Jim returns to 'Vegas, stopping off at Henderson to visit 'Sigi'. In 'Vegas Jim ties up all the 'loose ends', buys airline tickets, and makes reservation at the Marriott Ghezireh Palace Hotel in Cairo . After giving various instructions to Clare, at the penthouse, Franklin at the 'Club Athena, and Kurt at the 'Combat Club', Jim then returns to Los Angeles with Zac, where he meets up with Ethan and Teddy and Josh. They then fly to Cairo in Egypt.
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Marriott Ghezireh Palace Hotel - Rear Garden Facade |
The Gezireh Palace was commissioned by Khedive Ismail Pasha, and designed by Carl von Diebitsch to host French Emperor Napoleon III and his wife Empress Eugénie during the celebration of the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869. Ismail asked the architect to make it resemble the Palace of Versailles (?).
In 1880, the palace was seized by Ismail's creditors. It was eventually leased to the 'Compagnie Internationale des Grands Hotels', who opened it as the 'Gezireh Palace Hotel' in October 1894. In 1919, the 'Gezireh Palace Hotel' was sold to Syrian businessman Habib Lotfallah and converted back to a private residence. The palace was nationalized by the Egyptian Republic 1952 and eventually converted back to a hotel, reopening in 1962. In the late 1970s, the entire hotel was refurbished. Later, the Egyptian President presided over the grand reopening of the hotel as the 'Marriott Gezireh Palace Hotel'. The 'Gezireh Palace' is probably the most beautiful and luxurious hotel in Egypt.
The Gezireh Palace
The term Khedive (Ottoman Turkish: الخدیی ) is a title largely equivalent to the English word Viceroy. It was first used, without official recognition, by Muhammad Ali Pasha, the governor of Egypt and Sudan, and vassal of the Ottoman Empire. The initially self-declared title was officially recognized by the Ottoman government in 1867, and used subsequently by Ismail Pasha, and his dynastic successors until 1914. Great Britain proclaimed a Sultanate of Egypt, and abolished the Khedivate on 5 November 1914
Please note that this chapter is intended for adults (over 18 years), and contains adult text and images. Please do not view this chapter if you find such features objectionable

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Cadillac on Interstate 15 |
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Interstate 15 - Nevada |
The last time that Jim had been truly alone was when he spent time roaming the fields at the foot of the Acropolis in Athens - but even then, Faunus and Glaux had been watching over him, unknown to him, and unseen in the darkness of the night.
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The Acropolis - Athens - Night |

He felt that it would be much safer if those working for him assumed that he would be absent, but still close by - maybe in Arizona or New Mexico, and definitely not overseas.
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Cascade Apartments - Green Valley - Henderson |
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Sigi's Apartment - Green Valley |
"Oh, it's 1100 Center St, Henderson, Nevada 89015.", Jim read off from his 'cell-phone.
Chuck entered the information in his 'navigator', and shortly they were pulling up in a pleasant road, in a gated community, complete with a couple of small swimming pools.
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'Sigi' at the Door |
'Sigi's' apartment was on the upper of two floors.
'Sigi', smiling, opened the door.
"Nice to see you, Jim - or should I call you 'uncle, or perhaps 'Dominus'.", 'Sigi' said.
"That's quite enough, 'Sigi'....it's Jim, as you well know.", Jim replied, shaking 'Sigi's' hand.
"Yes...only joking.", 'Sigi' replied.
'Sigi', of course, was quite aware of who was paying the rent and the bills, and a generous monthly allowance, so he didn't make too much of the 'joking'.
"Well.....are you going to invite me in ?", Jim asked, smiling quizzically.
"Sorry ! - I was just so surprised to see you.", 'Sigi' replied, very embarrassed.
"Well I did 'phone you yesterday to say I had been delayed, and would see you the following day.
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'Sigi's' Living Room |
So 'Sigi' invited Jim into his apartment.
It was just a hallway, a living room, bedroom, kitchen and bathroom, but it was 'modern' light and airy, and quite spacious.
"So what do you think of the apartment, Jim ?", 'Sigi' asked.
"It's nice, but as you probably realized, I didn't choose it.", Jim said.
"No, but it's pretty good for a guy still attending high school.". 'Sigi' commented.
"And I presume that you didn't choose the furnishing ?", Jim queried.
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Franklin |
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Le Corbusier |
"Odd phrase...", 'Sigi' said.
"Le Corbusier....", Jim replied.
Charles-Édouard Jeanneret (6 October 1887 – 27 August 1965), known as Le Corbusier was a French architect, designer, painter, urban planner, writer, and one of the pioneers of what is now called modern architecture. - 'A house is a machine for living in...' is a quote from the 1927 manifesto 'Vers Une Architecture' (Towards An Architecture) by Le Corbusier."Who ?, 'Sigi' asked ...not comprehending.
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Green Valley High School - Henderson |
"Not much....", 'Sigi replied.
"I see...", Jim replied.
"And what's the name of the High School ?.... ", Jim asked
"Henderson High...", 'Sigi' replied.
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Green Valley High-School - Henderson |
The badge of Henderson High School, and much else, was, as Ethan would say...'very green'."So what grade are you in...", Jim continued.
"Twelfth Grade.....and latter this year I will graduate...", 'Sigi' said.
"Graduate...and that means ?", Jim asked.
"Didn't you go to school ?", 'Sigi' asked, very puzzled.
"No, I had private tutors...", Jim replied, being a little too honest.
"I should have guessed.", 'Sigi' said.
"Well 'graduation' means that I leave school.", 'Sigi' explained.
Previous 'Lessons from Novius' - regarding the Americas - can be found in Chapter XXX
Now while Jim had been talking about life at 'high school' with 'Sigi', Novius at the 'Villa Athena', outside Los Angeles, acting on instructions from Jim, had gathered Josh, Ethan and Teddy in the library in order to give them some 'lessons' about ancient Egypt.
Ethan had already warned Teddy about being very quiet and amenable, and not to show off in front of Novius.
To put it simply, Ethan was insisting that Teddy should be 'duly respectful'.
This was necessary as Teddy was a remarkably clever teddy-bear - and quite possibly knew more about ancient Egyptian History than Novius.....
"So boys....", Novius began in his best school-masterly voice, "I thought it would be appropriate to return to the very beginning of ancient Egyptian civilization."
Novius cleared his throat before continuing.This was necessary as Teddy was a remarkably clever teddy-bear - and quite possibly knew more about ancient Egyptian History than Novius.....
"So boys....", Novius began in his best school-masterly voice, "I thought it would be appropriate to return to the very beginning of ancient Egyptian civilization."
"We can approach this in two ways.....
The view 'modern' archaeologists take, and also the view that the Egyptians had of their own history."
Already Teddy was tapping away at his bright blue laptop, making avid notes of every word that Novius was saying, and this account is mainly taken from the text files that Teddy produced during these sessions
"Present day archaeologists suggest that Egypt began as a unified state, sometime around 3150 BC.
Menes is thought to have unified Upper and Lower Egypt, and was the first king of a united Egypt.
This Egyptian culture, its customs, art expression, architecture, and social structure were closely tied to religion, and remarkably stable, and changed little over a period of nearly 3000 years.
It is believed that prior to the unification of Egypt, the land was settled with autonomous villages.
With the early dynasties, and for much of Egypt's history thereafter, the country came to be known as the 'Two Lands'.
The pharaohs established a national administration and appointed royal governors.
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Double Crown of Egypt |
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Narmer Palette |
His name is known primarily from the famous 'Narmer Palette', whose scenes have been interpreted as the act of uniting Upper and Lower Egypt.
The Kings, or Pharaohs of Egypt usually wore a 'Double Crown', indicating the two conjoined kingdoms
The red crown of Lower Egypt, the 'Deshret Crown', dates back to pre-dynastic times and symbolized chief ruler.
The white crown of Upper Egypt, the 'Hedjet' crown, was worn in the Predynastic Period by Scorpion II, and, later, by Narmer.
In the early dynasty, ancient Egyptian kings used to have up to three titles, the 'Horus', the 'Sedge and Bee' (nswt-bjtj) name, and the 'Two Ladies' (nbtj) name.
The 'Golden Horus' and the 'nomen' and 'prenomen' titles were added later."
Novius paused for a moment before embarking on the next part of his instruction.
Novius then began to outline the stories relating to the origins of Egypt as related by the ancient Egyptian priests.
"The ancient Egyptians viewed their origins from a purely religious point of view.
The 'Aegyptiaca' (The History of Egypt) Most of these stories were passed on by Manetho - (Koinē Greek: Μανέθων Manethōn) who is believed to have been an Egyptian priest from Sebennytos (who lived in the Ptolemaic Kingdom in the early third century BC, during the Hellenistic period). He authored the Aegyptiaca (The History of Egypt) in Greek, a major chronological source for the reigns of the pharaohs of ancient Egypt. It is unclear if he wrote his work during the reign of Ptolemy I Soter or Ptolemy II Philadelphos, but no later than that of Ptolemy III Euergetes.
This all centred round the concept of 'Zep Tepi' - the 'First Time'.
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Edfu Temple - Upper Egypt - Reconstruction |
The bringers of this high civilization appeared in human form.
They had the appearance and sensation of transcendent health and vigor, and it was difficult for a human being, and even those advanced in occultism, to support the presence of the 'Neteru' for any length of time.
These incarnated beings also evoked in Egyptians who had any connection with them various psychic phenomena, including theomorphic and zoomorphic hallucinations.
Such hallucinations, it is believed were responsible for the representations of the Neteru as animal forms, or human forms with animal heads."
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Sanctuary of the Temple of Edfu |
"Now this is the most secret teaching of priests of the Egyptian mystery schools - which can be read - if one is able to decipher the encoded symbolism - on the walls of that great temple.
I do not expect you to understand it in its entirety, but you should consider it carefully, and attempt to come to a fuller understanding of its mysteries as time passes.
So.....geographically, the Edfu texts point to the location where the Neteru made their presence known as the 'Ain Shams', otherwise known as the 'Eye of the Sun'.
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Egyptian White Water-lily |
The Egyptian Blue Water-lily, (N. caerulea), opens its flowers in the morning and then sinks beneath the water at dusk, while the Egyptian White Water-lily, (N. lotus), flowers at night and closes in the morning.
This symbolized the Egyptian separation of deities, and is a motif associated with Egyptian beliefs concerning death and the afterlife.
The recent discovery of psychedelic properties of the blue lotus may also have been known to the Egyptians and explain its ceremonial role.
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Djed Pillar |
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Egyptian Sacred Lotus |
The pillar served as the perch of the nameless god known as 'The ONE', which then took on the form of a falcon.
Two new powerful falcons then came to the Djed, one named 'Nefer-Hor',(the Sanctified Ruler), and 'Heter-Hor', (the Winged One), both whose faces shone with divine light and brilliance.
Both are the ka and ba spirit doubles of the original Falcon, who also possess two separate doubles themselves, bringing the total number of rulers of the island to five.
Another company of falcons then emerged from the primeval waters, and perched upon reeds surrounding the center djed pillar.
The avians then erected the first temple - 'The Place of the First One' - to contain the djed pillar.
Within the Temple, powerful relics were placed within the god's sanctuary, now named the 'Mansion of Isden', a square construction, fashioned from bundles of reeds.
The Temple was the 'place of becoming' for the Neter called Osiris and the Neteru Isis, Nephtys, Sokar, Horus, Thoth and Anubis-Upuaut.
This was the 'First Tim'e, when the Neteru established Ma'at.
Maʽat is the ancient Egyptian concepts of truth, balance, order, harmony, law, morality, and justice.
Maat was the netr who personified these concepts, and regulated the stars, seasons, and the actions of mortals and the deities who had brought order from chaos at the moment of creation - the 'Zep Tepi' or 'First Time'.
At that point Novius decided to take questions, most of which, not surprisingly came fro Ethan.
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Henderson - Nevada |
Meanwhile - back in Henderson.......
Jim was doing his best to make himself comfortable in the spartan conditions that had apparently been provided by Franklin.
"So tell me about this 'graduation' business...", Jim asked.
Sigi really couldn't understand why Jim knew nothing about High School graduation, but decided he should explain it in some detail just to keep Jim happy.
"Well it usually takes place in May or June.
Most kids have a formal photo portrait taken, which is used in the 'Year Book' of the graduating class.
There is also a special formal dance called the 'Senior Prom'.
At the actual graduation ceremony they read out everyone's name, and one of the kids give a speech - like saying what a great year it's been - even if it hasn't.
Then, wearing rather weird robes, the students go the receive their high school certificates.....and that's about it.", 'Sigi' said.
"I see....so if I'm available would I be able to come to this 'graduation' ?, Jim asked.
"Oh yes....kids parents are expected to come, and as your'e my guardian - the same applies to you.
Anyway it would be 'cool' if you came in a big 'stretch' Cadillac.
All the kids at school want to know about you...mainly because I have an apartment of my own, and a car - and after all, not many kids round here an afford a Ford Mustang GT - and none of the kids' parents that I know have a Cadillac.
"Well, we'll see...", Jim replied, being noncommittal.
"So have you any idea what you might do when you leave High-school ?", Jim then asked.
"Well my school work's not very good, so I'm not sure if I could get into university - but I was wondering if I could come and work for you ?", 'Sigi' asked, hesitantly.
"That would depend....but I need to think about it, and I need to get to know you a bit better....and anyway I'm going on a short trip in the next few days, so I can't really begin to think about that until I return....but when I get back I'll come and see you again here in Green Valley.", Jim said.
The meeting, Jim thought, as he left 'Sigi's apartment, had been reasonably successful, and Jim left 'Sigi' on good terms.
What was strange, Jim reflected, as he left the Cascade Apartments, was that 'Sigi presumably had no idea of who he ('Sigi') really was - or more exactly who he had once been.
Jim was confident, however, that 'Sigi' was far happier as a 'happy go lucky' young high school student, than a miserable old 'obsessed' psychiatrist.....
Jim returned to his waiting limo and told Chuck to drive into Las Vegas.
One of the last things that the late 'Boss' - prior to his strange disappearance to Mexico - had asked Franklin to do was to arrange the purchase of a huge Hotel at 3770 S Las Vegas Blvd. - and that was the address that Jim gave to Chuck.
Bizarrely there was only one real reason for this purchase - and that reason was Aaron, simply because the hotel had a medium sized, but superbly designed theater.
Jim himself had never seen the Hotel, but he had heard that it was badly in need of renovation, and that was a job that he would have to look into once he came back from Egypt.
Franklin, however, had begun work as soon as the purchase had been finalized, and wok on the theater was practically completed.
The hotel had been renamed by 'clever little Franklin' - in an attempt to please Jim - as the 'Paradise Park Hotel - Club Athena' - but as that was rather complicated, it was now generally known as the 'Paradise Park Hotel'- suitable as 'paradeisos' is Hellenistic Greek (Koine) for 'enclosed park' or garden - and is also the area of Las Vegas where the hotel is situated.
Jim, with only Max to accompany him, entered the huge hotel, which was still open and taking guests, even while remedial work was being undertaken in some parts of the complex.
As soon as Max, who was wearing his 'Club Athena' uniform was spotted, carrying Jim's document case, it was assumed that the young man he was differentially accompanying must be the new owner.
Jim went to the reception desk and asked if Aaron had arrived for his audition.
It was the hotel manager, who was already there to speak to Jim, assured Jim that Aaron had arrived, and was 'warming' up in the 5,000 seat 'Park Theater' (now called the 'Paradise Park Theater').
Jim was then escorted to the theater, which had been redecorated just in time for the audition.
Jim was very pleased....
The theater was exactly what he wanted for his foray into musical entertainment - although he had no idea if it would have pleased the 'Boss'.
Jim was taken backstage to meet with Aaron - who looked very nervous.
"No need to be nervous, Aaron....there's hardly anyone here, and anyway I'm sure you'll have no problems.
Aaron shook hands with Jim.
"I was so sorry to hear about your guardian, Sir...", Aaron said.
"Thanks, Aaron...but it was just one of those things.", Jim said.
"Yes...well I've been told that you're the Boss now, Sir - so if I 'do alright' at this audition, I hope that you will want to take me on, like the previous Boss did, Sir.", Aaron said hesitantly.
"I'm sure I will, Aaron....so when you're ready.", Jim replied
The 'accompanying group', that Franklin had arranged, started to tune up, and soon Aaron was singing in his own, inimitable, style.
The audition went without a hitch, impressing all those who were in the theater.
"So what did you think, Max ?", Jim asked.
"I think he really great !", Max replied enthusiastically.
Now because of Jim's background and previous history he had no appreciation of 'Western popular music' - it all sounded very strange to him.
Ethan, on the other hand, having immersed himself in movies, and the music that accompanied them, had greater appreciation of such music.
Unfortunately, Ethan was away off in the 'Villa Athena', presumably being bored by what was undoubtedly Novius' excellent teaching, so Jim only had Max's response to Aarons' performance to guide him - but that was enough for Jim.
"Well that's fine, Aaron...", Jim said approvingly.
"Well thank you, Sir....so you want to take me on ?", Aaron responded.
"Yes...so make an appointment to see Franklin, and he'll make out a contract.", Jim said.
"So you will be my manager, Sir ?", Aaron asked.
"Yes...of course...
Now tell me, how are your parents settling down in their new home here in Las Vegas ?, Jim asked.
"Well they like the house, but were very worried when no one seemed to be able to contact the 'Boss'....they were told he was in Mexico.
Then we heard that he had an accident, and had unfortunately passed away.
We attended the funeral, but didn't get to meet you there.
So then we thought the whole deal was off...but then Mr Franklin saw us and told us that you had taken over, and wanted to give me an audition....so now they will be thrilled that you're going to manage me, Sir.", Aron explained.
"That's good....but I have to go on a short business trip, but I will be backs soon.....
Meanwhile I want you to get a group of musicians together to accompany you - and remember money is no problem, so get the best.
Franklin will arrange everything.
So when I come back I want to see a really good show all organized....OK ?", Jim said.
"Yes Sir !", Aaron replied, enthusiastically.
"He's a nice boy, and a good singer - but a bit simple, I think..", Max said, as they left the 'Paradise Park Theater'.
"Well, Max, that's not very polite, but probably true...", Jim said, smiling.
"And you really own this huge hotel and the beautiful theater ?", Max asked.
"Well that's what Franklin tells me...", and Jim, alone for once with Max, thought back to the time when they were together at the Marriott Hotel in Flagstaff.
So after the audition, Jim had to have a quick chat with Kurt, just to check that the 'Combat Club was running smoothly, and a word with Brody.
Brody was only important in that he made a great deal of money for the club, and so it was important to 'keep him sweet', as Kurt would put it.
After the 'Combat Club', Jim visited Franklin at the 'Club Athena'.
Franklin was not a 'happy bunny', with all the noise, dust and mess, as the builders and decorators worked on the new elevator lobby, and began installing Jim's new office.
Franklin was quickly placated, however, as Jim praised him fulsomely for his work at the 'Paradise Park', and gave him a substantial raise.
The mystery, of course, was regarding what Franklin did with all the money that he earned (he was already very highly paid).
As Franklin never even bought himself a new suite, it was probable that when Franklin, died a huge cache of dollar bills would be found in numberless brown paper bags in his dingy little apartment.
Jim left one important instruction with Franklin, which was to agree a generous contract with Aaron.
Finally Jim visited Clare, and gave her appropriate instructions for having the Penthouse redecorated and cleaned during his absence.
At the Penthouse Jim picked up Glen, who had completely recovered, and was then looking forward to the proposed trip to Egypt.
Jim then packed some clothes and other belongings, which Max took down to the Cadillac, and then Jim, accompanied by Glen, told Chuck to make for the 'Villa Athena'.
As they travelled down Interstate 15, it was beginning to get dark, and there was little to see as the featureless desert sped by
Jim began to think about his visit to see 'Sigi'.
'Sigi was only a year or two younger that Ethan and Josh, and yet 'Sigi' had his own apartment, his own car, and his own circle of friends - and there was the possibility of further education for him in the future.
Ethan and Josh it seemed were 'tied to Jim's apron strings', rather in the way that Jim had been with regard to the 'Boss', and Jim began to wonder if the harbored any resentment to him.
Josh seemed content in his own 'dreamy' world, looking after 'Glaux', and Ethan had Teddy, and his 'movies'. but he wondered if they were really happy.
Perhaps the sudden transition, from one 'world' to another, had disorientated them, and deprived them of the normal ambitions of a young person of their age.
Jim decided at that point to give them each a car, and the opportunity to have their own apartment.
But then what did all that say about him....? and Jim was left wondering.
But those problems would have to wait until the return form their proposed trip abroad.
For the rest of the trip Jim and Glen dozed as the huge Cadillac smoothly traveled down Interstate 15 towards Los Angeles.
When Jim and Glen arrived at the 'Villa Athena' it was dark, but there were some lights on, probably meaning that Ethan and Josh were still awake.
Jim could well remember the first time he had visited the Villa, when it was known as the 'Villa de los Jaguares'.
Since then Jim had renamed it the 'Villa Athena', in remembrance of his days as a boy in Athens, and now finally, he was beginning to think of it as 'home', rather in the same way as the 'Penthouse'.
Ethan, Josh and Teddy were relaxing in the main lounge.
Glaux, as usual, as it was dark, had gone out hunting.
When Jim and Glen arrived Ethan , Josh and Teddy they were discussing the lessons that Novius had been giving them, using Teddy's laptop notes to help their memories.
Teddy was, obviously feeling very proud of himself having provided what he termed 'an invaluable study aid', but was also pleased to share some of his own knowledge about ancient Egypt with the 'boys' - as he called them.
Max took Jim and Glen's cases to the private rooms, and then Max and Chuck said their 'good nights' and retired.
Of course, Ethan, Josh, Teddy and Glen wanted to know how Aaron had managed with this audition, and were fascinated to hear about the recently acquired hotel, the recently renamed 'Paradise Park' - a name of which they thoroughly approved - and the beautiful Park Theater.
Jim also pointed out to Ethan that the theater could also be used as a full size cinema - and so Ethan would be able to watch some of his favorite movies there on occasions.
But then it was time to got to bed, after a bite of supper, as tomorrow would be filled with the last of Novius' lessons, and a trip to 'Vegas to pick up the tickets, and also, the passports and visas to be collected.
"Now Glen, I know that you missed the first lessons, but I'm sure that Teddy can print off some copies of his notes, and that should enable you to catch up."
And yes....Novius would probably have made a very good school-master - and there is still the question of just how long he had been teaching at the Brigham Young University before Faunus finally caught up with him in Salt Lake City, and then reunited him with Marcus at the Arizona Inn in Tucson, Arizona.
"Wowee !...", Ethan said at the mention of 'the very beginning of the world'.
"So can we go and see this temple ?", Josh asked.
"Now Edfu is some considerable distance to the south of Cairo - which is where you will be based when you are exploring the Gizeh Plateau, but I am sure that Marcus can arrange to travel to Luxor, and from there you can make your way down the Nile, as the Edfu Temple is built close to the river.", Novius proposed.
"Er... excuse me, Novius, but how do you spell 'wowee' ?", Teddy asked.
"Well, Teddy, I think you can leave out Ethan's comments.", Novius replied.
And Ethan was very good, because he didn't sulk at all.
"No problem, Marcus.....more business I presume ?", Novius said.

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'Sigi's Apartment |
"So tell me about this 'graduation' business...", Jim asked.
Sigi really couldn't understand why Jim knew nothing about High School graduation, but decided he should explain it in some detail just to keep Jim happy.
"Well it usually takes place in May or June.
Most kids have a formal photo portrait taken, which is used in the 'Year Book' of the graduating class.
There is also a special formal dance called the 'Senior Prom'.
At the actual graduation ceremony they read out everyone's name, and one of the kids give a speech - like saying what a great year it's been - even if it hasn't.
Then, wearing rather weird robes, the students go the receive their high school certificates.....and that's about it.", 'Sigi' said.
"I see....so if I'm available would I be able to come to this 'graduation' ?, Jim asked.
"Oh yes....kids parents are expected to come, and as your'e my guardian - the same applies to you.
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'Sigi's' Ford Mustang |
All the kids at school want to know about you...mainly because I have an apartment of my own, and a car - and after all, not many kids round here an afford a Ford Mustang GT - and none of the kids' parents that I know have a Cadillac.
"Well, we'll see...", Jim replied, being noncommittal.
"So have you any idea what you might do when you leave High-school ?", Jim then asked.
"Well my school work's not very good, so I'm not sure if I could get into university - but I was wondering if I could come and work for you ?", 'Sigi' asked, hesitantly.
"That would depend....but I need to think about it, and I need to get to know you a bit better....and anyway I'm going on a short trip in the next few days, so I can't really begin to think about that until I return....but when I get back I'll come and see you again here in Green Valley.", Jim said.
The meeting, Jim thought, as he left 'Sigi's apartment, had been reasonably successful, and Jim left 'Sigi' on good terms.
What was strange, Jim reflected, as he left the Cascade Apartments, was that 'Sigi presumably had no idea of who he ('Sigi') really was - or more exactly who he had once been.
Jim was confident, however, that 'Sigi' was far happier as a 'happy go lucky' young high school student, than a miserable old 'obsessed' psychiatrist.....
One of the last things that the late 'Boss' - prior to his strange disappearance to Mexico - had asked Franklin to do was to arrange the purchase of a huge Hotel at 3770 S Las Vegas Blvd. - and that was the address that Jim gave to Chuck.
Bizarrely there was only one real reason for this purchase - and that reason was Aaron, simply because the hotel had a medium sized, but superbly designed theater.
Jim himself had never seen the Hotel, but he had heard that it was badly in need of renovation, and that was a job that he would have to look into once he came back from Egypt.
Franklin, however, had begun work as soon as the purchase had been finalized, and wok on the theater was practically completed.
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The Newly Named 'Paradise Park Hotel' - (Club Athena) |
Jim, with only Max to accompany him, entered the huge hotel, which was still open and taking guests, even while remedial work was being undertaken in some parts of the complex.
As soon as Max, who was wearing his 'Club Athena' uniform was spotted, carrying Jim's document case, it was assumed that the young man he was differentially accompanying must be the new owner.
Jim went to the reception desk and asked if Aaron had arrived for his audition.
It was the hotel manager, who was already there to speak to Jim, assured Jim that Aaron had arrived, and was 'warming' up in the 5,000 seat 'Park Theater' (now called the 'Paradise Park Theater').
Jim was then escorted to the theater, which had been redecorated just in time for the audition.
Jim was very pleased....
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'Paradise Park Theatre' - Clark County - Las Vegas |
Jim was taken backstage to meet with Aaron - who looked very nervous.
"No need to be nervous, Aaron....there's hardly anyone here, and anyway I'm sure you'll have no problems.
Aaron shook hands with Jim.
"I was so sorry to hear about your guardian, Sir...", Aaron said.
"Thanks, Aaron...but it was just one of those things.", Jim said.
"Yes...well I've been told that you're the Boss now, Sir - so if I 'do alright' at this audition, I hope that you will want to take me on, like the previous Boss did, Sir.", Aaron said hesitantly.
"I'm sure I will, Aaron....so when you're ready.", Jim replied
The 'accompanying group', that Franklin had arranged, started to tune up, and soon Aaron was singing in his own, inimitable, style.
The audition went without a hitch, impressing all those who were in the theater.
"So what did you think, Max ?", Jim asked.
"I think he really great !", Max replied enthusiastically.
Now because of Jim's background and previous history he had no appreciation of 'Western popular music' - it all sounded very strange to him.
Ethan, on the other hand, having immersed himself in movies, and the music that accompanied them, had greater appreciation of such music.
Unfortunately, Ethan was away off in the 'Villa Athena', presumably being bored by what was undoubtedly Novius' excellent teaching, so Jim only had Max's response to Aarons' performance to guide him - but that was enough for Jim.
"Well that's fine, Aaron...", Jim said approvingly.
"Well thank you, Sir....so you want to take me on ?", Aaron responded.
"Yes...so make an appointment to see Franklin, and he'll make out a contract.", Jim said.
"So you will be my manager, Sir ?", Aaron asked.
"Yes...of course...
Now tell me, how are your parents settling down in their new home here in Las Vegas ?, Jim asked.
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The Funeral |
Then we heard that he had an accident, and had unfortunately passed away.
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The Funeral |
So then we thought the whole deal was off...but then Mr Franklin saw us and told us that you had taken over, and wanted to give me an audition....so now they will be thrilled that you're going to manage me, Sir.", Aron explained.
"That's good....but I have to go on a short business trip, but I will be backs soon.....
Meanwhile I want you to get a group of musicians together to accompany you - and remember money is no problem, so get the best.
Franklin will arrange everything.
So when I come back I want to see a really good show all organized....OK ?", Jim said.
"Yes Sir !", Aaron replied, enthusiastically.
"He's a nice boy, and a good singer - but a bit simple, I think..", Max said, as they left the 'Paradise Park Theater'.
"Well, Max, that's not very polite, but probably true...", Jim said, smiling.
"And you really own this huge hotel and the beautiful theater ?", Max asked.
"Well that's what Franklin tells me...", and Jim, alone for once with Max, thought back to the time when they were together at the Marriott Hotel in Flagstaff.
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Kurt |
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Brody |
After the 'Combat Club', Jim visited Franklin at the 'Club Athena'.
Franklin was not a 'happy bunny', with all the noise, dust and mess, as the builders and decorators worked on the new elevator lobby, and began installing Jim's new office.
Franklin was quickly placated, however, as Jim praised him fulsomely for his work at the 'Paradise Park', and gave him a substantial raise.
The mystery, of course, was regarding what Franklin did with all the money that he earned (he was already very highly paid).
As Franklin never even bought himself a new suite, it was probable that when Franklin, died a huge cache of dollar bills would be found in numberless brown paper bags in his dingy little apartment.
Jim left one important instruction with Franklin, which was to agree a generous contract with Aaron.
Finally Jim visited Clare, and gave her appropriate instructions for having the Penthouse redecorated and cleaned during his absence.
At the Penthouse Jim picked up Glen, who had completely recovered, and was then looking forward to the proposed trip to Egypt.
Jim then packed some clothes and other belongings, which Max took down to the Cadillac, and then Jim, accompanied by Glen, told Chuck to make for the 'Villa Athena'.
As they travelled down Interstate 15, it was beginning to get dark, and there was little to see as the featureless desert sped by
Jim began to think about his visit to see 'Sigi'.
'Sigi was only a year or two younger that Ethan and Josh, and yet 'Sigi' had his own apartment, his own car, and his own circle of friends - and there was the possibility of further education for him in the future.
Ethan and Josh it seemed were 'tied to Jim's apron strings', rather in the way that Jim had been with regard to the 'Boss', and Jim began to wonder if the harbored any resentment to him.
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Ethan |
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Josh |
Perhaps the sudden transition, from one 'world' to another, had disorientated them, and deprived them of the normal ambitions of a young person of their age.
Jim decided at that point to give them each a car, and the opportunity to have their own apartment.
But then what did all that say about him....? and Jim was left wondering.
But those problems would have to wait until the return form their proposed trip abroad.
For the rest of the trip Jim and Glen dozed as the huge Cadillac smoothly traveled down Interstate 15 towards Los Angeles.
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Villa Athena - Antelope Valley |
Jim could well remember the first time he had visited the Villa, when it was known as the 'Villa de los Jaguares'.
Since then Jim had renamed it the 'Villa Athena', in remembrance of his days as a boy in Athens, and now finally, he was beginning to think of it as 'home', rather in the same way as the 'Penthouse'.
Ethan, Josh and Teddy were relaxing in the main lounge.
Glaux, as usual, as it was dark, had gone out hunting.
When Jim and Glen arrived Ethan , Josh and Teddy they were discussing the lessons that Novius had been giving them, using Teddy's laptop notes to help their memories.
Teddy was, obviously feeling very proud of himself having provided what he termed 'an invaluable study aid', but was also pleased to share some of his own knowledge about ancient Egypt with the 'boys' - as he called them.
Max took Jim and Glen's cases to the private rooms, and then Max and Chuck said their 'good nights' and retired.
Of course, Ethan, Josh, Teddy and Glen wanted to know how Aaron had managed with this audition, and were fascinated to hear about the recently acquired hotel, the recently renamed 'Paradise Park' - a name of which they thoroughly approved - and the beautiful Park Theater.
Jim also pointed out to Ethan that the theater could also be used as a full size cinema - and so Ethan would be able to watch some of his favorite movies there on occasions.
But then it was time to got to bed, after a bite of supper, as tomorrow would be filled with the last of Novius' lessons, and a trip to 'Vegas to pick up the tickets, and also, the passports and visas to be collected.
"Well, I'm very pleased...", Novius began the next morning
"Marcus tells me that when he returned from Las Vegas you were going over Teddy's notes, and discussing the lessons.....that's excellent." Novius said, taking his seat in the library.
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Arizona Inn - Tucson - Arizona |
Brigham Young University is a private research university located in Provo, Utah and owned by the 'Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints' (LDS Church). The university's primary emphasis is on undergraduate education in 179 majors, but it also has 62 master's and 26 doctoral degree programs. The university also administers two satellite campuses, one in Jerusalem and one in Salt Lake City.
Brigham Young University - Salt Lake City - Utah
As Novius prepared to launch into his next lesson on ancient Egypt, Jim was sending e-mails, text messages and making 'phone-calls' in order to finalize all the detail for the trip, and to make sure that everyone knew what was required on them during the absence of himself, Josh, Zac and Ethan.
Novius began....
"Now one important thing that you must understand is that the very early history of Egypt was understood in a very different way by the ancient Egyptians than it is by present day archaeologists and historians.
According to Manetho, who was mentioned in the previous lessons, Egypt was initially ruled by Ra, Osiris, Isis, Horus, Set - all 'neteru', or as we would call them 'gods'.
After the 'gods', Manetho tells us that Egypt was ruled by 'demigods', who reigned for 1,255 years.
Another line of kings held sway for 1,817 years.
Then came thirty more kings, reigning for 1,790 years - and then 10 kings for 350 years.
Most mysteriously, there then followed the rule of the 'Spirits of the Dead', and their rule lasted for 5,813 years - and all those rulers, added together, amounts to a period of 24,925 years.
The Greek historians Diodorus Siculus, and also Herodotus, both agree in general principles with this information.
In addition, it is stated that during this period there were four occasions when the sun rose out of this usual place - twice rising where he sets now, and twice setting where he now rises, and this claim is echoed by the Roman scholar Pomponious Mela - who stated:
These statements are not only made by Greek and Roman Scholars, but can also be found in ancient Egyptian papyrus, (the Turin Papyrus), and on carved hieroglyphic inscriptions, (the Abydos King List at the Temple of Seti I).
A principal purpose of the temple was to serve as a memorial to king Seti I, as well as to show reverence for the early pharaohs, which is incorporated within as part of the 'Rite of the Ancestors'. The long list of the pharaohs of the principal dynasties - recognized by Seti - are carved on a wall, and known as the "Abydos King List" (showing the cartouche name of many dynastic pharaohs of Egypt. So rare, as an almost complete list of pharaoh names, the Table of Abydos, rediscovered by William John Bankes, has been called the "Rosetta Stone" of Egyptian archaeology, analogous to the Rosetta Stone for Egyptian writing, beyond the Narmer Palette. At the back of the temple is an enigmatic structure known as the Osireion, which served as a cenotaph for Seti-Osiris,
Like the 'Pyramid Texts', the 'Shabaka Texts' and the 'Temple of Edfu Building Texts', these lists indicate that the civilization of ancient Egypt was seen as a legacy handed down by the ‘gods’ thousands of years before the beginning of the currently recognized historical period".
"Now one important thing that you must understand is that the very early history of Egypt was understood in a very different way by the ancient Egyptians than it is by present day archaeologists and historians.
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Manetho |
After the 'gods', Manetho tells us that Egypt was ruled by 'demigods', who reigned for 1,255 years.
Another line of kings held sway for 1,817 years.
Then came thirty more kings, reigning for 1,790 years - and then 10 kings for 350 years.
Most mysteriously, there then followed the rule of the 'Spirits of the Dead', and their rule lasted for 5,813 years - and all those rulers, added together, amounts to a period of 24,925 years.
The Greek historians Diodorus Siculus, and also Herodotus, both agree in general principles with this information.
In addition, it is stated that during this period there were four occasions when the sun rose out of this usual place - twice rising where he sets now, and twice setting where he now rises, and this claim is echoed by the Roman scholar Pomponious Mela - who stated:
'The Egyptians pride themselves on being the most ancient people in the world. In their authentic annals one may read that since they have been in existence, the course of the stars has changed direction four times, and that the sun has set twice in the part of the sky where it rises today.'Astronomers would point out these peculiar claims can only refer to what is known as the 'precession of the equinoxes', which is the wobbling of the earth around its axis of rotation.
These statements are not only made by Greek and Roman Scholars, but can also be found in ancient Egyptian papyrus, (the Turin Papyrus), and on carved hieroglyphic inscriptions, (the Abydos King List at the Temple of Seti I).
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Temple of Seti I - Abydos - Egypt |
Like the 'Pyramid Texts', the 'Shabaka Texts' and the 'Temple of Edfu Building Texts', these lists indicate that the civilization of ancient Egypt was seen as a legacy handed down by the ‘gods’ thousands of years before the beginning of the currently recognized historical period".
Edfu Temple Building Text
The 'Temple of Edfu' in its present form was erected over a two hundred-year period between 237 BC and 57 BC, but incorporates parts of much earlier structures dating back to the Pyramid Age.
Thus the 'Building Texts' appear, superficially, to be a history of the Edfu Temple itself, together with descriptions of its rooms and halls, and of their ritual purpose and significance. A closer look, however, as E. A. E. Reymond of Manchester University has demonstrated, reveals a subtext which describes certain mythological events, including the laying of the foundations, building and the bringing to life of the historical temple of Edfu in a mythical age. The historical temple is described as the work of the neteru '(gods') themselves. This indicates a belief in a historical temple that was a direct continuation, projection, and reflection of a temple that came into existence at the very beginning of the world.
Edfu Temple - Reconstruction
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'How do you spell 'wowee' ?' |
"So can we go and see this temple ?", Josh asked.
"Er... excuse me, Novius, but how do you spell 'wowee' ?", Teddy asked.
"Well, Teddy, I think you can leave out Ethan's comments.", Novius replied.
And Ethan was very good, because he didn't sulk at all.

At that moment Jim came into the library.
"Sorry to interrupt you, Novius... but I need to take the 'boys' and Teddy for a quick trip to 'Vegas.", Jim said
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Los Angeles International Airport - California |
"Yes... we need to collect the passports, visas and tickets.
Teddy, of course, will not need a passport, visa or ticket, but Ethan and Josh, and also Glen and Max will need them - and we'll be meeting Franklin at the Club Jaguar.
But we'll will be taking Teddy, because we're going in the Cessna.", Jim explained.
When Jim said this the 'boys' looked very pleased, and Teddy was more than happy as he very much preferred a jet to a helicopter (he had consulted the internet with regard to crash statistics, and he knew that jets were safer) - not that he had flown in the Cessna before.
"The jet...it's all ready then ?", Josh asked.
"Yes it's waiting on the tarmac at Los Angeles International, so just put on a jacket, collect up your things, and get to the entrance where Chuck's waiting with the limo.
"Strange....", Ethan said, "you sound just like Clare."
"That's enough, Ethan.... and help Teddy with his laptop.", Jim said.
Glaux, of course, was not going with them as he was far too sleepy.
And so they travelled to Los Angeles International Airport, where Captain Peters and his co-pilot , and a charming stewardess were waiting for them.
"Well, it's a bit bigger, and more comfortable than that nasty little helicopter that took us up to the top of the Devils Tower.... and it's got proper windows.... and anyway I don't like sitting with the pilot.", Teddy said.
So they all made themselves comfortable, strapped themselves in, and prepared for take-off - which was very smooth, but very fast !
"Oh dear...that takes some getting used to...", Ethan said.
"Well...here we are, up in the air...so what do you think about it, Ethan ?", Josh asked.
Josh was actually 'showing off' a little bit as he had flown in a 'plane before (with Novius) - although never in a helicopter.
"It's a lot less noisy than that rattly little helicopter, and a lot smoother..", Ethan replied.
"Yes...and less smelly....", Teddy said.
"Well I hope that this pilot has a longer career than our last one - Bob.", Ethan said cryptically.
"Why, what happened to Bob ?", Glen asked.
"..'Came down in flames in the Grand Canyon shortly after taking us up to the summit of the Devils Tower......'shame...", Ethan said.
"Yes, well I think that's enough of that story..", Jim said, a comment which achieved very little as it all sounded very suspicious - which it was - as Kurt well knew - (but keep that to yourselves).
And soon they were landing at McCarran International Airport, where another limo was waiting for them - this time a long 'wheelbase' Cadillac, which swiftly took them to the 'Club Athena' (the old 'Club Jaguar' - remember ?..... So don't get confused).
Max had been left behind at the 'Villa Athena', as his task was to ensure that everything was packed and ready for the proposed journey that was scheduled to take place the following day, so some of the other 'bell-hops', at the 'Club Athena', had to open doors, and carry document cases and laptops for Jim, Josh and Teddy.
Ethan and Glen, it seemed were not important enough to have anything to be carried, but Ethan, who was annoyed about that, made sure that everyone could see that he was 'packing heat', as he would say, (carrying his Colt Defender as Jim's security), while Glen just didn't care - after all he had never thought of himself as 'important' - although he was, as he was the reason for this 'important' trip.
And then there was one of those 'mind-bending' sessions with Franklin, who had lots of leather wallets, all stuffed with documents, tickets, passports (stamped with visas), insurance forms and medical details, for which he required signatures, after explaining each and every item contained in each and every wallet in detail.
By then a very bemused Zac had turned up.
Jim took Zac to the dusty, noisy mess that was the inevitable prelude to the hopefully luxurious, opulent office that was being constructed.
Jim asked for the workers to take a break for a short while, so that he could speak to Zac privately.
"So tell me again, Jim... why am I holding a wallet with air tickets to Egypt Egypt ?", Zac asked.
"Because Glen got a psychic message in hieroglyphics from 'someone' asking us to meet him.", Jim said.
"And this someone might be Upuaut, who might be and ancient Egyptian god....", Zac said, incredulously.
"Apparently - according to Novius and Teddy.", Jim said.
"Well I think you're probably as crazy as the 'Boss' was when he went to Mexico - if you'll excuse me saying so....and I'm only coming with you because Novius thinks it's OK...but I think you're wasting your time !
Anyway - I have an obligation to keep you safe, and stop you being eaten by a jackal or a crocodile.", Zac said - obviously thinking back to the the fact that the 'Boss' was killed by a jaguar.
"I know, and Franklin, as you would expect, has already made all those arrangements.", Zac confirmed.
"And have you got your luggage with you, and your toothbrush ?", Jim asked, with a cheeky grin.
"Of course...", Zac said, in mock seriousness.
"OK, then first we must let Ethan have his final meal at McDonalds - (Ethan didn't realize that there were McDonalds restaurants in Cairo, Alexandria and Luxor - identical to those in the US - and the rest of the world, for that matter) - and then we go to McCarran International, and back to Los Angeles in the Cessna for the evening, and to pick up the rest of the luggage - and Max - and then back to Los Angeles - and then off to Egypt.", Jim said, as they left the dust and debris of what would hopefully be his office.

Now flying, unless you have a private 'plane, is a time consuming and, in many ways, an unpleasant experience - even if you are a first class - VIP passenger - but finally there was a pleasant surprise for Ethan, Teddy, Glen, Josh and Max.....
"Well 'fuck me'....this is more like it !", Ethan said, as they entered the Emirates luxurious departure lounge.
"Ethan - moderate your language..."Jim said, as he noticed some obviously 'well heeled', but elderly passenger look up on hearing Ethan's remark - even although Ethan had said it quite quietly.
Of course, as Ethan was clutching Teddy, most people presumed that they had misheard, as it was not the sort of comment a sweet looking blond boy, with a teddy-bear, would make.
So they settled down on the very comfortable armchairs and ordered drinks - coffee for Jim and Zac, and 'Pepsi Max' for Ethan, Josh and Glen and Max.
Meanwhile as Jim and Zac drank their coffee, they made use of the elaborate IT (information technology) facilities provided by Emirates.
"Why is Jim always using computers ?", Glen asked.
"He's talking to Franklin, his bank, brokers, and his other under-managers - it's how he keeps the money coming in - to pay for things like this little trip, the private jet, big limos, our nice clothes and lots of other things.", Josh explained.
"I see....", Glen replied, beginning to understand.
It seemed that a long time had passed - but it hadn't really - that was one of the problems with an airport departure lounge.
Eventually their flight was called, and they got their first glimpse of the aircraft that would be taking them across the Atlantic, and eventually to Cairo in Egypt.
"Shit..! It's huge !", Glen mumbled quietly as all the boys starred at the vast size of the Airbus.
"It's a really big 'plane-thingy...", Ethan said.
"Can it really fly ?...It looks too heavy to get into the air.", Max said.
Max was a nervous flyer.
"From my research, I believe it's sound and airworthy...there have been no Airbus A380 crashes so far.", Teddy said, although only Ethan could hear his comment through the earphones.
"The jet...it's all ready then ?", Josh asked.
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Cessna-C525 and Lincoln Limo - Los Angeles Airport |
"Strange....", Ethan said, "you sound just like Clare."
"That's enough, Ethan.... and help Teddy with his laptop.", Jim said.
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Cessna-C525 Interior |
And so they travelled to Los Angeles International Airport, where Captain Peters and his co-pilot , and a charming stewardess were waiting for them.
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Sundance EC130 Helicopter |
So they all made themselves comfortable, strapped themselves in, and prepared for take-off - which was very smooth, but very fast !
"Oh dear...that takes some getting used to...", Ethan said.
"Well...here we are, up in the air...so what do you think about it, Ethan ?", Josh asked.
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Bob - the Helicopter Pilot |
"It's a lot less noisy than that rattly little helicopter, and a lot smoother..", Ethan replied.
"Yes...and less smelly....", Teddy said.
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The End of Bob and his Helicopter |
"Why, what happened to Bob ?", Glen asked.
"..'Came down in flames in the Grand Canyon shortly after taking us up to the summit of the Devils Tower......'shame...", Ethan said.
"Yes, well I think that's enough of that story..", Jim said, a comment which achieved very little as it all sounded very suspicious - which it was - as Kurt well knew - (but keep that to yourselves).
And soon they were landing at McCarran International Airport, where another limo was waiting for them - this time a long 'wheelbase' Cadillac, which swiftly took them to the 'Club Athena' (the old 'Club Jaguar' - remember ?..... So don't get confused).

Ethan and Glen, it seemed were not important enough to have anything to be carried, but Ethan, who was annoyed about that, made sure that everyone could see that he was 'packing heat', as he would say, (carrying his Colt Defender as Jim's security), while Glen just didn't care - after all he had never thought of himself as 'important' - although he was, as he was the reason for this 'important' trip.
And then there was one of those 'mind-bending' sessions with Franklin, who had lots of leather wallets, all stuffed with documents, tickets, passports (stamped with visas), insurance forms and medical details, for which he required signatures, after explaining each and every item contained in each and every wallet in detail.
By then a very bemused Zac had turned up.
Jim took Zac to the dusty, noisy mess that was the inevitable prelude to the hopefully luxurious, opulent office that was being constructed.
Jim asked for the workers to take a break for a short while, so that he could speak to Zac privately.
"So tell me again, Jim... why am I holding a wallet with air tickets to Egypt Egypt ?", Zac asked.
"Because Glen got a psychic message in hieroglyphics from 'someone' asking us to meet him.", Jim said.
"And this someone might be Upuaut, who might be and ancient Egyptian god....", Zac said, incredulously.
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Nile Crocodile |
"Well I think you're probably as crazy as the 'Boss' was when he went to Mexico - if you'll excuse me saying so....and I'm only coming with you because Novius thinks it's OK...but I think you're wasting your time !
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Egyptian Jackal |
Note: There are few, if any, crocodiles remaining outside southernmost Egypt. Construction of the Aswan High Dam has pushed their nests towards man-made Lake Nasser - and jackals do not eat people - unless they're already dead"I appreciate that, Zac... and you do understand that you need to make arrangements at Los Angeles airport to have any firearms and ammunition carried in the baggage compartment, with the approval of the pilot, and then have them registered with the Egyptian authorities at 'Cairo International Airport' when we arrive.", Jim explained.
"I know, and Franklin, as you would expect, has already made all those arrangements.", Zac confirmed.
"And have you got your luggage with you, and your toothbrush ?", Jim asked, with a cheeky grin.
"Of course...", Zac said, in mock seriousness.
"OK, then first we must let Ethan have his final meal at McDonalds - (Ethan didn't realize that there were McDonalds restaurants in Cairo, Alexandria and Luxor - identical to those in the US - and the rest of the world, for that matter) - and then we go to McCarran International, and back to Los Angeles in the Cessna for the evening, and to pick up the rest of the luggage - and Max - and then back to Los Angeles - and then off to Egypt.", Jim said, as they left the dust and debris of what would hopefully be his office.

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القاهرة - Cairo - Egypt - Panorama |
القاهرة - (al-Qāhirah) - Cairo is the capital of Egypt. Located near the Nile Delta, modern Cairo was founded in 969 AD by the Fatimid dynasty, but the land composing the present-day city was the site of ancient national capitals whose remnants remain visible in parts of Old Cairo. Cairo has long been a center of the region's political and cultural life, and is titled 'the city of a thousand minarets' (a slight exaggeration) for its preponderance of Islamic architecture.
Up until then, Novius had wondered if he had made the right decision to decline Jim''s invitation, but on that particular morning he was certain that he was definitely getting too old to be coping with Jim's youthful companions.
Fortunately for Max, there were plenty of Mexican servants to help with the luggage, which included the large, heavy case containing Jim's telescope, along with seemingly endless cases containing plenty of changes of clothes for everyone.
Of course there were baggage restrictions, even for 'first class' passenger, but, as you would be expecting, Franklin - who would meet them at the airport, and accompany them as far as passport control - had made all the necessary arrangements.
"So how are we going ?", Zac asked.
"By Emirates....it's a long journey - we leave at about 5:pm, and get to Cairo in the early evening the next day, with a stop over at Dubai of a couple of hours." Jim said.
"And what about the luggage ? - We seem to have an awful lot.
"Well Franklin's bought a spare seat for Teddy - so we can use his luggage allowance." Jim explained.
"And they permit this ?", Zac asked, surprised.
"Well, with a bit of persuasion from Franklin - and would you try to argue with Franklin ? - And it's all money to them - about $8,000.", Jim said.
"That's a lot of money just for some luggage.", Zac said, sounding a little surprised.
"Luggage and a teddy-bear - and he's worth anything....", Jim said with a smile.
They all spent the remainder of the day chatting with Novius about ancient Egypt, but everyone seemed a little distracted and nervous about the impending 'adventure'.
Then just before they left for the airport, Clare arrived.
She was to look after Novius and Glaux while Jim and the 'boys' were away.
And so they said their goodbyes - and Glaux even nibbled Teddy's ear.
Jim could tell that Clare was beginning to get a little bit tearful, particularly when she said farewell to Ethan, so he hurried them all into the waiting limo for the short drive to Los Angeles International.
As always, the airport was crowded, but soon Zac found Franklin - who was deep in protracted and convoluted discussions with the Emirates desk staff, and airport officials, as arrangements were made for the fire-arms and ammunition to be registered and stowed in the baggage compartment of the waiting Airbus A380.
"So how do we get Teddy through all the security checks ?", Ethan asked Jim, worried that maybe Teddy would not be allowed to fly.
"Don't worry, Ethan - there shouldn't be any problem.
Faunus told me some time ago that he had made 'modifications' to Teddy, so now he's a 'stealth teddy-bear' - invisible to radar, x-rays, and all other scanners and detection devices.", Jim replied reassuringly.
So they arrived at the security check where all the hand luggage and other items to be carried on the 'plane were checked - with Max struggling under the weight of numerous laptops and flight bags.
The security personal eyed Ethan, who was carrying Teddy, suspiciously.
"That bear belong to you, sonny ?", one of the officers asked Ethan.
"Yes sir.", Ethan said meekly, desperately trying not to look like a 'bomb carrying ' terrorist.
"Does your boy always take his teddy-bear on the 'plane when he flies ?", the security officer asked Jim - oddly taking Jim to be Ethan's father.
Jim nodded.
"OK... put the bear with the other hand luggage on the conveyor belt.", the security officer said, still looking at Ethan very suspiciously.
And so Teddy suffered the indignity of lying on the conveyor belt, with all sorts of other assorted bags and small items of luggage, while he was 'scanned'.
Of course there was not a beep or a buzz from the machine, and the officer monitoring the 'imaging equipment' simply saw a rather cute and cuddly stuffed toy pass through the scanners.
Also, for the journey Faunus had arranged for Ethan to have 'in-ear phones', - the kind used on cell-phones - so that Ethan could hear Teddy talking, although probably, when the airline staff heard Ethan talking back to Teddy they would probably just think it was 'cute', although they would most likely come to the conclusion that Ethan was weird, or 'retarded in some way - but Ethan didn't care, as long as he could keep Teddy company for the long flight.
And so they found themselves on what is quaintly called the 'air-side', making their way to the departure lounge.
Before that they were on the 'land-side' - (as probably you are, unless you are reading this in a departure lounge, or 'in flight', as they say).
"So how long is it going to be now ?", Glen, who was getting annoyed with all the waiting about asked.
"Oh, about another fifteen minutes....
"Don't get upset Glen...we're on the 'fast-track', being VIP 'first class' passengers.", Jim said.
"Teddy wants to know what 'VIP' means - it's not on his database.", Ethan asked.
"It means 'very important people' - or 'very important person'.", Zac replied.
"Well at least they got that right !", Ethan said.
"So how are we going ?", Zac asked.
"By Emirates....it's a long journey - we leave at about 5:pm, and get to Cairo in the early evening the next day, with a stop over at Dubai of a couple of hours." Jim said.
"And what about the luggage ? - We seem to have an awful lot.

"And they permit this ?", Zac asked, surprised.
"Well, with a bit of persuasion from Franklin - and would you try to argue with Franklin ? - And it's all money to them - about $8,000.", Jim said.
"That's a lot of money just for some luggage.", Zac said, sounding a little surprised.
"Luggage and a teddy-bear - and he's worth anything....", Jim said with a smile.
They all spent the remainder of the day chatting with Novius about ancient Egypt, but everyone seemed a little distracted and nervous about the impending 'adventure'.
Then just before they left for the airport, Clare arrived.
She was to look after Novius and Glaux while Jim and the 'boys' were away.
And so they said their goodbyes - and Glaux even nibbled Teddy's ear.
Jim could tell that Clare was beginning to get a little bit tearful, particularly when she said farewell to Ethan, so he hurried them all into the waiting limo for the short drive to Los Angeles International.
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Los Angeles International Airport - California - USA |
"So how do we get Teddy through all the security checks ?", Ethan asked Jim, worried that maybe Teddy would not be allowed to fly.
"Don't worry, Ethan - there shouldn't be any problem.
Faunus told me some time ago that he had made 'modifications' to Teddy, so now he's a 'stealth teddy-bear' - invisible to radar, x-rays, and all other scanners and detection devices.", Jim replied reassuringly.
So they arrived at the security check where all the hand luggage and other items to be carried on the 'plane were checked - with Max struggling under the weight of numerous laptops and flight bags.
The security personal eyed Ethan, who was carrying Teddy, suspiciously.
"That bear belong to you, sonny ?", one of the officers asked Ethan.
"Yes sir.", Ethan said meekly, desperately trying not to look like a 'bomb carrying ' terrorist.
"Does your boy always take his teddy-bear on the 'plane when he flies ?", the security officer asked Jim - oddly taking Jim to be Ethan's father.
Jim nodded.
"OK... put the bear with the other hand luggage on the conveyor belt.", the security officer said, still looking at Ethan very suspiciously.
And so Teddy suffered the indignity of lying on the conveyor belt, with all sorts of other assorted bags and small items of luggage, while he was 'scanned'.
Of course there was not a beep or a buzz from the machine, and the officer monitoring the 'imaging equipment' simply saw a rather cute and cuddly stuffed toy pass through the scanners.
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Emirates First Class Lounge - Los Angeles |
And so they found themselves on what is quaintly called the 'air-side', making their way to the departure lounge.
Before that they were on the 'land-side' - (as probably you are, unless you are reading this in a departure lounge, or 'in flight', as they say).
"So how long is it going to be now ?", Glen, who was getting annoyed with all the waiting about asked.
"Oh, about another fifteen minutes....
"Don't get upset Glen...we're on the 'fast-track', being VIP 'first class' passengers.", Jim said.
"Teddy wants to know what 'VIP' means - it's not on his database.", Ethan asked.
"It means 'very important people' - or 'very important person'.", Zac replied.
"Well at least they got that right !", Ethan said.
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Emirates Departure Lounge - Los Angeles International Airport |
"Well 'fuck me'....this is more like it !", Ethan said, as they entered the Emirates luxurious departure lounge.
"Ethan - moderate your language..."Jim said, as he noticed some obviously 'well heeled', but elderly passenger look up on hearing Ethan's remark - even although Ethan had said it quite quietly.
Of course, as Ethan was clutching Teddy, most people presumed that they had misheard, as it was not the sort of comment a sweet looking blond boy, with a teddy-bear, would make.
So they settled down on the very comfortable armchairs and ordered drinks - coffee for Jim and Zac, and 'Pepsi Max' for Ethan, Josh and Glen and Max.
Meanwhile as Jim and Zac drank their coffee, they made use of the elaborate IT (information technology) facilities provided by Emirates.
"Why is Jim always using computers ?", Glen asked.
"He's talking to Franklin, his bank, brokers, and his other under-managers - it's how he keeps the money coming in - to pay for things like this little trip, the private jet, big limos, our nice clothes and lots of other things.", Josh explained.
"I see....", Glen replied, beginning to understand.
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Emirates A380 Airbus - Los Angeles International - California |
Eventually their flight was called, and they got their first glimpse of the aircraft that would be taking them across the Atlantic, and eventually to Cairo in Egypt.
"Shit..! It's huge !", Glen mumbled quietly as all the boys starred at the vast size of the Airbus.
"It's a really big 'plane-thingy...", Ethan said.
"Can it really fly ?...It looks too heavy to get into the air.", Max said.
Max was a nervous flyer.
"From my research, I believe it's sound and airworthy...there have been no Airbus A380 crashes so far.", Teddy said, although only Ethan could hear his comment through the earphones.
The Airbus A380 is the world's largest passenger airliner. The project was designed to challenge the dominance of the Boeing 747 in the long haul market. The full-length double-deck aircraft has a typical seating capacity of 525, though it is certified for up to 853 passengers. It is powered by four Engine Alliance GP7200 or Rolls-Royce Trent 900 turbofans providing a range of 8,000 nmi (14,800 km). The Airbus has received 290 firm orders and delivered 239 aircraft; Emirates is the biggest A380 customer with 123 ordered, of which 112 have been delivered. The A380 has been involved in two aviation occurrences, but no hull loss accidents, and no fatalitiesSo they boarded the Emirates Airbus A380 and began their journey......

The new chapter is entitled 'Arrival in Cairo', however, it opens a little earlier with our intrepid travelers still sitting in the lounge in Los Angeles Airport. Eventually their flight is called, and they begin their long, arduous but very luxurious and comfortable flight to Cairo, arriving the following evening at the fabulous Palace of Khedive Ismail, (now a luxury hotel), situated on Gezireh Island, in the middle of the NileLINK