The 'boys' returned to the 'Hadeel' for a relaxing afternoon, and after their evening meal, a chat about the Edfu Texts, and an 'early night'. The following morning the 'Hadeel' sets off for the short trip to Aswan, where they all disembark and settle in their new temporary 'home', the Old Cataract Hotel. prior the exploring Aswan.
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The modern city includes the formerly separate community on the island of Elephantine. Aswan is the ancient city of 'Swenett', later known as 'Syene', which in antiquity was the frontier town of Ancient Egypt facing the south. Because the Ancient Egyptians oriented themselves toward the origin of the life-giving waters of the Nile in the south, and as 'Swenett' was the southernmost town in the country, Egypt always was conceived to 'open' or begin at 'Swenett'. The city stands upon a peninsula on the right (East) bank of the Nile, immediately below (and North of) the first cataract of the flowing waters, which extend to it from Philae. Navigation to the delta was possible from this location without encountering a barrier. The climate of Aswan is extremely dry year-round, with less than 1 mm of average annual precipitation. The weather of Aswan is extremely clear, bright and sunny year-round, in all seasons, with a low seasonal variation, with almost 4,000 hours of annual sunshine, very close to the maximum theoretical sunshine duration. Aswan is one of the sunniest places on Earth. The highest record temperature was 51 °C (124 °F) on July 4, 1918.

By the time Jim had decided that they should leave the temple, the heat was intense yet, despite the heat, they made their way to the limos as quickly as possible, eager to reach the air conditioned comfort of the three Mercedes Maybachs waiting for them by the entrance to the temple area.
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Edfu Town - Upper Egypt |
Then it was just a short drive past the saluting Tourist Police, and through a couple of rather 'sleazy' looking streets, and on to the Corniche, where the 'Hadeel' was moored - attracting a lot of attention from the local inhabitants.
Once they arrived on board the 'Hadeel', Captain Hossam expertly moved the 'Hadeel' to a quiet pleasant spot, away from the town.
It would be at that mooring that they would stay for the remainder of the afternoon, and for the night, before finally sailing down, (South), to their intended destination - Aswan....
Once they had showered, and changed into shorts or Speedos, the 'boys' returned to the sun-deck to relax and use the Jacuzzi.
Even Teddy - (who didn't need shorts or Speedos) - came up onto the sun-deck and sat with Bastet and Sekhmet, who both lazily stretched out in the sun, either side of Teddy - who had wisely turned up his 'cooling system'.
Later, as darkness fell, they went down to the dining room for their evening meal.
The cats were permitted to eat from little dishes under the table, and Teddy stayed, even although he didn't eat.
After dinner they returned to the Upper deck.
Jim ordered good supplies of cold drinks, and light snacks, and gave instructions that they were not to be disturbed, while Zac checked all the doors.
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Sunset at Edfu - Upper Egypt |
Hermetic Literature
It was one of those evenings that can only be experienced on the Nile river.
Warm, with only the faintest hint of a breeze.
The only sounds were the slapping of the water against the hull of the 'Hadeel', and the rustling of the reeds and the palms - all else was still.
The cats were contentedly washing themselves after eating their food.
And so the boys, including Ismail, and Jim arranged their seats so that they were sitting around Faunus and Teddy, eager to hear what they might have to say.
"Now, gentlemen....It seems to me that you have been enjoying your cruise, and Ismail and Teddy have obviously helped by explaining many thing to you.....
But before we move into our new accommodation in Aswan - I think it might be a good time to review what you have seen - and consider why we have made this cruise.
And just in case you think your time on the 'Hadeel' is over, you will be doubtless pleased to know that your Dahabiya shall be birthed at Aswan, and be waiting to take you back to Luxor, and then to Denderah, and finally to Cairo....
But I think to begin with Teddy needs to tell you something about the Edfu texts - but you'll be pleased to know that he is not going to translate from the Hieroglyphics"
"I've already done that....", Teddy said.
Faunus then continued....
"But instead he will just explain parts of the texts to you....."
And so Teddy began.....
"On the face of things, the texts appear to be nothing more than a history of the Edfu Temple itself, together with descriptions of its rooms and halls, and of their ritual purpose and significance.
A closer look, however, reveals a 'subtext' which hints at the existence of certain mythological events ... where the foundation, building and bringing to life of the historical temple is said to have happened in a so called 'mythical' age.
"A 'subtext', Ethan, is like ideas hidden behind the words - things that are not obvious...", Teddy replied....
Ethan nodded, pretending to understand..
"The 'historical temple', but not the one that we have just seen, but the original temple in the distant past, is presented as the work of the 'gods' themselves, and that temple is considered to be an entity of a supernatural and mystical nature.
This indicates a belief in a 'historical temple' that was a direct continuation, a projection, and a reflection of a temple that came into existence at the very beginning of the world... a time which the ancient Egyptians called 'Zep Tepi' - a phrase that can be translated as 'when the 'neteru' (gods) manifested as humans'.....
In their most profound and beautiful religious texts the ancient Egyptians spoke of 'Zep Tepi' with the unshakeable conviction that there had indeed been such an epoch.
In other words, they believed that 'Zep Tepi' had been an actual, historical event.
In line with their prevailing dualism they also believed that it had been projected and 'recorded' in the starry skies.
Indeed it was a story that was reenacted endlessly in the cosmic setting by the cyclical displays of the celestial orbs and the constellations.
Nor was the 'drama' only confined to the celestial realms; on the contrary, as one might expect in dualistic ancient Egypt, it was also re-enacted on the ground, amidst the cosmic ambience of the 'astronomical' Pyramids at the Giza Plateau, where the events of the 'First Time' were commemorated for millennia in secret rituals and liturgies
What they had in mind, in other words, was a kind of cosmic 'drama', expressed in the language of allegorical astronomy, in which each main character was identified with a specific celestial body.
Re was the sun, Osiris was Orion, Isis was the star Sirius, Thoth or Khonsu was the moon - and so on and so forth.
In Ancient Egypt, anything whose existence or authority had to be justified, or explained, had be referred to the 'First Time'.
This was true for natural phenomena, rituals, royal insignia, the plans of temples, magical or medical formulae, the hieroglyphic system of writing, the calendar - the whole paraphernalia of the civilisation.
It was also the ancient Egyptians' emphatic belief that the huge triangular region just south of the apex of the Nile Delta, encompassing Heliopolis, Memphis and Giza, was the actual geographical location of the events of the 'First Time' - a real 'Garden of Eden', in short, with real geographical features and places.
It was here, amidst this sacred landscape, that the gods of the 'First Time' were said, in the texts, to have established their earthly kingdom.
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Denderah Zodiac |
In other words, they believed that 'Zep Tepi' had been an actual, historical event.
In line with their prevailing dualism they also believed that it had been projected and 'recorded' in the starry skies.
Indeed it was a story that was reenacted endlessly in the cosmic setting by the cyclical displays of the celestial orbs and the constellations.
Nor was the 'drama' only confined to the celestial realms; on the contrary, as one might expect in dualistic ancient Egypt, it was also re-enacted on the ground, amidst the cosmic ambience of the 'astronomical' Pyramids at the Giza Plateau, where the events of the 'First Time' were commemorated for millennia in secret rituals and liturgies
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Giza Plateau - Lower Egypt |
Re was the sun, Osiris was Orion, Isis was the star Sirius, Thoth or Khonsu was the moon - and so on and so forth.
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Worshipping the Neteru - Ancient Egypt |
This was true for natural phenomena, rituals, royal insignia, the plans of temples, magical or medical formulae, the hieroglyphic system of writing, the calendar - the whole paraphernalia of the civilisation.
It was also the ancient Egyptians' emphatic belief that the huge triangular region just south of the apex of the Nile Delta, encompassing Heliopolis, Memphis and Giza, was the actual geographical location of the events of the 'First Time' - a real 'Garden of Eden', in short, with real geographical features and places.
It was here, amidst this sacred landscape, that the gods of the 'First Time' were said, in the texts, to have established their earthly kingdom.
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Ptolemaic Eagle |
However, to return to Edfu, the Pharaohs who ruled Egypt at the time of the rebuilding of the Edfu temple - and many other temples in Upper Egypt at the time - were, as we have said before, not Egyptian, but rather Greek - the descendants of the Greek general Ptolemy Lagus.
Now the temple, as we have seen it today, is relatively 'young', (by Egyptian standards) - the whole complex having been completed during the Ptolemaic period in a series of stages between 237 BC and 57 BC, and what we have seen today is merely the very latest 'incarnation' of much older temples that have previously occupied this site, dating at least to the Old Kingdom (2575-2134 BC) – and perhaps far beyond.
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Arrival of the Neteru |
Then, at some unspecified time in the past, some set sail in their 'ships' - for the texts leave us in no doubt these gods of the early primeval age were navigators - to ‘wander’ the 'world'.
At this point, of course, we must understand that these texts were written by ancient people - and so phrases and words like 'sacred island', 'great ocean', 'ships' and even 'world' are not necessarily to be taken at face value.
According to the Egyptian priest Manetho, the pre-Dynastic rulers of Egypt were the 'Æons' Ra, Osiris, Isis, Horus, Set and other 'Neteru' who were the first to hold sway in Egypt in unbroken succession ...
Before those 'Sky Gods' - the ever living and ineffable Æons - left and returned to the 'stars', they co-existed with a group of mysterious rulers known as the 'Shemsu Hor'.
Known as the 'Followers of Horus', the 'Shemsu Hor' were semi-divine kings, priests and keepers of sacred knowledge.
They were present in Egypt during the Golden Ages of the original 'divine rulers', and they remained there long after these rulers ascended back the 'stars'.
In similar manner, according to an ancient and very unique papyrus known as the 'Turin King List' (or the 'Turin Royal Canon'), ten Neteru, or 'gods' - (the ever living Æons), reigned for hundreds of years each, for a total of 23,200 years.
After this comes a list dedicated to the 'Shemsu Hor', the Followers of Horus, who reigned a total of 13,400 years.
Then another line of kings held sway for 1,817 years; then came thirty more kings, reigning for 1,790 years; and then 10 kings for 350 years.
There followed the rule of the 'Spirits of the Dead' ... for 5,813 years ... and this totalled 24,925 years.
After that came the rule of the thirty-one Dynasties of Pharaohs, beginning with Narmer, and ending with the last active Pharaoh of the Ptolemaic Dynasty, Cleopatra VII 'Philopator', whose reign ended in 30 BCE.
There was just one more Pharaoh, however, - Ptolemy XV 'Philopator' 'Philometor ' Cæsar - better known as 'Cæsarion' who, at the age of seventeen, was executed by Octavian, also in 30 BCE.
Here are some facts about Cleopatra and Cæsarion that Teddy didn't mention - although he knew them..... As you should know by now, Cleopatra wasn't Egyptian but Greek. The Greek Ptolemies adopted the Egyptian custom of Pharaohs marrying their brothers and/or sisters (following the story of Isis and Osiris), and so Cleopatra was pure Greek. Following the Egyptian Royal custom she married both her younger brothers. Contrary to popular belief, it was not her beauty that captivated people (including Julius Cæsar, with whom she had an affair, and a child - Cæsarion ), but her personality and intellect - she spoke nine languages, and was the first of the Ptolemies to speak Ancient Egyptian, and read hieroglyphics.
"And that's about it....I don't have any more data about the Edfu Texts - other than all the boring details about the various rooms, their dimensions and their functions...which I don't think is going to help us very much.", Teddy said, sounding somewhat embarrassed.
"That's no problem, Teddy.....
I think that you've covered it all very well...", Faunus said.
"Well I feel sorry for that young guy Cæsarion....killed in the same year that his mom died...", Ethan said.
"Well that's politics for you...", Zac said....ever the realist.
"So, it's all very interesting, but what's all this got to do with us...?", Max asked.
It was the awkward question that Faunus knew he would have to deal with - and particularly with regard to Max and Ismail - and also possibly Glen.
"It was my intention, once we had arrived in Egypt, to send you on a sightseeing cruise on the Nile, which would enable you to see the various temples and monuments of Egypt.
In the books of 'Hermes the Thrice Greatest', known to the Ancient Egyptians as the 'Books of Thoth', Egypt is described as an 'Image of the Heavens' - an image of Time and Space - ('that which is below mirroring that which is above') and so by learning something of the beliefs of the ancients, you too might learn something of the mysteries of the 'heavens' and of 'time and space'.
For most humans such knowledge is not normally needed, but you, each in your own way, have become involved in such mysteries, and some of the denizens - the beings of such time and space - have become aware of you, and believe that you might hold something of the very secrets of creation - the very nature of space and time itself - and the means by which it may be controlled.
Because of this you have, in various ways, been pursued - and so now you need to know more about the 'mysteries'...."
Faunus then stopped speaking, and the silence was palpable....even the waters of the Nile, the reeds and the palms seem to fall silent.
"Of course, before you get too alarmed by this information, I can assure you that none of you know anything of those 'secrets of creation' - the nature of space and time itself - but you have, each of you, to a greater and lesser degree, been manipulated by such secret forces.
"And how did that happen - the 'manipulation-thingy', I mean...", Ethan asked rather pointedly.
"Well..." Faunus began, with a note of resignation in his voice.
"Greater powers that I decreed that, for reasons that even I cannot divine, some of you should be preserved from the plans of the 'Fates', and so here you are - and then I was instructed to help certain other individuals, who then made up a group for some purpose that, at this point, is not entirely clear."
"So that's the 'volcano-thingy' - and some other little 'thingys' I presume...", Ethan said.
"Well, that's very fancy talk, Faunus... but be honest, whoever these 'greater powers' are, they are simply not telling you, or us for that matter, what's really going on...", Josh said.
"That's true... but then they're not obliged to...", Faunus replied.
"Well I think it all to do with Jim - or Markos as he really is - and I'm not complaining.
If all this is happening to help him, then that's OK by me...", Ethan said.
And nobody disagreed.
"Now if I could go back to the main purpose of this meeting, you may recall that after we came back from viewing the temple at Kom Ombo, I was talking about all these temple, tombs and monuments - all along the Nile, - in all case dedicated to the 'gods' - although the Pharaohs were often also included in the inscriptions and the sculptures and wall decorations.
Now the problem is that there is no truly relevant word for the concept 'god'.
The christians, who for various obscure historical reasons, ended up worshipping a local, tribal god - possibly known as 'El', later used various words for 'god', mostly taken from the Greek, which was the dominant culture in the Roman Empire at the time of christianity's emergence - and so we get words like 'Θεός, - god' - 'κύριος - lord', and such like, and in Latin, used by the ancient Romans - 'deus - god', and 'dominus - lord'.
Eventually almost all European scholars used the term 'god' or 'goddess', for various supernatural beings in other cultures and historical periods, usually passing on the christian concept of 'god' to theses other entities....which, of course was incorrect and has only caused endless misunderstanding.
By now, fortunately, I think that all of you know that thee are no Egyptian 'gods' or 'goddesses', but only the 'neteru'.
The 'neteru' are the divine energies, powers or forces that, through their actions and interactions, helped to create, and continue to maintain the universe - at least this universe.
The next important point that I need to make is that it was the ancient Egyptian's experience of these 'neteru' that motivated them to create all the amazing temples, tombs, monuments and sculpture that we find, even today in the Nile Valley.
Now you may say that other people and civilisation have had similar beliefs, and created similar monuments and such like.
The big difference is that, even ignoring the claims of a vast history as described in the 'Turin King List' (or the 'Turin Royal Canon'), and the writings of Manetho, and many ancient Greek and Roman historians, no other civilisation has maintained their beliefs and culture for such a long period of time,.... a tradition that was only brought to an end by the 'christians', in a violent destruction of all believers, and as many monuments and temples as they could find...and that wanton destruction was continued when the Muslims invaded and occupied Egypt.
Another point that I think needs to be made here is that most Egyptologists and other scholars write and speak about the ancient Egyptian 'religion' - ignoring the fact that the ancient Egyptians had no word for 'religion' - or 'mythology' or 'legends'.
For them their beliefs were a self evident aspect of their lives, and their 'myths' and 'legends' were, to them, historical fact.
But there I think we should leave matters for tonight.
Tomorrow we shall make the short trip to Aswan, and move to our new hotel - which is really quite an old hotel...but not of course by ancient Egyptian standards.....", Faunus concluded with a wry smile....
And so they dispersed.
"So what do you think ?", Ethan asked, as they entered their cabin.
"It all makes perfect sense to me...", Teddy replied.
"Well actually I was asking Jim..", Ethan said, sounding slightly annoyed.
"I agree with Teddy...but lets all get some sleep, and we'll see how things look in the morning...", Jim said.
And the kitties, of course, were already asleep.....
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Manetho |
Before those 'Sky Gods' - the ever living and ineffable Æons - left and returned to the 'stars', they co-existed with a group of mysterious rulers known as the 'Shemsu Hor'.
Known as the 'Followers of Horus', the 'Shemsu Hor' were semi-divine kings, priests and keepers of sacred knowledge.
They were present in Egypt during the Golden Ages of the original 'divine rulers', and they remained there long after these rulers ascended back the 'stars'.
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King Narmer - First Pharaoh |
After this comes a list dedicated to the 'Shemsu Hor', the Followers of Horus, who reigned a total of 13,400 years.
Then another line of kings held sway for 1,817 years; then came thirty more kings, reigning for 1,790 years; and then 10 kings for 350 years.
There followed the rule of the 'Spirits of the Dead' ... for 5,813 years ... and this totalled 24,925 years.
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Ptolemy XV 'Philopator' 'Philometor ' Cæsar |
There was just one more Pharaoh, however, - Ptolemy XV 'Philopator' 'Philometor ' Cæsar - better known as 'Cæsarion' who, at the age of seventeen, was executed by Octavian, also in 30 BCE.
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Cleopatra - John William Waterhouse RA |
"And that's about it....I don't have any more data about the Edfu Texts - other than all the boring details about the various rooms, their dimensions and their functions...which I don't think is going to help us very much.", Teddy said, sounding somewhat embarrassed.
"That's no problem, Teddy.....
I think that you've covered it all very well...", Faunus said.
"Well I feel sorry for that young guy Cæsarion....killed in the same year that his mom died...", Ethan said.
"Well that's politics for you...", Zac said....ever the realist.
"So, it's all very interesting, but what's all this got to do with us...?", Max asked.
It was the awkward question that Faunus knew he would have to deal with - and particularly with regard to Max and Ismail - and also possibly Glen.
'That which is below corresponds to that which is above, and that which is above corresponds to that which is below, to accomplish the miracle of the ONE.'
Hermes Trismegistus
So Faunus began his difficult explanation....."It was my intention, once we had arrived in Egypt, to send you on a sightseeing cruise on the Nile, which would enable you to see the various temples and monuments of Egypt.
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Hermes |
For most humans such knowledge is not normally needed, but you, each in your own way, have become involved in such mysteries, and some of the denizens - the beings of such time and space - have become aware of you, and believe that you might hold something of the very secrets of creation - the very nature of space and time itself - and the means by which it may be controlled.
Because of this you have, in various ways, been pursued - and so now you need to know more about the 'mysteries'...."
Faunus then stopped speaking, and the silence was palpable....even the waters of the Nile, the reeds and the palms seem to fall silent.
"Of course, before you get too alarmed by this information, I can assure you that none of you know anything of those 'secrets of creation' - the nature of space and time itself - but you have, each of you, to a greater and lesser degree, been manipulated by such secret forces.
"And how did that happen - the 'manipulation-thingy', I mean...", Ethan asked rather pointedly.
"Well..." Faunus began, with a note of resignation in his voice.
"Greater powers that I decreed that, for reasons that even I cannot divine, some of you should be preserved from the plans of the 'Fates', and so here you are - and then I was instructed to help certain other individuals, who then made up a group for some purpose that, at this point, is not entirely clear."
"So that's the 'volcano-thingy' - and some other little 'thingys' I presume...", Ethan said.
"Basically, yes, Ethan...", Faunus replied.By the 'Fates' Faunus is referring to the three Μοῖραι or Mœræ - the incarnations of destiny. They controlled the thread of life of every mortal from birth to death. They were independent, at the helm of necessity, directed fate, and watched that the fate assigned to every being by eternal laws might take its course without obstruction. Both gods and men had to submit to them - excepting those 'greater powers' to which Faunus referred. (you've already seen these guys in Chapter 49)
The Three Μοῖραι
"Well, that's very fancy talk, Faunus... but be honest, whoever these 'greater powers' are, they are simply not telling you, or us for that matter, what's really going on...", Josh said.
"That's true... but then they're not obliged to...", Faunus replied.
"Well I think it all to do with Jim - or Markos as he really is - and I'm not complaining.
If all this is happening to help him, then that's OK by me...", Ethan said.
And nobody disagreed.
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Temple at Kom Ombo - Upper Egypt - based on an image by Gene Widner |
Now the problem is that there is no truly relevant word for the concept 'god'.
The christians, who for various obscure historical reasons, ended up worshipping a local, tribal god - possibly known as 'El', later used various words for 'god', mostly taken from the Greek, which was the dominant culture in the Roman Empire at the time of christianity's emergence - and so we get words like 'Θεός, - god' - 'κύριος - lord', and such like, and in Latin, used by the ancient Romans - 'deus - god', and 'dominus - lord'.
Eventually almost all European scholars used the term 'god' or 'goddess', for various supernatural beings in other cultures and historical periods, usually passing on the christian concept of 'god' to theses other entities....which, of course was incorrect and has only caused endless misunderstanding.
By now, fortunately, I think that all of you know that thee are no Egyptian 'gods' or 'goddesses', but only the 'neteru'.
The 'neteru' are the divine energies, powers or forces that, through their actions and interactions, helped to create, and continue to maintain the universe - at least this universe.
The next important point that I need to make is that it was the ancient Egyptian's experience of these 'neteru' that motivated them to create all the amazing temples, tombs, monuments and sculpture that we find, even today in the Nile Valley.
Now you may say that other people and civilisation have had similar beliefs, and created similar monuments and such like.
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Manetho - Original Ptolemaic Greek Text |
Another point that I think needs to be made here is that most Egyptologists and other scholars write and speak about the ancient Egyptian 'religion' - ignoring the fact that the ancient Egyptians had no word for 'religion' - or 'mythology' or 'legends'.
For them their beliefs were a self evident aspect of their lives, and their 'myths' and 'legends' were, to them, historical fact.
But there I think we should leave matters for tonight.
Tomorrow we shall make the short trip to Aswan, and move to our new hotel - which is really quite an old hotel...but not of course by ancient Egyptian standards.....", Faunus concluded with a wry smile....
And so they dispersed.
"So what do you think ?", Ethan asked, as they entered their cabin.
"It all makes perfect sense to me...", Teddy replied.
"Well actually I was asking Jim..", Ethan said, sounding slightly annoyed.
"I agree with Teddy...but lets all get some sleep, and we'll see how things look in the morning...", Jim said.
And the kitties, of course, were already asleep.....
And yes, of course.....another beautiful morning...
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Arrival in Aswan - Upper Egypt |
So after a hurried breakfast, everyone gathered on the sun-deck in order to get their first glimpse of Aswan.
"So what's that funny little 'building-thingy' there up on the horizon ?", Ethan asked.
"That, Ethan, is the the Mausoleum of the Aga Khan III, Sultan Mahomed Shah.
The mausoleum is built in the style of the Fatimid tombs in Cairo, and is built of pink limestone, while the tomb itself is built of white Carrara marble.
The Aga Khan was buried there two years after he died, since he had previously spent part of the winter season living in a nearby villa.
A red rose is laid on the Aga Khan's tomb every day - a practice first started by the Aga Khan's wife, Begum Om Habibeh Aga Khan.", Teddy replied.
But you really seem to know and awful lot, Teddy, so in this case it's OK...", Ethan said.
"And I do like the bit about the rose.....
Would you do that for me, Teddy ?", Ethan asked.
"In the very unlikely event of you actually dying...yes..", Teddy replied.
"So what's that funny little 'building-thingy' there up on the horizon ?", Ethan asked.
"That, Ethan, is the the Mausoleum of the Aga Khan III, Sultan Mahomed Shah.
The mausoleum is built in the style of the Fatimid tombs in Cairo, and is built of pink limestone, while the tomb itself is built of white Carrara marble.
The Aga Khan was buried there two years after he died, since he had previously spent part of the winter season living in a nearby villa.
A red rose is laid on the Aga Khan's tomb every day - a practice first started by the Aga Khan's wife, Begum Om Habibeh Aga Khan.", Teddy replied.
Sultan Mahomed Shah, Aga Khan III (2 November 1877 – 11 July 1957) was the 48th Imam of the Nizari Ismaili religion. He was one of the founders and the first president of the All-India Muslim League. His goal was the advancement of Muslim agendas, and protection of Muslim rights in India."Well again, like last night, I was actually asking Jim.....
But you really seem to know and awful lot, Teddy, so in this case it's OK...", Ethan said.
"And I do like the bit about the rose.....
Would you do that for me, Teddy ?", Ethan asked.
"In the very unlikely event of you actually dying...yes..", Teddy replied.
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The 'Hadeel' Moored at the Old Cataract Hotel - Aswan - Upper Egypt |
"Mm..a bit 'old fashioned' looking...", Glen began...
"But really expensive looking....", Max added.
"Now this hotel is really historic...even more so than the 'Winter Palace' in Luxor...", Teddy said.
"Yes...and I'm sure that you'll tell us all about it...", Zac said.
"Well, yes...if you really want me to...", Teddy replied.
So then it was a matter of get everything packed, and the cases brought up onto the main deck.
"Are you sure that they know that we are coming, and have got rooms for us ?", Ethan asked nervously.
"Yes, Ethan...everything was arranged and confirmed before we left Luxor, so they should be well prepared an waiting for our arrival.", Jim replied, trying to calm down Ethan.
"And the kitties, they know about them ?", Ethan persisted.
"Yes...they know that they are 'house trained', and there have no problem with us bringing them.". Jim said, as they disembarked, leaving the others to finalise the organisation of the luggage.
It was a steep climb up to the hotel, but eventually they reached the main entrance
"Well at least they've got one thing right..", Teddy said.
"And what's that ?", Ethan asked.
"Well, a red carpet, of course, after all, we are VIPs...", Teddy announced pompously.
And so they entered the lobby, with the door opened by a very large, and slightly intimidating Nubian doorman (or should that be 'door-person' ?)
"'s a bright sunny day, and they have all the lights on...", Ethan commented.
"Well we do that at our's welcoming..", Jim suggested.
"Yes, but you're a can afford it...", Ethan countered.
"Well why don't you say that more loudly, and everyone can know it.", Jim replied, sounding peeved.
"Well seeing three Mercedes, and a big yacht arrive makes it pretty obvious..", Teddy said.
Jim said nothing...but he knew that Teddy had a point....
Undoubtedly they were expected, and the manager was there to greet them
Not surprisingly he appeared to be a little surprised by his guests who had just stepped ashore from a very large dahabeya.
It was not only that they seemed very young, but there was also the fact that one of them was carrying a teddy-bear.
"Good morning,- my name is James Johnson, I believe I have multiple reservation for myself, and my party at your hotel ?", Jim began very formally.
The manager, however, was apparently used to somewhat eccentric foreigners, and as long as they were 'paying well' was quite prepared to accept their idiosyncrasies.
"Are you sure that they know that we are coming, and have got rooms for us ?", Ethan asked nervously.
"Yes, Ethan...everything was arranged and confirmed before we left Luxor, so they should be well prepared an waiting for our arrival.", Jim replied, trying to calm down Ethan.
"And the kitties, they know about them ?", Ethan persisted.
"Yes...they know that they are 'house trained', and there have no problem with us bringing them.". Jim said, as they disembarked, leaving the others to finalise the organisation of the luggage.
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Entrance to the Old Cataract Hotel - Aswan |
"Well at least they've got one thing right..", Teddy said.
"And what's that ?", Ethan asked.
"Well, a red carpet, of course, after all, we are VIPs...", Teddy announced pompously.
And so they entered the lobby, with the door opened by a very large, and slightly intimidating Nubian doorman (or should that be 'door-person' ?)
"'s a bright sunny day, and they have all the lights on...", Ethan commented.
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Lobby - Old Cataract Hotel - Aswan |
"Yes, but you're a can afford it...", Ethan countered.
"Well why don't you say that more loudly, and everyone can know it.", Jim replied, sounding peeved.
"Well seeing three Mercedes, and a big yacht arrive makes it pretty obvious..", Teddy said.
Jim said nothing...but he knew that Teddy had a point....
Undoubtedly they were expected, and the manager was there to greet them
Not surprisingly he appeared to be a little surprised by his guests who had just stepped ashore from a very large dahabeya.
It was not only that they seemed very young, but there was also the fact that one of them was carrying a teddy-bear.
"Good morning,- my name is James Johnson, I believe I have multiple reservation for myself, and my party at your hotel ?", Jim began very formally.
The manager, however, was apparently used to somewhat eccentric foreigners, and as long as they were 'paying well' was quite prepared to accept their idiosyncrasies.
A teddy-bear was not a particular problem, and he had already been apprised regarding the two cats.
So quickly and under-manager arranged for the numerous items of luggage to be brought up from the 'Hadeel', while one of the receptionists took care of the documentation as the rest of the group arrive in the lobby.
As Jim was obviously the leader of the group, he was taken by an under-manager to the suite where he and Ethan and Teddy would be staying, along with the cats - (the cats would be brought from the 'Hadeel' later, when everything had calmed down).
"Well, it's very bright, and I think that Teddy will be needing some more pillows and cushions...", Ethan said.
Fortunately Teddy stayed quiet while the under-manager was in the room.
"Well...if you think there's a problem, Ethan, we can always arrange for a change later, but for the moment we need to settle in, and then have a look round.", Jim said.
"OK, but I think I'd better go down and collect the 'kitties' (Bastet and Sekhmet), and then we can show them the suite, and get them used to the gardens...", and so Ethan went off, leaving Jim and Teddy in the suite.
"So Jim, to be a little more serious, when are you going to get around to telling everyone what this trip is really about.", Teddy asked.
"I see...and why is that - why not today ?", Teddy persisted.
"Well....I just have a feeling that something might happen on Agilkia Island...", Jim suggested.
" might be right...", Teddy replied thoughtfully.
"So lets go down to the Gardens and see how Ethan and the cats are getting on..", Jim said.
Later, after some frenzied 'phoning on the part of Teddy, everyone ended up sitting on comfortable, if rather old-fashioned looking', 'Lloyd-loom chairs' set around similar style tables, laden with light refreshments and very cold drinks.
"So what do you think, guys ?", Ethan asked, looking up from where he was sitting on the grass playing with Bastet and Sekhmet.
"I think it's very elegant - if a bit old fashioned, as Glen says...", Josh said.
"Yes, and in such a beautiful setting...", Zac added.
"But what about the boat...?", Max asked.
"Well, I've asked Captain Hossam to moor here for the duration of our stay.
The crew will have an opportunity to give the boat a good 'Spring-Clean', but will also be given 'shore leave' to have some 'rest and relaxation' in the town.", Jim explained.
"And your'e paying for this ?", Zac asked..
"Yes, of course..
Everything's so cheap here in's no problem.
And then the 'Hadeel' will take us back up North....
It's far more comfortable, and less trouble than going by limo or flying...", Jim said.
"You can fly from here ?", Ethan asked. obviously surprised.
"Yes, they have an airport here at Aswan.", Jim replied.
"So what now ?", Zac asked.
"Well first I think we should have some lunch here at the hotel, and then possibly explore the town a little - and maybe go to the souq..", Jim suggested.
"Oh, and one thing...this place seems quite classy, so perhaps jackets and ties would be suitable...", Jim added.
So they all returned to their rooms, with Ethan taking a couple of rather reluctant 'kitties' with him.
Later they all gathered, suitably dressed, in the 19th Century pseudo-Moorish restaurant.
"Well, its big....I wonder what the food's like ?", Ethan said, as they took their seats.
Not surprisingly, being a five star hotel, the food was very good, but Ethan was disappointed that 'cheeseburgers' were not on the menu...
"I wonder if they have a MacDonald's in this funny little town ?", Ethan muttered,d as the remains of their delicious lunch were removed by obsequious waiters.
"As it happens, Ethan, the answer to you rather inappropriate question is yes.", Teddy said quietly - quietly so as not to alarm the waiters, who were probably not used to talking teddy-bears.
"And how would you know...?
You've never been here before..", Ethan said.
The information is on my 'data-base', and the MacDonald's is situated on the Corniche.
"Wowy !... then we can go there later today ?", Ethan asked hopefully, looking to Jim.
"Why not... but first I think we should have a look at the souq.", Jim suggested.
"Is there anywhere that doesn't have a MacDonald's ?", Josh asked rhetorically...
"Well...if you think there's a problem, Ethan, we can always arrange for a change later, but for the moment we need to settle in, and then have a look round.", Jim said.
"OK, but I think I'd better go down and collect the 'kitties' (Bastet and Sekhmet), and then we can show them the suite, and get them used to the gardens...", and so Ethan went off, leaving Jim and Teddy in the suite.
"So Jim, to be a little more serious, when are you going to get around to telling everyone what this trip is really about.", Teddy asked.
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Agilkia Island - Aswan - Upper Egypt |
"I think after we have visited Agilkia Island, the Temple of Isis, and Hadrian's Kiosk."..Jim replied.
"Well....I just have a feeling that something might happen on Agilkia Island...", Jim suggested.
جزيرة أجيلكيا - Agilkia Island is an island in the reservoir of the Old Aswan Dam along the Nile River in southern Egypt It is the present site of the relocated Ancient Egyptian temple complex of Philae. Partially completely flooded by the old dam's construction in 1902, the Philae complex was dismantled and relocated to Agilkia island, as part of a wider UNESCO project related to the 1960s construction of the Aswan High Dam, and the eventual flooding of many sites posed by its large reservoir upstream.
Φίλαι - Philae is mentioned by numerous ancient writers, including Strabo,Diodorus Siculus, Ptolemy, Seneca, and Pliny the Elder. It was, as the plural name indicates, the name of two small islands situated in latitude 24° north, just above the First Cataract near Aswan. Since Philae was said to be one of the burying-places of Osiris, it was held in high reverence both by the Egyptians to the north, and the Nubians to the south. Philae also was remarkable for the singular effects of light and shade resulting from its position near the Tropic of Cancer. As the sun approached its northern limit the shadows from the projecting cornices and mouldings of the temples sink lower and lower down the plain surfaces of the walls, until, the sun having reached its highest altitude, the vertical walls are overspread with dark shadows, forming a striking contrast with the fierce light which illuminates all surrounding objects. More than two thirds of Philae’s surviving structures were built in the Ptolemaic era. During the Roman era, Philae was the site of the last known inscription in Egyptian hieroglyphs, written in AD 394, and the last known Demotic inscription, written in 452
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Gardens of the Old Cataract Hotel - Aswan - Upper Egypt |
"So lets go down to the Gardens and see how Ethan and the cats are getting on..", Jim said.
Later, after some frenzied 'phoning on the part of Teddy, everyone ended up sitting on comfortable, if rather old-fashioned looking', 'Lloyd-loom chairs' set around similar style tables, laden with light refreshments and very cold drinks.
Lloyd Loom weave is a machine woven material consisting of tightly twisted kraft paper, reinforced by paper wrapped vertical strands containing a steel wire core. ... Classically, a solid beech bentwood frame is used which gives Lloyd Loom furniture its typically recognisable curved featuresThe cats, of course - Bastet and Sekhmet - were 'exploring' in the dense foliage.
"So what do you think, guys ?", Ethan asked, looking up from where he was sitting on the grass playing with Bastet and Sekhmet.
"I think it's very elegant - if a bit old fashioned, as Glen says...", Josh said.
"Yes, and in such a beautiful setting...", Zac added.
"But what about the boat...?", Max asked.
"Well, I've asked Captain Hossam to moor here for the duration of our stay.
The crew will have an opportunity to give the boat a good 'Spring-Clean', but will also be given 'shore leave' to have some 'rest and relaxation' in the town.", Jim explained.
"And your'e paying for this ?", Zac asked..
"Yes, of course..
Everything's so cheap here in's no problem.
And then the 'Hadeel' will take us back up North....
It's far more comfortable, and less trouble than going by limo or flying...", Jim said.
"You can fly from here ?", Ethan asked. obviously surprised.
"Yes, they have an airport here at Aswan.", Jim replied.
"So what now ?", Zac asked.
"Well first I think we should have some lunch here at the hotel, and then possibly explore the town a little - and maybe go to the souq..", Jim suggested.
"Oh, and one thing...this place seems quite classy, so perhaps jackets and ties would be suitable...", Jim added.
So they all returned to their rooms, with Ethan taking a couple of rather reluctant 'kitties' with him.
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Main Restaurant - Old Cataract Hotel - Aswan - Upper Egypt |
The style of architecture used in the 'Cataract Hotel' in Aswan is generally termed the 'Heliopolis Style'. This is a 'revivalist style', and is a synthesis of medieval Egyptian, Moorish Revival, Persian Revival, and European Neoclassical architecture styles. The goal of this style was to successfully implement the aesthetic and functional advantages of the influencing styles. Combining the qualities of these types brought Moorish and Persian facades, Egyptian spatial volumes, and European floor plans, and Neoclassical and Moorish interiors together in a homogeneous unit. The style was very much in keeping with the image of Muslim architecture which was acceptable to the European rulers and visitors to Egypt in the late 19th and early 20th century.Teddy had been allowed to join them, as no-one in the hotel seemed to be bothered by the presence of a teddy-bear, despite the fact that Teddy was not wearing a jacket or tie, or even trousers ! - and was allowed to sit on Ethan's knee.
"Well, its big....I wonder what the food's like ?", Ethan said, as they took their seats.
Not surprisingly, being a five star hotel, the food was very good, but Ethan was disappointed that 'cheeseburgers' were not on the menu...
"I wonder if they have a MacDonald's in this funny little town ?", Ethan muttered,d as the remains of their delicious lunch were removed by obsequious waiters.
"As it happens, Ethan, the answer to you rather inappropriate question is yes.", Teddy said quietly - quietly so as not to alarm the waiters, who were probably not used to talking teddy-bears.
"And how would you know...?
You've never been here before..", Ethan said.
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MacDonald's - Aswan - Upper Egypt |
"Wowy !... then we can go there later today ?", Ethan asked hopefully, looking to Jim.
"Why not... but first I think we should have a look at the souq.", Jim suggested.
"Is there anywhere that doesn't have a MacDonald's ?", Josh asked rhetorically...
"Apparently not...", Zac commented, with a note of resignation.
Despite Aswan being a famous tourist destination, it was surprisingly quiet, but then this had been the case throughout their trip.
All the hotels at which they had stayed seemed to be half empty, and even then, in Aswan, the souq was far from busy.
But at least in the souq they were out of the sun as there were awnings to supply shade.
Unfortunately they had been 'spoiled' as regard to souqs because their first experience of a souq had be the 'Khan el-Khalili' in Cairo - and there was nothing to compare to that souq.
As Teddy had explained - when they were in Cairo
The Aswan souq was very much orientated to either the local inhabitants, with cassettes and CDs of Egyptian popular music, (mostly bootlegged), cheap clothes, and household items, or orientated to tourists, and the tourist items were cheap (by US and European standards), and therefore of poor quality and design.
"Don't they have 'malls' here in Egypt ?...Max asked.
"Only in Cairo and Alexandria...", Teddy replied, causing an unsuspecting old Egyptian lady to drop her shopping in surprise...
The 'boys' were undoubtedly hoping to buy some fashionable clothes, shoes and such like...but that was obviously not going to be possible in Aswan...but at least they would be returning to Cairo...eventually.
Now while in Luxor they had been 'hassled' very little, as the local tourist police had been alerted to their presence, and offered them considerable protection, and on their way up the Nile they had spent very little time in the towns, concentrating on the temples and monument.
Once they were established in Aswan, however, word had obviously got round that there was a group of apparently 'very wealthy', and probably naive young tourists in the town.
The huge dahabiya, and three large Mercedes arriving in the town had drawn much attention, as most tourists arrived in large, and often rather overcrowded cruise ships, by train, or by air.
The problem, of course, in any tourist destination in Egypt was that many of the (male) population were either part, or full time unemployed, and so 'latching on' to tourists - and even poor tourists appeared to most Egyptians to be fabulously wealthy - was a possible solution to their financial problems for many months, even if the tourists in question only stayed for a week or so.
Fortunately, not only had the local populace been alerted to the 'boys' arrival, but the local Tourist and security police had also become aware of the situation, and so after a few minor incidents in the souq, the 'Penthouse Gang' were left to their own devices - which they obviously appreciated.
Now Aswan is set in beautiful surroundings, although the town itself is rather boring, but there are some interesting places to see nearby.
Obviously the first is Agilkia Island, with its various temples and monuments, (a sort of 'fake Philae' - although the buildings are actually real).
Another beautiful place to visit, particularly for travellers who want to get away from all those funny looking Egyptian 'gods' (as Ethan would describe them), and all that boring history, (as Max would think, but not dare to say), would be 'Plant Island' - (later Teddy will tell the 'boys' all about it, including the name in Arabic)
'Plant Island' is a small, oval-shaped island in the Nile, that is less than a kilometre long, and its width is less than ½ a kilometre.
The whole island is devoted to a truly staggering collection exotic trees, many from India, along with shrubs and plants in gardens, with walkways and magnificent views of the Nile.
And then there is the Mausoleum of the Aga Khan, which Ethan spotted when the 'Hadeel' first arrived in Aswan, and which Ethan is insisting that they must visit, (probably in order to check that a rose really is left on the Aga Khan's tomb.
But to return to the Aswan souq - Aswan, while it is relatively quiet, and its air is clean and clear (unlike Cairo - or to some lesser degree, Luxor), it is very hot, being situated close to the Tropic of Cancer - so this called, early on, for a trip to a coffee shop.
There was a coffee-shop nearby, although it was not a particularly salubrious looking establishment, but they were not inclined, in the heat, to search around for an alternative.
It was not so much the building or the decor that was the problem, but rather the clientele that looked a little off-putting, but by then there were a few tourist police patrolling, so they presumed they would be quite safe, and if anything it would be the standard of hygiene that would pose the greatest threat.
Fortunately they had Ismail and Faunus with them, who could both speak Arabic, and who ordered the shai, although the other habitués of the establishment still seemed fascinated by Teddy, who was sitting on one of the tables, pretending to be a stuffed toy.
Very soon Ismail and Faunus (Ali) were chatting happily, (in Arabic), to some of the other customers - ordinary people in Egypt are very friendly, (and 'nosey'), and need little encouragement to indulge in light-hearted conversation.
So there were no problems, and undoubtedly the anodyne information imparted by Ismail and Faunus about the 'American' tour group would soon be all over the souq, and probably half of Aswan as well by the evening.
Faunus, of course, taking on the persona of 'Ali', spoke with a perfect Alexandrian accent, while Ismail, who had actually been born in Cairo, spoke with a Cairene accent (from Cairo), despite having lived much of his life in Luxor, where people speak with a Sa'idi accent.
Everyone, of course was fascinated - and obviously jealous - in the nicest possible way - of 'Ali' and Ismail who had been lucky enough to have obtained such lucrative employment.
Ethan, however, was still thinking of Pepsi Max and cheeseburgers, and was encouraging Jim to make a move and find the McDonald's.
"So, Teddy, how do we get to McDonald's ?", Ethan asked, while Jim, with some help from Ismail, paid for the shai as they left the coffee shop.
"Oh, that's easy....
Unfortunately they had been 'spoiled' as regard to souqs because their first experience of a souq had be the 'Khan el-Khalili' in Cairo - and there was nothing to compare to that souq.
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Khan el-Khalil - Cairo - Egypt |
"The Khan el-Khalili is mainly occupied by locals rather than foreign merchants, but in many parts it is geared towards touristsIsmail bought a couple of Nubian style scarves for his mother and his married sister, but apart from that, the boys found little to interest them.
The shops typically sell souvenirs, antiques and jewellery, but the adjoining سوق الصائغ 'goldsmiths' souq', for example, is still important for locals.
Although less widespread than in earlier days, many craftsmen' workshops continue to operate within the bazaar (usually in the courtyards or upper floors of buildings) or in the surrounding districts, manufacturing some of the products sold in the 'Khan el-Khalili' or exported elsewhere.
In addition to shops, there are several coffeehouses (of course), restaurants, and street food vendors distributed throughout the market.
The coffee-shops are generally small and quite traditional, serving shāy, coffee and usually offering 'shisha' (water pipe), and probably the oldest and most famous coffee-shop 'Fishawi's', established in 1773."
The Aswan souq was very much orientated to either the local inhabitants, with cassettes and CDs of Egyptian popular music, (mostly bootlegged), cheap clothes, and household items, or orientated to tourists, and the tourist items were cheap (by US and European standards), and therefore of poor quality and design.
"Don't they have 'malls' here in Egypt ?...Max asked.
"Only in Cairo and Alexandria...", Teddy replied, causing an unsuspecting old Egyptian lady to drop her shopping in surprise...
The 'boys' were undoubtedly hoping to buy some fashionable clothes, shoes and such like...but that was obviously not going to be possible in Aswan...but at least they would be returning to Cairo...eventually.
Now while in Luxor they had been 'hassled' very little, as the local tourist police had been alerted to their presence, and offered them considerable protection, and on their way up the Nile they had spent very little time in the towns, concentrating on the temples and monument.
Once they were established in Aswan, however, word had obviously got round that there was a group of apparently 'very wealthy', and probably naive young tourists in the town.
The huge dahabiya, and three large Mercedes arriving in the town had drawn much attention, as most tourists arrived in large, and often rather overcrowded cruise ships, by train, or by air.
The problem, of course, in any tourist destination in Egypt was that many of the (male) population were either part, or full time unemployed, and so 'latching on' to tourists - and even poor tourists appeared to most Egyptians to be fabulously wealthy - was a possible solution to their financial problems for many months, even if the tourists in question only stayed for a week or so.
Fortunately, not only had the local populace been alerted to the 'boys' arrival, but the local Tourist and security police had also become aware of the situation, and so after a few minor incidents in the souq, the 'Penthouse Gang' were left to their own devices - which they obviously appreciated.
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Columns - Agilkia Island - Aswan - Upper Egypt |
Obviously the first is Agilkia Island, with its various temples and monuments, (a sort of 'fake Philae' - although the buildings are actually real).
Another beautiful place to visit, particularly for travellers who want to get away from all those funny looking Egyptian 'gods' (as Ethan would describe them), and all that boring history, (as Max would think, but not dare to say), would be 'Plant Island' - (later Teddy will tell the 'boys' all about it, including the name in Arabic)
'Plant Island' is a small, oval-shaped island in the Nile, that is less than a kilometre long, and its width is less than ½ a kilometre.
The whole island is devoted to a truly staggering collection exotic trees, many from India, along with shrubs and plants in gardens, with walkways and magnificent views of the Nile.
And then there is the Mausoleum of the Aga Khan, which Ethan spotted when the 'Hadeel' first arrived in Aswan, and which Ethan is insisting that they must visit, (probably in order to check that a rose really is left on the Aga Khan's tomb.
But to return to the Aswan souq - Aswan, while it is relatively quiet, and its air is clean and clear (unlike Cairo - or to some lesser degree, Luxor), it is very hot, being situated close to the Tropic of Cancer - so this called, early on, for a trip to a coffee shop.
Aswan, at approximately 24 degrees north latitude, lies very near the Tropic of Cancer (23°27′ N), and at this latitude, near the time of the summer solstice, the Sun is 90 degrees above the horizon at noon – directly overhead.
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Aswan Coffee-Shop - Upper Egypt |
It was not so much the building or the decor that was the problem, but rather the clientele that looked a little off-putting, but by then there were a few tourist police patrolling, so they presumed they would be quite safe, and if anything it would be the standard of hygiene that would pose the greatest threat.
Fortunately they had Ismail and Faunus with them, who could both speak Arabic, and who ordered the shai, although the other habitués of the establishment still seemed fascinated by Teddy, who was sitting on one of the tables, pretending to be a stuffed toy.
Very soon Ismail and Faunus (Ali) were chatting happily, (in Arabic), to some of the other customers - ordinary people in Egypt are very friendly, (and 'nosey'), and need little encouragement to indulge in light-hearted conversation.
So there were no problems, and undoubtedly the anodyne information imparted by Ismail and Faunus about the 'American' tour group would soon be all over the souq, and probably half of Aswan as well by the evening.
Faunus, of course, taking on the persona of 'Ali', spoke with a perfect Alexandrian accent, while Ismail, who had actually been born in Cairo, spoke with a Cairene accent (from Cairo), despite having lived much of his life in Luxor, where people speak with a Sa'idi accent.
'Ali' and Ismail posed as tourist guides, who had met up with the American 'boy's in Alexandria, and had then continued to act as guides on the Nile cruise down to Aswan.The Arabic word Ṣa‘īd, as a geographical term, means 'highland, upland, plateau'. The suffix "-i" denotes the adjective. Ṣa‘īdis, and their dialect, are the subject of numerous Egyptian stereotypes and ethnic jokes, mainly from the middle and upper-class Egyptians who own businesses in Egypt's major cities, and used to hire Upper Egyptian workers in construction fields. They are popularly assumed to be 'rural simpletons', physically stronger but less clever than other Egyptians.
Ṣa‘īdi Landscape - Upper Egypt
Everyone, of course was fascinated - and obviously jealous - in the nicest possible way - of 'Ali' and Ismail who had been lucky enough to have obtained such lucrative employment.
Ethan, however, was still thinking of Pepsi Max and cheeseburgers, and was encouraging Jim to make a move and find the McDonald's.
"So, Teddy, how do we get to McDonald's ?", Ethan asked, while Jim, with some help from Ismail, paid for the shai as they left the coffee shop.
"Oh, that's easy....
Once I decide where we are going, a little beeper goes off in my head.
The louder it gets, the nearer we are.
If I hear it in my right ear, we go right, and if I hear it in my left ear we got left, and if I hear it in both ears we go straight on - like 'stereo direction finding'.", Teddy explained.
"Yes...all very clever...", Ethan said.
"So what's it doing now, Glen asked.
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McDonald's - Aswan - Upper Egypt |
And so they left the souq.
"Well I don't know why you need that 'stereo direction finder...", Josh said.
"I can see it from here !".
"Well it is useful when you can't see what your'e looking for...", Teddy said apologetically.
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Aswan McDonalds - Upper Egypt |
"Well this looks familiar....", Max said, in an attempt to be sarcastic.
So they ordered their hamburgers, cheeseburgers or whatever - and drinks and found seats.
Unusually Faunus and Jim took Ethan and Teddy too one side.
"Let's go to a separate table....Faunus wants to talk...", Jim said quietly.
"So what's all this 'secret-squirrel' stuff about ?", Ethan asked, obviously puzzled.
"We need to talk because there are things that the 'group needs to know...", Faunus said mysteriously.
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Cute 'Non-Egyptian' Squirrel |
"No...", Ethan said, in an attempt to prevent Teddy from giving a lecture about squirrels, and other such rodents.
"Anyway, there aren't any squirrels in Egypt...", Teddy then said, refusing to stop talking about squirrels.
"Good..", Ethan said.
"Anyway, there aren't any squirrels in Egypt...", Teddy then said, refusing to stop talking about squirrels.
"Good..", Ethan said.
"Enough !", Jim said firmly.
"Now we need to get back to the hotel quite soon because I want you, Teddy, to give one of your little lectures about the pyramids - and in particular the 'Great Pyramid', and the significance of Osiris and Isis, particularly as I am planning for us to visit the Temple of Isis tomorrow afternoon.
Teddy was silent for a moment, obviously checking if he had the data.
"Yes...of course..", Teddy then replied in a very business-like manner.
"Yes.. and I suppose I will be up till late in the morning printing off all the 'visual-aid-thingys'.. ", Ethan said wearily, by then having completely forgotten about Teddy's squirrels.
So after their short break in the air-conditioned comfort of McDonald's they made their way back to the souq where the limos were waiting for them.
"What does that McDonald's remind you of Glen...
I mean the outside, from here..?", Ethan asked.
"Well you know, Ethan...
You're just trying to 'wind me up'..", Glen began.
"So...go on..", Ethan persisted.
"It reminds me of a 'UFO'...a 'Saucer'...OK ?", Glen replied..
And that was true...
"I think it's a 'presentiment'...Teddy said.
But as neither Glen nor Ethan knew what 'presentiment' meant they simply nodded gravely, in order to hide their ignorance - but they had a suspicion that it meant something nasty...
Aswan, while the Egyptian Government likes to call it a city, is in reality quite a small town, so it did not take long for them to get back to the Old Cataract Hotel.
Now Ethan was not the most perceptive of people, but he realised that Jim had something on his mind, and so he did not pursue his argument with Teddy about the squirrels, much as he wanted to, but instead sat quietly during the drive back to the hotel.
Teddy also had something on his mind, as he was checking out his 'data-base' for all the relevant information about the Great Pyramid, Orion and Sirius.
Only Faunus appeared to be relaxed, as he sat back in his seat tunelessly whistling some oddly unrecognisable 'melody'.
As they entered the lobby of the hotel Jim called Max over, and took him up to an upper floor of the hotel.
Ethan was puzzled.
On leaving the elevator, Jim led Max down a long, rather drab looking corridor.
Jim then unlocked one of the doors lining the corridor, and invited Max in.
Max looked round the room.
"This is like a lounge - there's no bed...", Max Said, sounding puzzled.
"Right, Max, but it's not a lounge, it's a private 'drawing room' private drawing room...and we need to have a talk.
" you're letting me go, sir...", Max said.
"No Max.. I wouldn't go to all this trouble if I was just going to send you back to 'Vegas.", Jim replied dismissively.
"I need to tell you some things so that you can decide if you want to go on with things, or just go back to being the 'head bellhop' at the 'Club Athena'.
"Things like what ?", Max asked, beginning to feel uncomfortable.
Meanwhile, as Jim was beginning the difficult task of explaining to Max about himself, Josh, Ethan, and Zac - in addition to Glen, Faunus was 'phoning the others to ask them to come the small meeting room on the lower floor.
At the same time, Ethan was furiously trying to print off some visual aides.
"So... do you know where this 'meeting room' is ?", Ethan asked, as he fed more paper into Teddy's printer.
"On the lower floor, Teddy replied, and don't forget to bring my little laptop with you, as I have some notes on it..", Teddy said.
Eventually they all began to gather in the meeting room.
"I like the style.... very 'contemporary'...", Ethan commented.
Teddy had taken his place, sitting on the table (at the part nearest the curtains), With his blue laptop near by.
Faunus then 'phoned for 'room service' to bring some drinks and 'nibbles', and gradually they all settled down, and when Teddy carefully cleaned his horn rimmed glasses, and put them on, (even although he did not need them), it was obvious that the session had begun.
"Please understand that this meeting is not my idea, but rather that of Jim, who wants me to explain some things about the reasons for our being here in Egypt - and to help us understand this, we first need to know a little more about Egyptian history."
Teddy then cleared his throat - completely unnecessary of course - in order to indicate that the 'lecture had really begun.
"When we were at Edfu, I explained about the idea of 'Zep Tepi', and the ancient Egyptians' firm belief that the 'gods' - more properly called the 'neteru', had been responsible for the first temple at Edfu, and that those same 'neteru' had been the first rulers of Egypt - however, there is nothing particularly 'special' about Edfu as a building - apart from the 'Building Texts'.
This cannot be said about the pyramids, and in particular the so called 'Great Pyramid' at Giza.
Now when we were at the 'Great Pyramid' at Giza I think I explained it quite fully, but there are some facts that need to be reiterated.
As I said before, after it was completed, around 2,570 BC, the 'Great Pyramid' remained the tallest structure on the surface of the planet for around 3,800 years.
The overall weight of the Great Pyramid is estimated at around 6 million tons.
Each side of the pyramid comprises an area of around 5.5 acres, and the total surface area of the Great Pyramid is 22 acres - so the Great Pyramid covers a total area of 92,000 ft2, or 55,000 m2.
It is estimated that the Great Pyramid of Giza was built with about 2.3 million blocks of stone, whose average weight is around 3 tons per block, although there were certain stones used in the construction of the pyramid that weigh more than 60 tons.
In addition, the pyramid was originally covered by about 27,000 blocks of white, polished limestone, each weighting several tons.
More to the point, while most of the stone was quarried locally, the white limestone facing blocks were transported from quarries located more than 800 kilometres away - in fact from Aswan, where we are now."
Teddy then turned to Ethan.
"Please hand out the photos of the facing blocks, Ethan...", Teddy said at that point.
Once Ethan had finished locating the prints, and passed them round, Teddy continued....
"There is also 8,000 tons of granite used in the pyramid, and that granite was also imported from Aswan.
Also, if these facts were not sufficiently difficult to believe, this particular pyramid was placed at the exact centre of the landmass on Earth.
In fact, the pyramid is the most accurately aligned structure on the surface of the planet, facing true north with only 3/60th of a degree of error - and all this was achieved more than 4,500 years ago......
and how was this achieved more than 4,500 years ago ?...", Teddy added rhetorically.
Ethan then handed out images of the 'Great Pyramid as it probably looked when it was completed.
"Notice that the apex...." - Teddy continued.
"The 'whaty' ?", Ethan asked, interrupting...
"The pointy thing at the top...", Teddy replied, sighing.
"The apex...", Teddy then started again, "known as a 'capstone', is in the form of a small pyramidion...probably made out of granite or basalt...
and before you ask, Ethan, basalt is a very hard stone....and the capstone was usually plated with electrum - which is an alloy of gold and silver.
Not surprisingly, on most pyramids, including the 'Great Pyramid', the capstone is missing."
Teddy then continued......
"Surprisingly, not a single ancient document, wall painting or relief has been discovered that mentions or shows how the pyramid was built, or what types of tools were used, or how they managed to stack the stones, or how they lifted the stones.
This, of course is very strange, considering the ancient Egyptians were excellent record keepers, so it makes absolutely no sense that they did not document their work.
In addition, the Great Pyramid does not include any depictions, illustrations, or hieroglyphs - unlike most other ancient Egyptian buildings or monuments."
As Teddy paused, Zac took the opportunity to say something.
"I hope you don't mind me interrupting, Teddy, but why are you telling us all of this - after all, you explained about the pyramid when we went to Giza."
"Well first I am telling you about this because Jim asked me too, but also because I am including some things that I didn't mention back in Giza.
Also, this is leading up to some important new ideas that Faunus wants you to understand." Teddy said, and Zac nodded in appreciation of Teddy's answer.
"But to continue....the Pharaoh Khufu, or 'Khnum-Khuf', as he is more correctly known, the supposed builder of the 'Great Pyramid', ruled according to the 'Royal Canon of Turin' for 23 years.
For an individual who is credited with building one of the greatest monuments in human history, there is very little commemorating his reign.
The only statue of Khufu is tiny, and it's authenticity is doubted by many experts.
Equally there are no temples or other monuments credited to his name.
His name does appear, however, on the hidden so called 'relieving chambers' in the interior of the pyramid, but these inscriptions are considered by reliable sources to be forgeries, probably perpetrated by Colonel Howard Vyse in 1837.
Now those of you who have been in the Great Pyramid will certainly remember how very small the passage-way leading to the so-called 'King's Chamber' was - approximately 4-feet wide, 3½-feet - and one wonders how a coffin could be taken through such a small space, particularly considering the large interior space of the 'sarcophagus' in the so called 'King's Chamber' - which was obviously designed to take a very large coffin - probably a multiple coffin, as was found in Tutankhamen's tomb at Luxor.
And so we are left with the question - was this huge, unbelievably precise and anonymous structure ever really intended to be a tomb ?"
And Teddy paused.
"And what do you think it is ?", Josh asked.
"It's not my job to come to any conclusion - but rather to give you the facts - as far as they are known - but I'm sure that Faunus will have a theory - an opinion....", Teddy replied.
And at that moment Faunus entered the room...
Faunus looked displeased - which for him was very unusual.
"I have been listening to this meeting - and may I congratulate Teddy on an excellent introduction, with his comments about the 'Great Pyramid' at Giza.", Faunus began.
Of course to everyone at the meeting, Faunus' approval came as no surprise, as in formal situations they all realised that Teddy was no more that a spokesperson for Faunus.
Faunus then continued speaking.....
"However, as Teddy has rightly pointed out, it is not his place to come to any definite conclusions on such matters - rather I am hoping that some of you might begin to develop some ideas of your own that would help to explain some of the many mysteries that the ancient Egyptian civilisation presents.", Faunus continued...
Josh looked uneasy, but said nothing.
"Now, if no one has any objections, I would like to join you all in order to hear what Teddy might have to say about Saqqara...", Faunus said.
Teddy replaced his spectacles, and so began the next part of his talk....
"Now if you remember, when we were in Cairo we visited Saqqara.
A lot of things, however, do not add up with that theory.
The size of the granite coffers considerably exceed the size of the bulls - even if the bulls were mummified, and in coffins.
Considering the granite of which the coffers - or sarcophagi - are made, and the accuracy with which they were built, they are almost beyond belief - and far more precise and refined than any Pharonic sarcophagus.
And if, as the academics suggest, the site was used for ceremonial burials of the bulls, then where are the bull mummies that were supposedly in the coffers ?
"Now we need to get back to the hotel quite soon because I want you, Teddy, to give one of your little lectures about the pyramids - and in particular the 'Great Pyramid', and the significance of Osiris and Isis, particularly as I am planning for us to visit the Temple of Isis tomorrow afternoon.
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Pyramids at Giza - Egypt |
Teddy was silent for a moment, obviously checking if he had the data.
"Yes...of course..", Teddy then replied in a very business-like manner.
"Yes.. and I suppose I will be up till late in the morning printing off all the 'visual-aid-thingys'.. ", Ethan said wearily, by then having completely forgotten about Teddy's squirrels.
So after their short break in the air-conditioned comfort of McDonald's they made their way back to the souq where the limos were waiting for them.
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McDonald's - Aswan |
I mean the outside, from here..?", Ethan asked.
"Well you know, Ethan...
You're just trying to 'wind me up'..", Glen began.
"So...go on..", Ethan persisted.
"It reminds me of a 'UFO'...a 'Saucer'...OK ?", Glen replied..
And that was true...
"I think it's a 'presentiment'...Teddy said.
But as neither Glen nor Ethan knew what 'presentiment' meant they simply nodded gravely, in order to hide their ignorance - but they had a suspicion that it meant something nasty...
Aswan, while the Egyptian Government likes to call it a city, is in reality quite a small town, so it did not take long for them to get back to the Old Cataract Hotel.
Now Ethan was not the most perceptive of people, but he realised that Jim had something on his mind, and so he did not pursue his argument with Teddy about the squirrels, much as he wanted to, but instead sat quietly during the drive back to the hotel.
Teddy also had something on his mind, as he was checking out his 'data-base' for all the relevant information about the Great Pyramid, Orion and Sirius.
Only Faunus appeared to be relaxed, as he sat back in his seat tunelessly whistling some oddly unrecognisable 'melody'.
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Jim's Private Sitting Room |
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Corridor |
Ethan was puzzled.
On leaving the elevator, Jim led Max down a long, rather drab looking corridor.
Jim then unlocked one of the doors lining the corridor, and invited Max in.
Max looked round the room.
"This is like a lounge - there's no bed...", Max Said, sounding puzzled.
"Right, Max, but it's not a lounge, it's a private 'drawing room' private drawing room...and we need to have a talk.
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Head Bellhop |
"No Max.. I wouldn't go to all this trouble if I was just going to send you back to 'Vegas.", Jim replied dismissively.
"I need to tell you some things so that you can decide if you want to go on with things, or just go back to being the 'head bellhop' at the 'Club Athena'.
"Things like what ?", Max asked, beginning to feel uncomfortable.
Meanwhile, as Jim was beginning the difficult task of explaining to Max about himself, Josh, Ethan, and Zac - in addition to Glen, Faunus was 'phoning the others to ask them to come the small meeting room on the lower floor.
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Meeting Room - Old Cataract Hotel - Aswan |
"So... do you know where this 'meeting room' is ?", Ethan asked, as he fed more paper into Teddy's printer.
"On the lower floor, Teddy replied, and don't forget to bring my little laptop with you, as I have some notes on it..", Teddy said.
Eventually they all began to gather in the meeting room.
"I like the style.... very 'contemporary'...", Ethan commented.
Teddy had taken his place, sitting on the table (at the part nearest the curtains), With his blue laptop near by.
Faunus then 'phoned for 'room service' to bring some drinks and 'nibbles', and gradually they all settled down, and when Teddy carefully cleaned his horn rimmed glasses, and put them on, (even although he did not need them), it was obvious that the session had begun.
"Please understand that this meeting is not my idea, but rather that of Jim, who wants me to explain some things about the reasons for our being here in Egypt - and to help us understand this, we first need to know a little more about Egyptian history."
Teddy then cleared his throat - completely unnecessary of course - in order to indicate that the 'lecture had really begun.
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Edfu Temple - Upper Egypt |
This cannot be said about the pyramids, and in particular the so called 'Great Pyramid' at Giza.
Now when we were at the 'Great Pyramid' at Giza I think I explained it quite fully, but there are some facts that need to be reiterated.
As I said before, after it was completed, around 2,570 BC, the 'Great Pyramid' remained the tallest structure on the surface of the planet for around 3,800 years.
The overall weight of the Great Pyramid is estimated at around 6 million tons.
Each side of the pyramid comprises an area of around 5.5 acres, and the total surface area of the Great Pyramid is 22 acres - so the Great Pyramid covers a total area of 92,000 ft2, or 55,000 m2.
It is estimated that the Great Pyramid of Giza was built with about 2.3 million blocks of stone, whose average weight is around 3 tons per block, although there were certain stones used in the construction of the pyramid that weigh more than 60 tons.
In addition, the pyramid was originally covered by about 27,000 blocks of white, polished limestone, each weighting several tons.
More to the point, while most of the stone was quarried locally, the white limestone facing blocks were transported from quarries located more than 800 kilometres away - in fact from Aswan, where we are now."
Teddy then turned to Ethan.
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Limestone Facing Blocks - Great Pyramid - Giza - Egypt |
Once Ethan had finished locating the prints, and passed them round, Teddy continued....
"There is also 8,000 tons of granite used in the pyramid, and that granite was also imported from Aswan.
Also, if these facts were not sufficiently difficult to believe, this particular pyramid was placed at the exact centre of the landmass on Earth.
In fact, the pyramid is the most accurately aligned structure on the surface of the planet, facing true north with only 3/60th of a degree of error - and all this was achieved more than 4,500 years ago......
and how was this achieved more than 4,500 years ago ?...", Teddy added rhetorically.
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Reconstruction of the Great Pyramid on Completion - Giza Plateau - Egypt |
"Notice that the apex...." - Teddy continued.
"The 'whaty' ?", Ethan asked, interrupting...
"The pointy thing at the top...", Teddy replied, sighing.
"The apex...", Teddy then started again, "known as a 'capstone', is in the form of a small pyramidion...probably made out of granite or basalt...
and before you ask, Ethan, basalt is a very hard stone....and the capstone was usually plated with electrum - which is an alloy of gold and silver.
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Restored Granite Capstone - Egypt |
Teddy then continued......
"Surprisingly, not a single ancient document, wall painting or relief has been discovered that mentions or shows how the pyramid was built, or what types of tools were used, or how they managed to stack the stones, or how they lifted the stones.
This, of course is very strange, considering the ancient Egyptians were excellent record keepers, so it makes absolutely no sense that they did not document their work.
In addition, the Great Pyramid does not include any depictions, illustrations, or hieroglyphs - unlike most other ancient Egyptian buildings or monuments."
As Teddy paused, Zac took the opportunity to say something.
"I hope you don't mind me interrupting, Teddy, but why are you telling us all of this - after all, you explained about the pyramid when we went to Giza."
"Well first I am telling you about this because Jim asked me too, but also because I am including some things that I didn't mention back in Giza.
Also, this is leading up to some important new ideas that Faunus wants you to understand." Teddy said, and Zac nodded in appreciation of Teddy's answer.
"But to continue....the Pharaoh Khufu, or 'Khnum-Khuf', as he is more correctly known, the supposed builder of the 'Great Pyramid', ruled according to the 'Royal Canon of Turin' for 23 years.
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'Relieving Chambers' - Great Pyramid |
The only statue of Khufu is tiny, and it's authenticity is doubted by many experts.
Equally there are no temples or other monuments credited to his name.
His name does appear, however, on the hidden so called 'relieving chambers' in the interior of the pyramid, but these inscriptions are considered by reliable sources to be forgeries, probably perpetrated by Colonel Howard Vyse in 1837.
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Passage-way to the 'King's Chamber' - Great Pyramid' |
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Sarcophagus (?) in the 'Kings Chamber' - 'Great Pyramid' - Giza |
And Teddy paused.
"And what do you think it is ?", Josh asked.
"It's not my job to come to any conclusion - but rather to give you the facts - as far as they are known - but I'm sure that Faunus will have a theory - an opinion....", Teddy replied.
And at that moment Faunus entered the room...
Faunus looked displeased - which for him was very unusual.
"I have been listening to this meeting - and may I congratulate Teddy on an excellent introduction, with his comments about the 'Great Pyramid' at Giza.", Faunus began.
Of course to everyone at the meeting, Faunus' approval came as no surprise, as in formal situations they all realised that Teddy was no more that a spokesperson for Faunus.
Faunus then continued speaking.....
"However, as Teddy has rightly pointed out, it is not his place to come to any definite conclusions on such matters - rather I am hoping that some of you might begin to develop some ideas of your own that would help to explain some of the many mysteries that the ancient Egyptian civilisation presents.", Faunus continued...
Josh looked uneasy, but said nothing.
"Now, if no one has any objections, I would like to join you all in order to hear what Teddy might have to say about Saqqara...", Faunus said.
Teddy replaced his spectacles, and so began the next part of his talk....
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Step Pyramid - Saqqara - Cairo - Egypt |
While the Step Pyramid was quite interesting, there was nothing exceptional about it - apart from its size, and the unique style of its architecture.", Teddy continued.
And so Teddy began explaining about the 'Serapeum'.
"The 'Serapeum' was a different matter, however - and there were a number of issues about that site of which I wish to remind you.
To put it in its historical context, the 'Serapeum' was in use from the New Kingdom down to the Græco-Roman period.
Egyptologists insist that the 'Serapeum' was built for the 'ritual burials of the Apis bulls'.![]() |
Procession of the Apis Bull - Frederick Arthur Bridgman |
To put it in its historical context, the 'Serapeum' was in use from the New Kingdom down to the Græco-Roman period.
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Auguste Mariette |
The size of the granite coffers considerably exceed the size of the bulls - even if the bulls were mummified, and in coffins.
Considering the granite of which the coffers - or sarcophagi - are made, and the accuracy with which they were built, they are almost beyond belief - and far more precise and refined than any Pharonic sarcophagus.
And if, as the academics suggest, the site was used for ceremonial burials of the bulls, then where are the bull mummies that were supposedly in the coffers ?
Now here is an important point......
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The Grand Gallery - Serapeum - Saqqara - Cairo - Egypt |
All the tunnels in the Serapeum are connected, and when
Auguste Mariette discovered the site in 1850,all the valuables were still there.
No robbers had ever entered the tunnels - so why was the 'Grand Gallery' - where the large granite coffers are situated - empty of bull mummies ? The walls of the Lesser Tunnels, however, were full of relatively small wooden coffins - small compared to the granite coffers - and some of the wooden coffins did contain bull mummies.
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Plan of the Serapeum - Saqqara - Egypt |
And then there are some very odd facts about the large coffers 'placed' in huge niches lining the 'Grand Gallery.
The coffers are made from different kinds of granite.
Some were made from gabbro-diorite, granodiorite, syenite porphyry, and diorite.
All these minerals are 6 to 7 on the 'Mohs' hardness scale.
That means that they are all extremely hard.
Such stone also allows for very smooth and shiny polished surfaces - which seems to have been very important for the interior surfaces of the coffers - but why ?
Cutting the granite in rectangular block with level, flat surfaces can only be achieved with circular saws, or rope saws, made from at least hard steel, preferably diamond encrusted, which they didn't have.
The hardest metal the Egyptians had was soft iron, which was only slightly harder than bronze.
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Coffer and Lid - Serapeum - Saqqara - Cairo - Egypt |
Their iron tools were still 'soft' because they couldn't reach the temperatures required to harden iron.
It has been suggested that the ancient Egyptians did not have the means to fashion a huge granite coffer to the precision of those in the Serapeum. They also would not be move a 100 ton granite block from a quarry 1000 km away on wooden rollers, in the sand !
Another problem would be lowering such a huge coffer into tunnels and manoeuvring it into a small niche, where there is sometimes not even enough space between the wall and the coffer for a man to stand.
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Interior of a Coffer - Serapeum - Saqqara - Cairo - Egypt |
Another question is why make a lid for the coffer that weighs 20 tons ?
It has been suggested that tomb robbers stole the bull mummies - but then question remains as to how anyone could remove a 20 ton lid from a coffer that was jammed in a close fitting niche ?
Also, the coffers have 90 degree edges inside and outside.
Especially the inside corners, being 90 degrees, in three dimensions, is a major feat of technology."
And then Teddy paused.
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Upuaut in the Pyramid Ship - Chaco Canyon |
"As Faunus has made clear, I will not suggest any solutions to these, or other questions - either relating to Giza or Saqqara - but I leave you to consider that what we find here in Egypt brings into question some great mysteries.
Now we have no need, personally, to solve these mysteries, but I feel that they do relate, to some extent, to the strange events that have occurred - and in particular to our meeting with Upuaut, back in Chaco Canyon.", Teddy concluded.
And that final comment made those who had been involved in the meeting in the 'Pyramid Ship' rather uneasy.....
for more information about the mysteries of the Serapeum go to
Max admitted that he had thought that there was something 'strange' about Jim and his friends when he had first met them at the hotel and club then know as 'Club Jaguar', (now known as Club Athena'), and that this had been heightened during the 'road- trip' with the 'Boss'.
The relationship that developed between Max and Jim then made much more sense when Jim revealed the almost unbelievable assertion that , prior the coming to the Club Jaguar, Jim, as the Dominus Marcus Octavian Gracchus, had been a wealthy patrician in the Roman town of Baiae, on the Gulf of Naples.
This fact, along with the further information that Ethan had been Jim's 'body slave' at the fabulous Villa Auream then explained to a great extent the remarkably close relationship between Jim (Marcus) and Ethan (Aurarius).
A Roman 'body slave' was a favoured slave who was in constant and intimate attendance on his or her master or mistress at all times and in all situations.
Added to this was information about Zac, who had previously been Petronius, the 'Master of the Arena' and 'Tribune' to Marcus in Baiae, and now accounted for him being head of Jim's security team.
And so it went on, with Jim candidly answering Max's various questions.
Faunus had approved of these revelations as he considered Max, having been with the group for some time, to be sufficiently trustworthy to be allowed this sensitive information.
At the end of Jim's talk Marx emerged a very surprised , and in some ways a considerably changed young man.
But back in the 'meeting room', Faunus had taken his seat, and was directing Teddy to his next task, as Max and Jim entered the room and also too their seats.
Faunus looked to Jim, and Jim discretely nodded.
"So, Teddy, there is another part, I believe, to your little 'talk'.", Faunus said.
"Er yes...Faunus.. ", Teddy said a little nervously.
"Osiris - yes...Osiris - from Egyptian 'wsjr' or 'Asar' - Osiris is the god of fertility, agriculture, the afterlife, the dead, resurrection, life, and vegetation in ancient Egyptian religion.
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Osiris - 'Khenti-Amentiu' 'Foremost of the Westerners' |
He was usually depicted as a green-skinned deity with a pharaoh's beard, partially mummy-wrapped, wearing a distinctive 'Atef Crown', and holding a symbolic 'crook and flail' - symbols of power.
He is also associated with the epithet 'Khenti-Amentiu', meaning 'Foremost of the Westerners', which is a reference to his kingship in the land of the dead.
Much of our information about Osiris comes from allusions contained in the 'Pyramid Texts' - which you already know something about, which came to prominence at the end of the Fifth Dynasty - and also later New Kingdom source documents, such as the 'Shabaka Stone' and the 'Contending of Horus and Seth'.
Other information comes from much later, in the writings of Greek authors including Plutarch and Diodorus Siculus.
Osiris was the judge of the dead, and the underworld agency that granted all life, including sprouting vegetation and the fertile flooding of the Nile River.
He was described as 'He Who is Permanently Benign and Youthful'.
The Pharaohs of Egypt were associated with Osiris in death – as Osiris rose from the dead, so they would be in union with him, and inherit eternal life through a process of 'imitative magic'.
Through the hope of new life after death, Osiris began to be associated with the cycles observed in nature, in particular vegetation and the annual flooding of the Nile, and he became linked with the 'helical rising' of the Constellation of Orion and the star Sirius at the start of the New Year.
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Hieroglyphic Symbol for the Duat |
The so called 'Underworld' was called the 'Tuat' or 'Duat' by the ancient Egyptians, however the 'Pyramid Texts' describe the afterlife not as some subterranean abode, but rather in terms of eternal travelling with the sun god amongst the stars.
The 'Duat' was the region through which 'Ra' travelled from West to East each night, and it was where he battled 'Apophis', who embodied the 'primordial chaos' which the sun had to defeat in order to rise each morning and bring order - 'Maʽat' - back to the earth.
It was also the place where people's souls went after death for judgement.
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Milky Way |
The astral nature of the 'Duat' was also associated with the 'Milky Way'.
Burial chambers formed 'touching-points' between the mundane world and the 'Duat'.
Burial chambers formed 'touching-points' between the mundane world and the 'Duat'.
Initially the entrance to the 'Duat' was thought to be located at Rostau - often associated with Giza in Lower Egypt.
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Armant - Upper Egypt |
In the late period the entrance to the 'Duat' became associated with 'Amentet', which referred to both the West Bank of the Nile, and to the world of the dead, and the dead were often known as 'Westerners'. Originally, 'Amenti' (or 'Amentet') was considered to be the place where the sun set at the entrance to the netherworld, and in more recent times was associated with the town of Armant - أرمنت - in Upper Egypt.
The early Ptolemaic kings promoted a new god, 'Serapis', who combined traits of Osiris with those of various Greek gods, and was portrayed in a Hellenistic form.
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Temple of Serapis - Alexandria - Egypt |
'Serapis' was often treated as the consort of Isis.
Plutarch claimed that Ptolemy I 'Soter' established the cult after dreaming of a colossal statue at Sinope in Anatolia, which was identified as a statue of the Greek god 'Pluto' (Hades), and it was claimed that the Egyptian name for 'Pluto' was 'Serapis'.
The name 'Serapis' was prabably a Hellenization of 'Osiris-Apis'.
'Osiris-Apis' was a patron deity of the 'Memphite Necropolis', and the father of the 'Apis Bull' who was worshipped there, and texts from Ptolemaic times treat 'Serapis' as the Greek translation of 'Osiris-Apis'.
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Isis |
The sister and wife of Osiris - in accordance with Egyptian Pharonic custom - was Isis who was a major goddess in ancient Egyptian religion whose worship spread throughout the Greco-Roman world.
Isis was first mentioned in the Old Kingdom (c. 2686–2181 BCE) as one of the main characters of the Osiris myth, in which she resurrects her slain husband, the divine king Osiris, and produces and protects his heir, Horus.
She was believed to help the dead enter the afterlife as she had helped Osiris, and she was considered the divine mother of the pharaoh, who was likened to Horus.
Her maternal aid was invoked in healing spells to benefit ordinary people.
Originally, she played a limited role in royal rituals and temple rites, although she is more prominent in funerary practices and magical texts.
She is usually portrayed in art as a human woman wearing a throne-like hieroglyph on her head.
In the first millennium BCE, Osiris and Isis became the most widely worshipped Egyptian deities, and Isis absorbed traits from many other goddesses.
Rulers in Egypt built temples dedicated primarily to Isis, and her temple at Philae was a religious centre for Egyptians.
Her reputed magical power was greater than that of all other gods, and she was said to protect the kingdom from its enemies, govern the skies and the natural world, and have power over fate itself.
Cleopatra VII, the last ruler of Egypt before it was annexed by Rome, called herself 'the new Isis'.
Isis's temple at Philae still had an organised priesthood and regular festivals until at least the mid-fifth century CE, making it the last fully functioning temple in Egypt.
"I am she who is the natural mother of all
things, mistress and governess of all
the elements, the initial progeny of
worlds, chief of powers divine, Queen of Heaven.
I am the principal of the
celestial Gods, the light of the goddesses.
At my will, the planets of the air, the
wholesome winds of the seas, and the
silences of hell are disposed.
My name, my divinity is adored throughout the
world in diverse ways, through various
customs and under many names...
But the Egyptians, who are excellent
in all manner of ancient doctrine,
and who worship me by their proper
ceremonies and customs, call me
'Queen Isis'."
Lucius Apuleius
The ancient Egyptians associated Isis with the star 'Sirius' - which was believed to be the gateway to the afterlife - the doors of which were opened by 'Anubis-Upuaut' - 'the Opener of the Ways'.
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Orion and Giza |
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Orion's Belt and the Pyramids |
At that point Faunus gestured for Teddy to end his talk....
"Now tomorrow I intend for us to go on a visit to Agilkia Island - and there Teddy and Ismail can tell you more about the temples there, and Isis, and also the Roman Emperor Trajan, who built a small barque shrine - known as 'Trajan's Kiosk' - for ceremonies associated with the worship of Isis.
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Trajan's Kiosk |
Then after dinner, Faunus would like us to gather here again, as he wants to conclude with some observations regarding the various topics that Teddy has been talking about.", Jim said...
And so the meeting broke up...

The meeting resumes, and Faunus comments on the connection between the various mysterious monuments and structures to be found in Egypt, along with the cults of Osiris and Isis, and how these relate to 'modern' theories regarding 'Ancient Aliens' and the actuality of their own encounters with possible 'aliens'. The following day they all visit Agilkia Island...