Part 2 - Book 3 - Chapter 13 - Return to Corona

Having resolved to try to contact the 'aliens' regarding the sarcophagus, the 'boys' then decide to stop off to consult with Glen - and then, hopefully arrange to return to Corona in New Mexico - where strange events await them.

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, for obvious reasons, had a close rapport with the 'aliens', and as Tony and Faunus had identified the sarcophagus that they had recovered from Armant in Egypt as probably 'extra-terrestrial' technology, Jim had decided to ask Glen to help in getting in contact with the 'aliens', as the 'aliens' might be able to assist in unraveling some of the mysteries of the sarcophagus.
And the location at which Jim and the others had decided to try to arrange a meeting with the elusive ETs was to be Corona,  in the state of New Mexico.
'Corona' is a small town in Lincoln County, New Mexico, located along U.S. Route 54.
Corona - Lincoln County - New Mexico
Route 54 is a United States Highway that runs northeast southwest for 1,197 miles (1,926 km) from El Paso, Texas, to Griggsville, Illinois.
The Union Pacific Railroad's 'Tucumcari Line' (former 'Southern Pacific and Rock Island Lines' 'Golden State Route') runs parallel to US 54 from El Paso to Pratt, Kansas, which comprises about two-thirds of the route.
The population of Corona is around 200 - and declining.
Marble Plaque set up in Corona to Commemorate the UFO Crash of 1947

'509th US Bomber Group'
Corona is not as well known as it should be - despite the fact that it is the closest populated community to a purported UFO crash, which occurred  in the summer of 1947.
The rancher, who originally found the crash debris, first went to Corona to report it to a few residents, before going to Roswell, where there was a US  Army Air Force Strategic Bomber airfield situated, (home of the '509th US Air Force Bomb Group', the only combat trained atom bomber group in the world at that time)  to tell officials there.
In 1947 New Mexico was the hub of America's atomic, rocket, aircraft and radar research. Roswell was the home or the 509th US Air Force Bomb Group, the only combat trained atom bombers in the world. Major Jesse Marcel, the Air-force officer who investigated the 'crash', had no idea what the debris he found was, but he knew it should't have been over such a sensitive defense area. 
Mead telescope
Some time before his demise,  'the Boss' had taken Jim and Ethan to Roswell as part of his South West 'road trip', and it was during that time that the 'boys' had first come into contact  with 'aliens',  out in the desert scrub-land of New Mexico, while testing out Jim's new Mead telescope - and it was during that time that they had 'picked up' Glen - and not Glen as he is now, but Glen before his mysterious transformation that had been undertaken by Faunus - but that's another strange and complicated story...

But back to matters in hand.

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'Cascade Apartments' - Henderson - Nevada
The first stage in the plan, as has already been stated, was to go and speak to Glen - better than an impersonal 'phone-call.
So Ethan, Teddy and 'Sigi' said their goodbyes to Novius, and also Tony and Ashraf, who were about to start further experiments on the sarcophagus using the mice.
Then, Ethan, Teddy and 'Sigi', taking Jim with them, headed out to 'Sigi's' parked Mustang, and started out for Henderson, and Glen's apartment., 
Fortunately Henderson was on the way back to 'Vegas - so the visit would not take them out of their way.
'Sigi's' House - Spring Palms - Henderson
Henderson is an upmarket, suburban area in Clark County, Nevada, about 16 miles (26 km) southeast of downtown Las Vegas. 
Henderson is also the location of 'Lake Las Vegas'. Originally 'Sigi' lived in an apartment at 'Lakewood Cove', while attending 'Green Valley High School'. On his graduation, 'Sigi' relocated to a house in 'Spring Palms Street' in a 'gated neighborhood', and Glen took over the occupancy of 'Sigi's' 'Cascade' apartment in  'Lakewood Cove'
Suburbs of Henderson - Nevada
It was a reasonably long drive, and after some time they came into the neat and modern suburbs of affluent Henderson. 
Although Jim had already spoken to Glen earlier, by cell-phone, about the proposed visit, as they drove into the Green Valley area of Henderson Jim made a further 'call. 
As it happened Glen was already on his way to the door of his apartment when Jim rang for the second time, just as 'Sigi' was parking the Mustang.
"You do know someone is watching us ?", Teddy inquired furtively, as they left the Mustang, and made their way to the stairs leading up to Glen's apartment.
"One of the apartments, across the way.."
"What do you mean Teddy ?", Jim asked, sounding concerned.
"From one of the apartments across the way.", Teddy replied.
"Why would anyone be watching us - and so what ?", 'Sigi' commented.
"There are those who have their reasons - but I have activated my 'SEBF' - so they will not recall anything about us.", Teddy replied cryptically.
"And what's a  'SEBF' for goodness sake ?", 'Sigi asked.
"Now 'Sigi' - you've been told about this before...
Glen at the Door
It's a 'someone else's business field ' - a sophisticated form of a psychological 'stealth device'.
It tricks peoples' brains into thinking that whatever it is that's concerning them is 'someone else's business' - so their brain doesn't even register it - clever, don't you think ?", Teddy explained.
"Yes - very.
And I suppose that this is another one of Tony's 'gizmos'.", 'Sigi' said.
"Yes - but I did help him to refine it...", Teddy added, insisting on taking some of the credit.
"Anyway - there's Glen waiting for us - so let's go...", Jim said.
And so they went into Glen's apartment.
Once inside, Jim began with a very pertinent question for Glen.
"So who's watching this apartment from across the way ?".
Glen looked genuinely puzzled.
"Why - no one, uncle Jim.
Why would anyone want to watch my apartment ?".
"You tell us, Glen.", Jim retorted.
Interior of Glen's Apartment
"Well what makes you think that's happening ?",
Glen asked.
"Teddy told us". Jim replied.
"OK - well less of the interrogation, Jim.
Let's think about this logically.", Ethan suggested, being very mature about the whole matter.
"So - any problems with any of the other students at high school ?", 'Sigi' asked, trying to help Ethan in calming down the situation.
"No - everything's good.", Glen replied.
"And no girl troubles, or any problems with drugs or anything ?", Ethan asked.
"No - of course not.
"What is this ? What's this all about ?", Glen asked angrily.," 
One of Jim's Cadillacs
"Well, as we said, Teddy detected some sort of surveillance.", Jim replied.
"So have you thought that it might be you, uncle Jim, that someone might be interested in ?", Glen sensibly asked - and Jim looked a little 'sheepish'.
"That's true - after all, you are one of the wealthiest people in 'Vegas - well Nevada.", Teddy pointed out.
"And it's a bit odd you turning up in a Mustang, rather than one of you huge, stretch Cadillacs - so perhaps that's what attracted the attention.
Agent 'Lewis'
"Perhaps - so what do we do now ?", Jim asked Teddy -  puzzled by the whole situation.
Teddy thought for a moment...
"...'best to ignore it.
They'll go away confused - without any meaningful information - but I think it serves for a warning to us that 'people' - probably from the security services are still interested in us - particularly since the disappearance of Agent 'Lewis' in Egypt - after all, he was presumably on 'your case', and back at Langley it would be easy for them to put two and two together.", Teddy explained.

CIA Headquarters - Langley - Virginia - USA

The Central Intelligence Agency was created on July 26, 1947, when Harry S. Truman signed the National Security Act into law. The Central Intelligence Agency, (known informally as 'the Agency' or 'the Company'), is a 'civilian' foreign intelligence service of the Federal Government of the United States, officially tasked with gathering, processing, and analyzing national security information from around the world, primarily through the use of human intelligence. The CIA headquarters is located in Langley, Virginia, - USA.

"So let's forget about the 'secret squirrels' across the road , and get down to business.", Ethan said, using one of his favorite expressions.
Secret ('Sabre-tooth') Squirrel
In 1965, 'Hanna-Barbera' produced a send-up of 'spy-movies', which starred a squirrel wearing a trench coat. The cartoon was, of course, 'Secret Squirrel'. The military adopted the phrase, and service members began applying it to all things classified such as CIA, FBI, ATF, etc. During negotiations to re-normalize relations between the United States and Cuba, there were talks to exchange prisoners. The secret talks were called 'Project Ardilla'.  Ardilla is Spanish for squirrel. In this case, the 'secret' variety. Ethan is very fond of cartoons and squirrels - (but not the 'Sabre-tooth' variety, which are a rather alarming figment of Ethan's imagination).
"Agreed - but what is this business you came to discuss ?", Glen asked.
"The business, Glen - is about the 'sarcophagus-thingy'. ", Ethan began.

Glen looked annoyed.
"OK - but what's that got to do with me ?", Glen asked.
"Well, as Jim has told you, the 'sarcophagus-thingy' is here - at the 'Villa Athena' - and Tony and Ashraf - the Egyptian kid - and Faunus are working on it.", Ethan continued.
"OK...", Glen said - hoping that Ethan would eventually get to the point.
Glen's Drawing of the 'Devils Tower'
"Well - the situation is that Tony has made some progress in dismantling the sarcophagus, and identifying the materials - but now he's stuck... and even Faunus is not sure how to proceed.", Jim explained.
"And that's where you come in, Glen - apparently.", 'Sigi' interjected.
"But I don't know anything about this stupid sarcophagus !", Glen declared, turning his back on Jim and the others.
"But you do know something about 'aliens'...", Teddy suggested softly.
"Yes...", Glen sighed.
'Ah !... so I think you might have had some recent contact.", Ethan said.
Glen turned to face Ethan and Teddy
"Yes.", Glen meekly admitted.
Devils Tower - Wyoming - USA
"So have you been drawing on the walls again ?", Ethan asked.
"That's not funny !", Glen snapped back angrily.
"Sorry - but it was not supposed to be...''
Before, your drawings helped us to find the 'Devils Tower', and now we want to find the aliens again - so I'm not making fun of you - rather we need your help.", Ethan said.
"It's true, Glen - so please help.", Teddy said quietly, as the room fell silent.
"So no drawings, Glen ?", Jim asked.
"No Sir - but I've been having dreams.
Dreams about a place that I recognize.",  Glen said.
Corona Village Hall - Lincoln County - New Mexico
"What - a place that you've been to before ?", Sigi' asked.
"Oh no - don't say it's that 'Devils-thingy' in Wyoming.", Ethan pleaded.
"No - it was that little place called Corona...
The 'Village Hall', but not at night as we saw it before- but during the middle of the day.", Glen explained excitedly - and much to Teddy's relief.
Trip in a Helicopter up a Mountain
'Devils Tower' - Wyoming
Teddy really didn't fancy another trip in a helicopter up a mountain, at night - even if it was only a small mountain (a butte actually).
"That's good, Glen...
So it seems that, with your help, we now know where to contact these alien guys again." Jim said.
"And sorry if things started badly - but since returning from Egypt we've all been a bit 'on edge'.", Jim continued apologetically.
"So Glen, when should we go to see these 'ET guys' ?", Ethan asked, trying to sound casual.
"I don't know right now - but they'll let me know...", Glen replied.
"OK - so it's just a matter of waiting - but how do you feel about coming back with us to the Penthouse.
I think you'd be safer there - as we don't know who it is who's taking an interest in you from  across the way...
You see we don't want you being abducted - either by the government, or any rogue aliens - or anyone else for that matter.", Jim said.
Green Valley High Schol - Henderson
"He's right.", Teddy added.
"Well OK, but what about school ?", Glen asked.
"Don't worry, I know the principal well, from when 'Sigi' was at 'Green Valley High'.
I'll tell him I'm taking you on an educational trip for a few weeks'
He won't make any problems - after all, I am funding the building of a new swimming and diving pool at the school.", Jim said.
"OK Glen - well why not get packing ?", Ethan said, as Jim contacted Tony on his cell-phone and gave him the news about a possible contact with the ETs at  Corona..

Las Vegas Traffic Sign - Interstate 15
It didn't take Glen long to pack - and undoubtedly he was eager for a new 'adventur'e - Henderson, while being clean, safe and tidy, was not a very 'exciting' location for someone of Glen's age.
And so, crammed tightly into 'Sigi's' 'Mustang', they set off for the 'Penthouse Building' in Summerlin, Las Vegas.
Ethan obviously had the key to the Penthouse, as he now owned the whole of the 'Penthouse Building', and swinging open the double doors, he announced himself in his usual, and by then annoying manner.
Penthouse Building - Summerlin - Las Vegas
"Hi Honey - I'm home!".....
Clare quickly made her way to the spacious entrance hallway.
And then, after many greetings, everyone followed Ethan and Teddy into the main  'living room'.
Clare was very pleased to see Glen - she had a particular soft spot for Jim's supposed 'nephew'- and was soon feeding him 'Ethan style' cheeseburgers - along with 'Pepsi Max'.
"So how are Novius, Tony and young Ashraf ?", Clare asked, once they were all settled.
"Very well - but don't forget the 'kitties' and Glaux...", Ethan added, as he tucked into his second cheeseburger.
"So, I think that the best thing we can do now is to get an early night, and then in the morning we can decide on how we should go to Corona.
I'm sure that Teddy will have some options regarding that by then.", Jim suggested.
"Yes Jim - it's all sorted.", Teddy said.
So Ethan and Teddy went into the home cinema to watch some movies, while Jim went to his study to catch up on some paper-work, and Clare, 'Sigi' and Glen settled down for a chat.

Penthouse Dining Room - Summerlin - Las Vegas - Nevada
Everyone was up early for breakfast - taken in the elegant Penthouse dining room.
After she had served breakfast Clare left the 'boys' to their discussions.
She knew that as, Teddy would say - 'Something's' up'.
"So Teddy, have you any information and recommendations to make ?", Jim began.
"Well, today it's not raining in Corona - and it won't rain tonight - but then it hardly ever rains - the actual rainfall being fourteen inches a year." Teddy said, obviously not fully understanding Jim's question.
"My that is dry !", Ethan commented.
"And it's sunny, and the temperature is eighty-one degrees.", Teddy added.
"That's not the kind information I was really looking for - although it could be useful.", Jim said
A moment then passed as Teddy looked to his database and programming.
"Ah yes - how we go, when we go, and who goes ...
Those are probably the recommendations that you actually want..." , Teddy said hopefully.
"Precisely...", Jim replied.
McCarran International Airport - Las Vegas - Nevada
"Right.", Teddy said, and began, clearing his throat.
Teddy then took a small calculator from one of his furry pockets - a calculator that he didn't really need - but he wanted to impress on those at the table that he was actually working things out.
"Well if we go by limo, it's  119 miles - and will take about two hours, and if we fly from McCarran International to Roswell - it will take about an hour, but then you must travel by road to Corona for about 130 miles which will take about two hours.
Co-ordinates - Latitude and Longitude
But.. if we use the 'Portal' it, will take no time at all !", Teddy explained - and put away his calculator (that he hadn't actually used).
"Now the 'Portal' sounds good, Teddy - but can you accurately get us there... like near the village hall where we were the previous time ?", Jim asked.
"Of course... have the co-ordinates - Latitude - 33.8752945 -  Longitude - 117.5664449.", Teddy replied proudly.
"Good... then that's one problem solved.", Jim said.
"And if needs be we can go tonight, as there are no arrangements to be made, and the journey will be instantaneous - as Teddy says.", Jim added.
"So who's going on this little adventure ?", Ethan asked.
The Dimensional Portal
"Well Teddy has to come to operate the 'Portal', so I suppose that means that you must come also, Ethan", 'Sigi' said.
"Yes - of course.
But then the 'alien leader' is like - 'a personal friend' of mine - so it's only right that I should be there - and also Teddy  needs looking after.", Ethan said - in all seriousness.
"Yes but you've got that a bit wrong...
You're the one who needs looking after !", Teddy countered.
"Right - well leave it there, and Teddy - who else should come ?",  Jim interjected, hoping to prevent one of those annoying 'tiffs' which were a feature of Ethan and Teddy's strange relationship.
"Well I think 'Sigi', as he knows most of the stuff about this, should also come with us...", Ethan said, almost immediately forgetting what Teddy had just said.
"And I think you are forgetting Glen, as he is the one who gave us the information about where this meeting should be held.", Jim said.
"OK - well I think that's enough - we want these alien guys to stay 'cool' and relaxed...", Ethan said.
"So when ?", Teddy asked.
"Well I think that's up to Glen to arrange.", Jim said.
"As it happens, they've already told me...", Glen said quietly.
"So when were you going to tell us ?", Ethan asked.
"Now - because they know what we're talking about - I don't know how - and they will be watching out for us, quite near the Village Hall in Roswell, at about two this morning - not many people about then, you see.", Glen revealed hesitantly.
"OK - so we just get Clare to pack us some sandwiches and cookies, and some Pepsi Max - and once it gets a bit later we can 'fire up' the old 'Dimensional Portal', and be off !", Ethan said enthusiastically.
"Yes - all very well Ethan - but how do we know what to ask them ?", Jim said.
"Easy - Tony told me what to ask.", Teddy said.
"Well yes, but if they can monitor what we say here, why do we  need to go the Corona to see them. ?", Jim rather sensibly asked.
"Two reasons, Jim.
First they like to see us - yes really.
And also, they are concerned about security, and are worried that some other humans, or other 'aliens' might 'listen in' -  you know, 'telepathically' - and they feel their 'ship' is secure.", Teddy explained.
'MK Ultra' - an operation in which Dr Brandt was involved, included research into mind control and telepathy. One aim was to enable CIA operatives to 'tap into' individuals' thoughts and memories - for further information go to:
So - it was two o'clock in the morning...
"OK, you've got the sandwiches and stuff, 'Sigi' ?", Ethan asked.
"More important, Ethan, have you got the Walmart bag with the gold box ?", Jim asked.
Ethan scampered into the master bedroom, and came back with the Walmart bag.
The Gold Box
"Why are we whispering, and why so tense ?", Teddy asked.
"...'don't know - but I'm not usually up this time in the morning.", Ethan said, as he placed the gold box on the floor.
"Now stand clear, guys - because once I  press this red button on the top, the 'Portal' will suddenly appear, and I'm never sure just how big it will be - and you don't want to get 'squished' by a 'Dimensional Portal'.", Ethan said.`
Of course, after Ethan has mentioned that people could be 'squished' they all did become somewhat tense - but only for a moment, as Ethan then pressed the red button.
Fortunately the 'Portal appeared in the 'Compact Home Version', so it didn't demolish any of the furniture, or 'squish' anyone - but it did materialize perilously close to a very nice, stainless steel and glass occasional table.
The 'Portal' Appears in the 'Penthouse'
"So - let's get going, guys !", Ethan said, as he pressed a series of buttons on the strange looking combination lock, which was situated in the center of the large circular panel on the front of the 'Portal'.
The double doors then silently slid apart - which was odd, as the white door jambs on each side of the entrance aperture were not wide enough to take the doors !
Regardless, the 'boys' cautiously made their way into the softly lit interior of the 'Portal' - which again, oddly, was considerably larger than the exterior of the portal.
"This is a very weird machine, Teddy..." Glen commented, not sounding at all confident.
It was then time for Teddy to enter the co-ordinates into the 'Portal's' control panel.
"Now are you absolutely sure that you have the correct  co-ordinates ?", Jim asked
"Of course - it's all very  simple...", Teddy replied.
Teddy then entered the co-ordinates (which wasn't simple at all) -  and nothing happened.
"So - what's gone wrong ?", Glen asked.
"Nothing.", Teddy replied innocently.
"So ?", Ethan asked.
"I'm waiting for Jim to tell me to open the doors."
'Landing' in Corona
Jim sighed...
"Alright Teddy - 'open the doors please'.", Jim said.
So Teddy switched off the interior light, and opened the doors...
"Oh shit ! - it's Corona !", Ethan exclaimed, peeking out of the partially opened doors.
"Well what did you expect, Ethan ?", Teddy asked rhetorically.
"And is it safe to go out ?",  Glen asked.
"Yes ! Of course ! Go ! - before someone spots us.",  Jim said urgently.
"Don't panic, Jim.
The 'Portal' is generating a powerful 'SEBF', so if anyone's about, they won't even notice us.", Teddy said - reassuringly.
Carefully and quietly they all left the 'Portal', and Ethan pressed the combination that caused the 'Dimensional Portal' to 'fold up', and transform itself into a small gold box.
Corona at Night
"Right - so which way do we go ?", 'Sigi' asked as he looked down the deserted road.
"Well Teddy's got all the maps in his data-base - so what do you say Teddy ?", Ethan said.
"Better than that, I'v got a video of our last visit to Corona...", Teddy said proudly.
"On that occasion we arrived here with 'Douglas' - the Pink Edsel, and parked in front of the 'Village Hall' - where we arrived with the 'Portal' just now.
And on that occasion we crossed over the road, and made our way at right angles to the road - out into the scrub.
"Is it going to be a long walk - I'm carrying Teddy, and he's quite heavy - I think he's putting on weight.", Ethan said.
"How can I be putting on weight - I don't eat anything !", Teddy said, getting annoyed.
For that Ethan had no reply.
"Don't look now, but I think we're being followed...", 'Sigi whispered.
They quickened their pace, but to no avail - and stopped talking.
"It's a dark night for taking a walk so far from home...", a familiar voice said quietly.
"Faunus ! What are you doing here ?", Jim said, as he looked over his shoulder and saw Faunus following them.
"Just making sure that you don't get into trouble", Faunus replied.
"Well nice of you to come, Faunus....
The Saucer Arrives
So, Faunus - can you tell us where these 'pesky aliens' are 'hanging out'...", Ethan asked.
"Better watch what you say, Ethan - they might be able to hear you...", Glen warned.
"Don't worry, Ethan... they're on their way right now.", Faunus said.
Meanwhile, 'Sigi' had been scanning the horizon.
"Hey look ! What's that over there ?", 'Sigi', who had gone on ahead, shouted.
And there it was - huge and silent - just hanging above the desert scrub - the 'saucer'.
"Wow ! It's just like I remember !", Ethan exclaimed... and they all stood gazing at the huge craft.
"Now if only the Air-force - or the CIA - or NSA could see this.
They'd give their right arm to see a real UFO - rather than just look at blurry photos, wobbly videos, or listen to people's 'tall tales'...", 'Sigi' said.
'Well maybe they have seen real UFOs - but are just not letting on.", Glen said.
"Perhaps - but how do we get in ?", Jim asked.
"Just wait...", Faunus calmly said.
So they waited....
"Oh I do hope they have a bathroom on this thingy...", Ethan mumbled.
"What ?  You want a bath !",'Sigi' said.
"No - You know..", .Ethan replied lamely.
"Well whats wrong with all this desert ?
You could always hide behind a cactus, if you're shy .", Jim said, knowing that Ethan was only looking for attention.
Saucer Hologram
"Wait... ! Something's happening...", Glen said.
They were expecting that the saucer would settle on the ground, like it had in Wyoming, but instead an image seem to appear in front of it.
"It's a hologram.", Teddy said knowingly.
"Now that is seriously weird !", Ethan said.
"Perhaps they think  if anybody's 'passing by' - which is very unlikely at this time in the morning, out here - they might mistake the saucer for some strange building.", 'Sigi' suggested - not entirely seriously.
"Well it looks a bit Egyptian - like a Pylon - so I hope we're not going to end up with Upuaut again.
I didn't really like him much.', Teddy said.
"It has a door, so perhaps we should just go up to it - see how solid it really is - and see if it's the way in.
What do you think, Faunus." Jim said.
But there was no reply.
Faunus had disappeared...
"Oh well - no surprise there...", Ethan remarked, as he too noticed that  Faunus was missing. 
"Well let's try and get in..." Jim said as, with his foot, he tested the steps leading up to the 'holographic entrance' - which hovered about a foot above the desert floor.
"Seems solid enough...", Jim said.
"OK, then let's knock on the door, and see if they'll let us in...", Ethan suggested.
So Jim and Ethan (with Teddy), followed by Glen and 'Sigi', climbed the steps, and Jim was just about to knock on the door, when the door simply disappeared.
"Weirder and weirder....", Ethan said.
"Well, Teddy, I think you were right about it being a 'hologram'.", 'Sigi' said.
"Of course...", Teddy said, sounding very self satisfied.
And not surprisingly the opening led into one of those spooky, creepy 'alien-type' corridors, so beloved of 'sci-fi' movie and TV series directors.
Chaco Canyon - Pyramid Ship - Corridor
"So, here we go again...", Ethan whispered.
"Yes... but at least it not all gold hieroglyphics and pink lights, like at 'Chaco Canyon'...", Jim said. (see left)
"True - but this new one is very, very blue...", Ethan said. (see below)
So slowly and carefully they made their way along the 'very blue' corridor, unsure what was waiting for them in the depth of the saucer.
Then, unexpectedly, a little grey 'alien' popped up  in front of them.
Everyone stopped.
"Now what do we do ?", 'Sigi' asked.
The alien smiled - at least they took his strange expression for a smile
"Can you communicate with this little guy, Glen ?", Jim asked.
"I don't think so...
I'm not getting anything from him.", Glen replied.
Corona Saucer - Corridor
"Well I can get something from him.", Teddy said.
"So ... what's he saying ?", Ethan asked.
"Well something like this - 
'Hi... Nice to see you again - our leader is looking forward to meeting you -  if you come with me I will take you to him - and, if you don't mind, please don't touch anything - it could be dangerous to you.'
Like it's a very odd language - not really like Greek or Latin or English - more like 'Owl' - like Glaux speaks. ", Teddy said.
"What ? - you're saying these  little guys are really owls ?", 'Sigi' asked.
"Oh no... it's just their language - but perhaps it has something to do with the fact that birds are descended from reptilian dinosaurs, and maybe these little guys, from way back, have something in common with reptilians.", Teddy speculated.
"So what's happened to their feathers ?", Ethan asked.
"Well there's not much call for feathers if you fly around in a saucer.", Teddy replied.
"True..." Ethan said thoughtfully.
And so they followed the little grey down numerous identical corridors - all the time 'picking up' other little greys, who seemed curious, and in some cases wanted to hold hands with their 'visitors' - maybe to guide them, or maybe as as sign of some strange form of 'alien' affection.
"Well if, as we were told before, these guys have no emotions, then they are being strangely friendly.", Ethan said, as he looked down at his obviously 'adoring' companion who had taken his hand.
"Well maybe they just like us.", Jim said.
"OK - but don't let your guard down too much - 
It might be just a ruse.", 'Sigi' wisely cautioned.
"Ah... my little one tells me we have come to the area where the 'alien leader' is waiting to speak to us.", Teddy said as they came to a large, dark metallic door.
"OK - now let's all be on our best behavior.", Jim said.
The dark metallic door slid open, and rather worryingly most of the little greys who had been accompanying them quickly left.
Alien Abduction
"I wonder if they are frightened of the 'leader' ?, Ethan mused quietly.
The sight that greeted them, while it might have been disturbing for individuals who had never had any 'other-worldly' contacts, was to the 'boys', and Teddy, quite unexceptional
Most individuals who report being abducted by aliens usually report that they are terrified during most of the experience - and some never truly recover.
'Alien abduction' refers to the phenomenon of people reporting the experience of being 'taken' by alien beings and subjected to physical and psychological experimentation. People claiming to have been abducted are usually called 'abductees' or 'experiencers'. In most cases it appears that the abductees are returned, usually to the place from which they were 'taken', relatively unharmed.
Jim and the others, however, were quite happy to spend some time with the 'aliens', and hoped that the 'alien leader' might provide Tony with some help with regard to his attempts to probe the mysteries of the 'Armant Sarcophagus'.

for the continuation of this chapter go to:
links are below
Once inside the saucer, the 'boys' and teddy soon met up with the 'alien leader'.  Before h answers the questions that Tony has given Teddy, the 'alien leader' gives a long explanation of how the sarcophagus came to Egypt, and what its original purpose was - thus shedding light on many of the customs and beliefs of the ancient Egyptians.
All text - © Copyright Peter Crawford 2021
All Images - © Copyright Vittorio Carvelli 2021
Graphic Design - © Copyright Zac Sawyer 2021