Jim faces the first challenges of being 'Dominus' of the newly renamed conglomerate, 'Club Athena', and his direct concerns are the new company logo, the 'Combat Club', the entertainment venues and re-decorating. The more mundane aspects of the business - banking, insurance, import and export and such like, are routine matters dealt with by Franklin and his numerous associates.
Please note that this chapter is intended for adults (over 18 years), and contains text adult text and images. Please do not view this chapter if you find such features objectionable...
"Jim !... Ethan !... Josh !... Time to get up !... Chuck and Max will be here in about thirty minutes.", Clare called - yet again - from the kitchen.
Teddy, of course, was always awake (unless he had switched himself off - which in this case he hadn't).
Ethan woke slowly.
"Is the movie over ?", he asked, sleepily.
"Of course, dummy......
I found you sleeping on the sofa, in front of the screen, in the very early hours of the morning.", Jim said.
"I wonder how it ended....", Ethan said - his voice still dreamy from sleep.
"Well they probably 'all lived happily ever after', if I know anything about that sort of movie.", Jim replied.
"Yes... just like us....", Ethan whispered, as he turned over to go back to sleep.
"Get up ! ... Ethan... You must wake up... there's lots to do today.", Jim said firmly.
"Oh... 'suppose so...", Ethan said, screwing his face up.
And they got up, staggered round the bed room aimlessly for a while... ended up in the shower, and then got dressed.
"Wear a suite and tie today, Ethan - this is a day for business !", Jim said, as he opened his wardrobe.
"Right.... but not black again... all this mourning is very depressing." Ethan added, as he took out a beautifully pressed suite.
Meanwhile, Teddy was busy checking that his cell-phone and laptop were fully charged, and was polishing his glasses so that they gleamed.
"Teddy, why do you wear spectacles when they just have plain glass in them, after all, your eyesight is more than perfect - Faunus even fitted you with magnifying 'zoom-lens' thingys ?", Ethan asked.
"Well why do you wear a tie ?
It's not as if you don't have a top button, or your head is loose, and needs to be tied on in case it falls off !", Teddy replied.
"True...", Ethan replied slowly and thoughtfully, unable to give any logical answer.
Having checked themselves in the many mirrored doors of their closets, Jim and Ethan made their way to the dining room, where they were joined by Josh.
"Morning Clare !", Jim said.
"Thanks for all the help with the dinner last night."
Ethan and Josh, realizing they should be equally polite, echoed Jim's thanks.
Clare, of course, would have done it regardless, as she looked upon Jim and Ethan and Josh as 'her boys' - even if Jim was now the 'Dominus', as he liked to be called - which Clare privately found rather amusing.
But then equally, she couldn't think of him as 'the Boss'.
He was just 'Jim' - her lovely boy.
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Penthouse Building - 'Vegas |
Ethan woke slowly.
"Is the movie over ?", he asked, sleepily.
"Of course, dummy......
I found you sleeping on the sofa, in front of the screen, in the very early hours of the morning.", Jim said.
"I wonder how it ended....", Ethan said - his voice still dreamy from sleep.
"Well they probably 'all lived happily ever after', if I know anything about that sort of movie.", Jim replied.
"Yes... just like us....", Ethan whispered, as he turned over to go back to sleep.
"Get up ! ... Ethan... You must wake up... there's lots to do today.", Jim said firmly.
"Oh... 'suppose so...", Ethan said, screwing his face up.
And they got up, staggered round the bed room aimlessly for a while... ended up in the shower, and then got dressed.
"Wear a suite and tie today, Ethan - this is a day for business !", Jim said, as he opened his wardrobe.
"Right.... but not black again... all this mourning is very depressing." Ethan added, as he took out a beautifully pressed suite.
Meanwhile, Teddy was busy checking that his cell-phone and laptop were fully charged, and was polishing his glasses so that they gleamed.
"Teddy, why do you wear spectacles when they just have plain glass in them, after all, your eyesight is more than perfect - Faunus even fitted you with magnifying 'zoom-lens' thingys ?", Ethan asked.
"Well why do you wear a tie ?
It's not as if you don't have a top button, or your head is loose, and needs to be tied on in case it falls off !", Teddy replied.
"True...", Ethan replied slowly and thoughtfully, unable to give any logical answer.
Having checked themselves in the many mirrored doors of their closets, Jim and Ethan made their way to the dining room, where they were joined by Josh.
"Morning Clare !", Jim said.
"Thanks for all the help with the dinner last night."
Ethan and Josh, realizing they should be equally polite, echoed Jim's thanks.
Clare, of course, would have done it regardless, as she looked upon Jim and Ethan and Josh as 'her boys' - even if Jim was now the 'Dominus', as he liked to be called - which Clare privately found rather amusing.
But then equally, she couldn't think of him as 'the Boss'.
He was just 'Jim' - her lovely boy.
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Flapjack with maple Syrup |
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Dining Room - morning |
She didn't try to get them to eat anything else as she knew that Ethan would be stopping off on the way to wherever they were going for cheeseburgers, and anyway, Ethan was not keen on flapjacks, so Teddy had to sit by Ethan's plate and insist that he ate everything - and this usually caused a mild 'breakfast argument'.
"So where do we go first ?", Josh asked, trying to ignore Ethan and Teddy squabbling over the flapjacks.
"First to the 'Club Athena' where there should be some designers waiting for us.", Jim said.
"And what are they going to design ?", Josh asked.
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Elevator Lobby |
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The 'Late Boss' in his Office |
"Yes... I find all that dark green marble very depressing.
I want something lighter, and perhaps more 'classical'.", Jim said.
"Jim ! Will you get this crazy teddy-bear off me !", Ethan interrupted.
It seemed that while Jim and Josh had been talking, the argument between Teddy and Ethan had got a bit out of hand.
Fortunately Clare had been checking the situation, and had swiftly removed the offending plate of partly eaten flapjacks.
"So next, we pick up Glen, and go to the 'Combat Club' to see Jonathan and Brody - and I need to have a chat with Zac and Kurt.
Then it's lunch at the 'Club Athena', and a visit to see Franklin - and I've arranged to have Aaron join us for lunch.", Jim explained - carefully avoiding getting involved in Ethan and Teddy's continuing argument.
"And what about 'Sigi' ?", Josh asked.
"Well I've let 'Sigi' sleep late, and then
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Green Valley |
And if he starts with any of his awkward questions - well Clare's simply is unable to give him any answers.", Jim said.
"Clever...", Ethan said, as he finally disengaged himself from Teddy.
At that moment the door buzzer sounded.
"That'll be Chuck and Max to take us to the 'Club Athena'.", Jim said.
Jim, Ethan with Teddy, and Josh then left the breakfast table, and went to the main hallway.
"Good morning Chuck... so which limo have you brought today ?", Jim inquired.
"The white extra long wheel-base, Sir - if you approve.", Chuck replied.
"Excellent - we might need the extra room.", Jim said.
"Hi Max - how's it going ?" Ethan said, trying to get on good terms with Max, whom he really didn't know very well.
"I'm good, Sir.... and can I take the laptops ?", Max answered politely.
"Of course...", Ethan replied, being extra polite after his 'fight' with Teddy over the flapjacks.

Jim had used this limo before, but he was still amazed by it's mere size.
Pure white, with lots of brightly polished chrome, it was nearly the length of a Greyhound bus (of which he had rather uncomfortable memories).
Although Jim now owned outright all the Cadillacs, Lincolns and other vehicles belonging to his organization, he had one car that was in a strange way personally his, and that was his pale cream, customized convertible, which had been a personal present from the 'Boss'.
That, however, was tucked away in the large underground garage under the 'Penthouse Building' - and that was also the garage where 'Douglas', Faunus' pink Edsel, occasionally turned up - for no apparent reason.
Jim, however, intended to keep the convertible for his private little adventures with Ethan and Teddy, rather than his 'official' journeys to his offices, entertainment venues and suchlike.
The journeys on this particular morning, however, were 'official', and so he was being chauffeured in a huge white 'long-wheelbase' limo.
The drive from the 'Penthouse Building' to the 'Club Athena' was a short one, and as soon as they arrived at the 'Club', two lines of four bellhops to each line formed up as a sort of mini 'guard of honour' on the sidewalk as Jim and Josh, with Ethan incongruously carrying Teddy, stepped out of the limo under the watchful eye of Max.
They immediately made their way to the reception desk in the main lobby, where Max announced their arrival.
It was then on to the elevator, where Ethan held Teddy while Teddy 'ceremoniously' pressed the elevator buttons.
The business with the buttons was a weird 'ritual', that had originated in some malfunction in Teddy's circuits some time previously, during an incident at Holiday Inn in Roswell New Mexico.
Faunus could have solved the problem, but by this time Jim and Ethan had come to think it quite normal that Teddy always imagined himself as an 'elevator-boy' every time they had to use an elevator.
Once on the top floor, Jim studiously avoided Franklin's office, and went to his own office (the office previously used by the 'Boss').
"Well I've never been in here before...", Teddy commented.
"Well I have, and it's the one that Jim's gonna change - it's a bit depressing - see.", Ethan said.
"Well it is a bit dull..", Teddy said, looking round at the dark green marble walls.
"Makes me think of a Roman toilet !", Ethan said.
Ethan was in a bad mood as they had not stopped off for any cheeseburgers, and as he hadn't eaten all his flapjacks, he was now feeling very hungry.
"I've never seen a Roman toilet...", Teddy remarked.
"Well you're not missing much !", Ethan said.
At that moment there was a gentle knock on the door.
"Ah ! That'll be Emma.", Jim said brightly.
"And who's Emma ?", Ethan asked suspiciously.
"My new secretary... so be nice", Jim said, "and don't say anything weird."
Jim called for Emma to enter.
"And how did you find Emma ?", Josh asked.
"She's a very nice young lady that Zac found for me.", Jim replied.
"Odd.... Zac doesn't like girls !", Ethan exclaimed.
The door opened, and a beautiful young lady entered Jim's office.
"Good morning Sir... I'm Emma...", she announced in a beautiful, well modulated voice.
"Hello, Emma - ", and Jim then began the introductions...
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Jim's Cream Convertible |
That, however, was tucked away in the large underground garage under the 'Penthouse Building' - and that was also the garage where 'Douglas', Faunus' pink Edsel, occasionally turned up - for no apparent reason.
Jim, however, intended to keep the convertible for his private little adventures with Ethan and Teddy, rather than his 'official' journeys to his offices, entertainment venues and suchlike.
The journeys on this particular morning, however, were 'official', and so he was being chauffeured in a huge white 'long-wheelbase' limo.
The drive from the 'Penthouse Building' to the 'Club Athena' was a short one, and as soon as they arrived at the 'Club', two lines of four bellhops to each line formed up as a sort of mini 'guard of honour' on the sidewalk as Jim and Josh, with Ethan incongruously carrying Teddy, stepped out of the limo under the watchful eye of Max.
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Reception Desk - Club Athena |
It was then on to the elevator, where Ethan held Teddy while Teddy 'ceremoniously' pressed the elevator buttons.
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Teddy at Roswell |
Faunus could have solved the problem, but by this time Jim and Ethan had come to think it quite normal that Teddy always imagined himself as an 'elevator-boy' every time they had to use an elevator.
Once on the top floor, Jim studiously avoided Franklin's office, and went to his own office (the office previously used by the 'Boss').
"Well I've never been in here before...", Teddy commented.
"Well I have, and it's the one that Jim's gonna change - it's a bit depressing - see.", Ethan said.
"Well it is a bit dull..", Teddy said, looking round at the dark green marble walls.
"Makes me think of a Roman toilet !", Ethan said.
Ethan was in a bad mood as they had not stopped off for any cheeseburgers, and as he hadn't eaten all his flapjacks, he was now feeling very hungry.
"I've never seen a Roman toilet...", Teddy remarked.
"Well you're not missing much !", Ethan said.
At that moment there was a gentle knock on the door.
"Ah ! That'll be Emma.", Jim said brightly.
"And who's Emma ?", Ethan asked suspiciously.
"My new secretary... so be nice", Jim said, "and don't say anything weird."
Jim called for Emma to enter.
"And how did you find Emma ?", Josh asked.
"She's a very nice young lady that Zac found for me.", Jim replied.
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Emma - Jim's Secretary |
The door opened, and a beautiful young lady entered Jim's office.
"Good morning Sir... I'm Emma...", she announced in a beautiful, well modulated voice.
"Hello, Emma - ", and Jim then began the introductions...
"And may I introduce Josh, my 'principal', with whom you will be working quite a lot, and Ethan and Teddy...."
"Ah yes... Zac told me about Teddy, but I thought he was only joking...", Emma said interrupting.
"Hello Emma... and no, Zac is always very serious, and is one of my very best friends...", Teddy said, very politely.
"Oh ! You're adorable, Teddy... can I stroke your fur ?", Emma asked.
"Certainly not !", Teddy replied, rather taken aback by the suggestion.
"Only Ethan can stroke me."
"I see... I'm sorry... I'll remember that, but anyway I think you're lovely, and I'm so pleased to meet you."
"Yes... and I'm Ethan, and I'm adorable as well !", Ethan said - still hungry, and annoyed that Teddy was getting all the attention.
"Yes, of course... Pleased to meet you Ethan." Emma replied.
"So I presume these designers are here ?", Jim asked.
"Yes Sir, they're waiting for you to see them, Sir.", Emma replied.
"Good, well send them in, and order a few cheeseburgers for Ethan, and Pepsi Max for myself, Josh and Ethan - and remember, Teddy doesn't eat or drink.", Jim said.
"Right away, Sir, and I'll remember.", Emma said a she left the room.
"Nice girl, but she frightens me a bit... I prefer Clare..", Ethan said quietly.
"Mm... I think she's very 'forward', and has a funny look in her eyes...
Are you sure she's not animatronic ?", Teddy said.
"No Teddy, - she's a very nice young lady - so don't get any silly ideas.", Jim warned.
"Well I prefer Clare as well !", Teddy said firmly.
"Yes, Teddy... we all prefer Clare, but Clare can't be everywhere.", Jim said, trying to bring the conversation to an end before Emma came back into the office.
The designers entered Jim's office.
These were designers who had previously been employed by the 'Boss', so they were used to everything being very formal.
Now, however, when they entered, they found Ethan munching on some cheeseburgers, bottles of Pepsi Max on the huge glass topped desk, and in addition a teddy-bear sitting on the desk in front of an open laptop.
In order not to alarm his visitors too much, Jim had ordered Teddy to switch himself off (temporarily) so that he would give the perfect impression of a conventional stuffed toy.
The senior designer opened his portfolio and showed Jim some of the drawings that had been prepared.
"This, Sir, is the basic background to the Logo.
The palm trees make an association with 'Vegas and Nevada - invoking a holiday mood, and in the lower section are neon tubes - almost synonymous with 'Vegas and the Strip.
The colors, I suggest should retain the pink and purple, which were used previously.
Then, an overlay will show the lettering, with the club name.
The font, we suggest, should not be too formal - but again suggest relaxation and enjoyment."
"Yes...that's good.. .but spare me the 'psycho-babble', and show me the font, and then the finished color presentation.", Jim said, as he picked up the drawing and handed it to Josh.
"Psycho-babbley-whaty ?", Ethan said, utterly confused.
"Oh, it's just a way some people have of talking - trying to be clever, like Dr Brandt... remember him ?", Jim relied.
Ethan nodded ruefully.
"Well yes - nice and contemporary, and will probably appeal to the public.". Jim said.
Ethan, who had by then wiped his hands on a napkin, took the first drawing from Josh.
"Like the 'palm-thingy'... very tropical...", Ethan said.
"So lets see the proposed color presentation.", Jim said, anxious the get on with the business.
Jim was handed the color rendering.
"Yes... that's excellent...
So what do you think, Josh ?", Jim said.
"Yes... no problems with that...", Josh replied , as he passed it on to Ethan.
"Nice colours !", Ethan said, and passed the drawing back to Jim.
"Then that's approved...
OK, gentlemen. - Thank you for your time and your work.
Now if you go with Mr Walton, he will take you to the administration office where Mr Black will attend to details of remuneration, copyright etc.", Jim said.
Josh then led the slightly bemused designers from the office.
Now most clients would have spent at least the whole afternoon discussing alternative colours, fonts and layouts, and in addition they would want to show numerous alternative drawings and color renderings.
In this case, however, the whole matter had been decided in just a few minutes - which was very much Jim's style.
And then there was the teddy-bear, and the cheeseburgers.... but at least the designers were being paid a handsome fee - and in business that was all that really mattered.
"OK Ethan, you can switch Teddy on again.", Jim said.
"Right ! What did I miss ?", Teddy asked, as soon as Ethan clicked the switch.
"Oh...! ... Well I've just checked my internal clock... it seems that I missed almost nothing.
My, that was quick !", Teddy said, sounding puzzled.
"Yes, Teddy, and here's the final drawing.", Ethan said, holding the drawing up in front of Teddy.
"Well yes, it's quite good - but I could have done something very similar on my laptop, and I wouldn't have charged you anything, Jim.", Teddy said, carefully scrutinizing the color rendering.
"I'm sure you could Teddy...and maybe next time...", Jim said.
"So what now ?, Ethan asked.
"Well, hopefully there should be some interior designers coming soon, as I want to set them the task of redesigning this office, and the elevator lobby on this floor.
"But you will leave my buttons on the elevator alone, won't you.", Teddy pleaded.
"Of course, Teddy.", Jim replied, smiling - but quietly wondering if he should get Faunus to correct Teddy's 'glitch' about elevators.
"Thank you...", Teddy said very formally.
"And will seeing these other designers take as long as it took approving the logo design, or will you get it done quickly ?", Teddy asked, sounding rather sarcastic.
"Oh, it might take a little longer, as they will need to do some measuring and suchlike, but we don't need to stay here for that.", Jim explained.
Then was there a quiet knock on the door.....it was Emma.
"Is there anything else you require, Sir ?", Emma asked.
"Yes, Emma, clear away the Pepsi, plates and napkins, and check if the interior designers have arrived yet, please." Jim said.
And Emma quietly and discretely left Jim's office.
"Well I'm going to call her 'Auntie Em' - like from Kansas.", Ethan said.
"Now just give it time, boys...", Jim said....
Almost before they could stop talking about her, Emma came back into the office.
"The interior designers are here to see you, sir...", Emma announced.
There were three interior designers - although two really - and one teenage boy assistant.
They too had bulky 'folios' containing drawings and photos.
"Good morning, Sir.", the designer, who was obviously senior, began.
Jim nodded, anxious to get on with the meeting.
"We have been informed that you wish to have your office re-designed, and possibly enlarged - and that you favour a 'classical' theme, Sir.
"That's correct...", Jim began... "So what have you to show me", Jim asked.
"Well may we remove the 'teddy-bear', as we will need quite a lot of room.", the puzzled senior asked.
The junior looked all set to pick Teddy up by his ear, when Jim intervened.
"No !... leave the bear where he is and work round him.", Jim said firmly.
"Oh... as Sir wishes..", the senior replied, very much taken aback, and somewhat confused.
The young assistant sorted out a number of drawings, none of which caught Jim's eye, and then, later, a series of color photos.
Jim grabbed at one of the photos.
"That's exactly it !", Jim exclaimed, immediately showing the photo to Ethan and Josh.
"These pieces of furniture, and the fittings.... are they made here, in America ?", Jim asked.
"As it happens... no, Sir... but I can arrange to have items flown in, if Sir is interested.
They are, of course, quite costly....", the rather foolish senior stated, as if he was nervous about selling his services.
"I'll pretend that you didn't say that...", Jim retorted, obviously annoyed.
"So, show me more.", Jim insisted.
The young assistant fumbled about in one of the folios as Jim carefully studied the images of the classical office design.
"And this furniture comes from ?", Jim asked.
"Spain, Sir - España..", the senior answered, seeming to want to show that he was bi-lingual.
"Ah... Hispania...", Josh said, using the ancient Roman name for the province of Spain.
"Si muy bien.", Jim said, not wishing to be outdone.
This company also produces a full range of furniture, lighting and accessories for the home - although I should add that such items are normally only suitable for the large home - but I'm sure that your home is very large.", the senior designer continued.
"Yes... my homes are very, very large...", Jim replied, refusing to be talked down to.
"Bueno - then measure up, study the style of the image that I have approved, and make drawings of your proposed decorating. - I will give you one working week - that's five days - and then bring me your proposals, and a detailed estimate."
Jim paused for a moment.
"The other matter, as I informed you when I first contacted you, is the elevator lobby.", Jim then said.
"Oh yes, Sir.
I have some drawings and photos of possible designs, although this might require some building works, and involve some slight disruption - for a short while, of course.", the senior designer explained.
The young assistant then spread out some images and photos on the already crowded desk.
"This, sir, is a proposal by the company that you have already favoured for your office.", the seniors designer said, handing Jim a large mounted photograph.
Jim studied the photo carefully, and passed it on to Ethan and Josh.
"It's OK ?", Jim asked, looking at his two companions.
"Hunky-dory !", Ethan said, and Josh nodded.
"That's good - so make drawings, and get estimates for the work as soon as possible." Jim said.
Jim then shuffled up all the photos he wanted to study over lunch, and gave them to Josh, who immediately put them in his brief-case.
Jim then turned to the chief designer.
"I must leave now, as I have other business, and an important lunch date, but my Secretary will give you any help that you need - and ignore the security operative who will monitor you and your colleagues while you are here - it 's just standard practice."
"Yes, of course, and thank you, Sir, and please take these catalogues of the company's classic products that you may peruse at your leisure.", the senior designer said as he struggled to sort out the appropriate catalogues from the pile of drawings and catalogues that were almost burying Teddy.
"So, what do you think of that office, and the design for the elevators, Ethan ?", Jim asked, as the interior designers left the office.
"Reminds me of the old days...", Ethan said, wistfully.
"Me too...", Josh added.
"And is that in a good way, or a bad way ?", Jim asked.
"A good way....", Ethan said, far more cheerful.
"It's the style we're used to, but done in a modern way - it's really beautiful.
"So ... if we build a fine classical villa somewhere, just for ourselves.... you, me, Josh, Zac and Novius - we could furnish it like that, and you'd be OK with that ?", Jim asked.
"Of course... why not ?", Josh said.
"Well, given time, we could do that - but I think, if Ethan agrees, we could keep the 'Penthouse', and be 'modern boys', some of the time.", Jim said.
"Yes... and keep the 'home cinema'..", Ethan said, as he switched on Teddy.
And Teddy sprung to life....."Right ! What did I miss ?", Teddy asked, as soon as Ethan clicked the switch.
"Oh....! ... quite a lot... I'm almost buried in catalogues.", Teddy said, sounding surprised.
"Yes, the interior designers left them... something for you to read...", Jim said.
Teddy then picked up the image of the office that Jim had chosen.
"Is this the one you like ?", Teddy asked.
Jim, of course was expecting all sorts of objections from Teddy - especially as he had been switched off twice - something that he strongly objected to, except at night - and had been almost buried in catalogues and drawings.
There was also the possibility of one of those weird disagreements between Teddy and Ethan, in this case about Jim's choice of design.
"Well I really like it.", Teddy said, much to everyone's surprise.
"Very classical, and even a bit 'imperial'... suites Jim's new position.
I also like the beautiful sofa, with plenty of cushions.
A nice place for me to sit while you lot do your boring business - but make sure that the cushions you order are extra soft.", Teddy continued, obviously very keen on Jim's choice of style.
"And what about the elevator buttons ?", Teddy asked in a sneaky way - apparently assuming that Jim had forgotten that detail - a detail that was of immense importance to Teddy.
As Jim had not actually given any specific instructions regarding the elevator buttons, Ethan decided to answer that question.
"No problemo, amigo... Just the way you like them - and gold plated, especially for you !", Ethan said - just hoping that Jim would have them gold plated.
So Teddy was happy, despite being buried in catalogues, and Jim had made a start on getting a new office in a style that pleased both Ethan and Josh, and hopefully there would soon be a new replacement for the present, dreary, elevator lobby.
Of course, in the end Jim had very 'neat' elevator buttons fitted on the 'special' elevator for 'special' visitors who were going to the top two floors, and those buttons were gold plated, especially for Teddy. - Please note that being an American elevator, floor 1 is the UK 'ground floor'.
Jim, Josh and Kurt then disappeared into Kurt's office, where Kurt gave Jim all the recent info on the financial state of the 'Combat Club', leaving Ethan, Teddy and Glen on their own.
"So this place is run as a business ?", Glen asked, as he looked at some of the expensively framed publicity pictures hanging on the walls of the office area lounge
"Yes indeedy...
Because he was able to 'rig' the fights, he could make the place a 'going concern', and he eventually built this huge place, which became a major sports venue for those who had enough money to afford to come here.", Ethan explained.
"Yes... this place is really only for the top maybe ten-percent of punters who come to 'Vegas... if that.", Josh added.
"I recognize the wrestler in white in these photos....", Glen said.
"Yes, that's the last big contest they had here... It was between a guy called Grant, and Brody who fought as 'Dillon'.
He does seem a bit shy... for a wrestler... and he seemed quite nervous when I told him that Kurt might want some photos of him without his trunks.", Tripp said.
"Look Jonathan, these photos are required for Kurt's records, and later for publicity.
"Yes... this was an idea of the late 'Boss', but I felt committed to follow through with the offer, as the lad had given up high-school.
"Well he's a good looking boy, and seems healthy and strong... anyway, I'll check him out when you and Kurt are finished with him.", Lockwood said.
There were some comfortable leather arm chairs in Kurt's office, and very soon Glen was seated.
"Glen mentioned that 'funny writing'.....like all over the walls.... so maybe he was talking about the hieroglyphics in the 'pyramid ship'." Jim said to Josh and Ethan
"Sounds familiar... so perhaps if I switch on Teddy he might be able to help us", Ethan suggested.
So Ethan went over to Teddy, who was sitting on Kurt's desk, oblivious to what was happening, and switched him on.
"Hi !... All finished now ?", Teddy said, not realizing what had happened.
"Not really, Teddy.", Jim replied.
"So...?", Teddy asked typically confused.
"Glen had a 'funny-turn-thingy' - in the rest-room.", Ethan said.
"And ?".... Teddy said.
"Well sound a bit more sympathetic...", Zac said to Teddy.
"I can't.... my left ear's gone all funny...", Teddy said.
"OK... well I'll give it a good scratch, and you try and work out what's wrong with Glen.", Zac said.
"Shouldn't Dr. Lockwood do that ?", Teddy asked.
"No, I've now told Tripp to tell Lockwood and Kurt that Glen's OK - so far....
but I need to know from you, quickly, what happened to Glen." Jim said.
Jim was sure that Glen had received another of the strange messages - similar to those he had received on previous occasions, and Jim wanted the matter to remain confidential.
"Yes Teddy, so you use your 'telepathy-thingy' to find out if there's anything we need to know floating around in Glen's 'brain' - for want of a better word.", Ethan said.
"OK...", Teddy said....and Glen promptly flopped back in his chair - seemingly semiconscious.
"Well, there's not much going on in here...", Teddy commented after he had concentrated for a few moments.
"Wrestling, 'aliens', a rather unhealthy interest in Brody and Mikey.... a big city, probably Cleveland - one of Faunus' bits of 'memory' I presume.... and...something else..."
Teddy was obviously not very impressed with Glen's 'brain-power'.
"Search for some of that 'funny writing' Glen mentioned... like 'hieroglyphic-thingys'...", Ethan suggested.
"Yes.... that's the 'something else' - but not much, but interesting...", Teddy said.
"Well ?", Jim asked.
"Strange as it may seem...there are some clear hieroglyphics...", Teddy said, sounding surprised.
"Well, you can read ancient Egyptian.... so, what does it say ?", Ethan asked, getting annoyed with the delay.

"Ah yes... Zac told me about Teddy, but I thought he was only joking...", Emma said interrupting.
"Hello Emma... and no, Zac is always very serious, and is one of my very best friends...", Teddy said, very politely.
"Oh ! You're adorable, Teddy... can I stroke your fur ?", Emma asked.
"Certainly not !", Teddy replied, rather taken aback by the suggestion.
"Only Ethan can stroke me."
"I see... I'm sorry... I'll remember that, but anyway I think you're lovely, and I'm so pleased to meet you."
"Yes... and I'm Ethan, and I'm adorable as well !", Ethan said - still hungry, and annoyed that Teddy was getting all the attention.
"Yes, of course... Pleased to meet you Ethan." Emma replied.
"So I presume these designers are here ?", Jim asked.
"Yes Sir, they're waiting for you to see them, Sir.", Emma replied.
"Good, well send them in, and order a few cheeseburgers for Ethan, and Pepsi Max for myself, Josh and Ethan - and remember, Teddy doesn't eat or drink.", Jim said.
"Right away, Sir, and I'll remember.", Emma said a she left the room.
"Nice girl, but she frightens me a bit... I prefer Clare..", Ethan said quietly.
"Mm... I think she's very 'forward', and has a funny look in her eyes...
Are you sure she's not animatronic ?", Teddy said.
"No Teddy, - she's a very nice young lady - so don't get any silly ideas.", Jim warned.
"Well I prefer Clare as well !", Teddy said firmly.
"Yes, Teddy... we all prefer Clare, but Clare can't be everywhere.", Jim said, trying to bring the conversation to an end before Emma came back into the office.
The designers entered Jim's office.
These were designers who had previously been employed by the 'Boss', so they were used to everything being very formal.
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Background Drawing for Club logo |
In order not to alarm his visitors too much, Jim had ordered Teddy to switch himself off (temporarily) so that he would give the perfect impression of a conventional stuffed toy.
The senior designer opened his portfolio and showed Jim some of the drawings that had been prepared.
"This, Sir, is the basic background to the Logo.
The palm trees make an association with 'Vegas and Nevada - invoking a holiday mood, and in the lower section are neon tubes - almost synonymous with 'Vegas and the Strip.
The colors, I suggest should retain the pink and purple, which were used previously.
Then, an overlay will show the lettering, with the club name.
The font, we suggest, should not be too formal - but again suggest relaxation and enjoyment."
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Club Athena Fonr |
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Dr Siegfried Brandt |
"Psycho-babbley-whaty ?", Ethan said, utterly confused.
"Oh, it's just a way some people have of talking - trying to be clever, like Dr Brandt... remember him ?", Jim relied.
Ethan nodded ruefully.
Psychobabble (a combination of 'psychology' or 'psychoanalysis' and 'babble') is a form of speech or writing that uses psychological 'jargon', 'buzzwords', and 'specialist language' to create an impression of plausibility. It may also mean that the content of speech deviates markedly from common sense.The designer looked a little 'put out', and passed the drawing of the font to Jim.
"Well yes - nice and contemporary, and will probably appeal to the public.". Jim said.
Ethan, who had by then wiped his hands on a napkin, took the first drawing from Josh.
"Like the 'palm-thingy'... very tropical...", Ethan said.
"So lets see the proposed color presentation.", Jim said, anxious the get on with the business.
Jim was handed the color rendering.
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Club Athena - Logo - Color Rendering |
So what do you think, Josh ?", Jim said.
"Yes... no problems with that...", Josh replied , as he passed it on to Ethan.
"Nice colours !", Ethan said, and passed the drawing back to Jim.
"Then that's approved...
OK, gentlemen. - Thank you for your time and your work.
Now if you go with Mr Walton, he will take you to the administration office where Mr Black will attend to details of remuneration, copyright etc.", Jim said.
Josh then led the slightly bemused designers from the office.
Now most clients would have spent at least the whole afternoon discussing alternative colours, fonts and layouts, and in addition they would want to show numerous alternative drawings and color renderings.
In this case, however, the whole matter had been decided in just a few minutes - which was very much Jim's style.
And then there was the teddy-bear, and the cheeseburgers.... but at least the designers were being paid a handsome fee - and in business that was all that really mattered.
"OK Ethan, you can switch Teddy on again.", Jim said.
"Right ! What did I miss ?", Teddy asked, as soon as Ethan clicked the switch.
"Oh...! ... Well I've just checked my internal clock... it seems that I missed almost nothing.
My, that was quick !", Teddy said, sounding puzzled.
"Yes, Teddy, and here's the final drawing.", Ethan said, holding the drawing up in front of Teddy.
"Well yes, it's quite good - but I could have done something very similar on my laptop, and I wouldn't have charged you anything, Jim.", Teddy said, carefully scrutinizing the color rendering.
"I'm sure you could Teddy...and maybe next time...", Jim said.
"So what now ?, Ethan asked.
"Well, hopefully there should be some interior designers coming soon, as I want to set them the task of redesigning this office, and the elevator lobby on this floor.
"But you will leave my buttons on the elevator alone, won't you.", Teddy pleaded.
"Of course, Teddy.", Jim replied, smiling - but quietly wondering if he should get Faunus to correct Teddy's 'glitch' about elevators.
"Thank you...", Teddy said very formally.
"And will seeing these other designers take as long as it took approving the logo design, or will you get it done quickly ?", Teddy asked, sounding rather sarcastic.
"Oh, it might take a little longer, as they will need to do some measuring and suchlike, but we don't need to stay here for that.", Jim explained.
Then was there a quiet knock on the door.....it was Emma.
"Is there anything else you require, Sir ?", Emma asked.
"Yes, Emma, clear away the Pepsi, plates and napkins, and check if the interior designers have arrived yet, please." Jim said.
And Emma quietly and discretely left Jim's office.
"Well I'm going to call her 'Auntie Em' - like from Kansas.", Ethan said.
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'Auntie Em' |
'Auntie Em' in the 'Wizard of Oz', urges Dorothy not to bother them with her concerns when she and Uncle Henry are counting chicks. As many women of her time, she is a 'knitter'. Aunt Em is later seen in the crystal ball at the Wicked Witch's castle, still looking for Dorothy. She reunites with Uncle Henry, their three farm-workers, and Professor Marvel when Dorothy awakens from being unconscious."Well I think she's creepy...", Teddy said.
"Now just give it time, boys...", Jim said....
Almost before they could stop talking about her, Emma came back into the office.
"The interior designers are here to see you, sir...", Emma announced.
There were three interior designers - although two really - and one teenage boy assistant.
They too had bulky 'folios' containing drawings and photos.
"Good morning, Sir.", the designer, who was obviously senior, began.
Jim nodded, anxious to get on with the meeting.
"We have been informed that you wish to have your office re-designed, and possibly enlarged - and that you favour a 'classical' theme, Sir.
"That's correct...", Jim began... "So what have you to show me", Jim asked.
"Well may we remove the 'teddy-bear', as we will need quite a lot of room.", the puzzled senior asked.
The junior looked all set to pick Teddy up by his ear, when Jim intervened.
"No !... leave the bear where he is and work round him.", Jim said firmly.
"Oh... as Sir wishes..", the senior replied, very much taken aback, and somewhat confused.
The young assistant sorted out a number of drawings, none of which caught Jim's eye, and then, later, a series of color photos.
Jim grabbed at one of the photos.
"These pieces of furniture, and the fittings.... are they made here, in America ?", Jim asked.
"As it happens... no, Sir... but I can arrange to have items flown in, if Sir is interested.
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Design for a Classical Office |
"I'll pretend that you didn't say that...", Jim retorted, obviously annoyed.
"So, show me more.", Jim insisted.
The young assistant fumbled about in one of the folios as Jim carefully studied the images of the classical office design.
"And this furniture comes from ?", Jim asked.
"Spain, Sir - España..", the senior answered, seeming to want to show that he was bi-lingual.
"Ah... Hispania...", Josh said, using the ancient Roman name for the province of Spain.
"Si muy bien.", Jim said, not wishing to be outdone.
'Hispania' was the Roman name for the Iberian Peninsula and its provinces. Under the Republic, Hispania was divided into two provinces: Hispania Citerior and Hispania Ulterior. During the Principate, Hispania Ulterior was divided into two new provinces, Baetica and Lusitania, while Hispania Citerior was renamed Hispania Tarraconensis."Well actually, Sir, my Spanish is very limited, unlike yours, but my contacts in Spain all speak perfect English.
This company also produces a full range of furniture, lighting and accessories for the home - although I should add that such items are normally only suitable for the large home - but I'm sure that your home is very large.", the senior designer continued.
"Yes... my homes are very, very large...", Jim replied, refusing to be talked down to.
"Bueno - then measure up, study the style of the image that I have approved, and make drawings of your proposed decorating. - I will give you one working week - that's five days - and then bring me your proposals, and a detailed estimate."
Jim paused for a moment.
"The other matter, as I informed you when I first contacted you, is the elevator lobby.", Jim then said.
"Oh yes, Sir.
I have some drawings and photos of possible designs, although this might require some building works, and involve some slight disruption - for a short while, of course.", the senior designer explained.
The young assistant then spread out some images and photos on the already crowded desk.
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New Elevator Lobby for the Top Floor |
Jim studied the photo carefully, and passed it on to Ethan and Josh.
"It's OK ?", Jim asked, looking at his two companions.
"Hunky-dory !", Ethan said, and Josh nodded.
"That's good - so make drawings, and get estimates for the work as soon as possible." Jim said.
Jim then shuffled up all the photos he wanted to study over lunch, and gave them to Josh, who immediately put them in his brief-case.
Jim then turned to the chief designer.
"I must leave now, as I have other business, and an important lunch date, but my Secretary will give you any help that you need - and ignore the security operative who will monitor you and your colleagues while you are here - it 's just standard practice."
"Yes, of course, and thank you, Sir, and please take these catalogues of the company's classic products that you may peruse at your leisure.", the senior designer said as he struggled to sort out the appropriate catalogues from the pile of drawings and catalogues that were almost burying Teddy.
"So, what do you think of that office, and the design for the elevators, Ethan ?", Jim asked, as the interior designers left the office.
"Reminds me of the old days...", Ethan said, wistfully.
"Me too...", Josh added.
"And is that in a good way, or a bad way ?", Jim asked.
"A good way....", Ethan said, far more cheerful.
"It's the style we're used to, but done in a modern way - it's really beautiful.
"So ... if we build a fine classical villa somewhere, just for ourselves.... you, me, Josh, Zac and Novius - we could furnish it like that, and you'd be OK with that ?", Jim asked.
"Of course... why not ?", Josh said.
"Well, given time, we could do that - but I think, if Ethan agrees, we could keep the 'Penthouse', and be 'modern boys', some of the time.", Jim said.
"Yes... and keep the 'home cinema'..", Ethan said, as he switched on Teddy.
And Teddy sprung to life....."Right ! What did I miss ?", Teddy asked, as soon as Ethan clicked the switch.
"Oh....! ... quite a lot... I'm almost buried in catalogues.", Teddy said, sounding surprised.
"Yes, the interior designers left them... something for you to read...", Jim said.
Teddy then picked up the image of the office that Jim had chosen.
"Is this the one you like ?", Teddy asked.
Jim, of course was expecting all sorts of objections from Teddy - especially as he had been switched off twice - something that he strongly objected to, except at night - and had been almost buried in catalogues and drawings.
There was also the possibility of one of those weird disagreements between Teddy and Ethan, in this case about Jim's choice of design.
"Well I really like it.", Teddy said, much to everyone's surprise.
"Very classical, and even a bit 'imperial'... suites Jim's new position.
I also like the beautiful sofa, with plenty of cushions.
A nice place for me to sit while you lot do your boring business - but make sure that the cushions you order are extra soft.", Teddy continued, obviously very keen on Jim's choice of style.
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Teddy's Gold Plated Elevator Buttons |
As Jim had not actually given any specific instructions regarding the elevator buttons, Ethan decided to answer that question.
"No problemo, amigo... Just the way you like them - and gold plated, especially for you !", Ethan said - just hoping that Jim would have them gold plated.
So Teddy was happy, despite being buried in catalogues, and Jim had made a start on getting a new office in a style that pleased both Ethan and Josh, and hopefully there would soon be a new replacement for the present, dreary, elevator lobby.
Of course, in the end Jim had very 'neat' elevator buttons fitted on the 'special' elevator for 'special' visitors who were going to the top two floors, and those buttons were gold plated, especially for Teddy. - Please note that being an American elevator, floor 1 is the UK 'ground floor'.
"So what's going on now ?", Ethan asked, as he idly flipped through the catalogs.
"Well, if you remember what I said at breakfast... we go back to the 'Penthouse Building', and pick Glen up from his new apartment - so get on the 'phone to Chuck and ask him to get the limo started up.", Jim said.
They then left the office, and went to the elevator
Ethan, as usual, lifted Teddy up so that he could press the lift buttons.
Teddy, however, shook his head.
"No... not this time... I'll wait until the new lift, with its new buttons, arrives.", Teddy said, sounding very serious.
Once in the limo, they gave Chuck instructions, and they quickly returned to the 'Penthouse Building'.
Glen was up, washed, dressed and waiting.
"So, Glen... how do you like your new apartment ?", Jim asked.
"It's great !", Glen replied, enthusiastically.
"Well now we're going to watch a bit of wrestling... but not high-school wrestling like I think you're used to.", Jim said.
"And how's that ?" , Glen asked.
"Well as you probably already know, it's a lot rougher, but also 'rigged', and more of an entertainment that a sport.", Jim explained.
The drive from the 'Penthouse Apartment Building' was basically just across town.
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The California Combat Club |
There was a permanent parking space - large enough for two long wheel-base limos - in front of the large classical style building - and Chuck carefully parked.
Max instantly got out and opened the door for Jim, followed by Ethan - carrying Teddy - and Josh, who followed.
The public interior of the 'Combat Club' was huge, cavernous and intimidating - built in an aggressive but opulent classical Roman style.
Away from the entrance area, there was a warren of corridors leading to the various facilities in the 'club', consisting of a well equipped gym, medical facilities, physiotherapy and massage rooms, steam baths and showers, offices, a security department, and a couple of practice rings.
After checking in with Zac - who was in charge of all security in the building, Jim took them to the main administrative area, and the offices of Kurt.
"Good morning, Dominus... so you've finally come to see us... and brought that weird teddy-bear with you.", Kurt began, but was immediately stopped in his tracks....
The public interior of the 'Combat Club' was huge, cavernous and intimidating - built in an aggressive but opulent classical Roman style.
Away from the entrance area, there was a warren of corridors leading to the various facilities in the 'club', consisting of a well equipped gym, medical facilities, physiotherapy and massage rooms, steam baths and showers, offices, a security department, and a couple of practice rings.

follow this LINK if you don't know anything about Kurt
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Kurt |
"Kurt ! Kindly address me as Teddy !", Teddy said very firmly.
"Yes, Teddy... sorry, I forgot.", Kurt said apologetically - which surprised everybody, as Kurt was the kind of character that everyone else, excepting Jim, Faunus and Zac, spoke to very politely and deferentially.
"Careful Kurt... you do know he's fitted with lasers ?", Jim said, smiling.
"Yes... so I've heard.", Kurt replied.
"Presumably Jonathan is here ?", Jim began
"Yes, Sir, he's just been training, and is now having a shower.", Kurt replied.
"And you still have Tripp here ?", Jim asked.
"Yes.... after all, we need to keep Brody 'amused'...", Kurt replied with a smirk.
"Careful Kurt... you do know he's fitted with lasers ?", Jim said, smiling.
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Tripp |
"Presumably Jonathan is here ?", Jim began
"Yes, Sir, he's just been training, and is now having a shower.", Kurt replied.
"And you still have Tripp here ?", Jim asked.
"Yes.... after all, we need to keep Brody 'amused'...", Kurt replied with a smirk.
follow this LINK if you don't know anything about Tripp
"OK, well we need to have some photos today of Jonathan for publicity, so get Tripp to make sure that Jonathan is properly shaved - and oiled - and let Adam know what I want done.
follow this LINK if you don't know anything about Adam
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Brody as 'Dillon' Loses his Trunks |
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Brody as 'Dillon' on the Canvass |
"So this place is run as a business ?", Glen asked, as he looked at some of the expensively framed publicity pictures hanging on the walls of the office area lounge
"Yes indeedy...
It began as a bit of a 'hobby' for the 'Boss', but as time went by, this being 'Vegas an' all, the main thing that went on here was gambling - betting on the fights - which slowly the 'Boss' took over.
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Brody as 'Dillon' Stripped |
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Brody as 'Dillon' Slams into the Corner |
"So it costs a lot to come here and watch a fight ?", Glen asked.
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Brody - Training Fight |
"I recognize the wrestler in white in these photos....", Glen said.
"Yes, that's the last big contest they had here... It was between a guy called Grant, and Brody who fought as 'Dillon'.
'Dillon' - or Brody lost the fight - and his trunks - and had to be carried, unconscious from the ring in the end.
He hasn't fought since - but has recovered, and is training for his next fight.
I think that's what Kurt is now planning with the other guys.", Ethan said, seemingly proud to be 'in the know'.
At that point Adam appeared.
"Hi... who's this ?", Adam asked, indicating Glen.
Apparently they had not met, or Adam had forgotten.
Adam only really ever thought about his photography, and his beloved cameras, and in some ways was somewhat similar to Franklin - but nowhere near as weird..
"Oh this is Glen... we picked him up in Roswell...", Ethan said, carelessly not realizing that what he had said was not particularly polite - but needing to say it, as it was part of the 'scenario' that Faunus had given Glen.
Glen, however, said nothing.
"Well I'm Adam... I do all the photography round here...", Adam said, trying to be friendly by explaining himself, to some extent.
"Yes... Jim and I found Jonathan in Kansas....", Ethan said.
"And it seems he 'fancies himself' as a wrestler...", Adam said.
"Well, let's put is this way... Jonathan was a good wrestler in High School, and the old 'Boss' got it into his head that because Jonathan was quite good looking, he would be a good choice for the 'Combat Club' here in 'Vegas.
But I'm not so sure.
The wrestling here is quite a bit different than High School wrestling.", Ethan said.
"Yes.... that's certainly true...", Adam said knowingly.
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Tripp |
Then Tripp made an appearance.
"Well, Jonathan seems to be ready... but this, Adam, could be awkward..
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The Kent Farm - Kansas |
"Well I'm not really surprised... he is a small town Kansas 'farm boy'.", Ethan said, grinning.
"Yes...", Adam interrupted.
"But is he reasonably well muscled, and well-hung ?", Adam asked, getting straight to the essential point.
"Oh yes...", Tripp replied.
"I think Kurt will be quite pleased".
Ethan grinned at Glen.
"Well then, it will just be a matter of getting him 'trained up'...", Ethan said, trying to sound like he knew what he was talking about - mainly to impress Glen.
Adam looked at Ethan puzzled.
"And what's this with the bear ?" Adam asked.
Fortunately by then Teddy had switched himself off - Teddy was not really interested in the 'Combat Club'.
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Combat Club Photo Studio |
"Oh, he belongs to Jim", (which was actually true), Ethan replied, and that was enough to stop Adam - who was very surprised by Ethan's answer - from making any further comments.
"OK then Trip, let's get the lights and equipment set up.", Adam said - trying to pretend that he hadn't even asked the question about Teddy.
Tripp and Adam then disappeared through an unpretentious door and into the 'Combat Club' studio.
At the same time Kurt and Jim and Josh emerged from Kurt's office.
"Why don't you put 'Teddy' in my office....I think he'd be more comfortable there...", Kurt suggested, being unusually solicitous.
So Ethan left Teddy sitting on Kurt's desk, and then went to the photo studio, anxious to see how Jonathan would cope with the photo-shoot.
By then Jonathan had left the shower and massage area, and entered the photo studio.
He had a large white towel tie round his waist, presumably not yet comfortable with even showing himself in his wrestling trunks.
"OK, Jonathan... if we're going to do this properly, the you're gonna have to take off that silly towel...", Jim said, gently but firmly.
"Yes, Sir... but it's cold in here...", Jonathan said lamely.
"Now come on, Jonathan.. I know that you're a Kansas 'farm-boy', but this problem with modesty is not really helping....", Jim replied, sounding a little exasperated.
"It's all guys here.. so your modesty is not really very appropriate... so get the towel off, and follow Adam's instructions.", Jim ordered.
At that point Jonathan had very little option, and took the towel off, and handed it to Tripp, who promptly made off into the shower and massage rooms.
"Ethan... talk to him... and try and get him to understand...", Jim said.
Ethan took Jonathan to one side.
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Jonathan's High-School - Hutchinson - Kansas |
Now try and understand...
This is not High School wrestling... it's a lot closer to 'entertainment'......
It's for rich people who enjoy watching good-looking young guys fighting... but it's not actually real fighting."
Johnathan looked puzzled.
"What, you mean it's like movies, or TV series ?", Jonathan asked, showing a certain degree of naivete.
Ethan struggled to make Jonathan understand.
"Not quite....
Some guys do get hurt a bit... like maybe - Brody.
In this business they're called 'jobbers' - young guys, and they regularly get beaten.
Kurt tells me, though, that you are to be a 'face'.
That's a good looking young guy who usually wins - and fights fair.", Ethan explained.
Jonathan listened carefully - while Glen 'listened in'.
"Now sometimes, when you get more experienced, you may go against a 'heel'.....that's a wrestler who often fights 'dirty' - but usually you will win... 'heels', however, usually fight 'jobbers'.
Are you understanding this ?", Ethan asked.
Jonathan still looked a little puzzled, but nodded.
"Yes... I think so.", Jonathan replied.
"So, Ethan... how do you know all this ?", Glen asked.
"Well I've been here before, to watch training sessions and fights, and I've listened to the old 'Boss', and Jim, Zac and Kurt - and I'm quite friendly with Brody.", Ethan replied, pleased to sound quite knowledgeable - although really Ethan was not too keen on the wrestling business - just like Teddy.
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Glen - High School Wrestling |
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Jonathan - High School Wrestling |
"Anyway, I don't know what you're making all the fuss about - you're wearing a pair of Speedos under that towel you've just taken off.", Glen said.
"Yes.... but when I wrestled at school, I always wore a leotard.", Jonathan explained.
"Well that's interesting... (Ethan knew nothing about high-school wrestling)....
Maybe Kurt would let you appear in a leotard for some of your fights.....the club members might quite like that.", Ethan speculated.
Moments later Dr. Lockwood arrived - presumably to check over Jonathan before the final contracts were signed.
"So, Sir.... how's it been since you took over.", Lockwood asked Jim as they shook hands.
"Well it's taking a bit of time to get to grips with things...", Jim replied.
"That's only to be expected, Jim.",
Jim nodded in agreement.
Jim nodded in agreement.
"So I see you've got a new boy being tested out there.", Lockwood said, looking over at Jonathan.
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Jonathan's Photo-shoot |
He's a 'farm-boy' from Kansas, but made a name for himself in school wrestling.
He lost his father, and his mother is having a struggle keeping the family farm going, so we're giving her some financial backing, and hopefully Jonathan will do well here, and be able to contribute financially, and help his mother.", Jim explained.
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'Mikey' |
By then Adam was deciding how to pose Jonathan, and while Tripp helped Adam with the lights, a new addition to the 'Combat Club' team... 'Mikey', arranged chairs for Jim, Josh, Ethan, Glen and Zac, while Lockwood went to his office to make preparations for Jonathan's medical examination.
"So what's your name, young man ?", Ethan asked, in that 'way' that Jim had often warned him about.
"I'm 'Mikey', Sir...", 'Mikey' said, unable to stop himself from blushing.
"Well I'm Ethan - so less of the 'Sir', and don't look so nervous... I'm quite harmless really..", Ethan said in a rather unlikely, avuncular manner.
"So Jim, should we warn that young man about Brody ?", Ethan said quietly to Jim.
"Probably... 'Mikey' looks very much like Brody's type.", Jim replied.
"So I wonder where Kurt found him !", Ethan mused.
Now most 'normal' people become a little self-conscious when they are photographed.
Being put in front of a white background, and surrounded by photographic lights, the photographer and his assistants - and maybe some onlookers - tends to make people even more self-conscious.
This, of course, is made all the worse for the average young man, when stripped down to a very brief pair of Speedos.
In the circumstances, Jim thought that Jonathan was managing very well, but he wondered about the 'wisdom' of choosing a boy from a background such as that of Jonathan.
This was Jim's little reverie - but suddenly his thoughts were interrupted.
It was Mikey.
"Come quickly !", Mikey said, obviously panicking.
"It's your friend... I found him unconscious in the 'rest-room' (UK toilet).
"Who ?... you mean Glen ?", Ethan asked nervously.
"Suppose so....", Mikey replied, not sure what to do.
Instantly Jim stood up.
"Get Zac !"... Jim ordered, and Mikey disappeared - immediately obeying Jim.
Within moments Jim, Josh, Zac and Ethan had gone to help Glen.
Wisely, presumably in order to prevent anyone panicking, Adam continued with his work, giving instructions to Tripp, and taking photos of Jonathan.
At the same time Kurt and Brody arrived from another part of the building.
By the time Jim, Josh, Zac and Ethan had arrived in the rest-room Glen had managed to sit up.
"Don't try to stand.... and Ethan, go and get Dr. Lockwood.", Zac said.
While Jim and Josh started to check Glen out, trying to ascertain if he had caused himself any injuries, Zac was on his cell-phone ordering a 'lock-down' of the Combat Club.
"It was them...", Glen said weakly.
"Who, Glen ?, Jim asked.
"That funny writing... like we saw all over the walls.", Glen mumbled.
"Now Glen... do you feel OK to move ?", Zac asked.
Glen nodded.
"So Jim, should we warn that young man about Brody ?", Ethan said quietly to Jim.
"Probably... 'Mikey' looks very much like Brody's type.", Jim replied.
"So I wonder where Kurt found him !", Ethan mused.
(for more information about 'Mikey' go to 'Character Sketches')Jim decided not to offer an suggestion - mainly because he was concentrating on how Jonathan was responding to being photographed.
Now most 'normal' people become a little self-conscious when they are photographed.
Being put in front of a white background, and surrounded by photographic lights, the photographer and his assistants - and maybe some onlookers - tends to make people even more self-conscious.
This, of course, is made all the worse for the average young man, when stripped down to a very brief pair of Speedos.
In the circumstances, Jim thought that Jonathan was managing very well, but he wondered about the 'wisdom' of choosing a boy from a background such as that of Jonathan.
This was Jim's little reverie - but suddenly his thoughts were interrupted.
It was Mikey.
"Come quickly !", Mikey said, obviously panicking.
"It's your friend... I found him unconscious in the 'rest-room' (UK toilet).
"Who ?... you mean Glen ?", Ethan asked nervously.
"Suppose so....", Mikey replied, not sure what to do.
Instantly Jim stood up.
"Get Zac !"... Jim ordered, and Mikey disappeared - immediately obeying Jim.
Within moments Jim, Josh, Zac and Ethan had gone to help Glen.
Wisely, presumably in order to prevent anyone panicking, Adam continued with his work, giving instructions to Tripp, and taking photos of Jonathan.
At the same time Kurt and Brody arrived from another part of the building.
By the time Jim, Josh, Zac and Ethan had arrived in the rest-room Glen had managed to sit up.
"Don't try to stand.... and Ethan, go and get Dr. Lockwood.", Zac said.
While Jim and Josh started to check Glen out, trying to ascertain if he had caused himself any injuries, Zac was on his cell-phone ordering a 'lock-down' of the Combat Club.
"It was them...", Glen said weakly.
"Who, Glen ?, Jim asked.
"That funny writing... like we saw all over the walls.", Glen mumbled.
"Now Glen... do you feel OK to move ?", Zac asked.
Glen nodded.
"That's good.... we don't want you sitting here on the cold floor.", Zac said.
Zac looked to Jim and Ethan.
"Is Dr Lockwood on his way ?", Jim asked Ethan.
"Yes... he's just on the 'phone.. but should be here in a few ticks.", Ethan replied.
('a few ticks' - Jim puzzled - wondering from where Ethan got his strange expressions... probably those old movies...)
"I think we should move him to Kurt's office... so do you boys feel up to moving him ?", Zac asked.
Jim, Josh and Ethan nodded, and they gently lifted Glen up, and helped him to the nearby office.
I think we can deal with this ourselves..", Jim said to Kurt and Brody.
"We don't want to crowd him...", Jim added.
Zac looked to Jim and Ethan.
"Is Dr Lockwood on his way ?", Jim asked Ethan.
"Yes... he's just on the 'phone.. but should be here in a few ticks.", Ethan replied.
('a few ticks' - Jim puzzled - wondering from where Ethan got his strange expressions... probably those old movies...)
"I think we should move him to Kurt's office... so do you boys feel up to moving him ?", Zac asked.
Jim, Josh and Ethan nodded, and they gently lifted Glen up, and helped him to the nearby office.
I think we can deal with this ourselves..", Jim said to Kurt and Brody.
"We don't want to crowd him...", Jim added.
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'Funny Writing' |
"Glen mentioned that 'funny writing'.....like all over the walls.... so maybe he was talking about the hieroglyphics in the 'pyramid ship'." Jim said to Josh and Ethan
"Sounds familiar... so perhaps if I switch on Teddy he might be able to help us", Ethan suggested.
So Ethan went over to Teddy, who was sitting on Kurt's desk, oblivious to what was happening, and switched him on.
"Hi !... All finished now ?", Teddy said, not realizing what had happened.
"Not really, Teddy.", Jim replied.
"So...?", Teddy asked typically confused.
"Glen had a 'funny-turn-thingy' - in the rest-room.", Ethan said.
"And ?".... Teddy said.
"Well sound a bit more sympathetic...", Zac said to Teddy.
"I can't.... my left ear's gone all funny...", Teddy said.
"OK... well I'll give it a good scratch, and you try and work out what's wrong with Glen.", Zac said.
"Shouldn't Dr. Lockwood do that ?", Teddy asked.
"No, I've now told Tripp to tell Lockwood and Kurt that Glen's OK - so far....
but I need to know from you, quickly, what happened to Glen." Jim said.
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Contents of Glen's Brain |
"Yes Teddy, so you use your 'telepathy-thingy' to find out if there's anything we need to know floating around in Glen's 'brain' - for want of a better word.", Ethan said.
"OK...", Teddy said....and Glen promptly flopped back in his chair - seemingly semiconscious.
"Well, there's not much going on in here...", Teddy commented after he had concentrated for a few moments.
"Wrestling, 'aliens', a rather unhealthy interest in Brody and Mikey.... a big city, probably Cleveland - one of Faunus' bits of 'memory' I presume.... and...something else..."
Teddy was obviously not very impressed with Glen's 'brain-power'.
"Yes.... that's the 'something else' - but not much, but interesting...", Teddy said.
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Teddy Reading Hieroglyphics on the Pyramid Ship |
"Strange as it may seem...there are some clear hieroglyphics...", Teddy said, sounding surprised.
"Well, you can read ancient Egyptian.... so, what does it say ?", Ethan asked, getting annoyed with the delay.
"Simple.... it says 'COME TO US'...", Teddy replied.
"That's it...? just 'come to us'...", Ethan said.
"Yes.... just 'come to us'..", Teddy reiterated.
"So what do we do now ?", Ethan asked, putting on his 'puzzled Thumper face', (a face that Ethan regularly practiced in the mirror in the privacy of the Penthouse bathroom.)
"Well first I think we really need to get Dr Lockwood to check Glen over now... just to make sure.
I'll stay with him, in order to ensure that he says nothing that could make problems.
You put Teddy back on Kurt's desk, and then go back to the photo studio and tell them that everything's OK.", Jim said to Ethan.
"As usual, I get all the boring jobs...", Ethan moaned as went off to the studio just in time to see Jonathan, stark naked, being photographed.
'Well.... quite a boy...', Ethan thought to himself, as he delivered his message to Adam, Tripp, Brody and Mikey.
Glen seemed to recover remarkably quickly, and seemed none the worse for his odd experience.
With Dr. Lockwood apparently satisfied, Jonathan, still oiled and naked, was escorted to the showers by Tripp.
Ethan was hoping, however, that Tripp wouldn't try to get too friendly with Jonathan while all the oil was being washed off, as Tripp would then probably end up on the floor like Glen, unconscious, but without a message from the 'aliens', or whoever.
Jim turned to Zac...
"Now we have a problem....
It's getting late, and I'm supposed to be seeing Brody about his next fight, and Aaron over lunch about some auditions.
Zac, obediently waited for Jim to decide.
"OK, you and Kurt sort out things with Brody... and cancel the 'lock-down'.
Josh, Glen, Ethan and myself will have a quick lunch, and then go and have a chat with Novius, and Faunus - if we can find him.
And Ethan... 'phone Aaron, apologize - and explain that there has been a medical emergency, and arrange another lunch date for tomorrow
"Okey-dokey...", Ethan replied, as he picked up Teddy.
"And Ethan...".
"Yes Jim...."
"Stop saying 'okey-dokey' all the time..."
"¡Vale Iago!" (Spanish - 'OK Jim !')
"In that case - 'okey-dokey' is fine !", Jim said.... wisely giving up
They then left Zac in charge of the 'Combat Club', and headed for the nearest McDonald's.
"That's it...? just 'come to us'...", Ethan said.
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Thumper Puzzled |
"So what do we do now ?", Ethan asked, putting on his 'puzzled Thumper face', (a face that Ethan regularly practiced in the mirror in the privacy of the Penthouse bathroom.)
"Well first I think we really need to get Dr Lockwood to check Glen over now... just to make sure.
I'll stay with him, in order to ensure that he says nothing that could make problems.
You put Teddy back on Kurt's desk, and then go back to the photo studio and tell them that everything's OK.", Jim said to Ethan.
"As usual, I get all the boring jobs...", Ethan moaned as went off to the studio just in time to see Jonathan, stark naked, being photographed.
'Well.... quite a boy...', Ethan thought to himself, as he delivered his message to Adam, Tripp, Brody and Mikey.
Glen seemed to recover remarkably quickly, and seemed none the worse for his odd experience.
With Dr. Lockwood apparently satisfied, Jonathan, still oiled and naked, was escorted to the showers by Tripp.
Ethan was hoping, however, that Tripp wouldn't try to get too friendly with Jonathan while all the oil was being washed off, as Tripp would then probably end up on the floor like Glen, unconscious, but without a message from the 'aliens', or whoever.
Jim turned to Zac...
"Now we have a problem....
It's getting late, and I'm supposed to be seeing Brody about his next fight, and Aaron over lunch about some auditions.
Zac, obediently waited for Jim to decide.
"OK, you and Kurt sort out things with Brody... and cancel the 'lock-down'.
Josh, Glen, Ethan and myself will have a quick lunch, and then go and have a chat with Novius, and Faunus - if we can find him.
And Ethan... 'phone Aaron, apologize - and explain that there has been a medical emergency, and arrange another lunch date for tomorrow
"Okey-dokey...", Ethan replied, as he picked up Teddy.
"And Ethan...".
"Yes Jim...."
"Stop saying 'okey-dokey' all the time..."
"¡Vale Iago!" (Spanish - 'OK Jim !')
"In that case - 'okey-dokey' is fine !", Jim said.... wisely giving up
They then left Zac in charge of the 'Combat Club', and headed for the nearest McDonald's.

After Glen has a strange communication from possibly unknown entities, Jim decides to consult with Novius and Faunus. Jim would, however, prefer to settle down to his new tasks in launching 'Club Athena', and the associated enterprises, but it seems that something - or someone - is reaching from the past and drawing the 'boys' back to a more mystical, mysterious world - and on the drive to the 'Villa Athena' even the 'roadside diner' is, in its own way, mystical and mysterious....and that's only the beginning !