this article is a digest of the research conducted by Novius and Teddy into alternative theories regarding the nature of UFOs
"As for 'aliens' - well my views on such matters have shifted a little.The sheer numbers of reports of sightings of UFOs made by reliable individuals - particular airline pilots and air force personnel and suchlike make me tend to believe that such phenomena really exist.As for 'alien abductions' - they do happen, as some of you have had experience of such things, but by and large I feel that they are 'non-physical' phenomena, and part of the 'supra-dimensional' activity of certain entities who are intent on passing on to humans often spurious information - such as is often the case in 'channeling'. However, the origin of some UFOs and 'extra-terrestrials might be much closer to home - in fact from this Earth."
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Hermann Oberth |
"We cannot take the credit for our record advancement in certain scientific fields alone... we have been helped."
When asked by whom, he replied:
"The people of other worlds..."
One pertinent question raised by the statement, however, is what did Oberth actually mean by the phrase 'other worlds' ?
Was he referring to 'extra-terrestrial' worlds in outer space, or was he referring to 'other worlds' - in the sense of the 'Many Worlds' theory as proposed by Hugh Everett III.
Werner von Braun, creator of the German 'V Weapons', made a very similar statement regarding 'help from the people of other worlds...'
Whatever or wherever these 'worlds' were, however, it is very significant that both of these highly regarded German scientists made oblique reference to one of most pervasive and tantalizing puzzles relating to UFO's and 'aliens'- the alleged link between the Third Reich of pre-World War II Germany and extra-terrestrials.
Following military defeat of the First World War, certain occult secret societies emerged in Germany
intent upon discovering clues to highly advanced technologies that would them mastery of the skies and even inter-stellar space travel.
The inspiration to rediscover such technologies were to be found in a novel published in 1871 by Edward Bulwer-Lytton, entitled, 'The Coming Race'.
Edward Bulwer-Lytton This novel describes an advanced race of humans living within a subterranean world who call themselves 'Vril-ya'.These beings had formerly been surface dwellers until a global catastrophe forced them to take refuge deep in the Earth.The survival of this society was aided by their application of a force they referred to as the 'Vril'.It was supposed by some that Lytton's book was not altogether a work of fiction, and in fact, he was privy to secrets that lost Lemurian and Atlantean artifacts still existed in clandestine caches hidden inthe Gobi Desert and Tibet.
Developments in Germany
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'Thule Gesellschaft', |
One, based in Munich, was known as the 'Thule Gesellschaft', and the other was the 'Leuchtende Lodge' or 'Vril-Gesellschaft'
By those involved in these societies, mastery of an 'occult force' such as the 'Vril' would not only assure German technical dominance - it would ultimately liberate Germany from any crippling co-dependence upon the international petroleum cartels dominated by Germany's conquerors in the 'Großer Krieg' (First World War).
Members of both the 'Thule' and the 'Vril' societies were determined to develop an 'alternative science' and 'alternative technologies' based on principles possessed by the great 'lost' civilization of Atlantis - a technology superior to the mechanistic notions of modern science.
Thus to rediscover this source of universal free energy and make it readily available as a benefit to the modern world became their goal.
Germany Embraces a New Technology
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'Vril-Gesellschaft' |
"In everything we recognize two principles that determine the events; light and darkness, good and evil, creation and destruction-as in electricity we know plus and minus.
It is always 'either-or'…
Everything destructive is of 'Satanic' origin, everything creative is divine…
Every technology based on explosion or combustion has thus to be called 'Satanic'.
The coming new age will be an age of new, positive, 'divine technology'…"
The Vril Gesellschaft
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Maria Orsic |
The medium, Maria Orsic, was leader of the 'Vrilerinnen', who were the female members of the 'Vril Gesellschaft'.
According to the 'Vril Society', an important meeting was held in 1919, at an old hunting lodge near Berchtesgaden, where Maria Orsic presented to the small group assembled from the 'Thule', 'Vril' and 'Schwarze Sonne' Societies, telepathic messages she claimed to have received from an extraterrestrial civilization existing in the distant Aldebaran solar system, sixty-eight light years away, in the Constellation of Taurus.
Aldebaran - designated 'α Tauri' (Latinized to 'Alpha Tauri', abbreviated Alpha Tau, α Tau), is a giant star measured to be about 65 light-years from the Sun in the Zodiac constellation Taurus. It is the brightest star in Taurus and generally the fourteenth-brightest star in the night sky, though it varies slowly in brightness between magnitude 0.75 and 0.95. Aldebaran is a giant star, cooler than the Sun with a surface temperature of 3,900 K, but its radius is about 44 times the Sun's, so it is over 400 times as luminous. It spins slowly and takes 520 days to complete a rotation. Aldebaran regularly features in various theories as one of the origins of extraterrestrial aliens, often linked to German UFOs. A well-known example is the German theorist, Axel Stoll, who considered the star the home of the Aryan Race.
Maria Orsic along with other Vril Society female mediums, began the task of translating these
transmissions and discovered they contained instructions for building a circular 'Flugmaschine' (Flying Machine).
Upon studying these otherworldly, esoteric designs, Dr. W. O. Schumman and his associates from the University of Munich realized that the channelling actually contained viable physics, and over the ensuing years construction was begun to make this flying machine a reality, and 1922 development of a working prototype was underway.
Meanwhile Adolph Hitler's rise to power, fuelled in part by the Utopian visions of a 'New World Order', was inspired by the 'Thule' and 'Vril' Societies.
The Vril Saucers Take Flight
By 1934, the first manned test flight of the RFZ-1 took place.
However, the results were less than auspicious.
Flown by intrepid World War I ace, Lothar Waiz, the craft wobbled to altitude of 60 meters and upon landing, the pilot, managed to escape from the craft just in time before it spun out of control, and ripped to pieces.
Before the end of that year a much-improved version, the five meter RFZ-2, was test flown successfully and eventually flying disc development was taken over by Division SS E-IV of the German military.
The fundamental physics were as simple as a child's spinning gyroscope - circular discs spun in counter-rotation create an anti-gravity effect - an effect as timeless as that described by the Old Testament prophet Ezekiel and his 'fiery chariot' - 'a wheel within a wheel'.
Had he been witness to a flying machine from Aldebaran?
Contrary to his professed aim to create a world of cosmic harmony, Hitler sent his Panzer tanks and infantry into Poland in 1939, thus precipitating the altogether destructive Second World War.
And despite the fact that he also outlawed all secret societies in Germany, the 'Thule' and 'Vril Gesellschafts' maintained their autonomy, and development of Vril levitating saucer craft continued, despite funding competition from conventional Luftwaffe war-production imperatives.
Aero-Technical Unit V-7 designed a number of hybrid saucers that combined both exotic anti-gravity and conventional turbojet propulsion systems, creating vertical lift craft that were essentially precursors to modern helicopters.
However, the distinctly separate 'SS E-IV' Unit, bore the sole responsibility of developing Hitler's dream of free-energy propulsion.
By 1941, the successful 'Vril-2' levitation craft was employed for transatlantic reconnaissance flights.
The 'RFZ-2' craft employed the 'Schumman-Levitator' drive for vertical lift, and when activated, the craft displayed effects commonly described in many UFO accounts which consisted of blurring of visible contours, and luminous ionization colors relative to the craft's engine acceleration, varying from orange to green, blue to white.
Tragically, the Reich diverted the peaceful intent of the Aldebaran's levitation technology.
Following the success of the RFZ-2, a single pilot combat model was designed.
The advanced 'Vril-1' Fighter was capable of 12000 km/h, with full speed right angle turns along with no adverse G-effects on the pilot.
Since the craft flew in a self-contained envelope of its own gravitational field, the pilot experienced no sense of motion or inertia.
Subsequent levitation-craft advances between 1941 and 1944 spawned the 'Haunebu' series, which were much larger craft.
Development of powerful 'tachyon magneto-gravitic drives', known as 'Thule-Tachyonator' (speculated to be large spheres of vertically rotating mercury) allowed design of 75 foot diameter armoured saucer ships equipped with armaments such as Panzer-tank cannon turrets mounted to the underside.
Other craft were equipped with 'klystron' laser cannons.
By Christmas of 1943, medium Maria Orsic of the 'Vril Gesellschaft', claimed that subsequent transmissions from Aldebaran revealed there were two habitable planets orbiting that star and that the ancient Mesopotamian civilization of Sumeria was linked to earlier colonies of Aldebaran explorers. The seers discovered that the Aldebaran written language was identical to that of the Sumerians and was phonetically similar to that of spoken German.
It was also revealed that a 'dimension channel' or 'worm-hole' existed connecting our two solar systems.
Thus in January of 1944, possibly aware that Germany's war efforts were faltering, Hitler and Himmler
authorized an audacious plan to send a Vril-7 saucer ship into the dimensional channel, perhaps to secure assistance from the Aldebaran civilization.
The venture resulted in near disaster, the Vril-7 returned with its hull reportedly aged as if it had been flying for a hundred years and its surface damaged in several places.
'Foo Fighters' & Kammler
Allies sampled an unpleasant taste of the deadly weapons potential of German saucers as 'Foo Fighters' began to appear in December 1944 over Europe during the Second World War
And in 1944, a massive bombing raid was launched against the critical ball-bearing plant at Schweinfurt, but within a matter of hours a squadron of ten to fifteen German discs managed to shoot down as many as one hundred and fifty British and American bombers-one quarter of the entire bomber contingent.
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SS-Obergruppenführer Hans Kammler |
With the military fate of the Reich in doubt, an ambitious, energetic General rose within the SS inner
circle elite to a level of power that may have rivalled perhaps that of even the Fuhrer himself.
Hans Kammler, a protégé' of Heinrich Himmler, had earned a reputation with his skills for rapid development and implementation of underground manufacturing facilities, and vast mobilization of slave labour from concentration camps.
By 1945 Kammler had secured control over all top secret SS projects that were missile or 'aircraft' related.
Certainly, Vril projects would have been one of his foremost priorities.
Competent and skilled, Kammler easily bore the qualifications to mastermind construction of 'special projects' facilities at the Antarctic, and as of April 17, 1945, Kammler disappeared from Germany, presumably escaping capture aboard a six-engine Junkers 390 cargo plane bound for Neuschwabenland.
Neither was military assistance forthcoming from Aldebaran, but perhaps safe haven was offered instead, as a massive 250-foot diameter Haunebu III dreadnaught armed with four, triple-gun, heavy calibre turrets and capable of space flight was allegedly completed by April of 1945.
With the spectre Russian, British and American armies all relentlessly advancing on the German heartland, supplies, scientists, and saucer components were being steadily evacuated from Europe by U-boats to secret enclaves in Germany's Antarctic colony of Neuschwabenland.
The End of the Third Reich
Just one month prior to the Haunebu III's completion a cryptic message was sent by Maria Orsic to all members of the Vril Society, simply stating:'None are staying here.'
The psychic medium Maria Orsic was never heard from again, perhaps having escaped like Kammler- to South America, the Antarctic, or possibly even - Nevada - with a certain SS officer, Dr Siegfried Brandt ?
By inevitably seizing the rocket facilities and personnel at Peenemunde, the advancing Allied Army leadership was only too well aware of how dangerously advanced German technology had become.
Despite the Third Reich's unconditional surrender in 1945, a potential Nazi threat still haunted Allied intelligence.
Had the German High Command sacrificed its European operation to buy time for installation of a 'fall-back' position in the Antarctic, capable of launching future retaliations from its South Polar redoubt?
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Admiral Richard E. Byrd |
Antarctic under the command of Admiral Richard E. Byrd for the stated purpose of supposedly 'mapping' the Antarctic coastline.
This task force was provisioned for an eight-month polar stay, but after eight weeks and an undisclosed loss of planes and personnel, Byrd withdrew his forces.
Rumor was that Byrd encountered overwhelming hostile action, he described as, "fighters that are able to fly from one pole to another with incredible speed."
He also intimated that he had in fact engaged a German contingent being assisted as well by an 'advanced civilization' with formidable technologies…
Whatever occurred with Byrd's expedition at the South Pole remains shrouded in mystery since all reports, including Byrd's personal log entries, remain classified.
Also, it should be noted that Operation High-Jump was originally organized by Secretary of the Navy, James Forrestal.
But later, in 1949, then Secretary of Défense Forrestal was sent to convalesce for a nervous breakdown at 'Bethesda Naval Hospital'.
However, after allegedly ranting to hospital staff about the 'Antarctic, UFOs and an underground Nazi city', Forrestal was denied all visitors, and shortly thereafter died in a 'fall' from his hospital room window.
His death was conveniently labelled a 'suicide'.
But could the 'advanced civilization' suggested by Byrd be the same extra-terrestrials alluded to by both Von Braun and Oberth ?
Could these "`'people of other worlds' be Germany's mysterious allies from Aldebaran?
Of course, had all discussion of 'flying saucers' ended in 1945 it would be perfectly simple to dismiss the whole myth as preposterous nonsense, however, as we well know, persistent reports of UFOs and circular flying craft have remained a ubiquitous enigma worldwide for all the decades since World War II, and as long as this mystery goes unanswered the riddle of Nazi saucers will remain an urgent paradox that suggests numerous questions.
However, this puzzle, if reconsidered from the radically altered view of Quantum Physics, takes on dramatic plausibility !
Was the 'Vril Gesellschaft simply making practical a application of the 'Unified Field' theory ?
Is the Vril, or 'the unity in natural energetic agencies' that Edward Bulwer-Lytton described, far from simply fantasy, but a remarkably accurate description of 'Zero-Point Energy', that is said to pervade the entire universe ?
And did possible lost civilizations of Earth share understanding with extraterrestrial civilizations among the stars that the universe is in fact a 'single consciousness', and simultaneously an 'ocean of limitless energy' ?
And could it be that a handful of daring German visionaries discovered secrets of harnessing this energy ?
So, ultimately, who were the real victors in World War II?
Did a contingent of German physicists and engineers and military personnel successfully drop off the grid in 1945 and establish a new colony, totally self-sufficient and independent of the global petroleum cartels?
And are the fundamentals of free-energy production fully known and deliberately withheld, at the cost of destroying our environment, merely to serve the greed of multi-national corporate and banking interests to this day? And is this 'free-energy' propulsion the ultimate secret behind the UFO cover-up ?
Of course, in the years immediately following World War II, the German saucer mystery compounded even more.
In June of 1947 a private pilot named Kenneth Arnold reported a formation of nine shiny objects speeding along at an unprecedented speed of 1600 mph in the vicinity of Mt. Rainier, Washington.
In Arnold's words, the craft flew "like a saucer would if you skipped it across the water."
Hence the press seized upon his words, and launched the public fascination with 'Flying Saucers'.
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Kenneth Arnold |
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Horten 'Flying Wing' |
Four months that had just ended.
Later, in September of 1947, just eight months after Admiral Byrd's aborted mission to the
Antarctic, the Strategic Air Command undertook a detailed mapping and reconnaissance mission of the North Pole.
An extensive B-29 support base was established at Ft. Richardson, Alaska.
But aside from cameras, these bombers were crammed with state-of-the-art, electro-magnetic scanners, sensors and magnetic emissions detectors.
And, just as Byrd described, 'high-speed craft capable of flying from pole to pole', were again encountered at the Arctic as well.
Debriefed flight crews reported seeing metallic vertical lift saucers parked on the ice packs, flying in and out of the water as well as dogging the B-29s.
All evidence, tapes, film canisters and documentation were immediately classified and rushed back to Washington D. C.
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'Andromeda-Gerät' |
In 1944 it was decided that the 'Vril Gesellschaft' would attempt to build a functioning 'Raumschiff' (Spaceship) to be built by the SS, with all the resources of the SS state-within-a-state, including slave labour and safe facilities.
Due to the immensity of this project a special unit was formed to build just this type - the SS E-V (E-5) Unit.
The 'Raumschiff' was to be called the 'Andromeda-Gerät' ('Andromeda Device').
Work on two of these massive 139 meter long and 30 meter diameter 'flying cigars' probably began with great effort in early 1943 in above ground heavily camouflaged shelters similar to that of the old Zeppelin hangars.
These craft were designed to hold both a Haunebu II or IV disc in one large bay with two other smaller Vril 1 or 2 discs in a secondary bay - both accessed from the side of each craft.
Each craft was to be crewed by 130 and were to be armoured with a quadruple layered Victalen hull. The E-V unit nicknamed them as male and female “Freyr” and “Freya” after the old Norse God and Goddess.
The propulsion systems located at both the fore and aft sections of the Andromeda craft would be beyond the last Haunebu-type Thule Tachyonator 7c drive.
These craft were to have four massive power units, two Tachyonator 11 at the front and two at the rear with four additional large SM-Levitator units located in pairs on the top and bottom of each craft which sat on a series of large underbody skids to support the massive weight.
It is generally assumed that those engines were of the same EMG (Electro-Magnetic-Gravitic) type but other Allied Intelligence officers believe that they might have been photonic based on witness accounts of one large craft flying with a massive bright light source emitted from the rear.
'Thule' might have simply used the Tachyonator term to describe an evolution of energy drives that might have varied in the latter models.
Although designed as an armed vessel, with provision for five turrets armed with powerful 'KSK' ['Kraftstrahlkanone' or 'Power Ray Cannon'] it is doubtful that any armament actually made it onto either of the two prototypes under construction.
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George Adamski |
George Adamski (17 April 1891 – 23 April 1965) was a Polish-American author who became widely known in ufology circles, and to some degree in popular culture, after he displayed numerous photographs in the 1940s and 1950s that he said were of alien spacecraft,
Adamski also claimed to have contact with a 'Nordic' looking extra terrestrial near 'Desert Centre', California, who claimed to be from the planet Venus.
However, it should be noted that photographs of the little 'scout craft' this alien flew show a design virtually identical to the German 'Haunebu II'.
Though much of what Adamski reported was later debunked as a fraudulent, reports of UFOs identical to Adamski's 'Venusian scout ship' continue to surface worldwide.
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Adamski Photo of a 'Scout-Ship' |
Of course it remains common knowledge that during the war Germany had cordial relations with Argentina and other Latin American countries, and by a curious coincidence even today UFOs are commonly reported the full length an breadth of South America, along with reports of hidden German bases in the ice peaks of Peru, and the vast jungles of Brazil.
But perhaps the most blatant inference of a German connection with UFOs comes from the well known Billy Meier case in Switzerland.
Eduard Albert Meier is a UFO 'contactee' and whose UFO photographs are claimed to show alien spacecraft. Meier claims to be in regular contact with extra terrestrial beings he calls the Plejaren. He also presented other material during the 1970s such as metal samples, sound recordings and film footage.
Meier 'Beam Ship'
Also in 1975, thirty years after the disappearance of the 'Vril Society' leaders, Meier claimed to have 'contact' with a female 'alien' from a planet in the 'Pleiades' constellation, who bore a striking resemblance to the 'Vrilerinnen' from 1919.
This female 'alien' also wore long blonde hair, spoke in fluent Austrian-German, and candidly shared comprehensive knowledge about the German saucer projects of World War II.
And were UFOs that Meier regularly photographed - which have never been proved to be faked - actually contemporary versions of the original Haunebu ?
And yet, the riddle remains that, were the surviving modern remnants of the Third Reich to actually possess such vastly superior technology, why then would they not simply flex their muscle and conquer the world in one final swift stroke?
Or did they realize such a victory might ultimately be a futile gesture?
Suppose the Reich survivors learned from their Aldebaran mentors the alleged secret that the ancient Sumerians possessed that, in a regular 3600 year cycle, the surface of planet Earth is devastated by the passing of a dwarf-star that is a companion to our solar system.
And that this 'dark star' is calculated once again to swing through the inner planets during the early years of the 21st Century.
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'Neuschwabenland' |
And so, might the Reich survivors not wisely choose to disappear from the surface world, and develop hardened underground 'shelters' in the remote wastes of Antarctica, (Neuschwabenland) patiently preparing to safely sit out the 'dark star's passing ?
So is it possible that a contemporary generation of subterranean 'Reichskinder' secretly continue to
advance their limitless scientific wonders, content to allow the ignorant, expendable 'surface dwellers' to choke in the poisoned atmosphere of their internal-combustion, 'junk-technology', automobiles, airplanes and industries ?
Meanwhile, the attempt to solve the mysteries of the saucers of the Third Reich, and the secrets of Aldebaran, certainly has gained more relevance to our present world in the first decade of the 21st Century.
It seems an irony that, much like pre-World War II Germany, we find the Western World dangerously dependent upon foreign petroleum sources dominated by hostile Muslim nations.
This previous section relates, so far, to information regarding the possible origins of some UFOs during recent history which are decidedly terrestrial - meaning of this world.
This particularly involves 'contacts' such as George Adamski, Eduard Albert Meier - and others - at that time who reported, and in many cases photographed, UFOs that were similar, or in some cases almost identical to German saucers.
In addition to being very similar to German saucers, the occupants with whom these individuals had 'contact' were, by and large, 'Nordic' looking - tall, with blue eyes, blond hair - and were even called 'Nordics' by the UFO investigators of the time.
Not surprisingly such 'contactees', as they are known, are generally believed to be 'hoaxers' or deluded.
The photographic evidence, in many cases, however, appears to be genuine - which is odd.
We believe that the reason for this is the fact that these 'contacts' are a rather devious form of 'disinformation'.
What makes this more likely are the extremely unlikely explanations that the 'aliens' gave with regard to their places of origin - for example, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter - and often completely unknows points of origin - for example 'Clarion'.
Also, in addition, these supposed 'aliens were remarkably 'human' appearance, and the fact that they always appeared to be perfectly at ease in the earth environment - requiring no special 'space suits' or breathing apparatus makes one doubt if they were truly 'alien'.
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Jenseitsflugmaschinen in the Polar Regions |
There is also the coincidental fact that they began to make their appearance in America and Europe just after the end of the second World War - in UFOs that were remarkably similar to the German 'Jenseitsflugmaschinen' (Flying Saucers) that have been described in this briefing.
And so we have an additional hypothesis to that which is usually offered for reports of sightings of UFOs and contacts with 'aliens' beyond the usual 'extra-terrestrial hypothesis' and that is the 'terrestrial hypothesis'.