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please note that this chapter may contain descriptions and images of nudity and explicit sexuality
The boys drive back to the Penthouse in almost complete silence, but then start talking. When they finally reach the penthouse it's a question of who sleeps with who - and the next morning, Josh is summoned to the 'Club Jaguar' by the 'Boss', and Jim has a further session with Dr. Brandt.
Now you might be thinking from the title, 'The Penthouse Gang', that these lads are a tough lot - generally causing trouble - but no - the gang are some of the nicest boy's you could ever meet - just the sort of guys who could happily take tea with your grandma.
But there is a harsher, side to them - a dark residue from 'previous lives', and 'previous experiences' - as you will see, as their story unfolds......
As they drove into the outskirts of Vegas, Josh gazed out of the windows of the limo, amazed.....
"So many lights !", he said.
"Yes - and they're on all night - all the time that it's dark.", Ethan said, showing off that he had lived in Vegas for some time.
As they spoke, Glaux, who was gripping tightly onto Josh's shoulder, as he was a little nervous about travelling so fast, was blinking when the auto lights caught him.
"You know, Ethan, this is all very strange...", Josh mused.
"I know, ", Ethan said, "but I never thought much about it when I first came here.
You see, I had these memories, which Faunus says are not actually real, so things seemed quite normal.
At that time, I was living on the street, until this creepy guy, called Frank, picked me up.
I thought he was just looking for sex, but then he took me to his 'Boss', and then I thought, the 'Boss' wanted me for sex - but no... and for some reason that I didn't understand then, he looked after me, and very well - like a really caring father, and because he seemed to me to be familiar, I felt I could trust him.
Well now I know that he was just waiting, for me - and the rest of you - on the instructions of Faunus.", Ethan explained.
"So what's this 'penthouse' thing ?", Josh asked.
"Oh, it's a really great place to live - you'll love it - and it's right on the top of a very tall building, and Zac lives on the floor below us."
Josh nodded.
"And I think Zac's been here the longest,", Ethan continued, "although I only recently met him - and Jim's sure he's known him before, but me, I'm not sure.
Anyway, as he's a bit older than us, the 'Boss' gets him to organise things - which he seems to be very good at."
As they were talking, the limo drew up outside the apartment block.
"Shit ! - It's really big.", Josh said, gazing up at the massive building.
"Well, we only live at the very top, but the rest of it is all owned by the 'Boss', and Zac says that the 'Boss'' owns lots and lots of other apartment blocks, like this, and also hotels, and lots of other businesses.
He's a very rich guy..."
And so they left their luxurious autos, and walked through the entrance hall to the reception.
The 'Boss', or one of his minions, had already arranged for Josh to be registered at the building, and so it was simply a matter of picking up a set of keys.
They then headed for the elevator.
Once the elevator started upwards, there was a lot of flapping of wings on the part of Glaux, who was unsure of what was happening.
Zac, who was looking very thoughtful, said he was getting off at the floor below the penthouse.
He excused himself, saying that he had some work to do, and said goodnight, and then very gallantly told Josh how pleased he had been to meet him.
The elevator then went on to the penthouse.
As they entered the luxurious top floor, Josh was amazed at the size of the apartment and the beautiful furnishings.
Ethan was trying to behave in a very mature manner at this point, realizing that Josh had a reserved and serious manner and, instead of scampering around, flinging open all the doors, Ethan walked Josh through the apartment, like a professional realtor, ('estate agent' for UK readers), which Jim found highly amusing.
Finally they flopped down in the main living room, while Ethan, at least from the sounds that he was making, demolished the kitchen.
The eventual result of all the noise was just three coffees, and three microwaved cheeseburgers.
"How did you cook the burgers so quick ?", Jim asked, removing the top of the bun to check that the meat was properly cooked.
"Microwaved it...", Ethan said casually.
"You did what ?", Jim asked.
"Yes... this, Josh, is a problem.", Ethan said, wearily.
"Jim was never given any information about what they call 'modern living' - something that Faunus, it seems, left out.
So every time something like this comes up, it all has to be explained to Jim... again...
To be honest, it's driving me mad !."
Josh looked puzzled.
"Well I don't know what microwaved is either...", Josh said, questioningly.
"It's sort of a box - about so big...", and Ethan demonstrated with his hands, and in the process dropped his cheeseburger on the floor.
"Shit !... that's my burger !", he said, picking it up, and dusting it off.
"Well, anyway, you tap in some numbers - it tells you on the food packet what numbers to use, shove the food into the box - close the 'door', press another button, and in a few moments it buzzes, and the food's cooked.
I'll show you later - and we can all have another cheeseburger !", Ethan finished off triumphantly, having completely forgotten he was trying to be mature.
Aside from the 'art of microwaving', Jim noticed that when Ethan had dropped his cheeseburger,
Glaux, who was still sitting on Josh's shoulder, had watched very carefully as the burger fell.
"So, guys, what are we going to do about feeding Glaux ?"

"Give him cheeseburgers !", Ethan said. "They're very nutritious - and we can chop 'em up into little bite size bits for him." Josh looked unsure. "Yes... maybe.
But what do owls eat in the wild." Josh asked.
"Why not look it up on your laptop-thingy Jim ?", Ethan said.
"And don't ask what a laptop is, Josh - you'll see one in a minute.", Ethan said, helping Jim to start up the 'Mac Book Pro'.
"Shit !", Josh said, as the machine flickered into life.
"So how do we find out about Glaux ? 'cause Glaux is just his name.", Ethan said to Josh.
"How should I know ?", Josh replied, looking baffled.
"Well, he's a little owl - so type that in, and put his name - Glaux - in anyway - perhaps he's famous and we don't know it." Josh suggested.
So Ethan did just that, and a second later, up came - 'Owl of Athena - Wikipedia'.
"Amazing !", Jim said, looking at a photo of a bird very similar to their own sweet little Glaux.
Jim looked strange.
"Athena - I know about that...", he said, in a rather distant voice.
"OK, Jim !
Now just don't start going 'weird' on us again.
We're just looking to find out what food to give to Glaux.", Ethan said, as he went to the Wikipedia site, and started reading about Glaux.
"Well, it says here that Glaux will eat 'insects and earthworms, as well as small vertebrates including amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals'.", Ethan said, looking up at Glaux to see if the owl made any response.
"So... that's almost anything, but not cheese, and not burger buns.", Josh said.
"Right - but mammals are meat so - burgers are OK.", Ethan retorted.
"Yes, true,", Jim added, "but not burgers that have been put in that strange 'microwave'."
"OK, and we'll ask Zac where to get amphibians, reptiles and things like that.
I'm sure they'll sell them somewhere in this town - after all it's a very strange place.", Ethan said.
At that point the entry 'phone buzzed.
"Let me go.", Jim said, secretly wanting to show off to Josh that he knew how to use the 'phone.
While Jim was gone, Ethan showed Josh more of the information on Wikipedia.
"It's Faunus !", Jim called out from the hallway.
"Well let him in !", Ethan called back.
Jim and Faunus entered the main living room.
"Hi boys ! - and how's little Glaux doing ?", Faunus asked.
"Very well !", Josh replied.
"We're just looking on the laptop to find out what we should be feeding him."
"Good, but there's something important that you should show him... the windows !".
Josh looked surprised.
"The windows ?", Josh repeated.
"Yes, he doesn't know much about such large, clean windows, and he might think they're not there, and bang into them, and hurt himself.
Choose one window that you can keep open - show him that - and then he will use it all the time - safely - and I'll come with you when you show him the window, so that I can explain it to him...
Some people claim that owls can find things in the dark by sound, but that not entirely true, and these huge windows could be dangerous for Glaux."
Jim looked puzzled.
"Did you say that you would explain about the windows to Glaux ?...
Does that mean that you can talk to him ?", Jim asked.
"Oh yes !", Faunus replied, as if it was the most natural thing in the world.
"Most of the time he can understand everything you say - but by reading your thoughts, - and he can also talk to you - by sending thoughts to you - but only if you're the right sort of person, like Josh here.
"So that's why he went straight to Josh, when he first saw him at the Villa Jaguar !", Ethan said.
"Of course !", Faunus said, smiling.
"They're very old friends - very, very old...
You see, Glaux is a very special owl, so I want you to take great care of him."
"Oh we will - he's cute !", Ethan said.
Faunus then took Josh and Glaux off to find a window.
"You know, Ethan, I think we ought to remember Glaux - but I just can't place him... I mean I recognize him, but I can't place where I saw him.", Jim said, sounding very puzzled.
"I know... I feel the same way.", Ethan answered.
Faunus and Josh very soon returned with a very alert looking Glaux.
"We've found a suitable window,", Faunus explained, "and Josh here is going to stick a little label on the window... to remind us not to close it."
"So Faunus... let's sit and talk, unless you have to go off somewhere." Jim said - and so they all sat, except for Ethan, who noisily made some more coffee.
"Well, I can't stay long, as it's getting late anyway, but I need to speak to you to make some arrangements with each of you...
This is information from the 'Boss'.", Faunus began.
"He wants to see you, Josh, tomorrow morning at the Club Jaguar - and don't bring Glaux on this occasion.", Josh nodded.
"Chuck will drive you, and Jim... Jim - you have an appointment with Dr. Brandt tomorrow, so you will go with Josh.
Josh can be dropped off first, and then you can go on to see Dr. Brandt.
After you've seen Dr. Brandt, Chuck will then take you to the Club Jaguar, as the 'Boss' also wants to see you, as well as Josh.", Faunus said.
"And what about me ?", Ethan asked.
"Am I to stay here and just 'baby-sit' Glaux ?"
Glaux looked suitably offended at the inference that he was a 'baby'.
"No Ethan, I will come and see you - there are things I want to talk to you about.
Later Chuck will pick you up so that you can go with Jim and Josh, and the 'Boss', to do some shopping.", Faunus said, getting up from his comfortable armchair.
On hearing the word 'shopping', Ethan visibly brightened up.
Faunus then left - leaving the boys to make their sleeping arrangements, which in the end were very simple - they each took a separate bedroom - for the first night at least
They wee all very exhausted by the day's revelations - and needed to be alone and rest.
Ethan decided to get up early the next morning, which was just as well as Clare was the first person to call.
Decently dressed - for once - Ethan answered the door.
Fortunately Clare had been told by Zac to arrive early in order to see that the boys were up, properly dressed, breakfasted, and waiting for Chuck.
As soon as Clare arrived, and was busy making breakfast, Jim and Josh started to get themselves ready.
Within and hour all three boys were waiting patiently in the main living room, like a trio of recalcitrant schoolboys.
Clare came in from the kitchen.
"Hi Josh !", she said brightly.
Zac told me about your arrival, and the neat little pet that you brought with you."
At that Glaux fluttered over and landed on Josh's wrist.
"This is Glaux." Josh said proudly.
Now if an owl could blush, then Glaux blushed.
Instead he twittered and warbled, and looked up at Clare endearingly.
"Oh my god !... he's so sweet !", Clare said, obviously entranced.
"Be warned, Clare.
It's just an act he puts on !", Ethan said, grumpily.
"Oh I'm sure it's not.
He's so fluffy and cuddly.", Clare enthused.
"He eats Cheeseburgers.", Ethan added.
"Well, I'm sure that's not true, Ethan, but I'll leave the feeding to Josh.", Clare replied, looking a little alarmed.
"So Zac tells me that you'll be staying with Jim and Ethan ?", Clare asked
"Well yes... if that's all right."
"Of course, Josh.
And perhaps you'll help to keep Ethan in order.", Clare replied, smiling.
"Thanks !", Ethan said, obviously sulking.
Chuck, of course, arrived exactly on time.
Meanwhile Glaux had found a shaded alcove on the penthouse 'deck', where Clare fed him tiny morsels of uncooked hamburger meat.
Chuck had brought a huge white Lincoln - probably just to make a change, and Josh and Jim were driven off to their individual meetings.
Ethan was left behind, dozing on one of the large, comfy sofas, waiting for Faunus.

Josh arrived at the Club Jaguar, uncertain where to go.
He asked at the reception desk for 'the Boss' - and received a haughty - 'who wants to know ?'.
"Josh.", Josh answered, not realizing that it was usual to give an identifying 'surname'.
"And that is Josh... who ?", the receptionist replied, obviously not very impressed.
Josh, however, as far as he knew, didn't have a last name.
Another receptionist then quickly whispered something to her supercilious colleague who was speaking to Josh.
Then the whole atmosphere changed.
"Yes, Sir... of course, Sir...
Please take a seat here, Sir, while I find someone to take you to offices of the 'Boss'."
So Josh sat down, only to be instantly approached by a waiter asking him what refreshments he would like.
"Well I'm sorry, but I have no money, so I can't really order anything.", Josh said in embarrassment.
"That's no problem for you, Sir.
Now what can I bring for you ?", the polite young waiter asked.
His persistence seemed to imply that he would have a problem if he didn't supply some form of refreshment to Josh.
"Well in that case, I'll have a coffee, if that's OK ?", Josh replied, (remembering the coffee he had at the penthouse), feeling a little foolish.
"Black or white ?", the waiter asked, thinking that offering Josh the full selection of coffees might cause problems.
The waiter then smartly departed, and another man, probably in his late twenties in a finely cut black suite approached Josh.
"Good morning, Sir ?", he said smoothly, almost bowing to Josh.
"Is everything to your satisfaction ?", he asked, in a servile manner that seemed strangely familiar to Josh.
"Oh yes.", Josh replied, hoping that the man - who was actually the assistant manager of the Club Jaguar - would go away as soon as possible.
Moments later two waiters arrived - one bearing coffee, along with a fine linen napkin, and a plate of delicately cut sandwiches, garnished with pieces of salad that Josh was totally unable to identify, while the other waiter brought a small marble topped side table.
Again, like the servile manner of the assistant manager, the marble topped table seemed strangely familiar to Josh.
Josh himself, however, felt very much out of place amidst the heavily figured marble and expensive looking furniture, while being served by beautifully attired waiters - after all he was sitting there wearing just a T-shirt, blue jeans and trainers (even if the whole outfit was the height of fashion, very expensive, and 'designer labelled' - not that Josh would know anything about 'designer labels').
At that moment Josh felt very alone, and would have given anything to have Glaux sitting comfortably on his shoulder.
So, Josh munched on his sandwiches, not being entirely sure what the filling was, and sipped his coffee, which tasted so much better than the coffee that Ethan made, or even that Clare had made that morning.
Then a very glamorous young lady approached Josh.
She could quite easily have been the sister of Clare, and was elegantly dressed in black.
(Did all the staff working for the 'Boss' wear black ? - Josh wondered - well yes, actually.)
"Josh ?", the young lady said softly and questioningly.
"Good morning, Sir."
"Hi !", Josh said, forgetting his manners.
(Faunus had programmed Josh, and the others, with a 'Preppy' form of American English, in the hope that they would be both easily understood, and also blend in well in the social milieu around them.)
For non US readers - 'preppy' or 'prep' (abbreviations of the word preparatory) refers to a 'subculture' in the United States associated with the old private North-eastern university-preparatory schools. The terms are used to denote a person seen as characteristic of a student or 'alumnus' of these schools. 'Preppy' characteristics include a particular subcultural speech, vocabulary, dress, mannerisms, etiquette, reflective of an upper-class upbringing.
Hi !", the young lady replied.
"So, Josh, if I may call you that, when you have finished your refreshments I would like to accompany you to the offices of the 'Boss'."
"Fine.", Josh said, putting his coffee and sandwiches to one side.
They then made their way to the elevators (non US readers - lifts), where the smartly uniformed elevator boy politely opened the doors for them.
When a young couple tried to join them, the elevator boy told them, politely, that the elevator was reserved - and they proceeded on the journey alone, apart for the uniformed young man.
On reaching the top floor, the doors opened.
"Have a nice day, Sir.", the elevator boy said deferentially.
Finally Josh reached the 'inner sanctum' of the 'Boss'.
The elegant, blond young lady tapped on the dark mahogany doors.
"Enter !", the refined voice that Josh recognised as belonging to the 'Boss', responded.
The 'Boss', wearing a beautify tailored dark suit, looked up from his huge glass topped desk.
"Good morning, Josh !", the 'Boss' said expansively, apparently greeting an old friend - which, in a way, Josh was.
The young lady was suitably impressed.
"And Katrina.. bring us some refreshments.", the 'Boss' said, as he stood up, came round the side of his huge desk, and offered Josh his hand. "So good to see you, my boy !", the 'Boss' said, warmly - (Faunus, of course, had provided the 'Boss' with some relevant information about Josh, as the 'Boss' had only vague recollections of the boy).
"Good to see you too, Sir.", Josh said, certain that he knew the 'Boss' from somewhere else.
"Sit down, son.", the 'Boss' said warmly, as Katrina left the office.
"Well... we met yesterday, but now I have a chance to speak to you privately.", the 'Boss' said, as he lent forward, and touched the dark glass of his desk top.
And the desk of the 'Boss' was truly a 'desktop', being the massive touch screen of a complex and unique computer system.
His one single touch switched off the display, and indicated to all the staff of his private office that he was not to be disturbed - under any circumstances.
"I was very worried about you, you know.
Faunus said that he was going to 'bring you back', but there had been some 'problems', but he didn't explain what those 'problems' were.
Zac had been here some time, and had been able to help me in some matters.
Then Ethan arrived - and he was quite a problem.", the 'Boss' continued, smiling.
"Faunus had turned him into an 'all American boy', and that was a little tiresome at times - but eventually I have become very fond of him - as I was before."
Katrina silently entered the office of the 'Boss', and the 'Boss' instantly stopped speaking.
Once she has left the refreshments, the 'Boss' continued.
"Jim was another matter entirely.
He seemed to have been badly 'shaken up' by what ever had happened to him when he had been 'brought back', although that was probably nothing to do with Faunus.
Jim had completely lost all sense of his identity, and Faunus was only able to provide him with a very minimal personality as there was something blocking any 'input' - and it is for that reason that I have sent him Dr, Brandt, and expert in post traumatic stress disorder - although in the end I think it will be up to Faunus to sort things out.
Are you understanding what I'm saying ?"
'The Boss' leaned back in his well upholstered chair, and scrutinized Josh.
"Yes Sir, most of it.", Josh replied.
"You, on the other hand, seem to have coped well with what has happened, and that was obvious when 'Búho' - who you know as Glaux - recognised you, and you recognised him."
"Yes, that really made me feel good, but the others don't seem to realize, as much as I do, who he really is.", Josh said.
"And tell me, confidentially of course, do you think that the four of you will be able to get on well here - together ?", the 'Boss' asked.
"Yes, I don't see why not.
Jim's a bit distant, and I haven't been able to talk to Zac much in a personal way, as he's been very busy organising things for me.
Like you say, Ethan can be a bit annoying occasionally - but by and large, I think we will make a good team.", Josh said.
"Ah ... Good !...
That's exactly what I wanted to hear.
You see Faunus has told me that 'before' you all made a very good team - and that's what we want now."
"And can I ask, Sir... how much has Faunus told you about yourself, I mean 'before', and how much has he told you about the four of us ?", Ethan asked.
"Well... Josh, that's something that I am not permitted to tell you, or any of the others, at least at this time.
It may upset things.", the 'Boss' said warily.
"And can I also ask, Sir, who withholds this permission ?". Josh asked, intrigued.
"I suppose Faunus, but he, it seems, doesn't make all these decisions, but only carries them out.
But that's as far as I can go with such matters.".
The 'Boss' then leaned forward and pulled a large black leather book towards himself and opened it.
Josh presumed that it was some kind of a diary.
And so down to business...
"Later today I will be seeing Zac to make arrangements for you to be given some form of legal identity, and this will enable you to have 'credit cards'.
If you don't know what they are, don't worry - Zac will explain everything.
Zac will also supply you with a laptop and a mobile 'phone, like Ethan and Jim have.
He will also arrange accounts for you on the internet, and get you membership of local sports facilities.", the 'Boss' explained.
"And how can you do this if I have no surname... because I found that out when I came to the club reception here, this morning, that there was a problem just saying 'Josh'.", Josh asked.
"Yes that could have been a problem, but that has already been organised.
Your surname is to be Walton - so you will be known as Josh Walton - in fact, 'Joshua Paul Walton'.
How does that sound ?", the 'Boss' said, smiling.
"That sounds great, Sir...
Thank you."
And so Josh realised that the meeting was over, but he had one more question.
"And will I be speaking to you again, Sir ?", he asked hesitantly.
"Of course my boy.
Zac will give you a number to ring, and we can make an arrangement to meet any-time you like - and it need not be here - it can be somewhere more informal, and to your liking.", the 'Boss' replied.
"And you mean that, Sir ?",Josh asked, pushing his luck a bit.
"I mean that, Josh... truly."
Josh was surprised at how heartfelt the answer was, and thanked the 'Boss' again.
The 'Boss' then reactivated his 'desktop', and Katrina re-entered the room.
"Katrina... please take Josh down to reception, and wait with him there until Chuck arrives."
"Of course, Sir.", Katrina said sweetly, and she and Josh left the office of the 'Boss'.
Now some time before, while Josh was waiting in the reception of the Club Jaguar, the big white Lincoln had arrived at Dr Brandt's offices.
When Jim got out of the limo, and entered the offices of Dr. Brandt, he was immediately recognised by the cute young receptionist, and sent to the elevator.
As Jim stepped out of the elevator, Dr Brandt was standing in the hallway, apparently waiting for him.
"Guten Tag , Jim !", Brandt said cheerfully.
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Dr. Brandt |
Jim was confused, but presumed that whatever language Brandt was using, he was probably saying 'good morning' - or something similar.
"Hi Doctor Brandt !", Jim replied, trying to sound as relaxed as possible.
"Please... come into my consulting-room.", Brandt said as he opened the door.....
"And Jim, - how are we feeling today ?", Dr Brandt asked, in his idiosyncratic manner.
"We are feeling just fine.", Jim replied somewhat cheekily.
"So... that is good.", Brandt said, as he perched himself on the front edge of his desk."
"And why, may we ask are we feeling so fine today. Jim ?", Brandt asked.
"Well, because another one of our group arrived, and there was a reunion with his owl.", Jim explained.
"Oh....", and there was a pause while Brandt tried to digest this new information, and hurriedly made notes in his black leather book.
"And this group you are speaking of...what is this ?", Brandt asked, with a rising inflection.
"Well there's me, and Ethan - you know the boy who came with me the first time... (Brandt nodded), and Zac - the guy who caused me to faint.
And now there's Josh.", Jim explained.
I see", Brandt said quietly, as he made a list in his note book.
"And this Josh, where did he arrive from ?", Brand asked, looking quizzically at Jim.
"I don't really know.", Jim replied.
"Yes... well... you were pleased to see him, yes ?... so how did you come to know him." Brandt asked.
"I don't know." Jim replied.
Jim would have liked to explain a little more, but he realised that he had no explanation to give, and began to regret having even mentioned Josh.
"Well - if you're being honest and open with me, this is very puzzling - but perhaps we can come back to it."
Jim of course knew that he would.
"So this owl ? - where did the bird appear ?", Brandt asked.
"In the study, at the Villa Jaguar, near Los Angeles.
The villa belongs to the 'Boss'.", Jim explained.
"And where did the owl come from ?", Brandt asked - ever more incredulous.
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'Búho' |
"I don't know, but he's called Glaux, and belonged to Don Picaro in 1924, but before that the owl belonged to Josh."
Jim said, realising that what he was saying didn't really make any sense.
"Yes....", Brandt said in an obviously doubting tone.
"And your guardian... did he see this bird... this Glaux ?", Brandt asked, by now thoroughly confused.
"You mean the 'Boss' ?... Oh yes... he saw Glaux, although he calls him 'Búho' - which is Spanish for owl.", Jim explained.
"And why a Spanish name ?", Brandt asked, desperately trying to get to the bottom of all this strange information.
"Well obviously because Glaux, at the time the 'Boss' met him in 1924, belonged to Don Picaro, whom the 'Boss' took to be a Spanish speaking Mayan, and Don Picaro, who is really Faunus, had given Glaux a Spanish name.", Jim said breathlessly.
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Josh at the 'Villa Jaguar' |
At that point Brandt threw his notebook onto his desk in despair."
So lets go back to this boy - Josh - he is a boy I presume ?", Brandt said wearily, slumping down in his chair.
"Yes, Sir...
He's about my age.", Jim answered, remembering to call Brandt 'Sir' so as not to antagonise him any further.
"You said that you don't know where he comes from, and yet... you were pleased to see him - but you don't know why you were pleased to see him....
Can you explain that for me ?", Brandt asked, trying to elicit some rational answer.
"No... not really, but it's like a lot of things... I have vague memories, but that 's all.", Jim said.
"And your guardian, and the other boys - do they know who Josh really is, and where he comes from. ?", Brandt asked, shaking his head in desperation.
"Not that I know of, but it's all very complicated...and the only person who really seems to know what's going on is Faunus - and he's not telling - well not just yet.", Jim explained.
"And who is this Faunus ?", Brandt ask, with a note of finality.
"I don't really know....", Jim replied helplessly.
Brandt put his note-book in his desk draw, and his gold pen into the inside pocket of his jacket, and stood up
"Well, Jim... what I must do now is send a report to Dr, Lockwood, and then 'phone your guardian; discuss what you have said to me today; and I will probably ask him for permission to give you a course of questioning under hypnosis.", Brandt explained.
"But for now, this session is at an end.
Your guardian will tell you when you will come to see me again.", Brandt concluded.
Jim stood up, offered his hand to Brandt, thanking him for his time, and then left the consulting room, feeling like a dismissed, naughty schoolboy.
Meanwhile, back at the Penthouse, Faunus pays a call on Ethan and begins the process of explaining how he came to be in Las Vegas. The 'Boss' speaks to Josh and Jim and tells then that he is terminating Jim's treatment with Dr. Brandt. Jim, Josh, Ethan and the Boss go on a shopping expedition. One possibly unforeseen result of reinstating certain memories, however, is that the residents of the penthouse begin to develop an understanding of the relationships that they enjoyed with one another - in another time and another place.
to find out more go to: