Some Interesting Facts about the Apollo Logo
'The 'A' does not stand for 'Apollo', but rather for 'Asar' - 'Osiris' in ancient Egyptian
The three stars on the 'A' are the three stars of 'Orion's Belt', and the three stars in a vertical line below are the 'Sword of Orion' - one being the Orion Nebula.
The four large stars behind the 'A', almost forming a rectangle, are the other main stars of the constellation of Orion.
The overall symbolism is Masonic.
Phoebe was identified with the moon in Greek mythology, and is said to have given Apollo the rites of his oracle in Delphi.
The Egyptian God (neter) of the moon is Khonsu - son of Amun and Mut (the 'Theban Triad').'`
'Nasa' - is an ancient Hebrew word meaning ‘to lift up to Heaven’
this article is intended to accompany

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Emblem of the 'Thule Gesellschaft' |
Adam Alfred Rudolf Glauer - (9 November 1875 – 8 May 1945), better known under his aristocratic alias Rudolf Freiherr (Baron) von Sebottendorff, was a German occultist, writer, intelligence agent and political activist. He was the founder of the 'Thule Gesellschaft', a post-World War I German occultist organization, where he played a key role, and influenced many members of the German National Socialist Workers Party. He was a Freemason, a Sufi of the Bektashi Order - after his conversion to Islam - and a practitioner of meditation, astrology, numerology, and alchemy. In 1916, he came into contact with the Germanenorden, and was subsequently appointed the 'Ordensmeister' for the Bavarian division of the 'Germanenorden Walvater of the Holy Grail'. Settling in Munich, he established the 'Thule Society', which became increasingly political. On 5 January 1919 Anton Drexler, together with the Karl Harrer of the Thule Gesellschaft, established the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (DAP), or German Workers' Party.
Adolf Hitler joined the 'Deutsche Arbeiterpartei' (DAP) in September 1919, and hr quickly transformed it into the 'National Socialist German Workers' Party' or NSDAP. Glauer was also the owner of the 'Völkischer Beobachter', which the NSDAP purchased in December 1920 on the initiative of Dietrich Eckart, who became the first editor. In 1921, Hitler acquired all shares in the company, making him the sole owner of the publication. The paper was to become Hitler’s most important propaganda tool. By then, however, Glauer had left the Thule Society.
NSDAP Emblem
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Maria Orsic |
The inner core of 'Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei' ('National Socialist German Workers' Party') was the 'Thule Gesellschaft', who were occultists, dedicated to redevelop ancient psychic powers, re-establishing the Aryan race, and the connection of the Aryans with the ancient 'star gods', and this situation occurred just before and during during the German Third Reich.
The 'Vril' itself was founded in 1921 to explore the origins of the Aryan race - initially by a group of female psychic mediums led by Maria Orsic of Zagreb.
Marija Oršić, also known as Maria Orsic, was a medium who later became the leader of the 'Vril Society'. She was born on 31. October 1895 in Zagreb. Her father was a Croatian and her mother was a German from Vienna. Tomislav Oršić was Maria’s father, and was born in a house near St. Stephan's Cathedral, in Zagreb, Croatia....
Zagreb was situated in the Königlich und Kaiserlich Österreichisch-Ungarisches Reich (Austro-Hungarian Empire). Architect Tomislav worked in 1890s in an office located in Ban Jelačić Square (Trg bana Jelačića). Subsequently Tomislav, during a trip to Vienna, met an exceptionally beautiful young ballerina by the name of Sabine. They fell in love, and married shortly after meeting, and on 31st October 1895 in Zagreb, Sabine Orsic gave birth to a stunning blonde baby girl she named Maria. Later Tomislav changed his first name to Thomas. Maria Orsitsch was first mentioned and pictured in 1967 by Bergier and Pauwels in their book 'Aufbruch ins dritte Jahrtausend' ('Departure into the Third Millennium'). Maria soon followed the German nationalist movement which was active after the WWI. The main goal of the movement was to unite Austria with the Germany. In the year 1919 Maria moved to München (Munich), which was then situated in the Weimar Republic (Germany), in order to join her fiance. In Munich Maria came into contact with the Thule Gesellschaft, and soon she created her own inner circle, together with a girl known as Traute, from Munich, and several other friends. The group was known as the 'Alldeutsche Gesellschaft für Metaphysik' - (Pan-German Society for Metaphysics). For identification, female Vril members (also called 'Vrilerinnen') wore a disk which represented the two mediums: Marija Oršić and Sigrun. The objective of the Vril group was to acquire knowledge about the 'Vril' (a form of occult energy) through psychic means, and to disclose pertinent information to Thule in the interests of the NSDAP. At the end of the Second World War in 1945, Maria and Dr Siegfried Brandt surrendered to US forces, and were allowed to emigrate to the USA under the terms of the US 'Operation Paperclip.' (see also Chapter 6 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 28)
Wappen von Königlich und Kaiserlich Österreichisch-Ungarisches Reich
'Operation Paperclip' was a secret program of the 'Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency' (JIOA) largely carried out by Special Agents of Army CIC, in which more than 1,600 German scientists, engineers, and technicians, such as Wernher von Braun, Dr herman Oberth and the V-2 rocket team, and also Dr. Siegfried Brandt and Maria Orsic, were taken from Germany to America for U.S. government employment, primarily between 1945 and 1959. Many were former members, and some were former leaders, of the 'National Socialist Party - and strictly speaking 'war criminals', but none were prosecuted. There was a similar Russian program known as 'Operation Osoaviakhim'.
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Arado-Brandenburg |
Subsequently 'Vril Discs', (which would be later described as 'flying saucers' or UFOs), were designed that were 'Interdimensionale Flugmaschinen' - ('interdimensional' flight machines) based on 'psychic revelations' from 'aliens' who claimed to be from the Aldebaran and Sirius star systems.
'Vril Disc' research, 'time-travel research', and more conventional rocketry development began in 1922, and building took place between 1939-1945.
It was claimed that members of the 'Vril Gesellschaft' included Hitler, Rosenberg, Himmler and Goering.
The connection, of course, with 'aliens' and the Egyptian 'star gods' is also to be found in the activities of one Jack 'Marvel' Parsons
The connection, of course, with 'aliens' and the Egyptian 'star gods' is also to be found in the activities of one Jack 'Marvel' Parsons
'Jack' Parsons, a Los Angeles based rocket scientist, significantly, developed an early working relationship with Wernher von Braun, the eventual German designer of the V2 rocket, and so German and American interest in 'space flight' was brought together, along with a strange connection between 'aliens' and the Egyptian 'Star Gods', (and thereby with occult Freemasonry) .
But to return to 'Magik' and the 'Masons'..... as it happens, the modern UFO era began exactly a year after Parson's and Hubbard's 'hermetic tinkering', with Kenneth Arnold’s sighting over the Cascade Mountains in Washington State, on June 24th in 1947, of what was later described as 'flying saucers', as well as the 1947 UFO crash at Roswell in New Mexico.
And so we come back to the number 33.
Wernher von Braun was a 33rd degree Mason, as was Walt Disney, who published von Braun's future plans for space in cinematic cartoon form.
Then we come to a few on facts about the number 33 regarding the American space program.....
'Launch Complex 33', at White Sands New Mexico, is where von Braun launched recovered V2 rockets after WW2 under 'Project Paperclip', and inaugurated America’s space program.
What is odd about the designation is the fact that 'Launch Complex 33' is the only launch Complex at the facility.
Equally, NASA Runway 33 at the 'Kennedy Space Center', in Florida, which has a heading of 330 degrees, is the only runway.
In short - with the exception of von Braun, he was the most powerful single individual in the American space program.
So within this labyrinth of 'occult magick' and deceptions did NASA actually accomplish a manned lunar landing in 1969?
Jack Parsons 'Jack' Parsons (born Marvel Whiteside Parsons - born on October 2, 1914, and died on June 17, 1952) was an American rocket engineer, and rocket propulsion researcher, chemist, and Thelemite occultist. Associated with the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), Parsons was one of the principal founders of both the 'Jet Propulsion Laboratory' (JPL) and the 'Aerojet Engineering Corporation'. He invented the first rocket engine to use a castable, composite rocket propellant, and pioneered the advancement of both liquid-fuel and solid-fuel rockets. In 1939, Parsons converted to 'Thelema', the English occultist Aleister Crowley's new religious movement, which relied on 'channelled' information derived from alien sources, masquerading as ancient Egyptian divinities.
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Aleister Crowley |
Early on, Parsons became involved with the English occultist Aleister Crowley.
Crowley, initially from a wealthy family, and well-connected, eventually ended up in Cairo, Egypt, where he was contacted at noon on April 8th, 9th, and 10th in the year 1904 by an 'alien' entity who called itself 'Aiwass'.
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Stella of Revealing |
Crowley was able to make this contact with Aiwass by translating an invocation to Horus inscribed on an ancient Egyptian funerary stele of the XXVIth Dynasty that was on display in the 'Boulak Museum' in Cairo.
Interestingly, the stele was for a certain ancient Egyptian priest called Ankh-af-na-Khonsu.
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Boulak Museum - Cairo |
The information communicated by Aiwass was subsequently described as the 'Liber Al vel Legis' - ('The Book of the Law'), consisting of three chapters, which became the main scripture relating to Crowley's 'new' religion of 'Thelema' - which proclaimed the arrival of a new stage in the spiritual evolution of humanity, to be known as the 'Æon of Horus', (in this case the term 'Æon' refers to a period of time, rather that to a spiritual entity).
According to the 'Book of the Law' the sovereignty of three gods has held a determining force over the fate of the world throughout human history.
First came the age of Isis, whose reign was matriarchal and nurturing.
Next was the age of Osiris her consort, whose influence was patriarchal.
Finally, the age of Horus, the child of Isis and Osiris - was ushered in by Crowley.
Horus, however, as ruler is but a child, and throughout this age we will witness the child maturing and thus, according to Crowley, the stability of the world will be established gradually into more harmonious new ways of thought......
Crowley adds, however......'My observation of the Universe convinces me that there are beings of intelligence and power of a far higher quality than anything we can conceive of as human; that they are not necessarily based on the cerebral and nervous structures that we know; and that the one and only chance for mankind to advance as a whole, is for individuals to make contact with such Beings.'
Aleister Crowley
Crowley’s main goal when practicing ‘Western’ magic was, it appears, to advance humanity by contact with higher (extraterrestrial) intelligences, either by calling them down, or by 'traveling' to their planet.
Crowley believed that contact with these higher intelligences was attainable by becoming 'one with them'; that is by 'meta-morphing' into 'man-gods' - 'supermen' or 'Übermensch'.
These supermen, would be fair skinned, blond, with blue eyes, as the Greek gods are.
These were the 'Aryans'.
And so, in Germany and Austria, the prayer of the 16th century philosopher and heretic Giordano Bruno was revived - 'Let the Germans realize their own strength, and they shall not be men, but gods.'
With the rise of National Socialism in Germany, Hitler’s close confidant, Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler, formed a new occult order of 'Teutonic Knights' which became the 'SS' - a powerful secret occult society that would eventually claim the German rocket design specialist Wernher von Braun as one of its eager members.
It was in 1918 Crowley began a series of magical ceremonies in New York called the 'Amalantrah Workings'.
Crowley believed that contact with these higher intelligences was attainable by becoming 'one with them'; that is by 'meta-morphing' into 'man-gods' - 'supermen' or 'Übermensch'.
These supermen, would be fair skinned, blond, with blue eyes, as the Greek gods are.
These were the 'Aryans'.
And so, in Germany and Austria, the prayer of the 16th century philosopher and heretic Giordano Bruno was revived - 'Let the Germans realize their own strength, and they shall not be men, but gods.'
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Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler |
It was in 1918 Crowley began a series of magical ceremonies in New York called the 'Amalantrah Workings'.
These ceremonies were intended to open a portal of entry, allowing 'alien' entities a passageway to access 'earth-world reality'.
Much later, reports of these UFO-associated 'alien' entities later became prevalent in popular culture - partly because of Whitley Strieber’s best-selling book ‘Communion’ - as well as many of Hollywood’s ‘alien’ movies that would follow…
The rift 'occurring in spaces between the stars' created by the 'Amalantrah Working', opened a gateway through which 'Aiwass', and other extraterrestrial entities could enter the universe, and more specifically, our 'earth-world reality'.
Even later, however, the portal was widened, partly as a result of additional 'hermetic' tinkering by Jack Parsons and Hubbard..
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L. Ron Hubbard |
Then there is the question of Freemasonry.....
Freemasonry, by its very nature is secretive, and 33rd degree Masons' names are rarely published.
However, Crowley was at least a 32nd Degree Mason, as he held the position as head of England’s 'Grand Lodge' for some time - and although it is sometimes disputed, he was almost certainly a 33rd Degree Mason.
By 1945 Jack Parsons was high-priest of Crowley’s 'Agape Lodge' in Pasadena - which was a quasi-Masonic organisation.
There he was joined by L. Ron Hubbard, later the founder of 'Scientology'.
Impressed by Hubbard's exuberance and energy Jack wrote in a letter to Crowley:
'I deduce that he is in direct touch with some higher intelligence, and he (Hubbard) is the most 'Thelemic' person I have ever met, and is in complete accord with our own principles.'
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UFO Crash at Roswell - New Mexico |
And so we come back to the number 33.
Wernher von Braun was a 33rd degree Mason, as was Walt Disney, who published von Braun's future plans for space in cinematic cartoon form.
Then we come to a few on facts about the number 33 regarding the American space program.....
'Launch Complex 33', at White Sands New Mexico, is where von Braun launched recovered V2 rockets after WW2 under 'Project Paperclip', and inaugurated America’s space program.
What is odd about the designation is the fact that 'Launch Complex 33' is the only launch Complex at the facility.
Equally, NASA Runway 33 at the 'Kennedy Space Center', in Florida, which has a heading of 330 degrees, is the only runway.
It should not be surprising to discover that the sole individual responsible for selection of the Apollo landing sites was himself, an Egyptian…!
Dr. Farouk El-Baz was born in Cairo, Egypt and educated in the U.S.
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Dr. Farouk El-Baz |
He was a geologist who taught in Germany and the U.S. before becoming involved with NASA’s space program in 1967 when he applied for a position at Bellcom, the corporation handling communications systems for the Apollo program.
But after El-Baz came on board, Bellcom’s job description underwent a significant change; they were now suddenly in charge of selecting the actual landing sites for the Apollo program - in fact El-Baz was solely in charge of the site selection process.
El-Baz became the individual who picked all of the landing sites, controlled the dissemination and analysis of all the photography, and directly oversaw the astronaut’s geological training, preparing them for what they would actually observe on the lunar surface.
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Osiris as Orion |
And it just so happens that El-Baz’s father was an expert in the ancient Egyptian stellar religion of Isis and Osiris - the Egyptian 'star gods'.
So basically you have the son of an expert on the Osiris cults picking the landing sites where all the occult stellar alignments take place.
All of the NASA landing site selection meetings were private, all of their meetings were classified and none of their paperwork has been de-classified.
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NASA Moon Landing |
There is ample evidence to reveal that much of the Apollo photographic footage was faked, and staged purely for public entertainment, but for what ends ?
What drives the deception, and was it technically impossible to fly to the moon?
Or was Apollo a public PR diversion to conceal a totally separate secret occult moon mission that employed highly classified space flight technologies ?
Given the driving imperative for secret societies to acquire mastery of the ultimate alchemical powers, far from the prying eyes of the un-initiated, it seems that the convergence of three powerful secret societies in NASA’s top management suggests that very serious 'off-planet' explorations were under way.
But these explorations were strictly for the benefit of only the ‘illumined masters’ themselves.