Chapter 24 - Star-Gods and Aliens

The meeting resumes, and Faunus comments on the connection between the various mysterious monuments and structures to be found in Egypt, along with the cults of Osiris and Isis, and how these relate to 'modern' theories regarding 'Ancient Aliens' and the actuality of their own encounters with possible 'aliens'. The following day they all visit 'Agilkia Island'...
Dinner at the Old Cataract Hotel was quite a formal affair, so everyone had to change into suits and ties.
Old Cataract Hotel - Dining Room - Dinner - Aswan
This applied even to Ismail, but fortunately Jim had bought him a very elegant dark suit, with white 'double-cuff' shirt, onyx and gold cuff-links, silk tie and black leather shoes.
Teddy was glad that he was not required to attend dinner, and had quietly gone into Ethan's closet and switched himself off.
The boys all had a lot to think about after Teddy's long talk, and Max was even more preoccupied, after having spent time with Jim.
Once dinner was over, they all returned to the meeting room, where 'shai' was served, as they waited for Ethan and Faunus to appear in order to give the second part of the talk.
Ethan, of course, had gone to collect Teddy, while Faunus had simply disappeared - but then that was not unusual for Faunus.
Having been switched back on, Teddy was taken by Ethan to the meeting room, and once Teddy was comfortably sat on the table with his blue laptop, they all waited for Faunus to arrive.
"So what's this next bit going to be about, Teddy ?", Ethan asked, attempting to make conversation while they waited.
"..'don't know...", Teddy replied, in his usual curt way.
But at that point Faunus did arrive - and immediately began the meeting.
"So...I hope you all enjoyed dinner.....
And now I need to make a few comments about the first part of our meeting...", Faunus began.
"I hope that you have all begun to realise, from the examples that Teddy gave you, that there are some very strange structures, dating from the times of the Pharaohs, in Egypt.
Reconstruction of the 'Osireion' - Abydos
'Valley Temple' - Giza
The 'Great Pyramid', and the 'Serapeum' are just two examples - there is also the 'Osireion' at Abydos, and of course, there are also the 'Sphinx Temple' and the 'Valley Temple' at Giza - both of which you have seen.

"So what's this 'Osireion-thingy' ?", Ethan asked.
Faunus looked vaguely annoyed, but decided to follow up on Ethan's question.
"Well perhaps you could help us here, Teddy...?", Faunus replied.
"Er...Osireion....", Teddy muttered, as he obviously consulted his data-base.
"Right...yes...the 'Osireion' is actually one of the most important archaeological sites in Egypt.
The 'Osireion', is an enigmatic chamber, connected to the Nile, and fashioned from enormous stone blocks -  up to 25 ft long - of red granite, quarried in Aswan, the style of which is comparable with that seen at the 'Valley Temple' at Giza.
Mortuary Temple - Seti I - Abydos
Close to the 'Osireion' is the the 'House of Millions of Years of the Pharaoh Seti I', which is very similar to his temple at Thebes, on the West Bank - which you have seen.
The title 'House of Millions of Years' as you, by now, should know, refers to a pharaonic 'mortuary temple'.
Seti's Mortuary Temple at Abydos, however, contains the famous 'Abydos King-List', which is a a list of the names of seventy-six kings of Ancient Egypt.
Mortuary Temple of Seti I - Thebes
Tomb of Seti I - Thebes
The Mortuary Temple of Seti I was built long after the Osireion, and Seti I is in fact buried not at Abydos, but in the Valley of the Kings at Thebes - which we have previously visited - where there is also, as I previously mentioned, another Mortuary Temple to Seti.
But to return to the 'Osireion' - the water in the temple is an indication of the level of the Nile, which is approximately 6.5 miles away.
The 'Osireion' itself measures roughly 20 meters by 30 meters, and is designed in a clearly different construction style to that of the 'Mortuary Temple of Seti I', which was built in the Sixth Dynasty.
'Osireion' - Abydos - Egypt
Almost flush with the water table, and therefore the Nile, it is presumed that it was always part filled with water, leaving a central plinth protruding like an island in the centre.
The walls surrounding the building are 20 ft thick, and are made of red sandstone.
Seventeen alcoves surround the central area.
Like the Temples on the Giza Plateau, and the 'Great Pyramid', the 'Osireion' bears no hieroglyphic inscriptions, reliefs or wall paintings.
It is perhaps significant that the Osireion at Abydos is dedicated to Osiris, while the 'Valley Temple' at Giza is associated to Isis....
And that's all I have, Faunus...", Teddy said.
"Well it was very helpful, Teddy,", Faunus replied.
"So, will we be going to this Abydos place, Jim ?", Josh asked.
"Well I don't see why not....
It's on the way when we go back up to Cairo...and from what Teddy says it sounds interesting.", Jim replied.
" continue...", Faunus began....
"Ancient Egypt, it appears, emerged all at once and fully formed, and the period of transition from primitive to advanced society appears to have been so short that it makes no kind of historical sense.
Technological skills that should have taken hundreds, or even thousands of years to evolve, were brought into use almost overnight, and with no apparent antecedents whatever.
For example, remains from the pre-dynastic period around 3500 BC show no trace of writing.
Soon after that date, quite suddenly and inexplicably, the hieroglyphs familiar from so many of the ruins of Ancient Egypt begin to appear in a complete and perfect state.
Far from being mere pictures of objects or actions, this written language was complex and structured at the outset, with signs that represented sounds only and a detailed system of numerical symbols.
Even the very earliest hieroglyphs were stylized and conventionalized; and it is clear that an advanced cursive script was in common usage by the dawn of the 'First Dynasty'.
What is strange is that there are no traces of evolution from simple to sophisticated.
This is true of mathematics, medicine, astronomy and in particular architecture, as we have seen.
So we must ask,  how does a complex civilization spring, full-blown, into existence ?
In ancient Egypt everything is right there at the start.
We see good examples of this with the pyramids.
Giza Plateau - Egypt
First there is the 'Step Pyramid' at Saqqara - seemingly coming from nowhere, and then shortly afterwards the pyramids at Giza, where the 'Great Pyramid' reaches perfection - and then there is a steady decline.
Even in temple and tomb architecture - again, the 'Osireion' and 'Serapeum' - right at the beginning - spring from nowhere, fully formed, along with the temples on the Giza Plateau.
The perfection of the masonry is never again equalled, although Seti I is only too happy to mimic the style, if not the sophistication and the technical perfection, at a much later date.
So how are we to account for these strange facts ?", Faunus asked rhetorically.
Ethan, at that point was just about to answer, but Teddy, shaking his head, nudged Ethan, and Ethan wisely said nothing.
Faunus continued....
"The fact that many of the temples and monuments that have survived would undoubtedly be impossible to reproduce, even using the modern machinery and equipment available at the present time, has allowed some commentators to suggest what, in this time and place, is referred to as the now very popular 'Ancient Alien' hypothesis.
Put at its simplest, some aspects of this theory suggest that 'alien entities' - for reasons best known to themselves - travelled across the galaxy, apparently operating as 'jobbing builders'.
Now one would expect that if that were the case, the there would at least be some papyri or hieroglyphic inscriptions that would mention such noteworthy events - and maybe even some 'hi-tech' tool left behind by accident.
However, joking aside, there is the same lack of evidence left by the ancient Egyptians themselves to explain how they achieved such marvels of building technology - and not even any 'blueprints' or plans.
But it is easy to simply concentrate on the 'nuts and bolts' of how these architectural marvels were achieved.
More to the point, as I have try to suggest before, is why such projects were undertaken - and it is here that - for want of a better word - 'alien' influences may well be operating.
So then Faunus pursued a slightly different approach....
"I want you to imagine, for a moment, that you are Khufu.
You are not the greatest of Pharaohs - he was possibly Ramses II - but you are powerful, and looked upon by your subjects as a 'god-king'.
So - you are intending to build yourself a tomb, where your body can lie undisturbed for all time.
Now would it make sense for you to pile up, on an easily seen plateau, 2.3 million blocks of stone with an average weight of around 3 tons per block, and then cover the exterior of this huge pile - assembled in the form of a perfect four sided pyramid - with 27,000 blocks of white, polished limestone gleaming in the sun, each weighting a couple of tons, and top it off with a gold plated 'mini pyramid'  ?
Even if you thought that nobody could get inside this tomb - it all seems a bit pointless.
And - in addition, the passageway leading to the tomb chamber is ridiculously cramped in one part (the ascending passage), and then ridiculously large in another part (the grand gallery) - and much of this interior work is constructed, in granite, to modern 'engineering standards' !
And then there are the air shafts - which have been described as providing 'ventilation' - presumably for a corpse !
And of course, if you are such a great king, one would expect numerous inscriptions proclaiming this - the greatest monument to be constructed in ancient Egypt - to be the work of the 'great Khufu' - but there are none !
Rather like the Serapeum - Saqqara, and Osireion at Abydos, the 'Great Pyramid' at Gizeh makes no sense whatsoever !
"Now the solution given by the 'Ancient Aliens' theorists' does not answer any of these questions, unless you want to enter the area of weird theories of ancient 'power generating' machines, or 'landmarks' for flying saucers.

The mystery of such constructions remains, but there is also the matter of the orientation of these monuments to certain astronomical objects.
Jaguar God of the Night Sun
There is, as you must by now realise, a correlation between the 'neteru' and the stars, and also the Mayan deities and the stars.
Pyramid of the Sun  Teotihuacan
This, of course, takes us to the 'Pyramid of the Sun' at Teotihuacan - 'the place where men become gods'.
Now many ancient cultures have mythologies regarding the heavenly bodies - the sun, moon, planets and stars, but the ancient Egyptians and the Maya stand out as the two culture that appear to have coherent traditions.
'Agilika Island' - Aswan - Upper Egypt
"So...I will leave you with some of those things to think about...
And remember, tomorrow we are scheduled to take a motorboat to 'Agilika' and 'Kitchener's Island' - and then we board the 'Hadeel' in the afternoon, and begin the return to 'Lower Egypt'.", Faunus concluded.
And with that the meeting broke up, and Faunus left the meeting room - and promptly disappeared.
" go with Teddy up to the suite, and I'll quickly go over the the 'Hadeel', and tell Captain Hossam about the plans for setting off back up the Nile.", Jim said.
"Okey-dokey, Jim...", Ethan replied - and he wandered off, with Teddy, to the elevator.
"So, Teddy....what did you think of all that ?", Ethan asked, once they were back in their suite - after Teddy had amused himself playing with the elevator buttons.
"Well....Faunus had a lot of interesting things to say - but it didn't really get us much further forwards than the meetings that we had at the Peabody Hotel in Memphis.", Teddy replied.
"Yes...but that was some time ago...and I have some bad memories associated with that time.", Ethan said.
"Yes...but strange things were happening then...", Teddy agreed.
Well I think that Faunus knows more than he's letting on.....", Ethan began.
"I mean he is , after all, practically one of those 'pesky-alien-thingys' himself....
I mean, in a nice way - like he's a nice 'pesky-alien-thingy'...", Ethan continued.
"Mm...I think I understand what you're trying to say, Ethan.", Teddy replied guardedly, as he connected his disk drive to his laptop.
"But let's put it this way.
'Roger' the Alien - later to become Glen
Faunus is not human, like you and the other 'boys' are human - well except for Glen...", Teddy began, only to be interrupted by Ethan.
"Why ?....what's not human about Glen ?", Ethan said, obviously puzzled.
"Well I think you're forgetting.....
In the beginning, Glen was not the young man we now know...he was, actually, a 'pesky alien', as you call them... abandoned in the desert.
Faunus, in some way that is quite beyond me, transformed him into a boy.."
"You mean like the 'Blue Fairy' in 'Pinocchio'...?", Ethan said excitedly.
Pinocchio and the Blue Fairy
"Something like that...but please, don't interrupt, and concentrate on what I'm saying.", Teddy said grumpily.
"So anyway, that's why I said 'except Glen'...", Teddy continued.
"But you've put me off now....", and Teddy paused to 'recapitulate' - to himself, that is.
"So...Faunus is not human, like you and the other 'boys' are human - except for Glen...
So I think Faunus knows a lot more about these 'aliens' than he is actually telling us." Teddy said.
"I see....", Ethan slowly said, in that knowing way he had that indicated that he didn't see at all.
"But I think that soon we may find out more....", Teddy said cryptically.
"And why do you say that ?", Ethan asked - you see Ethan didn't know much about being 'cryptic'.
"Because, Ethan, Faunus is keen on us all going to see the 'Temple of Isis' on 'Agilika Island', and the gardens on 'Kitchener's Island' - and then he wants to go back towards Luxor, Dendera and Cairo.", Teddy explained, without much success...
"And why does he want us to do that ?", Ethan asked.
Teddy stopped playing with his laptop, and stomped over to his pile of cushions.
"Because he expecting another possible visit from the 'aliens'....I think...", Teddy finally said.....
"But don't tell him I told you....", Teddy quietly added.
"Ah...", Ethan said, and sat on the edge of the bed to think....
Later Jim returned, having made arrangements for Captain Hossam to prepare for a 'turnaround', and to hire a motor launch for the trip to 'Agilika' and 'Kitchener's' islands.
Ethan, however, said nothing to Jim about his conversation with Teddy...and simply got on with printing out Teddy's 'visual aids' for the following day.
Temple of Isis - Agilika Island - Aswan - Upper Egypt
The Tyet is also commonly known as the 'Isis Knot', or 'Isis Girdle'. It may originally have been a variant of the Ankh. and could also have a similar meaning, sometimes being translated as “life”. The Tyet was commonly used to decorate the walls and columns of Egyptian temples, often appearing with the 'Djed' and occasionally with the 'Was' or 'Ankh'. The symbol also appears on numerous items associated with burial, including sarcophagi and shrines. By the New Kingdom, the symbol was clearly associated with Isis perhaps due to its frequent association with the 'Djed', which was associated with her husband, Osiris. Thus the 'Djed' may have represented the masculine power while the 'Tyet' represented feminine power. 
The Motor Boat makes its way to the Cataract Hotel
It was a new day, and that morning the 'Hadeel' had been turned, and moved a short distance away from its original position, by the Corniche, in front of the 'Old Cataract Hotel'.
Eventually the motor launch arrived - late as almost everything is in Egypt - to take the place of the 'Hadeel'.
The 'boys' and Ismail, again suitably equipped for a 'day-trip' had gathered in the lobby, waiting for Jim, Ethan and Teddy.
Previously, Captain Hossam and the 'captain' of the motor-boat, a young man called Hamdi, had a chat (in Arabic) as they discussed the fee payable for the trip to 'Agilika Island', and 'Kitchener's Island', and the 'rake off' that they would share from the transaction, which was standard Egyptian business practice.
"Now you must understand, my friend, these خواجة ('khawagas') are not like the ones you usually take on your launch....
The colloquial term 'khawaga' carries distinct connotations of being both rich and clueless. Only a 'khawaga' would buy something in a souq without haggling or pay twenty pounds for a 5-minute ride on a camel; only a 'khawaga' would barge into a mosque in shorts, or get frustrated when the train is 15 minutes late. However, the term 'khawaga' is not solely a pejorative term, as there is a distinct amount of respect and envy mixed in. Egyptians speak of 'u'det al-khawaga, 'awe of the foreigner', referring to the desire to emulate Western qualities like wealth, sexual freedom, social mobility.
"One of them, 'Mr Jim' is the leader of the group, although he seems to be about the same age as the others, and they are all quite young.
'Mr Jim' seems to pay for everything - and I think must be very rich - he has hired my dahabiya for a couple of weeks, and now wants me to take the group slowly back to Cairo - with stops on the way.
He also has three very big, brand new Mercedes - with drivers - with him, so they never walk anywhere.
I think they are Americans, and they all look very alike - but being 'khawagas' it is difficult to tell them apart - you know, Hamdi, they all look the same, pale skins - but these boys are all fair-haired also, so perhaps they are related - like cousins.
They have two guides with them, both Egyptians from the north - one from - لإسكندرية (al-ʾIskandariyya - Alexandria), and the other from القاهرة (al-Qāhirah - Cairo), although he now lives in الأقصر - (l-aqṣur - Luxor).
But watch the one from al-ʾIskandariyya..... he comes and goes at odd times, and seems to be nearly as important as 'Mr Jim'.
Egyptian State Security Police
Some of them carry guns - so perhaps they work for the American government - anyway they never have any trouble with the police, and I often see the guide, 'Ali', from al-ʾIskandariyya, chatting with the police captains - so perhaps he's مخابرات‎ - muḵābarāt - (Jihaz al-Mukhabarat al-Amma - Egyptian Secret Police) - so be careful - and don't 'try anything on' with them - but as you can see, Hamdi, the 'filoos' (money) is really good, so just take them on this trip, and you can take a month off, and relax.
The Hamdi looked a little nervous - but then, like most ordinary Egyptians, he needed the money - and Captain Hossam was a good friend, so he trusted him.
As Captain Hossam and Hamdi were ending their talk, 'Ali' (Faunus) boarded the launch, and began a friendly, but apparently pointless 'chat'.
And so, when Jim and the 'boys', along with Ismail, all arrived, Hossam went beck to the 'Hadeel', and Hamdi started the outboard, and they set off for 'Agilika Island'.
Now fortunately, because of the brief 'chat' that 'Ali' (Faunus) had previously with Hamdi, when Teddy decided to start giving one of his little lectures, Hamdi didn't notice - in fact previously Hamdi hadn't even noticed that a cute little teddy-bear was sitting on the lap of one of the 'boys'.
"Now before we arrive at  'Agilika Island' I thought I would remind you of some of the things that I talked about yesterday with regard to the 'goddess' Isis
Isis was an important 'goddess' in ancient Egyptian religion whose worship later spread throughout the Greco-Roman world.
Isis was first mentioned in the Old Kingdom (c. 2686–2181 BCE) as one of the main characters of the so called 'Osiris myth,' in which she resurrects her dead husband Osiris, and produces and protects his heir, Horus.
The ancient Egyptians believed that she helped the dead enter the afterlife in a similar way to which she had helped Osiris.
The ancient Egyptians always asked for her aid in healing spells and other kinds of 'magic'.
Originally, she played only a limited role in royal rituals, although later she is more prominent in funerary practices and magical texts.
She is usually portrayed as a beautiful woman wearing a throne-like hieroglyph on her head.
In the first millennium BCE, Osiris and Isis became the most widely worshiped Egyptian deities, and Isis absorbed the aspects of many other goddesses.
Later Pharaohs built temples dedicated primarily to Isis, and her temple at Philae was an important religious center.
It was believed that her magical power was greater than that of all the other gods, and even had power over fate itself.
Cleopatra VII, the last ruler of Egypt before it was annexed by Rome, called herself the 'New Isis'.
Temple of Isis - Agilika Island - Aswan
Isis's temple at Philae still had an organised priesthood and regular festivals until at least the mid-fifth century CE, making it the last fully functioning temple in Egypt.
"Anyway, we're nearly at the island I think it might be a good idea if Ethan gave you each a plan of the temple...", Teddy concluded .... and that's exactly what Ethan did, rather awkwardly, as he was not used to moving about on a motor boat that was in motion.
As Hamdi noticed Ethan giving out beautifully detailed architectural drawings, he began to wonder if this group of tourists were not working for the American government - maybe for the CIA - but rather were a group of student archaeologists - but regardless, he was impressed - but he still hadn't noticed Teddy, but that was all Faunus' doing.
Trajan's Kiosk - Agilika Island - Aswan
Eventually they came close to the island...
"Well...after all that talk, and this very complicated plan, Teddy, I thought this Temple of Isis would be a bit bigger...", 'Sigi' said, sounding quite disappointed.
"Don't worry...that's not the Temple - it's just a small 'kiosk' for some ceremonies for the barque of the 'goddess'.", Teddy replied.
And so they reached the landing stage, and 'Ali' (Faunus) sprinted on ahead to get the tickets, and to make 'arangements' with the 'Tourist Police', while Hamdi tied up the motor-boat, and prepared to wait for the eventual return of his 'customers'.
Temple of Isis - Pylons - Agilika Island - Aswan - Egypt
Once 'Ali' (Faunus) had sorted everything out, Ethan, under Teddy's direction led the group up to the imposing entrance to the temple.
"So this, guys, is the 'First Pylon', that leads into the main temple area.
Its two towers and central doorway provide a 18-meter-high entry that is decorated with reliefs by the late Egyptian Pharaoh Nectanebo.
A doorway in the western pylon - which is to your left - with reliefs by Ptolemy 'Philometor', leads directly to the 'Birth House'.
In front of the pylon there originally stood two granite obelisks erected by Ptolemy 'Euergetes' II and two granite lions.
Adjoining the east pylon, to your right, an elegant gateway has reliefs by Ptolemy II 'Philadelphus', and other reliefs the Emperor Tiberius on the door jambs."
And of course there was the inevitable interruption by Ethan.
"Teddy....why did then Ancient Egyptians put jam on the doors ?", Ethan asked plaintively.
"They didn't...", Teddy snapped back.
A 'door jamb' is the word for the sided of a door !"
"Oh..OK...only asking...", Ethan murmured.
And so Teddy continued.
"The gateway, built by Ptolemy 'Philadelphus', originally stood in a brick wall.
On the left Pylon you can see a huge relief depicts Ptolemy XII depicted as 'Neos Dionysos' - the 'New Dionysos', grasping a band of enemies by the hair, and raising his club to smite them, with Isis, the falcon-headed Horus of Edfu, and Hathor on the left.
Entrance Forecourt - Temple of Isis - Agilika Island - Aswan - Egypt
Now before we enter the temple... you'll see structures fronted by colonnades.
The small building to the east contained rooms for the priests... and notice the plant columns in the vestibule, which are notable for their elegant proportions.
On the north side of the building's vestibule, a door leads to an inner passage around the temple.
The boys wandered round the large expanse of the forecourt, admiring the pylons and the columned porticos.
"Strange that there aren't any other tourists here...", Josh remarked.
"Well, I think Faunus must have something to do with that...", Zac said.
"By the way...where is Faunus ?", Sigi asked.
"Disappeared...I bet..", Glen said.
Their voices echoed as they idly talked in what by then appeared to be an empty temple, while Ismail sat on a discarded stone block, and carefully studied Teddy's plan of the temple.
Mammisi - Temple of Isis - Agilika Island - Aswan - Egypt
So Teddy continued with his guided tour.
"The building on the western side of the Forecourt is the 'Birth House' or 'Mammisi', dedicated to 'Hathor-Isis' in honor of the birth of her son Horus.
It is surrounded on all four sides by colonnades, the columns in which have foliage capitals surmounted by sistrum capitals.
The walls, columns, and screens between the columns are covered with reliefs and inscriptions, mostly by Ptolemy 'Euergetes' II, Ptolemy 'Neos Dionysos', and the Roman Emperors Octavian Augustus, and Tiberius.
Inside are many reliefs representing the scenes from Horus’ childhood.
Second Pylon - Temple of Isis - Agilika Island - Aswan - Egypt
So now we proceed to the Second Pylon which provides an entry to the inner part of the temple with a large doorway.
The reliefs on the central doorway are by Ptolemy 'Euergetes' II.
In front of the doorway are the foundations of a small chapel.
As we go through the doorway of the Second Pylon we come to a vestibule or small hypostyle hall.
Vestibule - Temple of Isis - Agilika Island - Aswan - Egypt
This hall features eight columns of very high quality craftsmanship.
The area was originally separated from the court by screens between the columns.
There are many unfinished reliefs in the vestibule, including the Pharaoh making grants of land, and a famous relief depicting the source of the Nile: the god of the Nile, with a snake entwined around his body, pours water from two jars under a rocky crag on which are perched a vulture and a falcon.
To the right of this is the soul of Osiris in the form of a bird within the sacred grove, worshiped by Hathor, Isis, Nephthys, Horus, and Amun."
And so they left the vestibule, and Teddy waited until they had all gathered.
Sanctuary - Temple of Isis - Agilika Island - Aswan - Egypt
"We now come to the Sanctuary, the walls of which are decorated with beautiful reliefs.
The granite base here, presented by the Pharaoh Ptolemy 'Euergetes' I and his wife Berenice, would have held the sacred barque, bearing the image of Isis.
To the left of the first antechamber is a small room with reliefs of the Pharaoh in the presence of Isis.
On the west side of this room is a door leading out of the temple to the 'Gateway of Hadrian'.
Then - suddenly, as they wandered about, looking at the reliefs and the rather battered granite plinth in the centre of the room - waiting for Teddy to continue his talk - there was a odd fizzling sound of an electrical connection sparking - followed by an echoing 'clunk', as if a relay had tripped - and of course, the lights went out...!
"This reminds me of when my dad didn't pay the electric company, and we got cut off..", Glen said.
There was no other light source in the sanctuary, and so they found themselves in the dark.
So they decided to leave the sanctuary - that is until they saw that the 'doors' of the sanctuary were closed.
"That's odd, Teddy....they weren't there when we came in..", Ethan said.
"And neither was there a closed door on the west side, that Teddy had said previously led to the 'Gateway of Hadrian'."...Josh said, sounding alarmed.
"So we're locked in...", Zac said, quietly drawing his Colt.
"And where's Faunus.. just when we need him."..Max commented.
"That is very odd...", Ethan said, as he walked over to the huge bronze door that stood between them and the Vestibule.
"That definitely wasn't here when we came in...", Ethan added - thoughtfully - prodding and examining the door carefully.
"Something's up...", Teddy said.
"Yes...we know Teddy...but what ?", Jim said.
Sanctuary Transformation - Temple of Isis - Agilika Island - Aswan - Egypt
Then they noticed a pale blue light shining down from the ceiling - to where the granite plinth had been.
"Ah...perhaps this is one of those clever sound and light shows that they put on in places like this..", Ethan cleverly suggested.
"Yes...but where's the plinth, and what's happened to the floor....", Jim asked.
And they all looked down, and saw that the rather nasty floor, made of wooden planking, seemed to have turned into most unlikely looking blue marble.
"As I told you....something's up...", Teddy said.
And before anyone else could tell Teddy to stop saying that 'something's up', a clear voice, seeming from out of nowhere, said one word..."kneel..".
The boys looked at one another...
"Well, I suppose we should..", Zac said, unsure as to what was going on, put returning his Colt to its holster.
"Why not ?", Ethan said, "I suppose it's all part of the show - or is it those 'pesky aliens' again ?"
So they all knelt - except for Teddy, as he was not really articulated in that way - so he just sat.
And that's when it happened.....
Slowly, in the column of blue light emanating from the ceiling, the figure of a young woman emerged.
"I am all that has been, and is, and shall be.", the beautiful young figure said softly.
"And who might that be, Miss..?" Ethan asked, apparently oblivious to the significance of what was happening, or being said.
Isis - the Temple at Aswan - Upper Egypt
"I should have expected something like that from you, Aurarius....always asking questions.
But then that is your strength, for that is the path to knowledge - and eventually wisdom.
"So...are you telling us, by your quote from your statue at Sais, that you are 'Iset', or Isis ?", Teddy boldly asked
"Yes indeed, my little friend, and may I say that you are the first ever to be permitted to sit in my presence.", Isis, for that was who she was, replied.
"And may I say you speak the language of the land of Kemet very well...", she added.
'Kemet' or the 'Land of Kem' is the ancient Egyptian name for Egypt.
"I really don't believe this...", Max said, barely able to keep his balance - after all, he was not used to kneeling, or to meeting a goddess.
"Well believe it, Max, you must.", Isis replied, but with no trace of reproval in her voice.
"But now I must address myself to Markos...", Isis continued.
Apollo and Athena
"I must thank you for bringing your 'friends' - for friends they all are - to my much neglected shrine.
Few are those now who believe in the ever-living gods, and the world therefore falls into confusion.
You, and some of your other companions, however, come from a time when the gods were revered, and you yourself, of course, are the adopted offspring of the 'Lycean Apollo' - brother of my other self - the goddess Athena - and being, among other things, a Roman noble, you are a descendant of the 'she wolf'.
Romulus and Remus & the 'She Wolf'
The Greeks equated their goddess Athena with Isis, and in  Plutarch's time Isis was the preeminent goddess in the Egyptian religion'. Apollo was Marko's patron god, and Apollo was the brother of Athena. Apollo, in this case is referred to as 'Lycean', referring to the wolf - from Lúkos - Greek for wolf, as the ancient Egyptians equated Apollo with Anubis/Upuaut - the wolf-headed 'opener of the ways' for the deceased. In addition, Romulus and Remus were suckled by a 'she wolf', after being abandoned as babies, and the Romans were therefore always referred to as the 'sons of the wolf'.
And at that moment the bronze doors of the sanctuary opened, and Faunus appeared, and released Glaux, who winged his soundless way to Isis who, as the Greek Athena, was his mistress, and then perched on her shoulder, nibbling her ear.
Jim turned and looked in amazement.
"So how did Glaux get here ?", he asked Faunus, momentarily ignoring Isis.
"Novius sent him in the elevator - which is not a very dignified way for a sacred owl to fly, and then Glaux used his wings to get from Thebes to Aswan - and arrived - it seems - just in time.", Faunus replied, as he approached Isis, genuflected, and then stood beside her.
"In case you're wondering... they're old friends..", Faunus said, nodding towards Isis and Glaux - who was still twittering a greeting.
"So I greet each one of you... Aurarius, and you older brother Petronius, the ever faithful Adonios." - and Isis paused, and handed Glaux to Faunus.
"And Petronius - show some care for Aurarius - he still needs you.", Isis counselled.
"And your guardian, Markos, has found his final home, and all is well for him, so keep only the good memories.
And 'Sigi', Glen, and Max, and even Ismail - don't feel forgotten or neglected - your times will come to shine in this remarkable company.
And my little friend, who sits so confidently before me, although he is not of the 'human kind', he has not only great knowledge and wisdom, but he also has a great capacity to love those who care for him - he is far more than he seems....
And take care of Bastet and Sekhmet, for although they seem to be just sweet little creatures, they are, in reality, 'avatars' of great spiritual entities - the ancient 'gods'
And lastly my beloved Glaux - wisest of all the creatures - Glaux will stay with me for this night - for we have much to speak about, but tomorrow he will join you in Aswan.
And then Isis, glittering with jewels, and radiating an otherworldly aura, turned to Faunus.
And now, my dear friend, I must withdraw... but as you well know, I will return to you all - when there is need, and also in your 'dreams' - so farewell...."
And with that Isis slowly faded, and the blue light withdrew... and they were all left in darkness.
They remained kneeling, bemused and bewildered - and then there was another echoing 'clunk', as if a relay had again tripped, and the lights came on.
Teddy was still sitting - the boys were still kneeling, and Faunus was standing, with Glaux sitting on Faunus' shoulder, looking solemn, and blinking his huge eyes.
"So that looks like it.... the show's over...", Ethan said, getting to his feet.
"Yes, Ethan.. the show's over, but just for the moment don't say anything more.....
There are no doors now... so let's just go out through Hadrian's Gate, and then look at Trajan's Kiosk, and then we'll go back to the motorboat, and go over to Kitchener's Island... then we can maybe have a little talk, after Teddy has told us about the island.
Gateway of Hadrian - Temple of Isis - Agilika Island - Aswan - Egypt
So they made their way through the Gateway of Hadrian.
"And what can you tell us about this, Teddy ?", Jim asked.
"Well - the Gateway of Hadrian was built in the reign of the Emperor Hadrian and decorated with reliefs by Hadrian, Marcus Aurelius, and Lucius Verus.
The gateway would have led to the 'Sanctuary of Abaton' on the neighboring island, where there was a 'Tomb of Osiris' - husband of Isis, and accordingly, the reliefs relate to the cult of Osiris.
On the lintel - that's the top bit, Ethan - Hadrian is depicted making offerings to Osiris, Isis, and Harsiesis and to Osiris, Nephthys, and Harendotes.
On the left hand jamb is the sacred relic of Abydos, on the right hand jamb, the 'Djed Pillar of Osiris'.
Within the gateway, on the right, Marcus Aurelius is depicted in the presence of Osiris and Isis, while below, Marcus Aurelius makes offerings of food, including grapes, and flowers to Isis.
Hadrian is one of the Roman Emperors most associated with Egypt. He arrived in Egypt in August 130BC.
He opened his stay in Egypt by restoring Pompey the Great's tomb at Pelusium, offering sacrifice to him as a 'hero', and composing an epigraph for the tomb.
As Pompey was universally acknowledged as responsible for establishing Rome's power in the east, this restoration was probably linked to a need to reaffirm Roman Eastern hegemony, following social unrest there during Trajan's late reign.
Hadrian and Antinous, a Bythian Hadrian young lover, held a lion hunt in the Libyan desert; a poem on the subject by the Greek Pankrates is the earliest evidence that they travelled together.
While Hadrian and his entourage were sailing on the Nile, Antinous drowned.
The exact circumstances surrounding his death are unknown, and accident, suicide, murder and religious sacrifice have all been postulated.
Subsequently the Greeks deified Antinous, and he was also often understood as a 'daemon'.
Hadrian founded the city of 'Antinoöpolis' on the Nile in Egypt, in Antinous' honour on 30 October 130BC.
Hadrian also identified a star in the sky between the Eagle and the Zodiac to be Antinous, and came to associate the rosy lotus that grew on the banks of the Nile as being the flower of Antinous.
Ἀντίνοος; - Antinous - was a Bithynian Greek youth, and lover of the Roman emperor. Antinous was the one person who seems to have connected most profoundly with Hadrian throughout the latter's life. Hadrian's marriage to Sabina was unhappy, and there is no reliable evidence that he ever expressed a sexual attraction for women, in contrast to much reliable evidence that he was sexually attracted to boys and young men.
"So now it's off to the 'Kiosk of Trajan'....", Ethan said after looking at his plan, obviously glad that the 'tour' was nearly over.
And it was only a short walk to the 'Kiosk of Trajan'.
"So this is it, Teddy ?", 'Sigi asked', sounding a little disappointed.
"Yes... this is it..", Teddy replied, as he waited for everyone to gather round before he began his little talk.
Trajan's Kiosk - Temple of Isis - Agilika Island - Aswan - Egypt
"Now Trajan's Kiosk is what is known as a 'hypaethral' temple.", Teddy began.
"OK...", Glen asked..." What's hypaethral mean...?".
"It means without a roof.", Jim replied.
"And how did you know that ?", 'Sigi asked.
"Oh, it's just one of those things you pick up...", Jim answered and avoiding explaining how understood Greek so well - and trying to be casual.
When Teddy was satisfied that the others had finished, he continued.
"It is conventionally attributed to the Roman Emperor Trajan, who gave it its current decorations, though some experts think the structure itself may be older, possibly dating to the time of of the Emperor Octavian Augustus.
The kiosk is 15 x 20 metres, and is 15.85 metres high.
It was designed to shelter the 'barque of Isis'.
It consists of four by five columns, and each carry different composite capitals that are topped by 2.10 metre high piers.
The structure today is roofless, but sockets within the structure's architraves suggest that its roof, which would have been made of cloth and wood, may have been erected temporarily on special occasions in ancient times.
All the fourteen columns are connected by a screening-walls, with entrances in the eastern and western sides.
This building represents an example of an unusual combination of materials because very few Egyptian temples have elements of wood and stone in the same building.
The attribution to Emperor Trajan is based on a carving inside the kiosk structure which depicts the emperor burning incense before Osiris and Isis.
Reconstruction of the Kiosk of Trajan - Aswan - Upper Egypt
Like most ancient Egyptian religious buildings it would have probably been brightly painted when originally built."
Teddy then nudged Ethan...
"So Ethan, if you don't mind... please hand out the illustrations of a reconstruction of the kiosk.", Teddy said.
"This looks really 'cool'..", Max said, as they all took their copies of the pictures.
"So I think that's about it for Agilika Island...", Teddy said.
"Well that's OK... so if you want to have a stroll around, it's up to you... but don't take too long, as we need to get back to the motorboat, and go to 'Kitchener's Island'", Jim said.
No one, however, seemed very inclined to wander... so instead they made there way back to the landing-stag.
"So, Sir... you have been away quite a long time... most tourists seem to look at the temple quite quickly...", Hamdi remarked, as Jim and the others climbed into the motor-boat.
Leaving Agilika Island - Aswan - Egypt
Then, as they settled in the boat, Faunus turned up carrying Glaux on his wrist.
"Don't worry.. it's not a real owl...", Faunus - who was impersonating the Alexandrian Egyptian guide 'Ali', said in perfect Arabic to Hamdi - and as expected, Hamdi totally ignored the presence of Glaux.
And so Hamdi stubbed out his cigarette and started up the outboard motor, and they slowly made their way - leaving Agilika Island.
Strangely, they all felt a certain twinge of sadness on leaving the island - including Glaux.
"So... what about Kitchener's Island, Teddy ?", Zac asked.
"Well, I think it's better if we wait until we get there - Hamdi you know...", Jim suggested.
So they all sat quietly, watching as Agilika Island receded into the distance...
"Quite a morning... eh ?", Ethan said, as he tickled on of Teddy's ears.
Then it was not long before Kitchener's Island came into view.
The 'group', with the exception of Faunus, Jim and Teddy had little idea of what to expect when they arrived - but assumed that there was most probably another temple on the island.
Kitchener's Island - Aswan - Upper Egypt
All they could see as they approached, however, was lots of vegetation and palm trees.
Hamdi then moored, shut off the outboard, lit up a 'Cleopatra' (a cheap Egyptian make of cigarette), and sat back to relax and wait for his guests.
The 'boys' disembarked, led by Ethan and Teddy.
"Now I will give you a little bit of information here, and then you can go off and explore the island for yourselves - so let's say we all meet back here in about and hour...", Teddy said.
Trees on 'Kitchener's Island' - Aswan - Upper Egypt
Ethan and Teddy then sat on a rather crumbly wall, and Teddy began to explain about the island.
"The island is usually called 'Kitchener's Island', but the correct name is جزيرة النباتات  - 'Geziret En Nabatat' - which means 'Island of Plants' - obviously because of all the plants.
The island is very small -  less than a kilometer long, and its width is less than ½ a kilometer.
Field Marshal Lord Kitchener
The island is often called 'Kitchener's Island' after Lord Kitchener, who for some time owned it.
Kitchener - a famous British Field Marshal, was gifted the island in 1911.
Kitchener was particularly famous for winning the 'Battle of Omdurman' in the Sudan, in 1898, and thereby securing control of the Sudan, for which he was made Baron Kitchener of Khartoum.
Subsequently Kitchener became 'Sirdar' and Consul-General of Egypt from 1911 until 1914, during the reign of the Egyptian Khedive, Abbas Hilmi II.
With the aid of the Anglo-Egyptian 'Ministry of Irrigation', Kitchener rapidly transformed the small 750 metres (2,460 ft) long island into a paradise of exotic trees, many from India, and plants in gardens with views and walkways.
It later passed into the ownership of the Egyptian government... so relax and enjoy the gardens.", Teddy concluded.
Coat of Arms
Lord Kitchener of Khartoum
'Sirdar', a variant of Sardar – was assigned to the British Commander-in-Chief of the British-controlled Egyptian Army in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It is generally accepted that Kitchener was homosexual. Kitchener never married, and his aide-de-camp was a lifelong companion. During his time in Egypt, he gathered around him a cadre of eager young unmarried officers, nicknamed 'Kitchener's band of boys' or 'Kitchener's cubs'. He also avoided interviews with women, took a great deal of interest in the British Boy Scout movement, and decorated his rose garden with four pairs of bronze sculptures of nude boys.
'Kitchener's Island' - Aswan - Upper Egypt
So the 'group' separated into predictable groups, including Jim, who joined up with Ethan and Teddy.
Faunus stayed on the motorboat with Hamdi and Ismail, chatting in Arabic, while Josh spent his time with Glaux, who enjoyed himself stretching his wings fluttering among the trees.
Jim, Ethan and Teddy found a nice bench to sit on, a rarity in Egypt, but Kitchener's Island was an 'English garden' transplanted in the very south of Egypt.
Botanical Gardens - Amarillo - Texas - USA
"So what do you think of Kitchener's Island, Ethan..?", Jim asked,  as he unpacked his lunch.
"Well, it's very green !", Ethan replied.
"Yes... and that's what you said when we were in the botanical gardens in Amarillo.", Jim replied - with a grin.
"Well - it's true !", Ethan countered.
"Yes... but this is a bit different...", Teddy added.
"Well yes... it's nicer...", Ethan said.
"But what about what happened in the temple ?", Ethan asked, as he munched on his packed lunch.
"Well I think we should leave talking about that until later...", Jim replied, checking that Teddy was well settled on the bench.
"OK... so what about tomorrow ?", Ethan asked.
"Tomorrow we will be sailing in the afternoon, according to Captain Hossam, but we can ask Hamdi to take us, in the morning, to the 'Mausoleum of the Aga Khan' that you wanted to see.", Jim suggested.
'Mausoleum of the Aga Khan' - Aswan - Upper Egypt
"Yes, of course....I'd nearly forgotten about that.", Ethan said, brightening up.
"You know I really like Aswan...", Ethan then said.
"True...I'll be sorry to leave...", Jim agreed.
"The air's good, it's quiet, and it's got these nice green places, like here..", Ethan continued.
"So will we be coming back sometime ?", Teddy asked.
"Possibly... quite possibly....", Jim replied.
"And where are we going next... after we leave Aswan ?", Ethan persisted.
Jim sighed....
"First Abydos.... and then Armant, and that will take us back to Luxor, for a few days at the Winter Palace."
"And Abydos - that's the 'Osireion - thingy' - yes ?", Ethan said.
"Yes.... the  'Osireion - thingy'...", Jim answered.
"And Armant ?", Ethan continued - refusing to give up.
'Kitchener's Island' - Aswan - Upper Egypt
"Armant, because Faunus has a hunch... and that's all I'm saying.
Now let's have a walk round... and look at the plants and trees, and no more questioning.", Jim said firmly.
"It is a very beautiful island...", Teddy said, with a surprising touch of feeling.
"It is..", Ethan agreed.
"And just about here it's more purple that green...", Jim said.
"And it reminds me.... purple was the colour that Vespasian was wearing the last time we saw him... 'imperial purple'...", Ethan said wistfully....

After the visit to the Temple of Isis and Kitchener's Island, the 'boys' return to the Old Cataract Hotel for their last night, and on the following morning they visit the tomb of the Aga Khan, and then board the 'Hadeel' to begin their return journey north along the Nile - where new adventures await them....


All text - © Copyright Peter Crawford 2021
All Images - © Copyright Vittorio Carvelli 2021
Graphic Design - © Copyright Zac Sawyer 202