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Please note that this chapter is intended for adults (over 18 years), and contains images and text featuring extreme violence, nudity, explicit adult sexuality and strong language. Please do not view this chapter if you find such features objectionable....
this chapter consists of a full description of Brody's first fight - (fighting under the 'ring name' 0f 'Dillon' ) - which takes place at the 'California Combat Club in Las Vegas, Nevada.
ALL wrestling scenes feature SIMULATED 'fights'
But to return to earlier events - the previous night the 'Boss' and Jim had watched the fight between Brody and Grant on the secure video link direct from the 'California Combat Club'.
Eventually they began to grapple - and their grappling resulted in a number of throws.
At this point the 'Boss' was interrupted by calls from Zac and Faunus.
The 'Boss', not surprisingly, was annoyed and distracted, particularly as he had been looking forward to seeing how Brody would perform, and also because this interruption was the result of yet another problem caused by Brandt.
The 'Boss' had stated quite clearly to Faunus that he wanted a 'final solution to the problem of Brandt, and that, it seemed, was what Faunus eventually provided.
Eventually the Boss' was able to return to his viewing of the match.
At that point the fight began to develop some momentum, and Grant pushed Brody into a corner, slapped him on the chest, and then, rather oddly, released his opponent.
Both the young wrestlers then returned to a standing clinch in the centre of the ring, with Grant getting behind Brody.
Grant then grabbed Brody under both arms, twisting him round and getting hold of Brody by the neck and throwing his opponent.
Before Brody could recover, Grant grabbed Brody from behind, by the chin, pulling his head back, and eventually forcing him down onto the canvass, with Brody ending up sitting on the canvass with Grant's knee in his back.
Gradually Brody managed to stand, and was able to switch holds, putting Grant into a 'half nelson'.
Grant then put his free hand round Brody's shoulder, pulled himself out of the 'half nelson' and, slipping his free had between Brody's legs, lifted Brody up by one arm and leg, turned Brody upside-down, and then sent him crashing onto the canvass on his back, while skillfully retaining a 'single arm-lock' on Brody while, at the same time, kneeling on the side of Brody's head.
With Brody helpless, Grant then grabbed Brody's left leg, and forcefully bent it backwards.
In some situations this could be viewed as a 'submission hold', but at this early stage in the fight it was simply a very painful experience for Brody.
Grant then released the Brody's leg, and concentrated on 'arm-lock', but Brody, despite the painful hold, managed to bring his legs up and put Grant in a 'head-lock' - using his legs.
Eventually Grant managed to twist round, forcing Brody onto his front, and was able to put Brody into a 'surf-board' on the canvass, which Grant made more painful for Brody by placing his foot on Brody's back.
Grant then flipped Brody into a seated position - but still holding Brody's arms back and wide, while at the same time kneeing Brody in the back.
Grand then forced Brody to getto his feet, but then Brody managed to reverse the hold, so that then Grant's arms were being pulled back and wide, with Brody forcing Grant to kneel as Brody rammed his foot into Grant's back.
Eventually, however, Grant managed to get to his feet, forcing Brody to lose his balance.
Grant then unexpectedly somersaulted, and Brody flipped over, and had a very hard landing on the canvass on his back with Grant's boot firmly on Brody's trapezius muscles, while Grant had managed maintain his grip on Brody's wrists in order to give Brody's arms an shoulders a painful stretch.
Although Brody was stretched out on his back on the canvass, his legs were free, so he brought his legs up and wrapped them around Grant's neck, pulling Grant down in a vicious 'neck-lock'.
Grant, however, while still in Brody's 'neck-lock', managed to get to his feet, taking Brody with him, and with considerable difficulty was able to carry Brody over the the nearest corner - where he hung Brody from the ropes, upside-down by his legs.
Brody, quite helpless, then had his abs kicked and punched repeatedly by Grant - and eventually Brody, convulsing under the assault, collapse and fell from the ropes in agony.
Grant then pulled Brody up by his head, and put him in a standing 'neck-lock'.
Brody retaliated with a punch to Grant's stomach, and then flung Grant across the Ring.
Grant bounced off the ropes and ran into Brody, knocking him forcefully to the canvass onto his back.
Brody - on the canvass - then flipped himself onto his front (prone) as Grant ran to the ropes.
Grant then 'skipped' over Brody - who was rising to his feet - ran to the opposite set of ropes, and bounced off them.
As Grant ran back across the ring, Brody jumped up, with his legs and arms spread - intending to put Grant in a 'leg-lock' - but before Brody could 'connect' and make the 'hold', Grant grabbed Brody and took him down onto the canvass.
Brody landed badly on his back, hitting his head, and lay on his back - legs apart and stunned.
Grant then dropped himself forcefully across Brody's body, - then got up, and using the nearest ropes to give him some speed, performed a 'single knee-drop' on Brody's midriff - which he repeated in order to weaken Brody.
Grant then pulled Brody up from the canvass by his head - smashed Brody in the face with his forearm, (even in this form of wrestling punches to the face with the fist are not permitted), and then flung Brody into the ropes opposite.
As Brody bounced off the ropes, Grant caught him, and lifted Brody right up off the canvass.
Brody, however, spun and twisted round, and put a 'leg-lock' on Grant's neck, (a very dangerous hold for Grant).
At the same time he also heard some applause from the Club Members, as they showed their appreciation for Grant's first step at humiliating his young opponent.
Brody, however, was not a badly injured as he seemed, despite his groans, and was simply waiting for his chance.
Unbalanced, the two boys predictably fell to the canvass.
Both fighters, however, quickly got to their feet, with Grant standing dazed in a corner as Brody aggressively approached him.
Brody then darted forward, and grabbed Grant's head, pulling him down onto the canvass.
With Grant, still somewhat dazed, sitting on the canvass, Brody knelt behind him and put a 'neck-lock' on Grant - but Grant started struggling, and the two boys toppled over, as Grant skillfully converted the 'neck-lock' into a 'half nelson' on Brody - who ended up face down on the canvass.
Grant then released the 'half nelson', and sat on Brody's back.
Brody's right arm was twisted back behind Grant's body, so Brody was practicality helpless.
Taking advantage of the situation, Grant grabbed Brody's jaw, raising his up slightly from the canvass, and then repeatedly punched Brody in the chest.
Grant eventually got off Brody and got to his feet, and at the same time pulled Brody up off the canvass, putting his opponent in an 'arm-lock' round Brody's neck.
Grant then grabbed hold of Brody's lower body and legs, lifting him up so that Brody's legs were pointing up to the lighting rigging.
Grant then released Brody, letting him fall to the canvass on his back.
Then, before Brody could properly recover, Grant dropped himself forcefully across Brody's prone body - further weakening Brody's back.
Grant then lifted Brody off the canvass, and dropped his dazed and exhausted opponent onto his bent knee in a further back weakener.
With Brody draped across his knee, Grant, while holding Brody's legs down, also pushed Brody's head down, creating a 'kneeling back-breaker'.
While maintaining this hold, (but momentarily releasing Brody's head), Grant repeatedly brought the elbow of his right arm down on Brody's abs.
Each time Grant jabbed Brody's abs with his elbow, Brody jerked up, groaning and trying to protect his midriff with his left hand - only to have his head pushed down once again by Grant.
Eventually Grant picked Brody up by his left shoulder and right buttock, and then dropped Brody down once again on his knee.
Grant then dropped Brody onto the canvass - straddled him, pulled Brody's legs up, and caught them under his armpits.
It was a poorly judged hold, however, and Brody had little trouble escaping.
Grant then stood over Brody, while Brody slowly got to his feet.
Unexpectedly, Brody then launched an attack against his opponent with a flurry of punches to Grant's body (strictly speaking illegal), and Grant staggered back onto the ropes.
Brody then grabbed Grant's left arm, and threw him across the ring
Brody bounced off the opposite ropes towards where Brody was waiting for him in the center of the ring.
Grant careered into a carefully placed chop, and as Grant staggered away, Brody kicked Grant in the 'nuts'.
Brody then threw his agonized and disorientated opponent onto his back, and followed Grant down, landing on top of him.
Grant however, despite Brody's previous attack, had little trouble in, who was quite lightweight, off him.
Grant then crawled over to the nearest corner- where he sat and waited for Brody.
Foolishly, Brody - thinking that he finally had the 'upper hand' - went straight over to Grant - who immediately grabbed Brody by the buttocks and pulled him down into the corner.
Almost immediately Brody lost his balance - fell forward, and struck his head forcefully on one of the corner pads (which were far from soft).
Brody was instantly stunned, and fell over backwards, holding onto his head.
Brody, dazed and disorientated, tried to crawl away on his belly as Grant climbed the corner ropes, and from the second set of ropes Grant jumped down onto Brody, slamming his fists onto Brody's back at the very moment that Brody was struggling to his feet.
Brody continued to try and get to his feet, as Grant circled him - purposefully not letting Brody see where he was.
Then, grabbing Brody by his crotch and right shoulder, Grant lifted Brody up
"Shit ! Mt fuckin' nuts !", Brody squealed.
Then, after holding squirming and squealing Brody for a few moments, Grant slammed him down onto the canvass.
"Shit ! Mt fuckin' nuts !", Brody squealed.
Then, after holding squirming and squealing Brody for a few moments, Grant slammed him down onto the canvass.
Foolishly, Brody crawled towards Grant, who repeated the previous move - crushing Brody's 'nuts' again - as he picked him up by his crotch and shoulder.
(Brody, of course, had started the 'dirty fighting' - following Faunus' hidden hypnotic suggestions - by kicking Grant in the groin, and Grant was beginning to pay back his opponent with a great deal more of the same - as later events in the fight will show).
And so Brody was slammed again onto the canvass.
Then, as Brody, who was convulsively clutching at his groin, struggled to his feet, Grant grabbed Brody by the head, pushing his opponent's head down - bending Brody forwards - as Grant brought his knee up into Brody's chest.
With Brody 'doubled up', Grant turned his back on to Brody - shoved Brody's head between his legs and grabbed both of Brody's arms.
Grant then twisted himself round so that Brody ended up on Grant's back - and then Grant grabbed both of Brody's legs.
This produced a very complex 'back-breaker', made more effective as Grant purposefully jerked up and down.
Eventually Grant dropped Brody back down onto the canvass.
As Brody tried to crawl away, Grant repeated the move of lifting Brody off the canvass by his crotch and shoulder, and slamming him back onto the canvass.
Grant then dragged Brody, by his arms and on his back, over to a corner or the ring.
Grant then climbed to the second rope in the corner, and jumped down on top of Brody, with his butt landing on Brody's chest.
Brody, completely winded, just lay helplessly on the canvass, unable to get up, as Grant repeated the previous move.
Brody, however, in an attempt to avoid further 'punishment', brought his leg up, and as Grant came down on Brody, however, Brody's knee made contact with Grant's groin and crushed Grant's 'nuts'.
Grant, groaning hysterically, staggered off, bent over double, and clutching his crotch, and ended up sitting on the canvass in agony.
(Brody, however, would come to regret that move later in the fight).
Brody took advantage of the situation, and when Grant managed to get to his feet he gave Grant a 'drop kick', but Brody's advantage didn't last long as Grant grabbed Brody and pushed him into a corner, and gave Brody a 'forearm smash', which stunned Brody - who slid down the ropes, and endee up sitting in the corner.
Grant then forced his boot against Brody's neck in order to keep him trapped in the corner.
Grant then allowed Brody to get to his feet, but kept him trapped in the corner with a series of vicious blows to Brody's chest.
Leaving Brody stunned, Grant then ran across the ring, and slammed himself into Brody, and Brody slid down onto the canvass, barely conscious.
Grant then pulled Brody up by his hair, turned him round, to face the corner, and slammed Brody's head into the corner pad.
Brody, stunned, collapsed and tried to crawl way into the center of the ring - but Grant lifted Brody up by his 'nuts' and his neck and kneeling dropped Brody belly down on his knee.
Landing on Grant's knee, Brody immediately bounced off, and flopped onto his back onto the canvass.
Grant then grabbed Brody's feet - pulled Brody's legs up, spreading them slightly, and planted his own right boot forcefully in Brody's crotch.
Brody squealed as his 'nuts' were crushed, and tried to push Grant's boot away - but with no success.
Eventually, as Brody wouldn't accept defeat, Grant released the hold, and Brody curled up on the canvass, clutching his groin.
Grant then performed a 'leg-drop' on Brody's neck, which he immediately followed up with a devastating 'knee-drop' on the side of Brody's head.
Writhing on the canvass, Brody, wanting to escape any further punishment, tried to struggle to his feet.
Grant grabbed him by his head - pulling him up, and took hold of Brody's left arm, and and hurled him into the nearest corner.
"Fuck !", Brody grunted, as he landed badly, and hung onto the top rope.
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Brody stripped to his G-String |
Grant then went over to him, grabbed Brody by his crotch and shoulder, and turned him upside-down.
"My fuckin' nuts !", Brody moaned, as his bulky testicles were crushed - and then "No !", as he realized that he was to be dropped onto his head.
And so, with Brody's legs over his shoulders and Brody hanging down, Grant dropped to his knees so that Brody landed on his head on the canvass (a very dangerous move).
At that point, technically, the fight should have ended, as Brody appeared to be semi-conscious and unable to get to his feet.
Grant, however, went over to his supine opponent, who was fumbling with his crushed balls, and untied the lace of Brody's white wrestling trunks.
Grant then pulled down the trunks to reveal that, underneath, Brody was wearing a very brief white G-string - but only just, as his substantial dick was 'semi-hard', and threatening to jerk out of the tiny straining pouch.
Brody looked up.
"Fuck ! My fuckin' Speedos !", Brody grunted - and there was a ripple of laughter from the Club Members - as Brody saw his discarded white trunks lying on the dark blue canvass.

Kicking Brody's discarded Speedos into a corner of the ring, Grant then pulled Brody up, turned him round, and thrust his arm between Brody's legs. Grant then grabbed Brody by the inadequate pouch of his thong with his right hand, while lifting Brody up by his left arm pit.
Grant held Brody, who was squirming, for a few moments.
"You're crushin' my fuckin' nuts Grant !.....put me down !....Please !", Brody pleaded.
Brody lay, half conscious, on his belly, grabbing at his tortured groin, and moaning, as the audience applauded, while Grant strutted round the ring, showing off by flexing his biceps.
As Brody began to slowly stumble to his feet, Grant Grabbed him by the head, and then rammed Brody's head between his legs, crushing Brody's skull between his firm quadriceps.
With Brody quite helpless, Grant then began to slowly move round so that all the club members got a good look at Brody's exposed, naked, muscular buttocks.
Then, to offer the club members a little light relief, Grant began slapping Brody's butt... slapping first one 'cheek', and then the other.
As soon as Brody raised his hand behind himself to protect one buttock, Grant slapped the other buttock, while at the same time moving both himself and Brody round.
"Shit !", Brody squealed with each slap.
"You're a fuckin 'perv' !" Brody moaned, but to no avail - and soon there was a considerable amount of laughter from the club members and their guests who, up until that point had been very restrained in their response as they carefully watched the contest.
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Brody Posted |
Grant then dropped to his knees, causing Brody to smack his head on the canvass.
Grant then sauntered over to the opposite corner, where he lounged nonchalantly, apparently assuming that Brody would not be getting up off the canvass.

Then, while Grant was apparently distracted by the appreciative applause of the Club members, Brody jumped to his feet, fell back onto the nearby ropes, and using the impetus of the recoil of the ropes, bounded across the ring, and jumped up with the intention of landing on Grant and smashing him into the corner where he was standing.
Grant, however was forewarned by the reaction of some of the Club members, and instantly darted out from the corner to one side, at the very moment that Brody was in full flight.
At that point Brody could do nothing to stop his flight toward the then empty corner.
Brody smashed into the corner post, knocking stunning himself.
Grant then tore off Brody's thong, and flung it, along with Brody's ripped Speedos onto Brody's prone, moaning bod,.
Kurt then climbed into the ring to declare Grant the winner.
for more of this story and more images go to
ALL wrestling scenes feature SIMULATED 'fights'

Back in Los Angeles, California, Novius and Josh are living quietly, and in some style, at the magnificent and luxurious Neo-Mayan 'Villa de los Jaguares', where Novius is coming to terms with his new life in the 'alternative America'. As an inveterate scholar, Novius busies himself on his 'new-fangled' laptop researching the history of the Americas, while Josh and Glaux are visited by Faunus, with instructions to gently guide Novius' studies......
