Jim, Faunus, Ethan and Teddy, and Zac and Josh make their way back to Qurnah in Hassan's taxi in order to meet with Khonsu. With the Help of Sekhmet, Ethan finds Khonsu in the Mosque, and then Faunus tells Khonsu that the secret of their search for the cave may be known to others. Khons then reveals the alarming fact that anyone other than those who Khonsu has named who attempt to enter the cave will die in the attempt. Forewarned, and guided by the reunited cats, sekhmet and Bastet, the 'boys', Teddy and Faunus then make their way through to Theban Hills, and enter the cave........
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Ptolemaic Alabaster Vase |
And then they had the problem of the vase that they had bought from haj Abdu.
"OK, Hassan... now we need to leave this vase in your taxi, but if you have anywhere that you can hide it securely then show me.", Jim said as he handed Hassan the well padded parcel.
Jim continued to explain....
"The vase is very valuable so, if it gets lost then you will be in a lot of trouble....
Now I'm a nice guy, but Zac here isn't, and he makes problems for anyone who causes me trouble - that's his job, and what I pay him for, so if you think anyone might try to steal the vase just 'phone Zac immediately, and get any help you can from people around.", Jim said - very seriously.
"Why you say this, Sir... are you expecting a problem ?", Hassan asked, sounding alarmed.
"Possibly.", Jim replied.
"OK... then, I 'phone Mahmoud, and tell him to bring some of our friends here in a taxi - so everything's OK.", Hassan replied.
"Good !", Zac said.
"And now to find Khonsu....", Josh said.
"Well why don't you let Sekhmet find him ?", Ethan said.
"Good idea, Ethan...", Jim said, as he put Sekhmet down, and let her wander off, with Ethan and Teddy following.
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Alabaster Factory - Qurnah - West Bank |

Jim greeted Khonsu, but then Faunus took Khonsu off to another table to to explain, (in Arabic...perhaps ?), to Khonsu about what had been happening that day, and in particular about Ethan mistakenly revealing to the people at the alabaster factory about the search for the cave.
"So we must be careful when we go to the cave, in case we are being followed...", Faunus said.
"True... but if anyone does follow us they will not be able to enter the cave...", Khonsu said.
"But what's to stop them ?", Faunus asked.
Because if they do enter the cave, then they will surely die...", Khonsu said.
"Well, you hid that well... even I didn't detect that in your thoughts...", Faunus said.
"I know... I was able to distract you, and hide it from you... but it was difficult.", Khonsu admitted.
"But it's good that I know, as I can warn Zac and Ethan.", Faunus said.
"And what about Ethan....", Faunus asked, obviously concerned.
"Ethan is allowed in the cave as he is the 'only one who may enter' - meaning the only 'human'.
You and Jim of course, are 'special cases' - not being 'ordinary mortals'.... and 'Teddy' - well 'Teddy', as you call him, is 'special' also.", Khonsu explained.
"And what about you...?", Jim asked, hoping that Khonsu might say something g about himself.
"In this case, I am permitted entry as I am the 'guardian' of the cave.
The cave is as safe for me as it is for you....", Khonsu replied, not giving anything away.
So Faunus warned Zac and Josh, and after Zac had checked the firearms and the torches they set off, with the cats happily reunited, and Bastet leading the way, and Sekhmet staying at the rear, and it must have been at that point that Faunus 'disappeared' - but no one, except Khonsu noticed, as the night was very, very dark.
The pathway was steep - and nothing was said as they followed the cats.
They passed a number of cave entrances - each on gaping menacingly - but none were sculpted in that strange way - in the likeness of a lion's head - that was the sign of their special cave.
Then suddenly both Bastet and Sekhmet sat down in front of very ordinary looking cave and stared at the entrance.
Slowly the cave entrance morphed into the lion's head that they had seen before, and this time there was a faint luminescence - or maybe mist - emanating from the lion's mouth, and the eyes of the lion glowed very faintly.
"Creepy !", Ethan whispered.
"So now what do we do ?", Josh asked.
"Well, to begin with, don't you or Zac go into the cave... no matter what happens !", Faunus said.
And then they heard, like innumerable echoing whispers, a low, deep voice.....
"Only ONE may enter !...",
"OK... we get the point..", Zac replied quietly.
Bastet and Sekhmet, however, scampered into the cave.
"So this is the cave you talk of...", a deep, harsh voice said from behind them.
It was Hassan, from the alabaster factory, with Mahmoud and Ramadan.
"The Haj sent us because he wants the vase.. and he wants to know what is in the cave.", Hassan continued.
Both Hassan and Ramadan had revolvers pointed at Faunus and Jim.
"I think you all might regret what you're doing...", Khonsu replied in Arabic.
"Why should we ...? We have the guns... and we are going to search the cave...", Hassan said boldly - also in Arabic.
"Well, I can't stop you...", Khonsu said, gesturing for Hassan, and the two others to enter.
"Stay out here, and watch them...", Hassan - in Arabic - said to Ramadan.
Then Hassan and Mahmoud entered the cave.
Moments later the dull glow emanating from the entrance to the cave flickered and flared.
"Hassan ? Mahmoud ? Are you alright ?", Ramadan called, looking nervous.
"Push him in, Zac !", Khonsu said, while Ramadan was trying to peer into the steadily increasing glow in the cave.
Ramadan staggered forwards, and seemed to simply disappear into the bluish glow... and then there was silence.
"Odd...?", Ethan said, looking to Faunus.
"Not really..." Khonsu replied.
"So, Khonsu ?", Teddy asked.
"Well, with no bodies to be recovered, and with the Haj unwilling to involve the police, considering his illegal dealings... that's the last we've heard of them... but I did warn them...", Faunus said.
"Yes... you did warn them..", Teddy agreed calmly.
"Well I didn't like any of them from when I first saw them...", Ethan said...
"So what now ?", Teddy asked.
"Well, I'll check by 'phone with Hassan that everything's OK down in the village, and you and Ethan can go into the cave.", Khonsu said.
"You must be fuckin' joking...! After what happened to those three !", Ethan said.
"Now don't be silly, Ethan... I'm the 'Guardian', and you are 'the ONE who may enter' !", Khonsu replied.
"Well only if Jim comes with me...", Ethan said nervously.
So Ethan carried Teddy in one hand, and held Jim's hand with his other hand, and they made their way - very hesitantly - into the strange glowing mist that seemed to fill the entrance of the cave.
As they proceeded, the cave seemed to grew more and more light.
"That's very odd... it doesn't seem like we're in a cave at all... more like in the open, and in daylight... and there's Sekhmet and Bastet waiting for us.", Ethan said.
"Yes, and where's Hassan, Mahmoud and Ramadan - who disappeared ?", Jim asked.
"Disappeared, by the look of it...", Teddy replied.
Gradually it became brighter, and it seemed as if they were not in a cave at all, but standing on a broad flat 'paved' plain.
"This is really strange...", Ethan mumbled.
"Flying Saucers and 'Pyramid Ships' were really weird, but this - this is crazy...", Ethan then said - beginning to sound alarmed.
Then the clouds that filled the 'sky' in very peculiar way began to fade slightly, and a low wall with two plinths appeared.
Sekhmet and Bastet, as if previously choreographed, trotted towards the plinths, climbed onto them, and sat elegantly - like two black basalt statutes - apparently waiting for Jim, Ethan and Teddy.
Meanwhile the misty clouds continued to swirl, slowly revealing looming stone structures.
"This is very interesting, Ethan.
You see I think these images have been taken from our recent experiences - here in Egypt - of temples and obelisks and such like - but I really think we're just standing inside a dark cave in the Theban Hills...", Teddy suggested.
Regardless of what Teddy was suggesting, the clouds continued to swirl, and then gradually receded until the foreground became clear and sharp.
"Wowy !... That's really impressive !...", Ethan said.
"Yes, but as Teddy suggested, it may not be 'real', but just something made up from our recent experiences.", Jim said.
"Well, it looks real enough to me - but one thing's odd.
Those gate-thingys, they seem rather familiar to me... like something we saw in that 'Pyramid Ship' in Chaco Canyon... remember ?
So I hope we're not going to have another session with Upuaut...
That guy gave me the creeps.", Ethan said.
"Well, if we're going to test if it's 'real', let's go up the steps and check it out...", Jim suggested.
"And by the way, what's happened to Khonsu ?", Teddy said.
"I'm here, behind you...", the voice of Khonsu replied.
" OK - then let's go up the steps, and have a look at those doors...", Jim said.
So they mounted the steps, that seemed solid enough, and Sekhmet and Bastet climbed off their plinths, and followed Ethan and Khonsu.
"Well, it all seems solid enough...", Ethan said.
"True - but although it might seem solid, it might not actually be 'real' in the ordinary way that we think of things as being 'real' - after all, think about how 'solid' things seem in some of your dreams...", Teddy said.
And as if to make the point clear to them, something else strange happened... the huge, beautifully decorated golden doors simply faded, and then disappeared.
"Mm... lot of 'disappearing' goes on in this place...", Ethan commented.
"So now what do we do ? - just step out into the clouds ?", Jim asked.
"It's a test, Jim... testing your trust and faith...", Teddy said.
"Well in that case... we've got no choice...", Ethan said, surprised that he could be so brave.
So Jim stepped into the cloud, and felt solid ground under his foot.
"I think it's OK...", Jim said - taking a full step, and accompanied by Ethan and Teddy, and quickly followed by Khonsu.
However, as soon as they left the apparent security of the Pylon, odd things started to happen.
"Oh shit !, I thought this might be a mistake...", Ethan said as the seeming daylight began to fade, along with the clouds.
"Now what's happening ?", Jim said, as the clouds were replaced by a starry sky, and at the same time two rows of columns, some steps, and a set of gilded doors seem to rise up from the still misty floor.
"Yes... well... not so bad...
And I do like the 'doggy-thingys'....
Pity some of the places we've been visiting lately didn't look as 'cool' as this place...", Ethan said, as he surveyed the emerging scene.
"So Jim, wotcha think's goin' on...?", Ethan then asked.
"Well, Khonsu... do you mind if we take a breather here, and talk about what we should do...?", Jim asked.
Khonsu nodded in agreement.
Ethan sat himself down beside one on the Anubis statues, and Sekhmet immediately sat on his lap, with Bastet sitting beside him.
"So, this is not like our previous meetings.
There's no attempt to make us think that we're entering a 'spaceship' of any kind...", Jim began.
"Yes, that's true...", Ethan said.
"But the question is, are we outside - or inside the cave ?", Teddy asked, as he stroked Bastet.
"Well, whoever asked us to come here - through Glen, if you remember - they are certainly putting on a good show, and trying to impress us...", Jim said.
"Yes, but to what purpose ?", Teddy asked.

"If they simply want to talk to us, or give us a message, I'm sure there are simpler ways to do it.", Teddy, being very sceptical, continued.
"Well I think it all looks very pretty...", Ethan said.
"But just think what the archaeologists and Egyptologists would say if all this really was inside an unknown cave in the Theban Hills.", Jim said.
"Yes... but as you said - 'if it was really inside a cave on the West Bank'...", Ethan said, repeating Jim's words.
"So, I think we are coming round to the idea that it's some sort of an 'illusion-thingy'...", Ethan said.
"Well, aren't most things ?", Khonsu said..
"So this isn't getting us very far... but as, for us at least, nothing untoward has happened, so I think we should press on...", Jim said.
"Okey dokey... but it depends what's up ahead.
It looks like there's a little room there, through the gateway, and we can see one set of doors, but maybe there are other sets of doors going off left and right, or maybe corridors...", Ethan said.
"Well you can think about that when you get there...", Khonsu said.
"So let's hope the doors in this place either just open, or disappear, like the other ones did..." Jim said.
As it happened, when they approached the doors, they just silently opened, and there were no other doors or corridors, so no decisions needed to be taken.
"Yes, and why all those columns when it seems that there's no ceiling to support ?", Teddy asked, being logical as usual.
And why are there no cute doggies here ?", Ethan asked, more interested in 'Disney style' decoration than logic.
"You know, I remember in the beginning, with these 'pesky aliens', and there was just this ordinary 'spaceship' corridor - like you'd see in any science fiction movie - and now look what we've got !
We'll need a ten minute rest to get our breath back by the time we get to the next set of doors, and then they'll probably be more doors - and all the time I've got to carry Teddy.", Ethan said, as he began trudging along the column lined, marble corridor.
"Well I can walk....!
Maybe not as fast as you - I've only got little legs... but you don't have to carry me !", Teddy said grumpily.
"So Khonsu... how much further do we have to go before we make contact with anyone ?", Jim asked, as they made their way down the long corridor.
"I don't know, 'effendi'.... I am only the guardian of this cave, and I am not permitted to pass beyond the door to which we are coming now.", Khonsu replied.
"Ah... there we go again with that 'not permitted' business...", Ethan said...
"Well... I'm obliged to respect that fact...", Khonsu replied calmly.
"OK... but what no one will tell me is who is it who 'does not permit'...", Ethan said, seemingly aware that he was never going to get to the bottom of this particular conundrum.
"Well, as I am sure you are aware, there are 'beings' greater than ourselves who are empowered to make such decisions - decisions to which we must conform.", Khonsu said.
"Yes... well, that's very classy talk, but be honest... you're not really answering my question...", Ethan said persistently.
"So what ? - You will wait here, while we go through the doors..."Jim asked.
"Yes, effendi.
I will wait with Sekhmet and Bastet...", Khonsu said.
"And we will return...? ... Not like the others who disappeared.", Ethan asked.
"Of course, Ethan... why would I guide you here, just to bring you into danger... and besides you are the master of Sekhmet now... Sekhmet who loves both you, and Jim, and the being you call Teddy.", Khonsu replied.
"I see... well at least that's nice to know...", Ethan said, not sounding very convinced.
So.... Jim, Ethan and Teddy stepped towards the doors, which obligingly opened for them.
The next thing that happened was that Teddy squeaked.
Ethan then nearly fell over Teddy who was still insisting on walking everywhere.
"Shit !, Who's turned off the lights ?", Ethan said, struggling to regain his balance.
Jim looked round.
"It seems that the doors have closed behind us... so we're caught in the dark.", Jim continued.
"Now I've never noticed this before, Teddy, but you seem to be glowing in the dark." Ethan said, sounding puzzled.
"Oh yes, that's my 'emergency glow'....", Teddy replied.
"Well can't you turn up the brightness, and show us where we are ?", Ethan demanded.
"No, it's on a special setting so that I don't run out of energy, otherwise if I run out, you may have a problem 'rebooting' me.", Teddy replied.
"Okey dokey... well just glow softly, and perhaps we can work out where we are...", Ethan said... frightened that Teddy might run down and never start up again.
"So what about your torches that Zac gave you ?", Teddy sensibly asked.
"Problem... Teddy....
As soon as we came in here I tried to put mine on, and for some reason it didn't work.", Jim said... and Ethan agreed.
"Well, if we just turn round, and walk straight on, we should come back to the doors - which hopefully should open.", Jim suggested.
So they tried that... and simply banged into a wall - which they didn't remember being there before.
"Greetings !
We are pleased that you were able to take up our invitation...", a strange voice then said, apparently out of nowhere....
"Well yes.... er...Hi !... whoever you are... But would you mind putting the lights on please ?..", Ethan asked, trying to be as polite as possible.
"Of course...", the voice replied.
Then slowly, and rather theatrically, the lighting grew from a dim glow to a brightness which was almost - but not quite - like daylight.
"Oh... that's better... Now I can switch off my 'emergency glow', and begin to recharge.", Teddy said.
"Don't' worry about Teddy's strange expression - he always looks like that when he's recharging.
He'll be back to normal in a few minutes.", Ethan explained - hoping that 'the voice' was still listening.
"By the way... 'like the plants...
Pretty clever, as you're in a cave.", Ethan commented - finding the one sided conversation a little embarrassing.
"OK... Fully charged...", Teddy then said.
"But wait !...Where's Faunus ?", Ethan asked, sounding panicky.
"I thinks he decided to disappear again...", Teddy said.
"And just when we needed him...", Jim said.
But before they could say anything else, or try to find Faunus, the invisible voice interrupted them.
"So now we wish to talk with you....", the nameless voice said.
"That's alright, but where is our companion Faunus ?", Jim asked.
"I do not know...", the voice replied, seemingly unconcerned.
"I see... but is there any chance of something to sit on... while we wait for him to reappear...
It's been a long hike up from the village, and then through all these very nicely decorated - but maybe a bit pointless - halls and courtyards.., ", Ethan asked.
"Of course... one moment...", the voice replied.
The surrounding setting then faded, and was replaced by a balcony, some comfortable looking chairs, and a sky of bright, pale clouds.
"Well... not much of a view... but the seats look very comfortable..
Better than the ones we were given to sit on in the 'saucer' ...cold uncomfortable cubes they were... but then you seem to be a 'different lot' from those skinny little grey guys.", Ethan commented, rather un-diplomatically.
Jim, of course made no attempt to intervene in Ethan's chatter as, so far, nothing of any consequence had been discussed - but he was concerned by the unexplained disappearance of Faunus.
Meanwhile, Teddy climbed onto one of the seats, and was apparently checking something on his 'database'.
"Don't worry, Jim... Faunus will be back soon.", Teddy said reassuringly.
Jim looked confused, but didn't ask for an explanation as Teddy could usually be trusted to be right.
"Yes....we are a 'different lot' as you say.", the voice commented - seemingly ignoring what Teddy had just said.
"Yes... and those seats and that balcony remind me of somewhere....", Teddy then said.
"Yes, everything that you are experiencing, except for my voice, is taken from your memories and imagination...", the voice said.
"Okey dokey... so what do you want to talk about ?", Ethan asked.
"Many things...", the voice said.
There was a long pause - probably for dramatic effect...
"From the beginning of times, the many worlds have been haunted by countless 'entities'... some benign, and some inimical." the voice began.
"Inimi-whaty ?", Ethan asked.
"It means unfriendly or harmful", Teddy quickly explained.
"Some entities are simply mischievous - playing games...", the voice continued.
"Already you, Jim, and your friends, have been involved with those who are mischievous, and those who were not entirely honest.
You can know this by the simple fact that, if you analyse what has been happening, there has simply been no point to your contacts with them.
Nothing has actually come of your experiences.", the voice explained.
"That's true...", Jim replied.
The voice continued...
"Such entities, however, can cause the recipients of their messages to sink into madness, self destructive acts and such like.
These entities can also give those who they contact seemingly great powers.
This is the case with the Jinn, who can make wishes come to fruition, but sometimes in ways that are not to the recipients benefit.
Those who receive messages from entities can found religions, or create great empires - like your Alexander 'the Great' - of Macedon, who was given a message at the Siwa Oasis, supposedly from the 'god ' Zeus Amon'.
Those who take such actions are almost always deceived, and cause dissension and suffering, and often have their own lives ended prematurely, and in an unpleasant manner.
Warnings rarely have any effect, as the entities almost always offer power, pleasure, renown and wealth to those who they contact.", the voice continued.
"OK... So why were we not offered power, pleasure, renown and wealth ?", Jim astutely asked.
"Because you and your friends, it seems are 'special'...", the voice replied calmly.
"And how are we 'special'... Ethan asked, genuinely puzzled.
"Well, firstly you have been inducted into the greatest of the mysteries - Ἐλευσίνια Μυστήρια - something that was not available to Alexander, Jesus, Mohammed, Genghis Khan, Napoleon and others far too numerous to mention.
Those who have experienced the mysteries are 'special', and cannot be the subject of ill treatment by the 'entities' of which I have been speaking.
Also you have the protection of a powerful and positive 'entity' that you refer to as 'Faunus'.
But most important, the 'leader', if you like, of your group, Jim, here - or should I say Markos, by his Greek name - is 'αγαπημένοι από τους θεούς' - 'loved by the gods' - the 'gods' who are the 'ineffable and ever-living Æons', and so none of you will ever come to any harm, although the false 'entities' may waste your time, or even harm those with whom you might associate...".
"So what's so special about these 'ineffable and ever-living Æons' that I keep hearing about ?", Ethan asked.
"That's difficult to explain in a few words, Ethan.
They are the greatest of all the sentient beings that exist in the infinite number of worlds, and infinite number of universes.
Known by many names, and represented in many forms, they are the 'pure emanations' of the 'ONE' - and as such the Æons have no beginning and no end.", the voice explained.
"Well, you've lost me there... but obviously they're very special and important.
Jim smiled, knowing that Ethan's simple description was probably as accurate at that of the greatest philosophers.
"But then also you are 'special' because of what you have experienced.
You know that accumulating, power, and wealth is pointless...
None of you seem to desire renown or fame...
And as for pleasure... you simply take that as it comes, but do not strive for it.
You see, the entities have no hold over any of you.
You simply float on the 'surface of life' - and that is what comes of having been inducted into the greatest of the mysteries - Ἐλευσίνια Μυστήρια.", the voice continued.
"But I don't even remember being inducted into these mystery-thingys.", Ethan said, sounding exasperated.
"No matter... no man remembers in any detail the mysteries - and that is why, after thousands of years, they are still 'mysteries'.", the voice said.
"..'Suppose so...", Ethan said, satisfied to give up on the whole matter.
"But I sense that, unlike these other entities, you want something from us, although from what you have said, I get the impression that it is up to us if we agree to help or otherwise.", Jim said.
"Yes... that is very true...
And now I must come to the reason why we called you here...", the hidden voice said.
"Another way that you and your friends, Jim, are 'special', is in the fact that you have travelled in time.
This is, I probably need not say, a very unusual accomplishment, and it was the fact that undoubtedly attracted a certain Doctor Siegfried Brandt to you, Jim.
Fortunately, after some unpleasant incidents, your 'guardian', Faunus, with the help of the entity called 'Teddy', here was able to neutralize this particular threat to you and your companions.", the voice explained.
"Now I don't want to sound fussy, but can we have less if this 'entity called Teddy' business.
I'm just Teddy, like Jim is Jim, and Ethan is Ethan....", Teddy said, sounding quite annoyed.
"I'm sorry, Teddy....
I just didn't want to sound as if I was being 'familiar'..", the voice said gently.
"That's alright... whoever you are... but just remember in future...",Teddy said firmly.
"Well... to get back to why we called you here...", the voice continued.
"Yes... 'good idea...", Ethan said.
"You will recall, Jim, that Mr. Alexander Johnson took you on a journey across the southern states of the USA. ?", the voice asked.
Jim nodded, although to whom he was not sure...
And one of the places that you visited was a town in New Mexico called Roswell.
The town was famous for a number of reasons...
One reason was the fact that a certain Robert Goddard had located to Roswell in order to undertake experiment with rockets which marked the beginning of human being's first attempts to reach outer space, and other worlds.
Another reason for Roswell being famous was the fact that the first bomber force - the United States Air Force 509th Bomber Wing - carrying atomic bombs was stationed at Roswell.
Possibly the most famous event associated with Roswell was the reported crash of a 'flying disc', and the possible recovery of 'aliens' from the wreckage by the United States military.
It is our belief that these 'aliens' were 'real aliens', in the sense that they had come from another 'star system'.
Now it is not possible, no matter how fast such 'entities' travel, to come from another 'star system to this 'star system' in a single journey - but such a journey may be achieved, over very long periods of time, by gradual steps - setting up bases on suitable planets or moons - and this is what happened with the beings that humans refer to as 'Greys', - and it explains why the 'disks' are so small.
That crash was in 1947 - as you should know, and we know that you, and your companions, actually spoke to some of the humans who witnessed aspects of the crash.
Now it is our contention that the states in question - New Mexico, Nevada and Arizona - became the centres of 'alien' interest from 1945 onwards because of the development of nuclear and space technologies which occurred in those areas.", the voice continued.
Jim, Ethan and Teddy listened without comment - but noted how much 'whoever it was who was talking to them' seemed to know about them, and how so much of what was being said seemed to focus on 'nuts and bolts' space technology, rather than 'mysticism', philosophy or religion.
"Now I don't want to sound disrespectful, but we know all about this... and I find it difficult to understand what all this has to do with Thebes and ancient Egypt.", Jim said.
"Well all these things are connected - in various ways - but as you had last been contacted by 'entities' posing as ancient Egyptians, we guessed that you would be more willing to follow up on that last encounter, rather than meet with those about whom you had no knowledge.", the voice said, almost apologetically.
"OK, so what's the point of all this ?", Ethan asked.
"Well now for something that you may not know.
The 'Greys' fear the effects of humans exploring space, and fear the nuclear technology that they are bringing with them.
Already there are many nuclear powered satellites, and humans are developing high energy propulsion systems that will make travel beyond your star system possible.
The 'Greys' may well take action against such developments, and are already subverting human populations with what humans refer to 'abductions', and are infiltrating information technology and media.", the invisible voice said.
Finally Teddy made a contribution.
"I think your theories regarding the 'Greys' are probably correct, but what has this to do with us.", Teddy asked.
"More than you might imagine...", the invisible voice replied.
"Right... then get on with it..", Ethan said, becoming exasperated with the slow, almost devious way the voice seemed to be explaining things - and he was also worried about Sekhmet - who had been left outside.
"I will, Ethan... and don't worry, Sekhmet is fine...
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The Cave of the Lion |
"True... but if anyone does follow us they will not be able to enter the cave...", Khonsu said.
"But what's to stop them ?", Faunus asked.
Because if they do enter the cave, then they will surely die...", Khonsu said.
"Well, you hid that well... even I didn't detect that in your thoughts...", Faunus said.
"I know... I was able to distract you, and hide it from you... but it was difficult.", Khonsu admitted.
"But it's good that I know, as I can warn Zac and Ethan.", Faunus said.
"And what about Ethan....", Faunus asked, obviously concerned.
"Ethan is allowed in the cave as he is the 'only one who may enter' - meaning the only 'human'.
You and Jim of course, are 'special cases' - not being 'ordinary mortals'.... and 'Teddy' - well 'Teddy', as you call him, is 'special' also.", Khonsu explained.
"And what about you...?", Jim asked, hoping that Khonsu might say something g about himself.
"In this case, I am permitted entry as I am the 'guardian' of the cave.
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Caves in the Theban Hills |
So Faunus warned Zac and Josh, and after Zac had checked the firearms and the torches they set off, with the cats happily reunited, and Bastet leading the way, and Sekhmet staying at the rear, and it must have been at that point that Faunus 'disappeared' - but no one, except Khonsu noticed, as the night was very, very dark.
The pathway was steep - and nothing was said as they followed the cats.
They passed a number of cave entrances - each on gaping menacingly - but none were sculpted in that strange way - in the likeness of a lion's head - that was the sign of their special cave.
Then suddenly both Bastet and Sekhmet sat down in front of very ordinary looking cave and stared at the entrance.
Slowly the cave entrance morphed into the lion's head that they had seen before, and this time there was a faint luminescence - or maybe mist - emanating from the lion's mouth, and the eyes of the lion glowed very faintly.
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Bastet and Sekhmet at the Cave - Theban Hills - West Bank - Luxor |
"So now what do we do ?", Josh asked.
"Well, to begin with, don't you or Zac go into the cave... no matter what happens !", Faunus said.
And then they heard, like innumerable echoing whispers, a low, deep voice.....
"Only ONE may enter !...",
"OK... we get the point..", Zac replied quietly.
Bastet and Sekhmet, however, scampered into the cave.
"So this is the cave you talk of...", a deep, harsh voice said from behind them.
It was Hassan, from the alabaster factory, with Mahmoud and Ramadan.
"The Haj sent us because he wants the vase.. and he wants to know what is in the cave.", Hassan continued.
Both Hassan and Ramadan had revolvers pointed at Faunus and Jim.
"I think you all might regret what you're doing...", Khonsu replied in Arabic.
"Why should we ...? We have the guns... and we are going to search the cave...", Hassan said boldly - also in Arabic.
"Well, I can't stop you...", Khonsu said, gesturing for Hassan, and the two others to enter.
"Stay out here, and watch them...", Hassan - in Arabic - said to Ramadan.
Then Hassan and Mahmoud entered the cave.
Moments later the dull glow emanating from the entrance to the cave flickered and flared.
"Hassan ? Mahmoud ? Are you alright ?", Ramadan called, looking nervous.
"Push him in, Zac !", Khonsu said, while Ramadan was trying to peer into the steadily increasing glow in the cave.
Ramadan staggered forwards, and seemed to simply disappear into the bluish glow... and then there was silence.
"Odd...?", Ethan said, looking to Faunus.
"Not really..." Khonsu replied.
"So, Khonsu ?", Teddy asked.
"Well, with no bodies to be recovered, and with the Haj unwilling to involve the police, considering his illegal dealings... that's the last we've heard of them... but I did warn them...", Faunus said.
"Yes... you did warn them..", Teddy agreed calmly.
"Well I didn't like any of them from when I first saw them...", Ethan said...
"So what now ?", Teddy asked.
"Well, I'll check by 'phone with Hassan that everything's OK down in the village, and you and Ethan can go into the cave.", Khonsu said.
"You must be fuckin' joking...! After what happened to those three !", Ethan said.
"Now don't be silly, Ethan... I'm the 'Guardian', and you are 'the ONE who may enter' !", Khonsu replied.
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Cats and Clouds |
So Ethan carried Teddy in one hand, and held Jim's hand with his other hand, and they made their way - very hesitantly - into the strange glowing mist that seemed to fill the entrance of the cave.
As they proceeded, the cave seemed to grew more and more light.
"That's very odd... it doesn't seem like we're in a cave at all... more like in the open, and in daylight... and there's Sekhmet and Bastet waiting for us.", Ethan said.
"Yes, and where's Hassan, Mahmoud and Ramadan - who disappeared ?", Jim asked.
"Disappeared, by the look of it...", Teddy replied.
Gradually it became brighter, and it seemed as if they were not in a cave at all, but standing on a broad flat 'paved' plain.
"This is really strange...", Ethan mumbled.
"Flying Saucers and 'Pyramid Ships' were really weird, but this - this is crazy...", Ethan then said - beginning to sound alarmed.
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Cats, Clouds Pylons and Obelisks |
Sekhmet and Bastet, as if previously choreographed, trotted towards the plinths, climbed onto them, and sat elegantly - like two black basalt statutes - apparently waiting for Jim, Ethan and Teddy.
Meanwhile the misty clouds continued to swirl, slowly revealing looming stone structures.
"This is very interesting, Ethan.
You see I think these images have been taken from our recent experiences - here in Egypt - of temples and obelisks and such like - but I really think we're just standing inside a dark cave in the Theban Hills...", Teddy suggested.
Regardless of what Teddy was suggesting, the clouds continued to swirl, and then gradually receded until the foreground became clear and sharp.
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The Gateway |
"Yes, but as Teddy suggested, it may not be 'real', but just something made up from our recent experiences.", Jim said.
"Well, it looks real enough to me - but one thing's odd.
Those gate-thingys, they seem rather familiar to me... like something we saw in that 'Pyramid Ship' in Chaco Canyon... remember ?
So I hope we're not going to have another session with Upuaut...
That guy gave me the creeps.", Ethan said.
"Well, if we're going to test if it's 'real', let's go up the steps and check it out...", Jim suggested.
"And by the way, what's happened to Khonsu ?", Teddy said.
"I'm here, behind you...", the voice of Khonsu replied.
" OK - then let's go up the steps, and have a look at those doors...", Jim said.
So they mounted the steps, that seemed solid enough, and Sekhmet and Bastet climbed off their plinths, and followed Ethan and Khonsu.
"Well, it all seems solid enough...", Ethan said.
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The Gateway - Without Doors |
And as if to make the point clear to them, something else strange happened... the huge, beautifully decorated golden doors simply faded, and then disappeared.
"Mm... lot of 'disappearing' goes on in this place...", Ethan commented.
"So now what do we do ? - just step out into the clouds ?", Jim asked.
"It's a test, Jim... testing your trust and faith...", Teddy said.
"Well in that case... we've got no choice...", Ethan said, surprised that he could be so brave.
So Jim stepped into the cloud, and felt solid ground under his foot.
"I think it's OK...", Jim said - taking a full step, and accompanied by Ethan and Teddy, and quickly followed by Khonsu.
However, as soon as they left the apparent security of the Pylon, odd things started to happen.
"Oh shit !, I thought this might be a mistake...", Ethan said as the seeming daylight began to fade, along with the clouds.
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Egyptian Courtyard |
"Yes... well... not so bad...
And I do like the 'doggy-thingys'....
Pity some of the places we've been visiting lately didn't look as 'cool' as this place...", Ethan said, as he surveyed the emerging scene.
"So Jim, wotcha think's goin' on...?", Ethan then asked.
"Well, Khonsu... do you mind if we take a breather here, and talk about what we should do...?", Jim asked.
Khonsu nodded in agreement.
Ethan sat himself down beside one on the Anubis statues, and Sekhmet immediately sat on his lap, with Bastet sitting beside him.
"So, this is not like our previous meetings.
There's no attempt to make us think that we're entering a 'spaceship' of any kind...", Jim began.
"Yes, that's true...", Ethan said.
"But the question is, are we outside - or inside the cave ?", Teddy asked, as he stroked Bastet.
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Message in Glen's Brain |
"Yes, but to what purpose ?", Teddy asked.

"If they simply want to talk to us, or give us a message, I'm sure there are simpler ways to do it.", Teddy, being very sceptical, continued.
"Well I think it all looks very pretty...", Ethan said.
"But just think what the archaeologists and Egyptologists would say if all this really was inside an unknown cave in the Theban Hills.", Jim said.
"Yes... but as you said - 'if it was really inside a cave on the West Bank'...", Ethan said, repeating Jim's words.
"So, I think we are coming round to the idea that it's some sort of an 'illusion-thingy'...", Ethan said.
"Well, aren't most things ?", Khonsu said..
"So this isn't getting us very far... but as, for us at least, nothing untoward has happened, so I think we should press on...", Jim said.
"Okey dokey... but it depends what's up ahead.
It looks like there's a little room there, through the gateway, and we can see one set of doors, but maybe there are other sets of doors going off left and right, or maybe corridors...", Ethan said.
"Well you can think about that when you get there...", Khonsu said.
"So let's hope the doors in this place either just open, or disappear, like the other ones did..." Jim said.
As it happened, when they approached the doors, they just silently opened, and there were no other doors or corridors, so no decisions needed to be taken.
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Corridor with Columns |
"Well golly-gosh ! - What a surprise...
Just more columns, and another set of doors !", Ethan said, as they stepped into a huge, ridiculously long, columned corridor, with another set of gilded doors at the end, and another starry ceiling."Yes, and why all those columns when it seems that there's no ceiling to support ?", Teddy asked, being logical as usual.
And why are there no cute doggies here ?", Ethan asked, more interested in 'Disney style' decoration than logic.
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Corridor in the 'Alien Saucer' |
We'll need a ten minute rest to get our breath back by the time we get to the next set of doors, and then they'll probably be more doors - and all the time I've got to carry Teddy.", Ethan said, as he began trudging along the column lined, marble corridor.
"Well I can walk....!
Maybe not as fast as you - I've only got little legs... but you don't have to carry me !", Teddy said grumpily.
"So Khonsu... how much further do we have to go before we make contact with anyone ?", Jim asked, as they made their way down the long corridor.
"I don't know, 'effendi'.... I am only the guardian of this cave, and I am not permitted to pass beyond the door to which we are coming now.", Khonsu replied.
"Ah... there we go again with that 'not permitted' business...", Ethan said...
"Well... I'm obliged to respect that fact...", Khonsu replied calmly.
"OK... but what no one will tell me is who is it who 'does not permit'...", Ethan said, seemingly aware that he was never going to get to the bottom of this particular conundrum.
"Well, as I am sure you are aware, there are 'beings' greater than ourselves who are empowered to make such decisions - decisions to which we must conform.", Khonsu said.
"Yes... well, that's very classy talk, but be honest... you're not really answering my question...", Ethan said persistently.
"So what ? - You will wait here, while we go through the doors..."Jim asked.
"Yes, effendi.
I will wait with Sekhmet and Bastet...", Khonsu said.
"And we will return...? ... Not like the others who disappeared.", Ethan asked.
"Of course, Ethan... why would I guide you here, just to bring you into danger... and besides you are the master of Sekhmet now... Sekhmet who loves both you, and Jim, and the being you call Teddy.", Khonsu replied.
"I see... well at least that's nice to know...", Ethan said, not sounding very convinced.
So.... Jim, Ethan and Teddy stepped towards the doors, which obligingly opened for them.
The next thing that happened was that Teddy squeaked.
Ethan then nearly fell over Teddy who was still insisting on walking everywhere.
"Shit !, Who's turned off the lights ?", Ethan said, struggling to regain his balance.
Jim looked round.
"It seems that the doors have closed behind us... so we're caught in the dark.", Jim continued.
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Teddy in the Dark |
"Oh yes, that's my 'emergency glow'....", Teddy replied.
"Well can't you turn up the brightness, and show us where we are ?", Ethan demanded.
"No, it's on a special setting so that I don't run out of energy, otherwise if I run out, you may have a problem 'rebooting' me.", Teddy replied.
"Okey dokey... well just glow softly, and perhaps we can work out where we are...", Ethan said... frightened that Teddy might run down and never start up again.
"So what about your torches that Zac gave you ?", Teddy sensibly asked.
"Problem... Teddy....
As soon as we came in here I tried to put mine on, and for some reason it didn't work.", Jim said... and Ethan agreed.
"Well, if we just turn round, and walk straight on, we should come back to the doors - which hopefully should open.", Jim suggested.
So they tried that... and simply banged into a wall - which they didn't remember being there before.
We are pleased that you were able to take up our invitation...", a strange voice then said, apparently out of nowhere....
"Well yes.... er...Hi !... whoever you are... But would you mind putting the lights on please ?..", Ethan asked, trying to be as polite as possible.
"Of course...", the voice replied.
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Teddy - Recharging |
"Oh... that's better... Now I can switch off my 'emergency glow', and begin to recharge.", Teddy said.
"Don't' worry about Teddy's strange expression - he always looks like that when he's recharging.
He'll be back to normal in a few minutes.", Ethan explained - hoping that 'the voice' was still listening.
"By the way... 'like the plants...
Pretty clever, as you're in a cave.", Ethan commented - finding the one sided conversation a little embarrassing.
"OK... Fully charged...", Teddy then said.
"But wait !...Where's Faunus ?", Ethan asked, sounding panicky.
"I thinks he decided to disappear again...", Teddy said.
"And just when we needed him...", Jim said.
But before they could say anything else, or try to find Faunus, the invisible voice interrupted them.
"So now we wish to talk with you....", the nameless voice said.
"That's alright, but where is our companion Faunus ?", Jim asked.
"I do not know...", the voice replied, seemingly unconcerned.
"I see... but is there any chance of something to sit on... while we wait for him to reappear...
It's been a long hike up from the village, and then through all these very nicely decorated - but maybe a bit pointless - halls and courtyards.., ", Ethan asked.
"Of course... one moment...", the voice replied.
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'Balcony' Seating |
"Well... not much of a view... but the seats look very comfortable..
Better than the ones we were given to sit on in the 'saucer' ...cold uncomfortable cubes they were... but then you seem to be a 'different lot' from those skinny little grey guys.", Ethan commented, rather un-diplomatically.
Jim, of course made no attempt to intervene in Ethan's chatter as, so far, nothing of any consequence had been discussed - but he was concerned by the unexplained disappearance of Faunus.
Meanwhile, Teddy climbed onto one of the seats, and was apparently checking something on his 'database'.
"Don't worry, Jim... Faunus will be back soon.", Teddy said reassuringly.
Jim looked confused, but didn't ask for an explanation as Teddy could usually be trusted to be right.
"Yes....we are a 'different lot' as you say.", the voice commented - seemingly ignoring what Teddy had just said.
"Yes... and those seats and that balcony remind me of somewhere....", Teddy then said.
"Yes, everything that you are experiencing, except for my voice, is taken from your memories and imagination...", the voice said.
"Okey dokey... so what do you want to talk about ?", Ethan asked.
"Many things...", the voice said.
There was a long pause - probably for dramatic effect...
"From the beginning of times, the many worlds have been haunted by countless 'entities'... some benign, and some inimical." the voice began.
"Inimi-whaty ?", Ethan asked.
"It means unfriendly or harmful", Teddy quickly explained.
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'Roswell Grey' |
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Mischievous Entities |
"Already you, Jim, and your friends, have been involved with those who are mischievous, and those who were not entirely honest.
You can know this by the simple fact that, if you analyse what has been happening, there has simply been no point to your contacts with them.
Nothing has actually come of your experiences.", the voice explained.
"That's true...", Jim replied.
The voice continued...
"Such entities, however, can cause the recipients of their messages to sink into madness, self destructive acts and such like.
These entities can also give those who they contact seemingly great powers.
This is the case with the Jinn, who can make wishes come to fruition, but sometimes in ways that are not to the recipients benefit.
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Alexander the Great |
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Zeus-Amon |
Those who take such actions are almost always deceived, and cause dissension and suffering, and often have their own lives ended prematurely, and in an unpleasant manner.
Warnings rarely have any effect, as the entities almost always offer power, pleasure, renown and wealth to those who they contact.", the voice continued.
"OK... So why were we not offered power, pleasure, renown and wealth ?", Jim astutely asked.
"Because you and your friends, it seems are 'special'...", the voice replied calmly.
"And how are we 'special'... Ethan asked, genuinely puzzled.
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Ἐλευσίνια Μυστήρια |
Those who have experienced the mysteries are 'special', and cannot be the subject of ill treatment by the 'entities' of which I have been speaking.
Also you have the protection of a powerful and positive 'entity' that you refer to as 'Faunus'.
But most important, the 'leader', if you like, of your group, Jim, here - or should I say Markos, by his Greek name - is 'αγαπημένοι από τους θεούς' - 'loved by the gods' - the 'gods' who are the 'ineffable and ever-living Æons', and so none of you will ever come to any harm, although the false 'entities' may waste your time, or even harm those with whom you might associate...".
"So what's so special about these 'ineffable and ever-living Æons' that I keep hearing about ?", Ethan asked.
"That's difficult to explain in a few words, Ethan.
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The Multiverse |
Known by many names, and represented in many forms, they are the 'pure emanations' of the 'ONE' - and as such the Æons have no beginning and no end.", the voice explained.
"Well, you've lost me there... but obviously they're very special and important.
Jim smiled, knowing that Ethan's simple description was probably as accurate at that of the greatest philosophers.
"But then also you are 'special' because of what you have experienced.
You know that accumulating, power, and wealth is pointless...
None of you seem to desire renown or fame...
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Floating on the 'Surface of Life' - the Sacred Lotus |
You see, the entities have no hold over any of you.
You simply float on the 'surface of life' - and that is what comes of having been inducted into the greatest of the mysteries - Ἐλευσίνια Μυστήρια.", the voice continued.
"But I don't even remember being inducted into these mystery-thingys.", Ethan said, sounding exasperated.
"No matter... no man remembers in any detail the mysteries - and that is why, after thousands of years, they are still 'mysteries'.", the voice said.
"..'Suppose so...", Ethan said, satisfied to give up on the whole matter.
"But I sense that, unlike these other entities, you want something from us, although from what you have said, I get the impression that it is up to us if we agree to help or otherwise.", Jim said.
"Yes... that is very true...
And now I must come to the reason why we called you here...", the hidden voice said.
"Another way that you and your friends, Jim, are 'special', is in the fact that you have travelled in time.
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Dr. Siegfried Brandt |
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Dr. Brandt and Jim - Area 51 - Dreamland |
Fortunately, after some unpleasant incidents, your 'guardian', Faunus, with the help of the entity called 'Teddy', here was able to neutralize this particular threat to you and your companions.", the voice explained.
"Now I don't want to sound fussy, but can we have less if this 'entity called Teddy' business.
I'm just Teddy, like Jim is Jim, and Ethan is Ethan....", Teddy said, sounding quite annoyed.
"I'm sorry, Teddy....
I just didn't want to sound as if I was being 'familiar'..", the voice said gently.
"That's alright... whoever you are... but just remember in future...",Teddy said firmly.
"Well... to get back to why we called you here...", the voice continued.
"Yes... 'good idea...", Ethan said.
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On the Open Road |
Jim nodded, although to whom he was not sure...
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Roswell - New mexico |
The town was famous for a number of reasons...
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Robert Goddard with an Early Rocket |
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B 29 - Superfortress Bomber - Roswell - 1945 |
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509th Bomb Wing |
Possibly the most famous event associated with Roswell was the reported crash of a 'flying disc', and the possible recovery of 'aliens' from the wreckage by the United States military.
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Roswell Flying Disk - Crash - New Mexico - 1947 |
Now it is not possible, no matter how fast such 'entities' travel, to come from another 'star system to this 'star system' in a single journey - but such a journey may be achieved, over very long periods of time, by gradual steps - setting up bases on suitable planets or moons - and this is what happened with the beings that humans refer to as 'Greys', - and it explains why the 'disks' are so small.
That crash was in 1947 - as you should know, and we know that you, and your companions, actually spoke to some of the humans who witnessed aspects of the crash.
Now it is our contention that the states in question - New Mexico, Nevada and Arizona - became the centres of 'alien' interest from 1945 onwards because of the development of nuclear and space technologies which occurred in those areas.", the voice continued.
Jim, Ethan and Teddy listened without comment - but noted how much 'whoever it was who was talking to them' seemed to know about them, and how so much of what was being said seemed to focus on 'nuts and bolts' space technology, rather than 'mysticism', philosophy or religion.
"Now I don't want to sound disrespectful, but we know all about this... and I find it difficult to understand what all this has to do with Thebes and ancient Egypt.", Jim said.
"Well all these things are connected - in various ways - but as you had last been contacted by 'entities' posing as ancient Egyptians, we guessed that you would be more willing to follow up on that last encounter, rather than meet with those about whom you had no knowledge.", the voice said, almost apologetically.
"OK, so what's the point of all this ?", Ethan asked.
"Well now for something that you may not know.
The 'Greys' fear the effects of humans exploring space, and fear the nuclear technology that they are bringing with them.
Already there are many nuclear powered satellites, and humans are developing high energy propulsion systems that will make travel beyond your star system possible.
The 'Greys' may well take action against such developments, and are already subverting human populations with what humans refer to 'abductions', and are infiltrating information technology and media.", the invisible voice said.
Finally Teddy made a contribution.
"I think your theories regarding the 'Greys' are probably correct, but what has this to do with us.", Teddy asked.
"More than you might imagine...", the invisible voice replied.
"Right... then get on with it..", Ethan said, becoming exasperated with the slow, almost devious way the voice seemed to be explaining things - and he was also worried about Sekhmet - who had been left outside.
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Die Glocke |
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Heinrich Himmler - Reichsführer SS |
Now if you remember, Dr. Brandt was obsessed with the idea of 'time travel' - what he termed 'zeit reise'.
Himmler, the Reichsführer SS, and many other prominent leaders of the Third Reich were also interested in the concept, and had plans to go back in time and change the outcomes of certain events in their favour.
Later, after the defeat of the Third Reich, the Americans tried to achieve something similar at Montauk, Long Island - using high power electromagnetic waves.
We know that it is possible to 'move' in time, but we do not have the techniques to achieve such outcomes.
Brandt, of course, after he had worked at Montauk, realized that 'technology' was not the answer, and offered his services to the American Government at 'Area 51', as you well know, Jim.
The real reasons that the 'alien entities' 'latched' onto you, Jim was the fact that they had realized that Brand had been working at Montauk, and they, like the Germans, Brandt and the Americans, were also searching for a 'simple' method of 'inter-dimensional travel'.
And now we need your help in the matter of 'time travel' - but unlike Brandt or anyone else, we are not abducting you.
We want your 'willing' help...
At that point Faunus strode onto the balcony, as if his previous absence had never even occurred.
"You know it's no use asking Jim, or Ethan or even Teddy to help you...", Faunus began.
"You see you're making the same mistake that Brandt made with Jim.
Jim and the others have no idea how to 'relocate' through time, so they can't really help you.
I, however, might be able to help, but I would need to know a lot more about you, and your kind, and what you are actually planning.", Khonsu said
Really, Khonsu... I want some explanations !", Faunus concluded, sounding on the verge of being very angry.
"Khonsu !", Jim, Ethan and Teddy said in unison.
"Well knock me down with a feather..!, Ethan said.
And then, while they were talking to empty space, Khonsu himself suddenly materialised by the balcony.
"Oh !...", Ethan said, obviously startled by the sudden appearance of a very smartly 'turned out' young man.
"Now who does he remind you of ?", Teddy asked, cryptically.
"Well... Max... and Kah-met, obviously.... and presumably this is now Khonsu...", Jim said.
"I'm sorry to have startled you Ethan...", Khonsu said apologetically.
"Yes... and I see you've dropped the 'effendi' business, and the galabeya, and now you're dressed like a 'cute' little 'drummer-boy', or maybe a bellhop.", Ethan said, obviously still 'rattled' by Khonsu's sudden appearance.
"I thought appearing like this might be suitable for you...", Khonsu said, apologetically.
"Well it's a lot more 'cool' than that silly galabeya... and I'm glad to see that you've got your hair sorted out...", Ethan said.
"Thank you, Ethan...", Khonsu said politely.
"So, Khonsu... we've seemingly wasted a lot of time here... so is it possible for us to return to the East Bank, and have a proper discussion about who you are, and what you want ?", Jim asked.
"Of course... if that is what you prefer...", Khonsu said.
"And you promise not to disappear at midnight, like Cinderella ?", Ethan said, finding it difficult not to think of Khonsu as some kind of fantasy character from a fairy-tale.
""And what about Sekhmet and Bastet ?", Ethan asked.
"Oh, they will come with me....
No one will notice them... they are not of this world.... just like your Teddy...", Khonsu explained.
"Do you mind...! I'm not his teddy, I'm my Teddy... and very much of this world...", Teddy said, as the two cats snuggled round a rather overwhelmed and slightly annoyed teddy-bear.
"And how do we explain who you are...?", Jim asked.
"Let me think about that...", Khonsu said, as he picked up Bastet.
"So how do we get out ?"... Ethan asked, still puzzled by the appearance - in two senses of the word - of Khonsu.
"Well it's simple.... the same way as you came in....", Khonsu replied.
"And what about those creepy alabaster salesmen ?", Teddy asked, sounding slightly nervous.
"Oh don't worry, you won't be seeing them again...", Faunus said, rather too cheerfully for Ethan's liking.
So they made their way through the colonnaded corridor, and then through the beautifully decorated courtyard - then through the swirling clouds and the massive pylons, and on to the broad flat 'paved' plain, and finally - through the glow that led out through the lion's mouth, and into the fresh breezes of the Theban hills.
"Well at least now it's downhill all the way as we go back to the village... and then I think I need a nice glass of hot, sweet 'shai' at the 'coffee-shop'.", Ethan said as they almost bumped into Zac and Josh.
"Shit !... you lot really frightened me...", Josh exclaimed.
"You were quick...", Zac said, as he eyed them very carefully.
"And what happened to the creeps from the alabaster factory ?", Zac asked - as ever, concerned about security.
"Apparently they disappeared...", Ethan said.
You didn't shoot them, and leave the bodies lying around in the cave ", Zac asked, knowing that Ethan could not really be trusted with a gun, and not wanting them to get into trouble with the Egyptian authorities.
"Sure...", Jim insisted.
"Like Ethan said, they just disappeared...
"Apparently dematerialized.", Teddy added.
"And why's this Khonsu kid wearing different clothes ?", Zac asked, continuing to check-out everything.
"I really don't know, Zac...", Jim replied.
"Why not ask him... but when we get to the coffee shop, and not here on a breezy hill.,.", Ethan said, eager for some nice, hot 'shai'.
And as they left the cave, and began their journey down to the village, the cave gradually morphed into just a very ordinary looking cave, with no glowing, no leonine features, and no spooky mists - and for any nosey tourist who wanted to take a look inside - there would be nothing to see... except maybe for a few slightly annoyed spiders.
Himmler, the Reichsführer SS, and many other prominent leaders of the Third Reich were also interested in the concept, and had plans to go back in time and change the outcomes of certain events in their favour.
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Montauk |
Later, after the defeat of the Third Reich, the Americans tried to achieve something similar at Montauk, Long Island - using high power electromagnetic waves.
We know that it is possible to 'move' in time, but we do not have the techniques to achieve such outcomes.
Brandt, of course, after he had worked at Montauk, realized that 'technology' was not the answer, and offered his services to the American Government at 'Area 51', as you well know, Jim.
The real reasons that the 'alien entities' 'latched' onto you, Jim was the fact that they had realized that Brand had been working at Montauk, and they, like the Germans, Brandt and the Americans, were also searching for a 'simple' method of 'inter-dimensional travel'.
And now we need your help in the matter of 'time travel' - but unlike Brandt or anyone else, we are not abducting you.
We want your 'willing' help...
At that point Faunus strode onto the balcony, as if his previous absence had never even occurred.
"You know it's no use asking Jim, or Ethan or even Teddy to help you...", Faunus began.
"You see you're making the same mistake that Brandt made with Jim.
Jim and the others have no idea how to 'relocate' through time, so they can't really help you.
I, however, might be able to help, but I would need to know a lot more about you, and your kind, and what you are actually planning.", Khonsu said
Really, Khonsu... I want some explanations !", Faunus concluded, sounding on the verge of being very angry.
"Khonsu !", Jim, Ethan and Teddy said in unison.
"Well knock me down with a feather..!, Ethan said.
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Khonsu Appears at the Balcony |
"Oh !...", Ethan said, obviously startled by the sudden appearance of a very smartly 'turned out' young man.
"Now who does he remind you of ?", Teddy asked, cryptically.
"Well... Max... and Kah-met, obviously.... and presumably this is now Khonsu...", Jim said.
"I'm sorry to have startled you Ethan...", Khonsu said apologetically.
"Yes... and I see you've dropped the 'effendi' business, and the galabeya, and now you're dressed like a 'cute' little 'drummer-boy', or maybe a bellhop.", Ethan said, obviously still 'rattled' by Khonsu's sudden appearance.
"I thought appearing like this might be suitable for you...", Khonsu said, apologetically.
"Well it's a lot more 'cool' than that silly galabeya... and I'm glad to see that you've got your hair sorted out...", Ethan said.
"Thank you, Ethan...", Khonsu said politely.
"So, Khonsu... we've seemingly wasted a lot of time here... so is it possible for us to return to the East Bank, and have a proper discussion about who you are, and what you want ?", Jim asked.
"Of course... if that is what you prefer...", Khonsu said.
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Cinderella at the Ball |
Ethan was referring to the 1950 American animated musical movie, produced by Walt Disney, and originally released by RKO Radio Pictures. The movie was based on the fairy tale 'Cinderella' by Charles Perrault, in which Cinderella has to leave the ball held by 'Prince Charming' by midnight, but loses her glass slipper in the process. It is one of Ethan's favourite movies."Yes... I promise...", Khonsu replied.
""And what about Sekhmet and Bastet ?", Ethan asked.
"Oh, they will come with me....
No one will notice them... they are not of this world.... just like your Teddy...", Khonsu explained.
"Do you mind...! I'm not his teddy, I'm my Teddy... and very much of this world...", Teddy said, as the two cats snuggled round a rather overwhelmed and slightly annoyed teddy-bear.
"And how do we explain who you are...?", Jim asked.
"Let me think about that...", Khonsu said, as he picked up Bastet.
"So how do we get out ?"... Ethan asked, still puzzled by the appearance - in two senses of the word - of Khonsu.
"Well it's simple.... the same way as you came in....", Khonsu replied.
"And what about those creepy alabaster salesmen ?", Teddy asked, sounding slightly nervous.
"Oh don't worry, you won't be seeing them again...", Faunus said, rather too cheerfully for Ethan's liking.
So they made their way through the colonnaded corridor, and then through the beautifully decorated courtyard - then through the swirling clouds and the massive pylons, and on to the broad flat 'paved' plain, and finally - through the glow that led out through the lion's mouth, and into the fresh breezes of the Theban hills.
"Well at least now it's downhill all the way as we go back to the village... and then I think I need a nice glass of hot, sweet 'shai' at the 'coffee-shop'.", Ethan said as they almost bumped into Zac and Josh.
"Shit !... you lot really frightened me...", Josh exclaimed.
"You were quick...", Zac said, as he eyed them very carefully.
"And what happened to the creeps from the alabaster factory ?", Zac asked - as ever, concerned about security.
"Apparently they disappeared...", Ethan said.
You didn't shoot them, and leave the bodies lying around in the cave ", Zac asked, knowing that Ethan could not really be trusted with a gun, and not wanting them to get into trouble with the Egyptian authorities.
"Sure...", Jim insisted.
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The Lion Cave - Back to Normal |
"Apparently dematerialized.", Teddy added.
"And why's this Khonsu kid wearing different clothes ?", Zac asked, continuing to check-out everything.
"I really don't know, Zac...", Jim replied.
"Why not ask him... but when we get to the coffee shop, and not here on a breezy hill.,.", Ethan said, eager for some nice, hot 'shai'.
And as they left the cave, and began their journey down to the village, the cave gradually morphed into just a very ordinary looking cave, with no glowing, no leonine features, and no spooky mists - and for any nosey tourist who wanted to take a look inside - there would be nothing to see... except maybe for a few slightly annoyed spiders.

Little was said as they picked their way along the path - slowly descending to the valley below, where the village of Qurnah was situated.
Eventually they arrived at the coffee shop, where the owner had been providing some of the 'boys' from Birat with 'shai', shishas for the older lads, and sets of dominos, while they distractedly watched the (by US Standards) small television.
A shisha is a water-pipe in which a mixture of tobacco and flavourings or molasses sugar is smoked. The tobacco is heated beneath charcoal, the heat pushes the smoke into a water container where it bubbles through and then leaves the water container via a hose and inhaled.
The coffee shop owner had, over the previous few days, taken a liking to Ali (Faunus'), as his presence seemed to guarantee quite a good number of free-spending customers.
Some of the customers, however, were a little nervous of Khonsu arriving wearing a very neat, and expensive looking uniform - fearing that he might have some connection with the security services, but Faunus quickly put their minds at rest (to a certain extent literally).
Hassan, and his friends, were well rewarded for coming to guard the vase - not that they had been told the true nature of the item, but only that it was a very expensive souvenir.
Then Hassan and another taxi-driver took Jim, Faunus, Ethan and Teddy and Zac and Josh, along with the cats, to where Mahmoud's boat was moored, in preparation for the crossing to the East Bank, and the Winter Palace.

Khonsu with Faunus, the 'boys' and Teddy and the cats, return to the East Bank on Mahmoud's boat. After some 'hypnotic' persuasion directed at the reception staff, Faunus books a room for Khonsu in the Winter Palace, and there follows a long discussion with Khonsu which begins to explain what is really happening... And then the setting of the story changes - leaving Egypt (for a while) and locating in another time and another place....LINK