First there is lunch with Aaron's parents - then a further meeting with the group to finalize matters - then the time for decisions. Later the 'road trip' comes to an end, and the participants, including Jonathan Kent, return - with new agendas - to 'Vegas and Los Angeles. Undoubtedly it is a time for change....
Please note that this chapter is intended for adults (over 18 years), and contains text adult text and images. Please do not view this chapter if you find such features objectionable....
Teddy knew also.... but then Teddy knew far more than most people gave him credit for.
In ancient times, in many civilizations - Greek, Roman, Mayan - and many more - people thought that time was like a giant wheel, and events repeated themselves.
That's what Teddy told an incredulous Glen.
Did Glen believe it ?
Probably not.... but that would not stop it happening.
And that was what was worrying Jim and Ethan - that it was all about to happen again.
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Cumaean Sibyl |
Years, decades, even centuries had passed - over two thousand years according to the reckoning of the 'alternative reality' in which they were living...
But that would not stop the Cumaean Sibyl from being right - she was always right...
Her words, written in some long forgotten language that only Novius could now read, on fragile leaves, in the distant past, would blow away in the wind on the steps of her now ruined sanctuary
But those fragile words might as well have been carved in the hardest granite, as nothing could erase them.
'And now Marcus, again, leaves Athens for Rome,
Gracchus shall once more die a bloody death,
Petronius shall ever smile,
and a little owl and a faun shall watch over the golden boy from the sea....
and all shall be retold - time after time,
as the Sybil weaves her endless, magic spell....'
But now we are back to 'normality' - whatever that might be - and heading for the lobby of the Peabody Hotel in Memphis - and it's lunch-time.
The 'Boss' had arranged for Aaron and Mr and Mrs Presley to take lunch at the Peabody - and Jim and Faunus would be joining them.
Gladys and Vernon Presley could be described in 'Southern' terms as 'simple folks'.
They rarely dined at establishments such as the Peabody Hotel but, when it was necessary, they could present themselves well - and with an 'old-fashioned', Southern charm.
Vernon and Gladys Presley - Capriccio Grill - Memphis Vernon, Jim later discovered, was only seventeen when he married Gladys Love Smith, four years his elder. Like his relatives before him, Vernon worked at any odd job that came along. For a while, he and Vester, his older brother, farmed together, raising cotton, corn, soybeans and a few hogs. Later, he took a job with the WPA, a federal government 'make -work' program. Next, he drove a delivery truck for McCarty's, a Tupelo wholesale grocer, delivering grocery items to stores throughout northeast Mississippi. Glady's sister Clettes married Vester, Veron's older brother, and so the two brothers married two sisters. Gladys and Vernon were married in the County of Pontotoc. Aaron's birthplace was built by his father, Vernon, with help from Vernon's brother Vester and father, Jessie, whose four-room house sat next door. In January, not long before dawn, Aaron Presley was born, and Aaron would be their only child.(please note that this biographical information relates to events in an 'Many Worlds' Everett style 'alternative America')
Jim met Gladys and Vernon in the lobby, with the usual explanation that he was James Johnson, the nephew of Alexander Johnson (remember Uncle Alex ?), a hotel and music-venue owner from Las Vegas.
Faunus was then introduced as 'Don Picaro', a business associate of Mr Alexander Johnson.
In the course of their discussions over lunch, Vernon it seemed was mostly concerned about the nature of the contract that the 'Boss' was planning to offer Aaron, while Gladys was more concerned about Aaron not living and working in Memphis.
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Franklin |
Faunus quickly realized that Gladys would find it very difficult to cope with Aaron being away from 'home' - even for short periods of time, and so he quickly proposed that the family could move to 'Vegas.
Although the Presley's living conditions had improved considerably since Aaron had been a teenager, it was obvious that Vernon seemed to have little to hold him in Memphis, and Gladys' only concern was to be with her son, regardless of where that might be.
The offer made by Faunus on behalf of the 'Boss', of a spacious, upmarket house in 'Vegas for the family, quickly settled the deal, and by the end of the lunch it seemed that Aaron would be working for the 'Boss', and it was just a matter of getting Franklin to work out all of the details.

After lunch it would be a continuation of the of the meeting held earlier that morning.
Jim, therefore, went back to his suite to change into something less formal.
On arriving he found Ethan giving Teddy a really good brushing.
"He thinks he's the center of attention, as he's taking notes on his laptop, so he insists on having his fur in tip-top condition...", Ethan explained.
"So how was it..... with the Presleys ?", Teddy asked.
"Oh it all went very well - Faunus saw to that.", Jim replied.
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Jim's Hublot |
"And is this Aaron-boy a good singer ?", Ethan asked.
"I don't know.... only the 'Boss' and Faunus have heard him sing.", Jim replied.
"To be honest, I don't think the singing has much to do with it...", Ethan suggested.
"I think the 'Boss' just wants to get more people in the hotels and casinos, and a bit of entertainment will help.".
Jim nodded in agreement, looking at his Hublot.
"Better finish up with Teddy.... the meeting's about to start.", Jim warned.
Two meetings in a day - and on the same subject - was a bit wearing, but everyone turned up.
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Martha Kent |
Oddly, there was a sense of expectancy in the air - as if all this just might be leading somewhere.
In the corridor outside the conference room the 'Boss' and Faunus were deep in conversation.
There was, it seems, another matter to be finalized.
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Kent Farm - Hutchinson - Kansas |
Faunus then started talking on his cell-phone.. apparently to Martha Kent.
The 'Boss' wanted Jonathan in 'Vegas a soon as possible, and was finalizing arrangements.
The Summer recess at Hutchinson High was the perfect time for Jonathan to make his break from school, and with the financial situation of the Kent Farm completely stabilized, Martha had no excuse to hold onto Jonathan.
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The Penthouse Block |
"So what's the situation with Jonathan Kent ?", Jim asked Faunus, who by then had finished his call.
"Oh, he's catching a scheduled flight from Wichita National Airport to 'Vegas, where I've arranged for Kurt to meet him.
After that, he'll stay at the 'Club Jaguar', and then Franklin will organize an apartment for him in the block where you have the penthouse.", Faunus explained.
"Not in Room 33 at the 'Club Jaguar' I hope, Jim said with a grin."
"No... that's only available when I'm around.", Faunus replied.
By then Ethan and Teddy had arrived at the door to the conference room.
"Don't talk to me about Room 33.... I once spent a very creepy night in that room...", Teddy said ruefully.
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Room 33 - as it was - for Brandt |
"Well, it was the only way, Teddy.... but forget about that.
If you're going to take the minutes again during the meeting, you need to get the laptop and disk drive set up.", Faunus said.
So Teddy organised himself, and Novius and the others gathered round the conference table.
On this occasion Glaux had managed to stay awake, (remember that owls usually doze in the day, and wake up at night), as Josh had told him about Teddy recording the minutes, and Glaux wanted to see it for himself.

In a few moments those sitting around the conference table became quiet.
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Teddy and the Blue Laptop |
"I know that having two meetings such as this, in one day, may be difficult and tiring, but as I feel that our time away from 'Vegas is coming to an end, I think that we need at this point to come to some conclusions, and make some decisions.
It seems that we have arrived at a consensus as to why the 'alien' beings have contacted us.
With regard to this matter, Brandt, although I cannot go int details, is no longer a problem for us.
The government, although still deeply interested in 'aliens', and the possibility of 'inter-dimensional travel', is now apparently satisfied that we are not involved, and so at present we have no option but to wait and see what move the 'aliens' - who we do not believe are the inhabitants of 'outer space', or ancient 'spiritual beings' - might make with regard to us in the future.
If we are all agreed, I think that we should take no further action - not encourage any further contact, and remain silent about the whole matter."
Everyone nodded in agreement.
"Now I think, unless anyone disagrees, that we should put that topic aside, and consider the future of our organisation."
Everyone round the conference table looked a little perplexed.
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Company Logo |
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Jonothan |
These are areas of considerable economic growth in the USA - while Mexico itself is mainly used as tax haven, a source for importing raw materials, and various other items.
Over the years, Nevada, California, Arizona have developed strongly as tourist and recreational centers, mainly because costs can be kept low, and because of the advantages afforded by an excellent climate.

While we obviously do not note the comings and goings of our lower level operatives, we have recently taken on a few individuals who may well be most beneficial to certain establishments - bringing in considerable revenue.
Jonathan Kent and Aaron Presley, as a result of searches undertaken during this trip, have been offered contracts to work in Nevada, and I trust that you will welcome them, just as you have welcomed Brody, who is responsible for substantially increasing the revenues at the incongruously named 'California Combat Club' - which is, in fact situated in Nevada, as most of you know.
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Brody |
"Now....unless anyone has any further points to make, suggestions or questions....",
the 'Boss' looked round the table.
"No ?... then I suggest we consider this meeting closed.", the 'Boss' concluded, as Teddy gave himself the chance to have at least one flourish on the return key.

"Come on, Teddy, pack up your stuff and lets get out of here !", Ethan said, sounding a bit panicky.
Jim, Ethan and Teddy quickly left the conference room, and returned to Jim's suite.
As soon as they entered the suite, Teddy jumped on the bed and started checking the spelling of the minutes he had just taken on his laptop, while Jim and Ethan flopped down on the armchairs.
"So what the fuck was that all about ? ", Ethan asked, incredulously.
"What.... you mean all that business about 'intensive training'... and how the 'Boss' just announced that the trip was finished ?", Jim replied, sounding exasperated.
"Yes... and there's still all those questions about the 'aliens' not sorted out yet.", Ethan added.
They sat thinking, and watching Teddy apparently happily playing with his laptop - but Teddy wasn't fooled.
"Something's up, guys.", Teddy said, knowingly.
"Obviously...", Ethan replied.
"Well you're a bit telepathic... so what's going on ?", Jim asked.
"...'can't tell...", Teddy said.
"What... you mean you can't work it out, or you won't tell us ?", Jim asked.
"...'can't tell... Faunus won't let me.", Teddy said mysteriously.
"Oh... so something is going on ?", Ethan said firmly.
"Well yes... sort of...", Teddy said lamely.
So then Jim picked Teddy up by one of his ears, threw him in the wardrobe, and then locked it.
Teddy thought of switching himself off, but was worried about missing anything, and anyway, like many humans he was already addicted to the internet - although he didn't use Facebook or Twitter, as he knew that these were very dangerous.
"Something's up, guys.", Teddy said, knowingly.
"Obviously...", Ethan replied.
"Well you're a bit telepathic... so what's going on ?", Jim asked.
"...'can't tell...", Teddy said.
"What... you mean you can't work it out, or you won't tell us ?", Jim asked.
"...'can't tell... Faunus won't let me.", Teddy said mysteriously.
"Oh... so something is going on ?", Ethan said firmly.
"Well yes... sort of...", Teddy said lamely.
So then Jim picked Teddy up by one of his ears, threw him in the wardrobe, and then locked it.
(Now in case you don't know, all teddy-bears - and not just super animatronic bears like Teddy - hate being picked up by their ears)"And you stay in their until you tell us what's going on - and no laptop and no DVDs.", Jim said.
Teddy thought of switching himself off, but was worried about missing anything, and anyway, like many humans he was already addicted to the internet - although he didn't use Facebook or Twitter, as he knew that these were very dangerous.
"I'm hungry...", Ethan said.
"Me too...", Jim agreed..."but I don't want to go down to the dining room."
"Nor me....", Ethan added.
They wondered what to do.
"I know.....", Ethan said.
"Let's 'phone Al, and get him to take us to that McDonald's.", Jim suggested.
"But our money and guns in our coats - which are in the wardrobe.", Ethan said, as he got on his cell-phone to Al.
"Can't be helped.... we'll just tell Teddy we're going out, and leave him to play with his laptop.", Jim said.
"I heard that...", Teddy squeaked from the wardrobe.
Jim ignored Teddy's remark.
"Teddy - we're going out - so you stay here, and play with your laptop.", Jim said.
"Can't I come ?", Teddy asked plaintively.
"Not if you won't tell us what's going on.", Jim said.
"I told you, Jim.... I can't...", Teddy replied miserably.
"OK, have it your own way...", and Jim took the coats, and leaving the wardrobe door open, he left the suite, along with Ethan - locking the door of the suite from the outside as they went.
Once outside the hotel they found Al waiting for them.
Strangely, Jim couldn't remember being out on the street at night with just Ethan since the very first night - but on that first night he didn't even have Ethan with him.
Always after, there had been either Zac, Faunus or the 'Boss' - or someone with them.
So the drove through the darkened streets and arrived at the McDonald's that they had use previously.
"Now you boys take care...", Al advised.
"There's been a few shootings recently at places like this", Al added.
They walked into the McDonald's and ordered the usual.
"So what now ?", Ethan asked.
"I don't know...", Jim replied.
"Perhaps we are over reacting."
"No Jim...you heard the 'Boss'.
He was saying how great Brody was, and all this shit about Presley and Kent bringing in 'considerable revenue', and how us and Josh needed a course of intensive training to learn about the business.", Ethan said fiercely.
Something's got into the 'Boss'...
He seems to be all for these new boys, and is treating us like we're nothing special.", Ethan paused and gulped down some of his Pepsi Max.
"And when did he last call me his 'special little guy', or take us for a private dinner ?".
They sat gazing into their Pepsi Max...
Then they both jumped as Ethan's cell-phone began ringing.
"Fuck ! - who could that be ?", Ethan said, taking the 'phone from his pocket.
It wouldn't be anyone from the hotel, like the 'Boss' or Faunus....they'd use the hotel's internal 'phone system.", Jim said
Ethan looked at the display.
"It says 'Teddy'....", Ethan said - surprised.
"I didn't know he could use a 'phone...", Jim said.
- Ethan - 'Is that you Teddy.'
- Teddy - 'Well who did you think it was ? Didn't you read the little screen ?'
- Ethan - 'Well yes... But I didn't think you could use a cell-phone'
- Teddy - 'Faunus showed me how...'
- Ethan - 'So what's up ?'
- Teddy - 'I'm lonely and frightened.'
- Ethan - 'OK.... so what do you want me to do about it.'
- Teddy - 'I want to be with you and Jim.'
- Ethan - 'How can you be ?'
- Teddy - 'Simple... I'll put myself in a couple of bags, with the laptop and things, and you get Al to go to the hotel. Ring the hotel, and tell them to let Al collect important bags from Jim's suite, and then get Al to bring the bags to the McDonald's.'
- Ethan - 'And how do you know about Al, and McDonald's ?'
- Teddy - 'You talked about Al, and the McDonald's as you were leaving the suite.'
- 'Ethan - 'Clever ! OK... see you later - and be careful.'

"He's coming to join us - Teddy that is...", Ethan said.
"Oh... is that a good idea ?", Jim asked, looking worried.
"Better than having him banging on the door of the suite, and causing all kinds of trouble...", Ethan replied.
"OK... then call Al, and explain things - but say nothing about Teddy - he's just bringing some bags to us from the hotel...", Jim said.
And so they waited.
After about twenty minutes Al arrived with two suitcases.
Ethan paid him, offered him a Coke which he politely refused, and asked him if he had the address of a good hotel nearby.
Al suggested the 'La Quinta Inn' at Wolfchase - which was at least in and area they knew.
And so Al took them to the 'La Quinta' - where Jim booked a double room.
As they left Al, Jim gave him a hefty tip, and asked him to say nothing to anyone about taking them to the hotel.
"Your business is not my business - or for anyone else - so don't worry - and good luck.", Al said, as he pulled away from the hotel entrance.
On arriving at their room they heard Teddy knocking on the larger case, and opened it.
"Thanks boys - it's very claustrophobic in there...", Teddy said.
"Jim... have we made a big mistake ?", Ethan asked, looking concerned.
"I don't know, but let's just unpack, and then think about it."
Teddy had managed to stuff a change of clothing and shoes into the cases, along with laptops, hard drive cell-phones and a collection of his favorite DVDs.
Once everything was on hangers and shelves, and looked tidy, they ordered some sandwiches and coffee from room service.
"So let's think about what's happening...", Jim said, trying to take control of the situation.
"Teddy - can you finally tell us what's going on ?", Jim asked.
"Well I shouldn't..." Teddy began hesitantly.
"Fuck it Teddy - just get on with it !", Ethan said angrily.
"Well you know what you were saying to Glen - about events repeating - well the 'Boss' has been thinking something similar - so Faunus told me.
Maybe it's telepathy, or something - but anyway he thinks that perhaps time might be running out for him.", Teddy explained diffidently.
"What ?... you mean all that business about the Cumaean Sibyl-thingy ?", Ethan asked.
"Well yes.....",Teddy agreed.
"So he thinks he's going to die ?", Ethan asked.
"Well I don't know about that, but Faunus thinks he's planning to retire, or maybe take a long break - and that means who's going to take over ?", Teddy continued.
"Well it won't be Faunus... but what about Novius, or maybe Zac, or even Franklin ?", Ethan suggested
"So if Jim here is 'beloved - or favored - of the gods' - and heir to the 'Boss', why not Jim ?.. Why is he getting such a bad deal ?", Teddy asked.
"How am I getting a bad deal ?", Jim asked, beginning to sound annoyed.
"Jim.... I have not known you that long, but by 'communicating' with Glaux and Faunus, I know a lot about you...", Teddy said, very seriously.
"You were originally an ordinary Roman boy, brought up in Athens.
Later, through bad luck, you became a slave.
Then your master adopted you, but he died, and you became master - and very rich and powerful.
So if past events are to be repeated in someway - then you should be the next 'Boss' - the next 'Dominus'.
But will that happen ?.....", Teddy continued rhetorically.
"Now, in this other world - yes, you have money - but only what the 'Boss' chooses to give you.
The place where you live you do not own.
You do not choose your own friends, or where you go, or even what car you drive - and you have no position - no job, although the 'Boss' sometimes calls you his 'heir'.
In a sense you are not free - no better than a rich slave."
Suddenly the room went very quiet.
Teddy realized that he may have said far too much.
"What Teddy says is actually true, Jim...", Ethan said weakly.
"Remember", Ethan added, "I am your friend because the 'Boss' wanted it... the same with Zac, and Josh..... and none of the people around you work for you - they all work for the 'Boss'.
The 'Boss' says you are 'Jaguar Jim' - the 'leader' of the 'Penthouse Gang' - but if you are honest with yourself you actually lead nothing."
Jim went over to the window and looked out.
"So what are you proposing, Ethan?
That we break free, and go our own way ?
Remember, we know very little about this world we are now living in.
It's a bit like slaves in Greek and Roman times.
They were brought up in a sheltered world, where the master provided everything - so even if they did escape, it would be very difficult for them to manage on their own in the world.
"OK... then call Al, and explain things - but say nothing about Teddy - he's just bringing some bags to us from the hotel...", Jim said.
And so they waited.
After about twenty minutes Al arrived with two suitcases.
Ethan paid him, offered him a Coke which he politely refused, and asked him if he had the address of a good hotel nearby.
Al suggested the 'La Quinta Inn' at Wolfchase - which was at least in and area they knew.

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'La Quinta Hotel' - Wolfchase - Memphis |
As they left Al, Jim gave him a hefty tip, and asked him to say nothing to anyone about taking them to the hotel.
"Your business is not my business - or for anyone else - so don't worry - and good luck.", Al said, as he pulled away from the hotel entrance.
On arriving at their room they heard Teddy knocking on the larger case, and opened it.
"Thanks boys - it's very claustrophobic in there...", Teddy said.
"Jim... have we made a big mistake ?", Ethan asked, looking concerned.
"I don't know, but let's just unpack, and then think about it."
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La Quinta Hotel - Wolfchase - Memphis |
Once everything was on hangers and shelves, and looked tidy, they ordered some sandwiches and coffee from room service.
"So let's think about what's happening...", Jim said, trying to take control of the situation.
"Teddy - can you finally tell us what's going on ?", Jim asked.
"Well I shouldn't..." Teddy began hesitantly.
"Fuck it Teddy - just get on with it !", Ethan said angrily.
"Well you know what you were saying to Glen - about events repeating - well the 'Boss' has been thinking something similar - so Faunus told me.
Maybe it's telepathy, or something - but anyway he thinks that perhaps time might be running out for him.", Teddy explained diffidently.
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Cumaean Sibyl |
"Well yes.....",Teddy agreed.
"So he thinks he's going to die ?", Ethan asked.
"Well I don't know about that, but Faunus thinks he's planning to retire, or maybe take a long break - and that means who's going to take over ?", Teddy continued.
"Well it won't be Faunus... but what about Novius, or maybe Zac, or even Franklin ?", Ethan suggested
"So if Jim here is 'beloved - or favored - of the gods' - and heir to the 'Boss', why not Jim ?.. Why is he getting such a bad deal ?", Teddy asked.
"How am I getting a bad deal ?", Jim asked, beginning to sound annoyed.
"Jim.... I have not known you that long, but by 'communicating' with Glaux and Faunus, I know a lot about you...", Teddy said, very seriously.
"You were originally an ordinary Roman boy, brought up in Athens.
Later, through bad luck, you became a slave.
Then your master adopted you, but he died, and you became master - and very rich and powerful.
So if past events are to be repeated in someway - then you should be the next 'Boss' - the next 'Dominus'.
But will that happen ?.....", Teddy continued rhetorically.
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'The Penthouse' - Las Vegas |
The place where you live you do not own.
You do not choose your own friends, or where you go, or even what car you drive - and you have no position - no job, although the 'Boss' sometimes calls you his 'heir'.
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Jim's Convertible |
Suddenly the room went very quiet.
Teddy realized that he may have said far too much.
"What Teddy says is actually true, Jim...", Ethan said weakly.
"Remember", Ethan added, "I am your friend because the 'Boss' wanted it... the same with Zac, and Josh..... and none of the people around you work for you - they all work for the 'Boss'.
The 'Boss' says you are 'Jaguar Jim' - the 'leader' of the 'Penthouse Gang' - but if you are honest with yourself you actually lead nothing."
Jim went over to the window and looked out.
"So what are you proposing, Ethan?
That we break free, and go our own way ?
Remember, we know very little about this world we are now living in.
It's a bit like slaves in Greek and Roman times.
They were brought up in a sheltered world, where the master provided everything - so even if they did escape, it would be very difficult for them to manage on their own in the world.

Faunus - of course - knew what was happening.
His awareness was not bounded by time, and place, and the everyday material world that most 'sentient beings' inhabit.
He was fully aware of the eddies and currents swirling in the vast dimensions of thoughts, emotions and feelings.
The 'Boss', almost casually, had noticed that Jim and Ethan had not appeared while he was taking his evening meal in the restaurant at the 'Peabody Hotel'.
He had commented briefly on the fact to Faunus - who had passed it off by saying that the 'boys' had probably taken dinner earlier.
So nothing happened - at that point.
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αιθερικό αρχείο |
Our lives are simply memories. Our sense of awareness hinges on our memory of who we were just seconds ago. If that link is lost then we become, as Jim once was, a person without a past, and without an identity. It is one of the problems involved in 'inter-dimensional' travel. Our memories - and so our 'lives' - are still there, however, preserved on the 'αιθερικό αρχείο' (the 'ethereal archive', which is the domain of the 'Platonic Forms' [see below]) - but it is all a question if we can access that 'archive, and only the most highly evolved 'beings' are able to do that - evolved 'beings' like Faunus.
The 'Platonic Forms' or 'Ideas' is a philosophical concept, or world-view, that the physical world is not as real, or true, as timeless, absolute, unchangeable 'ideas'. This concept is the origin of philosophical 'Idealism'. According to this view 'Ideas' or 'Forms' are the non-physical essences of all things, of which objects and matter in the physical world are merely 'representations' (see Schopenhauer). These 'Forms' are the only objects of study that can provide true knowledge, and are, as it were, the 'blueprints' for what we take to be 'reality'.Al, however, contrary to what you might have expected, had let Faunus know where Jim, Ethan and Teddy were staying, and that they were quite safe - but then Al was not all that he seemed at first glance.
It was at that point that Faunus had to make some decisions.
The next morning 'the Boss' noticed that Jim and Ethan had not appeared for breakfast.
The next morning 'the Boss' noticed that Jim and Ethan had not appeared for breakfast.
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A Mayan boy in Palenque |
He had to check that Jonathan had arrived in 'Vegas, and then liaise with Franklin with regard to Aaron and his parents, and also check with Kurt with regard to Brody's next appearance at the 'Combat Club'.
Jim, it seemed, was occupying very little of his attention, and Ethan and Teddy even less.
So Faunus made a 'suggestion' to 'the Boss'.
please note - this all gets very complicated at this point - so take it slowly, and hopefully, in the end, it will all make sense.
Now the 'Boss' had known Faunus for a very long time - but had never known him, in that 'other time' and 'other place' - before their present sojourn in this decidedly 'odd' America.
Faunus had only appeared after Jim (Marcus) had become 'Dominus' - in that 'other time' and 'other place' - and therefore after the death of Gnæus Gracchus.
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The Temple of Inscriptions - Palenque - Chiapas - Mexico |
How much the 'Boss' really understood about Faunus - or as he had originally named him, 'Don Picaro', is a moot point.
The 'Boss', however, being just an ordinary person, was as susceptible to Faunus' 'hypnotic' influence as anyone else - although 'the Boss' didn't realize the fact.
Now it was really to Faunus that 'the Boss' owed all his vast wealth and influence - but be warned - anyone who meets up with a character like Faunus - and benefits from that meeting, may well, in the end, have problems...
And that is what was about to happen to 'the Boss'.
But here we come to the essential point.
Faunus had originally appeared in a rhododendron bush to Josh, in the Gardens of the 'Villa Pastoralis' - but it was no accidental meeting - Faunus was sent - as a 'guide' and 'protector' for Jim (Marcus), and not as a 'guide' and 'protector' for 'the Boss' - Gnæus Gracchus - (who at this point was apparently 'dead' anyway).
Gracchus was only later 'reincarnated' in an 'alternative world' in order to prepare a place for Jim - which unknowingly he did, but now he was no longer needed, and so those who had originally arranged this complex web of events were prepared to 'prune', in order to encourage 'new growth'.
It should be remembered that the 'gods' are not kind or sentimental - but rather they are forced to pursue 'Ἀνάγκη' - 'Necessity'....
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Faunus in the Rhododendron Bush |
And that is what was about to happen to 'the Boss'.
But here we come to the essential point.
Faunus had originally appeared in a rhododendron bush to Josh, in the Gardens of the 'Villa Pastoralis' - but it was no accidental meeting - Faunus was sent - as a 'guide' and 'protector' for Jim (Marcus), and not as a 'guide' and 'protector' for 'the Boss' - Gnæus Gracchus - (who at this point was apparently 'dead' anyway).
Gracchus was only later 'reincarnated' in an 'alternative world' in order to prepare a place for Jim - which unknowingly he did, but now he was no longer needed, and so those who had originally arranged this complex web of events were prepared to 'prune', in order to encourage 'new growth'.
It should be remembered that the 'gods' are not kind or sentimental - but rather they are forced to pursue 'Ἀνάγκη' - 'Necessity'....
'Ananke' (Greek: Ἀνάγκη, from the common noun ἀνάγκη, 'force, constraint, necessity'), is the personification of inevitability, compulsion and necessity. She is customarily depicted as holding a spindle, as one of the 'Protogenoi', or Greek primordial deities. 'Ananke' was considered the most powerful dictator of fate and circumstance, and mortals as well as 'gods' respected her power, and paid her homage. Sometimes considered the mother of the 'Fates', she was thought to be the only being to influence their decisions (excepting 'Zeus' also).
Ananke - Ἀνάγκη
So - back in Memphis, at the 'Peabody Hotel', after breakfast, Faunus made a 'suggestion' to 'the Boss'.....
As Faunus had said on a previous occasion - 'he fell for it 'hook, line and sinker'.
At least that's what Faunus had said on this occasion when he 'phoned Zac.
And why had Faunus 'phoned Zac ?
Well Zac was very important.....
Another 'helper' or 'guardian' for Jim - a bit like Glaux, or Teddy - but rather more 'heavyweight'.
In fact an 'avatar'........
"Why not take a trip ?.....
After all, some important goals had been achieved.
The new young wrestler had been found - and the entertainer for the hotels and casinos - and there had been the fun of visiting Roswell, and seeing some of the other work of Frank Lloyd Wright - and a look at a Mormon Temple.
But what about getting away, and taking a break alone - back to the old stomping ground in Mexico ?
Perhaps 'Palenque' - with your Mayan boy 'Don Picaro' ?", Faunus suggested.It was, of course, an offer that 'the Boss' couldn't refuse.
As Faunus had said on a previous occasion - 'he fell for it 'hook, line and sinker'.
At least that's what Faunus had said on this occasion when he 'phoned Zac.
And why had Faunus 'phoned Zac ?
Well Zac was very important.....
Another 'helper' or 'guardian' for Jim - a bit like Glaux, or Teddy - but rather more 'heavyweight'.
In fact an 'avatar'........

Finally on their own - Jim, Ethan and teddy have to decide what to do next. Strangely, they are not missed, as the 'Boss' has inexplicably decided to take a nostalgic trip to Mexico with 'Don Picaro' (Faunus). - Everybody else has left the Peabody Hotel - Novius, Josh (without Glaux) to the Villa de los Jaguares, while Aaron and Jonathan and Glen have headed for the' Club Jaguar' in 'Vegas with Zac driving them in Jim's convertible.