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Please note that this chapter is intended for adults (over 18 years), and may contain images and text featuring nudity, explicit adult sexuality and strong language. Please do not view this chapter if you find such features objectionable....
'And so Jim and Max talk...and much more, as they followed the advice of the 'Boss' and really got to know one another. And then after lunch and a stroll around some of the shops in Flagstaff, the 'Boss' took them on an amazing trip to places far,far away.....

So....the boys quickly got changed and too the elevator up to Jim's suite.
"Fancy something to eat ?", Jim asked as they entered the sitting room.
"Yes please, Jim.
I always get the 'munchies' after a swim.", Max said rather endearingly - reminding Jim of Ethan.
"OK...",and Jim rang for room service.......
"What do you fancy....?", Jim asked.
"Oh, anything.", Max replied, looking over the suite.
"Cheeseburgers OK ?",Jim queried.... "I eat of lot of those..".
Jim walked across the sitting room, and went into the bathroom, pulling off his T-shirt as he went.
"You know those pool showers never seen to wash off all the chlorine - they leave my skin itchy..." he said, trying to sound casual.
"Yes also...", Max replied.
"Don't suppose you'd mind if I did the same ?", Max enquired, equally casually.
"No....not at all - in fact you can join me - if that's not a problem for you.", Jim replied.
Now that's really what Jim wanted, but also what Max wanted, and really - as is obvious - the 'chlorine' bit was just an excuse - but then 'boys will be boys'.
Max followed Jim, leaving a trail of clothes across the bedroom, and in a moment both boys were standing in the substantial shower room, stark naked..
"So Jim... do you have a girlfriend ?", Max asked, wanting to make the situation clear.
"Well no, actually..", Jim replied, wondering whether he should explain things further.
It was then that the door buzzer sounded.
"I'd better go.", Jim said.
Jim quickly went to the door, clutching a towel around his waist, and told the waiter to leave the trolley in the sitting room.
Later, and full dressed, they relaxed in the sitting room, and munched on their slightly warm cheeseburgers.
"Jim... I would like to ask you some questions - if that's OK ?", Max began, and Jim felt that he knew what was coming.
"At Club Jaguar there is a lot of talk among the staff about - mainly about you, but also about Ethan and Josh.", Max said carefully.
"And why no talk about Zac ?", Jim asked, almost angrily.
"Well Zac's different.
Most of us are a little afraid of him - he has a 'reputation', you know." Max explained.
"So why am I not surprised.", Jim said, faintly smiling.
"And then, of course there's that young foreign guy - Picaro.", Max continued.
Jim nodded.
"You see you, Ethan and Josh.... well you all speak American, and very nice and upper class, and you dress like college boys - but talk is that you're from somewhere else." Max said.
"Well.. so what ?", Jim countered.
"But it's not just that.
Ethan was picked up by Frank - when Ethan was hustling in down-town Vegas.
You appeared out of nowhere - so it's said, and were found by Frank - and the same happened some time later with Josh - and now you're all living in a very fine apartment building, owned by the 'Boss', but none of you seem to do any work, and people think it's all very odd, and some say that the 'Boss' uses you all for ?".
"Well, if you want to see next week, don't let the 'Boss' hear you say that." Jim said.
"Yes.....well perhaps I shouldn't have said anything...", Max said, looking obviously flustered.
"Look, and the boys, we don't come from here originally - that's obvious.
We're from Europe - in the south - and we're like you, without family, and the 'Boss' has taken us in - as you know, it's his way.
But as to this business about sex - no !
Now I don't know what the 'Boss' does for sex - that's his business - but if me, or any of the boys, have sex.... well, as you have seen, it's with somebody of our own age - so don't listen to any of this talk at the 'Club'.", Jim said firmly.
Before Max could answer, Jim's mobile started buzzing.
Jim quickly looked at it as he took it out of his pocket.
"It's the 'Boss', he said, raising his eyebrows as he looked at Max.
For a moment the thoughts flashed through his mind that maybe the 'Boss' had the suite 'bugged' - after all, he did seem to be known at the hotel - and perhaps the 'Boss' had even watched him and Max fucking - and, perhaps the 'Boss' was a voyeur, and that's what he did for sex - 'watched'.
But he soon put away those thoughts as the friendly voice of the 'Boss' greeted him with a cheery 'hello' - asking him if he and Max had enjoyed their swim.
"So Jim, I was hoping that you might join me for lunch in a short while - say half an hour ?", the 'Boss' asked.
"Why yes, of course - and is it OK if I bring Max ?", Jim asked - almost instantly regretting that he'd made the suggestion.
"Why not ?", the 'Boss' replied, amiably.
"Presumably you two are getting along well, now that you know one another a little better."
Instantly Jim's suspicions about the suite being 'bugged' resurfaced.
"Well yes - a little better.", Jim said, desperately dissembling.
"So....come along to the dining room soon - as I have a surprise for you.", and the 'Boss' hung up.
That did it for Jim - 'the 'boss' knew' !
Jim put the mobile back in his pocket and looked at Max
"Max...I'm worried.
The 'boss' might have the suite 'bugged' and know what we've been doing.", Jim said.
"Does the 'Boss' usually have your suite bugged ?", Max asked, smiling slightly at the absurdity of the question.
"Possibly - the 'Boss' is capable of almost anything.", Jim replied.
"Well I think you're just being paranoid.
Why would the 'Boss' want to know if you'd been 'playing around' with a bellhop ?".
"Don't know.....", Jim said, looking unconvinced.
And so they went down to the dining room, which at this hotel was called the 'Bistro' - a bad sign, Jim thought.
On their way they were rather unnerved by all the staff they met who seemed exaggeratedly polite and subservient.
It was as if everyone knew who they were, and were being exceptionally deferential.
As soon as the entered the Bistro they were approached by a member of staff.
"Good afternoon, sirs.", he said smoothly.
"The 'Boss' is expecting you - can I take you to your table ?".
Jim turned to Max
"How the fuck does he know to call him the 'Boss' - we're not in Vegas ?", Jim whispered.
"Don't know, but everyone calls him the 'Boss' - wherever he goes." Max said.
As they approached the table, the 'Boss', looking exceptionally relaxed, wearing yet another immaculate pair of slacks, and a beautiful, Western style shirt, stood up and offered his hand.
"Well, I won't ask you how you are, as I saw you in the pool, and you're obviously both very fit and well - and may I say, Max, you cut a fine figure in those Speedos you got yourself.", the 'Boss said, enthusiastically.
"Thank you Sir.", Max said, his fair skin blushing as he brushed his hair out of his eyes - a favorite gesture when he was embarrassed.
"So come on - sit down, and lets get this lunch ordered.",the 'Boss' said, being unusually animated, and looking youthful in his Western style clothes.
"Sorry about the dining facilities, but we're only here for a short while, so this will have to do for lunch.", the 'Boss' said, apologetically.
Of course, in this part of the US steak was almost compulsory, and soon the heavily laden plates arrived.
Most of the initial talk was about the hotel.
"What I want to know is what we're doin' in a hotel like this ?
I mean my suite is comfortable, but this is not the usual sort place for you to be staying and dining in.", Jim said, rather pointedly.
"Well, Jim, this is Arizona - you know, the 'Wild West', and the're not quite so sophisticated as in Los Angeles or Vegas, and this is only a brief stop-over.
But don't worry - we'll do better later...., the 'Boss' explained.
"But we could move, if you like ?", the 'Boss' suggested.
"'s OK.", Jim said, realizing that while the landscapes was beautiful, fine hotels and fine food were not a priority in this part of America.
"Anyway, I have a surprise for you.
An evening at the Lowell Observatory !", the 'Boss' said, triumphantly.
"What's an observatory ?", Jim asked, not thinking for a moment.
The 'Boss' looked nervous, and Max looked puzzled.
"You must have misheard me, Jim." , the 'Boss' said, trying to cover up the gap in Jim's memory.
"You know, where they observe the stars.", the "Boss' explained.
"Yes, of course....I wasn't really listening....", Jim said, trying not to look flustered.
"So.... the real thing that Flagstaff is famous for is the 'Lowell Observatory'.", the 'Boss' announced.
Jim then braced himself, knowing that the 'Boss' was about to give a long, detailed speech regarding this 'observatory thingy' (as Ethan would say).
The 'Boss' settled back in his seat.
"Well, the founder of the Lowell Observatory was Percival Lawrence Lowell, who was an American businessman, author, mathematician, and astronomer who fuelled speculation that there were canals on Mars.
The Lowell Observatory, which we shall be visiting, was involved in the study of Mars, and the discovery of Pluto 14 years after Lowell's death.
In 1894 Lowell chose Flagstaff as the home of his new observatory.
At an height of over 2,100 meters (6,900 feet), with very few cloudy nights, and far from city lights, Lowell considered Flagstaff to be an excellent site for astronomical observations, and this marked the first time an observatory had been deliberately located in a remote, elevated place for optimal 'seeing' - so, 1896 a 61-centimetre (24-inch) Alvan Clark & Sons refracting telescope was installed at the Flagstaff, observatory.
For the next fifteen years Lowell studied Mars extensively, and made intricate drawings of the surface markings as he perceived them.
Lowell published his views in three books: 'Mars' (1895), 'Mars and Its Canals' (1906), and 'Mars As the Abode of Life' (1908).
With these writings, Lowell more than anyone else popularized the long-held belief that these markings showed that Mars sustained intelligent life forms."
"And do you believe in Martians ?", Jim asked, rather pointedly.
"Ah....!", the 'Boss' exclaimed, obviously playing for time.
The 'Boss' then turned to Max, who didn't seem to care much, one way or the other.
"This, Max, goes back to a conversation I was having with Jim on the way here - that is before he went to sleep.", the 'Boss' explained.
"I was very tired......", Jim said defensively.
"Yes...well......", the 'Boss' interjected.
"I was explaining to Jim about the religious beliefs and mythology of the Navajo.."
"The who ?", Max interrupted.
"My god !", the 'Boss' grunted.
"This is beginning to sound like a conversation with Ethan.....!
The Navajo - the native American tribes who live around these parts."
Max nodded, not wanting to antagonise the 'Boss' any further.
"Well anyway," the 'Boss' continued, "We were talking about the Navajo 'Sacred Ones' - like their 'gods - and I mentioned about some people now thinking that these 'gods' might be ETs, as there are a lot of reports of such things around here."
At that point the 'Boss' really got Max's attention, and Max began listening intently, wide-eyed.
The 'Boss' continued.
"So Jim asked if I believed in ETs, and I replied - 'maybe'.
But you see the Navajo believe that their gods come from Orion's Belt - and that's a long way to come.
That's about 800 years, (give or take a century), at the speed of light to get from there to the earth - and at a slower speed would take a lot, lot longer.
So that seems unlikely.
But Mars, well that's another matter."
The last comment of the 'Boss' hung in the air of the empty Bistro, ominously.
(perhaps it was empty as the food was not so good, unlike the conversation)
"OK.....but why is all of this important ?", Jim asked.
Jim, of course, was trying to guide the conversation away from extraterrestrials because he had Faunus in mind.
Fortunately, Max had previously equated Faunus with 'Don Picaro',which was probably a good thing, and Jim, of course, knew that the 'Boss' was not being strictly honest with Max, because the 'Boss', as well as Jim, knew that Faunus could 'zip away' to 'Orion's Belt', and be back before the 'Boss' had time to sign the bill for the meal - which was what the 'Boss' was doing at that very moment.
Jim, because of previous events, knew (in some sense) that time and space had very little bearing on this conversation.
The 'Boss' handed a hefty tip to the waiter, and then turned to Jim.
"Now recently there has been some evidence that there are some 'odd' things on Mars.
Many of these photographic anomalies have been disputed, particularly by NASA, of course."
Jim then interrupted the 'Boss'.
"So what your telling us is that we're going to visit this place today ?", Jim asked - slightly forgetting his good manners, as he was not - at this point, very interested in visiting a crowded tourist attraction.
"Well no, not really,", the 'Boss replied, smiling.
"You see the observatory will be closed today."
Max looked puzzled, and Jim looked annoyed.
"So why all this fuss about this Percival Lowell guy ?", Jim asked, getting a little exasperated.
"Because tonight - quite simply - the observatory will be open for three special guests....
Myself, and two young men, who don't seem to really appreciate what is being done for them."
Jim looked at Max - who was looking oddly excited.
"Oh I am really sorry, Sir, but I think that you've been 'playing' with us - just a little bit." Jim said, obviously very embarrassed.
The 'Boss' was smiling.
"Yes I was - but it was fun......
Now tonight is forecast to stay cloudless.
The Moon and Mars will be visible, and also Orion - so, if you'e both very good, you can use the 24-inch refactor - as long as you promise not to break it.", the 'Boss' said, finishing off his drink.
"I can't believe it !", Max stuttered.
"And how did you manage this ?", Jim asked.
"With a lot of money, and some influence.", the 'Boss' replied.
"As always....and when do we go ?", Jim asked.
"Well, isn't it obvious - when it gets dark." the 'Boss' said, very pleased that the boys were pleased.
"So, guys - I thought we might have a look at the shops here, before we go off and do some star gazing.", the 'Boss' said, as he rose from his seat.
"Now what I suggest is that you both go upstairs, and each get a warm coat.
Observatories are never heated at night, and even here it gets cold when it's late.", the 'Boss' advised.
"And why do they not heat observatories, Sir ?", Max asked, genuinely surprised.
"It's because the warm air in contact with the cold causes visual disturbances." the 'Boss' explained, as he 'phoned Chuck - asking him to bring the Cadillac to the main entrance.
The 'Boss' then made his way to reception, while Jim and Max were upstairs, sorting out a warm coat to wear.
Eventually they all ended up in the limo, with Max joining Jim and the 'Boss' in the passenger compartment.

"What do you fancy....?", Jim asked.
"Oh, anything.", Max replied, looking over the suite.
"Cheeseburgers OK ?",Jim queried.... "I eat of lot of those..".
"You know those pool showers never seen to wash off all the chlorine - they leave my skin itchy..." he said, trying to sound casual.
"Yes also...", Max replied.
"Don't suppose you'd mind if I did the same ?", Max enquired, equally casually.
"No....not at all - in fact you can join me - if that's not a problem for you.", Jim replied.
Now that's really what Jim wanted, but also what Max wanted, and really - as is obvious - the 'chlorine' bit was just an excuse - but then 'boys will be boys'.
Max followed Jim, leaving a trail of clothes across the bedroom, and in a moment both boys were standing in the substantial shower room, stark naked..
"So Jim... do you have a girlfriend ?", Max asked, wanting to make the situation clear.
"Well no, actually..", Jim replied, wondering whether he should explain things further.
It was then that the door buzzer sounded.
"I'd better go.", Jim said.
Jim quickly went to the door, clutching a towel around his waist, and told the waiter to leave the trolley in the sitting room.
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Sitting Room of Jim's Suite |
"Jim... I would like to ask you some questions - if that's OK ?", Max began, and Jim felt that he knew what was coming.
"At Club Jaguar there is a lot of talk among the staff about - mainly about you, but also about Ethan and Josh.", Max said carefully.
"And why no talk about Zac ?", Jim asked, almost angrily.
"Well Zac's different.
Most of us are a little afraid of him - he has a 'reputation', you know." Max explained.
"So why am I not surprised.", Jim said, faintly smiling.
"And then, of course there's that young foreign guy - Picaro.", Max continued.
Jim nodded.
"You see you, Ethan and Josh.... well you all speak American, and very nice and upper class, and you dress like college boys - but talk is that you're from somewhere else." Max said.
"Well.. so what ?", Jim countered.
"But it's not just that.
Ethan was picked up by Frank - when Ethan was hustling in down-town Vegas.
You appeared out of nowhere - so it's said, and were found by Frank - and the same happened some time later with Josh - and now you're all living in a very fine apartment building, owned by the 'Boss', but none of you seem to do any work, and people think it's all very odd, and some say that the 'Boss' uses you all for ?".
"Well, if you want to see next week, don't let the 'Boss' hear you say that." Jim said.
"Yes.....well perhaps I shouldn't have said anything...", Max said, looking obviously flustered.
"Look, and the boys, we don't come from here originally - that's obvious.
We're from Europe - in the south - and we're like you, without family, and the 'Boss' has taken us in - as you know, it's his way.
But as to this business about sex - no !
Now I don't know what the 'Boss' does for sex - that's his business - but if me, or any of the boys, have sex.... well, as you have seen, it's with somebody of our own age - so don't listen to any of this talk at the 'Club'.", Jim said firmly.
Before Max could answer, Jim's mobile started buzzing.
Jim quickly looked at it as he took it out of his pocket.
"It's the 'Boss', he said, raising his eyebrows as he looked at Max.
For a moment the thoughts flashed through his mind that maybe the 'Boss' had the suite 'bugged' - after all, he did seem to be known at the hotel - and perhaps the 'Boss' had even watched him and Max fucking - and, perhaps the 'Boss' was a voyeur, and that's what he did for sex - 'watched'.
But he soon put away those thoughts as the friendly voice of the 'Boss' greeted him with a cheery 'hello' - asking him if he and Max had enjoyed their swim.
"So Jim, I was hoping that you might join me for lunch in a short while - say half an hour ?", the 'Boss' asked.
"Why yes, of course - and is it OK if I bring Max ?", Jim asked - almost instantly regretting that he'd made the suggestion.
"Why not ?", the 'Boss' replied, amiably.
"Presumably you two are getting along well, now that you know one another a little better."
Instantly Jim's suspicions about the suite being 'bugged' resurfaced.
"Well yes - a little better.", Jim said, desperately dissembling.
"So....come along to the dining room soon - as I have a surprise for you.", and the 'Boss' hung up.
That did it for Jim - 'the 'boss' knew' !
Jim put the mobile back in his pocket and looked at Max
"Max...I'm worried.
The 'boss' might have the suite 'bugged' and know what we've been doing.", Jim said.
"Does the 'Boss' usually have your suite bugged ?", Max asked, smiling slightly at the absurdity of the question.
"Possibly - the 'Boss' is capable of almost anything.", Jim replied.
"Well I think you're just being paranoid.
Why would the 'Boss' want to know if you'd been 'playing around' with a bellhop ?".
"Don't know.....", Jim said, looking unconvinced.
And so they went down to the dining room, which at this hotel was called the 'Bistro' - a bad sign, Jim thought.
On their way they were rather unnerved by all the staff they met who seemed exaggeratedly polite and subservient.
It was as if everyone knew who they were, and were being exceptionally deferential.
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The Bistro - Marriott Courtyard Hotel - Flagstaff |
"Good afternoon, sirs.", he said smoothly.
"The 'Boss' is expecting you - can I take you to your table ?".
Jim turned to Max
"How the fuck does he know to call him the 'Boss' - we're not in Vegas ?", Jim whispered.
"Don't know, but everyone calls him the 'Boss' - wherever he goes." Max said.
As they approached the table, the 'Boss', looking exceptionally relaxed, wearing yet another immaculate pair of slacks, and a beautiful, Western style shirt, stood up and offered his hand.
A Western dress shirt is often elaborately decorated with piping, embroidery and a contrasting yoke. In the 1950s these were frequently worn by movie cowboys like Roy Rogers or Clayton Moore's Lone Ranger. Derived from the elaborate Mexican 'vaquero' costumes like the 'guayabera' and the battle-shirts worn by many Confederate soldiers, these were worn at rodeos so the cowboy could be easily identifiable. Buffalo Bill was known to wear them with a buckskin fringe jacket during his Wild West shows and they were fashionable for American teenagers in the 1970s and late 2000s.
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Jim and Max in the Pool |
"Thank you Sir.", Max said, his fair skin blushing as he brushed his hair out of his eyes - a favorite gesture when he was embarrassed.
"So come on - sit down, and lets get this lunch ordered.",the 'Boss' said, being unusually animated, and looking youthful in his Western style clothes.
"Sorry about the dining facilities, but we're only here for a short while, so this will have to do for lunch.", the 'Boss' said, apologetically.
Of course, in this part of the US steak was almost compulsory, and soon the heavily laden plates arrived.
Most of the initial talk was about the hotel.
"What I want to know is what we're doin' in a hotel like this ?
I mean my suite is comfortable, but this is not the usual sort place for you to be staying and dining in.", Jim said, rather pointedly.
"Well, Jim, this is Arizona - you know, the 'Wild West', and the're not quite so sophisticated as in Los Angeles or Vegas, and this is only a brief stop-over.
But don't worry - we'll do better later...., the 'Boss' explained.
"But we could move, if you like ?", the 'Boss' suggested.
"'s OK.", Jim said, realizing that while the landscapes was beautiful, fine hotels and fine food were not a priority in this part of America.
"Anyway, I have a surprise for you.
An evening at the Lowell Observatory !", the 'Boss' said, triumphantly.
"What's an observatory ?", Jim asked, not thinking for a moment.
The 'Boss' looked nervous, and Max looked puzzled.
"You must have misheard me, Jim." , the 'Boss' said, trying to cover up the gap in Jim's memory.
"You know, where they observe the stars.", the "Boss' explained.
"Yes, of course....I wasn't really listening....", Jim said, trying not to look flustered.
"So.... the real thing that Flagstaff is famous for is the 'Lowell Observatory'.", the 'Boss' announced.
Jim then braced himself, knowing that the 'Boss' was about to give a long, detailed speech regarding this 'observatory thingy' (as Ethan would say).
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Percival Lawrence Lowell |
"Well, the founder of the Lowell Observatory was Percival Lawrence Lowell, who was an American businessman, author, mathematician, and astronomer who fuelled speculation that there were canals on Mars.
The Lowell Observatory, which we shall be visiting, was involved in the study of Mars, and the discovery of Pluto 14 years after Lowell's death.
In 1894 Lowell chose Flagstaff as the home of his new observatory.
At an height of over 2,100 meters (6,900 feet), with very few cloudy nights, and far from city lights, Lowell considered Flagstaff to be an excellent site for astronomical observations, and this marked the first time an observatory had been deliberately located in a remote, elevated place for optimal 'seeing' - so, 1896 a 61-centimetre (24-inch) Alvan Clark & Sons refracting telescope was installed at the Flagstaff, observatory.
And here's some extra information for our readers -
Alvan Clark & Sons was an American maker of optics that became famous for crafting lenses for some of the largest refracting telescopes of the 19th and early 20th centuries. Founded in 1846 in Cambridgeport, Massachusetts, by Alvan Clark (1804–1887, a descendant of Cape Cod whalers who started as a portrait painter), and his sons George Bassett Clark (1827–1891) and Alvan Graham Clark (1832–1897). Five times, the firm built the largest refracting telescopes in the world.
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A globe representing Mars with the canals and other features that Lowell reported viewing with the Alvan Clark Refractor |
Lowell published his views in three books: 'Mars' (1895), 'Mars and Its Canals' (1906), and 'Mars As the Abode of Life' (1908).
With these writings, Lowell more than anyone else popularized the long-held belief that these markings showed that Mars sustained intelligent life forms."
"And do you believe in Martians ?", Jim asked, rather pointedly.
"Ah....!", the 'Boss' exclaimed, obviously playing for time.
The 'Boss' then turned to Max, who didn't seem to care much, one way or the other.
"This, Max, goes back to a conversation I was having with Jim on the way here - that is before he went to sleep.", the 'Boss' explained.
"I was very tired......", Jim said defensively.
"Yes...well......", the 'Boss' interjected.
"I was explaining to Jim about the religious beliefs and mythology of the Navajo.."
"The who ?", Max interrupted.
"My god !", the 'Boss' grunted.
"This is beginning to sound like a conversation with Ethan.....!
The Navajo - the native American tribes who live around these parts."
Max nodded, not wanting to antagonise the 'Boss' any further.
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'Navajo Indians' - 19th Century Photo (note the blankets) edited by Vittorio Carvelli |
At that point the 'Boss' really got Max's attention, and Max began listening intently, wide-eyed.
The 'Boss' continued.
"So Jim asked if I believed in ETs, and I replied - 'maybe'.
But you see the Navajo believe that their gods come from Orion's Belt - and that's a long way to come.
That's about 800 years, (give or take a century), at the speed of light to get from there to the earth - and at a slower speed would take a lot, lot longer.
So that seems unlikely.
But Mars, well that's another matter."
The last comment of the 'Boss' hung in the air of the empty Bistro, ominously.
(perhaps it was empty as the food was not so good, unlike the conversation)
"OK.....but why is all of this important ?", Jim asked.
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'Don Picaro' - (Faunus) |
Fortunately, Max had previously equated Faunus with 'Don Picaro',which was probably a good thing, and Jim, of course, knew that the 'Boss' was not being strictly honest with Max, because the 'Boss', as well as Jim, knew that Faunus could 'zip away' to 'Orion's Belt', and be back before the 'Boss' had time to sign the bill for the meal - which was what the 'Boss' was doing at that very moment.
Jim, because of previous events, knew (in some sense) that time and space had very little bearing on this conversation.
The 'Boss' handed a hefty tip to the waiter, and then turned to Jim.
"Now recently there has been some evidence that there are some 'odd' things on Mars.
Many of these photographic anomalies have been disputed, particularly by NASA, of course."
Jim then interrupted the 'Boss'.
"So what your telling us is that we're going to visit this place today ?", Jim asked - slightly forgetting his good manners, as he was not - at this point, very interested in visiting a crowded tourist attraction.
"Well no, not really,", the 'Boss replied, smiling.
"You see the observatory will be closed today."
Max looked puzzled, and Jim looked annoyed.
"So why all this fuss about this Percival Lowell guy ?", Jim asked, getting a little exasperated.
"Because tonight - quite simply - the observatory will be open for three special guests....
Myself, and two young men, who don't seem to really appreciate what is being done for them."
Jim looked at Max - who was looking oddly excited.
"Oh I am really sorry, Sir, but I think that you've been 'playing' with us - just a little bit." Jim said, obviously very embarrassed.
The 'Boss' was smiling.
"Yes I was - but it was fun......
Now tonight is forecast to stay cloudless.
The Moon and Mars will be visible, and also Orion - so, if you'e both very good, you can use the 24-inch refactor - as long as you promise not to break it.", the 'Boss' said, finishing off his drink.
"I can't believe it !", Max stuttered.
"And how did you manage this ?", Jim asked.
"With a lot of money, and some influence.", the 'Boss' replied.
"As always....and when do we go ?", Jim asked.
"Well, isn't it obvious - when it gets dark." the 'Boss' said, very pleased that the boys were pleased.
"Now what I suggest is that you both go upstairs, and each get a warm coat.
Observatories are never heated at night, and even here it gets cold when it's late.", the 'Boss' advised.
"And why do they not heat observatories, Sir ?", Max asked, genuinely surprised.
"It's because the warm air in contact with the cold causes visual disturbances." the 'Boss' explained, as he 'phoned Chuck - asking him to bring the Cadillac to the main entrance.
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Shopping in Flagstaff |
Eventually they all ended up in the limo, with Max joining Jim and the 'Boss' in the passenger compartment.
It was only a few minutes drive to the main shopping area, where Chuck found a place to park.
"'s not really like Vegas - as far as shopping goes....
That's if they have any shops here....", Jim said. "My Jim, you're getting a cynical as Ethan.", the 'Boss said, putting his hand on Jim's shoulder.
"'s not really like Vegas - as far as shopping goes....
That's if they have any shops here....", Jim said. "My Jim, you're getting a cynical as Ethan.", the 'Boss said, putting his hand on Jim's shoulder.
"As I told you - this is still a hangover from the 'Wild West'.
The people here are very conservative - cling to tradition and the past - and of course are not as affluent as many people in Vegas and Los Angeles."
Max shook his head in disbelief.
"Now what they do have here is a good range of Western fashions - so what about a nice Western style shirt for each of you ?", the 'Boss' suggested.
Jim didn't look convinced.
Regardless, the 'Boss' managed to get the boys into one of the more expensive menswear shops, and had a huge selection of shirts brought out or them to sample.
In the end both Jim and Max chose a shirt each - but only with a lot of encouragement from the 'Boss'.
Jim's shirt was a very dark brown - almost black - with lavish gold embroidery on the front and shoulders, and also on the cuffs.
The 'Boss' pushed Jim in front of a mirror and then stood back - in order to watch the shirt work it's magic.
Jim looked at himself from the front - from the side, and using a second mirror across the isle, managed to see a view of his back.
Returning to the front view Jim looked at Max questioningly.
"Well... I must admit, it looks really cool on you Jim - real 'sharp'.", Max said, smiling.
"Yes... I suppose so, but when shall I wear it ?",Jim asked, trying to find an excuse not to let the 'Boss' buy it for him.
The 'Boss' stepped in and answered.
"Well in Vegas, of course !
At the 'California Combat Club' - you'll be the best dressed 'dude' there, and you are, after all, the 'boss' there....", the 'Boss' said, making an attempt at American slang to impress the salesman.
And the salesman obviously took notice at the mention of 'Combat Club', and the fact that Jim was apparently the 'boss' of that club.
"It's the best shirt we sell, Sir.", the salesman explained to the 'Boss'.
The embroidery is guaranteed gold bullion, and is all sewn by hand."
"The 'Boss' nodded in approval, and Jim appreciatively felt the stitching on the cuffs.
"OK, you're right, Sir....I'd like to have it.", Jim finally said.
And by then the salesman was really confused, as Jim had called the older gentleman who was buying the shirt 'Sir'.
"And I think something similar for Max....", the 'Boss' said, continuing on his spending spree.
The next 'port of call' was a gun-shop - which got Jim really worried.
"Now Jim, while we are away Josh and Ethan are learning about hand-guns, so I think it would be a good idea if we got you a hand-gun - a revolver, and started you off with some practice while we are on our trip.", the 'Boss' said.
"Well, if you really think it's a good idea, Sir.", Jim replied, sounding far from convinced, or confident.
The 'Boss', of course, had already made his mind up, and had soon selected a 'mean' looking pearl handled revolver, complete with beautifully tooled, yet rugged Western style holster, belt and ammunition, and some gun targets for practicing - and apparently it was quite legal in the State of Arizona for someone to buy a young man of Jim's age a very lethal side-arm.
Of course, the 'Boss' bought it, so no questions were asked.
The people here are very conservative - cling to tradition and the past - and of course are not as affluent as many people in Vegas and Los Angeles."
Max shook his head in disbelief.
"Now what they do have here is a good range of Western fashions - so what about a nice Western style shirt for each of you ?", the 'Boss' suggested.
Jim didn't look convinced.
Regardless, the 'Boss' managed to get the boys into one of the more expensive menswear shops, and had a huge selection of shirts brought out or them to sample.
In the end both Jim and Max chose a shirt each - but only with a lot of encouragement from the 'Boss'.
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'Arizona Jim' |
The 'Boss' pushed Jim in front of a mirror and then stood back - in order to watch the shirt work it's magic.
Jim looked at himself from the front - from the side, and using a second mirror across the isle, managed to see a view of his back.
Returning to the front view Jim looked at Max questioningly.
"Well... I must admit, it looks really cool on you Jim - real 'sharp'.", Max said, smiling.
"Yes... I suppose so, but when shall I wear it ?",Jim asked, trying to find an excuse not to let the 'Boss' buy it for him.
The 'Boss' stepped in and answered.
"Well in Vegas, of course !
At the 'California Combat Club' - you'll be the best dressed 'dude' there, and you are, after all, the 'boss' there....", the 'Boss' said, making an attempt at American slang to impress the salesman.
And the salesman obviously took notice at the mention of 'Combat Club', and the fact that Jim was apparently the 'boss' of that club.
"It's the best shirt we sell, Sir.", the salesman explained to the 'Boss'.
The embroidery is guaranteed gold bullion, and is all sewn by hand."
"The 'Boss' nodded in approval, and Jim appreciatively felt the stitching on the cuffs.
"OK, you're right, Sir....I'd like to have it.", Jim finally said.
And by then the salesman was really confused, as Jim had called the older gentleman who was buying the shirt 'Sir'.
"And I think something similar for Max....", the 'Boss' said, continuing on his spending spree.
The next 'port of call' was a gun-shop - which got Jim really worried.
"Now Jim, while we are away Josh and Ethan are learning about hand-guns, so I think it would be a good idea if we got you a hand-gun - a revolver, and started you off with some practice while we are on our trip.", the 'Boss' said.
"Well, if you really think it's a good idea, Sir.", Jim replied, sounding far from convinced, or confident.

Of course, the 'Boss' bought it, so no questions were asked.

"So now....let's go to the Observatory." the 'Boss' said, obviously pleased with his little shopping expedition.
They returned to the parked limo, and gave Chuck the address for the Observatory.
They returned to the parked limo, and gave Chuck the address for the Observatory.
Chuck read the address which the 'Boss' had carefully written - '1400 W Mars Hill Rd, Flagstaff'.
Chuck punched the address into the route finder, and turned to the 'Boss' smiling.
"Well it's only six minutes away - just down Santa Fe Avenue and up Mars Hill Road - no hassle !", Chuck said, as he deftly set the automatic gear-box on 'drive'.
"So, boys, I hope you're going to enjoy this, after all, it costs $15 each to get in.....", the 'Boss' said, with a grin.
"Yes, Sir....and I wonder how much you paid for this little evening session ?", Jim said, nudging Max.
"Well, just add a few noughts to that entrance fee, but it's all in a good cause.
The Lowell observatory is a non profit making trust, so all income is used to maintain the observatory, on staff remuneration, on administration, advertising and so forth - and in special circumstances they are prepared to make special concessions to those who make unusually large donations.", the 'Boss' explained.
"And I suppose you made an unusually large donation.", Jim added.
"Of course....I have always been fascinated by astronomy, even before I was your age and, as I will show you one day, I keep a very large reflector at the Villa Jaguar.", the 'Boss' continued.
"And what's a reflector, Sir ?", Max asked.
"The answer to that question would take a long time to explain, so I think it best that you ask an expert at the Observatory - where we will be arriving very soon.", the 'Boss' answered.
And just as he said that Chuck pulled the Cadillac up outside the entrance to the Lowell Observatory.
"Oh..."said Jim, sounding disappointed.
"I thought it might be a bit bigger - and a bit more modern."
The 'Boss' shook his head as he got out of the limo.
"Jim, it's the size of the telescope that's important - not the size of the building, and if you had been paying attention when I first told you about this place, you'd remember that it dates form the end of the 19th Century - so it's not going to look very modern.", the 'Boss' said, a little tetchily.
"Yes Sir.
I'm sorry - I wasn't thinking.", Jim said, trying to make light of the matter.
Max said nothing.
He had no idea what to expect.
He had never heard of the Lowell Observatory, or even Flagstaff - until he came on this trip.
They went in, and were greeted by an attractive young lady who took them to the main observing area.
"Yes....I see what you mean.", Jim said, staring up at the huge telescope.
Then, suddenly a young man, wearing a 'lab-coat' came up to them.
"Oh my god !", Jim said quickly, under his breath.
"Ah.. Mr Johnson... good evening !", the young man said, going up to Jim and shaking his hand.
"Mr who ?", Jim said, unsure what was going on.
"I'm Jim.", Jim said, trying to put things right.
"I know... James Edward Johnson.... Jim." you have a reservation to use this facility tonight.", the young man explained.
"No Jim, I don't think so.
This is Dr. James Smith - the director of the Observatory.", the 'Boss' said.
"You must excuse Jim.
He's had a long journey and is very tired, so he might be confusing you with someone else.", the 'Boss' explained.
However, Jim was not tired, and he had a pretty good idea of what was going on, although he was unsure if the 'Boss' was 'in' on the little ruse.
Max, of course, didn't notice that anything was odd, and the other staff at the observatory had no problem with the Director of the Observatory being a slim blond guy aged about eighteen.
Presumably Faunus wanted Jim and Max and the 'Boss' to enjoy their visit to this place where the stars and planets could be observed to good advantage - and who better than a possible 'extraterrestrial' to show them round the universe.
At that point 'Dr Smith' gave a discrete signal, and suddenly some very soft, relaxing music filled the observing area, (Holst's 'Venus' from the 'Planets Suite' - very appropriate the 'Boss' thought'), and with a few creaks, and a lot of humming, the huge telescope began to move.
"We're just centering the telescope on the Moon, as it's a good object for your first experience of astronomical viewing.", Smith said.
"You mean you're going to let us look through that thing, Sir !", Max said, obviously very surprised.
"Well of course - that's what it's for.
Of course most of our visitors aren't given that privileged, but as special 'friends. of the observatory, for tonight the telescope is your 'baby'.
And you are ?", Smith asked Max absent mindedly, as he attended to a bulky remote control.
"I'm Max, Sir.", Max replied, wondering what he had done wrong.
"Well you, Max, can have a first look through the eyepiece - and that will be a second first for you today.", Smith said, as he had a quick look at a video monitor to check that the telescope was correctly centered.
Jim froze...
It was Faunus - and he was doing his usual 'mind reading'.
'So Faunus knew' - the thought burned through Jim's confused mind.
Fortunately, however, the 'Boss' didn't seem to have noticed the odd comment that Smith had made.
"Come and look down into this eyepiece.", Dr.Smith said to Max, as the red lighting in the observation area slowly dimmed.
"But why do I have to look down - shouldn't I look up ?", Max asked, sounding confused.
"No - you see, Max, this device has a prism inside, which means that the image is 'turned round' so to speak, so you don't have to strain your neck.
Astronomers use them on all telescopes.", Dr. Smith explained.
"Cool....", Max said, as he bent forward and looked into the eyepiece.
Max looked long and hard - astounded by what he was seeing.
He had seen photographs of the Moon - but to see it 'for real', so large and in so much detail was amazing.
After a few minutes he straightened up and turned to Jim.
"Take at look at this,'s amazing.", Max said, moving to one side.
"Thanks....but let the 'Boss' look next.", Jim said.
"Why thank you Jim - that's very considerate,", the 'Boss' said, without a trace of irony.
The 'Boss' quietly lent forward.
"Magnificent !",he said - and that was all, as he lingered, drinking in the incredible sight.
"And now you, Jim.", the 'Boss' said, putting his hand on Jim's shoulder.
"Thanks, Sir.", Jim said, as memories from long ago stirred in his mind - memories of those intimate talks that had taken place between himself and his adoptive father in the villa, far away and long ago.
"Yes...!," Jim said, as if he were not seeing this for the first time, but rather reliving a memory.
The enigmatic Dr . Smith looked pleased.
And what would you like to see next, gentlemen ?", he asked softly and politely.
"Well, we are on 'Mars Hill' - so let's have a look at Mars next - if that's possible ?", the 'Boss' asked.
"Of course, but it will just take a minute or so to reposition the telescope.", Dr. Smith said.
While they waited for the huge telescope to centre itself on a new object, Jim decided to 'sound out' Dr. Smith.
"So, Dr. Smith, how long have you been the director of this observatory ?", Jim asked.
"Oh very recently - in fact I just started today." Dr. Smith replied.
Jim couldn't believe Dr Smith's audacity.
"I see.", was the only reply Jim could muster.
"Oh Sir, two things I would like to ask you while we are waiting.", Max said.
"Go on.", Dr. Smith replied.
"Well, first, what's this business with red lights.", Max asked, trying to be as polite as possible.
"It's to do with our eyes.
We need our eyes to be as sensitive as possible when looking at faint stars.
If we use ordinary light, our eyes lose their sensitivity, but red light enables us to see better in the dark.", Dr. Smith explained.
"And the other question ?".
"Oh yes.", Max replied.
What's a reflecting telescope ?".
"Well that's a bit complicated, but if we go to the shop, later, I can show you.", Dr. Smith said, as he locked the telescope onto it's new co-ordinates.
"Now I need to change the eyepiece for viewing the planet Mars, and please don't be disappointed - because Mars is a lot further from the Earth than the Moon - in fact, from the Earth, without a telescope, Mars just looks like a tiny red dot - like a star.
So when you see this, perhaps you might understand the problems that Lowell had in mapping the surface of Mars.
So go on, Max - take a look."
"Max bent forward and squinted through the eyepiece (ocular lens).
"Well, it's not so detailed - but still pretty amazing." Max said.
And what's the white bit at the bottom of the image ?", Max asked.
"Well, like Earth, Mars has frozen polar caps, but unlike Earth, these caps are made of carbon dioxide ice as well as water ice.
During the summer in the south, much of the ice cap turns straight back into gas, leaving behind what is known as the 'residual polar cap'.
What you're seeing is the north polar cap, because in an astronomical telescope the image is upside-down, so north is at the bottom.", Dr.Smith explained.
Jim then took a look, and finally the 'Boss'.
Well time's getting on, so what else did you want to see boys ?", the 'Boss' asked.
"If there's time, Sir, there was this business about the Navajo, and the Belt of Orion - so is it possible to see that ?", Jim asked.
"Yes, of course - but just give me a few minutes, as new co-ordinates need to given to the computer in order to re-align the telescope.", Dr Smith replied, and he hurried away to deal with the technicalities of moving the telescope.
"So, is it as good as you hoped ?", the 'Boss' asked, seemingly oblivious to the 'oddness' of Dr. Smith.
"Yes Sir, very much.", Jim replied - not willing to spoil a wonderful evening by raising any awkward questions.
"Great, but could you get someone to explain to me this business about a reflector - because the only reflecting that I've seen is in that little triangular thing in the eyepiece.", Max said, intent of having his question answered.
"Of course - before we leave.....", the 'Boss' assured Max.
And so it wasn't very long before the telescope was set up, and locked on its new target, with the computer constantly moving the huge telescope so that the image seemed to be static in the eyepiece, when in fact, like all the stars and planets, it was actually moving.
"You go first this time, James, as you asked for Orion.", Dr Smith said.
"It's Jim, actually.", Jim replied, not really appreciating Faunus' little joke.
Jim looked into the eyepiece, and instantly regretted being so surly - the image was so breathtakingly wonderful.
"Come and look at this,'s wonderful !".Jim said, as Dr. Smith smiled at Jim's boyish enthusiasm.
The 'Boss them went over and took a look.
"Yes...I can understood why the Navajo said that this was the home of their gods.", the 'Boss' said thoughtfully.
"Beauty beyond belief.....", the 'Boss' whispered.
"And not only the home of their gods...", Dr Smith - seemingly stepping out of character for a moment - said to no one in particular.
There was, suddenly, a noticeable silence in the observation area, and the air seemed to grow strangely chill - as if distant stellar winds were blowing, even on 'Mars Hill'.
"So was there anything else ?", Dr Smith asked, breaking the spell.
"No - but you mentioned you had a shop here, and I think that the boys might like a souvenir to remember their trip by - and I think Max wants you to explain what a reflecting telescope is.", the 'Boss' replied.
Moments later Dr. Smith had escorted the 'Boss' and the boys down to the Gift Shop.
It contained all the usual trinkets, some of which were quite tacky, but there were also a number of good quality telescopes.
"So, Dr Smith, what's the best telescope that you have in this shop ?", the 'Boss' asked.
"Well we are not a specialist shop, but we do have a couple of 'top of the range' amateur 'scopes, as was do have some quite wealthy visitors on occasions."
"OK...well I need to be leaving 'Flag' later tonight, so I don't have time to play around with a sales pitch.
What's the one that, as a 'professional', you would recommend ?", the 'Boss' asked a second time.
Jim, at this point felt that the ''Boss' may have seen through Faunus charade.
"Well there is one - it's back in the store room, but it's very expensive.....", Dr Smith explained.
"So, get it out and let Jim decide if he wants it.", the 'Boss' said sharply.
"OK - It's a 'Meade' 12" catadioptric telescope", and as Smith said that, he gave the nod to the shop assistant to bring the 'scope out onto the shop floor.
In a matter of moments the telescope was on it's tripod in the centre of the gift shop.
The 'Boss' turned to Jim.
"Well ?", the 'Boss' asked.
"But where shall I use it ?"Jim asked.
"On the roof of the penthouse - or at the Villa Jaguar - it's obvious.
And Max...that's a reflecting telescope...", the 'Boss' said, smiling.
And in his head Jim heard Faunus' voice - 'It's yours, Jim.'
"Yes !", Jim said, putting his arm round the shoulder of the 'Boss'.
"OK - put it back in the box, and have someone load it into my Cadillac outside.", the 'Boss' said, as he took out his card to pay.
"And boys, pick up some books that you think might help you - like star atlases and star charts - for which, of course there will be no charge.
And of course at $6,500 - a few book were neither here nor there - but the 'Boss' hadn't told Jim the price of the telescope - as Jim would have undoubtedly refused it - but as he had no idea how expensive telescopes were, he gladly accepted it as a wonderful 'toy'.
"Yes, Sir....and I wonder how much you paid for this little evening session ?", Jim said, nudging Max.
"Well, just add a few noughts to that entrance fee, but it's all in a good cause.
The Lowell observatory is a non profit making trust, so all income is used to maintain the observatory, on staff remuneration, on administration, advertising and so forth - and in special circumstances they are prepared to make special concessions to those who make unusually large donations.", the 'Boss' explained.
"And I suppose you made an unusually large donation.", Jim added.
"Of course....I have always been fascinated by astronomy, even before I was your age and, as I will show you one day, I keep a very large reflector at the Villa Jaguar.", the 'Boss' continued.
"And what's a reflector, Sir ?", Max asked.
"The answer to that question would take a long time to explain, so I think it best that you ask an expert at the Observatory - where we will be arriving very soon.", the 'Boss' answered.
And just as he said that Chuck pulled the Cadillac up outside the entrance to the Lowell Observatory.
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The Lowell Observatory - Night |
"I thought it might be a bit bigger - and a bit more modern."
The 'Boss' shook his head as he got out of the limo.
"Jim, it's the size of the telescope that's important - not the size of the building, and if you had been paying attention when I first told you about this place, you'd remember that it dates form the end of the 19th Century - so it's not going to look very modern.", the 'Boss' said, a little tetchily.
"Yes Sir.
I'm sorry - I wasn't thinking.", Jim said, trying to make light of the matter.
Max said nothing.
He had no idea what to expect.
He had never heard of the Lowell Observatory, or even Flagstaff - until he came on this trip.
They went in, and were greeted by an attractive young lady who took them to the main observing area.
"Yes....I see what you mean.", Jim said, staring up at the huge telescope.
Then, suddenly a young man, wearing a 'lab-coat' came up to them.
"Oh my god !", Jim said quickly, under his breath.
"Ah.. Mr Johnson... good evening !", the young man said, going up to Jim and shaking his hand.
"Mr who ?", Jim said, unsure what was going on.
"I'm Jim.", Jim said, trying to put things right.
"I know... James Edward Johnson.... Jim." you have a reservation to use this facility tonight.", the young man explained.
"But....", Jim stuttered, "Haven't we met before ?"follow this LINK to find out how Jim is called 'James Edward Johnson - and more - but don't forget to come back !
Dr. James Smith - Director of the Observatory.
"No Jim, I don't think so.
This is Dr. James Smith - the director of the Observatory.", the 'Boss' said.
"You must excuse Jim.
He's had a long journey and is very tired, so he might be confusing you with someone else.", the 'Boss' explained.
However, Jim was not tired, and he had a pretty good idea of what was going on, although he was unsure if the 'Boss' was 'in' on the little ruse.
Max, of course, didn't notice that anything was odd, and the other staff at the observatory had no problem with the Director of the Observatory being a slim blond guy aged about eighteen.
Presumably Faunus wanted Jim and Max and the 'Boss' to enjoy their visit to this place where the stars and planets could be observed to good advantage - and who better than a possible 'extraterrestrial' to show them round the universe.
At that point 'Dr Smith' gave a discrete signal, and suddenly some very soft, relaxing music filled the observing area, (Holst's 'Venus' from the 'Planets Suite' - very appropriate the 'Boss' thought'), and with a few creaks, and a lot of humming, the huge telescope began to move.
"We're just centering the telescope on the Moon, as it's a good object for your first experience of astronomical viewing.", Smith said.
"You mean you're going to let us look through that thing, Sir !", Max said, obviously very surprised.
"Well of course - that's what it's for.
Of course most of our visitors aren't given that privileged, but as special 'friends. of the observatory, for tonight the telescope is your 'baby'.
And you are ?", Smith asked Max absent mindedly, as he attended to a bulky remote control.
"I'm Max, Sir.", Max replied, wondering what he had done wrong.
"Well you, Max, can have a first look through the eyepiece - and that will be a second first for you today.", Smith said, as he had a quick look at a video monitor to check that the telescope was correctly centered.
Jim froze...
It was Faunus - and he was doing his usual 'mind reading'.
'So Faunus knew' - the thought burned through Jim's confused mind.
Fortunately, however, the 'Boss' didn't seem to have noticed the odd comment that Smith had made.
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Telescope Diagonal - the eyepiece has not been fitted |
"But why do I have to look down - shouldn't I look up ?", Max asked, sounding confused.
"No - you see, Max, this device has a prism inside, which means that the image is 'turned round' so to speak, so you don't have to strain your neck.
Astronomers use them on all telescopes.", Dr. Smith explained.
"Cool....", Max said, as he bent forward and looked into the eyepiece.
Max looked long and hard - astounded by what he was seeing.
He had seen photographs of the Moon - but to see it 'for real', so large and in so much detail was amazing.
After a few minutes he straightened up and turned to Jim.
"Take at look at this,'s amazing.", Max said, moving to one side.
"Thanks....but let the 'Boss' look next.", Jim said.
"Why thank you Jim - that's very considerate,", the 'Boss' said, without a trace of irony.
The 'Boss' quietly lent forward.
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The Moon |
"And now you, Jim.", the 'Boss' said, putting his hand on Jim's shoulder.
"Thanks, Sir.", Jim said, as memories from long ago stirred in his mind - memories of those intimate talks that had taken place between himself and his adoptive father in the villa, far away and long ago.
"Yes...!," Jim said, as if he were not seeing this for the first time, but rather reliving a memory.
The enigmatic Dr . Smith looked pleased.
And what would you like to see next, gentlemen ?", he asked softly and politely.
"Well, we are on 'Mars Hill' - so let's have a look at Mars next - if that's possible ?", the 'Boss' asked.
"Of course, but it will just take a minute or so to reposition the telescope.", Dr. Smith said.
While they waited for the huge telescope to centre itself on a new object, Jim decided to 'sound out' Dr. Smith.
"So, Dr. Smith, how long have you been the director of this observatory ?", Jim asked.
"Oh very recently - in fact I just started today." Dr. Smith replied.
Jim couldn't believe Dr Smith's audacity.
"I see.", was the only reply Jim could muster.
"Oh Sir, two things I would like to ask you while we are waiting.", Max said.
"Go on.", Dr. Smith replied.
"Well, first, what's this business with red lights.", Max asked, trying to be as polite as possible.
"It's to do with our eyes.
We need our eyes to be as sensitive as possible when looking at faint stars.
If we use ordinary light, our eyes lose their sensitivity, but red light enables us to see better in the dark.", Dr. Smith explained.
"And the other question ?".
"Oh yes.", Max replied.
What's a reflecting telescope ?".
"Well that's a bit complicated, but if we go to the shop, later, I can show you.", Dr. Smith said, as he locked the telescope onto it's new co-ordinates.
"Now I need to change the eyepiece for viewing the planet Mars, and please don't be disappointed - because Mars is a lot further from the Earth than the Moon - in fact, from the Earth, without a telescope, Mars just looks like a tiny red dot - like a star.
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Mars |
So go on, Max - take a look."
"Max bent forward and squinted through the eyepiece (ocular lens).
"Well, it's not so detailed - but still pretty amazing." Max said.
And what's the white bit at the bottom of the image ?", Max asked.
"Well, like Earth, Mars has frozen polar caps, but unlike Earth, these caps are made of carbon dioxide ice as well as water ice.
During the summer in the south, much of the ice cap turns straight back into gas, leaving behind what is known as the 'residual polar cap'.
What you're seeing is the north polar cap, because in an astronomical telescope the image is upside-down, so north is at the bottom.", Dr.Smith explained.
Jim then took a look, and finally the 'Boss'.
Well time's getting on, so what else did you want to see boys ?", the 'Boss' asked.
"If there's time, Sir, there was this business about the Navajo, and the Belt of Orion - so is it possible to see that ?", Jim asked.
"Yes, of course - but just give me a few minutes, as new co-ordinates need to given to the computer in order to re-align the telescope.", Dr Smith replied, and he hurried away to deal with the technicalities of moving the telescope.
"So, is it as good as you hoped ?", the 'Boss' asked, seemingly oblivious to the 'oddness' of Dr. Smith.
"Yes Sir, very much.", Jim replied - not willing to spoil a wonderful evening by raising any awkward questions.
"Great, but could you get someone to explain to me this business about a reflector - because the only reflecting that I've seen is in that little triangular thing in the eyepiece.", Max said, intent of having his question answered.
"Of course - before we leave.....", the 'Boss' assured Max.
And so it wasn't very long before the telescope was set up, and locked on its new target, with the computer constantly moving the huge telescope so that the image seemed to be static in the eyepiece, when in fact, like all the stars and planets, it was actually moving.
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The Constellation of Orion |
"It's Jim, actually.", Jim replied, not really appreciating Faunus' little joke.
Jim looked into the eyepiece, and instantly regretted being so surly - the image was so breathtakingly wonderful.
"Come and look at this,'s wonderful !".Jim said, as Dr. Smith smiled at Jim's boyish enthusiasm.
The 'Boss them went over and took a look.
"Yes...I can understood why the Navajo said that this was the home of their gods.", the 'Boss' said thoughtfully.
"Beauty beyond belief.....", the 'Boss' whispered.
"And not only the home of their gods...", Dr Smith - seemingly stepping out of character for a moment - said to no one in particular.
There was, suddenly, a noticeable silence in the observation area, and the air seemed to grow strangely chill - as if distant stellar winds were blowing, even on 'Mars Hill'.
"So was there anything else ?", Dr Smith asked, breaking the spell.
"No - but you mentioned you had a shop here, and I think that the boys might like a souvenir to remember their trip by - and I think Max wants you to explain what a reflecting telescope is.", the 'Boss' replied.
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The Gift Shop |
It contained all the usual trinkets, some of which were quite tacky, but there were also a number of good quality telescopes.
"So, Dr Smith, what's the best telescope that you have in this shop ?", the 'Boss' asked.
"Well we are not a specialist shop, but we do have a couple of 'top of the range' amateur 'scopes, as was do have some quite wealthy visitors on occasions."
"OK...well I need to be leaving 'Flag' later tonight, so I don't have time to play around with a sales pitch.
What's the one that, as a 'professional', you would recommend ?", the 'Boss' asked a second time.
Jim, at this point felt that the ''Boss' may have seen through Faunus charade.
"Well there is one - it's back in the store room, but it's very expensive.....", Dr Smith explained.
![]() |
Meade 12" Catadioptric Telescope |
"OK - It's a 'Meade' 12" catadioptric telescope", and as Smith said that, he gave the nod to the shop assistant to bring the 'scope out onto the shop floor.
In a matter of moments the telescope was on it's tripod in the centre of the gift shop.
The 'Boss' turned to Jim.
"Well ?", the 'Boss' asked.
"But where shall I use it ?"Jim asked.
"On the roof of the penthouse - or at the Villa Jaguar - it's obvious.
And Max...that's a reflecting telescope...", the 'Boss' said, smiling.
And in his head Jim heard Faunus' voice - 'It's yours, Jim.'
"Yes !", Jim said, putting his arm round the shoulder of the 'Boss'.
"OK - put it back in the box, and have someone load it into my Cadillac outside.", the 'Boss' said, as he took out his card to pay.
"And boys, pick up some books that you think might help you - like star atlases and star charts - for which, of course there will be no charge.
And of course at $6,500 - a few book were neither here nor there - but the 'Boss' hadn't told Jim the price of the telescope - as Jim would have undoubtedly refused it - but as he had no idea how expensive telescopes were, he gladly accepted it as a wonderful 'toy'.
After thanking, and shaking hands with enigmatically weird 'Dr. Smith', Jim, Max and the 'Boss' made for the Cadillac, with the 'Boss' wisely first checking the trunk, (UK. boot), for the large box containing the 'Meade' 12" catadioptric.
"So what's this about leaving Flagstaff, Sir ?", Jim asked as they got into the pleasantly warm Cadillac.
"Well Chuck's had a good day off, mainly sleeping, so he's agreed to drive us down to Phoenix tonight so we can get there in time for bed - after all, you active boys need your beauty sleep.", the 'Boss' explained wryly.
"So what's wrong with Flagstaff , Sir ?", Jim asked.
"You tell me, Jim !
You've been complaining about it ever since we came here.", the 'Boss' replied.
Of course that made Jim feel guilty.
"Well no.....well it's just the hotel, and the 'Bistro' food, and the lack of shops - like it's not Vegas or Los Angeles.", Jim tried to explain.
"Already a spoilt American boy - Jim ?", the 'Boss' commented.
"Not really, Sir
The Observatory was really great !", Jim countered.
"Yes, Sir....Jim and I really thought the star-gazing was cool !", Max added.
"Well none of that matters now - and we're coming up to the hotel - so get your things packed, and get them into the limo.", the 'Boss' said.
"And what about you, Sir ?
Do you want me to pack your things ?", Max asked (ever the perfect, reliable 'bellhop').
"Thanks very much Max, but you'll find my cases are already outside my door - and here's something for your services to me and Jim so far on this trip.", the 'Boss' said, handing Max a large bulging envelope.
"No, Sir, I can't take that - you've already been too generous.", Max said, genuinely embarrassed.
"I'd take it if I were you.", Jim said, "After all, if you don't, he might fire you.".
And the 'Boss' smiled.
He hadn't enjoyed himself so much for a very long time.
It didn't take long for everything to be packed and loaded into the limo.
Then it was time to go to the reception and pay the bill.
They found the hotel manager waiting for them.
He was remarkably concerned about their sudden departure - concerned that there might have been a problems with the rooms, the staff, the food - or whatever.
The 'Boss' tried to placate the manager by telling him how much Jim and Max had enjoyed using the (deserted) pool, but to no avail, and eventually the 'Boss' had to make the excuse that the reason for their sudden departure was because of urgent business affairs.
The 'Boss' promised to return to the Hotel in the future - and probably he would, if business required it, but he would obviously not be returning with Jim, or any of the other boys.
And so the large, black Cadillac left the Marriott Courtyard Hotel, and eventually left Flagstaff - as the 'Boss' had said, the town (or was it a city ?) that was only famous its Observatory - and the rather strange Percival Lowell - who believed in Martians !
"So what's this about leaving Flagstaff, Sir ?", Jim asked as they got into the pleasantly warm Cadillac.
"Well Chuck's had a good day off, mainly sleeping, so he's agreed to drive us down to Phoenix tonight so we can get there in time for bed - after all, you active boys need your beauty sleep.", the 'Boss' explained wryly.
"So what's wrong with Flagstaff , Sir ?", Jim asked.
"You tell me, Jim !
You've been complaining about it ever since we came here.", the 'Boss' replied.
Of course that made Jim feel guilty.
"Well no.....well it's just the hotel, and the 'Bistro' food, and the lack of shops - like it's not Vegas or Los Angeles.", Jim tried to explain.
"Already a spoilt American boy - Jim ?", the 'Boss' commented.
"Not really, Sir
The Observatory was really great !", Jim countered.
"Yes, Sir....Jim and I really thought the star-gazing was cool !", Max added.
"Well none of that matters now - and we're coming up to the hotel - so get your things packed, and get them into the limo.", the 'Boss' said.
"And what about you, Sir ?
Do you want me to pack your things ?", Max asked (ever the perfect, reliable 'bellhop').
"Thanks very much Max, but you'll find my cases are already outside my door - and here's something for your services to me and Jim so far on this trip.", the 'Boss' said, handing Max a large bulging envelope.
"No, Sir, I can't take that - you've already been too generous.", Max said, genuinely embarrassed.
"I'd take it if I were you.", Jim said, "After all, if you don't, he might fire you.".
And the 'Boss' smiled.
He hadn't enjoyed himself so much for a very long time.
It didn't take long for everything to be packed and loaded into the limo.
Then it was time to go to the reception and pay the bill.
They found the hotel manager waiting for them.
He was remarkably concerned about their sudden departure - concerned that there might have been a problems with the rooms, the staff, the food - or whatever.
The 'Boss' tried to placate the manager by telling him how much Jim and Max had enjoyed using the (deserted) pool, but to no avail, and eventually the 'Boss' had to make the excuse that the reason for their sudden departure was because of urgent business affairs.
The 'Boss' promised to return to the Hotel in the future - and probably he would, if business required it, but he would obviously not be returning with Jim, or any of the other boys.
And so the large, black Cadillac left the Marriott Courtyard Hotel, and eventually left Flagstaff - as the 'Boss' had said, the town (or was it a city ?) that was only famous its Observatory - and the rather strange Percival Lowell - who believed in Martians !
'the Chapter opens with a short night drive to Phoenix.....a city, and an hotel which is much more to Jim's liking - and then there is all the excitement about the new telescope, a new Western look for Jim and Max - and some target practice - plus another surprise appearance by Faunus
