After Glen has a strange communication from possibly unknown entities, Jim decides to consult with Novius and Faunus. Jim would, however, prefer to settle down to his new tasks in launching 'Club Athena', and the associated enterprises, but it seems that something - or someone - is reaching from the past and drawing the 'boys' back to a more mystical, mysterious world - and on the drive to the 'Villa Athena' even the 'roadside diner' is, in its own way, mystical and mysterious....and that's only the beginning !

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McDonalds - Las Vegas. |
Max opened the door of the large white stretch limo, and Jim told Chuck to drive to the nearest McDonalds.
Chuck was well aware of Ethan's 'approved' branches of McDonalds, and swiftly guided the limo to one of the many McDonalds in 'Vegas.
"Is this one OK ?", Jim asked Ethan.
"This one's 'just dandy' !", Ethan replied, using yet another of his strange, outmoded expressions.
It was, of course, the usual, Cheeseburgers and Pepsi Max, and not quite the lunch that Jim had been hoping for.
Teddy had not accompanied them, however, preferring to remain in the limo, sitting on Max's knee.
"I think you should be careful with Teddy.
He seems to be taking an inordinate liking to spending time with Max...", Jim said to Ethan, with a grin.
"Why ? It has to be purely Platonic, and Teddy's not Max's type.
Teddy's just 'playing' with Max anyway, like he did with Zac.", Ethan said smugly.
"Well he's never tried it with me...", Josh said.
"Of course..Teddy doesn't want to be attacked by Glaux.", Ethan replied.
And so they ate their lunch with very little further comment.
Undoubtedly, however, they each had their own thoughts about what had happened to Glen, and were wondering what it might involve in the future.

"Well... after this business with that cryptic message there's a lot to do...", Jim said.
"So ?", Ethan asked.
"Well, we need to go and see Novius....", Jim said.
"Yes.... and he's in Los Angeles, so that means another long drive along that horribly straight Interstate 15 !", Ethan said.
"I'm afraid so...", Jim replied.
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Jim's Cessna Citation |
"Couldn't we fly ?", Ethan pleaded.
"Not really much point.
By the time we contact Captain Peters, and the Cessna is got ready, and fuelled up, and then there's the drive to McCarran, and then the drive from Los Angeles International to the 'Villa Athena' - and all the problems with getting a flight plan... well, it's easier to just get Chuck to drive us to the villa.", Jim explained.
"OK... I understand... but Teddy wants to be taken on a flight in the Cessna, so perhaps you could find an excuse... say, maybe on the return trip ?", Ethan suggested.
"That means that you want to take Teddy with us to see Novius ?", Jim asked.
"Of course !... We can't leave him here in 'Vegas... who would look after him ?", Ethan said, sounding shocked.
"Well Clare... but Teddy doesn't need 'looking after', as you put it.
We could just switch him off.", Jim said.
"I'll pretend you didn't say that !", Ethan said - instantly sulking.
"Don't get upset, Ethan... Jim's just winding you up.", Josh explained.
And so they finished their 'lunch', left the McDonalds, and returned to the limo.
"OK, take us to the Penthouse, as we shall need to pick up some things if we are going to the Villa...", Jim said to Chuck.
On arriving at the penthouse, Glen had a discreet word with Jim.
"Look Jim, I don't really feel up to a long drive to Los Angeles, and there's nothing I can add to what Teddy discovered, so with your permission, I would prefer to stay in my apartment here, and get some rest.", Glen said.
"No problem, Glen, but you have Dr. Lockwood's number, so if you get any problems, ring him, and I'll tell Clare to keep and eye on you - if you don't mind.", Jim said.
Glen was grateful that Jim understood, and Jim was, to a degree relieved that Glen would be staying at the Penthouse Building and resting.
The journey from 'Vegas to the 'Villa Athena' is slightly under five hours, being about 270 miles.
Jim had told Chuck to make one stop, at Baker, on the borders of the Mojave National Preserve, for refreshments - and Chuck expected to arrive at the Villa at about seven pm - and that was all well and good, as dinner could be served at about eight.
Max collected a few items of luggage from the Penthouse, and then they went to the elevator and Teddy indulged in his rather worrying ritual of pressing the elevator buttons.
"Why do you like doing that so much ?", Jim asked.
"It makes me feel secure and needed...", Teddy replied, showing no signs of embarrassment at making such a revealing admission.
"I see...", .Jim replied, thinking that Faunus really needed to give Teddy a check-up.
"Well believe me, you are very secure and needed, so you don't really have to worry about that, Teddy.", Jim said, reassuringly.
"Thank you, Jim", Teddy replied.
Teddy was always a very polite teddy-bear.
"So... 'here we go again'...", Ethan said, as they took their seats in the limo.
"Yes, but this one is very spacious - and comfortable...", Josh said.
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Interstate 15 - Las Vegas to Los Angeles - USA |
The main problem with the drive from Los Angeles to 'Vegas, (or the other way round), was the fact that it was very, very boring.
The Interstate was unbelievably straight, and the desert landscape was generally uninteresting - to say the least - and there weren't even many picturesque towns on the way.
All four passengers, (that includes Teddy) - and also Chuck and Max - had seen it all before.
At that point Jim pressed the button that brought up the double glazed mirrored glass that divided the driving compartment from the passenger compartment.
The reason for raising the glass was the fact that the conversation that was about to take place was only for the four passengers in the rear.
"So, Josh, what do you think about what happened to Glen ?", Jim began.
"Well I don't consider myself in a position to really comment, as I haven't been involved to any degree in these events before - and as for these hieroglyphics - I know nothing.", Josh said.
"And Ethan ?", Jim asked.
"Unlike Josh, I've been directly part of some of these weird 'thingys'... but the message which Teddy explained to us really tells very little.", Ethan answered, giving a very mature and measured reply - which was unusual, as Ethan normally simply got annoyed about 'pesky aliens' when asked such questions.
"And Teddy ?", Jim asked.
Teddy, as had become his custom recently, put on his glasses, with the intention of looking seriously intellectual, and cleared his throat.
"The hieroglyphics that I was able to identify were more recent in style than the hieroglyphics that covered the inside walls of the alien pyramid ship.
The really strange thing, though, was the fact that the message was not in the ancient Egyptian language, but in the English language - transliterated into hieroglyphics."
Teddy paused in order that his listeners could digest that very odd fact.
Josh shook his head.
"So does that mean that those sending the message were not Egyptian ?", Josh very sensibly asked.
"Quite possibly....", Teddy replied slowly, in an infuriatingly noncommittal manner.
C O M E T 0 U S
"Well, I didn't know you had a little LED screen on your tummy under all that fur.... anyway... now I understand what that 'transliteration' 'word-thingy' means.", Ethan said.
"Ah.. .that screen is a special feature - only to be used on certain occasions.", Teddy said proudly..
The miles sped by, and having only eaten a few flapjacks, and a cheeseburger, Ethan was getting decidedly hungry.
"I'm really hungry !
So hungry I could even eat at a smelly roadside diner...", Ethan moaned.
"Me too...", Josh agreed.
"Well you'll just have to wait a while...", Jim replied, as he sent a further email to Novius.
"It seems that Chuck has remembered a particularly suitable diner for us in a little town called Baker, but it' still some distance away.", Jim said distractedly.
Teddy look puzzled...
"I don't know what all the fuss is about.
We've only been travelling for an hour or so, and already you're moaning about food.
Whoever designed you humans obviously got things wrong with you power supply, as you seem to keep running out of energy every few hours, and then you get all crotchety, and take it out on cell-phones, laptops and teddy-bears, who have to sense to keep fully topped up all the time.", Teddy said, in one of his very rare displays of annoyance.
Humans' reliance on food and drink was one of the few things that Teddy really didn't understand about humans - mainly because he himself never ate or drank.
Fortunately they were travelling in considerable comfort.
The limo was one of the largest that Jim now owned, (having inherited the huge collection of Cadillac and Lincolns that previously belonged to the late 'Boss'),
The heavily tinted windows, and powerful air conditioning, kept the appalling glare, and the heat of the American southwestern desert at bay - but of course there would be a time when they would have to step outside their large, luxurious limousine, and enter the world of ordinary mortals.
And that moment was about to arrive, as they approached Baker, California.
Baker - California Baker was founded as a station on the Tonopah and Tidewater Railroad (?), in 1908 and was named after Richard C. Baker, business partner of Francis Marion Smith in building the railroad. Baker later became president of the T&T himself. Baker was established in 1929 by Ralph Jacobus Fairbanks (1857–1942), who was an American prospector, entrepreneur, and pioneer who established several towns in the appropriately named 'Death Valley' area of California. Baker is located in the 'Mojave Desert', at the junction of Interstate 15, and SR 127 (Death Valley Road). Its elevation is much lower than Las Vegas, due to its location at the southern end of the Death Valley depression. Summer temperatures in Baker routinely exceed 110 °F (43.3 °C); and has seen a record of 125 °F (51.7 °C) - so that's why 'air-conditioning (see above) is so important. Baker's economy is based primarily on tourism (?). The town is frequently used as a stop for food and fuel by drivers on Interstate 15 between Los Angeles and Las Vegas. The town's most prominent feature is a 134-foot (41 m) thermometer. Its height commemorates the hottest temperature ever recorded on Earth, 134 °F (56.7 °C), in nearby Death Valley on July 10, 1913.
"Oh my god ! ... What a place !", Ethan exclaimed as Chuck slowed down, and then looked for a place to park.
"So this is where we're going to eat ?", Josh said, incredulously.
"Yes.", Jim said, determined to ignore the negative reactions of Ethan and Josh.
Teddy wisely said nothing.
"So how come we never saw this place before ?
We've traveled on Interstate 15 lots of times, and never noticed this place.", Ethan asked.
"Maybe because it's so small....", Teddy suggested.
"More likely because it looks so grim...", Josh suggested.
"Well the reason Chuck suggested this place is because it has a very strange 'Greek' diner.
The 'Greek' food apparently is not the kind we're really used to, but the hamburgers, according to Chuck, are excellent - and this place is a well known 'stop-off' for food for people driving between 'Vegas and LA.", Jim explained.
Ethan did not look convinced, but he decided to give it a go - and Josh, a usual, went along with Ethan.
Max had left the front compartment, and opened the passenger door.
"Fuck !... It's so hot !", Ethan exclaimed as a wall of indescribably hot air filled the limo.
"Oh, I forgot to tell you... not far from here they had the highest temperature ever recorded - anywhere.", Jim said - with a grin.
"Well, you could have warned us...", Ethan said, obviously annoyed.
"So, Max, where's this diner...", Josh asked, as he visibly wilted.
Max pointed.
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The Mad Greek Cafe - Baker - California |
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Parthenon - Athens |
"No !....I don't fuckin' believe it.", Ethan said, as he caught sight of a ridiculous parody of Greek architecture - seemingly plonked in the middle of nowhere.
In fact it was not the middle of nowhere, but rather in the middle of somewhere very similar to 'nowhere' - 'Baker', California, USA.
Of course, for someone who had actually seen the Acropolis in Athens, two thousand years previously, when it was all still fresh and new - the 'Mad Greek Cafe' could only seem to be a travesty of what is often referred to as 'the glory that was Greece' - but then whoever 'built' the 'Mad Greek Cafe' was presumably not expecting ancient Greek 'time travellers' to come to the diner, and make comparisons.
Josh stood by the limo, mopping his brow.
"I think we should go in - no matter what it looks like - after all they must have air-conditioning in there - otherwise all the customers would be dead.", Josh panted.
"Guess your right, Josh...", Ethan replied.
And they walked unsteadily past the row of painfully bright, white statues - some of which were not even Greek - like Michelangelo's 'David' (Italian statue of a naked, 'cute', if well muscled boy, Jewish - but oddly uncircumcised !) - and passed through the glass doors, and finally got themselves out of the heat and brilliant sunshine, and into the air-conditioned coolness, followed by Jim, Chuck and Max.
"So how are you managing, Teddy ?", Ethan asked as they got out of the blazing sun.
"Unlike you, I have thermostatically controlled heating and refrigeration circuits, so I really don't know what you and Josh were making all the fuss about.", Teddy replied in an annoyingly supercilious manner.
"Well you would !", Ethan replied.
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The Mad Greek Cafe - Interior |
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Color-scheme of a Greyhound Bus |
Ethan then looked round the spacious interior of the 'Mad Greek Cafe'.
"I am really surprised.
It's quite large, air-conditioned, and very clean - although a bit too blue for my liking.
Reminds me a bit of the color-scheme of a Greyhound bus.", Ethan said.
"Don't remind me....", Jim, who had been listening in to what Ethan and Josh had been saying, said quietly.
They quickly found a table and sat down.
"Now if you don't mind me saying, Sir, I would not advise the Greek food.", Chuck deferentially suggested.
"Yes Chuck, I think you're probably right.", Jim replied smiling.
"Well I don't recognise any of the names of the Greek food anyway....", Ethan said.
"You can read Greek ?", Max asked, obviously surprised.
"Er...yes, I learned a little at school....", Ethan replied, quickly trying to cover his tracks.
"Well I'm sticking with cheese-burgers....", Josh said.
"Yes... and remember, don't eat too much, as a real meal is being prepared for us at the Villa.", Jim said.
Teddy sat next to Ethan, practically invisible, as his head didn't come above the table top, and he said nothing.
The cheese-burgers, according to Ethan, were excellent, and Chuck said the coffee was good - and it was a cheap meal, but that was really neither here not there.
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Thermometer and Mad Greek Cafe - Baker - California |
And then it was time to go back out into the brightness and the heat.
"And what's that big tall 'thingy' ?", Ethan asked, as they made their way back to the limo.
"What... you mean the tower ?", Josh replied.
Before anyone else could answer, however, Teddy came up with an answer.
"It's the world's biggest thermometer - presumably to measure the world's biggest temperature......134 feet high - to commemorate the hottest temperature ever recorded on Earth, 134 °F, in nearby Death Valley on July 10, 1913.", Teddy explained.
"And how do you know that ?", Ethan asked.
"It's in my database.", Teddy replied.
"You mean you've got all sorts of useless information in a database in your head ?", Ethan said.
"Well... not in my head... in my chest.
There's plenty of room in there, as I don't have a heart.", Teddy continued.
"Yes, Teddy... You can say that again.", Ethan responded.
"There's plenty of room in there, as I don't have a heart.", Teddy repeated, not actually understanding what Ethan had just meant.
"OK... so why do you bother with a laptop ?", Josh very sensibly asked.
"I like to keep records of things - and check on Google to see if they've got things wrong." Teddy said.
"I give up !"... Ethan said.
"Best thing...", Teddy agreed.
So it was back on the road, and on to the Villa Athena.
"You know, it's when I'm in a limo like this... on an Interstate... that I really miss the 'Boss' - like he used to tell me all abut the native American Indian tribes, and their legends and histories, and other things like that.", Jim said.
"And I miss him telling me stories... like 'Snow White', and 'The Wizard of Oz'...", Ethan said.
"And I didn't know him very well at all... not like you two...", Josh said, sounding rather sad.
There was a moments silence.
"The problem now is that we are in Mojave country, and I know nothing about the Mojave.
You know, in truth, he was a very clever man.", Jim said as he stared out of the limo window at the passing desert.
Well we can make up for the absence of the 'Boss' with a little information about the Mojave people provided by Teddy's database...
'The Mojave creator is Matevilya, who gave the people their names and their commandments. His son is Mastamho, gave them the River and taught them how to plant. Historically this was an agrarian culture; they planted in the fertile floodplain of the river. They have traditionally used the indigenous plant Datura as a deliriant hallucinogen in a religious sacrament. A Mojave who is coming of age must consume the plant in a rite of passage, in order to enter a new state of consciousness. Mojave traditional narratives include myths, legends, tales, and oral histories preserved by the Mojave people on the lower Colorado River in south-eastern California, western Arizona, and southern Nevada. Mohave oral literature has its closest links with the traditional narratives of the other Yuman-speaking groups of southern California, western Arizona, and northern Baja California. There are also close similarities with the oral literature of the Takic groups of southern California. Two features are unusual in Mohave narratives. The Mojave believed that in dreaming, particularly while still in their mothers' womb, they travelled back to the time of creation and directly witnessed the events of their mythology. The Mojave also provided a rare example of a detailed semi-historical narrative of travels and wars with an extended internal chronology that was generally consistent.'
to avoid confusion, remember that Novius always calls Jim 'Marcus', which was the name by which he first knew him.
The huge white - but now very dusty limo slowly made it way up the gravelled private roadway to the main building of the 'Villa Athena'.
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Villa Athena |
Almost immediately white uniformed servants emerged to greet their guests, and take care of the luggage.
Max, however, insisted on performing his duties by opening the doors of the passenger compartment.
"It's so good to see you, Marcus my boy.
I must admit I was getting a little lonely - here all on my own, and with Gnæus' death weighed heavily on my mind, but I had a strange feeling that something would bring you to me quite soon.", Novius said, clasping Jim's hand at the wrist, ancient Roman style.
"And Aurarius (Ethan) and Adonios (Josh).", Novius said, in greeting.
"Well, if you don't mind, Novius, we'd prefer it if you used our new names - it's simpler....", Josh said.
"Oh, if you prefer...
Now let me see... yes... it's Josh... and... Ethan.", Novius said, shaking hands with both boys.
(it should be remembered that, in that 'other time, and other place', both Josh and Ethan were 'slave boys' even if specially favoured slaves, and in accordance with the old customs, Novius, an Augurer; a descendant of Etruscan nobility, and a pupil of the emperor Claudius, previously had very little contact with the boys)
"And I see you have that furry little 'being' with you..." Novius said, obviously referring to Teddy.
"Hello, Novius, and actually, I'm not a 'furry little being', I'm Teddy; and I think you should get my name right, as well as that of everyone else.", Teddy said, sounding haughty and very grammatically correct.
"Oh, I see... well excuse me 'Teddy'... I will remember that, in future." Novius replied, with just a hint of a smile.
"So... you had a good journey, Marcus ?", Novius asked.
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The Airline Flight of Novius and Josh |
"A bit boring - but otherwise no trouble.", Jim replied.
"Well, you should fly, like Josh and I did - remember Josh ?", Novius said, managing to remember Josh's 'new' name.
Novius was very proud of his first ever flight.
"But I'm forgetting myself !", Novius said, turning to one of the white uniformed Mexican servants.
"Refreshments for my guests - and in the library...", Novius ordered.
"So, just a little something to refresh you, and then I'll give you a chance to wash off the dust of your journey, and then perhaps we can have a further discussion over our evening meal.", Novius said.
Novius, of course, used the expression - 'wash off the dust of your journey' from the times in the past when they traveled in carriages without windows, which not surprisingly, was very hot and dusty.
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Hallway - Villa Athena |
And so they moved through the labyrinthine hallways (UK corridors) of the recently renamed 'Villa Athena' to the library, and settled down to some fine coffee and very delicate sandwiches.
Then they sat on the large, comfortable sofas, while Teddy sat oh Ethan's knee.
"So I got your emails, Marcus...
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Villa Athena - Library |
"Of course Novius.", Jim replied, eager to hear what Novius had to say.
"Now as I understand it, this young man - Glen - was originally some kind of what you call an 'alien'.... an elemental... is that right ?", Novius suggested.
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Arizona Inn |
"Yes... he was our first contact with these 'beings' - 'aliens', 'elementals'... call them what you want.
Anyway, it was when we were staying in Tucson, Arizona - at the Arizona Inn.", Jim began.
"Yes... that's where Faunus brought us back together again - I remember it well.
It was a lovely place, but I was a bit confused at the time... my memories were all mixed up, but then Faunus put it all right.", Novius continued - reminiscing.
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Lowell Observatory - Flagstaff |
"True... but to get back to the point, myself, Max and Faunus went out into the desert in the Edsel one night to test out the telescope that the 'Boss' had recently bought me when we went to the Lowell Observatory at Flagstaff.
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Roger talking to 'Douglas' the Edsel |
It was there that we met this 'weird' little guy that we named 'Roger'.
For some reason he was talking to the Edsel, and then wanted to look through our telescope.
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Glen |
Now Roger was a 'plant', intended to get us to make contact with his 'companions', but Faunus decide to perform some strange 'transformation' on 'Roger', retaining his 'life force', but giving him human form - at least that's how Faunus explained it to me - so we ended up with a young boy - who we called Glen.", Jim explained.
Jim then paused for a moment to see if Novius was in agreement with this account.
"Yes, well that's very much how I remember what Faunus told me at the time - but I still think it's really amazing.", Novius said.
"Really spooky, if you ask me...", Ethan commented.
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Glen |
"Now as you know, Novius, these 'aliens', or whatever, tried to get Glen back, but with Teddy's help, we rescued him.
In the process there was a slight 'time warp', aging Glen by a number of years.
We subsequently reached an agreement with the 'aliens' that they would communicate any arrangements for any further meetings through Glen.
The important part to remember, though, is that all memory of having been one of the 'aliens' has been completely wiped from Glen, so he now imagines that he is a young man from Cleveland, Ohio, who left home, traveled south, was taken on by the 'Boss', and now, with the demise of the 'Boss', works for me.", Jim said.
"Yes... I understand... interesting.", Novius commented.
"But that's probably enough about Glen", Jim said.
"But tell me, where is Glen now... why isn't he with you ?", Novius asked.
"Well after he got this message he became unconscious and collapsed.
I got my doctor - Lockwood - to check him out, and he seemed OK, but he didn't feel up to the long drive to the Villa.
Anyway, considering what we need to discuss, it's maybe as well that he's not here.", Jim said.
At that point a Mexican servant entered the Library to announce that the evening meal would be served.
They then made their way to the dining room, took their places at table and began the first course.
(Chuck and Max on this occasion dined separately.)
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Glen's Brain Patterns |
"So you emailed me the fact that a message had been received, but what exactly was it ?", Novius asked, opening the discussion.
"It was very simple, Novius... 'COME TO US'.
Now Teddy here is telepathic, and he was able to identify the message in Glen's brain patterns.
Apparently the message was in Egyptian hieroglyphics, but was a transliteration of the English words.", Jim explained.
Novius looked surprised.
"That's very odd, Marcus.", Novius said.
"Yes, very odd indeed.", Jim replied.
"Well I think it's all part of the message.
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Teddy Reading Hieroglyphics |
The hieroglyphics indicate that there is a strong connection with Egypt, but the English language indicates that whoever sent it was not actually Egyptian.", Teddy interjected.
"So if it had been the entity calling himself 'Upuaut', he would know that Teddy can read the ancient Egyptian language, and would not need to transliterate English words into Egyptian hieroglyphics - he could just send the message in the ancient Egyptian language - like the writing on the walls of the 'pyramid ship'.", Josh suggested.
"So you're saying this is not a message from Upuaut ?", Ethan questioned.
"Possibly not.", Teddy speculated.
"Then from who ?", Jim asked.
At that point one of the Mexican servants brought a very exhausted looking owl to Novius.
"Señor - this 'búho', he fly through an open door.
I think he belong to one of your guests.", the servant said to Novius."
"Oh my god... I forgot all about Glaux !", Josh said, rising to his feet.
Glaux meditatively fluttered over, landed on Josh's shoulder, and gave him a hard peck on the ear.
"Yes... I suppose I deserved that...", Josh said.
"Well if you're in a bad mood, stay away from my Teddy !", Ethan said.
"Don't worry, Ethan... I can look after myself.", Teddy said, giving Glaux withering look.
"Yes, remember Glaux, he's got 'laser-eye-thingys'.", Ethan added.
"Enough ! "... Jim said firmly
And then more gently. "Welcome Glaux... but let us get back to our discussion."
Jim waited for a moment for things to settle down.
"So I'll repeat my question - if not from Upuaut, then from who ?", Jim asked.
"Possibly the real Upuaut.", Novius said.... and the whole room went horribly silent.
"Now I'm really confused !", Ethan said, breaking the silence.
And then, seemingly out of nowhere, distant, soft echoing voices were heard:
"Praise and glory to the Neteru of this place ........
And praise and glory to the 'Opener of the Ways'
And may the servants of the ever living Æons endure for millions of years !
And then, not really surprisingly... Faunus appeared... and much to the relief of Josh, fully clothed.
"Hi guys... having trouble with this Upuaut business ?", Faunus said - sounding infuriatingly flippant, and yet wonderfully reassuring.
"I should have guessed... quite an entrance, Faunus...", Novius said.
"Yes... but was it really necessary ?", Ethan asked.
Faunus smiled..."Possibly not....".
"Now, Faunus... presumably you have come to tell us about the real Upuaut...", Teddy said, putting on his glasses in a pointless attempt to intimidate Faunus with his superior intellect."
"Well, maybe..." Faunus said, taking a place at the table.
"So... do you want to join us for our evening meal ?", Novius asked, like a good host.
"No thanks, but I would like to sit with you all... if that's OK ?", Faunus replied.
"That's fine...", Novius said.
And then Ethan began....
"Now Faunus...I'm getting very confused about all this.
We saw that guy, sitting on a huge throne, with his funny jackal mask, and his cute young 'boys', and Kha-met - the really cute one, said that his master was Upuaut - and there he was, sitting on his 'throne-thingy'....
But why am I telling you all this... you were there.", Ethan said, sounding a bit annoyed.
"So... who was he... really ?", Ethan finally asked.
"Yes... but was it really necessary ?", Ethan asked.
Faunus smiled..."Possibly not....".
"Now, Faunus... presumably you have come to tell us about the real Upuaut...", Teddy said, putting on his glasses in a pointless attempt to intimidate Faunus with his superior intellect."
"Well, maybe..." Faunus said, taking a place at the table.
"So... do you want to join us for our evening meal ?", Novius asked, like a good host.
"No thanks, but I would like to sit with you all... if that's OK ?", Faunus replied.
"That's fine...", Novius said.
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Kha-met |
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'Upuaut' - on his Throne |
"Now Faunus...I'm getting very confused about all this.
We saw that guy, sitting on a huge throne, with his funny jackal mask, and his cute young 'boys', and Kha-met - the really cute one, said that his master was Upuaut - and there he was, sitting on his 'throne-thingy'....
But why am I telling you all this... you were there.", Ethan said, sounding a bit annoyed.
"So... who was he... really ?", Ethan finally asked.
"Well yes, I was there, and it all looked very Egyptian, and opulent, but my suspicion is that it wasn't Upuaut.", Faunus said.
"So, just some sort of hallucination, or illusion ?", Josh asked.
"Probably a combination of both...", Faunus replied.
"So tell me, Ethan, who was at this previous meeting ?", Novius asked.
"Well there was me and Teddy - Glen, who we spoke about earlier, and a young wrestler called Brody from the 'Combat Club' in 'Vegas, although Faunus had him hypnotized for most of the time, and he has no memory later of what had happened... and Faunus, of course.", Ethan replied.
"So what was a young wrestler from the 'Combat Club' doing going to this strange meeting ?", Novius asked, obviously puzzled.
"It was the idea of the 'aliens', from a previous meeting.", Teddy said.
"And why did they want him to come to the 'meeting' ?", Novius asked.
"Well that's the point, Novius.", Faunus interjected.
"The aliens had previously indicated that because they lacked human emotions, as a result of their manner of 'non-sexual' reproduction in the form of 'cloning', they were interested in studying human emotions, and particularly those relating to sexuality, as they were working on introducing sexual behaviour as a form of reproduction, in order to stave off the rapid genetic decline they were experiencing as a result of excessive cloning.....
So, all well and good... and they had been able to probe the minds of individuals like Ethan and Glen, who had indicated that Brody, who up until then was unknown to the 'aliens', was not only highly sexed, but also showed strong aggressive traits.
It was, apparently the aggression that worried them, and they wanted to study aggressiveness and sexuality as expressed in a young, sentient being.
I was suspicious of this explanation, but agreed to co-operate as I wished to, in my turn study these 'aliens', or whatever the may be.
"And did you discover anything, Faunus ?", Novius asked.
"Quite a lot, as it happens....", Faunus began began.
"To begin with they had Brody practically naked, but they didn't get him to wrestle, but rather simply physically abused him.
The 'aliens', if that was who they were, all wore strange metal 'cobra-masks', which completely covered their head and neck.
One or two of them also had elaborate staffs which seem to be electrified, like cattle prods used on the ranches in the area.
To begin with they simply pulled Brody around, and forced him to the floor, but then they got rough with him, practically throttling him, and Brody, predictably became sexually aroused.
This was one of the main reasons why the 'Boss' hired Brody in the first place, as many club members at the 'Combat Club pay well to watch such displays.", Jim explained.
"And what did you make of this, Faunus ?", Novius asked.
"Well it rather 'put paid' to the assertions made by Upuaut, and his minions, that he was an 'Æon', and a 'Neter'.
The more likely explanation is that these 'beings' encountered at Chaco Canyon were simply some form of 'elementals', masquerading in ancient Egyptian forms.
There are various levels of elementals - the lowest being classed as 'nature spirits'.
Higher up the scale some are quite powerful spiritual beings, often with pretensions of being 'angels' , or more often, 'gods'.
They are not self perpetuating, however, and like material beings they need energy to maintain themselves.
Animals - and sentient entities, including human beings, obtain such energy from their environment, and that includes other physical beings, including vegetation and animals, and also non-living substances, such as oxygen, minerals, water etc.
'Elementals', however, feed on non-physical energy, and that includes the emotional outpourings of other beings.
Hence their need for blood sacrifices, and their desire to see strong emotions in living beings, including sentient humans.
Violence and sexuality, along with other strong emotions, effectively feed such entities, and I think that was the main motive for their involvement on this occasion with you.", Faunus said.
"So your saying that they were feeding off Brody's rather weird feelings ?", Ethan asked.
"Yes, I'm afraid so.", Faunus replied.
"Well I think this makes it clear that your experience at Chaco Canyon was a meeting with some rather unpleasant 'elementals' - or 'aliens'.", Novius concluded.
"Yes... but what does all of this say about that weird 'message-thingy' that Glen got at the California Combat Club today?", Ethan asked - quite sensibly bringing the whole matter back to the question in hand.
"The message says nothing about Brody, or Chaco Canyon, or the Devils Tower, or anything else like that... so perhaps it's a message from someone new ? - whose simply 'tuned in' to Glen's thoughts, or maybe Teddy, or Ethan or Jim's thought, and wants to make contact.", Josh suggested
"That's a good point, Josh - and possibly you're right, but the message says 'come to us' - but 'come where ?'.....that's the point.", Jim said.
"So we're stuck !", Ethan said.
"Maybe not....", Teddy said.
"And how's that ?", Ethan asked.
"Well, if they - whoever they are - have read my thoughts, then they'll probably know that I'm very clever.", Teddy said
Glaux turned his back at this suggestion.
"Here we go...", Ethan said.
"Wait...Ethan... I think Teddy might have an idea...", Jim said.
"Thank you Jim....", Teddy said, and he paused for dramatic effect.
"And so they might think that a clever person, like me, might not need to be told where they are - because it's really very obvious.", Teddy said.
"Well if it's so obvious, why don't I have the slightest idea where they might want us to meet them ?", Ethan asked, getting annoyed.
"I won't answer that because it will almost certainly make you sulk.", Teddy replied.
"Well then tell us where they are...you annoying little bear !", Ethan almost shouted.
"Isn't it obvious... in Egypt !", Teddy said, sounding appallingly self satisfied.
"So....we just get in the limo tomorrow and drive to Egypt....", Ethan said, sarcastically.
"No, Ethan.....we get in the limo, and drive to the airport, and then fly to Egypt.", Teddy said.
"And do you realize how far it is from here to Egypt ?", Ethan asked - although he had no idea himself, but guessed it must be a very long way.
"Yes....from the center of Los Angeles to the center of Cairo in Egypt it is exactly 7,595 miles, according to my database.", Teddy replied.
"I see.", Ethan said, having no way of knowing if that figure was correct.
"Well... it seems to be feasible...", Jim said, hoping his intervention would prevent a full blown, illogical and pointless argument argument developing between Ethan an Teddy.
"I'd like to go, even if we didn't make contact with anybody.", Josh said.
"Well, why not ?", Ethan said, not wanting to be left out.
"You know, Gnæus (the 'Boss'), in that other time, had a villa just outside Alexandria, in Egypt, and he was planning to take you, Marcus, on a visit, just before his untimely death.
Of course there would only be ruins there now - as that was at least two thousand years ago, by the reckoning of this time.", Novius said, wistfully.
"Well, despite what Ethan says about getting in the limo tomorrow and going to Egypt, we can't go straight away.
I'll need a few days to get some business matters sorted out, and we'll have to make some bookings for a flight and a hotel.", Jim began.
"And we'll need to get some special archaeologist-explorers clothes....", Ethan added.
"And we can fly back to 'Vegas in the Cessna to save time...", Teddy added, seeing the situation as a perfect excuse to take a trip in Jim's executive jet.
"And tell me Ethan, why do you need special clothes for Egypt, when it was hotter and dustier in Baker, near the Mojave Desert ?", Teddy asked, perceptively.
"Well it's a different kind of heat and dust in Egypt.", Ethan dissembled.
"So... enough for now... let's go back into the library and talk some more....", Novius suggested.
"So, just some sort of hallucination, or illusion ?", Josh asked.
"Probably a combination of both...", Faunus replied.
"So tell me, Ethan, who was at this previous meeting ?", Novius asked.
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Glen |
"It was the idea of the 'aliens', from a previous meeting.", Teddy said.
"And why did they want him to come to the 'meeting' ?", Novius asked.
"Well that's the point, Novius.", Faunus interjected.
"The aliens had previously indicated that because they lacked human emotions, as a result of their manner of 'non-sexual' reproduction in the form of 'cloning', they were interested in studying human emotions, and particularly those relating to sexuality, as they were working on introducing sexual behaviour as a form of reproduction, in order to stave off the rapid genetic decline they were experiencing as a result of excessive cloning.....
So, all well and good... and they had been able to probe the minds of individuals like Ethan and Glen, who had indicated that Brody, who up until then was unknown to the 'aliens', was not only highly sexed, but also showed strong aggressive traits.
It was, apparently the aggression that worried them, and they wanted to study aggressiveness and sexuality as expressed in a young, sentient being.
I was suspicious of this explanation, but agreed to co-operate as I wished to, in my turn study these 'aliens', or whatever the may be.
"And did you discover anything, Faunus ?", Novius asked.
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Brody Adjusts his Tiny Thong |
"To begin with they had Brody practically naked, but they didn't get him to wrestle, but rather simply physically abused him.
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Brody Throttled |
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Brody Tortured |
To begin with they simply pulled Brody around, and forced him to the floor, but then they got rough with him, practically throttling him, and Brody, predictably became sexually aroused.
One of the aliens then got Brody on the floor and repeatedly attacked his genitals." Faunus explained.
"And you did nothing to stop this ?", Novius asked.
"No... in this case such 'abuse' was nothing new to Brody.
You must understand that Brody has strong masochistic tendencies, and takes such things very much in his stride, and gets a certain satisfaction from such activities.This was one of the main reasons why the 'Boss' hired Brody in the first place, as many club members at the 'Combat Club pay well to watch such displays.", Jim explained.
"Anyway, I won't go into all the fine details - but the session concluded with Brody naked and having an sexual climax.", Jim concluded.Masochism, psycho-sexual condition in which erotic release is achieved through having pain inflicted on oneself. The term derives from the name of Ritter Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, an Austrian, who wrote extensively about the satisfaction he gained by being beaten and subjugated. The amount of pain involved can vary from ritual humiliation with little violence, to severe whipping or beating. Generally the masochist retains some control over the situation, and will end the abusive behavior before becoming seriously injured. While pain may cause a certain amount of sexual excitement in many persons, for the masochist it becomes the chief end of sexual activity. The term is frequently used in a looser social context in which masochism is defined as the behavior of one who seeks out and enjoys situations of humiliation or abuse.
Ritter Leopold von Sacher-Masoch
"And what did you make of this, Faunus ?", Novius asked.
"Well it rather 'put paid' to the assertions made by Upuaut, and his minions, that he was an 'Æon', and a 'Neter'.
The more likely explanation is that these 'beings' encountered at Chaco Canyon were simply some form of 'elementals', masquerading in ancient Egyptian forms.
There are various levels of elementals - the lowest being classed as 'nature spirits'.
Higher up the scale some are quite powerful spiritual beings, often with pretensions of being 'angels' , or more often, 'gods'.
They are not self perpetuating, however, and like material beings they need energy to maintain themselves.
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Maya Human Sacrifice |
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Maya Animal Sacrifice |
Hence their need for blood sacrifices, and their desire to see strong emotions in living beings, including sentient humans.
Violence and sexuality, along with other strong emotions, effectively feed such entities, and I think that was the main motive for their involvement on this occasion with you.", Faunus said.
"So your saying that they were feeding off Brody's rather weird feelings ?", Ethan asked.
"Yes, I'm afraid so.", Faunus replied.
"Well I think this makes it clear that your experience at Chaco Canyon was a meeting with some rather unpleasant 'elementals' - or 'aliens'.", Novius concluded.
"Yes... but what does all of this say about that weird 'message-thingy' that Glen got at the California Combat Club today?", Ethan asked - quite sensibly bringing the whole matter back to the question in hand.
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Chaco Canyon |
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Devils Tower |
"That's a good point, Josh - and possibly you're right, but the message says 'come to us' - but 'come where ?'.....that's the point.", Jim said.
"So we're stuck !", Ethan said.
"Maybe not....", Teddy said.
"And how's that ?", Ethan asked.
"Well, if they - whoever they are - have read my thoughts, then they'll probably know that I'm very clever.", Teddy said
Glaux turned his back at this suggestion.
"Here we go...", Ethan said.
"Wait...Ethan... I think Teddy might have an idea...", Jim said.
"Thank you Jim....", Teddy said, and he paused for dramatic effect.
"And so they might think that a clever person, like me, might not need to be told where they are - because it's really very obvious.", Teddy said.
"Well if it's so obvious, why don't I have the slightest idea where they might want us to meet them ?", Ethan asked, getting annoyed.
"I won't answer that because it will almost certainly make you sulk.", Teddy replied.
"Well then tell us where they are...you annoying little bear !", Ethan almost shouted.
"Isn't it obvious... in Egypt !", Teddy said, sounding appallingly self satisfied.
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Los Angeles International Airport - California |
"No, Ethan.....we get in the limo, and drive to the airport, and then fly to Egypt.", Teddy said.
"And do you realize how far it is from here to Egypt ?", Ethan asked - although he had no idea himself, but guessed it must be a very long way.
"Yes....from the center of Los Angeles to the center of Cairo in Egypt it is exactly 7,595 miles, according to my database.", Teddy replied.
"I see.", Ethan said, having no way of knowing if that figure was correct.
"Well... it seems to be feasible...", Jim said, hoping his intervention would prevent a full blown, illogical and pointless argument argument developing between Ethan an Teddy.
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Gnæus Gracchus' Villa - Alexandria - Egypt |
"Well, why not ?", Ethan said, not wanting to be left out.
"You know, Gnæus (the 'Boss'), in that other time, had a villa just outside Alexandria, in Egypt, and he was planning to take you, Marcus, on a visit, just before his untimely death.
Of course there would only be ruins there now - as that was at least two thousand years ago, by the reckoning of this time.", Novius said, wistfully.
"Well, despite what Ethan says about getting in the limo tomorrow and going to Egypt, we can't go straight away.
I'll need a few days to get some business matters sorted out, and we'll have to make some bookings for a flight and a hotel.", Jim began.
"And we'll need to get some special archaeologist-explorers clothes....", Ethan added.
"And we can fly back to 'Vegas in the Cessna to save time...", Teddy added, seeing the situation as a perfect excuse to take a trip in Jim's executive jet.
"And tell me Ethan, why do you need special clothes for Egypt, when it was hotter and dustier in Baker, near the Mojave Desert ?", Teddy asked, perceptively.
"Well it's a different kind of heat and dust in Egypt.", Ethan dissembled.
"So... enough for now... let's go back into the library and talk some more....", Novius suggested.
Back in the library everyone took their seats and waited for Jim to speak.
"So what I need to know is... are we prepared to accept Teddy's idea that the message that Glen received might be inviting us to find out more by going to Egypt ?", Jim asked.
"Well it would be nice to have a holiday.....I mean we've seen lots of places in the south-west of America, but they were all rather similar....", Ethan said.
"True...", Jim agreed.
"But if what Teddy says about the distance is correct, it is a long way to travel.", Novius said.
"Me... I'd like to see something different.", Josh added.
"OK... well then let's do it..."Jim said.
"But what about Glaux...?", Josh asked.
Finally Faunus had something to say.....
"Don't worry, Josh....
Glaux and I will find our own way there - and I think I really should come with you - just in case you have any problems.", Faunus added.
"So... I think the best way to go about this is if Josh, Glaux and Ethan and Teddy say here in the villa with Novius... and I'm putting you, Novius - if you agree - to be in charge of giving Ethan and Josh some background information about Egypt, as it is now, and as it was in the ancient past.", Jim suggested.
"That's fine...", Novius replied.
"And what about Glen... I think he should come with us, as he was the one who originally got the message... ", Josh suggested.
"Yes, Josh... you're quite right, and I also want to take Zac, as - who knows - we might need some muscle.", Jim said.
"Now Marcus, much as I would like to come, I'm not as young as I used to be, and on this one I think I'd only slow you all down, and really, the heat doesn't agree with me.", Novius said.
"Well if you're sure, Novius - but we will miss you, and your expertise with regard to the ancient Egyptian history and religion.", Jim said.
"Well that's nice of you to say, but I dare say Teddy - who can read hieroglyphs - which I can't - will probably be of more help." Novius said.
"So, let's work out what will be happening tomorrow... and the next few days....
I will travel back to 'Vegas on my own, stopping off at Green Valley, Henderson to spend a little time with 'Sigi', and I will also have the meeting I should have had a day ago with Aaron, for his audition.
With the aid of Franklin I will then arrange for visas - and don't ask what visas are, Ethan - and an initial supply of Egyptian currency.
I will also need to check with Kurt, see how the decorators are getting on at the 'Club Athena', and give Clare some instructions about looking after the Penthouse while we are gone.
Then, when we have the airline tickets, Zac and I will meet you - that's Ethan, Teddy and Josh - at Los Angeles International - and presumably Faunus and Glaux will already be making their way to Cairo by whatever weird mans they will use.
Any questions ?"
"So what I need to know is... are we prepared to accept Teddy's idea that the message that Glen received might be inviting us to find out more by going to Egypt ?", Jim asked.
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Villa Athena - the Library |
"True...", Jim agreed.
"But if what Teddy says about the distance is correct, it is a long way to travel.", Novius said.
"Me... I'd like to see something different.", Josh added.
"OK... well then let's do it..."Jim said.
"But what about Glaux...?", Josh asked.
Finally Faunus had something to say.....
"Don't worry, Josh....
Glaux and I will find our own way there - and I think I really should come with you - just in case you have any problems.", Faunus added.
"So... I think the best way to go about this is if Josh, Glaux and Ethan and Teddy say here in the villa with Novius... and I'm putting you, Novius - if you agree - to be in charge of giving Ethan and Josh some background information about Egypt, as it is now, and as it was in the ancient past.", Jim suggested.
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Zac |
"And what about Glen... I think he should come with us, as he was the one who originally got the message... ", Josh suggested.
"Yes, Josh... you're quite right, and I also want to take Zac, as - who knows - we might need some muscle.", Jim said.
"Now Marcus, much as I would like to come, I'm not as young as I used to be, and on this one I think I'd only slow you all down, and really, the heat doesn't agree with me.", Novius said.
"Well if you're sure, Novius - but we will miss you, and your expertise with regard to the ancient Egyptian history and religion.", Jim said.
"Well that's nice of you to say, but I dare say Teddy - who can read hieroglyphs - which I can't - will probably be of more help." Novius said.
"So, let's work out what will be happening tomorrow... and the next few days....
I will travel back to 'Vegas on my own, stopping off at Green Valley, Henderson to spend a little time with 'Sigi', and I will also have the meeting I should have had a day ago with Aaron, for his audition.
With the aid of Franklin I will then arrange for visas - and don't ask what visas are, Ethan - and an initial supply of Egyptian currency.
I will also need to check with Kurt, see how the decorators are getting on at the 'Club Athena', and give Clare some instructions about looking after the Penthouse while we are gone.
Then, when we have the airline tickets, Zac and I will meet you - that's Ethan, Teddy and Josh - at Los Angeles International - and presumably Faunus and Glaux will already be making their way to Cairo by whatever weird mans they will use.
Any questions ?"

Jim returns to 'Vegas, stopping off at Henderson to visit 'Sigi'. In 'Vegas Jim ties up all the 'loose ends', buys airline tickets, and makes reservation at the Marriott Ghezireh Palace Hotel in Cairo . After giving various instructions to Clare, at the penthouse, Franklin at the 'Club Athena, and Kurt at the 'Combat Club', Jim then returns to Los Angeles with Zac, where he meets up with Ethan and Teddy and Josh. They then fly to Cairo in Egypt.