment....
"Now, like we said, this is just between us...", Teddy began.
"The technology - if that's what you want to call it, is something that is powered by the pyramid itself - by the shape, proportions and size of the pyramid.", Teddy said tentatively.
"Yes... so what's it like - this 'technology' ?", Ethan asked, trying to encourage Teddy to divulge a little more.
"Well I don't really know how it works... but I do know what it's like...", Teddy said.
"So... what's it like ?", Ethan asked, sounding quietly exasperated.
"Well it's big enough for a person to fit inside...", Teddy said,
"I... see...", Ethan said suspiciously.
"Now you need to understand that the ancient Egyptians had no conception of 'technology', as we understand it.
To them events that they could not understand were 'magic' - and also, surprisingly, they had no word in their language for 'religion'... so religious beliefs, and what we understand as technology, all got mixed up, and were thought of as 'magic'.
Now the 'neteru' used 'technology' to prolong their lives - and if you have been following what I have been saying, you will see how that 'technology' became part of the ancient Egyptian's 'magical religion'." Teddy said.
"Mm... makes sense so far..", Ethan said.
Jim, of course, had also been quietly listening, but wisely said nothing as he was curious as to what Teddy might reveal.
Teddy continued...
"So... the ancient Egyptians mummified their dead, placed them in a coffin - or sometimes more than one coffin - one fitting in another, and the the mummified body and coffin - or coffins - were placed in a sarcophagus - like with Tutankhamen.
All this was in imitation of the real 'technological' process of placing a 'neter' in a 'sarcophagus' in a correctly proportioned pyramid - and the result of that was, apparently, to rejuvenate - in some cases - or to stop the biological clock - in other cases - and this is what enabled the 'neteru' - who, remember, were not 'gods' or 'Æons', who are 'ever-living' - to become 'immortal', or 'forever young'.
Do you understand ?", Teddy concluded.
"Yes... just about. ", Ethan replied hesitantly.
"And you think this pyramid in the desert outside Armant will have a 'sarcophagus-thingy' inside ?", Ethan asked.
"Probably...", Teddy replied.
"And so all we have to do is plonk these 'boys' - one at a time of course - into the 'sarcophagus', and 'shazam' ! - they will just stop getting any older ? ", Ethan said.
"Well that's what's supposed to happen...", Teddy replied.
"And what about 'Sigi' ?
He was made younger - by many years - by you in Room 33, remember ?", Ethan asked.
"But that was not actually by me - Faunus was responsible for that... I only 'hypnotized' him so that Faunus could make him younger.", Teddy said.
"So tell me, Teddy", Jim began, finally entering the conversation.....
"Why does 'Sigi' need to be included in this weird business, as he has already been transformed from his older self, as the nasty Dr Brandt, into the teenage 'Sigi'."
"Well as I understand it, because Faunus didn't transport 'Sigi' from one time dimension to another, 'Sigi's' biological clock wasn't stopped, so from then on he would start ageing again, and would end up, many years from now, like his former self - nasty Dr Brandt.", Teddy explained.
"Ah - so you have revealed something there...
this business of making people young has got something to do with moving through different 'times', but then we did that by going back to 1920s Berlin...", Ethan said.
"Yes, very clever, Ethan, but we were only there for a couple of days - not long enough for it to have any lasting effect, and anyway, your clocked stopped in 79 AD - just after Vesuvius erupted !
But just believe me, Ethan - if we are all to get into the same 'time slot', from what I can see, Faunus needs to use this Pyramid - and that's why he got us to stop here in Armant.", Teddy said insistently.
"Perhaps they should be told - I mean if this theory that the pyramid can enable a person to slow the aging process is correct, then shouldn't they be given a choice, after all, some people might not want to remain young - or maybe they would like to be a bit older than a teenager before they stopped aging.", Jim suggested.
"Perhaps, but that's not for me to decide - and I don't want you telling anybody else about our conversation - Faunus might not like it.", Teddy said nervously.
"Of course... anything between you, me and Ethan is just for us...", Jim said, and Ethan nodded in agreement.
"That's nice..", Teddy said.

Lunch came and went, and there was no news.....
Ethan, of course, couldn't just do and say nothing, so he decided to have a quiet chat with Teddy.
"So, Teddy, what's this 'ancient form of technology' that you mentioned earlier ?", Ethan asked.
Teddy thought for a moment....
"Now, like we said, this is just between us...", Teddy began.
"The technology - if that's what you want to call it, is something that is powered by the pyramid itself - by the shape, proportions and size of the pyramid.", Teddy said tentatively.
"Yes... so what's it like - this 'technology' ?", Ethan asked, trying to encourage Teddy to divulge a little more.
"Well I don't really know how it works... but I do know what it's like...", Teddy said.
"So... what's it like ?", Ethan asked, sounding quietly exasperated.
"Well it's big enough for a person to fit inside...", Teddy said,
"I... see...", Ethan said suspiciously.
"Now you need to understand that the ancient Egyptians had no conception of 'technology', as we understand it.
To them events that they could not understand were 'magic' - and also, surprisingly, they had no word in their language for 'religion'... so religious beliefs, and what we understand as technology, all got mixed up, and were thought of as 'magic'.
Now the 'neteru' used 'technology' to prolong their lives - and if you have been following what I have been saying, you will see how that 'technology' became part of the ancient Egyptian's 'magical religion'." Teddy said.
"Mm... makes sense so far..", Ethan said.
Jim, of course, had also been quietly listening, but wisely said nothing as he was curious as to what Teddy might reveal.
Teddy continued...
"So... the ancient Egyptians mummified their dead, placed them in a coffin - or sometimes more than one coffin - one fitting in another, and the the mummified body and coffin - or coffins - were placed in a sarcophagus - like with Tutankhamen.
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Ancient Egyptian Sarcophagus |
Do you understand ?", Teddy concluded.
"Yes... just about. ", Ethan replied hesitantly.
"And you think this pyramid in the desert outside Armant will have a 'sarcophagus-thingy' inside ?", Ethan asked.
"Probably...", Teddy replied.

"Well that's what's supposed to happen...", Teddy replied.
"And what about 'Sigi' ?
He was made younger - by many years - by you in Room 33, remember ?", Ethan asked.
"But that was not actually by me - Faunus was responsible for that... I only 'hypnotized' him so that Faunus could make him younger.", Teddy said.
"So tell me, Teddy", Jim began, finally entering the conversation.....
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Dr Siegfried Brandt |
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'Sigi' |
"Well as I understand it, because Faunus didn't transport 'Sigi' from one time dimension to another, 'Sigi's' biological clock wasn't stopped, so from then on he would start ageing again, and would end up, many years from now, like his former self - nasty Dr Brandt.", Teddy explained.
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City Arms Berlin |
this business of making people young has got something to do with moving through different 'times', but then we did that by going back to 1920s Berlin...", Ethan said.
"Yes, very clever, Ethan, but we were only there for a couple of days - not long enough for it to have any lasting effect, and anyway, your clocked stopped in 79 AD - just after Vesuvius erupted !
But just believe me, Ethan - if we are all to get into the same 'time slot', from what I can see, Faunus needs to use this Pyramid - and that's why he got us to stop here in Armant.", Teddy said insistently.
And then, quite suddenly, Faunus arrived on the sundeck with Glen, Max, and 'Sigi', and came over to where Jim was sitting.
"Now, if you've got no objection, I think we should have a late lunch, or early dinner - whatever you want to call it... and go back to Armant...", Faunus said enthusiastically.
As Faunus had made no mention of his discussions with Glen, Max, and 'Sigi', Jim decided it would probably be best not to bring up the matter, and Ethan and Teddy wisely decided to follow suit.
The group who were invited by Faunus for this hurriedly arranged visit consisted of Glen, Max, and 'Sigi' - obviously - plus Jim, Ethan and Teddy - so they could manage with just two limos.
In next to no time they were down the gangplank, and into the autos.
"Are you sure we don't need to take anything with us ?", Ethan spluttered.
"No, everything's just just fine !", Faunus replied.
"And presumably you got the 'go ahead' for this expedition ?", Jim asked.
"Well Glen did - not that he can remember anything about it now...", Faunus said rather casually, Ethan thought.
After crossing the road bridge to the East Bank, there was no trouble at the police checkpoint at the entrance to the town, as Faunus showed his Egyptian 'State Security' pass (!) to the police, and explained in Arabic why they were coming into the town - obviously not giving the real reason.
The roads were practically empty, and they quickly made their way through the narrow streets of Armant, as the pink glow of sunset settled over the town.
By the time they reached the edge of the town, Jim and Ethan were becoming increasingly nervous - wondering what new weird 'game' Faunus might have arranged, but Glen, Max, and 'Sigi' seemed to be oblivious to the possibilities that might lie ahead.
"So Glen got a message ?", Ethan asked, as they made their way to the dunes.
"Well sort of...", Faunus said.
"But we should be able to get this over with without any trouble, as the pyramid will be there for tonight.", Faunus added, and at that point they came to 'Bucheum House', the abandoned 'site' building.
After they had all left the autos, Jim then dismissed the drivers, who took the limos back to the outskirts of the town, waiting to be recalled by cell-phone.
Jim was not sure what was going to happen, so he wanted to make sure that there were no witnesses to any unusual events.
By the time they had all reached the dunes it had become quite dark, and heavy clouds were rolling in from the north.
"Looks like it's going to be one of those nights...", Ethan remarked.
"What do you mean...?", Teddy asked.
"You know... thunder and lightning, and all those dramatic 'special effects'.
The only place we didn't get all that nonsense was at the Temple of Isis - which at least made a change...", Ethan said.
And so they waited...
Glen, Max, and 'Sigi' said nothing, and Jim was beginning to suspect that Faunus had used one of his hypnotic 'tricks' on them, which in the circumstances was probably just as well.
As they waited, it got darker, and the wind began to freshen, creating the beginnings of a mini-sandstorm.
"Tell me, Faunus, is that a real pyramid, or just one of your 'illusion-thingys'.", Ethan asked.
"Oh it's there, Ethan - but it's more like a 'beacon'....", Faunus replied.
"Oh...", Ethan said nervously.
"You mean a 'beacon' for them...", Ethan said.
"Yes... sort of...", Faunus said, obviously scanning the cloudy sky.
"So shouldn't we go down to the pyramid ?", Ethan asked.
"Yes, I think so, and remember... 'a fool off his guard, could fall, and fall hard, out here on the dunes'....", Faunus cautioned.
(this is what comes of too much of Ethan and Disney)...
And so they stumbled and slipped in the darkness down the side of the dune, and down towards the temple building in front to the pyramid.
Just as they began their climb up the steps to the temple entrance there was a sudden flash of sheet-lightning, followed by an ominous rumble.
Not surprisingly they expected rain, but this was Egypt, so no rain followed the lightning and thunder, and they were soon in what they believed to be the safety of the tall temple doorway.
There were no doors to this strange temple that had so suddenly appeared in the desert, but beyond the imposing entrance a large hall presented itself to them.
"So... I wonder who lit all theses burning braziers ?", Ethan said.
"Who cares... at least they'll give us light and keep us warm.", Max said, speaking for the first time since they had left the 'Hadeel'.
Max, along with the others in the group had, during the time they had been in Egypt, learned that the nights could sometimes be quite cool.
"So are we quite safe in here, because I just had a quick look outside and the weather seems to be getting real bad..?", Glen asked.
"Oh yes, Glen... by the looks of this, the temple is probably made of sandstone, and it looks practically new - which is very strange - but regardless, it's probably a good place to be..", Teddy said reassuringly.
"Anyway, Glen all this wind and thunder and lightning is all just for the effect - I don't think it's really real at all...", Ethan said, rather confusingly.
"Also... there's something down the end there that seems quite familiar...", Ethan observed.
"Yes, it's an inscription from the Pyramid Texts - just like the ones in Chaco Canyon.", Teddy said.
"And what does the whole place remind you of ?", Faunus asked, in his best schoolmasterly manner.
""Well... the Valley and Sphinx Temples in Giza...", Jim replied.
"Yes, and that's why I've had so much to say about them recently.", Faunus said.
But while they were having a pleasant conversation, and slowly exploring the vast hall in which they found themselves, something very strange was occurring high above them.
Being inside the huge sandstone hall they had, of course, no idea what was happening outside - until - there was a sickening rumble as the whole edifice shuddered.
Then there was silence - which was almost as scary.
"So...that sounds good - now perhaps we should go upstairs...", Faunus said.
"Well if that sounds good, I would hate for something bad to happen...", 'Sigi' said.
"And this place has an upstairs ?", Ethan questioned.
"Yes - of course - just like the 'Great Pyramid' at Giza.", Faunus replied.
Faunus then led them through a series of rather grim, creepy looking passages and hallways, and up a number of flights of stairs, and after a while they had no idea of where they actually might be in the pyramid.
And as they made they way to the upper levels of the pyramid, just as in the 'Great Pyramid' in Giza, nowhere did they see any inscriptions, hieroglyphs or carvings - except for the inscriptions from the 'Pyramid Texts', (which, incidentally, are not found in the 'Great Pyramid' at Giza).
"How many more dusty steps are there ?", Ethan moaned, as they continued to climb.
"I bet the cleaners in this place are those lazy little 'grey guys'...", Glen said.
"Ah - the 'grey aliens'...", Teddy said... and immediately launched into one of his little mini-lectures.
We've all had probably more than we can take of little 'grey aliens'.", Ethan said.
"Pesky little things if you ask me....".
It was at this point that they came to a door that blocked their way at the end of the 'creepy' hallway they had entered after coming to the end of the previous stairway.
"Now I really get the feeling that I've seen that door before...", Ethan said.
"I think you have, Ethan... it's like the one in the pyramid ship at Chaco Canyon - although this one is nicer - but the same general design...", Teddy said in his Egyptologist mode.
"So, Faunus... do we knock on the door, or just wait for some barely dressed Egyptian boy called Kha-met, or maybe Khonsu - or whoever - to come and escort us ?", Ethan asked with a note of sarcasm.
"I think all we need to do is just push it..", Faunus replied.
And as Kha-met didn't turn up to greet them, Jim and Faunus simply pushed open the door - with Teddy pretending to help.
Having opened the heavy gold plated doors, they found themselves in a sparsely decorated room - again with no inscriptions or reliefs except for a wall of gold 'Pyramid Texts'.
"Good... this is where we want to be !", Faunus said.
"Oh... is it ?.... And why's that ?", Ethan said obviously confused.
"Because of that !", Faunus said, pointing to a large object in the centre of the room.
"Which is ?", Ethan asked, continuing to be puzzled.
"Well it looks like a 'hi-tech' sarcophagus to me...", Teddy said.
"So who's dead ?", Ethan asked.
"No-one... it's for Glen, Max, and 'Sigi'...
Try and remember you conversation with Teddy earlier...", Jim said, beginning to sound a little exasperated with Ethan's constant questions.
"So where are the 'greys', or the fake ancient Egyptians ?", Glen asked.
"They're not here.
There's only us here... so let's get on with it." Faunus said.
"So what do we do ?", Max asked nervously.
"Like I told you, it just takes a few moments lying in the sarcophagus."
"And on our own - I hope...'Sigi' said.
"Yes, of course...", Faunus replied.
"So what shall we do while this weirdness is going on ?", Ethan asked.
"Just quietly sit on the steps...", Jim suggested.
"So who's going in first ?", Faunus asked.
Glen stepped forward.
"And you're sure it doesn't hurt - or have any nasty after effects ?", Glen asked.
"Of course not... it's painless and perfectly safe...", Faunus replied.
"And if you like I'll take your photo, just to prove that you did it...", Ethan offered with a smile.
"OK... then I'll go first.", Glen said.
Glen, of course had previous experience of this sort of 'weirdness', so he was more confident than Max or 'Sigi.
So Faunus pressed some of the odd looking gold buttons, and the Sarcophagus opened, and Glen, after removing his shoes, climbed in.
It seemed only a matter of minutes before sarcophagus began to slowly reopen.
Once the cover had fully opened, Glen sat up looking groggy.
"Was that it ?", he asked, sounding confused.
"Yes, Glen... and are you feeling OK ?", Faunus said.
"Yes... I think so... a bit dizzy perhaps... but it seems like I've been in there for hours or maybe longer.", Glen said - looking round, puzzled.
"No, just long enough for Jim to take a photo of me and Teddy.", Ethan said.
"OK... let's get this over with...", Faunus said, and guided Max to the sarcophagus.
"You're sure it's safe ?", Max asked looking very nervous, as he climbed in.
"Of course, Max... look at Glen, he looks fine.", Faunus said, trying to be reassuring.
So Max followed Glen for a session in the hi-tech sarcophagus.
"... 'want to sit on the sarcophagus again ?", Ethan asked Teddy.
"Definitely no... and I think we should hurry up, and get out of here...",
Teddy said ominously.
Now it seems that Teddy had become aware of a presence that could cause them a serious problem.
The mechanisms that enable Teddy to regularly update his various databases were operated electromagnetically, so basically Teddy had a 'scanner' that could detect, among other things, police communications - and that is exactly what he had detected.

The 'gang' returns to the Winter Palace - and the Egyptian Police investigate - but events in Armant remain a mystery for the authorities.
The gang visits Dendera - the last of the Ptolemaic temples, and Zac and Josh take their revenge in Armant.
"Now, if you've got no objection, I think we should have a late lunch, or early dinner - whatever you want to call it... and go back to Armant...", Faunus said enthusiastically.
As Faunus had made no mention of his discussions with Glen, Max, and 'Sigi', Jim decided it would probably be best not to bring up the matter, and Ethan and Teddy wisely decided to follow suit.
The group who were invited by Faunus for this hurriedly arranged visit consisted of Glen, Max, and 'Sigi' - obviously - plus Jim, Ethan and Teddy - so they could manage with just two limos.
In next to no time they were down the gangplank, and into the autos.
"Are you sure we don't need to take anything with us ?", Ethan spluttered.
"No, everything's just just fine !", Faunus replied.
"And presumably you got the 'go ahead' for this expedition ?", Jim asked.
"Well Glen did - not that he can remember anything about it now...", Faunus said rather casually, Ethan thought.
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Armant Sunset |
By the time they reached the edge of the town, Jim and Ethan were becoming increasingly nervous - wondering what new weird 'game' Faunus might have arranged, but Glen, Max, and 'Sigi' seemed to be oblivious to the possibilities that might lie ahead.
"So Glen got a message ?", Ethan asked, as they made their way to the dunes.
"Well sort of...", Faunus said.
"But we should be able to get this over with without any trouble, as the pyramid will be there for tonight.", Faunus added, and at that point they came to 'Bucheum House', the abandoned 'site' building.
After they had all left the autos, Jim then dismissed the drivers, who took the limos back to the outskirts of the town, waiting to be recalled by cell-phone.
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Storm Clouds Over the Pyramid - Armant - Upper Egypt |
"Looks like it's going to be one of those nights...", Ethan remarked.
"What do you mean...?", Teddy asked.
"You know... thunder and lightning, and all those dramatic 'special effects'.
The only place we didn't get all that nonsense was at the Temple of Isis - which at least made a change...", Ethan said.
And so they waited...
Glen, Max, and 'Sigi' said nothing, and Jim was beginning to suspect that Faunus had used one of his hypnotic 'tricks' on them, which in the circumstances was probably just as well.
As they waited, it got darker, and the wind began to freshen, creating the beginnings of a mini-sandstorm.
"Tell me, Faunus, is that a real pyramid, or just one of your 'illusion-thingys'.", Ethan asked.
"Oh it's there, Ethan - but it's more like a 'beacon'....", Faunus replied.
"Oh...", Ethan said nervously.
"You mean a 'beacon' for them...", Ethan said.
"Yes... sort of...", Faunus said, obviously scanning the cloudy sky.
"So shouldn't we go down to the pyramid ?", Ethan asked.
"Yes, I think so, and remember... 'a fool off his guard, could fall, and fall hard, out here on the dunes'....", Faunus cautioned.
(this is what comes of too much of Ethan and Disney)...
And so they stumbled and slipped in the darkness down the side of the dune, and down towards the temple building in front to the pyramid.
Just as they began their climb up the steps to the temple entrance there was a sudden flash of sheet-lightning, followed by an ominous rumble.
Not surprisingly they expected rain, but this was Egypt, so no rain followed the lightning and thunder, and they were soon in what they believed to be the safety of the tall temple doorway.
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Pyramid Temple - Armant - Upper Egypt |
"So... I wonder who lit all theses burning braziers ?", Ethan said.
"Who cares... at least they'll give us light and keep us warm.", Max said, speaking for the first time since they had left the 'Hadeel'.
Max, along with the others in the group had, during the time they had been in Egypt, learned that the nights could sometimes be quite cool.
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Storm over the Pyramid Temple - Armant - Upper Egypt |
"Oh yes, Glen... by the looks of this, the temple is probably made of sandstone, and it looks practically new - which is very strange - but regardless, it's probably a good place to be..", Teddy said reassuringly.
"Anyway, Glen all this wind and thunder and lightning is all just for the effect - I don't think it's really real at all...", Ethan said, rather confusingly.
"Also... there's something down the end there that seems quite familiar...", Ethan observed.
"Yes, it's an inscription from the Pyramid Texts - just like the ones in Chaco Canyon.", Teddy said.
"And what does the whole place remind you of ?", Faunus asked, in his best schoolmasterly manner.
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Arrival - Armant - Upper Egypt |
"Yes, and that's why I've had so much to say about them recently.", Faunus said.
But while they were having a pleasant conversation, and slowly exploring the vast hall in which they found themselves, something very strange was occurring high above them.
Being inside the huge sandstone hall they had, of course, no idea what was happening outside - until - there was a sickening rumble as the whole edifice shuddered.
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The Landing |
"So...that sounds good - now perhaps we should go upstairs...", Faunus said.
"Well if that sounds good, I would hate for something bad to happen...", 'Sigi' said.
"And this place has an upstairs ?", Ethan questioned.
"Yes - of course - just like the 'Great Pyramid' at Giza.", Faunus replied.
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Creepy Hallway - Pyramid - Armant - Upper Egypt |
And as they made they way to the upper levels of the pyramid, just as in the 'Great Pyramid' in Giza, nowhere did they see any inscriptions, hieroglyphs or carvings - except for the inscriptions from the 'Pyramid Texts', (which, incidentally, are not found in the 'Great Pyramid' at Giza).
"How many more dusty steps are there ?", Ethan moaned, as they continued to climb.
"I bet the cleaners in this place are those lazy little 'grey guys'...", Glen said.
"Ah - the 'grey aliens'...", Teddy said... and immediately launched into one of his little mini-lectures.
"Grey aliens, also referred to as 'Roswell Greys', or just 'Greys', are purported extra-terrestrial beings."Yes, Teddy, I think that's enough of that...
Apparently seventy-three percent of all reported alien encounters in the United States describe Grey aliens.
Typically 'Greys' are described as having small bodies with smooth grey-coloured skin, enlarged hairless heads, and large black eyes.
The Grey alien has emerged as an archetypal image of a sentient non-human creature, and extra-terrestrial life in general, as well as an iconic image in popular culture."...Teddy began.
We've all had probably more than we can take of little 'grey aliens'.", Ethan said.
"Pesky little things if you ask me....".
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Pyramid Door - Armant - Upper Egypt |
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Kha-met |
"I think you have, Ethan... it's like the one in the pyramid ship at Chaco Canyon - although this one is nicer - but the same general design...", Teddy said in his Egyptologist mode.
"So, Faunus... do we knock on the door, or just wait for some barely dressed Egyptian boy called Kha-met, or maybe Khonsu - or whoever - to come and escort us ?", Ethan asked with a note of sarcasm.
"I think all we need to do is just push it..", Faunus replied.
And as Kha-met didn't turn up to greet them, Jim and Faunus simply pushed open the door - with Teddy pretending to help.
Having opened the heavy gold plated doors, they found themselves in a sparsely decorated room - again with no inscriptions or reliefs except for a wall of gold 'Pyramid Texts'.
"Good... this is where we want to be !", Faunus said.
"Oh... is it ?.... And why's that ?", Ethan said obviously confused.
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Hi-Tech Sarcophagus - Pyramid - Armant - Upper Egypt |
"Well it looks like a 'hi-tech' sarcophagus to me...", Teddy said.
"So who's dead ?", Ethan asked.
"No-one... it's for Glen, Max, and 'Sigi'...
Try and remember you conversation with Teddy earlier...", Jim said, beginning to sound a little exasperated with Ethan's constant questions.
"So where are the 'greys', or the fake ancient Egyptians ?", Glen asked.
"They're not here.
There's only us here... so let's get on with it." Faunus said.
"So what do we do ?", Max asked nervously.
"Like I told you, it just takes a few moments lying in the sarcophagus."
"And on our own - I hope...'Sigi' said.
"Yes, of course...", Faunus replied.
"So what shall we do while this weirdness is going on ?", Ethan asked.
"Just quietly sit on the steps...", Jim suggested.
"So who's going in first ?", Faunus asked.
Glen stepped forward.
"And you're sure it doesn't hurt - or have any nasty after effects ?", Glen asked.
"Of course not... it's painless and perfectly safe...", Faunus replied.
"And if you like I'll take your photo, just to prove that you did it...", Ethan offered with a smile.
"OK... then I'll go first.", Glen said.
Glen, of course had previous experience of this sort of 'weirdness', so he was more confident than Max or 'Sigi.
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Ethan, Teddy and the Sarcophagus - Armant - Upper Egypt |
Once the cover had fully opened, Glen sat up looking groggy.
"Was that it ?", he asked, sounding confused.
"Yes, Glen... and are you feeling OK ?", Faunus said.
"Yes... I think so... a bit dizzy perhaps... but it seems like I've been in there for hours or maybe longer.", Glen said - looking round, puzzled.
"No, just long enough for Jim to take a photo of me and Teddy.", Ethan said.
"OK... let's get this over with...", Faunus said, and guided Max to the sarcophagus.
"You're sure it's safe ?", Max asked looking very nervous, as he climbed in.
"Of course, Max... look at Glen, he looks fine.", Faunus said, trying to be reassuring.
So Max followed Glen for a session in the hi-tech sarcophagus.
"... 'want to sit on the sarcophagus again ?", Ethan asked Teddy.
"Definitely no... and I think we should hurry up, and get out of here...",
Teddy said ominously.
Now it seems that Teddy had become aware of a presence that could cause them a serious problem.
The mechanisms that enable Teddy to regularly update his various databases were operated electromagnetically, so basically Teddy had a 'scanner' that could detect, among other things, police communications - and that is exactly what he had detected.
It seemed that someone in Armant had reported to the Egyptian police that a group of 'tourists' had been asking about an archaeological site close to 'Bucheum House', on the edge of the desert - and had apparently driven out to the area at dusk.
The police were immediately suspicious, presuming that the so called 'tourist' were intent on finding valuable antiquities that they would be able to sell outside Egypt - which was a serious crime as far as the Egyptian government was concerned.
And so police vehicles had been sent out into the desert.
Back in the pyramid, however, Teddy was getting nervous.
"What's the problem, Teddy ?", Ethan asked.
"It's my sensors... they say that police are driving out from Armant to see what we are doing.", Teddy said.
"Well they'll have a problem - the storm is getting very bad.", Faunus said, as he pulled Max out of the sarcophagus, and bundled 'Sigi' in.
"Just get in, 'Sigi', and lie still !", Faunus said.
Later - but how much later it was impossible to tell - 'Sigi' emerged.
"Right, let's go straight for the limos !", Faunus said.
Of course going downstairs was much easier than going up the stairs, and they soon found themselves in the large main hall.
Once in the main hall Faunus pressed hard against one of the stones.
"Now run !", Faunus shouted to make himself heard above the thunder.
And so they ran down the steps leading from the temple, and then struggled up the slope of the dune, and then down to the limos.
The two drivers look very frightened, but presumably Faunus had anticipated trouble and had given them some sort of subliminal suggestion to stay put, regardless of what happened.
Fully loaded, the limos set off towards Armant by a slightly circuitous route, deftly avoiding the Police.
In the storm, which was whipping up the sand, it was, of course, highly unlikely that the police would have seen them, even if the had passed one another on the same road.
"But what about the Pyramid ?", Ethan said to Jim.
Fortunately their driver didn't understand - particularly as there were no 'real' pyramids in Armant.
"Who knows, " Jim replied said with a smile.
The police were immediately suspicious, presuming that the so called 'tourist' were intent on finding valuable antiquities that they would be able to sell outside Egypt - which was a serious crime as far as the Egyptian government was concerned.
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Egyptian Police Vehicle in the Desert - Armant |
Back in the pyramid, however, Teddy was getting nervous.
"What's the problem, Teddy ?", Ethan asked.
"It's my sensors... they say that police are driving out from Armant to see what we are doing.", Teddy said.
"Well they'll have a problem - the storm is getting very bad.", Faunus said, as he pulled Max out of the sarcophagus, and bundled 'Sigi' in.
"Just get in, 'Sigi', and lie still !", Faunus said.
Later - but how much later it was impossible to tell - 'Sigi' emerged.

Of course going downstairs was much easier than going up the stairs, and they soon found themselves in the large main hall.
Once in the main hall Faunus pressed hard against one of the stones.
"Now run !", Faunus shouted to make himself heard above the thunder.
And so they ran down the steps leading from the temple, and then struggled up the slope of the dune, and then down to the limos.
The two drivers look very frightened, but presumably Faunus had anticipated trouble and had given them some sort of subliminal suggestion to stay put, regardless of what happened.
Fully loaded, the limos set off towards Armant by a slightly circuitous route, deftly avoiding the Police.
In the storm, which was whipping up the sand, it was, of course, highly unlikely that the police would have seen them, even if the had passed one another on the same road.
"But what about the Pyramid ?", Ethan said to Jim.
Fortunately their driver didn't understand - particularly as there were no 'real' pyramids in Armant.
"Who knows, " Jim replied said with a smile.
But maybe it will be like it was a Chaco Canyon." Jim speculated.
And it was...
Meanwhile, strange things were happening on the outskirts of Armant among the dunes.
What the 'boys' didn't see was the Pyramid Temple slowly sinking - almost as if it had been built on quicksand - and within minutes it had completely disappeared - which was the result of Faunus pressing one of the stones in the temple which had activated a timer switch which caused the Temple to disappear underneath the sand.

And it was...
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Sinking Pyramid Temple |
What the 'boys' didn't see was the Pyramid Temple slowly sinking - almost as if it had been built on quicksand - and within minutes it had completely disappeared - which was the result of Faunus pressing one of the stones in the temple which had activated a timer switch which caused the Temple to disappear underneath the sand.
At the same time the pyramid itself rose up into the swirling clouds.
The Egyptian police, therefore, were left with simply sand dunes, with no evidence of a temple or a pyramid ...
'Leaving not a rack behind.
For this is such stuff
As dreams are made on...'

"Well that was exciting...", Ethan said, as eventually the limos drew up by the moored 'Hadeel'.
"Exciting - but rather a close thing, if you ask me...", Jim commented.
Meanwhile Faunus had left the pyramid with Kha-met, who he had managed to find and 'rescue'.
Jim, the 'boys' and Teddy, however had also had a successful escape, evading the Egyptian police, and getting to the banks of the Nile, where they had boarded the 'Hadeel'.
"So where's Faunus ?", Max asked, sounding very concerned.
"Oh don't worry about Faunus...
He'll have just disappeared, and is now probably in the coffee shop in Qurnah, chatting with the village boys.", Ethan said.
And so it was late - everyone was tired - and the events of the night had been unsettling.

The 'gang' returns to the Winter Palace - and the Egyptian Police investigate - but events in Armant remain a mystery for the authorities.
The gang visits Dendera - the last of the Ptolemaic temples, and Zac and Josh take their revenge in Armant.