to enlarge images open in a new tab
Please note that this chapter is intended for adults (over 18 years), and contains images and text featuring violence, nudity, explicit adult sexuality and strong language. Please do not view this chapter if you find such features objectionable....
Jim, Max and Faunus go out to the desert to test Jim's new telescope - but get waylaid by a rather petulant character (who they decide to call 'Roger') who is posing as an ET - meanwhile, back in Vegas, Ethan has to come to terms with the fact that Brody has found a new boy - dangerous for Brody as Ethan has surprisingly, and very quickly, turned into a 'gun-slinger' - but not as dangerous as Brody's encounters are in the 'Combat Club' ring.....
Having thanked and left the ‘Boss’ in the bar, where he was settling down to make calls from his mobile, Jim and Max, having already had their evening meal, were eager to find Faunus, and get to Jim’s suite where Jim’s new telescope was stored.
Unfortunately, neither the ‘Boss’, nor the reception had any idea where Faunus was, and there was no answer from his mobile.
So, with no other option, Jim and Max simply went to Jim’s suite to wait, and see if Faunus turned up.
On unlocking the door to his suite, Jim was surprised to find Faunus happily whistling (tunelessly) to himself, as he checked over the Meade telescope.
Of course, locked doors were no obstacle to Faunus, and nor was the locked travelling-case in which the telescope was kept.
Jim decided to say nothing.
“Hi boys...”, Faunus said brightly.
“Are you ready for your spot of star-gazing.”
Jim looked at Max and smiled.
“Of course, Faunus – but where are we going to set up the telescope ?”, Jim asked.
“Well in the desert, of course – well away from all the lights !”, Faunus replied.
Jim looked puzzled.
“But how do we get to the desert ?”, Jim asked.
“Easy… you're a ‘big boy’ now, and you've got your own auto...” Faunus replied.
“Yes, but I can’t drive.”....
“Yes… but I can !”, Faunus said, with a cheeky grin.
Jim was worried.
Faunus was obviously going to use one of his ‘hypnotically fake’ pieces of cardboard as a driving licence – but the question was – could Faunus be trusted with Jim’s new auto.
“Well, we could always use my Edsel...”, Faunus suggested.
“You mean the ‘pink’ one ?”, Jim asked nervously.
“If you don’t like pink, then I could always change it...”, Faunus countered.
“No, just leave it as it is, but just make sure it’s ‘real’….and working, and has enough fuel to get us there – wherever ‘there’ is – and back.”. Jim pleaded.
Max just shook his head in disbelief at the strange conversation.
“Of course.”, Faunus replied.
“You and Max take the telescope, and I’ll bring all the other bits and pieces.
The Edsel’s parked outside the reception area.”, Faunus said, picking up Jim’s laptop, and putting numerous eyepieces and other items in the pockets of his pants (UK - trousers).
The road was unlit, but contrary to Jim's expectations, Faunus appeared to be a competent driver.
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Faunus Drives Jim from Area 51 in the 'Plymouth Fury' |
Of course, Jim had been driven by Faunus before when he was in the rather unlikely 'Plymouth Fury Convertible' that Faunus had seemingly 'magicked up' from the 'ether' for the escape from Area 51 - but Jim had no memory of that journey.
Strangely, the 'Plymouth Fury Convertible' had disappeared - somewhere ? - and now they were driving in an equally unlikely and rather embarrassing pink Edsel, that Jim had previously been warned about by Brody.
But the road was dark as it headed out into the desert - and like most deserts, and true to its name, it was 'deserted'.
Max, who had lived his whole life in the generally well lit streets of Vegas was nervous.
"Well, this looks like a good spot !", Faunus said cheerily, as he pulled up on the sandy verge along side the road, in a spot that looked no different to any of the other innumerable 'spots' along the road.
"OK.... so what do we do now ?", Jim asked, puzzled.
"Unload the gear !", Faunus replied, jumping out of the auto.
So that's what they did - with Jim and Max lugging the heavy travelling case from the trunk.
Soon Faunus was getting out his compass (did he always carry a compass ? or was it yet another 'virtual' object - like the cars - and the driving licences etc ?)
Regardless, Faunus busied himself setting up the tripod, and aligning the equatorial mount of the Meade telescope - and that was all a complete mystery to Jim and Max, but Faunus seemed to know exactly what he was doing.
An equatorial mount is a mount for instruments that compensates for Earth's rotation by having one rotational axis parallel to the Earth's axis of rotation. This type of mount is used for astronomical telescopes and cameras. The advantage of an equatorial mount lies in its ability to allow the instrument attached to it to stay fixed on any celestial object with diurnal motion by driving one axis at a constant speed. Such an arrangement is called a 'sidereal drive'.
Once Faunus considered the tripod to be correctly orientated, he set about linking the motorized mount to Jim's laptop.
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'Alien Grey' and 'Douglas' the Edsel |
"You choose a cold night in the desert to gaze upon the stars !", a seemingly youthful, and unknown voice said - close by.
"Shit ! Who said that ?", Max said, visibly jumping.
"No one in particular....", Faunus replied, as he continued to tinker with the telescope, and its mount.
Jim looked around nervously.
"But there's no one else here...", Jim said softly - hoping that Faunus had a rational - and believable - explanation.
"Your eyes obviously haven't got used to the dark...
Just look over there...", Faunus said pointing towards some rather ominous looking cacti, close to where the Edsel was parked.
"I do like your space-ship - is it called Douglas ?", the young voice asked.
open the image, on the left, in a new ,tab', and enlarge to see why the 'Grey' thinks the Edsel is called 'Douglas' - (and how is it the 'Grey' can read - and speak - English ?)
"What the fuck ?", Max spluttered.
"What's 'whoever it is' talking about ".
"Oh its just one of those little 'Greys' - trying to be 'friendly'.
'It' read the number plate, and thinks the Edsel's called 'Douglas'.", Faunus said, casually, still concentrating on the equatorial mount.
"Why does 'it' think the Edsel's a 'spaceship' ?", Jim asked, completely confused.
"It's all part of the 'game'.... ", Faunus replied, finally finishing his tinkering with the telescope.
"They want us to think they're aliens, from another world, coming here in gleaming 'saucers' - so seeing a gleaming Edsel, 'it' thought it would help to start talking about it as if it was a spaceship... of course 'it' knows what it really is... just playing, you see...", Faunus tried explaining.
Jim grinned.
"I think you're being very rude !", the little figure said, obviously upset (or maybe just pretending to be upset).
Now before you start feeling sorry for the little guy burbling on about 'Douglas the spaceship', here's some information from Chapter 17. - this annoying little guy is apparently a 'Grey' - and according to Faunus, is posing as a 'mighty', and technologically superior alien. In reality, Faunus says, 'Alien Greys', are low level 'elementals' posing as extra-terrestrial beings. Usually they are assumed to be 'aliens', and their existence is discussed in ufological, paranormal, and 'New Age' communities. They are named for their unique skin colour. Forty-three percent of all reported alien encounters in the United States describe 'Grey' aliens. Such claims vary in every respect including their nature, origins (extra-terrestrials, 'extra-dimensionals', time travellers, or machines [?]), moral dispositions, intentions, and physical appearances. A composite description would have Greys as small-bodied beings with smooth grey-coloured skin, enlarged hairless head and large black eyes. They can be aggressive, and should never be trusted - being inveterate liars (and also 'shape-shifters) - so, be warned.....
'Alien Grey' in a Bad Mood
So back to the encounter....
"I think you're being very rude !", the little figure said, obviously upset (or maybe just pretending to be upset).
"No... not at all.", Faunus replied.
"It's just that I know quite a lot about you guys...and I'm not prepared to let you play your stupid, nasty games with these two lads - you know, taking them into your imaginary 'spaceship' - getting them stripped and playing about with them, and 'tagging' them' - all for your own 'pervy' amusement - telling them a lot of nonsense about being from a distant galaxy, and hinting at a possible 'apocalypse' - then letting them free, so they go of and make fools of themselves with all sorts of ridiculous implanted memories.
It's just not on !...
Now if you just want to have an honest chat, and maybe a look through our telescope... well that's OK, but otherwise... just clear off to your own stupid little dimension."
The little, pale 'grey' looked shocked after Faunus' outburst.
"Who are you.... and how do you know all of this ?", the little guy asked nervously.
"Who or what I am is none of your business, and it's no use trying to 'read' the boy's thoughts, because that won't help you....", Faunus began.
"Let's just say I'm a 'visitor'... a bit like your kind are, but I actually have a good reason to be here."
There was a brief ominous silence.
"So what's it to be ?", Faunus said, trying to make the situation clear, and demanding a straight answer from the very confused little 'Grey'.

"Well, I would like to talk to your two cute young human friends, and you do seem to have a very 'cool' telescope - so perhaps I could have a little look through it....", the little 'Grey' said.
Max was looking at the 'Grey' - and was obviously very puzzled.
"What sex is it ?" Max quietly asked Faunus, having predictably noticed that the 'Grey' was apparently naked, but appeared to have no genitalia.
"They don't have any sex.
Alien 'Bondage' |
They're fascinated with the way male humans have genitals, pubic hair, erections, and ejaculate, and they love to collect human semen.", Faunus explained - a little too explicitly perhaps for Max.
"So they're 'gay'... 'gay Greys' ?", Max asked, half humorously.
"No ... not really - just very 'pervy', by human standards, and fascinated by human sexuality.
They have similar obsessions with female humans - but I won't go into that - I know that females are not your thing, Max.", Faunus said.
"Thanks...", Max replied, looking nervously at Jim.
Max then began wondering what it would be like to be 'played with' by 'aliens', and began imagining being stripped naked and 'jerked off' by a group of the little guys.
"I know what your thinking, Max... and don't.
It will only encourage them, and you really wouldn't enjoy a session of 'alien masturbation' - it could be very painful." Faunus said, with a twinkle in his eyes.
"Sorry.", Max said, blushing.
There have been reports of 'alien abductions' throughout history. The first 'modern' report was of the abduction of Betty and Barney Hill in the US. Many of these reports contain graphic sexual details, although often these are not revealed until the subject/s of the abduction have undergone hypnotic regression. The initial failure to reveal such details is usually attributed to embarrassment or fear of social disgrace. Some researchers suggest that such sexually orientated encounters are simply human 'sexual fantasies', which are the root cause of hallucinatory experiences of aliens, while other researchers maintain that the encounters are real events, and the aliens have an as yet undisclosed agenda relating to sexuality, genetics and procreation - or perhaps, as Faunus suggests, aliens are just very 'pervy' - and Faunus should know.
"So, what's your name ?", Jim asked, trying to be more friendly to the previously upset ''Grey'.
"Name ?...
What's that ?", the 'Grey' asked, looking puzzled.
"Well what do the other 'Greys' call you ?", Jim explained, thinking that maybe this 'Grey' was possibly mentally retarded - which would just be their luck.
"We don't 'call' each other anything - we just communicate by thoughts.", the 'Grey' said.
"OK...", Jim replied.
But it would be easier for us if you had a name...
Do you mind if I give you one. ?"
"No... not at all..", the 'Grey replied, obviously still not really understanding - and possibly not caring.
"What do you think, Max ?", Jim said quietly - turning to Max.
"I don't know...", Max replied.
"The only names that I can think of for this little guy are rude ones.", Max said grinning.
"Well we don't want to upset him any further - so what about 'Roger' - it's a nice friendly name - inoffensive and polite.", Faunus suggested.
"OK.", Jim said.
"Roger it is..."
Jim then turned to the 'alien', who was standing, arms folded, and tapping one of his large feet on the sandy desert floor, seemingly becoming impatient.
"Roger... we've decided.
"We think it's a nice friendly name.", Jim announced.
"Good..!", the little 'Grey' replied.
"And I am nice and friendly.", the 'Grey' added.
"Good...", Faunus said, wanting to bring the apparently mindless conversation to a halt.
"So now, Roger, if you don't mind, I need to remind you that we came here so that Jim could use his new telescope.
He's had it for days, and this is the first time he's had an opportunity to use it.", Faunus explained.
"Of course... and such a pretty telescope...", the little 'Grey' said, obviously not being very familiar with English adjectives.
"And after 'Jim' (?). and his cute young friend have used it, may I have a little look at the galaxy that I come from ?", 'Roger' (as he was now called) asked.
"Yes, of course, 'Roger', but please don't go on about you coming from 'another galaxy'.
I happen to know that you come from this world - although probably not this dimension."
The visible, three-dimensional universe is restricted to a 'brane' (short for 'membrane') inside a higher-dimensional space, called 'hyperspace'. If the additional dimensions are compact, then the observed universe contains the extra dimension, and then no reference to hyperspace is appropriate. In the hyperspace model, at least some of the extra dimensions are extensive (and possibly infinite !), and other 'brane's may be moving through 'hyperspace'. Interactions with 'hyperspace' and possibly with other 'branes', can influence our 'brane' and thus introduce effects not seen in more standard cosmological models. - Neither Jim or Max or 'Roger' had any understanding of this - in fact, only Faunus understood about 'branes' - but then you have to have plenty of 'brains' to understand about 'branes'....(physicist's joke)
'Roger' looked annoyed again.
He was not used to 'earthlings' doubting his word, and was even more surprised that they were not afraid of him, or were not being influenced in any way by what he considered to be his incredibly powerful 'mind control'.
"Thank you !", 'Roger' replied sharply - beginning to sulk.
Roger then sat down by the Edsel, which he fondly thought was called 'Douglas', and watched as Faunus showed Jim how to guide the 'scope using the laptop.
Meanwhile, back in Vegas, Zac had taken Ethan and Josh to the California Combat Club to see the preparations that were being made for Brody's fist public appearance.
Kurt, of course, was there, busily organizing one of the smaller halls for the next set of bouts that were to take place the following day.
The 'Boss' had given his approval for this low level 'exhibition' which was designed to give some new youngsters a chance to show what they could do in front of a real audience.
As Kurt was talking, Tripp turned up bringing some leaflet, which he handed to Kurt.
"This is the publicity leaflet that we are sending out to selected patrons....". Kurt explained, as he passed out to the boys the glossy 'US Letter' format flyers, (equivalent to European and UK A4 size).
"Each flyer, sent to one of our second grade patrons, will be accompanied by a free 'guest invitation'.", Kurt added proudly
Of particular interest to Zac, Ethan and Josh were the flyers featuring Brody.
"But why the change of name ?", Ethan asked, surprised to see that Brody was being advertised as 'Dillon'.
"Oh, its all sales psychology.
Dillon is considered to be a less aggressive and less macho name than Brody, and the first part of the name Dillon, has certain 'sexual' connotations - although I am assured by our psychologist that it's what he terms 'subliminal'.
I don't really understand all this jargon, but the 'Boss' says we should use him, and the figures add up - so what the hell !", Kurt said, passing round the leaflets.
"And what does Brody think of this ?", Josh asked.
"I don't think he really cares... he just wants to get on with the contest.", Kurt replied.
"So who designs this publicity ?", Zac asked.
Oh, it's all done by this young guy - Vittorio.
He's a graphic artist.... very good !", Kurt explained.
Zac nodded, and at the same time Ethan and Tripp made eye contact.
Unusually, Ethan gave Tripp a very aggressive stare.
"How do you like your 'man' being called 'Dillon'", Ethan sarcastically and loudly asked, deliberately giving the impression to those listening that Brody, although he had now been given a less masculine name of 'Dillon', (at least as far as the psychiatrist was concerned), was dominant in the relationship between Tripp and Brody - and therefore the 'top man'.
Tripp looked angry - Brody, as far as Tripp concerned, was the submissive 'masochist', and he, Tripp, was the one penetrating Brody at every opportunity.
Tripp, however, didn't get the opportunity to answer Ethan as Zac intervened.
"Leave it, you two !", Zac said firmly.
Tripp looked embarrassed, and flounced off.
"And Tripp - make us all some coffee !", Kurt called out after the pretty blond boy - just to ensure that Tripp was firmly put in his place.
"And Ethan.... cool it, and we'll talk about this back at the penthouse.", Zac said quietly to Ethan.
Ethan walked away from the group, obviously upset, and as it happened, at the same time Brody, who ha been changing into his wrestling gear, appeared on the scene.
Brody, although not always that 'quick on the uptake', realized that something was going on.
"Everything all right, guys ?", Brody asked warily.
Zac decided to be straightforward - as usual.
"Yes, Brody - just a little 'tiff' between Ethan and Tripp.... over you."
Brody looked embarrassed.
"Over me ?", Brody said, pretending not to understand.
"Yes.... Ethan's finally realized that you have a 'new boy' - so you won't have to bother telling him yourself.", Josh said.
And it was unusual, because Josh was so calm and placid - usually - so the remark sounded strangely out of character - but it probably needed to be said.
By then Ethan was sitting quietly in the office of the 'Boss' - alone, and wishing that the 'Boss', and more particularly Jim would return.
"Yes.... it's my fault, I suppose.", Brody said.
"Just try to think things out more carefully, and show a bit of self control...", Zac said quietly.
"Well yes... of course, Zac... but it's only boys...", Brody replied, perhaps a little callously.
"I understand, but 'boys', to you and me may be one thing, but Ethan is the favourite of the 'Boss'.... other than Jim, of course - and has been for many years, and I don't think the 'Boss' will take kindly to his 'special little guy' being upset.", Zac said carefully.
Brody look concerned.
"Oh... I didn't know...
Perhaps you could have a word with the 'Boss' on my behalf.", Brody muttered.
"Perhaps...", Zac replied, and walked away to go and speak with Kurt.
Meanwhile, back in Vegas, Zac had taken Ethan and Josh to the California Combat Club to see the preparations that were being made for Brody's fist public appearance.
Kurt, of course, was there, busily organizing one of the smaller halls for the next set of bouts that were to take place the following day.
The 'Boss' had given his approval for this low level 'exhibition' which was designed to give some new youngsters a chance to show what they could do in front of a real audience.
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Tripp |
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Poster for 'Dillon's' First Appearance |
"Each flyer, sent to one of our second grade patrons, will be accompanied by a free 'guest invitation'.", Kurt added proudly
Of particular interest to Zac, Ethan and Josh were the flyers featuring Brody.
"But why the change of name ?", Ethan asked, surprised to see that Brody was being advertised as 'Dillon'.
"Oh, its all sales psychology.
Dillon is considered to be a less aggressive and less macho name than Brody, and the first part of the name Dillon, has certain 'sexual' connotations - although I am assured by our psychologist that it's what he terms 'subliminal'.
I don't really understand all this jargon, but the 'Boss' says we should use him, and the figures add up - so what the hell !", Kurt said, passing round the leaflets.
"And what does Brody think of this ?", Josh asked.
"I don't think he really cares... he just wants to get on with the contest.", Kurt replied.
"So who designs this publicity ?", Zac asked.
Oh, it's all done by this young guy - Vittorio.
He's a graphic artist.... very good !", Kurt explained.
Zac nodded, and at the same time Ethan and Tripp made eye contact.
Unusually, Ethan gave Tripp a very aggressive stare.
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Tripp is Sent Off to Get Coffee |

Tripp looked angry - Brody, as far as Tripp concerned, was the submissive 'masochist', and he, Tripp, was the one penetrating Brody at every opportunity.
Tripp, however, didn't get the opportunity to answer Ethan as Zac intervened.
"Leave it, you two !", Zac said firmly.
Tripp looked embarrassed, and flounced off.
"And Tripp - make us all some coffee !", Kurt called out after the pretty blond boy - just to ensure that Tripp was firmly put in his place.
"And Ethan.... cool it, and we'll talk about this back at the penthouse.", Zac said quietly to Ethan.
Ethan walked away from the group, obviously upset, and as it happened, at the same time Brody, who ha been changing into his wrestling gear, appeared on the scene.
Brody, although not always that 'quick on the uptake', realized that something was going on.
"Everything all right, guys ?", Brody asked warily.
Zac decided to be straightforward - as usual.
"Yes, Brody - just a little 'tiff' between Ethan and Tripp.... over you."
Brody looked embarrassed.
"Over me ?", Brody said, pretending not to understand.
"Yes.... Ethan's finally realized that you have a 'new boy' - so you won't have to bother telling him yourself.", Josh said.
And it was unusual, because Josh was so calm and placid - usually - so the remark sounded strangely out of character - but it probably needed to be said.
By then Ethan was sitting quietly in the office of the 'Boss' - alone, and wishing that the 'Boss', and more particularly Jim would return.
"Yes.... it's my fault, I suppose.", Brody said.
"Just try to think things out more carefully, and show a bit of self control...", Zac said quietly.
"Well yes... of course, Zac... but it's only boys...", Brody replied, perhaps a little callously.
"I understand, but 'boys', to you and me may be one thing, but Ethan is the favourite of the 'Boss'.... other than Jim, of course - and has been for many years, and I don't think the 'Boss' will take kindly to his 'special little guy' being upset.", Zac said carefully.
Brody look concerned.
"Oh... I didn't know...
Perhaps you could have a word with the 'Boss' on my behalf.", Brody muttered.
"Perhaps...", Zac replied, and walked away to go and speak with Kurt.
Meanwhile... .back in the Arizona desert, Faunus had actually come to the point where he was able to screw an eyepiece into the Meade telescope.
"So what would you like to look at, Jim ?", Faunus asked, his hands hovering over the laptop keyboard.
"The moon, I think - as it's almost full.", Jim replied.
"'s really beautiful tonight...", Faunus said
"And thanks for setting all this up for us, Faunus.", Jim added.
Max was standing near by, listening, and it was then that he began to understand, in some small way, the bond that existed between Faunus and Jim.
Before Jim looked through the eyepiece he pointedly glanced at 'Roger'.
Roger was still sitting by the Edsel, but seemed to be quietly talking to the auto that he took to be 'Douglas'.
Although 'Roger' had said that he knew what the Edsel was, Jim was now doubtful, and 'Roger' seemed to be trying to 'make friends' with 'Douglas'.
As Jim surveyed the lunar surface, he spoke quietly to Faunus.
"Roger's talking to the Edsel....
You know I think he's very lonely.....perhaps we could help him ?", Jim questioned.
"Perhaps....", Faunus said.
At that point Max interrupted.
"So what does the moon look like ?" he asked.
"Great !", Jim replied.
"Come over and have a look."
"Shit !....It's amazing !", Max exclaimed
It was not a very poetic remark, but it made the point.
The telescope, although is was tiny compared to the one they had used at the Lowell observatory, still gave a remarkably clear image of the Moon.
Showing some emotion, as he looked up at the silvery orb, Jim nodded.
Roger, had stopped trying to chat to 'Douglas', and had heard what Faunus had said.
"So ....the boy called 'Jim' is not from around here ?", Roger said, questioningly - "And of course you Faunus, are from very far away.....
It seems that only the pretty boy called Max is a true inhabitant.", Roger concluded.
"You are probably correct, 'Roger'.", Faunus replied, not wanting to give too much away.
"But tell me, 'Roger', why were you trying to talk to the auto - after all, it's just a machine. ?", Faunus asked, trying to change the subject.
"I thought 'Douglas' might be able to tell me where my companions were.
You see I've lost contact with them.", 'Roger' explained.
Max thought the conversation with 'Roger' was getting nowhere and decided to change the subject completely.
"What about something else, Faunus.
What about that 'Orion' thing we looked at when we were at the Lowell Observatory ?"
Faunus was pleased to get back to using the telescope, and changed the eyepiece and typed in the name for the constellation of Orion.
Obediently the Meade telescope clicked and hummed and turned to the appropriate area of the sky.
"May I ?", Max said, remembering his manners.
"Be my guest...", Faunus replied in an appropriately formal way.
Max looked through the eyepiece.
"'s real good, but not as colourful as when we saw it at the other place.", Max said.
"Well that's because you need a very big telescope to fully bring out all the colours.", Faunus explained.
" what about something else ?", Max asked.
"Try this Max....the Pleiades....", Faunus suggested.
And so Max busied himself with the laptop and the telescope.
"Now that should give us an opportunity to talk..."Faunus said.
"Why ? What have you done ?...", Jim asked, suspecting that Faunus was up to something.
"Oh just one of my little hypnotic suggestions... Max is so easy to manipulate... you see his mind is preoccupied with one main obsession....", Faunus explained, but only partly.
"And that is ?...", Jim asked - but half believing he already knew the answer.
"Sex.", Faunus said quite bluntly.
"I see...
So you know about me and Max ?", Jim said, annoyed and embarrassed at the same time.
"Of course !
You humans give off very strong signals when your feeling 'horny'... and even stronger signals when you're actually 'doing it'... if you get my drift." Faunus admitted.
Jim shook his head, and blushed heavily.
"But you two are ideally suited.
He loves to be fucked, - which you don't...really.... and you really like to fuck cute boys, and Max, you must admit is really cute.", Faunus continued, much to Jim's further embarrassment.
"And does the 'Boss' know about this ?", Jim asked hesitantly.
"Of course !
That's why he had Max come along on this trip.
Dr. Lockwood's orders for you were to have a 'relaxing time', and a young man of your age can hardly relax properly without a good outlet for his sexual fantasies - and Max is a much better option than masturbating, on your own, in your room - so that's why Max came along - as Ethan wasn't available.", Faunus explained.
"So you know about me and Ethan as well....?", Jim said, sounding truly defeated.
"Yes Jim.
After young Kleon.... so long ago..... Ethan is, I believe, your 'true love' - and hopefully you two will get back together again.... eventually.", Faunus said.
"All right !
That's enough about my love life.
Let's get back to the matter in hand.", Jim said forcefully, desperate to change the subject.
"Well we don't want Max to know what we're talking about so, as I was saying, I have given Max a hypnotic suggestion so he will continually go through the list of 'stellar objects' until I end the hypnotic suggestion, and he will have heard nothing of what we have said.
'Roger' at the moment is out of earshot, talking to 'Douglas'.
I think, however, that you wanted to talk about 'Roger'", Faunus said knowingly.
"Fuck !... how can a guy think about anything without you reading his mind, and having it all worked out before he even opens his mouth.", Jim fumed.
"Sorry Jim, but it is rather obvious.", Faunus said gently.
"So what should we do with the little chap.
Leave him here alone, in the desert....lost
Or is there something that you can do to help him ?", Jim asked.
"Well let me warn you here of something.
Elementals - what the humans call ETs - are inveterate liars, and they can easily sway humans to take foolish, or even dangerous actions - and you are still just a human, even if a very special one.
Fortunately for you, I can read 'Roger's' mind, and what he tells us is, by and large, true.
Rejected by his 'group' - I think because he was such a nuisance - he was abandoned here in the desert, and that's why he approached us.
A lone 'visitor' like 'Roger' would never normally approach humans - they always need the backing of a group - so 'Roger' is obviously desperate.
If we leave him now, he will probably just 'fade', and that will be the end of him.
"So....what can you do ?", Jim asked, feeling even more sorry for the stupid little guy who was busily talking to an Edsel.
"Well ETs are 'shape shifters', which means that they can take on the appearance of other people, animals or even objects, but only for a short time, so if he leaves the desert he will be spotted immediately.
There is a long-term solution to 'Roger's' problem, however, but it is very drastic, and it will need the co-operation of you, and the 'Boss'.
I'm sure that the 'Boss' will agree, but as to you - well, we'll find out when I explain it to you.
We can take 'Roger' back with us.... to the hotel, and also on your trip, and eventually back to Vegas, but not looking like he is now - and not with the memories, such as they are, that he now possesses.
I can give him the appearance of a teenager - younger than you - who can be presented as your 'cousin'.
Unfortunately he needs to be a bit smaller than you, as making him taller than he is now, and apparently as old as you, or older, will cause all sorts of problems with his co-ordination - a bit like Franklin.", Faunus said.
"You mean that Franklin was a small alien that you transformed into a tall human ?", Jim asked rather naively.
"No.... that's just Franklin's Dyspraxia - poor co-ordination - which is a symptom of his Asperger's, which Ethan would describe as his 'wonky brain', although his brain is not all 'wonky' - as for instance when it comes to making money
Franklin's as human as you and Max.", Faunus explained.
"Well, to put it simply, I can make him like you, and give him memories so that he will think he's your cousin......
Another 'all American boy next door', like Ethan, but younger, so he'll seem to be just a kid, and you and the gang must treat him as such, and respect his youth and his innocence.
Do you understand what I mean ?" Faunus asked, hoping that he was making himself clear, and would not be required to spell everything out in detail.
"Of course, Faunus....he'll be like a 'kid brother'.", Jim agreed.
"But will he be stupid like 'Roger' seems to be, or will he be a nice, friendly, clever kid ?", Jim asked.
"He'll be a perfect young guy, who you can be proud of.", Faunus said reassuringly.
"But, like you and the others, he'll not get any older.", Faunus added.
Not get any older.....?
What do you mean !", Jim asked nervously.
"Oh, nothing really, I'll explain all that some time later....", Faunus said, dismissively.
"But now I must just 'phone the 'Boss', and make sure he's in agreement." Faunus said.
Jim was puzzled and nervous.
This was not what he had expected from his trip to the desert to try out his new telescope.
Jim looked at 'Roger', snuggled up by the side of the Edsel, and wondered what Faunus was really going to do.
Moments later Faunus put away his mobile.
"The 'Boss' says OK, as long as you agree...", Faunus said.
"Well that's OK, but shouldn't we ask 'Roger' ?", Jim asked.
"Of course....but I rather think that 'Roger' will agree, after all, he hasn't really got much option.", Faunus replied.
"And you're sure you can do this without any problems ?", Jim asked.
"Of course.
It's a lot easier with an 'elemental' than with a fully embodied being, like a human, and I've got a good grasp of what to do after dealing with Zac and Ethan and Josh.", Faunus said confidentially.
"And there won't be any problems, like there were with me ?", Jim asked, hoping he was not annoying Faunus.
"That was just a minor 'glitch' caused by a very unusual situation.
With 'Roger' it will be 'child's play', if you'll excuse the pun.", Faunus replied, smiling.
"OK, well lets go and talk to 'Roger'.", Jim said.
Not surprisingly, 'Roger' agreed.
He had no choice really - it was either a lonely 'dissolution' in the desert, or the possibility of a new life, whatever that new life might turn out to be.
"I knew you were not one of these humans." 'Roger said, as Faunus explained in very simple language what he was proposing.
Faunus then led 'Roger' off some way into the desert, after giving both Jim and Max a hypnotic suggestion not to look back to where Faunus was taking 'Roger'.
And so no-one, except Faunus, saw what actually happened - which was probably just as well, but if you had been there, you may have just glimpsed Faunus and 'Roger' standing face to face as they were gradually engulfed with a brilliant shimmering light - a light formed from an almost infinite number of tiny glittering particles.
Gradually the particles coalesced, forming the outline of a figure - the figure of the boy, who Faunus had now named Glen -
What Faunus had not done at that point was given the boy any 'personality', although he had removed all the previous memories relating the boy having been an 'elemental' - so the newly 'created' 'Glen' was effectively a 'blank slate' for Faunus to work on, once he got him back to the hotel.
"Say nothing boys, and start dismantling the telescope, and put it in the trunk." (UK 'boot') Faunus said sternly.
"Yes Faunus", Max and Jim replied mechanically, and in unison, as they were still under the hypnotic control that Faunus had established previously.
Faunus then led Glen to the front passenger door, opened it, and got Glen to sit in the seat.
Glen's face was expressionless, and he looked forwards, seemingly unseeing.
With little delay Max and Jim had packed up the telescope and all the accessories, including the laptop and, and put all the items the trunk.
They then stood motionless by the rear of the Edsel.
"OK....get in.", Faunus told them.
Almost mechanically the two boys got into the rear of the auto - Faunus took his place in the driving seat, and then sped off to Tucson.
Fortunately the shops were still open and so Faunus parked the Edsel in the first shopping area that he found.
Having locked all the doors to ensure that neither Glen, Max or Jim wandered off, Jim went into a clothing store, and asked for teenage boys clothes.
By giving the pretty girl assistant (who was instantly smitten by Faunus 'hypnotic eyes' and good looks), what he thought was the probable age and height of Glen, and an unlikely story about a cousin arriving at the hotel who had lost his luggage, Faunus selected some suitable clothes, including underwear, socks and shoes for Glen.
The nice young girl assured Faunus that the clothes were all the latest fashion, and would be appreciated by any 'style concious' young man.
Faunus then paid with one of his many 'phoney' credit cards.
Faunus came out of the shop with two large carrier bags containing clothes and shoes, unlocked the doors of the Edsel, gave the bags to Jim and Max, and got into driving seat.
Faunus then turned the Edsel round, and headed back the way they had come.
"So where are we going now ?", Jim asked.
"Back to the desert where it's dark, so that we can get Glen dressed, after all, when he arrives at the 'Arizona Inn' he needs to look like a 'normal' boy."
"OK.", Jim said, shaking his head, and wondering where all this would end.
As soon as they got to a nice dark spot, Faunus told Jim to get out, and come to the open door of the front passenger seat.
"Now take Glen out, and get him dressed.
Remember, he's never worn clothes before, and I haven't been able to 'program' him yet, so he will have no idea how to dress himself.", Faunus explained, as Max giggled.
"This should be fun !", Max said.
"Shut up ", Jim said, "And give me a hand."
It took about twenty minutes to get Glen properly dressed.
Jim then sat Glen next to Faunus.
"Well done boys...
He looks very smart.", Faunus said, approvingly.
Faunus then turned the car round, and drove back into Tucson, and then to the 'Arizona Inn'.
On arriving at the 'Arizona Inn', Faunus told Jim to take Glen up to his suite, and wait.
"If anyone asks who Glen is, tell them he's your cousin who has just arrived from Vegas.", Faunus said.
"So go..... and give me a few moments to talk to Max here.", Faunus said, pulling the passenger door closed.
Faunus then got out of the Esdel, and told Max to do the same thing.
Faunus then stood face to face, and close to Max, and looked into Max's eyes.
"Relax, and listen to every word I say.", Faunus said slowly and clearly.
"Yes..." Max replied in a dreamy sort of way.
"We drove out to the desert, parked in a deserted spot, unpacked the telescope and set it up, and then we took turns looking at the stars.
We were quite alone - met no one - spoke to no one - finished looking at the stars, packed the telescope away, and drove straight back to the Arizona Inn.... and that is all.
Is that clear ?" Faunus said.
"Yes, Faunus.", Max said, obviously detached and hypnotised.
Faunus then clicked his fingers.
"Good Max... then let's find the 'Boss', and get a nice evening meal.", Faunus said brightly.
"Great...I thought you were never going to ask.", Max replied
Jim found it strange guiding Glen in the Arizona Inn.
Although Glen was obviously aware of everything around him, and was having no trouble with his co-ordination (something that had troubled Jim since Faunus had mentioned Franklin's Dyspraxia), he behaved very strangely - almost 'zombie' like, (not that Jim knew the term), like someone sleepwalking.
This, of course was because Faunus had not had time to 'program' Glen, which was, as Jim well knew, quite a long process.
Jim wondered if Glen would be able to talk, but he left that until they were in the privacy of their suite.
Once the were in the suite, Jim flopped down into one of the comfortable armchairs, relieved to be back from his brief little 'adventure', but Glen just stood by the bed, obviously having no idea what to do.
"Relax Glen - sit down, and take it easy.", Jim said gently, not sure if Glen could even understand what he was saying.
Glen, however, just stood by the bed.
Jim wondered if he was unable to hear....or unable to speak.....or just didn't understand English.
Jim 'phoned Faunus - who was looking for the 'Boss' - and explained the situation.
"Don't worry, Jim.", came the typically relaxed reply.
When he underwent the 'transformation' it stripped out all his old memories - so now he's just like a 'robot'.
You say he's in your suite, standing by the bed ?
OK, well he'll just stand there until someone gives him a push.
So come down to the dining room...the 'Boss' is there, and I've got Max to go to bed....and he won't wake up until he gets a kiss from you in the morning ! know, like Ethan and Brody.", Faunus said, cheekily.
"Faunus ! ....why do you do these things ?".
"Simple, now the 'business' between you and Max is out in the open, this will give you an ideal opportunity to have an early morning fuck with Max tomorrow.", Faunus said.
"Nice of you to think of me...", Jim said sarcastically, "but you could have put it a bit more delicately - and I hope the 'Boss' didn't over hear that last remark." Jim said.
"Well actually, he's standing right beside me, with a big grin on his face.", Faunus said, giggling.
Jim, annoyed, switched his mobile off.
"OK, Glen - or whoever you are....
I've got to go downstairs for a while, so you just wait here.", Jim said.
He felt foolish, however, because it was a bit like talking to a wax dummy, but he felt concern for the boy, and without realizing it was already beginning to bond with his supposed 'cousin'.
Predictably, Glen didn't react.
Jim arrived in the main dining room of the Arizona Inn, and found the 'Boss' and Faunus ensconced in a corner of the room, already waiting for him.
"So, nice to see that you're looking OK after your little adventure.", the 'Boss' said, rising and indicating where Jim should sit.
Jim felt embarrassed, knowing that Faunus and the 'Boss' had been discussing his relationship with Max.
"Yes, it all seems to have ended quite well - at least so far." Jim replied warily.
"And the boy....he's OK, and upstairs in your suite ?", the 'Boss' asked.
"Oh yes." Jim replied.
"He's just standing there by the bed, like some robot."
The 'Boss' looked concerned, and turned to Faunus.
"So what's the problem ?", the 'Boss' asked, almost angrily.
"It's nothing to worry about, Sir.
He just needs 'programming', and I have the whole night to do that.
In the morning you can chat to him, and get to know him.", Faunus replied calmly.
"I see.", The 'Boss' said, not sounding too convinced.
"I'm really not sure that this was a good idea, but as you said, Jim didn't want the - well whatever he was - to die alone in the desert, so what else could we do ?", the 'Boss' said, looking to Jim.
Jim said nothing.
He was a little annoyed that he was now being 'blamed' for the arrival of Glen, but he didn't want to make an issue of it with the 'Boss'.
"So what's the boy look like ?", the 'Boss' asked, sounding a little more relaxed.
"He's just an ordinary looking American boy - a bit like Jim, but a few years younger - so I'll have to get some fake documentation if you want him to continue going to school.", Faunus said.
"And his memories - who will he think he is ?", the 'Boss' very wisely asked.
"Well, if you agree, I intend that he will believe that he's the son of your brother, 'Matt' - short for Matthew - but he died when Glen a few years ago.
Glen was brought up by his mother, 'Patricia', who has recently died of breast cancer, and he has now come to live with you.
You have met occasionally - Christmas, Thanksgiving and the like, but he hardly knows you, and has never been to Vegas.
The family, who are rich, but nowhere as rich as you, lived in Hampton, Virginia - and Matthew was a high Court Judge.
You, Sir, are the 'black sheep' of the family (sorry about that) - going off to Mexico - but as there are no other members of the family willing to take the boy, you are left to look after him......
Prior to his move to Arizona (?), Glen was attending Hargrave Military Academy in Chatham, Virginia, which is an all boys school - so, he will call you 'sir', and act like a miniature soldier.", Faunus explained.
"Wow....this is going to be fun !", Jim said, a little too enthusiastically.
"Yes....well, we'd better buy him a CD of Sousa Marches, and get Zac to check how good a marksman he is - this boy could be useful.", the 'Boss' said, obviously pleased with the scenario that Faunus was preparing.
"So tell me, Faunus, how do you manage to know all this stuff to give someone a complete set of realistic memories - and what's this 'Sousa Marches' thing ?", Jim asked.
"Well Faunus, it all sound OK - and it's clever how you painted me as the 'black sheep' of the family, so he knows practically nothing about me - but what does he know about you ?", the 'Boss' asked - thinking he was being somewhat clever.
"Well, I'm just a friend of the family, and a renowned 'illusionist', with a show in one of your casinos in Vegas - see ?", Faunus replied, being equally, if not more clever.
"Yes - very good, Faunus.
You've obviously got all that worked out."
The 'Boss' then looked serious.
"But do you think this - I mean us with the boy - will all work out ?", he asked Faunus.
"Yes - I think so.
The boy is programmed to like - well I nearly said 'love' - you, and to look up to and emulate his older cousin, Jim, and Jim's friends - so that should help.", Faunus said.
"Well, if our Glen looks up to Jim, and emulates him, and that's the most we can ask for.", the 'Boss' said.
Jim felt uncomfortable, realizing what a high opinion the 'Boss' had of him, and the responsibility that such an opinion laid on his shoulders.
"Any way, I need to go and collect Glen, and get to work on him.
If all goes well, I'll take him down to the pool area for breakfast, and you can casually turn up and chat to him."
Faunus then turned to Jim.
"I presume he's still standing by the bed in your suite ?", Faunus said as he excused himself and left the table.
Jim nodded, and Faunus gave a little wave, and left the dining room.
The 'Boss' settled back in his chair, and took a sip of his Jack Daniels.
"Well, I did mention about UFOs and ETs in the desert, and it seems that you, Max and Faunus came upon one in the desert - where they are often to be found....
And lucky you had Faunus with you, or maybe things might not have turned out quite so well for you and Max.", the 'Boss' said.
"And also maybe lucky for 'Roger' - that's the name we gave the little guy before Faunus 'changed' him as he thought that 'Roger' was not so good a name, and so he called him 'Glen'.", Jim explained.
"Yes.....but it's odd that this 'Roger' seemed so helpless, and lost - but then perhaps many of them are, but never admit it, pretending to be powerful 'spirits' or, in these days, 'aliens'.", the 'Boss' said.
"Yes.....but that's just like many humans.
I think many of us humans are really lost, but just pretend we're not, and put on a big show." Jim suggested.
"Yes, that's very perceptive of you, Jim.
Your'e certainly growing up.
But I hope that you don't feel lost, Jim", the 'Boss' said.
"Well, I did once - long ago - before I met you - but not now....", Jim admitted.
"That's good.", the 'Boss' said, gently patting Jim's back.
"So ....if you'll excuse me, I have some work to do before I turn in.
I will doubtless meet you by the pool, and hopefully I can meet my new 'nephew', and you can meet your 'cousin'.", the 'Boss' said, as he put his glass to one side, rose from the table, and made his way out of the dining-room.
"The moon, I think - as it's almost full.", Jim replied.
"'s really beautiful tonight...", Faunus said
"And thanks for setting all this up for us, Faunus.", Jim added.
Max was standing near by, listening, and it was then that he began to understand, in some small way, the bond that existed between Faunus and Jim.
Before Jim looked through the eyepiece he pointedly glanced at 'Roger'.
Roger was still sitting by the Edsel, but seemed to be quietly talking to the auto that he took to be 'Douglas'.
Although 'Roger' had said that he knew what the Edsel was, Jim was now doubtful, and 'Roger' seemed to be trying to 'make friends' with 'Douglas'.
As Jim surveyed the lunar surface, he spoke quietly to Faunus.
"Roger's talking to the Edsel....
You know I think he's very lonely.....perhaps we could help him ?", Jim questioned.
"Perhaps....", Faunus said.
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The Moon |
"So what does the moon look like ?" he asked.
"Great !", Jim replied.
"Come over and have a look."
"Shit !....It's amazing !", Max exclaimed
It was not a very poetic remark, but it made the point.
The telescope, although is was tiny compared to the one they had used at the Lowell observatory, still gave a remarkably clear image of the Moon.
The Moon is an astronomical body that orbits the Earth and is Earth's only permanent natural satellite. It is the fifth-largest natural satellite in the Solar System, and the largest among planetary satellites relative to the size of the planet that it orbits. The modern English adjective pertaining to the Moon is 'lunar', derived from the Roman Latin word for the Moon, Luna. Both the Greek goddess 'Selene' and the Roman goddess 'Diana' are associated with the Moon. For the Ancient Romans, Diana was the goddess of the hunt, the moon, and nature, and was associated with wild animals and woodland."So that's your goddess 'Selene' - or 'Diana', as you are really a Roman.", Faunus said, putting his hand on Jim's shoulder.
Showing some emotion, as he looked up at the silvery orb, Jim nodded.
Roger, had stopped trying to chat to 'Douglas', and had heard what Faunus had said.
"So ....the boy called 'Jim' is not from around here ?", Roger said, questioningly - "And of course you Faunus, are from very far away.....
It seems that only the pretty boy called Max is a true inhabitant.", Roger concluded.
"You are probably correct, 'Roger'.", Faunus replied, not wanting to give too much away.
"But tell me, 'Roger', why were you trying to talk to the auto - after all, it's just a machine. ?", Faunus asked, trying to change the subject.
"I thought 'Douglas' might be able to tell me where my companions were.
You see I've lost contact with them.", 'Roger' explained.
Max thought the conversation with 'Roger' was getting nowhere and decided to change the subject completely.
"What about something else, Faunus.
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The Orion Constellation and Nebula |
Faunus was pleased to get back to using the telescope, and changed the eyepiece and typed in the name for the constellation of Orion.
Obediently the Meade telescope clicked and hummed and turned to the appropriate area of the sky.
"May I ?", Max said, remembering his manners.
"Be my guest...", Faunus replied in an appropriately formal way.
Max looked through the eyepiece.
"'s real good, but not as colourful as when we saw it at the other place.", Max said.
"Well that's because you need a very big telescope to fully bring out all the colours.", Faunus explained.
" what about something else ?", Max asked.
"Try this Max....the Pleiades....", Faunus suggested.
"And after that use the laptop yourself, and run down the list of 'interesting stellar objects'."The Pleiades are an open star cluster containing middle-aged, hot B-type stars located in the constellation of Taurus. It is among the nearest star clusters to Earth and is the cluster most obvious to the naked eye in the night sky. The cluster is dominated by hot blue and luminous stars that have formed within the last 100 million years. The name of the Pleiades comes from Ancient Greek. In mythology the name Pleiades represented the seven divine sisters, their name deriving from that of their mother Pleione and effectively meaning 'the daughters of Pleione'.
The Pleiades Star Cluster
And so Max busied himself with the laptop and the telescope.
"Now that should give us an opportunity to talk..."Faunus said.
"Why ? What have you done ?...", Jim asked, suspecting that Faunus was up to something.

"And that is ?...", Jim asked - but half believing he already knew the answer.
"Sex.", Faunus said quite bluntly.
"I see...
So you know about me and Max ?", Jim said, annoyed and embarrassed at the same time.
"Of course !
You humans give off very strong signals when your feeling 'horny'... and even stronger signals when you're actually 'doing it'... if you get my drift." Faunus admitted.
Jim shook his head, and blushed heavily.
"But you two are ideally suited.
He loves to be fucked, - which you don't...really.... and you really like to fuck cute boys, and Max, you must admit is really cute.", Faunus continued, much to Jim's further embarrassment.
"And does the 'Boss' know about this ?", Jim asked hesitantly.
"Of course !
That's why he had Max come along on this trip.
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Ethan |
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Max |
"So you know about me and Ethan as well....?", Jim said, sounding truly defeated.
"Yes Jim.
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Kleon |
"All right !
That's enough about my love life.
Let's get back to the matter in hand.", Jim said forcefully, desperate to change the subject.
"Well we don't want Max to know what we're talking about so, as I was saying, I have given Max a hypnotic suggestion so he will continually go through the list of 'stellar objects' until I end the hypnotic suggestion, and he will have heard nothing of what we have said.
'Roger' at the moment is out of earshot, talking to 'Douglas'.
I think, however, that you wanted to talk about 'Roger'", Faunus said knowingly.
"Fuck !... how can a guy think about anything without you reading his mind, and having it all worked out before he even opens his mouth.", Jim fumed.
"Sorry Jim, but it is rather obvious.", Faunus said gently.
"So what should we do with the little chap.
Leave him here alone, in the desert....lost
Or is there something that you can do to help him ?", Jim asked.
"Well let me warn you here of something.
Elementals - what the humans call ETs - are inveterate liars, and they can easily sway humans to take foolish, or even dangerous actions - and you are still just a human, even if a very special one.
Fortunately for you, I can read 'Roger's' mind, and what he tells us is, by and large, true.
Rejected by his 'group' - I think because he was such a nuisance - he was abandoned here in the desert, and that's why he approached us.
A lone 'visitor' like 'Roger' would never normally approach humans - they always need the backing of a group - so 'Roger' is obviously desperate.
If we leave him now, he will probably just 'fade', and that will be the end of him.
"So....what can you do ?", Jim asked, feeling even more sorry for the stupid little guy who was busily talking to an Edsel.
"Well ETs are 'shape shifters', which means that they can take on the appearance of other people, animals or even objects, but only for a short time, so if he leaves the desert he will be spotted immediately.
There is a long-term solution to 'Roger's' problem, however, but it is very drastic, and it will need the co-operation of you, and the 'Boss'.
I'm sure that the 'Boss' will agree, but as to you - well, we'll find out when I explain it to you.
We can take 'Roger' back with us.... to the hotel, and also on your trip, and eventually back to Vegas, but not looking like he is now - and not with the memories, such as they are, that he now possesses.
I can give him the appearance of a teenager - younger than you - who can be presented as your 'cousin'.
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Franklin |
"You mean that Franklin was a small alien that you transformed into a tall human ?", Jim asked rather naively.
"No.... that's just Franklin's Dyspraxia - poor co-ordination - which is a symptom of his Asperger's, which Ethan would describe as his 'wonky brain', although his brain is not all 'wonky' - as for instance when it comes to making money
Franklin's as human as you and Max.", Faunus explained.
Developmental coordination disorder (DCD), also known as Dyspraxia is a chronic neurological disorder beginning in childhood. It is also known to affect planning of movements and co-ordination as a result of brain messages not being accurately transmitted to the body. A diagnosis of DCD is then reached only in the absence of other neurological impairments like cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, or Parkinson's disease. Dyspraxia id often associated with Autism and Asperger's Syndrome."So what does all this mean ?", Jim asked, who was by then confused.
"Well, to put it simply, I can make him like you, and give him memories so that he will think he's your cousin......
Another 'all American boy next door', like Ethan, but younger, so he'll seem to be just a kid, and you and the gang must treat him as such, and respect his youth and his innocence.
Do you understand what I mean ?" Faunus asked, hoping that he was making himself clear, and would not be required to spell everything out in detail.
"Of course, Faunus....he'll be like a 'kid brother'.", Jim agreed.
"But will he be stupid like 'Roger' seems to be, or will he be a nice, friendly, clever kid ?", Jim asked.
"He'll be a perfect young guy, who you can be proud of.", Faunus said reassuringly.
"But, like you and the others, he'll not get any older.", Faunus added.
Not get any older.....?
What do you mean !", Jim asked nervously.
"Oh, nothing really, I'll explain all that some time later....", Faunus said, dismissively.
"But now I must just 'phone the 'Boss', and make sure he's in agreement." Faunus said.
Jim was puzzled and nervous.
This was not what he had expected from his trip to the desert to try out his new telescope.
Jim looked at 'Roger', snuggled up by the side of the Edsel, and wondered what Faunus was really going to do.
Moments later Faunus put away his mobile.
"The 'Boss' says OK, as long as you agree...", Faunus said.
"Well that's OK, but shouldn't we ask 'Roger' ?", Jim asked.
"Of course....but I rather think that 'Roger' will agree, after all, he hasn't really got much option.", Faunus replied.
"And you're sure you can do this without any problems ?", Jim asked.
"Of course.
It's a lot easier with an 'elemental' than with a fully embodied being, like a human, and I've got a good grasp of what to do after dealing with Zac and Ethan and Josh.", Faunus said confidentially.
"And there won't be any problems, like there were with me ?", Jim asked, hoping he was not annoying Faunus.
"That was just a minor 'glitch' caused by a very unusual situation.
With 'Roger' it will be 'child's play', if you'll excuse the pun.", Faunus replied, smiling.
"OK, well lets go and talk to 'Roger'.", Jim said.
Not surprisingly, 'Roger' agreed.
He had no choice really - it was either a lonely 'dissolution' in the desert, or the possibility of a new life, whatever that new life might turn out to be.
"I knew you were not one of these humans." 'Roger said, as Faunus explained in very simple language what he was proposing.
Faunus then led 'Roger' off some way into the desert, after giving both Jim and Max a hypnotic suggestion not to look back to where Faunus was taking 'Roger'.
And so no-one, except Faunus, saw what actually happened - which was probably just as well, but if you had been there, you may have just glimpsed Faunus and 'Roger' standing face to face as they were gradually engulfed with a brilliant shimmering light - a light formed from an almost infinite number of tiny glittering particles.
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Faunus and Glen |
What Faunus had not done at that point was given the boy any 'personality', although he had removed all the previous memories relating the boy having been an 'elemental' - so the newly 'created' 'Glen' was effectively a 'blank slate' for Faunus to work on, once he got him back to the hotel.
"Say nothing boys, and start dismantling the telescope, and put it in the trunk." (UK 'boot') Faunus said sternly.
"Yes Faunus", Max and Jim replied mechanically, and in unison, as they were still under the hypnotic control that Faunus had established previously.
Faunus then led Glen to the front passenger door, opened it, and got Glen to sit in the seat.
Glen's face was expressionless, and he looked forwards, seemingly unseeing.
With little delay Max and Jim had packed up the telescope and all the accessories, including the laptop and, and put all the items the trunk.
They then stood motionless by the rear of the Edsel.
"OK....get in.", Faunus told them.
Almost mechanically the two boys got into the rear of the auto - Faunus took his place in the driving seat, and then sped off to Tucson.
Fortunately the shops were still open and so Faunus parked the Edsel in the first shopping area that he found.
Having locked all the doors to ensure that neither Glen, Max or Jim wandered off, Jim went into a clothing store, and asked for teenage boys clothes.
By giving the pretty girl assistant (who was instantly smitten by Faunus 'hypnotic eyes' and good looks), what he thought was the probable age and height of Glen, and an unlikely story about a cousin arriving at the hotel who had lost his luggage, Faunus selected some suitable clothes, including underwear, socks and shoes for Glen.
The nice young girl assured Faunus that the clothes were all the latest fashion, and would be appreciated by any 'style concious' young man.
Faunus then paid with one of his many 'phoney' credit cards.
Faunus came out of the shop with two large carrier bags containing clothes and shoes, unlocked the doors of the Edsel, gave the bags to Jim and Max, and got into driving seat.
Faunus then turned the Edsel round, and headed back the way they had come.
"So where are we going now ?", Jim asked.
"Back to the desert where it's dark, so that we can get Glen dressed, after all, when he arrives at the 'Arizona Inn' he needs to look like a 'normal' boy."
"OK.", Jim said, shaking his head, and wondering where all this would end.
As soon as they got to a nice dark spot, Faunus told Jim to get out, and come to the open door of the front passenger seat.
"Now take Glen out, and get him dressed.
Remember, he's never worn clothes before, and I haven't been able to 'program' him yet, so he will have no idea how to dress himself.", Faunus explained, as Max giggled.
"This should be fun !", Max said.
"Shut up ", Jim said, "And give me a hand."
It took about twenty minutes to get Glen properly dressed.
Jim then sat Glen next to Faunus.
"Well done boys...
He looks very smart.", Faunus said, approvingly.
Faunus then turned the car round, and drove back into Tucson, and then to the 'Arizona Inn'.
On arriving at the 'Arizona Inn', Faunus told Jim to take Glen up to his suite, and wait.
"If anyone asks who Glen is, tell them he's your cousin who has just arrived from Vegas.", Faunus said.
"So go..... and give me a few moments to talk to Max here.", Faunus said, pulling the passenger door closed.
Faunus then got out of the Esdel, and told Max to do the same thing.
Faunus then stood face to face, and close to Max, and looked into Max's eyes.
"Relax, and listen to every word I say.", Faunus said slowly and clearly.
"Yes..." Max replied in a dreamy sort of way.
"We drove out to the desert, parked in a deserted spot, unpacked the telescope and set it up, and then we took turns looking at the stars.
We were quite alone - met no one - spoke to no one - finished looking at the stars, packed the telescope away, and drove straight back to the Arizona Inn.... and that is all.
Is that clear ?" Faunus said.
"Yes, Faunus.", Max said, obviously detached and hypnotised.
Faunus then clicked his fingers.
"Good Max... then let's find the 'Boss', and get a nice evening meal.", Faunus said brightly.
"Great...I thought you were never going to ask.", Max replied
Jim found it strange guiding Glen in the Arizona Inn.
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Glen in Jim's Suite - Arizona Inn - Tucson |
This, of course was because Faunus had not had time to 'program' Glen, which was, as Jim well knew, quite a long process.
Jim wondered if Glen would be able to talk, but he left that until they were in the privacy of their suite.
Once the were in the suite, Jim flopped down into one of the comfortable armchairs, relieved to be back from his brief little 'adventure', but Glen just stood by the bed, obviously having no idea what to do.
"Relax Glen - sit down, and take it easy.", Jim said gently, not sure if Glen could even understand what he was saying.
Glen, however, just stood by the bed.
Jim wondered if he was unable to hear....or unable to speak.....or just didn't understand English.
Jim 'phoned Faunus - who was looking for the 'Boss' - and explained the situation.
"Don't worry, Jim.", came the typically relaxed reply.
When he underwent the 'transformation' it stripped out all his old memories - so now he's just like a 'robot'.
You say he's in your suite, standing by the bed ?
OK, well he'll just stand there until someone gives him a push.

"Faunus ! ....why do you do these things ?".
"Simple, now the 'business' between you and Max is out in the open, this will give you an ideal opportunity to have an early morning fuck with Max tomorrow.", Faunus said.
"Nice of you to think of me...", Jim said sarcastically, "but you could have put it a bit more delicately - and I hope the 'Boss' didn't over hear that last remark." Jim said.
"Well actually, he's standing right beside me, with a big grin on his face.", Faunus said, giggling.
Jim, annoyed, switched his mobile off.
"OK, Glen - or whoever you are....
I've got to go downstairs for a while, so you just wait here.", Jim said.
He felt foolish, however, because it was a bit like talking to a wax dummy, but he felt concern for the boy, and without realizing it was already beginning to bond with his supposed 'cousin'.
Predictably, Glen didn't react.
Jim arrived in the main dining room of the Arizona Inn, and found the 'Boss' and Faunus ensconced in a corner of the room, already waiting for him.
"So, nice to see that you're looking OK after your little adventure.", the 'Boss' said, rising and indicating where Jim should sit.
Jim felt embarrassed, knowing that Faunus and the 'Boss' had been discussing his relationship with Max.
"Yes, it all seems to have ended quite well - at least so far." Jim replied warily.
"And the boy....he's OK, and upstairs in your suite ?", the 'Boss' asked.
"Oh yes." Jim replied.
"He's just standing there by the bed, like some robot."
The 'Boss' looked concerned, and turned to Faunus.
"So what's the problem ?", the 'Boss' asked, almost angrily.
"It's nothing to worry about, Sir.
He just needs 'programming', and I have the whole night to do that.
In the morning you can chat to him, and get to know him.", Faunus replied calmly.
"I see.", The 'Boss' said, not sounding too convinced.
"I'm really not sure that this was a good idea, but as you said, Jim didn't want the - well whatever he was - to die alone in the desert, so what else could we do ?", the 'Boss' said, looking to Jim.
Jim said nothing.
He was a little annoyed that he was now being 'blamed' for the arrival of Glen, but he didn't want to make an issue of it with the 'Boss'.
"So what's the boy look like ?", the 'Boss' asked, sounding a little more relaxed.
"He's just an ordinary looking American boy - a bit like Jim, but a few years younger - so I'll have to get some fake documentation if you want him to continue going to school.", Faunus said.
"And his memories - who will he think he is ?", the 'Boss' very wisely asked.
"Well, if you agree, I intend that he will believe that he's the son of your brother, 'Matt' - short for Matthew - but he died when Glen a few years ago.
Glen was brought up by his mother, 'Patricia', who has recently died of breast cancer, and he has now come to live with you.
You have met occasionally - Christmas, Thanksgiving and the like, but he hardly knows you, and has never been to Vegas.
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Court House - Hampton Virginia |
You, Sir, are the 'black sheep' of the family (sorry about that) - going off to Mexico - but as there are no other members of the family willing to take the boy, you are left to look after him......
Prior to his move to Arizona (?), Glen was attending Hargrave Military Academy in Chatham, Virginia, which is an all boys school - so, he will call you 'sir', and act like a miniature soldier.", Faunus explained.
"Wow....this is going to be fun !", Jim said, a little too enthusiastically.
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John Philip Sousa |
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Hargrave Military Academy - Virginia |
Hargrave Military Academy is a highly rated, private, boarding, all-boys, Christian school located in Chatham, VA. It has 192 students in grades 7-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 7 to 1- (national average 17:1). After graduation, 90% of students from this school go on to attend a 4-year college.
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Hargrave Military Academy - Virginia |
John Philip Sousa, (November 6, 1854 – March 6, 1932), was famous for his marches - more suited to the football field than the parade ground - but are still the marches favoured by the US military, and regularly played in US Military Schools and Academies."Sousa wrote American military marches, and I 'know all this stuff' because it's my job to 'know all this stuff'.", Faunus replied.
"Well Faunus, it all sound OK - and it's clever how you painted me as the 'black sheep' of the family, so he knows practically nothing about me - but what does he know about you ?", the 'Boss' asked - thinking he was being somewhat clever.
"Well, I'm just a friend of the family, and a renowned 'illusionist', with a show in one of your casinos in Vegas - see ?", Faunus replied, being equally, if not more clever.
"Yes - very good, Faunus.
You've obviously got all that worked out."
The 'Boss' then looked serious.
"But do you think this - I mean us with the boy - will all work out ?", he asked Faunus.
"Yes - I think so.
The boy is programmed to like - well I nearly said 'love' - you, and to look up to and emulate his older cousin, Jim, and Jim's friends - so that should help.", Faunus said.
"Well, if our Glen looks up to Jim, and emulates him, and that's the most we can ask for.", the 'Boss' said.
Jim felt uncomfortable, realizing what a high opinion the 'Boss' had of him, and the responsibility that such an opinion laid on his shoulders.
"Any way, I need to go and collect Glen, and get to work on him.
If all goes well, I'll take him down to the pool area for breakfast, and you can casually turn up and chat to him."
Faunus then turned to Jim.
"I presume he's still standing by the bed in your suite ?", Faunus said as he excused himself and left the table.
Jim nodded, and Faunus gave a little wave, and left the dining room.
The 'Boss' settled back in his chair, and took a sip of his Jack Daniels.
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UFO over the Arizona Desert |
And lucky you had Faunus with you, or maybe things might not have turned out quite so well for you and Max.", the 'Boss' said.
"And also maybe lucky for 'Roger' - that's the name we gave the little guy before Faunus 'changed' him as he thought that 'Roger' was not so good a name, and so he called him 'Glen'.", Jim explained.
"Yes.....but it's odd that this 'Roger' seemed so helpless, and lost - but then perhaps many of them are, but never admit it, pretending to be powerful 'spirits' or, in these days, 'aliens'.", the 'Boss' said.
"Yes.....but that's just like many humans.
I think many of us humans are really lost, but just pretend we're not, and put on a big show." Jim suggested.
"Yes, that's very perceptive of you, Jim.
Your'e certainly growing up.
But I hope that you don't feel lost, Jim", the 'Boss' said.
"Well, I did once - long ago - before I met you - but not now....", Jim admitted.
"That's good.", the 'Boss' said, gently patting Jim's back.
"So ....if you'll excuse me, I have some work to do before I turn in.
I will doubtless meet you by the pool, and hopefully I can meet my new 'nephew', and you can meet your 'cousin'.", the 'Boss' said, as he put his glass to one side, rose from the table, and made his way out of the dining-room.
Jim, of course, was referring to the time - 'long ago' - when he was known as Marcus, and was captured by pirates as he sailed with his parents from Piraeus to Brundisium - and was sold into slavery, bought by a rich patrician and spent time in a palatial villa as a slave, seemingly without friends, and without hope - until he met Gnaeus Octavian Gracchus, the fabulously wealthy patrician, who gave him another slave-boy to be his friend - Kleon, and a further friend, Petronius.

Jim and Max have an intimate start to the new morning, and then go down to the pool for breakfast, where Glen is waiting with Faunus. They are joined by 'the 'Boss' who has his first revealing meeting with his new nephew. And then the road trip continues...