Finally on their own - Jim, Ethan and Teddy have to decide what to do next. Strangely, they are not missed, as the 'Boss' has inexplicably decided to take a nostalgic trip to Mexico with 'Don Picaro' (Faunus). - Everybody else has left the Peabody Hotel - Novius, Josh (without Glaux) to the Villa de los Jaguares, while Aaron, Jonathan and Glen have headed for the' Club Jaguar' in 'Vegas with Zac driving them in Jim's convertible.
Please note that this chapter is intended for adults (over 18 years), and contains text adult text and images. Please do not view this chapter if you find such features objectionable....
AWOL is a military abbreviation meaning 'Absent without Leave'
Another fine day in Memphis...
Ethan opened his eyes and looked around.
'Funny, it's the wrong room-thingy...', he thought as he tried to orientate himself.
"These pillows are not so fluffy...", Teddy, who was sitting on Ethan's chest, observed.
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Double Room at La Quinta Hotel - Wolfchase - Memphis |
"Yes, and there's a very bad tempered looking owl sitting on the window-sill outside - looking in at us." Teddy remarked.
Ethan then quickly jumped out of bed and straightened the bed clothes, as if having the bed looking as if no one had slept there would mean that they would not be charged for the room.
Hearing all the noise Jim quickly got up.
"Oh... it's morning...", he said, sleepily.
"Yes, and we've got a visitor... an owl, outside the window.", Ethan said, pointing to Glaux.
"Yes, well I'm surprised that we haven't got more visitors.
If he could find us so easily, then I'm surprised that the 'Boss' is not knocking on the door.", Jim said, looking nervous.
"Well, let's get showered and dressed, and go downstairs and 'face the music'.", Ethan said, heading for the bathroom.
"Yes, and I'd better let Glaux in." Jim said.
'Now this is what it was like in the beginning...', Ethan thought, as he showered, and remembered the first day he and Jim has spent in the Penthouse in 'Vegas - before everything became complicated.
"Hey Jim...", Ethan called out from the shower....
"How did Glaux know we were here ?".
Jim stopped and though for a moment.
"Teddy... ask Glaux how he knew we were here."
There were a few moments of silence as the two communed.
"Glaux says that Faunus told him.", Ethan said.
"That's very strange...
If Faunus knows we're here, then why isn't he, or the 'Boss', or Zac or Novius here at our door ?", Jim said.
"Jim, have you thought that perhaps they just don't care ?", Ethan said.
But no - that had never crossed Jim's mind.
Ethan, on the other hand, was pleased that no one was trying to get them to return.
He couldn't remember the last time he had not had to answer to anybody, and could just get on with his life in his own way, and he was hoping the he and Jim could go on like that - for always.
"Well I think the best thing to do is to go down to breakfast, and then just see what happens.", Jim said.
And so they did.
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McCarran International Airport |
Their cell-phones didn't ring, and when they checked their e-mails there was nothing.
"This is very odd....", Ethan said, as he closed his laptop.
"Perhaps you were right.
Maybe they're glad to be rid of us.", Jim said, sounding very gloomy.
By then he was beginning to wonder if he hadn't had far too high an opinion of himself.
Now of course they didn't know that Faunus had taken the 'Boss' off to McCarran International Airport, where they had boarded a flight to Villahermosa International Airport in Mexico - so there was no way the 'Boss' or Faunus would be arriving in the lobby of the La Quinta Hotel.
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'Villa de los Jaguares' - Los Angeles - California - USA |
Faunus, as you might remember, had been told where Jim, Ethan and Teddy were staying by Al (who was helping Faunus keep an eye on the 'boys'), and Faunus had told Glaux.
Faunus had also told Zac about Jim, Ethan and Teddy, but Zac was not allowed to tell, and had been given the task by Faunus of ferrying Aaron and Jonathan and Glen to Las Vegas - and a very uncomfortable journey it would turn out to be.
Nothing had been said to Novius and Josh, who were taken by Chuck to the Villa de los Jaguares, just outside Los Angeles, but Josh had been told by Faunus that Glaux would be away for a while on a special 'mission' - and not to worry.
So now Jim, and Ethan were 'free', although Glaux was there to keep them safe.And why did they need to be kept safe ?
For the simple reason that they had been 'cosseted' and 'suffocated' for so long that, being on their own in the 'world', might well b a challenge for them.
Teddy, however, was just along for the ride.
"So let's go back up to our room... I feel a bit exposed here...", Jim said.
And so they did.
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Thumper |
"Hi boys !", Teddy said cheerfully, back in the room, looking up from his laptop which was playing his DVD of 'Bambi'.
"... 'had a good breakfast ?".
Jim nodded.
"Now Ethan, I think we need to talk...", Jim said, sitting down and looking serious.
"Yes... you should...", Teddy said, dividing his attention between Jim and Ethan and 'Bambi'.
"So what's there to talk about...?", Ethan asked, sounding slightly annoyed.
"Well they must have noticed that we were missing by now - and Faunus knows that we are here.", Jim said.
"Well perhaps they're just trying to teach us a lesson - and hoping that we'll go back soon and apologise.", Ethan suggested.
"OK... but say they're not teaching us a lesson - and they all just go back to Nevada, and forget about us ?", Jim asked.
"Well isn't that what you want ?
I mean look - this is the first day since I have known you that we can just go off and do what we want - and not have to see the same old people - and go where we're told, and do what we're told.", Ethan said, petulantly.
"Yes.... I suppose that's true...", Jim replied.
"Yes guys... but where are you going to live - and what about money ?", Teddy asked, interrupting.
"Well it's not difficult to find a small apartment, and as for money - well, I've saved an awful lot...", Jim began.
"And so have I... ", Ethan added.
"And how do you find an apartment without a car ?", Teddy asked.
Jim looked to Ethan...
"My convertible !", Jim said, suddenly realising that they had come to the hotel the night before in Al's cab.
"It was a present from the 'Boss'...", Jim said lamely.
"Teddy... ask Glaux where the car is.", Ethan said urgently.
"Glaux says the car's not at the Peabody Hotel...", Teddy replied, and Jim shook his head despairing.
"OK... so there's nothing we can do at the moment... so lets just go out, and clear our heads." Jim said, as he got his coat, and prepared to leave the room.
"Can I come too ?", Teddy asked excitedly.
"No... I don't think so, Teddy.
We're in enough trouble without having to look after you in Memphis.
You just stay here, and watch your DVDs.", Jim answered.
Teddy immediately started sulking, but as his facial expressions were quite limited, neither Jim nor Ethan noticed.
Glaux, of course, was apparently again fast asleep, perched on the back of a chair - or at least that's how it seemed.

And so Jim and Ethan stepped out of the entrance lobby of the La Quinta Hotel.
"Hi boys... looking for a ride ?" - it was a familiar voice - and there was Al, lounging against the side of his yellow cab.
Now the boys had not 'put two and two together', and worked out that there was an obvious connection between Al and Faunus - but then the boys were not 'street-wise', and Faunus was well aware of that fact.
"Watcha doin' round here...? ", Ethan asked - still thinking about Thumper on the DVD.
"It's a good place to pick up fares.
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Memphis Zoo |
"So where do you want to go ?", Al continued, making the assumption that they did want his cab.
"Oh, just see the sites.
Can you recommend a good cheap place to spend the morning ?", Jim replied.
"Well, there's the Zoo - it's near here, and it's only seventeen dollars - if you think that's cheap enough.", Al said, opening the rear door of the cab.
"Fine.", Ethan said, and they got into the cab.
Now Jim and Ethan had never been to a Zoo.
In ancient Greece and Rome there were no zoos, and the only way you could see exotic animals was in the amphitheatre - and the arena at Baiae had not been large enough for 'animal shows'.
So a zoo, for Jim and Ethan, was a new experience.
The trip to the Zoo was a twenty minute drive, but when they arrived their they got the shock of their lives.
"Say nothing....", Jim said quietly to Ethan.
"What... you boy's seen this place before ?", Al asked as he parked up.
"No Al... it just looks a bit familiar.", Jim said, trying to pass off their obvious surprise.
"Yes... probably one of them big epic films they show on the TV on Sunday afternoons.", Al said.
"So, you want me to wait, or will you call me if you need me later ?", Al asked.
"No Al - that was great.
We've still got your number, so we'll call you.", Jim replied.
"Good... enjoy yourselves then...", Al said, as he slowly drove off.
"It's a fuckin' Egyptian Temple-thingy !", Ethan said, staring open mouthed at the hieroglyphics, columns and obelisk.
"Yes... very strange...", Jim said.
"Well, it's very realistic, Jim.
Look, they've even got ancient Egyptian refuse bins !", Ethan said, grinning.
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Upuaut |
"Don't even think about it..." Ethan said, as they paid their money, and passed through the entrance.
Quite soon they decided that the zoo was not really a very good idea for them.
"It seems to me to be a bit like a 'prison for animals', and too many of them remind me of Teddy, and Glaux... and even you and me.
Animals, like people need to be free...", Ethan said.
So they didn't stay long, a then called Al to collect them.

Jim and Ethan arrived back at the hotel, and paid off Al.
"Just hold onto my number, and call me if you need help...", Al said, as he pulled away from the hotel entrance.
Ethan looked at Jim, quizzically.
"That was an odd thing for a cab driver to say - 'if you need help'.", Ethan said.
"Possibly... but let's get some lunch.", Jim said, brushing aside Ethan's comment...
Now it should be remembered that Ethan arrived in this 'alternative America' some time before Jim - and had lived for some considerable time at the Penthouse on his own (see Chapter 4) - just doing odd errands for the 'Boss', and accompanying him on evenings out to the various restaurants and casinos that the 'Boss' owned.
Before that he had spent some time 'hustling' on the streets of 'Vegas, before finally being 'picked' up by Frank. (see Chapter 3)
So Ethan was, in fact, a little more 'street-wise' than Jim, despite seeming at times gullible and naïve - and so it was not surprising that Ethan's suspicions had been slightly aroused by the opportune appearance of Al, and his odd comments.
Regardless, they then went into the lobby.
Jim asked if there had been any messages left, or any 'callers' - but no, nothing.
They then went up to their room in order to check that Teddy and Glaux were OK.
Both Glaux and Teddy were sleeping.
Well, in fact, Teddy was not sleeping - Teddy didn't sleep - but he was just lying on the bed staring at the ceiling.
"How was your trip ?", Teddy asked, not bothering to sit up - or even look at them.
"We went to the zoo, Teddy - but it wasn't very interesting...", Ethan said quietly, not wanting to disturb Glaux.
"So we're just going down for lunch - but will be back soon.", Jim said, trying to lighten the mood.
They took the elevator down to the dining room.
"What's up with Teddy ?", Jim asked, as the elevator quietly descended.
"He's depressed, Jim.", Ethan said..."and so am I.
There's something wrong - but I don't know what."
"So do you want to talk about it ?", Jim asked.
"Why not... but wait until after lunch.", Ethan replied.
"So do you want to talk about it ?", Jim asked.
"Why not... but wait until after lunch.", Ethan replied.

So after lunch they went back to their room.
Glaux was still dozing, but Teddy had managed to sit up on the pillows of the bed.
"Hi guys.", he said rather wearily.
"You feeling better now, Teddy ?", Ethan asked.
"Yes... a little.", Teddy replied.
Jim and Ethan sat down.
"Do you feel up to talking, Teddy ?", Jim asked.
"Well what is there really to talk about ?", Teddy asked, rather pointedly.
Jim ignored Teddy's reply.
"You know, Ethan, all this reminds me of when we were back in the Villa Auream - when all that intrigue was going on with Servius and Demetrius.", Jim said.
I wonder what became of him ?", Ethan said thoughtfully.
"Well, regardless, that was the end of the 'Dominus', and after that everything changed.", Jim continued.
"Yes... and that's when Glaux arrived - right in the middle of the big meeting - and a big storm - where it was decided that you would become the next 'Dominus'.
"Of course, Ethan...
"But there was something else about Glaux on that night, Jim - and also about Petronius.
It was something that you told Novius about, and Novius told me - long ago.
But something that you never revealed to me.
A secret that you kept hidden.", Ethan said.
Jim felt a shiver down his spine.
This was seemingly not little Ethan speaking now - but rather the boy 'Aurarius' that Jim had known so long ago.
"Stop it Ethan... you're sounding creepy.", Jim said fearfully.
Glaux was still dozing, but Teddy had managed to sit up on the pillows of the bed.
"Hi guys.", he said rather wearily.
"You feeling better now, Teddy ?", Ethan asked.
"Yes... a little.", Teddy replied.
Jim and Ethan sat down.
"Do you feel up to talking, Teddy ?", Jim asked.
"Well what is there really to talk about ?", Teddy asked, rather pointedly.
Jim ignored Teddy's reply.
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Demetrius |
Demetrius was the natural son of Gracchus - who was side-lined when Marcus was declared to be Gracchus' heir. Servius, Gracchus' Tribune, intended to support Demetrius' claim to be the future Dominus, and in an ensuing argument Gracchus was accidentally killed."Interesting... it's a long time since I've heard that boy's name mentioned.
I wonder what became of him ?", Ethan said thoughtfully.
"Well, regardless, that was the end of the 'Dominus', and after that everything changed.", Jim continued.
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Glaukes - γλαῦκες, |
Athenian coins bore and image of the owl of Athena (Roman Minerva), and in daily use the Athenian drachmas were called 'glaukes' (γλαῦκες, owls) - as Marcus (Jim) well knew.And do you remember what Novius said on that awful night about little Glaux ?", Ethan said.
"Of course, Ethan...
'He is the owl of Athena - 'Athene Noctua'. Don't disturb him.... Let him stay here ... he will bring you wisdom....'But I never listened to Glaux - never gained wisdom - and now I am left here, like a fool....", Jim said, almost in despair.
"But there was something else about Glaux on that night, Jim - and also about Petronius.
It was something that you told Novius about, and Novius told me - long ago.
But something that you never revealed to me.
A secret that you kept hidden.", Ethan said.
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Apollo - Strange Meeting |
This was seemingly not little Ethan speaking now - but rather the boy 'Aurarius' that Jim had known so long ago.
"Stop it Ethan... you're sounding creepy.", Jim said fearfully.
"You told Novius that when the storm cleared for a short while, you went out into the villa garden, and there you thought you saw Petronius with a bow, and a quiver full of arrows.
Then he spoke to you - but you said it didn't sound like Petronius' voice.
And he said something like -
'What are you doing out so late ? - this is a night to remember - a dangerous night - Thanatos hides in the shadows, and arrows fly.'
And then he said 'Athena's owl takes flight - so take care, and remember - Et Deus veniet cito !', Ethan continued, lapsing into Latin.
"The god will come soon ! - Apollo." - Jim said, indistinctly translating the Latin, as if he was in a trance.

The Latin quote is from the second prophecy given to Gracchus by the Cumaean Sibyl:
'An nova aureus puer ascendat
Semper - usque ad consummationem saeculi
Aurarius nomen puero
Et Gracchus - Deus veniet cito'
'A new golden boy arises -
Always until the end of the age.
Aurarius is the boy's name,
And, Gracchus - the god will come soon !'
This is when the Cumaean Sibyl prophesied the coming of Aurarius (Ethan), and the later death of Gracchus
Entrance to the Cave of the Sibyl Cumaea
"Hey... what's going on guys ? - You sound like your talking a bit crazy !", Teddy said, presumably alarmed at the direction the conversation was taking.
Remember, Teddy could speak Latin - which was the language of the prophecy.
Jim shook himself, and went into the bathroom for a drink of water.
"It's just old memories... from a long time ago Teddy...", Ethan said trying to explain.
Jim came back into the bedroom.
"It's like you said before, Teddy - 'something's up'...", Jim said.
And at that point Jim was just beginning to understand a little... as some things began to fall into place.
"So where's this taken us ?", Ethan asked.
"I don't rightly know.
Perhaps to a 'place' where maybe we should just wait...", Jim said.
"I think you're right, Jim... and Glaux agrees... although he insists on calling you Marcus - which is odd.", Teddy said in agreement.
"Or... we could try to contact Faunus or Zac...", Ethan suggested.
"OK... if you want...", Jim said to Ethan.
So Ethan tried - using his cell-phone.
"No reply from either.
Faunus is out of range, and Zac doesn't reply.", Ethan said, sounding surprised.
"Yes... well maybe better that we just hold on.", Jim said.
"I think we should watch a DVD....", Teddy said.
"Well... why not ?
Not much else to do this afternoon.", Ethan said, trying to calm things down.
"OK... what do you want to watch ?", Jim asked.
"Something relaxing - it's got to be relaxing...", Ethan said.

Palenque - also anciently known as Lakamha (literally: "Big Water"), was a Maya city state in southern Mexico that flourished in the 7th century. The Palenque ruins date from ca. 226 BC to ca. AD 79. Palenque is a medium-sized site, smaller than Tikal, Chichen Itza, or Copán, but it contains some of the finest architecture, sculpture and bas-relief carvings that the Mayas produced. Much of the history of Palenque has been reconstructed from reading the unique Mayan hieroglyphic inscriptions on the many monuments. Historians now have a long sequence describing the ruling dynasty of Palenque in the 5th century, and extensive knowledge of the city-state's rivalry with other states, such as Calakmul and Toniná. The most famous ruler of Palenque was K'inich Janaab Pakal, or Pacal the Great, whose tomb has been found and excavated in the Temple of the Inscriptions.
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Mayan Relief - Palanque |
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Palenque - Temple of the Inscriptions - Mexico |
During his time in the area, he met a young man whom he took to be a Mayan native, and whom he playfully named 'Don Picaro', who in reality was Faunus.
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The 'Boss' Excavating in Palenque |
But that was long ago - well before the 'arrivals' of Zac, Ethan and later Jim, and finally Josh and Novius.
And now, the 'Boss' and Don Picaro were walking through the strangely named area of 'La Canada', in the town of Palenque - looking for the restaurant that the 'Boss' had used the last time he visited the town.
It was a was, humid evening.
It was a was, humid evening.
As for accommodation, the 'Boss' had a small villa next to the 'Casa Na Bolom' - not surprisingly called 'Casa del Jaguar', which he kept, just for nostalgic reasons - and it was there that he and Don Picaro were staying.
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Plaza de la Ciudad - Palanque |
"Well I think it was an excellent idea of mine to take a break back here in Palanque.
Having the 'boys' around all the time can be very wearing.", the 'Boss' remarked to Don Picaro (Faunus), as they finally found the restaurant they were looking for.
(By the 'boys' the 'Boss' presumably meant Jim, Ethan Josh and Glen).
Now the contention that the 'Boss' held that the sudden move to Palenque in Mexico was of his own volition was just an 'embedded' addition to the original 'suggestion', made by Faunus, that such a decision was both reasonable and appropriate.
Zac, Novius - and even Kurt - however, found the behaviour of the 'Boss' inexplicable.
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Fate - The Mystery of Becoming |
Faunus had brought the 'Boss' back to where the events for the 'Boss' in 'this world' had begun, but Faunus knew that he was not permitted, from that point on, to take any direct action.
It was the 'Fates' who would decide what would happen during the days in Palenque ...
In ancient Greek religion and mythology, the Fates (Latin: Fata) were the mysterious incarnations of destiny. Their number was fixed at three. They controlled the 'thread of life' of every mortal. They were independent, at the helm of necessity. Both gods and men had to submit to them. It seems that Fate is related with Tekmor ("proof, ordinance") and with Ananke ('destiny' - 'necessity'), who were primeval goddesses in mythical cosmogonies.
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Jim and Ethan, equally, would probably struggle to make their way in their own 'jungle' - but their jungle would be an 'urban jungle'.
The others would 'thoughtlessly' go through their everyday activities, seemingly unaware that the 'wheel of fate' was slowly grinding to further, inevitable conclusions.
And all this was also undoubtedly known, in some mysterious way, to the 'Boss'.
He, after all, 'knew' that with the arrival of Jim, just as with the previous arrival so long ago of 'Markos', his time would be limited - and the 'god' would come, and once aimed and released, no one could escape the arrows of the god - the 'Lycean Apollo' - patron of Octavian, but also patron of 'Marcus Octavianus Gracchus' - after all, the massive Propylaea (gateway), in the amphitheatre at Baiae, was surmounted by the inscription in gilded bronze stating, 'MARCUS OCTAVIANUS GRACCHUS APOLLONIS DEDICATA EST DEUS' ('Dedicated by Marcus Octavianus Gracchus to the 'God' Apollo).
And as with everything... it was all a matter of time... and a matter of 'Amor fati' - accepting ones fate...
Amor fati (love of fate) is a Latin phrase, and is used to describe an attitude in which one sees everything that happens in one's life, including suffering and loss, as good or, at the very least, necessary. Moreover, 'amor fati' is characterized by an acceptance of the events or situations that occur in one's life. This acceptance does not necessarily preclude an attempt at change or improvement, but rather, it can be seen to be along the lines of what Friedrich Nietzsche meant by the concept of 'eternal recurrence': a concept that ultimately demands both an affirmation of our lives - an affirmation not only of our moments of joy, but all of our inextricably linked moments of pain, suffering, and loss, as well - and an acceptance of our lives in their entirety, such that we not only could live exactly the same lives, in all of their infinitely minute detail, over and over for all eternity, but would 'long for nothing more fervently than for this ultimate eternal confirmation and seal'.
Friedrich Nietzsche

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Final Scene - 'Snow White' - Walt Disney - 1937 |
"Well watching 'Snow White - yet again - is all very well, Teddy, but we really can't go on like this.", Jim said, as the DVD came to an end.
"So what do you suggest ?", Teddy asked, sounding slightly 'put out'.
"Well... like that last scene - the prince had castle, to live in, and he had a horse so he could take Snow White to his castle...", Jim began.
"Ah...", Ethan said - "so are you suggesting that we should buy a 'ranch-thingy', and some horses ?"
Jim looked exasperated...
"No... I'm actually suggesting that it would be a good idea to find a small apartment - and to do that we'll need a car.", Jim explained.
"OK... so how do we do that ?", Ethan asked.
"I'm confused...", Teddy said, having lost the point of the conversation.
"Well, we could get Al to take us to a good second hand car dealer, and then use the internet to find a small apartment on a short term lease.", Jim suggested.
"Have you done this before ?", Ethan asked.
"No... why ?", Jim replied.
"It's just that you seem to know a lot about it.", Ethan said, obviously impressed.
"Yes... well just get Teddy checking out the internet, while I 'phone Al." , Jim said.
Now staying in a comfortable, expensive hotel was not exactly living in the 'urban jungle', but then Jim and Ethan were essentially naïve.
For example, they really didn't know anything about Al, and the likelihood that they had just happened to find someone who would deal with them honestly - in a city like Memphis, was very slim.
Then there was the question of the car.
Ever since arriving in this 'alternative America', Jim and Ethan had travelled around in huge limousines, and the thought of economising on fuel had never entered their heads, as their transport had always arrived for them with a full tank.
Equally, the room at the 'La Quinta' was the first accommodation for which they had ever paid.
So, when it came to renting accommodation, they had no idea what a reasonable rent would be.
They had both, however, saved a substantial sum of money, as the 'Boss' had provided them with a generous regular allowance, but at the point where they had seemingly severed their link with the 'Boss', there was no guarantee, as far as they knew, that their allowance would continue to be paid, and that left them with the problem of finding 'gainful' employment.
This, of course, had occurred to Teddy, who had a far more practical approach to such matters, and so, while making searches for suitable apartments, Teddy had also checked Ethan's accounts, (Ethan had no 'head for figures', and as soon as Teddy had got his laptop, Ethan had given Teddy the passwords to his accounts records), and Teddy had discovered that payments were both recent and up to date - so despite their apparent disappearance, there had been no change with regard to the allowance that Ethan was receiving - and therefore that probably also applied to Jim's allowance.
It was good, but also made matters even more puzzling as far as Jim, Ethan and Teddy were concerned.
"Well... like that last scene - the prince had castle, to live in, and he had a horse so he could take Snow White to his castle...", Jim began.
"Ah...", Ethan said - "so are you suggesting that we should buy a 'ranch-thingy', and some horses ?"
Jim looked exasperated...
"No... I'm actually suggesting that it would be a good idea to find a small apartment - and to do that we'll need a car.", Jim explained.
"OK... so how do we do that ?", Ethan asked.
"I'm confused...", Teddy said, having lost the point of the conversation.
"Well, we could get Al to take us to a good second hand car dealer, and then use the internet to find a small apartment on a short term lease.", Jim suggested.
"Have you done this before ?", Ethan asked.
"No... why ?", Jim replied.
"It's just that you seem to know a lot about it.", Ethan said, obviously impressed.
"Yes... well just get Teddy checking out the internet, while I 'phone Al." , Jim said.
Now staying in a comfortable, expensive hotel was not exactly living in the 'urban jungle', but then Jim and Ethan were essentially naïve.
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Long Wheel-base Cadillac |
Then there was the question of the car.
Ever since arriving in this 'alternative America', Jim and Ethan had travelled around in huge limousines, and the thought of economising on fuel had never entered their heads, as their transport had always arrived for them with a full tank.
Equally, the room at the 'La Quinta' was the first accommodation for which they had ever paid.
So, when it came to renting accommodation, they had no idea what a reasonable rent would be.
They had both, however, saved a substantial sum of money, as the 'Boss' had provided them with a generous regular allowance, but at the point where they had seemingly severed their link with the 'Boss', there was no guarantee, as far as they knew, that their allowance would continue to be paid, and that left them with the problem of finding 'gainful' employment.
This, of course, had occurred to Teddy, who had a far more practical approach to such matters, and so, while making searches for suitable apartments, Teddy had also checked Ethan's accounts, (Ethan had no 'head for figures', and as soon as Teddy had got his laptop, Ethan had given Teddy the passwords to his accounts records), and Teddy had discovered that payments were both recent and up to date - so despite their apparent disappearance, there had been no change with regard to the allowance that Ethan was receiving - and therefore that probably also applied to Jim's allowance.
It was good, but also made matters even more puzzling as far as Jim, Ethan and Teddy were concerned.
Jim's Convertible(What Jim, Ethan and Teddy didn't realize, of course, was that, thanks to Faunus, the 'Boss' had effectively 'forgotten' all about them and, with no instruction to the contrary, Franklin would simply maintain all payments - of allowances, expenses relating to the penthouse, as well as Jim's convertible and all other expenses - including cell-phone, internet providers, medical insurance etc.)
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The Penthouse Apartment Block |
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Jim's Telescope |
Their only real problem was that Zac had taken Jim's convertible, in order to take Aaron, Jonathan and Glen to 'Vegas, and so Jim and Ethan had no transport - but they still had the penthouse in 'Vegas, and even Jim's expensive telescope was still packed way in the boot of Jim's convertible - and the convertible was safely parked in the underground garage at the 'Vegas penthouse apartment block.
Even more odd was the fact that the suite in the Peabody Hotel was still in their names, as they hadn't 'checked out'.
Presumably Faunus had been reading T. S. Eliot's 'Four Quartets'.
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T. S. Eliot |
Eliot would, undoubtedly, appeal to Faunus, as Eliot was deeply concerned with the mystery of 'time'.
Throughout the 'Quartets', which are considered to be Eliot's last great work, the end becomes the beginning, and things constantly repeat.
For Faunus the only legitimate culture was Classical Culture - culture made in the image of the ineffable and ever-living æons, but aside from that, the possible key to Faunus' strange, but remarkably appropriate, plan was to be found in the lines:
Thomas Stearns Eliot, a major poet, was also an essayist, publisher, playwright, and literary and social critic. A Harvard man, he was born, appropriately, in St. Louis, Missouri to a prominent Boston 'Brahmin' family, he moved to England in 1914 at the age of 25 and would settle, work, and marry there.Of course Faunus could have no truck with Eliot's spurious invocations of so called 'christian culture' and tradition.
For Faunus the only legitimate culture was Classical Culture - culture made in the image of the ineffable and ever-living æons, but aside from that, the possible key to Faunus' strange, but remarkably appropriate, plan was to be found in the lines:
'In my beginning is my end... In succession
Houses rise and fall, crumble, are extended,
Are removed, destroyed, restored, or in their place'
So absurdly appropriate were these lines - an absolute summation of this next stage of the saga - a saga stretching over the centuries - foretold by the 'Sibyl' - and the part of some inexplicable plan of a 'divine archer', and the 'mistress of a baby owl'.
But enough of waxing poetic...
Back in Palenque, the 'Boss' was rummaging around in the local market, in the poorer part of Palenque, - for tools, rope, backpacks, a sleeping bag, a tent, and all the paraphernalia that an aspiring 'Dr. Jones' might require.
Palenque is perhaps the most studied and written about of Maya sites, however, archaeologists estimate that only 5% of the total city has been uncovered - and the 'Boss' was well aware of this fact.
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Professor Nikolai Grübe |
On the second day the 'Boss' was in Palenque, (when Jim and Ethan were wandering around Memphis Zoo), the 'Boss' made contact with Professor Nikolai Grübe of the University of Texas.
Grübe was shocked and surprised to learn that 'el jefe' (the 'Boss') as he was known in the area, and by his surviving colleagues, was still alive after so many years, but was happy to provide him with a permit to 'dig'.

(it should be remembered that the 'Boss' had an impeccable reputation in academia which related to his work in Palenque many years before.)
The next step was for the 'Boss' to hire workers to do the lifting and carrying, and the actual digging - and Don Picaro (Faunus) quickly arranged this - acting as 'el capataz' - foreman.
Now as has been said, Faunus was not permitted to act directly with regard to the situation in Palenque, but he still had the option of influencing events in more subtle ways.
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Mayan Ruins - Chiapas - Mexico |
This resulted in the 'Boss' gradually treating his companion, who he was always referring to as Don Picaro, simply as one of the Mayan natives.
Picaro, of course, in Spanish could be translated as a 'prankster' or 'scamp', and the other Mexicans found this amusing, as Don Picaro was their 'capataz', and yet 'picaro' was a word usually reserved for 'naughty boys'.
The 'Boss', however, didn't care.
Don Picaro was simply his Mayan companion, and all thoughts of Las Vegas, and all those other people associated with that life had, after a few days, simply dissolved, as he became obsessed with making new discoveries in the hot, humid jungle.
After a week, the 'Boss' found what he thought he was looking for...

Now back in Memphis, Tennessee, at the 'la Quinta Hotel', Teddy had managed to find some properties in Memphis that they could look at - not that Jim and Ethan really wanted to live in Memphis.
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'Douglas' at the 'La Quinta Hotel' - Memphis |
Starting off in Memphis would be easier, however, as they were already in Memphis, and anyway the journey to 'Vegas would be long and difficult.
And so they walked out of the main entrance of the 'La Quinta'.
And they had a surprise waiting for them.
"Shit ! that looks like that stupid pink Edsel that Faunus drives....", Ethan said in disbelief.
"... 'could be...", Jim said.
"There's not many Edsels - particularly pink ones around."
"Let's check it out...", Ethan said, trying not to sound too conspiratorial.
They went up to the well polished auto, and the first thing they noticed was the ignition key.
"Someone's left the key in the ignition."... Jim said.
They looked around.
"Someone's left the key in the ignition."... Jim said.
They looked around.
Surprisingly, for a popular hotel, there wasn't a soul anywhere to be seen.
Ethan looked up at the windows.
"Tell me, Ethan, have you ever stolen a car before ?", Jim asked, puzzled by Ethan's apparent professional approach.
"No, but before I met the 'Boss' I had thought about it, on occasions.", Ethan replied.
"Well now's your chance...
Try the door !", Jim said.
And the Edsel was unlocked... and on the front seat was the Nevada 'Certificate of Title'.
They quickly got in, and Jim read the document carefully.
"According to this 'Certificate' this Edsel belongs to me...", Jim said.
"Indeedy !... Well let's drive it away.", Ethan said, looking around again, just to check if there were any witnesses.
And so they did - and, as you might have guessed, the Edsel was 'Douglas', and had previously belonged to Faunus (?).
They drove off to no where in particular...
"But how come Faunus' Edsel is standing outside the hotel, unlocked, with the key in the ignition-thingy, and a Nevada 'Certificate of Title' on the front seat in your name ?", Ethan asked.
"No idea...", Jim replied.
"As far as I know Faunus is not even in Memphis - although I'm really just guessing."
Jim sighed deeply.
They drove off to no where in particular...
"But how come Faunus' Edsel is standing outside the hotel, unlocked, with the key in the ignition-thingy, and a Nevada 'Certificate of Title' on the front seat in your name ?", Ethan asked.
"No idea...", Jim replied.
"As far as I know Faunus is not even in Memphis - although I'm really just guessing."
Jim sighed deeply.
"Look Ethan... I don't really know what's going on anymore - and in a way I don't really care.
We've got a set of wheels - we've got money in the bank - at least for now, so perhaps we should just try to relax, and start taking it easy." Jim said.
"Yes, Jim... perhaps you're right.", Ethan said - thinking that really Jim was right, and they should just take things as they were - and stop worrying, or trying to work things out.
Then Ethan's cell-phone started ringing.
Ethan checked the screen..."It's Teddy." he said.
"OK ... Well let's see what he wants...", Jim replied.
"What did he want ?", Jim asked.
- Ethan - 'Hi Teddy ! - how's it going, my fluffy friend ?'
- Teddy - 'Oh... nothing special... how are you getting on with finding an apartment ?
- Ethan - 'Haven't even started !'
- Teddy - 'Why not ?
- Ethan - 'We found Douglas !
- Teddy - 'Douglas who ?'
- Ethan - 'Douglas ... the Edsel.'
- Teddy - 'Oh yes ?'
- Ethan - 'Yes !'
- Teddy - 'That's good... So see you later...'
- Ethan - 'OK...'
"Oh, nothing... as usual...", Ethan replied.
There are few things more boring and tiring than looking for an apartment.
Now Jim and Ethan were far from homeless, and although the were putting on a good act of being 'helpless' and 'abandoned', they were far from being beggars on the sidewalk.
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The Streets of 'Vegas |
Ethan, when he first found himself in this 'alternative America' was very close to that situation however, and for a short while did anything that was necessary in order to get a meal, and a roof over his head for the night - but there are far worse places than warn, balmy 'Vegas to find oneself homeless, and jobless, and with a steady supply of visitors, looking for a good time, and a 'cute' boy, it is quite possible to survive in Nevada, after a fashion.
Anyway, soon, after viewing a number of over-priced and run down apartments, Jim and Ethan decided to return to the relative luxury of their room in the La Quinta hotel.
They parked the Edsel as inconspicuously as possible, in the hope that it wouldn't disappear as suddenly as it had appeared, and checked at reception to see if there were any messages - but no.
Back in their room, Teddy had given up also on finding an apartment, and was checking out Greek and Roman mythology on the internet - as he had found a lot of Jim and Ethan's previous talk very confusing.
"Hi... just finding out about all these weird gods and goddesses that the crazy Greeks and Romans believed in...", Teddy explained.
"Teddy !... that's no way to talk about other people's religious beliefs...", Jim said, disapprovingly.
"Well, sorry... but it all seems very strange to me...
But anyway, tell me about 'Douglas'... and why call a car 'Douglas' ?", Teddy asked, desperately trying to change the subject as he was worried that he might have offended Jim.
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Dr. Brandt |
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Brody |
"Well, Teddy, it all happened quite some time ago, back in 'Vegas.", Ethan began.
"It was when Jim here had been sort of 'hijacked' by that idiot Dr. Brandt.
So Faunus wanted to find out where Jim might be.
Now Dr. Brandt was a psychiatrist in 'Vegas, so Jim pretended to be Douglas Spaulding - a name he took from a book he was reading at the time - and he and Brody, who was pretending to be Faunus' brother, went to see Brandt with this phoney letter from some doctor saying that 'Douglas Spaulding' had fallen out of a tree - hit his head - and lost his memory.
And for the trip, Faunus had 'magicked' up this crazy pink Edsel, which he insisted was 'puce', and not pink.
Faunus called the Edsel the 'Douglas-mobile' - and ever since then it's been called 'Douglas'... simple, see... ?" ,Ethan concluded.
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'Roger' and 'Douglas' |
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Faunus as 'Douglas Spaulding' |
"No...not really.", Teddy replied.
"And that's how we met up with 'Roger'...
He wanted to talk to 'Douglas'."
"OK... so who's 'Roger' ?", Teddy asked, sounding even more confused.
"Oh, Roger was this little pathetic 'pesky alien'.
He was like the 'bait'-thingy the 'aliens' used to get us involved with them.
"Mm... not very attractive bait - a skinny grey 'alien'.", Teddy mused.
"Well it doesn't matter now... the question is, was the Edsel just left there by accident, or did Faunus mean for us to have it ?", Jim asked.
"Well the Nevada 'Certificate of Title', made out in your name, Jim, makes me think Faunus, or whoever, wanted us to have it...", Teddy suggested.
"OK, then we could just leave it at that... but now what should we do ?" , Jim said.
"Well we could take Douglas out for a spin, and then go for a meal...", Ethan suggested.
"Why not ?", Jim replied, sounding remarkably relaxed.
And so, with Teddy sitting on Ethan's lap, taking in the night life of Memphis as the Edsel sped through the town, (Ethan had by then decided he didn't care who saw him with Teddy), the boys laughed and joked as the enjoyed a night of freedom.

So, back in the jungle, the 'Boss' was surprising himself.
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Archaeological Site - Chiapas - Mexico |
He was also surprised that he didn't miss the fine clothes, air-conditioning, 'cordon-bleu' meals, and all the other benefits of being rich and powerful.
But of course he was rich and powerful, and most of the people who lived in Palenque knew this - after all, he did make occasional visits.
Some of the old people in the town even remembered him from when he was not rich and powerful - just another American archaeologist.
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The 'Original' Don Picaro |
Back then, they remembered that he had a young Mayan lad with him.
Not a boy from the town, but apparently for somewhere else in that part of Mexico.
And now it seemed he was accompanied by a boy who could only be the son of that previous lad.
All very strange.
Now you probably have a good idea of what is about to happen - although not exactly in what way it will happen, or the reasons why it should happen, and probably what the consequences of such an even might be - but happen it will...
Now you probably have a good idea of what is about to happen - although not exactly in what way it will happen, or the reasons why it should happen, and probably what the consequences of such an even might be - but happen it will...
Emiliano Zapata The Zapatista Army of National Liberation (Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional, EZLN), often referred to as the Zapatistas, is a far-left libertarian-socialist political and militant group that controls a substantial amount of territory in Chiapas, the southernmost state of Mexico. At the time of these events, the group has been nominally at war with the Mexican state, but focuses on a strategy of civil resistance. The Zapatistas' main body is made up of mostly rural indigenous people, but it includes some supporters in urban areas. Many of the Zapatista are indigenous Maya. The group takes its name from Emiliano Zapata, the agrarian reformer and commander of the Liberation Army of the South during the Mexican Revolution, and sees itself as his ideological heir. Nearly all EZLN villages contain murals with images of Zapata, Ernesto "Che" Guevara.
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Zapatista Emblem |
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Coat of Arms of Estado Libre y Soberano de Chiapas |
It should be noted that when the 'Boss' first visited Chiapas, as a Harvard archaeologist, the Zapatista did not exist, and having spent so much time in Las Vegas, he foolishly lost contact with events in Chiapas, despite his considerable business interests in the province.
Chiapas - Estado Libre y Soberano de Chiapas, is one of the 31 states that along with the federal district of Mexico City make up the 32 federal entities of Mexico. The capital is Tuxtla Gutiérrez, and other important population centres include Ocosingo, Tapachula, San Cristóbal de las Casas, Comitán and Arriaga. It is the southernmost state in Mexico. It is located in Southwestern Mexico, and it borders Oaxaca, Veracruz, Tabasco and Guatemala to the east and southeast. Chiapas has a coastline along the Pacific Ocean to the south. Chiapas has a humid, tropical climate, and is home to the ancient Mayan ruins of Palenque, Yaxchilán, Bonampak, Chinkultic and Toniná.
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Mayan Ruins - Chiapas |
Not surprisingly, the movement against the government was in desperate need of funds, and so theft, looting, drug trafficking and kidnapping were the means by which such funds were illegally obtained.
The 'Boss', however, was apparently blissfully unaware that he was a prime target, as a rich American, for such a kidnapping attempt - made all the more likely as he was 'pottering about', on his own - apart from a few dubious Mayan workers, in his newly discovered Maya temple - or palace - or whatever..
Don Picaro (Faunus), who was supposedly the 'capataz', was staying well out of the way - managing to find some fabulous gold and jadeite trinkets (but not intended for the 'Boss').
As has been pointed out previously, Faunus was forbidden to interfere.
And so, on the night when Jim, Ethan and Teddy went 'out on the town' in their newly discovered Edsel, the 'Boss' was abducted from his tent in the jungle - but not by 'aliens', but rather by rough, nasty Zapatistas.
Faunus, of course, anonymously informed the Mexican police.
The substantial payment with which Faunus had supplied them, (anonymously again, in unmarked bills), ensured that they took immediate action.
Very strangely they quickly found the kidnappers who had been holding the 'Boss' in a dilapidated shack, which served as a 'shop' selling tourists food, drink, postcards and cheap trinkets.
But the 'Boss' had managed to escape.
Faunus would maintain that nothing happens purely by chance - and that seems to be true in this case.
This tale is entitled 'Club Jaguar' after the Hotel and Casino of that name situated in Las Vegas in Nevada.
The venue was named, by the 'Boss', after the 'Jaguar God' of the Maya - which he learned about from the strange Mayan boy that he met in Palenque - a boy he named 'Don Picaro'.
The 'Boss', however, was apparently blissfully unaware that he was a prime target, as a rich American, for such a kidnapping attempt - made all the more likely as he was 'pottering about', on his own - apart from a few dubious Mayan workers, in his newly discovered Maya temple - or palace - or whatever..
Don Picaro (Faunus), who was supposedly the 'capataz', was staying well out of the way - managing to find some fabulous gold and jadeite trinkets (but not intended for the 'Boss').
As has been pointed out previously, Faunus was forbidden to interfere.
And so, on the night when Jim, Ethan and Teddy went 'out on the town' in their newly discovered Edsel, the 'Boss' was abducted from his tent in the jungle - but not by 'aliens', but rather by rough, nasty Zapatistas.
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The Arrests |
The substantial payment with which Faunus had supplied them, (anonymously again, in unmarked bills), ensured that they took immediate action.
Very strangely they quickly found the kidnappers who had been holding the 'Boss' in a dilapidated shack, which served as a 'shop' selling tourists food, drink, postcards and cheap trinkets.
But the 'Boss' had managed to escape.
Faunus would maintain that nothing happens purely by chance - and that seems to be true in this case.
This tale is entitled 'Club Jaguar' after the Hotel and Casino of that name situated in Las Vegas in Nevada.
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Baby Jaguar |
Jaguar kittens can be cute little guys, with spiky hair and wide eyes - reminiscent, in an odd way, of Ethan waking up on a 'bad morning'.
But adult jaguars are fearsome hunters - often stalking their prey in the twilight, or at night.
They are solitary beasts - carefully defending a large territory.
Now the ruins that 'Boss' had supposedly 'discovered' were possibly not excavated as, once the jungle had been partly cleared, the ruins were found to be in the centre of the territory of a particularly large and aggressive jaguar.
Regardless, the 'Boss' should have known better that to run into the jungle at night, alone and unarmed.
As it was, as he made his escape, he met with an very vicious incarnation of the 'Jaguar God of the Night Sun' - and thus met his end - as Faunus knew he would - the 'arrow of Apollo' as it were.
But adult jaguars are fearsome hunters - often stalking their prey in the twilight, or at night.
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Panthera Onca - 'Jaguar God of the Night Sun' |
Now the ruins that 'Boss' had supposedly 'discovered' were possibly not excavated as, once the jungle had been partly cleared, the ruins were found to be in the centre of the territory of a particularly large and aggressive jaguar.
Regardless, the 'Boss' should have known better that to run into the jungle at night, alone and unarmed.
As it was, as he made his escape, he met with an very vicious incarnation of the 'Jaguar God of the Night Sun' - and thus met his end - as Faunus knew he would - the 'arrow of Apollo' as it were.
So Faunus knew of the death of the 'Boss', but not by means available to ordinary humans.
On confirming what had happened, Faunus instructed Zac to take the next flight to Villahermosa International Airport in Mexico.
On arriving with a massive 'Promethean', white-gold plated, bronze casket, Zac presented his credentials to the bemused authorities, and had the body of the 'Boss' delivered to the best funeral director in Palenque.
Zac also informed Franklin, in 'Vegas', to continue all operations as normal, and not to inform anyone of the death of the 'Boss'.
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Promethean White Gold Casket |
Franklin, of course knew that if he disobeyed Zac, then there would be another death, but no funeral - just a headless, hand-less weighted body deposited in Lake Mead.
Zac and Faunus then took the next flight back to 'McCarran International Airport', and from there the casket was taken to the funeral home that the 'Boss' had already selected.
From there Zac went with Faunus to the 'Club Jaguar' in order to finalise matters with Franklin.
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'Club Jaguar' - the Top Floor |
The will, it transpired, was acceptable to Zac and Faunus, but only the stipulations relating to the funeral were to be enacted at that point, and then only when Faunus had set the date for the funeral, and the death of the 'Boss' had been announced by Zac.
So the 'Boss' had 'returned', but as far as the 'world' was concerned the 'Boss' was till alive and well, and enjoying his 'holiday' in Mexico.
Zac then sent an e-mail to Jim asking him, Ethan, Teddy and Glaux to come 'home'.

"It was the morning after the 'Boss' had his fatal meeting with the Jaguar in the jungle in Chiapas.
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Jim's home - Ancient Rome |
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Ethan's home - The Farm at Eleusis |
Once they arrived at Las Vegas, Faunus sent his cryptic e-mail to Jim.
"So where the fuck is 'home' ?", Ethan asked, as he read the e-mail.
"Well my home is Rome - at least that's where I was born...", Jim said.
"My home's Eleusis - a little farm near Athens...", Ethan said.
"Mine's a bit nearer...", Teddy said.
"And where's that, Teddy ?", Ethan asked.
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The Penthouse |
That's where I first came out of my Fedex box.", Teddy replied.
And Jim and Ethan smiled, and Ethan ruffled Teddy's fur.
"So that's where we'll go", Jim said.
"Great... I'll start packing.", Ethan said.
"I wonder why Faunus wants us back ?", Jim mused, as he opened the closet and started flinging out his clothes.
Ethan shrugged his shoulders, and looked blank..
"So how shall we go ?", Jim asked.
"Well, we've got 'Douglas', the Edsel." Ethan suggested.
"Well, I'm not driving, it's too far, and I'd probably get lost anyway...", Jim said.
"Yes... but flying's too expensive - even if we have got some money in the bank.", Ethan said.
"Well we could do what Glen did - go by Greyhound bus...", Jim said.
"Interesting... Teddy murmured.
"I'll look it up on the internet.", Teddy said, pleased to find a way of 'helping' that didn't involve him in packing.
Ethan shrugged his shoulders, and looked blank..
"So how shall we go ?", Jim asked.
"Well, we've got 'Douglas', the Edsel." Ethan suggested.
"Well, I'm not driving, it's too far, and I'd probably get lost anyway...", Jim said.
"Yes... but flying's too expensive - even if we have got some money in the bank.", Ethan said.
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Greyhound Bus |
"Interesting... Teddy murmured.
"I'll look it up on the internet.", Teddy said, pleased to find a way of 'helping' that didn't involve him in packing.
The Greyhound Bus, is an intercity bus company serving over 3,800 destinations across North America. The company's first route began in 1914, and the company adopted the Greyhound name in 1929 and is based in Dallas, Texas. Greyhound, and its sister companies in First Group America are the largest motor-coach operators in the United States and Canada. Raymond Loewy was the 'in-house' designer for the Greyhound Bus Company - designing in the 'Streamline Moderne' style, which became the quintessential style of 'modern' America.