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And so we rejoin the 'Boss', Novius, Josh and Glaux on their way to Memphis, while Faunus , Jim, Ethan, Teddy, Glen and Brody return to the Hotel Chaco in Albuquerque for a good nights sleep, and then later a period of consideration of their strange experiences with Upuaut and the unlikely 'crew' of the 'Pyramid Ship'.

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A Very Unlikely Egyptian Pyramid |
Now by a strange coincidence - or was it ? - another part of the 'Penthouse Gang' had spent the previous evening in a very unlikely Egyptian 'pyramid' - seemingly 'parked' over a 'kiva' in Chaco Canyon, in New Mexico.
While the 'boys' in the 'pyramid ship' probably didn't realize it....there was another Memphis - but not in the good old 'US of A', but rather in Egypt
This other Memphis was, however old....much, much older than the city of Memphis in Tennessee....
and that other Memphis in Egypt - was only ruins that remained at the time of this part of our story.
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Memphis - Ancient Egypt |
Memphis the first 'nome' (province) of Lower Egypt. Its ruins are located 20 km (12 mi) south of Giza. According to a legend related by Manetho, the original city of Memphis was founded by the pharaoh Menes. Capital of Egypt during the Old Kingdom, it remained an important city throughout ancient Egyptian history. It occupied a strategic position at the mouth of the Nile Delta. Its principal port, Peru-nefer, was home to a high density of workshops, factories, and warehouses that distributed food and merchandise throughout the ancient kingdom. During its golden age, Memphis thrived as a regional center for commerce, trade, and religion. Memphis was believed to be under the protection of the god Ptah, the patron of craftsmen. Its great temple, Hut-ka-Ptah (meaning 'The Enclosure of the ka of Ptah'), was one of the most prominent structures in the city. The name of this temple, rendered in Greek as Aἴγυπτoς (Ai-gy-ptos) by the historian Manetho, is believed to be the etymological origin of the modern English name 'Egypt'. The history of Memphis is closely linked to that of the country itself. Its eventual downfall is believed to be due to the loss of its economic significance in late antiquity, following the rise of coastal Alexandria The ruins of the former capital at the time of our story offer fragmented evidence of its past, and they have been preserved, along with the great pyramid complex at Giza - which brings us back to Pyramids.
The other Memphis - towards which the 'Boss', Novius, Josh and Glaux are travelling is a very different kind of city.
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Memphis - Tennessee |
Memphis in Tennessee is a city located along the Mississippi River in the United States. Memphis is the largest city on the Mississippi River, and the second most populous city in Tennessee, as well as the 25th largest city in the United States. As one of the most historic and cultural cities of the southern United States, the city features a wide variety of landscapes and distinct neighbourhoods. Modern Memphis was founded in 1819 by three prominent Americans: John Overton, James Winchester, and future president Andrew Jackson. Memphis grew into one of the largest cities of the 'Antebellum South' as a market for agricultural goods, natural resources like lumber, and the American slave trade. After the American Civil War and the end of slavery, the city experienced even faster growth into the 20th century as it became among the largest world markets for cotton and lumber. Today, Memphis is a regional centre for commerce, education, media, art, and entertainment. The city has long had a prominent music scene, with historic blues clubs on Beale Street originating the unique Memphis blues sound during early 20th century. The city's music has continued to be shaped by a multi-cultural mix of influences across the blues, country, rock n' roll, soul, and hip-hop genres.

But to 'recap'... the 'Boss', Novius, Josh and Glaux, (the baby owl), are staying at a very expensive, very sophisticated and very exclusive 'Art Deco' style establishment, in Oklahoma City, called the Colcord Hotel - the kind of hotel at which Jim and Ethan would dearly like to be staying.
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'Colcord Hotel' - Oklahoma City |
This time, in Oklahoma City, however, was only to be a short stop-over.
Just enough time to allow for Novius to rest and relax before they continued on to their objective in Tennessee.
It was the morning after the fourth of July - an important holiday in the USA, and Jim had phoned to let them know what had happened the previous evening
Jim, however, kept the call brief - mainly because he needed time to discuss what had happened during their meeting with Upuaut with Faunus.
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The Meeting with Upuaut |
The meeting with Upuaut had not been in any way what he had been expecting... and everything about it, as far as he was concerned had been strange, and unsettling.
The 'Boss', as ever, was understanding, and was quite prepared to wait until Jim could give him a more considered account of what had occurred.
And so the matter was left like that...
Strangely, when the 'Boss' told Novius of Jim's reaction, Novius did not appear to be at all surprised.
The 'Boss' had chosen the hotel in Memphis very carefully.
Firstly because he knew that Novius only expected the best, and also because he had no idea as to how long they would be staying in the area.
If it turned out to be a long stay, they would need the hotel to be very comfortable, with excellent food and service.
The obvious choice, therefore, was the Peabody Hotel...
Peabody Hotel - Memphis - Tennessee The 'Peabody Hotel' is a luxury hotel in Downtown Memphis, Tennessee. The hotel is known for the 'Peabody Ducks' that live on the hotel rooftop, and make daily treks to the lobby. The Peabody is a member of Historic Hotels of America, a program of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. The original 'Peabody Hotel' was built in 1869 at the corner of Main and Monroe Streets by Robert Campbell Brinkley, who named it to honour his friend, the recently deceased George Peabody, for his contributions to the South. The hotel was a huge success, and Brinkley gave it to his daughter, Anna Overton Brinkley, and her husband Robert B. Snowden as a wedding gift not long after it opened. The hotel had 75 rooms, with private bathrooms, and numerous elegant public rooms. Among its guests were Presidents Andrew Johnson and William McKinley and Confederate Generals Robert E. Lee and Nathan Bedford Forrest. Jefferson Davis, the former President of the Confederacy, lived there in 1870 when he worked as president of an insurance company. The hotel closed in 1923 in preparation for a move one block away. The building was demolished and 'Lowenstein's Department Store' was constructed there. The current 'Peabody Hotel' building, on Union Avenue, is an Italian Renaissance structure designed by noted Chicago architect Walter W. Ahlschlager. Construction began less than a month after the old hotel closed. The new hotel was built on the previous site of the 'Fransioli Hotel', a structure which looked nearly identical to the original 'Peabody Hotel'. The new hotel opened on September 1, 1925. The 'Peabody Hotel' is now listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
'Oh I wish I was in a land of cotton..
Where old times there are not forgotten..'

The one thing that is everywhere noticeable in Tennessee, and much of the South, is the all pervading influence of the 'old Confederacy'.
The red, white and blue is rarely that of the Northern, federal 'stars and stripes', but almost always that of the 'Stars and Bars', or the 'Southern Cross' of the Confederacy.
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Ante-Bellum Mansion |
This is a land left partly in the past - an 'antebellum', aristocratic past - genteel in its' manner, but cruel in it's slavery - while at the same time nostalgic and sentimental - to a fault.
It should, of course, be remembered that it was the original intention of the 'Boss' to take Jim on a trip to the 'Old South', but they had been subsequently diverted by other events, mainly related to the incursions by the 'aliens'.
At this point in our story, however, the 'Boss' had actually arrived at one of his main objectives - in this case Tennessee, but unfortunately without Jim.
The 'Boss' was also concerned about what Jim had told him about the latest encounter with the 'aliens', and therefore decided to invite Jim, Ethan, (Teddy included), and Glen to join him, Novius and Josh (and Glaux) in Memphis.
Zac, Brody and Tripp would be dispatched in the Cessna back to 'Vegas.
Hopefully Zac could then resume normal operations with Kurt in 'Vegas, and the 'Boss' and the 'boys' and Novius could try to sort out the 'alien' problem.
And so texts and emails were sent out.

The new instructions from the 'Boss' came as a surprise to everyone.
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Sunport - Albuquerque Airport Logo |
Brody, of course, had no memory of what had really happened, and Tripp was annoyed at having to hand back most of the money he had been given by Kurt for the stay in Albuquerque.
For Zac it was 'all in a days' work', and he trusted that the 'Boss' would have excellent reasons for any decisions that he might take.
So that afternoon a cab arrived for Zac, Brody and Tripp, and after brief goodbyes they set off for 'Sunport' - the oddly named Albuquerque Airport.
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Memphis International Airport |
After the cab had left the Hotel Chaco, Faunus set off in his pink Edsel for Memphis.
By the early afternoon the Cessna was back at Albuquerque, waiting to take Jim, Ethan, Glen and a very nervous Teddy to Memphis International Airport, situated seven miles southeast of downtown Memphis, in Shelby County, Tennessee.
"Couldn't we go by limo ?", Teddy pleaded.
"What's this with you and flying ?", Jim asked.
"You were the same with the helicopter at the Devils Tower..."
Jim shook his head, unable to understand the little bear, who was normally so brave.
"Look... if Faunus had intended me to fly, he would have fitted me with a 'jet-pack' !", Teddy said emphatically.
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Teddy in a Fedex Box |
"Well you survived the 'holicepter' - as you put it, - and this Cessna executive jet is far safer than any helicopter - so I don't see what your problem is...", Ethan said, obviously puzzled.
Teddy still looked scared.
"Alright then ! - You can sit on my lap all the way - and I'll hold your paw - alright ?", Ethan said.
"Alright...", Teddy replied.
"But only if you promise."
"Yes, Teddy... I promise.", Ethan said, relieved.
Teddy, of course, knew he had no choice - other than to be sent by Fedex - and he knew from his trip to the Penthouse, seemingly a long time ago, that the Fedex box made him claustrophobic.
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Cessna Citation |
And so it was all decided, and they took a cab to the airport, while Jim arranged for his convertible to be driven on to Memphis.
Jim's auto would arrive well after they did, but that mattered little, as the 'Boss' wanted them all in Memphis for a conference at breakfast.
As they boarded the Cessna, Teddy was shaking, (but almost certainly exaggerating somewhat), but he was pleased to see that the windows were small - so he wouldn't have to keep his eyes closed, which was just as well as the flight was going to last about two and a half hours.
Of course Teddy always had the option of switching himself off, but despite his nervousness, he was still curious, and wanted to watch the attractively colored clouds drift past.
"So why do you think the 'Boss' has called us to Memphis ?", Ethan asked Jim.
"Well I think he realises that there's nothing much for us to do in New Mexico now, and I also think he wants a 'face to face' discussion with us about what happened at Chaco Canyon.", Jim suggested.
"Yes... that's understandable - but why is he in Memphis in the first place ?", Ethan asked.
"I don't really know, but his excuse was that he didn't want to be around in New Mexico when we had our further contact with the 'aliens', just in case the CIA were still watching him - like happened before.", Jim explained.
"Well, that' s understandable", Ethan commented.
As they passed from New Mexico, into Oklahoma and then Tennessee they noticed a distinct change in the terrain.
"Gee look, Teddy... down there - it's green !", Ethan said.
And it was - the first sight of green that they had seen in a long time.
Teddy peeked, squeaked, and then closed his eyes again.
And the landscape was lush and green, unlike the hot, dusty ochre landscape of New Mexico.
And as they approached Memphis Airport, the suburban landscape was flecked with verdant patches of green, and even areas water.
It was all a pleasant change from the sombre tones of the desert.
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US Interstate 40 |
Novius was looking forward to seeing Jim, (who he always referred to as 'Marcus' - just as he always referred to the 'Boss' as Gnæus - something which nobody else was allowed to do....even Jim.)
Novius - in case you have been 'missing out' on a lot of previous information - was an old friend of the 'Boss' from their previous 'life'. - and a descendant of an ancient patrician Etruscan family. He had studied arcane knowledge from Claudius (yes...that Claudius), and was undoubtedly the last of the 'Etruscan Augurs'. For many years he was an adviser to, and confidant of Gnæus - and in turn took the same position with Marcus, when Marcus became 'Dominus'. Now, in this 'new world', he was prepared to take on the same task, as and when required. It was Novius who first recognized Marcus' unique 'position' as someone 'favored by the God's', and it was for this reason that Novius was so solicitous of his young 'charge'.
Marcus and Novius
With an inevitable 'stop-off' on the way for a midday meal, they made good time.
This was important, as the 'Boss' wanted to be at Memphis airport in order to pick up Jim and the others.
Meanwhile, Josh had been given the task of contacting the Peabody Hotel in Memphis, and reserving rooms and suites for Jim, Ethan (and Teddy), Glen, (and a spare suite for Faunus, should he eventually turn up), in addition to the accommodation that the 'Boss' had already reserved for himself, Novius, and of course Josh and Glaux.
By this time Glaux was enjoying travelling by limo.
The Cadillac had a wide, level parcel shelf, and Glaux, after some practice, had manage to accustom himself to the movement of the limo - which was easy to manage on the straight, smooth surfaces of the Interstate highways.
As a result, Glaux would spend much of his time patrolling up and down, carefully inspecting the passing landscape.
Glaux, of course, was eager to meet up once again with Teddy, as they were both able to communicate telepathically with one another, and with Josh and Faunus.
But then the journey was just about over, as the huge Black Cadillac drew up outside the Peabody Hotel.
The 'Boss' jumped out of the limo, and almost sprinted into the lobby in order to register, and explain that others of his party would soon be following.
Novius and Josh, with Glaux, quickly followed, only to be met in the lobby by Faunus, looking very relaxed as usual, and who had somehow already arrived, and checked in !
With Faunus supervising everything, the matter of getting Glaux accepted as a 'guest' was no problem... but then birds were regularly seen around this particular hotel...
Faunus and Josh then returned to the limo, and quickly drove to Memphis International Airport, which was only about a twenty minutes drive away.
On arrival at the airport, there was a happy reunion, as everyone crowded into the big, black Cadillac which was parked on the tarmac next to the recently landed Cessna, and then Faunus quickly drove them back to the Peabody Hotel.
As they drove up to the very large, nineteen-twenties building, Ethan looked out from the rear window of the Cadillac, and screwed up his face.
"Bit 'dingy' ain't it....", Ethan said, and Teddy nodded in agreement.
"Yes... but wait until you get inside.
It's not modern, but it's very luxurious, and I think you'll grow to like it.", Faunus replied.
This was important, as the 'Boss' wanted to be at Memphis airport in order to pick up Jim and the others.
Meanwhile, Josh had been given the task of contacting the Peabody Hotel in Memphis, and reserving rooms and suites for Jim, Ethan (and Teddy), Glen, (and a spare suite for Faunus, should he eventually turn up), in addition to the accommodation that the 'Boss' had already reserved for himself, Novius, and of course Josh and Glaux.
By this time Glaux was enjoying travelling by limo.
The Cadillac had a wide, level parcel shelf, and Glaux, after some practice, had manage to accustom himself to the movement of the limo - which was easy to manage on the straight, smooth surfaces of the Interstate highways.
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The Peabody Hotel - Entrance |
Glaux, of course, was eager to meet up once again with Teddy, as they were both able to communicate telepathically with one another, and with Josh and Faunus.
But then the journey was just about over, as the huge Black Cadillac drew up outside the Peabody Hotel.
The 'Boss' jumped out of the limo, and almost sprinted into the lobby in order to register, and explain that others of his party would soon be following.
Novius and Josh, with Glaux, quickly followed, only to be met in the lobby by Faunus, looking very relaxed as usual, and who had somehow already arrived, and checked in !
With Faunus supervising everything, the matter of getting Glaux accepted as a 'guest' was no problem... but then birds were regularly seen around this particular hotel...
Faunus and Josh then returned to the limo, and quickly drove to Memphis International Airport, which was only about a twenty minutes drive away.
On arrival at the airport, there was a happy reunion, as everyone crowded into the big, black Cadillac which was parked on the tarmac next to the recently landed Cessna, and then Faunus quickly drove them back to the Peabody Hotel.
As they drove up to the very large, nineteen-twenties building, Ethan looked out from the rear window of the Cadillac, and screwed up his face.
"Bit 'dingy' ain't it....", Ethan said, and Teddy nodded in agreement.
"Yes... but wait until you get inside.
It's not modern, but it's very luxurious, and I think you'll grow to like it.", Faunus replied.
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Lobby of the Peabody Hotel - Memphis - Tennessee |
So, while the bell-hops dealt with the luggage, Faunus, Jim, Ethan, Teddy (in a new plastic bag), and Glen left the limo, and entered the Peabody Hotel.
"Well, Faunus... as usual you were right...", Ethan said as they wandered into the huge lobby.
This is really nice...
It's like the 'Villa Auream' - with electricity..."
And as Ethan spoke, Teddy poked his head out of his newly acquired plastic bag.
"I agree, Ethan.... very nice..", Teddy added.
After Jim, Ethan and Glen had registered at reception, they all then went up to the suite used by the 'Boss' for a more formal greeting.
Faunus, however, disappeared - where and to do what no one knew.
"So what do you think, 'boys' ?", the 'Boss' asked, offering his hand to each of them in turn.
"Real 'cool'..."Ethan replied.
"And the flight ?", the 'Boss' asked.
"Well, as an experienced aviator, I can say it was very smooth - excellent in fact.", Teddy said, as Ethan lifted him out of his plastic bag.
"Well, Faunus... as usual you were right...", Ethan said as they wandered into the huge lobby.
This is really nice...
It's like the 'Villa Auream' - with electricity..."
And as Ethan spoke, Teddy poked his head out of his newly acquired plastic bag.
"I agree, Ethan.... very nice..", Teddy added.
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The Suite Used by the 'Boss' |
Faunus, however, disappeared - where and to do what no one knew.
"So what do you think, 'boys' ?", the 'Boss' asked, offering his hand to each of them in turn.
"Real 'cool'..."Ethan replied.
"And the flight ?", the 'Boss' asked.
"Well, as an experienced aviator, I can say it was very smooth - excellent in fact.", Teddy said, as Ethan lifted him out of his plastic bag.
"Ignore him, Sir.... he had his eyes closed all the way....", Ethan explained, giving Teddy a shake.
And then it was time for them to greet Novius, Josh and Glaux.
As expected, Novius warmly greeted Marcus (Jim).
Josh was typically shy - while Glaux and Teddy pretended to ignore one another - but in reality they were very glad to be back together again.
"So... time is getting on, so I think it would be appropriate - if you like - for us to have our evening meal...", the 'Boss' suggested.
"Gee, Sir...I thought you were never going to ask.", Ethan said, already making for the door.
But first arrangements had to be made for Teddy and Glaux.
Glaux, of course, would go out hunting late in the night, and Teddy simply didn't need to eat, so Ethan took them both up to the suite he was sharing with Jim.
Ethan then returned to the dining room, while little Glaux, and his fluffy teddy-bear friend communed in the darkened silence of the suite.
"So the two little guys are OK ?", Josh asked, when Ethan arrived in the dining room.
"Well yes... I suppose so, in their own weird way.", Ethan replied.
For their first meal at the Peabody the 'Boss' had hired the entire dining room, so that they would not be distracted by any others diners.
"So what do you think, Jim ?", the 'Boss' asked, with a faint smile.
"You know Sir... I think it's wonderful...", Jim replied - but it was not just the fine décor of the dining room, or the anticipation of good food, but rather the fortuitous bringing together of so many members of the 'gang' - including Novius - although Jim was missing Zac, and was puzzled by the disappearance to Faunus - (but that, of course, was the way with Faunus).
Then, as they finished their hors d’oeuvres, Ethan ventured a question.
"I hope you don't mind me asking, Sir, but what are we actually doing in Memphis - apart from having a really 'cool' meal ?", Ethan asked.
"Yes, good question Ethan...", the 'Boss' replied - not really replying at all.
"Well yes ?...", Ethan persisted.
"So... you remember how we went to Kansas to find young Jonathan, for the 'Combat Club ?", the 'Boss' began.
"Yes....", Ethan replied, trying to encourage the 'Boss' to get on with his explanation.
"Well we are in Memphis to find another kind of 'talent'....", the 'Boss' said.
"Go on....", Ethan said in encouragement, just wondering what the 'Boss' might be 'getting at'.
"As you know, I own a number of hotels and places of entertainment in 'Vegas.....", the 'Boss' continued explaining, until Ethan interrupted.
"Yes... you own almost all of them... but please Sir, get to the point.", Ethan said, obviously frustrated by the way the 'Boss' was deliberately taking his time 'to get to the point'.
"Well I have a 'contact' at this recording studio in Union Avenue, here in Memphis .
A studio called the 'Memphis Recording Service', which publishes music under the 'Sun Record Company' label...", the 'Boss' explained.
"Never heard of it....", Ethan said, dismissively.
"Well, maybe not yet - but that's something we need to do something about...", the 'Boss' retorted, cryptically.
"I see...", Ethan said.
At that point Jim decided to break the impasse.
Almost always, if Ethan began a discussion with the 'Boss', it developed into a strange opaque dialogue that seemed to get nowhere.
"So Sir, you're planning to buy this 'Memphis Recording Service'.", Jim suggested.
"Well not immediately.... if at all....", the 'Boss' replied.
"My contact informs me that there is a very talented young singer who has been making some 'private' recordings at the studio.
Now I need some new talent to bring in more customers, and this singer may be just the young man I'm looking for....", the 'Boss' continued.
"And you're going to get Faunus to make him an offer he can't refuse...!", Ethan interjected, triumphantly.
"Possibly....", the 'Boss' replied, smiling broadly, and accepting defeat.
At the end of the superb meal, which was enjoyed by all, the 'Boss' invited them to look at the hotel conference room.
"One of the reasons that I chose this hotel was the fact that it features an excellent Conference Room.
I think that in this stage of our journey - which was intended initially to simply be a brief trip to the south of the USA - but eventually turned into a major 'trek' - we need time, and a suitable location, for some serious discussions regarding how matters should proceed from this point.", the 'Boss' explained.
Jim listened very carefully.
He had known the 'Boss' long enough, both in this life and the previous one, to realize that when the 'Boss' spoke in a highly 'formalized' manner, it normally meant that what he was saying needed to be taken very seriously.
"This is where I want us to meet after breakfast tomorrow - and please bring your laptops.", the 'Boss' added.
"I have hired the Conference Room for the duration of our stay, so all confidential discussions should take place there... and Glaux and Teddy should be included in these conferences.".....
As expected, Novius warmly greeted Marcus (Jim).
Josh was typically shy - while Glaux and Teddy pretended to ignore one another - but in reality they were very glad to be back together again.
"So... time is getting on, so I think it would be appropriate - if you like - for us to have our evening meal...", the 'Boss' suggested.
"Gee, Sir...I thought you were never going to ask.", Ethan said, already making for the door.
But first arrangements had to be made for Teddy and Glaux.
Glaux, of course, would go out hunting late in the night, and Teddy simply didn't need to eat, so Ethan took them both up to the suite he was sharing with Jim.
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Dining Room - 'Peabody Hotel' |
"So the two little guys are OK ?", Josh asked, when Ethan arrived in the dining room.
"Well yes... I suppose so, in their own weird way.", Ethan replied.
For their first meal at the Peabody the 'Boss' had hired the entire dining room, so that they would not be distracted by any others diners.
"So what do you think, Jim ?", the 'Boss' asked, with a faint smile.
"You know Sir... I think it's wonderful...", Jim replied - but it was not just the fine décor of the dining room, or the anticipation of good food, but rather the fortuitous bringing together of so many members of the 'gang' - including Novius - although Jim was missing Zac, and was puzzled by the disappearance to Faunus - (but that, of course, was the way with Faunus).
Then, as they finished their hors d’oeuvres, Ethan ventured a question.
"I hope you don't mind me asking, Sir, but what are we actually doing in Memphis - apart from having a really 'cool' meal ?", Ethan asked.
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Jonathan Kent |
"Well yes ?...", Ethan persisted.
"So... you remember how we went to Kansas to find young Jonathan, for the 'Combat Club ?", the 'Boss' began.
"Yes....", Ethan replied, trying to encourage the 'Boss' to get on with his explanation.
"Well we are in Memphis to find another kind of 'talent'....", the 'Boss' said.
"Go on....", Ethan said in encouragement, just wondering what the 'Boss' might be 'getting at'.
"As you know, I own a number of hotels and places of entertainment in 'Vegas.....", the 'Boss' continued explaining, until Ethan interrupted.
"Yes... you own almost all of them... but please Sir, get to the point.", Ethan said, obviously frustrated by the way the 'Boss' was deliberately taking his time 'to get to the point'.
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Sun Studio - Memphis - Tennessee |
A studio called the 'Memphis Recording Service', which publishes music under the 'Sun Record Company' label...", the 'Boss' explained.
"Never heard of it....", Ethan said, dismissively.
"Well, maybe not yet - but that's something we need to do something about...", the 'Boss' retorted, cryptically.
"I see...", Ethan said.
At that point Jim decided to break the impasse.
Almost always, if Ethan began a discussion with the 'Boss', it developed into a strange opaque dialogue that seemed to get nowhere.
"So Sir, you're planning to buy this 'Memphis Recording Service'.", Jim suggested.
"Well not immediately.... if at all....", the 'Boss' replied.
"My contact informs me that there is a very talented young singer who has been making some 'private' recordings at the studio.
Now I need some new talent to bring in more customers, and this singer may be just the young man I'm looking for....", the 'Boss' continued.
"And you're going to get Faunus to make him an offer he can't refuse...!", Ethan interjected, triumphantly.
"Possibly....", the 'Boss' replied, smiling broadly, and accepting defeat.
At the end of the superb meal, which was enjoyed by all, the 'Boss' invited them to look at the hotel conference room.
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Conference Room |
I think that in this stage of our journey - which was intended initially to simply be a brief trip to the south of the USA - but eventually turned into a major 'trek' - we need time, and a suitable location, for some serious discussions regarding how matters should proceed from this point.", the 'Boss' explained.
Jim listened very carefully.
He had known the 'Boss' long enough, both in this life and the previous one, to realize that when the 'Boss' spoke in a highly 'formalized' manner, it normally meant that what he was saying needed to be taken very seriously.
"This is where I want us to meet after breakfast tomorrow - and please bring your laptops.", the 'Boss' added.
"I have hired the Conference Room for the duration of our stay, so all confidential discussions should take place there... and Glaux and Teddy should be included in these conferences.".....
And so it was time for bed.
When Jim and Ethan arrived at their suite they found Glaux sitting by one of the windows, pecking at the glass, and obviously anxious to leave for his nightly hunt.
Teddy, as expected was sprawled out on the pillows.
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Glaux and Athena |
Jim quickly went over to the window, said sorry to Glaux, and let him out - but all he got for his trouble was a nasty peck on his hand.
"So, he's still got a real bad temper...", Ethan said.
"And how have you two been getting on ?", Jim asked Teddy.
"Well, we've been talking a lot about these so called 'aliens' - and Glaux has his doubts about Upuaut...", Teddy said laconically.
"He doubts that Upuaut is a real Æeon..", Teddy explained.
"And what would Glaux know about 'Æon-thingys' ?", Ethan asked.
"Well, in case you have forgotten....Glaux's real owner, Athena, is an Æeon....", Teddy said, ominously.
Jim and Ethan looked and one another, surprised, and a little scared.
"Really ?...", Ethan said.
"Really....", Teddy replied.
And that remark was certain to ruin a good night's sleep.....
Morning came.
Teddy, of course, had not slept at all, and was simply waiting for Jim and Ethan to wake up.
Teddy had spent the night usefully, going through his 'files' (what humans would call memories), thinking about Æons, Neteru and the Gods of Ancient Greece, Rome and the ancient civilizations of South America.
As you will doubtless realize, he was a clever little bear, but often hid it well.
Glaux had long returned from his hunting, and had been perched on a chair, dozing as he digested the night's spoils, but as he was digesting, he was also thinking many thoughts that were very similar to those of Teddy - about Æons, and the Gods of Ancient Greece, and ancient Rome - for this was one of the many advantages of being telepathic.
And after thinking and digesting, Glaux slept - for Owls, day was quintessentially the time for sleeping.
And after thinking and digesting, Glaux slept - for Owls, day was quintessentially the time for sleeping.
Jim and Ethan were emerging from that strange phenomena of part unconsciousness, and part dreaming that they referred to as sleep.
Jim had been dreaming about Athena - or as the Romans called her, Minerva - and so Glaux had managed to creep into his dreams.
Minerva (Etruscan: Menrva) is the Roman goddess of wisdom, and the sponsor of arts, trade, and strategy. From the second century BC onward, the Romans equated her with the Greek goddess Athena. Minerva was a virgin goddess, and also the goddess of music, poetry, medicine, wisdom, commerce, weaving, and the crafts. She is often depicted with her sacred creature, an owl (Latin - noctua) - (Greek - Glaux), usually named as 'Minerva est noctua' (Minerva's Owl), which symbolized her association with wisdom and knowledge.
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'Capriccio Grill' |
And so they went down to breakfast at the 'Capriccio Grill'.
Fortunately the 'Boss' had arranged for tables to be booked for all the members of his group, as breakfast at this 'spot' is extremely popular.
Glaux, as expected, was fast asleep, but Ethan insisted on taking Teddy, in his new plastic bag, down to breakfast.
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Elevators - Peabody Hotel - Memphis |
But they were late....very late.
They hurried into the elevator, and Teddy quickly pressed the appropriate buttons
At least that would keep Teddy satisfied for most of the morning.
Why a teddy-bear with such a massive intellect should find so much satisfaction from pressing a couple of elevator buttons was a mystery to Jim, but then there were many 'mysterious' things about Teddy - probably related to the fact that he had originally been 'programmed' by Faunus.
The elevator doors opened at the hotel lobby.
"Well... fuck a duck !", Ethan exclaimed.
"Fuck a what ?", Jim said, not yet realizing what Ethan had seen.
"There's 'duck-thingys' down here in the lobby !", Ethan said, obviously mystified.
And there were.....
Peabody Ducks and Lobby Fountain The Peabody Hotel in Memphis is known for a custom dating back to the 1930s. The Peabody's ducks are housed in the 'Duck Palace' on the hotel roof. Every day the ducks are led by the 'Duck-Master' down in the elevator to the Italian Travertine marble fountain in the Peabody Grand Lobby. A red carpet is unrolled, and the ducks march to the fountain pool. The ceremony is reversed in the evening, when the ducks retire to their palace on the roof of the hotel. Back in 1933 Frank Schutt, General Manager of the Peabody, and a friend, Chip Barwick, returned from a weekend hunting trip to Arkansas. The men had a little too much Jack Daniel's Tennessee whiskey, and thought it would be funny to place some ducks in the Peabody lobby fountain. The Peabody's ducks are five Mallards – one drake, and four hens.
Peabody Ducks
And so Jim and Ethan burst into the conference room, only to find that everyone else had taken their seats - and were obviously waiting.
"Sorry, Sir....but we got waylaid by some ducks...", Ethan said lamely, but with a sneaky grin."
"I see....So you've found out about the Peabody Ducks..", the 'Boss' said drily.
"Yes...in a manner of speaking, Sir...", Ethan replied.
"Well sit down and let's get on...", the 'Boss' said.
So Jim and Ethan took their seats - with Teddy's plastic bag left on the conference table.
Teddy, looking rather annoyed, scrambled out of the bag, and then started dragging a small, very bright blue laptop out of the bag.
He then opened the laptop, and sat in front of it - on the table - eager to disassociate himself from Jim and Ethan, and show that he was ready to work hard for what was left of the morning.
The 'Boss' couldn't help smiling, but said nothing.
"Don't be stupid, Teddy, how can you use a laptop ?
You've only got stubby paws.", Ethan said, looking embarrassed.
"Ethan....you know how cats have retractable claws - and also jaguars, for that matter.
Well, recently Faunus fitted me retractable styli, so now I can use laptops and cell-phones - so there !". Teddy said.
"And where are you going to get the money from to buy a laptop - and for that matter, where did that ridiculously blue laptop come from ?", Ethan asked, beginning to sound annoyed.
"I don't need to buy a laptop - Faunus gave me this one - along with a cell-phone...", Teddy replied.
"Alright Ethan....lets get down to business !", the 'Boss' said - seeing that Ethan's argument with Teddy could go on and on.
And then, just as the 'Boss' was about to begin, Faunus arrived, apologized for his lateness, and took his place at the conference table.
"I see you're using your new computer....", Faunus remarked.
By then the 'Boss' was really getting exasperated.
"Please - gentlemen - could you stop talking about Teddy and his laptop, and allow me to get this meeting under way."
Faunus apologized - once again.
"So first...in answer to Ethan's question last night, we are here in Memphis to scout out some new talent for our entertainment operations in 'Vegas, and Faunus and I shall begin that task tomorrow morning.
This meeting itself is to evaluate the latest meeting with the group that we have been terming the 'aliens'.", the 'Boss' continued.
"So, Sir, are you doubting that these 'beings' that we have been meeting with are 'aliens'". Jim asked.
"Well I think that we have ben using the term to mean a 'hypothetical being' from another world - maybe another planet.
Another term, often used, is 'extraterrestrial' - meaning not of this earth.", Faunus suggested.
"So let's be logical about this...", the 'Boss' suggested.
"What evidence do we have that they are not of this earth, and possibly come from another planet ?", the 'Boss' began by asking.
"Well, they look real ugly, and they arrive in a 'flying saucer - thingy' - and least they did at the Devils Tower, in Wyoming, and also in Corona, in New Mexico.", Ethan said.
"True... but when we met them, they never said they came from another planet, if you remember...", Glen added.
"And then we have this latest meeting, where's there's no 'flying saucer', but rather this ancient Egyptian looking 'flying pyramid - thingy' - and the so called 'aliens' are not real ugly - but actually rather 'cute', and very human looking - so they don't look like they come from another planet, but instead from another time..... in the past.", Ethan pointed out, very perceptively.
And that left everyone thinking for a moment.....
"So maybe the first question we should be considering is 'are these the same aliens - but just looking different', or 'are we dealing with two completely different groups' ?", the 'Boss' said, trying to focus on an important possibility that needed to be decided.
"Well if we put them into two groups - the 'Greys' in the 'saucer', and the humans in the 'pyramid ship', they both seemed to know about one another and all about us, and our various meetings - so I would go with the idea that they were the same 'beings' - but just looked different on different occasions.", Glen said.
"So this seems to be getting somewhere... but let's go back to the earlier comments about the UFOs which are associated with these 'aliens'...
First we have the 'saucers', which are commonly associated with the appearance of 'aliens' - but we also have the 'pyramid ship', which has similarities to large triangular UFOs, which are also often reported with the appearance of 'aliens'....
So do we have a situation where this phenomena can take different forms - maybe dependent on who is perceiving it ?", the 'Boss' asked.
"I'm sorry, Sir... but I don't really understand what you are saying...", Ethan said, sounding confused.
Teddy, who had been industriously tapping away at his laptop, looked up in a very scholarly manner.
"I think what 'Sir' is suggesting, Ethan, is that everyone sees these things in their own way...",Teddy explained - sounding a little patronizing.
"Oh, I see... thank you Mr. Teddy...", Ethan replied, trying to put Teddy down, but not really succeeding.
"Now don't let this become personal, 'boys'... I think Teddy's explanation was very helpful.", the 'Boss' said, intervening.
"Yes....", Ethan responded grumpily.
"May I offer a comment here ?", Novius asked, entering the discussion for the first time.
"By all means, Novius...", the 'Boss replied.
"Well I have been researching this topic only for a very short period of time - in fact from when I arrived in Kansas City.
There is a great deal on the Internet, and very many useful books available... as you all probably know.
One thing that became obvious to me early on was that researchers into this subject were divided into two main groups.
One group - I think they are referred to rather quaintly as the 'nuts and bolts' group - insist that UFOs, 'flying saucers', or whatever you wish to call them, are solid material objects.
Other researchers consider them to be some kind of projection, maybe 'holographic', or maybe 'projected thought forms' - rather in the manner that Teddy suggested.
"I'm really sorry, Sir... but what does 'palpable' mean ?", Ethan asked - looking very embarrassed.
"Yes... me too...", Glen said.
Everyone looked expectantly to Teddy for an answer, but he just kept tapping away at his laptop, pretending he hadn't heard what had been said - which showed that he was a wise little bear.
"No problem... palpable means 'able to be touched or felt' - as well as just seeing it.", the 'Boss' explained.
"Ah... that's it... the 'saucer' and the 'Pyramid-ship-thingy' seemed completely real...", Ethan said in agreement.
Faunus said nothing, but he was obviously satisfied that all those around the table had come to the wise conclusion that things could be seen and felt that were not 'real in the generally accepted sense of the word.
"Indeed, Faunus...", the 'Boss' agreed.
"And then there is the question of 'cross-contamination'.
If they are from other planets, with very different forms of evolution, then surely they would bring with them viruses, and suchlike, against which we have no defense, and equally our viruses and diseases would be fatal to them - but his does not seem to be the case.", the 'Boss' continued.
"That is very true, Sir, and that, I think indicates that they are not 'flesh and blood' entities, that come from other planetary worlds.", Faunus added.
"So Faunus - rather than spin all this out, perhaps you could give us your insight into these 'alien' beings ?", the 'Boss' suggested.
Faunus thought for a moment.
"My knowledge of such matters - and not my opinion - is that all 'sentient', and even some semi-sentient beings, are embodied 'life-forces'.
The form in which they are embodied determines how they appear to themselves, and to others.
Some 'life-forces' are embodied in human form - and are taken to be 'human beings' - some are embodied in what we take to be 'alien' forms, like the 'Greys', or maybe some more exotic form.
And not all 'life-forces' are the same.
Some are simple, like the little cloned 'Greys' - some are much more complex, like humans, and the Egyptian 'neteru', and the 'fauns', 'satyrs' and 'nymphs' of the Classical world.
Some of the highest 'life-forces' are not strictly speaking 'embodied' or 'incarnated' at all - although they can take material form as they see fit."
"You mean like you, Faunus ?...", Ethan said - seemingly breaking the 'spell' that Faunus had cast over the gathering.
"Please, Ethan... don't make this personal.", Faunus said, very seriously.
"But I'm right....", Ethan insisted... but Faunus ignored his remark.
"Well I thought that Faunus was a 'faun' when I first met him, long ago in the forest near the 'Villa Pastoralis'.", Josh said, apparently ignoring Faunus' remark about not personalizing the things.
"No matter... the truly great 'life-forces', the 'Daimons', 'Archons', in particular the ineffable 'Æons' are well beyond human comprehension - and for that reason the 'Æons', in particular, are technically described as 'ineffable'...", Faunus explained.
"And what does that mean ?", came the inevitable question from Ethan.
"It means what I just said - 'beyond human comprehension' - among other things...", Faunus said, with a smile, knowing that at least Ethan was trying to understand.
"But they are not the sort of 'aliens' who arrive in 'space-craft'.", Jim said very appositely.
"Exactly, Jim....", Faunus replied.
"But before we go into that, the other technical description given to the Æons is 'ever-living' - which is an important idea, as it means that they have always existed - in the sense of existing outside time - and therefore always will exist.
So they are refereed to as the 'Ineffable and Ever-living Æons'.... what humans call 'gods'.", Faunus explained.
"You mean like Upuaut ?", Glen suggested.
"No ! ..."Faunus replied firmly
And that surprised everyone.....
"Ah...so now we get down to it....", Ethan said.
"I had my suspicions about that character all along....", Ethan continued.
It was that cute looking guy, Kha-met, insisting that we treat Upuaut as an Æon that put me off, and then the way he thought that Faunus was an Æon.
Now I don't really know what Faunus is, but he doesn't go around wearing scary masks, and sitting on a big marble throne, in a golden room, with cute boys grovelling at his feet.
Faunus is my friend, and not a scary guy - so maybe he's not an Æon..", Ethan said, and then realized that perhaps he had said too much - and shut up, looking rather self conscious.
"Well thank you, Ethan.
It's nice to know that I'm not a 'scary guy', and you think of me as your 'friend'.", Faunus said, smiling broadly.
"So you too have your doubts about Upuaut ?", the 'Boss' asked Faunus.
"Well perhaps... but then, like Ethan, maybe I have said too much, and should let other people give us their opinions.", Faunus said.
"Now I wasn't with the 'boys' when they met with Upuaut, so I can't give a first hand opinion about this Upuaut 'being', but I have done a lot of research about the ancient Egyptian 'neteru' after I was told about Glen's strange dream." Novius said.
"Go on... the 'Boss' said to Novius encouragingly.
"Well, the Egyptian language's term for these 'beings' was 'nṯr', sometimes badly translated as 'god'.
Now scholars have tried to discern the original nature of these 'nṯr' by proposing etymologies for these words, but none of these suggestions has gained acceptance, and the terms' origin remains obscure.
The hieroglyphs that were used as ideograms and determinatives in writing these words show some of the traits that the Egyptians connected with idea of 'extra-human' power.
The most common of these signs is a flag flying from a pole.
Similar objects were placed at the entrances of temples, representing the presence of a 'spiritual being'.
Other such hieroglyphs include a falcon, reminiscent of several early 'spiritual beings' who were depicted as falcons.
The 'nṯr' were it seems 'spiritual beings', but not of the standing of the 'Ineffable and Ever-living Æons', derived from the Hellenistic Mysteries, one of which this 'Upuaut' claimed to be.", Novius explained.
Now this did not look good for Upuaut... but at that point time was beginning to run out - as it was well past lunch-time.
"Now I think that this would be a good time to bring matters to a halt - for today.
We have covered a lot of ground, but there are still other topics that I feel we could discuss - but they can wait until our next meeting.
I must stress that everything that has been said here is very strictly confidential - and may not be communicated to any other individual - with the exception of Zac - who will be supplied with a thorough summary of this meeting by the end of the day.
May I finally thank you all for attending, and thank you also for the valuable contributions that many of you have made.", the 'Boss' concluded.
And with that the meeting broke up.
"Sorry, Sir....but we got waylaid by some ducks...", Ethan said lamely, but with a sneaky grin."
"I see....So you've found out about the Peabody Ducks..", the 'Boss' said drily.
"Yes...in a manner of speaking, Sir...", Ethan replied.
"Well sit down and let's get on...", the 'Boss' said.
So Jim and Ethan took their seats - with Teddy's plastic bag left on the conference table.
Teddy, looking rather annoyed, scrambled out of the bag, and then started dragging a small, very bright blue laptop out of the bag.
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Teddy at his Laptop |
The 'Boss' couldn't help smiling, but said nothing.
"Don't be stupid, Teddy, how can you use a laptop ?
You've only got stubby paws.", Ethan said, looking embarrassed.
"Ethan....you know how cats have retractable claws - and also jaguars, for that matter.
Well, recently Faunus fitted me retractable styli, so now I can use laptops and cell-phones - so there !". Teddy said.
"And where are you going to get the money from to buy a laptop - and for that matter, where did that ridiculously blue laptop come from ?", Ethan asked, beginning to sound annoyed.
"I don't need to buy a laptop - Faunus gave me this one - along with a cell-phone...", Teddy replied.
"Alright Ethan....lets get down to business !", the 'Boss' said - seeing that Ethan's argument with Teddy could go on and on.
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"I see you're using your new computer....", Faunus remarked.
By then the 'Boss' was really getting exasperated.
"Please - gentlemen - could you stop talking about Teddy and his laptop, and allow me to get this meeting under way."
Faunus apologized - once again.
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'Alien' |
This meeting itself is to evaluate the latest meeting with the group that we have been terming the 'aliens'.", the 'Boss' continued.
"So, Sir, are you doubting that these 'beings' that we have been meeting with are 'aliens'". Jim asked.
"Well I think that we have ben using the term to mean a 'hypothetical being' from another world - maybe another planet.
Another term, often used, is 'extraterrestrial' - meaning not of this earth.", Faunus suggested.
"So let's be logical about this...", the 'Boss' suggested.
"What evidence do we have that they are not of this earth, and possibly come from another planet ?", the 'Boss' began by asking.
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'Saucer' at the Devils Tower |
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'Saucer' at Corona - New Mexico |
"True... but when we met them, they never said they came from another planet, if you remember...", Glen added.
"And then we have this latest meeting, where's there's no 'flying saucer', but rather this ancient Egyptian looking 'flying pyramid - thingy' - and the so called 'aliens' are not real ugly - but actually rather 'cute', and very human looking - so they don't look like they come from another planet, but instead from another time..... in the past.", Ethan pointed out, very perceptively.
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'Pyramid Ship' - Chaco Canyon |
"So maybe the first question we should be considering is 'are these the same aliens - but just looking different', or 'are we dealing with two completely different groups' ?", the 'Boss' said, trying to focus on an important possibility that needed to be decided.
"Well if we put them into two groups - the 'Greys' in the 'saucer', and the humans in the 'pyramid ship', they both seemed to know about one another and all about us, and our various meetings - so I would go with the idea that they were the same 'beings' - but just looked different on different occasions.", Glen said.
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Triangular UFO |
First we have the 'saucers', which are commonly associated with the appearance of 'aliens' - but we also have the 'pyramid ship', which has similarities to large triangular UFOs, which are also often reported with the appearance of 'aliens'....
So do we have a situation where this phenomena can take different forms - maybe dependent on who is perceiving it ?", the 'Boss' asked.
"I'm sorry, Sir... but I don't really understand what you are saying...", Ethan said, sounding confused.
Teddy, who had been industriously tapping away at his laptop, looked up in a very scholarly manner.
"I think what 'Sir' is suggesting, Ethan, is that everyone sees these things in their own way...",Teddy explained - sounding a little patronizing.
"Oh, I see... thank you Mr. Teddy...", Ethan replied, trying to put Teddy down, but not really succeeding.
"Now don't let this become personal, 'boys'... I think Teddy's explanation was very helpful.", the 'Boss' said, intervening.
"Yes....", Ethan responded grumpily.
"May I offer a comment here ?", Novius asked, entering the discussion for the first time.
"By all means, Novius...", the 'Boss replied.
"Well I have been researching this topic only for a very short period of time - in fact from when I arrived in Kansas City.
There is a great deal on the Internet, and very many useful books available... as you all probably know.
One thing that became obvious to me early on was that researchers into this subject were divided into two main groups.
One group - I think they are referred to rather quaintly as the 'nuts and bolts' group - insist that UFOs, 'flying saucers', or whatever you wish to call them, are solid material objects.
Other researchers consider them to be some kind of projection, maybe 'holographic', or maybe 'projected thought forms' - rather in the manner that Teddy suggested.
It does seem strange to me that if the 'aliens' with whom the 'boy's have been having contact - both the 'grey' type 'aliens', and the apparent denizens from ancient Egypt - are one and the same, and use appropriately different 'space-craft', then it seems possible that those 'space-craft' are more than likely either 'holographic illusions', or 'projected thought forms'.", Novius succinctly suggested.A hologram is an image that appears to be three dimensional. Holography is the science and practice of making holograms. Typically, a hologram is a photographic recording of a light field, rather than an image formed by a lens. Present technology cannot produce completely realistic holograms - and cannot duplicate the sensation of 'material and tactile solidity' associated with real objects - but this may be achieved by more advanced technologies.
Holographic UFO
"I'm really sorry, Sir... but what does 'palpable' mean ?", Ethan asked - looking very embarrassed.
"Yes... me too...", Glen said.
Everyone looked expectantly to Teddy for an answer, but he just kept tapping away at his laptop, pretending he hadn't heard what had been said - which showed that he was a wise little bear.
"No problem... palpable means 'able to be touched or felt' - as well as just seeing it.", the 'Boss' explained.
"Ah... that's it... the 'saucer' and the 'Pyramid-ship-thingy' seemed completely real...", Ethan said in agreement.
Faunus said nothing, but he was obviously satisfied that all those around the table had come to the wise conclusion that things could be seen and felt that were not 'real in the generally accepted sense of the word.
"So now we need to consider another topic which is possibly far more important, and that concerns the actual nature of these 'aliens'.", the 'Boss' proposed.
"So what do you mean by the 'nature of the aliens', Sir.", Josh asked.
"Well, I know that you haven't had any direct experience, so to help you understand maybe consider this.
When Faunus, Jim and Max went out to 'test' Jim's new telescope in the desert in Arizona, they met an 'alien', who wanted to look though Jim's telescope.
He was your typical 'alien' - big head, big dark eyes, no hair, skinny, and pale grey.
Researchers into such matters classify such 'aliens' as 'Roswell Greys' - from the crashed saucer at Roswell in new Mexico in the early Forties.
Now because of present company I won't describe everything that happened that night, but it was at that point that Jim learned that 'aliens' were not quite as 'real' as he had imagined - even if they looked and felt real.
The question, however, that we are left with is that if they are not quite real...then what are they....and this, of course applies even more to Upuaut, and his 'servants' and 'guards'.", the 'Boss' stated by way of introduction.
"Well my research has a lot to say about the idea of 'evolution'.", Novius began.
"In the 'ancient world' the idea of 'evolution', although it existed, was not well developed or understood.
Now, however, much is known about it, although some early certainties have now become doubts."
That last comment of Novius was lost on most of his listeners.
"Now if 'evolution' really occurs, then all these 'aliens', with two legs, two arms, one head, two eyes and ears, a nose and mouth ans such like - simply must, at some point, have had the same origin....", Novius stated - and that left everybody thinking - although not everyone understood the ramifications of what Novius had just said.
"That is a very good point that Novius has made - but - if these 'aliens' are 'beings' that are projected into the mind, in the same way that their supposed 'space craft' are - then it is reasonable to assume that they may be in a form that humans may may find easy to accept - in other words, 'humanoid forms'.", Faunus suggested.The scientific theory of evolution by natural selection was proposed by Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace in the mid-19th century and was set out in detail in Darwin's book 'On the Origin of Species' in 1859. Evolution is change in the heritable characteristics of biological populations over successive generations. These characteristics are the expressions of genes that are passed on from parent to offspring during reproduction. Different characteristics tend to exist within any given population as a result of mutation, genetic recombination, and other sources of genetic variation. Evolution occurs when evolutionary processes such as natural selection (including sexual selection), and genetic drift, act on this variation, resulting in certain characteristics becoming more common, or rare, within a population. It is this process of evolution that has given rise to biodiversity at every level of biological organisation, including the levels of species, individual organisms and molecules.
Charles Darwin
"Indeed, Faunus...", the 'Boss' agreed.
"And then there is the question of 'cross-contamination'.
If they are from other planets, with very different forms of evolution, then surely they would bring with them viruses, and suchlike, against which we have no defense, and equally our viruses and diseases would be fatal to them - but his does not seem to be the case.", the 'Boss' continued.
"That is very true, Sir, and that, I think indicates that they are not 'flesh and blood' entities, that come from other planetary worlds.", Faunus added.
"So Faunus - rather than spin all this out, perhaps you could give us your insight into these 'alien' beings ?", the 'Boss' suggested.
Faunus thought for a moment.
"My knowledge of such matters - and not my opinion - is that all 'sentient', and even some semi-sentient beings, are embodied 'life-forces'.
The form in which they are embodied determines how they appear to themselves, and to others.
Some 'life-forces' are embodied in human form - and are taken to be 'human beings' - some are embodied in what we take to be 'alien' forms, like the 'Greys', or maybe some more exotic form.
And not all 'life-forces' are the same.
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Faunus - as a faun |
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Villa Pastoralis - Tibur |
Some of the highest 'life-forces' are not strictly speaking 'embodied' or 'incarnated' at all - although they can take material form as they see fit."
"You mean like you, Faunus ?...", Ethan said - seemingly breaking the 'spell' that Faunus had cast over the gathering.
"Please, Ethan... don't make this personal.", Faunus said, very seriously.
"But I'm right....", Ethan insisted... but Faunus ignored his remark.
"Well I thought that Faunus was a 'faun' when I first met him, long ago in the forest near the 'Villa Pastoralis'.", Josh said, apparently ignoring Faunus' remark about not personalizing the things.
"No matter... the truly great 'life-forces', the 'Daimons', 'Archons', in particular the ineffable 'Æons' are well beyond human comprehension - and for that reason the 'Æons', in particular, are technically described as 'ineffable'...", Faunus explained.
"And what does that mean ?", came the inevitable question from Ethan.
"It means what I just said - 'beyond human comprehension' - among other things...", Faunus said, with a smile, knowing that at least Ethan was trying to understand.
"But they are not the sort of 'aliens' who arrive in 'space-craft'.", Jim said very appositely.
"Exactly, Jim....", Faunus replied.
"But before we go into that, the other technical description given to the Æons is 'ever-living' - which is an important idea, as it means that they have always existed - in the sense of existing outside time - and therefore always will exist.
So they are refereed to as the 'Ineffable and Ever-living Æons'.... what humans call 'gods'.", Faunus explained.
"You mean like Upuaut ?", Glen suggested.
"No ! ..."Faunus replied firmly
And that surprised everyone.....
"Ah...so now we get down to it....", Ethan said.
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Upuaut |
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Kha-met |
Now I don't really know what Faunus is, but he doesn't go around wearing scary masks, and sitting on a big marble throne, in a golden room, with cute boys grovelling at his feet.
Faunus is my friend, and not a scary guy - so maybe he's not an Æon..", Ethan said, and then realized that perhaps he had said too much - and shut up, looking rather self conscious.
"Well thank you, Ethan.
It's nice to know that I'm not a 'scary guy', and you think of me as your 'friend'.", Faunus said, smiling broadly.
"So you too have your doubts about Upuaut ?", the 'Boss' asked Faunus.
"Well perhaps... but then, like Ethan, maybe I have said too much, and should let other people give us their opinions.", Faunus said.
"Now I wasn't with the 'boys' when they met with Upuaut, so I can't give a first hand opinion about this Upuaut 'being', but I have done a lot of research about the ancient Egyptian 'neteru' after I was told about Glen's strange dream." Novius said.
"Go on... the 'Boss' said to Novius encouragingly.
"Well, the Egyptian language's term for these 'beings' was 'nṯr', sometimes badly translated as 'god'.
Now scholars have tried to discern the original nature of these 'nṯr' by proposing etymologies for these words, but none of these suggestions has gained acceptance, and the terms' origin remains obscure.
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Temple Flags |
The most common of these signs is a flag flying from a pole.
Similar objects were placed at the entrances of temples, representing the presence of a 'spiritual being'.
Other such hieroglyphs include a falcon, reminiscent of several early 'spiritual beings' who were depicted as falcons.
The 'nṯr' were it seems 'spiritual beings', but not of the standing of the 'Ineffable and Ever-living Æons', derived from the Hellenistic Mysteries, one of which this 'Upuaut' claimed to be.", Novius explained.
Now this did not look good for Upuaut... but at that point time was beginning to run out - as it was well past lunch-time.
"Now I think that this would be a good time to bring matters to a halt - for today.
We have covered a lot of ground, but there are still other topics that I feel we could discuss - but they can wait until our next meeting.
I must stress that everything that has been said here is very strictly confidential - and may not be communicated to any other individual - with the exception of Zac - who will be supplied with a thorough summary of this meeting by the end of the day.
May I finally thank you all for attending, and thank you also for the valuable contributions that many of you have made.", the 'Boss' concluded.
And with that the meeting broke up.

And so everyone goes to lunch - and Ethan and Jim need Faunus' help in order to sort out a serious problem with Teddy. Later Jim, Ethan and Glen explore Memphis. . Then, the following morning, the 'Boss' and Faunus look for the unnamed singer.....