Meanwhile, back at the Penthouse, Faunus pays a call on Ethan and begins the process of explaining how he came to be in Las Vegas. The 'Boss' speaks to Josh and Jim and tells then that he is terminating Jim's treatment with Dr. Brandt. Jim, Josh, Ethan and the Boss go on a shopping expedition. One possibly unforeseen result of reinstating certain memories, however, is that the residents of the penthouse begin to develop an understanding of the relationships that they enjoyed with one another - in 'another time and another place'.
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White Lincoln Limousine |
Jim and Josh had been whisked off to the Club Jaguar by Chuck, in a fancy white Lincoln, and Zac was out, somewhere, probably arranging things for the 'Boss'.
Even Clare was out doing the shopping - and Glaux was sleeping out on the 'deck'.
So what to do ?
Well, he could always watch a movie, in the huge home cinema - but he couldn't remember how the 'stupid thing' worked.
But the question of what to do was quickly answered by the buzzer, that meant that someone was at the door.
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Faunus Arrives |
"So Hi !.. Remember me ?", Faunus said.
"Of course !
"I only saw you yesterday !", Ethan replied, still sulking.
"So... aren't you going to ask me in ?", Faunus asked.
Faunus was, as usual, reading peoples' minds - and in young Ethan he found a very 'unhappy bunny'.
For one thing, Ethan was jealous of Josh.
And why ?
Because he imagined that Josh and Jim would team up, and he would be 'left out in the cold' - not that it was cold very often in Las Vegas.
Also he was sulking because initially he had been 'número uno' - apart that is from Zac, and Zac had always seemed someone important .
And now he found himself 'baby-sitting' a very haughty owl - who every one treated a something very special.
So Faunus noted all of this, as it would help him when he tried to help Ethan.
Ethan's mind had gone completely blank for a few moments, while Faunus made his scan.
Then Ethan came back to 'normal'.
"Of course, Faunus, come in !
Actually I'd forgotten all about you coming round.", Ethan said said, ushering Faunus into the main living room.
"Sit down, and I'll make you some coffee.", Ethan said, trying to get his thoughts together.
A few minutes later, when he came back with two cups of rather indifferent coffee, he found Faunus, with Glaux sitting on his wrist.
The pair of them were looking very intently at one another.
"What are you two doing, then ?", Ethan asked as he put the coffee down on the marble topped occasional table.
"Oh, Glaux is just telling me about what's been going on here - but don't worry - he's very discreet.", Faunus said.
"Isn't that a bit impolite - I mean like 'spying' on people' ?", Ethan asked, a little miffed.
"Well not really.
Glaux only does it because he knows that there are things that I need to know - and knowing them is in all your best interests.
Anyway, how could I have any bad intentions or motives ? - I'm the one who brought you all back.", Faunus replied, making undoubted sense.
"Well yes... I suppose so, but it does seem a bit 'creepy' - I mean a bird understanding what you say, and then reporting it all to someone else.", Ethan said.
Glaux, at this point, looked most upset.
He had never before been describes a 'creepy', and he did not take very kindly to it.
"Now you must look at it this way, Ethan... Glaux, like all of us, has his part to play, and Glaux always performs his duties... very well !".
At that Glaux instantly perked up, and fluffed up his feathers.
"OK, so what's my part in all of this ? ... whatever 'this' is.", Ethan asked
"Well much of that is still to emerge - but first of all you need to 'find yourself'...", Faunus said mysteriously.
"Strange... I feel I've heard that expression before.
But anyway - as for me - I'm not lost !", Ethan said petulantly.
"Well I think you are.", Faunus replied.
"At the moment you're lost in that 'American boy from next door" persona, all very attractive I know, but that persona is partly my fault.", Faunus explained.
"How come ?", Ethan asked.
"Well, when you arrived I was not sure how to program you to fit in here - and I went a bit over the top - accidentally 'wiped' almost all of your previous memory, and overdid the 'American boy' bit.
"So what's this 'program' thingy mean?", Ethan asked.
"Well it's a word they use here when they talk about computers...", Faunus stated to explain.
"You mean like my laptop ?", Ethan interrupted, getting interested.
"Yes, and it means giving the computer information to use - sort of." Faunus continued.
"So... my brain's like a computer ?", Ethan asked, trying to follow what Faunus was saying.
"Well yes... just a little bit, but a lot more complicated - and in some important ways very different... I hope.", Faunus explained - but not very well.
Ethan looked a little confused.
"Anyway...", Faunus continued, you must understand that your not really an 'all American boy'.", Faunus said forcefully.
"No ?..", Ethan replied, getting even more confused.
"No...", Faunus said.
"That's just like a 'disguise'." Faunus explained.
"What... you mean like I'm a 'spy' - like Glaux here?", Ethan asked, completely missing the point.
"No...", Faunus replied, getting exasperated.
"It's a disguise so that you don't have too many people getting suspicious about you, or asking too many questions.", Faunus said.
Ethan still looked puzzled.
"So let's get to the point.", Faunus said, taking the bull by the horns.
"You don't come from here - not this place, and not this time.", Faunus said firmly.
Well, just sit back and try to relax, and I will try to explain". Faunus said quietly.
There was a pause.
There was a silence.
Faunus gathered his thought, and Ethan looked a little nervous.
"Now just close your eyes - and let me put into your mind some images and memories. " Faunus said softly.
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The Farmhouse in Eleusis |
Glaux looked up at Faunus expectantly.
There was another pause - and another silence.
Ethan sat quietly, his eyes tightly shut.
"Oh shit !" Ethan muttered. "This is a long time ago.
Like ancient times...
Like ancient times...
I can see an old style farm, and people dressed like from a movie.
And it's just like being there.
And it's just like being there.
Like I can hear all the sounds, and feel the breeze, and the heat of the sun.
It's amazing !", Ethan said in a soft murmur.
That's good.", Faunus said.
Ethan was by now breathing deeply, and sitting with his eyes closed.
"Now I can see an athlete - and he's throwing a discus.
It looks like Zac.", Ethan said.
"Yes, and it might surprise you to know that in that time, and in that place, the boy throwing the discus was your older brother.", Faunus explained.
And that's me !", Ethan exclaimed, as a new scene appeared in his mind.
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Ethan sold as a slave to Terentius |
And you were taken to his villa in the south of Italy, in a town called Baiae - a resort town very much like La Vegas.", Faunus explained.
Baiae was an ancient Roman town situated on the north-west shore of the Gulf of Naples.
It was a fashionable resort for centuries in antiquity, particularly towards the end of the Roman Republic and early Empire,
At that time it was reckoned as superior to Pompeii, Herculaneum, and Capri by the super-rich who built luxurious villas here from 100 BC to 500 AD.
It was notorious for its hedonistic offerings and the attendant rumors of corruption and scandal.
It was a fashionable resort for centuries in antiquity, particularly towards the end of the Roman Republic and early Empire,
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On the Road to Baiae |
It was notorious for its hedonistic offerings and the attendant rumors of corruption and scandal.
"But... but... that's 'the Boss' !", Ethan exclaimed.
"Yes - of course.", Faunus said gently.
At that point Ethan opened his eyes - and shook his head.
He was staring seemingly at nothing, and gripping the arms of his chair.
There were tears running down is cheeks.
"What are you doing to me, Faunus ?
That couldn't be me !".
Faunus took Ethan's hand.
"Yes... it was you - a long time ago, and very far away.
But this cute little American guy here is also you - so try to calm down.", Faunus said gently.
"What's it all mean ?", Ethan asked, trying to dry his eyes.
"It means that you've had a life before this one, and have had a chance to come back.", Faunus explained.
"And Zac...? I thought I saw Zac.
Has he had a life before, like me ?", Ethan asked.
And the good fortune is that you, and Zac, and Josh, and Jim have all come back together.", Zac explained.
"So we were all friends before ?", Ethan asked, brightening up.
"Yes... very good friends.", Faunus replied.
"And what about the 'Boss' ?
I'm sure I saw him right at the end." Ethan said.
"Yes... you did.
The 'Boss', as you know him, 'came back' some time before you and the boys.... so I got him to wait for you, so there would be someone here to look after you all.
The 'Boss' was your 'Dominus' - that's Latin for 'master', and you were all his slaves - but that's not in a bad way.
He looked after you, and was like a father to you all, and you all loved him, although none of you told him that often enough - but then in those times people didn't express their feeling very much, particularly boys."
Ethan, by this time had gone very quiet... sitting his chair, looking done reflectively at his hands.
"Now I begin to remember - a little bit...", he murmured, very seriously.
"Well, Ethan, that was the idea.", Faunus said.
Meanwhile... Josh and Jim were at the Club Jaguar.
They were immediately escorted by Katrina, (remember her - she's the gorgeous blond), into the office of the 'Boss', and provided with coffee.
"Morning boys...", the 'Boss' said distractedly, as he nimbly touched various illuminated icons on the huge, glass desktop.
The 'Boss' then looked up and smiled
"Boys... we have now come to an important point...
Faunus is talking to Ethan, and helping him to understand - just a little - what happened before you all came here.
When you see him next, he may be just a little different, so be considerate towards him.
Later we'll be doing a some shopping, and that should cheer him up.
You may find that as time goes by he might have some disturbing dreams - and may even wake you up during the night - so be patient, and let him talk.
You too, when Faunus has spoken to you, may react in a similar way, just as I did when I first arrived, so don't let it worry you.
You won't remember everything - and that's probably just as well - but you will be able to remember enough so that your current identity will be able to merge, hopefully seamlessly, with your past identity - at least that's what Faunus tells me."
"Now Jim, do you have any objections to me speaking to you about yourself and Dr Brandt in front of Josh ?", the 'Boss' asked, diplomatically.
"No... not at all, Sir...there are no secrets between us.", Jim replied.
"Good... I'm glad to hear that."
The 'Boss' sat back in his chair and opened a leather folder that was lying on his desk.
He seemed rather worried about some of the answers you gave him to some of his questions the last time that you saw him.
Now I haven't told Brandt much about your situation, other than the fact that I took you in when you were found homeless, and with severe memory loss.
Also Brandt didn't know about Josh here, and Glaux, and Don Picaro - who is also Faunus - or about the whole business in the 1920s in Mexico.
I don't, of course, blame you for telling him, as I'm sure you were just trying to be cooperative - as you had promised to be, - but that information unsettled him - and he sees such unlikely statements as signs of 'mental instability' on your part.
Now he does have the authority, together with other professionals, to have you committed to a mental institution if he feels that you are suffering from a psychosis, and could be a danger to yourself, and to others.
I know, of course, that this is definitely not the case, and what you told him was what you and I know to be true, but you must understand the situation from his point of view.
I am therefore going to terminate your treatment with Dr. Brandt, and any further memory recovery will be undertaken by Faunus.
It's what I should have done in the first place, but at the time I did 't realize who you actually were.
But, boys, let this be a warning.
Be very careful to whom you speak about 'our little secret'.
Do I make myself clear ?", the 'Boss' concluded.
"Yes Sir.", both Jim and Josh answered, almost in unison.
"I'm sorry , Sir.", Jim then added.
I didn't realize that I was causing a problem."
The 'Boss' shook his head.
"Don't be foolish, Jim - you've done nothing wrong.", the 'Boss' said.
The 'Boss' then stood up and touched his computer screen.
" Katrina !", he said, "Tell Chuck to get the limo ready."
The 'Boss' then spoke to Josh and Jim.
Leaving the office of the 'Boss', the trio were soon descending in the elevator to the reception area, where Chuck was waiting for them.
Moments later they were sitting comfortably on the big white Lincoln, with the 'Boss' sitting 'up front'.
It was not a long journey from the Club Jaguar to the apartment block.
When they pulled up smoothly outside the block, the 'Boss' told Jim to go up to the penthouse and collect Ethan.
"When you see him, remember that he's just has a session with Faunus, and he might be a little disturbed by some of the things he's discovered, so go very easy with him.", the 'Boss' warned.
"Don't worry, Sir...I'll be careful.", Jim answered, confidently.
Jim disappeared into the building, and the 'Boss' and Josh sat uneasily in the Lincoln.
Getting out of the elevator, Jim 'buzzed' the door, and waited... and waited.
"Hi Ethan !", Jim said, trying to be relaxed and cheerful.
"The 'Boss' and Josh are waiting in the limo for you, outside.
We're gonna do some shopping... remember ?", Jim said, endeavouring to continue to sound relaxed, although it was obvious to him that Ethan was upset.
Ethan nodded.
"Where's Faunus ?", Jim asked, not quite sure what was going on.
"Oh... he went some time ago.", Ethan replied.
"Are you OK ?", Jim asked, puzzled.
"Oh... yes.", Ethan replied - seeming very unsure.
"It's just that Faunus and I had a bit of a talk about the past - and it was quite difficult.", Ethan explained.
"But you're OK now ?", Jim asked, wanting to reassure himself.
"Yes...'suppose so... anyway it will do me good to get out.", Ethan said.
So they left the Penthouse, descended in the elevator, and walked out to the limo.
Jim and Ethan squeezed in to the rear passenger compartment in the startlingly white limo (not that it was really a squeeze in car as wide as a Lincoln), beside Josh.
"Hello Ethan... ' thought we might take a tip to LA - I'm told there are some good shops there for the kind of clothes that you like.", the 'Boss' said, and Ethan settled himself in.
"Thanks , Sir.
That sounds cool.", Ethan said, trying to appear relaxed and pleased.
"Right Chuck, you know where to go", the 'Boss' said, and Chuck slid the Lincoln smoothly from the kerb.
The route to LA that day was almost identical to that they had previously taken to the 'Villa Jaguar', and in a remarkably short time they were in the busy commercial centre of Los Angeles.
None of the boys had actually been in the city before, and so this was a new and interesting experience for them.
Ethan and Jim were wary of asking Ethan about his time with Faunus, so apart from numerous 'phone calls taken by the 'Boss' - seemingly on business matters, there was no real conversation during the journey.
Just to 'break the ice' a little bit, the 'Boss' turned round and spoke to the boys.
"Apparently Zac has made contact with a new boy... Brody.", the 'Boss' said.
The boys looked at one another, surprised.
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Sunset Boulevard - Los Angeles - California |
We may have something for him.
You'll probably meet him in a few days.", the 'Boss' explained.
"but remember, if you meet him... be careful what you say.
So for the boys it was a nice selection of 'up to the minute' casual clothes, and then a trip to 'Hugo Bos's for a suit for each of them, along with appropriate formal shirts, ties and shoes - followed by the inevitable Cheeseburgers from 'McDonald's', just to cheer up Ethan.
So the boys got on with their cheeseburgers - the 'Boss' didn't indulge, however, but consented to have a Coke, which he agreed tasted quite good, and better than from the bottle or can.
Jim and Josh - and the 'Boss' for that matter - were somewhat unsure as to what to talk about, as Ethan still seemed very 'reserved' - apparently as a result of his time with Faunus.
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Brody |
"So where did Zac find this boy Brody, Sir ?", Jim asked.
"Well it seems that Zac had seen him a number of times in the gym that you guys have started to attend, and they got to talking.", the 'Boss' explained.
"So this boy is not like one of us - like someone that Faunus has 'brought back' ?", Jim asked, intrigued.
"I'm pretty certain he's not - but Zac became interested in him because he knows that I have a colleague who operates a 'combat sport' franchise in LA, and this boy may be just the type that he's looking for.", the 'Boss' explained.
"And you own this franchise ?", Jim asked, not really understanding that it was not always a good idea to ask too many questions about the business interests of the 'Boss'.
"Well... you catch on fast, Jim, which I suppose is not surprising.", the 'Boss' replied, smiling.
"So... many of my business interests are to do with the 'entertainment' and leisure businesses, like casinos, and shows, and hotels and gymnasia and leisure centers - and also sport, not that this particular franchise is really 'sport' - it's more of an 'entertainment'.", the 'Boss' explained.
Jim, of course, in the short time he had known the 'Boss', has suspected this and, on hearing the admission by the 'Boss', decided that he should have a proper talk with Zac, who he thought was probably complicit in theses matters.
The question, however, that puzzled both Jim and Josh was why the 'Boss' had even mentioned this boy Brody, when he was normally very secretive about his business dealings.
Once they had finished their cheeseburgers and Cokes, they waited outside the 'McDonald's' on the side-walk, with their numerous packages and parcels, for Chuck, whom the 'Boss' had 'phoned, to bring the Lincoln.
"I really like this car... Sir.", Josh said, as they climbed into the elegant Lincoln.
"Well... it makes a change from Cadillacs.", the 'Boss' said, casually.
"OK, Chuck... take me back to the 'Club Jaguar', and then drop the boys off at the penthouse, but then be ready for another 'call-out'.", the 'Boss' said.
"When you get back to the penthouse, Faunus should be there to do some work with you on your past memories - so please cooperate with him as much as possible.", the 'Boss' explained, as they sped smoothly down Interstate 15.
"Ethan... you will probably be relieved to know that the 'memory session' will not include you this time.
I think that you have had enough for one day, but tomorrow we need to talk about how you are coping with this new information.", the 'Boss' continued.
"Yes, Sir.", Ethan replied, obediently.
The boys talked excitedly about their new clothes, and the 'Boss' took a number of 'phone calls on the way back to Las Vegas.
The 'Boss' left them at the 'Club Jaguar', reminding them to expect Faunus, and he also reminded Ethan to be at the 'Club Jaguar' at around 9:00 am.
As he left the Lincoln, the boys were careful to thank him for the new clothes.
Chuck then drove on to the penthouse, and parked-up for the night, (he had a small apartment in the block next to the integral garages).
So the trio arrived back in the Penthouse.
Faunus, it appeared, was already there, sitting out on the deck in the afternoon sun - communing with Glaux.
How he had gained entry to penthouse was not at all clear, and at that time the boy's memories of Faunus were not sufficiently complete for them to realize that he could go anywhere, have anything, and be anybody that he wanted.
They did understand that he was an inexplicable individual, particularly if his claim, backed up by the testimony of the 'Boss', and that very strange photograph, were to be believed.
Faunus came in from the deck, bringing Glaux, sitting on his wrist.
"So... did you enjoy your day out in LA ?", Faunus asked, and Glaux looked at the boys questioningly.
This, of course just created another mystery.
Unless the 'Boss' had told Faunus that they were going to LA, previous to the outing - how did Faunus know ?
But they wisely ignored the matter.
"Very well." Jim replied.
"And the 'Boss' bought us some real 'cool' clothes and things...", Ethan said, already sounding more cheerful.
"That's good, Ethan.", Faunus replied.
"And you enjoyed your cheeseburgers ?", Faunus continued.
"Yes... of course.", Ethan replied, somewhat puzzled.
"Well... you and Josh go and try things on - I know you're just itching to - and Jim and I will have a little talk."
Faunus then looked at Glaux.
"Glaux... go to Josh !", Faunus said firmly... and Glaux immediately flew over and perched on Josh's shoulder.
Despite the fact that the boys were apparently being given orders, they felt compelled to comply, and do what Faunus required.
"Jim, come out onto the deck with me.", Faunus said.
Jim and Faunus then stepped out onto the deck, and Faunus carefully closed the sliding, double glazed glass door behind him - and locked it.
Gib acht!
»Ich schlief, ich schlief—,
Aus tiefem Traum bin ich erwacht:—
Die Welt ist tief !«
Take heed !
"I sleep, I sleep —
"From deepest dream I have awoken —
The world is deep !"
'Also Sprach Zarathustra' - Friedrich Nietzsche
to find out more go to: