Part 2 - Chapter 40 - Secrets

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Imagine that you had been granted the gift of eternal health and youth -  but not only that  - you had also discovered the means by which you could travel freely,  anywhere, and in an instant - and travel not only in space, but also in time. Now surely those would be secrets that you would need to keep 'locked away'... very securely - And then there's Khonsu, who suddenly returns to Luxor, and into the lives of the 'Penthouse Gang'...

Without saying anything further, Jim turned away and walked off. 
Clare appeared to be annoyed, and made her way to the kitchens, presumably to speak to Murad.
Ethan, however, grabbed Teddy up from where he was sitting on the grass under a bush.
Teddy, obviously realising that there was a problem, told the kittens (in Cat) to follow Ethan, who was making for the Garden entrance.
Ethan was intent on getting to Jim's suite, where he could hopefully warn Teddy not to reveal too much about what he had told Clare.
On arriving in the suite, Ethan plonked Teddy on a sofa in the drawing room, while the kittens scooted off into the bedroom, presumably not wanting to be around when Teddy started questioning Ethan.
"What were you thinking of - speaking so openly to Clare ?", Teddy asked Ethan.
"Well, we were just talking - and I didn't want to be rude, so I just tried to be honest, and be truthful.", Ethan replied.
"Yes... well that's one of your problems - you're just too honest.", Teddy said.
(In reality, of course, Ethan was naïve, and he had not realized where Clare's questions were taking him before it was too late).
"But it was Clare... we can trust her !", Ethan remonstrated.
"But Ethan...  she's not one of us...", Teddy said coldly
"What do you mean - us ?", Ethan replied angrily - as he got up from the sofa and looked out of the window - not wanting to face Teddy.
"If you're referring to Jim, me, Josh, Zac and Novius - then you're not 'one of us'.
OK... you speak Greek and Latin - that's just stuff on your database you're always boasting about - but you were not there, with us, then - and you didn't go through what we went through.", Ethan continued.
Teddy had no reply.
He knew that he was wrong in what he had implied
"Sorry Ethan.
Teddy Hiding in the Cushions
I didn't think before I said that.", Teddy said, as there was an ominous knock on the door.
"Well I think that'll be Jim.", Teddy then added, as he frantically buried himself under a pile of cushions.
And it was Jim, and Zac.
"We need to talk...", Jim said to Ethan.
Teddy remained in hiding, however, peeking out only occasionally...
"So, when did you join the Egyptian Navy, Zac ?", Ethan asked, trying to lighten the mood, and also get over the shock of seeing Zac in uniform for the first time.
"I haven't joined the Navy... it's the uniform for the Athena Corporation Security...", Zac said drily.
"Oh, so do I get one, after all I am officially a member of 'security' ?". Ethan asked.
Zac - Head of Security
"Yes Ethan - and it will be delivered to you in the morning.", Zac replied, somewhat annoyed that Ethan was being flippant about the situation.
"So, Ethan... I've spoken to Clare, and I can sense that something is obviously going on...", Jim began.
"And why's that ?", Ethan said, deciding to brave it out - as far as possible.
"Simply because she refuse to tell me about your little talk in the garden." Jim said.
"Oh that...
It was nothing - just chit-chat...", Ethan replied, trying to sound innocent.
"Well perhaps Teddy can help us.", Zac said.
"It's nothing to do with me.
I was just playing with the kittens...", Teddy squeaked from under his pile of cushions.
"Or we could ask Faunus to help...", Jim added.
"Well I could tell you what happened - it was all automatically recorded to my database... but it's not Ethan's fault... Clare took advantage of him...", Teddy said, realizing that he had no option.
"So ... let's keep Teddy out of this.", Zac said, "and tell us what's going on."
At that point Ethan gave in.
"She started asking me all sorts of questions.
She began with questions about the 'Portal' - but I don't really know how it works.
And then she went on to ask about what effects the 'Portal' had on people - like with aging - and so it went on, and didn't know what to do.
I didn't want to be rude, and refuse to answer, but also I didn't want to lie - so I just did as best I could - but it was Clare asking - so I didn't think there would be any danger in being honest with her - after all, who was she going to tell ?", Ethan explained.
"Well that's the question, Ethan.", Zac said.
Teddy on the Sofa
"OK but now we need to take some action.", Jim said as he gave Teddy a 'steely' look.
"First Teddy - I want you to stop trying to hide in those cushions."
"Yes Sir...", Teddy said deferentially, as he pushed the cushions aside, walked a few steps and then sat down meekly on the sofa.
"Now Zac.
Contact Faunus, and ask him to speak to Clare.
I need him to erase any memory of her talk this afternoon with Ethan - but I don't want her to be aware that this has been done, so get him to overlay a false memory of an innocuous conversation during the afternoon in the gardens.", Jim said.
"No problem 'Boss',", Zac replied - as he left the suite to make calls, and check elsewhere.
At that point, with Teddy calling Jim 'Sir', and Zac calling Jim 'Boss', Ethan began to get really nervous
"Now as for you two, we must have a serious talk.", Jim said, as he sat down opposite Ethan and Teddy.
So Ethan decided to start first, and tried to placate Jim.
"Well, can I say first that I'm very sorry about what has happened.
I didn't mean to say the wrong things - but I don't still don't see how telling Clare is such a bad thing, as I don't see how she could tell anyone else about what I told her.", Ethan said.
"I understand how you feel, Ethan, but I need to make some things clear to you.
All of us - and that means you, me, Teddy, Novius, Josh, Zac, 'Sigi', and even Max and Brody to some extent - know of a very dangerous 'secret'.
Now you must realise, having been brought up in Greece and Rome, and having now been to Egypt - and this is your second visit - that people have, right from the beginning, been wanting to know and understand the secrets of this world.
Pyramid Texts
Life has always been known to be a fragile thing, and people have been aware of how easily and seemingly inevitably it must end.
The Egyptians in particular, searched for the secret of everlasting life - to 'live for millions of years' as it says in the 'Pyramid Texts'.
But the secret seemed to always elude them.
But, like the Greeks and the Romans, the Egyptians had some knowledge of the Æons - which the Greeks and Romans called 'gods', and the Egyptians called the 'neteru'.
Now the Æons possess the secret of immortality, because they are 'ineffable' and 'ever-living' - and they grant the knowledge of that secret, for certain reasons, to some 'sentient' beings - but only very rarely.
The knowledge of that secret has been granted to us through our friend and guide Faunus.
We, of course, do not comprehend the 'secret' - no ordinary sentient being can - but we have access to it.
That however, puts us in great danger, because evil men seek to use that secret.
And even more, they seek the ability to travel freely, literally anywhere, and in an instant - and travel not only in space, but also in time - that is an ability that, if it were acquired by some, could totally alter life on this world - and probably on many others.
Imagine, for a moment, if an individual or a government had this ability.
They could use that knowledge and that ability to become all powerful, and dominate the worlds, both politically and economically.", Jim explained.
"OK Jim,
Alexander the Great
Now I begin to understand this much better, but then why don't you use this ability to take over, and put the world to rights ?", Ethan asked.
"Because I know that I would start off with good intentions, but then become selfish, and become like Alexander the Great, and many others who had great power, killing my friends and demanding to be worshipped as a god.
And don't think I haven't thought of that - but for how long do you think the Æons would allow me to do that - that would be my end, and probably also the end of this world - and perhaps even the end of everything that exists.", Jim said.
"Wow ! Now you're really frightening me." Ethan muttered, as he absent-mindedly stroked Teddy, but was probably trying to calm himself as well.
At that point Jim was interrupted by a call on his cell-phone.
It was Zac, calling from the Victorian Lounge.
"You sorted things out with Faunus and Clare ?", Jim asked.
"Yes - all's well - but we might have a new problem.", Zac replied.
"And ?", Jim queried.

"The security at the main gate reports a young Egyptian guy wanting to speak to Mr Johnson...", Zac explained.
"So what ?", Jim asked dismissively.
"Well by the description he might be someone that we know...", Zac replied.
"Go on...", Jim said, intrigued.
Egyptian Government Identity Card
"Well, according to the security here, he's teenage, pale skin, blue eyes and fair hair - looks 'well off', and he says he knows you...", Zac continued.
Instantly one person in particular occurred to Jim.
"Does he have a identity card ?", Jim then asked.
(all adult Egyptians [over 16] are required to carry government identity cards at all times).
"Yes.", came the reply.
"OK, then... have one of the tourist police check it to see if it is genuine.", Jim said, and waited.
"And the name is ?...", Jim then asked.
"Ashraf al Masri." was the reply.
Staircase - Winter Palace
"OK - so take him to the Victorian Lounge, and I'll come down and see him...", Jim said.
"So, what's going on ?", Ethan asked, trying to sound casual, seeing that Jim was apparently in a more relaxed mood.
"Maybe someone we know has come calling - although how he got here goodness only knows.", Jim replied.
"Right... Ethan and Teddy... come with me, I might need Teddy's Arabic.", Jim said, as he led them from the drawing room of the suite, and down the staircase to the Victorian lounge.
Unknown to Ethan, Teddy and Jim, however, they were followed down the steps by two very small, very black kittens.
Ethan and Teddy were obviously in for a shock when they eventually met the mysterious 'Ashraf Masri', but Jim, having been given a detailed description of the uninvited visitor had a reasonably good idea of who the young man might be. 

Ashraf al Masri
And so Jim, Ethan and Teddy entered the Victorian Lounge (followed by the kittens), to find Ashraf al Masri - who looked very much like 'Khonsu' - who had been their guide when they found the 'Lion Cave' on the West Bank, and who had also accompanied them to Belin.
"Well, you look familiar...", Jim said, not sounding all that welcoming.
"Good afternoon, pasha - it's nice to see you again.", the slim blond boy said.
"Yes - very polite, but tell me two things...
How the hell did you get here, and how did you know that I was here?", Jim demanded.
"Well, strange at it may seem, you are not the only one with access to a 'dimensional portal'.
Lion Cave  Portal
If you remember, it was I  who first led you through a 'dimensional portal' in the Lion Cave, here in Luxor, during your first visit to Egypt."
"That's true...", Teddy said.
Jim, a little annoyed, ignored Teddy's quite sensible remark.
"But the last thing I heard was that someone 'looking' like you was in Las Vegas, in the US, making a nuisance of himself at the 'Club Jaguar' - so where's the 'portal' in 'Vegas ?", Jim asked.
"In Room 33...", the slim blond boy replied.
"So did Faunus let you use it ?", Ethan asked, finally summoning up the courage to speak to the strange blond boy.
"Yes, of course.
I wouldn't use it without 'Sheikh Ali's' permission..."
('Sheikh Ali' was the name that Faunus was known by on the West Bank around Luxor in Egypt.)
"And what do we call you - this time ?", Jim asked rather pointedly.
"Well it says 'Ashraf al Masri' on my identity card, so you should use that name if we are involved with anything official...", the boy replied.
"It means the 'noble Egyptian'... from شريف‎ , Sharifa, meaning high born, andمصر, meaning Egypt.", Teddy added quietly.
"Quite right, O furry Teddy...", the boy said.
(Teddy didn't really like the reference to his fur, but decided to ignore matter - at least for the moment.)
"And why, may I ask, are you here - now ?", Jim asked.
"To see Bastet and Sekhmet - and I see that although I gave them to you, they have now formed a new little 'family' with Ethan and the 'being' called Teddy.
But I was also interested to see why it was that you have decided to come back to Egypt.", Ashraf replied, as he casually sat down on one of the elegant sofas - where the kittens almost immediately followed him.
Winter Palace - Garden Elevation
"Well we are simply having a holiday - just like the many tourists who come here.", Jim replied, trying to make his presence in Luxor sound totally innocuous.
"Yes, but this large, beautiful 'villa' is now one of your homes - so you are no longer simply a 'tourist' - and the people here now call you 'pasha'.
Perhaps you mean to stay here...  always...", Ashraf continued.
"But we need to get back home to 'Vegas.... business you know...", Ethan blurted out.
"And that's home ?
'Villa Athena' - Athens
So what about Athens - or Rome ?", Ashraf queried, with just a hint of a smile.
"Now look, Ashraf - or whoever you are - I don't know how you know so much about us, or where you get your information from - unless Faunus has been 'talking out of turn' - but if you must carry on this conversation - then I must ask you to stop making references to various matters from our past !", Jim said angrily.
Now in case you haven't been paying attention, or do not know the 'Story of Gracchus' - the original 'Villa Athena' was situated on the outscirts of Athens, and belonged to Gnæus Gracchus, and was occupied only on one occasion by Marcus (Jim), Aurarius (Ethan) and the others, when they toured Achæa, (Roman Greece). Obviously, at the time of the conversation between Jim, Ethan and Ashraf, the 'Villa Athena', in Athens, was in ruins - and only visited by tourists and the occasional archaeologist.
'Domus Gracchi' - Rome
The another 'home' that Marcus, (Jim), had inherited from Gracchus was the 'Domus Gracchi' in Rome - which was the largest and most grand of all his many homes.
"I'm sorry - I didn't mean to offend you.", Ashraf then said.
"Well why don't we go up to the suite ? - It will be a bit more 'private' there.", Ethan suggested, hoping to calm things down a little, and Jim - rather reluctantly - agreed.
And so they climbed the stairs, with the kittens following, and entered the sitting room of Jim's suite.
Jim then rang for some refreshment, and the atmosphere at last began to lighten.
Drawing room of Jim's Suite
"Now what's strange is that we have been in a very similar situation before, and even in the same room.", Jim began, as the refreshments were brought in.
"Yes, but then you were just tourists - guests staying in a hotel - but now you own this place," Ashraf pointed out.
"Now, if I remember that conversation correctly, you were not very forthcoming about who you actually were, but you spoke a lot about the 'Guardians', and 'space exploration' and suchlike ...
So is it going to be the same this time also...", Jim asked rather pointedly.
"Well I'd like to make a private point...", Ethan interrupted.
Space Program
Jim looked surprised, but joined Ethan in the corridor for a few private words - leaving Ashraf sitting looking puzzled.
Apparently he did not have the telepathic powers that they feared he might have when they had met previously.
And so Ethan began.
"Now if, when we were in Berlin, Khonsu was knowingly trying to mislead us, then I don't think he would turn up now, because he would suspect that we wouldn't trust him, or even 'make a problem' for him for not being honest with us - so I think it was the 'Guardians' - or maybe even the 'Greys', who lied to him about the human 'space program' - or they had some other reason, maybe, for not wanting this von Braun guy on the 'space project thingy'...", Ethan said.
The way Ethan put it was rather confusing, but Jim definitely got the general idea.
von Braun and Disney
"OK - well it did seem that you did put von Braun a bit off course, with his involvement with Disney, and very little progress was made after the first few moon landings...", Jim observed.
"Right - so we need to find out who this Ashraf - or Khonsu guy really is - and what he actually wants - and if he won't tell, then I would suggest having nothing more to do with him.", Ethan said decisively.
And so they returned to the drawing-room.
"I think, maybe, you're not pleased with me.
I can always go - it's not as if I'm looking for money or anything, but I do think that I could help you - you see I do understand...", Ashraf said quietly, as he settled Teddy on the sofa, and stood up, as if preparing to leave.

"No, it's nothing like that - but we would like to know a little more about you.", Jim said.
"Sit down, and look after Teddy - I think he likes you...", Ethan said, and they all took their seats once again.
"The problem is, if I tell you the truth about myself, you'll probably not believe me - and I must admit that I was not completely honest with you before - so I would understand that.", Ashraf said.
"So... why not try us ?", Ethan said, as Teddy picked his way across the sofa, and sat on Ethan's lap.
"Right..." , Ashraf said, seeming to brace himself.
"Well, it might surprise you to know that I have a lot more in common than you might imagine.", Ashraf began.
"And how might that be ?", Ethan asked, as he sat stroking Teddy.
"Well, to begin with, I was a slave, like some of you were - a long, long time ago in Egypt.", Ashraf said.
"Now before you go any further, Ashraf, tell me how you know so much about us, like where we originally come from, and our original names ?", Jim asked.
"I was told - before I was sent to 'this time and place'...", Ashraf replied.
"And what exactly do you mean by 'sent to this time' ?", Jim asked, finally becoming intrigued.
"So your telling us that you were a slave in Egypt - so how come you don't look Egyptian ?", Ethan asked - interrupting, and as usual getting confused.
Ashraf smiled.
"Well the people who live here now are not actually Egyptians.
They're mainly Arabs, and many have Turkish blood, and also Nubian blood, and that's where the dark skin, and the dark hair comes from - but many of the original Egyptians - from long, long ago, were fair - and the 'real Egyptians' always spoke of the 'gods', the neteru, as golden skinned and golden haired.
'Personal slaves' - not the workers, were always chosen for their pale looks and fair hair, which is why I was chosen to be a personal slave.
"He's right you know - there are many references to the 'gods' having golden flesh and golden hair, and also blue eyes - and these are found in some of the earliest ancient Egyptian texts - and it's the same with the Greeks and the Romans...", Teddy confirmed in his most scholarly manner.
"And I suppose that comes from your database ?", Ethan said, sounding as if he was not completely convinced.
"Yes, of course - and the database is cross-referenced with numerous sources - so it's absolutely reliable.", Teddy explained, sounding slightly offended that Ethan had questioned his veracity.
(of course Teddy guessed that Ethan wouldn't know the meaning of the term 'veracity' - which is why he didn't use it in his reply.)
"OK - enough said - so... go on with your story Ashraf.", Jim said.
"As a slave I was owned by a very rich and powerful man, although what he actually was I did not really know - but I'm sure that you know all about being 'owned'...
But then he died and, as was the custom in Egypt, he was mummified and placed in a magnificent tomb on the West Bank, here in Thebes.
But then, after the funeral ceremonies were over, I was taken by boat to another town on the West Bank - further upstream - but only me and one other of the other slaves.
Pyramid at the Southern Heliopolis
In the Egyptian language the town was known as the 'Southern Heliopolis', and was a most auspicious site.
There I was taken to a pyramid.
I had never heard of this pyramid before, but there are many pyramids in Egypt - but this one was very large.
Since I have returned to the West Bank I have not been able to find it - which is very strange, as it was too large to simply disappear into the sands of the desert.", Ashraf said, sounding puzzled.
"Oh, you'd be surprised...", Ethan said.
Ashraf looked even more puzzled, but Jim and Teddy guessed that Ethan might be referring to the pyramid at Armant.
Pyramid Temple - the Southern Heliopolis
(Teddy, of course, had already recognised the identity of the pyramid from the fact that Ashraf had called the location of the pyramid the 'Southern Heliopolis', which was the ancient name for Armant.)
The sun god Ra, was worshipped in temples in Heliopolis in the Delta, and also at Armant in the Nile valley (anciently known as 'Heliopolis of the South').
Ashraf, however, didn't see the significance that this fact had for Jim, Ethan and Teddy, and continued with his story - see Chapter XXVI - 'A Rare Vision'.
"Some priests took me into the Pyramid Temple, and explained that my master had required that I too should be placed in a sarcophagus, in order to accompany him to the next life.
High Priest of Ammon
Of course, I presumed that I was to be killed and mummified - or even worse, mummified alive.
"They explained to me, however, that the 'Neteru' had given the High Priest of Ammon (Amun) at Karnak a prophecy that I had a 'special task' to perform, and that I would be given a sleeping draught, placed in a unique sarcophagus, and would survive my temporary entombment.
Amun or Ammon - Ancient Egyptian: jmn - was a major ancient Egyptian deity who appears as a member of the Hermopolitan Ogdoad. Amun was attested from the Old Kingdom onward. With the 11th Dynasty (c. 21st century BC), Amun rose to the position of patron deity of Thebes by replacing Montu. - Amun is mentioned in the Egyptian 'Pyramid Texts'. The name Amun means 'the hidden one' or 'invisible one'. Amun-Ra, as he was later known, had the main characteristic of a solar god, creator god and fertility god. Such was the reputation of the oracle of Ammon among the Classical Greeks that Alexander the Great allowed himself to be declared  'the son of Ammon' by the oracle. Alexander thereafter considered himself divine.
I didn't believe them though, and thought that they were just trying to calm me so that I would allow them the place me in a sarcophagus without giving them any problems - but what could I do, as they were accompanied by armed temple guards.
So they put me in a strange sarcophagus, but now I realise that it was not an ordinary sarcophagus, but a kind of 'machine', like the doors in the 'Lion Cave'.,  Ashraf added.
"Mm... I was wondering when we would come to the bit about a 'sarcophagus-thingy'...", Ethan said quietly.
Ashraf looked at Ethan - wondering - and then continued.
"How long I was in that sarcophagus I have no real idea, but much happened to me in the intervening time, and I now realise that possibly many hundreds - or maybe even thousands of years may have passed since I first entered the pyramid.", Ashraf said.
"So OK, how come you never told us about any of this before - and what exactly happened to you during your time in the sarcophagus ?", Ethan asked, wanting to get to the bottom of things...
"Well I didn't tell you much about myself because I was afraid that you wouldn't believe me...
You see, having been 'out of this world' for so long, I needed friends - people who just might understand my situation, and your little group were ideal, as you also came from a past time - and probably knew what it was like to be 'out of place' - and you seemed like the people I was supposed to meet."
"Yeah, well 'tell me about it' ...", Ethan replied, reverting to some American slang...
"But you said earlier that you were 'told about us', before you were sent to 'this time', so I presume that someone told you things while you were in the sarcophagus ?- so were these the 'Guardians' that you spoke of ?", Jim asked.
"That's what they told me to call them - for when I met you.", Ashraf answered hesitantly.
"So  did you see them - these 'guardian-thingys' - what were they like ?", Ethan asked.
"I saw nothing - just vague shapes, and voices in my head.
They told me many things - about the 'gods', the 'First Time', about other beings that exist - many, many things, but much of what they told me I couldn't understand.
New Location for the Sarcophagus
They didn't seem to realize that I was just a 'slave-boy', with hardly any education, and just valued for my looks.", Ashraf explained, sounding rather sad.
"So how did you get out of the sarcophagus ?", Ethan very sensibly asked.
"Well, I seemed to drift out of this dream as the sarcophagus simply slid open - by itself.
At first I presumed I was still in the same pyramid, but then I realised that although it seemed to be the same sarcophagus, it was in a different place - but the room looked like it was in Egypt.", Ashraf suggested.
"Yes - but I don't think it was in Egypt...", Teddy said.
"Here we go...", Ethan began...
"So Teddy, where do you think it was ?", Ethan asked - although he already had a suspicion of where it might be.
Teddy stayed silent, however, and let Ashraf continue with his story.
"I didn't know.
To me it looked like a room in the pyramid, although different to the room where I had first been put into a sarcophagus - so perhaps there was more than one sarcophagus in the pyramid.", Ashraf explained.
  • "So your memory hadn't been effected by your time in the sarcophagus ?", Jim asked.
    "I don't think so - but at that time I had no idea how long I had been in the sarcophagus, and it was only when I met the one you call Faunus, and later saw how much 'Ipetsut' in 'Waset' - which you call 'Karnak' in 'Luxor' - had changed that I began to understand.", Ashraf replied.
    "And were there others in the pyramid when you left the sarcophagus ?", Teddy asked.
    "Yes - there were some other Egyptian slaves, like me... and also some Egyptian guards - wearing strange 'Cobra Masks', like the guards who took me from my master's tomb, by boat, to the pyramid at 'Heliopolis of the South'.", Ashraf explained.
    Egyptian Cobra Guard
    "And they spoke Egyptian - I mean 'ancient Egyptian', like you ?", Teddy asked.
    "Yes, but the guards said very little.", Ashraf said.
    "And so when we arrived in the pyramid - how did you know what to do and what to say ?". Jim asked.
    "Well it was some time before you arrived that I was taken to this person who they called 'Upuaut'.
    I knew about Upuaut - 'the Opener of the Ways' - a very illustrious 'neter' - but I knew that this was not the 'god' - but I said nothing as he seemed to be a powerful individual who could obviously read thoughts and manipulate minds.
    At that point I feared that I had possibly been sent to the underworld, and that this was my punishment - to live forever in the halls and corridors of the pyramid, a plaything for the amusement of strange beings."
    "And when you met us, how was it that you spoke English...?", Ethan asked.
    "It was the 'being' called 'Upuaut'.
    He was able to manipulate my mind so that I could understand and speak your language - and other languages.", Ashraf said.
    "So why did you lie to us when you took us to meet this 'Upuaut' ?
    You said then that he was an 'ever-living, ineffable Neteru - an emanation of the ONE -  an 'Æon' - but from what you now tell us, you knew that this was not true.", Jim said.
    "I had no choice, effendi.
    As I think you know, there are 'beings' who can bend others to their will, and so it was with this 'being' that we knew as 'Upuaut'...", Ashraf replied sheepishly.
    "Yes, I think we understand...", Teddy said.
    "And also - it seems that we're at least getting to the bottom of some of the weird 'thingys' that have happened in the past...", Ethan commented.
    "So... did you finally discover who or what this 'Upuaut' was ?", Jim continued.
    "No, not really - sorry.
    But he's not an 'Æon' - but also not a human, like us..."
    "And not a 'Guardian' ?", Ethan questioned.
    "No - I think that was just some fantasy - just to make me co-operate.", Ashraf replied.
    At that point there was a quiet tap on the door of the suite.
    Ashraf looked at Jim, who looked at Ethan, who looked at Teddy.
    "Well don't look at me
    I don't know who it is.", Teddy muttered - who was not being entirely honest, but really didn't want to get involved in the current situation.
    Then someone spoke from the other side of the door...
    "You do know that I can just materialize in the room - so you don't actually have to open the door if you just want to keep discussing who it might be...", Faunus said.
    "Oh - sorry, but we weren't expecting anybody, and you can't be too careful...", Ethan said as he went over to the door to let Faunus in.
    "So how's it going, Jim ?", Faunus asked, as he sat down on the sofa opposite Jim, and started stroking the kittens, who had immediately gone to him to sit on his lap.
    "We're making progress...", Jim replied.
    "And Ashraf, as you are now calling yourself...
    how are things ?". Faunus asked.
    "Good...", Ashraf replied, seeming to be a little overawed by Faunus presence.
    "So Faunus - have you sorted out things with Clare ?", Jim then asked.
    "Oh yes Jim.
    Everything is back to normal...", Faunus replied.
    "Whatever 'normal' is...", Ethan remarked wryly.
    Storm in Armant - Upper Egypt
    "Now we were just about to ask Ashraf here how he escaped from the Pyramid on the night of the storm in Armant...", Jim said, hoping to change the subject from the problem with Clare.
    "Well I can help you here...", Faunus began.
    "Go on...", Ethan said, sounding slightly dubious.
    "Now after I told you all to run... I went back to find the two slave-boys, as I felt that they really had no part in what was going on - and anyway they might provide some usefully information.
    I could only find one, however, and that was Kha-met - so I told him to follow me - and in the storm, we managed to avoid the police.
    The 'Portal' in the 'Lion Cave' - West Bank - Luxor
    We then made our way to the 'Lion 'Cave.", Faunus explained.
    "Wowy ! That was quite a 'hike' !", Ethan exclaimed.
    "Well, it took quite a time, but we had no choice, as Kha-met could hardly go into the village the way he was dressed, and we needed to get to the 'Portal' - because using the 'Portal' I could get Kha-met to Room 33 in 'Vegas.
    I then temporarily wiped Kha-met's memory, got him some acceptable clothes - and he was able to cross to the East Bank and the Winter Palace.
    And it was there that Kha-met, by then very confused and frightened, spun the tale he had been fed by 'Upuaut' about the 'Guardians' - and about being similar to me.", Faunus explained.
    "But I thought that Faunus had wiped your memory ?", Teddy said, questioning and puzzled.
    "Yes, but there had been a glitch and much of what Kha-met had been told by 'Upuaut' leaked - and so Kha-met - or Khonsu came out with a lot of dubious information - and a lot of the time he didn't know if what he was saying was true - or just fantasies.", Faunus tried to explain.
    "So, Faunus - you knew that some of what Kha-met, or Khonsu, was saying might not be the truth, so why didn't you say something ?", Jim asked.
    "Well, it was a difficult situation...
    Remember that this was a boy who ha spent probably centuries in what you would call 'suspended animation' - and had then awoken in a strange place, and had come under the influence of a very powerful, and possibly malevolent 'being' posing as 'Upuaut' - and had then found himself in 'Room 33' - which is a disturbing  experience in itself for ordinary humans - so I didn't want to 'tip him over the edge' - and so I decided to just let events unfold, and see what happened."
    "So... did it help you to work out what was happening ?", Ethan asked Faunus.
    Khonsu revealed a lot about the 'Greys' - at least as far as what 'Upuaut' wanted people to believe.
    But most of what 'Upuaut' said - although he might not realise it now, was simply information and ideas that he had been 'fed' by 'Upuaut'.
    "So, Ashraf, when you were acting as Khonsu you were not really as clever and knowledgeable as you seemed.", Ethan pointed out.
    "I'm afraid not - most of my speech was what you would call 'automatic' - and simply coming from what 'Upuaut' had instructed me to say...
    I'm sorry I misled you, but at the time I didn't realise what I was doing.", Ashraf said. 
    "So Ashraf, how did you feel when you returned to the Hotel Adlon, after visiting Baroness Emmy von Quistorp's house in Berlin and found that your companions had disappeared ?", Ethan asked.
    "I was very confused, and quite frightened", Ashraf replied.
    "And how did you get back to the present day and 'Vegas." Jim asked.
    "Well I had seen Teddy use the elevator buttons in 'portal', and after very many attempts I managed to return to Las Vegas.
    Khonsu in 'Vegas
    So you ended up in Room 33 - and according to Faunus looking for Jim - and eventually turned up at the 'Club Athena'.
    Faunus then took over the story...
    "And that's when I found him - very disturbed.
    I found him a small apartment, and an easy and simple job in 'Vegas - but was not sure what to do next.
    It was then that he kept talking about Jim - although he was not sure exactly who Jim was.
    So... I left him in Room 33, with a 'Portal', and waited to see what he would do - and he ended up here - at the 'Winter Palace'.", Faunus concluded.
    "OK.... Well that's all very interesting.
    So perhaps, Ethan, you could find Ashraf a room - and then we'll decide where we go form here...", Jim said, obviously not wanting to commit himself.
    Ashraf's Room - Winter Palace - Luxor
    "So... 'suppose you've got no other clothes with you...", Ethan said, as he opened the door to the room that he had decided to allocate to Ashraf.
    "No...just what I'm wearing.", Ashraf replied.
    "OK...well Zac will come up and see you in a few minutes, and then we can go out to the souk and buy you some stuff...", Ethan said - thinking about the previous occasion when he had to take 'Khonsu' (as Ashraf was then calling himself) to the souk to buy some luggage and some clothes.
    So Ashraf did his best to settle into his room - the same room that he had occupied before - but at that point Bastet and Sekhmet had decided to say with Ethan and Teddy.
    Ashraf had little time on his own, however, as there was a knock on the door - and it was Zac.
    He was not wearing his 'Security' uniform, as Jim had asked him to make his visit as informal and friendly as possible.
    "I just thought I'd come and see you to explain one or two things on behalf of Jim, as this is his home.
    The security of everyone here is of prime importance, so Jim would prefer it if you did not leave the building on your own.
    If possible you should have Ethan or 'Sigi' go with you.
    This may seem a little extreme, but Glen was 'abducted' once - and Jim was abducted also, so it's best to be safe rather than sorry.
    And the same would apply to going into the gardens, and the pool area.", Glen explained.
    "So... do you mind me asking why people in this group get abducted ?", Ashraf quite understandably asked.
    "Well, apart from obvious reasons - like wealthy people can be abducted for a ransom, or good looking boys, on their own, can be abducted for sexual reasons, there is the more likely fact that some of us have knowledge of some very important secrets, that some individuals or groups might like to know more about.
    But regardless - be warned, and be careful, and if you become suspicious of anything, or anyone, then speak to Jim, or me, Josh or Ethan, or any of the security team... OK ?
    Oh, and one more thing...
    Tomorrow, Novius will be holding a discussion with Jim, Ethan and Teddy, Josh, 'Sigi' and Jim, - and you will be expected to attend, so Ethan will come by and pick you up.
    So see you later....
    And with that, Zac left Ashraf's room.

    In the light of the return of Khonsu (Ashraf), Jim (with Teddy who has, on his data base,  a complete record of all that Khonsu has reported) decides to consult Novius. Later, Ethan and Teddy return to 'Vegas to 'pick-up' Glen, Max and Brody, and bring them to the Winter Palace for a meeting to hear about Novius latest conclusions with regard to the information provided by Ashraf.
    All text - © Copyright Peter Crawford 2021
    All Images - © Copyright Vittorio Carvelli 2021
    Graphic Design - © Copyright Zac Sawyer 202