Part 2 - Book 3 - Chapter 24 - Meetings at the Villa Athena


there is a reunion for Clare and Ethan and Teddy, and Brody - who then join Jim at the 'Penthouse'. Later Caleb spends some of the evening talking to Jim. The following day, meanwhile other developments take place in Washington.  The following day Jim takes Ethan, Teddy and Caleb to meet Novius and Tony Stark at the 'Villa Athena'.

The difference between what the most and the least learned people know is
inexpressibly trivial in relation to that which is unknown.
― Albert Einstein
It was only a short drive to McCarran Airport, which was the major international airport serving Las Vegas.
McCarran International Airport - Las Vegas - Nevada - USA
While Chuck parked the Cadillac Pullman in the special bay reserved for 'Athena Corporation' and 'Air West' executives and flight-deck officers, Ethan made his way to the International arrivals area.
Unfortunately for Clare and Brody, the AirWest 'plane in which they had been flying had not been upgraded, as approval for such modifications, agreed in Jim's office just days before, had not even been granted by then - but despite the fact that they missed the magnificent comfort of the 'Athena Dreamliner', they were, at least, glad to be back in 'Vegas.
Clare in particular was happy to be reunited with Ethan and Teddy, having missed looking after and fussing over them for a week or so.
Brody was also pleased to hear that Caleb, who he had known at the 'Combat Club' briefly before the Mexican holiday, had finally been 'taken on' permanently at the 'Club', and was settling in at the 'Penthouse Building'.
Ethan, however, was quite subdued on the journey back to the 'Penthouse Building'.
He said nothing about his recent acquisition of his Cadillac convertible, or his driving lesson, as he didn't feel at ease about 'showing off' in front of Brody.
Equally, he felt that the Cadillac was of no concern to Clare, as he could see few occasions when he would be driving her anywhere, and regardless, as far as she would know, the convertible would just be yet another of Jim's inherited cars - so little was said - apart from explaining that Jim would be at the 'Penthouse Building' to welcome them back.
And that is what happened when they returned to the 'Penthouse Building', with Jim making it very clear how pleased he was to have Clare back to look after himself and Ethan once again, and giving Brody encouraging remarks with regard to his continuing training, and appearances at the 'California Combat Club'.
So after a brief conversation both Clare and Brody went to their separate apartments to unpack, and get refreshed after their journey. 
Jim, meanwhile, asked Ethan the tell Caleb, who was in his apartment at the time,  to come up to the Penthouse.
Ethan tried to contact Caleb on the 'house phone', but there was no reply... maybe Caleb couldn't find the 'house phone', or presumed that the call wasn't for him... so Ethan took the elevator to fetch him.
Ethan opened the large, white double doors of the Penthouse when Caleb arrived.
"Hi Caleb...
Main Living Room - Penthouse - Summerlin
Jim's waiting for you in the living-room - and remember, it's 'Sir' - not Jim.", Ethan warned.
Ethan then joined Teddy in the study where they were working on music for the soon the be staged concert at the 'Park Theater'.
By then the sun had set, and from the huge windows, on the top floor of the 'Penthouse Building', the twinkling lights of 'Vegas could be seen.
Jim was sitting in a well upholstered, contemporary armchair, where he had been enjoying the view, and rose to greet and shake hands with Caleb.
"I hope your move was undertaken without any problems.", Jim began solicitously.
"It was fine, Sir - and I'm very grateful for all the help that you and Mr Duncan have given me.", Caleb replied.
"And you find the apartment here satisfactory ?", Jim asked.
"Of course, Sir.
It's wonderful !", Caleb enthused.
"Now I realize that you might find things here a little difficult, having come from a background where things were much simpler.
I have done a little research on the Amish way of life, and I understand that Amish people are very wary of electricity, often using oil or gas to light their home, and refusing to have computers, 'phones, radios, televisions and automobiles and suchlike.", Jim began.
Caleb nodded in agreement.
"But I would point out that we, and by we, I mean myself, Ethan, Zac, Josh and Novius all came, quite recently, from a part of Europe where  life was very much like life in an Amish community - so we, like you, had to come to terms with all this new technology - and we have managed to successfully adapt to these changes.", Jim stated, managing very carefully to avoid giving away too many facts that might be difficult to explain.
"And 'Sigi' - he's not among the people that you have just mentioned ?", Caleb asked.
"No - he originally came from Austria, and that is why he has a slight accent, similar to your own - and he helps Ethan - and then there is also Glen and Brody, but they are just ordinary Americans - but there is also Tripp, who you have probably met at the 'Combat Club', who is from Valley City, in North Dakota, and is of German stock, and so also has a slight German accent." Jim explained.
"So, I have met Ethan, 'Sigi', Brody, but can you tell me anything about the others", Caleb asked.
Now Jim had not really met anyone before, like Caleb, except perhaps Jonathan - also a 'farm boy', from a simple background in Kansas, although definitely not Amish - and who, strangely, Caleb had not mentioned.
Jonathan, however, had never asked any questions that could be described as 'leading questions', so Jim began to be just a little suspicious - but he decided to provide just a little more innocuous information.
Green Valley High School - Henderson - Nevada
"Well Josh is an important liaising executive with Franklin Black, and Mr Black runs the financial side of  the Corporation.
Zac is in charge of security, and you'll meet him tomorrow, as he's out of the country at the moment.
Glen is my 'nephew', and is attending High School at the moment, and Novius is a sort of  'honorary uncle', who you will probably meet tomorrow.", Jim continued.
"I see...", Caleb said in a rather noncommittal manner.
"So - what's this that Ethan has been telling me about you talking about the Mafia ?", Jim then asked.
"Ethan told you that ?", Caleb asked, sounding somewhat surprised.
Jim stood up, turning towards the windows - and looked to the sierras on the horizon...
"Yes.... why not ?....
At present you work for Ethan - and I'm  Ethan's boss - 
So he's under a contractual obligation to report anything you might say or do of any significance to me.", Jim said coldly.
Amish Farm - Cresco - Iowa - USA
"Of course, Sir.", Caleb replied quietly.
"So what made you start to talk about the Mafia - I mean I doubt if there are many 'Mafioso' in Cresco, Iowa - and as I've been told that the Amish don't have computers, radios, or televisions , and don't use the public education system or libraries, I find it unlikely that many Amish in Cresco have even heard of the Mafia....",  Jim questioned.
Caleb looked uncomfortable...
"Well, it was when Ethan took us to the eating place in the 'Flamingo Hotel'. named after this man called 'Bugsy' Siegel, who originally owned the casino.
Ethan said he was part of this group of criminals that Ethan called the 'Mafia'....
Well, I saw that Ethan and 'Sigi' were carrying guns, and Ethan said that you and your organisation owned hotels and casinos, and had lots of money and big cars - so I thought - maybe these people I'm working for are like Mafia.", Caleb said diffidently.
"So do I  or Ethan look Italian ?', , Jim asked.
"No..", Caleb admitted.
"So get this straight, Caleb... 'this thing of ours' is not Mafia... 
It's just a normal business corporation, and completely legitimate and legal.", Jim insisted - his last statement followed by an uncomfortable, strained silence, only broken by a soft tap on the door to the living room.
It was Clare, asking about arrangements for dinner.
"Just order something from the 'Club Athena', and tell Ethan and Brody when the food will be served - and this is Caleb - he's new - and has the apartment next to Brody.
Caleb, stood up, blushed and proffered his hand to Clare.
"Pleased to meet you. Ma'am.", Caleb said with gentle, studied politeness, as Clare appraised the tall, blond young man.
"This is Clare, my housekeeper, and please ensure that you treat here with the greatest respect.", Jim warned, and Caleb nodded, and resumed his seat, as Clare left the room.
FBI HQ - Washington DC
Meanwhile, back in Washington DC, at the Headquarters of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, (this link above gives important information) 
... J Edgar Hoover and Clyde Tolson, before their sleazy foray into the night life of Washington, were having their last official meeting of the day.
"So Clyde, how's our 'plant' on the 'Athena' case doing ? ", Hoover asked, as he tidied his desk prior to leaving his office.
"Well, so far we haven't heard much.
It's been difficult for him to make contact, as he seems to spend all his time under some sort of 'supervision' - and now he seems to have accommodation in a place in Summerlin, in 'Vegas owned by someone called Ethan Duncan, who is apparently a very close associate of James Johnston.", Tolson replied.
"And this young man, Clyde, what's so special about him.", Hoover asked.
Tolson quickly checked some notes he was carrying...
"Well he's called Caleb Harley, and is from Cresco, in Iowa.
He can pass himself off as Amish, although actually he's no longer part of that community...
Clyde Tolson and J Edgar Hoover
and  he speaks German, which helps, as the Amish speak German, and at least two of Johnston's associates speak German, although one of those two is only in a relatively menial position at the 'Combat Club'.
Harley is presenting himself as a 'runaway' - a simple Amish farm-boy, so it's unlikely that he will raise any suspicions.
At present he's working at the establishment I referred to previously, styled as the 'California Combat Club' - although it's not actually in California, but in Paradise, in 'Vegas.
It's a place of interest to us..."
Hoover raised an eyebrow.
"Why ?",  he asked.
"Well, our local agents suggest that's a pickup-joint for 'inverts' and 'flits', as some of the youthful 'combatants' feature male nudity, although most of the income comes from gambling on these 'fixed fights'.
However, the 'Club' is not owned by Johnston, or directly connected with 'Athena'..."
Miss Helen Gandy
"So who's the owner ?", Hoover asked.
"A rather shadowy character called 'Kurt' - but we have no further details."
"And have you met this boy - this Harley ?", Hoover asked.
"No - but then it's not a priority case - but I have a photo of him..", Tolson replied.
"And ?", Hoover queried.
"Well. he's very good looking...", Tolson replied with a smile.
"So, perhaps you should go down to 'Vegas, and check him out Clyde - it's only about four hours by 'plane.
And then you can give me your appraisal...
So get Miss Gandy to arrange a flight for you, while I book our reservation for dinner at the 'Mayflower'.", Hoover suggested.
Helen Gandy was the long-time secretary to 'Federal Bureau of Investigation' Director J. Edgar Hoover, who called her 'indispensable'. Serving in that role for 54 years she exercised great behind-the-scenes influence on Hoover and the workings of the Bureau. Following Hoover's death in 1972, she spent weeks destroying his 'Personal Files', thought to contain the most incriminating material he used to manipulate and control the most powerful figures in Washington
Penthouse Dining Room - Summerlin - Las Vegas
With little delay, a hot, delicious 'cordon bleu' dinner was delivered from the 'Club Athena'.
Clare then called Ethan and Teddy, and Brody and Caleb to the penthouse dining room.
For Brody it was quite an occasion, as he rarely dined in the penthouse, as he often took his meals in the 'Athena Park Hotel' that was near the 'Combat Club', although Clare often took evening snacks down to him in his apartment in the 'Penthouse Building'.
For Caleb, the dinner was an entirely new experience, dining practically 'under the stars', in the spacious, elegant 'Penthouse Dining Room'.
The dining was uneventful, however, with the usual chit-chat that one would expect as Clare and Brody gave an accounts of their week long beach holiday at the 'Playa-del-Carmen' in Mexico.
Then, not surprisingly, Clare wanted to know all about where Caleb came from, his family, and what Iowa.and Cresco were like, and why he had decided to come to 'Vegas.
At the same time that dinner was underway at the 'Penthouse Dining Room', J Edgar Hoover and Clyde Tolson had changed from business suites into elegant evening-wear, and were sitting in their chauffeur driven limousine on their way to the 'Men’s Bar' at the 'Mayflower Hotel' in Washington, D.C.
The 'Mayflower Hotel' is a historic hotel in downtown Washington, D.C., located on Connecticut Avenue NW.  The 'Mayflower' is the largest luxury hotel in the District of Columbia, the longest continuously operating hotel in the Washington D.C. area, and a rival of the nearby 'Willard Inter-Continental' and 'Hay-Adams Hotels'. The 'Mayflower' is known as the 'Grande Dame of Washington', the 'Hotel of Presidents', and as the city's 'Second Best Address' (the White House is the first - or maybe the FBI Headquarters ? ).
J Edgar Hoover and Clyde Tolson
Hoover and Tolson had reservations in the men only 'Rib Room' - a restaurant and bar in the Mayflower.
Now initially Hoover had not taken much interest in the investigations into the matter of James Johnston and the 'Athena Corporation', despite the concern that the rival CIA had shown.
With this latest information that Tolson had given him, however, regarding the local FBI Station's investigations into the 'California Combat Club' - perhaps not surprisingly - Hoover's curiosity had been piqued...
Once they had finished dinner they retired to the bar.
"So what can you tell me about this 'California Combat Club', and how does it fit in with James Johnston.", Hoover asked.
Now it was not usual for Hoover to discuss Bureau business matters during their private time, but Tolson guessed that his 'friend' had more than more than simply a professional interest in this particular matter.
So Tolson began explaining the information that he had gleaned from various agents, departments and stations...
Yale University - New Haven
"Well it all begins some considerable time ago.
Yale University - New Haven
It seems that the man, Alexander Johnston - who adopted this boy in 'Vegas called, apparently, 'Marcus' - appeared, as if out of nowhere at 'Yale University' in New Haven.
How he was accepted into the university is unknown, as his documentation has mysteriously disappeared - a phenomena that we shall come across on a number of occasions.

Alexander Johnston was soon 'noticed' and was 'tapped' for the Skull and Bones' - and this probably accounts for his rapid social rise, and the fact that few obstacles were put in his way as he built up his remarkable financial empire."
Skull & Bones
'The Tomb' - Yale University
'Skull and Bones', also known as 'The Order', 'Order 322' or 'The Brotherhood of Death', is a senior secret student society at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut. The oldest senior class society at the university, 'Skull and Bones' has become a cultural institution known for its powerful alumni. The society is known informally as 'Bones', and members are known as 'Bonesmen', or 'Members of The Order'.
Archaeology in Chiapas - Mexico
"Alexander Johnston subsequently was an archaeologist in Mexico for a number of years.
Returning to the US frequently, he - probably illegally - sold many of his 'finds' to collectors and museums.
From his profits he bought land in Mexico, and also in California and Nevada.
In was in California that he entered the gambling racket, buying a couple of small Casinos, and establishing the 'Combat Club' which operated as a gym, restaurant and wrestling venue.
The restaurant was, to an extent, a 'pick-up' joint, while the gym attracted young men, and the wrestling involved 'fixed' fights and gambling.
California Combat Club - Las Vegas - Nevada
Although he ran a a reasonably 'legitimate' operation, and caused no 'trouble', the local authorities were not entirely happy, and eventually Alexander Johnston sold up, and moved to Las Vegas, which had a more  permissive and lax attitude towards Johnston's activities.
So, he passed the supposed ownership of the 'Combat Club' over to 'stooges' - concessionaires.
By then he had started to amass a substantial amount of capital from his 'semi-legal' activities in Mexico, to which the Mexican authorities, like the authorities in Nevada, turned a blind eye, and he was able to construct an imposing complex, in Paradise, in 'Vegas, for which he retained the title 'California Combat  Club', and which was close to the Park Hotel, which by then he also owned, .
Death of Alexander Johnston in Mexico
Some time later, however, after adopting 'Marcus', who he later named James, Alexander Johnston died in mysterious circumstances in Mexico, and most of his estate was left to the young man - James Johnston - whom he had adopted."
"Yes - that's all very interesting, Clyde, but how does this link with this boy Caleb that you mentioned earlier ?", Hoover asked.
"Well.. as we were engaged in investigating the Corporation that James Johnston created on the death of Alexander Johnston, some of the agents suggested that a good entry to the Corporation might be the 'California Combat Club' in 'Vegas, as that particular branch of the organization was technically not actually part of the 'Athena Corporation', and might well give us access to some of the leading figures in the organization - including Mr James Johnston himself.
'Death - in mysterious circumstances' - Chiapas - Mexico
It's sort of like a back door to the whole business.", Tolson explained
"Yes - good thinking Clyde.
So how did you find this Harley boy ?", Hoover asked.
"Well our 'profiling' indicated that we needed a boy, from outside the US South West, who was dissatisfied with his general situation, was to some extent prone to fighting, and had an interest in wrestling.
One  odd aspect about this case is the fact that two individuals in the organization - one in the 'Athena Corporation', and one in the 'Combat Club' - speak fluent German, so a German speaker could bond with them, and communicate without being understood by non-German speakers.
We also needed someone who could leave family and friends without anyone trying to trace them.
So, the Amish fitted the bill.
They wouldn't contact the authorities, and would effectively disown their errant son.
Also this particular boy is 'crazy' about a famous wrestler - Glen Brand.
He was an American wrestler, and Olympic Champion in 'Freestyle' wrestling, and was the first 'I S U' athlete named to 'Des Moines Register Sports Hall of Fame'.
So in most ways, he fits the bill...
And we found him without too much trouble by investigating police, court, probation and school records.", Tolson replied.
"And he's OK about doing this - I mean with the wrestling and everything.", Hoover asked.
"Yes, anyway, I think he'll do practically anything - if  the money is good enough.", Tolson replied.
"So who's 'handling' the boy ?", Hoover asked.
"Wayne Gordy....
Hoover looked puzzled.
"He's quite a way down the line - you've probably only met him - briefly - once.
Gordy looks very young for his age, wears the right clothes, and talks the right talk... so he could be taken for one of Caleb's 'boyfriends' - and there's plenty of meeting places near the 'Combat Club' - burger-bars and the like, so they'll be no problem for them to keep in contact without arousing suspicion.", Tolson explained.
'Well, that' all sounds very good - so, as I suggested before, you get yourself off to 'Vegas tomorrow, look over this 'Club' - contact Gordy, and also see if you can meet with the boy Caleb, as long as this doesn't compromise us...",  Hoover said.
"Wake up ! Wake up ! Wake up ! - We're going to Antelope Valley !", Teddy squeaked, as he bounce up and down on Ethan's back.'
It was the morning after the dinner in the Penthouse...
"Not again - It's a really long, boring drive...!",  Ethan moaned, as he pushed Teddy away, yawned and rubbed his eyes.
Jim had decided to take Ethan and Teddy, and Caleb to the Villa Athena.
The Pool - Spring Palms - Henderson - Nevada
Ethan, of course would spend much of the time in the gardens of the villa reconnecting with the kittens.
Brody would, as usual, take his regular commute to the 'Combat Club' for his regular training sessions, while Clare would spend the day sorting things out at the penthouse.
Sigi, meanwhile, had invited Max to 'Spring Palms', in Henderson, for a lazy day beside the pool
Also - that morning,, Zac, who had returned from Mexico, would drive down to the 'Villa Athena' to meet with Jim, and also check out Caleb, the new arrival.
Josh, who was finalizing matters in Mexico, and would return to 'Vegas in the next few days to report to Franklin, and then return to the 'Villa Athena' to spend time with Glaux.
Johnathan and Caleb - Practice Bout - California Combat Club
Now Teddy had first met Caleb at the 'California Combat Club', when Johnathan and Caleb had put on a practice bout for Jim and Kurt.
Teddy had also been around when Jim took Caleb to the 'Las Vegas Hotel Athena' (previously 'Caesars Palace'), and also when Caleb visited Jim at his office at the 'Club Athena' in Summerlin.
Later, Teddy had been with Ethan and 'Sigi' when they went to 'Vegas to buy Caleb clothes, and during the visit to the 'Flamingo Hotel' for lunch - and then when Caleb moved into the 'Penthouse Building'.
And so, Teddy had plenty of time to observe and assess Caleb's character and behavior.
Teddy - not being human, or even a hominid (he was an animatronic 'teddy-bear'), had been provided with a huge database relating to human psychology and behaviors, which was intended to enable him to interact and relate to human beings in an apparently 'natural' manner.
The result was that most individuals who were involved with Teddy very quickly forgot that he was a 'teddy-bear', and simply thought of him as a fluffy, cuddly little human-being.
Teddy, however, because of his vast intellect, (with an IQ simply 'off the scale'), had a phenomenal understanding of those with whom he came into contact.
For instance - he was the first to realize that 'the Boss' was not 'behaving normally' at the time of the 'disappearance' of  'the Boss', prior to his unfortunate death in the Mexican jungle.
Teddy's exact words, in describing his misgiving at that time were "Something's up, guys."
Interstate 15 - USA
So, they were driving, inevitably, on 'Interstate 15' - once again.
Teddy was not in his white plastic Walmart Bag, but was instead sitting between Ethan and Jim in the rear compartment of the Cadillac Pullman.
Caleb was sitting 'up-front' with Chuck.
Interstate 15 - USA
Teddy nudged Jim....
"Something's up, guys."
"What did he say ?", Ethan asked.
"He said 'something's up'.", Jim replied quietly.
"With what ?", Ethan then asked - thinking it might be a problem with the Cadillac.
(after one driving lesson Ethan was thinking he was an expert regarding automobiles.)
"With what ?", Jim asked Teddy.
"Not what - with who ?", Teddy cryptically replied.
"OK - who ?",  Jim asked, becoming slightly exasperated.
"Caleb...",  Teddy replied.
Jim was puzzled. but knew that it would be unwise to ignore Teddy.
"OK - but tell me about the problem later, when we are at the Villa...",  Jim suggested.
With that, Teddy switched himself off.
Ethan was alarmed.
"See what you've done now...
He's acted like this before, and it takes goodness how long to get him to tell us, and then it's too late", Ethan said.
"Yes...", Jim sighed reluctantly.
"It would be easier if Faunus was with us - but he seems to have disappeared.", Ethan added, but as Ethan spoke, a young hitchhiker appeared on the side of the road, as if out of nowhere.
Jim got on the intercom...
"Give this guy a lift.",  Jim said.
Fair haired, and looking remarkably like 'Agent James Smith', it was seemingly Faunus.
Faunus - the 'Hitch-Hiker'
"Speak of the devil !...", Ethan said.
"Now Faunus... how much do you know of what's been happening while you've been away ?", Jim asked, as Faunus settled himself next to Teddy..
"Well everything - Teddy and Glaux keep me very well informed.", Faunus replied, as if it was obvious.
"So what's this problem with Teddy ?", Ethan asked.
"It's not a problem with Teddy, it's a problem with you humans...", Faunus replied.
"Well I'm sorry, but us 'humans', as you describe us, are not as smart as you and Teddy and Glaux.", Ethan said irritably.
"OK, and you should also include the kittens, as we are going to their home...
They are very clever...", Faunus added.
"Now - like Teddy, I can't tell you 'what's up' now, while we are in the limo, but I know that Teddy will explain some things to you - in private - when you are at the villa.
But for the moment, I'm just a hitchhiker - 'James Smith' - and not a word about CIA, aliens or anything like that, at least when Caleb's around.
"So you know about Caleb ?", Ethan asked, sounding shocked.
"Of course, I told you I knew everything about what's been happening...", Faunus replied.
"But just be careful what you say - things are getting serious.", Faunus concluded.
And soon they were passing through the long driveway that led to the 'Villa Athena' - the sprawling neo-Mayan collection of pavilions that was now the home of Novius - the old boyhood friend of Gnæus Gracchus - latterly, and before his demise, known as Alexander Johnston, or 'the Boss'.
Chuck parked the Pullman close to the main entrance to the Villa Athena - and walked to the rear door of the limo, which he opened.
Jim, Ethan with Teddy, and the supposed 'hitchhiker' left the limo, to be greeted by Novius, who came, smiling broadly, down the steps leading to the entrance.
At the same time Caleb left the driving compartment, and followed the others.
Cadillac at the Villa Athena
The huge Cadillac Pullman was left standing close to the entrance, awaiting the Mexican servants, who would carry the few items of luggage from the trunk to the villa.
"Marcus, my boy - it's so good to see you again - and Aurarius", Novius said, as he greeted first Jim, and then Ethan - Roman style.
"And I see you've brought Teddy with you... ", Novius continued, as he then noticed the 'hitchhiker', and Caleb.
Jim then offered a quick, and needed explanation.
Jim indicated Faunus...
"This young man, whom you know, we picked up on our way here...", Jim began, and this is one of my latest employees, Caleb.
Villa Athena - Study
Novius greeted both young men, but had the good sense not to reveal that he did not recognize Faunus
"So come... let us go to the study and talk...", Novius said, realizing that there was something 'strange' about the situation, but saying nothing until Jim or Ethan had explained matters.
"So how have things been since we saw you last ?", Jim asked Novius.
"Well, we're still having visits from those strange triangular UFOs - bit not quite so often." Novius replied
"And Tony - is he making any further progress ?", Jim added.
"I don't really know.
I think you should ask him yourself.", Novius suggested.
"Well, let's first have some of that lovely coffee you have here, and a nice sit down, and a chat with the kittens." Ethan said.
So they all settled themselves on the sofas in the study - except Faunus, who had taken the opportunity to slip away.
"So may I introduce you to Caleb... 'Caleb Harley'.
He is a new member of our organisation, who will be working at the 'California Combat Club' in 'Vegas...", Jim said to Novius.
Jim then turned to Caleb...
"Novius is like an honarary 'uncle' to me, and he was a very close friend of my 'benefactor', who was the one who founded the 'Athena Corporation'.", Jim explained to Caleb.
Caleb nodded to indicate that he understood.
"But now Ethan and Teddy and I must go to see Tony and Ashraf, so  I'll leave you to talk to Novius...", Jim said to Caleb.
So Jim and Ethan and Teddy made their way down one of the many echoing, neo-Mayan hallways to Tony's pavilion.
"Hi guys !", Tony said in greeting, when they arrived - looking up from a bank of computer terminals.
"So how's it going, Tony ?" - Jim asked
"Quite well actually...
The mice are looking very fit and frisky, particularly as they have all exceeded their natural life-spans, and are showing no side-effects.", Tony said.
"That's good - so what's next ?" Ethan asked.
The Kittens - Winter Palace Gardens
"Well, if you agree, I was hoping to use the kittens for some further testing...", Tony suggested hesitantly.
"Not a good idea...", Teddy said.
"So, what's the problem ?", Tony asked.
"The kittens would be useless for your research.", Teddy began firmly.
"They are not 'normal' kittens.
And in case you haven't noticed, they're still just as young and playful now as when they first 'appeared', when we were on holiday in Luxor, and they haven't aged a day since then.
They seemingly arrived with Ashraf, and were probably with him in the sarcophagus, wherever that was in the centuries that must have passed before they turned up on the West Bank of the Nile, in Egypt...
It was when we discovered 'Lion Cave'.
You see they're not 'real' kittens, any more than I'm a 'real' teddy-bear - so your experiments on them would be useless.", Teddy insisted.
"Quite right !", Ethan agreed.
"I agree with Ethan.", Ashraf, who had been silently listening, said.
Cats in ancient Egypt were highly revered, partly due to their ability to combat vermin such as rats and snakes - especially cobras. Cats of royalty were, in some instances, known to be dressed in golden jewelry and were allowed to eat from the plates of their owners.
Sekhmet is the daughter of the sun god, Ra, and is considered to be the sister of the cat goddess Bastet.
Sekhmet is a warrior goddess as well as goddess of healing.
She is seen as the protector of the pharaohs and upon death, Sekhmet continues to protect them, bearing them to the afterlife.
Bastet is the major cat deity, and because domestic cats tend to be tender and protective of their offspring. Bastet was also regarded as a good mother, and sometimes was depicted with numerous kittens.
"Well, we must respect the views of Teddy and Ethan, and anyway, Teddy has some more data from the 'Alien Leader' that you need to download into your system...", Jim said.
"OK - we'll think later about our next step after we have looked at this new data", Tony replied.
"Now Tony, we have a new young guy working at the 'California Combat Club', but there are possibly problems.
So we need to discuss this, and your opinion would be appreciated, but this is highly confidential...." Jim began.
"Of course - that's no problem." Tony agreed.
"We will, however, be informing Novius, Zac, Josh - and probably 'Sigi' and  Glen on a 'need to know' basis  - OK ?"
And they all agreed.
"Now at this point even don't know what the situation is, so I will leave Teddy to explain.", Jim concluded.
"So, Tony - I presume you've done a thorough electronic security sweep of this area ?", Teddy began.
"Of course, Teddy.
With the sarcophagus here, I can't be too careful...", Tony replied.
"Good ! So carry on...", Jim said to Teddy.
"So, it begins with Kurt taking on this young man.
I don't know if Kurt 'picked him' up, or one of the other boys - but it probably doesn't matter - although we should get Zac to check that out - just to see if it leads anywhere.
So according to Caleb, he comes from a small rural town in Iowa called Cresco.
A lot of Amish live there - I don't know if you've heard of them.", Teddy began.
Tony nodded.
"Yes - I've heard of them.
A strange Christian sect who reject much of the current 'technological' way of life.", Tony said.
"Now this all happened a while ago, when we were all out of the county - in Mexico - so thee was no way that Kurt could get any approval from higher up.
However, superficially Caleb seemed to very similar Johnathan - who was also a 'farm-boy' - but in his case from Hutchinson in  Kansas.
Cresco - Iowa - USA
The only difference was that Caleb had no experience of High School or Collegiate Wrestling, as the Amish refused to attend state funded education - but, despite that, he appeared to be a good wrestler.
So - no problems - and he got on well with Kurt, Johnathan, and the 'boys'.
Caleb's story was the he had - how shall we put it - 'lost his faith', and was tired of the restrictions that the community imposed on young men - and so he 'ran away', to 'Vegas to 'make his fortune'.
So everything seemed fine.
When we showed up at the 'Combat Club', Jim, Ethan and 'Sigi' took an instant liking to him, particularly after Caleb and Johnathan had a tussle in the Practice ring - and after Jim here had interviewed him.
So 'Sigi' and Ethan kitted him out in decent clothes and suchlike, before helping him to move into an apartment in the 'Penthouse Building'."
"So where's the problem with all of this ?", Tony asked - interrupting.
"Well, as you should know only too well, Tony, I have a very large database.
Much of that deals with human behavior and similar, associated matters.
The first thing that concerned me was this boy's skin.
Caleb Wrestling in the Practice Ring
He was only wearing Speedos when he posed for photos, and later when he had a brief tussle in the practice ring with Johnathan.
Now Amish men and youths, who work most of the day in the fields, wear trousers, and shirts, with sleeves usually rolled up to the elbows.
So Caleb should have deeply tanned hand, forearms and face and neck.
Caleb appears to be naturally fair, with very pale skin - but when he was stripped off for wrestling and posing, there was no sign of any tanning on the arms and hands, or face and neck - so I don't think he was a real 'farm-boy' - as he claimed - but that's not to say that he is not Amish, and he does have a slight German accent.
There are other problems, however.
Flamingo Hotel and Casino - Las Vegas
Caleb came to the Las Vegas Hotel Athena (previously 'Caesars Palace') - where you, Jim, interviewed him and there seemed to be no problems until the following day when we went to the 'Flamingo Hotel' for lunch.
It was there that my suspicions were further aroused.
Now it may have been partly my fault as, when we decided to have our meal at 'Bugsy & Meyer's Restaurant', I gave out some information about the early history of the hotel, with some details about 'Bugsy Siegel'.
It was at that point, however, that Caleb started asking about the 'Mafia' - and how he'd noticed that 'Sigi' and Ethan carried guns, and had lots of money, and how you ran casinos, drove around in big cars and had 'funny accents'.
So I thought it was a little strange - as he was able to put 'two and two' together in a way that someone shouldn't be able to who lived without newspapers, 'phones, radio and television, and didn't watch movies, or read books - except for the Bible, and didn't even go to school....".
`Jim intervened...
"Now don't get upset, Teddy, but we can see what you're getting at - and you are quite right to bring this to our attention.", Jim said.
"Yes, I was wondering when those 'one-legged-flamingo-thingys' would come into the picture,", Ethan mused.
"Well, I think I need to get Zac, and some of the 'boys', down to Vegas as quickly as possible." Jim said, trying to ignore Ethan's comment about 'one-legged-flamingo'.
But first, until we have confirmation of Teddy's suspicions, we should carry on as normal, but be very discreet when Caleb is in earshot...
But for now, Ethan and Teddy - you go back to the study and chat with Caleb - but steer the conversation off anything to do with the sarcophagus and 'aliens', although I think Novius has enough sense not to discuss such matters with someone he has just been introduced to, and hardly knows.
Meanwhile - I will try to get hold of Zac on the 'phone.
Jim was on the 'phone...
"So where are you,  Zac ?",  Jim asked.
'McCarran International Airport' - Las Vegas - Nevada
"Just arrived at 'McCarran'  - Where are you ?",
"At the 'Villa Athena' - with Ethan and Teddy and Novius - and Caleb, the new boy is with us.
Something important's come up - Can we meet in my office,  at the 'Club Athena' - ASAP ?",  Jim asked.
"Of course - see you soon.",  Zac replied and closed his 'phone.
Jim, then spoke to Tony...
"I've got to go and sort out this business, Tony - so why not check out Teddy's' download' - and remember - no experimenting on the kittens.", Jim warned, as he made his way down the labyrinthine hallways, and back to Novius' study.
Jim apologized for interrupting Novius, who was, predictably, 'diverting' Caleb with snippets Etruscan and Roman history.
Clyde Tolson - FBI Associate Director
"Come on, Caleb - we can drop you off at your new apartment, as we have to got to attend to our duties at the 'Athena Cub'...", Jim explained - making it strangely seem as if he and Ethan and Teddy were going to work a shift as waiters or receptionists, or suchlike at the hotel.
And so they made their farewell to Novius, and returned to the Cadillac Pullman for a return drive down the 'Interstate 15'.
Now - while Zac drives to the 'Club Athena' from McCarran, and Jim, Ethan and Teddy, and Caleb drive from 'Antelope Valley' to 'Vegas - another actor in this drama has also arrived in 'Vegas -  landing a McCarran - and that 'actor' is Clyde Tolson, on a special 'mission' from J Edgar Hoover.
But perhaps at this point we should add some additional information about Zac...
Of course, Zac Taylor is not his real name.
The 'Boss' named him 'Zac', as he felt, rightly or wrongly that it was a quintessentially modern American boy's name.
The last name - 'Taylor' - was devised by Franklin, who used a fiendishly complex computer program, designed (by Franklin of course), to identify prestigious and appropriate surnames.
The middle name, 'James', was a hommage to 'Jim', who Zac secretly idolized - a matter, seemingly, of unrequited 'love'...
Petronius - 'Dominus Arenae'
Zac was originally known as 'Petronius' - a senior slave owned by Gnæus Octavian Gracchus - later, in another, very different time an place, known as 'the Boss' - or more formally as Alexander Johnston.
All very complicated, but then few individuals in this story are who they may seem to be.
Petronius, in time, held two very prominent positions in 'House of Gracchus' - 'Dominus Arenae' ('Master of the Arena') and 'Tribuni Militum' ('Chief of Security').
Of course in his new life there was no amphitheater or arena - although he was, technically, responsible for the 'Combat Club' in 'Vegas.
Aurarius & Marcus
More importantly, he was 'Chief of Security' for the 'Athena Corporation'.
Petronius was born on a farm close to a tiny village near Ἐλευσίς (Eleusis) on the outskirts of Athens.
He was the eldest of two brothers.
Even in that world Petronius was not his real name, but was the name given to him by his Master, Gnæus Gracchus.
But Petronius soon actually forgot his original name, just as his young brother forget his original name.
This brother was also a slave in the 'House of Gracchus', and was named Aurarius - because of his fair, golden hair ('aurum' - Latin for gold)'.
The brothers, after being sold into slavery, however, had long been separated, and had become estranged.
And in case you're wondering, Petronius's younger brother is Ethan, and Ethan was the personal slave (body-slave) to Marcus - who was later known as Jim...
When Jim's Cadillac Pullman parked outside the 'Club Athena', Zac was also waiting in reception.
Caleb had already been dropped off at the'Penthouse Building', so it was only Jim, with Ethan and
Emma - Jim's - 'Android Thingy'
Teddy who strode into the main entrance of the 'Club Athena'.
As Jim had 'phoned ahead, Emma was obediently waiting in the foyer of the 'Club Athena' to greet her boss and his associates.
This, of course, annoyed Teddy as he had to make sure that she did not, in her haste to be helpful, deprive him of his opportunity to play with the elevator buttons.
There were no problems, however, on this occasion.
This was possibly because Zac was waiting for Jim at reception, and so Emma was sufficiently flustered not to care very much about efficiently operating the elevator.
Emma, you see, had a 'thing' about Zac - although actually she was probably wasting her time.
And so the group made themselves comfortable in Jim's palatial office, while Emma fussed around, ordering tea and sandwiches, and making sure that Teddy had sufficient cushions.
Jim's Office - 'Club Athena' - Las Vegas - Nevada
Then it was down to business.
'Well, you told me on the 'phone that you had concerns about this new employee, Caleb Harley, but what exactly is the problem ?", Zac asked - opening the discussion.
"Well, if Teddy doesn't mind, I think that the best thing would be for him to tell you about his observations and impressions with regard to this young man.",  Jim replied.
So Teddy repeated what he had told Jim - virtually 'word for word' - as he kept a precise record of such things in his massive database.
"So. have you any suggestions ?", Jim asked, once Teddy had given his account of the situations.
"Fortasse problema..." Zac began, lapsing into Latin, as he often did when matters seemed to be serious.
He continued...
"Non signum bonum - this young man, Caleb, is responding to people in our organization and personnel in a somewhat different way than Johnathan..."
"Well one thing - I think it may be wise not to start  speaking Latin when he's around - he already has a problem thinking we are foreign...",  Ethan suggested.
Zac nodded in agreement.
"So, I think there are two main issues on which we need to come to some kind of agreement", Jim said, as he tried to bring some structure to the meeting.
"And they are ?", Ethan asked.
"Well, one is to come to some sort of decision as to if Caleb is real Amish - and a 'farm-boy', and the other is - is he is dissembling, and if Caleb is, then to what purpose ?". Jim proposed.
So Teddy 'thought' for a moment...
"So, as to 'if  Caleb's real Amish', I would say it's doubtful, despite his German accent, as there are lots of German speakers in the US Mid West...
And the other question - 'is he dissembling' - well I would say 'yes' - because there are logical problems in what he says and how he behaves - and in that case, it's important to discover why he's dissembling - in other words - 'to what purpose'." Teddy said - although Teddy's answer was sufficiently complex to confuse Ethan - so Ethan, wisely, made no comment -  and anyway, Ethan didn't know the meaning of the word 'dissembling' - but he had his suspicions about Caleb.
'dissembling' - to put on a false appearance : conceal facts, intentions, or feelings under some pretense
"So, Caleb is possibly lying ...". Jim, paused for a moment.
"And there are a number of possibilities as to why - and the simplest, and most obvious is that he badly wants the job.", Jim suggested.
"Or perhaps he likes 'boys'...", Ethan added, with a sly grin
"Well we'll soon find out once he has a practice bout with Brody", Jim said, also smiling.
"But let's be serious for a moment..",  Zac said, intervening.
Zac continued...
Damien's Last Photo-Shoot
"Perhaps we should consider the occasions when we appeared to be subject to overt surveillance.
The first serious problem arose when Dr Brandt, or at least his accomplices, abducted Jim...", Zac began.
"Yes, I remember that well - very nasty - with that young guy Damien being castrated, and them Kurt finishing the job by shooting him in the head.
And that was when I realized that things hadn't changed much since our time with Gracchus.", Ethan recalled.
"Now you say Dr. Brandt - but in reality, he was simply working for the CIA, or even 'Majestic' - ", Jim commented.

'Majestic 12', also known as MJ-12, is an organization headed by a secret committee of scientists, military leaders, and government officials, formed in 1947 by an executive order by U.S. President Harry S. Truman to facilitate recovery and investigation of alien spacecraft. Although the US Security Services (CIA, NSA and FBI) have always denied the existence of such a group, some suggest that the the recovered Majestic documents were actually part of a disinformation campaign of the US government meant to deflect attention from secret Air Force projects.

That is correct, and as you know the problem with Dr Brandt was solved in a far more humane manner than the problem of Damien - but that's just the way things turn out sometimes.", Teddy added.
'Taliesin West' - Scottsdale - Arizona
"So, returning to the main subject, our next brush with 'surveillance', and this time quite a potentially violent one, was when you, Jim, 'the Boss', Max and Faunus were visiting 'Taliesin West', near Scottsdale in Arizona - remember ?
It was when I was trying to teach you, Ethan, and also Josh how to shoot, back in 'Antelope Valley'.
Kimpton Hotel - Denver Colorado
It seems that someone took a shot at you while you were all viewing  Frank Lloyd Wright's creation, but fortunately Faunus was there to push you and 'the Boss' out of harms way.
Now it was unlikely to have been Brandt  - although at the time he was still 'on the loose' - as Brandt was a psychiatrist, and not a trained marksman.", Zac explained.
"So that probably leaves the possibility of CIA or FBI being involved...", Ethan suggested.
"Precisely.", Zac agreed.
"And the next possible involvement with some outside agency was in Denver, when we booked into the 'Kimpton Hotel'...", Jim suggested.
"Yes - that was when Faunus rescued us when those two creepy CIA guys hassled us." Ethan said.

Devils Tower, in Wyoming
"And that  was all about the helicopter flight to the Devils Tower, in Wyoming, when we contacted the 'aliens' - so that linked the CIA with 'aliens'.", Jim said.
"Yes, and maybe also the FBI - as those two agencies compete with one another over certain matters - and one particular source of that competition is this whole business of the possibility of 'aliens' visiting the earth...", Teddy commented sagely.
And remember Bob - the helicopter pilot ?...
Well he was apparently a CIA agent sent to spy on us ..", Ethan added.
"Yes, but I doubt if he was able to report anything usefuly - as his helicopter mysteriously crashed in flames a day after our flight to the 'Devils Tower'...", Zac said, with a wicked grin.
"Yes, and I suppose we can thank Kurt for that !", Ethan said.
Kurt was one of the first people that Alexander Johnston, ('the Boss'), met when he settled in the South West after his long stay in Mexico. Kurt originally came from Queens, Long Island,  New York City. He was not only able to manage many of the business dealings of 'the Boss' - and was also able to assist 'the Boss' whenever there was any 'trouble' - and when Zac  arrived he was responsible for introducing introducing Zac to the 'shadier' side of business in New York. Equally he was able to transfer to Los Angeles and 'Vegas, and continued to make useful contacts, first for 'the Boss', and subsequently for Jim. Much of Kurt's time was spent managing the 'California Combat Club'.
"And the the next occasion when you seemed to be under surveillance was when you visited the 'New Mexico Museum of Space History'.", Teddy said to Jim.
"Yes, that's when I was with 'the Boss' and Max and Glen", Jim recollected.
Yes, that was the mysterious 'men in black'.
'Men in Black'
'Men in Black' (MIB) are reported by many observers of UFOs and abductees. MIBs often claim to be government agents who harass or threaten UFO witnesses to keep them quiet about what they have seen. It is sometimes implied that they may be aliens themselves. The term is generic, used for any unusual, threatening or strangely behaved individual whose appearance on the scene can be linked in some fashion with a UFO sighting or alien contacts.
"And we never did find out who they were..." , Jim concluded.
"Well, we're not getting very far on this - so need we go on ?", Ethan queried, obviously getting bored.
"I think we should, Ethan, because if we can gather enough data, then it will help us to decide what's going on with Caleb.", Teddy explained.
"Yes, but it's my guess that you've already gathered quite enough data in that fury brain of yours, and probably already know the answer.", Ethan countered
Egyptian Mukhabarat - Emblem
"Perhaps - but it's good for you humans to go through the process of computing logical conclusions - and anyway, we're nearly finished.", Teddy replied.
"..'S'pose so... so is the next bit when we went to Egypt ?", Ethan asked.
"Yes - but that only seemed to involve the Egyptian police...", Jim said.
"Yes, but remember Jim, the Egyptian Security Services are supplied and trained by the CIA.", Zac cautioned - so there is a link there.
The 'Mukhabarat' is the Egyptian intelligence agency responsible for providing national security intelligence, both domestically and internationally. and is part of the Egyptian intelligence community, together with the 'Office of Military Intelligence Services and Reconnaissance' and 'National Security Agency'. The Egyptian Intelligence service is considered to be the 5th most active intelligence service globally.
"Yes, and that's where we got involved in that 'dimensional portal thingy' - which has proved very useful - and the creepy disappearing pyramid,  at Armant - and eventually the kitties, and the sarcophagus...
Agent Lewis
So all this business of people spying on us hasn't been all bad.", Ethan suggested.
"No, but there is the matter of Agent Lewis, who followed us when we went to Agilkia Island, near Aswan and were viewing Trajan's Kiosk.", Zac said.
Trajan's Kiosk, (سرير فرعون), is a hypaethral temple currently located on Agilkia Island in Upper Egypt. The monument is attributed to Trajan, Roman emperor from 98 to 117 AD, due to his depiction as pharaoh seen on some of the interior reliefs, however, the majority of the structure dates to an earlier time, possibly to the reign of Octavian Augustus. 
"Oh yes - I remember us bumping into that guy.",  Ethan responded.
"That was Agent Lewis, and he even showed me his security credentials, which were a strange combination of CIA and MJ-12, when we met later at the bar in the 'Old Cataract Hotel' in Aswan.", Jim said.
`"Yes, and didn't he follow us to Luxor - to the 'Winter Palace' ?", Ethan added.
Faunus (Agent Smith) Sets his Trap
"Yes, and that's where Faunus got involved  - pretending to be NSA Agent Smith - although I don't think he handled that particular situation very sensibly.", Teddy proposed.
"How come ?" , Jim asked.
"Well, he was in a situation where, being NSA, and in a senior position, he could have questioned Lewis, and probably got some useful information about why the CIA, and also MJ-12 were interested us - and perhaps also what they knew at that time about us.
Instead, Faunus tricked Lewis into going inside the 'dimensional portal'.
Faunus had previously set the portal to a predetermined destination - and when that destination was reached, the doors automatically opened,  putting Agent Lewis 'into orbit' - from which, obviously, he never returned." Teddy explained.
"Yes, and it did seem a bit unnecessary - and cruel - to me....
Not a nice way to go...", Ethan said.

 National Security Agency
The 'National Security Agency' (NSA) is a national-level intelligence agency of the 'United States Department of Defense', under the authority of the 'Director of National Intelligence' ('DNI'). The 'NSA' is responsible for global monitoring, collection, and processing of information and data for foreign and domestic intelligence and counterintelligence purposes, specializing in a discipline known as signals intelligence ('SIGINT'). The 'NSA' is also tasked with the protection of U.S. communications networks and information systems. The 'NSA' relies on a variety of measures to accomplish its mission, the majority of which are clandestine. The 'NSA' has roughly 32,000 employees.

"So that leaves us with two other possible examples of surveillance, as far as my data-base records.", Teddy said.
Temple of Inscriptions - Palenque - Chiapas - Mexico
"And they are ?", Ethan asked. 
"Well there was the appearance of suspicious guys at Palenque when we were looking at the 'Temple of Inscriptions'.", Jim replied
"Yes - there were a couple of members of the 'Dirección Federal de Seguridad' - and two others, who were probably FBI or CIA - more likely CIA - as they train the Federales." Teddy added.
The 'Dirección Federal de Seguridad' is a Mexican intelligence agency and secret police.
Created in 1947, under Mexican president Miguel Alemán Valdés, with the assistance of U.S. intelligence agencies as part of the 'Truman Doctrine of Soviet Containment', with the duty of 'preserving the internal stability of Mexico against all forms subversion and terrorist threats'.
 KGB Emblem 
"Then there was one more incident in Mexico - in Chichen Itza ...", Ethan said.
"Yes... trust you to bring that up !", Teddy complained, obviously annoyed.
"Now nobody's saying it was your fault - you just accidentally bumped into him, and he fell - a long way." Zac said, trying to calm things down.
"Yes - but the main point is that as far as we could tell he was KGB....
Vladimir something or other  - too much blood to clearly make out the last name. 
But that was the only case of surveillance we know of originating from the Soviet Union.", Zac added.
"So the the question is - was it just by chance that he was at Chichen Itza that night - or do the Soviets know about us ?", Jim asked.
"Well, it is known that they show a lot of interest in UFOs - so possibly...", Teddy suggested.
"OK - so then there was the most recent time when we visited Glen in his new apartment in Henderson, when we were trying to arrange to meet the 'aliens' at Corona..", Jim suggested
"Yes, but we never worked out who they were - apart from the fact that we were being watched from the opposite apartments.", Ethan recalled.
"Now Teddy, earlier you hinted that you had the answer to what's going on with Caleb - so, we've gone through the whole 'thingy' of  looking at all the occasions when we were perhaps being watched - so what about letting us know  what Caleb is actually doing.", Ethan suggested.
"OK - well one of the best ways of watching, or getting information about people, or an 'organization', is  by'infiltration'...",  Teddy began.
"Infil-whaty ?", Ethan immediately asked
"...'Infiltration' -", Teddy repeated - realizing that his explanation might be difficult...
Teddy then began again - after warning Ethan to keep his questions until the end of his  explanation.
"A very effective way to get data and information about others is by infiltrating its organization. 
This is the job of the 'spy'..."
Then Ethan interrupted.
"You mean like Caleb ?", Ethan asked
"Yes, Ethan...
So a spy infiltrates a group, and can then return information to the group they are working for.
They can also find 'malcontents'  - people who are not very happy with the way that things are -  within the organization, and influence them to provide further information.
Now it should be understood that the benefits gained through spying are often so great that most governments, and many large corporations, make use of it.", Teddy explained.
"Yes - that's all very well, but what makes you think that Caleb might be a spy ?", Zac asked.
"Well... I superpose it's just a feeling.
You know much intelligence work is based not only on facts, but also on intuition, and my AI circuits tell me that there's something not quite right with our Caleb.
No having gone through all the previous situations where we have been under surveillance I would suggest that firstly the people who are most interested in us are the US Intelligence Services, and mainly the CIA and the FBI.
These two organisations have, since the end of the Second World War, been in fierce competition with each other with regard to 'UFOs' and claims regarding 'alien contact' - although publicly they have denied investigating such matters.
There is, however, a genuine surviving memo, from an FBI agent to J Edgar Hoover, relating to UFOs - which proves that the FBI has an interest in such matters.", Teddy explained.
L. Hottel - FBI Agent
The memo regarding UFOs in New Mexico was written Guy L. Hottel, who was born around 1902. He was a graduate of George Washington University in Washington, D.C., where he was a star football player. He entered the FBI as a special agent in 1934. In December 1936, he was named acting head of the FBI’s Washington Field Office - he was appointed 'special agent in charge' the following May and served until March 1941. Hottel was re-appointed 'special agent in charge' in February 1943, and served until 1951, when he took a position in the 'Identification Division'.
"So to 'cut a long story short' - do you think it might be the FBI that Caleb's working for ?", Jim asked firmly, not wanting to waste any further time on the matter.
"Well, my probability algorithms suggest that, for reasons as yet not fully undetermined, Caleb may have come under the influence of the FBI.", Teddy announced.
FBI and UFOs
"So why didn't you say that in the first place  - instead of all that 'something's up guys' business ?", Ethan said.
"It was the right way to go about things.", Teddy countered.
"OK - so I agree with Teddy - I was suspicious about some of the responses that Caleb gave me when I had a couple of conversations with him - but the question now is - what do we do next ?", Jim said.
"Nothing...", Teddy answered.
"Yes - I think Teddy's right.
We just carry on as if we had never discussed the matter, but we make sure that we are very careful about what we say and do...
And we leave it to Zac to organize some action that might provide some kind of proof or otherwise with regard to our suspicions.", Jim said.
"Or perhaps Faunus might help us ?", Ethan added.....
with the return Josh from Mexico things seem to be returning to normal
Tolson arrives in Las Vegas- staying at the'Athena Park Hotel', and makes contact with Caleb, but  Zac ensures that everyone adheres to Teddy's advice about Caleb - meanwhile Ethan and Teddy continue with preparations for the upcoming concert
with brief résumés
All text - © Copyright Peter Crawford 2022
All Images - © Copyright Vittorio Carvelli 2022
Graphic Design - © Copyright Zac Sawyer 2022