Before the funeral can take place, Marcus (Jim) needs to be invested with the Ring of the House of Gracchus. The only person permitted to invest Marcus is the High Steward of the House of Gracchus. After the investiture, all the senior members of the organization are then required to swear allegiance to the new Dominus - and then the funeral can proceed - after which it is the beginning of a new era.....
Please note that this chapter is intended for adults (over 18 years), and contains text adult text and images. Please do not view this chapter if you find such features objectionable....

Teddy was nervous.
He knew that this was not going to be like an ordinary day.
"Jim !.. Jim.. I think you ought to get up...", Teddy said.
Normally Teddy would wake up Ethan first, but as has been said, this morning was different
Jim, however, had been awake for some time, just lying and gazing at the ceiling as the early morning light slowly grew stronger.
And so - in accordance with the Sibyls prophecy, history would now be repeated.
"Wake up, Jim... I think you're still dreaming...", Teddy said, a little more urgently.
On Teddy's insistence Jim and Ethan got out of bed and showered.
Clare had ensured that black suits were ready for them, hanging in their wardrobes, along with immaculate white shirts of the finest cotton, and new, black raw silk ties.
"Quoniam omne tempus, ego semper fidelis servus, et fideles in novam aetatem."

"OK, Ethan... 'phone Chuck, and get him to bring Max, and the black, long wheelbase Cadillac to the main entrance - we need to be on our way...", Jim said, as Clare helped him on with his jacket.
"Jim !.. Jim.. I think you ought to get up...", Teddy said.
Normally Teddy would wake up Ethan first, but as has been said, this morning was different
Jim, however, had been awake for some time, just lying and gazing at the ceiling as the early morning light slowly grew stronger.

But Jim was still 'half awake and half dreaming'....
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Terentius |
And the dream - which was based on a distant memory - was of Terentius, who was standing by a heavy marble topped table, looking gaunt.
"We must do this quickly !", he said, in a strained voice.
He took from the folds of his tunic a large, heavy gold ring.
As he did so Adonios and Aurarius (Josh and Ethan) crept into the room.
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Stormy Night at the Villa Auream |
Terentius began speaking slowly and carefully to Marcus... who was looking pale and fearful, his hair wet from being out in the rain - it had been a stormy night....
Terentius continued speaking.....
"This is the seal ring of the House of Gracchus, which has been passed on to each new Dominus for so many, many generations... and its origins are unknown... perhaps in ancient Achaea or the Alban Hills... no matter...
As the most senior servant of the noble 'House of Gracchus' it is thus my duty to place this ring on your finger, and confirm you as Marcus Octavianus Gracchus, true heir and son of the deceased Dominus, Gnaeus Octavianus Gracchus, and to pronounce you from this moment as Dominus."
Terentius then placed the ring on Marcus' ring-finger, bent down on one knee, and kissed the ring.
"Quoniam omne tempus, ego semper fidelis servus, et fideles in novam aetatem."
('For all time I am always your loyal and faithful servant in this new age')
"Et amicum"
('And friend.'), Marcus added.
After Terentius, Novius, and Petronius (Zac) swore their fealty, followed by Adonios and Aurarius.
And then all the others in the room followed.
And at that point, Marcus took command, as if he had been born to it.
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Arrival of Glaux |
'And then ... a small owl flew in from the open door.
It fluttered once round the room, and then settled, rather unsteadily at first, on the back of the beautifully inlaid chair where Gracchus usually sat.
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Novius |
"That, Dominus, is an omen.", Novius whispered.
"I know.", Marcus replied.
"But it's just a baby....", Marcus added.
"Of course - it belongs to Athena...", Petronius said letting his comment fade away.
"And how would you know ?", Novius asked.
"Just guessing". Petronius replied looking strangely at the bird, which was fluffing it's feathers, and then looking at Marcus.
"You mentioned an owl, when you spoke in the garden." Petronius said.
"Yes.", Marcus said.
"The owl of Athena - Athene noctua" - ('Athena's owl has taken flight') -
"Don't disturb it.", Novius said.
"Let it stay here ... It will bring you wisdom.", Novius then quietly added.
And they all watched the cute little bird - wondering...
"We should call him 'Glaux' (γλαύξ), and invite him to stay." Novius said.
"But isn't he an evil omen of death ?", Terentius asked, eyeing the bird nervously.
"According to the Greeks and the Etruscans he can be - when he perches on the roof of a dwelling.
But this little fellow has already done his 'warning of death' - and now I feel he is a gift from Minerva - to bring this House, and it's new Dominus, wisdom.", Novius explained.
And so - in accordance with the Sibyls prophecy, history would now be repeated.
On Teddy's insistence Jim and Ethan got out of bed and showered.
Clare had ensured that black suits were ready for them, hanging in their wardrobes, along with immaculate white shirts of the finest cotton, and new, black raw silk ties.

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Frank |
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Penthouse Apartment Block |
Ever since Ethan had first come to live at the Penthouse, Clare had been puzzled...
She knew very little about Ethan, other than the fact that Ethan had been found by Frank, somewhere in Las Vegas, and the 'Boss' had taken a liking to the homeless boy, and had very generously allowed him to live in the Penthouse of the luxury apartment block.
Clare, who had previously worked as a maid at the 'Club Jaguar', was offered the job of looking after the Penthouse for the young man who lived there - Ethan.
The salary was very good, and she was also provided with 'live-in' accommodation.
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Zac |
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Ethan |
It seemed to Clare that Ethan never did any work for the 'Boss', and that he was only a sort of 'companion' to the 'Boss' in the most innocent sense of the word.
Ethan never had any friends, apart from Zac, who also lived in the apartment block, and was head of the security team that looked after the 'Boss'.
Apart from Zac, no one ever came to visit Ethan, and no one ever stayed with Ethan at the Penthouse.
Equally Ethan never left the Penthouse in the evenings, except to go to dinner with the 'Boss'.
Ethan's only recreation appeared to be watching films - mainly Walt Disney cartoons, and old cowboy and gangster movies in the massive home cinema, located in the Penthouse, while he drank Pepsi Max, and ate cheeseburgers - and Ethan never talked about his past - at least to Clare.
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Pepsi Max |
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Home Cinema |
It was as if he didn't even have a past.
What appealed to Clare about Ethan, however, was Ethan's obvious almost child-like innocence.
And then, one night, Jim arrived.
It seemed that Ethan and Jim had been dining with the 'Boss', and at the dinner the 'Boss' had suggested that Jim should share the Penthouse with Ethan.
Clare was pleased that there was someone else in Ethan's life, but Jim was a strange young man - a person apparently suffering from 'total amnesia'.
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Dining with the 'Boss' |
What Clare found also found strange, however, was the degree or rapport between Ethan and Jim.
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Josh |
It was as if they had known each other before - and for a very long time, and yet neither of them seemed to have any conscious knowledge of the fact.
Clare thought that Josh was really charming.
Gentle, polite and sweet, and he had a pet baby owl, strangely named 'Glaux'.
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Faunus |
The three boys all got on very well together, and as far as Clare was concerned they were 'no trouble'.
It was around then that Faunus started visiting.
Faunus never lived at the Penthouse, but he visited quite often.
Unlike the other boys, who were all fair-haired and blue-eyed, Faunus had a darker, Latin look.
Faunus really puzzled Clare, and she was, in a way, a little frightened of him.
While he looked in many ways like a typical young American high-school boy - there was also something about him that seemed very odd, and very 'old'.
The other boys always treated him with the greatest respect, and even the 'Boss' showed a certain amount of 'deference' when he spoke to Faunus.
Clare had little contact with Faunus - and that suited her quite well.
She knew that there was something very odd about the young man, but could not really say what it was.
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The Ring of Gracchus |
The last time that she had spoken to Faunus was when he came with Zac to tell her about the 'Boss'.
She was glad that Zac was with Faunus, as Zac, who was a little older than the 'boys', was someone she trusted, and with whom she felt safe.
Clare only really begun to understand a little about 'her boys' when Faunus showed her the antique Roman ring, and began calling Jim 'Marcus Octavianus Gracchus'.
Clare found it strange, but 'made light of it' by assuming that it was some sort of 'Mafia' fantasy in which the guys indulged.
Clare had been frightened, but also concerned that with the demise of the 'Boss' she might lose her job... but Jim had assured her that nothing would change...
So now Clare would be going to the 'Club Jaguar' with Jim and Ethan.
Jim had already had her practice the words she was required to say when she took his hand after he had been invested with the ring.
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Teddy on his Pillows |
She had found the Latin difficult, but had eventually mastered the sentence.
Having had Ethan translate the sentence for her, (and it was the first time she realized that Ethan spoke Latin), she had understood the seriousness of the ceremony, and the high regard given to Jim, or as he was now known, 'Marcus', by those around him.
Strangely, although everyone else now seemed very much in awe of Jim, Teddy a mysterious, seemingly animitronic teddy-bear, that Faunus had given to Ethan, behaved in exactly the same way as he always had - and was quite prepared to give Jim a good telling off when he considered it necessary - but then teddy-bears can get away with almost anything.
Strangely, although everyone else now seemed very much in awe of Jim, Teddy a mysterious, seemingly animitronic teddy-bear, that Faunus had given to Ethan, behaved in exactly the same way as he always had - and was quite prepared to give Jim a good telling off when he considered it necessary - but then teddy-bears can get away with almost anything.

But enough of the past...
"Why does it have to have such a long, stupid name ?", Ethan asked, while Teddy squeaked as Ethan sprinkled him with the very expensive, very strong after-shave.
"Ethan ! No ! "... I don't even shave !", Teddy spluttered.
"Perhaps not, my furry little friend, but for today it's cologne, and then I'm going to give you a really good brushing !", Ethan said, coughing from the heady fumes.
Meanwhile, Clare was helping Jim with his cuff-links.
"Oh I do like dressing up...", Ethan said, as he carefully brushed Teddy.
Teddy was programmed to become instantly calm if he was brushed - which was useful - so in a few moments Teddy had got over his tantrum about being drenched in after-shave, and was happily sitting on Ethan's lap.
While Clare was fumbling with Jim's cuff-links the door buzzer sounded.
Jim quickly disengaged himself and went into the hall, and opened the double doors.
"Yes... can I help ?", Jim said, not recognizing the young man standing at the entrance.
Ethan looked nervously to Clare.
"Who can that be at this time in the morning ?", Ethan said quietly to Clare.
"I've been told to come here... to the Penthouse...", the young man said nervously.
"Well yes... this is the Penthouse... who are you wanting ?", Jim asked.
"Well I'm not sure... It's about my 'guardian'... Mr. Johnson...", the young man said - sounding very unsure of himself.
"Well I think you must have the wrong address...", Jim said, and started to close the doors.
"Jim ! That's you... Mr. Johnson...", Clare called out.
"Don't worry, Clare, let me sort it out..", Ethan said, being unusually masterful.
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'Sigi' - (Siegfried Brandt) |
Ethan went to the hallway.
"Well wowy !... It's Sigi !", Ethan exclaimed.
"And I really like the shades...".
Ethan turned to Jim.
"It's Sigi...
But you've never met him... but then you have.. but then he doesn't know that...
Oh forget it !... it's all very complicated.", Ethan said giving up on an impossible situation.
"So, Sigi... Who are you, and why are you here ?", Jim asked, totally confused by Ethan's babbling..
"Oh... yes... I got an email from Zac, telling me that my 'guardian', had 'passed away' - as they say, and that today I was to come to the Penthouse so I could meet my new 'guardian', and attend the funeral of my 'deceased' 'guardian'.", 'Sigi' explained, smiling broadly, which could well seem inappropriate on the day of a funeral...
"You see, Jim... 'killing two birds with one stone.", Ethan said.
"Yes, well not a very subtle way of putting it... but correct.", Jim said.
"So you're my new 'guardian'...", Sigi said, looking Jim up and down.
"Well yes, I suppose so...", Jim said.
"Funny, I thought you would be older...", Sigi said.
'Sigi' named after 'Siegfried' - Richard Wagner for those who have not been following the story, the sudden appearance of 'Sigi might seem puzzling. While Jim did know of 'Sigi - vaguely, he had never met 'Sigi' as a 'teenager'. Equally the 'Boss', although he had become - for somewhat strange reasons - the legal 'guardian' of 'Sigi', the two had never met, so Sigi was not really much affected by the demise of the 'Boss'. 'Sigi' of course, was not all he seemed - a teenage high-school student, and his full name - Siegfried Otto Brandt - would undoubtedly be somewhat more revealing.
The previous life of 'Sigi', and his memories, however, had been wiped clean by Faunus, and a boring 'background story' - (parents killed in an air-crash etc.) - had been substituted. And so 'Sigi' was a dubious 'inheritance' that Jim was, at this point, obliged to take on. Ethan and Teddy, of course, knew all about 'Sigi', and in some ways he was partly their creation.... (for even more information about 'Sigi' - see Chapter 28 - and much of the rest of the story)
Originalschlafzimmer von Sigi als Dr. Brandt
"Well, he's very cute, but why has he got a slight German accent ?", Clare whispered to Ethan.
"Not German... Austrian... and why - well that's a long story...", Ethan replied knowingly.
"Well, I don't think my age really matters...", Jim replied to Sigi's last remark, "but what I'd like to know is why Zac sent you here on this morning - of all mornings ? -
You see on this morning I'm very busy.", Jim said, sounding rather annoyed.
You see on this morning I'm very busy.", Jim said, sounding rather annoyed.
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The Penthouse Dining Room |
"Well anyway, you're here, and we're just about to have breakfast, so why not join us ?", Ethan said, realizing that Jim was not being very polite.
"Well alright, but after breakfast I'll have to 'phone Zac and see what's to be done with you." Jim said grudgingly, as they made their way to the dining room.
Once seated Ethan couldn't resist finding out what had been happening to 'Sigi'
"So what do you do, I mean for a living, 'Sigi' ?", Ethan asked.
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Green Valley High School - Henderson |
"Oh, I don't work....I attend 'Green Valley High School' - in Henderson.
Henderson is a town in Clark County, Nevada, about 16 miles (26 km) southeast of Las Vegas. The town is part of the Las Vegas metropolitan area, which spans the entire Las Vegas Valley. Henderson occupies the southeastern end of the valley, at an elevation of 1,864 feet (568 m). Henderson was incorporated in 1953, and is the location of Lake Las Vegas, and has been ranked second in Forbes' list of 'America's Safest Cities'. Henderson is a largely residential middle class town.
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Henderson - Nevada |
"So, this Henderson, is it a nice town ?...", Jim asked.
"Well yes... I suppose it is.
A lot of the kids at school say it's a bit dull and boring, but it's safe and attractive.", 'Sigi' replied.
"Sigi... you're supposed to call him 'Sir'... he is your 'guardian', after-all, and pays all your bills...", Ethan whispered, but loud enough for Jim to hear.
'Sigi' smiled and nodded.
"So... 'Sir', my previous 'guardian'... did he just die of old age or something ?...", 'Sigi' asked, rather bluntly.
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Wild Jaguar |
"No... he was eaten by a jaguar !", Ethan replied, determined to shock young 'Sigi'."
"You're joking !", 'Sigi' exclaimed, suppressing a grin.
"Nope !", Ethan said.
"Ethan !", Jim remonstrated..."show a little respect !."...
"I am, but I'm just telling the truth.", Ethan said, trying to sound innocent.
"What, eaten by a jaguar here... in 'Vegas ?", 'Sigi' asked incredulously.
"No, 'Sigi', in Mexico, where he was escaping from some terrorists who had kidnapped him.", Jim explained.
"So - quite a brave guy ?", 'Sigi' said, questioningly.
"Yes.. I suppose so, in a way...", Ethan answered.
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Sigi's Apartment - Green Valley - Henderson - Nevada |
"Anyway, 'Sigi'....you go to school in Henderson, but where do you live ?", Jim asked.
"Oh, well when I first came here, this weird guy - I think he was called Franklin - arranged for me to have a small place - one bedroom - in 'Cascade Apartments' - in Green Valley South, and that's only a short drive from the High School... so for me it's an easy life...but now my 'old guardian's' gone... I'm wondering what's going to happen...?", 'Sigi' said, rather pointedly.
"Well I will need to think about that, but in a week or so I think I'll come down and look at this 'Henderson' place, that is after I've made some inquiries.", Jim said.
Ethan turned to Clare, who was bringing in some coffee.....
"You see... we just get home, and off we go again - this time to Henderson." Ethan said, sounding exasperated.
"Yes, but it seems it is just down the road.", Jim said.

Suddenly there was a ringing noise.
"Well it's not the door... that has a 'buzzer-thingy'...", Ethan said, looking puzzled.
At that point Teddy came to the door of the dining-room.
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The Big Red Telephone |
"Jim... it's the 'big red telephone' !", Teddy announced solemnly.
"I thought we'd thrown that stupid 'thingy' out ages ago...", Ethan said.
"Who said that ?", 'Sigi' asked, looking round the dining room.
"I did... I said, 'I thought we'd thrown that stupid thingy out ages ago..'..", Ethan replied.
"No... who said..., 'Jim....it's the big red telephone', " Sigi asked again, looking very confused and perturbed.
"Oh him... that's Teddy, our animatronic 'teddy-bear-thingy'...", Ethan said, as Jim left the table to go to the study and answer the 'phone.
"Yes... well less of the 'animatronic'.
I'm Teddy, and you are 'Sigi', and we've met before.", Teddy said.
"I don't think so - I think I would remember meeting a talking teddy-bear.", 'Sigi' said, very slowly and carefully - looking down to where Teddy was standing by the door.
"Well you did meet me before... some time after Ethan knocked you out.", Teddy added.
"No, definitely not...", 'Sigi' replied, sounding rather alarmed.
"OK...", Teddy replied, not wanting to argue the point.
"So what's this 'big red telephone' ?", 'Sigi' asked, trying to ignore the comment about being knocked out by Ethan.
Teddy then put on his horn-rimmed spectacles in order to look very intelligent, and began...
"Well, it's a telephone... which is a 'secure line', and it's kept in the study, and it has a notice on it saying - 'Ethan must not use this 'phone' - and it's 'secure' because no one can 'listen in' to conversations on it.", Teddy explained
"Unless they're in the study...", Ethan added.
Sigi shook his head in disbelief at what was going on, and being said.
"I would imagine that my 'old guardian' is quite relieved to have finally got away from you lot !", 'Sigi' said, rather un-diplomatically.
"Probably...", Teddy said, taking off his horn-rimmed spectacles, and placing them in the neat little furry pocket that Faunus had provided for them.
Meanwhile, Jim was in the study taking a call from Zac.
"So why did you call the 'big red 'phone' ?", Jim asked.
"Possibly because your cell-phone was switched off.", Zac replied.
"Possibly.", Jim said.
"OK - Well time's getting on, so are you nearly ready to come to the 'Club Jaguar' ?", Zac asked.
"Yes, I'll be there soon... but tell me, what's 'Sigi' doing here ?", Jim asked.
"Well I wasn't sure where he should go, and I thought it was best if you had a word with him before the 'events' started.", Zac explained.
"OK... well I'll bring him with me...", Jim said.
"That's fine, Sir.", Zac replied.
"Oh stop that 'Sir' business... I'm Jim, remember ?", Jim said.
"OK - whatever you say Jim.", Zac said, as he rang off.
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Clare |
"Okey-dokey...", Ethan replied, as he called Chuck on his cell-phone.
"You really are watching too many old movies, Ethan.", Jim said under his breath - with a smile.
"Just one moment... Jim, I need to change.", Clare said.
Jim, of course , had not thought about that.
He was so used to Clare helping him and Ethan to look their best, that he had completely forgotten that, as Clare was coming with them, she also needed to get ready.
And so they had to wait...but not for long, as Clare had everything ready.
"Here I am..", she said, "but Ethan, just help me with this zip at the back...", Clare said, as Ethan noticeably blushed.
"OK honey, just breath in..", Ethan said, trying to brush off his surprise and embarrassment with a joke. (see 'Honey I'm Home', Part 2 - Chapter 2).
"Well... you look... er... wonderful Clare !", Jim said, as Clare twirled herself round - and in a strange way, she felt as if it was the first tie that Jim had actually noticed her.
They were both surprised to see Clare looking so elegant, and neither had met 'Sigi'.
'Sigi' had a small 'overnight bag' with him, of which Max immediately took charge.
With Max around nobody was allowed to carry anything.
For both Clare and 'Sigi' this was to be the first time either of them had ever ridden in a Cadillac, although for Jim and Ethan it had become the normal mode of transport, only interrupted occasionally by cab journeys, and once by their recent long trip on the Greyhound Bus.
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Greyhound Bus |
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Cadillac Long Wheelbase |
Max was instantly on the sidewalk, opening the near-side doors, and handing 'Sigi's' overnight bag to one of the bellhops.
Clare left the Cadillac first, and Zac gallantly took her hand and kissed it.
Jim followed.
Zac gave a stiff bow of his head, as he greeted Jim.
"Good Morning, Sir...", he said very formally.
"Zac, I told you about this 'Sir' business.", Jim said - quietly but somewhat annoyed.
"I know, Sir... but this is a formal occasion... we have no choice - and anyway, Novius insists that we follow the correct protocol.", Zac explained, sounding embarrassed.
Ethan followed Jim.
"Please don't kiss my hand, Zac...", Ethan said, grinning.
"You have your 'Colt' ?", Zac asked, by way of greeting.
"What, you're expecting trouble...?", Ethan said nervously.
"Well you never know... so get them inside without too much delay.", Zac said, as he shook hands with 'Sigi'.
"What do you want me to do with the teddy-bear ?", 'Sigi' asked, as he shook hands with Zac.
"Oh no, Ethan... you haven't brought Teddy with you...!", Zac said.
"Of course.
You're one of his favorite 'friends', after me and Jim, and he wants to say his little bit to Jim - or should I say, 'Marcus' - after all, he speaks better Latin than any of us, excepting Novius.", Ethan said.
And 'polyglot' Teddy certainly did... having spoken in Austrian accented German and Ancient Egyptian on previous occasions, and being proficient in about twenty other languages - in including Ancient Greek and 'Owl' when talking to Glaux - all thanks to Faunus' rather over generous programming.
Unfortunately for 'Sigi', he was tasked with carrying Teddy, as Ethan needed to look as 'adult' as possible (which of course he found difficult) as he was part of the 'security' for the occasion (officially Zac's second in command).
"Now you just come with me, 'Sigi', and I'll get you a room for the night here, as we won't be able to put you up at the Penthouse.", Ethan said, relishing the role of having someone who he felt was undoubtedly in a 'junior' position to himself.
"Don't take any notice of him, 'Sigi', he's just showing off.", Teddy said, as Ethan looked around suspiciously at the other guests, apparently 'sizing them up'.
Jim and Clare were not sure what to do, and so they just waited in the lobby.
Having arranged a room for 'Sigi' (and making sure it wasn't Room 33), Ethan then went off with Zac to check the function room where the 'investiture' was to take place.
Ethan opened the large double doors, and got a shock.
"Wowee ! - You've obviously 'had the builders in' - or is this just a little something that Faunus got together ?", Ethan said.
"Well Novius told Faunus the place should have a 'classical' ambiance - and this is what Faunus did.", Zac explained.
"Mm...", Ethan said, not sounding very impressed.
"Well I just hope that when you sit on one of those 'chesterfields', you don't go sinking down, and end up sitting on the floor.
It looks about as solid to me as 'Upuaut's throne room'.", Ethan concluded.
"Upuaut's what ?", Zac said, looking very puzzled.
"Oh, I forgot, you don't know about that - well ask Jim, when you get the chance.", Ethan said, not wanting to go into a long and very complicated explanation.
Then Zac's cell-phone rang.
"It's Faunus... he wants to know if you could get Jim to go and speak with him on the top floor - room 33." Zac said.
"Okey-dokey...", Ethan replied, as he went off to the lobby - close by.
"Jim... Faunus wants to have a chat with you in Room 33 - I'm sure you know where it is." ,Ethan said.
"Right, but promise me you'll stay here with Clare.", Jim said.
"Of course...", Ethan replied, happy to spend time with his favourite ( and only) girl.
Jim and Clare were not sure what to do, and so they just waited in the lobby.
Having arranged a room for 'Sigi' (and making sure it wasn't Room 33), Ethan then went off with Zac to check the function room where the 'investiture' was to take place.
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'Classical' Ambiance |
"Wowee ! - You've obviously 'had the builders in' - or is this just a little something that Faunus got together ?", Ethan said.
"Well Novius told Faunus the place should have a 'classical' ambiance - and this is what Faunus did.", Zac explained.
"Mm...", Ethan said, not sounding very impressed.
"Well I just hope that when you sit on one of those 'chesterfields', you don't go sinking down, and end up sitting on the floor.
It looks about as solid to me as 'Upuaut's throne room'.", Ethan concluded.
"Upuaut's what ?", Zac said, looking very puzzled.
"Oh, I forgot, you don't know about that - well ask Jim, when you get the chance.", Ethan said, not wanting to go into a long and very complicated explanation.
Then Zac's cell-phone rang.
"It's Faunus... he wants to know if you could get Jim to go and speak with him on the top floor - room 33." Zac said.
"Okey-dokey...", Ethan replied, as he went off to the lobby - close by.
"Jim... Faunus wants to have a chat with you in Room 33 - I'm sure you know where it is." ,Ethan said.
"Right, but promise me you'll stay here with Clare.", Jim said.

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Room 33 |
Jim took the elevator from the lobby to the top floor.
'Must get this hallway redecorated', Jim said to himself as he walked from the elevator to Room 33.
Jim 'buzzed' the door, and immediately Faunus answered.
"Come in Jim, or should I said Marcus...I've got a bit of a surprise for you", Faunus said.
"Well I see you've got the same old Art Deco.... but !...", and Jim then struggled for words....
"Terentius....but how ?....
But it's so good to see you....", Jim said as he flopped down on one of the white leather armchairs, gazing in disbelief at his old friend.
'Must get this hallway redecorated', Jim said to himself as he walked from the elevator to Room 33.
Jim 'buzzed' the door, and immediately Faunus answered.
"Come in Jim, or should I said Marcus...I've got a bit of a surprise for you", Faunus said.
"Well I see you've got the same old Art Deco.... but !...", and Jim then struggled for words....
"Terentius....but how ?....
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Terentius in Room 33 |
So who is Terentius... ? - Well he was the 'altum Senescallum' (high steward) 'ex nobili domo Gracchus' (of the noble House of Gracchus) - and was the man who originally bought the young slave-boy, 'Markos', at a slave auction for his master, Gnaeus Octavian Gracchus, - and was Marcus' friend and mentor, and on the death of his master, placed the ring of the 'House of Gracchus' on Marcus' finger, and was the first to swear allegiance.
Terentius supposedly 'died' in the huge eruption of Vesuvius, in 79 AD, during the reign of the Roman Emperor Titus Vespasianus, when Terentius was visiting Pompeii with many of Marcus' slaves and associates.
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Eruption of Vesuvius, in 79 AD |
Terentius supposedly 'died' in the huge eruption of Vesuvius, in 79 AD, during the reign of the Roman Emperor Titus Vespasianus, when Terentius was visiting Pompeii with many of Marcus' slaves and associates.
"I think I should say now, Marcus, that I have brought Terentius... back for just one day - in order that he may undertake a 'sacred duty'.
As you may realize, there is no other person empowered to pass the ring of the 'House of Gracchus' on to you, other than the 'altum Senescallum' - so we have a special dispensation granted, so that he may perform that rite.
Whatever other time you may have with him I suggest you use well.
And now we must go down and undertake that very ceremony."
Faunus was remarkably serious, and Jim felt it best to ask no questions, but to simply conform with what Faunus had said.

And so all those who had been honored with an invitation to the 'inauguration' gathered in the 'Classical Hall'
Zac then carefully arranged everyone in the approved order of precedence, and awaited the entrance of Marcus - who arrived with Faunus and Terentius.
Many in the hall had no idea of the identity of Terentius - although Ethan and Josh, and Novius (and of course Glaux) recognized him immediately.
(Teddy, of course, knew who Terentius was because Faunus had given him that information at the first moments of Teddy's creation - along with many other essential facts).
He took the seal ring from his pocket and held it up.....
"Marcus, this is the seal ring of the House of Gracchus, which has been passed on to each new Dominus ......
As the most senior servant of the House of Gracchus it is thus my duty to place this ring on your finger, and confirm you as Marcus Octavianus Gracchus, true heir and son of the deceased Dominus, Gnaeus Octavian Gracchus, and to pronounce you from this moment as 'Dominus of the Noble House of Gracchus'."
Terentius... then placed the ring on Marcus' ring-finger, bent down on one knee, and kissed the ring.
"Quoniam omne tempus, ego semper fidelis servus, et fideles in novam aetatem."
('For all time I am always your loyal and faithful servant in this new age')
"Et amicum"
('And friend.'), Marcus added.
And it was done - word for word as it had been enacted in the 'legatio' (office) of Marcus' adoptive father on a very stormy night, long, long ago.
Having sworn his allegiance, it was then the turn of the other significant individuals to do the same.
The order of precedence, however, had altered since the previous inauguration, to take into account all that had occurred in the intervening time.
Ethan (Aurarius) therefore went first, followed by Teddy, and most of the guests had no idea who, or what Teddy was - and were suitably amazed by his ability to enunciate perfect patrician Latin.
Zac (Petronius) took his place, and after he had sworn his allegiance, Marcus interrupted the proceedings for a moment to announce that Zac was to be his Tribune (in modern terms - 'head of security').
Next came Novius, and then Josh (Adonios), who brought with him Glaux.
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Clare |
Then it was the turn of Clare - who was very nervous, and couldn't believe that, considering her apparently menial position, she had been included among those who were so close to the new 'master'.
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Franklin |
Next came Chuck and Max, both resplendent in their uniforms.
In Max' case it was a great day for him.
At one point he had felt rejected, and feared that he was to permanently lose his job with Jim, but then everything had changed, and he had joined the ranks of those who were most trusted.
Franklin - the 'brains of the organisation', came next.
He didn't have a clue what was going on, and stumbled over his Latin.
Franklin was followed by Katrina, who had been the personal Secretary to the 'Boss' for a number of years.
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Kurt |
Then there was Kurt - Manager of the 'California Combat Club' - a trustworthy guy, but ruthless, and well connected with all the right people that 'nice' people really didn't want to know.
And then there was Glen and 'Sigi'.
Both these boys, for very different reasons, looked to Marcus as their 'guardian'.
Neither were employed yet in the organisation, but doubtless both would begin in 'security', under the direction of Zac, until such time as a suitable position could be arranged for them.
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Glen |
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US Intelligence Community |
The NSA, US Department of Defense, CIA and other members of the US Intelligence Community were undoubtedly still interested in all forms of 'extra-dimensional travel', along with UFOs and Extra and Ultra Terrestrials, and so Marcus was well aware that it was important to keep a very low profile.
And so the ceremony that had taken place at the 'Club Jaguar' (soon to be renamed the 'Club Athena') was, 'by invitation only', and security had insisted on all 'cell-phones', cameras and recording devices being surrendered for the duration of the ceremony.
It was unavoidable, however, that because of the number of guests, and the subsequent drive to the cemetery, that a sizeable group of onlookers had assembled once the long line of black Cadillacs had drawn up outside the 'Hotel Jaguar'.

Their Cadillac, however, was air-conditioned, and so the journey to the cemetery was cool and comfortable.
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Funeral Cortege |
Slowly, in the blistering heat, the cortege moved off - very slowly.
As news had spread, groups of spectators, and a number of reporters, gathered for one of the most spectacular funerals seen in the city of a man almost completely unknown to the vast majority of the citizens of that city.
The long procession of huge black Cadillacs exuded privilege, status and wealth - all except the last vehicle in the motorcade which was a rather old-fashioned looking pink and white Ford Edsel, containing 'Sigi' driving, and Teddy sitting on the back seat, pretending to be a 'stuffed toy'.
"I just hope none of the guys at school find out about this...", Sigi, who was bitterly regretting following Zac's instructions by going to the Penthouse, said to Teddy.
"They won't... ", Teddy replied quietly.....

Seats for all the guests had already been arranged in the cemetery.
The site of the grave was relatively unimportant as Marcus had already resolved to build a large marble mausoleum to house the casket, and so the casket would be exhumed and taken to another site for the final entombment.
Zac, and his subordinates ensured that all the guests were seated in order of precedence, while Marcus, Ethan and Clare stood by, looking on.
(the newspaper reporters, as expected, were already mistakenly indicating that Clare was Marcus' wife, and Ethan was his brother.
Marcus, of course, would make no comment on either story, let alone instigate legal proceedings, as he wish to return to relative obscurity as soon as the funeral was over.)
Marcus, of course, would make no comment on either story, let alone instigate legal proceedings, as he wish to return to relative obscurity as soon as the funeral was over.)
As all of this was happening, the massive electrum casket was brought to the grave.
'Sigi' was one of the last to arrive and park, as he was at the end of the cortege, but as soon as he arrived he brought Teddy to Ethan.
Marcus then insisted that he and Clare were joined by Terentius, Novius, Josh (with Glaux), Zac, and Glen and 'Sigi'.
Once everyone was in place Marcus stood before the casket, facing the guests, in order to give the funeral oration.
"Ladies and gentlemen...thank you for coming to pay your respects to my 'guardian' and adoptive father, Gnæus Gracchus, known to many of you by his American name, Alexander Johnson - and often colloquially known as 'the Boss'.
I have, on one previous occasion, made a similar speech to this, some time ago, and hoped that I should not have to do so again.
Gnæus, a Yale graduate, was a man of great learning and culture, as well as an astute businessman, who made a great contribution to this city, and other cities in the United States, and also Mexico.
He was also instrumental in advancing the understanding of native Americans, including the Maya, and the various tribes of the South West of the US, and the tribes of the Great Plains.
His learning, however, did not prevent him from being a great teller of traditional tales, tales that he was able, in an inimitable to recount to those who were close to him.
Perhaps one of his greatest achievements, beyond his business and academic successes, was the help and guidance that he was able to give to the young who found themselves in difficult situations in this turbulent city.
I am now tasked with attempting to follow in the footsteps of Gnæus Gracchus - not an easy task - but I will do my best to live up to his enviable reputation.
Thank you for coming here, and thank you for listening."
There followed some unusually enthusiastic applause - considering the oration had been made in a cemetery, and at a funeral.
Many of the guests rose from their seats, and soon Marcus was surrounded by friends and guests wanting to shake his hand, and compliment him on what he had said.
Ethan, in particular, was very affected by what Marcus had said, and needed to be comforted by Clare.
Very slowly Marcus, and those who were close to him, managed to get to their parked limousines, and began to make their way - not to the 'Club Jaguar', which had now become a centre of attention - but to the newly named 'Villa Athena', just outside Los Angeles, where they would have some space and privacy.
"Ladies and gentlemen...thank you for coming to pay your respects to my 'guardian' and adoptive father, Gnæus Gracchus, known to many of you by his American name, Alexander Johnson - and often colloquially known as 'the Boss'.
I have, on one previous occasion, made a similar speech to this, some time ago, and hoped that I should not have to do so again.
Gnæus, a Yale graduate, was a man of great learning and culture, as well as an astute businessman, who made a great contribution to this city, and other cities in the United States, and also Mexico.
He was also instrumental in advancing the understanding of native Americans, including the Maya, and the various tribes of the South West of the US, and the tribes of the Great Plains.
His learning, however, did not prevent him from being a great teller of traditional tales, tales that he was able, in an inimitable to recount to those who were close to him.
Perhaps one of his greatest achievements, beyond his business and academic successes, was the help and guidance that he was able to give to the young who found themselves in difficult situations in this turbulent city.
I am now tasked with attempting to follow in the footsteps of Gnæus Gracchus - not an easy task - but I will do my best to live up to his enviable reputation.
Thank you for coming here, and thank you for listening."
There followed some unusually enthusiastic applause - considering the oration had been made in a cemetery, and at a funeral.
Many of the guests rose from their seats, and soon Marcus was surrounded by friends and guests wanting to shake his hand, and compliment him on what he had said.
Ethan, in particular, was very affected by what Marcus had said, and needed to be comforted by Clare.
Very slowly Marcus, and those who were close to him, managed to get to their parked limousines, and began to make their way - not to the 'Club Jaguar', which had now become a centre of attention - but to the newly named 'Villa Athena', just outside Los Angeles, where they would have some space and privacy.
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'Villa Athena' - Antelope Valley - California![]() |

Those closest to Marcus are driven the 250 miles along Interstate 15 to the newly named 'Villa Athena' - the huge neo-Mayan residence set in extensive parkland outside Los Angeles. Once there they would stay as guests until Marcus had decided on his immediate plans. And the chapter title ? - 'In Novam Ætatem' - is Latin for 'In the New Age'