According to 'Upuaut', the first of the 'Days of Sirius' arrived , and Faunus, Jim, Ethan and Teddy - and Glen and Brody set off for Chaco Canyon - and while the fireworks, family reunions, concerts, barbecues, picnics, parades, baseball games all get underway the boys, unnoticed, make their way to Chaco Canyon. - (It was 'Independence Day' - July fourth)
Please note that this chapter is intended for adults (over 18 years), and contains text adult text and images. Please do not view this chapter if you find such features objectionable....
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Storm over the Road to Chaco Canyon - New Mexico |
As darkness descended there was an ominous rumbling.
"Is it ever possible for us to see the 'pesky aliens' without one of these 'theatrical thunder storm thingys'.....?
You'd think we were in a 'low budget movie' or a cheap TV series, or something...", Ethan said.
Jim's convertible obviously needed the top up - although these desert storms often consisted of lots of thunder and lightning, but very little rain - if any.
Faunus had decided to take Brody in his Edsel, while Jim took Ethan, with Teddy, and Glen in the convertible.
It had been decided to leave Zac at the Hotel Chaco.
This was because if, for any reason, the 'boys' didn't return at the expected time, Zac could raise the alarm with the 'Boss'.
It had been decided to leave Zac at the Hotel Chaco.
This was because if, for any reason, the 'boys' didn't return at the expected time, Zac could raise the alarm with the 'Boss'.
It seemed that the weather - with the threat of rain - had put many people off their various celebrations, and so the roads were practically empty.
Fortunately the temperature had dropped considerably since their previous visit - although for Brody this was his first visit.
The journey was boring, particularly as it was dark, and Teddy, who was normally a brave little bear, seemed quite unnerved by the number of lightning strikes near, or actually on the highway.
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Chaco Culture |
Soon, however, they were past the sign announcing 'Chaco Culture', and were approaching the 'Great Kiva', which Jim thought was possibly the site for the'aliens' landing.
And so, some distance away from the 'Great Kiva', the autos were parked.
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'The Great Kiva' - Chaco Canyon |
Jim turned off the engine of the convertible - intending to give some instructions.
"So, before this 'saucer' arrives - that is if it does arrive - we should consider how we should approach this meeting....", Jim began, taking an authoritative stance.
"We don't really know who this 'alien' is who calls himself 'Upuaut' - despite all the help that Novius has given us.", Jim continued.
"Yes....he might just be the 'old leader' wearing a funny mask, and trying to sound more important than he really is...", Ethan enthusiastically interrupted
"Quite right, Ethan.....but regardless, we need to be careful.", Jim said seriously..
"If he's telling the truth - and we have no guarantee, of course, that he is, he may be simply yet some other form of 'elemental', or a rather stupid, real 'alien', or perhaps what he is claiming to be, an 'archon', or an 'æon'.", Jim said.
"Yes, well I get confused... what's an 'archon-thingy', and what's one of these 'æons'...? Ethan asked.
"Simple...", Teddy began.
"An archon is a 'ruler'.... and not one of those things you draw straight lines with.
You're Greek - you should know.", Teddy said.
"Yes.... and how do you know all of this ?", Ethan asked, sounding annoyed.
"And also, just how did you know all of that stuff you were telling me about Egyptian mythology, back in the hotel ?", Ethan asked.
"Faunus tells me...", Teddy replied, sounding as if the answer was obvious.
"OK then.. so what's this 'æon' business ?", Ethan asked.
"Æon originally meant 'being', or 'life force'... Greek again...
It's a Latin transliteration from the Koiné Greek word, ὁ αἰών, which comes from the archaic Greek, αἰϝών...
However, is also means an emanation of the 'ONE' - so, if this guy 'Upuaut' is an 'Æon', go easy on the jokes...", Teddy suggested.
"OK, 'Mr Clever' - and do something about your Greek accent.", Ethan replied, beginning to sulk.
Ethan was still puzzled, but decided to stay quiet.
So they sat and waited.

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Upuaut's Pyramid Ship Approaches the Great Kiva |
Then they noticed a faint glow on the horizon.
"Looks like something's happening....", Glen said quietly.
"Oh my god !... I can't believe it !", Ethan spluttered.
"A fuckin' flyin' pyramid !", Glen said under his breath.
"Yes indeedy ! A flyin' pyramid !...", Ethan repeated out loud.
"But how does it stay up ?
At least the saucer looked like it could fly...", Jim said, unable to believe his eyes.
"It flies with those four 'rocket-type thingys'... but it looks ridiculous !", Ethan said.
"Well I think it looks very Egyptian, and very 'cool'...", Teddy said, just to say something different.
Teddy, of course, thought he was being very superior.
"OK, Teddy.... but now what do we do ?". Ethan asked.
"Just wait until it lands... if that's what it's going to do.", Jim said calmly.
And they didn't have long to wait as the ship slowly descended, as the retrograde rockets blazed, and the lightning flashed.
"Now everybody in New Mexico must have seen that !", Ethan said, looking nervous.
"Not necessarily, Ethan... you see I think these UFOs have what they call 'cloaking devices' - 'invisibility shields' - so that only the people who are meant to see these things actually do.", Jim said.
"Now that's odd... it looks smaller now it's landed. ", Glen said, trying to adjust to the lack of brightness once the lightning had stopped, and the 'retros' had died down.
"Ah... but remember, Glen, these 'UFO-thingys', they're bigger on the inside than on the outside.", Ethan said knowingly.
"If that's really possible...", Teddy added sceptically.
"So how do we get in... and do we wait for an invitation... .or just go ?", Glen asked.
"Well, there's an entrance round the back of the kiva.... some stairs that lead down to the floor of the kiva.... perhaps if we go down there we might find the entrance to the pyramid.", Jim replied.
So they left Jim's convertible, and went over to Faunus' Edsel, where Faunus and Brody were sitting waiting, and told Faunus of their plan.
Faunus agreed, but Brody seemed quite unresponsive.
"Is he hypnotized ?", Jim asked, puzzled by Brody's behaviour.
"Yes...", Faunus said casually.
"I thought it was best considering this is his first experience of the contact with 'aliens'.... and considering he's had so little time to adjust to it.", Faunus explained.
"So why this 'pyramid-thingy' ?", Ethan asked Faunus, as they made their way to the rear of the kiva.
"Well it's all part of this new 'Egyptian' slant - although how necessary it is I'm not really sure.", Faunus said.
"I think it's like the 'cool Cadillac' version of UFO transportation.
Maybe 'saucers' have suddenly become very unfashionable....", Teddy, who was cuddling up to Ethan, said.
Jim gave Teddy a quizzical look.
"Yes... why not ?
Even 'pesky aliens' are entitled to be 'trendy'.", Ethan added...

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Corridor in Pyramid Ship |
There were some very spooky, decayed steps (Ethan would have called them 'crumbly') leading down into the kiva, and once they reached the bottom, they found a dimly lit hatchway - or perhaps more exactly a door-way - leading into the pyramid ship.
The hatchway opened up into a corridor leading into the interior of the ship.
And the corridor was a surprise - but really it should not have surprised the 'boys', considering the exterior of the ship.
The corridor was in many way similar - but in a hi-tech version - to corridors found in Egyptian tombs (but not the three main pyramids - Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure - on the Giza Plateau near modern day Cairo).
The strange feature of the three well known pyramids is the absence of inscriptions, wall paintings or carved reliefs. The decorations of the corridor in the 'alien' ship, however, were similar to the decorations - consisting of the 'Pyramid Texts' - found in the small and often overlooked 'Pyramid of the Pharaoh Unas' - and similar also to some of the inscriptions found in Royal Tombs in the 'Valley of the Kings' at Luxor.
"So ... they've kept up the Egyptian theme in the interior decoration as well...", Ethan commented.
"Is all this real gold ?"... Glen asked incredulously.
"Quite possibly...", Teddy replied - and just to 'show off' he started 'reading' the hieroglyphs on a 'gold' wall nearest to him.
"Come on, Teddy... stop pretending...", Ethan said, sounding exasperated.
"Sorry to interfere, Ethan, but Teddy can read Egyptian hieroglyphics." Faunus said apologetically.
"What next ?....
Why did you program him with all this useless knowledge ?
He's like an infinitely complex 'Swiss Army Knife' - with 'god knows' how many pointless uses.
The 'Swiss Army Knife' is a multi-tool pocketknife manufactured by Victorinox - see 'Swisschamp XAVT' and 'Wenger 16999' - such devices have been used by NASA ?
"Yes, Ethan... but I am a very clever bear - you must admit.", Teddy said proudly, but wisely stopped reading - not wanting to upset Ethan any further.
Glen, of course, couldn't help but smile.
And so they made their way along the corridor, with Glen trailing his fingers across the finely embossed hieroglyphics - in fact almost caressing the cool gold surfaces.
"Now remember...", Faunus said, coming up from the rear, with Brody... "you can't take any of this nice shiny stuff back with you.".
Glen regretfully nodded.
At the end of the corridor there was a standard, 'hi-tech' black door, which they presumed would lead into the main compartment of the 'ship', as it had done in the 'saucer'.
The door automatically opened with a suitable flying saucer type 'buzzing' sound - but then there was another surprise.
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Vestibule and Double Doors |
There was a further compartment, but it was not the main compartment of the 'ship', but rather a vestibule - small in one way - depth - but very tall.
The floor of the vestibule appeared to be some kind of gold colored composition, and the vestibule itself was encased in golden walls inscribed with even more hieroglyphics, like the walls in the previous corridor.
What was very surprising, however, was what was facing them at the end of the vestibule... a pair of very tall, elaborately carved and apparently gold plated doors.
The 'gold', however, unlike that on the walls, was not burnished.
The intricate carvings on the doors were all of Egyptian-style motifs - reeds, papyrus, lotus, water-fowls and miniature images of boats - all evocative of a summer's day on the River Nile.
Down the door-jambs there were exquisite carvings of various small sea creatures, and carved into the lintel was a winged disk, flanked by two uraeus - the symbol of the 'Æon' Ra.
In later pyramid texts, Upuaut is called 'Ra who has gone up from the horizon', perhaps as the 'opener of the sky' - and so Upuaut also becomes a solar deity - associated with 'Time'.
The 'boys' stood stock still - amazed at the beauty of the scenes.
"OK... all very pretty... but how do we get in ?", Ethan asked, as he looked for a handle, or a a door knocker, or even a bell-push or buzzer.
Teddy pointed at an inscription on the right hand wall...
"It says here, 'speak friend and enter'.", Teddy read carefully - translating the hieroglyphics into English.
"Now I've read that in a book recently...", Jim said thoughtfully...
"Yes... but speak what ?", Glen asked... it could mean anything."
"No Glen, it's actually a very 'childish' riddle... Teddy will show you...", Jim said.
Teddy then cleared his throat...
stood right in front of the large double doors - and then said...
"That's 'FRIEND' in ancient Egyptian.", Teddy quietly explained
Then, much to everyone's amazement, the two doors smoothly and silently opened - allowing them to enter a large compartment - once again gleaming with gold.
"That is so 'cool'... Ethan said.
On the threshold they hesitated.
The full extent of the main compartment, however, was not visible, as a heavy, dark red curtain hung in their way.
"So whose going to go in first, and meet the new boss of this place", Ethan asked, starting to look nervous.
"Well I need to stay with Brody, so perhaps you, Jim, could go in first, and introduce yourself, and then us to our esteemed host.", Faunus suggested.

Jim was not really sure as to why Faunus felt he needed to stay close to Brody, but Jim knew that Faunus expected him to take the lead in certain circumstances.
If it had been the previous 'alien leader' Jim would have felt quite confident, but this 'Upuaut' was an unknown quantity.
Perhaps he was just the previous 'alien leader', playing 'games' with them by wearing a 'spooky' mask or some such... but that would not explain why there was a different 'ship' (or at least the appearance of a different 'ship), and would not explain the interior, with all the lavish Egyptian style décor, that seemed so substantial and real.
Jim remembered that in his past life he had been described as 'beloved of the gods', but those 'gods' , like Apollo and Athena, were not like this strange, Egyptian 'Æon'.
But regardless, Jim entered the main compartment of the ship, and approached the curtain, beyond which he expected to meet the 'god'.
Ethan, along with Teddy, followed.
The curtain moved, and from the thick folds a young man appeared.
"This only gets better....", Ethan murmured, as he went forward, with a panicky Teddy following him.
"Don't say anything stupid...", Teddy warned.
"Well... what gorgeous planet do you come from ?", Ethan asked, entranced with the young man's good looks, and almost complete lack of clothing.
(the previous 'grey aliens' had been naked but, not being human, had been far from attractive... this 'alien' looked very human however.)
"I come from Kem... my lord. ", the young man replied.
"Great... 'cute' and respectful..", Ethan said.
"And are you this guy Upuaut we are supposed to be meeting ?", Ethan asked.
The young man smiled.
"No... I am not Upuaut.
"The Lord Upuaut is my master, and he has sent me to greet you.", the young man graciously replied.
"And that's so nice of him...", Ethan replied, slowly beginning to sound very stupid.
"Ethan, I think I should take over...", Jim said, realizing that Ethan had really 'lost the plot'."
"OK... but couldn't we take him home with us - he's so cute.", Ethan said.
"Now Ethan... just stay quiet, and if anyone wants to say anything, leave it to Faunus or Teddy.", Jim said firmly.
Jim was worried that Ethan's foolish reaction to the youthful servant - or slave - may have been the result of some hypnotic power being used - and in the situation that they were in, that could be dangerous.
"Where's Kem ?", Ethan whispered to Teddy.
"Egypt, of course - it's the ancient Egyptian name for Egypt.", Teddy explained quietly.
"So why's he got fair hair - I thought all these Egyptians were quite dark.", Ethan asked.
"Good point, Ethan.
Egyptians now are mainly dark, but the ancient myths say that the 'Neteru' - the Egyptian 'gods' had fair, golden hair.", Teddy said, as they followed the young servant into the inner recesses of the ship.
"Ah, so the 'cool' guys were all fair-haired... like me...", Ethan said, running his hand through his spiky hair.
Teddy wisely ignore Ethan's comment.
The young servant who was leading them looked round...
"My name is Kha-met - I need to know which one of you is the 'neter'.
He is the one with whom my Lord Upuaut wishes to communicate.", he explained.
Conveniently Teddy replied in Ancient Egyptian.
"Oh, your little fury 'Thoth' speaks our language..!", Kha-met said to Ethan, obviously surprised.
Ethan grinned - and allowed Teddy to answer.
"Yes... and with great respect do not call me a 'Thoth' - I am not a baboon - I'm a teddy-bear, and my name is Teddy !", Teddy said, obviously annoyed.
"Well yes... but just remember in future... it's Teddy.", Teddy said emphatically.
"So the 'neter' perhaps is the handsome one with the dark hair who comes last.", Kha-met said, changing the subject in the hope that 'Teddy' would calm down.
"That's the one... and the guy with him is Brody.", Ethan said, forgetting that he should not be speaking.
"Ah yes...the human called 'Brody'... Lord Upuaut wishes to 'study' that one.", Kha-met added - but to Ethan that sounded a little sinister.
"And why Brody ?", Ethan asked.
"Because, according to my Lord - that human has unusual feelings about which we wish to know more.", Kha-met said - not really explaining anything.
"But now my Lord Upuaut is waiting to meet you - so follow me...", Kha-met said.
And so they processed along a corridor lined with heavy, deep red curtains.
What was behind the curtains there was no way of telling - perhaps more gold plated walls, decorated with endless hieroglyphics - or perhaps dials, controls or flat-screen displays such as one might presume to find in a extra-terrestrial vehicle.
At the end of the corridor, which was quite short, was another huge set of bronze - or maybe gold doors - but definitely more opulent that the ones that they had just come through - which had mysteriously and silently closed behind them.
And so they found themselves 'caught', as it were, between two sets of gilded doors, in a narrow space of overwhelming red.
Kha-met turned to them...
"My Lord Upuaut is one of the 'ever-living', 'ineffable' Neteru - an emanation of the ONE.
As you Hellenes would say he is an 'Æon'.
The 'Æons'. belong to a purely ideal, noumenal, intelligible, super-sensible world.
They can take any form they desire, human or otherwise - or no form at all.
Your 'Æon' here, (meaning Faunus), mostly takes the form of a 'young man' it seems....
Together with the source from which they emanate, they form the 'Pleroma' (πλήρωμα).
The lowest regions of Pleroma are closest to darkness - that is, the physical world.
So, as an 'ever-living', 'ineffable' 'Æon', please show my Lord Upuaut the greatest respect.". Kha-met said slowly and carefully.
"I really didn't understand any of that...", Ethan said, sounding very nervous - "but I'll try to be nice......".
"I understand....", Teddy said...."I'll tell you about it later."
At that point the large gold doors in front of them mysteriously and soundlessly opened.
The room beyond was in complete darkness.
Kha-met led the way.
As he moved forward into the room, the space was slowly illuminated, as if the light was following his steps.
"Creepy...", Ethan whispered.
Jim led the way, followed by Ethan and Teddy, and then a very nervous Glen, followed by Brody - still seemingly not very aware of what was going on - and finally Faunus.
Eventually they found themselves in what seemed to be the center of the chamber.
The chamber was - effectively - a 'throne-room', with a huge black marble throne dominating one end of the room.
Kha-met had taken a place behind and to one side of the Throne, and kneeling in front and to one side of the throne was another young man, similarly attired, and genuflecting before the heavily robed but bare-chested figure whose head was completely obscured by a magnificent mask in the form of a jackal or dog head.
The 'throne-room' was completely lined with gold panels which were covered in hieroglyphics, and behind the 'throne' was a large gold and coloured enamel scarab bearing a 'sun-disk' - or was it a 'saucer' ?.
There was a momentary pause as the 'guests' took in the amazing sight.
Then the masked figure spoke.....
"From the place of the 'ever-living', from the 'far horizon of the gods', from the 'Moment of the Beginning', from the 'Foundation' of all things, I - Upuaut - the 'Opener of the Ways' give you my greetings !...", the masked figure, who was presumably Upuaut, said in a sonorous voice.
"We thank you for your greeting...", Jim said, very formally, on behalf of the others...."but perhaps you should be speaking to Faunus."
"Perhaps,", Upuaut said, "but I know of you.
In your previous life you were known as Marcus, - the 'beloved of the gods' - or as we would say, 'one favoured by the Neteru'.
Remember...I have come to you now as Lord Upuaut, but in your own lands I was always known as Hermes or Mercury.", Upuaut continued in an almost chatty vein.
"But Faunus....he is wise to remain as one who is hidden....and by that path he can do much good."
"Excuse me, 'Lord thingy', but I see you've had the decorators in...and this new look is really great...", Ethan interrupted enthusiastically.
"Why thank you, Ethan.
One of my servants, who you always called the 'alien leader', told me about you, and your forthright and unusual way of speaking..... but this is not the ship that you visited before - and we are on a very different mission...", Upuaut continued.
"Oh...I see...'sorry'.....And what mission might that be ?", Ethan asked, as Teddy kicked his ankle to try and make him stop talking.
"I wish to speak with young Marcus here - but first I must take off this mask, as I feel it makes communicating difficult.", Upuaut said, beckoning to the servant who was kneeling at his side.
The servant helped to take off the ornate, heavy mask, and placed in on one of the numerous chairs that lined the walls of the throne-room.
"Gee-wizz !'re not ugly at all....!", Ethan said, forgetting that he needed to be careful about what he said.
"Why do you say that ? Were you expecting me to be ugly ?", Upuaut asked, smiling.
"Well the last 'boss-guy thingy' that we saw was real ugly...", Ethan muttered, instantly regretting what he had said previously.
"Yes...well, to humans the 'Greys' are not very attractive - but I'm glad that I do not offend you...", Upuaut replied.
At that point Jim intervened.
"Please accept our apologies....
Ethan here is not used to such - shall we say - 'exalted company'.
He simply says what he thinks...", Jim said, unsure as to how Upuaut might react to Ethan's comments.
"Such straightforward speech is refreshing - I like Ethan's ways...", Upuaut replied.
"See...and I think he's a handsome dude !", Ethan said, feeling more confident after receiving Upuaut 's approval.
"You see, sometimes, when I get nervous...well I just say the first thing that comes into my head...", Ethan muttered, as an explanation, sounding rather sorry for himself.
"So...all is well....but now I need to speak with Marcus and Faunus - so if Ethan, Glen and the being called 'Teddy' could each take a seat - for a short while - I am sure that 'Teddy', who I have been told understands our hieroglyphics, can read to his companions some of the interesting inscriptions to be found on the walls of this chamber.", Upuaut said politely.
"Nice seats, as well - not like those hard, uncomfortable things they had on the other saucer.", Ethan said as he settled himself down on one of the black and gold armchairs.
"Now just shut up, Ethan, and let me read some of this stuff to you, while the 'grown ups' talk...", Teddy said, obviously annoyed that Ethan had not stayed quiet as he had been told to.
"Funny habit this, writing things all over the walls...", Glen said, looking around.
Teddy then began to explain.
"These are 'pyramid texts' - and are the oldest known ancient Egyptian religious texts dating to the Old Kingdom.
They are written in a very old kind of hieroglyphic script - which makes them a little bit difficult for me to read.
This writing was originally carved onto the walls and sarcophagi of pyramids at Saqqara, in northern Egypt, from the end of the Fifth Dynasty.
The Pyramid Texts are concerned with enabling the transformation of 'humans', like yourselves, into an 'Akh' - symbolized by the crested Ibis.
An 'Ahk' is a being who could be received by the 'gods'.", Teddy explained.
"So are Jim and Faunus 'Akhs' ?", Ethan asked, with a grin on his face because he thought it was a very funny sounding word.
"Good question, Ethan - but stop grinning...this is serious.", Teddy replied.
"Yes, Teddy...", Ethan replied - but he couldn't help quietly giggling.
And then Teddy started reading from one of the walls.....

Ethan, along with Teddy, followed.
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Kha-met - Servant of Lord Upuaut |
"This only gets better....", Ethan murmured, as he went forward, with a panicky Teddy following him.
"Don't say anything stupid...", Teddy warned.
"Well... what gorgeous planet do you come from ?", Ethan asked, entranced with the young man's good looks, and almost complete lack of clothing.
(the previous 'grey aliens' had been naked but, not being human, had been far from attractive... this 'alien' looked very human however.)
"I come from Kem... my lord. ", the young man replied.
"Great... 'cute' and respectful..", Ethan said.
"And are you this guy Upuaut we are supposed to be meeting ?", Ethan asked.
The young man smiled.
"No... I am not Upuaut.
"The Lord Upuaut is my master, and he has sent me to greet you.", the young man graciously replied.
"And that's so nice of him...", Ethan replied, slowly beginning to sound very stupid.
"Ethan, I think I should take over...", Jim said, realizing that Ethan had really 'lost the plot'."
"OK... but couldn't we take him home with us - he's so cute.", Ethan said.
"Now Ethan... just stay quiet, and if anyone wants to say anything, leave it to Faunus or Teddy.", Jim said firmly.
Jim was worried that Ethan's foolish reaction to the youthful servant - or slave - may have been the result of some hypnotic power being used - and in the situation that they were in, that could be dangerous.
"Where's Kem ?", Ethan whispered to Teddy.
"Egypt, of course - it's the ancient Egyptian name for Egypt.", Teddy explained quietly.
"So why's he got fair hair - I thought all these Egyptians were quite dark.", Ethan asked.
"Good point, Ethan.
Egyptians now are mainly dark, but the ancient myths say that the 'Neteru' - the Egyptian 'gods' had fair, golden hair.", Teddy said, as they followed the young servant into the inner recesses of the ship.
"Ah, so the 'cool' guys were all fair-haired... like me...", Ethan said, running his hand through his spiky hair.
Teddy wisely ignore Ethan's comment.
The young servant who was leading them looked round...
"My name is Kha-met - I need to know which one of you is the 'neter'.
He is the one with whom my Lord Upuaut wishes to communicate.", he explained.
Conveniently Teddy replied in Ancient Egyptian.
"Oh, your little fury 'Thoth' speaks our language..!", Kha-met said to Ethan, obviously surprised.
Ethan grinned - and allowed Teddy to answer.
"Yes... and with great respect do not call me a 'Thoth' - I am not a baboon - I'm a teddy-bear, and my name is Teddy !", Teddy said, obviously annoyed.
'Thoth' ... (θoʊθ - from Koinē Greek: Θώθ thṓth), is one of the ancient Egyptian Neteru. He is often depicted as a baboon, an animal sacred to him."Please accept my apologies, 'Teddy' - but in Kem we do not have these 'teddy-bears'.", Kha-met explained.
"Well yes... but just remember in future... it's Teddy.", Teddy said emphatically.
"So the 'neter' perhaps is the handsome one with the dark hair who comes last.", Kha-met said, changing the subject in the hope that 'Teddy' would calm down.
"That's the one... and the guy with him is Brody.", Ethan said, forgetting that he should not be speaking.
"Ah yes...the human called 'Brody'... Lord Upuaut wishes to 'study' that one.", Kha-met added - but to Ethan that sounded a little sinister.
"And why Brody ?", Ethan asked.
"Because, according to my Lord - that human has unusual feelings about which we wish to know more.", Kha-met said - not really explaining anything.
"But now my Lord Upuaut is waiting to meet you - so follow me...", Kha-met said.
And so they processed along a corridor lined with heavy, deep red curtains.
What was behind the curtains there was no way of telling - perhaps more gold plated walls, decorated with endless hieroglyphics - or perhaps dials, controls or flat-screen displays such as one might presume to find in a extra-terrestrial vehicle.
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The Doors to Upuaut's Chamber |
And so they found themselves 'caught', as it were, between two sets of gilded doors, in a narrow space of overwhelming red.
Kha-met turned to them...
"My Lord Upuaut is one of the 'ever-living', 'ineffable' Neteru - an emanation of the ONE.
As you Hellenes would say he is an 'Æon'.
The 'Æons'. belong to a purely ideal, noumenal, intelligible, super-sensible world.
They can take any form they desire, human or otherwise - or no form at all.
Your 'Æon' here, (meaning Faunus), mostly takes the form of a 'young man' it seems....
Together with the source from which they emanate, they form the 'Pleroma' (πλήρωμα).
The lowest regions of Pleroma are closest to darkness - that is, the physical world.
So, as an 'ever-living', 'ineffable' 'Æon', please show my Lord Upuaut the greatest respect.". Kha-met said slowly and carefully.
"I really didn't understand any of that...", Ethan said, sounding very nervous - "but I'll try to be nice......".
"I understand....", Teddy said...."I'll tell you about it later."
The room beyond was in complete darkness.
Kha-met led the way.
As he moved forward into the room, the space was slowly illuminated, as if the light was following his steps.
"Creepy...", Ethan whispered.
Jim led the way, followed by Ethan and Teddy, and then a very nervous Glen, followed by Brody - still seemingly not very aware of what was going on - and finally Faunus.
Eventually they found themselves in what seemed to be the center of the chamber.
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Upuaut Enthroned |
Kha-met had taken a place behind and to one side of the Throne, and kneeling in front and to one side of the throne was another young man, similarly attired, and genuflecting before the heavily robed but bare-chested figure whose head was completely obscured by a magnificent mask in the form of a jackal or dog head.
The 'throne-room' was completely lined with gold panels which were covered in hieroglyphics, and behind the 'throne' was a large gold and coloured enamel scarab bearing a 'sun-disk' - or was it a 'saucer' ?.
There was a momentary pause as the 'guests' took in the amazing sight.
Then the masked figure spoke.....
"From the place of the 'ever-living', from the 'far horizon of the gods', from the 'Moment of the Beginning', from the 'Foundation' of all things, I - Upuaut - the 'Opener of the Ways' give you my greetings !...", the masked figure, who was presumably Upuaut, said in a sonorous voice.
"We thank you for your greeting...", Jim said, very formally, on behalf of the others...."but perhaps you should be speaking to Faunus."
"Perhaps,", Upuaut said, "but I know of you.
In your previous life you were known as Marcus, - the 'beloved of the gods' - or as we would say, 'one favoured by the Neteru'.
Remember...I have come to you now as Lord Upuaut, but in your own lands I was always known as Hermes or Mercury.", Upuaut continued in an almost chatty vein.
"But Faunus....he is wise to remain as one who is hidden....and by that path he can do much good."
"Excuse me, 'Lord thingy', but I see you've had the decorators in...and this new look is really great...", Ethan interrupted enthusiastically.
"Why thank you, Ethan.
One of my servants, who you always called the 'alien leader', told me about you, and your forthright and unusual way of speaking..... but this is not the ship that you visited before - and we are on a very different mission...", Upuaut continued.
"Oh...I see...'sorry'.....And what mission might that be ?", Ethan asked, as Teddy kicked his ankle to try and make him stop talking.
"I wish to speak with young Marcus here - but first I must take off this mask, as I feel it makes communicating difficult.", Upuaut said, beckoning to the servant who was kneeling at his side.
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Upuaut Unmasked |
"Gee-wizz !'re not ugly at all....!", Ethan said, forgetting that he needed to be careful about what he said.
"Why do you say that ? Were you expecting me to be ugly ?", Upuaut asked, smiling.
"Well the last 'boss-guy thingy' that we saw was real ugly...", Ethan muttered, instantly regretting what he had said previously.
"Yes...well, to humans the 'Greys' are not very attractive - but I'm glad that I do not offend you...", Upuaut replied.
At that point Jim intervened.
"Please accept our apologies....
Ethan here is not used to such - shall we say - 'exalted company'.
He simply says what he thinks...", Jim said, unsure as to how Upuaut might react to Ethan's comments.
"Such straightforward speech is refreshing - I like Ethan's ways...", Upuaut replied.
"See...and I think he's a handsome dude !", Ethan said, feeling more confident after receiving Upuaut 's approval.
"You see, sometimes, when I get nervous...well I just say the first thing that comes into my head...", Ethan muttered, as an explanation, sounding rather sorry for himself.
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Teddy Reads the Hieroglyphics |
"Nice seats, as well - not like those hard, uncomfortable things they had on the other saucer.", Ethan said as he settled himself down on one of the black and gold armchairs.
"Now just shut up, Ethan, and let me read some of this stuff to you, while the 'grown ups' talk...", Teddy said, obviously annoyed that Ethan had not stayed quiet as he had been told to.
"Funny habit this, writing things all over the walls...", Glen said, looking around.
Teddy then began to explain.
"These are 'pyramid texts' - and are the oldest known ancient Egyptian religious texts dating to the Old Kingdom.
They are written in a very old kind of hieroglyphic script - which makes them a little bit difficult for me to read.
This writing was originally carved onto the walls and sarcophagi of pyramids at Saqqara, in northern Egypt, from the end of the Fifth Dynasty.
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Pyramid Texts |
An 'Ahk' is a being who could be received by the 'gods'.", Teddy explained.
"So are Jim and Faunus 'Akhs' ?", Ethan asked, with a grin on his face because he thought it was a very funny sounding word.
"Good question, Ethan - but stop grinning...this is serious.", Teddy replied.
"Yes, Teddy...", Ethan replied - but he couldn't help quietly giggling.
Notice, however, that Teddy did not answer Ethan's question about Jim and Faunus......The Akh was the immortal, transformed, self which was a magical union of the 'ba' and 'ka'. Once the akh has been created by this union, it survives as an 'enlightened spirit,' enduring and unchanged for eternity. The word Akh is usually translated as 'spirit' and was the higher form of the soul. One section in the Pyramid Texts states, 'the akh belongs to heaven, the body to the earth', and it was the akh which would enjoy eternity among the stars with the gods.
Ibis - Symbol of the Akh
And then Teddy started reading from one of the walls.....
'The guardian of the gates comes out to you, he grasps your hand,
Takes you into heaven, to your father.....
He rejoices at your coming, gives you his hands,
Kisses you, caresses you,
Sets you before the 'gods', the imperishable stars...
The hidden ones worship you,
The great ones surround you,
The watchers wait on you......'
"Yes...but what does it all mean ?", Ethan asked, carefully considering if it would not be easier just to switch off Teddy, and have a little snooze - after all, it was very late.
Meanwhile, Upuaut has risen from his throne, and moved over to a corner of the throne room where there was a sofa and two matching arm chairs.
"Come with me, my friends, and we can speak together in greater comfort and privacy.", Upuaut suggested, as he graciously guided his guests.
At the same time, Upuaut gestured to Kha-met and Ant-ef, his two close servants, to take Brody into another chamber.
"Kha-met and Ant-ef will prepare the human Brody so that we may study him.", Upuaut explained.
"And this 'study'... it will not involve harming him, I hope ?", Jim asked.
"I do not think so, in fact he may well find it quite pleasurable." Upuaut replied cryptically.
"Don't worry, Marcus - Brody can take pleasure in some strange ways...", Faunus added.
And so they took their seats.
Villa Pastoralis - Tibur It should be noted here, that Upuaut insists on calling Jim by his Latin, and original name, 'Marcus' - which was the name that Faunus knew him by when they first met - and in Ancient Egyptian, and Classical traditions names are of great importance, and often 'sources of power'.
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Glaux |
"It was, I understand, a long time ago that you, Marcus first met Faunus...", Upuaut began.
"Well yes, but is was Glaux who first found Faunus.", Marcus said.
"Ah yes....Glaux, the servant of Athena - the owl sent to guide you - but you never did learn how to communicate with him.....too busy, perhaps ?", Upuaut responded.
Jim felt uneasy.
"Well it was Josh who actually found Glaux, and Glaux who led Josh to Faunus.
That was at the 'Villa Pastoralis'....and a long, long time ago...", Jim explained wistfully.
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Faunus at the Villa Pastoralis |
"Yes, I know - but I think you meant to say it was Adonios who found Glaux.", Upuaut commented, much to Marcus' surprise.
"Well yes....", Marcus said, embarrassed.
"And I think Glaux and I will need to have a talk soon...", Upuaut added.
There was an awkward pause....
"So, you didn't care for Faunus much, when you two first met at the Villa Pastoralis, I think.", Upuaut said.
"I suppose not....but then I didn't understand who ...or what he was.", Marcus replied.
"And it seems that you didn't understand what he meant when he spoke to you about 'finding yourself'...", Upuaut continued.
"No...not really....", Marcus mumbled sheepishly.
"But you Eleusis... but by then it was nearly too late...and you were on the very edge of losing all hope - and probably would have done, had it not been for Faunus.", Upuaut continued.
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Pompeii. |
"So perhaps you should go back - not literally, of course, but in your development of understanding, to the point before that fateful day in Pompeii......?", Upuaut suggested.
"Perhaps...but I didn't come here tonight to have someone taunt me with old memories and regrets...!", Marcus said, sounding surprisingly angry.
"It was just a suggestion, don't be angry...and maybe you could discuss things with Faunus before we meet again...
But tell me, why did you decide to come here tonight...?", Upuaut, asked, catching Marcus 'off guard'...
"Well, I came with Glen, as he got the message from you, and to see that he and Brody were OK.", Marcus dissembled.
"And what about Ethan and Teddy ?", Upuaut persisted.
"Oh, they can manage.....", Marcus replied, airily.
"Well Teddy can.... but you must be aware that Ethan is naive, and needs you...", Upuaut insisted.
"Yes...I suppose."
"But I think this has been enough to begin perhaps you, Marcus, might join Ethan and Glen, and see if you can learn something about ancient Egyptian beliefs from Teddy, while Faunus and I go and see how Brody is getting on.", Upuaut suggested.
Jim (Marcus) was not used to being seemingly dismissed in such a peremptory manner, but he simply accepted the situation, as Upuaut ha already made him feel more like the slave-boy that Gracchus had once owned.
While Marcus was feeling disappointed and dejected, Teddy was obviously enjoying himself immensely.
So Marcus sat himself down, saying nothing - but giving a good impression of listening to Teddy's recital of the Pyramid texts.
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Young Glen |
Instead of listening to the clever little bear, however, Marcus began to consider why Faunus had created Teddy in the first place.
Initially it seemed that Teddy was a replacement for the fictitious bear that 'young Glen' (originally 'Roger' the lost alien) had supposedly owned.
That was all very well until 'young Glen' had been morphed into the present, (and far more satisfactory), version of Glen.
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Teddy |
This 'new Glen', however, was too old to have a 'teddy-bear', apparently, but Ethan had instantly taken to Teddy - mainly because having been neglected for some considerable time by Jim, Ethan was, at the moment of Teddy's arrival at the Penthouse in Vegas, in a FedEx package, desperately lonely - and also Teddy had been programmed by Faunus to like children, and to Teddy, Ethan was, first and foremost, a 'child'.
That was all very well, but on the night that Dr Brandt and Maria had been abducted from the California Combat Club, by Faunus, Ethan and Teddy, Faunus had, it seemed, taken the opportunity to 'upgraded' Teddy.
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Josh |
From then on Teddy appeared to be the constant companion of Ethan, but of course, Ethan was, a constant companion of Jim.
What Marcus now began to realize, as he pretended to listen to Teddy's translation and translation of the 'Pyramid' Texts, was that Teddy, apart from being a companion and protector for Ethan, was also having a subtle and significant influence on himself - rather in the manner that had been originally planned by Faunus for Glaux.
This was not to say that Glaux had failed - but rather Marcus had failed - in having been unable to develop the telepathic link with Glaux that Josh seemed to have achieved so easily.

So while Marcus was thinking things over, Upuaut guided Faunus along another curtained corridor that apparently led to the area where the research on Brody was about to be undertaken.
"So, Upuaut, what's this all about with Brody ?", Faunus asked, as they made their way down the corridor.
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Gladiators in the Arena |
"Well, my 'servant', who spoke with you before, is one of these elementals who is able to use telepathy, and was able to scan the memory of Ethan.
Ethan, as Aurarius, in your previous life often attended the 'Roman Ludi', which were held in the special building owned by Marcus' adoptive father, Gracchus.
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Brody in the Wrestling Ring |
This we found very interesting, because of the intense emotions generated by both the spectators, and of course those who were participating.
Such emotions are not available to our 'servants', but in the future, when they can be properly controlled and sublimated, may be useful to them.
We also noted that something similar was occurring in this alternative dimension, where Marcus' adoptive father had established a similar, if not quite so extreme form of combat, performed in the presence of an audience - and we noted that the human called Brody played a significant part in this spectacle.".
At that point they came to another set of double doors which opened onto a chamber occupied by Brody, and what appeared to be two 'guards', wearing metal masks, similar to, but not identical to that worn by Upuaut when they first met.
The masks, however, were not of Anubis, but instead were Cobra heads.
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Brody with the Cobra Guards |
What interested Faunus was that at the moment that they entered the chamber, Brody, who had obviously been stripped, was in the process of adjusting a tiny loincloth which he would presumably be wearing for this 'investigation'.
"So why is Brody practically naked ?", Faunus asked, intrigued.
"Here we wish, to some extent, to duplicate some aspects of the events that Brody experiences when he is involved in this ritualized form of combat - and in this way we can study his physical and emotional reactions - but of course, apart from ourselves there is no 'audience'.
That last remark, however, was not entirely true, as Ethan, (carrying Teddy), and Glen had followed Upuaut and Faunus up the corridor.
Marcus had followed them, but was still preoccupied with all that Upuaut had been explain to him.....
" what's this all about....?
It looks a bit 'pervy'.", Ethan said, sounding a little alarmed.
"Not at all...Ethan....", Faunus replied, looking back at the uninvited guests.
"Well black leather suites, funny masks, and a very weird sort of 'thong-thingy'....
It all looks a bit odd to me.", Ethan continued.
As they caught up with Upuaut and Faunus Glen shook his head, and looked very surprised.
Teddy said nothing, but was concerned.
"It's just part of some research...", Faunus explained - but not very convincingly.
"Don't be alarmed, my friends....
let my servants get you some chairs, and if you take a seat I will endeavor to explain what we are intending.", Upuaut said calmly.
And so, once they were seated, Upuaut began his explanation.
"We are concerned about the beings whom you call the 'Greys'.
They have evolved over the ages, in various forms, and occupy an adjacent 'dimension' to the ones that humans occupy.

They can move relatively easily from one dimension to another - and so are often encountered by humans, and have had a substantial influence on the civilizations of humans.
As time has passed, however, they have lost the ability to procreate by sexual means, and have, as they developed technologically, relied on 'cloning'.
Now they are diminishing as their 'essential essence' (here Upuaut was referring to DNA) has become weak.
They wish to biologically engineer themselves to re-establish their original sexuality, but this will reintroduce their emotional nature, which they are no longer able to adequately control.
As they are, in many ways, our slaves, we wish to assist them, and by studying human emotions, we hope to engender in them viable emotional control.
Brody, along with others, is being used as part of this program.
"So what, exactly, are you planning to do with Brody ?", Ethan asked as he watched Brody prepare himself.
The odd thing that Ethan noticed, however, was that Brody didn't seem to be aware of himself, Glen or Teddy, and was only looking to the 'guards' wearing the Cobra masks.
"In order to 'arouse' him, both physically and emotionally we will have to humiliate and abuse him, much as happens during his combats that you have yourselves witnessed - but we will ensure that he is not physically damaged."
"I see.", Ethan said.
"And you're sure you're not just voyeurs ?", Jim asked, finally contributing to the discussion.
"Not at all, Marcus.
I will monitor Brody's feelings, and his physical response.
We use Brody because he has an unusual response to abuse and physical pain, as I think you know", Upuaut said knowingly.
While Upuaut' s explanations had not seemed particularly convincing to the 'boys', they were aware that the 'Boss' had taken advantage (for his own benefit) of Brody's apparent 'masochism' at the 'Combat Club', and as they had co-operated with the 'Boss' in that matter, were hardly in a position to raise objections now that Upuaut was following the same course for various reasons of his own - seemingly related to the further development of the 'Greys'.
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Humiliation |
And so the 'research' began with Brody being taken over to a small dais, raised up on a couple of steps.
Brody was then forced down onto his hands and knees, and made to grovel at the feet of a very large 'cobra guard', who was dressed entirely in black leather.
"So what's all this about 'boot licking' ?", Teddy asked, thoroughly bemused.
While Teddy was a very intelligent and knowledgeable teddy-bear, (a 'super-bear' in fact), there were some very obvious gaps in his knowledge - many of which related to human idiosyncrasies.
"Oh it's just a sign of complete submission...", Jim replied.
"Why I don't actually know, but it was common, even in ancient times...", Jim added, squatting down on the floor as there weren't enough chairs to go round.
"Well it doesn't seem to be hurting Brody much, apart from squashing his nose, and that guard's boots look quite clean, so I don't understand why Brody's licking them.", Teddy said, sounding very puzzled.
"Don't worry,'s a 'human thing'...I'll explain when we get back to the hotel....if we get back to the hotel...", Ethan said.
The big, cobra masked, guard then pulled Brody up from the floor, and slammed him against what appeared to be a stone pilaster.
He then grabbed Brody by the neck, apparently intending to strangle him.
"No !...Please !", Brody managed to croak....the first time he had spoken since they had set out from the hotel.
The cobra guard was not only very big, but also very strong, and then lifted Brody up off his feet, pushing him against the pilaster.
Jim (as Marcus), had seen such 'moves' many times before in the arena, and he knew that one false move on Brody's part could mean a broken neck, and probably instant death.
Brody was sufficiently well trained as a wrestler, however, not to struggle, and try to support himself by grabbing hold of his opponent's arm that was lifting him.
The aim of he move - which had been carefully pre-planned, however was not to injure Broody, but rather to make Brody panic, and possibly bring on symptoms of 'auto-erotic' excitement'.
Eventually the cobra guard let Brody drop to the floor.
While Brody was lying on the floor, trying to recover, the big 'cobra guard' squatted down and spread Brody's legs.
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The Cobra Guard Abuses Brody |
The 'guard' then started slapping Brody's groin - not hard enough to do the young wrestler permanent injury - but certainly hard enough to cause him considerable pain.
Brody squirmed and squealed, and then, to make the torment even more humiliating the guard grabbed hold of Brody's left wrist, and forced Brody to slap his own groin.
"No more ! No !....Please !", Brody groaned, although the prominent bulge straining in his tiny loincloth indicated that the 'treatment' he was receiving was having the desired effect.
Having seen that Brody was sufficiently aroused, the 'guard' stood up, kicking Brody's legs to one side.
Two other cobra masked guards then pulled Brody to his feet, and dragged him over to the other side of the chamber - to a specially lit area - somewhat like an alcove.
Brady was then made to stand, facing outwards, while black leather straps were attached to his ankles and wrists.
Gold colored chains were then pulled down from the ceiling, and attached to his wrist straps, and then similar chains were pulled up from concealed 'wells' in the floor, and attached to his leather ankle straps.
Using a mechanism concealed in the gold, hieroglyph encrusted walls on either side, the chains were then tightened, so that Brody's leas and arms were spread.
A trap then opened in the floor of the alcove, from which emerged a cube shaped machine.
Protruding from the top of the machine was a gold plated shaft surmounted by a half sphere.
One of the cobra guards made some adjustments to the various controls protruding from the outer casing of the machine, and the shaft, which appeared to be electrically driven slowly began to rise.
Brody looked down, well knowing that chained as he was the machine was intended to 'penetrate' him - but there was nothing that he could do - apart from helplessly squirm.
This was the final stage of the 'alien' inspired 'research'.
Teddy, of course, had very little understanding of human sexuality and violence, and simply got bored, and trudged back to the 'throne room' to continue reading the 'Pyramid Texts' that lined the walls.
Glen, who knew little of Brody's predilections, watched, fascinated, while Ethan, who was only too familiar with what 'turned on' Brody watched with a certain sense of boredom, waiting for Brody's inevitable orgasm.
Jim (or 'Marcus' as Upuaut insisted on calling him), had seen far more extreme examples of 'sado-masochism' in the arena at Baiae, and so this minor display had little effect on him.
Once Brody's tiny loincloth had been pulled down to reveal his erect 'member', and the deeply thrusting shaft was electrified, Brody groaned loudly, and then 'spent' himself very conveniently in the removable tray, set in the top of the casing of the machine positioned between his legs.
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Brody Collapses |
Moments later the cube shaped machine, along with its gold shaft disappeared back into it's hidden well in the alcove floor, and then Kha-met and Ant-ef came forward and unfastened Brody's wrist and ankle cuffs which were attached to the gold plated chains.
Brody, with a loud grunt, then collapsed onto the floor of the alcove, exhausted, and seemingly semi-conscious.
After checking that Brody was not seriously hurt, and adjusting Brody's loincloth, Kha-met and Ant-ef lifted up Brody and part carried and part dragged the young wrestler's limp body back to an adjoining chamber where presumably he was 'cleaned up' and his clothes restored to him.

"So, let us speak some more...", Upuaut suggested, as he led the way back down the red curtained corridor, and into the 'throne-room', where they found Teddy standing on the seat of one of the chairs, intently studying the 'Pyramid texts' inscribed on the wall.
"So did you find what you were looking for from that little episode with Brody ?", Faunus asked.
"To some extent, yes.....", Upuaut replied.
The connections between sexuality and violence, in humans are, as you are doubtless aware, very complex and convoluted.
Brody is a good case, as with him matters are very obvious, and his responses are in many way inverted and 'transposed', making him easy to study.", Upuaut explained.
"And presumably you will wipe his memory of these experiences, before he leaves the ship ?", Faunus asked.
"Yes... of course.", Upuaut replied.
"And when he returns in a moment you will find that he is completely unharmed, and he has been given a hypnotic suggestion, so that a little later he will wish to sleep, and after a sound rest he will awaken refreshed, and will have no memory of the events that have occurred here."
"So..... where do we go from here ?", Jim (whom Upuaut always called 'Marcus') asked.
"I think that you should discuss certain matters with Faunus - and then, if Faunus agrees, we should meet again - and take things further......", Upuaut suggested.

To Ethan, it all seemed annoyingly vague, while Teddy, whom everyone had seemed to have forgotten about, listened carefully, as he pretended to read the 'Pyramid Texts'.
"And will you contact me if you want to arrange a further meeting ?", Glen asked.
"Probably...", Upuaut replied
"Well...I think it must be very late, so perhaps we should be leaving...", Jim said, feeling that their current conversation was really getting nowhere.
"Yes, perhaps you're right...", Faunus said. "OK then Teddy...enough hieroglyphic-thingys for one night....let's go...", Ethan said, as he lifted Teddy off the elegant gilded Egyptian sofa.
"So I will get Kha-met and Ant-ef to show you the way out..", Upuaut said, as he resumed his seat on the large black marble throne.
", of course..", Ethan said, feeling like a naughty schoolboy who had been dismissed by the head-master.
And so, once Brody, looking none the worse for wear, had joined them, they made their way down yet another corridor, and out into the warm night air.....

And so we re-join the 'Boss', Novius, Josh and Glaux on their way to Memphis, while Faunus , Jim, Ethan, Teddy, Glen and Brody return to the Hotel Chaco in Albuquerque for a good nights sleep, and then later a period of consideration of their strange experiences with Upuaut and the unlikely 'crew' of the 'Pyramid Ship'.