Jim, Ethan and Teddy are reunited with the kittens Bastet and Sekhmet, and the following morning Josh meets up with Glaux, while Faunus arrives at the 'Villa Athena'. After a morning of discussion Jim and his companions return to 'Vegas to 'take care of business'.
Please note that this blog is intended for adult viewers (over 18 years), and may contain images and text featuring nudity, explicit sexuality, extreme violence and very strong language. Please do not view this blog if you find such features objectionable.

Jim awoke finding two purring kittens sprawled over his legs.
"Why don't these crazy cats drape themselves over you - after all, they do belong to you.", Jim said, nudging Ethan into wakefulness.
"The're kittens - not cats - and they belong to us...", Ethan mumbled.
"And that includes me...", Teddy said, and he prepared to start jumping up and down on Ethan to make him get up, while Jim went to the shower room.
And so, after showering, dressing, and sorting out some of their unpacking, they all gathered in the breakfast room.
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Jim's Cessna 525 |
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Helicopter over the Devils Tower |
Glaux, of course, was far from impressed with the pathetic attempts that humans made to fly - and so always fretted if any of his human companions went anywhere in 'aeroplanes', 'helicopters' or any other types of flying machines - including those of 'alien' origin.
In that way he held very similar views to those of Ethan and Teddy - both of whom had a particular distrust of 'holicepters' - not a 'typo' - just Teddy's rendition of 'helicopter'.
(Teddy, you see, was very frightened of helicopters - and quite rightly - it had all started with their trip to the Devils Tower in Wyoming.)
And Ethan's thoughts then turned to what had happened at Armant - right at the end of their trip.
"So you really saw the 'goddess' Isis ?", Novius asked.
Novius, you see, had lain awake most of the night puzzling over the 'boys' account of their meeting with the 'goddess' in the Temple at Aswan.
"So here we go... once again !", Ethan said, and Chuck smiled - as the two huge Cadillacs almost silently pulled away from the Villa Athena - and they were soon on the road to Las Vegas.
(Teddy, you see, was very frightened of helicopters - and quite rightly - it had all started with their trip to the Devils Tower in Wyoming.)
"So it seems that you had a very interesting and, in some cases, a rather 'strange' time in 'the Mystic land of Egypt'....", Novius commented to Faunus.
"Yes... but I think it was quite successful...", Faunus replied, not giving too much away.
Ethan's ears immediately 'pricked up' when he heard the word 'successful'.
'What' - Ethan wondered - 'did Faunus count as being 'successful' ?'And Ethan's thoughts then turned to what had happened at Armant - right at the end of their trip.
"So you really saw the 'goddess' Isis ?", Novius asked.
Novius, you see, had lain awake most of the night puzzling over the 'boys' account of their meeting with the 'goddess' in the Temple at Aswan.
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Roman Emperor Claudius |
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Novius - Priest and Augur |
All his life he had studied the mythologies of Greece, Rome and Egypt - and served as a priest and augur in Rome - and had even studied under the tutelage of the 'divine' Tiberius Claudius Cæsar Augustus Germanicus (usually known as the Emperor Claudius) - and yet he had never set eyes on one of the 'immortals' - and now, these rather 'careless' boys had been granted such a great privilege.
He knew, of course, that it was because Marcus (Jim) was with them.... 'But even so....', Novius thought - exasperated.
"And this business with the 'replica' Pyramid at Armant.
Was that simply some elaborate mirage or joint hallucination ?", Novius asked.
"Definitely not...", Faunus replied.
"It was, as Jim said last night - something related to the 'message' that Glen got while he was still in 'Vegas.
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Sarcophagus in the Armant Pyramid |
And I can guarantee that it was real, as I went inside it.", Faunus said.
"And was there anyone inside it ?", Novius asked.
"Nope... not a sausage - not even a dead Pharaoh.
Just a very weird, hi-tech looking 'sarcophagus-thingy'...", Ethan replied.
"And that was the sarcophagus that Glen and Max went in ?", Novius asked.
"Yes.... the very same...", Jim replied on Faunus behalf.
"Now my understanding of the orthodox Egyptological view is that a sarcophagus is a stone box designed to accommodate a coffin which contains a mummified corpse.", Novius said.
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Take-off of the Armant Pyramid |
"Yes, that is basically correct...", Teddy said, taking out his horn-rimmed glasses in anticipation there being further questions.
"But Ethan said that this sarcophagus looked 'hi-tech' - which strikes me as strange, as it is presumed to be ancient Egyptian.", Novius comented.
"That's true, Novius... but you are possibly forgetting that this 'sarcophagus' was not situated in the real 'Great Pyramid', but in some rather clever facsimile - which was almost certainly of an extra-terrestrial or ultra-terrestrial origin - otherwise the 'pyramid' wouldn't have been able to 'take-off' when the 'temple' adjoining it disappeared into the quick-sand.", Faunus said.
"Now excuse me for interrupting, but what does this 'ultra-terrestrial-thingy' mean ?", Ethan asked in his own inimitable way.
"Well it's quite simple really, Ethan.
Extra-terrestrial means anything from beyond this earth - like another planet or solar system, or another galaxy...
Ultra-terrestrial means from another different dimension...", Teddy explained.
"Oh...that's spooky... maybe we shouldn't have gone inside it..", Ethan said.
" I think we should now end this discussion for the moment...", Jim said, taking command - as he rarely did, but everyone knew he was entitled to...
"And now we should make our way to 'Vegas, as there's business to attend to... so let's go back to our rooms, organise our luggage, and then meet at the main entrance, where the transport will be awaiting us.", Jim then suggested - and as usual, everyone did as they were told.
Morning in America - Henderson - Nevada - USA
And it was a beautiful, fresh morning, and the limos, sparklingly cleaned by the staff of the villa, were awaiting the 'boys'.
So everyone said a temporary farewell to Novius, the kittens and Glaux, and climbed into the luxurious, air-conditioned comfort of their copious vehicles.

The Road to Las Vegas - USA
"So tell me again... why are we going to Las Vegas ?", Ethan, who was still not properly awake, asked.
"To 'take care of business'...", Jim replied.
"I see...", Ethan replied, trying to sound intelligently enthusiastic, but with a note of resignation in his voice - and as usual, he didn't see at all.
It was a two hundred and thirty mile, four hour drive, so Jim had arranged a stop for 'brunch'.
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Mad Greek Diner - Road Sign - Baker - California - USA |
So Chuck took a little detour, and then they suddenly came upon a very strange roadside sign.
Ethan lowered the side window, and peered at the sign, as a suffocatingly hot blast of air entered the limo.
"Oh fuck !... it's this place again...", he exclaimed despondently.
"Yes... but the food is very good - particularly for a 'roadside diner'...", Jim said.
"OK... but we have to get out of the limo - and it's so hot - and then it's so blue in the diner.", Ethan moaned.
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Interstate 15 - USA |
And yes, they were in Baker again - Jim's favourite road-side diner on Interstate 15 between Las Vegas and Los Angeles...
Ethan sat back and gave up, while Chuck drove around trying to find a parking space close to the door of the diner so that they would have as short a distance as possible to walk between the air-conditioned limo and the air-conditioned diner.
"So Teddy... tell us about Baker...", Jim said, intentionally intending to upset Ethan even more.
Teddy 'thought' (consulted his database) for a moment... and then began...
"Baker was founded as a station on the 'Tonopah and Tidewater Railroad' in 1908 and was named after Richard C. Baker, business partner of Francis Marion Smith in building the railroad.
Baker later became president of the 'Tonopah and Tidewater Railroad' himself.
The town of Baker was established in 1929 by Ralph Jacobus Fairbanks (1857–1942), who established several towns in the 'Death Valley' area of California.
Baker is actually located in the 'Mojave Desert', and its elevation is much lower than Las Vegas, due to its location at the southern end of the 'Death Valley Depression'.", Teddy explained.
"Yes... and that's what I've got right now - depression.
And I'm sure I've heard that information before - somewhere - or perhaps I read it...", Ethan commented
"Oh to be in nice 'cool' Egypt.", Ethan then moaned
Teddy ignored the interruption and continued.
"Summer temperatures in Baker routinely exceed one hundred and ten degrees Fahrenheit, with a record of one hundred and twenty-five.
Baker's economy is based primarily on tourism.
The town is frequently used as a stop for food and fuel by drivers on Interstate 15 between Los Angeles and Las Vegas.
The town's most prominent feature is a one hundred and thirty four foot thermometer.
Its height commemorates the hottest temperature ever recorded on Earth, one hundred and thirty four degrees, in nearby Death Valley on July 10, 1913.", Teddy concluded.
"Well gee thanks, Teddy, as if I didn't already know it was hot here ", Ethan said.
"I was only following orders...", Teddy lamely said.
"Yes... that's what those nasty Nazis said...", Ethan replied.
"Well I think Chuck has got us parked as close as is possible, so lets just go the the diner and have a nice lunch.", Jim said, attempting to prevent one of the interminable 'arguments' that Teddy and Ethan seemed to enjoy so much.
And it was very, very hot - and seemingly much hotter that any of the places that they had visited in Egypt - or anywhere else for that matter.
Ethan sat back and gave up, while Chuck drove around trying to find a parking space close to the door of the diner so that they would have as short a distance as possible to walk between the air-conditioned limo and the air-conditioned diner.
"So Teddy... tell us about Baker...", Jim said, intentionally intending to upset Ethan even more.
Teddy 'thought' (consulted his database) for a moment... and then began...
"Baker was founded as a station on the 'Tonopah and Tidewater Railroad' in 1908 and was named after Richard C. Baker, business partner of Francis Marion Smith in building the railroad.
Baker later became president of the 'Tonopah and Tidewater Railroad' himself.
The town of Baker was established in 1929 by Ralph Jacobus Fairbanks (1857–1942), who established several towns in the 'Death Valley' area of California.
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The Thermometer - Baker - California - USA |
"Yes... and that's what I've got right now - depression.
And I'm sure I've heard that information before - somewhere - or perhaps I read it...", Ethan commented
"Oh to be in nice 'cool' Egypt.", Ethan then moaned
Teddy ignored the interruption and continued.
"Summer temperatures in Baker routinely exceed one hundred and ten degrees Fahrenheit, with a record of one hundred and twenty-five.
Baker's economy is based primarily on tourism.
The town is frequently used as a stop for food and fuel by drivers on Interstate 15 between Los Angeles and Las Vegas.
The town's most prominent feature is a one hundred and thirty four foot thermometer.
Its height commemorates the hottest temperature ever recorded on Earth, one hundred and thirty four degrees, in nearby Death Valley on July 10, 1913.", Teddy concluded.
"Well gee thanks, Teddy, as if I didn't already know it was hot here ", Ethan said.
"I was only following orders...", Teddy lamely said.
"Yes... that's what those nasty Nazis said...", Ethan replied.
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Mad Greek Diner - Interior - Baker - California - USA |
And it was very, very hot - and seemingly much hotter that any of the places that they had visited in Egypt - or anywhere else for that matter.
However, they all got to the diner without incident - even Teddy, whose adjusted thermostat seemed to be working fine.
"Wowy !... it's really even more blue that I remembered !", Ethan said, as they stepped inside the 'Mad Greek Diner'.
"Wowy !... it's really even more blue that I remembered !", Ethan said, as they stepped inside the 'Mad Greek Diner'.
So Jim guided them over to an area of the diner that was just a little less blue - so that hopefully Ethan would calm down.
"Well I thought the cheeseburgers were excellent the last time we were here - and I don't mind the blue at all..." Max said, as he found a place to sit.
"The cheeseburgers were good...", Josh said in agreement, "but blue is not an eating colour -
Red, brown, yellow - even green, but not blue, unless it's a fish restaurant.
For example, just look at the McDonald's colours.", Josh added.
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Emblem of 'Modern' Greece |
"Yes, but you're forgetting something... blue and white are the present day national colours of Greece.", Jim said.
"Ah, that's the one thing we didn't think of... and it's not surprising...", Ethan said.
"Yes, well that's enough Ethan...", Jim said sternly, not wanting Ethan to inevitably start remarking that when they lived in Greece that was not the case.
"Yes Jim - sorry...", Ethan intermediately said, as Max and Glen looked at one another, puzzled.
Blue and white have been historically used by Greeks for several centuries, and were first used during revolts against the Ottoman Empire prior to the 1821 revolution.
if you would like to know more about the 'boys' first visit to the 'Mad Greek Diner' in Baker - California, you are strongly advised to go to - Part II - Book I - Chapter VII (7)
And the cheeseburgers were very good as even Ethan was prepared to admit.
"So what happens when we reach 'Vegas ?", Josh asked as they ate their 'brunch'.
"Well first we go the Penthouse in Summerlin, in order to off-load our luggage, and then I will go with Josh, Ethan and Zac to the Club Athena in order to discuss matters with Franklin.
Then, while Josh checks out the Club Athena, and some nearby venues, Ethan and Max will go the the 'Club Athena Paradise Hotel' for a meeting with Aaron - while Zac checks out the security arrangements in some of out other establishments.
And later, myself, Zac, Ethan, Josh and Max, along with Glen will meet up at the California Combat club for a quick chat with Kurt and also Brody.", Jim explained.
"Right... I've got all that...", Teddy said, reassuringly.
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Henderson - Nevada - USA |
As it was still very early, the 'freeway' was was not busy, and on leaving Baker, the limos were able to make good time, and they were soon approaching the outskirts of Las Vegas.
"So will you be able to drop me off at Henderson ?", 'Sigi' asked Jim - via his 'cell-phone' from the following limo.
"Well if you don't mind, I would like you to come with us for a couple of days to 'Vegas - and then I'll come with you to Henderson for your graduation at Green Valley High - and then we might look for a site for the villa I am hoping to build in the area...", Jim said.
Henderson is a suburb of Las Vegas in Clark County, Nevada, about 16 miles southeast of Las Vegas. Henderson is the location of Lake Las Vegas, and is ranked second in 'Forbes List of America's Safest Cities'. Henderson first emerged in the 1940s during World War II with the building of the 'Basic Magnesium Plant'. Henderson quickly became the main supplier of magnesium in the United States. In 1947, magnesium production was no longer necessary for defence, and most of BMI's 14,000 employees moved away. In the early 50s, however, Henderson quickly began to grow, reaching over 94 square miles. Henderson has a good climate with hot summers and warm winters, with an eighty percent white population. The Henderson zip code 89012 has the 7th highest per-capita income in the United States. Henderson is served by the 'Henderson Executive Airport'.
'Sigi's Apartment - Green Valley - Henderson
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'Sigi' |
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Green Valley High School |
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Penthouse Apartment Building - Las Vegas |
"Well... it seems that everything's back to normal...", Ethan said as Chuck parked up outside the building.
"Do you think it will ever be - I mean back to normal...", Josh said gloomily.
"Well - 'back to normal' for here - 'this place - this time', Ethan said, trying to correct himself.
The concierge greeted them with due deference, helping them with their luggage
"Phone me when you're ready to go to the Club Athena...", Zac said to Jim, as he stopped off from the elevator and went to his own apartment on the floor below the Penthouse.
So Ethan, who now actually owned the Penthouse, (as well as rest of the building - since the passing of the 'Boss'), opened the door with his key.
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Clare |
"Hi honey...I'm home !", Ethan said loudly with his usual greeting.
"Oh goodness !... it's Ethan !", a very melodious, and obviously female voice called out.
Clare rushed to the hallway, gave Ethan a great big hug - and then stood back, and looked wide-eyed at Jim.
"Jim - your back...", Clare said quietly and gently.
"Of course... why not ?". Jim replied.
"But it seems such a long time...", and Clare leant forward and softly kissed Jim on the cheek.
'Sigi' look on, slightly confused.
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Caenis - Roman Empress to Vespasian |
What 'Sigi' didn't realise was that there had only ever been three women in Jim's life.
His mother - whose name he couldn't even remember, and whom he hardly ever saw.
Caenis - wife of the Emperor Titus Flavius Vespasianus - who was like the mother he never really had.
And Clare - who was like the sister Jim had always wished he had... and that was enough.
"And what about me, Clare ? Don't I get a kiss or a hug ?", Teddy, who was being carried by 'Sigi', said.
"Of course, Teddy...
I didn't see you there - with your handsome young friend.", Clare said, desperately trying to remember 'Sigi's name.
And Clare held out her hands and took Teddy from 'Sigi', and gave Teddy a warm, maternal kiss.
Now if Teddy could have blushed, then he would have blushed, but he hadn't been programmed to blush, and anyway he had far too much fur for it to show.
"I'm sure you remember 'Sigi' ?", Jim said, trying to help her out.. (Clare had only seen 'Sigi' once before - at the funeral of 'the Boss').
"Yes... of course, Jim... I remember 'Sigi' very well..
And you have been with Jim in Egypt ?", Clare asked 'Sigi'
"Yes - and it was really great !", 'Sigi' replied, enthusiastically.
And Jim noticed that Clare, whether by accident or design, had stopped calling him 'Sir', and had reverted to the far more friendly and familiar 'Jim'.
"Well I'm afraid we can't stay very long right now - we're really just here to leave or luggage, and to check that everything's OK with you.
We've then got some business to attend to here in 'Vegas, but we'll be back this evening - and then we can chat - and we'll tell you all about our time in Egypt.", Jim said the Clare.
"Of course... I realise that there must be a lot of work for you the catch up with.", Clare replied.
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Penthouse Home Cinema - Las Vegas - Nevada |
So Ethan and 'Sigi' took the luggage, and placed it in the master bedroom, while Teddy wandered into his beloved 'home cinema' just to check that it was as he had left it.
Meanwhile, Clare and Jim stood together - a little uneasily - in the living room.
"I brought a pair of kittens with me from Egypt, but I left them at the 'Villa Athena' for the moment, as they really need a garden...", Jim said awkwardly.
"But I'm planning to have a villa, with big gardens, built in Henderson, very soon - and I was wondering if you might come with us, when we move there ?", Jim asked nervously.
"Of course Jim - if you'll still want me." Clare responded.
"Want you ?...
Of course we want you - and it will be a nicer place for you than here.", Jim said, sounding relieved.
"And what will you be doing for dinner this evening, Sir ?", Clare asked - ever mindful of her duties - and returning to the more formal 'Sir'.
"Oh just have some food sent up from the 'Club Athena'.
"For how many, Sir ?", Clare asked
"Well let's see, they'll be myself, Ethan, 'Sigi' and you...", Jim said.
"Me ?", Clare asked, obviously surprised.
"Yes , why not ? Unless you're seeing a young man tonight...", Jim said with a cheeky grin.
"Well no, Jim... you know that I don't...", Clare began but then became lost for words.
"I know... but won't you join us... Ethan and I have missed you so much.", Jim said.
"Of course Jim - and I have missed you and Ethan...", Clare replied.
Then their mutual embarrassment was broken by the arrival of Ethan.
"Okey dokey... lets get on with 'taking care of business'...", Ethan said, as he and 'Sigi' returned from the master bedroom and the home cinema where the had gone to fetch Teddy.
They then said their goodbyes to Clare, and picked up Zac from the floor below.
Once they had taken the elevator down to the ground floor, they found Chuck patiently waiting.
The two large Cadillacs then made their way through the traffic to the 'Club Athena'.
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Jim's New Office at the 'Club Athena' - Las Vegas - Nevada |
On arrival at the 'Club', Josh and Glen's luggage were then quickly taken by the bellhops to the rooms that the 'boys' had been allocated as, for the time being, they would be staying at the 'Club Athena'.
Jim, Josh, Ethan and Zac then took the elevator up to the top floor and entered Jim's newly decorated office.
Jim then called for his new secretary, Emma, on the intercom.
"Ah... I'd forgotten about your new 'android'..", Ethan said.
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Emma |
Ethan on his first meeting with Emma, before they had left for Egypt, had come to the strange conclusion that Emma was an 'android' - despite Teddy's assurance that it was not the case... and, as Teddy had quite rightly said at the time, if anyone would know if a 'person' was an android, it would be him.
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Franklin in Jim's Office |
So after polite preliminaries... Jim asked Emma to tell Franklin that they were ready for their meeting.
Franklin entered Jim's office wearing the same ill-fitting suite, scruffy tie and ill-fitting shirt that he always seemed to wear - in fact he usually looked as if he had slept in his clothes, slumped over his computer - which may well have been the case.
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Demolition of the Winter Palace Pavillion - Luxor - Egypt |
Now it would be far too tedious to recount Franklin's report to Jim with regard to the Corporation's progress during the period when Jim had been absent - but there was one particularly good piece of news as far a Jim was concerned.
Franklin opened a folder that he was carrying, and took out a photo that he slid across Jim's marble topped desk.
"It's the Winter Palace Pavilion - they're demolishing it..", Franklin tersely explained.
"And that being Egypt they've got three guys doing it by hand...", Ethan observed.
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Elevator Lobby - Club Athena - Las Vegas - Nevada |
"So they are in agreement with the demands that you made, Sir, and so it is just a short matter of time now for the legal and financial niceties to be completed.", Franklin stated.
"That's good, Franklin... well done.", Jim said.
Jim then turned to his associates.
"So now let's make a cursory inspection..", Jim suggested.
So they left Franklin and Emma discussing some rather boring and trivial details, and made their way to the elevators.

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'Club Athena Paradise Park Hotel' - 3770 S Las Vegas Blvd - Nevada |
"And Ethan....pick up Max and go and have a word with Aaron at the 'Club Athena Paradise Hotel' - and Zac.... take some time to inspect your security guys.... and late we'll all meet up at the 'Combat Club.", Jim said, as he went to the office of the 'Club Athena' manager.
"How on earth did we end up managing hotels ?", Ethan moaned, as he and Max made their way to a limo that was waiting outside the 'Club Athena'.
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Entrance - Paradise Park - Las Vegas |
It was a short drive to the rather imposing 'Paradise Hotel'.
Max, of course, was not wearing his 'bellhop' uniform, but instead an elegant dark blue business suit, that at least made him look a little older - and Ethan was similarly attired.
Ethan had visited the 'Club Athena Paradise Hotel' previously - a hotel that had only recently been acquired by the 'Club Athena Corporation' - and Ethan quite enjoyed the way everyone 'snapped to attention' when he, accompanied by Max, entered the lobby.
Most of those employed at the hotel mistakenly imagined that Ethan was, despite being very young, the owner.
Lobby - 'Club Athena Paradise Park Hotel' - Las Vegas - NevadaThe 'Club Athena Paradise Park' is a hotel and casino on the Las Vegas Strip in Paradise, Nevada, USA. The hotel, with a height of 360 ft, has 32 floors, including a 102,000-square-foot casino floor with 1,400 slot machines, 60 table games, and 15 poker tables. It is owned and operated by 'Club Athena International Corporation'. The hotel offers 2,992 guest rooms, including 259 luxury suites. The hotel include chandeliers, domes, marble floors, neoclassical arches, and ornate fountains - as well as many very contemporary features. The Hotel is famous for the 5,200 seat 'Park Theatre'.
"Well it's certainly a big hotel.", Max said as he surveyed the lobby.
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Manager - Paradise Park |
The actual hotel manager immediately made his presence felt.
"Good morning Mr Duncan... we are very pleased to see you...", the manager began obsequiously.
"Who the fuck is 'Mr Duncan' ?", Max whispered to Ethan.
"Me, of course - stupid...", Ethan replied, equally quietly.
"And what may we do for you this morning ?", the manager prattled on.
"Well I'd like like to see the 'Casino', the 'Park Theatre', and I also need a private venue where I can meet with your resident artist, 'Aaron'.", Ethan said - putting on his 'big boy' voice, and sounding very grown up - for a change.
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Casino - Club Athena Paradise Park - Las Vegas - Nevada - USA |
"Of course, Mr Duncan... so let me take you to the 'Casino' first...", the manager said.
"And may I introduce Mr Thomas...", Ethan said, suddenly remembering that Max had been left out of the conversation.
"So why do all these big hotels have Casinos ?", Max mumbled to Ethan.
"It's where the money's made...", Ethan replied quite knowledgeably.
"OK.. .and how do you know my surname ?" Max asked quietly.
"Franklin checked it out for me..", Ethan replied.
"Oh...", Max responded.
"So would you like some 'chips' - 'on the house' of course - and 'try your luck', Sir ?", the manager, who had not actually been listening to what Ethan and Max had been saying, asked Ethan.
Casino tokens - also known as 'casino chips' or 'gaming chips' - are small discs used in lieu of currency in casinos. Tokens are employed for several reasons. Because of the uniform size, shape, and patterns of stacks of chips, they are easier to tally compared to currency. This attribute also enables the 'pit boss' or security to quickly verify the amount being paid, reducing the chance that a dealer might incorrectly pay a customer. Each casino has a unique set of chips, even if the casino is part of a greater company. This distinguishes a casino's chips from others, since each chip and token on the gaming floor has to be backed up with the appropriate amount of cash. In addition, with the exception of Nevada, casinos are not permitted to honor another casino's chips.
"No thank you... neither of us gamble...", Ethan said rather stiffly, as he looked around at the rather oppressive casino hall.
"One thing I really don't like about lots of hotels is the swirly patterned carpets.
Makes me feel dizzy...", Ethan commented to Max rather inconsequentially.
Realising that Ethan - or should we say Mr Duncan - was not really very interested in the Casino and gambling - that is apart from the profits that it generated, (of which Ethan was entitled to a good share), the manager then took Mr Duncan and Mr Thomas to a special lounge for the exclusive use of the top executives of the 'Corporation' - a lounge that had been installed at the 'Paradise Park' while Jim and the 'boys' had been in Egypt.
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Executive Lounge at the Club Athena Paradise Park - Las Vegas - Nevada - USA |
"Now this is more like it... 'classic' yet modern.", Ethan enthused as they entered the elegant room.
"Yes, Sir... It was installed at the orders of Mr Johnson - just before he went touring with his associates...", the manager warbled.
Ethan didn't like the original 'décor' of the 'Paradise Park', which he considered was 'vulgar' - but then the hotel, before Jim had acquired it, had been designed for a clientele that aspired to be wealthy and sophisticated, but in reality was not.
For such people it would be one or two weeks in a 'fancy' hotel, pretending to be rich, and throwing away their hard earned cash in the Casino.
Whether Jim would decide to upgrade the décor was a 'moot point' - but Jim obviously had other matters on his mind - such as Egypt, and the proposed new villa in Henderson.
Regardless, it was in the new 'Executive Lounge' that Ethan and Max were served refreshments while they waited for Aaron to arrive.
And they didn't have long to wait...
"Hi Aaron... how's things ?", Ethan asked standing up and stepping forward, and offering his hand in welcome.
They shook hands, but it was obvious that Aaron was not sure who Ethan was.....
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Max - Paradise Park - First Visit |
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Max - Paradise Park - Second Visit |
Aaron had seen Max before, but at that time Max had been wearing his old 'Bellhop' uniform, and now he was wearing a very expensive looking business suite - so Aaron was understandably confused.
Aaron had met Jim, but he had not been told that Ethan was responsible for the entertainment side of the 'Corporation'...
"My name is Ethan Duncan, and since Mr Johnson took over the business I have been asked to look after the 'entertainment' side of the 'Club Athena Corporation' as 'Director of Entertainments', and Mr Thomas here is assisting me as 'Associate Director'...", Ethan began.
"Mr Johnson, who has recently returned from abroad, has asked me to come and see you today in order to check on how you are managing, and to ask if you need any assistance.", Ethan said.
It was a nice little 'grown-up' speech that Teddy had composed, and then had Ethan learn - 'word perfect' - and Aaron looked suitably impressed.
"So, as I haven't been here before, perhaps you could show me the venue where you perform ?", Ethan aske, continuing in his very formal manner.
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Foyer of the Park Theatre at the Paradise Park Hotel |
"Of course, Sir...", Aaron replied in his usual courteous Southern manner.
And so Aaron led them along a number of corridors and down some stairs until they came to a large elegant foyer.
"Well, it's got plenty of doors - so I suppose it must be well attended.", Ethan said in an 'unscripted' response.
"It is...", Aaron replied, as he opened one of the doors, and led them through the auditorium and to the stage.
"Now this looks like something that Mr Johnson probably had designed - and very nice too..", Ethan said.
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Auditorium of the Park Theatre at the Paradise Park Hotel |
And while they were standing admiring the theatre, the manager returned, probably concerned to see that everything was going well.
Ethan turned to the manager - who he thought was a little bit 'creepy'.
"And what are the takings like for the theatre ?", Ethan pointedly asked.
"I'm pleased to say that every time that Aaron appears there's a complete 'sell out'.", the managers replied - very foolishly forgetting to include the word 'sir'.
"And tell me Aaron - how often to you appear here ?", Ethan asked.
"Oh, a few times a week, Sir...", Aaron replied.
The vagueness of Aaron's reply concerned Ethan.
"Okey dokey, Aaron... well come and see me and Mr Johnson at the 'Club Athena' tomorrow morning, a 9 am.", Ethan said.
Ethan then turned to the manager.
"Right... we're leaving..", Ethan said curtly.
"Is everything alright...?", the manager stuttered.
"No...", Ethan replied.
"Aaron... show us the way out..", Ethan then said, leaving the manager standing near the stage looking puzzled and confused.
"Is there something wrong, Sir ?", Aaron asked Ethan.
"Yes - but it's not your problem...", Ethan replied, as he 'phoned Franklin, asking for a record of attendance and takings at the 'Park Theatre' for the last two months to be on Jim's desk first thing in the morning.
"When are you performing next at the theatre ?", Ethan asked Aaron.
"I don't rightly know... the manager hasn't told me...", Aaron replied, sounding nervous.
"OK... well tell the manager I want a performance - which I will attend - in exactly one week's time..", Ethan said.
Aaron looked worried... and mumbled 'yes'.
"So what was that all about ?", Max asked, as they returned to the limo.
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McDonalds - Las Vegas - Nevada - USA |
Anyway, I'll get Jim to replace him, and get Aaron to put on a real good show, and then I think Jim wants you to look after Aaron.", Ethan said.
"Why me !", Max said, sounding rather shocked.
"Well, you're American - and know about popular music...", Ethan began.
"And I suppose you're not American...", Max countered.
"Well no - actually I'm not..", Ethan replied calmly.
"But enough of that - we can talk about it later...
for more information and images regarding the 'California Combat Club' go to:
Please note: 'Ethan', 'Jim', 'Tripp', 'Mikey', 'Jonathan', 'Brody', etc. are all characters in a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
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California Combat Club |
To learn how Jonathan became involved with the 'California Combat Club' go to 'Chapter 42 - Kansas to Tennessee'
When they arrived at the 'Combat Club', Jim, Josh, and Zac were already there.
"So how are things with Aaron ?", Jim asked Ethan, as they sought out Kurt.
"Not bad, but I'll talk more about that when we get back to the 'Penthouse'...", Ethan replied.
They found Kurt, busy as ever, and obviously pleased to see Jim.
They found Kurt, busy as ever, and obviously pleased to see Jim.
And Ethan then shook hands with Kurt.
"So what's happened with the little bear ?", Kurt asked.
"Oh, Teddy's resting up at the 'Penthouse' - after our long trip...", Ethan replied.
Kurt smiled - he never failed to be amused when he thought of Teddy.
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Trip - California Combat Club |
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Mikey - California Combat Club |
"And did you enjoy your time away ?", Kurt asked, trying to be friendly, as he had begun to realize that Ethan was becoming an important member of the 'team'.
"Oh yes... it was very interesting...", Ethan replied.
Meanwhile, Jim was introducing Max to Tripp and Mikey - two youngsters who worked in the Combat Club, cleaning up, tidying, providing coffee and running errands.
Kurt then led the others into a large room that was set up with a full size 'practice ring' - where Brody and Jonathan were engaged in a training bout.
Kurt quickly had Tripp and Mikey bring up some chairs, and then go off to prepare some refreshments for Jim's group, as Kurt realized that this was the first time that Jim had actually seen Jonathan in action
ALL wrestling scenes feature SIMULATED 'fights'
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Practice Bout - Jonathan and Brody - California Combat Club - 'Vegas |
The bout went well, and although it was technically a 'practice bout' both boys were intent on putting on a good show.
Brody was obviously getting the better of Jonathan, being more experienced, but after a word from Kurt, Brody let off the pressure, and allowed Jonathan to take the upper hand - as would normally happen in a 'public fight', which was usually choreographed so that Brody would lose.
Now that Jim had taken over the 'Fight Club' he was eager to learn why it was that the 'Boss' had taken so much time and effort over what was a relatively small operation in his vast business empire.
The first thing that puzzled Jim was that if the 'Club' repeatedly staged 'scripted fights', in which the outcome was known beforehand, then how could any income be derived from the betting made on such fights ?
If the 'punters' knew that Brody would inevitably loose, then how could the 'house' possibly make any profit from the betting ? - and Jim put this question to Kurt.
"Well Jim, you have not lived for very long in 'Vegas, so probably you don't really understand how we make money here.", Kurt began.
"Well that's true - I haven't' lived long here, as you well know...", Jim replied, wondering what Kurt was getting at.
"It's easier to understand with the casinos...
The 'punters', in their 'heart of hearts', know that the 'house' always comes out on top, but then they think that the cards, or the ball on the roulette wheel might just work in their favour - as they feel 'lucky', and so they go on, thinking that the more often they bet, the greater will be the chance that they will win - and just very occasionally someone does win.", Kurt explained.
Jim nodded in agreement.
"Now with the 'Combat Club' things are a little different.
Yes....the 'house' always comes out on top, but the punters think they have a better chance.
For one thing, they don't come to the 'Club' just to gamble, but rather to see a fight - which distracts them from focusing on their gambling.
Also the fights are often an unusual kind of mild 'sex-show', not that there's any sex in the ring, but because of the lax laws here in 'Vegas, the guys often lose their gear during the fights - and the guys are young and good-looking - so they appeal to many of the women, and some of the men in the audience.
But the key point is that the punters only visit the 'Club' one or two times during their stay, so they are taken in by the appearance of the fighters.
So take Brody.....
He looks lithe and muscular - and a bit 'mean'.
His opponent is not usually as well defined, and often a bit softer, and less confident looking.
So the money goes on Brody to win - and of course Brody loses.... and they, the majority of the punters, lose.
Now if they lived in 'Vegas - and heard all the talk - they would eventually discover that Brody almost never wins - except for occasionally - but it's only here in 'Vegas, and a few other places that these sort of fights can be seen, and that's what draws in the crowds - and also the ambiance of the 'Club'.
And of course, the punters don't go away disappointed because, by the end of the fight, they get quite an 'eyeful' - even if much of it is 'staged' - so in the end they're not completely disappointed - even if they've lost money, but - unlike the Casino, they have to pay to come here, and quite a lot - whereas entry to a casino is free. - so here we get it both ways...", Kurt concluded.
"Well that makes a lot of sense...", Jim said, after considering Kurt's explanation - and in a strange way what was going on at the 'Combat club was similar, in some ways, to the system running at Arena at Baia - long, long ago - not that Kurt would know anything about that.
"But even so, doesn't' that mean that these 'punters', as you call them, won't come back ?", Ethan asked.
"Well if this was an ordinary town that might be a problem - I agree...", Kurt replied,
"But that's what I meant about about living in this town.
You see to a great extent the people who go to see and bet on the fights, and also bet at the casinos are not people who live here.
The people who live here have more sense.
No... our customers are on holiday, and often on a 'once in a lifetime trip'.
You see 'Vegas is a very expensive place to visit.
Glittering - yes, with beautiful hotels, like the ones you own - expensive restaurants, bars and shops - and leisure venues - like the shows... with that young guy, Aaron, who everybody's talking about, but most average people can't afford to do this year after year - but instead have a fling - just occasionally - a special birthday or anniversary... and it's a big country, and there are plenty of 'average' people looking for something 'special', and maybe when they are here, they feel 'lucky', thinking that they are richer than they really are - and that's how we make the money - and at the moment, with Brody, Jonathan and some of the other young, up and coming guys, it's going very well.", Kurt said, with a twinkle in his eye.
"Well, that explains a lot, Kurt...
And now perhaps I could have a quiet word with Brody, and then Jonathan, once they're finished and have showered and dressed, and while we're waiting, perhaps Zac could check the security, and Josh could look over the 'books' with you.", Jim suggested.
So Jim, Josh and Ethan retired to Kurt's office, while Mikey brought some more coffee for Jim, and Pepsi Max for Ethan.
"So what do you think of Brody and Jonathan ?", Jim asked Ethan, by way of 'idle' chat while they waited for Brody.
"Difficult to say...", Ethan began, sounding unusually thoughtful.
"This place always puzzles me...
It's not like back in our time, when wrestling and Pankration fights were real fights...
These fights are more like 'play acting', although I do know that sometimes someone, and usually it's Brody, gets hurt a little bit.
And I'm surprised that those watching are so easily 'taken in'...", Ethan said.
"And I'm surprised they get caught by what is really a 'betting scam'.", Ethan added.
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The 'Boss' and Brody - 'California Combat Club' |
The first thing that puzzled Jim was that if the 'Club' repeatedly staged 'scripted fights', in which the outcome was known beforehand, then how could any income be derived from the betting made on such fights ?
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Kurt - California Combat Club - Las Vegas |
"Well Jim, you have not lived for very long in 'Vegas, so probably you don't really understand how we make money here.", Kurt began.
"Well that's true - I haven't' lived long here, as you well know...", Jim replied, wondering what Kurt was getting at.
"It's easier to understand with the casinos...
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Roulette Wheel - Las Vegas - Nevada - USA |
Jim nodded in agreement.
"Now with the 'Combat Club' things are a little different.
Yes....the 'house' always comes out on top, but the punters think they have a better chance.
For one thing, they don't come to the 'Club' just to gamble, but rather to see a fight - which distracts them from focusing on their gambling.
Also the fights are often an unusual kind of mild 'sex-show', not that there's any sex in the ring, but because of the lax laws here in 'Vegas, the guys often lose their gear during the fights - and the guys are young and good-looking - so they appeal to many of the women, and some of the men in the audience.
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Brody - Looking Mean |
So take Brody.....
He looks lithe and muscular - and a bit 'mean'.
His opponent is not usually as well defined, and often a bit softer, and less confident looking.
So the money goes on Brody to win - and of course Brody loses.... and they, the majority of the punters, lose.
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Brody Defeated - California Combat Club - 'Vegas |
And of course, the punters don't go away disappointed because, by the end of the fight, they get quite an 'eyeful' - even if much of it is 'staged' - so in the end they're not completely disappointed - even if they've lost money, but - unlike the Casino, they have to pay to come here, and quite a lot - whereas entry to a casino is free. - so here we get it both ways...", Kurt concluded.
"Well that makes a lot of sense...", Jim said, after considering Kurt's explanation - and in a strange way what was going on at the 'Combat club was similar, in some ways, to the system running at Arena at Baia - long, long ago - not that Kurt would know anything about that.
"But even so, doesn't' that mean that these 'punters', as you call them, won't come back ?", Ethan asked.
"Well if this was an ordinary town that might be a problem - I agree...", Kurt replied,
"But that's what I meant about about living in this town.
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Club Athena - Las Vegas - Nevada - USA |
The people who live here have more sense.
No... our customers are on holiday, and often on a 'once in a lifetime trip'.
You see 'Vegas is a very expensive place to visit.
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Aaron - 'Vegas Paradise Park Hotel |
"Well, that explains a lot, Kurt...
And now perhaps I could have a quiet word with Brody, and then Jonathan, once they're finished and have showered and dressed, and while we're waiting, perhaps Zac could check the security, and Josh could look over the 'books' with you.", Jim suggested.
So Jim, Josh and Ethan retired to Kurt's office, while Mikey brought some more coffee for Jim, and Pepsi Max for Ethan.
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Brody and Jonathan - California Combat Club - Practice Fight - Las Vegas |
"Difficult to say...", Ethan began, sounding unusually thoughtful.
"This place always puzzles me...
It's not like back in our time, when wrestling and Pankration fights were real fights...
These fights are more like 'play acting', although I do know that sometimes someone, and usually it's Brody, gets hurt a little bit.
And I'm surprised that those watching are so easily 'taken in'...", Ethan said.
"And I'm surprised they get caught by what is really a 'betting scam'.", Ethan added.
"Yes - well don't say that to Kurt, or any of the others working here...", Jim warned Ethan.
Jim was surprised at how Ethan seemed to understand what was actually going on - but he would be even more surprised when later Ethan discussed with him the situation with Aaron.
It seemed that Ethan was maturing mentally - if not physically.
Eventually Brody and Jonathan turned up.
Jim took Brody into Kurt's office first.
"So... how's it going with Jonathan ?", Jim asked.
"Fine...", Brody replied.
"And...?", Jim prompted.
"Well being a 'High School' wrestler he's got good technique - but needs to be more aggressive... and, he also needs to 'sell' the action to the punters a bit more.", Brody said.
"And what exactly do you mean by 'sell the action' ?", Jim queried - not being familiar with wrestling jargon.
"Well 'selling' is a wrestling slang term that means the act of making the fight look believable to the audience.
Like when one guy performs a wrestling move...
You see it's the opponent's duty to react to the move as if it had been done for real.
This helps to fool the punters into thinking that the fight is real.
Now this, in some fights, is not too important - but when punters are betting real money on a fight they must believe that it's a real fight, and not rigged.", Brody explained.
"And the fights here - are they rigged ?", Jim asked, pretending he didn't know.
"Well quite often - because a real fight can be quite boring for those watching - but the outcome of our fights is the same most of the time - like I lose....
And even when you lose - it's no good lying on the canvas for a few minutes while your opponent is clapped by the crowd, and then get up - no.
You have to lie completely still - and let Doc Lockwood look you over, and look real worried, and then Trip and Mikey carry you out of the ring, like you're knocked out or really badly hurt... and then, if the punters have lost money on you, they will accept it.
You see in most of these scripted 'fights' I start being the 'heel' - giving my opponent a bad time, with lots of illegal moves - and then he comes in and takes the upper hand, usually, at some point ripping off my trunks, to humiliate me, and 'turning the tables' by giving me plenty of punishment - so I become the 'jobber' - the loser - which is what the punters want to see.
Then of course, if they've bet on me to win, and I lose, they're not too pissed off, as they see me get what I deserve - a good beating...", Brody said.
"I see...", Jim said thoughtfully.
And at that moment Jonathan, having showered and got dressed, conveniently arrived at the door of Kurt's office.
"You wanted to see me, Sir ?", Jonathan asked, respectfully.
"Oh yes...", and Jim turned to Brody.
"Well thanks for all the information - and I will be coming to see you fight, as soon as I get back from Henderson..."Jim said - dismissing Brody as politely as he could.
Brody left the office, and Jim turned to speak to Jonathan.
"So Jonathan - you looked very impressive - and you seem to have put on some muscle since I last saw you...", Jim began.
Jonathan looked a little surprised that Jim had noticed - but just to confirm what Jim had said, Jonathan lifted his T-shirt, to display his 'abs' and 'pecs', and flexed his bicep - but in his own inimitable 'farm-boy' manner, quite shyly.
"Kurt makes me train very hard - mainly with weights and machines at the gym here...", Jonathan said nervously.
"Well that's good...", Jim replied - "but don't put on too much muscle - I want you, and Brody, and the other boys to look evenly matched - it helps with the betting..", Jim added.
"Of course, Sir...", Jonathan replied.
"And how are you getting on with Brody ?", Jim asked.
In response Jonathan looked a little uneasy...
"Well, he's a good training partner, but...", and then Jonathan hesitated.
"I know... he's probably not like most of the boys that you knew at Hutchinson High - home of the 'Salt Hawks'...", Jim said - finishing Jonathan's answer.
Jonathan smiled....
"How did you know about the 'Salt Hawks', Sir ?", Jonathan asked.
"But, getting back to Brody, and how you get on with him... well, I know he likes boys, like Tripp...", Jim began.
"Yes, but it's not just that, Sir...", Jonathan interrupted.
"It's the way he seems to actually 'like' being hurt during a fight... it's very strange, and a bit unnerving.", Jonathan said.
"Well, I thought that Kurt might have explained all of that to you when you first came here...", Jim, who was a little puzzled, answered.
"Oh yes... he said that it was some sort of odd 'sex thing' - 'masochism', I think he called it, and I know that Brody gets 'excited' when he's stripped down to his thong - but I can't help saying that I'd rather have just a 'straight' fight.", Jonathan declared.
"Well that's the thing... Jonathan...", Jim said, sitting down at Kurt's desk and looking seriously at Jonathan.
"Las Vegas is the sort of place where people expect something - shall we say - a little different.
And in this sort of venue, it's good-looking boys - some of who get naked and 'horny' - and get beat up.
Sorry to put it so crudely.
Now I'm not asking you to get naked and 'horny' and get beat up - but in this place you have a part to play in that...
Now here I have to put my cards on the table...
You get well paid, and get lots of perks for what you do - but, if you don't want to be part of that, just say so - and we can go our separate ways on good terms.", Jim said - but quite gently.
"No Sir, I don't want to leave - but I just wanted you to know the sort of guy that I am.
I don't mind what I'm doing now - but I can't do what Brody does - so, in the future, I don't want you to ask me to do that - like what Brody does." Jonathan said quietly but firmly.
"That's good, because I had no intention of ever asking you to do anything other that what you're doing now.", Jim said.
"Thank you, Sir.", Jonathan said, obviously relieved.
"So was there anything else, Jonathan ?" Jim asked.
"No, Sir... that's fine...", Jonathan replied, as he left Kurt's office.
Ethan then popped his head round the door...
"Everything alright ?", he asked, with a grin.
"Fine Ethan - and we'll come and see them fight when Kurt arranges the next bout.", Jim said.
"So what now ?", Ethan asked.
"Well I think we should get back to the Penthouse and meet up with the others...", Jim said.
So Jim told Kurt that he was very pleased with things, but warned Kurt that he needed to keep and eye of Brody and Tripp - and then Jim, Josh, Zac and Max all headed out to the huge, extra long wheel-base, white Lincoln with Chuck waiting patiently for them.
Jim was surprised at how Ethan seemed to understand what was actually going on - but he would be even more surprised when later Ethan discussed with him the situation with Aaron.
It seemed that Ethan was maturing mentally - if not physically.
Eventually Brody and Jonathan turned up.
Jim took Brody into Kurt's office first.
"So... how's it going with Jonathan ?", Jim asked.
"Fine...", Brody replied.
"And...?", Jim prompted.
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Brody 'Selling the Action' - California Combat Club - Public Fight - 'Vegas |
"And what exactly do you mean by 'sell the action' ?", Jim queried - not being familiar with wrestling jargon.
"Well 'selling' is a wrestling slang term that means the act of making the fight look believable to the audience.
Like when one guy performs a wrestling move...
You see it's the opponent's duty to react to the move as if it had been done for real.
This helps to fool the punters into thinking that the fight is real.
Now this, in some fights, is not too important - but when punters are betting real money on a fight they must believe that it's a real fight, and not rigged.", Brody explained.
"And the fights here - are they rigged ?", Jim asked, pretending he didn't know.
"Well quite often - because a real fight can be quite boring for those watching - but the outcome of our fights is the same most of the time - like I lose....
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Brody on the Canvas - California Combat Club - Public Fight - 'Vegas |
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Doc Lockwood |
Then of course, if they've bet on me to win, and I lose, they're not too pissed off, as they see me get what I deserve - a good beating...", Brody said.
"I see...", Jim said thoughtfully.
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Jonathan in Kurt's Office - 'California Combat Club' |
"You wanted to see me, Sir ?", Jonathan asked, respectfully.
"Oh yes...", and Jim turned to Brody.
"Well thanks for all the information - and I will be coming to see you fight, as soon as I get back from Henderson..."Jim said - dismissing Brody as politely as he could.
Brody left the office, and Jim turned to speak to Jonathan.
"So Jonathan - you looked very impressive - and you seem to have put on some muscle since I last saw you...", Jim began.
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Jonathan shows off his Muscles - Kurt's Office - 'California Combat Club' |
"Kurt makes me train very hard - mainly with weights and machines at the gym here...", Jonathan said nervously.
"Well that's good...", Jim replied - "but don't put on too much muscle - I want you, and Brody, and the other boys to look evenly matched - it helps with the betting..", Jim added.
"Of course, Sir...", Jonathan replied.
"And how are you getting on with Brody ?", Jim asked.
In response Jonathan looked a little uneasy...
"Well, he's a good training partner, but...", and then Jonathan hesitated.
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Jonathan smiled....
"How did you know about the 'Salt Hawks', Sir ?", Jonathan asked.
Hutchinson High School - Kansas - USA
Hutchinson High School is a public secondary school in Hutchinson, Kansas. The school mascot is the 'Salthawk', which became the official school mascot in 1930, and the school colours are blue and gold. Hutchinson High has an excellent Football and Wrestling team - which is how the 'Boss' and Jim originally discovered Jonathan"Don't worry... but before Ethan and I 'bumped into you', in the cemetery, we had checked you out...", Jim said.
"But, getting back to Brody, and how you get on with him... well, I know he likes boys, like Tripp...", Jim began.
"Yes, but it's not just that, Sir...", Jonathan interrupted.
"It's the way he seems to actually 'like' being hurt during a fight... it's very strange, and a bit unnerving.", Jonathan said.
"Well, I thought that Kurt might have explained all of that to you when you first came here...", Jim, who was a little puzzled, answered.
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Brody on the Canvas - California Combat Club - Public Fight - 'Vegas |
"Well that's the thing... Jonathan...", Jim said, sitting down at Kurt's desk and looking seriously at Jonathan.
"Las Vegas is the sort of place where people expect something - shall we say - a little different.
And in this sort of venue, it's good-looking boys - some of who get naked and 'horny' - and get beat up.
Sorry to put it so crudely.
Now I'm not asking you to get naked and 'horny' and get beat up - but in this place you have a part to play in that...
Now here I have to put my cards on the table...
You get well paid, and get lots of perks for what you do - but, if you don't want to be part of that, just say so - and we can go our separate ways on good terms.", Jim said - but quite gently.
"No Sir, I don't want to leave - but I just wanted you to know the sort of guy that I am.
I don't mind what I'm doing now - but I can't do what Brody does - so, in the future, I don't want you to ask me to do that - like what Brody does." Jonathan said quietly but firmly.
"That's good, because I had no intention of ever asking you to do anything other that what you're doing now.", Jim said.
"Thank you, Sir.", Jonathan said, obviously relieved.
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California Combat Club - the Lincoln Pulman and Chuck |
"No, Sir... that's fine...", Jonathan replied, as he left Kurt's office.
Ethan then popped his head round the door...
"Everything alright ?", he asked, with a grin.
"Fine Ethan - and we'll come and see them fight when Kurt arranges the next bout.", Jim said.
"So what now ?", Ethan asked.
"Well I think we should get back to the Penthouse and meet up with the others...", Jim said.
So Jim told Kurt that he was very pleased with things, but warned Kurt that he needed to keep and eye of Brody and Tripp - and then Jim, Josh, Zac and Max all headed out to the huge, extra long wheel-base, white Lincoln with Chuck waiting patiently for them.
The drive was a short one from the 'California Combat Club' to the 'Penthouse'.
Of course they were not in California - but that was where to 'Combat Club' had originated, when the 'Boss' first returned from Mexico.
The 'Combat Club' later moved to Las Vegas - in Nevada - where the 'Boss' acquired the 'Club Jaguar' - now known as the 'Club Athena' - and also the 'Penthouse Building' - and a number of other properties and venues.
As their limo moved through the crowded streets and roads of 'Vegas, Jim had a quiet word with the 'boys'.
"Now my friends - just a word of warning - don't expect me to discuss what passed between me and Brody and Jonathan today.
The 'goings on' at the 'Combat Club' are not really suitable topics when someone like Clare is listening.", Jim cautioned.
"So what about all those females that I've seen at the wrestling shows in the main auditorium at the Combat Club ?", Ethan asked.
"Well that's up to them - but it's not our way - among close friends.
The 'Combat Club' is really just a way of making money - and keeping alive part of a tradition passed on to us by the 'Dominus', from a very, very long time ago.
It's not a topic for conversation at the dinner table...", Jim said firmly.
"Yes, Jim... I understand...", Ethan said quietly.
"And say nothing to Teddy... you know the way he doesn't understand about these sort of things..", Jim added...
And so Chuck arrived at the 'Penthouse Apartment Block' in Summerlin, and parked up.
The 'boys' then took the elevator up to the Penthouse itself - to be greeted by Clare.
"Come in boys...", Clare said smiling.
"Have you seen to all your business ?, she asked solicitously.
"Well a lot of it...", Jim replied.
"And how's my little furry friend ?", Ethan asked, obviously referring to Teddy.
"Oh, he's been very good - sitting on your bed, and working with his laptop.", Clare replied.
"So is everything arranged for dinner ?", Jim asked
"Yes, Sir... You just give the word, and it will be delivered from the 'Club Athena', along with your favourite waiters...", Clare replied respectfully.
"Well first I think we'd all appreciate a little sit-down, and a relax in the living room,", Jim said.
At that point Ethan approached Jim.
"Can I have a quick, private word with you about Aaron...", Ethan asked.
"Of course - let's go into the study..."Jim suggested.
Clare was giving the 'boys' some coffee...
"Clare, can you bring two coffees into the study, as Ethan and I need to have a short, private discussion...", Jim said, as he passed by Clare.
And Clare dutifully brought the two coffees to the study while Jim and Ethan stood by the large windows looking out over the 'Vegas night-scape.
"So what's the problem...?", Jim asked.
"Well it's this manager guy...
"Oh...you mean Damrosch.", Jim said.
"So that's what he's called - he didn't even tell me.", Ethan said.
"Really?", Jim said, surprised at the manager's lack of courtesy.
"Anyway - the problem...?", Jim repeated.
"Well... the manager's a 'creep' - and he doesn't seem to want to give any straight answers about Aaron's appearances - which seem to be few and far between.
Also I saw no publicity anywhere in the hotel for Aaron's appearances - so I wonder how the guests even know when he is performing - so I told this Damrosch guy to see you tomorrow morning at your office.", Ethan explained.
"That's fine - but you see, the problem is that we inherited that guy when we bought the place.
Probably he's annoyed that we have a different way of doing things - and so is not being very cooperative - but the 'Boss' always had a simple way of sorting things out like that...", Jim said, obviously annoyed.
"So can Teddy and I get some posters and publicity designed to help Aaron ?", Ethan asked...
"Of course... good idea - but now we should go to the others, or we will be late for the meal...", Jim said.
So they returned to the living-room.
Talk was of the day's events... the inspection of the 'Club Athena' - and Franklin's encouraging - if boring and tedious - report on the financial progress of the Corporation.... of Ethan's visit to the 'Paradise Park Hotel', and the good impression that the young singer had made on Ethan and Max - a remeasuring report from Zac regarding security, and the interesting visit to the 'California Combat Club', where Jonathan and Brody put on a practice bout for their guests.
Clare then informed them that the evening meal was ready, and they all made their way into the dining-room.
This was the first time that they had all dined together since their trip to Egypt.
Seated round the table were Jim, Ethan, Josh, Zac, Max, Glen, 'Sigi' - and seated on the table was Teddy - who didn't eat.
"So I had some good news from Franklin.
Apparently he had news from Luxor that the 'Winter Palace Pavilion' had been demolished.", Jim began.
These boys looked at one another, puzzled... obviously not sensing the significance of this seemingly inconsequential news.
"Now most of you are probably not aware that Franklin put in a bid, on my behalf, for the 'Old Winter Palace'.
One of the stipulations from our side, however, was that the Pavilion had to be demolished, as it overlooked the gardens and swimming pool.
Now that stipulation has been met, and it is quite possible that the deal will eventually go through - which will mean that when we return to Luxor we shall have the Winter Palace to ourselves.", Jim said.
Everyone else at the table looked quite astounded.
Everyone that is except Ethan (and Teddy - not that he was really capable of looking astounded), as no one else, apart from Ethan, Teddy, the kittens and Glaux, (who were still at the Villa Athena), Faunus (whereabouts unknown) and Franklin new anything about the proposed purchase of the 'Winter Palace'.
Finally Josh manage to speak.
"But surely, Jim, you must have noticed that while we were staying there were very few guests... so is it going to make a profit for the Corporation ?", Jash asked.
"No...", Jim replied.
"But then it's not going to be part of the Corporation.
It's for our personal use - like a holiday villa by the Nile."
Once again most of the people sitting at the table were - to say the least - surprised.
"I think you mean a 'holiday palace'...", Ethan suggested with a grin.
"OK... a 'holiday palace'...", Jim admitted.
"So maybe next winter we can go back to Egypt ?..", Ethan asked sweetly.
"Maybe...", Jim replied.
"I think the 'kitties' would like that...", Ethan said.
As their limo moved through the crowded streets and roads of 'Vegas, Jim had a quiet word with the 'boys'.
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Brody at the California Combat Club |
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Wrestling at the Arena at Baiae |
"So what about all those females that I've seen at the wrestling shows in the main auditorium at the Combat Club ?", Ethan asked.
"Well that's up to them - but it's not our way - among close friends.
The 'Combat Club' is really just a way of making money - and keeping alive part of a tradition passed on to us by the 'Dominus', from a very, very long time ago.
It's not a topic for conversation at the dinner table...", Jim said firmly.
"Yes, Jim... I understand...", Ethan said quietly.
"And say nothing to Teddy... you know the way he doesn't understand about these sort of things..", Jim added...
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'Penthouse Apartment Block' - Las Vegas |
The 'boys' then took the elevator up to the Penthouse itself - to be greeted by Clare.
"Come in boys...", Clare said smiling.
"Have you seen to all your business ?, she asked solicitously.
"Well a lot of it...", Jim replied.
"And how's my little furry friend ?", Ethan asked, obviously referring to Teddy.
"Oh, he's been very good - sitting on your bed, and working with his laptop.", Clare replied.
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Penthouse Living Room - Las Vegas |
"Yes, Sir... You just give the word, and it will be delivered from the 'Club Athena', along with your favourite waiters...", Clare replied respectfully.
"Well first I think we'd all appreciate a little sit-down, and a relax in the living room,", Jim said.
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Study - the Penthouse - Las Vegas |
"Can I have a quick, private word with you about Aaron...", Ethan asked.
"Of course - let's go into the study..."Jim suggested.
Clare was giving the 'boys' some coffee...
"Clare, can you bring two coffees into the study, as Ethan and I need to have a short, private discussion...", Jim said, as he passed by Clare.
And Clare dutifully brought the two coffees to the study while Jim and Ethan stood by the large windows looking out over the 'Vegas night-scape.
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Damrosch - Paradise Park |
"Well it's this manager guy...
"Oh...you mean Damrosch.", Jim said.
"So that's what he's called - he didn't even tell me.", Ethan said.
"Really?", Jim said, surprised at the manager's lack of courtesy.
"Anyway - the problem...?", Jim repeated.
"Well... the manager's a 'creep' - and he doesn't seem to want to give any straight answers about Aaron's appearances - which seem to be few and far between.
Also I saw no publicity anywhere in the hotel for Aaron's appearances - so I wonder how the guests even know when he is performing - so I told this Damrosch guy to see you tomorrow morning at your office.", Ethan explained.
"That's fine - but you see, the problem is that we inherited that guy when we bought the place.
Probably he's annoyed that we have a different way of doing things - and so is not being very cooperative - but the 'Boss' always had a simple way of sorting things out like that...", Jim said, obviously annoyed.
"So can Teddy and I get some posters and publicity designed to help Aaron ?", Ethan asked...
"Of course... good idea - but now we should go to the others, or we will be late for the meal...", Jim said.
So they returned to the living-room.
Talk was of the day's events... the inspection of the 'Club Athena' - and Franklin's encouraging - if boring and tedious - report on the financial progress of the Corporation.... of Ethan's visit to the 'Paradise Park Hotel', and the good impression that the young singer had made on Ethan and Max - a remeasuring report from Zac regarding security, and the interesting visit to the 'California Combat Club', where Jonathan and Brody put on a practice bout for their guests.
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Penthouse Dining-Room - Las Vegas - Nevada - USA |
This was the first time that they had all dined together since their trip to Egypt.
Seated round the table were Jim, Ethan, Josh, Zac, Max, Glen, 'Sigi' - and seated on the table was Teddy - who didn't eat.
"So I had some good news from Franklin.
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Old Winter Palace - Luxor - Egypt |
These boys looked at one another, puzzled... obviously not sensing the significance of this seemingly inconsequential news.
"Now most of you are probably not aware that Franklin put in a bid, on my behalf, for the 'Old Winter Palace'.
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Winter Pavilion - Luxor - Egypt |
Now that stipulation has been met, and it is quite possible that the deal will eventually go through - which will mean that when we return to Luxor we shall have the Winter Palace to ourselves.", Jim said.
Everyone else at the table looked quite astounded.
Everyone that is except Ethan (and Teddy - not that he was really capable of looking astounded), as no one else, apart from Ethan, Teddy, the kittens and Glaux, (who were still at the Villa Athena), Faunus (whereabouts unknown) and Franklin new anything about the proposed purchase of the 'Winter Palace'.
Finally Josh manage to speak.
"But surely, Jim, you must have noticed that while we were staying there were very few guests... so is it going to make a profit for the Corporation ?", Jash asked.
"No...", Jim replied.
"But then it's not going to be part of the Corporation.
It's for our personal use - like a holiday villa by the Nile."
Once again most of the people sitting at the table were - to say the least - surprised.
"I think you mean a 'holiday palace'...", Ethan suggested with a grin.
"OK... a 'holiday palace'...", Jim admitted.
"So maybe next winter we can go back to Egypt ?..", Ethan asked sweetly.
"Maybe...", Jim replied.
"I think the 'kitties' would like that...", Ethan said.

Among other things this chapter features a lecture from Faunus in Room 33 - a murder - a concert - a wrestling bout - a search for new apartment and a suitable location for a 'villa' - and a return to high-school (at Henderson), for one of those embarrassing graduation ceremonies - and guess who the valedictorian might be....?
All text - © Copyright Peter Crawford 2022
All Images - © Copyright Vittorio Carvelli 2022
Graphic Design - © Copyright Zac Sawyer 2022