Jim spends the first night at the Villa Athena alone, in the bedroom previously used by the 'Boss' - simply to rest and be alone. In the morning he meets with Ethan, Teddy, Josh and Glaux, and over breakfast they begin to discuss Jim's talk with Terentius and his comments about Upuaut (Anubis) - and together they begin tentatively to plan a new direction for their lives - now that they can no longer rely on the 'Boss. Later Jim meets with Novius and they discus the possible nature of Anubis.
Please note that this chapter is intended for adults (over 18 years), and contains text adult text and images. Please do not view this chapter if you find such features objectionable...
"So how was your chat with Terentius ?" Ethan asked Jim, as they settled down to breakfast.
Jim ignored the fact that Ethan hadn't asked if he had slept well, as it was obvious that the others had felt left out of things while Jim, Novius and Faunus had been having a meeting in the study of the villa.
"It was OK...", Jim replied, unsure of what to say.....
"And....?", Ethan said encouragingly, obviously eager for more information.
"Well, did he say anything about us ?", Ethan asked.
Josh, of course, being his usual polite and modest self, said nothing, but just listened patiently.
Teddy, like Glaux was, as usual, rather uninterested in all this 'human' stuff.
"Well...I don't think he appreciated the style of the villa....", Jim began.
"Yes....well get on with it ....", Ethan said, becoming increasingly impatient.
"He did remind me that I was now 'Dominus' - master, but he was also very curious about Teddy.", Jim said.
"Teddy !", Ethan said, sounding confused.
Now, if you remember, in our previous 'time and place' we had nothing like teddy-bears - and especially ones that could actually talk and walk....", Jim began.
"And much more...", Teddy added.
"So, you explained that Teddy was my special friend ?", Ethan asked, checking.
"Yes, of course....", Jim replied
Jim, however, discretely passed over Terentius' comments about Jim's relationship with Ethan, and went on to other matters.
"Later, Terentius started talking about our involvement with the 'aliens', and mentioned that he had discussed the matter with Novius.", Jim said.
"Ah-ha !...now we come to it !", Ethan said, rubbing his hands.
"Those pesky 'aliens' !", Ethan added, as Josh grinned, and Glaux looked decidedly weary.
"Interestingly, he seemed to think that the 'aliens' were important, and more related to mythological and religious matters, rather than other planets or galaxies, and he suggested that this character 'Upuaut' - or Anubis, might have something to teach us....", Jim explained.
"So..?", Ethan asked - not really understanding.
"Well Terentius suggested that we maintained contact, but that we made sure that 'Upuaut' - or Anubis, was the 'real' thing, and suggested that we got Novius to help us..... but at that point it was getting late, and Terentius said he had to leave....", Jim ended, rather lamely.
"Yes...indeedy....", Ethan agreed.
"Well I think it was sad that he didn't come and speak to you two...", Teddy said, meaning by 'you two', Ethan and Josh.
"Yes...but you didn't know him, Teddy.
He was very close to Jim, but not to us.
Not in a bad way, but because Jim became the Dominus, whereas we were just slaves.
It was a very different set-up back then.", Josh explained.
"But he did say that he would return, if we ever needed him, " Jim added, trying to smooth things over.
"OK....but I would have liked to have had a chat with him - like about where he's been all this time, and what he's been doing...", Ethan said.
"Well, I don't think you would have got much out of him - it's a bit like Faunus - and speaking of Faunus, where is he this morning ?", Josh said.
"Probably with Novius - talking about pesky 'aliens'.", Ethan said.
"OK, well I'm going to find Novius, and see what he has to say about our old friend Upuaut...", Jim said.
"OK, well I'm going to find Novius, and see what he has to say about our old friend Upuaut...", Jim said.

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Corridor in the Villa |
It didn't take Jim long to find Novius.
As Jim made his way through the strange Mayan style corridors, he was followed by a diminutive teddy-bear, who was carefully adjusting his horn-rimmed spectacles with the obvious intention of looking as 'scholarly' as possible.
As expected, Novius was in the study of the 'Villa Athena' working away on his laptop, obviously researching sites for information about the 'neterit' (ancient Egyptian for 'gods').
"Good morning, Novius......
I've been chatting about my talk with Terentius - with Ethan, Josh and Teddy, and I thought I should look you up regarding this business about Upuaut and Anubis.", Jim said.
"Good..", Novius said, eyeing-up Teddy suspiciously.
"Is it alright to talk about this with him listening ?", Novius asked.
Novius still didn't know that much about Teddy, and while 'animated teddy-bears' were problematic even for 'modern' people, for a person like Novius, from a 'different time and a different place', someone like Teddy was mysterious, magical and also alarming.
"Don't worry about Teddy - he's nearly as clever as you are - and he can read and translate Egyptian hieroglyphics, and is an expert on Ancient Egyptian history, among many other things, all thanks to Faunus.", Jim explained.
"Well...if you say so, Marcus....", Novius replied, still waiting to be convinced.
Of course, Teddy was actually a lot more clever than Novius - but Jim was far too polite to say so.
"Good morning, Novius......
I've been chatting about my talk with Terentius - with Ethan, Josh and Teddy, and I thought I should look you up regarding this business about Upuaut and Anubis.", Jim said.
"Good..", Novius said, eyeing-up Teddy suspiciously.
"Is it alright to talk about this with him listening ?", Novius asked.
Novius still didn't know that much about Teddy, and while 'animated teddy-bears' were problematic even for 'modern' people, for a person like Novius, from a 'different time and a different place', someone like Teddy was mysterious, magical and also alarming.
"Don't worry about Teddy - he's nearly as clever as you are - and he can read and translate Egyptian hieroglyphics, and is an expert on Ancient Egyptian history, among many other things, all thanks to Faunus.", Jim explained.
"Well...if you say so, Marcus....", Novius replied, still waiting to be convinced.
Of course, Teddy was actually a lot more clever than Novius - but Jim was far too polite to say so.
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Upuaut - Anubis |
According to Novius, "The Sphinx’s body is strange.
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The Giza Sphinx as Anubis |
It is the body of a dog, and the Sphinx was almost certainly originally a statue of a crouching dog - the image of the god Anubis, who was, among other things, the guardian of the sacred necropolis.....", and Novius continued : .....
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The Pyramids and Sphinx at Giza - Egypt |
"By recognizing the Sphinx as Anubis, I have been able to find all the ancient texts and representations from the Old Kingdom period referring to him.
There are several representations of the giant Sphinx carved on the walls of tombs of the children of the Pharaoh Cheops at Giza, just at the foot of the Great Pyramid.
The face and ears of the 'Sphinx' were destroyed, and a later Pharaoh, Amenemhet II, of the Middle Kingdom, had the remains re-carved in his own image, and it's not the first time people have claimed the Sphinx's head isn't original.
The 'key' is that the proportions of the head in relation to the body appear to be 'out of proportion'.
In addition, in the area around the Sphinx, there is evidence of ancient sluice gates, which indicate that during the Old Kingdom the Sphinx, as Anubis, sat surrounded by a moat filled with water - called 'Jackal Lake' in the ancient 'Pyramid Texts' - where religious ceremonies were held.
It should be noted that the 'Pyramid Texts' do not refer to hieroglyphic inscriptions in the three pyramids at Giza (Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure), but rather to the inscriptions found in the pyramids situated at Saqqra. (Saqqra is also the site of Djoser's famous 'Step Pyramid'). The 'Pyramid Texts' are the oldest known corpus of ancient Egyptian religious texts dating to the Old Kingdom. Written in 'Old Egyptian Hieroglyphic Text', the 'Pyramid Texts' were carved onto the subterranean walls and sarcophagi of pyramids at Saqqara - from the end of the Fifth Dynasty, and throughout the Sixth Dynasty of the Old Kingdom, and into the Eighth Dynasty of the First Intermediate Period. The most well-known are to be found in the pyramid of the pharaoh Unas. The oldest of the texts have been dated to c. 2400–2300 BC. The hieroglyphics lining the walls of the 'Pyramid Ship' that the 'boys' visited in 'Chaco Canyon' were copies from the Saqqara 'Pyramid Texts'.
Pyramid Texts
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Anubis in the Posture of the Sphinx - Tomb of Tutankhamen |
It is also evident that the exact size and position of the Sphinx were geometrically determined in relation to the pyramids of Khufu and Khafre, and that it was part of a pharaonic 'resurrection cult'."
Novius continued to make his point about the Sphinx being Anubis by bringing up, on his laptop, an image of Anubis in a pose identical to that of the Sphinx at Giza.", Novius explained carefully.
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Howard Carter - Tomb of Tutankhamun - 1922 |
The 'Anubis Shrine' was part of the grave goods of Pharaoh Tutankhamen (18th Dynasty, New Kingdom). The tomb was discovered almost intact on 4 November 1922 in the Valley of the Kings in West Thebes by Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon. The statue of Anubis, depicted completely in animal form as a recumbent jackal, lies on the top of a small shrine. The shrine is trapezoidal. Carter called it a 'pylon' after the gate structures found in front of the great temples in Egypt, which it resembles in shape. Like the jackal, the shrine is also made of wood, with a layer of plaster covered with gold leaf. The upper decoration shows the 'djed pillar', a symbol of endurance, which is linked closely with the 'Neter' (god) Osiris, and also the 'tyet' symbol, which can stand for 'life'. The statue of the jackal lying on the shrine is in the same posture and form as one hieroglyph for the 'Neter' (god) Anubis. However, this hieroglyph also signifies the title 'Anubis - Overseer of the Mysteries', apparently with a double meaning: 'Watcher' and 'Master of Mysteries' - 'Domine Mysteria' (as in 'Dominus').
There was a pause, while Teddy carefully examined some of the images displayed on Novius' large laptop.
"So tell me, Teddy....you've' met this Upuaut character...what did you think of him ?", Novius asked.
Teddy was a bit surprised that Novius was actually speaking to him - as it was the first time that Novius had ever asked him anything...
Apparently Jim's assessment of Teddy's abilities had impressed Novius.
Teddy too k off his spectacles, wiped them with the special little lens-cloth that he kept in his fur pocket, and cleared his throat.
"Well I'm no expert on 'aliens', and suchlike, although I have met some....", Teddy began.
"As for Upuaut, I was not sure if he was really who he said he was.
The other 'alien leader' that I met - that was on the 'Devils Tower' - was very much in command - firm and clear in what he said.
This Upuaut, who I met at 'Chaco Canyon', seemed to be a bit vague, and not at all clear about what he said.
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Teddy Reading Hieroglyphics in the Pyramid Ship |
Also I was puzzled that he made no comment about my knowledge of the hieroglyphics, or the 'Pyramid Texts' (see above) - and I wasn't sure if it meant that he already knew that I understood about such things, or if he just didn't care.
To put it briefly, I was very unsure about him, and honestly didn't trust him.", Teddy concluded, as he put his glasses (by now very clean) back on.
"Now Novius, after all this, I'm still confused about the business of Upuaut and Anubis.....
Who are we actually talking about...?", Jim asked.
"Yes...well I quite understand, Marcus..", Novius began.
"It is a problem in ancient religions.
You see, when we talk about a particular god, or entity, it's not like we are talking about a sentient being like a human being.
Ethan and you, for example, are quite separate, although you do share certain qualities or attributes in common, for example, your both human, both boys, both young and both fair haired - but in actuality there is no mistaking you....you look different, sound different, and have different histories.
Spiritual beings equally may have similar attributes, but also differences - they are not always distinct entities.
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Egyptian Jackal |
"Yes, I begin to see..", Jim replied, sounding equally uncertain.
"One significant difference that may help you, Marcus, is that Upuaut is usually seen as more 'wolf-like' - or more closely related to a jackal, whereas Anubis is seen as more in the form of a dog.
So.....Upuaut can be described as more feral, or wild in character, whereas Anubis is more trained, loyal and domesticated.", Novius added, in an attempt to clarify matters.
"Interestingly, there is also a hieroglyphic inscription that describes Upuaut as 'the one with sharp arrows, more powerful than the 'gods' (neteru)'.", Teddy added.
"Yes...that is strange.....and also Upuaut is usually depicted with grey, or white fur, reflecting his lupine origins.", Novius said.
At this point, Jim was beginning to feel like an 'interloper', listening in on the erudite comments of two scholars of ancient mythology - despite the fact that one was a teddy-bear !
At that point Ethan came into the study.
"Mmm....I can see why humans like 'teddy-bears', and not 'teddy-jackals' - skinny, spiky little things...!", Ethan commented, as he glanced at the image of an Egyptian jackal that was displayed on Novius' laptop.
"Hello, Ethan......Come to find out about this Upuaut character ?", Novius suggested, trying to be friendly.
Back in that 'other time' Novius had never had much to do with Ethan - or 'Aurarius' as he had known him - but as Josh had said earlier that morning, 'it was a very different set-up back then' - and it was.
"Not really.....", Ethan replied airily.
"I had come to find out what 'Marcus'... (Ethan was making a veiled comment about Jim being called 'Marcus') here wanted done about certain outstanding matters that are awaiting his attention.", Ethan said.
Jim looked uncomfortable.
"Such as, Ethan...", he replied, defensively.
"Well, what do you want Jonathan - remember him - to be doing, and what about the Presleys - and when's Brody's next 'show-thingy' ?
You know, just a few things like that.", Ethan said.
Obviously, Jim realized, with his cell-phone switched off, someone - probably Franklin - had been calling Ethan.
It was the first occasion on which his new responsibilities had first encroached on Jim's easy-going life-style.
"Then Franklin has got a lot of paperwork to be signed.", Ethan continued, making things seem even worse.
"OK... I get the message, Ethan.
Get Chuck and Max to bring two Cadillacs to the front entrance, and get packed - we need to make a short trip to 'Vegas.", Jim said, trying to be decisive.
"Okey-dokey !", Ethan replied, opening his cell-phone in order to relay Jim's instructions.
Jim then turned to Novius.
"Sorry to leave you... but 'duty calls'.", Jim said, using a rather obvious cliche.
"Get Josh to help you with your research, Novius, and I'll be back in a few days.", Jim said, patting Novius on the shoulder as he turned to leave.
"See you soon - I hope !", Ethan said to Novius, following Jim.
Teddy, however, wasn't sure what was happening.
"Come on, Teddy, it's back to 'Vegas !", Ethan said, as he picked Teddy up, and whisked him out of the study.
It didn't take long for them to pack - particularly as they had brought very little with them to the 'Villa Athena'.
Max looked after the luggage - such as it was - and Ethan carried Teddy.
"Yes...that is strange.....and also Upuaut is usually depicted with grey, or white fur, reflecting his lupine origins.", Novius said.
At this point, Jim was beginning to feel like an 'interloper', listening in on the erudite comments of two scholars of ancient mythology - despite the fact that one was a teddy-bear !
At that point Ethan came into the study.
"Mmm....I can see why humans like 'teddy-bears', and not 'teddy-jackals' - skinny, spiky little things...!", Ethan commented, as he glanced at the image of an Egyptian jackal that was displayed on Novius' laptop.
"Hello, Ethan......Come to find out about this Upuaut character ?", Novius suggested, trying to be friendly.
Back in that 'other time' Novius had never had much to do with Ethan - or 'Aurarius' as he had known him - but as Josh had said earlier that morning, 'it was a very different set-up back then' - and it was.
"Not really.....", Ethan replied airily.
"I had come to find out what 'Marcus'... (Ethan was making a veiled comment about Jim being called 'Marcus') here wanted done about certain outstanding matters that are awaiting his attention.", Ethan said.
Jim looked uncomfortable.
"Such as, Ethan...", he replied, defensively.
"Well, what do you want Jonathan - remember him - to be doing, and what about the Presleys - and when's Brody's next 'show-thingy' ?
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Franklin 'Phoning Jim |
Obviously, Jim realized, with his cell-phone switched off, someone - probably Franklin - had been calling Ethan.
It was the first occasion on which his new responsibilities had first encroached on Jim's easy-going life-style.
"Then Franklin has got a lot of paperwork to be signed.", Ethan continued, making things seem even worse.
"OK... I get the message, Ethan.
Get Chuck and Max to bring two Cadillacs to the front entrance, and get packed - we need to make a short trip to 'Vegas.", Jim said, trying to be decisive.
"Okey-dokey !", Ethan replied, opening his cell-phone in order to relay Jim's instructions.
Jim then turned to Novius.
"Sorry to leave you... but 'duty calls'.", Jim said, using a rather obvious cliche.
"Get Josh to help you with your research, Novius, and I'll be back in a few days.", Jim said, patting Novius on the shoulder as he turned to leave.
"See you soon - I hope !", Ethan said to Novius, following Jim.
Teddy, however, wasn't sure what was happening.
"Come on, Teddy, it's back to 'Vegas !", Ethan said, as he picked Teddy up, and whisked him out of the study.
It didn't take long for them to pack - particularly as they had brought very little with them to the 'Villa Athena'.
Max looked after the luggage - such as it was - and Ethan carried Teddy.
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The Road to Las Vegas - USA |
"Here we go again, Teddy... back on the road, but this time to 'Vegas.", Ethan said, sighing.
"No problem, Ethan...
I like being on the road, as long as I'm not stuck in my plastic bag.", Teddy said brightly.
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Max in Uniform |
On this occasion he was sitting on Max's lap - Teddy liked sitting up front....and anyway, Teddy was very 'taken' with Max's smart uniform.
The journey was 250 miles along Interstate 15 - but Ethan had suggested a stop-off early on for cheeseburgers and Pepsi-Max - he knew a very good McDonalds in the 'City of the Angels'.
Jim had decided to take Clare and Zac with them, and they were in another following limo.
Jim realized, however, that Clare and Zac would probably not understand Ethan's need to stop off at McDonalds, so he had Chuck 'phone the following limo, and tell the driver to carry straight on to 'Vegas, and the Penthouse.
Ethan's excuse for the visit to McDonalds, of course, was that the calcium in the cheese, and the protein in the burgers - to help him to grow - but Ethan hadn't seemed to notice that he, like the other 'boys', was not growing at all... just staying the same.
But no matter - cheeseburgers and Pepsi-Max tasted nice, and that was what really mattered.
"Well, it's just like the 'old days'... Ethan said, and Jim, who was by now was feeling drowsy, nodded in agreement.
Now one of the odd things about people dying is the fact that those left, although they are sad and grieve, also have a strange feeling of an odd kind of 'relief'.
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Sunset Boulevard |
And that was what Jim, and Ethan were now feeling.
Teddy, of course, lived in a blissful world, for the most part lacking feelings of guilt or loss, or if he did have such feelings, they lacked any intensity, and were short lived.
Undoubtedly this was why he was such a good companion for Ethan.
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Shopping in Los Angeles |
Soon Chuck was navigating his way through the busy streets of Los Angeles.
First stop, of course, was McDonalds.
Now it just so happened that Los Angeles was an important location with regard to the US McDonalds franchise.
In 1953 the third McDonalds restaurant was opened in Lakewood Blvd. (State Route 19) at Florence Ave. in Downey, Los Angeles County, and it is the oldest surviving McDonalds, and was therefore like a 'shrine' to Ethan.
By the time that Ethan became 'addicted' to McDonalds cheeseburgers, the Downey McDonalds was looking a bit 'the worse for ware', but it still retained a certain 'magic'.
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McDonalds - Downey - Los Angeles |
So, it was to this particular McDonalds that Chuck was making his way, so that his new employer (Jim), his employers side-kick (Ethan), a certain teddy-bear (Teddy), and also a very cute bell-hop turned chauffeur's assistant (Max) were making their way in a very large, shiny black Cadillac Eldorado.
Jim sometimes wondered what sort of boy Ethan would have become if he had remained a farm lad in Eleusis, and had never discovered Walt Disney, 1930s gangster movies, cheeseburgers, Pepsi Max and Cadillacs......but now no one would ever know....
But no matter, as usual, although the 'dog days' were long gone, the sun was still shining brightly, and it was easy to see why California, and in particular, Los Angeles held such a magnetic attraction for so many people in America.
And, of course, there was always, along with the sunshine, the sense of glamour that was still associated with such places as Hollywood Boulevard - a wonderful place to shop if you also had 'wonderful' credit cards.
But Jim had no end of 'wonderful' credit cards - and so for him there was no problem.
So then they settled down for the four hour drive.
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Interstate 15 Logo |
"Excuse me Sir, but where in 'Vegas do you wan to go, ?", Chuck asked, as he guided the limo onto the Interstate.
"Club Athena...", Jim replied.
"And where is that ?", Chuck asked politely.
"Oh, sorry, I thought you knew.
I've changed the name of the 'Club Jaguar' to the 'Club Athena' - it's more appropriate....", Jim replied.
"I see, Sir.....
I'll bear that in mind...", Chuck answered.
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Franklin Nervously Awaits Jim's Arrival |
"So your'e going to see Franklin ?", Ethan asked.
"Yes...I just need to give him a few clear instructions.
You see, with so much going on, I had forgotten that Franklin, while technically a 'genius', with an IQ of 100 and 'the gods know what', is almost incapable of taking any independent decisions.
Obviously the 'Boss' made allowance for that, but with the 'Boss' going AWOL, and not providing any instructions, and then the 'accident', and the funeral and everything, Franklin has probably gone into 'meltdown', as he just won't know what to do.", Jim explained.
"Yes....that's probably it - he did sound a bit frantic and confused when he 'phoned me..", Ethan said.
Jim shook his head, looking puzzled.
"I never thought that things would come to this......
Before, when I was Dominus, I always had Terentius to sort out all the messy, boring things, but now he's gone.", Jim said.
It was at this point that Ethan felt that he should tell Jim about the decision that he and Josh and Teddy had made the previous evening.
"Well you have Franklin, but I know that while he can deal with the annoying details, he just hides in his office, and never comes up with any advice or ideas of his own.
But what about Josh ?
Since he arrived he hasn't been asked to do anything - almost ignored - and he knows all about you, and the 'Boss', as was, and Terentius, and he's very clever, and trustworthy, and he could take the place of Terentius in this new situation....", Ethan suggested.
Teddy closed his eyes and crossed his paws (what teddy-bears do as the don't have proper fingers) - hoping that Jim would take the suggestion in the right way.
"And how about Josh ?
Does he want to do this ?", Jim asked.
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Jim's Cessna |
"Of course....he would do anything to help you, Jim.", Ethan said.
"But of course you've left him back at the villa !", Jim said, sounding slightly annoyed.
"Yes..well, I wasn't quite sure how to tell you about this, Jim.", Ethan stuttered, worried that Jim might be angry with him.
Teddy growled.
(all teddy-bears can growl, but only when they are annoyed)
"Why don't you get on your cell-phone, and 'phone Josh, and tell him to come on that stupid little jet that you have...and he can be in Vegas before we get there...", Teddy, who was still sitting on Max's lap, said - without even turning round.
"There you are, Jim....you've got a 'jet-thingy'....so Josh can be with us really quickly!", Ethan said, wishing that he had thought of such a good idea.
"Right, Ethan....I'll 'phone Captain Peters, (pilot of the Cessna Private Jet), and you 'phone Josh."
"Oh, and why not send Glen and 'Sigi' back to 'Vegas....it'll be more company for us, and we can get to know 'Sigi' a bit more. ", Ethan added.
And so the instructions were sent, and the various individuals converged on Las Vegas in Nevada by road and air.
When the two Cadillac arrived in 'Vegas, they went first to the Penthouse, where Max unloaded the luggage belonging to Zac and Clare.
Jim had to promise Clare that he would be back soon, as she was concerned that he should rest and relax.
Clare then took Teddy with her up to the Penthouse, and Zac changed Limos, joining Jim and Ethan.
The empty Cadillac was then parked in the underground garage of the Penthouse Building, and Chuck drove his Cadillac the short distance to the newly renamed 'Club Athena'.
Jim's big black Cadillac drew up by the main entrance to the 'Club Jaguar'.
Max instantly jumped out and opened the limo doors for Jim, Ethan and Zac.
Immediately the Club bellhops came out to deal with the luggage, but were curtly told by Max that there was no luggage.
Max, who was now in charge of all the Club bellhops, then told them to line up so that Jim could inspect them, which made quite a fine display on the sidewalk.
Jim, Ethan and Zac then entered the club - to the general consternation of the staff, who were not expecting them.
Ethan then took charge, and told the staff on reception to tell the club Security that Zac was about to make an inspections, and that Franklin was to be informed that the 'dominus' was about to pay him a visit.
By then Max had dismissed all the bellhops, and escorted Jim and Ethan to the Elevator which would take them to the top floor of the club.
As Teddy was not with them, there was no problem regarding who should press the elevator buttons, (if that seems weird check previous chapters), and Max operated the elevator, which required a special code to access the top floor.
As has been previously said, there were only two doors leading from the elevator lobby on the top floor.
One room was numbered (1), and the other room, at the opposite end of the small lobby was numbered (33).
Jim guessed that, as Faunus could not be found that morning at the villa Athena, then he would probably be in Room 33 - if he was anywhere....
Regardless, Jim knew that if Faunus wanted to see him, then Faunus would almost certainly turn up unannounced.
So they went through Door 1, which led to a large lobby with a number of doors leading off.
"See you later, boys, - and good luck with Franklin.", Zac said, as he disappeared through an unmarked door that led to the security section.
Franklin's door had the unappealing title plaque inscribed with the single word 'ADMINISTRATION'.
"Well he certainly hasn't been doing much of that lately...", Ethan said, a little uncharitably.
Jim knocked and entered.
The secretary who 'guarded' the administration offices nearly jumped out of her seat.
"Oh ! Mr Johnson...Sir...we weren't expecting you...", she said, as if Jim's appearance was in some way an inconvenience to her.
"Well Mr Franklin did 'phone Mr Duncan (Ethan) a number of times, sounding quite distressed, so I thought I should come - even although I was in Los Angeles on business.", Jim said, sounding far from happy.
"Oh, I see...I'm sorry.
I will tell Mr Franklin you're here immediately."
And so she instantly disappeared - leaving her post abandoned.
"Odd, Jim, I always though Franklin was his first name...", Ethan said.
"I wouldn't know, Ethan.
I've only ever heard him referred to as 'Franklin'.", Jim replied.
The receptionist them returned.
"Please come with me, Sir." she said - rather too curtly for Jim's liking.
And so they entered Franklin's office.
Franklin rose from his desk and put out a shaky hand.
"Good morning, Sir.
Sorry to disturb you, buy I do need some instructions from you...", Franklin began.
"OK, Franklin...but first I need you to contact some designers, as I need some new graphics for the stationary and literature, and very importantly for the sign over the main entrance.
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Jonathan Kent |
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Brody |
And also inform all the staff that this place is no longer the 'Club Jaguar', but instead the 'Club Athena' - for obvious reasons.", Jim began.
"Yes, of course...I quite understand..", Franklin replied, as he made frantic notes on his laptop.
Now with regard to Mr Kent (Jonathan), I want to see him at the California Combat Club at ten in the morning tomorrow.
Also, at the Combat Club, I want to see Brody, at eleven tomorrow morning.
At midday, also at the Club, I want to see Kurt.....is that clear ?".
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Kurt |
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California Combat Club |
Ethan smiled as Jim gave his instructions.
Although Franklin had a brilliant brain for finance and suchlike, his Asperger's meant that instructions had to be given to him in a very precise form - almost as if one were speaking to a child.
Franklin had made notes of all that Jim had said and, as he was not asking any questions, he obviously understood.
If there were any logical inconsistencies, however, he would immediately start to ask lots of unrelated questions, and that would mean repeating the instructions in a more logical form.
"Good !", Jim said, almost under his breath, pleased that this initial interaction with Franklin was going so well.
"In the afternoon, tomorrow about two o'clock in the afternoon, I want to meet here with the graphic designers in order to give them instructions for the new logo.
After that meeting I will introduce you to Mr Walton (Josh) - he's to be your new 'Principal' - so he will need his own office, - and oh, 'pay off' Katrina, and advertise for her replacement.
Also, when you meet Mr Walton, we can look at the documents I need to sign.", Jim said.
Jim then paused, waiting to see if Franklin was going to ask any questions.
"And Franklin....do you have a last name ?", Jim asked, trying to give a friendly smile.
"Yes, Sir....it's Black... I'm Franklin Black.", Franklin replied.
"Ah....like 'Meet Mr Black'... ", Ethan said, with a grin.
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Lobby - Club Athena |
"Yes, Sir....", Franklin replied to Ethan, obviously not understanding.
"Vámonos Ethan !", Jim said.
"Bueno !", Ethan replied - (all the result of too much time spent in New Mexico).
They then quickly left Mr Black's office, went to the elevator, where Max was waiting for them.
"Hi Max !...take us down to the main lobby, 'and don't spare the horses', Ethan said, quoting from yet another of his favorite movies.
And when they got out of the elevator - there was Josh, (with Glaux looking subdued after his first flight using jets rather than his own wings), and Glen and 'Sigi' waiting for them.
"Hi ! - So you finally got here....", Ethan said.
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'Zigi's' Apartment |
"Sorry about the rush, but there really wasn't much point in you staying on at the villa." Jim said.
Again, Josh, Glen and 'Sigi' said nothing.
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Green Valley High |
"So, you, Josh and Glaux,can stay with Ethan and me at the Penthouse....and 'Sigi', you need to be getting back to school, and your apartment in Green Valley, and Glen - I will have to sort out an apartment for you in the Penthouse Building, here in 'Vegas.
But first we can all have dinner at the Penthouse, unless you have any other plans..."Jim suggested.
As no one seemed to have any other plans, they all followed Max to the two waiting limos that were parked by the main entrance.... (the Cadillac that had brought Jim and Ethan from the villa outside Los Angeles - via the McDonalds, and the Cadillac that had met Josh, Glen and 'Sigi' at McCarran International, and brought them to the 'Club Athena').

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Penthouse Building |
Josh, Glen and 'Sigi' had all, wisely, brought luggage with them, so that gave the bellhops something to do, and gave Max the opportunity to do some supervising.
Ethan 'phoned Zac, up on the top floor, in order to tell him what was happening, but he declined the offer of a lift, as he still had work to do, and was satisfied that with Chuck and Max in attendance, (and with Ethan's supposed skill with his Colt), the security situation was being satisfactorily handled.
Zac, however, promised to be at the penthouse for the dinner.
And so the two Cadillacs glided away from the sidewalk, and made their way to the Penthouse building.
"You know it's about now that I really begin to miss the 'Boss'....", Ethan said, as they settled back in the luxurious comfort of the Cadillac.
"And why's that ?", Jim asked.
"Well before, if we came to the 'Club Jaguar' - as it was, nobody paid much attention to us, in fact I think most of the people working there didn't even know who we were.
Now, even before we get out of the limo, everyone is panicking, like they used to for the 'Boss', and then we have to do boring things like go and see Franklin, and arrange meetings and things, and I have to carry a handgun, and always be on the alert, and even cute little Max seems all grown up and serious now.", Ethan said.
"Yes, and even Teddy has a laptop, cell-phone and glasses, and looks like some fury professor.", Jim added.
"Still...I suppose things had to change.", Ethan added, sounding sad.
"But then we could always run-away, like we did before...", Jim said, grinning.
"Don't be stupid, Jim !
Now there's no 'Boss' to give us money, and make sure we're all right....", Ethan said.
"I know....", Jim replied..."I was only joking..."
But the fact that Jim had even said that, even as a joke, worried Ethan.....
"Anyway, Jim continued.... "we can't expect Clare to make a meal for five at such short notice, so 'phone the club, and get them send round a dinner for five - maybe chicken - with hors d'oeuvres, soups and something nice and savory like cheese for the end of the meal...
and we'll need it in a couple of hours...", Jim told Ethan.
"Okey dokey Jim !", Ethan replied, as he flipped open his cell-phone.
"Ethan...where did you pick up that 'okey dokey' thing from ?", Jim asked, puzzled by the new addition to Ethan's strange vocabulary.
"Oh, it was in one of those old movies.
Teddy was rather taken by it...", Ethan said.
Jim shook his head, but knew it was pointless to ask Ethan to stop using the infuriating phrase.
And so they arrived at the Penthouse.
"Well, it's good to be back, Jim !", Ethan exclaimed, as he stepped out of the limo.
Jim and Ethan then entered the building and headed straight for the concierge.
"Is there an furnished apartment ready for immediate occupation ?", Jim asked.
"Of course, Sir.
We always have a few readied, just in case they're needed in a hurry.", the concierge replied.
Ethan called Glen over.
"We've got an apartment for you !", Ethan said proudly.
"What, now ?", Glen said, surprised.
"You move in, of course, but you and Max will have to bring your stuff down from the penthouse.....
I'm afraid the view not quite as good as from the penthouse, and the furnishings and decorations might not be to your taste, but we can sort that out for you in a few days, so don't worry.", Jim said.
"That's great Jim....Thanks a lot.", Glen said, a little overwhelmed by Jim's generosity.
"Don't thank me, Glen....the Penthouse is owned by Ethan.", Jim said.
"Oh, I see..", Glen replied, slightly taken aback.
Now - if you have read this story from the beginning, when Jim arrived, the Penthouse was reserved by the 'Boss' for the sole use of Ethan, and Jim only shared it with Ethan.
On the demise of the 'Boss', Jim had kept that in mind, and had signed over the deeds of the Penthouse, and the rest of the building (which he inherited from the 'Boss') to Ethan, in recognition of the initial wish, and the generosity of the 'Boss' - so Ethan now owned a very valuable piece of Las Vegas 'real-estate'.
Ethan said nothing there and then, but would obviously thank Jim later.
"So, Glen, all you have to do is give the concierge your details, and Franklin will make out the appropriate paperwork.", Jim added.
Max then took them all up in the elevator to the Penthouse.
By this time, Glaux was well used to being in the elevator, (see Chapter 9 for Glaux's first trip in an elevator) and twittered happily as he watched the lights go on and off as they smoothly traveled up the floors - Glaux was always fascinated by flickering lights.
Then Ethan took out his key, and opened the white, paneled double doors, and stepped into what was now truly his own.
"Hi Honey, I'm home !", Ethan called out, which was always his way to let Clare know that he had arrived.
"I've got a small FedEx packet for you....it feels like a DVD."
"Oh great !", Ethan said, as he scampered into the bedroom.
The next moment Ethan was rushing into the home cinema.
"What is it, Ethan ?", Jim called out.
"Oh nothing....just a DVD", Ethan replied.
In fact Ethan had hidden the DVD in the 'home cinema', in a cupboard containing his huge collection.
It was yet another Disney DVD, and he wasn't keen on the others seeing it in case they made fun of him.
This DVD was 'Sleeping Beauty, an essential addition to his collection of Disney fairy stories.
But that would be for later - when the guests had gone - maybe even when Jim had gone to bed - and then Ethan and Teddy would sit up late, in the darkened 'home cinema', with their headphones on and watch and listen to the story of 'Sleeping Beauty'.
"Well, I don't think all of you have met Franklin, but he can be difficult to deal with - to say the least....I mean he's excellent in his job, but he does need clear and precise instructions, otherwise he finds it difficult to make decisions."
"So what is his job ?", 'Sigi asked.
"He's basically in charge of the whole business....", Jim replied.
"And you trust him ?", 'Sigi' said.
"Well yes - you see Franklin's obsessed with only two things: one, 'computers', and two 'detail' - and that is about it !
So...there's no chance of Franklin indulging in any underhand or illegal business, or attempting to taking things over, mainly because Franklin does not have a single iota of imagination or ambition.
That's just the way the 'Boss' wanted it, when he took him on, and it's just the way I want it.
Now it all works well, except in exceptional circumstances, such as recently - when the 'Boss' went AWOL, and I was out of contact for a few days - then Franklin just 'shuts down', and we have problems - until he is given further instructions.", Jim explained.
"Very strange...", 'Sigi' commented.
"Yes....but because of what has recently happened, I have put Josh in a position as my 'Principal', where Franklin and other senior staff can be permanently monitored on my behalf.
Ethan and Josh said nothing, and simply waited to see if there was any reaction to Jim's last statement.
At that point Clare quietly came into the living-room and announced that the meals had been delivered from 'Club Athena'.
Obediently Jim, and his guests all 'trooped' into the dining room.
The dining room was, by general consensus, the finest room among the many fine rooms in the Penthouse.
With a huge picture-window with a magnificent view over Las Vegas, it was furnished in a modern but very elegant style, and set off by a priceless antique Greek statue of the god Apollo.
Who designed it Jim didn't know, and it was not at all in the style usually favored by the 'Boss' - so presumably it had been 'in situ' when the 'Boss' had originally bought the building.
The guests all stood waiting for Jim to take his seat - all that is except Teddy, who was allowed to sit on the table, next to Ethan, (even although no place was set for Teddy - as he didn't eat).
The 'Club' had provided two waiters, and a chef, so there was little for Clare to do other than supervise.
"Strangely this is only the second time that this room has been used for a formal dinner.", Jim said as he motioned for his friends to be seated.
"And when was that ?", Glen asked, speaking for the first time since his arrival at the Penthouse.
"Oh, a long time ago.", Ethan said.
"It was, if I remember rightly, the time I discovered that the Penthouse actually had a Dining Room..", Ethan said, reminiscing.
(see Part I - Chapter 13 - 'Past and Present Events - The Dinner Party')
And so the two Cadillacs glided away from the sidewalk, and made their way to the Penthouse building.
"You know it's about now that I really begin to miss the 'Boss'....", Ethan said, as they settled back in the luxurious comfort of the Cadillac.
"And why's that ?", Jim asked.
"Well before, if we came to the 'Club Jaguar' - as it was, nobody paid much attention to us, in fact I think most of the people working there didn't even know who we were.
Now, even before we get out of the limo, everyone is panicking, like they used to for the 'Boss', and then we have to do boring things like go and see Franklin, and arrange meetings and things, and I have to carry a handgun, and always be on the alert, and even cute little Max seems all grown up and serious now.", Ethan said.
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Teddy on his Laptop |
"Still...I suppose things had to change.", Ethan added, sounding sad.
"But then we could always run-away, like we did before...", Jim said, grinning.
"Don't be stupid, Jim !
Now there's no 'Boss' to give us money, and make sure we're all right....", Ethan said.
"I know....", Jim replied..."I was only joking..."
But the fact that Jim had even said that, even as a joke, worried Ethan.....
"Anyway, Jim continued.... "we can't expect Clare to make a meal for five at such short notice, so 'phone the club, and get them send round a dinner for five - maybe chicken - with hors d'oeuvres, soups and something nice and savory like cheese for the end of the meal...
and we'll need it in a couple of hours...", Jim told Ethan.
"Okey dokey Jim !", Ethan replied, as he flipped open his cell-phone.
"Ethan...where did you pick up that 'okey dokey' thing from ?", Jim asked, puzzled by the new addition to Ethan's strange vocabulary.
"Oh, it was in one of those old movies.
Teddy was rather taken by it...", Ethan said.
Jim shook his head, but knew it was pointless to ask Ethan to stop using the infuriating phrase.

"Well, it's good to be back, Jim !", Ethan exclaimed, as he stepped out of the limo.
Jim and Ethan then entered the building and headed straight for the concierge.
"Is there an furnished apartment ready for immediate occupation ?", Jim asked.
"Of course, Sir.
We always have a few readied, just in case they're needed in a hurry.", the concierge replied.
Ethan called Glen over.
"We've got an apartment for you !", Ethan said proudly.
"What, now ?", Glen said, surprised.
"You move in, of course, but you and Max will have to bring your stuff down from the penthouse.....
I'm afraid the view not quite as good as from the penthouse, and the furnishings and decorations might not be to your taste, but we can sort that out for you in a few days, so don't worry.", Jim said.
"That's great Jim....Thanks a lot.", Glen said, a little overwhelmed by Jim's generosity.
"Don't thank me, Glen....the Penthouse is owned by Ethan.", Jim said.
"Oh, I see..", Glen replied, slightly taken aback.
Now - if you have read this story from the beginning, when Jim arrived, the Penthouse was reserved by the 'Boss' for the sole use of Ethan, and Jim only shared it with Ethan.
On the demise of the 'Boss', Jim had kept that in mind, and had signed over the deeds of the Penthouse, and the rest of the building (which he inherited from the 'Boss') to Ethan, in recognition of the initial wish, and the generosity of the 'Boss' - so Ethan now owned a very valuable piece of Las Vegas 'real-estate'.
Ethan said nothing there and then, but would obviously thank Jim later.
"So, Glen, all you have to do is give the concierge your details, and Franklin will make out the appropriate paperwork.", Jim added.
Max then took them all up in the elevator to the Penthouse.
By this time, Glaux was well used to being in the elevator, (see Chapter 9 for Glaux's first trip in an elevator) and twittered happily as he watched the lights go on and off as they smoothly traveled up the floors - Glaux was always fascinated by flickering lights.
Then Ethan took out his key, and opened the white, paneled double doors, and stepped into what was now truly his own.
"Hi Honey, I'm home !", Ethan called out, which was always his way to let Clare know that he had arrived.
'Hi Honey, I'm Home !' is an American television 'sitcom' about the 'Nielsens', who are a family of fictional characters from a 1950s' sitcom that has been canceled; they have been relocated to a real world New Jersey suburb in a later time, which is different from the world they know. They use a device called a 'Turnerizer' to switch between color and black-and-white within their home. Mike Duff, the teenage son of the family next door, is the only real-world person who knows their secret. Ethan and Teddy watch every episode when they have the opportunity.
'Hi Honey, I'm Home !
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Teddy |
Teddy came running into the hallway.
"Ethan...I've missed you so much !", Teddy spluttered.
"Don't be stupid, Teddy, I've only been away for an afternoon.", Ethan said a little callously.
"Well I missed you ,Teddy...", Jim said, hoping by saying that to prevent an argument between Teddy and Ethan.
"Thank you Jim.", Teddy said.
Jim then turned to Josh, Glen and 'Sigi'.
Jim then turned to Josh, Glen and 'Sigi'.
"Now go into the living-room, and make yourselves comfortable, and later we'll have a nice dinner together.", Jim said, trying to be a good host.
"Ethan !", Clare's beautiful voice rang out from the master bedroom.
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Sleeping Beauty |
"Oh great !", Ethan said, as he scampered into the bedroom.
The next moment Ethan was rushing into the home cinema.
"What is it, Ethan ?", Jim called out.
"Oh nothing....just a DVD", Ethan replied.
In fact Ethan had hidden the DVD in the 'home cinema', in a cupboard containing his huge collection.
It was yet another Disney DVD, and he wasn't keen on the others seeing it in case they made fun of him.
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(open in new tab to enlarge) |
But that would be for later - when the guests had gone - maybe even when Jim had gone to bed - and then Ethan and Teddy would sit up late, in the darkened 'home cinema', with their headphones on and watch and listen to the story of 'Sleeping Beauty'.
'Sleeping Beauty' is a 1959 American musical cartoon by Walt Disney based on story 'The Sleeping Beauty' by Charles Perrault. The 16th Disney animated feature film, it was released to theaters on January 29, 1959. The film's musical score and songs, featuring the work of the Graunke Symphony Orchestra under the direction of George Bruns, are arrangements or adaptations of numbers from the 1890 'Sleeping Beauty' ballet by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky - recorded in stereo in Germany. The animation style moved away from that of 'Cinderella' and also does not simply draw on fashion and female beauty standards of the time, but rather draws upon distinctive visual combination of pseudo-Medieval art imagery, and 'Art Deco' design. The only memorable song in the movie is 'Once Upon a Dream' - which relies very much on a theme by Tchaikovsky.Back in the living-room, Jim's guests were interested to know how things had gone for Jim that afternoon.
"Well, I don't think all of you have met Franklin, but he can be difficult to deal with - to say the least....I mean he's excellent in his job, but he does need clear and precise instructions, otherwise he finds it difficult to make decisions."
"So what is his job ?", 'Sigi asked.
"He's basically in charge of the whole business....", Jim replied.
"And you trust him ?", 'Sigi' said.
"Well yes - you see Franklin's obsessed with only two things: one, 'computers', and two 'detail' - and that is about it !
So...there's no chance of Franklin indulging in any underhand or illegal business, or attempting to taking things over, mainly because Franklin does not have a single iota of imagination or ambition.
That's just the way the 'Boss' wanted it, when he took him on, and it's just the way I want it.
Now it all works well, except in exceptional circumstances, such as recently - when the 'Boss' went AWOL, and I was out of contact for a few days - then Franklin just 'shuts down', and we have problems - until he is given further instructions.", Jim explained.
"Very strange...", 'Sigi' commented.
"Yes....but because of what has recently happened, I have put Josh in a position as my 'Principal', where Franklin and other senior staff can be permanently monitored on my behalf.
Ethan and Josh said nothing, and simply waited to see if there was any reaction to Jim's last statement.
At that point Clare quietly came into the living-room and announced that the meals had been delivered from 'Club Athena'.
Obediently Jim, and his guests all 'trooped' into the dining room.
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Penthouse Dining Room |
With a huge picture-window with a magnificent view over Las Vegas, it was furnished in a modern but very elegant style, and set off by a priceless antique Greek statue of the god Apollo.
Who designed it Jim didn't know, and it was not at all in the style usually favored by the 'Boss' - so presumably it had been 'in situ' when the 'Boss' had originally bought the building.
The guests all stood waiting for Jim to take his seat - all that is except Teddy, who was allowed to sit on the table, next to Ethan, (even although no place was set for Teddy - as he didn't eat).
The 'Club' had provided two waiters, and a chef, so there was little for Clare to do other than supervise.
"Strangely this is only the second time that this room has been used for a formal dinner.", Jim said as he motioned for his friends to be seated.
"And when was that ?", Glen asked, speaking for the first time since his arrival at the Penthouse.
"Oh, a long time ago.", Ethan said.
"It was, if I remember rightly, the time I discovered that the Penthouse actually had a Dining Room..", Ethan said, reminiscing.
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Ethan Imagines himself as Rick in 'Casablanca' |
"And what was the occasion for that dinner ?", Glen asked.
"Well, we invited the 'Boss', and also there was me and Jim of course, and Faunus, Zac, Josh and Glaux - but this was before Teddy had 'arrived'.", Jim replied.
"There was no real occasion, that I can remember - but it was the first time that we wore evening dress.
It was Ethan's idea, from watching DVDs of old movies, and Clare took us to this upmarket tailors in 'Vegas - 'L & K Bespoke Tailors', if I remember rightly - to have the suits made.", Josh added.
"As for the dinner, we just wanted to spend time with the 'Boss' and Faunus, and reminisce - talk about old times.
It was a really good night !". Jim concluded.
"And this reminiscing and talk of 'old times'.... this was about things that you don't talk to me and Glen about...", 'Sigi' said rather pointedly.
"Yes, Sigi, and there's a reason for that.
Remember, knowing too much can be dangerous." Jim said reprovingly.
"Yes, 'Sigi', I can vouch for that.", Glen said in support of Jim.
'Sigi' wisely said nothing.
"So tomorrow - what's going on tomorrow ?", Josh asked, hoping to change the subject to something less fraught.
"Well tomorrow, we have to arrange for you, 'Sigi' to get back to High School - and then next week I will visit you in your apartment in Henderson, and maybe look round the school.
Also tomorrow Josh, Ethan and myself will be meeting with people who will be designing the new logo for the 'Club Athena'.
Later I will want Glen to accompany me - along with Ethan and Josh, - to see Jonathan and Brody, and I will meet with Zac and Kurt, and later I will see Aaron - and then finally check that Franklin hasn't had a 'melt-down'.
So it's a busy day......", Jim explained.
"So where am I staying tonight ?", 'Sigi asked.
"Tonight you can stay here - we have spare bedrooms in the Penthouse, and tomorrow one of the staff will drive you back to Green Valley - Henderson - and I will only invite you back to 'Vegas after we have had a talk when I come to Green Valley next week"., Jim said.
"Yes, Sir.", 'Sigi' said rather formally.
The remainder of the dinner passed with little conversation as the atmosphere seemed to have been somewhat 'soured' by 'Sigi's remarks.
It was not that he was purposefully being rude or difficult - but more a matter that he did not really understand what was going on.
'Sigi' knew that somewhere in the convoluted connections between these young men - all in many ways similar to himself, there were secrets - secrets that in some way had a meaning and a 'weight' to them that made them dangerous, and yet intriguing.
And so 'Sigi' had reconciled himself to the possibility that if anything might be revealed to him, he would have to patiently wait, and prove himself trustworthy and reliable.....
And so the dinner ended.
Glen went down to his newly acquired apartment.
Josh retired to his own bedroom in the Penthouse.
Zac went to his apartment.......
and Ethan quietly stole into the 'home cinema' with Teddy to watch his new DVD - 'Sleeping Beauty'.
For a while, Jim sat out on the deck in the warm evening air, and then he drifted off to sleep.
As dawn approached the air grew chill, and Jim awoke
On entering the master bedroom he found that the bed had not been used.
He then quietly padded down the main hallway to the 'home cinema'.
The lights were dimly red, and the large screen was blank.
Teddy's head then popped up from the back of the huge sofa, which faced the screen.
"He's here - asleep...", Teddy whispered.
Jim picked up his sleeping friend, and gently carried him into the master bedroom, with Teddy dutifully following.
And so they all ended what was left of the night - together.....Jim, Ethan and Teddy - together.
"There was no real occasion, that I can remember - but it was the first time that we wore evening dress.
It was Ethan's idea, from watching DVDs of old movies, and Clare took us to this upmarket tailors in 'Vegas - 'L & K Bespoke Tailors', if I remember rightly - to have the suits made.", Josh added.
"As for the dinner, we just wanted to spend time with the 'Boss' and Faunus, and reminisce - talk about old times.
It was a really good night !". Jim concluded.
"And this reminiscing and talk of 'old times'.... this was about things that you don't talk to me and Glen about...", 'Sigi' said rather pointedly.
"Yes, Sigi, and there's a reason for that.
Remember, knowing too much can be dangerous." Jim said reprovingly.
"Yes, 'Sigi', I can vouch for that.", Glen said in support of Jim.
'Sigi' wisely said nothing.
"So tomorrow - what's going on tomorrow ?", Josh asked, hoping to change the subject to something less fraught.
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Henderson - Nevada |
Also tomorrow Josh, Ethan and myself will be meeting with people who will be designing the new logo for the 'Club Athena'.
Later I will want Glen to accompany me - along with Ethan and Josh, - to see Jonathan and Brody, and I will meet with Zac and Kurt, and later I will see Aaron - and then finally check that Franklin hasn't had a 'melt-down'.
So it's a busy day......", Jim explained.
"So where am I staying tonight ?", 'Sigi asked.
"Tonight you can stay here - we have spare bedrooms in the Penthouse, and tomorrow one of the staff will drive you back to Green Valley - Henderson - and I will only invite you back to 'Vegas after we have had a talk when I come to Green Valley next week"., Jim said.
"Yes, Sir.", 'Sigi' said rather formally.
The remainder of the dinner passed with little conversation as the atmosphere seemed to have been somewhat 'soured' by 'Sigi's remarks.
It was not that he was purposefully being rude or difficult - but more a matter that he did not really understand what was going on.
'Sigi' knew that somewhere in the convoluted connections between these young men - all in many ways similar to himself, there were secrets - secrets that in some way had a meaning and a 'weight' to them that made them dangerous, and yet intriguing.
And so 'Sigi' had reconciled himself to the possibility that if anything might be revealed to him, he would have to patiently wait, and prove himself trustworthy and reliable.....
And so the dinner ended.
Glen went down to his newly acquired apartment.
Josh retired to his own bedroom in the Penthouse.
Zac went to his apartment.......
and Ethan quietly stole into the 'home cinema' with Teddy to watch his new DVD - 'Sleeping Beauty'.
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Teddy Pops Up |
As dawn approached the air grew chill, and Jim awoke
On entering the master bedroom he found that the bed had not been used.
He then quietly padded down the main hallway to the 'home cinema'.
The lights were dimly red, and the large screen was blank.
Teddy's head then popped up from the back of the huge sofa, which faced the screen.
"He's here - asleep...", Teddy whispered.
Jim picked up his sleeping friend, and gently carried him into the master bedroom, with Teddy dutifully following.
And so they all ended what was left of the night - together.....Jim, Ethan and Teddy - together.

Jim faces the first challenges of being Dominus of the newly renamed conglomerate, 'Club Athena', and his direct concerns are the new company logo, the 'Combat Club', and the entertainment venues. The more mundane aspects of the business - banking, insurance, import and export and such like, are routine matters dealt with by Franklin and his numerous associates.