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Situated at the eastern most end of Long Island, New York City, is Montauk Point - known to many for its scenic beauty and landmark lighthouse.
Camp Hero
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Camp Hero - 'State Park' |
The Military occupation of Montauk Point dates back to World War One, when the area was occupied by the Army under the name of 'Camp Hero' (or 'Fort Hero').
During Second World War Montauk Point was equipped with huge sixteen inch guns mounted in turrets.
The remains of these gun turrets can still be seen on the site today, as can the numerous outcroppings of land that under closer inspection reveal camouflaged concrete bunkers.
The whole area, in fact, is said to have been artificially built up and allowed to be covered with overgrowth in order to conceal a network of underground bunkers connected by possibly miles of tunnels; indeed, the base itself was built to look like a civilian neighborhood so that enemy aircraft would have a hard time identifying it from the air as a military base.
During the Second World War, the entire area was closed off to civilian traffic - however, after the war the restrictions were to some extent relaxed.
As for the base itself, after the Second World War the facility changed hands, moving from the Army to the Air Force (USAF), with the largest building serving as the transmitting tower for the S.A.G.E. Radar system, a now-obsolete 'early warning' defense chain of radars that once dotted the eastern seaboard.
'Montauk Air Force Station', as it was then called, was used to provide radar surveillance data, aircraft height determination, and Mark X IFF SIF identification data, and to perform radar mapping prior to transmitting of such data to Air Defense SAGE Units.
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AN/FPS-35 Sage Radar at Fortuna Air Force Base in Operation Identical to Radar Array at Montauk |
The reflector was 126 feet (38 m) long and 38 feet (12 m) tall, weighing 40 tons.
It was able to detect airborne objects at distances of well over 200 miles (320 km).
It also used 'frequency diversity' ('frequency hopping') technology, making it resistant to electronic countermeasures ('jamming').
The AN/FPS-35 was so powerful that it disrupted local TV and radio broadcasts, and had to be shut down several times, and then re-calibrated.
Such problems eventually caused the radar to be taken out of service temporarily on various occasions - however, with the problems resolved, the radar became operational again
Closing and Re-opening
Having been declared obsolete and defunct, the base lay abandoned for several years, ownership having been turned over to the General Services Administration.
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Office of Parks - New York State |
The base was then apparently Park property.
Strangely, however, the Park had NO TRESPASSING signs sited all over the area to warn-off, and prevent curious sightseers from having access to the 'so called' Park.
The excuse was that 'Camp Hero' was unsafe - but then, being part of a State Park, the authorities had a duty to engage in a thorough 'clean-up' so that the public could have access to the area.
Restricting access, in itself is in fact a violation of the 'N.Y. State Parks Charter', and the restriction continues to be enforced severely by a host of various authorities - sometimes at gunpoint - and usually not in uniform - however it is a useful excuse that seems to be used the hide whatever clandestine activities may be occurring at the base.
Electronics technicians have monitored and recorded extremely unusual and unorthodox radio-frequency and other electromagnetic transmissions emanating directly from this supposedly restricted and/or derelict property, which indicate activities very much like those alleged to have occurred there.
New telephone lines and new high-capacity power lines with a gigawatt meter have been installed in this allegedly derelict and off-limits area, and witnesses observed a highly advanced 'Cardion Corp.' particle beam radar unit being operated on the bluffs at 'Camp Hero'.
There was also a considerable gap of years between the official closing of the base, and its final donation to the State of New York, and many have wondered about what was going on there during the intervening years.
The 'official answer' is that the base was apparently sitting idle for that time.
There are many, however, who make the claim that there were more sinister things going on there.
During the supposedly 'lost time', the base was officially decommissioned and abandoned by the U.S. Air Force, however there is much evidence that the base was subsequently secretly re-opened, and apparently continued to operate without the official sanction of the U.S. Government.
Also, and oddly, all the other installations of high-power AN/FPS-35 'SAGE Radar' throughout the USA were not only decommissioned, but also scrapped - except for the huge radar installation at 'Montauk Air Force Station' - and that is still standing to this day - but still 'off limits' all (?).
The entire financing for the re-opened base was also a mystery, as no funding could be traced to the US military or government.
The secrecy of the operation, however, prompted 'legends' to thrive across Long Island.
However, it is unlikely that any of the local people of Montauk - or those who spread the 'tales' - know the full story of what actually went on there.
It is, as has already stated, a matter of public record that the Federal Government turned the 'Camp Hero/Montauk A.F. Station' property over to New York State, for use as public park land, yet according to the terms of the deed on record at the Suffolk County offices in Riverhead, N.Y., the Federal Government retained all rights to all property beneath the surface of the land - so only the surface of this area was actually donated to N.Y. State.
The deed also holds that the Federal Government can reclaim the surface of the land as well for reasons of national security, if necessary.
It is, as has already stated, a matter of public record that the Federal Government turned the 'Camp Hero/Montauk A.F. Station' property over to New York State, for use as public park land, yet according to the terms of the deed on record at the Suffolk County offices in Riverhead, N.Y., the Federal Government retained all rights to all property beneath the surface of the land - so only the surface of this area was actually donated to N.Y. State.
The deed also holds that the Federal Government can reclaim the surface of the land as well for reasons of national security, if necessary.

Origins of the Montauk Project
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Seal of the United States Navy |
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USS Eldridge |
As the Eldridge was stationed at the Philadelphia Naval Yard, the events concerning the ship have commonly been referred to as the 'Philadelphia Experiment'.
The 'Philadelphia Experiment' was officially known as 'Project Rainbow'.
It was designed as a top-secret project that would help end World War Two.
The forerunner of stealth technology, 'Project Rainbow' was experimenting with a technique that was designed to make a ship invisible to enemy radar.
This was achieved by creating a so called 'electromagnetic bottle' which actually diverted radar waves around the ship.
An 'electromagnetic bottle' would change the entire electromagnetic field of a specific area - in this case, the field encompassing the 'USS Eldridge'.
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'Project Rainbow' |
It made the ship invisible to the naked eye, and apparently removed the ship from the 'space-time continuum'.
The result was that the ship suddenly reappeared in Norfolk, Virginia hundreds of miles away.
While the project was a success, in some respects, it was catastrophic for most of the people involved.
While the 'USS Eldridge' apparently 'moved' from the Philadelphia Naval Yard to Norfolk and back again, the crew found themselves in complete disorientation.
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'Project Rainbow' |
Apart from severe physical injuries, those who survived were in a mental state of total 'disorientation'.
The crew were subsequently discharged as 'mentally unfit', after having spent considerable time in rehabilitation.
The status of 'mentally unfit' made it very convenient for their stories to be discredited.
The unexpected and unwanted effects of the experiment, however, put 'Project Rainbow' at a standstill.
Although a major breakthrough had occurred, there was no certainty that human beings could survive further experimentation.
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Dr. John von Neumann |
Dr. John von Neumann - who headed the project - was now summoned to work on the 'Manhattan Project'.
The 'Manhattan Project', of course, was the project that had been set up to create the atomic bomb, which became the weapon of choice for ending World War II.
After the initial completion of the 'Manhattan Project', Dr. John von Neumann and his research team were assigned to the re-established 'Project Rainbow',
This was similar to the original 'Project Rainbow', but had a slightly different goal.
The new project was intended to find out what went wrong with the 'human factor' of the original experiment, and why, in that respect, it failed so miserably.
The new project was intended to find out what went wrong with the 'human factor' of the original experiment, and why, in that respect, it failed so miserably.

The National Socialist Connection
It was at this point that Dr Sigmund Brandt was attached to the revised project.
Brandt was an eminent Austrian psychologist and psychiatrist, who was 'subsumed' into the SS after the Anschluss, as were many academics from many fields, for the purpose of assisting the government of the Third Reich to develop advanced technologies

Brandt had been given the task, by Himmler, of working in areas relating to 'Nationalsozialistische Rassenhygiene' (Racial Hygiene - Eugenics)), and in particular the study of longevity, and the nature of memory.
Such studies were essential if long distance 'space travel' was envisioned, and in addition there were questions relating to the effects of possible 'time travel' on brain function and memory.
Heinrich Luitpold Himmler (7 October 1900 – 23 May 1945) was Reichsführer of the Schutzstaffel (Protection Squadron; SS), and a leading member of the National Socialist Workers Party (NSDAP) of Germany. Himmler was one of the most powerful men in the Third Reich. Reichsführer-SS (lit. "Reich Leader-SS") was a special title and rank that existed between the years of 1925 and 1945 for the commander of the Schutzstaffel (SS).
Much of Brandt's work was undertaken at 'Lebensborn' institutions, with children and young people, while some studies were conducted using military causalities who had suffered various types of brain injuries during combat, which had involved memory loss, (Brandt's specialty).
Lebensborn (Fount of Life) was an SS-borne, state-supported, registered association in the Third Reich with the intention of raising the birth rate of "Aryan" children from extramarital relations of "racially pure and healthy" parents on the basis of National Socialist racial hygiene and health ideology. Lebensborn aimed to do this by encouraging anonymous births, and mediating adoption to likewise "racially pure and healthy" parents, particularly families of SS-members. Initially set up in Germany in 1935, Lebensborn expanded into several occupied European countries with Germanic population during the Second World War.
Brandt had also been involved in 'Projekt Kronos' - which was set up to develop 'Die Glocke' (The Bell), which was a top secret Third Reich device - a secret weapon, or 'Wunderwaffe'.
'Projekt Kronos' ('Die Glocke') was carried out by Third Reich scientists working for the SS in a German facility known as 'Der Riese' ('The Giant') near the Wenceslaus mine, close to the Czech border.
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'Die Glocke' |
'Die Glocke' is described as being a device made out of a hard, heavy metal, approximately 3 meters (9 ft) wide and 4 to 5 meters (12 to 15 ft) high, having a shape similar to that of a large bell.
This device contained two counter-rotating cylinders which would be filled with a mercury-like substance, violet in color.
This metallic liquid was code-named 'Xerum 52', and was stored in a tall thin thermos flask a meter high encased in lead".
Additional substances said to be employed in the experiments, referred to as 'Leichtmetall' (light metal), included thorium and beryllium peroxides.
It was believe that 'Die Glocke' could 'bend' Time and Space.
When the Russians invaded Czechoslovakia, the 'Kronos' scientists fled, and 'Die Glocke' seemingly disappeared from history.
Brandt ended up in southern Germany, as he attempted to return to his native Austria.
However, Brandt was captured by the Americans, in Bayern (Bavaria), and there they got him to agree to continue similar work for the US Government.
Once in America, as part of 'Operation Paperclip', Brandt started off with 'Project Rainbow', in partnership with Dr. Franklin Reno, and John von Neumann, a Hungarian who was generally regarded as the foremost mathematician of his time.
Brandt, who managed to hide his involvement with 'Projekt Kronos', was considered well suited to head a team treating the men who had suffered severe mental problems as a result of the event that had occurred on the USS Eldridge.
As a result of this work, he became further fascinated with the concept of 'Zeitreise' - 'time travel'.
After his secondment to the revitalized 'Project Rainbow', during which he continued to dealt with the psychiatric problems of the one time crew of the USS Eldridge, Brandt was subsequently sent to 'Camp Hero', Montauk, on Long Island.
Long Island is an island off the East Coast of the United States, beginning at New York Harbor approximately 0.35 miles (0.56 km) from Manhattan Island and extending eastward into the Atlantic Ocean. Both the longest and the largest island in the contiguous United States, Long Island extends 118 miles (190 km) eastward from New York Harbor to Montauk Point, with a maximum north-to-south distance of 23 miles (37 km) between Long Island Sound and the Atlantic coast. With a land area of 1,401 square miles (3,630 km2), Long Island is the 11th-largest island in the United States.
At Montauk, Brand was responsible for the mental health of the base personnel, but inevitably became involved in the ongoing research as much of that research was directed to issues relating to 'mind-control'

Eventually, it was decided that the remnants of 'Project Rainbow' be included under the same umbrella with the human factor study, and the title of 'Phoenix Project' was used to refer to all of these activities.Enter Dr. John von Neumann
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'Brookhaven Labs' |
Neumann was a mathematician who came to the United States from Germany, who was also a theoretical physicist, and was noted for his very advanced concepts of space and time.
He was responsible for the computers used in the project, and designed the first vacuum tube computer at Princeton University, where he also served as the head of the 'Institute for Advanced Studies'.
Von Neumann had what could be described as a 'good technical feel', and therefore had the ability to apply advanced theories to technology.
His background in mathematics gave him enough theory to communicate with Albert Einstein, and he could, in turn, pass this on to the engineers at 'Camp Hero', and serve as a bridge between the theoretical and the practical.
As von Neumann began work on the 'Phoenix Project', he quickly learned that, with the help of Brandt, he was going to have to study and understand the psychological side of people who would be taking part in the experimental work that was planned.
It was known from the events that occurred on the Eldridge, that the 'Rainbow' technology had 'dissolved' the physical and biological structures of human beings, and this was highly significant.
The 'Time Reference Point'
Von Neumann and his team spent many years working out why human beings had problems with electromagnetic fields that shifted them through different 'places' and 'times', and as a result of their studies, they discovered that humans are born with what is known as a 'time reference' point.
At conception, an 'energy being' is attached to a timeline, and all humans start from that point.
To understand this, it is necessary to view the 'energy being' as distinct from the physical body of the individual.
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'The Multiverse' |
This 'time reference' is the basic orientation point that an individual has to any particular 'Universe' or 'World', and the way it operates - (see Hugh Everett III & 'The Multiverse' & 'An Idiot's Guide to the Multiverse').
It was this 'time reference point' that was altered, or disconnected, for the individual crewmen of the USS Eldridge, and it was that alteration or disconnection that caused them untold trauma.
The 'Rainbow' technology, it appears, 'turns on' and 'creates' what can be called an 'alternative reality', and it creates its 'stealth' effect by not only isolating the ship, but also the individual beings who are within the electromagnetic 'bottle'.
Those beings were literally removed from one 'universe', and transported to another, alternative 'universe' or 'world'.
This undoubtedly accounts for the invisibility of the ship, and the invisibility of the people on board.
The 'alternative reality' thus created has no 'time references' at all because it is not part of the normal 'time stream' - but rather it is entirely out of time.
To be in an 'alternative reality' would be like waking up, and not knowing where or when you are, and this would have a drastic effect on the psyche.
'Phoenix Project' therefore was faced with solving the problem of bringing human beings into the electromagnetic 'bottle' (and eventually out again) while at the same time connecting them to their 'real time reference'.
This meant that when they were in the 'alternative reality', they had to be supplied with something that would give them a 'time reference'.
They solved this by feeding into the 'alternative reality' some of the natural background of their point of origin, and this needed to be at least enough to convince them of a 'continuous stream time reference'.
To do otherwise would likely cause those in the 'alternative reality' to experience trans-dimensional disorder and other psychic problems.
Von Neumann was the ideal candidate for the job since he had considerable experience with computers, and it was a computer that had to be used if they were going to calculate the 'time references' for specific individuals, and replicate those references while they were passing through an 'alternative reality'.
The individuals in the 'alternative reality' would be going through zero time, and essentially a 'non reality' - or a 'disoriented reality' at best.
The computer had to generate an 'electromagnetic background' that the physical individual could synchronize with.
If that wasn't done, the psyche and the physical body would go out-of-sync - thus resulting in a possible psychotic reaction.
There are two aspects to this procedure: the physical being, and the psyche, and this is why the 'time reference' would lock in the psyche, and the electromagnetic background would lock in the body.
'Frequency Hopping'
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Dr. Emit Brown - The Flux Capacitor |
The fictional 'Dr. Emit Brown', in the movie 'Back to the Future', states that "it is the 'flux capacitor' that makes time travel possible" - if only it were that simple... (or maybe not).
In reality it is 'frequency hopping' that eventually made time travel possible by 'bending time' - at least for those running the Montauk project.
After establishing the importance of the 'Time Reference Point', the next step in the project was centered round the discovery that changing the repetition rates and amplitude of a radar pulse could effect different biological functions.
In this way a person's thoughts could be controlled, (which was the initial purpose of the CIA 'MK Ultra Project' - 'thought control').
With the 425-450 MHz of radio frequency power, it was discovered that a 'window' into the human mind could be opened.
Once enough data had been collected, von Neumann and Brandt began to make some sense out of which functions did what.
During this period, they also experimented with 'frequency hopping'.
'Frequency hopping' consisted of the transmitter instantaneously and randomly shifting around to any of 5 different frequencies that were being fed to the transmitter.
(This was a technique originally developed to counteract radar 'jamming')
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Hugh Everett III |
This technique became very important eventually, as it was the key to 'bending' time.
Eventually the equipment used was developed so that individuals could be transferred (transported) to other 'times' - which were essentially 'other universes' or 'worlds', as is postulated in Hugh Everett III's 'Many Worlds Theory'.
Everett was a physicist interested in theoretical and quantum physics who is known for developing the influential theory, 'The Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.' His theory, part of his Ph.D. thesis, postulated that our universe is part of a multiverse, a vast system of universes. He hypothesized that every universe is constantly splitting into alternate universes that encompass every possible event. Everett’s theory, along with his book, 'The Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics' (1973), is widely studied by quantum physicists.
However, unlike von Neumann, what Brandt was really looking for was a method of dispensing with the elaborate, power hungry, and often unreliable technology that was being used at Montauk, and instead developing a technique that could facilitate 'Zeitreise' (time travel) by the simple expedient of using the human mind - after all, Brandt was a psychologist, and not a physicist or technician - and this is why he was so keen to continue his research with individuals who appeared to have this innate ability, or at least were amenable to having such an ability developed - and that explains why he was so interested in Jim.

The End of the the First Phase of the Montauk Project ?
Once the ability to bend time had been achieved, along with other 'psychoactive' phenomena things at Montauk began to go wrong.
Sensing that the project was going seriously awry, Dr.Brandt decided to offer an alternative approach regarding research into inter-dimensional travel to certain high level organisations in the US Intelligence Community.
His proposals were given due consideration, and then accepted, and he was transferred to Nevada, where he pursued his research into the possibility of 'Zeitreise' without the use of complex electronic and computer hardware.
Brandt's thesis was based on the conviction that, as the awareness of time was essentially a mental construct, it therefore might follow that the manipulation of time may be achieved through the psyche alone.
Typically Brandt approached the problem of time (Zeit) in terms of philosophy.
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Dr. Siegfried Brandt |
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Imanuel Kant |
Brandt began with the assertion that Time is more than a simple construct of our imagination, as this was demonstrated with some finality by Kant in his 'Kritik der reinen Vernunft (First Critique) of 1780.
Kant did say that Time was subjective - but he did not mean that Time was a simply a 'creation' of our imagination, but rather he meant that human beings can never know the 'Absolute Truth' - the 'Ding an sich', (Thing-in-itself).
Kant admitted there is an 'Outside World' or 'Worlds', but the only 'Truth' that we can utter about the 'Outside World(s)' is that it (they) exist.
Everything else we say about it remains subjective.
As for Time, for Kant it is a special case.
Space and Time are the two elements of what Kant called the 'transcendental aesthetic'.
All humans share the 'transcendental aesthetic' because it is part of the structure of what it means to be a human being.
In simpler terms, we all experience Space and Time.
Now, from person to person, we might interpret Space and Time slightly differently, but the basic contours remain the same.
Space is outward extension, and Time is inward intention.
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Zeitreise |
For Kant, Time is real in one sense, even though our grasp of it may be very limited.
We can see, empirically, that all objects apparently have a beginning, a duration and an ending.
Some have what we perceive to be a shorter duration, and some have a longer duration.
For humans, the essence of Time, however is our subjective awareness of our biological clock, therefore, we inevitably measure the duration of everything in our perception against the aging of our own bodies.
However, time has no objective existence in physics as we have no knowledge of the 'Ding an sich', (Thing-in-itself), and to put it bluntly, physicists do not understand the flow of time.
Although it influences us so much, time remains only a concept of something we hardly understand.
From this standpoint Brandt hoped to discover within the human psyche a mechanism that would allow a being to pass beyond the subjective experience of Time, and move to another aspect, or level of awareness, that would be experienced as either a past or future moment in the apparent continuum of Time.
Montauk Closes ?
Just after Brandt left Montauk, there appears to have been an outbreak of 'mass hysteria' at the base, almost certainly caused by the staff being subjected to repeated exposure of powerful microwave radiation emitted improperly by the AN/FPS-35 radar array.
The staff were thrown into an uncontrollable panic and, after causing widespread damage, quit the base en-mass, and could not be encouraged to return.
Because of the reputation of the base, it was then decided to abandon, and seal the premises.
The base then lay abandoned and dangerously vandalized for a number of years, before being 'passed on' to the State of New York and, somewhat strangely, the base then became a part of 'Montauk Point State Park'.
A New Start for Dr. Siegfried Brandt ?
Dr. Brand, while taking 'on board' (so to speak) what had happened to the crew of the 'USS Eldridge, and the events that had occurred at Montauk, was able to continue his research program into 'Zeitreise', and experiment on numerous 'stray adolescent boys' provided by dubious US Government agencies, (a system previously used at Motauk, and by the MK Ultra Project), at his new establishment at Sector 4 in Nevada, and also at his 'civilian style' 'front' at W Sahara Ave, Las Vegas, where he initially treated a young man called 'James Johnson' (Jim, aka Marcus).
'Sigi' - Dr Siegfried Brandt ? Note: After establishing his new practice in 'Vegas, years later, Dr. Brandt's offices were later found abandoned.
Maria Orsic The Doctor, it seems had mysteriously disappeared.Despite strenuous efforts by the authorities to locate both Dr. Brand, and his attractive receptionist, Maria Orsic, they remain missing.....or do they ? - follow the link for more information....
Teddy - & Faunus ?
this is an additional article for your further enjoyment of