Chapter 32 - Events in Nevada

The time has come to 'set things up' in Nevada.
'Sigi' needs to join the 'family firm', and have a nice new upmarket 'home'  in Henderson, and at the same time Glen will take 'Sigi's place at Green Valley High School.
And Brody and Aaron will each re-start their careers.
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It was the following day....
Hot-Tub - Penthouse - Las Vegas - Nevada
So Jim... can you tell me... why did you have Damrosch killed ?", Ethan asked, as they relaxed in the steaming hot-tub at the 'Vegas Penthouse.
Jim looked at Ethan warily.
"Well, for one thing, he came with the hotel - I  didn't appoint him..." Jim replied.
"Yes... but so did the rest of the staff... 'come with the hotel'... and you could hardly have had all of them killed...", Ethan replied.
"True...", Jim answered, sounding slightly annoyed.
"I  know...", Teddy - who was sitting on the side of the tub - said.
"I know you know... but I want Jim to tell me... so why don't you go and watch one of your movies..", Ethan said.
Surprisingly, Teddy gave no reply, but simply stomped off to the 'home cinema'.
"Now you've done it... ", Jim, said, grinning.
"Perhaps... but stop trying to avoid answering the question... ", Ethan insisted.
"Well, for one thing, I didn't like Damrosch - and  he had been disrespectful to you, and also it was obvious that he was not giving Aaron any support - and also Franklin had indicated to me that there were problems with the hotel's accounting...", Jim explained.
"And Brody ?", Ethan asked knowingly.
"Why not just let Kurt get one of his 'shady' friends to do the deed ?", Ethan added.
"Well you are getting 'smart', my spiky-haired friend...", Jim said smiling.
"Yes... there was a reason for involving Brody...
I wanted to 'bind' him more closely to us... after all he could be very useful."
Ethan looked concerned.
"Well being a young guy with no family that we know of, and his only friends apparently being us, and the guys at the 'Combat Club' - I suppose he could be useful...", Ethan said.
But the implication that Ethan was making was obvious.
If Brody had to be 'disposed' of for any reason, no one who mattered would notice, and equally no one would 'back him up' if he got into trouble.
It was a bit like being a slave, or a low class 'pleb' in Roman times Ethan thought - and he realized that Jim was just testing the water by getting Brody involved with the murder of Damrosch.
Plebeians or 'plebs' - in ancient Rome were the general body of free Roman citizens who were not patricians, as determined by the census - 'commoners' or low class persons.
Brody in Speedos - (Publicity Photo)
"Anyway... that's enough about Brody... after all he's just a 'well muscled', 'well hung' kid who enjoys getting beat up because it makes him 'horny'....", Jim said dismissively.
"Yes... and you 'fancy' him...  just a bit...", Ethan said perceptively....
Jim scowled, and go out of the 'hot-tub'.
Ethan bit his lip, and ran after Jim.
"Sorry I said that, Jim... but you know that I like Brody... and I don't like to think of anyone taking advantage of him.
You got to see, he's like all of us... very much alone in this strange world...", Ethan said.
Jim stopped in his tracks...
"Yes... I see...
It's just like Faunus said, a long time ago, at the 'Villa Pastoralis'...
I need to find myself... find my true feelings... " Jim said quietly, as he went into the master bedroom to dry off and get into some clothes.
Ethan stood helplessly, wondering what to do.
Then, when things had seemed to have calmed down a little, Jim decided to approach Ethan.
Sekhmet (or is it Bastet ?)
in the Winter Palace Gardens
"Come on, Ethan...", Jim said with a weak smile, as he poked his head round the door,
"There's a lot to for us do.."
"Oh...?", Ethan said, trying to be non-committal.
"Well yes...
If you want to get back to Egypt, and have the kittens playing in the garden of the 'Winter Palace', then we need to have everything organised here - and for that I need your help.", Jim explained.
"So... what do you want me to do..?", Ethan asked, putting on his helpless 'little boy' voice.
"Now you are very good at dealing with difficult subjects when you talk to people - so I thought that you could speak to one of the 'boys' about some plans that I have for him.", Jim said.
"So... like it's 'bad news'...  and you're too 'chicken' to tell him...", Ethan replied.
"No, Ethan, but I don't want to be seen always as the 'wicked uncle'.." Jim replied, sound rather hurt.
Green Valley High School - Henderson
Glen - Portrait
"Well of course I'll do it, mainly because you're too young to be a 'wicked uncle', or any kind of uncle for that matter.", Ethan said with a smile.
"Now, if you remember, Glen has been studying with Novius.
That's all very good... Novius is a fine teacher, but Glen needs to be with kids of his own age, if only for a year or two.
So as 'Sigi' is graduating very soon now, I thought that you could put it to Glen that it might be a good idea if he went to 'Green Valley High', and sort of took 'Sigi's' place.", Jim explained.
"Well I've never been to school, or even had a tutor - unlike some people...", Ethan began, making a pointed reference to Jim's privileged upbringing, Jim having been to school in Athens, and having had private tutors when the adopted son of Gracchus - but that was all a long time ago - a very long time.
"Yes... OK... I get the point....
But will you be able to explain why it might be good for him.", Jim asked.
"Yes, I should think so.", Ethan replied.
"And what are you going to be doing ?", Ethan asked.
"Oh, I need to talk to 'Sigi' about his change of address, and what he will be doing after he graduates.", Jim replied.
At that moment Ethan's laptop beeped, meaning he had an email.
At this point they were standing in the master bedroom, and it was obvious from the 'beep' that the laptop was in the room, but just exactly where was difficult to tell.
Eventually Ethan found the laptop under a pile of clothes, opened it up and checked the emails.
Old Lobby Card - Combat Club
open image in new tab to enlarge
Old Lobby Card - Combat Club
open image in new tab to enlarge
"Oh, it's the new picture of Brody I ordered from those nice advertising-thingy-guys...", Ethan said.
"So...let's see...", Jim said, his curiosity piqued.
So Ethan did a little preamble before actually showing Jim the image.
"So... I thought that now that we are 'pushing' Brody, so to speak, we should replace those rather outdated photos hanging in the lobbies of the 'Combat Club' with some featuring Brody, and maybe Jonathan.
So I got the nice advertising-thingy-guys to work on that big poster of 'Brody Comes to 'Vegas' - and do it in a nude version  - I thought you'd like that.", Ethan explained.
Brody Comes to Vegas - 'Nude' version
"Well I probably would... but is that quite appropriate for the lobbies ?", Jim asked.
"Oh yes.... because it's all done in 'the best possible taste'...", Ethan replied, opening the image on the laptop screen for Jim's perusal."
Jim looked surprised.
"Very, very clever Ethan...", Jim said, smiling.
"Yes... It's definitely got my approval.
It's surprising how such an image can look very risqué, without actually showing anything.", Jim enthused.
"Yes... those guys are clever.", Ethan said, referring to his 'advertising-thingy-guys'.
"Well I  think it looks a bit tacky...", Teddy, who had returned from the 'home cinema', muttered.
"Well, we'll see how the club members respond...", Jim said.
Jim then went to his closet and put on his jacket.
"So, Ethan... isn't there something we should be doing ?", Jim asked.
"Oh no... not another trip to Los Angeles... ", Ethan moaned.
"Yes, I'm afraid so.", Jim replied, as he 'phoned Chuck.
For this trip, which Jim was hoping would not take a long time, Jim had asked Clare to prepare some cold snacks, plus plenty of Pepsi Max - mainly in order to avoid any arguments about roadside diners.
"So here we go again...", Ethan said in his sing-song voice that was meant to indicate he was going to be bored.

And in many ways it was a boring journey, as the interstate was remarkably straight, and the scenery was not particularly interesting.
Green Valley High School - Henderson - Nevada
"So what do we do after I get Glen to agree to go to Green Valley High ?", Ethan asked.
"Well, if he agrees, then there should be no problem.
I've already contacted the principal, and Franklin has produced documentation - birth certificate, previous school, address, parent or guardian (that being me), credits, GPA (which is 5) etc, etc.", Jim explained.
High School Hall - Green Valley - Henderson - Nevada - USA
"And how do you know so much about this system - like enough to fake it ?", Ethan asked.
"Oh, Franklin and Teddy helped me..", Jim replied casually.
"I see...
And I suppose with all the money that you're throwing at the school, what with the graduation for 'Sigi', and the new library and fully equipped computer center, Glen will have no trouble getting into this place.", Ethan said.
"No trouble at all.", Teddy said.
"Yes... well just remember to say nothing if you go into the principal's office !", Jim said to Teddy.
"Point taken.", Teddy replied.

It should be remembered, at this point, that Glen had never attended any school, ever.
Glen's origins are very strange, to say the least, and for more information go to:
Eventually they arrived at the 'Villa Athena', and a warm welcome from Novius.
Villa Athena - Los Angeles - California - USA
"So where's Glen ?", Jim asked.
"Oh, he's in his room, hard at work at his studies.", Novius replied, as he showed them into the drawing room - which still displayed a stone carving of a jaguar head over the rarely used fireplace - a reminder of the earlier name of 'Villa de los Jaguares' - 'Villa of the Jaguars'.
A 'drawing room' is a room in a house where visitors may be entertained, and is now often called a 'living room'. The name is derived from the 16th-century term 'withdrawing room', which remained in use through the 17th century, and made their first written appearance in 1642
"So... you said when, you wrote to me, that you wanted to speak to Glen.
(Novius liked to receive letter srather that 'text messages' or 'phone calls.)
Would you be offended if I asked you what it is that you wanted to speak to him about ?", Novius asked diffidently.
"Not at all - in fact I was going to talk to you about the matter before speaking to Glen.", Jim replied - ever the perfect and thoughtful gentleman - at least with people like Novius.
"It's about his education...
Now I am more than satisfied with the way that you have been educating him, in fact I doubt if there is a person alive who could teach him so well - after all, you yourself had the best possible classical education - a kind of education that no longer exists...", Jim began.
"Well thank you for the compliment...", Novius said, although he knew it was no compliment, but simply the truth.
"But Glen has had a very strange life...", Jim began.
"Yes.. you can say that again...", Ethan muttered.
Jim wisely ignore Ethan's comment.
"But now he needs to mix with people of his own age - just for a year or so - in order to become socially adjusted.", Jim continued.
"And he also needs a 'real' graduation certificate...", Teddy added.
"To go with his 'phoney' birth certificate, and other school documents...", Ethan said.
Glen - Villa Athena - Drawing Room
"Yes Ethan - well you're not really helping.
"I know - but it's just the same for me...", Ethan replied.
"I know, but you're too old now for High School..", Jim said.
"Oh ?", Ethan retorted.
"Well you know what I mean...
You run hotels and theaters and cinemas, and goodness knows what else now - so you can hardly become a High school student.
"Well that guy in that movie did..", Ethan persisted.
"Yes, but this is real life - not a movie !", Jim said, on the verge of having an argument.
"Real life...  you must be joking...", Teddy commented.
At that point Glen came into the drawing room.
"I heard raised voices... I thought there might be a problem...", Glen said lamely.
Teddy looked at Glen, while the others looked decidedly embarrassed.
"Take me with you to the Library...  we need to talk.", Teddy said as he hopped off the big square chair he was sitting on.
"OK Teddy.", Glen said.
"So, Teddy, what's this all about ?", Glen said, once he had closed the door to the library.
"It's about you, Glen, and your future....", Teddy replied.
"And ?", Glen asked.
Green Valley High School - Henderson - Nevada - USA
"Well, to put it simply, Jim thinks you should go to High school - and take 'Sigi's' place.", Teddy said.
"And did he tell you why ?", Glen asked.
"He thinks that you need to mix with people of your own age - and ordinary people - not people like us.", Teddy explained.
Glen looked puzzled and worried.
"Well I've got it all written down here...", Teddy said as he took a small notebook out of an equally small, furry pocket.
"So listen carefully...", Teddy said, as he put on his horn rimmed glasses.
"First of all you will need a graduation certificate - like 'Sigi' is getting soon.
Apartment - Green Valley - Henderson 
Ford Mustang
And Jim will give you 'Sigi's' old apartment - and you'll get a very fashionable, sporty automobile.
And, of course, you'll be very popular - with a substantial increase in your allowance, a sports car as I already mentioned, an apartment and a fabulously rich 'uncle' - and remember... you're supposed to be Jim's nephew - like 'Sigi', but he was supposed to come from the Austrian side of the family...
Am I making myself clear ?", Teddy asked.
Glen nodded - too stunned to make any immediate comment.
"And can I still come and see Novius, and come to the 'Penthouse' ?", Glen finally asked.
"Of course, Glen...
You're still part of the 'Penthouse Gang'...", Teddy said reassuringly.
"So what now ?", Glen asked.
"Well why not go into the drawing room, and tell Jim and Ethan and Novius what you've decided.", Teddy replied.
There was a general sense of relief when Glen returned to the drawing room and said that he agreed to the plan, as Jim and Ethan had been concerned that Glen might not be very keen on becoming a 'high school student' - hence the offer of the Ford Mustang and the apartment.
"So what now, boss ?", Ethan asked.
"It's Jim... not boss, Ethan...", Jim said.
Jim rose from his seat....
"So I will contact the Principal now, and with Novius approval, we shall take Glen to 'Green Valley High'.
"You have all the papers ?", Glen said nervously to Jim, as Novius nodded his approval.
"Yes..  and remember, when we're at 'Green Valley High' I'm 'uncle Jim'... OK ?", Jim said.
"OK... uncle.", Glen replied, grinning.
Not surprisingly the principal at 'Green Valley High' was more than pleased to accept another student related to the school's recent and very generous benefactor - Mr Johnson - particularly as the student in question had such excellent grades and references.
After a short, but remarkably boring tour round the school facilities, Jim, Ethan and Glen, (Teddy had wisely been left in the limo), returned to the 'Villa Athena'.
Cascade Apartments - Henderson
'Sigi's' Apartment - Henderson - Nv
Jim, Ethan and Teddy then gave a heartfelt farewell to Novius and Glen, and, as school was out by then, Chuck drove them the short distance to 'Sigi's' apartment.
This part of Henderson typified the new middle-class, middle-income 'small town' dream, although the real American 'small town dream'  - along with Norman Rockwell - was, in reality, long gone.
All this, however, meant very little to the 'boys' coming, as they did, from very strange backgrounds.
'Sigi' at the 'Cascade Apartments'
Even Max and Brody had no real understanding of such ideas, as their origins lay in the horribly deprived 'big city' slums.
They went up the stairs and buzzed, and 'Sigi', with his usual welcoming smile came to the door.
"Hi !", 'Sigi' said, "I've just got back from school."
"Hope you don't mind us visiting unannounced, but we have some news..", Jim said.
"Yes..  you're going to be evicted.", Teddy said.
"What !", Sigi exclaimed - obviously shocked.
"But now Jim's going to take you to choose another place to live - and 'Sigi', you must wait for people to finish their sentences, otherwise you'll end up with a coronary."
"OK, come in - and promise not to play any more jokes like that on me again, Teddy.", 'Sigi' said, ushering them into the apartment.
"That was no joke - I was simply telling you what was happening..", Teddy muttered.
"OK, now don't argue about it...", Jim said, thinking there had been enough arguing for on day.
"So why the move ?", 'Sigi' asked.
"Well here, in this country, when you graduate you are considered, in many ways, to be an adult.
Many of your colleagues at High school will be going on to college or university, but your future is secure - with us, if  you want.", Jim said carefully.
"Well of course 'with you', and the others - why should I try to make my way with strangers ?". 'Sigi' said.
"Quite right, 'Sigi'...", Teddy said, butting in.
Jim ignored Teddy's comment, and continued to explain the situation to 'Sigi'.
"So, I have been looking at properties in the area that might be suitable for you, on a rental basis, but with a guaranteed option to buy.
Glen, who is going to start studying at 'Green Valley High', will take over your apartment - to which I still hold the lease - and you can move into an unfurnished place - which can be furnished quickly - until you decide if you want me to buy the place." Jim said.
"I see, and where is this place, sir ?", 'Sigi' sensibly asked.
"Right... ", Teddy began... "It's in 'Spring Palms' - just about ten minutes from Green Valley High, twelve minutes from here, and seventeen minutes from the Paradise Park - where you will probably be able to find Ethan... OK."
"Yes...  that's fine, Teddy.", 'Sigi' replied, rather taken aback by Teddy's mastery of the facts.
"So..let's go, guys !", Ethan said. 
Once in the limo, Jim gave the address to Chuck - 'Spring Palms' - Henderson'.
Gated Community - Henderson - Nevada
"What a 'cutesy' name... 'Spring Palms'...", Ethan said, as they pulled away from 'Sigi's' apartment.
Eventually they came upon a set of substantial gates...
"Ah... a gated 'community-thingy'..", Ethan said knowingly.
"Well, at least you should be safe here..", Jim said.
"Yes, but my research showed that Henderson was one of the safest  places in the US.", Teddy said, sounding dismayed.
"Well perhaps this is where all the bad guys live, and the gates are to keep the police out...", 'Sigi' said.
"So where is this place ?", Ethan said, beginning to become impatient.
Spring Palms - Henderson - Nevada - USA
"Just here, Master Ethan... just coming up to it...", Chuck said.
And a 'cute' house suddenly appeared among the well tended shrubbery.
And it was all very quiet, and clean and tidy and 'cute' - with not a soul around.
"Well, it's got palm trees, like in Egypt - but other than that there's no comparison...", 'Sigi' said.
"Well I  like it...!", Ethan said, when he caught sight of the house.
"Like I  said... it's 'cute', and you don't have to go up stairs to get to the front door, and you don't have any nasty neighbors nearby... yes, very nice.", Ethan concluded.
"And what do you think, 'Sigi' ?", Jim asked.
Spring Palms - Hallway and Kitchen - Henderson - Nevada
"It looks nice, but can we go inside ?", 'Sigi' replied.
"Of course..." Jim said, as he got out of the limo - keys in hand.
Once the door was opened they entered the house.
"Ooo...  it's very white !", Ethan said in a spooky voice.
"And very empty...", Teddy added.
"Well, you'll want your own furniture in here...", Jim said.
Jim's Office - 'Club Athena' - Las Vegas - Nevada
"Yes, but that's all in the other place, and Glen's probably going to need it - not that I really want it - it's the stuff that Franklin got for me.", 'Sigi' said.
"OK, well if you decide to have this place, then I'll be able to get the furniture quite quickly - the company that I use has a website - it's the same company that was used to furnish my new office at the 'Club Athena'.
"Wowy !... that's really good stuff...", Ethan said admiringly.
"And then it's just a matter of decorating, and maybe putting down some new flooring - this wood is not really suitable for this hot climate - marble floor would be better.
And you will need air conditioning.", Jim said.
"And you're going to pay for all of that ?", 'Sigi' asked, disbelieving.
"Why not - you are my 'nephew' after all...", Jim said with a smile."
And Ethan was just a little bit jealous, (forgetting that he owned a huge apartment building in the most expensive suburb in all Nevada  - 'Summerlin' - but he tried not to show it.)
Spring Palms - Yard and Pool - Henderson - Nevada
"Now if we go out to the back of the house there's something that you might like.", Jim then said.
Jim then took them down to the end of the kitchen, and out into the 'yard' (UK 'garden' - as opposed to 'gardens' - posh), and there was a small swimming pool.
"Well it's not exactly 'Olympic' size, but it will be a good place to cool off with your friends...", Jim said.
"Well I think I'll be coming to visit you...", Ethan said.
"So what happens now, uncle Jim.", 'Sigi' asked.
"Now, I will arrange for some of my people from the 'Penthouse Building' to move Glen's personal possessions from the 'Villa Athena' to 'Sigi's' old 'Cascade Apartment'.
You 'Sigi', for the moment, can stay at one of the pavilions at the 'Villa Athena' so you will be close by your new home.
"And Novius is OK with that ?", Glen asked.
"Of course - I already warned him about it, and it won't be for long - and you can move into this place as soon as the bare minimum of furniture is delivered.
"So here are the keys.
Of course I will have a set of keys - after all I actually own the place - and the company who will be delivering the furnishing and decorating and other things will have keys, which they will surrender to me on completion of their works.
Then I will have Zac engage a security company to install new locks, alarms and surveillance equipment - OK ?", Jim said.
Spring Palms - Baseball Court
Ethan was always surprised to see how Jim could change, and so quickly take over command.
"And as we go I should show you the other facilities connected to the house - which maybe you might not use yourself, but if you let your friends use them, I am sure will make you very popular in the area.", Jim said mysteriously.
Spring Palms - Baseball Court
And walking away from the high wall that surrounded the house, they came upon a basketball court, and a tennis Court.
"Now I don't know how to play basketball or tennis, and I don't think Ethan does either..", Jim began.
"I do...", Teddy said quietly.
"I know, Teddy, but you're not big enough.", Jim said as gently as possible.
"But I would imagine you might know, 'Sigi'...", Jim finished.
"Well not tennis, but I'm quite good at basketball.", 'Sigi' replied modestly.
So the 'viewing' was over, and 'Sigi' seemed more than satisfied with his new accommodation.
"So we'll drop you off at the 'Villa Athena', and I will see you tomorrow at the 'Club Jaguar'... I will send a limo to collect you at about 8:30 am..", Jim said to 'Sigi'.
"Yes Sir.", Sigi replied obediently.

The next morning 'Sigi' 'skipped' school - but had told the principal that his 'uncle' wished to see him urgently in 'Vegas.
Chuck with one of Jim's Cadillacs
And so 'Sigi' arrived at the 'Club Jaguar', stepping out of one of Jim's many huge black Cadillacs, with the limo door held open by Chuck, and the 'Club' doors held open by a pair of the innumerable bellhops.
This was not the way 'Sigi' was used to being treated at High School.
As 'Sigi' stepped onto the sidewalk, Zac, immaculate in a black business suite, came down the steps and shook 'Sigi's' hand.
"Welcome 'Sigi' - the 'Dominus' is expecting you...", Zac said.
'Dominus ?'... 'Sigi' questioned in his mind.
While such a title came naturally to Zac - 'Sigi' was not used to it, but then he suddenly remembered the funeral.

'Dominus' is Latin for 'master' - or less formally 'boss' - used in Ancient Roman times

Now Zac could be, at times very intimidating - he was, after all Jim's 'Chief of Security' (Tribune).
What 'Sigi' didn't know was that Zac had also been 'Tribune' to Gracchus (the 'Boss'), and also to Marcus (Jim) a long, long time ago - but no matter...
Zac was smiling - but 'Sigi' was not entirely reassured, however.
"Er.. have I done anything wrong ?", Sigi asked quietly as they entered the lobby.
"No, 'Sigi'... quite the opposite.....
It seems that your time has come.", Zac said.
'Sigi' wasn't sure what that phrase really meant - but he was hoping that is was not as ominous as it could be taken to be.
Lobby - 'Club Athena' - Las Vegas - Nevada - USA
Zac took 'Sigi' to the 'executive elevator' situated in the main lobby.
"Emma will be waiting for you when you leave the elevator.
See you later, 'Sigi'...", Zac said, giving 'Sigi' an amazing smile.
"Top floor !", Zac ordered the elevator boy.
"Yes Sir !", the boy replied, obviously scared out of his wits.
Soon the elevator doors opened, and Jim's secretary was waiting for 'Sigi' - smiling.
"You knew Zac before I came here ?", Emma asked by way of conversation.
"Yes, and he still frightens me to death.", 'Sigi' said.
"Well that's good to know... I thought he only had that effect on me...", Emma said.
Emma led 'Sigi into Jim's office.

Book 1 - Chapter 28 'Brand and Maria and Men in Black'
should explain how 'Sigi' arrived in this story - and also explain why Zac still frightens 'Sigi'

Jim's Office - Club Jaguar - Las Vegas - Nevada
"Nice to see you, 'Sigi'....
Were they OK at the school about you taking some time off ?", Jim asked as he shook hands with his supposed 'nephew'.
"Oh yes 'uncle' Jim... no problem.", 'Sigi replied, noticing Teddy sitting on Jim's desk - a fact that implied that Ethan was not far away.
" we need you to move into the house we looked at yesterday as soon as possible after your graduation.
"By the way, have you got a young lady to take with you to the prom !" Jim began.
"Well, I don't actually have a girlfriend at the moment... ", 'Sigi' said, obviously embarrassed.
Now here it gets complicated:
Maria Orsic
Dr Siegfried Brandt - 'Sigi'
Some time before the 'Boss' 'passed away' in Mexico - Ethan, in his rather unlikely role as 'sidekick' to Zac and Faunus - was given the task of 'guarding' Maria - Dr Siegfried Brandt's secretary, (actually Maria Orsic - or is that OrÅ¡ić - or maybe Orsitsch). While Maria was trying to seduce Ethan - obviously quite unsuccessfully - she had revealed to the extremely embarrassed and confused Ethan that Brandt was not her 'lover', and that Brandt was actually attracted to young men - and it was possible that the same trait had been retained by 'Sigi' ... perhaps...
"But you like girls ?", Jim asked, gently probing.
"Well yes, but I haven't met many... except at high school.
"And you're popular at high school ? Jim asked.
"I think so... but that's just because I've got a very expensive car - that 'Mustang' you gave me, and my own apartment, and no interfering parents - and also a very generous allowance - thanks to you - and that's the thing about high school - as long as you're good at sport, good looking, have got 'wheels', and plenty of money then you're bound to be popular.", 'Sigi said, sounding rather disillusioned.
"Well, as you're finding out, that's a thing about life in general - and mainly with regard to money.
Anyway, pick the most popular girl in the school - ask here to the prom - and it will make a good 'finish' to your time at high school.", Jim advised.
"But today I want you to start choosing your furniture for the new house.", Jim continued, as he got up and took a heavy, thick catalogue from a cupboard in the large built in bookcase behind his desk.
"You can take this catalogue with you - but first let me show you, on the laptop, some examples of what we could order...", Jim said as he opened his MacBook Pro 16".
Bedroom Furniture Catalogue
"But I'm just a highschool kid...  and this is very 'big-ticket', sophisticated stuff....
You can't be serious !", 'Sigi' said - as he looked over some of the images.'.
"Sigi'... Let's get this straight.
You're not just anybody - and this is the style of living to which you must become accustomed.", Jim said - very seriously.
"So let's have no more false modesty... is there anything there that appeals to you ?", Jim as asked, as 'Sigi' scrolled through the images of bedroom furniture.
Bedroom Suite
"Anything ?", 'Sigi' asked, as he studied the lavish bedroom layouts
'Sigi' scrolled back...
"There is one - but perhaps you won't like it - it's a bit more modern...", 'Sigi' said, diffidently.
"It doesn't matter what I may think, 'Sigi'... this is going to be your bedroom.", Jim said.
"There... what do you think ?"
"Well, for just a highschool kid you show remarkably good taste - an excellent choice.
Now before you change your mind, I'll get one of Franklin's minions to order the complete suite - including the crystal chandelier and the fur rug, but not the flowers.", Jim said, obviously enjoying himself.
"Now for the moment, however, I need you to go through that catalogue and, if you're happy with that bedroom selection, you can find a dining suite and a living-room suite that you like, and then phone through the information to Franklin.
I'm sorry about the rush, but if you don't order something quickly then you might end up sitting on the floor in that new house.
Brody Posing
Combat Club Logo
Now in a while we are going to attend an inaugural show at the 'California Combat Club' - which will feature Brody.
So if you would like to accompany myself, Ethan, Josh, and Zac - we would be pleased to have you with us...", Jim said.
"Yes, and that includes me - and I like the bedroom...", Teddy added.
"Oh yes - Teddy - and thanks.", 'Sigi' responded, surprised, as he had forgotten all about Teddy sitting on the desk.
Aaron Performing
Park Theatre - 'Vegas
"And also there will be an inaugural gala performance - featuring Aaron - at the 'Park Theatre' in 'Vegas, and you are also invited to attend that, with us...
I will send you all the details by email...", Jim said to 'Sigi'.
"Well thank you, but I hope that you will also attend my graduation, as many of the students are looking forward to seeing my elusive 'uncle'.", Sigi said.
"Of course, 'Sigi', I wouldn't miss it for anything.", Jim replied, although he was not being entirely honest.
"My, we are all going to be busy...", Teddy commented.
So 'Sigi' left the 'Club Athena' carrying his heavy catalogue, and drove off in one of Jim's black limos, back to the 'Villa Athena' - just outside Los Angeles, hopefully to arrange a 'date' - as in 'young lady' - for the graduation prom, and await Jim's summons to the 'Combat Club' and the 'Park Theater'.
Paradise  Park - Logo
So Ethan has got together with his 'nice advertising-thingy-guys' - and Teddy - and has had them together design a new 'Paradise Park Hotel' logo - which Ethan and Teddy think is 'pretty neat' - and Jim likes it as well. As for Evans - the actual manager of the Paradise Park - well Ethan, (who was technically Evans' 'boss'), didn't even bother to ask him - but then Evans was unlikely to complain, considering what happened to the 'late' Mr Damrosch.
Meanwhile, Ethan had been making arangements by 'phone with Evans (new manager at the Paradise Park), with regard to Aaron's upcoming concert.
The date had been set, but Ethan, who had gained confidence after Jim had entrusted him with the 'entertainment branch' of the corporation, had decided to make his mark on Aaron's inaugural gala performance.
Now if you have been reading this story in the way that Teddy would want you to read it - that is consecutively, chapter by chapter - you will know that Ethan, quite surprisingly for someone who started out a an ancient Roman slave-boy, is an accomplished musician - who can read and write music, and now has considerable knowledge of musical styles and forms.
A Certain German Student
The reason for this lies in the somewhat unlikely, and in some ways abortive, 'mission to Berlin' (less said the better).
For the 'mission', Ethan was given the problematic task of converting a certain German student, who was obsessed with rockets and space exploration, into a composer of music for 'movies'.
Eastman Rochester School of Music
The student in question was, from an early age an accomplished musician, so Faunus had to do a 'quick job' on Ethan so that he could convince this German student that he, Ethan, was a graduate of the Eastman Rochester School of Music in the USA.
Rochester University
The Eastman School of Music is the professional school of music of the 'University of Rochester' in Rochester, New York - USA. It was established in 1921 by industrialist (Kodak) and philanthropist George Eastman
As usual, Faunus was very successful, maybe too successful, and Ethan had continued to write music on his return to 'Vegas.
The upshot of all this was that Ethan decided that Aaron needed an experienced musical director - and Ethan decided that he should play that part.
Ethan and Teddy - Rehearsal - Park Theater - Las Vegas - Nevada
Now Ethan hadn't told Jim what he was doing, but the mysterious 'demise' of Damrosch had made matters much simpler for Ethan.
Part of Ethan's Score
So Ethan had simply hired more musicians for the 'Park Theatre'.
So while Jim had been dealing with all sorts of boring business matters, and interminable conferences with Franklin, Ethan had taken up his baton,  and had been rehearsing what eventually had become to all intents and purposes a full symphony orchestra.
Of course Ethan had been helped by Teddy who, not surprisingly, had perfect pitch and an encyclopedic knowledge of musical styles.
But time was running out...
The score shown here is not a full 'orchestral score' - the like of which Ethan had Teddy had been working on since their return from Germany, but is just a voice and piano 'rehearsal score' for Aaron.
After 'Sigi' had gone, Ethan breezed into Jim's office in order to collect Teddy.
Ethan was the only person in the whole corporation (and that included Zac) who could get in to see Jim (Mr Johnson) without first going through Emma, but then Ethan, despite what Teddy said, refused to be subject to an 'android' - which is how Ethan thought of Emma.
"So what are you up to...?, Jim asked Ethan.
"Oh, just going to the Paradise Park to sort some stuff out with Evans...", Ethan said.
Teddy of course, said nothing, having been sworn to secrecy regarding Aaron's upcoming concert.
"OK, well I'm going to the 'Comat Club' to see about Brody's next appearance.
Contact me if you need anything...", Jim said, as Ethan swooped down on Teddy, and then disappeared from Jim's office in an obvious rush.
Later Jim called for Chuck to bring a limo round to the main entrance of the 'Club Athena', only to discover that Chuck was still on his way back from Los Angeles - but Jim was prepared to wait, savouring a little time to simply relax.

Emma, Jim's secretary at 'Club Athena', had contacted Kurt, the manager of the 'California Combat Club', in order to inform him that Mr Johnson (Jim) would be visiting the Club in order to discuss the arangements for the 'Inaugural Show'.
As with most of the fights at the 'Combat Club' Brody would be appearing - either solo, or tagging with Jonathan.
'Tagging' refers to two or more wrestlers fighting together as a team. Tag team wrestling is a type of professional wrestling in which matches are contested between teams of multiple wrestlers. A tag team may be made up of wrestlers who normally wrestle in singles competition, but often tag teams are made of established teams who wrestle regularly as a unit and have a team name and identity. In most team matches, only one competitor per team is allowed in the ring at a time. The team-based match has been a mainstay of professional wrestling since the mid-twentieth century.
Kurt greeted his 'boss' warmly.
Unfortunately he was aware that the title 'boss' was 'off limits' for obvious reasons - and he felt awkward with the title 'Dominus' - so he was obliged to call Jim 'Sir', despite the fact that such formality was not usual in the wrestling business.
"So.. Kurt, you mentioned on the 'phone that you had found a suitable opponent for 'Brody' ?". Jim asked.
"Yes Sir, but it wasn't all that easy.", Kurt began as they stepped into Kurt's office.
"If I remember rightly, you wanted a big, well-muscled guy - but someone who was prepared to take a lot of punishment - and give the fight to a younger, lighter guy.
This guy calls himself 'Tank' - presumably because he's quite well made - and 'well-hung' for that matter.
I think he's a bit like Brody, however - likes to be beaten up - you know the type.", Kurt explained.
There was a knock at the door, and Mikey came in.
"Yes Mikey - coffee for myself and Mr Johnson please - and be snappy !"
Kurt said.
"And how's young Mikey getting on..?", Jim asked.
"Oh, very well... he keeps Brody 'happy' - which is the main thing...", Kurt said, smirking.
"So where's young Ethan and that amazing teddy-bear ?", Kurt asked.
"Oh Ethan's got some 'secret' scheme going on at the 'Park Theatre', and of course he's got Teddy with him.", Jim replied.
Kurt nodded.
"So when can I see this 'Tank' ?", Jim asked.
"Tomorrow...", Kurt replied.
"I know that's cutting it fine but he's not that easy to get hold of...", Kurt explained.
Poster of Brody
And you've got a convincing 'script' organised - with Brody giving 'Tank a really good 'beating' ?", Jim asked.
"Oh yes... it's all worked out.
It'll put Brody up there as a real 'winning' fighter, just like the poster says -
'superstar'.", Kurt assured Jim - with a grin.
Jim's Watch
"Well make sure that Brody knows what to do... eventually a lot of money may ride on this if we can make it a  regular feature.", Jim said.
"Of course...". Kurt replied reassuringly.
Jim looked distractedly at his watch.
"Well I can't wait to see Brody just now, but make sure that he knows that I'm relying on him.", Jim said, as he shook hands with Kurt on leaving.
"Since the last 'job' you got him to do for you - I think you'll have no problem relying on Brody.", Kurt said, with a knowing smile.

Jim had checked his watch because he had promised to meet Ethan at the local 'McDonald's' in 'S. Las Vegas Boulevard'.
Of course Ethan was late - but then there was a tap on the window, and it was Ethan and Teddy.
McDonald's -  South Las Vegas Boulevard - Las Vegas - Nevada
And why, with all their wealth, and owning restaurants and hotels all over Nevada and California, were they eating in a McDonald's ?
Well it goes back to the time when Ethan was first in Las Angeles - 'hustling' - before the 'Boss' had found him, and burgers were the only food he could afford - and that is the reason for Ethan's addiction to cheeseburgers...
"Sorry I'm a bit late...", Ethan said in his 'little boy' voice.
"So how are things at the 'Paradise Park' ?", Jim asked innocently.
"Oh great - and at the Combat Club...?", Ethan replied trying, discreetly, to avoid any further questions about the 'Park Hotel'.
'Tinkly Piano-thingy'
Celesta - Park Theater - Las Vegas - Nevada

"Well Kurt has found an opponent for Brody, so it looks like the inaugural fight can go ahead as scheduled.", Jim said.
"Don't you think it's a bit silly having this conversation through an open limo widow... why not go into the 'McDonald's' ?", Teddy said quietly.
"Yes...  good idea Teddy.", Ethan said.
So they went into the 'McDonald's', which was remarkably neat and tidy for such an establishment.
"So, don't you think it's time you 'came clean' about this business at the 'Park Theater' ?", Jim said, one they had settled at a table with their burgers and Pepsis.
"I don't know what you mean ?", Ethan replied making a very unsuccessful attempt to sound as if he didn't know what Jim was talking about.
"Well - Franklin's been showing me all this paperwork relating to strange things like celestas, timpani, a new grand piano, and salary bills for very expensive musicians... so what is going on, Ethan ?", Jim asked.
"Oh that...
It's stuff for Aaron's 'show'.", Ethan replied, desperately trying to sound innocent.
"It sounds more like a symphony concert at ''Carnegie Hall' to me.", Jim said.
Carnegie Hall is a concert venue in Midtown Manhattan in New York City. It is at 881 Seventh Avenue, occupying the east side of Seventh Avenue between West 56th and 57th Streets. Designed by architect William Burnet Tuthill, and built by philanthropist Andrew Carnegie, it is one of the most prestigious venues in the world for classical music.
Carnegie Hall - Manhattan -New York City
"Well yes... but let me explain...", Ethan began.
"This should be interesting...", Teddy said.
"Yes, and before you explain anything - what is a 'celesta' ?", Jim asked, looking completely bemused.
"Oh... it's a little 'tinkly piano-thingy'...", Ethan replied, feeling by then that he was really in trouble.
"But you see, when I found that Damrosch had been pocketing money for shows and not paying  Aaron  - I started looking at the those 'shows', and the audiences.
You see Aaron, up 'till now, as been singing young people's music - probably because he's young himself - but if you look at the people staying at the Paradise Park, most of them are quite old - many of them retired - after all most young people can't afford to stay at 'the Park' - it's very expensive - well for ordinary people.
So I thought, why not get Aaron to sing the sort of songs that these old people would like - like what 'young people' would think were 'old fashioned' songs.
But for that you would need a proper orchestra.
Now when we were in Germany, Faunus had 'enabled' me to read and write music - so - I thought - I could organise an 'orchestra-thingy', and orchestrate songs, and conduct it... the orchestra I mean...
Well that was my plan, anyway.", Ethan finished - rather lamely.
"Yes, but don't blame Ethan, because I helped him, and encouraged him...", Teddy added.
"Now you seem to think I'm annoyed - but that's not the case.
I think what you're doing is a good idea, but is it working ?", Jim asked.
"Yes Jim.
Ethan is doing very well, and I think he'll have the whole thing ready on time...", Teddy said.
"Really Teddy ?... But you're always telling me off, and saying I'm doing it wrong...", Ethan said, sounding confused.
"Of course - that's just to make you do even better.", Teddy said.
"Really ?", Ethan asked.
"Really...", Teddy replied.
"Thanks Teddy." Ethan said quietly.
"So, can you give me any idea what the program will be - or is that still a secret ?", Jim asked, sounding genuinely interested.
"Well it wasn't meant to be a 'secret'.
It's just that Ethan thought you might not take it seriously until we could show you that it was a real possibility...", Teddy said.
"So... it seems to be a real possibility, but it all depends on what the audience thinks at the end of the 'show'...
Radio City - Manhattan - New York
It reminds me, in a way, of what we used to do in the amphitheater at Baiae.", Jim said wistfully.
"And also when the 'Boss' told us about 'Snow White'.", Ethan said.
"Well the program is very much based on American musical movies - the sort of movies that our 'guests' may have seen at their local movie theater when they were young.", Teddy explained, rather formally, trying to overcome the wave of nostalgia.
'Snow White' - Disney - 1937
Radio City Music Hall was where the 'Boss' first saw the Disney movie 'Snow White'. Radio City was designed by Edward Durell Stone and Donald Deskey in the Art Deco style. Radio City includes the 3,500-seat "RKO Roxy" movie theater. In total, over 650 movies premiered at the Music Hall.

"So are you going to tell me about the program, or not ?", Jim asked obviously becoming exasperated.
"Well, we haven't got the 'running order' finalised yet...", Teddy began, sounding very professional  - "But the first part of the show begins with the 'Overture to Snow White', from the Disney movie of the same name, and then continues with 'One Song' - also from 'Snow White' - which is one of Ethan's favourites - I think because the 'Boss' saw it so long ago", - and Ethan blushed - just a little bit.
'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs' is a 1937 American animated musical fantasy movie produced by 'Walt Disney Productions', and originally released by RKO Radio Pictures. Based on the 1812 German fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm, it is the first full-length 'cel animated' feature film, and the earliest Disney animated feature film. It is still the highest-grossing animated film ever released.
'If I Loved You' - 'Carousel'
This music is then to be followed by 'If I Loved You' from 'Carousel' with an orchestral introduction, and 'You'll Never Walk Alone'.
'Carousel' is a 1956 American 'fantasy musical' movie based on the 1945 Rodgers and Hammerstein stage musical of the same name. The movie contains what many critics consider some of Rodgers and Hammerstein's most beautiful songs
'Something Wonderful' - 'King and I'
Then we are to hear 'Something Wonderful' from 'The King and I', followed by 'Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing', from the movie of the same name.
Next comes 'Moonlight Becomes You', from movie 'The Road to Morocco', with the finale of the first part  of the 'show' being Ethan's orchestration of 'Princess Leia Theme', with Ethan playing the introduction on the piano, accompanied by the orchestra." Teddy explained.
Jim said nothing, but just looked at Ethan with a bemused smile.
Teddy continued...
"The second part of the show begins with an orchestral version - arranged by Ethan - of 'If I Loved You' - to link up with the first part of the program - , which is followed by 'Let's Face the Music and Dance', from 'Follow the Fleet', and then 'Unchained Melody'.
This is followed by two pieces from the movie musical 'South Pacific' by Rodgers and Hammerstein - 'Younger Than Springtime' and 'This Nearly was Mine'.
'Younger Than Springtime' - 'South Pacific'
South Pacific is a 1958 quintessentially American musical movie, which is loosely based on James A. Michener's book 'Tales of the South Pacific'.  The soundtrack recording spent more weeks at number one in the music charts than any other recording. 
So far, we have decided that the program should end with the orchestral conclusion of a song entitled 'Twin Soliloquies' which should provide a triumphant 'coda' to the evening's entertainment.", Teddy concluded.
"And what's a 'coda' ?", Jim asked.
"Well you should  know, Jim...
It's from the Latin word 'cauda', meaning 'tail'.
In music, a 'coda', which is Italian for 'tail', is a musical 'passage' that brings a piece or a performance to an end.
Technically, it is an expanded 'cadence'.
It may be as simple as a few measures, or as complex as an entire section.", Teddy explained.
"So, I hope you're remembering all this, Ethan.", Jim said, half seriously.
"I'm doing my best... ", Ethan said.
"And have you tested any of this out on your prospective audience... " Jim asked.
"Oh yes...
Testing the Prospective Audience - Park Theater - Nevada
We sent some of the bellhops out into the lobbies and foyers, to round up some 'seniors' and bring them to the theater with an offer of free refreshments and an afternoon concert, and then we'd try out some of the pieces.", Ethan said glibly.
"And what was the response ?", Jim asked.
"A bit weird, actually.
They burbled on about when the were 'young', and went to the movies - saw the films, and bought 'records' - 'LP's, whatever they are - and how nice it was to hear the music again, and when were we to do some more concerts.", Ethan said.
"Yes, and they were surprised that Ethan, being so young, and still having a 'teddy-bear', was able to conduct an orchestra - and they just loved Aaron, and said how handsome he was.", Teddy added, as Ethan looked decidedly uneasy.
"I see - so it went down very well...", Jim said.
"Very well, I would say...", Teddy said.
"So what now ?", Jim asked.
"Well first we set a date, and then posters, and maybe advertisements in these 'news-paper-thingys' - if you approve. ", Ethan said.
"Ethan... you don't need my approval.
Entertainments are your responsibility, and if you think this will increase our cash-flow - and our reputation - then go ahead.", Jim said forcefully.
At that point - right in the middle of an interesting conversation, Jim got a call on his 'cellphone'.
It was 'Sigi' to say that his bedroom furniture had arrived, along with the people who were to install it - and 'Sigi wanted to know if Jim should come to supervise things - as it was actually his house.
Now really Jim had more important things to do than help his so called 'nephew' move into his new accommodation, but Jim had always been 'soft-hearted', and so he agreed to drive up to Henderson and give 'Sigi' some help.
Meanwhile, Ethan was on the 'phone to his 'nice advertising-thingy-guys', giving them the outlines of the posters that he needed for the 'Park Theater' show, now that he had Jim's approval.
So as Jim made his way to Henderson, Ethan and Teddy left the McDonald's, and went back to the 'Paradise Park', to discuss the kind of poster they wanted for the upcoming concerts, while they waited for the 'nice advertising-thingy-guys' to arrive with their proposals.
Ethan and Teddy's Office
"So... come into our office...", Ethan said proudly as he opened a door next to the executive suite.
"Our office ?", Teddy questioned.
"Well we need somewhere to work, and as this is probably the largest hotel we have, I thought we could make this the 'base of our operations' for the moment - our sort of 'secret HQ'...", Ethan said.
"And when did all this stuff arrive ?", Teddy asked, as he surveyed the luxuriously furnished office.
"This morning, while we were rehearsing.", Ethan replied.
"Very nice, and very modern.", Teddy observed.
"And as you can see, there's a special 'side-thingy', where you can sit and have your laptop.", Ethan said.
"Yes... very thoughtful - but there's not many cushions.", Teddy said.
Original Draft of the Concert Poster
"No problemo, my furry friend - I'm getting a sofa, and a couple of armchairs - with lots of cushions....
Eventually the 'nice advertising-thingy-guys' turned up, and Ethan showed them the list of songs to feature in the concert.
Ethan also suggested the idea that he and Teddy had discussed of including an image of the full orchestra, and a movie film spool, with the film showing frames illustrating various scenes from movie musicals.
The 'theme' Ethan wanted was that of 'reviving memories of youth' which fitted in well with the lyric from 'South Pacific' - 'Younger than Springtime am I'.
And so with an original draft in pencil and charcoal, with 'applied' lettering nicely drawn at one third full size, and with Ethan happy with the overall layout, the 'nice advertising-thingy-guys' went off to make a full scale presentation, in color, with applied photos.
"So what do you think, Teddy ?", Ethan asked.
"It's good - and gives a far better indication of the type of concert that is being promoted than the previous posters.", Teddy replied, very formally.
Meanwhile, in Henderson, Jim was left watching 'Sigi's' bedroom furniture being delivered, while at the same time the marble paving was being installed on the first floor (UK Ground Floor) - a task that was not particularly interesting - or comfortable, particularly as no chairs had been delivered to the house at that point.
When the work was done, 'Sigi' thanked Jim for his help, not that Jim had really helped very much, and invited him back to the Villa Athena - but Jim declined the offer, preferring to return to the 'Penthouse' and take things easy.

But, back in Ethan and Teddy's office, in 'Vegas, Ethan was frantically and noisily organising everything - to very little effect - while Teddy was sitting on his new desktop, carefully and meticulously recording the day's events on his bright blue laptop.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door.
"Who the fuck knows we're here ?", Ethan asked, looking startled.
"Well most people in the hotel, by the noise you're making...", Teddy replied.
Ethan nervously approached the door.
"Who's there... ?", he asked.
"Faunus...", Came the reply.
Ethan opened the door, and Faunus walked in, looking very cool (that's 'cool' as against hot) and fashionable in his custom made 'Escada' jeans and pure white 'Fendi' T-Shirt.
"So how come you knew we were here ?", Ethan asked, trying to appear relaxed.
"Oh, I have my ways...", Faunus replied, looking round the office.
"Seems you two guys are coming up in the world...", Faunus continued.
"Well I think Jim's beginning to trust me with some responsibilities.", Ethan said nervously.
"Jim's always trusted you... completely.", Faunus said.
"And, of course, Teddy... ", Faunus quickly added, although Teddy was pretending not to listen, and continued tapping on his keyboard.
"So the concert's going well ?", Faunus half asked.
"Yes, very well, thanks to you - and a lot of help from Teddy.", Ethan replied.
"That's good - and can I come to this concert ?", Faunus asked.
"Of course, Faunus - you will be one of the 'guests of honour'.", Ethan replied.
"And what about the 'meaning' of the various pieces that you have chosen for this concert - have you explained this to Jim.", Faunus asked.
Ethan looked troubled.
"I don't really understand what you're getting at, Faunus.", Ethan replied.
"Well I understand...", Teddy said quietly.
"I'm sure you do, Teddy, but we can deal with that later.
"But now I must go...
I'll see you at the concert, and at the 'Combat Club'.", Faunus said as he made a swift exit.
"Well I wonder what all that was about ?", Ethan said, scratching his head.
After all the posters, advertising and arangements had been made, the c0ncert was finally able to go ahead.
Equally, 'Sigi's graduation takes place, with 'uncle' Jim attending - and finally the 'inaugural' wrestling show is staged at a packed 'California Combat Club'.
All text - © Copyright Peter Crawford 2021
All Images - © Copyright Vittorio Carvelli 2021
Graphic Design - © Copyright Zac Sawyer 2021