'Additional Articles are provided in order to help readers to more fully understand certain ideas and subjects that are featured in the ongoing story 'Club Jaguar' - 'The Story of Jim'The following is a list of `links to 'Additional Articles'
brief autobiographical information relating to some of the characters in the 'Club Jaguar'
all you ever wanted to know about the 'California Combat Club'
the significance in this story of the number 33

a brief explanation of the widely accepted theories of Hugh Everett III, which suggests that there are an infinite number of alternative ‘worlds’ or 'universes' – a theory which forms part of the plot of ‘Club Jaguar’

a further explanation of the widely accepted theories of Hugh Everett III, which suggests that there are an infinite number of alternative ‘worlds’ or 'universes' – a theory which forms part of the plot of ‘Club Jaguar’
The Egyptians believed that on a certain date the material universes had been brought into existence through the activities of the 'Æons' at the instigation of the 'ONE' - the source of all being.
the 'Æons' are often referred to in 'Club Jaguar', and previously in 'The Story of Gracchus'. Although various definition are given by certain characters in both stories - this article aims to provide a more detailed and historically accurate account of the subject that was a fundamental belief throughout the later period of the civilization and culture of the Ancient World - not only in Greece but also throughout the Roman Empire and Ptolemaic Egypt.
In Chapter XXX Novius explains much about the 'rebirth of the Classical world' to Josh - but for the reader who would like a slightly more detailed account, the following article has been included in 'Club Jaguar'

a detailed explanation of the probable nature of 'Don Picaro' -
more properly know as 'Faunus'
amorphous, shape-shifting 'spirits' made of smokeless fire - related to the daimons - with origins in pre-Islamic Arabia.

a brief description of the history, culture and beliefs of the ancient Maya of Mexico and South America in relation to the fact that the ‘Boss’ was an archaeologist, studying the Maya, when he first came to the ‘alternative America’ of 'Club Jaguar'
a further description of the history, culture and beliefs of the ancient Maya of Mexico and South America - with special reference to the Maya 'Star Gods'
a further description of the history, culture and beliefs of the ancient Maya of Mexico and South America - with special reference to the Maya 'Star Gods'

‘Club Jaguar’ can only be understood in terms of the relationship between ‘Dreams and Reality’ -
a subject discussed in this article

Club Jaguar’ can only be understood in terms of the relationship between ‘Time and Illusion’
a subject discussed in this article

many of the characters in ‘Club Jaguar’ suffer for memory disruption and memory loss, mainly as a result of having been ‘transported’ across 'time and space' to an 'alternative reality' - this article looks at various theories relating to memory

a brief study of recent theories in physics relating to the nature of time
Additional information regarding Novius theory that UFO sightings during the 1940s and 1950s were related to German experiments with disk-type aircraft

a brief survey of the evidence for the development of devices to travel in 'time and space', possibly devised from the 1920s until the end of the Second World War.
'Scientific discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen, and thinking what nobody else has thought. Scientific discovery must be, by definition, at variance with existing knowledge.'

a brief study of the ancient concept of the ‘Vril’ - originally made popular in the novel, ‘The Coming Race’, and later adopted by some groups in Germany and Austria from the 1920 until the end of the Second World War.
information about the development of the German and American Space programs, and the connections between such programs and the occult as relating to 'Club Jaguar'

a brief explanation of Dr Brandt’s methods in ‘Club Jaguar’, as they relate to the theories of Dr. Sigmund Freud

a brief description of the ‘alternative America’ to which the characters from ‘The Story of Gracchus’ are transported by Faunus

a brief survey of the art, architecture and industrial design now known as Art Deco

a detailed description of the 'Philadelphia Experiment', and the various aspects of the 'Montauk Project' as they relate to the ongoing story of 'Club Jaguar'

a detailed description of the 'Philadelphia Experiment', and the various aspects of the 'Montauk Project' as they relate to the ongoing story of 'Club Jaguar'
This is a story that begins in a fairly ordinary way - but as the plot develops some of the characters are revealed to be more than they seem, and as time passes, the plot, as they say, 'thickens', and various strange, and some would consider unsavoury elements and themes emerge.
So what is this ?
Historical Fiction, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Erotic Fiction
Or something Unique ?
no more - and no less
Regardless - be warned, this tale turns out, eventually, to be a decidedly 'adult' story.
Please note that this story is intended for adults (over 18 years), and contains images and text featuring violence, nudity, explicit adult sexuality and strong language.
Please do not view this chapter if you find such features objectionable....