Faunus, Ashraf, Tony Stark and Novius meet at the 'Villa Athena' and discus the search for the ancient manuscripts, and make decisions about the use of the Armant Sarcophagus - Tolson and Mikey attend the latest 'show' at the 'Combat Club', and there is a Gala Evening at the 'Park Theater', with the inaugural concert featuring the newly installed pipe organ.
Jim, Ethan and Teddy had set out early in the morning for the 'Club Athena' in Summerlin.
Jim was intending to meet with Franklin and Josh in order to review the latest financial figures relating to the 'Corporation', while Ethan and Teddy would be continuing on to the 'Park Theater' for yet another of his concert rehearsal.
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Agent Wayne Gordy |
"So Jim, there's something that has been troubling me...", Ethan began.
"And what's that ?", Jim asked, munching on his sandwich, and apparently enjoying it.
"It's about Gordy - like what happened to him ?
He just disappeared, and I was expecting a visit from 'Chief Eckart' - or even someone from the FBI.", Ethan queried.
"Well - we have agent Gordy - and we now have to decide what to do with him...", Jim said.
"OK - and where have we got Gordy ?", Ethan asked.
"Gordy's at Zac's 'Athena Security' headquarters, at the 'Las Vegas Hotel Athena'.
The headquarter's is there until the 'Athena Corporation Repository' in Henderson is completed, but for the moment the 'Las Vegas Hotel Athena' is ideal for detaining people, as it has a very deep and elaborate basement area.", Jim explained.
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'Las Vegas Hotel Athena' - Nevada |
"Of course - it's more secure than leaving such things with a 'third party' - like a bank.", Jim replied.
"Very wise...", Teddy commented.
"So Gordy's a guest at the 'Las Vegas Hotel Athena' - but you can't keep him there forever.", Ethan questioned.
"No - but we can't send him back to the FBI - he knows far too much - so Zac is left with no choice really...", Jim replied.
"So, it' s back to the 'old ways' - Zac's going to eliminate him, just like he did to people who got in the way in that 'other time and place'...", Ethan said.
"There's no other real option..", Jim said.
"He's right...", Teddy agreed.
"I know - but it makes me think that Caleb was not that far from the truth when he was talking about the 'Cosa Nostra'.", Ethan said ruefully.
"Maybe - but Gordy and Tolson came after us - so we are justified in defending ourselves.", Jim said.
"True..." , Ethan reluctantly agreed.
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Athena Corporation Repository - Henderson - Nevada - USA |
You said you thought it looked a bit 'grim' - so I told the architects to add some classical details to the façade so that it would look less intimidating - after all, it is situated in the center of Henderson, and we want to retain our good reputation there - particularly after all the work we've put into the 'Green Valley High School'.
So what do you think ?", Jim said, as he brought up a CGI images of the building that was by then well under construction.
"Much better, Jim...
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'California Combat Club' |
Ethan, however, was thinking of the villa at Baia, where he and Jim, Zac and Josh lived before the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD.
The ancient Roman city of Baia was the hedonist 'Las Vegas' of the time, but now much its remains are beneath the Gulf of Naples. A prominent resort city for centuries, Baia catered to the recreational whims of the rich and powerful among the Roman elite. Some of antiquity’s most powerful figures such as Nero, Cicero, and Caesar were known to have visited the city and a number of them, including Gracchus, actually built permanent vacation villas there.
'In antis' - an architectural term meaning having a recessed portico, with a row of columns between the 'antae', (the posts or pillars on either side of a doorway or entrance of a Greek temple - the slightly projecting piers which terminate the walls of the naos). 'Ionic' columns have capitals with volutes...
But time was pressing, and Ethan and Teddy needed to go the the 'Park Theater' for their concert rehearsal, and as Josh had arrived for the rmeeting with Jim and Franklin, it was time for Ethan and Teddy to meet up with Max.
"And I think it might be best if you said nothing to Max about Gordy"`." Teddy said quietly to Ethan as they left Jim's office.
As has been explained before - the journey by limo from the 'Club Jaguar', in Summerlin, to the 'Park Theater' in Paradise was a short one.
Bellhops immediately offered to help Max with the rather bulky music scores, as Chuck 'parked up' in the 'executive parking area'.
Ethan, with Teddy, and with Max following with the bellhops carrying the music scores, then made their way into the theater.
The members of the orchestra were all present, and looking quite happy, unlike on the previous morning when Ethan had been late.
"Oh my goodness !", Ethan exclaimed as he looked towards the stage.
The big black screens had been removed, along with the 'NO ENTRY' signs, and there, against the darkened rear wall of the stage was the pipe organ.
"It's bigger than I expected...", Max said - obviously overwhelmed by the sheer size of the instrument.
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The Pipe Organ of the Park Theater - Paradise - Las Vegas |
"Well Ethan did ask for a 'thirty foot pipe job'...", Teddy said.
"And can you play that monster ?", Max asked.
"Possibly - it's a bit like a very big, complicated piano-thingy - and I can play a piano.", Ethan replied, sounding far from sure.
"Well let's go down and have a proper look at it...", Teddy said.
But as they walked down the main gangway to the stage a rather formally dressed gentleman approached them.
"Mr Duncan ?", he asked.
Ethan nodded.
"I am the chief engineer, and I am pleased to inform you that the first stage of the installation has been completed - but of course more work - and tuning - will be required before the instrument can be played.
A day or so, if that is in order ?".
"OK - but get it done as quickly as possible as we are due for a concert here - so there will be bonuses for you and your men - and the sooner you finish your work satisfactorily the bigger will be your bonuses...
"Of course, Sir...", the chief engineer replied - and then scuttled off in order to get on with earning his hoped for bonus.
"So - let's get on with the rehearsal...", Ethan suggested.
While Franklin had wanted, as usual, to go into mind-numbing detail, Jim had hurried him on, as Jim had a further, and more important meeting at the 'Villa Athena' in Antelope Valley.
But enough of that - this hallway leads to the main Dining and Conference Room - which so far I've never used - but as there are a number of us here today, and this seems like an important occasion I thought we should use it.", Novius explained.
"I think Faunus speaks truthfully - for the words he speaks are ascribed to our 'all knowing neter' Θώθ - the god whom you call Thoth, and the Greeks call Hermes - who is self-begotten, and is the master of both the physical and moral law in making proper use of Ma'at, and he is credited with making the calculations for the establishment of the heavens, and of the stars.", Ashraf said with surprising authority.
"So, if we have all these books - why do we need to search for the 'Books of Foundation' - it seems that such manuscripts already exist, but under different names, depending on who translated them.", Tony questioned.
"But to summarize, the actual 'books' that Faunus and Novius seem to think that we need, are in the form of either Greek or Egyptian manuscripts, and were last seen in Alexandria, but the manuscript in Alexandria was probably a copy itself of an original created somewhere in Egypt...", Jim said.
"So - if we're all agreed on a return to Egypt, then perhaps we could consider other matters...", Jim continued.
"So - now I wish to make a general and serious policy regarding 'res nostra'... And so Jim got down to the matter that was really concerning him.
So Jim was technically 'homeless', for despite the fact that he owned at least half of Las Vegas, none of the properties or facilities that he owned were actually his 'home'.
What's important is what you and Teddy think about the discussion you just heard ?", Jim asked.
"You, the kittens, and some of the others who I will be selecting with go through the 'dimensional portal' - and arrive well before myself and Zac.", Jim replied.
"Well that's something - because you know Teddy doesn't like flying.", Ethan said, sounding relieved.
"Well we have another rehearsal - but we can't go much further without the pipe organ being available.", Ethan replied.
For Jim, the 'Combat Club' was the next nearest thing to his beloved amphitheater in Baiae, on Gulf of Naples - which he and Petronius (Zac) ran on behalf of Gracchus.
While Ethan, Teddy and Max were getting on with the rehearsal at the 'Park Theater', Jim had been undertaking a financial review of the 'Corporation' with Franklin and Josh.
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Villa Athena - Antelope Valley - California |
The 'Villa Athena ' is a sprawling, collection of single story pavilions, in 'Mayan Revival Style', and has an estimated market value of $50 million. The 'villa' was constructed by Alexander Johnston in Antelope Valley, California. Originally called 'Villa de los Jaguares' (Villa of the Jaguars'), Jim changed the name to 'Villa Athena' on becoming 'Dominus'.
This was one meeting to which Ethan and Teddy were not invited - but only because Jim thought that it was far more important that Ethan finish his work rehearsing for the concert.
However, Josh accompanied Jim to the villa, and Zac had already been invited - and of course Tony Stark and Ashraf would also be involved - and Novius and Faunus were already at the villa.
On arriving at the Villa, Jim found Novius, waiting at the entrance, as usual, to greet him.
"And Marcus (Jim), where is Aurarius (Ethan) ?", Novius asked, sounding concerned.
"Oh, he's had to stay back in 'Vegas.
He needs to devote all his time to rehearsals for the next concert - to which you are invited, of course." Jim replied.
"Et salvete Adonios", Novius then said, extending a hand in greeting to Josh, and lapsing into Latin.
"Salvete Novius", Josh replied.
"Now you two come with me - the other 'boys' - and Mr Stark and Faunus - are here already.", Novius said, leading them down one of the labyrinthine hallways, obviously enjoying the company.
"This is part of the villa I don't remember...", Jim commented, as they made their way down the marble floored hallway.
"Maybe not, Marcus - your original visit to the villa was when you first arrived, and you were having a lot of problems with your memory.
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Dining and Conference Room - Villa Athena - Antelope Valley |
"Yes, it's a fine room, with beautiful views of the surrounding parkland.", Jim remarked.
And as Jim, Josh and Novius entered the room, they were joined by Faunus, Tony Stark and Ashraf.
"Right gentlemen - well I suggest that you take your seats - and let us see what conclusions we can reach...", Novius suggested.
Novius took the seat with his back to the parkland view, with Jim at his right, and Tony Stark on his left.
The Mexican servants then served coffee, and then left the room, closing the doors.
Jim then began the meeting.
"Now we usually have Teddy with us at a meeting like this, and he records everything that we say - but today Teddy is involved with the rehearsals for the concert at the 'Park Theater', so he ha given me this voice recorder to use.
When I return to the Penthouse, I will then pass this on to Teddy to upload into his secure data-base.
As usual no digital or hard copy shall be circulated, and anything said during our deliberations is strictly confidential."
And everyone nodded in agreement.
And then Novius began speaking...
"So the first topic that we should consider are the manuscripts - the 'Libri Initiis' - translated loosely into Latin - or the 'Βιβλία Θεμελιωδών' in Greek - 'Books of Foundation'.
Now strangely, or even coincidentally, these, in their Egyptian form are described as being given to Mankind by Upuaut...
Now I have actually seen these books in Rome - long, long ago, and written in Greek, on papyrus.
Most of the contents I have forgotten - and much that I read I did not understand, but I do remember the dedication in the first 'book'
The dedication was in Greek, and I translate...
From the place of the 'ever living',
From the far 'horizon of the gods',
From the 'moment of the Beginning',
From the 'Foundation of all things',
I - Upuaut,
'the opener of the ways'
Come to you, and give to you a gift !
A gift to those who would seek
And to those who would know.
The 'Books of Foundation'
The room then became almost unnaturally silent..,
"But this is not the Upuaut that we encountered at Chaco Canyon...
Who ever it was who claimed to be 'Upuaut' did not speak as Novius has just spoken. ", Jim declared.
"And I know that I have heard these words before, when Faunus came to us once, when we were in Egypt."
"Yes, but that was just a gentle hint...", Faunus suggested quietly.
"So you know of the 'Books of Foundation' ?", Jim then said to Faunus - obviously surprised.
"Yes - why shouldn't I - 'for by knowing of these books one shall have the 'glory of the world', and thereby all obscurity shall fly from you.
Its force is above all force, for it vanquishes every subtle thing, and penetrates every solid thing - and so were all things brought into being..", Faunus said cryptically.
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Thoth |
"Well this is all very well, guys, and nicely said, Ashraf - but to a modern-day person, with a background in science, this talk of 'gods' and suchlike has very little meaning...", Tony commented.
"Well yes - but perhaps that's the problem...", Novius said.
"Ashraf was loosely quoting from writings known as the 'Emerald Tablet' - and in that work are the origins of much of your science and technology.
But to make things clearer, the oldest documented source for the 'Emerald Tablet' is the 'Kitab sirr al-haliqi' - the 'Book of the Secrets of Creation'- an Arabic work, written possibly in the 8th century AD, but the contents are attributed to Apollonius of Tyana at a much earlier date.
It has been suggested, however, that the original document - possibly a Greek translation of an original hieroglyphic papyrus, was lost during the fire at the 'Great Library' at Alexandria.
Interestingly, an early version of the 'Emerald Tablet' also appeared in a work called the 'Kitab Ustuqus al-Uss al-Thani' - 'the Book of the Elements of the Foundation' - which is attributed to Jabir ibn Hayyan.
It would, however, take several more centuries before the text was accessible to Europeans, and in the 12th century AD the 'Emerald Tablet' was finally translated into Latin by Hugo von Santalla." Novius continued.
Tony shook his head, obviously puzzled.
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Scribes in Ancient Times |
"Yes - but you probably don't understand the problem with old documents.
They were produced at a time when there was no such thing as printing, and there were therefore very few copies, as they all had to be copied by hand, and were therefore very expensive.
Also, because they were copied by scribes who often didn't understand what they were copying, mistakes were made as they were copied, and in some cases the scribes inserted their own ideas.
And then there was the question of translation from one language to another - and it all depended on how accurate the translator was.", Novius explained.
Jim then 'stepped in', sensing that the discussion was seemingly going nowhere.
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Theban Hills - West Bank - Upper Egypt |
"Yes - and of all the places that such a papyrus manuscript might have survived, Egypt is the most likely, because of it's very dry, hot climate.", Novius added.
"OK - Well we need to return to Egypt anyway, in order to check our assets there, and also to oversee the prospecting for these Armantium deposits that we have been told should be found in the Theban hills, on the West Bank of the Nile.", Jim said.
"Well I think 'Ethan effendi' shall be pleased, as he can take Bastet and Sekhmet for a 'holiday' in the Winter Palace gardens.", Ashraf commented.
"True - but we have other considerations...", Jim countered, looking round the table to see if everyone agreed.
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The Sarcophagus - 'in situ' in the Pyramid |
"Well, I know that the subject that has been occupying Jim's thought for a long time is the nature, and possible use of the sarcophagus that we discovered in the desert near Armant, in Egypt.", Faunus said.
"Yes - and I am interested to know if Tony has made any further progress with regard to this artifact.", Jim queried.
"Yes - progress has been made in investigating the sarcophagus.
Firstly, it now seems clear that the sarcophagus is a single entity, in that the Armantium only operates in a biological and temporal manner in the presence of the gold and Lapis sheathing, and only in the configuration of a three dimensional 'Pharaonic Cartouche'.
a 'Pharaonic Cartouche' is an oval or oblong figure in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics that encloses characters expressing the names or epithets of royal or divine personages.
In other configurations, Armantium can generate remarkably large quantities of energy - in the form of heat and light - and can probably be used as a power source, or be weaponized, and so is highly dangerous.", Tony explained.
"Yes, but is it dangerous for someone to use it in the 'biological and temporal manner' as you put it ?", Novius demanded - wanting Tony to give a 'straight' answer.
"Well, Ashraf and I have tested it on mice, spiders and various other insects, squirrels, rabbits and birds, and there seem to be no ill effects - but Novius wouldn't let us test it on monkeys or chimps - which would have been the best test - but a far as I can see the sarcophagus is safe to use...", Tony confirmed.
"That's good... and I think the sarcophagus can now be moved, as soon as is practical, to the 'Athena Corporation Repository', in Henderson, where it shall undoubtedly be far more secure.", Jim said quietly...
"Now, there's also the matter of Tolson and Gordy to consider...", Zac then said - wanting to turn the discussion to more practical matters - in this case related to security.
"Good... now I'm sorry to ask you this, Ashraf, but as you are not involved in the security side of matters, I need to ask you to leave us at this point.", Jim said apologetically.
"Ashraf nodded obediently in agreement, and quietly left the conference room.
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Emblem of the House of Gracchus |
'Res Nostra - Latin for ' our thing', or 'our organization'
Things have changed a lot since we all arrived here - in this 'time and place' - and we need to be firm in our resolve to maintain the traditions of the 'House of Gracchus', regardless of the fact the we are livening in a very different culture.", Jim began.
Tony looked puzzled, but was diplomatic, and said nothing.
"Some of you here have made, long ago, a 'sacramentum' to the 'House of Gracchus', to my 'Benefactor', and then later, on his demise, to me, as your 'Dominus'.
Dominus' is the Latin word for 'Master' - (κύριος. Kyrios in Greek). It was the title held by Gnaeus Octavian Gracchus (Alexander Johnston), and was inherited by his heir, Marcus Octavianus Gracchus - James Johnston (Jim)
In ancient Roman Religion and Law, the Sacramentum was an oath or vow that rendered the swearer 'sacer', 'given to the gods'. Sacramentum also referred to a thing that was pledged as a sacred bond, and consequently forfeit if the oath were violated. Both instances imply an underlying 'sacratio' - an act of consecration.
"This present 'time and place' in which we find ourselves - although it is in no way more civilized than our ancient world - and in fact may be less civilized in many respects - may look upon some of our customs in a disrespectful manner.
In this particular case, which is the matter of the young FBI agent that we now hold, we have no choice but to eliminate him, as he probably has far too much knowledge regarding ourselves, and our activities - and we cannot risk this information being revealed to any higher authority.
I leave the implementation of this decision to Zac, as 'Tribunus', and Head of our 'Security..."
Tribunus (Eng - Tribune) was the title of various officials in ancient Rome. The title was also used for officials known as 'Tribunus Cohortis Urbanae' - who were commanders of the 'urban cohorts' - military police units stationed at Rome. Zac's position was based on this ancient Roman precedent.
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Emblem of 'Athena Security |
Zac responded without hesitation.
"Of course, Dominus, and I am sure that Kurt at the 'Combat Club' can make the appropriate arrangements for some of his contacts to deal appropriately with this matter - thus distancing the act itself well away from us..."
(Kurt could be relied upon to deal with such matters because the 'Combat Club' was not legally part of the 'Athena Corporation)
Jim then rose from his seat as he switched off the voice recorder.
"So, gentlemen, I expect to see you all the 'Park Theater', for the coming concert, and at the 'California Combat Club' for their next presentation, and you will be kept informed regarding the visit to Egypt, and any developments regarding the sarcophagus, and also progress with the construction of the 'Athena Corporation Repository' at Henderson..."
Although is was still only afternoon, Jim was keen to get back to the Penthouse, in order to see Ethan and Teddy.
The Penthouse always seemed like 'home' to Jim, even although since the death of the 'Boss', the building had legally belonged to Ethan, as the Boss had left the 'Penthouse Building' to his 'favorite little guy' in his will.
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The 'Penthouse Building' - Summerlin |
So Jim said his farewells to Novius and Tony, and then set off for the long drive back to Summerlin.
Eventually, Chuck parked Jim's Cadillac Eldorado in front of the main entrance of the 'Penthouse Building' - and Jim's thoughts drifted back to another time, that seemed so long ago, when Ethan had first taken him to the Penthouse after their memorable evening meal with the 'Boss'.
That was a time when everything in the 'new world' in which he found himself seemed strange and almost inexplicable - but Ethan had befriended him, and guided him - even if in a rather offbeat and quirky manner - until he had become more accustomed to his new life.
But that was in the past...
Now Jim found Ethan and Teddy in the living-room, on the floor, surrounded by piles of orchestral parts, which Teddy was trying to organize.
"Hi guys - how's it going ?", Jim asked, by way of a greeting.
"Not so well- Ethan dropped some of the orchestra parts...", Teddy responded.
"Yes - well I couldn't manage - carrying all this manuscript paper and you !", Teddy retorted.
A symphony orchestra is divided into many groups of instruments - usually bowed string instruments such as the violin, viola, cello, and double bass - woodwinds such as the flute, oboe, clarinet, saxophone, and bassoon - brass instruments such as the horn, trumpet, trombone, cornet, and tuba - percussion instruments such as the timpani, snare drum, bass drum, cymbals, triangle, tambourine, and tam-tam and tubular bells - and also harp, celesta, glockenspiel, and piano and now, in the case of the 'Park Theater Orchestra' - pipe organ.- and each instrument has a separate written part - hence 'orchestra parts'.
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Park Theater Symphony Orchestra - Paradise - Clark County - Las Vegas - Nevada (please note - this is not the full orchestra but only a practice group) |
"Well can I help ?", Jim asked...
"...nice of you to offer - but you need to know something about music to know which 'thingy' goes with which 'thingy'...", Ethan replied - not really making much sense.
"So tell us how the meeting went...", Teddy demanded, as he continued the make numerous piles of manuscript paper.
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Olympus VN-702PC |
"It went well - I think - and w're going back to Egypt soon, and Tony's making good progress with the sarcophagus.
And I've got a recording of the whole thing, so you can transfer it to your laptop, Teddy, and then to your database." Jim suggested.
"OK, well I won't be long sorting this mess out, and then Ethan and I can listen to what was said..." Teddy responded, somewhat absent-mindedly.
Eventually all the manuscript paper had been sorted in neat little piles, which Clare then places in large plastic envelopes.
"There - and be more careful in future, Ethan...", Clare, who had been helping Teddy, said reprovingly to Ethan.
"OK, mom...", Ethan replied, with a cheeky smile.
So then, after Teddy had downloaded the recording of the meeting at the villa into his database, they then sat and listen to the playback while sipping hot tea.
"Neat little machine you've got there, Jim", Ethan commented enviously.
"Any chance of you getting one for me ?"...
Now Ethan was a very wealthy boy, and yet he hardly ever bought anything (his digital piano, and two Cadillacs were an exception), and he really had no conception whatever of the value of money (rather like Teddy) - so it never occurred to him to go to a shop and simply buy a 'voice recorder', or order one on the internet - after all the Olympus Voice recorder was only about $50.
Jim, however, understood - and didn't make an issue of the matter.
"Undoubtedly your voice recorder is still being held for you in the main office of the 'Athena Park Hotel' - so just go and ask for it the next time you are in the hotel.", Jim replied.
"Well you would have thought they would of told me !", Ethan exclaimed indignantly.
"OK, but you can sort that out tomorrow...
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The Kittens - Bastet and Sehkmet |
"Well, I was pleased to hear that you all decided that we should go back to Egypt - although we must take the 'kitties' with us - they're homesick you see - and I like Egypt - even if it is a bit smelly - and I can then see Omar, and feed apples to his 'horsey'...", Ethan said.
"And how will we be travelling to Egypt, on this occasion.", Teddy asked.
"In this case, for security reasons, I will be flying in the 'Dreamliner' with Zac - ", Jim began...
"Oh, and I suppose we'll be locked up in an Emirates or Egypt Air 'thingy for hours and hours !", Ethan interrupted.
"As it happens no...
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Boeing 'Dreamliner' |
"And why are you doing that ?", Teddy asked innocently.
(Actually Teddy had a good idea why - but he thought it better that he asked, rather than Ethan, as sometimes Jim seemed to becoming slightly annoyed by Ethan's constant questioning.)
"Well we may be in contact with the authorities, and may be asked to show visas and stamped passports - with corresponding paperwork.
This is mainly because we might be involved in legal matters with regard to prospecting in the Theban hills.", Jim replied.
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Dimensional Portal - Winter Palace - Luxor - Egypt |
"So what about the other things on the voice recorder ?', Jim asked.
Ethan thought for a moment...
"It was good to hear that Tony thinks that the sarcophagus is safe...
and I noticed how you linked up the rather nasty decision about Agent Gordy with the 'oath'.", Ethan said.
"Yes, and now that we have some new members of the 'sodalicium' (Latin for fellowship or gang - as in 'Penthouse Gang') - I want everyone to take the 'sacramentum' (Latin for oath) in a new form, reflecting our new and more prominent situation."Jim said.
"And that would be ?", Teddy asked.
"I would now ask for the wording of the sacramentum to be... "Dominus et autocrator in omnia saecula sum servus tuus et amicus obsequentissimus.", Jim replied.
"Well that is a strong oath - but I think it is now needed.", Teddy replied.
"And will someone let me in on the secret ?", Ethan asked, his Latin not being quite as fluent as Jim and Teddy.
(remember that Ethan's natural language was Kione (a form of Greek), whereas Jim was a Roman, but educate in Latin and Greek)
Koine Greek, also known as 'Common Attic' or 'Hellenistic Greek', was the common supra-regional form of Greek spoken and written during the Hellenistic period and the Roman Empire.
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Ancient Roman Gold Laurel Wreath |
"Well Ethan - as we shall all probably be around for a long time, it means - in English - 'My Dominus and Autocrator, for all the ages I am your most obedient servant and friend.' ", Jim explained.
"So, you have added the title αὐτοκράτωρ (autokrátōr) - a title that Gracchus never used..", Ethan commented.
"Quite right, Ethan, because in the Roman Empire to use that title would be treason - but here there is no Imperator.
"True, but it is a very strong title...", Ethan said.
"And needed as we emerge into dangerous times...", Teddy wisely said.
"But I hope you're not going to go around wearing gold laurel wreath...", Ethan quipped.
Jim smiled - "No."
"So what about tomorrow ?
"What are you and Teddy and Max up to?", Jim asked - now more relaxed knowing that Ethan and Teddy were comfortable with what had been discussed at the meeting at 'Antelope Valley'.
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Park Theater - Pipe Organ Installed - Las Vegas - Nevada |
"And it's not ?", Jim queried.
"It's been installed - but according to the guy from the 'pipe organ company thingy' it needs to be 'tuned'...", Ethan explained.
"OK - so I'll phone him, and send an email to the head office - They'll be no payment for anything unless it's ready by tomorrow - and the'll be problems for him personally if the wok is not completed - Zac and Kurt will see to that.", Jim said, obviously annoyed.
Ethan looked to Teddy - wondering if he's done the right thing - but Teddy made no response.
"Now there is a slight problem...", Ethan began hesitantly.
"Yes...", Jim said - with a note of resignation.
"Well, we haven't got any posters ready - or programs for that matter..", Ethan mumbled.
"Well, you'd better get started then - I'm going to the 'Combat Club' - where I'm sure they're better organized...", Jim said - sounding disappointed and annoyed, and without further ado, left the 'Penthouse'.
"Oh dear - he's angry...", Ethan moaned - stating the obvious.
"Yes - and it didn't help that you complained about the pipe organ not being ready yet.", Teddy said quietly.
"Yes, I know - but I was wondering... perhaps you could help...", Ethan began hesitantly.
"OK - I know what's coming next....you wan`t me to design a poster and a program - because the designer guys won't be able to do anything in the short time that's left.", Teddy said.
"Well, we can use the big computer in the study - it's got 'Photoshop' - so you just tell me what the design should be like.", Teddy suggested.
And so Ethan and Teddy got to work, while Jim spent the rest of the evening with Kurt and Brody.
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A 'Pompa' in the Arena at Baiae |
On that night, when Chuck drove him from the 'Penthouse' to the 'California Combat Club', he would have given anything to return to those seemingly happy, carefree days.
Of course Kurt and Brody knew nothing about those far off times - and Jim was careful never to make any reference to his previous life - despite the fact that Brody definitely had his suspicions about Jim and his closest associates.
In ancient Rome, the 'pompa circensis' ('circus parade') was the procession that preceded the official games - the Ludi - held as part of religious festivals, and on other occasions.The 'Pompa' shown is for the accession of the Emperor Titus Flavius Vespasianus in 70 AD, which was organized by Marcus Octavianus Gracchus (Jim).The statue being carried into the arena is of the goddess 'Spes' - the goddess of Hope - intended to bring good fortune to the new Emperor.
Late that night Jim came back from the 'Combat Club' in a slightly better mood, but Ethan wisely didn't bother him with the work that he and Teddy had completed with regard to the posters and program.
Now, in all the rush and confusion that occurred with regard to the upcoming concert, Ethan had not thought about who would play the pipe-organ.
Ethan was more than competent reading and writing music, and playing on a piano keyboard, thanks to Faunus' intervention when they had been in 1920s Berlin - but when it came to a five manual, multiple stop pipe-organ, with pedal board, he didn't have a clue.... and there was then no time to find an organist who would be able to play the organ parts that Ethan had arranged.
So, that night, Faunus - who fully understood the problem - visited Ethan as he slept, and did some very strange and amazing things to Ethan's brain - just as he had done in Berlin, with regard to another aspect of Ethan's understanding of music.
Now, when Ethan awoke - it would still be the same old slightly 'off-beat' Ethan - but now he would be a fine organist - which was just as well in the circumstances...
Faunus, of course, was not permitted to solve all the boy's problems in that manner - but this was an exception - after all, Apollo was the 'god' of music - among other things.
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Console of the Park Theater Pipe Organ - Las Vegas - Nevada - USA |
Controls at the console called 'stops' select which ranks of pipes are used. These controls are generally in the form of 'draw-knobs', which engage the 'stops' when pulled out from the 'console'.
Different combinations of 'stops' change the 'timbre' of the instrument considerably. The selection of 'stops' is called the 'registration'. On modern organs, the 'registration' can be changed instantaneously with the aid of a combination action, usually featuring 'pistons'.
'Pistons' are buttons that can be pressed by the organist to change registrations; they are generally found between the manuals.
Most large organs have both preset and programmable 'pistons', with some of the couplers repeated for convenience as 'pistons' and 'toe studs' (operated by the feet).
Programmable 'pistons' allow comprehensive control over changes in registration.
Most organs also have a 'pedal-board' - a large keyboard to be played by the feet.
Above the 'pedal-board' is situated 'expression' pedals that alter the volume of various groups of pipes - and so on..
It's all very complicated
That same night, while Ethan slept, and Faunus worked his 'magic', other less pleasant events were underway.
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A Back Alley in 'Vegas |
There, in a dirty, almost derelict back street Gordy was released.
As the large limo, showing no licence plates, disappeared, Gordy wondered where, exactly' he was, and what he should do next.
His cell-phone, wallet and other identifying papers had been taken from him at the 'Las Vegas Hotel Athena', so despite his FBI training he was at a loss as to what to do.
The one thing h didn't notice was a shadowy figure approaching him.
"Hell Gordy - Caleb wants to see you.." the unidentified figure said quietly.
"Brody - is that you ?", Gordy asked.
But there was no answer.
Completely put off his guard, Brody had no trouble in dealing with Gordy permanently - and noiselessly.
Moments later the lifeless body was driven away to be disposed off in the furnaces that heated a huge neo-classical building a few streets away.
The following morning, after breakfast, at the 'Penthouse' in Summerlin, , Ethan took Jim to the study, and showed him the work the he and Teddy had completed the previous evening.
"And the two of you did this together, while I was out ?" Jim said, amazed.
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Pipe Oran Inaugural Concert Poster - Park Theater - Las Vegas |
Jim immediately opened his cell-phone and called the 'Club Jaguar'.
"Send some bell-hops over by limo - immediately.", Jim ordered the startled receptionist.
"Right - we'll get the digital files of these designs printed off, poster size, in color, and have them up, all over town immediately !", Jim said.
"So you like the design ?", Teddy said laconically.
"Excellent - you and Ethan have done a superb job."
"But they've got no date on them...", Ethan said.
"No problem, we'll get stickers printed, so as soon as you know the date, they can be put on the posters", Jim countered.
"Clever !", Ethan said, relieved that Jim was in a better mood.
"And what about the program ?", Jim asked
"Same cover - but this last rehearsal will decide on the program - but then we don't need the program until the actual concert.", Teddy explained.
And so - within about fifteen minutes the bellhops arrived, and Jim gave them instructions regarding the printing - and the establishments where the data should be taken - and promised a substantial reward for those boys who carried out the task successfully.
So that was, in a sense a 'finale', in that the publicity for the concert was seemingly secure - but there was still the problem of if the organ would play, and who would play it.
But even if the problem with the concert was sorted out, there was still the matter of Tolson and Caleb, and the upcoming 'Spectacle' at the 'California Club'.
However, Jim hoped that the concert and the 'Combat Spectacle' could occur on the same date - thus opening the way to a swift departure to the 'Winter Palace' and Egypt.
On arriving at the 'Park Theater', Ethan and Max were met by a very nervous official from the pipe-organ company - who assured Ethan that the recently installed instrument was by then in perfect working order.
"And about time...", Ethan said dismissively.
And then the members of the orchestra watched apprehensively as Ethan walked up to the bench in front of the organ console.
Sitting Teddy on the bench to his left, Ethan looked carefully at the huge array of buttons, switches and knobs.
"Are you sure you know what your doing ?", Max asked.
"Of course...", Ethan replied.... which was odd, as he had never played a pipe-organ before...
Now Faunus, however, had programmed Ethan with information about all the functions featured on the extremely complex organ console, so Ethan intuitively knew exactly what to do... although he didn't know how he knew.
It was just as if he had always known , and had been playing the instrument all his relatively short life.
So Ethan clicked the switches, and set the stops, and then, in the same way as on his digital piano, he began playing beautiful arpeggios - just to warm up.
"Well that seems just dandy...", Ethan said, as he sat back and admired the gleaming console
"So let's rehearse our first item.
"But I don't know how !", Max exclaimed.
"No problemo - this little gizmo - it's a metronome - will help you keep time, and the orchestra has the score - so they know what to do...
Most conducting is just a 'big show' - mainly for the benefit of the audience.
So a nice steady beat will be fine - and just follow the metronome-thingy.", Ethan explained.
The 'tempo' of a piece of music is its speed. There are two ways to specify a tempo. Metronome markings are absolute and specific. Other tempo markings are verbal descriptions which are more relative and subjective. Metronome markings are given in beats per minute. They can be estimated using a clock with a second hand, but the easiest way to find them is with a metronome, which is a tool that can give a beat-per-minute tempo as a clicking sound.
And so they rehearsed - and rehearsed - and rehearsed, and Max began to get the feel of the baton, and the music, and the orchestra actually started watching him, as if he was a professional conductor.
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Rehearsals - Kurt with Brody and Paco 'California Combat Club' |
And also, at the 'Combat Club' - not far away - they rehearsed - and rehearsed - and rehearsed...
And at the 'Park Theater', and at the 'Combat Club' they all eagerly awaited the call from Jim that would give them the date for the 'gala presentations'...
Having returned very late to the 'Penthouse' in Summerlin, after a very successful rehearsal at the 'Park Theater', the next problem for Ethan and Teddy, and Max was the program.
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Clare - Ethan's House-Keeper |
(It must be remembered that this 'alternative America' is not 'politically correct' in the way that some 'alternative Americas' are).
"Very well, Clare - and now it seems I can play a pipe-organ, like they have in these 'christian church thingys' (it must also be remembered that christianity was a complete mystery to the boys who originated in a different 'time an place' where christian were few and far between) - although this did not apply to Max - who was 'as American as apple pie', or the 'stars and stripes' - although he was not actually 'born on the fourth of July'.
"Well, I guess you need to be left alone to make preparations for this concert - which I am really looking forward to.", Clare said, as she left the study.
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Max Thomas - All American Assistant to Ethan |
Ethan grinned
"Don't take any notice of Teddy, Clare - he's just showing off..." , Max said.
"... just trying to be helpful...", Teddy said, as he switched on the large computer in the study.
Now let's start working out this program...", Ethan said - as he sat in front of the computrer wondering how to start....
"So we start with that dinky set of fanfares, and then this 'Prelude for an Inaugural Concert' - which will show off the new pipe-organ.", Ethan began...
"Yes... and then what ?", Max asked.
"Well, as this is a concert to celebrate the installation of this pipe-organ-thingy, there is a piece of music called 'The Slovak Suite', by a guy called Novak.
It's for orchestra, but it also includes an organ part that's fairly easy to play, but shows of the sound of some of the big pipes really well.
Now he's a long time dead, so we can perform it without paying any royalties - so I think we should include it.".
"Yes - I know it - and it's very suitable.", Teddy said.
"Well you would know it - it's on your database I suppose.", Ethan said.
"Of course...", Teddy said.
"So when were you going to tell me about it ?" Ethan asked.
"Well you're the musician, so I was waiting for you to suggest it...", Teddy replied.
Part One - consisting of ‘Fanfares and Flourishes’, ‘Inaugural Prelude’ ‘Love Me Tender’ with an Orchestral Prelude and then the song itself, sung by Aaron, R Strauss ‘Festival Prelude for Organ and Orchestra', orchestrated by Ethan.
Then part Two - Novak's 'In Church' for organ and orchestra, ‘Bach‘s Fugue in D’, to be played by Ethan, ‘How Great Thou Art’, with orchestra, and sung by Aaron, ‘Saint-Saën's : Symphony No. 3 for organ and Orchestra’ complete, and finally ‘The Star Spangled Banner’ for organ and orchestra, orchestrated by Ethan.
So they had managed to work out a good program - and then it was just a matter of Teddy getting it on the computer, and having it printed off in sufficient quantities....
And Teddy's clever idea - and he was a very clever bear - was to have the program as just one sheet of stiff, laminated card, to be given to each concert-goer as the entered the auditorium.
So the next morning, the digital file was sent down to the printers first thing, and a very Ethan and Max, but a still 'perky' Teddy, (Teddy never got tired), rushed off to the Park Theater in Ethan's white Cadillac convertible for even more rehearsing.
It was very exhausting for Ethan and Max - but the members of the orchestra were astounded that they were required to come to terms with so much music.
Some of the items were pretty much 'run of the mill' - such as 'How Great though Art', 'Love Me Tender' and 'The Star Spangled Banner'.
And then there was the one item in which the orchestra was not included - the 'Bach Fugue in D' - so that was OK.
But the music was well chosen, and the orchestra were all behind Ethan, remembering the amazing success of the initial concert that had put the 'Park Theater' on th map a far as fine music in the 'South West' was concerned - and in addition, everyone had done very well from follow-up concerts and appearances financially.
So after another day of rehearsals, when they were relaxing at the 'Penthouse', Ethan and Teddy decided to show the program to Jim - to get his approval.
Jim carefully perused a specimen program card.
"Nice, unusual design - easy to read - excellent.", Jim said.
"Yes - but what about the choice of the music ?", Ethan asked.
"Well, I must be honest you you - I really have no ear for this music of this 'time' - and I don't really know much about it - but like in our time, I can see that there is music for the common people, and music for those who are more educated, and you have chosen a selection of both - but will your audience like it ?", Jim asked.
"I think so - you see some of the music has easy tunes and nice sentimental words, and then other pieces, although written some time ago, are very much like modern 'movie music' - and we have also included the anthem of the USA.", Ethan replied.
Jim nodded in approval.
"Now Ethan - I know you're tired, but I must mention something that you've forgotten...", Teddy said hesitantly.
"And that is ?", Ethan asked.
"It's the 'Combat Club'.
They're preparing for this upcoming 'show' - but no advertising has been arranged...", and Teddy left the suggestion hanging in the air.
"And I suppose we have to do that as well...", Ethan replied.
"Well it's too late to contact your advertising-buddies - so I suppose it's up to me to do it - again, as Kurt seems to know nothing about advertising...", Teddy said.
"Actually, it's not really our responsibility, as the Combat Club is not officially part of the 'Athena Corporation'...", Jim interjected.
"Well I think that needs sorting out...", Ethan said.
"Yes, well as soon as we get the FBI off our backs that might be possible, but can you do the poster design for us using our Photoshop program ?", Jim asked.
"I should think so - we can go down to the 'Club' early - get Brody and Paco to give us some 'action shots', and by midday I should have a poster design for you." Teddy said.
"OK - so until tomorrow...", Jim said, patting Teddy on the head.
Now Teddy usually got very annoyed when people were 'patronizing', but on this occasion he said nothing, pleased that Jim was by then more relaxed.
Ethan and Teddy and Max go to the 'Combat Club' and get Adam to take some 'action shots' of Brody and Paco for the new Combat Club Poster - and Teddy makes a 'Photo Shop' poster that Jim approves by midday. Posters then start going up for the 'Inaugural Concert'and the 'Wrestling Show', and Jim gives the dates for al those concerned - including Mikey, who tells Tolson, which is good as Hoover is by then very impatient.
And then everything goes ahead....
CLICK BELOW FORwith brief résumésAll text - © Copyright Peter Crawford 2022All Images - © Copyright Vittorio Carvelli 2022Graphic Design - © Copyright Zac Sawyer 2022