Faunus arrives unexpectedly with a small gift for Ethan - and Jim encourages Ethan to get to work on the upcoming concert - but work is interrupted when 'Bot' arrives
Jim then visits Zac at the 'Athena Security HQ', and later is driven out to the 'Villa Athena' to confer with Novius. and while Jim is away, Teddy and Ethan attempt to 'program 'Bot'.
The following day Jim inspects the architects drawing for the proposed villa at Henderson. and later Jim, Ethan and Teddy and Max return to the 'California Combat Club' to inspect some more recruits.
"So why the rush to get back home ?", Ethan asked, as they pulled away from the 'California Combat Club'.
"Well you need time to get your concert prepared.", Jim replied, as he got on his cell-phone in order to speak to Zac about the two new recruits at the 'Combat Club'.
"And we're going to get a delivery...", Teddy muttered.
"What makes you say that ?", Ethan asked.
"Defocused temporal perception - ", Teddy replied.
"And what might that be when it's at home ?", Ethan responded.
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'The Penthouse Building' - Summerlin - Las Vegas' |
"I see..", Ethan said, nervous about taking the matter any further.
Later, arriving at the 'Penthouse' Jim, Ethan and Teddy found Faunus waiting for them sprawled out over one of the modern style leather and chrome arm chairs.
"So what brings you here, Faunus ?", Jim asked.
"Oh - I have a little something for Ethan.", Faunus replied.
"And what might that be ?", Ethan asked.
"Here...", Faunus said, handing Ethan some manuscript paper...
Ethan took the manuscript paper - perused it - and then turned to Teddy..
"Mm... very interesting...", Ethan commented non-committedly, in a vary spurious, ersatz German accent.
"So where did you get this ?", Teddy asked, more to the point.
"Oh, just on my travels...
..'thought it might be nice for the next concert.", Faunus explained - without explaining anything really.
"Well... are you going to play it for us ?", Jim asked.
"Yes - but first we need to have something to eat..", Ethan said.
But before anyone could do anything about a meal Clare came into the living-room to announce that a crate had arrived.
"So how do we know it's not a bomb ?", Ethan asked.
"Well I don't thin that Mr Stark would try to blow us up.
It's from Stark Industries.", Clare stated.
"It's Bot !", Ethan exclaimed.
.And so they all went to the kitchen, where Jim, Ethan and Faunus dismantled the crate to reveal a shiny, white robot - while Teddy pretended to be totally disinterested.
"Now Ethan - don't do anything before we've both thoroughly read the instructions.", Jim said.
So while Ethan and Faunus read the instructions, Clare tidied away the masses of white bobbly-stuff that had prevented Bot from being damages in transit.
"It's simple - just screw off one off his right ear, and press the ON switch..", Teddy said - which they did.
"And don't try to dry him in the microwave - he's not 'microwave safe' - and remember to screw the ear back on, otherwise he'll only hear in mono.", Teddy advised,
But after Ethan had switched Bot on - nothing happened....
Jim looked to Ethan, and Ethan looked at Faunus - puzzled, and fearful that Bot was a 'dud' - and would have to be sent back to 'Stark Industries'.
"Obviously faulty !", Ethan said
And then Bot's eyes lit up blue...
And then Bot spoke...
"Oh...you can talk.
You must be the 'humans' that are mentioned in my programming...", a voice said - a voice that sounded like a boy's voice before it had broken, with a Mid West American accent, that suited Bot's size vey well.
"Well, I'm a human..", Ethan replied.
Well can you show me round this dwelling ?
You need only show me once, pal - I have a perfect memory.", Bot said.
"OK...", Ethan answered, taken rather aback by his new 'pal'.
"Well this is the dining-room - where we eat - but you obviously don't eat as you haven't got a mouth...", Ethan explained - rather awkwardly , a he returned to the living-room.
"So now what do we do ?", Ethan asked.
"My controller - who is my controller ?", Bot asked - now sounding strangely mechanical.
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Ethan & Bot in the Penthouse Dining Room |
"Hi - little guy - you are Bot - and I, Ethan are your controller....
I am your controller.", Ethan replied.
"Me Bot - that is good.", Bot then said.
"OK, Teddy.
Let's get out of the 'you Tarzan me Jane', type of talk, and just get him talking more normally - if that's possible.", Jim said.
"Well I'll try, but he's quite a simple little robot really.", Teddy said.
So Teddy (who had read the instructions) opened up a little panel on Bot's back and made a connection via a special 'universal serial bus' (USB).
"This may take a few minutes...", Teddy said.
So they waited for Teddy to 'upgrade' Bot's speech module.
"Hi guys - I'm Bot - 'nice to meet you all".
At that point Clare returned to the Living room.
"Is he working ?", Clare asked.
"Sort of..", Ethan replied, sounding not particularly impressed with his new 'pal'.
"Hello - I'm Bot", Bot said to Clare, in his 'cute' little boy voice.
"Oh, he's adorable !", Clare exclaimed.
"Well I wouldn't go that far...", Ethan cautioned - "but now you need to tell him who you are..", Ethan continued.
"Oh yes...
Pleased to meet you, Bot - I am Clare, and I look after Mr Johnston, Ethan and Teddy.", Clare explained.
"I understand, and will you look after me ?", Bot asked, so endearingly that Clare had not option but to say yes.
"OK Bot - I'm Jim, and I want you to go to the living room, sit on a chair, and wait quietly as we have a lot of work to do - and we will talk later.", Jim said very firmly.
"Yes Jim - I look forward to more talking", Bot replied, and Bot struggled a bit, as he was quite a small robot, but eventually managed to get safely seated.
"Shall I switch to 'stand-by mode' ?", Bot asked.
"Yes, that's a good idea - but how do we get you to go back to 'normal mode' ?" , Ethan asked.
"Just give me a light tap, once, on my head.", Bot replied.
"Ah, he's 'touch controlled' -", Jim said, rather obviously.
"So - I think it's time you got to work on the upcoming concert - so I will leave you with Teddy and Bot as I need to see Zac at the Las Vegas Hotel Athena', and Novius at Antelope Valley, so I will be back late.", Jim explained the Ethan., as he 'phoned Chuck, asking him to bring a limo round to the main entrance.
"Okey dokey", Ethan replied as he switched on his digital piano.
"Right - so let's get to work...", Teddy said, as he made his way to the study to get some manuscript paper.
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'Athena Corporation Security' HQ - Entrance - 'Las Vegas Hotel Athena' |
Jim was being driven to the 'Las Vegas Hotel Athena' - headquarters of the Athena Corporation Security Service - headed by Zac Taylor.
Once construction was completed on the 'Henderson Repository', the Headquarter itself would be located at Henderson, and the 'Las Vegas Hotel Athena' would be the main 'Security Service' office in the centre of Las Vegas, with subsidiary offices in all the main properties belonging to the Corporation.
Jim's main reason or visiting Zac was to discuss the background checks on the latest recruits who were being auditioned for the 'California Combat Club', two of who Jim had inspected that morning, and a further number who Kurt may be deciding to put up the next day.
In addition, Jim was looking for any updates regarding the matter of Caleb and Tolson, and to check to see if any further incursions had been made into any Corporation establishments in 'Vegas.
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Athena Corporation Security Service |
"So I hear that Ethan got a delivery today.", Zac commented.
"Yes - after he heard about 'bots' he demanded one for himself, and Tony was kind enough to have one manufactured for him.", Jim explained.
"So, Jim, I think we need to have this bot checked out for 'bugs' and problematic programs and viruses etc.", Zac suggested.
"Yes - I quite understand - but don't do it here, or Ethan will get upset.
Better if you send some guys round to the 'Penthouse', and come yourself, as you know that Ethan is very fond of you - and you can explain what is being done.", Jim said.
"Yes, of course.
I completely understand... So when would be convenient. ?", Zac asked.
"Tomorrow evening would be fine.", Jim said.
"OK - your the boss." Zac replied.
"Please - don't say that...", Jim pleaded.
(Zac is of course referring to the late Alexander Johnson - Jim's 'guardian', who was always referred to as the 'Boss'.)
Zac then explained that the matter regarding Tolson and Caleb had not, so far, produced any reactions from the FBI, or any other members of the 'US Intelligence Community' - and so there was nothing to report.
The 'United States Intelligence Community' is a group of separate United States government intelligence agencies, and subordinate organizations that work both separately and collectively to conduct intelligence activities which support the foreign policy and national security interests of the United States. Member organizations of the Intelligence Community include intelligence agencies, military intelligence, and civilian intelligence and analysis offices within federal executive departments. The Intelligence Community is overseen by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which is headed by the Director of National Intelligence, who reports directly to the President of the United States
And so Jim left Zac at he 'Corporation's Security Headquarters', and ordered Chuck to drive at full speed from Las Vegas, in Nevada, to the 'Villa Athena', in 'Antelope Valley' in California.
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Jim arrives at the 'Villa Athena' - 'Antelope Valley' Cadillac Brougham Limousine 'Van Cleef' |
"I an so glad that you could make it, Marcus.", Novius said in way of greeting.
It's good to see you again, Novius - and I hope that you have - yet again - some interesting information for me.", Jim responded
(note that Novius always calls Jim 'Marcus' which is Jim's original, Latin name)
Novius took Jim into his study, where the kittens were sitting obediently on a sofa.
"With regard to your request I may have found some useful information....
Bur take a seat, and refresh yourself with some coffee, before we begin our serious talk ", Novius suggested.
Jim made himself comfortable, and in moments both the kittens, Bastet and and Sekhmet, were sitting beside Jim waiting to be stroked.
"So how are things, Marcus.", Novius asked.
"Well preparations are underway for the next concert, and we're taking on some new recruits for the 'Combat Club' - and I've finally got some architects to provide some drawings for a villa in Henderson.", Jim explained.
"So how have your researches been going. ", Jim then asked.
"Without being too optimistic, I think I'm making some progress,
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Lord of the Jubilees |
"And remind me about the book of Jubilees.", Jim asked.
"Well, the 'Book of Jubilees', sometimes called 'Lesser Genesis' is an ancient Jewish religious work of 50 chapters (1,341 verses), considered canonical by the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, and Ethiopian Jews, where it is known as the 'Book of Division'.
It was well known to early christians, and was discovered in these modern times among the 'Dead Sea Scrolls'.
The Book itself is a dissertation on some aspects of the concept of time - hence jubilees - because a jubilee is a particular anniversary of an event - but it also makes reference to the 'Book of Enoch'.
As in the 'Book of Enoch', 'Jubilees' makes reference to different types of spiritual beings - which we would term 'angels' - but are generally referred to as the 'Sons of God'.
However the Book, in its turn, is referred to indirectly in the christian 'New Testament' 'in passages from the letters to the 'Ephesians', and to the 'Colossians':
'all things created in heaven, visible and invisible, whether thrones, or dominations, or principalities, or powers - all things were created by Him....'
the 'thrones', 'dominations', 'principalities' and 'powers'- from the original Greek - are the names given to 'non-human beings' - 'angels' - in other words, 'aliens'.
And also:
'our wrestling is not against flesh and blood; but against Principalities and Powers, against the Rulers of this World of Darkness, and against the Spirits in the 'High Places.'
There are various traditions that describe the spatial lay-out of the universe in terms of the world in which humans typically exist, as well as other 'dimensions' or 'heavens' - which are the 'high places'.
In Hellenistic and Roman times there were two cosmological systems: one where the cosmos was divided into seven heavens, and the other where the cosmos was divided into three.
note: these quotes in English from the letters are Novius' own translations directly from the Koine Greek -( ἡ κοινὴ διάλεκτος, lit. 'the common dialect') , also known as Hellenistic Greek, common Attic, the Alexandrian dialect, and was the common supra-regional form of Greek spoken and written during the Hellenistic period and the Roman Empire
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'Temple of Artemis' - Ephesus |
"This is very interesting, Novius - and how do you interpret these extracts ?", Jim asked.
"Well we know from our own experience that very few individuals at the times that these documents were written would make reference to 'aliens'.
Notable exceptions, however, include Anaxagoras who considered the possibility that the moon might be inhabited, a highly controversial supposition that contradicted the dominant view of the cosmos as outlined by Plato and Aristotle.
Also Democritus, starting from the premise that there existed an infinite number of 'atoms', argued there must also exist an infinite number of worlds.
In our Roman times, Epicurus once wrote to the historian Herodotus that 'there is an unlimited number of worlds - some are similar to this one - and some are dissimilar.'
In addition Lucretius, the Epicureanism philosopher, suggested that 'nothing in the universe is unique and alone, and therefore in other regions there must be other earths inhabited by different beings.'
The essential ideas here, however, are that 'non-human entities' exist, and were known in ancient times, and that such non-human entities were in some cases good, and in some cases evil.
also, these translations by Novius' were made directly from Koine Greek and Latin texts
"And where is the connection with the Æons ?", Jim then asked.
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'Ineffable and Ever-living Æon' |
The word Æon originally means 'life', 'vital force' or 'being'. It is also associated with 'timelessness' or 'eternity'. It is a Latin transliteration from the ancient Greek word ὁ αἰών (ho aion). Plato used the word Æon to denote the eternal world of ideas, which he conceived was 'behind' the perceived world, as demonstrated in his famous allegory of 'the Cave'. In Hellenistic belief, Æon is an archaic name for omnipotent beings, such as gods. In Gnosticism, the various emanations of the One, are known as Æons - which is the manner in which Novius uses the term.
NOTE: No one in the ancient world was a true 'monotheist' in the way that people today would use the word. Monotheism and Polytheism were a 'spectrum' rather than 'binary', and a 'monotheist' was just someone who believed that one god (the ONE) stood out amongst, and ruled over an array of other 'divine beings'. So while the Gnostic conception of the Æons might appear to 'modern' people as a form of Polytheism, by the standards of its time, it was thoroughly – even quintessentially – monotheistic.
"So where have your researches gotten you ?", Jim asked.
"No really very far...", Novius admitted.
"In fact only as far as the documentation available here will take me... and that's not very far...", Novius added.
"So you think we might need to make a further search - maybe in Europe ?", Jim said.
"Well - when you have time...", Novius replied.
"Well, for some reason Ethan is keen to go to Europe - so perhaps once I have this villa in Henderson sorted out - them we might be able to make a trip.", Jim suggested.
And so, with thoughts of a possible return to what remained of the scenes of that other time and place, Jim left the 'Villa Athena', and returned to Nevada.
While Jim had been talking to Novius, Ethan and Teddy have been talking to Bot....
"But you and Ethan have already asked me that.... eight times !", Bot replied.
"'... just checking...", Ethan said.
"Ethan.", Bot answered.
"Yes... I think he's got that - finally.", Teddy concluded.
"And your best friend is ?", Teddy then asked.
"You are, Teddy...", Bot replied, somewhat mechanically.
"Good...", Teddy responded.
"So - what about some house rules ?", Teddy then suggested.
"What do you mean, 'house rules'..", Ethan asked.
"Well - 'rules for the house'...", Teddy replied.
At that moment Jim arrived.
"So, how are you getting along with 'Bot' ?", Jim asked.
"Well, he's not as 'quick on the uptake' as I expected, but maybe he needs a little time to warm up.", Ethan replied.
"OK - but don't push him too hard - we don't want him to 'blow a fuse'.", Jim said.
"So how did you get on with Novius ?". Teddy asked.
"From what he told me he seems to have been doing a lot of research - but he's still not finding the information that he's looking for... but he suggested that we might need to go to Europe to continue the research...", Jim explained.
"That would be great !", Ethan exclaimed.
"Yes - I thought you'd be pleased about that...", Teddy said - referring to Ethan's remark.
Jim then turned to 'Bot'.
"Well, 'Bot' - who am I ?", Jim asked, wanting to test the new little member of the 'Penthouse Gang'.
"You are Jim - also known as James Johnson - and also Marcus Octavianus Gracchus - my 'boss'...", 'Bot replied confidently.
"So, Teddy - where did 'Bot' get all that from ?", Jim demanded coldly.
"Well his programming has certainly kicked in - but I don't really know, exactly.", Teddy began hesitantly.
"I can't imagine that Tony gave him that information - so perhaps he has some means of tracking the information that we have.", Teddy suggested.
"What ? - You mean he's telepathic ?", Jim responded.
"I don't know, Jim.", Teddy replied, and promptly shut himself down.
"There - you've frightened Teddy...", Ethan said.
"Yes - but when 'Bot' first arrived Teddy did some sort of upgrade om him, because there seemed to be something wrong with his speech, and I'm wondering if some other information was accidentally leaked to 'Bot' without, Teddy realizing.", Jim said.
"Who knows - but perhaps it's best if you contact Zac, and get 'Bot' checked...
And then be nice to Teddy.
I think he's upset, and he's only trying to help.", Ethan said.
So Jim spoke to Zac - and Zac contacted 'Stark Industries', and also sent for technicians from 'Athena Security' to come a check out 'Bot'.
But by then it was late, and time for bed, so 'Bot' was put in Jim's study, and told to be a 'good robot', and stay there quietly until the morning, with Teddy keeping an eye on him - but Ethan was uneasy, and found it difficult to sleep.
Just for once, Teddy didn't wake up Jim and Ethan the following morning as, like a 'good bear', he stayed at his 'post', keeping a watch on 'Bot' in Jim's study.
'Bot' had done and said nothing all night - which Teddy had thought was rather suspicious.
What did wake up Jim and Ethan was the arrival of the security technicians sent by Zac.
First, after a brief discussion with Jim and Ethan, the technicians ensured that 'Bot' was switched off, and then took him away to the 'Athena Security HQ' in Paradise, Las Vegas.
There, technicians from 'Stark Industries' were waiting to assist in checking out 'Bot'.
Once 'Bot had been taken away, Jim and Ethan then adjourned to the dining room to have breakfast, while Teddy remained in the Penthouse study.
"Do you think Bot's going to be alright ?", Ethan asked Jim - obviously concerned.
"Of course, Ethan - it's just teething troubles.
With a few adjustments he should be working perfectly soon.", Jim replied reassuringly.
"So - what's happening while we're waiting for 'Bot' to be fixed ?", Ethan asked, sounding more optimistic.
"Well, we've got a meeting at the 'Club Athena' very shortly, with the architects, to review their drawings for the new villa - so smarten yourself up while I get Chuck to bring the limo round.", Jim replied.
So while 'Bot was being fixed at the 'Las Vegas Hotel Athena' in 'Paradise', Jim and Ethan made their way to the 'Club Athena' in Summerlin in a very elegant white and pink 'Eldorado'.
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Emma - Jim's Secretary |
Of course Emma was there to greet Jim. Ethan and Teddy, and inform them, quite unnecessarily, that the architects were waiting to see them.
Having finally managed to get to the elevator - where Teddy could calm himself down by pressing the appropriate buttons, Jim. Ethan and Teddy entered Jim's office to find a display of drawings, however they were covered, as the architects obviously intended to reveal the one by one.
"So - what have you brought to show us ?". Jim asked.
"Well, we followed your advice to provide you with artist's impressions of the completed buildings, although we also brought you some plans indicating the various rooms.
We noted that you required a large 'official' dining room, as well as an 'everyday dining-room', and a breakfast room.
In addition we provided a number of reception rooms, a large study, a library, and accommodation for staff, as well as garage space for a number of automobiles.
Also an indoor swimming pool, and a large outdoor swimming pool.
Garden Façade - 'Nova Villa Athena' - Νέα Βίλα Αθηνά - Henderson |
The first drawing, therefore, gives an artist's impression of the main garden façade.
As you will probably recognize, it is in the Roman 'Tuscan' style with ornamental urns and various bass-reliefs and free standing statuary.", the Chief Architect explained.
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Open Air Pool Area - 'Nova Villa Athena' - Νέα Βίλα Αθηνά - Henderson |
"Yes - well the curtains are not part of the architecture - and this is only a drawing - so when it's built you can have any kind of curtains you like ...", Jim said.
"Okey dokey... so we'll have it !", Ethan said.
"Yes - well let's see some of the other drawings these gentlemen have brought us to see before we make any decision.", Jim then said.
"Next there are two drawings of the 'Outdoor Pool Area' - featuring Greek style Doric columns, and some Egyptian style statuary - as you did explain that you were fond of the Ancient Egyptian style.", the Chief Architect stated.
"Well I like the sphinxes, and the curtains are much better - and I think Bastet, Sekhmet and Ashraf will like the Egyptian touch...", Ethan said.
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Out-Door Pool - 'Nova Villa Athena' - Νέα Βίλα Αθηνά - Henderson |
"And here, Sir, is the proposed open-air pool.", the Chief Architect said, presenting Jim with yet another drawing.
"Golly ! It's really big...", Ethan said, standing on tip-toe, and looking over Jim's shoulder.
"Yes - very nice - Jim added in agreement.
"So, before we make any further plans, or drawings, do we have your approval for the general style of the villa. ?", the Chief Architect rather wisely asked.
"Yes - of course.
So now you will need to consult with Mr Black, with regard to land purchase and the presentation of estimates...", Jim said, leaving to hard work to Franklin - who would undoubtedly be able to get an excellent deal for Jim.
And with that Jim left his office, followed by Ethan, who swept up Teddy from Jim's marble topped desk.
"So don't bother to ask my opinion...", Teddy muttered, as they got out of earshot of the architects.
"Well - what is your opinion ?", Ethan asked.
"I liked the designs - and I just hope it all looks as good when it's finally built...", Teddy replied.
"So where to next ?"...Ethan asked, as Teddy started playing with the elevator buttons.
"I think we should pay a visit to the 'Las Vegas Hotel Athena', and have a word with Zac - we need to check on how Bot's getting on.". Jim replied.
"OK, Chuck - lets go to the 'Las Vegas Athena'...", Jim said as they got into their two-tone limo.
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'Las Vegas Hotel Athena' - Nevada |
As soon as the limo arrived at the hotel, the Athena Security appeared to escort Jim, Ethan and Teddy from the limo to the private 'Executive Entrance' of the hotel, and at the same time the hotel manager, Mr Anderson, (who had recently replaced Mr Reynolds) was informed of Jim's arrival.
Zac's Office - 'Athena Security Service HQ' - Nevada |
Immediately Jim, Ethan and Teddy were ushered into Zac's Office.
"So this is where you 'hang out', Zac.", Ethan said, as he entered Zac's Office.
"A bit sparse isn't it ...", Ethan added.
"It's the headquarters of a Security Service - what did you expect ?", Teddy countered.
"Ok... enough of that...
We've come to find out how 'Bot' is doing...", Jim said, immediately getting down to business.
"Well, Jim - 'Bot is fine...
No 'bugs' or 'viruses', and the people from 'Stark Industries' have deleted any unprogrammed information that may have been transferred from Teddy accidentally - but they do advise that in future 'Bot' is not linked to any other digital sources, as he has sufficient information and programming at this point, and any further input can be provided in 'normal' interactions.", Zac explained.
So can we take him back to the 'Penthouse' now ?", Jim asked.
"Of course..", Zac responded.
"So where is he now ?", Ethan asked.
"Waiting in the hallway.", Zac replied.
"OK - so, Ethan - you and Teddy go along and keep Bot, company while I have a quick chat with Zac.", Jim said.
So Ethan and Teddy left Zac's office, and found Bot leaning casually against a column at the entrance to the 'Athena Security' hallway.
"How's it goin', Bot ?", Ethan said as they approached the very relaxed looking little robot.
"Oh - Mr Ethan - nice to see you...
I'm very well, and ready for any instructions you may give me.", Bot replied enthusiastically.
"Good - but just call me Ethan, and try not to be so formal...", Ethan said.
"So everything back to normal ?", Teddy asked Bot.
"Yes Teddy - all my systems seem to be working perfectly. ", Bot replied.
"Good - so we'll just 'hang' here, while Jim and Zac have one of their little 'chats'...", Ethan said.
Meanwhile, back in Zac's 'super-secure' office, Jim and Zac were having one of their regular discussions.
"So are you sure that Bot's OK now ?", Jim asked.
"Yes - my 'tech guys' have checked him over, and Tony's guys have formatted and re-programmed his memory - so now should run perfectly.", Zac replied.
"So what do you intend to use him for...?, Zac inquired.
"Well I don't intend to use him at for anything... It's all Ethan's idea to have him.", Jim said, somewhat embarrassed.
"So thanks for sorting him out..", Jim continued, and then, trying to change the subject..."But I have another job for you...."
Kurt has taken of some new guys at the 'Combat Club', so I would be grateful if you could check them over before they are officially taken on.", Jim explained.
"So I'm going over to the club now - and if you're not too busy, you could come over with us, and get things started.", Jim suggested.
"OK - so we can use your limo ?", Zac said.
Jim nodded in agreement, and they left Zac's office, and joined Ethan and Teddy and Bot in the 'Security Service' hallway.
"Come on gentlemen - we're going to the 'Combat Club'...", Jim announced.
"So Mr Ethan - how do we travel to this 'Club' ?", Bot asked.
"Bot - don't call me 'Mr Ethan' - it's jut Ethan - and we travel by limo..", Ethan replied.
"Let me see - a 'limo' is a large 'auto-mobile'...", Bot said.
"Yes - very good Bot.", Teddy said encouragingly.
"This is a very big auto-mobile !", Bot exclaimed, on seeing the large black Cadillac Pullman, as they left the 'Las Vegas Hotel Athena'.
"Yes - all of our 'auto-mobiles', as you so quaintly put it, are big.", Ethan explained.
"But Bot is not very big..", Bot said, stating the obvious.
"Yes - we had noticed - and don't refer to yourself in the third person...it sounds weird.", Teddy advised
"He's still not very fluid with his conversation...", Ethan observed as Chuck opened the rear door.
"No - but it should improve with practice.", Teddy replied.
"Now you go and sit in the front with Chuck...", Ethan said to Bot, in the hope that Bot might not try to start any more pointless conversations.
So Bot climbed onto the front seat, and the Chuck pulled smoothly away from the executive parking area of the 'Las Vegas Hotel Athena'.
It was a short drive from the 'Las Vegas Hotel Athena' to the 'California Combat Club' - and moments later they were walking through the monumental entrance foyer.
"This is a very big building...", Bot exclaimed, as they made their way to the much less elaborate administrative area.
"Can you stop Bot from telling us that everything is very big, Teddy ?", Ethan pleaded, as they headed for Kurt's office.
"Well, I don't want to get blamed for messing up his programming again - so you will just have to do your best - anyway, he is your bot.", Teddy replied.
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Drew and Holden - Training Contest |
"It's a place of entertainment - like sport.
You'll see later." Ethan replied, realizing that it might be difficult to explain to Bot what went on at the 'Combat Club'.
While Jim and Zac went into Kurt's office - Bot was in for a shock as he innocently wandered into the 'Small Practice Ring', where he was confronted with a training contest that was underway.
"Whats going on here ?", Bot asked.
"OK - well I'll get Kurt to explain things - once he's finished talking with Jim and Zac.", Ethan replied.
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Bot learns to Shake Hands |
Meanwhile, Bot was being introduced to Adam, the Club's photographer, and Mikey - Kurt's 'up and coming' assistant.
"So who is this ?", Mikey asked.
"This is Bot - short for robot - Ethan's new little friend.", Teddy explained.
"Is he for real ?", Adam asked.
"Of course - he's a real little guy - but he hasn't been around for long, so he's still getting used to things...", Ethan said.
"So this is Mikey...", Ethan said
"OK - so pleased to meet you, Bot.", Mikey then said - offering his hand.
"I am also pleased to meet you - but why are you showing me your hand ?", Bot said in reply.
"Bot - it's a human custom - it's called a 'handshake'.
You grasp his hand, and then shake." Teddy said.
This is very strange...", Bot said, as he tentatively took Mikey's hand.
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Brody in the Locker-Room |
Meanwhile, the practice contest between Drew and Holden had finished, and a new contender - an East Asian guy, wearing dark red Speedos, entered the ring.
At the same time, Adam took Ethan aside to show him some of the recent photos.
"And here's an excellent new photo - a portrait of Brody.
I thought it might be suitable for the next 'Combat Club' brochure.
It shows Brody not fighting, but in a more informal light - in the locker-room.", Adam explained.
"Golly ! That's really good !", Ethan exclaimed.
Ethan took the photo over to where Teddy was quite unsuccessfully trying to explain to Bot the purpose behind the 'Combat Club'.
"Look here Bot - this is the 'star' of the Combat Club - a young guy called Brody.", Ethan announced.
"And it looks as if you're going to see Brody in action.", Teddy said, as Brody, stripped to his blue Speedos, entered the small practice ring.
"So who's the Asian guy ?", Ethan asked Adam.
"Oh - he's Korean - Tan-Ung - in fact from North Korea...
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탄 웅 - Tan-Ung - on the Ropes |
Apparently he escaped to South Korea about five years ago, and somehow got the the US.
Adam explained.
"What do you mean - escaped ?.", Ethan, who took no notice of politics or world affairs asked.
"Well the North Korean Government doesn't allow its people to leave the country, and conditions there are pretty bad, so lots of North Koreans try to escape - but most don't make it.", Adam replied.
"Weird !", Ethan commented.
"Don't worry - I'll tell you more about it when we get home." Teddy suggested.
"Okey dokey...", Ethan said - not really understanding what Teddy was talking about.
While Teddy and Ethan were talking, Brody was 'squaring up to Tan - who obviously lacked Brody's experience.
In next to no time Brody was throwing Tan around the ring, and eventually Brody got the Korean up against the ropes, and soon had him tangled up and helpless.
This was one of Brody's favourite manoeuvres - when he was in a 'winning fight', and would have ended painfully for Tan if Kurt had not emerged from his office and 'called off' Brody.
By then, Jim had joined Ethan, Teddy and Bot.
"So what do you think ?", Jim asked.
"What ? - about Tan ?", Teddy asked.
"Yes..." - Jim said.
"I think he's 'cute', in an oriental way." Ethan replied.
"What is the meaning of oriental ?", Bot predictably asked.
"Well I'm just surprised that Ethan knows the word.", Teddy muttered, looking to Ethan.
"Now then - yes - I go it off a DVD - but I can't remember which one.", Ethan replied.
"Do I get an answer ?", Bot asked.
"Yes - it means from the East.", Teddy explained.
"East of where ?", Bot then asked.
"Anywhere ! - This is worse that when Jim lost his memory...", Ethan replied, sounding exasperated.
"And when did Mr Jim loose his memory ?", Bot asked.
"Ah - that was a long time ago... in the time of the 'Boss', Ethan said.
"Now look, Teddy - you must bring Bot up to speed.
We can't have him asking all these questions all the time - it's very wearing.", Jim said.
"Yes, of course.
If Ethan gets on with his composing, and doesn't start bothering me, I'll give Bot some information about your 'accident', and how you met the 'Boss', and Ethan and so on...", Teddy promised.
"Yes - and give him the sanitized version - we don't want him 'spilling the beans to the wrong people.", Jim said firmly.
"And what are these beans I must be careful not to spill ?", Bot asked.
"Just get him to shut up - or I'll switch him off permanently !", Jim exclaimed, as he strode over to Tan for a talk, well out of earshot of Bot.