Part 2 - Book 3 - Chapter 31 - 'A Double Success'

Ethan and Teddy and Max go to the 'Combat Club' and get Adam to take some 'action shots' of Brody and Paco for the new Combat Club Poster - and Teddy makes a 'Photo Shop' poster that Jim approves by midday. Posters then start going up for the 'Inaugural Concert'and the 'Wrestling Show', and Jim gives the dates for al those concerned - including Mikey, who tells Tolson, which is good as Hoover is by then very impatient.
And then everything goes ahead....

It was morning, and Ethan and Teddy and Max were in a big rush.
Just as Teddy had suspected - in the end everything came at once - and some of the essentials had been forgotten - like the 'Combat Club' poster for the upcoming show.
Jim had not required Clare to make an early breakfast, and so Ethan, as expected demanded a stop at the nearby McDonald' for an early morning cheeseburger, and some very strong, black coffee.
Fortunately Jim had alerted Kurt to the possibility of a very early photo session, and so Brody, Johnathan, and Paco - and a few of the lower ranking wrestlers had reported early to the 'Combat Club'.
Brody - Small Practice Ring
Adam, the 'Combat Club' in-house photographer, of course, had arrived very early, as he wanted to get his equipment set up well before anyone else arrived and got in the way.
Jonathan - Posing
Jim was not attending the photo-shoot, and breakfasted at the 'Club Athena' with Josh and Zac.
"Why does this place always smell so 'sweaty' - even this early in the morning ?", Teddy complained, as they headed to Kurt's office.
This of course was more of a problem for Teddy than it would be for the average person, as Teddy was fitted with a hyper-sensitive sense of smell (for 'tracking' purposes among, other things).
"...'just one of those places...'suppose...", Ethan replied.
"So - you got us all up early this morning, boys...", Kurt said as he came out of his office, nursing a steaming mug of coffee. 
"Yes - sorry about that, Kurt, but Teddy only realized yesterday that there wasn't a poster for the 'Combat Club' show.", Ethan explained.
"That's right - blame it on me..", Teddy muttered.
"Well forget about that - how are we going to do this photo-shoot ?", Kurt asked.
"Well Kurt told me this was for a poster for our next 'show'- so what are you trying to get over to our likely 'punters' ?", Adam asked, sounding very professional.
Well....", and Ethan was momentarily stumped for ideas...
"Well, it must look glamorous, sexy, in a macho way -  the fighters need to be slim but muscular, like all our guys are, and it should look like a rough fight, but not too extreme.", Ethan finally proposed.
"OK...  'sounds good, but I think, to get good quality photos, it should be 'posed', but not look 'posed' - if you understand my meaning.", Adam said.
"Not really...", Ethan replied.
"Well, I'll give you and example.
If there's violent movement - like someone being thrown, then it's unlikely to turn out nice and clear, without using a strong flash - and then the lighting will be harsh and unnatural - so it needs to be quite static, but still interesting - and such a pose is easy to arrange on the ropes - which also gives a touch of 'bondage, which some of our 'punters' go for.", Adam then explained.
"So - enough talk, Adam - let's get Brody and Paco in the large practice ring, and then you can suggest some poses for them with them the ropes.
And Ethan and Teddy and Max - you come in with us, and see what you think.", Kurt said.
Brody and Paco then stood in one corner of the ring, while Teddy carefully used his built in image masking facility to create a square vignette
A vignette, in graphic design, is a French 'loan-word' that can mean a frame to an image,
the image being either an illustration or a photograph.
Preview Image of Brody and Paco
By this time everyone at the 'Combat Club' accepted that Teddy was a very clever, talking teddy-bear, and Adam was quite prepared to take Teddy's advice.
"Now we want a square composition, that cane be placed in the center of the poster, with informative text at the top and bottom - and the image needs to be striking, and novel.", Teddy suggested.
Ethan didn't have a clue as to what Teddy really wanted, but Adam was soon helping - and giving instructions.
Adam, of course. was already in the ring, with his Hasselblad, while Ethan and Max followed Adam and Teddy's directions with regard to the pose.
Finally Teddy was satisfied, and Adam began taking photos, while at the same time making suggestions regarding slight alterations in the exact positions of the two young wrestlers.
Eventually Adam was satisfied, and showed previews of the photos on his camera to Kurt, Ethan and Teddy and Max, while Brody and Johnathan helped to disentangle Paco from the corner ropes.
"Very good, Adam - just what we needed.", Teddy announced.
"OK, well we are running out of time - so many thanks to you all, and if we could have the photos transferred to Teddy's data-base, we'll be off so that we can prepare the poster design.", Ethan then said.
And that was that - and the first stage in the poster creation had been achieved.
"OK - so where to now ?", Ethan asked Teddy, as they left the 'California Combat Club'.
Penthouse Building - Summerlin
"Back to the 'Penthouse', of course - to download the photos onto the big computer and start work on the poster.", Teddy replied.
"But can I call in at the 'Park Hotel' and get my voice recorder ?", Ethan pleaded.
"Oh OK - if you must - but be quick - this poster making can be a long business.", Teddy replied petulantly.
Fortunately the staff at the 'Park Hotel' were able to locate Ethan's voice recorder, which he had never bothered to ask for previously, very quickly, and soon Chuck was driving as fast a was practical to Summerlin and the 'Penthouse'.
On arriving at the 'Penthouse', Ethan grabbed hold of Teddy, and was instantly in the elevator encouraging Teddy to 'hit' the elevator buttons.
"Don't you think we should wait for Max ?", Teddy suggested, and once Max had caught up with them, and the elevator had reached to top floor, Ethan entered the 'Penthouse' with his usual cry of "Honey - I'm home !", to alert Clare to his arrival.
"My, you weren't away for long." Clare said, as Ethan, carrying Teddy, bounded past her, and went straight into the study.
"No - important work - needs doing straight away.", Ethan replied breathlessly, as he plugged Teddy into the main computer, and started downloading the photos, while at the same time asking Clare for cheeseburgers and Pepsi Max.
High Contrast Photo Image
"Once the download was complete, Ethan handed Teddy over to Max, as Ethan didn't really know much about computers.
Teddy then set about checking that the download had been completed successfully, and then made 'high contrast copies' of the photos, so that he could get a better idea of how they would look in basic terms of light and shade.
"So - they didn't come out right, Teddy.", Ethan commented as he looked at the computer screen over Teddy's fury shoulder.
"No, Ethan - they all came out fine...
"It's just that your'e looking at a 'high contrast' version of one of the photos, and this will just help me decide if any further adjustments need to be made with regard to perspective, and such like.", Teddy replied.
"Okey dokey - well I'll just leave you to it, and go next door and see if Clare will make me another cheese-burger.", Ethan said distractedly.
Gods of the Ring - Combat Club Poster
So Teddy was left to continue to create a suitable poster, with Max providing useful suggestions regarding the background, the text and the types of fonts to use.
Max thought that more emphasis should be given to the gambling side of the 'Combat Club', after all - as Max said, it was a sort of  'living, sweaty and violent casino' - which was true.
Teddy also wanted to make the connection between the 'Combat Club'and the 'Greek Pankration', as the style of wrestling was based on ancient Greek and Roman precedents, so he included an ancient Greek style of font - and suggested the title 'Gods of the Ring' - however for the overall title Max suggested 'Live Action', for which Teddy chose an aggressively  modern font.
For the background, Teddy selected various elements found on the internet which he felt added a touch of 'glamour', and featured a brilliant blue 'star-burst'.
Teddy also, very wisely, added the address of the 'Combat Club', for those who were visiting Las Vegas...
Eventually, after a few hours of work, they invited Ethan to come to the study and take a look.
"So what do you think, Ethan ?", Max asked.
"Amazing - and you did it so quickly..", Ethan replied, sounding genuinely surprised.
"So why have we been paying these 'advertising-thingy-guys' so much all this time, when you we can do it for nothing ?", Ethan asked rhetorically.
"Now who said anything about Max and I doing it for nothing ?", Teddy replied.
"Oh...", Ethan said.
"But anyways, lets get Jim to look at the design...", Ethan continued, trying to change the subject...
As it happened, Jim had concluded his lunch with Josh and Zac - and had come back to the 'Penthouse to pick up some papers.
"Just who we wanted to see - ", Ethan said, as Jim entered the study.
Jim looked puzzled... 
"Max and I have been working on a poster for the next 'Combat Club' show - so what do you think ?", Teddy asked.
"Yes, and I helped...", Ethan added, wanting to take at least some of the credit for the final product...
Jim sat down and took a good look at the image on the screen.
"Excellent !" Jim declared.
:"So what now, Jim ?", Ethan asked.
"Now we have to set a date.
"So what do you suggest ?", Ethan asked.
"When will the orchestra be ready ? - because I want the two events - the 'Concert' and the 'Combat Club' - show to coincide.", Jim stated.
"The Orchestra should be up to scratch in about two days...", Ethan replied.
"Good, so maybe next weekend then ?", Jim suggested.
 'Combat Club Posters - S Las Vegas Boulevard - Paradise - Nevada
"Why not..."?, Ethan replied
"OK, so get some prominent labels printed off - giving the day and date - nice and clearly - and have then pasted onto all the posters..", Jim ordered.
And so 'the die was cast' - with no going back, and Zac - the head of 'Athena Security' - and  the superintendent of the 'Park Theater', and Kurt, at the 'Combat Club' were informed, and Kurt was told to give advanced warning so that Mikey could invite Tolson to the 'show'.
And immediately the posters were placed in the bronze frames on the walls of the combat Club, and poster were placed in all prominent positions in the various hotels, restaurants and health facilities and other properties owned by the 'Athena Corporation' - and in addition, the various 'news outlets' - news papers,  and radio and TV stations in Las Vegas, Los Angeles and Nevada were informed.
And so the preparations continued....
Many people were more than just interested to catch a glimpse of one of Las Vegas' wealthiest, and  yet most reclusive citizens - James Johnson, the owner of many of the most opulent, luxurious and exclusive hotels and night-spots and other venues in the town  ...
Jim's Cadillacs with Backed-out Windows 
As the local papers and radio and TV news outlets stated....
"Rarely appearing in public, Mr Johnson's ubiquitous huge black Cadillacs are seen regularly in Paradise and Summerlin, but always with characteristically blacked out windows  - but only occasionally does the young owner of these luxurious limousines ever make a public appearance.
Rumor has it, however, that Mr Johnson will be present at the weekend for a 'Gala Concert' at the magnificent 'Park Theater', where a large pipe organ has been installed that will accompany the 'Park Theater Symphony Orchestra'..."
Department of Justice Building - FBI Headquarters - Washington DC
That rumor had also reached Clyde Tolson, Associate Director of the FBI, who had, in fact, never met Jim, although the possibility of meeting Jim was the main reason why he had been staying for so long at his luxurious suite at the 'Athena Park Hotel'.
The other reason was his recent involvement with a young man who was employed at the California Combat Club - which was situated close to the hotel where Tolson was staying.

But meanwhile, in Washington DC, in the vast 'Justice Department Building' - which contained the Headquarters of the 'Federal Bureau of Investigation', the Director of the FBI, J Edgar Hoover, was rapidly losing patience with his Associate Director - Clyde Tolson.

Hoover and Miss Helen Gandy
"Miss Gandy - get me Mr Tolson on the'phone - immediately !", Hoover snapped.
Hoover was rarely so curt with his personal assistant Miss Gandy, but having heard from the Vegas FBI local station that Johnson was scheduled to be making a public appearance, he was more than annoyed that while ordinary citizens, and even tourists would be able to see Johnson at close quarters, even the Associate Director of the FBI was unable to know of the day to day whereabouts of this mysterious gentleman...
"At once, Mr Hoover..", and Miss Gandy placed the call.
"Clyde...What the hell is going on down there ?
I've jut been told that Johnson is going to make a public appearance in a couple of days, and you are still telling me that you can't get to interview him...", Hoover began, and then, without allowing Tolson to continue... 
Hoover and Tolson
"And what about Agent Gordy - disappeared without trace - and his contact - Caleb Harley - also disappeared !
And that's not all...
There's that CIA agent - Lewis, disappeared in Egypt, and the CIA  helicopter pilot, Robert Matthews, who mysteriously crashed near the Grand Canyon - so we've got the CIA onto us - and there's even a Russian agent who went missing in Mexico - and that nearly cause an intentional incident.
It seems that anyone who gets anywhere near Johnson and his associates goes missing - except for you.
Now Clyde - don't misunderstand me - but this doesn't look good...", Hoover concluded, eventually calming down slightly.`
Finally Tolson had a chance to reply:
"Well, there's a concert in a couple of nights, at the 'Park Theater', when I might be able to meet Johnson - and then, later the same night, there's a big show at this 'Combat Club' nearby.
Now according to Caleb, before he disappeared, Johnson actually owns this 'Club', although it's not his name over the door - so he might be there, but in a more informal situation, which might also be a good opportunity also to meet with him.", Tolson explained.
Hoover then spoke:
"OK, but if you don't make any contact on the night, then I wan t you back here - and we'll have to think of another approach.", Hoover said, and put down the phone without further ado.
So then it was just a case of waiting - for both sides...
Ethan had hurriedly convened a further rehearsal, and that rehearsal included Aaron....
Aaron's Song - Piano Melody
Aaron Rehearsing at the 'Park Theater'
Now although Aaron, who was by then a rapidly rising singing 'star', couldn't read music, he could hold a melody very well, once it had been played to him, and so previously Ethan had given Aaron a simple piano recording of the song, and a copy of the lyrics.
So then all that was needed to to have Aaron sing the song with the orchestral accompaniment - and that was the job for the first part of the morning...
To begin with, however, Ethan had the orchestra rehearse an purely orchestral version of the song.
Subsequently Ethan had Aaron sing the song, accompany himself on the his guitar - the same guitar that he had used when 'the Boss' first heard Aaron sing at 'Sun Records' in Memphis'.
Finally Ethan had Aaron rehearse the song with the full symphonic accompaniment that Ethan had orchestrated.
At the end of the day, Ethan was quite satisfied with the progress that had been made - but then Aaron was 'a natural', as the Americans would say, and Max was thrilled to be part of the rehearsal of such an already popular singer.
"So - it's looking good...", Max commented enthusiastically to Ethan.
"Of course...", Ethan replied, "It's 'destiny'....
Just when we think we have a problem things always work out well, and to our advantage.
We're 'lucky' - as you American people here would say - but really it's 'destiny'."
Max was puzzled - rarely was Ethan so serious, and apparently so insightful.
Now if you wish to hear the fruits of Aaron's rehearsals - and the other musical numbers which 
Ethan has been rehearsing - you will a have to wait until the night of the concert and the same
applies to the 'show' at the 'California Combat Club' but to do this all you need to do is read on...

Ethan then took Teddy and sat him on the the long organ bench... and turned to Max.
"Now thanks for all your help, Max - but you go home and take some time off.
I want to practice my playing, with Teddy here to help me, and I will see you later on this evening...", Ethan said.
"But..." , Max muttered - thinking it unusual for Ethan to suddenly want to be alone.
"It's OK, Max - I need to be alone to concentrate - but speak to some of the orchestra member on my behalf - and thank them, as they've all worked very hard.", Ethan concluded, as he settled himself on the bench beside Teddy, and began pulling out some of the stops.

 Bach's Toccata in D Minor - played by Ethan Duncan
in order to appreciate the recording abilities of the 'Park Theater' audio technicians you are advised 
to link your digital device to a high quality amplifier, and speakers of an equal quality.
And so, with the lights in the darkening theater dimmed, and Max and the orchestra members quietly leaving, Ethan began the magnificent 'Toccata in D minor' by Johann Sebastian Bach.
Ethan & Teddy Play Bach's Toccata in D Minor
A Toccata (from Italian 'toccare', literally, 'to touc') is a virtuoso piece of music typically for a  featuring keyboard, fast-moving, lightly fingered or otherwise virtuoso passages or sections, generally 
emphasizing  the dexterity of the performer's fingers. Johann Sebastian Bach's toccatas are among most  the famous examples of the form. The piece that Ethan plays on this occasion is the introductory section of the famous work known as the 'Fugue and Toccata in D Minor' - BWV 565 written in Germany during the 1700s. The Fugue is not played here - but will be performed at the actual 'Inaugural Concert'.
"So where's Ethan and Teddy ?", Clare asked, as Max arrived at the 'Penthouse'.
"He stayed back at the "Park Theater'.
He wanted to practice some of that music for the big concert.", Max replied.
Zac and Mikey - Cell-Phone
"Well come in, and wait for him - I'm sure he won't be long", Clare said.
"Yes - but he might be some time...  I think he's a bit worried about getting everything right for the concert.", Max said.
"Yes - but it's best to leave him when he gets like this - he'll probably get it out of his system by the morning, and be back to his old self... ", Clare said confidently.
A short while after the arrival of Max, Jim returned to the 'Penthouse', after having had a long discussion with Zac  - who had been in contact with Mikey by 'phone with regard to Tolson, and coming events at the 'California Combat Club'.
"So how did Ethan get on with the rehearsal with Aaron ?", Jim asked Max.
"Oh, very well - but I think he's a bit worried about playing the organ...", Max replied.
"So, he's finding it difficult ?", Jim inquired.
"No - not at all !
His playing is amazing - but he just seems to lack confidence.", Max suggested.
The 'Penthouse Building' at Night - Summerlin
"Well, I'll have a word with him when he gets back - but perhaps you should get some sleep now - tomorrow is the last day for preparations.", Jim said gently.
So Max said his good-nights to Jim and Clare, and returned to his apartment (which was also in the 'Penthouse Building').
Later Ethan and Teddy finally returned to the Penthouse,
Then Jim asked Teddy about the organ pieces that Ethan had been practicing.
Teddy, quite rightly, explained that Ethan had been playing beautifully, and in that careful way Jim and Teddy gave Ethan the reassurance that he obviously needed.
"Okey dokey - so Teddy and I are going to bed... 'big day tomorrow...", Ethan said.
"OK - good night Teddy - good night Ethan.".Jim said.
"Good night Jim", Teddy said quietly.
Ethan's Cadillac Eldorado Convertible Outside the 'Park Theater'
Ethan had got up early, and was taking a shower...
 'Creed Pure White Cologne' 
"Teddy !
Stop spraying me with that deodorant stuff !", Ethan exclaimed, as Teddy stood just outside the shower, avidly spraying Ethan.
"It's required...", Teddy began.
"It's an important day, and your'e going to meet a lot of people, and humans are smelly, so you need to be deodorized so that people will like you.", Teddy explained - using his inevitable logic.
(Teddy was spraying 'Baxter Of California' from a very boring, blue canister)
"Well OK,  but don't complain if I use some 'Creed' on you...", Ethan retorted.
  'Creed Royal Exclusive Pure White Cologne'
 is an Anglo-French multi-national 'niche' perfume house,
based in Paris. 'Creed Pure White Cologne' is offered in a  
collectible hand blown 'Pochet' glass bottle etched with
the 'Creed' family crest - 'Creed' is Ethan's favorite cologne
- which Teddy hates.
"Now you two - stop playing around in the shower - there's a lot to do today.", Clare scolded, as she walked past the door to the bathroom, on her way to make the breakfast.
Athena Corporation Security Headquarters
Ethan, you see, was due to hold a 'dress rehearsal'  at the 'Park Theater' in the presence of Jim that morning - and in the afternoon there was to be the final rehearsal, staged in order to iron out any problems that might have arisen.
Also, that afternoon, Jim and Zac were scheduled to visit the 'California Combat Club', in order to finalize plans for dealing with Tolson - who was expected to visit the late evening wrestling show.

Caleb at the Athena Security HQ
So finally Ethan was dressed and ready - and Max arrived, to drive with Ethan and Teddy in Ethan's new 'Cadillac Eldorado' convertible to the 'Park Theater'.

At the same time, Zac was ensconced at the the 'Las Vegas Hotel Athena', in the 'Security Service HQ', checking through the video and audio that had been recorded in Tolson's suite some time before, while at the same time running through Caleb's deposition with regards to the various times that he had met with Tolson - and obtaining a witnessed signature from Caleb.
Glen's Apartment - Henderson - Nevada
All this, of course, was in preparation for the occasion when Tolson would return to his suite at the 'Athena Park Hotel' after attending the 'Wrestling Show' at the 'California Combat Club'.
Now Caleb, if you remember, had been attending the 'Green Valley High School' in Henderson as a temporary student, and staying at Glen's apartment, in order to avoid the attentions of the FBI - but at this point, and for his own safety, Caleb was in the care of the 'Athena Security Service' at the 'Las Vegas Hotel Athena', until such time as the matter with Tolson was concluded.

Henderson is a city in Clark County, Nevada, USA about 16 miles  southeast of downtown Las Vegas. It is the second largest city in Nevada, after Las Vegas, with an estimated population of 320,189 in 2019. The city is part of the Las Vegas Valley. 
Ethan and Teddy and Max arrived at the 'Park Theater' nice and early - but even so, most of the orchestra members were already there - and apparently eager to start the rehearsal.
Their apparent enthusiasm was possibly motivated by the promised appearance of the elusive Mr Johnson - who was attending the rehearsal to give his approval to the standard of performance, and the program itself.
It should be remembered, at this point, that Jim had no real knowledge of modern and classical Western music, and so he was interested to hear just what it was that Ethan and Teddy had chosen.
But Jim had not yet arrived - but as Ethan and Teddy and Max arrived, the lighting engineers were about to demonstrate a number of color changes that would be used to illuminate the orchestra and the pipe organ as the program proceeded.
Then, while Ethan was giving Max some further instructions with regard to conducting with the help of the metronome, Jim arrived.
Max interrupted Ethan.
"Jim's taken a seat in the front row, along with Don Picaro and 'Sigi'.", Max said.
"So what's going on ?", Ethan muttered.
"Well I think it's because Jim knows nothing about the kind of music being played, so he's brought 'Sigi' (left) and Don Picaro (right) with him to help him decide if everything's OK.', Teddy suggested.
"But why 'Sigi' ?", Max queried.
"Probably because before Teddy and I messed about with his brain, 'Sigi' had memories of originally coming from Austria - Vienna to be precise - and some of those memories we left untouched - so he'll probably still know a good piece of 'classical music when he hears it.", Teddy explained.
Just ignore them...", Ethan said, sounding annoyed. 
Jim, however, was not content to be ignored, and walked up to the podium.
"Ethan - you know I don't know anything about this kind of music, so I can't give any real opinion, but it would look bad if I didn't turn up - but Faunus is the guy who gave you all your knowledge about music - like when we were in Germany, and 'Sigi' still has some memories of this kind of music from long ago, in Vienna, so they are here to help me.", Jim tried to explain.
"But OK, Ethan, but let's get this over with - I feel a bit stupid being here when I don't know what's really going on.", Jim said.
"Okey dokey, so what do you want to hear ?", Ethan asked.
"Well mainly the bits that you will be playing yourself.", Jim replied.
"You mean the organ bits." Ethan suggested.
Jim nodded, and went back to his seat.
And so Ethan played the 'Bach Toccata', with Teddy helping with the stops.
Ethan was still feeling annoyed, as he felt that Jim didn't believe that he could produce a good performance - after all, all the orchestra members were professionals.
In reality, of course, Jim was very afraid that Ethan would have difficulties playing such difficult music with professional musicians who ha trained and practiced for many years, and he was desperately worried that Ethan might be humiliated by his poor performance at the actual performance.
Of course, he needn't have worried.
Johann Sebastian Bach
Faunus, as always, had done a good job, as Ethan showed, right from the firs few notes of Bach's magnificent Toccata.
Faunus, not surprisingly, knew every work that Bach had ever written.
'Sigi' had vague memories of Bach's organ and religious music - and found listening to Ethan's playing a very spooky experience.
Jim, however, only had memories of Roman hydraulis (water organ), which was very different from the huge instrument now installed in the 'Park Theater'.
Equally, Bach himself would have been very surprised to hear the overwhelming sound of the 19th Century 'Romantic Organ' on which the 'Park Theater' pipe organ was based, playing his Toccata, as the pipe organs in Bach's time were relatively small, and far less complex that modern pipe organs.

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 – 1750) was a German composer and musician of the late Baroque period. He is known for his orchestral music, instrumental compositions, keyboard works such as the 'Toccata and Fugue' in D minor; and vocal music such as the 'St Matthew Passion' and the 'Mass in B minor'. Bach has been generally regarded as one of the greatest composers in the history of Western music.

After Bach's 'Toccata' had come to a thundering conclusion, Ethan left the organ-bench in order to speak to Jim.
"OK... what do you want to hear next ?", Ethan asked, not even bothering to ask Jim what he had thought of the piece, or his playing.
Jim had brought with him a copy of the 'Inaugural Concert Program'
"Well, are there any more pieces like that one that you play the organ in ?", Jim asked.
Ethan glanced at the program
"Well, there's the 'Festival Prelude' - it's got quite a lot of organ bits in it.", Ethan replied.
"OK then - let's hear that...", Jim replied, having no idea what the piece was  - or anything about the composer - Richard Strauss as it happened.
So Ethan went back to the podium in order to give Max some guidance, as it was a difficult piece, and then he joined Teddy, who was busy setting up the stops, and clambering about on the organ bench.
"Right - when your ready !", Ethan called out to Max.
Richard Strauss

Now people often get Richard Strauss mixed up with Johann Strauss (who was actually Johann Strauss II - the guy who wrote all those waltzes).
Richard Strauss wrote very different music - mainly 'symphonic poems', and all very serious.

Richard Georg Strauss (1864 – 1949) was a German composer, conductor, pianist, and violinist. Considered a leading composer of the late Romantic and early modern eras, he has been described as a successor of Richard Wagner and Franz Liszt. 

Strauss composed a 'Festliches Praludium für Orgel und großes Orchester' for the inauguration of the organ in the 'Der Große Saal des Wiener Konzerthauses', whose five-manual instrument, (five manual like the 'Park Theater' organ) built by the Silesian firm of 'Gebrüder Rieger', was the largest of its kind it Austria at the time. The instrument's debut came in the first performance of  Strauss' 'Festliches Praludium' (Festival Prelude) on October 19, 1913 - an occasion and work acclaimed by the public and the critics alike. 
The piece lasts for twelve minutes and is scored for piccolo, 4 flutes, 4 oboes, heckelphone, E-flat clarinet, 4 clarinets, 4 bassoons, contrabassoon, 8 horns, 10 trumpets (6 off-stage), 4 trombones, tuba, 2 sets of timpani, bass drum, cymbals, organ, and strings

Rather like the Bach 'Toccata', the 'Festival Prelude' begins with expressive organ chords, but then the orchestra enters in a more gentle manner - but then, with the accompaniment of the organ the piece reaches a blazing climax - with the six, hidden, 'off stage' trumpets adding brilliant fanfares. to the finale.
Richard Strauss - 'Festliches Palladium'
At the conclusion of the piece, Ethan left Teddy sitting on the organ bench, passed through the assembled players, who were politely clapping, climbed down from the stage, and went up to Jim, who was sitting in the front row with 'Sigi' and Don Picaro (Faunus).
"So -  what did you think ?", Ethan asked curtly.
Jim stood up , and put both hands on Ethan's shoulders.
"That was magnificent !", Jim said. obviously deeply moved.
"Yes - well I  didn't compose it - that was Richard Strauss, and he died quite some time ago - in 1949 actually.
"Yes, but you chose it, played it, and led the members of the orchestra in performing it.
I'm so proud of you !", Jim said.
"So now do you believe we can do this ?", Ethan asked.
"Yes - of course..."Jim replied.
"But without Teddy, Max, and of course Faunus I could never have even thought of doing this,", Ethan added.
"Yes - yes I know...", Jim muttered.
Ethan turned away and smartly returned to the conductor's podium.
""He's upset, Jim.", Faunus said.
"I know - he thought I didn't trust him to do everything right - and now he's shown me that he did it all better than 'right'.", Jim said quietly.
"Well enough said - we'll just listen to the next piece, and then make our excuses to leave - as we will hear the rest of the program tonight.", Faunus said.
And so that's what happened, but Ethan continued with the dress rehearsal - pleased that everything seemed to be working out, but upset that he has been so 'cool' with Jim...
Now as you probably realize, there were many things that Teddy and Faunus knew that, quite wisely they never communicated to Jim and the others.
Spy Camera
While Teddy had been more that happy playing with the organ stops during the concert, mainly because they reminded him of the buttons on elevators, and the buttons on the 'dimensional portal', his various electronic 'gizmos' had been scanning the orchestra, and he had noted that two of the players were fitted with audio 'bugs', and also micro- miniature digital still cameras, invisibly sewn into heir lapels.
Teddy had automatically sent an alert to the 'Athena Security HQ' at the 'Las Vegas Hotel Athena'.
Zac, wisely decided not to take any immediate action,  as the images had probably already been transmitted to the FBI Regional Headquarters in Carson City.

By various historical accidents Carson City, although it only has a population of  only 55,274 people, is the State Capital of Nevada - and therefore is the site of the FBI Regional Office.

"So - who have we got in these photos ?", the chairman of  the FBI  meeting in Carson City asked.
His assistant replied....
"Well, in the front row we have James Johnson - and  his left is a young man who we believe is Siegfried Brandt - a resident of Henderson, Nevada.
On the right is another young man known as 'Don Picaro', although we have no details of his nationality, or his current domicile.
They are attending a concert at th 'Park Theater', in Las Vegas.
The conductor is also known to us - an ex-elevator boy from the 'Club Jaguar', in Summerlin, Las Vegas called Max Thomas, who lives in an apartment building, also  in Summerlin.
The organist is Ethan Duncan - a very close associate of James Johnson - and he and Johnson are reported to 'live together' in a Penthouse in Summerlin, Las Vegas."...
FBI Meeting - Carson City - Nevada
"So we've got the photos - and some audio - but the little bit of talk we've got is all about music....
I mean, we were led to believe by Washington (and here he meant Hoover) that this was a violent 'Mafia style group', involved in illegal imports, illegal gambling, underage gay sex and suchlike, and here they are - apparently a 'musical appreciation society' - attempting to raise the cultural standing of Las Vegas by giving a concert inaugurating a one of the largest pipe organs in the US !
This really doesn't make much sense..."
"Yes - but there is the question of why they are so secretive and elusive...", on of the agents commented.
'Well they are entitled to their privacy..., the chairman countered.
"And the other matter is why do some agents assigned to keep track of them just disappear ?", the female agent asked.
"Such as ?", the chairman asked.
"Well agent Gordy, for example.", the female agent persisted.
The Chairman of the meeting then stood, carefully put his papers in his slim, black document-case and spoke.
"The matter of Agent Gordy is being pursued - but at the moment I think we should proceed as planned - attend the concert, and observe who attends, and who Mr Johnson and his entourage mixes and socializes with - so I think we can close this meeting as time presses.
and ... er... formal dress please.", the Chairman concluded.
It was half way through the afternoon when the 'Park Theater' rehearsal was over.
After giving his congratulations to the orchestra for their excellent work, and personally thanking Max and Teddy, Ethan informed the theater staff that he would not be needing the theater until that evening.
Then Ethan and Teddy and Max left the 'Park Theater', and made their way back to the 'Athena Park  Hotel'.(the hotel and the Theater wee physically connected as one building)
Reception Lobby - Athena Park Hotel - Las Vegas
On their was to where Chuck was waiting in the car-park with Ethan's Cadillac. 
Ethan decided to stop off at the 'Athena Park' reception area in order to ask how ticket sale were going.
As it happens both the Inaugural Concert and the Weekend 'Show' at the 'California Combat Club' were sold out.
Ethan was obviously very relieved as, with all the problems with posters and programs he was worried that he might be playing to an empty theater.
The sellout of the 'California Combat Club', however, didn't surprise Ethan, despite the lateness of the appearance of the posters, as it was quite usual for the 'shows' to be fully attended.
And thus - so far - both events were a success - a 'double success' in fact.... but that was only the preparations, and the real test was to be the response from the public that the two events eventually  produced...
It's the night of the concert - and a 'show' at the 'California Combat Club'. Everyone is looking their best - evening dress and bow-ties - arriving in a fleet of black Cadillacs.
'Sigi' gives an opening speech - inaugurating the new pipe organ, and honoring 'Marcus' - 
and the concert proceeds.
Later, Jim and the 'boys' attend the 'California Combat Club' for Paco's first public appearance - 
and Mikey accompanies Tolson - but the evening does not turn out as Tolson was expecting

with brief résumés
All text - © Copyright Peter Crawford 2022
All Images - © Copyright Vittorio Carvelli 2022
Graphic Design - © Copyright Zac Sawyer 2022