Among other things this chapter features a 'lecture' from Faunus in Room 33 - a murder in a minor key - a concert - a wrestling bout - a search for new apartment and a suitable location for a 'villa' - and a return to high school (at Henderson), for one of those embarrassing graduation ceremonies - and guess who the valedictorian might be....?
While they were all absorbing Jim's announcement about the possible acquisition of the 'Winter Palace' in Luxor - Faunus arrived - by the door, on this occasion, and not by just suddenly appearing.
"Hi... I hope I'm not disturbing your meal...", Faunus said in his usual cheery, but rather off-putting manner.
"Not at all..", Jim said.
"Do you want me to set a place for you, or have you already eaten ?"
"No... I'm fine...
I just came by to see how things are going... and have a little chat..", Faunus said disarmingly, as he twiddled Teddy's ear.
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Max in the Dining Room - Penthouse |
"That's good... although I would imagine that Franklin and his many minions do a lot of that for you..", Faunus replied.
"Yes.. but we've been away for a long time, and the 'personal touch' is important.", Zac said.
"True.. and speaking of the 'personal touch', I was wondering if, after you've finished your meal, you might like to come to my apartment at the 'Club Athena' for a little chat.", Faunus suggested.
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Door to Room 33 (extreme left) - Club Athena |
Now Faunus 'apartment', in the 'Club Athena', was situated on the other side of the door of 'Room 33' - so it could conceivably be anywhere - and at any time - which was a daunting prospect - and that - and the invitation - was unexpected.
In the Hotel in Las Vegas, which was known as 'Club Jaguar', and is now known as 'Club Athena', and which is also a Casino, Restaurant, and the administrative headquarters of Jim's Corporations, there is a corridor on a specially 'reserved floor'. There are only two doors available to you on leaving the elevator. One door is distinguished by a simple 'Number 1' - leading to the administrative headquarters, and the beautifully redesigned, re-furnished and re-decorated office of Jim - the new 'Dominus'..... and also Franklin's offices - but talking to Franklin can be - to say the least - problematic. But be warned - if you ever are in 'Vegas, and you visit the 'Club Athena', and manage to get Max's successor to take you up to the 'reserved floor' - which would be very unlikely - do not enter Room 33 ! - unless Faunus (or Teddy) is with you.....
"Is there any special reason for this 'chat' ?", Jim asked.
"No... not really
I suppose it's just another aspect of 'taking care of business.", Faunus said.
"And you want all of us to come with you ?", Jim queried.
"Well that's the general idea...", Faunus said.
"Well OK.
I'll just 'phone Chuck and get him to bring the limos round."

Now, as you may have already realised, it was very difficult to resist one of Faunus' suggestions - that is if you were an 'ordinary' human being.
Teddy and Glaux, and the kittens, of course, were quite immune to Faunus' blandishments - being creatures from a similar 'world'.
The 'boys', however, all obediently stood up and left the table, bade Clare goodnight, and made their way to the elevator.
At the main entrance to the Penthouse Building Chuck, and an assistant chauffeur, were waiting for them with two large black limousines.
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Elevator Buttons |
During the short drive to the 'Club Athena' most of the talk was about the prospect of returning to Egypt sometime in the near future, and staying in their own, 'private palace' on the banks of the Nile.
Once they arrived at the 'Club Athena' they took the elevator, in two groups, up to the 'reserved floor'.
In the elevator that Jim and Ethan were using, Teddy, of course, as was usual, operated the buttons - pressing Button 6 (top floor).
Faunus then led them to the door leading to Room 33.
On opening the door they came to a moderately sized plain, all white ante-room.
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'Dimensional Portal' |
When they looked back to the double sliding doors that led into Room 33, which they had just passed through, they were surprised to see a rather 'hi-tech' version of the doorway that they had previously seen in the Lion Cave in the Theban Hills.
"So... you've had the decorators in again...", Ethan said to Faunus."Well the portal in the Lion Cave was appropriately decorated, as it was simulating an Egyptian tomb - this portal is in 'Vegas, so it has been designed to look suitably contemporary.", Faunus replied.
"And very nice too...", Teddy commented.
"Yes... and I like the doggies...", Ethan added.
"Actually, Teddy, they're statues of Upuaut - 'the opener of the ways' - very appropriate for a doorway..", Teddy said rather pompously.
"Oh not that Upuaut 'creep' again... ", Etan said
The doorway that 'appeared' to be on the top floor of the 'Club Athena' was in fact a 'Dimensional Portal' - in some 'worlds' known rather misleadingly as a 'Stargate' - but then that's 'entertainment' for you. This 'Dimensional Portal' is silent in operation, has a tiny, discrete control panel (just for appearances), and can easily be folded up and stowed away in Teddy's Walmart bag, if need be. As an inconsequential aside, it just happens that Josh (Josh Walton) has a large number of shares in Walmart - so Teddy will never be short of a Walmart bag, much as he dislikes them.
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Room 33 - (another incarnation) - Club Athena - Las Vegas |
Passing through identical doors at the opposite end of the ante-room, on this occasion they found a large, tastefully decorated room that, at least to Jim and Max looked rather familiar.
So... if you would all like to make yourselves comfortable, perhaps we can have a little talk... ", Faunus said.
"So..what's on your mind ?", Jim asked, as they all settled themselves on the comfortable sofas and armchairs.
"I remember this place !", Max exclaimed.
"It's that 'celestial room' in the Phoenix Temple in Arizona, where we went with the 'Boss'.
"Well, in a way it is.... it's based on your memories of that place...", Faunus said.
"So you didn't get the decorators in after all, and actually it's not real... ", Ethan said, sounding disappointed.
"Well it's as 'real' as most things are...
'Real' is a relative term.
It's like when you're dreaming...
Most of the time you think that your dreams are real - and perhaps they are - and perhaps they're not...", Faunus said.
"But... to answer your question, Jim... I thought it might be a good time to review things, as you have all had a lot of interesting experiences in Egypt, and now things here are settling down a bit.", Faunus continued.
Then Faunus began his 'talk'.
"Now not all of you started out on our little adventure at the same time...
I mean Jim, Ethan Josh, Zac and Novius were all in the 'journey', so to speak, almost from the beginning - having been brought together in various ways in the home of Gracchus - who those who came later knew as the 'Boss' - which is a sort of slang American translation of the Latin title 'Dominus'.
And of course I myself only came to you originally - in that 'other time' and other place' - after Gracchus had passed away." Faunus explained.
"Yes... that always puzzled me, when I found out about it - so how come you didn't know Gracchus - the 'Boss' - in his 'first' life." Glen asked.
"Well to put it simply, Gracchus was very rich, well connected and influential, but just another Roman 'patrician' - so I had no reason to 'know' him - as you put it.
The patricians (from Latin: 'patricius') were originally a group of ruling class families in ancient Rome. The social structure of Ancient Rome revolved around the distinction between the 'patricians', who were rich and powerful, and the 'plebeians', who were by and large poor, and had little or no power."So why did you turn up after this guy Gracchus 'died' ?", Max asked Faunus.
"Well that's not easy to explain...", Faunus began.
"Here we go...", Ethan said, presuming that it would either not be a straight answer, or an answer that was so complicated that he wouldn't understand it...
"Some of you will probably find this hard to understand - even now - but certain people are, as the ancient Greeks used to say, 'touched by the gods' Faunus said.
"Oh, like when people are always going on about Jim being 'beloved by the gods' ?", Ethan said butting in.
"But I'm sure we've talked about all this before...", Zac added.
"Yes, Zac... we have - but these facts are all too easy to forget in this 'modern' world in which we find ourselves - and those of us who have always been part of this world, with little knowledge of the 'gods', often put it out of their mind, as it seems to them so strange and 'alien' - but not, of course, 'Alien' in the way we often use the term, but referring to another time and place that has little meaning for them.", Faunus replied, trying to clarify matters.
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'Markos' |
"Well to try and answer the question, I was given the task of aiding Jim and his companions so that they could fulfil the destiny that had been prepared for them...", Faunus added.
"Oh yes... I have a destiny ?", Max said, sounding rather sarcastic, alarmed and puzzled - all at the same time.
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Cumaean Sibyl |
"We all have... but most of us are not fortunate enough to realize that fact.
There was a pause... and then Faunus continued.
"Now I have told you before that there were prophecies given to Gracchus, Terentius and Novius by the Sibyl of Cumae about Jim - who was then known as Markos, and later Marcus."
Oracles and prophecy are an important feature of 'The Story of Gracchus' and 'Club Jaguar'. At Cumae Gracchus received written oracles, but surprisingly, in addition to the prophecies regarding political matters there was also a prophecy on both occasions relating to a 'golden boy from the sea' (blond Marcus, as a teenager, was captured by pirates while on a sea journey with his parents, became a slave, and was bought by Gracchus - hence 'golden boy from the sea').On the first occasion the prophecy refers to Marcus, and on the second occasion the prophecy relates to Aurarius - as well as foretelling of the death of Gracchus.
"Yes Faunus... You've told us about it before - but what does it mean ?", Ethan interrupted, sounding exasperated.
"This is part of the point I'm trying to get over to you all tonight...
Life's not like reading a book, or watching a movie... where everything gets explained, and all the loose ends are nicely tied up.
The 'gods', through their signs and prophecies, as Novius will surely explain to you, reveal things as mysteries and puzzles." Faunus said.
"And these 'gods' - they are the 'æons' that you keep going on about...?", Ethan said, interrupting yet again.
"Yes, Ethan...", Faunus replied as gently as he could.
Descent of the Æons The 'Æons' are similar to Plato's 'Forms'. Before anything existed the 'ultimate being' existed - exists and will always exist - the ONE. The attributes of the ONE.... that is, the abstract qualities, mental states, spiritual concepts and metaphysical ideas, constituted the ONE's thoughts and designs, lay hidden, known to the ONE, but unknown to themselves. The ONE gave them existence, and they flowed from the divine source - what is called by philosophers 'emanation'. The entities that emerged from this process are known to humans as 'Æons', which are ineffable and ever-living sentient beings. Each 'Æon' is a hypostasis of an emanation from the ONE, and it is these great 'Æons' which humans, and other sentient beings properly take to be 'gods'
And so Faunus continued....
"The world itself is a profound riddle, and few things that happen in the world are easily explained.
The term 'world riddle (Welträtsel) has been associated, for over 100 years, with Friedrich Nietzsche, who mentioned 'Welträtsel' in several of his writings.This unknown element applies to our individual lives - and our relationships with others, and the world in general.
And this brings me to the main theme of my little talk with you tonight.
Each of you, in slightly different ways, and for different reasons, have been granted a particular gift that is a consequence, and maybe even an unexpected side-effect of travel between the multiple worlds that exist - but are unseen and unknown to most sentient beings.", Faunus began.
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Armant Sarcophagus |
"You mean like walking through that funny door - that 'portal-thingy'...", Ethan asked.
"Well to a small extent - yes,
But more exactly travelling from one 'time-dimension' to another and, of course, the 'sarcophagus'....", Faunus replied.
"Ah... I was wondering when the 'sarcophagus-thingy' would be mentioned.", Ethan said knowingly.
Faunus politely ignored Ethan's remark, and continued.
"The ancient Egyptians, early on, discovered what we now describe as the various electrical, optical, and mechanical properties of crystals, and crystalline minerals.
In addition, and quite accidentally, they discovered 'time crystals', or 'space-time crystals'.
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Ancient Egyptian Embalming |
These are structures that repeat in time, as well as in space, and are an exotic state of matter that combines the rigidity of an ordinary crystal with a regular rhythm in time.", Faunus tried to explain.
"Well you've lost me there...", Ethan said.
"No - really - it makes perfect sense...", Teddy said.
"To you maybe... Teddy...", Max said, looking totally confused.
"Well that's neither here nor there...", Faunus commented.
"Any way... using not what we would call 'technology', but rather 'mytho-poetic' and intuitive methods, they tried to explore these insights - but not entirely successfully.
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Crystalline Structure of the True Pyramid |
They soon became bogged down in the rather unpleasant process of mummification, and the creation of tombs mimicking the complexities of the 'Duat' - but they did, to some extent, succeed in developing the crystalline structure of the true pyramids.
They were, of course, seeking to solve the secret of 'eternal life' - to live for 'millions of years' - as they repeatedly expounded, in hieroglyphics, in the Pyramid Texts, various other inscriptions, and on tomb and mortuary temple walls." Faunus explained.
Everyone looked rather puzzled - that is except for Teddy, (of course), and also Zac.
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Pyramid of Unas - Saqqara |
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Granite Sarcophagus - Serapeum |
"So now this is beginning to make some sense.
All those trips to various pyramids, with their inner passages and chambers lined with crystalline granite... the Pyramid of Unas with its 'Pyramid Texts', the visits to the Serapeum, with its huge sarcophagi made of crystalline quartz granite, the mortuary temples, which are also called 'Houses of Millions of Years', and finally the 'hi-tech' sarcophagus at Armant....
This was all about the 'secret of eternal life'...", Zac said."Well I'm glad to know that you understand what's going on...", Ethan said.
Jim, however, just nodded to Faunus in approval.
"But apart from your trip to Egypt, I wish to remind you, on this occasion, that all of you, from the beginning of this world, were fated to come together, and share a common 'destiny' - and it is for this reason that, in various ways, you have all been given a gift.
You have - each of you - been allowed to reach out and possibly take this ultimate gift - the gift that shall allow you to remain young, and live far into the future." Faunus concluded.
Max shook his head.
"Come back, and say that to me in a hundred and twenty years - and I might just believe you...".
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When Josh met Faunus |
Max blushed, and look nervous.
"Well its is hard to believe..' Max then stuttered, covering his face with his hands in embarrassment.
"Well... all of you, take time to think about it...", Faunus said gently.
"But that's enough for the moment - so I suggest that we meet again - sometime soon.", Faunus said, and slowly faded from their sight.
"Well I've told him about doing that before...", Ethan began.
"One day he'll show-off like that - disappear half way - and then be neither solid or invisible, and then he'll feel really silly.
"So how do we get out of here ?", Glen, who looked a little pale and nervous, asked Jim.
"Through the door, Glen - just like we came in..", Jim replied softly.

When Ethan finally got up, showered and got dressed - he trudged into the dining room for his breakfast, where he found Jim and Clare.
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Penthouse Dining Room - Morning |
"Teddy...", Jim said....
"He keeps walking up and down in front of the picture window."
"OK, Teddy... what's up ?", Ethan asked.
"I'm thinking...", Teddy briefly replied.
"So what's wrong with thinking on your pillows, on the bed ?", Ethan asked.
"Well if I'm thinking about something serious, and I'm sitting comfortably on the pillows, I don't really concentrate - but if I walk up and down, I think better...", Teddy replied.
"... that makes sense...", Ethan said, "but what are you thinking about...?", Ethan asked.
"Oh... just things...", Teddy replied, obviously not wanting to be interrupted.
Ethan then shrugged and turned to Jim.
"So what about last night, Jim ?", Ethan asked.
"Well, if you don't need me anymore, I'll be tidying up in the bedroom.." Clare said, as she left the dining room, sensing that Jim and Ethan wanted to be alone.
"You mean about what Faunus said ?", Jim replied.
"Yes... I mean, did you actually believe him ?", Ethan asked.
"Difficult... to be honest, I don't really know..."Jim replied.
Jim then paused for a moment before he continued....
"As you probably remember, when Adonios (Josh) brought Faunus to the 'Villa Pastoralis' I was very dubious - and was annoyed when Faunus kept telling me that I had to 'find myself'.
He seems to be doing much the same now, with this talk of our 'destiny'. ", Jim said, reminiscing.
"Yes, but what about this business about staying young, and living far into the future ?", Ethan asked.
"Well it seems that Josh believes him, or at least is prepared to defend him, but then Josh was always very close to Faunus...
But I don't know... maybe it's one of Faunus' 'schemes', just a way of binding us to him... but does it really matter ?
As we have discussed before, if it's true, then it might not be such a great 'gift' - and it possibly has many disadvantages.
No - what worries me is this talk of 'common destiny' - and I'm concerned about what that might involve." Jim said.
"Mm... so now I think I know what Teddy might be thinking about...", Ethan said.
"Possibly - but I think that we need to have a talk with Novius.", Jim said.
"OK... so what now ?", Ethan asked.
"We need to go to the Club Athena - I think we have a meeting with Mr. Damrosch.", Jim replied.
"Yes, and I have one of your designer guys to talk to about a poster for Aaron...", Ethan added.
"Yes... and get a poster designed for Brody, as he's got some bouts due with Jonathan.", Jim said, as he called up Chuck for a limo.
"I'm thinking...", Teddy briefly replied.
"So what's wrong with thinking on your pillows, on the bed ?", Ethan asked.
"Well if I'm thinking about something serious, and I'm sitting comfortably on the pillows, I don't really concentrate - but if I walk up and down, I think better...", Teddy replied.
"... that makes sense...", Ethan said, "but what are you thinking about...?", Ethan asked.
"Oh... just things...", Teddy replied, obviously not wanting to be interrupted.
Ethan then shrugged and turned to Jim.
"So what about last night, Jim ?", Ethan asked.
"Well, if you don't need me anymore, I'll be tidying up in the bedroom.." Clare said, as she left the dining room, sensing that Jim and Ethan wanted to be alone.
"You mean about what Faunus said ?", Jim replied.
"Yes... I mean, did you actually believe him ?", Ethan asked.
"Difficult... to be honest, I don't really know..."Jim replied.
Jim then paused for a moment before he continued....
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Villa Pastoralis - Tibur - Roman Empire |
He seems to be doing much the same now, with this talk of our 'destiny'. ", Jim said, reminiscing.
"Yes, but what about this business about staying young, and living far into the future ?", Ethan asked.
"Well it seems that Josh believes him, or at least is prepared to defend him, but then Josh was always very close to Faunus...
But I don't know... maybe it's one of Faunus' 'schemes', just a way of binding us to him... but does it really matter ?
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Marcus and Novius - Villa Athena - Athens |
No - what worries me is this talk of 'common destiny' - and I'm concerned about what that might involve." Jim said.
"Mm... so now I think I know what Teddy might be thinking about...", Ethan said.
"Possibly - but I think that we need to have a talk with Novius.", Jim said.
"OK... so what now ?", Ethan asked.
"We need to go to the Club Athena - I think we have a meeting with Mr. Damrosch.", Jim replied.
"Yes, and I have one of your designer guys to talk to about a poster for Aaron...", Ethan added.
"Yes... and get a poster designed for Brody, as he's got some bouts due with Jonathan.", Jim said, as he called up Chuck for a limo.

Jim and Ethan's large black Cadillac smoothly pulled up outside the reserved area in front of the 'Club Athena',
Instantly six bellhops appeared, anxious to carry the briefcases that Jim and Ethan were carrying, and clear the way to the main entrance, while the under-manager greeted them at the large double doors.
Instead of handing the bellhop his briefcase, Ethan handed over Teddy - much to the bellhop's surprise.
"Give him to the elevator-boy...", Ethan ordered.
"Yes Sir.", the bellhop replied, obviously very confused.
Swiftly Jim and Ethan passed through the lobby, where they spotted Damrosch nervously sitting.
Damrosch rose to his feet, and attempted to approach Jim, but Jim strode past and entered the elevator, which was being held for himself and Ethan by the rather confused elevator boy, who had been given Teddy.
"Let him operate the elevator...", Ethan said to the elevator boy - obviously referring to Teddy.
Instantly six bellhops appeared, anxious to carry the briefcases that Jim and Ethan were carrying, and clear the way to the main entrance, while the under-manager greeted them at the large double doors.
Instead of handing the bellhop his briefcase, Ethan handed over Teddy - much to the bellhop's surprise.
"Give him to the elevator-boy...", Ethan ordered.
"Yes Sir.", the bellhop replied, obviously very confused.
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Lobby of the Club Athena |
Damrosch rose to his feet, and attempted to approach Jim, but Jim strode past and entered the elevator, which was being held for himself and Ethan by the rather confused elevator boy, who had been given Teddy.
"Let him operate the elevator...", Ethan said to the elevator boy - obviously referring to Teddy.
Emma, who had been warned of Jim's arrival by the front desk, was waiting in the upper elevator lobby.
"Good morning Sir...
Mr Duncan has two designers waiting for him in one of Mr Franklin's offices." Emma said.
At this time Ethan (Mr Duncan) didn't have an office at the Club Athena - mainly because he didn't want one, although Jim was having an office prepared for Ethan at the 'Paradise Park'.
Jim then turned to Emma.
"Get a bellhop to send Damrosch up to my office...", Jim said curtly.
Jim was obviously not in a good mood.
Some moments later a rather breathless Damrosch was escorted into Jim's office by Emma.
"Thank you, Emma...", Jim said.
And Damrosch and Jim were left alone in the office.
Meanwhile, Ethan was trying to find a space on the cluttered desk in Franklin's unused office where Teddy could sit.
"You must excuse me, gentlemen, but I need to get him comfortable as he's already had a difficult morning so far...", Ethan explained to his startled visitors.
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Damrosch in Jim's Office |
Back in Jim's office trouble was brewing.
"Mr Damrosch - this is our first official meeting, and I regret to inform you that one of my senior associates has reported to me that there seems to be a problem regarding your attitude toward your duties - and my senior staff." , Jim began.
Damrosch looked shocked, and soon lost the rather supercilious smirk that he seemed to permanently display.
"I'm sure that there must be some mistake, Mr Johnson...", Damrosch stammered.
"Yes...and that's a good example - you don't call me Mr Johnson - you call me Sir..."Jim snarled.
Jim, of course was very upset because Damrosch had been disrespectful to Ethan.
Not only was Ethan Jim's closest friend, but also Jim knew that Ethan was kiddish and naive, and quite unable to protect himself from the likes of Damrosch.
"Well no matter - I want your desk cleared by six pm, and consider your tenure over from this moment...
See Franklin who will provide you with your severance arangements tomorrow .
Now go !", Jim said coldly.
"But Mr Johnson....", Damrosch whined.
"Don't you listen ?....GO !...", Jim shouted... and he pressed a button on his desk to summon Zac.
Zac, who guessed that there might be trouble, entered from an adjoining room.
"Please leave Mr Damrosch...", Zac said calmly.
"You'll be hearing from my lawyers...", Damrosch shouted, as he left Jim's office.
"I doubt that very much...", Jim said.
Damrosch left.
Jim turned to Zac.
"Get Kurt to deal with that person...", Jim said.
"Yes Sir...", Zac replied, and went to make the appropriate 'phone call.
Of course Damrosch had a legal right to a contractual period of notice of termination - under normal circumstances - but at Club Athena circumstances were sometimes far from normal - and it was possible for 'fate' to take a hand, or for 'fate' to be encouraged to take a hand.
So, while Jim and Zac were making arrangements to 'deal with' Damrosch, Ethan was happily explaining, in Franklin's spare office, to the designers that Jim had provided, that he required posters for Aaron - at the 'Park Theatre', and for Brody - at the 'California Combat Club', and was providing them with photos 'lifted' from Teddy's laptop, that would provide the basis of such posters.
Zac, of course, had already contacted Kurt.
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Brody is told about Damrosch |
Zac's security team always carefully monitored all the company staff based in La Vegas - from bellhops to high level managers.
Damrosch, like most people, had certain 'weaknesses' - and so it was decided that Brody would be approached with the task of luring Damrosch into a situation where he could be easily 'dealt with'.
The task 'amused' Brody - who had been desperately obsessed with Ethan at one time - and was still very fond of Ethan - so Damrosch didn't really stand a chance.
Meanwhile, Ethan had managed to get his ideas across, and his compliant designers had promised to have some ideas available, which they would email to Ethan's company address by the following morning.
Ethan then bounded into Jim's office with the good news, only to find Jim and Zac looking very serious.
"Did I say something wrong ?", Ethan asked.
"Not at all...
It was just that Zac and I were discussing what to do about Damrosch..", Jim replied.
"I see... well, I've got those designer guys to get to work on some poster-thingys..", Ethan proudly said.
"So what now ? ", Zac asked Jim.
"OK.. you get down to the 'Combat Club', and get things organised with Kurt and Brody, and Ethan and I will take a trip to the 'Paradise Park'... Jim said.
"Now I'm confused, Jim... why do we need to got to the Paradise Park ?", Ethan asked.
"To appoint a new manager - and Ethan, what have you done with Teddy ?".
Ethan looked puzzled....
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'Paradise Park Hotel' - Las Vegas - Nevada - USA |
"Shit ! - I left him in Franklin's spare office !", and with that Ethan scampered out of Jim's office to recover Teddy.
So having recovered a very disgruntled teddy-bear from Franklin's spare office, Jim and Ethan set off to the 'Paradise Park Hotel'.
On arriving at the hotel, Jim went straight to the reception area.
There, a very flustered young female receptionist greeted Jim.
"Where's the manager ?", Jim asked, rather brashly.
"I'm afraid he's in his office, but is refusing to see anyone..", the receptionist said nervously.
"I presume you know who I am ?", Jim asked.
"I'm not sure..", the receptionist wisely replied.
"I'm the owner of this hotel, and this gentleman..", Jim continued, indicating Ethan - who was still carrying Teddy... "is my deputy."
The receptionist, who was finding the situation rather strange, asked if she could call for the assistant manager.
"Yes, of course, but don't take too long...", Jim said.
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Kurt and Jim on their 'Cell-Phones' |
While the receptionist was calling the assistant manager, Jim used his 'cell-phone' to call Kurt.
"Kurt... this is Jim...
Get Brody down here immediately, and make sure he's wearing gloves - presumably Zac has told you why.
"But tell Brody not to come to me... just to stay in the lobby, and I'll give him instructions over his encrypted 'cell-phone'.", Jim ordered.
"This sounds a bit serious...", Ethan said - looking worried.
"No, Ethan - just necessary.", Jim said coldly.
Just then the Assistant Manager arrived.
"Ah... Mr Johnson... so good to see you, Sir...", the Assistant Manager said.
"Yes, and you too...
I'm sorry, but I've forgotten your name... you are ?"
"Evans, Sir", the Assistant Manager replied.
"Yes of course... well the previous manager has decided to leave us, so it gives me great pleasure to appoint you as Manager of the 'Club Athena Paradise Park Hotel', and Mr Duncan here - as head of hotels and entertainments, is your direct Boss.", Jim said smoothly.
"Really... well I'm honoured, Sir.", Evans, who couldn't believe his luck, replied.
"Right, well you can leave us for the moment... but I'm sure that Mr Duncan will be meeting with you soon." Jim said, dismissing Evans.
Jim then turned to Ethan.
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'Sabre-Tooth Secret-Squirel Thingy' |
"Right then, Brody should be arriving soon - but you and Teddy ignore him - as he will be waiting for Damrosch.
I'll have a word with Brody on my 'cell-phone', and then we'll leave." Jim said.
"This all sound very 'secret-squirrel' like thingy, and a bit 'creepy' to me - so I won't ask you what's going on..", Ethan said.
"I know...", Teddy muttered..
"Yes, I'm sure you do...", Jim said.
the phrase 'Secret Squirrel' was adopted by the US military, and service members began applying it to all things that were highly classified - usually as a 'non-answer' to a question. The phrase "Secret Squirrel" is also US police slang for an agent of the 'United States Secret Service'.
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Brody at the Paradise Park - 'Vegas |
They didn't have to wait very long, as Brody turned up quite quickly - presumably having been driven the short distance from the 'Combat Club' to the 'Park Paradise' in one of the fast limos belonging to the 'Combat Club'.
Brody, in classic tight blue jeans and a pale, V-neck T shirt looked every inch the 'street hustler' that he'd been before Zac had taken him in hand.
Within moments Brody was answering his 'cell-phone', and presumably receiving his instructions from Jim - who had also given Evans instructions that none of the hotel staff should approach Brody, who was on 'official - confidential - business'.
Jim and Ethan, (with Teddy), then left the Paradise Park.
"So where to now ?", Ethan asked as the walked towards their Cadillac.
"I think something to eat might be a good idea, and then we could go to see Novius.", Jim suggested
"That's good, but not that 'Mad Greek' place - please !". Ethan pleaded.
"Well 'Sigi mentioned a good place in Henderson for fries, (UK 'chips' - and 'chips' in the US are 'crisps' in the UK...confused ?), and very big cheese-burgers... and it's on our way to the Villa Athena.", Jim said.
"And it's called 'The Outback Steakhouse'...", Teddy said.
"How did you know that ?", Ethan asked.
"It's on my data-base, of course...", Teddy replied.
"Is everything on your database ?", Ethan asked incredulously.
"Almost...", Teddy replied.
"Then I'm not surprised that you sometimes go a bit 'wobbly'.", Ethan said.
"And isn't the 'outback' something to do with Australia ?", Ethan then asked, sounding puzzled.
"Yes Ethan, but the owners of this particular franchise - it's a bit like a small version of McDonalds - but better food - seem to have this 'thing' about Australia - all very strange...", Teddy tried to explain, but rather unsuccessfully.
"Oh well, let's try it.
At least they have cheeseburgers - according to 'Sigi'.", Ethan sighed.
So Jim gave the instructions to Chuck to take the route to North Stephanie Street, Henderson.
Back at the Paradise Park - in the main lobby - Brody was quietly waiting - and waiting... and waiting.
Finally - yes finally, he spotted Damrosch, who was carrying a small, expensive looking case.
Damrosch stopped at the reception desk, and spoke briefly to the Assistant Manager.
During this pithy conversation, neither was particularly honest - Damrosch saying he would be taking a 'short holiday', and was leaving the running of the hotel in Evan's hands, while Evans, previously the assistant manager, very wisely said nothing his sudden promotion, or of Jim's visit.
Meanwhile Brody had slipped unnoticed out of the main lobby, and had positioned himself discreetly in the staff car-park - close to the area reserved for the manager - which was occupied by a large black auto, presumably belonging to the now 'ex-manager'.
As Damrosch approached his auto, Brody sidled up to the parked vehicle, and made Damrosch an 'offer he could not refuse'.
And how did Brody know that there were certain offers that Damrosch couldn't refuse ?
It was simple really - Zac's 'informants' had found out certain 'interesting' facts about Damrosch, and in particular the uses to which he put some of the money that he had been siphoning off from the hotel, and from Aaron.
And Brody was asking so little, and he looked so 'fit', and the late afternoon was warm and pleasant, and Brody suggested driving out to Lakeshore Road - a quiet place where they could have and undisturbed 'assignation' - and if it turned out to Damrosch's satisfaction - then maybe Brody could spend the night at Damrosch's penthouse apartment.
Damrosch, still trying to recover from his summary dismissal, couldn't believe his luck.
He had the suitcase containing much of his ill-gotten gains, and in addition the 'services' of a seemingly charming, 'roughly' attractive companion - possibly for the night.
And so they sped along Interstate 515 toward Mead Lake.
It was at least a thirty minute drive from the 'Paradise Park' to Lake Mead, but Brody had insisted on a stopover for a burger at the 'Burger King' on Warm Springs Road, in Henderson - as he needed to arrive at Lake Mead under cover of darkness - although he didn't give any reason to Damrosch - other than the fact that it would be a good opportunity for them to get to know one another better.
And so, while they ate burgers and drank coffee, Brody told a tale, similar to the tale he had told Zac when they had first met - and basically it was the truth - of a poor abandoned boy in an uncaring town, forced to make his way by 'hustling' as a 'rent boy'.
Damrosch, of course, was to some degree sympathetic, but he'd heard similar stories from many of the boys that he had picked up since coming to live in Los Angeles.
Then, as the sky darkened, they resumed their drive to the shore of Lake Mead.
Once they had parked close to the shoreline, they retired to the back seat of the auto.
Implying that he had a strange fetish about gloves, Brody ensured that he would leave few, if any, indicators of his fingerprints or DNA on his intended victim.
Damrosch was no match for Brody, who was able to simply snap the neck of the one-time hotel manager.
Brody then dragged Damrosch from the auto, and dropped the body into the lake.
The case that Damrosch had been carrying Brody left on the parcel shelf
Brody knew what it contained, but Zac had told Brody to leave it in the vehicle, with the car doors open.
Brody, after disposing of the body, and carrying out Zac's instructions, then phoned Kurt to get one of his associates (in this case Chuck) to pick him up.
It was about another forty minutes before Brody was back at the Combat Club, where Tripp, Mikey and Kurt would all provide the perfect alibi that he had been at the club training all evening.
Meanwhile, Zac had ensured that all the data from the surveillance cameras at the 'Paradise Park' had been wiped, as a result of a mysterious 'virus' that had affected the central data processor.
Finally - yes finally, he spotted Damrosch, who was carrying a small, expensive looking case.
Damrosch stopped at the reception desk, and spoke briefly to the Assistant Manager.
During this pithy conversation, neither was particularly honest - Damrosch saying he would be taking a 'short holiday', and was leaving the running of the hotel in Evan's hands, while Evans, previously the assistant manager, very wisely said nothing his sudden promotion, or of Jim's visit.
Meanwhile Brody had slipped unnoticed out of the main lobby, and had positioned himself discreetly in the staff car-park - close to the area reserved for the manager - which was occupied by a large black auto, presumably belonging to the now 'ex-manager'.
As Damrosch approached his auto, Brody sidled up to the parked vehicle, and made Damrosch an 'offer he could not refuse'.
And how did Brody know that there were certain offers that Damrosch couldn't refuse ?
It was simple really - Zac's 'informants' had found out certain 'interesting' facts about Damrosch, and in particular the uses to which he put some of the money that he had been siphoning off from the hotel, and from Aaron.
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Lakeshore Road - Las Vegas - Nevada - USA |
Damrosch, still trying to recover from his summary dismissal, couldn't believe his luck.
He had the suitcase containing much of his ill-gotten gains, and in addition the 'services' of a seemingly charming, 'roughly' attractive companion - possibly for the night.
And so they sped along Interstate 515 toward Mead Lake.
Lake Mead is a man-made lake that lies on the Colorado River, about 24 miles from the 'Las Vegas Strip', southeast of the city of Las Vegas, Nevada, It is the largest reservoir in the United States in terms of water capacity. Formed by the Hoover Dam on September 30, 1935, the reservoir serves water to the states of Arizona, California, and Nevada. Jagged mountain ranges surround the lake, offering a scenic backdrop, especially at sunset. Suicides and the victims of crime often turn up in Lake Mead - a fact well known to Kurt and Zac.Now it hardly needs to be mentioned that the 'assignation', to which Damrosch was looking forward, never materialized.
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Burger King - Warm Springs Road - Henderson - Nevada |
And so, while they ate burgers and drank coffee, Brody told a tale, similar to the tale he had told Zac when they had first met - and basically it was the truth - of a poor abandoned boy in an uncaring town, forced to make his way by 'hustling' as a 'rent boy'.
Damrosch, of course, was to some degree sympathetic, but he'd heard similar stories from many of the boys that he had picked up since coming to live in Los Angeles.
Then, as the sky darkened, they resumed their drive to the shore of Lake Mead.
Once they had parked close to the shoreline, they retired to the back seat of the auto.
Implying that he had a strange fetish about gloves, Brody ensured that he would leave few, if any, indicators of his fingerprints or DNA on his intended victim.
Damrosch was no match for Brody, who was able to simply snap the neck of the one-time hotel manager.
Brody then dragged Damrosch from the auto, and dropped the body into the lake.
The case that Damrosch had been carrying Brody left on the parcel shelf
Brody knew what it contained, but Zac had told Brody to leave it in the vehicle, with the car doors open.
Brody, after disposing of the body, and carrying out Zac's instructions, then phoned Kurt to get one of his associates (in this case Chuck) to pick him up.
It was about another forty minutes before Brody was back at the Combat Club, where Tripp, Mikey and Kurt would all provide the perfect alibi that he had been at the club training all evening.
Meanwhile, Zac had ensured that all the data from the surveillance cameras at the 'Paradise Park' had been wiped, as a result of a mysterious 'virus' that had affected the central data processor.
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Outback Steakhouse - Henderson - Nevada USA |
Not far away from the 'scene of the crime', Jim and Ethan were just arriving at the 'Outback Steakhouse' - eerily similar to the 'Burger King' - but just a little more upmarket..
Their chauffeur, Chuck, had parked outside the 'Burger King' - but unknown to Jim and Ethan - he had then made the quick little trip to Lake Mead, and then back to the Combat Club - as a well rewarded 'favour' to Kurt.
As Chuck returned from the 'Combat Club', Jim and Ethan were considering what they might eat - although it would inevitably be 'burgers.
"Well, it looks like a cross between a McDonalds and a greasy roadside diner.
Not exactly 'five star' dining - but then this is the 'good old South West', I suppose.", Ethan said as they lazily perused the menu.
"But you didn't want the 'Mad Greek', but you wanted cheeseburgers - or something similar, so this is probably the best that Henderson can manage.", Jim said.
Their chauffeur, Chuck, had parked outside the 'Burger King' - but unknown to Jim and Ethan - he had then made the quick little trip to Lake Mead, and then back to the Combat Club - as a well rewarded 'favour' to Kurt.
As Chuck returned from the 'Combat Club', Jim and Ethan were considering what they might eat - although it would inevitably be 'burgers.
"Well, it looks like a cross between a McDonalds and a greasy roadside diner.
Not exactly 'five star' dining - but then this is the 'good old South West', I suppose.", Ethan said as they lazily perused the menu.
"But you didn't want the 'Mad Greek', but you wanted cheeseburgers - or something similar, so this is probably the best that Henderson can manage.", Jim said.
"So tell me, Jim... what's really going on with Brody coming to the Paradise Park'.", Ethan finally asked.
"I'm just paying somebody back for cheating us, and Aaron - and disrespecting you.", Jim replied.
"And what exactly do you mean by 'paying back' somebody - presumably Damrosch ?", Ethan persisted.
"Well you know our way.
Just because we are in a 'different world' and a 'different time', that really changes nothing..." Jim tried to explain.
"So it's still 'Marcus Ultor'.... and not nice, friendly Jim..", Ethan said. ('Ultor' is Latin for 'Avenger')
"Well yes... how could it be anything else ?", Jim asked.
"That's OK Jim - but others might not understand - and we might be in trouble...", Ethan said - being quite serious for a change.
"I don't think so...
We are not like other people...
That's what Faunus was trying to tell us last night...", Jim said. (see above)
And as Jim said 'We are not like other people' - very emphatically - the waitress came with the food, and gave Jim a very 'funny' look - obviously puzzled.
But she did notice that the only thing that was different about Jim and Ethan was their overall appearance - that simply reeked of expensive good taste and cologne - and, to put in bluntly, 'money' - and of course there was the huge Cadillac parked outside, complete with chauffeur with a peaked cap.
And also, just perhaps, the teddy-bear sitting on the table.
However, Ethan didn't even notice the waitress as he started eagerly munching on his cheeseburger.
"Good cheeseburgers, Jim.", Ethan said...
Ethan had decided to drop the subject, and Teddy wisely said nothing.
They then returned to the limo, and sped along Interstate 15 to the area known as 'Seven Hills', on the outskirts of Henderson.
Seven Hills - Henderson - Nevada - USA
"So Ethan... 'phone Novius and tell him we'll soon be arriving..." Jim said.
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Ethan's Cheeseburger and Fries |
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Jim's Choice |
But she did notice that the only thing that was different about Jim and Ethan was their overall appearance - that simply reeked of expensive good taste and cologne - and, to put in bluntly, 'money' - and of course there was the huge Cadillac parked outside, complete with chauffeur with a peaked cap.
And also, just perhaps, the teddy-bear sitting on the table.
However, Ethan didn't even notice the waitress as he started eagerly munching on his cheeseburger.
"Good cheeseburgers, Jim.", Ethan said...
Ethan had decided to drop the subject, and Teddy wisely said nothing.
They then returned to the limo, and sped along Interstate 15 to the area known as 'Seven Hills', on the outskirts of Henderson.

Seven Hills - Henderson - Nevada - USA
"So Ethan... 'phone Novius and tell him we'll soon be arriving..." Jim said.
By the time Chuck had driven in sight of the main pavilion of the 'Villa Athena' darkness had fallen, and the moon had risen.
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Villa Athena |
"It is very beautiful here...", Ethan said wistfully.
"Indeed...Jim replied, "but if it were not for the waters of Lake Mead, this would all be dry, parched desert.", Jim explained.
Novius, as usual was delighted to see them.
"So what brings you here ?", Novius asked.
"Oh, we had some business nearby, with this new hotel we now have... but we really wanted to talk to you about some things that Faunus has been telling us.
Novius, or course, was always mystified by this business of 'hotels' - mainly because they were not part of life back in Rome - or even Baie.
"Well come into the library boys, and see the kittens...
Of course, Glaux, now it's dark, is out hunting, but he may come back when he realises that you are here.", Novius said, guiding them through one of the long, dark corridors that were a feature of the villa.
Salt Lake City - Utah - USA
For those who have not been reading this story 'properly' - as Teddy would say - that is from the beginning - Novius was a close friend of Gnæus Octavian Gracchus - the adoptive father of Marcus (Jim).
Novius is an Etruscan auger (diviner), who Faunus 'transported' to 'another time and place' - North America in the 20th Century actually - but got the exact location slightly wrong - so Novius ended up in Salt Lake City, Utah. Later Novius and Marcus (Jim) were reunited in Tucson, Arizona - at the 'Arizona Inn'. Later Jim had Novius staying at the 'Villa Athena' - where he was able to quietly continue his studies, and offer advice to Jim and the 'boys' when it was needed.
Novius at the Arizona Inn - Tucson
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Study - Villa Athena - Nevada - USA |
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Bastet and Sekhmet - Villa Athena - Nevada - USA |
"So how are you two ? - my little furry friends ?", Ethan said, while Teddy sat down between them, and the two kittens stretched even more in recognition, and then started licking Teddy's fur, obviously thinking that he needed a really good wash.
"Now please stop - that's really very unhygienic !", Teddy said.
"Well at least they both remember you...", Jim said.
"So, Marcus....
(please remember that Novius always uses the boy's Roman [Latin] names)
have you and Aurarius (Ethan) come to see the kittens, or come to see me ?", Novius asked."Well both really - but Marcus and I wanted your opinion on some of the things that Faunus said to us recently...", Ethan replied.
"Of course - I'll help if I can...", Novius said, as he indicated to Jim to take a seat.
"So, what did Faunus actually say ?", Novius asked.
"Now you have an audio system in this study, so the best thing we can do is plug Teddy into the 'input', and you can hear a recording of the meeting that we had with Faunus."
"You can do this ?", Novius asked.
"Oh yes - Teddy makes a recording of anything important.", Ethan explained.
"What a night !", Teddy said, as he produced an audio lead from one of his fur pockets.
"First I get nearly licked to death by these crazy kittens, and now I get hooked up to an audio system.", Teddy moaned.
Now, to cut a long story short, you should scroll back up to the section entitled:
"Just last night at the 'Club Athena' in Las Vegas.", Jim replied.
Novius listened very intently - and did not interrupt the recording.
"Very interesting...", Novius finally said, as Ethan unplugged Teddy.
"And any comments ?", Jim asked.
"Well I think that Faunus explained quite well the idea of being 'touched' by the 'gods' - but the matter of the prophecies and 'destiny' is difficult.
The Sibyl's prophecies seem to me to be something that was given so long ago that it is now difficult to recall the actual meaning that myself and Terentius actually agreed upon.
Of course you were there - but were not actually told about the prophecy when Gracchus was given the scroll by the priests of Apollo at Cumae were you Marcus ?", Novius said as he quietly reminisced.
"No Novius - I was just the 'new slave boy' - and didn't really understand anything...", Jim responded.
"What I do remember, however, is having a very serious interview with Gracchus the following morning.
Some of the things he said to me I didn't really understand, but he did say something like....
"Yes... and that 'god' was Apollo - that much I do know."
Novius then gazed of of the windows at the darkening sky, and shook his head.
Novius listened very intently - and did not interrupt the recording.
"Very interesting...", Novius finally said, as Ethan unplugged Teddy.
"And any comments ?", Jim asked.
"Well I think that Faunus explained quite well the idea of being 'touched' by the 'gods' - but the matter of the prophecies and 'destiny' is difficult.
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Novius |
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Terentius |
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Cave of the Cumaean Sibyl - Italy |
"No Novius - I was just the 'new slave boy' - and didn't really understand anything...", Jim responded.
"What I do remember, however, is having a very serious interview with Gracchus the following morning.
Some of the things he said to me I didn't really understand, but he did say something like....
'It has been given to me that the gods, and one in particular, favours you, - and that there is a great future for you - if you can be patient - study hard - learn - and wait.'
Novius looked intently at Jim...
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Apollo |
Novius then gazed of of the windows at the darkening sky, and shook his head.
"Of course, in this 'world', almost no one believes in the 'gods' - let alone the great Apollo... but that is their inestimable loss...
Apollo is one of the Olympian deities in classical Greek and Roman religion. The national divinity of the Greeks, Apollo has been recognized as a god of the Sun and light, music, poetry and dance, truth and prophecy, healing and disease... and so forth. Seen as the most beautiful of the gods, and the ideal of the 'kouros' (the 'ephebe' - the athletic youth - see below), Apollo is considered to be the most Greek of all the gods. Apollo is known in Etruscan mythology as Apulu.
"And you, Marcus, deserve two epithets deriving from your divine patron - those being 'Kourotrophos' and 'Lyceus'...", Novius added - and of course Jim and Ethan - both understanding classical Greek, knew well the meaning of those epithets.
"Well that's true...", Teddy said.
"Remember what Isis said at her temple at Aswan....
'You, Marcus, and some of your other companions, come from a time when the 'gods' were revered, and you yourself, of course, are the 'adopted' offspring of the 'Lycian Apollo' - brother of my other self - the goddess Athena - and being, among other things, a Roman noble you, Marcus, are a descendant of the legendary 'she wolf'.'...."
And Ethan looked to Teddy... and said....
"Now that's rather appropriate, thinking of wolves... considering what happened today..."
Jim wisely said nothing.
"There was, however, a second prophecy given by the Sibyl - shortly after the attempt on your life at the villa...", Novius said quietly to Jim.
"Yes... I had forgotten about that...", Jim said.
"Well that's not surprising, my boy... You were very ill at the time... and still recovering from that attempt on your life.", Novius continued.
"So you, Marcus, didn't come with me, Gracchus and Terentius, but Servius and Petronius (Zac) did, as at that time Gracchus was concerned about his security.
That second prophecy was initially about the attempt on Marcus' life....
Gracchus was not to see your subsequent development - and I am surprised to still be around to be with you - but maybe that is a sign that there is some truth in Faunus' assertions regarding us all having an extended lifespan.
Your 'knowledge' of the world ended in 79 AD, when Vesuvius erupted, devastating not only Pompeii, but also much of the Gulf of Naples.
At that time, and even today however, Gentile is a term that usually means someone who is not a Jew.
"Well that was all very helpful, Novius, but we need to be getting back to 'Vegas... but if you think of anything else that might help, let us know...", Jim said.

The 'ad-men' arrived with their rolled up examples, which they differentially spread out on a side table for Ethan and Jim to inspect.
"Well that's true...", Teddy said.
"Remember what Isis said at her temple at Aswan....
'You, Marcus, and some of your other companions, come from a time when the 'gods' were revered, and you yourself, of course, are the 'adopted' offspring of the 'Lycian Apollo' - brother of my other self - the goddess Athena - and being, among other things, a Roman noble you, Marcus, are a descendant of the legendary 'she wolf'.'...."
And Ethan looked to Teddy... and said....
"Now that's rather appropriate, thinking of wolves... considering what happened today..."
Jim wisely said nothing.
"There was, however, a second prophecy given by the Sibyl - shortly after the attempt on your life at the villa...", Novius said quietly to Jim.
"Yes... I had forgotten about that...", Jim said.
"Well that's not surprising, my boy... You were very ill at the time... and still recovering from that attempt on your life.", Novius continued.
"So you, Marcus, didn't come with me, Gracchus and Terentius, but Servius and Petronius (Zac) did, as at that time Gracchus was concerned about his security.
That second prophecy was initially about the attempt on Marcus' life....
'Civitatis magnae septem montes sunt
Primum est ubi telum haeream
per vestigia nymphae
Tollere rettu - tangere puer
et bene habebunt
But at the end it mentioned - in encoded form - Zac and Ethan
'An nova aureus puer ascendat
cum seniorem fratrem eius dextram
aurea puer ad sinistram
Semper - usque ad consummationem saeculi
Aurarius nomen puero'
It speaks indirectly, in an odd form of Oscan Latin, of 'existing always', and of a 'golden boy', (Aurarius - Ethan) with an 'elder brother' (Petronius - Zac).
It only ever indicated vaguely, with regard to possibilities - for the simple reason that the future is never 'set in stone' , so to speak."
Novius then paused... obviously thinking over past events.
"Anyway... that's where Aurarius (Ethan) comes into our story.
"Yes indeedy - and I well remember arriving at the Villa Auream - and little did I think that it would all end up with me being here...", Ethan said.
"And having a teddy-bear as your best friend.", Teddy added.
"Second best... remember, Jim is my best friend...", Ethan said, correcting Teddy.
"True - but then it's to be expected that you humans should stick together...", Teddy added.
"And also... the ancient Greeks and Romans didn't have teddy-bears...", Ethan said.
"Yes... well that's because Richard Stieff, a German toy-maker, didn't invent the first teddy-bear until about 1900...", Teddy said proudly.
In coastal zones of Southern Italy, the Oscan language is thought to have survived 3 centuries of bilingualism with Greek between 400 and 100 BC, where neither language became dominant, or caused the demise of the other; however, over the course of the Roman period both Oscan and Greek would be progressively effaced from Southern Italy.But as to the 'destiny' that Faunus mentioned... well Apollo's oracle was never precise, or exact....
It only ever indicated vaguely, with regard to possibilities - for the simple reason that the future is never 'set in stone' , so to speak."
Novius then paused... obviously thinking over past events.
"Anyway... that's where Aurarius (Ethan) comes into our story.
"Yes indeedy - and I well remember arriving at the Villa Auream - and little did I think that it would all end up with me being here...", Ethan said.
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Richard Steiff and the First Teddy- Bear |
"Second best... remember, Jim is my best friend...", Ethan said, correcting Teddy.
"True - but then it's to be expected that you humans should stick together...", Teddy added.
"And also... the ancient Greeks and Romans didn't have teddy-bears...", Ethan said.
"Yes... well that's because Richard Stieff, a German toy-maker, didn't invent the first teddy-bear until about 1900...", Teddy said proudly.
Richard Steiff was born in Giengen, in Germany. His prototype of a toy bear was created in 1902, and codenamed 'Steiff Bär 55 PB' (where 55 = the bear's height in centimeters; P = 'Plüsch', plush; and B = 'beweglich', moveable limbs). In 1923, Richard - by then a rich man - left his wife Else, and sailed to New York City - USA. In 1923, he became a US citizen. Steiff died in 1939 at the age of 62 in Jackson, Michigan, United States.
"But that, Marcus, is about all I can tell you about the meaning behind Faunus' talk.
Remember, though, that Faunus did say that 'the gods reveal things as mysteries and puzzles'.
But Faunus was right when he said that you were all 'fated' to come together.
Both Gracchus and myself realised that when we first saw Marcus (Jim), and then later when Aurarius (Ethan) arrived.
Adonios (Josh) and Petronius (Zac) were already with us, and we could see in all of you coming together that something very special was happening.
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'Apollo Kourotrophos' |
Interestingly, my later reading has indicated that the Cumean Sibyl asked the 'god' Apollo to allow her live for an eternity, but, it is said, that she failed to ask for eternal youth - and so she continued to live, but simply became older and older, until only her voice survived.
An interesting tale, but it does lead us to think that the god Apollo is capable of extending life and youth if he so chooses, after all he is known as 'Apollo Kourotrophos'." Novius explained.
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'Kritios Boy' |
'Kourotrophos' (Greek: κουροτρόφος, 'nurturer of youth') is the title or epithet that was given in ancient Greece to gods whose properties included their ability to protect young people. In particular this epithet was given to the god Apollo. The origin of the title is in the word 'kouros' - which refers to a statue of a standing nude youth that did not represent any one individual boy, but rather the idea of 'youth' in general. The most famous of these statues is known as the 'Kritios Boy', which was found on the Acropolis in Athens, Greece in 1866.
"Now with regard to your 'destiny' - as Faunus rather grandly put it... well that may depend on how you are able to relate to this 'world' in which you find yourselves...
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Eruption of Vesuvius - 79 AD |
Then you found yourselves suddenly in what these people call the '20th Century'.
The name of this time, of course, is very significant.
They call it the '20th Century' because of the length of time they believe has passed since the 'birth' of a supposedly 'Jewish' carpenter's son in the Roman province of Judea - in Galilee to be precise.
Now as you may know, Galilee, during the early 'Principate', was known as 'Galilee of the Gentiles'.
The word Gentile is, as you would guess, Marcus, from the Latin 'gentilis' meaning of or belonging to the same people or nation, from the term 'gēns' or tribe, people or family
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Celsus - Greek Philosopher |
Now I have studied this matter carefully, and I discovered writings of our time stating that a certain soldier in the Roman army, probably with some Jewish blood, one Tiberius Julius Abdes Pantera, was the father, by a Jewish girl, of a boy called 'Yeshu' - who is better known in the Latin form of 'Jesus'.
Abdes Pantera - Pantera meaning 'Panther' - was possibly partly Jewish - because of the inclusion of the name 'Abdes'.
The modern word 'Panthera' is the description of the melanistic leopard found in Asia and Africa - a bit like 'Jaguar Jim'...", Novius said, with a wicked smile.
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Tmb of Tiberius Julius Pantera |
"Anyway, Pantera - and also Tiberius and Julius - were common names in the Roman army at that time - but all of this is somewhat of a digression, and of course these facts, as recorded by the Greek philosopher Κέλσος - Celsus - are disputed by christians and, where possible, are assiduously 'hidden'.
In fact, in late Roman times the works of Celsus were banned by the Roman christian government - a good sign that they had something to hide.", Novius explained.
"Mm... very interesting... but, not being disrespectful, I'm not sure what this might have to do with us, and our so called 'destiny'.", Ethan asked, tentatively.
Novius thought for a moment, and then replied....
"That's a good question, my boy... and I'm not even entirely sure myself... but I'm sure you must both be aware that in this time and place the people no longer believe in the 'gods' - except perhaps for a few, who are considered 'eccentrics'.
Now my research show me that once the ancient 'patrician' and influential classes adopted the religion of the christians, they did everything they could to eliminate the beliefs of our great 'classical' civilisation.
As a result, here, in this country, at this time, almost everyone, it seems, considers themselves to be christian, despite following a way of life that appears to be little influenced by the teachings of that religion - life in Las Vegas is a good example of that - with people coming here on so called 'vacations' in order to indulge in a lifestyle, if only for a few weeks, that the religious community to which they belong at home would condemn.
You 'boys', however, are untainted by the two thousand years of christianity, with its sects, persecutions, crusades and condemnations of all the healthy instincts that created the great civilisations of Egypt, Greece and Rome.
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Phoenix Temple - Arizona |
So, I suggest, that with the time that stretches out before you, and your already evident links with the all-powerful 'gods', who obviously 'favour' you, you might, in the future, be capable of what might be described as 'great things'.", Novius said.
"Yes, but there was one christian group in which Gracchus seemed unusually interested...", Jim interjected..
"Yes Marcus... ", Novius agreed.
"That group was the Mormons.
He told me that he had taken you round one of their 'Temples', and had told you quite a lot about them...
But that, I think, makes my point...
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Joseph Smith - First Vision |
The teenage farm-boy, Joseph Smith, who was contacted by certain entities, was given information regarding the 'Æons', but because of his complete immersion in the christianity of his time - which I may say was nothing like the christianity of our time - the early 'Principate' - he distorted the message into a strange amalgam of Neoplatonism, polytheism and Protestantism.
The 'Principate' is the name sometimes given to the first period of the Roman Empire from the beginning of the reign of Augustus in 27 BC to the end of the Crisis of the Third Century in 284 AD, after which it evolved into the Dominate.
All very odd... and what was even more strange was the fact that so many people believed his teachings.
Unfortunately, you see, after the end of classical civilisation, it became almost impossible for people to conceive of religion without garnishing it with christian elements, no matter how incongruous such elements might be.
And so we find this in Islam, late aspects of Buddhism and Hinduism, and even what are termed 'UFO cults'.
Christianity certainly has a lot to answer for..." Novius added ruefully.
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Interstate 15 |
"That's fine, boys... but if you want to stay, you're welcome...", Novius replied.
So after Ethan had said a fond farewell to the kittens, Novius accompanied Jim and Ethan to their limo...
And soon they were on their way, gliding back to 'Vegas on Interstate 15.
"I wonder if Novius sometimes feels lonely in the big rambling villa with all those pavilions. ", Ethan mused.
"I doubt it...", Jim replied, as he checked through his emails.
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Homeward to Las vegas |
"When he lived near the Gulf of Napoli he lived on his own, surrounded by his dusty old scrolls, and only rarely visited Gnæus at the Villa Auream.
I often thought that he preferred the company of his long dead Greek philosophers to real people.", Jim continued.
"Mm... perhaps that's why he's so wise..", Ethan commented.
"Probably...", Jim agreed.
Having arrived back at the Penthouse Apartment Block in Sumerlin, Jim thanked Chuck, and dismissed him for the night.
On actually entering the Penthouse, Jim and Ethan tried to be as quiet as possible, as it was very late, and they didn't want to disturb Clare.
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Penthouse Bedroom - Las Vegas - Nevada - USA |
Having crept into the bedroom, and started to undress, they were surprised by Clare at the door, who wanted to know if they wanted any supper, or a warm drink.
"They're very tired, and need to get to bed and get to sleep... but thank you for your kind offer...", Teddy said.
"Oh, I see Teddy...", Clare replied, smiling.
"Teddy, we can make up our own minds...", Ethan muttered, as he climbed into bed, and instantly fell asleep.

It was just an ordinary morning in Nevada ...
Warm - sunny - a refreshing shower, and then breakfast.
Ethan and Jim dressed in formal business suites, and then rang for Chuck to bring round a medium size limo - the two tone Cadillac, for the short trip to the 'Club Athena', where they planned to view the posters that Ethan had ordered.
Now despite the fact that Ethan had eaten a substantial breakfast, he still insisted, as usual, for a stop off at McDonald's for his essential cheeseburger and Pepsi Max.
What was interesting was the fact that despite his constant intake of high calorie food, he maintained a boyish, slim figure with a well defined 'six-pack'.
This, Ethan put down to Faunus' use of his weird dimensional travel 'thingys' which, according to Ethan, were keeping him not only 'eternally young', but also 'eternally slim and handsome'.
On arriving at the 'Club Jaguar', Jim and Ethan went directly to Jim's office.
Emma was waiting - looking somewhat worried...
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Two-tone Cadillac Outside McDonald's - Las Vegas - Nevada - USA |
What was interesting was the fact that despite his constant intake of high calorie food, he maintained a boyish, slim figure with a well defined 'six-pack'.
This, Ethan put down to Faunus' use of his weird dimensional travel 'thingys' which, according to Ethan, were keeping him not only 'eternally young', but also 'eternally slim and handsome'.
On arriving at the 'Club Jaguar', Jim and Ethan went directly to Jim's office.
Emma was waiting - looking somewhat worried...
"Right Emma... then show him in...", Jim said casually as he switched on the office computer system.
"May I Introduce Deputy Police Chief Eckart...", Emma announced rather formally, apparently quite taken with the new visitor.
"Good morning Mr Johnson... I'm here to speak to you about one of your employees, who was found dead this morning.", Eckart began, being careful not to give anything away.
"I see...", Jim replied, being equally non-committal.
"The person in question was carrying identification, which indicated that his name is Damrosch - apparently the manager of the Club Athena Paradise Park Hotel in Las Vegas - a hotel that you own.", Eckart continued.
"And how did he die ?", Jim asked.
"It seems that he may have committed suicide, jumping into Lake Mead, and hitting his head on some submerged rocks, which had the effect of breaking his neck."
"I see...", Jim replied, continuing to be non-committal.
"It seems that one of the last people to speak to Damrosch was the Assistant manager, Evans, and Damrosch stated that he was taking a short holiday... did you know about this ?", Eckart asked.
"No - you see I own many hotels, restaurants and other businesses, both here in Las Vegas, and also in Los Angeles, and also businesses in Mexico.
Understandably I am not always informed when managers take a short holiday.", Jim explained.
"Of course...", Eckart replied.
"Now Damrosch was still in possession of his credit cards, and was carrying cash, as well as wearing a very expensive watch, which rather rules out the possibility that he was robbed, and then possibly killed, which is why we are considering the incident as a matter of suicide.
There was no suicide note, however, and staff at the hotel did not report that Damrosch was appearing depressed.
An odd feature of this case was the fact that Damrosch's automobile, parked at the lakeside, contained a small suitcase, positioned on the parcel shelf, that contained a substantial sum of money... cash... so, do you know if there have been any financial irregularities at the Paradise Park Hotel ?", Eckart asked.
"No, but for confirmation you would need to speak to my financial manager, Mr Franklin...
He's just next door, so you are welcome to have a word with him", Jim replied.
At that point Ethan had to work hard to suppress a snigger as he imagined Eckart trying to question Franklin.
"That's fine, and if everything is in order after I've spoken to Mr Franklin, then I think we can consider the matter closed.
By the way, do you know of any family or relatives of the deceased - so far we have not been able to trace any ?", Eckart said.
"No, sorry.
You see I only acquired the hotel recently, and the staff, including Damrosch, 'came with the furnishings', as it were, so I really know very little about him...", Jim said.
"Fine... well thank you for your help, and consideration...", Eckart said, and was escorted from Jim's office by Emma.
"So that's how you get away with murder in America...", Ethan said once the door was firmly closed.
"Apparently...", Jim replied.
"Just like the 'old days'...", Ethan added, obviously referring to that 'other time and other place'.
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Deputy Police Chief Eckart. |
"Good morning Mr Johnson... I'm here to speak to you about one of your employees, who was found dead this morning.", Eckart began, being careful not to give anything away.
"I see...", Jim replied, being equally non-committal.
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Damrosch |
"And how did he die ?", Jim asked.
"It seems that he may have committed suicide, jumping into Lake Mead, and hitting his head on some submerged rocks, which had the effect of breaking his neck."
"I see...", Jim replied, continuing to be non-committal.
"It seems that one of the last people to speak to Damrosch was the Assistant manager, Evans, and Damrosch stated that he was taking a short holiday... did you know about this ?", Eckart asked.
"No - you see I own many hotels, restaurants and other businesses, both here in Las Vegas, and also in Los Angeles, and also businesses in Mexico.
Understandably I am not always informed when managers take a short holiday.", Jim explained.
"Of course...", Eckart replied.
"Now Damrosch was still in possession of his credit cards, and was carrying cash, as well as wearing a very expensive watch, which rather rules out the possibility that he was robbed, and then possibly killed, which is why we are considering the incident as a matter of suicide.
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Lakeside - Lake Mead - Nevada - USA |
An odd feature of this case was the fact that Damrosch's automobile, parked at the lakeside, contained a small suitcase, positioned on the parcel shelf, that contained a substantial sum of money... cash... so, do you know if there have been any financial irregularities at the Paradise Park Hotel ?", Eckart asked.
"No, but for confirmation you would need to speak to my financial manager, Mr Franklin...
He's just next door, so you are welcome to have a word with him", Jim replied.
At that point Ethan had to work hard to suppress a snigger as he imagined Eckart trying to question Franklin.
"That's fine, and if everything is in order after I've spoken to Mr Franklin, then I think we can consider the matter closed.
By the way, do you know of any family or relatives of the deceased - so far we have not been able to trace any ?", Eckart said.
"No, sorry.
You see I only acquired the hotel recently, and the staff, including Damrosch, 'came with the furnishings', as it were, so I really know very little about him...", Jim said.
"Fine... well thank you for your help, and consideration...", Eckart said, and was escorted from Jim's office by Emma.
"So that's how you get away with murder in America...", Ethan said once the door was firmly closed.
"Apparently...", Jim replied.
"Just like the 'old days'...", Ethan added, obviously referring to that 'other time and other place'.

The next item on the morning's agenda were the posters that Ethan had ordered.

"Well there it is, Jim.
The original photo's been 'cleaned up', and text has been added.", Ethan explained - rather unnecessarily as it happened.
"You see, Sir, with a poster advertising this kind of material we can only go so far - and only be explicit to a very slight degree....", the senior 'ad-man' began to explain.
"I quite understand...", Jim said curtly...
"But I like the 'double entendre' of 'comes' - if it was intended - and the target, or 'bullseye' over the genital area - relatively explicit without being obvious....", Jim commented approvingly.
"So, we'll see if this works - and if so, then maybe we'll look into some other possibilities..", Ethan said in his best 'grown-up' style.
Fortunately Teddy, who was sitting on Jim's desk, said nothing.
So then the 'ad-men' unrolled the poster for Aaron.
"Now that's really good !", Ethan enthused.
"Yes... that's exactly what we want." Jim agreed.
"I want these all over the 'Paradise Park' - inside and out - with the dates superimposed.
"So where do you want the posters of Brody put ", Ethan asked.
"Well, we need to be careful to only attract the right kind of people...", Jim replied.
"OK... well in the upmarket hotels and the gyms and pools we own with the premium rates for vetted members.", Ethan replied.
"And... we need another - more 'friendly' poster....
Brody looking more 'cute', young and sexy...", Jim suggested.
"OK... I'll get on to that right away...", Ethan said.
"Now wait...
These ad-guys are still in the building, so I'll get Emma to hold them back, and you'll go down and see them.
Now I want something 'softer' than the other poster, with Brody smiling and looking 'boyish' - and I want him promoted as the 'star' - so that the punters will put their money on him.....
Got that ?". Jim said, sounding very determined.
Ethan liked this side of Jim's character.
It made him seem more like one of the characters in the Thirties and Forties 'gangster movies' that Ethan was so keen on watching - and which Teddy said were 'bad' for him.
Later Ethan returned...
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Paradise Park Hotel - Las Vegas - Nevada - USA |
"So...it's lunch-time - so what are we going to do ?"... Ethan asked.
"Go for lunch - I suppose...", Jim said.
So they left the Club Athena, and Chuck drove them to the 'Paradise Park Hotel'...
As Ethan had said - 'at least we don't have to pay for the meal...' - which was true, as they owned the hotel...
Ethan had not only brought Teddy, but also the first poster of Brody, in order to show Kurt.
As soon as the bellhops saw Jim and Ethan get out of the two tone Cadillac, they were off the warn the reception desk and the newly appointed manager.
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Lobby and Reception - Paradise Park Hotel - La Vegas - Nevada - USA |
Once inside, Jim and Ethan were escorted to the desk by a friendly little Bellhop.
The atmosphere at the 'Paradise Park' was tense to say the least.
Despite the interview that morning with the Henderson Assistant Police chief - which seemed to have gone well - Ethan was equally very frightened, expecting the hotel to be full of police interviewing staff, taking fingerprints and searching for evidence - the result of Ethan watching all those detective movies...
In fact there wasn't a policeman in sight, and the tension the staff were displaying was with regard to Jim and, to a lesser extent, Ethan - and maybe even Teddy, although that was unlikely.
The general conclusion that the staff had reached was that the new owner (Jim), was known to be possibly a dangerous character, as his 'father' - the 'Boss', was thought by many in 'Vegas to have been a leading, if not the leading figure in the supposed 'Vegas Mafia.
It was for that reason, it was rumoured, that the previous manager of the hotel - known for his devious accounting, and his expensive tastes in 'rent-boys', had committed suicide - presumably to escape an unpleasant end at the hands of Jim's minions.
There was, of course, some truth in such a rumour - but not, however, with regard to the Mafia connection.
Evans, the new manager was quick to make an appearance - but nothing was said about the previous day's events - so obviously he was keen to keep his job.
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Lunchtime Restaurant - Paradise Park Hotel - Las Vegas - Nevada - USA |
But the matter in hand was lunch... and Evans speedily guided Jim, Ethan and Teddy to a bright, airy restaurant that was suited to a light lunch.
"Now before you go, Evans...", Jim began, making it quite clear that Evans was not going to be invited to join them for lunch...
"I have a poster that has recently been submitted and I was wondering if you would object to having copies being displayed at various suitable locations in the hotel, as Mr Duncan (Ethan) is intending to arrange an appearance of your resident artist in the very near future.
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Aaron'e Poster |
Flyers, of course, shall be given to guests indicating the date and time, and directions to the 'Park Theatre'.", Jim explained.
Ethan then unrolled the specimen poster with a flourish.
"Oh, that is excellent, Sir... so tasteful."
"Yes, I thought so.", Jim replied, somewhat sarcastically.
"It is, of course, a design initiated by Mr Duncan - who is my deputy both here, and in other entertainment venues." Jim said proudly.
While Jim had been speaking, Evans had been suspiciously eying Teddy, who was sitting on the table.
Evans was sure that Teddy had winked at him - but Evans had simply put the matter down to overwork, and the unfortunate recent events.
"Well delivery of these posters shall be made in the next few days, and Mr Duncan will be coming to the hotel to check that they are appropriately displayed...", JIm continued... ", and now if you will excuse us we wish to have a private lunch...", Jim added.
Evans left, and the 'maitre de' arrived.
"This is all very nice, Jim, but I'm getting tired of playing at being hotel managers.
When can we go back to Egypt, and play with the kittens in the sunshine ?", Ethan moaned as they ordered their lunch.
"Very soon, Ethan....
Just a few more days, as we have some other things to do - and then we shall go and put our 'home by the Nile' in order.". Jim said, tousling Ethan's spiky hair just like the 'Boss' used to do.

Jim felt it important that the staff of the hotel should be aware that Evans had the confidence of the owner.
"Right Chuck....let's go to the Combat club and see Kurt...", Jim said, as Chuck opened the door of the two-tone Cadillac.
Chuck liked Kurt - they had similar origins, and Chuck was always available if Kurt had any 'awkward' little 'jobs' that needed 'arranging' - like bringing Brody back from the 'Lakeshore Road' (see above) the previous evening.
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Kurt |
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Mikey |
"So... good afternoon Sir...", Kurt said very formally when they arrived in the 'business' section of the 'Combat Club'.
"Hi Kurt.. everything OK...?", Jim said, as Kurt fluffed up Teddy's fur.
"Of course, but I suppose you'll want to have a talk with Brody...", Kurt said, as he called to Mikey to get Brody.
Brody had been doing some training with weights, but soon responded to Mikey's summons when he realised that Jim was waiting to see him.
"I'll leave you two to talk...", Kurt said, and took Ethan and Mikey into another room, where Ethan showed Kurt and Mikey the poster that he had brought.
"Good to see you, Brody.
Perhaps you'd like to step into Kurt's office, and we can have a quite chat...", Jim said.
"Good to see you, Brody.
Perhaps you'd like to step into Kurt's office, and we can have a quite chat...", Jim said.
"So...take a seat...", Jim said.
Brody sat down, looking awkward.
"Well done...Body", Jim said softly, sliding a fat white envelope across the table."You're sure, Sir ?", Brody asked, as he sat looking at the envelope.
"Well, it appears that you did exactly what you were asked to do - and left us with no problems...", Jim replied.
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Henderson Police Department |
You see, Brody, lots of people end up in Lake Mead - and the police usually have no time, and no inclination to investigate every 'accident'...". Jim said.
Brody smiled at Jim's use of the word 'accident', as he shyly reached out and took the envelope.
"Before you leave here, have Kurt burn the envelope, and then keep the money somewhere safe in your apartment, and 'feed' it into your bank accounts little by little...OK ?", Jim advised.
"Yes Sir... you certainly know what you're doing....", Brody said admiringly.
"Enough !..", Jim said.
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Poster of Brody |
"Now go and see Kurt...I think he's got a poster to show you...", Jim concluded.
And in such a way Jim bound Brody closely to himself, Zac, Ethan, and Josh.....
"Hey !... have you seen this poster of you, Brody ?", Mikey called out, as Brody let Kurt's office - and soon Kurt, Brody, Jonathan, Adam, Mikey and Tripp were all admiring the poster that Ethan had brought.
Brody said nothing... but just smiled...
Things were looking up for Brody.
Jim then turned to Ethan....
"Now Ethan.. I would like you to go back to the 'Paradise Park', and contact Evans, and more importantly Aaron, and then arrange a date for his next concert - and have arrangements made for the staging, music , lighting, production and backup...", Jim said.
"And you trust me to do that... on my own..?", Ethan asked.
"Well, you're a big boy now - and anyway, you'll have Teddy to help you...", Jim said with a smile.
"And what will you be doing, Jim ?", Ethan asked.
"I'll be here - arranging for the the next fight between Brody and Jonathan.", Jim replied.

Evans, the new manager of the 'Paradise Park Hotel', was surprised to see Ethan back at the Hotel, but was only too happy to arrange for Ethan and Aaron to discuss the proposed appearances at the 'Park Theatre'.
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Park Theater Logo - Las Vegas |
"You know, I thought that weird guy had forgotten all about me.....
I was sorry to hear about his 'passing' though - but I'm much happier that you will now be handling things...", Aaron said enthusiastically to Ethan.
You see we have lots of other hotels, theaters, movie houses and suchlike, which Mr Johnson (Jim) asks me to look after.
Mr Thomas (Max) will be your direct manager, - you met him before, when Damrosch was here - but you can always come to me if there are any real problems - but I don't think you will have any problems with Mr Thomas - he's a real nice guy..", Ethan said."I remember... the young guy with fair hair.", Aaron.
"Indeed ... but take note.... he's a favourite of Mr Johnson, so be just a little bit careful...", Ethan quite rightly advised.
"So...OK Aaron, I've got two possible posters here for you to look at.
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Poster One - Aaron at the Park Theater |
We can use both of them - or one - or none, if you don't like them, and would like us to start again..", Ethan said, as he unrolled the posters on the low table.
"Now one has a photo of you, from your first show that you did here...
The Second photo is a bit more personal - and simply shows a large portrait of you - taken while you were practicing here at the Park Theater.
So...what do you think ?", Ethan asked, unsure as to what the response might be...
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Poster Two - Aaron at the Park Theatre - Las Vegas - Nevada |
"Well, Sir...I really don't know what to say...", Aaron said has he carefully examined the posters.
You had this done for me ?", Aaron modestly questioned.
"Of course, Aaron....
How do you think people will know to come and see you perform ?".., Ethan said, sounding puzzled.
"Oh... and don't call me Sir...That's just for Mr Johnson.", Ethan added.
And so things seemed to be looking up for Aaron, and he started rehearsing for his 'come-back' concert now that Damrosch was out of the way, although Ethan was still a little disturbed by the way that Jim had got rid of Damrosch.
The next step, however, was for Max to be provided with a suite at the 'Paradise Park' next door to the suite occupied by Aaron.
Now 'Sigi' had come to the end of his time (the Twelfth Grade) at 'Green Valley High' - and this involved the peculiar tradition of the 'graduation ceremony' - not that anyone was going to be awarded a real degree...
In a land with practically no history (Egypt, of course had uncountable centuries of history) - a land in which the real history of the continent had been conveniently erased - rather like Canada, Australia and New Zealand - to mention just a few - there was a hunger for tradition and ceremony.
Almost the entire center of the capital of the USA, Washington DC, for example, was dressed up as an ancient Roman or ancient Greek city - even boasting a 'Capitol' to mimic the 'Capitol' of Rome, where the Temple of 'Jupiter Optimus Maximus' had once stood.
And so Henderson - an affluent moderate sized suburb of Las Vegas - is dubbed a 'city', although in most countries it would hardly qualify for that status...
But no matter - Jim found himself involved in all the strange traditions of the 'Senior Year', and had the dubious honour of providing 'Sigi' with a prom 'tuxedo'
and a limo - no problem for Jim - (which 'Sigi was allowed to keep) - for the graduation 'prom'.
Teddy also advised Jim to provide the entire year with 'graduation vacations', and also 'diamond set Class Rings' (usually given at the beginning of the year - but in this case presented to all the graduates at the Senior Prom) - and also Jim was to to finance the 'Senior Portraits' and the 'Senior Yearbook'
The result of Jim's generosity (which in financial terms he didn't even notice) made 'Sigi the most popular boy in the school, and made everyone even more keen to meet 'Sigi's mysterious 'uncle'.
Jim also made a substantial donation to the school for a new library and fully equipped computer centre for the 'Green Valley High School' - and that meant that, despite having attended school only very rarely - Sigi was made 'Valedictorian'.
The 'Valedictory Address' is another 'tradition' - seemingly lifted from the 'classical' world.
The 'Valediction', as it is generally known, is a Latin term - and Americans don't normally speak Latin - and it forms the closing farewell statement delivered at the school graduation ceremony.
The address is expected to be inspirational, and to thank individuals responsible for their success.
Above all, however, the primary aim of the valedictory address is to allow a representative of the graduating class to bid a final farewell to the students and to the school, as the graduates prepare to disperse, and to begin the next phase of their lives.
Jim decided to ask Novius to write the address - and Jim asked Principal Stevens if he could say a 'few words' to the graduating class before 'Sigi' gave his 'valediction'.
Permission was given, in consideration of the fact that Jim, being a leading member of the community (and the wealthiest), would continue to support the school even after 'Sigi' had left.
What Jim did not reveal, however, was that his 'few words' would be spoken in Latin, as it was actually spoken in Ancient Rome.
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Jefferson Memorial - Washington DC |
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Capitol Hill - Washington DC - USA |
For more about the American Republic and Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome see Book 3 - Chapter 30 - 'Lessons from Novius'
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'City' of Henderson - Las Vegas - Nevada - USA |
But no matter - Jim found himself involved in all the strange traditions of the 'Senior Year', and had the dubious honour of providing 'Sigi' with a prom 'tuxedo'
'tuxedos' have satin facing on the lapels, buttons, pocket trim, and a satin side stripe down the leg of the trousers
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Female Student's Graduation Ring Green Valley High |
Typical 'Prom' Scene
A 'promenade dance', commonly called a 'prom', is a dance party of high school students. Proms figure greatly in popular culture, and are major events among high school students - when most those attending try to appear wealthier that they really are - a little like funerals and weddings. Prom attendees usually rent limousines. The average price for the various items needed for a prom is about $1500. Evening gowns and costume jewellery are worn by the girls, and tuxedos are worn by the boys - usually hired. It is normal for students to attend a prom as couples.This, of course was all very 'strange' as neither Jim, nor any of the 'Penthouse Gang' had graduated from an American school - and that included Brody and Max who were High School 'dropouts'.
The result of Jim's generosity (which in financial terms he didn't even notice) made 'Sigi the most popular boy in the school, and made everyone even more keen to meet 'Sigi's mysterious 'uncle'.
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Green Valley High School Logo |
The 'Valedictory Address' is another 'tradition' - seemingly lifted from the 'classical' world.
The 'Valediction', as it is generally known, is a Latin term - and Americans don't normally speak Latin - and it forms the closing farewell statement delivered at the school graduation ceremony.
The address is expected to be inspirational, and to thank individuals responsible for their success.
Above all, however, the primary aim of the valedictory address is to allow a representative of the graduating class to bid a final farewell to the students and to the school, as the graduates prepare to disperse, and to begin the next phase of their lives.
Jim decided to ask Novius to write the address - and Jim asked Principal Stevens if he could say a 'few words' to the graduating class before 'Sigi' gave his 'valediction'.
Permission was given, in consideration of the fact that Jim, being a leading member of the community (and the wealthiest), would continue to support the school even after 'Sigi' had left.
What Jim did not reveal, however, was that his 'few words' would be spoken in Latin, as it was actually spoken in Ancient Rome.
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Clare |
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Adam |
So there were three important events in the offing...
All taking place in, or near Las Vegas - in Nevada
The first event was and inaugural 'show' at the start of a series of fights at the 'Combat Club'...
The second event was the first of a series of concerts, starring Aaron, at the 'Park Theatre'...
And the last of these events was the final appearance of 'Sigi' at 'Green Valley High' for the graduation ceremony and senior prom.
But there was more, as Jim and Ethan (with Teddy's advice) would later choose a suitable site, on the outskirts of Henderson, for the new villa, and a new apartment for 'Sigi', as he would no longer be a high school student.
And then, finally, there would be a break for a trip to Luxor in Egypt to supervise the refurbishment of the 'Winter Palace' once the 'Pavilion' building and been completely demolished.

The time has come to 'set things up' in Nevada.
'Sigi' needs to join the 'family firm', and have a nice new 'upmarket' apartment or house, and at the same time Glen will take 'Sigi's apartment at Green Valley High School.
And Brody and Aaron will each re-start their careers.