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Khonsu with Faunus, the 'boys' and Teddy and the cats, return to the East Bank on Mahmoud's boat. After some 'hypnotic' persuasion directed at the reception staff, Faunus books a room for Khonsu in the Winter Palace, and there follows a long discussion with Khonsu which begins to explain what is really happening... And then the setting of the story changes - leaving Egypt (for a while) and locating in another time and another place

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Winter Palace - Luxor - Egypt |
Mahmoud's small motor-boat drew-up alongside the East Bank Corniche.
Then Jim carried Sekhmet, and Khonsu carried Bastet (two cats from the West Bank - in case you have forgotten), while Ethan carried Teddy, and Faunus, Zac and Josh followed.
They then crossed the road and approached the Winter Palace.
"So this is where you have been staying...". Khonsu said admiringly.
"Yes indeedy...", Ethan replied, "and now Sekhmet will have some company..."
"And they will not mind two cats staying at their hotel ?", Khonsu asked.
"No, it's not a problem...
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Winter Palace Stairs |
And the two cats then carefully crossed the road, and Sekhmet led the way to her secret entrance.
"So how will you arrange for me to stay here...?", Khonsu asked, "I have no money and no papers."
"Don't worry... Faunus will sort all that out for you.", Jim replied.
Faunus then took out a large envelope from his pocket.
"Here... papers, money and cards... if you don't know how to use them I will tell you later..." Faunus said.
(Jim, of course, was puzzled by the fact that Faunus had everything already prepared - but then that was Faunus)
Then they mounted the red carpeted steps, and Faunus began his work on the receptionists, and in next to no time he had a key to a room to give to Khonsu.
Once matters had been arranged for Khonsu, they took the stairs to the next floor, (as Teddy was still refusing to use the elevator), and left the others to make arrangements for a meal, while Jim took Khonsu off into his suite.
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Drawing Room - Jim's Suite |
"So tell me, Khonsu... have you been here on the East Bank before ?"... Jim asked.
"No... never.", Khonsu replied, as he looked round at the luxurious room.
"And Cairo... have you ever been to Cairo ?", Jim continued.
Khonsu shook his head.
"And you're not an Egyptian, or an Arab, but you speak fluent Arabic...", Jim said, making a statement that was really a question.
"Now you said... when we were in the 'cave'... if that was in fact where we were... that you, or those that you represented... wanted our 'willing' help... so what I think we need to know is who you actually are, and if you speak for others... who they are ?", Jim said firmly, finally getting to the point.
"Yes... I agree with Jim...", Ethan said, as he took a seat on one of the elegant sofas, as Teddy made himself comfortable among his favourite cushions.
"Well, as to who I am... I am Khonsu... and yes, I am not an Egyptian, or an Arab, after all, do I look like an Egyptian or an Arab ?"... Khonsu replied.
"True enough...", Ethan said, tickling Teddy's ears.
"If you really want to know about me, then all I can say is that I am something like Faunus.", Khonsu answered.
"OK... well that's something... but are you a 'goody', or a 'baddy' ?", Ethan asked, persisting.
"I said ... 'I'm like Faunus'... a 'goody', as you put it, Ethan.", Khonsu replied beginning to sound annoyed.
"Well we have to know...", Jim said.
"My dear friend Novius has made it clear to us that we must be very careful, and not believe things on 'face value'.", Jim explained.
"Well I can't prove anything to you, but I did deal with three people who were intending to kill you, and then take what was yours.", Khonsu said.
"Yes... he does have a point...", Teddy said.
"Yes... and I suppose we should thank you for that...", Jim said.
Ethan nodded in agreement, while Teddy clambered over onto Khonsu's lap in order to make his trust and approval obvious.
"So... you've missed out the other part of the question....", Jim said.
"Which was ?"... Khonsu asked, apparently quite innocently.
"Who do you represent .", Jim replied, sounding frustrated.
"Well... I represent the same people as Faunus...", Khonsu said disarmingly.
"But if that's the case, then why not leave all this to Faunus ", Ethan asked perceptively.
"Good point...", Teddy added looking up a Khonsu admiringly.
"Because Faunus has different tasks...", Khonsu explained, but not very clearly.
"Well... 'makes sense... in a way...", Ethan commented.
"Yes... all very well... but who are these people - or whatever ?", Jim asked, determined to get to the bottom of the matter.
"I think the best description of those who I represent is 'the guardians'...", Khonsu said.
"What... you mean... like the Æons ?", Ethan asked.
"No, not really, Ethan.
Less than the Æons, but similar...", Khonsu replied.
"Like sort of 'assistant Æons'...", Ethan suggested.
"Yes... well something like that.", Khonsu said.
"But 'goodies' ?", Ethan queried.
"Definitely 'goodies'... ", Khonsu answered , reassuringly.
"Well I'm quite pleased with what you have told us - but I also need to explain things to my associates, most of whom you have already met...
So, if you don't mind, Ethan and I will go now and explain things to them, and you can wait here, Khonsu, with Teddy, and get to know each other a little better...", Jim suggested.
"Yes, Khonsu, and if you like you can give me a brush, as I am quite sandy and ruffled.", Teddy said, pleased to have an opportunity to have some time alone with Khonsu, while at the same time getting clean and tidy.
Jim and Ethan then went down to the bar - pleased on this occasion to be able to use the elevator - while Teddy told Khonsu where his brush was kept - on a particular shelf in the bathroom.
When Khonsu returned with the brush, to the sofa in the drawing room, Teddy immediately jumped back onto Khonsu's knee, and then began a long and detailed explanation regarding the 'essential techniques' for brushing a teddy-bear.
"Well Teddy seems to like Khonsu... but what do you think, Ethan ?, Jim asked.
"He's cute, and I like him, but there's something odd about him... and we do need to find out more about his connection with Upuaut, and all that odd business about Brody - and also why we had to come all the way here, just to meet him.", Ethan said.
"Yes... Quite right, Ethan.", Jim replied - sounding cautious.
"Anyway... here we are... back at the bar...", Ethan said.
"Yes... so why don't you 'phone the others to come down here... and then we can discuss this business with Khonsu.", Jim suggested.
And in no time at all everyone was gathered in the bar.
Now Zac and Josh had already told Glen and Max about what had happened on the West Bank - but none of them knew about what Khonsu had told Jim and Ethan since returning to the Winter Palace.
"So what has Khonsu been saying ?", Zac asked.
"Well, as you probably guessed he's no Egyptian or Arab - and says he something like Faunus - but I think he not quite so important, and he insists that he's 'on our side'.
"And what's 'our side' mean ?", Glen asked.
From what he says it means that there are good 'entities' and bad 'entities' - and I'm beginning to think that Upuaut possibly belongs to the 'bad' ones.", Jim explained.
"And what about the Greys ?", Zac said.
"Well I'm not completely sure...
I'll need to ask Khonsu more questions.", Jim replied.
"So if this guy's not Egyptian or an Arab... then where does he come from ?", Max asked.
"Probably nowhere in particular - or some other 'dimension' or something.
I really don't know...
As I said, he's a bit like Faunus... but he says he represents the 'guardians' - which he says are a bit like the Æons - but less.
None of it is really very clear... but I think we need more time to sort it all out.
But he did save us from those creepy guys from Qurnah... so that's a good sign, anyway.", Jim said.
"So are we going to let him stay ?", Zac asked.
"Well yes... for the moment anyway." Jim replied.
"And what's he want us for ?", Zac asked.
"Well that's not clear - like a lot of things - but he, or these 'guardian-thingys' seem to want our help - in some way...", Ethan said.
"Yes... 'knew there'd be a catch somewhere...", Glen said.
At that point Faunus came into the bar.
"So where's our new friend ?", Faunus asked - presumably meaning Khonsu.
"Oh... he's giving Teddy a good brush in the suite upstairs.", Jim said.
"Well I have a feeling that he might be good at that, so in that case Khonsu will have a friend for life...", Faunus said smiling.
And so, at that point, oddly, the meeting broke up.
When Jim and Ethan returned to the suite they found a very idyllic scene, with Teddy being gently brushed, while the cats stretched and yawned, as they lay either side of Khonsu.
"... 'everything alright here ?", Jim asked.
"Yes... we were just relaxing..", Khonsu replied.
"So, 'suppose we should show you your room..." Ethan said.
"Yes, and tomorrow we should get you some luggage... after all, it looks a bit suspicious staying in a five star hotel with no luggage...", Jim - always thinking of practicalities - said.
And so they went down the corridor - just a few doors away - and Jim unlocked to door to the room, and gave Khonsu the key.
"I hope you like it...", Jim said.
"It's a very fine room...", Khonsu said, as Bastet and Sekhmet trotted in, and immediately jumped onto the bed.
Meanwhile, Teddy, left alone in Jim's suite was pondering on recent events, and the information that Khonsu had provided.
It was, as usual, another very fine morning, and Sekhmet and Bastet were playing among the shrubs and flowers in the Winter Palace gardens.
Ethan, (with Teddy), Khonsu, Faunus and Jim were eating separately, as they had important matters to discuss, while Zac and Josh was looking after Glen and Max.
After making polite enquiries about how Khonsu liked his room, and how well he had slept, Jim returned to the questions that were raised during the previous night's discussion.
Khonsu seemed quite amenable to answering further questions, and so Jim began.
"I think the first question is regarding where you come from...", Jim said.
"Well...not from this 'time-frame' or 'spatial dimension', but in your terms I cannot really describe it.
"It was thought that you were very taken with Upuaut, regardless of his odd treatment of the young human that you know as it was thought that the best way to get your attention was to continue the Egyptian theme, particularly as, like most humans, you found the 'greys' rather unnerving, and you were not that interested in Roswell, after the death of Mr. Johnson (the 'Boss').
As to the 'help' that you might be able to give that is more complicated...

So, if you don't mind, Ethan and I will go now and explain things to them, and you can wait here, Khonsu, with Teddy, and get to know each other a little better...", Jim suggested.
"Yes, Khonsu, and if you like you can give me a brush, as I am quite sandy and ruffled.", Teddy said, pleased to have an opportunity to have some time alone with Khonsu, while at the same time getting clean and tidy.
Jim and Ethan then went down to the bar - pleased on this occasion to be able to use the elevator - while Teddy told Khonsu where his brush was kept - on a particular shelf in the bathroom.
When Khonsu returned with the brush, to the sofa in the drawing room, Teddy immediately jumped back onto Khonsu's knee, and then began a long and detailed explanation regarding the 'essential techniques' for brushing a teddy-bear.
"Well Teddy seems to like Khonsu... but what do you think, Ethan ?, Jim asked.
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Winter Palace Bar - Luxor - Egypt |
"Yes... Quite right, Ethan.", Jim replied - sounding cautious.
"Anyway... here we are... back at the bar...", Ethan said.
"Yes... so why don't you 'phone the others to come down here... and then we can discuss this business with Khonsu.", Jim suggested.
And in no time at all everyone was gathered in the bar.
Now Zac and Josh had already told Glen and Max about what had happened on the West Bank - but none of them knew about what Khonsu had told Jim and Ethan since returning to the Winter Palace.
"So what has Khonsu been saying ?", Zac asked.
"Well, as you probably guessed he's no Egyptian or Arab - and says he something like Faunus - but I think he not quite so important, and he insists that he's 'on our side'.
"And what's 'our side' mean ?", Glen asked.
From what he says it means that there are good 'entities' and bad 'entities' - and I'm beginning to think that Upuaut possibly belongs to the 'bad' ones.", Jim explained.
"And what about the Greys ?", Zac said.
"Well I'm not completely sure...
I'll need to ask Khonsu more questions.", Jim replied.
"So if this guy's not Egyptian or an Arab... then where does he come from ?", Max asked.
"Probably nowhere in particular - or some other 'dimension' or something.
I really don't know...
As I said, he's a bit like Faunus... but he says he represents the 'guardians' - which he says are a bit like the Æons - but less.
None of it is really very clear... but I think we need more time to sort it all out.
But he did save us from those creepy guys from Qurnah... so that's a good sign, anyway.", Jim said.
"So are we going to let him stay ?", Zac asked.
"Well yes... for the moment anyway." Jim replied.
"And what's he want us for ?", Zac asked.
"Well that's not clear - like a lot of things - but he, or these 'guardian-thingys' seem to want our help - in some way...", Ethan said.
"Yes... 'knew there'd be a catch somewhere...", Glen said.
At that point Faunus came into the bar.
"So where's our new friend ?", Faunus asked - presumably meaning Khonsu.
"Oh... he's giving Teddy a good brush in the suite upstairs.", Jim said.
"Well I have a feeling that he might be good at that, so in that case Khonsu will have a friend for life...", Faunus said smiling.
And so, at that point, oddly, the meeting broke up.
When Jim and Ethan returned to the suite they found a very idyllic scene, with Teddy being gently brushed, while the cats stretched and yawned, as they lay either side of Khonsu.
"... 'everything alright here ?", Jim asked.
"Yes... we were just relaxing..", Khonsu replied.
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Khonsu's Room - Winter Palace - Luxor - Egypt |
"Yes, and tomorrow we should get you some luggage... after all, it looks a bit suspicious staying in a five star hotel with no luggage...", Jim - always thinking of practicalities - said.
And so they went down the corridor - just a few doors away - and Jim unlocked to door to the room, and gave Khonsu the key.
"I hope you like it...", Jim said.
"It's a very fine room...", Khonsu said, as Bastet and Sekhmet trotted in, and immediately jumped onto the bed.
Meanwhile, Teddy, left alone in Jim's suite was pondering on recent events, and the information that Khonsu had provided.

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Winter Palace Gardens |
Ethan, (with Teddy), Khonsu, Faunus and Jim were eating separately, as they had important matters to discuss, while Zac and Josh was looking after Glen and Max.
After making polite enquiries about how Khonsu liked his room, and how well he had slept, Jim returned to the questions that were raised during the previous night's discussion.
Khonsu seemed quite amenable to answering further questions, and so Jim began.
"I think the first question is regarding where you come from...", Jim said.
"Well...not from this 'time-frame' or 'spatial dimension', but in your terms I cannot really describe it.
Those who serve the 'guardians' have no particular point of origin, but are simple present where they are required.", Khonsu replied.
"I think what Khonsu is trying to say is that his physical appearance is simply for your benefit, and that as he is not a 'physical entity', in the way that you are, Jim... having been born in a particular place and at a particular time... the question, as far as he is concerned, is not really relevant... as it is equally not relevant in my case.", Faunus explained - almost.
And then there's the matter of your connection with Upuaut, and why we had to come here to Egypt in order to meet you.", Jim asked.
"The last question is the easiest to answer...", Khonsu began.

Some consider such phenomena to be 'non-physical', or even hallucinatory, while others maintain that such things are, what are crudely described as, 'nuts and bolts' craft, and their occupants are physical, biological beings.
Those supporting the second theory have the problem of how such vehicles might travel from distant 'star-systems' considering the limitations imposed by the speed of light.", Khonsu continued.
"Ah yes... the old 'E=mc2' business...", Ethan added, knowingly (although he didn't have the slightest idea what the equation really meant).
"So Faunus... what if we bump into the guy who owns the alabaster shop... 'haj-thingy' ?", Ethan, who was worried about crossing over onto the West Bank, asked.
"Nothing Ethan...
As far as you're concerned you know nothing about anybody going missing... and I don't think him, or any of his people are going to ask, as that would simply imply their guilt.
As Khonsu said, there are no bodies... no clues... no evidence, so just relax.
And if there is any trouble, which I think is very unlikely, I will step in... so you will be perfectly safe.", Faunus said confidently.
"So how's your cooling system working ?", Ethan, reassured by Faunus' explanation, asked Teddy.
"Very well... but it's you that I'm worried about... after all, humans are not thermostatically regulated, at least not very accurately.", Teddy replied.
"I see...", Ethan said, not really sure what a 'thermostat' actually was (which is not surprising for an ancient Roman slave-boy).
Soo, however, they arrive at the West Bank, where Hassan was waiting for them.
Hassan was looking very smart with new jeans and shirt, and smoking Marlboro - all signs of his new affluence thanks to Jim's generosity.
They all then crammed themselves into the battered Renault taxi, and made their way to the Valley of the Kings.
"I take you to the Valley of the Kings first, because it will be more hot later...", Hassan said in his best English.
On their way, of course, they had to go past the Abu Esh alabaster factory, so Ethan made himself look as small as possible - but no one was around.
Hassan then drove them along a winding road into the dry, desolate Valley of the Kings.
They luckily they were quite early, and that, combined with the fact that so many of the tombs were closed meant that there were not many tourists.
"Isn't this where Tutankhamun was buried ?", Glen asked,
"Quite right, Glen...", Faunus answered, but that particular tomb may be closed.
"That's really disappointing...", Max said, sounding annoyed...
"It's the only tomb in Egypt that I've heard of before I came here.", Max added, seemingly explaining his disappointment.
"OK, Max... well I'll see what I can do."
By then they had arrived at the car park, and Faunus ruffled through his blank identity cards, deciding which one he would show to the officials at the valley.
"OK, you are graduate students from Harvard, studying archaeology....and I'm an official from the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities, escorting you on a guided tour of the tombs as part of a cultural exchange - and I am Ali Mohammed Shazly .", Faunis said.
"OK..Well I've written that down, in case anyone asks..", Zac said.
So they all got out of Hassan's taxi, and went over to the entrance to the Valley of the Kings.
There were only two tourists ahead of them at the ticket office, which wasn't really surprising, considering the appearance of the ticket office.
Faunus showed his identity card, and inevitably perhaps, that was the point when everything go a bit weird.
Various officials all seemed to appear from nowhere, and all wanted to shake hands with Faunus, and then with the 'boys', apparently not noticing that Ethan was carrying a very nicely brushed teddy-bear - which was unusual, to say the least, for a Harvard graduate student.
The various officials, however, were very impressed when Faunus produced a map of the 'Valley of the Kings' from Teddy's Walmart bag.
They were, of course, impressed because it was so much more accurate and finely produced than any map available at the site, and the fact that the group possessed such a map confirmed that this was undoubtedly a high status, bonafide group.
In addition Faunus then produced notepads and pens from Teddy's bag, and handed them out to the members of the group, which puzzled Ethan as, until then, he thought that the bag was empty - apart from Teddy's small, soft brush.
Faunus then, in perfect, educated Cairene Arabic suggested to the director of the site that he and his staff return to their duties, as the group of graduate students preferred to pursue their studies unattended.
Ethan, Zac and Josh, of course realized that it was one of Faunus' 'suggestions' that simply had to be followed, and the small entourage of official who had greeted them, melted away back to their dusty little office, where they could return to reading their newspapers, smoking and drinking 'shai', or simply snoozing, as most Egyptian officials do, for most of the time.
Meanwhile, Teddy had been preparing himself for a 'grand introduction' to the 'Valley of the Kings.
The 'boys' managed to find a low crumbly wall in the shade to sit on, (not ancient Egyptian, but rather circa 1950), and prepared themselves for the inevitable onslaught of facts and figures.
Teddy, of course, was looking suitably inscrutable, wearing his King Farouk style sunglasses (Teddy did not need sunglasses, as his 'bionic eyes' were equipped with all the necessary filters to provide perfect vision, and remove any harmful glare or rays, but he was obsessed with 'playing the part', and looking alarmingly fashionable)...
And so Teddy began - and for some inexplicable reason he put on a 'phoney' Egyptian accent - seemingly just to confuse matters:
"وادي ابواب الملوك - Wādī Abwāb al Mulūk is a valley where, for a period of nearly 500 years from the 16th to 11th century BC, rock cut tombs were excavated for the pharaohs and powerful nobles of the New Kingdom (the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Dynasties of Ancient Egypt).
The wadi consists of two valleys, East Valley (where the majority of the royal tombs are situated) and West Valley.
The Valley of the Kings has been a focus of archaeological and Egyptological exploration since the end of the eighteenth century, and its tombs and burials continue to stimulate research and interest.
In modern times the valley has become famous for the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun, and is one of the most famous archaeological sites in the world.
The Theban Hills surrounding the valley are dominated by the peak of al-Quern - the 'Horn', - hence the name of the nearby village of Qurnah.
The peak was known to the Ancient Egyptians as 'ta dehent', or 'The Peak' - not really surprising, perhaps.....
It has a pyramid-shaped appearance, and it is probable that this echoed the pyramids of the Old Kingdom, more than a thousand years prior to the first royal burials made there.
The valley's isolated position also resulted in reduced access, and the special 'tomb police', known as the 'Medjay', were able to guard the necropolis."
The 'boys' all looked up at the peak.
"Oh yes...isn't that really weird....a pyramid-like-thingy....", Ethan said, as he finally started to take note of his surroundings.
"And on the other side of the peak is the Mortuary Temple of Queen Hatshepsut - that you have already visited...", Teddy said.
"Anyway...the majority of the royal tombs were decorated with religious texts and images.
The early tombs were decorated with scenes from 'Amduat' - 'That which is in the Underworld', which describes the journey of the sun 'god' through the twelve hours of the night.
From the time of Horemheb - KV 57 -, tombs were decorated with the 'Book of Gates', also known as the 'Book of Pylons', which shows the sun god passing through the Twelve Gates that divide the night, and ensures the tomb owner's own safe passage through the night.
These earliest tombs were generally sparsely decorated, and those of a non-royal nature were totally undecorated.
Late in the Nineteenth Dynasty the 'Book of the Caverns', which divided the underworld into massive caves containing 'neteru' - 'gods' - as well as the deceased waiting for the sun to pass through and restore them to life, was placed in the upper parts of tombs.
A complete version appears in the tomb of Ramesses VI - KV9.
The burial of Ramesses III - KV 11 - saw the 'Book of the Earth', where the underworld is divided into four sections, climaxing in the sun disc being pulled from the earth by Naunet.
The ceilings of the burial chambers were decorated from the burial of Seti I - KV 17 - onwards with what became formalised as the 'Book of the Heavens', which again describes the sun's journey through the twelve hours of night.
Again, from Seti I's time, the Litany of Re, a lengthy hymn to the sun god began to appear.
Each burial was provided with equipment that would enable a 'comfortable' existence in the afterlife.
Also present in the tombs were items used to perform 'magic' rituals, such as 'shabtis' and figurines of the 'neteru'.
Some of the items may have been used by the king during his lifetime, and some were specially constructed for the burial.
And in case you were wondering.... the abbreviation "KV" stands for "Kings' Valley".
In 1827 an Egyptologist called Wilkinson painted KV numbers over the entrances to the 21 tombs that lay open in the East Valley at that time, as well as four tombs in the West Valley that he dubbed WV1 through WV4.
The tombs in the West Valley were later incorporated into the East Valley numbering system as WV22 through WV25, and tombs that have been opened since Wilkinson's time have been added to the list.
Since the early 19th century AD, antiquarians and archaeologists have cleared and recorded tombs, with a total of 61 sepulchers being known by the start of the 20th century. Some of the tombs are unoccupied, others remain unidentifiable as regards to their owners, and still others are merely pits used for storage.
So that's about it...", Teddy concluded, knowing that it wasn't, but also knowing that the crumbly wall, and the hot sun, meant that he has said quite enough.
Teddy thought for a moment.....
"Most of the tombs are not open to the public.
Eighteen of the tombs can be made available, but they are rarely open at the same time, and officials occasionally close those that are open for what they call 'restoration work'.
The number of visitors to KV62 - Tutankhamun - has led to a separate charge for entry into the tomb - but at present it is closed, and will not be opened again in the foreseeable future.
The West Valley has only one open tomb - that of Ay - and a separate ticket is also needed to visit this tomb.
Visitors are expected to proceed quietly, presumably in case they waken the spirits of the dead, and in single file through the tombs." Teddy continued.
"So are the mummies still in the tombs ?", Glen asked.
"No - except for Tutankhamun, whose mummy is claimed by the Antiquities Department to still be in KV62 - although why only his mummy has been left is not clear - as all the others are either lost, in the Cairo museum, or in other museums." Teddy said.
"And the single file bit ?", Zac asked
"This is to minimize time in the tombs - which I don't really understand, and prevent the crowds from damaging - sometimes purposefully - the surfaces of the decoration.
Presumably no one has thought of Perspex or toughened glass panels to protect the fragile paintings.
There is also the problem of humidity - although as the visitors cannot be expected to stop breathing, the only alternative is dehumidifiers and air conditioning - but again the authorities are not prepared to install such devices.
There is also the problem of the rising water-table, for which we need to thank the past president - Gamal Abdel Nasser, and his Aswan Dam project.
So things do not look very good for the future of the West Bank - or the East Bank for that matter.", Teddy explained.
"So...", Josh asked - presumably not intending to leave without visiting at least one tomb.
"Well, with Faunus with us, I doubt if any of those regulations apply, but we must see.", Teddy replied, not wanting to commit himself.
"So which is the best tomb to see, Teddy ?", Glen asked.
"I would say that the tomb of Seti I is the most spectacular..", Teddy replied.
"What....not Tutankhamun ?", Max said, sounding surprised.
"Well we might be able to see Tutankhamun later, but Tutankhamun's tomb is very small, and the wall paintings are nothing special.
It's not like most people imagine.
All the gold and furniture and shrines are in Cairo - and you've seen them.
All that's in the tomb is the sarcophagus.", Teddy explained.
"Oh...", Max said, sounding disappointed
"So, Faunus...can you get us into Seti I's tomb ? Ethan asked.
"Why not...", Faunus answered.
So they walked to where Teddy's map showed KV 17 - the tomb of Seti I, which strangely enough was almost opposite the tomb of Tutankhamun.
Faunus approached the tomb's 'guardian' (the odd title given to the rather disreputable characters who stood at the tomb entrance, ready to take tickets and confiscate everyone's' camera (in the weird belief that a camera flash would fade wall paintings which were bathed in bright fluorescent right for about eight hours a day) - but of course backsheesh was required for the camera to be returned.
"Faunus, however, simply showed the 'guardian' his identity card, and then told the 'guardian', in Arabic, in that strangely modulated voice, that the 'guardian' 'didn't need to keep the boy's cameras, and didn't need to see any tickets, and not to let anyone else into the tomb until they left' - and so they were allowed to enter the tomb.
"OK, Teddy...get on with it...", Faunus said.
"Right...." Teddy replied, and then began his little talk - thankfully dropping his 'phoney' Egyptian Arabic accent.
"The tomb of Seti I is the longest, deepest and most completely finished tomb in the Valley of the Kings.
It is also the best example of an offset, or jogged royal tomb in the valley.
It was discovered in October 1817 by the Italian amateur archaeologist Giovanni Battista Belzoni, and the tomb was discovered only a few days after the tomb of his father, Ramesses I.", Teddy began.
And so, with Teddy in the lead, they started on their way down into the tomb. (I)
"As in many of the tombs of the Valley, this stairway leads to a first corridor, and then to a second stairway (II), and a second corridor (III), which in turn leads to the ritual shaft (IV).
For the first time, the 'Litany of Ra' appears on the walls of these first two passages, with scenes from the 'Amduat' - the third hour - also in the second passage, as well as deeper sections of the tomb.
Just within the entrance to the tomb is a scene on the left that depicts the king praying in front of the sun 'god' Ra in his falcon headed shape, with the sun disk.
Later, within the ritual shaft, decorations follow an established pattern showing the king before various neteru, and the deities include Isis, Hathor and Osiris.", Teddy continued, helpfully pointing with his furry paw to the various images as he named them.
"After the ritual shaft we come to the four pillared hall (V) eight meters wide.
Here are scenes from the Book of Gates.
There is an innovation here with an Osiris shrine, which marks the transition into the lower reaches of the tomb.
In the back of this room, and to the right, there another room of similar dimensions with only two pillars (VI).
You'll notice the decorations in this two pillared room are only sketched, depicting the ninth through eleventh hours of the Amduat.
At the back of the four pillared hall is a stairway, originally closed off and painted to suggest that the tomb ended here, that leads to a third corridor (VII), and then to a final stairway (VIII), a small antechamber (IX), and then the six pillared burial chamber (X).
In these lower passages are scenes from the 'Opening of the Mouth' ceremonies.
In the antechamber, Seti is shown sacrificing and praying before Anubis, Isis, Horus the son of Isis, Hathor and Osiris, and on the rear wall of this chamber Seti is shown in front of Ptah and Nefertum.
The burial chamber is divided into two parts, a six pillared room, and at the back, a crypt. The ceiling of the burial chamber is painted with astronomical decorations.
The ceiling in the crypt area is vaulted, and painted with astronomical decorations.
It records specific constellations of the night sky, along with the various decans or calendar units.
The decorative theme of the burial chamber includes passages from the 'Book of Gates' and the Amduat.
Steps at the back pair of pillars in the burial chamber lead down into the crypt (XIII).
Here, Belzoni found an elegant empty alabaster sarcophagus, a little less than three meters long and with walls only five centimetres thick, making it translucent.
Upon it were engraved passages from the 'Book of Gates' as well as passages from the 'Book of the Dead'.
This sarcophagus was later purchased by Sir John Soane, who put it in his London Museum at Lincoln's Inn Fields, where it remains today..."
Teddy then paused....
"And now you have the uphill climb in order to leave the tomb...", Teddy concluded.
Of course, in ancient Egyptians times the scene would have been very different, but in modern times the Egyptian government had put down paved walkways, with ugly low concrete walls either side.
The tomb in question was the most famous tomb in the valley - KV 62 - the tomb of the Pharaoh Tutankhamun.
At the end of the tunnel was a second sealed door that had been breached and resealed in antiquity.
Carter removed the cover of the second sarcophagus on October 23, and the team removed the cover of the final sarcophagus on October 28 and exposed the mummy; and they began examining the remains of Tutankhamun on November 11.
"So, if it is so small and 'stingy', with these weird paintings, where everybody looks like they've been squashed up - like when I get the settings wrong on the 'home cinema' back at the Penthouse - then why does everyone make such a fuss about this place ?", Ethan asked.
Faunus smiled, and Teddy thought for a minute while computing a suitable answer.
"I think because it is one of the few tombs anywhere where so much 'treasure' has been found - and also because of lots of strange stories are told about what happened after the tomb had been opened... something about a 'curse', and lots of the people who were involved in the discovery dying...", Teddy said.
"Well, I hope that the 'curse' doesn't affect us...", Glen said, sounding nervous.
"Don't worry...", Faunus said,... "We're all quite safe."
"So is that Tutankhamun's mummy down there in that great big stone box ?", Max asked - referring to the stone sarcophagus.
"Well what you can see, Max, is just the coffin, covered in gold leaf - and we are told that Tutankhamun's mummy is inside... maybe.", Teddy said, obviously not willing to commit himself.
"So I think a lot of people would be quite disappointed to see this tomb - although I think it's quite 'cool'...", Ethan commented.
"But then you haven't queued up for ages in the hot sun, and paid a lot for a ticket - and you have the luxury of seeing it without lots of other people around....", Faunus said.
"True...", Ethan admitted.
"I'd rather see it all on my own.. ", Josh said...
"Yes.. well most people would - but not many people get the chance.....", Glen said.
"Well yes...but it's getting late.....
what about some lunch ?".
"Good idea...then I can have a bit of a rest...", Teddy said, as he instantly turned himself off.
They then left the tomb, found Hassan waiting patiently for them in his taxi, and drove off, through the streets of the West Bank - practically deserted because of the blistering heat of the midday sun, under Faunus' instructions, to Morssey's for their midday meal.
At least on the roof of Morssey's there was a coll breeze, and the assurance of a good meal.
Once they had all ordered, Faunus started chatting to the proprietor.
Teddy's 'language detector', which operated even when his main systems were shut down, detected a familiar voice speaking Arabic, and Teddy's main functions automatically switched on.
"Hi !", Teddy said, to no one in particular, as he scanned the area to ascertain what was going on.
The others, of course, didn't understand what was being said, but Faunus explained it all to them later.
It seemed that there was talk in the village about the strange disappearance of two of Haj Abdu's sons, and also the disappearance of the حارس 'haris' of the haj.
The West Bank Police had not, it seemed, been informed - and apparently most people considered that the strange business was the result of family rivalry with regard to who should inherit control of the sizeable fortune of the haj on his demise, and suspicion had fallen on an alliance between the eldest and youngest son of the haj, against the other two.
Exactly how the حارس 'haris', Ramadan, had been involved was not entirely clear, and the main topic of conversation seemed to be how no bodies had been discovered, and speculation regarding where they had ended up - probably weighted and deposited in the Nile.
Regardless, however, there seemed to be no suspicion with regard to the strange American tourists - as they would obviously have no motive with regard to the matter.
The 'boys', quite naturally, were much relieved as to how the matter had turned out.
The lunch, of course, was excellent, but the 'boys' had had enough of ancient Egyptian antiquities, and it was decide to make their way back to to East Bank.

After the trip to the Valley of the Kings, Khonsu gives Faunus, Ethan and Teddy a full briefing on the mission that the 'guardians' have proposed......
"Yes, Ethan... and this problem with physical beings and 'nuts and bolts' spacecraft is also problematic because the planets in your solar system appear to be devoid of life, so any physical 'space-ships' would have to come from distant 'star-systems'.
But there are more problems if the 'UFOs' are material objects, and the occupants are physical, biological beings, and they are the problem of viruses, bacteria, amino acids for sustenance, and many other problems of biological and physical incompatibility - both for the 'aliens' and for humans.", Khonsu continued.
"Yes...Khonsu...I think we have gone over this material before - admittedly before you came to us... but this is not answering the question..."Jim said.
"Yes... well I am coming to that...
The point is that the 'greys' are physical beings - but not biological in same the sense that you and your companions are...but more akin to Teddy here.", Khonsu began explaining.
"Well thank you very much ! - and I thought you liked me !", Teddy interrupted, obviously annoyed.
"I'm sorry Teddy, but I was just trying to explain something.
The greys don't eat for sustenance, and so don't consume amino acids.
Equally they are not vulnerable to viruses and bacteria, or atmospheric variations and suchlike...", Khonsu continued.
"Oh, I see... well that's better...", Teddy said.
"For that reason they almost certainly travel very long distances, and simply stop functioning for much of the journey... so time would has very little meaning for them.
Equally we believe they have 'colonized' some bodies in this star system, such as the planet that humans know as Mars, and the earth's satellite - the Moon, as humans call it... and this would account of some reports of quite small UFOs, or 'saucers' as they are sometimes called.", Khonsu said.
"OK Khonsu... that's all very interesting... but 'cut to the chase'...", Jim said.
"Do what ?", Khonsu asked, not comprehending.
"It's American slang... it means 'get to the point without wasting time'...", Ethan said.
(from his obsession with American movies of the 30s and 40s Ethan was by then an expert on American slang, and some of it had rubbed off on Jim.)
"Well, to put it simply... the greys are very frightened of humans.", Khonsu said.
"Yes... all very well, but then most humans are pretty frightened of greys... particularly when the greys abduct them in the middle of the night !", Ethan said.
"Yes... but it's different.
The greys think that humans are getting ready to go into space, and take over the Moon and Mars - and even further, perhaps.", Khonsu countered.
"And the greys fear the aggression of humans, and the human instinct for violence, and human emotions that the greys can't understand.", Khonsu continued.
"Well I still don't get it...
And where do we come in with regard to all this ?", Jim asked.
"The guardians want you to sabotage the space program being run from earth..", Khonsu announced.
"What..!", Jim exclaimed.
"And how could we possibly do that ?
And if the guardians think it's so important... then why don't they do it ?", Jim said, unable to believe what Khonsu had just suggested.
"They can't interfere...", Khonsu replied, as if that explained everything.
Faunus smiled, but just kept listening.
"OK, well let's just say we were to get involved in this crazy plan... then just how would anyone 'sabotage' the 'space plan' - even if there is one.", Jim asked.
"Well to be successful, the development of space flight technology would have to be sabotaged retrospectively...", Khonsu said.
"Retro-whatty ?", Ethan predictably queried.
"And there I was thinking you were just a cute little village boy with a 'thing' about cats - and now look where we are...!, Ethan mumbled.
"Retrospectively means going back into the past...", Teddy explained.
"And I rather think this is all going back to 'time travel'...", Faunus said knowingly.
"And why's that... I thought that 'space-technology-thingy' was all about now...", Ethan said.
"Well, for your information, space flight on this planet was first investigated in America, Germany and Russia over fifty years ago..", Teddy said.
"Let me explain" - and that's exactly what Teddy did - and nobody could stop him...
"Most people think it all began in Russia...
Wernher Freiherr von Braun was born on March 23, 1912, and died on June 16, 1977.
He was a German aerospace engineer and space architect.
"Well, it's not my opinion - it's all on public record - and in my database...", Teddy said, pretending to a rather false humility.
"And I don't suppose you have any visual aids for this lot ?", Ethan said.
"I didn't know you were going to talk about this subject, but by midday I can have some photos printed off, if you like.", Teddy replied, not seeing to joke.
"Well that would be very nice, Teddy, old friend, and I look forward to seeing them...", Ethan said...
Yes - even teddy-bears can be sarcastic.
Jim, however, shook his head in disbelief.
"So let me get this right...
your guardian friends want us to go back to some time before this von Braun guy got the space program up and running, and either get rid of him, or sabotage the program... and that, in some way will get rid of the problem of the greys...yes ?", Jim asked.
"Well yes... something like that.", Khonsu replied, sounding a little embarrassed.
"Now let me tell you to begin with, we're not going to 'get rid' of this von Braun - presumably an eminent scientist - just because your 'guardian' people have a problem with him.", Jim said, sounding angry.
"Well what if I told you that he had worked with a certain Dr Siegfried Brandt, that he was a National Socialist, a high ranking officer in the SS, like Brandt, and was responsible for the deaths of large numbers of slave labourers.", Khonsu asked.
Jim looked to Faunus - who nodded - and to Ethan, who looked decidedly uncomfortable.
"In that case, Khonsu, that puts the matter in a whole different light.", Jim said, sounding strangely unsure of himself.
"So, Khonsu...very clever.
You've pushed me into a corner really.
After what happened with Brandt, I seem to be unable to refuse you with regard to this von Braun.", Jim then said sighing.
"But I'm not having him killed - even if he has, in our eyes , committed crimes.", Jim then said.
"Of course, Jim...just think about what Faunus did with Brandt...
There might be an easier way of dealing with this von Braun guy...", Ethan said, intervening.
"Well before we come to any decision - even a tentative one...tell us more about this von Braun...", Jim asked.
"I can do that...", Teddy said enthusiastically ...
"OK Teddy ... tell us... from the beginning.", Jim said.
Teddy did his silly little cough, and then began....
"Wernher Magnus Maximilian Freiherr von Braun was born March 23, 1912 in the small town of Wirsitz, in the Posen Province, in the German Empire.
He was the second of three sons of a noble family.
From birth he held the title of 'Freiherr' which is the German equivalent to the English 'Baron'.
His father, Magnus Freiherr von Braun (1878–1972), was a civil servant and conservative politician, and he served as Minister of Agriculture in the German Federal Government during the Weimar Republic.
Wernher's mother, Emmy von Quistorp (1886–1959), traced her ancestry through both parents to medieval European royalty, and was a descendant of Philip III of France, Valdemar I of Denmark, Robert III of Scotland, and Edward III of England...
Wernher had an older brother, Sigismund, and a younger brother, named Magnus.
When Wernher as a boy, his mother gave him a telescope, and he developed a passion for astronomy.
The family moved to Berlin in 1915, where his father worked at the Ministry of the Interior.
Wernher learned to play both the cello and the piano at an early age, and at one time wanted to become a composer, and he could play piano pieces of Beethoven and Bach from memory.
Beginning in 1925, Wernher attended a boarding school at Schloß Ettersburg near Weimar.
There he acquired a copy of 'By Rocket into Planetary Space' written by the rocket pioneer Hermann Oberth (see above).
In 1928, his parents moved him to the Hermann-Lietz-Internat, also a residential school, on the East Frisian North Sea island of Spiekeroog.
Space travel had always fascinated Wernher, and from then on he applied himself to physics and mathematics to pursue his interest in rocket engineering.
In 1930, von Braun attended the Technische Hochschule Berlin, where he joined the 'Spaceflight Society' and assisted Willy Ley in his liquid-fuelled rocket motor tests in conjunction with Hermann Oberth.
In spring 1932, he graduated with a diploma in mechanical engineering.
His early exposure to rocketry convinced him that the exploration of space would require far more than applications of the current engineering technology.
Wanting to learn more about physics, chemistry, and astronomy, von Braun entered the Friedrich-Wilhelm University of Berlin for doctoral studies and graduated with a doctorate in physics in 1934.
Although he worked mainly on military rockets when he was still in Germany, Von Braun was greatly influenced by Oberth, and space travel always remained his primary interest.
Von Braun joined the Nazi Party in 1937, and the SS in 1940 as an Untersturmführer (Second lieutenant), and was promoted three times by Himmler, the last time in June 1943 to SS-Sturmbannführer (Major).
Following von Braun's July 7, 1943 presentation of a colour movie showing an A-4 taking off, Hitler was so enthusiastic that he personally made von Braun a professor shortly thereafter which was an exceptional promotion for an engineer who was only 31 years old."...
"Thank you Teddy, that's very interesting..."Jim said.
"So we now know something about this man... but as we are not going to 'eliminate' him - then what are we going to do ?", Jim asked.
"Well I would say whatever we do, it needs to be done before he becomes and important part of the German program to make long range rockets - and before he goes to America and becomes part of the American Space Program as Director of NASA - something I wasn't able to get to in my short description - as Jim interrupted me.", Teddy said.
"So what ? Ethan began.
Are you planning to turn him into an American teenage High School boy, like you did with Brandt ?" Ethan suggested, grinning.
"Well maybe not... but that gives me an idea...
'Sigi' speaks perfect German, so perhaps we could use him in this 'operation'.", Jim said, seeming to be finally getting interested in the proposition that Khonsu had put forward.
"And this 'Sigi'... who is he ?", Khonsu asked.
"Ah !... finally caught you out.
At last something you don't know.", Ethan said gleefully.
"Sigi was Dr Siegfried Brandt, who I believe you mentioned earlier.
In the end, as he had abducted Jim here, myself and Teddy got to work on him, and he was transformed into a teenage High School student, and is now living happily in an idyllic small town in Nevada, with Jim as his guardian, waiting for the time when he can go up to Harvard, in the footsteps of Alexander Johnson.", Faunus explained.
"So... it seems that if Faunus can do it... we need to be transported to when young Werner was just a 'sci-fi geek' - crazy about outer space, rockets and aliens...", Ethan suggested.
"And when would that be, Teddy ?", Jim asked.
"Well I would say about 1929 or 1930, when von Braun was in Berlin - the time when he enrolled in the Technische Hochschule Berlin.", Teddy suggested.
"OK guys... so how do we get to Berlin... and how do we get to 1929 ?", Ethan asked.
"Leave that to me...", Faunus said.
"Well, that's enough to be getting on with...
Let's join the others - but for the moment no talk about von Braun and the rest... OK ?", Jim said.
So they went over to the table where Zac, Josh, Glen and Max were having their alfresco breakfast.
"So boys, sorry to leave you on your ow, but there was a lot of boring stuff to discuss.
Now, as it is still early, and I still have a lot to discuss with Khonsu, I suggest that Faunus takes you across to the West Bank for a look at the Ramesseum and the Valley of the Kings - and remember... over there Faunus is 'Ali', OK.", Jim said.
And Glen and Max, having no objections, strolled back to their rooms to get their cameras, passports and money, while Zac and Josh had a quick word with Jim.
"So what's going on, Jim ?", Zac asked.
"Well it's all a bit complicated and unexpected, so I need more time to talk to this guy Khonsu...
Best thing I think is for you and Josh to go and have a look at the Valley of the Kings, after all with all these tourists, it might be permanently closed, if you ever visit here again.
And also, could you buy some luggage - just a case and a cabin bag for Khonsu, as it looks a bit suspicious with him staying here and having no luggage.
And later I'll fill you in on all the weirdness - and also have a nice surprise for the pair of you...", Jim said.
"OK Jim... we look forward to finding out what all this is about.", Zac said.
But there are more problems if the 'UFOs' are material objects, and the occupants are physical, biological beings, and they are the problem of viruses, bacteria, amino acids for sustenance, and many other problems of biological and physical incompatibility - both for the 'aliens' and for humans.", Khonsu continued.
"Yes...Khonsu...I think we have gone over this material before - admittedly before you came to us... but this is not answering the question..."Jim said.
"Yes... well I am coming to that...
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Alien Grey |
"Well thank you very much ! - and I thought you liked me !", Teddy interrupted, obviously annoyed.
"I'm sorry Teddy, but I was just trying to explain something.
The greys don't eat for sustenance, and so don't consume amino acids.
Equally they are not vulnerable to viruses and bacteria, or atmospheric variations and suchlike...", Khonsu continued.
"Oh, I see... well that's better...", Teddy said.
"For that reason they almost certainly travel very long distances, and simply stop functioning for much of the journey... so time would has very little meaning for them.
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Flying Disk - UFO |
"OK Khonsu... that's all very interesting... but 'cut to the chase'...", Jim said.
"Do what ?", Khonsu asked, not comprehending.
"It's American slang... it means 'get to the point without wasting time'...", Ethan said.
(from his obsession with American movies of the 30s and 40s Ethan was by then an expert on American slang, and some of it had rubbed off on Jim.)
"Well, to put it simply... the greys are very frightened of humans.", Khonsu said.
"Yes... all very well, but then most humans are pretty frightened of greys... particularly when the greys abduct them in the middle of the night !", Ethan said.
"Yes... but it's different.
The greys think that humans are getting ready to go into space, and take over the Moon and Mars - and even further, perhaps.", Khonsu countered.
"And the greys fear the aggression of humans, and the human instinct for violence, and human emotions that the greys can't understand.", Khonsu continued.
"Well I still don't get it...
And where do we come in with regard to all this ?", Jim asked.
"The guardians want you to sabotage the space program being run from earth..", Khonsu announced.
"What..!", Jim exclaimed.
"And how could we possibly do that ?
And if the guardians think it's so important... then why don't they do it ?", Jim said, unable to believe what Khonsu had just suggested.
"They can't interfere...", Khonsu replied, as if that explained everything.
Faunus smiled, but just kept listening.
"OK, well let's just say we were to get involved in this crazy plan... then just how would anyone 'sabotage' the 'space plan' - even if there is one.", Jim asked.
"Well to be successful, the development of space flight technology would have to be sabotaged retrospectively...", Khonsu said.
"Retro-whatty ?", Ethan predictably queried.
"And there I was thinking you were just a cute little village boy with a 'thing' about cats - and now look where we are...!, Ethan mumbled.
"Retrospectively means going back into the past...", Teddy explained.
"And I rather think this is all going back to 'time travel'...", Faunus said knowingly.
"And why's that... I thought that 'space-technology-thingy' was all about now...", Ethan said.
"Well, for your information, space flight on this planet was first investigated in America, Germany and Russia over fifty years ago..", Teddy said.
"Let me explain" - and that's exactly what Teddy did - and nobody could stop him...
"Most people think it all began in Russia...
Konstantin Tsiolkovsky
with Kostantin Tsiolkovsky, who was born 17 September 1857 and died on the 19 September 1935).
He was a Russian rocket scientist and pioneer of the astronautic theory. He is considered to be one of the founding fathers of modern rocketry and astronautics
His works later inspired leading Russian rocket engineers such as Sergei Korolev and Valentin Glushko.
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Robert Goddard |
The American, Robert Goddard you should remember. He was inspired from an early age by H.G. Wells, began a serious analysis of rockets, concluding that conventional solid-fuel rockets needed to be improved in three ways. First, fuel should be burned in a small combustion chamber, instead of building the entire propellant container to withstand the high pressures.
Second, rockets could be arranged in stages.
Finally, the exhaust speed (and thus the efficiency) could be greatly increased to beyond the speed of sound by using a De Laval nozzle. He also independently developed the mathematics of rocket flight.
He tested many of his rockets at Roswell, New Mexico. Hermann Julius Oberth was born on 25 June 1894 and died on 28 December 1989. He was was an Austro-Hungarian-born German physicist and engineer. He is considered one of the founding fathers of rocketry and astronautics.
Hermann Oberth
Young Wernher von Braun in a Dirty Overall
Wernher Freiherr von Braun was born on March 23, 1912, and died on June 16, 1977.
He was a German aerospace engineer and space architect.
He was the leading figure in the development of rocket technology in Germany."Well that was pretty succinct, Teddy...", Jim said.
The most important of these individuals was undoubtedly von Braun.
As to a 'space program' - in reality there was only one - the German Space Program - and if our cute friend Khonsu wants to sabotage 'space flight technology', then the target would undoubtedly be von Braun."
"Well, it's not my opinion - it's all on public record - and in my database...", Teddy said, pretending to a rather false humility.
"And I don't suppose you have any visual aids for this lot ?", Ethan said.
"I didn't know you were going to talk about this subject, but by midday I can have some photos printed off, if you like.", Teddy replied, not seeing to joke.
"Well that would be very nice, Teddy, old friend, and I look forward to seeing them...", Ethan said...
Yes - even teddy-bears can be sarcastic.
Jim, however, shook his head in disbelief.
"So let me get this right...
your guardian friends want us to go back to some time before this von Braun guy got the space program up and running, and either get rid of him, or sabotage the program... and that, in some way will get rid of the problem of the greys...yes ?", Jim asked.
"Well yes... something like that.", Khonsu replied, sounding a little embarrassed.
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Wernher von Braun and 'Friends' |
"Well what if I told you that he had worked with a certain Dr Siegfried Brandt, that he was a National Socialist, a high ranking officer in the SS, like Brandt, and was responsible for the deaths of large numbers of slave labourers.", Khonsu asked.
Jim looked to Faunus - who nodded - and to Ethan, who looked decidedly uncomfortable.
"In that case, Khonsu, that puts the matter in a whole different light.", Jim said, sounding strangely unsure of himself.
"So, Khonsu...very clever.
You've pushed me into a corner really.
After what happened with Brandt, I seem to be unable to refuse you with regard to this von Braun.", Jim then said sighing.
"But I'm not having him killed - even if he has, in our eyes , committed crimes.", Jim then said.
"Of course, Jim...just think about what Faunus did with Brandt...
There might be an easier way of dealing with this von Braun guy...", Ethan said, intervening.
"Well before we come to any decision - even a tentative one...tell us more about this von Braun...", Jim asked.
"I can do that...", Teddy said enthusiastically ...
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Wappen Wernher von Braun |
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Small Arms of the German Empire |
"Wernher Magnus Maximilian Freiherr von Braun was born March 23, 1912 in the small town of Wirsitz, in the Posen Province, in the German Empire.
He was the second of three sons of a noble family.
From birth he held the title of 'Freiherr' which is the German equivalent to the English 'Baron'.
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Arms of the Weimar Republic |
Wernher's mother, Emmy von Quistorp (1886–1959), traced her ancestry through both parents to medieval European royalty, and was a descendant of Philip III of France, Valdemar I of Denmark, Robert III of Scotland, and Edward III of England...
Wernher had an older brother, Sigismund, and a younger brother, named Magnus.
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Von Braun and his Older and Younger Brother |
The family moved to Berlin in 1915, where his father worked at the Ministry of the Interior.
Wernher learned to play both the cello and the piano at an early age, and at one time wanted to become a composer, and he could play piano pieces of Beethoven and Bach from memory.
Beginning in 1925, Wernher attended a boarding school at Schloß Ettersburg near Weimar.
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Schloß Ettersburg - Weimar - Germany |
In 1928, his parents moved him to the Hermann-Lietz-Internat, also a residential school, on the East Frisian North Sea island of Spiekeroog.
Space travel had always fascinated Wernher, and from then on he applied himself to physics and mathematics to pursue his interest in rocket engineering.
In 1930, von Braun attended the Technische Hochschule Berlin, where he joined the 'Spaceflight Society' and assisted Willy Ley in his liquid-fuelled rocket motor tests in conjunction with Hermann Oberth.
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Willy Ley |
His early exposure to rocketry convinced him that the exploration of space would require far more than applications of the current engineering technology.
Wanting to learn more about physics, chemistry, and astronomy, von Braun entered the Friedrich-Wilhelm University of Berlin for doctoral studies and graduated with a doctorate in physics in 1934.
Although he worked mainly on military rockets when he was still in Germany, Von Braun was greatly influenced by Oberth, and space travel always remained his primary interest.
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SS Double Sig Rune Badge |
Following von Braun's July 7, 1943 presentation of a colour movie showing an A-4 taking off, Hitler was so enthusiastic that he personally made von Braun a professor shortly thereafter which was an exceptional promotion for an engineer who was only 31 years old."...
"Thank you Teddy, that's very interesting..."Jim said.
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Wernher von Braun and Walt Disney |
"Well I would say whatever we do, it needs to be done before he becomes and important part of the German program to make long range rockets - and before he goes to America and becomes part of the American Space Program as Director of NASA - something I wasn't able to get to in my short description - as Jim interrupted me.", Teddy said.
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'Sigi' |
"Well maybe not... but that gives me an idea...
'Sigi' speaks perfect German, so perhaps we could use him in this 'operation'.", Jim said, seeming to be finally getting interested in the proposition that Khonsu had put forward.
"And this 'Sigi'... who is he ?", Khonsu asked.
"Ah !... finally caught you out.
At last something you don't know.", Ethan said gleefully.
"Sigi was Dr Siegfried Brandt, who I believe you mentioned earlier.
In the end, as he had abducted Jim here, myself and Teddy got to work on him, and he was transformed into a teenage High School student, and is now living happily in an idyllic small town in Nevada, with Jim as his guardian, waiting for the time when he can go up to Harvard, in the footsteps of Alexander Johnson.", Faunus explained.
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Technische Hochschule Berlin |
"And when would that be, Teddy ?", Jim asked.
"Well I would say about 1929 or 1930, when von Braun was in Berlin - the time when he enrolled in the Technische Hochschule Berlin.", Teddy suggested.
"OK guys... so how do we get to Berlin... and how do we get to 1929 ?", Ethan asked.
"Leave that to me...", Faunus said.
"Well, that's enough to be getting on with...
Let's join the others - but for the moment no talk about von Braun and the rest... OK ?", Jim said.
So they went over to the table where Zac, Josh, Glen and Max were having their alfresco breakfast.
"So boys, sorry to leave you on your ow, but there was a lot of boring stuff to discuss.
Now, as it is still early, and I still have a lot to discuss with Khonsu, I suggest that Faunus takes you across to the West Bank for a look at the Ramesseum and the Valley of the Kings - and remember... over there Faunus is 'Ali', OK.", Jim said.
And Glen and Max, having no objections, strolled back to their rooms to get their cameras, passports and money, while Zac and Josh had a quick word with Jim.
"So what's going on, Jim ?", Zac asked.
"Well it's all a bit complicated and unexpected, so I need more time to talk to this guy Khonsu...
Best thing I think is for you and Josh to go and have a look at the Valley of the Kings, after all with all these tourists, it might be permanently closed, if you ever visit here again.
And also, could you buy some luggage - just a case and a cabin bag for Khonsu, as it looks a bit suspicious with him staying here and having no luggage.
And later I'll fill you in on all the weirdness - and also have a nice surprise for the pair of you...", Jim said.
"OK Jim... we look forward to finding out what all this is about.", Zac said.
The Great Majestic Necropolis of Millions of Years of the Pharaoh's Life, Strength, Health in West Thebes
When Zac and Josh arrived at the front entrance of the Winter Palace, Faunus was already 'phoning Mahmoud and Hassan.
Glen and Josh were already waiting, but Sekhmet and Bastet had been left in the hotel gardens, where they were quite happy playing and sleeping in the shade, and some of the waiters had been paid to ensure that they had plenty of scraps from the kitchens, and plenty of water.
The Corniche in front of the Winter Palace was busy, with many feluccas and motor boats moored
Glen and Josh were already waiting, but Sekhmet and Bastet had been left in the hotel gardens, where they were quite happy playing and sleeping in the shade, and some of the waiters had been paid to ensure that they had plenty of scraps from the kitchens, and plenty of water.
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The Winter Palace Hotel and Corniche - Luxor - Egypt |
It was also a hot morning, so Zac advised them to each buy a bottle of water, as the Valley of the Kings was a 'dry waddi', and as it trapped the sun's rays, could become very hot.
Wadi وَادِي, is the Arabic term referring to a valley. In some instances, as in the Valleys of the Kings, it may refer to a dry (ephemeral) riverbed that contains water only when heavy rain occurs.
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Haj Abdu |
"Nothing Ethan...
As far as you're concerned you know nothing about anybody going missing... and I don't think him, or any of his people are going to ask, as that would simply imply their guilt.
As Khonsu said, there are no bodies... no clues... no evidence, so just relax.
And if there is any trouble, which I think is very unlikely, I will step in... so you will be perfectly safe.", Faunus said confidently.
"So how's your cooling system working ?", Ethan, reassured by Faunus' explanation, asked Teddy.
"Very well... but it's you that I'm worried about... after all, humans are not thermostatically regulated, at least not very accurately.", Teddy replied.
"I see...", Ethan said, not really sure what a 'thermostat' actually was (which is not surprising for an ancient Roman slave-boy).
Soo, however, they arrive at the West Bank, where Hassan was waiting for them.
Hassan was looking very smart with new jeans and shirt, and smoking Marlboro - all signs of his new affluence thanks to Jim's generosity.
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Abu Esh Alabaster Factory - Qurnah - West Bank - Luxor |
"I take you to the Valley of the Kings first, because it will be more hot later...", Hassan said in his best English.
On their way, of course, they had to go past the Abu Esh alabaster factory, so Ethan made himself look as small as possible - but no one was around.
Hassan then drove them along a winding road into the dry, desolate Valley of the Kings.
They luckily they were quite early, and that, combined with the fact that so many of the tombs were closed meant that there were not many tourists.
"Isn't this where Tutankhamun was buried ?", Glen asked,
"Quite right, Glen...", Faunus answered, but that particular tomb may be closed.
"That's really disappointing...", Max said, sounding annoyed...
"It's the only tomb in Egypt that I've heard of before I came here.", Max added, seemingly explaining his disappointment.
"OK, Max... well I'll see what I can do."
By then they had arrived at the car park, and Faunus ruffled through his blank identity cards, deciding which one he would show to the officials at the valley.
"OK, you are graduate students from Harvard, studying archaeology....and I'm an official from the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities, escorting you on a guided tour of the tombs as part of a cultural exchange - and I am Ali Mohammed Shazly .", Faunis said.
"OK..Well I've written that down, in case anyone asks..", Zac said.
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Ticket Office - West Bank - Luxor - Egypt |
There were only two tourists ahead of them at the ticket office, which wasn't really surprising, considering the appearance of the ticket office.
Faunus showed his identity card, and inevitably perhaps, that was the point when everything go a bit weird.
Various officials all seemed to appear from nowhere, and all wanted to shake hands with Faunus, and then with the 'boys', apparently not noticing that Ethan was carrying a very nicely brushed teddy-bear - which was unusual, to say the least, for a Harvard graduate student.
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Copy of Teddy's Map of the Valley of the Kings - West Bank - Luxor |
They were, of course, impressed because it was so much more accurate and finely produced than any map available at the site, and the fact that the group possessed such a map confirmed that this was undoubtedly a high status, bonafide group.
In addition Faunus then produced notepads and pens from Teddy's bag, and handed them out to the members of the group, which puzzled Ethan as, until then, he thought that the bag was empty - apart from Teddy's small, soft brush.
Faunus then, in perfect, educated Cairene Arabic suggested to the director of the site that he and his staff return to their duties, as the group of graduate students preferred to pursue their studies unattended.
Ethan, Zac and Josh, of course realized that it was one of Faunus' 'suggestions' that simply had to be followed, and the small entourage of official who had greeted them, melted away back to their dusty little office, where they could return to reading their newspapers, smoking and drinking 'shai', or simply snoozing, as most Egyptian officials do, for most of the time.
Meanwhile, Teddy had been preparing himself for a 'grand introduction' to the 'Valley of the Kings.
The 'boys' managed to find a low crumbly wall in the shade to sit on, (not ancient Egyptian, but rather circa 1950), and prepared themselves for the inevitable onslaught of facts and figures.
Teddy, of course, was looking suitably inscrutable, wearing his King Farouk style sunglasses (Teddy did not need sunglasses, as his 'bionic eyes' were equipped with all the necessary filters to provide perfect vision, and remove any harmful glare or rays, but he was obsessed with 'playing the part', and looking alarmingly fashionable)...
And so Teddy began - and for some inexplicable reason he put on a 'phoney' Egyptian accent - seemingly just to confuse matters:
"وادي ابواب الملوك - Wādī Abwāb al Mulūk is a valley where, for a period of nearly 500 years from the 16th to 11th century BC, rock cut tombs were excavated for the pharaohs and powerful nobles of the New Kingdom (the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Dynasties of Ancient Egypt).
The wadi consists of two valleys, East Valley (where the majority of the royal tombs are situated) and West Valley.
The Valley of the Kings has been a focus of archaeological and Egyptological exploration since the end of the eighteenth century, and its tombs and burials continue to stimulate research and interest.
The Theban Hills surrounding the valley are dominated by the peak of al-Quern - the 'Horn', - hence the name of the nearby village of Qurnah.
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al-Quern - Valley of the Kings - West Bank - Luxor - Egypt |
It has a pyramid-shaped appearance, and it is probable that this echoed the pyramids of the Old Kingdom, more than a thousand years prior to the first royal burials made there.
The valley's isolated position also resulted in reduced access, and the special 'tomb police', known as the 'Medjay', were able to guard the necropolis."
The 'boys' all looked up at the peak.
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Mortuary Temple of Queen Hatshepsut |
"And on the other side of the peak is the Mortuary Temple of Queen Hatshepsut - that you have already visited...", Teddy said.
"Anyway...the majority of the royal tombs were decorated with religious texts and images.
The early tombs were decorated with scenes from 'Amduat' - 'That which is in the Underworld', which describes the journey of the sun 'god' through the twelve hours of the night.
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Tomb Wall Painting - Book of Gates |
These earliest tombs were generally sparsely decorated, and those of a non-royal nature were totally undecorated.
Late in the Nineteenth Dynasty the 'Book of the Caverns', which divided the underworld into massive caves containing 'neteru' - 'gods' - as well as the deceased waiting for the sun to pass through and restore them to life, was placed in the upper parts of tombs.
A complete version appears in the tomb of Ramesses VI - KV9.
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Book of the Earth - Tomb Wall Painting - Valley of the Kings |
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Book of the Heavens - Tomb Wall Painting - Valley of the Kings |
Again, from Seti I's time, the Litany of Re, a lengthy hymn to the sun god began to appear.
Each burial was provided with equipment that would enable a 'comfortable' existence in the afterlife.
Also present in the tombs were items used to perform 'magic' rituals, such as 'shabtis' and figurines of the 'neteru'.
Some of the items may have been used by the king during his lifetime, and some were specially constructed for the burial.
And in case you were wondering.... the abbreviation "KV" stands for "Kings' Valley".
In 1827 an Egyptologist called Wilkinson painted KV numbers over the entrances to the 21 tombs that lay open in the East Valley at that time, as well as four tombs in the West Valley that he dubbed WV1 through WV4.
The tombs in the West Valley were later incorporated into the East Valley numbering system as WV22 through WV25, and tombs that have been opened since Wilkinson's time have been added to the list.
Since the early 19th century AD, antiquarians and archaeologists have cleared and recorded tombs, with a total of 61 sepulchers being known by the start of the 20th century. Some of the tombs are unoccupied, others remain unidentifiable as regards to their owners, and still others are merely pits used for storage.
So that's about it...", Teddy concluded, knowing that it wasn't, but also knowing that the crumbly wall, and the hot sun, meant that he has said quite enough.
Valley of the Kings - Panorama - West Bank - Luxor - Egypt
"So what tombs can we go in ?", Max asked, probably keen to see some grisly mummies.Teddy thought for a moment.....
"Most of the tombs are not open to the public.
Eighteen of the tombs can be made available, but they are rarely open at the same time, and officials occasionally close those that are open for what they call 'restoration work'.
The number of visitors to KV62 - Tutankhamun - has led to a separate charge for entry into the tomb - but at present it is closed, and will not be opened again in the foreseeable future.
The West Valley has only one open tomb - that of Ay - and a separate ticket is also needed to visit this tomb.
Visitors are expected to proceed quietly, presumably in case they waken the spirits of the dead, and in single file through the tombs." Teddy continued.
"So are the mummies still in the tombs ?", Glen asked.
"No - except for Tutankhamun, whose mummy is claimed by the Antiquities Department to still be in KV62 - although why only his mummy has been left is not clear - as all the others are either lost, in the Cairo museum, or in other museums." Teddy said.
"And the single file bit ?", Zac asked
"This is to minimize time in the tombs - which I don't really understand, and prevent the crowds from damaging - sometimes purposefully - the surfaces of the decoration.
Presumably no one has thought of Perspex or toughened glass panels to protect the fragile paintings.
There is also the problem of humidity - although as the visitors cannot be expected to stop breathing, the only alternative is dehumidifiers and air conditioning - but again the authorities are not prepared to install such devices.
There is also the problem of the rising water-table, for which we need to thank the past president - Gamal Abdel Nasser, and his Aswan Dam project.
So things do not look very good for the future of the West Bank - or the East Bank for that matter.", Teddy explained.
"So...", Josh asked - presumably not intending to leave without visiting at least one tomb.
"Well, with Faunus with us, I doubt if any of those regulations apply, but we must see.", Teddy replied, not wanting to commit himself.
"So which is the best tomb to see, Teddy ?", Glen asked.
"I would say that the tomb of Seti I is the most spectacular..", Teddy replied.
"What....not Tutankhamun ?", Max said, sounding surprised.
"Well we might be able to see Tutankhamun later, but Tutankhamun's tomb is very small, and the wall paintings are nothing special.
It's not like most people imagine.
All the gold and furniture and shrines are in Cairo - and you've seen them.
All that's in the tomb is the sarcophagus.", Teddy explained.
"Oh...", Max said, sounding disappointed
"So, Faunus...can you get us into Seti I's tomb ? Ethan asked.
"Why not...", Faunus answered.
So they walked to where Teddy's map showed KV 17 - the tomb of Seti I, which strangely enough was almost opposite the tomb of Tutankhamun.
Faunus approached the tomb's 'guardian' (the odd title given to the rather disreputable characters who stood at the tomb entrance, ready to take tickets and confiscate everyone's' camera (in the weird belief that a camera flash would fade wall paintings which were bathed in bright fluorescent right for about eight hours a day) - but of course backsheesh was required for the camera to be returned.
"Faunus, however, simply showed the 'guardian' his identity card, and then told the 'guardian', in Arabic, in that strangely modulated voice, that the 'guardian' 'didn't need to keep the boy's cameras, and didn't need to see any tickets, and not to let anyone else into the tomb until they left' - and so they were allowed to enter the tomb.
"Right...." Teddy replied, and then began his little talk - thankfully dropping his 'phoney' Egyptian Arabic accent.
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Plan of the Tomb of Set I - KV 17 |
It is also the best example of an offset, or jogged royal tomb in the valley.
It was discovered in October 1817 by the Italian amateur archaeologist Giovanni Battista Belzoni, and the tomb was discovered only a few days after the tomb of his father, Ramesses I.", Teddy began.
And so, with Teddy in the lead, they started on their way down into the tomb. (I)
"As in many of the tombs of the Valley, this stairway leads to a first corridor, and then to a second stairway (II), and a second corridor (III), which in turn leads to the ritual shaft (IV).
For the first time, the 'Litany of Ra' appears on the walls of these first two passages, with scenes from the 'Amduat' - the third hour - also in the second passage, as well as deeper sections of the tomb.
Just within the entrance to the tomb is a scene on the left that depicts the king praying in front of the sun 'god' Ra in his falcon headed shape, with the sun disk.
Later, within the ritual shaft, decorations follow an established pattern showing the king before various neteru, and the deities include Isis, Hathor and Osiris.", Teddy continued, helpfully pointing with his furry paw to the various images as he named them.
"After the ritual shaft we come to the four pillared hall (V) eight meters wide.
Here are scenes from the Book of Gates.
There is an innovation here with an Osiris shrine, which marks the transition into the lower reaches of the tomb.
In the back of this room, and to the right, there another room of similar dimensions with only two pillars (VI).
You'll notice the decorations in this two pillared room are only sketched, depicting the ninth through eleventh hours of the Amduat.
At the back of the four pillared hall is a stairway, originally closed off and painted to suggest that the tomb ended here, that leads to a third corridor (VII), and then to a final stairway (VIII), a small antechamber (IX), and then the six pillared burial chamber (X).
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Tomb of Set I - KV 17 - Valley of the Kings - West Bank - Luxor |
In the antechamber, Seti is shown sacrificing and praying before Anubis, Isis, Horus the son of Isis, Hathor and Osiris, and on the rear wall of this chamber Seti is shown in front of Ptah and Nefertum.
The burial chamber is divided into two parts, a six pillared room, and at the back, a crypt. The ceiling of the burial chamber is painted with astronomical decorations.
The ceiling in the crypt area is vaulted, and painted with astronomical decorations.
It records specific constellations of the night sky, along with the various decans or calendar units.
The decorative theme of the burial chamber includes passages from the 'Book of Gates' and the Amduat.
Steps at the back pair of pillars in the burial chamber lead down into the crypt (XIII).
Here, Belzoni found an elegant empty alabaster sarcophagus, a little less than three meters long and with walls only five centimetres thick, making it translucent.
Upon it were engraved passages from the 'Book of Gates' as well as passages from the 'Book of the Dead'.
This sarcophagus was later purchased by Sir John Soane, who put it in his London Museum at Lincoln's Inn Fields, where it remains today..."
Teddy then paused....
"And now you have the uphill climb in order to leave the tomb...", Teddy concluded.

On leaving the tomb of Seti they were immediately struck by the brilliance of the daylight, and the fierce heat of the sun.
Fortunately, the other tomb that they were to see was just across the narrow walkway running down the centre of the wadi.
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Gold Funeral Mask of Pharaoh Tutankhamun |

KV 62 had been for some considerable time permanently closed, but Faunus had little trouble having it 'specially' opened for his 'special' group.
The tomb is not a deep tomb, and surprisingly small.
Teddy had Faunus gathered the group in the undecorated entrance corridor, so that he could give his introduction.
So Teddy began....
"Now, the recent story of KV 62 begins with an American archaeologist, Theodore M. Davis, whose team uncovered in 1907 a small site containing funerary artefacts bearing Tutankhamun's name. The details of the find are documented in a book he published in 1912 book, which concluded, 'I fear that the Valley of the Kings is now exhausted.'
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Lord Carnarvon and Howard Carter |
Lord Carnarvon employed a British Egyptologist, Howard Carter, to excavate the site of KV62, and Carter returned to a line of huts that he had abandoned a few seasons earlier.
His team cleared the huts and rock debris beneath, and their young water boy stumbled on a stone which turned out to be the top of a flight of steps cut into the bedrock. Carter had the steps partially dug out until the team found the top of a mud-plastered doorway.
The doorway was stamped with indistinct cartouches.
Carter ordered the staircase to be refilled and sent a telegram to Carnarvon, who arrived on 23 November.
The excavators cleared the stairway completely, which revealed clearer seals lower down on the door bearing the name of Tutankhamun.
Further examination showed that the door had been breached, and resealed on at least two occasions.
Clearing the doorway led to a downward corridor that was completely blocked with packed limestone chippings, through which robbers' had tunnelled.
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Objects found in KV 62 |
Carter then made a hole in the door, and used a candle to check for foul gases before looking inside. In the candlelight Carter saw numerous articles that appeared to be made of gold.
Carter's team opened the tomb on November 29, and they made the first announcement and press conference the next day.
They removed the first item from the tomb on December 27.
On February 16, 1923, the team opened the burial chamber,.
On February 12, 1924, the team raised the granite lid of the sarcophagus.
Lord Carnarvon, who was funding the project, died in Cairo on April 5.
In April, Carter argued with the Antiquities Service and left the excavation for the United States.
In January 1925, Carter resumed activities in the tomb, and he removed the cover of the first sarcophagus on October 13.
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Carter Examines the Mummy of Tutankhamun - KV 62 |
They began work in the treasury on October 24, 1926, and they emptied and examined the annex between October 30 and December 15, 1927.
They removed the last objects from the tomb on November 10, 1930, eight years after the discovery.
"So why is this tomb so small ?", Max asked, "I mean the other one - that Seti guy, was really massive."
"Well, Max, Tutankhamun it seems died very young, and probably unexpectedly - so they had no time to make a big tomb for him.
He had no children either, so his Vizier - like his 'chief minister' - an old man, became the next Pharaoh.
This vizier, called 'Ay', is shown in the burial chamber - the only decorated part of the tomb, directing the funeral ceremonies.
And so they all followed Ethan and Teddy into the burial chamber.
The tomb was obviously not used very often, as the burial chamber was in darkness, so Zac found a rather antiquated switch board, and switched on all the lights.
"Wow !, it is small !", Ethan said, looking round at the chamber from the odd sort of 'balcony' overlooking the sarcophagus.
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Wall Painting - Tomb of Tutankhamun - KV 62 - West Bank - Luxor |
"Well, Max, Tutankhamun it seems died very young, and probably unexpectedly - so they had no time to make a big tomb for him.
He had no children either, so his Vizier - like his 'chief minister' - an old man, became the next Pharaoh.
This vizier, called 'Ay', is shown in the burial chamber - the only decorated part of the tomb, directing the funeral ceremonies.
And so they all followed Ethan and Teddy into the burial chamber.
The tomb was obviously not used very often, as the burial chamber was in darkness, so Zac found a rather antiquated switch board, and switched on all the lights.
"Wow !, it is small !", Ethan said, looking round at the chamber from the odd sort of 'balcony' overlooking the sarcophagus.
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Burial Chamber - KV 62 - Tutankhamun - West Bank - Luxor |
Faunus smiled, and Teddy thought for a minute while computing a suitable answer.
"I think because it is one of the few tombs anywhere where so much 'treasure' has been found - and also because of lots of strange stories are told about what happened after the tomb had been opened... something about a 'curse', and lots of the people who were involved in the discovery dying...", Teddy said.
"Well, I hope that the 'curse' doesn't affect us...", Glen said, sounding nervous.
"Don't worry...", Faunus said,... "We're all quite safe."
"So is that Tutankhamun's mummy down there in that great big stone box ?", Max asked - referring to the stone sarcophagus.
"Well what you can see, Max, is just the coffin, covered in gold leaf - and we are told that Tutankhamun's mummy is inside... maybe.", Teddy said, obviously not willing to commit himself.
"So I think a lot of people would be quite disappointed to see this tomb - although I think it's quite 'cool'...", Ethan commented.
"But then you haven't queued up for ages in the hot sun, and paid a lot for a ticket - and you have the luxury of seeing it without lots of other people around....", Faunus said.
"True...", Ethan admitted.
"I'd rather see it all on my own.. ", Josh said...
"Yes.. well most people would - but not many people get the chance.....", Glen said.

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Morssey's Restaurant - West Bank |
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West Bank Street Scene - Luxor Egypt |
what about some lunch ?".
"Good idea...then I can have a bit of a rest...", Teddy said, as he instantly turned himself off.
They then left the tomb, found Hassan waiting patiently for them in his taxi, and drove off, through the streets of the West Bank - practically deserted because of the blistering heat of the midday sun, under Faunus' instructions, to Morssey's for their midday meal.
At least on the roof of Morssey's there was a coll breeze, and the assurance of a good meal.
Once they had all ordered, Faunus started chatting to the proprietor.
Teddy's 'language detector', which operated even when his main systems were shut down, detected a familiar voice speaking Arabic, and Teddy's main functions automatically switched on.
"Hi !", Teddy said, to no one in particular, as he scanned the area to ascertain what was going on.
The others, of course, didn't understand what was being said, but Faunus explained it all to them later.
It seemed that there was talk in the village about the strange disappearance of two of Haj Abdu's sons, and also the disappearance of the حارس 'haris' of the haj.
The West Bank Police had not, it seemed, been informed - and apparently most people considered that the strange business was the result of family rivalry with regard to who should inherit control of the sizeable fortune of the haj on his demise, and suspicion had fallen on an alliance between the eldest and youngest son of the haj, against the other two.
Exactly how the حارس 'haris', Ramadan, had been involved was not entirely clear, and the main topic of conversation seemed to be how no bodies had been discovered, and speculation regarding where they had ended up - probably weighted and deposited in the Nile.
Regardless, however, there seemed to be no suspicion with regard to the strange American tourists - as they would obviously have no motive with regard to the matter.
The 'boys', quite naturally, were much relieved as to how the matter had turned out.
The lunch, of course, was excellent, but the 'boys' had had enough of ancient Egyptian antiquities, and it was decide to make their way back to to East Bank.
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Luxor - East Bank - Panorama |

After the trip to the Valley of the Kings, Khonsu gives Faunus, Ethan and Teddy a full briefing on the mission that the 'guardians' have proposed......