It's the first morning 'home'.....Jim makes an arrangementto meet with Zac and Faunus - as Jim needs to give his initial orders. Also Jim summons Novius, Josh and Glen from Los Angeles. Then it''s just a question of eliminating all references to 'Jaguars' - including 'Jaguar Jim' - and establishing the new 'Club Athena'.
Please note that this chapter is intended for adults (over 18 years), and contains text adult text and images. Please do not view this chapter if you find such features objectionable....

"Morning Jim !", Ethan said, as he stretched out in the comfort of his own bed.
"Morning Ethan !... morning Teddy !", Jim replied, with the intention of going back to sleep.
"I had a really awful dream...", Ethan mumbled...
"I dreamed that I was in this horrible, smelly bus, travelling halfway across America, and stopping at all these dreary little towns, where they served 'ucky' food..." Ethan said, as he cuddled up to Teddy.
"That was no dream, Ethan...", Teddy said...
"That was yesterday.
And stop squashing me !"
And stop squashing me !"
"Oh shit... it was...", Ethan moaned.
"Well at least it's over - and it looks like we're back home.", Ethan said.
At that moment there was a gentle tap on the bedroom door.
"Time to get up, boys... breakfast's nearly ready...",
It was Clare, solicitous as ever.
Jim and Ethan hadn't had much sleep, but Clare knew that there would be a lot to do on their first day back.
Teddy, of course, never got tired, because he never needed to sleep - but he sometimes pretended to be sleepy, just to seem more 'human'.
So the boys got themselves up, showered and dressed.
"Moderately formal...", Jim suggested to Ethan.
Fortunately, thanks to Clare, their wardrobes were full of neatly pressed clothes, all beautifully cleaned.
"Ties and cufflinks ?", Ethan asked.
"Yes... ties and cufflinks...", Jim replied.
"We'll be meeting Zac and Faunus - maybe even Franklin, if we're unlucky, so we should look smart.", Jim suggested.
And so they went into the dining room, where Clare had laid out their breakfast.
The first thing that Jim did was to 'phone Faunus.
"Hi... I thought we could meet in about an hour... at the 'Club'.
By the way, Clare told me about the 'Boss'... but we can discuss that when I see you..."
And with that Jim closed his cell-phone.
Jim had never been one for long conversations on the 'phone, not having been brought up with telephones, and anyway he didn't want to get into long explanation without actually being face to face with Faunus.
"OK Ethan, I have a job for you....
Would you 'phone Josh, and ask him and Novius and Glen to come to the Penthouse about three o'clock this afternoon ?", Jim asked.
"No problemo....", Ethan replied, in his inimitable way.
Predictably, Josh was surprised to receive a call from Ethan, and wanted to know what had been going on, and why Ethan and Jim had been out of contact for so long - and so forth - but Ethan was unusually reticent (guessing that Jim wanted to deal with such matters later), and kept the call short.
Regardless, Josh, always eager to help and be compliant, promised that he and Novius and Glen would arrive in 'Vegas as soon as possible, and come to the Penthouse.
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Penthouse Dining Room - Las Vegas - Nevada - Morning |
"Hi... I thought we could meet in about an hour... at the 'Club'.
By the way, Clare told me about the 'Boss'... but we can discuss that when I see you..."
And with that Jim closed his cell-phone.
Jim had never been one for long conversations on the 'phone, not having been brought up with telephones, and anyway he didn't want to get into long explanation without actually being face to face with Faunus.
"OK Ethan, I have a job for you....
Would you 'phone Josh, and ask him and Novius and Glen to come to the Penthouse about three o'clock this afternoon ?", Jim asked.
"No problemo....", Ethan replied, in his inimitable way.
Predictably, Josh was surprised to receive a call from Ethan, and wanted to know what had been going on, and why Ethan and Jim had been out of contact for so long - and so forth - but Ethan was unusually reticent (guessing that Jim wanted to deal with such matters later), and kept the call short.
Regardless, Josh, always eager to help and be compliant, promised that he and Novius and Glen would arrive in 'Vegas as soon as possible, and come to the Penthouse.
And while Ethan was 'phoning Josh, Jim was contacting Chuck, and asking him to bring the Cadillac Eldorado to the main entrance of the apartment block.
And so, as they were finishing their breakfast, the buzzer sounded - presumably indicating that Chuck had arrived with the limousine.
Then, after Clare had checked the 'boys' over to ensure that they were appropriately smart, Ethan opened the double doors to the Penthouse.
"Hi Chuck.. for once we are actually ready...", Ethan said, grinning.
"Of course, Sir.", Chuck said in his usually formal manner.
"It's good to have you, and Master Jim, back with us.", Chuck said, as he led the way to the elevator.
Interestingly, Jim was still seen as the recent arrival, simply 'staying' at Ethan's Penthouse.
It was also obvious that no one had informed Chuck, or the concierge, of the demise of the 'Boss'.
The short journey to the 'Club Jaguar' took place in an awkward silence.
"Chuck... please wait for us here.", Jim said.
"Of course, Sir.", Chuck replied, as Max, resplendent in his uniform, came down the steps from the main entrance to open the door of the Cadillac for Ethan and Jim.
"Good morning Sir...", Max said, a little unsure as to how to handle the situation.
Jim nodded.
"Wait by the limousine until I return...", Jim said, very formally.
"Yes, Sir... Do you want me to have the Cadillac polished while you are away...?", Max asked.
Ethan looked at Jim.
"Well, this is more like it.", Ethan said, obviously glad to be back.
"No Max.... I think it's quite shiny enough... Just stand and wait... ", Jim said.
"Yes, Sir... ", Max said, as Jim and Ethan walked up the steps and into the 'Club Jaguar'.
Unusually, the manager met them at the main door, and then accompanied them up in the elevator to the silent top floor.
As they arrived, the door marked No 1 opened.
The only other door in the corridor was marked No 33, and that led to Faunus' private 'domain'.
However, Faunus emerged from door No 1, which led, eventually to the office that had previously belonged to the 'Boss'.
"So glad to see you back !", Faunus began.
"Nice to see you...", Jim replied.
"And you too, Ethan.", Faunus added.
Come with me, and we can talk in Franklin's office... don't worry he's not there...", Faunus added, smiling.
They followed Faunus into Franklin's office - and sat down in the large, comfortable leather arm-chairs that Franklin hardly ever used.
Once they were seated, Katrina, the secretary to the 'Boss', entered.
"Good morning, Sir...", Katrina said to Jim.
"Can I get you and your friend any refreshments ?", Katrina asked.
"My friend is Ethan, as I'm sure you know...", Jim said, sounding a little annoyed - "and just Pepsi Max, as we have only just had breakfast."
"I'm sorry, Sir... of course.", Katrina said.
"So presumably Clare has told you about the 'Boss'....?", Faunus asked.
"You mean Mr Alexander Johnson ?", Jim responded, somewhat pointedly.
"Undoubtedly you knew that already, but what myself and Ethan would like to know is how this unfortunate event occurred.", Jim asked.
The 'Boss'... er... 'Mr Johnson', your 'guardian', was working on a little excavation that he had started in the forest near Palenque, when he was kidnapped by Zapatista rebels.
As soon as I was told, I informed the local police.
As the police made their way to the location where they had discovered that 'Mr Johnson' was being held, Mr Johnson had managed to escaped into the Jungle.
It was at night.
The following morning the Mexican police continued to search, and as the result of a 'tip-off', they discovered, and took into custody, the group of Zapatista Rebels who had been hiding 'Mr Johnson' in a makeshift shack, operating as a shop selling refreshments and souvenirs to tourists.
'Mr Johnson', however, as I already mentioned, had eluded his captors and escaped.
Later in the day, after a prolonged search, 'Mr Johnson's' body was discovered close to the Mayan ruins where he had been working.
The state of the body indicated that 'Mr Johnson' had been attacked by a very large Jaguar.
Such a jaguar had been regularly reported in the area over the last six months.
"Yes...", Jim replied, reflectively.
"So... to what degree were you involved in this strange series of events, Faunus ?", Jim asked pointedly.
"I was not involved at all - truly....
I would have thought you would have known that I am not permitted to take such direct and decisive action.", Faunus replied, obviously surprised that Jim would have asked such a question with such authority.
"The time for the 'Boss' had arrived.", Faunus continued, taking a seat next to Jim.
"He had prepared the way for you... and the others... and this particular 'wheel of time' had run its full course.
The prophecy of the Sibyl had to be fulfilled, and neither you, nor myself, or any other power could prevent it.
I knew it would hurt you, but there was nothing I could do...
Surely you saw the signs as your connection with 'what had been' crumbled.
After all, you were warned......
I think someone said - 'something's up'.....yes ?
And that 'someone' I gave to Ethan to be like a warning of future events.....", Faunus explained.
"Ah...I knew Teddy was onto something !", Ethan said.
"OK... so what happened to the body of the 'Boss' ?", Jim asked.
"It's been brought back to 'Vegas, and at present is in the best 'funeral home' in the town.
The body has been embalmed, and has been placed in an electrum (white gold) plated stainless steel casket.
I can make arrangements for you and Ethan to pay your respects if that is what you want.", Faunus explained.
Jim looked over to Ethan - who nodded in agreement.
"OK... give Ethan the address and phone number when we leave, and we'll arrange to go tonight.", Jim said.
"So... when do I get the ring back ?", Jim asked - getting straight down to business.
"And, may I ask, how do you now wish to be addressed ?", Faunus asked.
Faunus was well aware of Jim's concerns.
Essentially Jim, in his 'heart of hearts', was a Roman 'patrician' - an aristocrat - partly by birth, in a minor way, but in a more extreme way, by his adoption as Marcus Octavianus Gracchus.
As such, while he had been quite happy to be looked upon as an 'all-American boy', at least initially, later, having been apprised, by Faunus, of his true origins in an 'earlier time' and a 'distant land', on the death of his 'guardian', he would now wish to inherit the rank and status to which he was entitled - even if this were not the 'norm' in this 'new world' in which he found himself.
"Legally, a change of name to Marcus Johnson will be quite sufficient." Jim began.
"No problem...I will get Franklin to attend to that tomorrow." Faunus said.
"As to the use of the term 'Boss' - it is an ugly 'Americanism' - like 'slang', and I wish to put a stop to its use.
Instead I require to be addressed by my immediate colleagues and associates as 'Sir', and be known, as I was before, as 'Dominus'." Jim said.
"Only my closest friends, in private, may call me 'Jim', which was a name given to me by my 'guardian', without my actual consent, and I will allow its continued use only to those, like Ethan and Clare, who knew me by that name from the very beginning of my time here.", Jim continued.
"Of course, Dominus.", Faunus replied - putting his new master's requirements into immediate effect.
"So... it's just like to old days, Jim.", Ethan said smiling, as he realized that Jim was obviously going to assert his authority.
"Also, Faunus, all this business about jaguars seems to me to be totally inappropriate in consideration of the nature of the passing of the my 'guardian' - so I want 'Club Jaguar' to be rebranded 'Club Athena' - Athens was my home as a boy - and I want new logos devised to accompany the name changes.", Jim said.
"Yes Dominus, but that may take a week or so to arrange - you know, new signs, new letterheads, brochures and changes to our websites...", Faunus said.
"Of course... no problem.", Jim replied.
"So... you have been very helpful, and I know there is much more to discuss, but right now I need to return to the Penthouse to see Novius, Josh and Glenn.", Jim said, bringing the interview to a sudden end.
"Well yes... 'Dominus', but I would really like to opportunity, before you receive the ring, to speak to you in private, if that is possible ?", Faunus said, being unusually deferential.
"I don't see why not...'phone me later this afternoon.", Jim said, as he and Ethan rose from their seats and made their way to the door.
"Yes, 'Dominus'.", Faunus said, shaking their hands as they stepped into the elevator.
"Well that was really weird...", Ethan said, as the elevator descended to the hotel lobby.
"Yes, - well many things will be different now, Ethan.", Jim said quietly.
"Yes... but not between us... I hope.", Ethan said, sounding uncertain.
"No... not between us...", Jim assured Ethan.
In the lobby they stopped off at the reception desk.
"Does this hotel have a 'Presidential Suite' ?", Jim asked.
"Yes Sir... do you wish to see it ?", he asked.
"Of course...", Jim replied.
"You do know that it is very expensive ?", the receptionist said guardedly.
"I should do... I own it.", Jim said.
"You what ?", the receptionist said.
"I own it... I'm Marcus Johnson... the owner of this hotel !
Now please show me the suite... I'm in a hurry.", Jim said.
"Of course, sir !", the flustered receptionist replied, rushing off to find the keys.
Moments later the hotel manager arrived at reception.
"I am so sorry, Sir, it's just that you never come to reception, and what with recent tragic events, the receptionist here had no idea...", the manager broke off in mid sentence, not knowing what to say next.
"That's OK, but we're very busy, and I need to inspect the suite as soon as possible.", Jim said.
"Of course... if you please, come with me to the elevator, and I will take you up there personally.
They entered the suite.
"Very nice ...", Ethan said, as they looked around, "but a bit gloomy."
Jim, at last, was able to make some decisions ...
"Right, get rid of the orange pillows and cushions - I want them matching the bedspread.
And as a general point, I don't like the colour orange - it's loud, and lacks subtlety - so no orange in any rooms in the hotel." Jim said.
"Yes sir... you're so right...", the manager said, making a note of Jim's instruction.
Also no 'naked' bulbs... it looks cheap and common.
Here and in the bathroom I want small white shades - and also white towels - and remove that tray with cups.
Flowers should always be white, and remove that ugly screen pretending to be a bed-head.
Other than that, it's good - and have it all ready by midday."
The manager nodded as he continued to scribble in his notepad.
"I will have a VIP guest staying in this suite (Novius), and two other VIP guests staying in the next two other rooms of a similar standard (Josh and Glen).
No charges will be made, and they are to have unlimited room-service, and use of all other facilities, including the restaurants.
The two younger guests many not be served alcohol, not that I think they would order any.
"Of course, Sir.
It shall all be done exactly as you have ordered.", the manager replied obsequiously.
"That was really good...", Ethan said, as they left the hotel lobby.
But more was to come....
When they left the main entrance, looking in vain for someone to open the doors for them, they found an under-manager berating Max - apparently for leaving his post and standing by the Cadillac.
"You have a problem with this young man ?", Jim asked.
"Well yes - not that it's any of your business...", the under-manager replied.
"I told him to wait here..!", Jim said, obviously very angry.
The under manager was taken aback.
"But...", he began.
"Your name ?", Jim asked.
The unfortunate under-manager gave his name.
"I am Marcus Johnson, and I own this hotel, along with many other similar establishments in this town.
See the Hotel Manager in his office tomorrow morning, and he will give you your severance pay, and I will make it my business to make sure that you find it practically impossible to gain further employment in this kind of business in Nevada.
Now go !..."
Max, grinning, opened the passenger door of the Cadillac for Ethan and Jim.
"And wipe that grin off you face, Max, and get in the front, next to Chuck !", Jim said coldly.
"I see it's 'Marcus Ultor' once again...
Don't worry, I'll be careful...", Ethan said.
"Yes Ethan, but I get the sense that things have become slack here, with the 'Boss', as he was, stuck up in his office all day - preoccupied with his little 'pet projects', like the 'Combat Club' and Brody and Jonathan, and going off on trips to find singers......
We have a big, complex business to run, Ethan, and we must start the way we mean to continue....", Jim said, as he sent a text to the Hotel Manager about the under-manager and Max.

And so, as they were finishing their breakfast, the buzzer sounded - presumably indicating that Chuck had arrived with the limousine.
Then, after Clare had checked the 'boys' over to ensure that they were appropriately smart, Ethan opened the double doors to the Penthouse.
"Hi Chuck.. for once we are actually ready...", Ethan said, grinning.
"Of course, Sir.", Chuck said in his usually formal manner.
"It's good to have you, and Master Jim, back with us.", Chuck said, as he led the way to the elevator.
Interestingly, Jim was still seen as the recent arrival, simply 'staying' at Ethan's Penthouse.
It was also obvious that no one had informed Chuck, or the concierge, of the demise of the 'Boss'.
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Max by the Cadillac - 'Club Jaguar' |
"Chuck... please wait for us here.", Jim said.
"Of course, Sir.", Chuck replied, as Max, resplendent in his uniform, came down the steps from the main entrance to open the door of the Cadillac for Ethan and Jim.
"Good morning Sir...", Max said, a little unsure as to how to handle the situation.
Jim nodded.
"Wait by the limousine until I return...", Jim said, very formally.
"Yes, Sir... Do you want me to have the Cadillac polished while you are away...?", Max asked.
Ethan looked at Jim.
"Well, this is more like it.", Ethan said, obviously glad to be back.
"No Max.... I think it's quite shiny enough... Just stand and wait... ", Jim said.
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The Top Floor Corridor of the 'Club Jaguar' |
Unusually, the manager met them at the main door, and then accompanied them up in the elevator to the silent top floor.
As they arrived, the door marked No 1 opened.
The only other door in the corridor was marked No 33, and that led to Faunus' private 'domain'.
However, Faunus emerged from door No 1, which led, eventually to the office that had previously belonged to the 'Boss'.
"So glad to see you back !", Faunus began.
"Nice to see you...", Jim replied.
"And you too, Ethan.", Faunus added.

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Faunus Explains |
Once they were seated, Katrina, the secretary to the 'Boss', entered.
"Good morning, Sir...", Katrina said to Jim.
"Can I get you and your friend any refreshments ?", Katrina asked.
"My friend is Ethan, as I'm sure you know...", Jim said, sounding a little annoyed - "and just Pepsi Max, as we have only just had breakfast."
"I'm sorry, Sir... of course.", Katrina said.
"So presumably Clare has told you about the 'Boss'....?", Faunus asked.
"You mean Mr Alexander Johnson ?", Jim responded, somewhat pointedly.
It was at the Arizona Inn that Jim had first discovered that Faunus had given the 'Boss' the unlikely name of 'Alexander Johnson', as 'Gnæeus Octavian Gracchus' was hardly appropriate for the world in which they found themselves."Yes... yes of course...", Faunus replied.
"Undoubtedly you knew that already, but what myself and Ethan would like to know is how this unfortunate event occurred.", Jim asked.
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Mayan Ruins - Chiapas - Mexico |
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Zapatista Rebels |
As the police made their way to the location where they had discovered that 'Mr Johnson' was being held, Mr Johnson had managed to escaped into the Jungle.
It was at night.
The following morning the Mexican police continued to search, and as the result of a 'tip-off', they discovered, and took into custody, the group of Zapatista Rebels who had been hiding 'Mr Johnson' in a makeshift shack, operating as a shop selling refreshments and souvenirs to tourists.
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The Arrest of the Zapatista Rebels |
Later in the day, after a prolonged search, 'Mr Johnson's' body was discovered close to the Mayan ruins where he had been working.
The state of the body indicated that 'Mr Johnson' had been attacked by a very large Jaguar.
Such a jaguar had been regularly reported in the area over the last six months.
"Yes...", Jim replied, reflectively.
"So... to what degree were you involved in this strange series of events, Faunus ?", Jim asked pointedly.
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'Wheel of Time' |
I would have thought you would have known that I am not permitted to take such direct and decisive action.", Faunus replied, obviously surprised that Jim would have asked such a question with such authority.
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Sibyl |
"He had prepared the way for you... and the others... and this particular 'wheel of time' had run its full course.
The prophecy of the Sibyl had to be fulfilled, and neither you, nor myself, or any other power could prevent it.
I knew it would hurt you, but there was nothing I could do...
Surely you saw the signs as your connection with 'what had been' crumbled.
After all, you were warned......
I think someone said - 'something's up'.....yes ?
And that 'someone' I gave to Ethan to be like a warning of future events.....", Faunus explained.
"Ah...I knew Teddy was onto something !", Ethan said.
"OK... so what happened to the body of the 'Boss' ?", Jim asked.
"It's been brought back to 'Vegas, and at present is in the best 'funeral home' in the town.
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White Gold Plated Stainless Steel Casket |
I can make arrangements for you and Ethan to pay your respects if that is what you want.", Faunus explained.
Jim looked over to Ethan - who nodded in agreement.
"OK... give Ethan the address and phone number when we leave, and we'll arrange to go tonight.", Jim said.
"So... when do I get the ring back ?", Jim asked - getting straight down to business.
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The Ring |
Jim says 'get the ring back', because it was previously given to him by Terentius (Chief Steward of the House of Gracchus) in the Villa Auream at Baiae - this was well before Faunus had appeared. The ring - symbol of the inheritance of the House of Gracchus - was therefore rightfully Jim's property."Tomorrow - midday if that's OK.", Faunus replied.
"And, may I ask, how do you now wish to be addressed ?", Faunus asked.
Faunus was well aware of Jim's concerns.
Essentially Jim, in his 'heart of hearts', was a Roman 'patrician' - an aristocrat - partly by birth, in a minor way, but in a more extreme way, by his adoption as Marcus Octavianus Gracchus.
As such, while he had been quite happy to be looked upon as an 'all-American boy', at least initially, later, having been apprised, by Faunus, of his true origins in an 'earlier time' and a 'distant land', on the death of his 'guardian', he would now wish to inherit the rank and status to which he was entitled - even if this were not the 'norm' in this 'new world' in which he found himself.
"Legally, a change of name to Marcus Johnson will be quite sufficient." Jim began.
"No problem...I will get Franklin to attend to that tomorrow." Faunus said.
"As to the use of the term 'Boss' - it is an ugly 'Americanism' - like 'slang', and I wish to put a stop to its use.
Instead I require to be addressed by my immediate colleagues and associates as 'Sir', and be known, as I was before, as 'Dominus'." Jim said.
"Only my closest friends, in private, may call me 'Jim', which was a name given to me by my 'guardian', without my actual consent, and I will allow its continued use only to those, like Ethan and Clare, who knew me by that name from the very beginning of my time here.", Jim continued.
"Of course, Dominus.", Faunus replied - putting his new master's requirements into immediate effect.
Dominus is the Latin word for 'master', but in Greek it is ΚΥΡΙΟΣ - Kyrios. The title Dominus also evolved in Spanish and Italian into Don - a title for a respected male individual.
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Athens - When Marcus was a Boy |
"Yes Dominus, but that may take a week or so to arrange - you know, new signs, new letterheads, brochures and changes to our websites...", Faunus said.
"Of course... no problem.", Jim replied.
"So... you have been very helpful, and I know there is much more to discuss, but right now I need to return to the Penthouse to see Novius, Josh and Glenn.", Jim said, bringing the interview to a sudden end.
"Well yes... 'Dominus', but I would really like to opportunity, before you receive the ring, to speak to you in private, if that is possible ?", Faunus said, being unusually deferential.
"I don't see why not...'phone me later this afternoon.", Jim said, as he and Ethan rose from their seats and made their way to the door.
"Yes, 'Dominus'.", Faunus said, shaking their hands as they stepped into the elevator.
"Well that was really weird...", Ethan said, as the elevator descended to the hotel lobby.
"Yes, - well many things will be different now, Ethan.", Jim said quietly.
"Yes... but not between us... I hope.", Ethan said, sounding uncertain.
"No... not between us...", Jim assured Ethan.

"Does this hotel have a 'Presidential Suite' ?", Jim asked.
The receptionist obviously didn't have a clue who Jim was.(Oddly, Jim had only stayed once at the 'Club Jaguar' [soon to be re-branded as the 'Club Athena'], and then he stayed in Room 33, which was by no means a 'normal' hotel room - so he had no idea of what types of rooms were available.) click the LINK for more about 33.
Jim's room on the First Night
"Yes Sir... do you wish to see it ?", he asked.
"Of course...", Jim replied.
"You do know that it is very expensive ?", the receptionist said guardedly.
"I should do... I own it.", Jim said.
"You what ?", the receptionist said.
"I own it... I'm Marcus Johnson... the owner of this hotel !
Now please show me the suite... I'm in a hurry.", Jim said.
"Of course, sir !", the flustered receptionist replied, rushing off to find the keys.
Moments later the hotel manager arrived at reception.
"I am so sorry, Sir, it's just that you never come to reception, and what with recent tragic events, the receptionist here had no idea...", the manager broke off in mid sentence, not knowing what to say next.
"That's OK, but we're very busy, and I need to inspect the suite as soon as possible.", Jim said.
"Of course... if you please, come with me to the elevator, and I will take you up there personally.
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Presedential Suite - 'Club Jaguar' |
"Very nice ...", Ethan said, as they looked around, "but a bit gloomy."
Jim, at last, was able to make some decisions ...
"Right, get rid of the orange pillows and cushions - I want them matching the bedspread.
And as a general point, I don't like the colour orange - it's loud, and lacks subtlety - so no orange in any rooms in the hotel." Jim said.
"Yes sir... you're so right...", the manager said, making a note of Jim's instruction.
Also no 'naked' bulbs... it looks cheap and common.
Here and in the bathroom I want small white shades - and also white towels - and remove that tray with cups.
Flowers should always be white, and remove that ugly screen pretending to be a bed-head.
Other than that, it's good - and have it all ready by midday."
The manager nodded as he continued to scribble in his notepad.
"I will have a VIP guest staying in this suite (Novius), and two other VIP guests staying in the next two other rooms of a similar standard (Josh and Glen).
No charges will be made, and they are to have unlimited room-service, and use of all other facilities, including the restaurants.
The two younger guests many not be served alcohol, not that I think they would order any.
"Of course, Sir.
It shall all be done exactly as you have ordered.", the manager replied obsequiously.
"That was really good...", Ethan said, as they left the hotel lobby.
But more was to come....
When they left the main entrance, looking in vain for someone to open the doors for them, they found an under-manager berating Max - apparently for leaving his post and standing by the Cadillac.
"You have a problem with this young man ?", Jim asked.
"Well yes - not that it's any of your business...", the under-manager replied.
"I told him to wait here..!", Jim said, obviously very angry.
The under manager was taken aback.
"But...", he began.
"Your name ?", Jim asked.
The unfortunate under-manager gave his name.
"I am Marcus Johnson, and I own this hotel, along with many other similar establishments in this town.
See the Hotel Manager in his office tomorrow morning, and he will give you your severance pay, and I will make it my business to make sure that you find it practically impossible to gain further employment in this kind of business in Nevada.
Now go !..."
Max, grinning, opened the passenger door of the Cadillac for Ethan and Jim.
"And wipe that grin off you face, Max, and get in the front, next to Chuck !", Jim said coldly.
"I see it's 'Marcus Ultor' once again...
Don't worry, I'll be careful...", Ethan said.
"Yes Ethan, but I get the sense that things have become slack here, with the 'Boss', as he was, stuck up in his office all day - preoccupied with his little 'pet projects', like the 'Combat Club' and Brody and Jonathan, and going off on trips to find singers......
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Temple of Mars Ultor - Forum Romanum |
'Marcus Ultor' was a Latin expression used about Marcus in that 'other time' and 'other place' because of his propensity to act very firmly against anyone who opposed him. It was a name derived from the one of the titles of Octavian's tutelary god, Mars, and celebrated by the huge and magnificent temple in Rome dedicated to 'Mars Uttor' - 'Mars the Avenger'.And so Ethan was able to see much of the pent up dissatisfaction that had been building up in Jim's mind, that was finally coming to the surface - and doubtless Faunus had realized how Jim had been feeling, and how it had possibly influenced Jim's actions over the last few weeks.

"I hope I didn't cause any trouble back there, Sir.", Max said apologetically, as they made their way from the 'Club Jaguar'.
"Nothing to worry about... but there's bound to be some misunderstandings until people realize that there's a new 'Boss'.", Jim said.
"A new 'Boss'...", Max said, sounding surprised.
"Yes, the 'Boss' that you knew had a fatal accident while he was on holiday in Mexico...", Jim explained.
"Oh , I'm very sorry to hear that, Sir.", Chuck said, interrupting.
"So who's the new 'Boss' ?", he continued.
"It's me...and the title is no longer 'Boss'... it's Dominus... a Latin word for 'Boss'.", Jim said.
"Well that seems far more elegant.
I always thought 'Boss' sounded a bit like a Mafia gang leader...", Chuck said, being unusually frank.
"And I always thought that you were a very well educated young man, so I think 'Dominus' sounds about right."
Jim smiled, although Chuck didn't see it, as he had his eyes on the road.
"Well thank you, Chuck.", Jim said.
"So will you still want me to drive for you ?", Chuck asked.
"Of course... and teach Max here to drive, as he's going to be your 'sidekick' for a while..." Jim added.
"Yes Sir... that's fine...", Chuck said, as they approached the Penthouse block.

"Hi honey...I'm home !".....
Ethan gave his usual greeting to Clare as they arrived back at the Penthouse.
"Well, it's a long time since I heard that...", Jim said.
'Hi Honey, I'm Home !' is an American television 'sitcom' about the Nielsens (named after the Nielsen ratings), who are a family of fictional characters from a 1950s' sitcom that has been cancelled; they have been relocated to a real world New Jersey suburb in a later time, which is different from the world they know. They use a device called a 'Turnerize'r (named after Ted Turner) to switch between colour and black-and-white within their home. Mike Duff, the teenage son of the family next door, is the only real-world person who knows their secret. Ethan and Teddy watch every episode when they have the opportunity.
Clare came out of the kitchen, looking radiant as usual.
"Hi... how did the meeting go with Faunus ?", she asked.
"Oh... Jim was tough with Faunus... didn't take any nonsense...", Ethan said, only half seriously.
"I think Faunus is a bit worried... maybe because he's not sure how things are going to work out now.", Clare said, sitting down on the sofa, and patting the place beside her to encourage Jim to sit close.
"He's worried ! ... I'm the one whose worried...", Jim said, as he sat next to Clare , and gave her a quick hug.
"No... I'm worried because you've already had an under-manager paid off, and you were only there and hour or so !", Ethan said, as he wandered into the kitchen to put some cheeseburgers under the grill.
"Any way, Novius and the boys should be here soon... and where's Teddy ?", Jim said.
"Oh Teddy's watching DVDs...
I think he's a bit put out that you didn't take him to see Faunus.", Clare explained.
"Yes, but you know Teddy... he'd probably say something inappropriate - and cause no end of trouble...", Ethan said.
"I heard that !", a little voice said, as Teddy's head popped round the living room door.
"How ?", Ethan asked.
"You've got headphones on.....".
Teddy immediately took the headphones off.
"I've got super-sensitive hearing !", Teddy boasted.
At that moment the door buzzer sounded, and Ethan galloped over to the large double doors to see who it was.
"It's Novius, Josh and Glen !", Ethan called from the hallway.
"Great !", Jim said, as he left Clare's side, and sprinted to the door.
"Novius !... So good to see you !... Come in...", Jim said, as he warmly shook Novius' hand.
"And Josh and Glen...", Jim added, as he guided them into the living room.
"Sit down and tell me about how things are...", Jim continued, guiding them to various seats.
"Yes... and how did you get here so quickly ?", Ethan asked.
"Oh, Zac had the Cessna sent, so it was just a quick hop over from LA for us... just one hour.", Josh said.
"Yes, I'm getting quite used to this flying business.", Novius said.
"And there was a one of your limos waiting for us at McCarran International, so it was an easy trip.", Glen explained.
"Yes, but you know Teddy... he'd probably say something inappropriate - and cause no end of trouble...", Ethan said.
"I heard that !", a little voice said, as Teddy's head popped round the living room door.
"How ?", Ethan asked.
"You've got headphones on.....".
Teddy immediately took the headphones off.
"I've got super-sensitive hearing !", Teddy boasted.
At that moment the door buzzer sounded, and Ethan galloped over to the large double doors to see who it was.
"It's Novius, Josh and Glen !", Ethan called from the hallway.
"Great !", Jim said, as he left Clare's side, and sprinted to the door.
"Novius !... So good to see you !... Come in...", Jim said, as he warmly shook Novius' hand.
"And Josh and Glen...", Jim added, as he guided them into the living room.
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Cessna Private Jet |
"Yes... and how did you get here so quickly ?", Ethan asked.
"Oh, Zac had the Cessna sent, so it was just a quick hop over from LA for us... just one hour.", Josh said.
"Yes, I'm getting quite used to this flying business.", Novius said.
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McCarran International - Las Vegas |
"So thank you Marcus - we're very grateful...", Novius said, becoming more formal.
"But we're forgetting ourselves...
"How are you coping, Marcus... now that Gnæus is gone ?" Novius asked.
"Well, as you well know... it's all happened before - but in a different way. ", Jim said quietly.
"Indeed...", Novius said, obviously lost for words.
"Well... we can pay our respects later - about six this evening.", Jim said.
"Do you have Glaux here ?", Josh asked, obviously concerned about the baby owl.
"Yes, he's snoozing on the back of his favourite chair.
I think he's still getting over his long flight from Memphis...", Ethan explained.
"And Teddy ?", Glen asked.
"Oh he's OK... watching DVDs, as usual.
"Anyway, I think we should go the the 'Club Jaguar', as I've got rooms there for you, as there's not enough room here in the Penthouse...", Jim said.
"Well that's very kind of you... although we could have booked into a hotel.", Novius said.
"Why, Jim's got lots of hotels in 'Vegas, but if you stay at one of his hotels there's nothing to pay !", Ethan said.
"Yes... I keep forgetting... Marcus is in charge now...", Novius said.
So Jim phoned Chuck, and Chuck bought round a really super-stretched Cadillac, big enough for all of them (including Teddy), and their luggage.
On arrival at the 'Club', there was somewhat of a panic, as Max went first, and announced their arrival.
Word had obviously got round that the new owner expected very high standards.
The manager was there to greet them, and the disgraced under-manager was required to show Novius and the 'boys' their accommodation, while Jim, Ethan and Teddy waited in the lobby.
The Hotel manager could think of nothing to say, and so there was an awkward silence while Jim and Ethan were served coffee and sandwiches by some very nervous waiters.
While they waited for Novius and the 'boys' to check their rooms, and supervise the delivery of their luggage, Ethan rang the funeral home to check that everything was ready as they would be arriving soon.
And so it was back to the limousine, and off to the funeral home which was on the extreme outskirts of 'Vegas.
The funeral director - who was obviously surprised that Ethan was carrying a teddy-bear - spent some time with Jim going over the details for the forthcoming funeral, and then took them into the 'chapel of rest'.
Then they were left alone.
"Mm... very brownish - but tasteful, in a dull way.", Ethan said.
"I see you have the monogram above the coffin.", Novius said.
"Yes, we got Franklin to check that there were no symbols, like crosses, of their strange religion, and had our emblem temporarily placed there. ", Jim said.
"And the coffin... what is it made of ?", Josh, who knew nothing of American funerals, asked.
"It's a special steel, and plated with 'white gold', what we called 'electrum'.
The body has been embalmed, a bit like in the fashion of the Egyptians.
Here, of course, they don't burn the bodies on a funeral pyre, like we did in Rome." Jim explained.
Teddy was very puzzled... but then that was not surprising as he had little understanding of 'death'.
"So what's all these chairs here for ?... Are we suppose to sit around and have a chat ?", Ethan asked,
Like Teddy, he found the whole affair very odd.
"Well, it's a 'chapel of rest', Ethan.", Jim replied
"Yes... but the one thing you don't need, if you're dead, is to rest", Ethan said, being perfectly logical.
"Well not to worry, Ethan.
At least we know that Gnæus is being treated in a decent and respectful way.", Novius said.
"Yes, I know.
It's just that I find it all very strange... and I do miss him.", Ethan said, beginning to sound sad.
"Yes... we all do.", Jim said.
"Well, if you don't mind, I'll just sit for a moment...", Novius said.
It was obvious that he just wanted to take a moment to gather his thoughts.
And Ethan, who was holding Teddy, sat down beside Novius and let Novius play with Teddy's ear - something that Teddy enjoyed very much.
"Ah, Teddy, if only you'd known Gnæus the way that I did...", Novius said, as his thought drifted back to the distant past.
'It was odd', Teddy thought in his strange teddy-bear way, 'how people liked to tell him things of which normally they would never speak', and his thoughts took him back to Dr Brandt in Room 33 at the 'Club jaguar'.
"Jim... what about 'Sigi'... has he been told about the 'Boss' ?", Teddy asked quietly.
"Actually no... in fact I'm not sure what's happening with Sigi - so I must ask Faunus tomorrow.", Jim replied.
"Well, Marcus... I've had enough reminiscences to last me a long time, so perhaps we should be going... that is if everybody else is happy with that.", Novius said.
So they all quietly left the oddly named 'Chapel of Rest', (which wasn't a 'chapel' or a place where people rested).
Once back in the limo, it was a question of where to go for a meal.
"I have a suggestion... What about that rooftop restaurant where you, Jim, had your first meal with the 'Boss', and he told us about when he was first here...?". Ethan proposed.
"Well...it serves good food, and it's very nice in the evening - out in the open air... yes, why not.", Jim agreed.
Chuck, of course, knew exactly where Ethan meant, as he had driven them to the restaurant on that particular occasion, some considerable time before.
The drive to the restaurant took about twenty minutes, but very little was said during the drive - everyone, of course, had their own thoughts to contend with - even Teddy.
The Restaurant was situated in an Hotel - originally owned by the 'Boss', but now, of course, owned by Jim.
It was unlikely, however, that those working in the restaurant were aware of the change of ownership, and Jim was not keen on letting them know on this rather intimate and sensitive occasion
The limo pulled up at the sidewalk, and Max, in his elegant dark grey uniform, jumped out and opened the four passenger doors.
They all got out of the Cadillac, and Max then held open the large plate glass door leading to the hotel lobby.
Before Jim could stop him, Max then went to the reception and informed them that the new owner of the hotel was bringing a party of VIPs for a meal on the roof.
Just to complete his 'duties', Max then summoned an elevator, and ensured that it was set to ascend to the top floor.
"Very good, Max !", Jim said with a smile, and just before the lift doors closed, Jim pushed a roll of bills into Max's hand.
Teddy, however, was annoyed that he had not been allowed to press the elevator buttons, and Jim and Ethan decided that Max should be told, as soon as possible, about Teddy's strange predilection about pressing buttons.
Almost immediately, as they left the elevator, the elegantly dressed maître d' approached Jim.
"Good evening Sir.", he said.
"Good evening.", Jim replied.
"So.... Andre is no longer here....", Jim commented.
"No, Sir.
The previous owner considered him unsuitable...", the maître d' replied.
"I see...", Ethan said in a supercilious manner.
Ethan had a good idea of why the previous maître d', Andre, was unsuitable.
"And your name is ?", Ethan asked.
"My name is Michael, Sir...", the good looking maître d' replied.
"I see...well my name is Ethan....", Ethan said.
The young maître d' looked embarrassed.
"Yes, Sir..."
"So the owner's party," , and Ethan indicated Jim, "Require a large table with an excellent view... and some chairs, of course..", Ethan concluded.
"Ethan, stop playing around...", Jim whispered, as the confused maître d' went off to find an appropriate table.
And it was a beautiful restaurant, with a fine view of lake Meade, and it was a very beautiful night.
Eventually, with the bulk of the meal over, they were left sipping coffee, and sampling some delightful cheeses.
At that point Jim broke the news that he intended to rename 'La villa de los Jaguares'.
He explained that he was determined to end all references to jaguars.
Novius, not unnaturally, wished to know why, and this gave Jim the perfect opportunity to explain to Novius, Josh and Glen some information regarding the exact circumstances of the demise of Gnæus.
"As you well know, Novius - but perhaps this is unknown to some others seated at this table, there is a very ancient Greek proverb along the lines of 'Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad.'
This proverb is often attributed to the great Greek dramatist Euripides, but I was fortunate enough to have had a very astute Greek tutor who was aware that such was a mistaken attribution.
But it is of no matter... the saying has much truth in it.
As those of you who were present may have noticed, Gnæus, towards the end of that ill-conceived 'road trip', was far from himself.
Perhaps not 'mad', but in some ways 'not himself'.
So he took it upon himself to make a rather unexpected trip to Chiapas, in Mexico, where he had worked many years before as archaeologist, excavating among the Mayan ruins.
It was there that he first met Faunus, as of you may know, although he mistakenly took Faunus to be a Mayan 'Indian'.
So, years later, Faunus wisely accompanied Gnæus on this strange holiday, leaving many of us seemingly 'abandoned' in Memphis in Tennessee, where Gnæus had supposedly gone to find this young singer called 'Aaron'.
So at Palenque, seemingly by then 'living in the past', he proceeded with a new archaeological excavation in the Mexican jungle, close to one of his beloved temples, while Faunus tried to ensure that no harm came to him.
Ethan and I - and Teddy, and probably some of you also, had no idea what was going on, and could only wait on events.
I subsequently learned that a group of political terrorists had spotted Gnæus and, realizing that he as a wealthy American, decided to kidnap him, with the intention of obtaining a substantial ransom to be used to fund their organisation.
When Gnæus went missing, Faunus alerted the local police.
Gnæus, however, managed to escape from his kidnappers under cover of darkness, but was attacked in the jungle and killed by a large jaguar.
The police subsequently arrested the terrorists, found the body of Gnæus, and informed Faunus, and Faunus, with the help of Zac, brought the body back to 'Vegas, and began to inform all those concerned.
So perhaps you may see now why I am removing all reference to jaguars from this organisation."
Jim at that point ended his explanation.
"Well that is very interesting, Marcus...
It is undoubtedly a sign of the involvement of the 'gods' that the jaguar, so beloved of Gnæus after he came to this land, should have been the instrument of his rather unpleasant death, and it is, perhaps a warning to us to avoid involvement in cultures and beliefs that are foreign to us.
Undoubtedly, however, I would see what has happened as a strange fulfilment of prophecies that I witnessed being made long ago....", Novius said very solemnly.
Novius was here referring to the Sibyl.
Now Glen obviously didn't understand much of what Novius had said, or even some of what Jim had explained.
To Josh, however, much of it made sense...
Ethan understood it all very well, but really didn't want to think about it, as he found it all rather distressing.
Surprisingly, Teddy understood everything perfectly, and stored it all away in his furry little brain, where it would remain available if ever such information would be needed again.
"Well, gentlemen, it's getting late.. perhaps we should be getting back to the Penthouse....", Jim said after they had finished their meal.
And so, after generously tipping the staff, but paying no bill (after all, Jim did own the restaurant), they left and allowed Chuck to drive them back to the Penthouse.
On the way, Chuck dropped off Max at the 'Club Jaguar' (soon to be renamed), as he had a small apartment there.
On arrival at the Penthouse, Clare was available to provide them with coffee, as they had their final chat of the evening.
"But we're forgetting ourselves...
"How are you coping, Marcus... now that Gnæus is gone ?" Novius asked.
"Well, as you well know... it's all happened before - but in a different way. ", Jim said quietly.
"Indeed...", Novius said, obviously lost for words.
"Well... we can pay our respects later - about six this evening.", Jim said.
"Do you have Glaux here ?", Josh asked, obviously concerned about the baby owl.
"Yes, he's snoozing on the back of his favourite chair.
I think he's still getting over his long flight from Memphis...", Ethan explained.
"And Teddy ?", Glen asked.
"Oh he's OK... watching DVDs, as usual.
"Anyway, I think we should go the the 'Club Jaguar', as I've got rooms there for you, as there's not enough room here in the Penthouse...", Jim said.
"Well that's very kind of you... although we could have booked into a hotel.", Novius said.
"Why, Jim's got lots of hotels in 'Vegas, but if you stay at one of his hotels there's nothing to pay !", Ethan said.
"Yes... I keep forgetting... Marcus is in charge now...", Novius said.
So Jim phoned Chuck, and Chuck bought round a really super-stretched Cadillac, big enough for all of them (including Teddy), and their luggage.
On arrival at the 'Club', there was somewhat of a panic, as Max went first, and announced their arrival.
Word had obviously got round that the new owner expected very high standards.
The manager was there to greet them, and the disgraced under-manager was required to show Novius and the 'boys' their accommodation, while Jim, Ethan and Teddy waited in the lobby.
The Hotel manager could think of nothing to say, and so there was an awkward silence while Jim and Ethan were served coffee and sandwiches by some very nervous waiters.
While they waited for Novius and the 'boys' to check their rooms, and supervise the delivery of their luggage, Ethan rang the funeral home to check that everything was ready as they would be arriving soon.

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The Chapel of Rest |
Then they were left alone.
"Mm... very brownish - but tasteful, in a dull way.", Ethan said.
"I see you have the monogram above the coffin.", Novius said.
"Yes, we got Franklin to check that there were no symbols, like crosses, of their strange religion, and had our emblem temporarily placed there. ", Jim said.
"And the coffin... what is it made of ?", Josh, who knew nothing of American funerals, asked.
"It's a special steel, and plated with 'white gold', what we called 'electrum'.
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Ancient Roman Cremation |
Here, of course, they don't burn the bodies on a funeral pyre, like we did in Rome." Jim explained.
Teddy was very puzzled... but then that was not surprising as he had little understanding of 'death'.
"So what's all these chairs here for ?... Are we suppose to sit around and have a chat ?", Ethan asked,
Like Teddy, he found the whole affair very odd.
"Well, it's a 'chapel of rest', Ethan.", Jim replied
"Yes... but the one thing you don't need, if you're dead, is to rest", Ethan said, being perfectly logical.
"Well not to worry, Ethan.
At least we know that Gnæus is being treated in a decent and respectful way.", Novius said.
"Yes, I know.
It's just that I find it all very strange... and I do miss him.", Ethan said, beginning to sound sad.
"Yes... we all do.", Jim said.
"Well, if you don't mind, I'll just sit for a moment...", Novius said.
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'Sigi' |
And Ethan, who was holding Teddy, sat down beside Novius and let Novius play with Teddy's ear - something that Teddy enjoyed very much.
"Ah, Teddy, if only you'd known Gnæus the way that I did...", Novius said, as his thought drifted back to the distant past.
'It was odd', Teddy thought in his strange teddy-bear way, 'how people liked to tell him things of which normally they would never speak', and his thoughts took him back to Dr Brandt in Room 33 at the 'Club jaguar'.
"Jim... what about 'Sigi'... has he been told about the 'Boss' ?", Teddy asked quietly.
"Actually no... in fact I'm not sure what's happening with Sigi - so I must ask Faunus tomorrow.", Jim replied.
"Well, Marcus... I've had enough reminiscences to last me a long time, so perhaps we should be going... that is if everybody else is happy with that.", Novius said.
So they all quietly left the oddly named 'Chapel of Rest', (which wasn't a 'chapel' or a place where people rested).
Once back in the limo, it was a question of where to go for a meal.
"I have a suggestion... What about that rooftop restaurant where you, Jim, had your first meal with the 'Boss', and he told us about when he was first here...?". Ethan proposed.
"Well...it serves good food, and it's very nice in the evening - out in the open air... yes, why not.", Jim agreed.
Chuck, of course, knew exactly where Ethan meant, as he had driven them to the restaurant on that particular occasion, some considerable time before.
The drive to the restaurant took about twenty minutes, but very little was said during the drive - everyone, of course, had their own thoughts to contend with - even Teddy.
The Restaurant was situated in an Hotel - originally owned by the 'Boss', but now, of course, owned by Jim.
It was unlikely, however, that those working in the restaurant were aware of the change of ownership, and Jim was not keen on letting them know on this rather intimate and sensitive occasion
The limo pulled up at the sidewalk, and Max, in his elegant dark grey uniform, jumped out and opened the four passenger doors.
They all got out of the Cadillac, and Max then held open the large plate glass door leading to the hotel lobby.
Before Jim could stop him, Max then went to the reception and informed them that the new owner of the hotel was bringing a party of VIPs for a meal on the roof.
Just to complete his 'duties', Max then summoned an elevator, and ensured that it was set to ascend to the top floor.
"Very good, Max !", Jim said with a smile, and just before the lift doors closed, Jim pushed a roll of bills into Max's hand.
Teddy, however, was annoyed that he had not been allowed to press the elevator buttons, and Jim and Ethan decided that Max should be told, as soon as possible, about Teddy's strange predilection about pressing buttons.
Almost immediately, as they left the elevator, the elegantly dressed maître d' approached Jim.
"Good evening Sir.", he said.
"Good evening.", Jim replied.
"So.... Andre is no longer here....", Jim commented.
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Rooftop Restaurant |
The previous owner considered him unsuitable...", the maître d' replied.
"I see...", Ethan said in a supercilious manner.
Ethan had a good idea of why the previous maître d', Andre, was unsuitable.
"And your name is ?", Ethan asked.
"My name is Michael, Sir...", the good looking maître d' replied.
"I see...well my name is Ethan....", Ethan said.
The young maître d' looked embarrassed.
"Yes, Sir..."
"So the owner's party," , and Ethan indicated Jim, "Require a large table with an excellent view... and some chairs, of course..", Ethan concluded.
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'La Villa de los Jaguares' - Los Angeles |
And it was a beautiful restaurant, with a fine view of lake Meade, and it was a very beautiful night.
Eventually, with the bulk of the meal over, they were left sipping coffee, and sampling some delightful cheeses.
At that point Jim broke the news that he intended to rename 'La villa de los Jaguares'.
He explained that he was determined to end all references to jaguars.
Novius, not unnaturally, wished to know why, and this gave Jim the perfect opportunity to explain to Novius, Josh and Glen some information regarding the exact circumstances of the demise of Gnæus.

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Euripides |
This proverb is often attributed to the great Greek dramatist Euripides, but I was fortunate enough to have had a very astute Greek tutor who was aware that such was a mistaken attribution.
But it is of no matter... the saying has much truth in it.
As those of you who were present may have noticed, Gnæus, towards the end of that ill-conceived 'road trip', was far from himself.
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Faunus as a Mayan 'Indian' |
So he took it upon himself to make a rather unexpected trip to Chiapas, in Mexico, where he had worked many years before as archaeologist, excavating among the Mayan ruins.
It was there that he first met Faunus, as of you may know, although he mistakenly took Faunus to be a Mayan 'Indian'.
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Aaron the singer |
So at Palenque, seemingly by then 'living in the past', he proceeded with a new archaeological excavation in the Mexican jungle, close to one of his beloved temples, while Faunus tried to ensure that no harm came to him.
Ethan and I - and Teddy, and probably some of you also, had no idea what was going on, and could only wait on events.
I subsequently learned that a group of political terrorists had spotted Gnæus and, realizing that he as a wealthy American, decided to kidnap him, with the intention of obtaining a substantial ransom to be used to fund their organisation.
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Wild Jaguar |
Gnæus, however, managed to escape from his kidnappers under cover of darkness, but was attacked in the jungle and killed by a large jaguar.
The police subsequently arrested the terrorists, found the body of Gnæus, and informed Faunus, and Faunus, with the help of Zac, brought the body back to 'Vegas, and began to inform all those concerned.
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Arrest of the Terrorists |
Jim at that point ended his explanation.
"Well that is very interesting, Marcus...
It is undoubtedly a sign of the involvement of the 'gods' that the jaguar, so beloved of Gnæus after he came to this land, should have been the instrument of his rather unpleasant death, and it is, perhaps a warning to us to avoid involvement in cultures and beliefs that are foreign to us.
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Josh |
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Glen |
Novius was here referring to the Sibyl.
Now Glen obviously didn't understand much of what Novius had said, or even some of what Jim had explained.
To Josh, however, much of it made sense...
Ethan understood it all very well, but really didn't want to think about it, as he found it all rather distressing.
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Teddy |
"Well, gentlemen, it's getting late.. perhaps we should be getting back to the Penthouse....", Jim said after they had finished their meal.
And so, after generously tipping the staff, but paying no bill (after all, Jim did own the restaurant), they left and allowed Chuck to drive them back to the Penthouse.
On the way, Chuck dropped off Max at the 'Club Jaguar' (soon to be renamed), as he had a small apartment there.
On arrival at the Penthouse, Clare was available to provide them with coffee, as they had their final chat of the evening.

"So Marcus, what will be happening tomorrow ?", Novius asked.
"Well first of all, take Glaux back with you to the 'Club Jaguar'... and then have a good sleep.
I'm sure you'll find it very comfortable, as you have the best rooms in the hotel.
At midday be sure to be at the 'Club Jaguar' - on the top floor, as at midday, in Room 33, I will receive the seal ring of the House of Gracchus.
Then, after lunch, the limos will take us to the cemetery for the funeral - and then there will be a return to the 'Club Jaguar' for refreshments.
Later, Ethan will take Josh and Glen out for a look round the town, while myself, Faunus, you, Novius, and Zac will have some discussions.
Finally there will be dinner at the lakeside Restaurant, and a final chat at the Penthouse."
And so, with everything mapped out, the day came to an end.
"Well first of all, take Glaux back with you to the 'Club Jaguar'... and then have a good sleep.
I'm sure you'll find it very comfortable, as you have the best rooms in the hotel.
At midday be sure to be at the 'Club Jaguar' - on the top floor, as at midday, in Room 33, I will receive the seal ring of the House of Gracchus.
Then, after lunch, the limos will take us to the cemetery for the funeral - and then there will be a return to the 'Club Jaguar' for refreshments.
Later, Ethan will take Josh and Glen out for a look round the town, while myself, Faunus, you, Novius, and Zac will have some discussions.
Finally there will be dinner at the lakeside Restaurant, and a final chat at the Penthouse."
And so, with everything mapped out, the day came to an end.
Before the funeral can take place, Marcus (Jim) needs to be invested with the Ring of the House of Gracchus. The only person permitted to invest Marcus is the High Steward of the House of Gracchus. After the investiture, all the senior members of the organization are then required to swear allegiance to the new Dominus - and then the funeral can proceed - after which it is the beginning of a new era.....