Finally Ethan and Teddy present their concert, featuring orchestral excerpts from the movies, and songs sung by Aaron - to the general acclaim of the invited audience. Very shortly after, preparation are made for a visit to Egypt in order to supervise the restoration of the 'Winter Palace' in Luxor.
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Penthouse Building |
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Summerlin - Night |
Of course Teddy had detailed maps and information about all the various places of importance and interest in Las Vegas in his database, but not wanting to upset Ethan, he pretended to be interested in what Ethan was saying, being in a good mood as he would be able to go over the final plans for the concert which was scheduled for the following day.
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Penthouse Dining Room - Night |
(Glen, however, had returned to the 'Villa Athena' - a long drive - as he had to arrive at 'Green Valley High School' in the early morning).
At Clare's suggestion, a late supper was brought up from the 'Club Athena', (she was worried that 'her boys' might not have had enough to eat), and so they all made their way to the dining room.
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'High School' Style Wrestling |
"I think after tonight's success the 'Combat Club' should open on a regular basis, and I have asked Kurt to attend to that - and I have suggested that we should include more of the 'High School' style wrestling, as that seemed to go down very well with the 'club members' - but we could perhaps afford to make it a little bit more 'risqué'.", Jim began.
"Risk-whaty ?", Ethan inevitably asked.
"Risqué...", Josh said... ",.
Ethan looked confused...
"Get Teddy to explain it to you.", Jim advised.
"Okey dokey...", Ethan said - immediately forgetting all about it.
So Jim continued.
"And tomorrow we are having the concert, and I want you all to attend - and Clare will be coming as well.", Jim said.
"However, some days after the concert, and after I'm satisfied that everything here is running well, I want to return to Egypt....
There are a number of reasons for this.
Firstly, the purchase of the 'Winter Palace' in Luxor has been completed, now that the 'Winter Palace Pavilion', which overlooked the gardens, has been demolished - so the site is now completely private.
The 'Winter Palace' is, of course too large for just our own personal requirements - so the first task is to refurbish the areas that we shall use, and then later - on another visit - have some areas refurbished, furnished and decorated, so that the can be offered as exclusive accommodation, let on a short term basis, to suitably wealthy individuals, when we are not using our own accommodation.
Our own accommodation, however, will only ever be used by ourselves - and when we are not in residence, our private accommodation will be sealed and locked down.
Now on this first visit, I have asked Clare to come with us - but as a guest - as we will have more that enough domestic help.", Jim explained.
It was late when the little impromptu meeting broke up.
"So, Ethan, is everything ready for tomorrow ?", Jim, who was beginning to get nervous about the concert, asked.
"Everything's 'hunky dory'...", Ethan replied.
"There will be just one more rehearsal in the morning - to which, by the way, you are not invited - and then I think we should all relax during the afternoon, in preparation for the 'concert-thingy' in the evening.", Ethan said resolutely.
"And for our relaxation tomorrow, Teddy and I will be going to the Villa Athena, and we'll relax with Novius, 'Sigi' and the 'kitties', in the villa gardens.", Ethan added.
"I see...", Jim said.
Ethan ripped open the large envelope which was addressed to him.
It was a copy of the concert programme. Ethan gazed at the programme, and then handed it to Jim.
It was quite a short drive from the 'Penthouse Building' in Summerlin to the 'Park Theater' in Paradise
And while Novius enthused about the proposed trip to Egypt, and 'Sigi' played with the kittens, (or more to the point, the kittens played with 'Sigi'), the final rehearsal was well underway at the 'Park Theater' in Las Vegas.
The rehearsal ended at lunchtime.
Ethan thanked all those present, and then, taking Teddy, he returned to their office at the 'Paradise Park'.
Having checked all their messages, Teddy turned to Ethan.
"So where are you going for lunch ?", Teddy asked.
"Well, back to the Penthouse I suppose... ", Ethan replied.
Teddy looked concerned.
Ethan was in a hotel which he partly owned - a hotel with numerous restaurants - and there was also a McDonald's nearby - and yet he was about to scuttle back to the Penthouse - probably to have Clare make him some cheeseburgers.
Teddy knew that from early on Ethan had only ever left the penthouse with the 'Boss', and it was only when Jim had arrived that he had regularly ventured out elsewhere, and only then with Jim.
Now it seemed that he was too 'shy' to go and have a meal on his own - despite just having held a rehearsal with about a hundred people.
"I know - Max is here - why not invite him for a cheeseburger at the McDonald's in 'South Las Vegas Boulevard' - you said the cheeseburgers were good when you were there with Jim.", Teddy said, worried that, at that critical time, Ethan seemed to becoming depressed and lacking in confidence.
"OK... you 'phone him.", Ethan said.
So Teddy did just that.
"Hi, this is Teddy...
Ethan and I wondered if you'd like to join us for a lunchtime cheeseburger ?", Teddy said.
"Oh... Teddy -
I forgot that you could use the phone...
Yes... I'm just sitting here wondering what to do.
I'm supposed to be Ethan's assistant, but I haven't seen him for days." Max said.
"OK, see you soon...", Teddy said.
"Hold on though - where are you ?", Max asked.
"'South Las Vegas Boulevard' - it's right near the hotel.", Teddy replied, and then he switched off his mobile link.
(Teddy, you see, didn't actually have a mobile, or rather, it was built into his systems - so he seemed to be just talking to himself - which he often did anyway.)
The McDonald's was only a short walk from the Hotel - and Ethan, with Teddy, and Max soon met up.
"So where have you been all this time ?
I keep coming to the hotel, and when I ask at reception the people there say no one has seen you - so I've just been hanging around in the executive lounge - which is a bit boring.", Max said, sounding slightly annoyed.
"Sorry about that - but it's all been a bit 'hush-hush' -
You see it's this 'concert-thingy'
I've been rehearsing the orchestra and Aaron.", Ethan said, as he tried to explain.
"Well yes... but I'm supposed to be your assistant - so how come I wasn't in on all this ?", Max asked.
"Perhaps I can explain...", Teddy began.
"Ethan's been very nervous about the whole thing - it being his first time - and he really didn't want Jim to know about it, and so I was the only one he told... ", Teddy said.
"Yes... well perhaps next time you might let me know - after all, I might even be able to help...", Max said.
"Of course, Max - I'm very sorry.", Ethan said.
"Anyway, I got the invitation to come to the concert tonight - although I was a bit puzzled - but now I know, I'll be looking forward to discovering what you've been up to.", Max said, trying to smooth things over.
Meanwhile, Jim had an 'important' meeting with Franklin at the 'Club Athena - at least Franklin said it was important.
Once he arrived at the top floor, Jim found Josh waiting for him outside 'Room One'.
"So why has Franklin called this meeting ?", Jim asked.
"I've no idea, but I'm sure it's going to be something extremely boring... ", Josh replied.
So they entered Franklin's office.
"Good morning, sir.", Franklin mumbled - refusing to make any 'eye contact' with either Jim or Josh.
"Franklin - I really think that you should get this office redecorated, and buy some new filing cabinets...", Jim began - as he surveyed Franklin's tatty office
"Well, sir, I'd rather not.
That would be a poor use of your financial resources.", Franklin replied.
Jim looked at Josh - who looked understandably alarmed.
"Are you trying to tell us that the Corporation is in financial difficulties ?", Josh asked.
"No - er - not really.", Franklin stuttered, apparently absent mindedly looking out of the window.
Franklin's nervous response convinced Jim that they were possibly going bankrupt - and Jim began regretting his acquiring the 'Winter Palace'.
"In fact, quite the opposite...", Franklin continued, in an equally nervous manner.
"Well just calm down, and tell us what's actually happening.", Josh said.
"Well, it's Mexico...", Franklin began.
"Yes... and what about Mexico ?", Josh asked - as if he was talking to a rather stupid child.
Now of course Franklin was far from stupid - in fact his IQ was off the scale - but he had a serious problem with communicating with people who were not 'super-intelligent' - like himself - so that could make things difficult - and very time consuming.
Franklin's problem, of course, was his 'Aspergers'.
"OK - then just 'spit it out', Franklin !", Jim insisted.
"Gold.", Franklin whispered.
"Gold what ?", Josh asked, nearly shouting.
"Don Picaro located gold - huge veins of gold - on the land that you inherited in Mexico.", Franklin said, almost smiling.
"When ?", Jim asked.
"Just a few days ago - I think...", Franklin explained - sounding a little more normal.
"The little 'skunk' !
Faunus spoke to me just this morning, and never even mentioned it !", Jim said, grinning.
"So what do we do now ?", Josh asked.
"Well, you and Mr Johnson need to do nothing.
I will contact geologists, mineralogists, mining experts and technicians, and inform the various institutions who manage our finances.
Later numerous investments will be made to facilitate the extraction and transportation of the precious metals - and I will organise various agreements with the Mexican Government.
And... may I congratulate you, sir.", Franklin then said.
Jim blinked, opened his mouth to say something, and then could think of nothing to say.
It was the first time that Franklin had ever said anything of a personal nature to him.
"You will, of course, come to Ethan's concert tonight ?", Jim said lamely.
"Thank you for asking me, sir, but I'm afraid that now I have much to do.", Franklin replied.
"Well, thank you for all you're doing, but I must go now - the concert, you know.", Jim said.
And with that Jim and Josh left Franklin's office.
"Well what do you make of that ?" Jim said as they made their way down in the elevator.
"I really don't know - but I wonder if 'the Boss' knew about the gold when he was in Mexico - all that time ago - but for some reason never mentioned it to you ?", Josh said.
"And I wonder when Faunus really found the gold ?", Jim added.
"Does it matter ?
It looks now as if we will never have to worry about money - ever again.", Josh said, with a grin.
While Jim and Josh - both rather stunned - were driven by Chuck back to the 'Penthouse Building' in Summerlin, Ethan, Teddy and Max took a taxi (!) to the 'Villa Athena' near Los Angeles.
First there was a magnificent orchestral introduction - the 'Overture' to the 1937 movie 'Snow White', mainly featuring the Prince's opening number - 'One Song'.
Other pieces followed to numerous to mention, but eventually the concert approached it's conclusion with another Rodgers and Hammerstein piece.
Longing to tell you,
'The King and I' is a 1956 American movie, made by 20th Century-Fox.
The 'The King and I' is based on the 1944 novel 'Anna and the King of Siam' by Margaret Landon.
That novel in turn was based on memoirs written by Anna Leonowens, who became school teacher to the children of King Mongkut of Siam, in the early 1860s.
The film was both a critical and commercial success, and was nominated for 9 Oscars, winning 5.
At the conclusion of the final song, the lights went up to phenomenal applause for Ethan, Aron, the Orchestra and the Chorus, who all received a prolonged 'standing ovation'.
Ethan unfortunately, didn't know the expected response that the conductor was supposed to give - stepping down from the podium, leaving the stage with the soloist - or soloists - and then returning to take further rounds of applause.
Instead he simply stood - looking bemused - with tears rolling down his cheeks.
Unfortunately Aaron was rather neglected, as Ethan picked up Teddy and gave him a very intense, long hug.
"OK...", Teddy muttered quietly, trying not to squeak.
"Leave me alone, and shake hands with Aaron."
Meanwhile, Jim had left his box, negotiated some steps and a short corridor, and had arrived on the stage.
Jim then waited - and waited... for the applause to die down.
Eventually Jim gestured for silence, and identified himself as the owner of the 'Paradise Complex'.
"I would like to say just a few words on this inaugural occasion.
This night is undoubtedly the beginning of a new era for the 'Park Theatre' and for Las Vegas.
Firstly it is an important debut for Aaron - a fine new American singing talent."
At that point there was loud applause, and even some cheers.
Jim gestured again for silence.
"However, I must also mention the debut of the 'Park Theatre's' senior conductor and orchestral arranger, Ethan Duncan - who was also responsible for the organising of this concert, and also the creation of the Park Orchestra and Choir." Jim continued.
And Ethan blushed, and was given as tremendous further round of applause.
"This may I say, is only the beginning and further concerts are being prepared.", Jim concluded.
And so the evening came to an end.
Ethan seemed a little confused and disorientated, standing clutching Teddy to his chest, so Clare looked after him.
The whole group made their way, escorted by Zac, to two large limos that Josh had called to a side door of the theatre.
In that way, they avoided the members of the audience who were leaving the building, and they also avoided the press, who were eager to interview and take photos of Aaron, and Jim, the elusive master of the 'Athena Organization'.
Not surprisingly, Faunus was missing, but no one was concerned, as he always managed to get to where ever he needed to go.
"That was wonderful music, Ethan - and beautiful singing, Aaron...", Clare said, trying to break the 'ice'.
"Thank you, mam...", Aaron replied, but Ethan said nothing, apparently lost in his own thoughts.
And so they were soon in Summerlin, and arriving at the 'Penthouse Building'.
Jim, Clare, and Ethan left the first limo, while the others went on for a meal.
Clare was obviously concerned to get Ethan 'home', as he seemed to be a little disturbed by the stress of conducting the concert.
Once they left the elevator and entered the Penthouse, Clare got Ethan sat down, and went into the kitchen with Jim to get Ethan a big glass of his favourite chocolate milk.
"I think it would be best if we got him to bed, with Teddy, as soon as possible...", Clare said to Jim.
"I heard that...", Teddy said from the living room.
Ethan was quite happy to go to bed, even although it wasn't very late.
Teddy, of course, quite understood, as he had been aware of how much effort Ethan had put into working on the concert.
Clare was being purposefully quiet so as not to disturb Ethan, and Jim was sitting in the living room, checking his messages.
"Marcus - can I have a word ?".
It was Faunus' voice - despite the fact that he had not come with them - and the sound appeared to be coming from the study.
Jim, shaking his head, made his way to the study, wondering what possible problem Faunus might now have.
"I see you managed to infiltrate the Penthouse...", Jim said - finding Faunus sitting behind Ethan's desk.
"You do know that this is not my Penthouse anymore -
It belongs to Ethan, and perhaps you should wait until he asks you to come in.", Jim said.
It had, of course, been a tiring evening for Jim, and he was not in the best of moods.
"I do know that, but I didn't want to disturb Ethan, now that he is sleeping - and anyway, Teddy told me it would be all right.", Faunus replied.
"And I suppose Teddy told you that telepathically...", Jim said, in an attempt to be sarcastic.
"Well, as it happened, he did.", Faunus replied.
"But it was a good concert..." Faunus said enthusiastically.
"Yes - it was a good concert.", Jim agreed reluctantly, taking a seat as he suspected that it might be a long 'chat'.
"And all because of that strange trip to Berlin - which turned Ethan into a really talented musician.
And of course the other strange thing was the fact that the concert was all about you." - and the final comment Faunus added almost casually.
"How come - me ?", Jim said, feigning ignorance.
"Oh, so you weren't listening to the lyrics... like, for instance...' time and again I would try to say all I'd want you to know...' or 'words wouldn't come in an easy way... round in circles I'd go !..."
Jim looked puzzled.
"Ethan wants you to know that he cares - always has - even when it was a matter of 'master and slave', long before you two ever came here - and now, finally he found a way to tell you that hopefully wouldn't embarrass you and, if you rejected his feelings, wouldn't hurt him because it wasn't being said 'face to face'.
You should try to remember your first evening together here in the Penthouse...
Do you understand ?", Faunus said emphatically.
"You see it's most likely that you two will be together for a very long time, as I've tried to explain to you before - so it's best that together you come to a good understanding of how you both feel about that...", Faunus added.
"OK, Faunus...I appreciate what your saying, and I'll try to be more open with Ethan - and let him know that I appreciate him...", Jim said.
Faunus continued...
"You see, most of you, even people like Max, and Brody and Glen, have had a pretty rough time - early on - and I understand that because of that you all, to some degree or another, find it hard to open up.
It's like with you, Marcus.
A long time ago, when I first made proper contact with you at the 'Villa Pastoralis', I told that you needed to 'find yourself'.
Since then you've come through a lot - but you need to understand that in order to 'find yourself', you need relate to other people - and particularly those who care about you.
Now for a long time, since you lost Gracchus, and then the 'Boss' - one and the same really - you have been like the 'top guy', and that's a difficult position to be in, because it can easily cut you off from other people.
But don't worry... it's all slowly working itself out, and Ethan's concert is one important step on the way, even if it may not seem so right now."
Jim looked down at the carpet, and a wave of sadness flowed over him, and when he looked up - Faunus had disappeared.
"Who was that, Jim...?", Clare called out, as she made her way from the kitchen.
"Oh just Faunus - but he's gone now...", Jim said distractedly.
Clare came into the study.
"You look puzzled...", Clare said.
"No, not really...
I feel just a little bit stupid...", Jim replied.
"So, do you think Ethan's going to be alright ? -
He seemed a bit overwhelmed by everything that happened tonight.", Clare asked, ignoring Jim's comment about being 'stupid'.
"Oh yes - Teddy will have a talk to him, and tomorrow he'll be back to his old self.", Jim said.
"And talking of tomorrow, what's going to happen now that the concert's over ?", Clare asked.
"Well before I answer that, I have been a bit worried about something you said as we were going to our box.", Jim said.
"And that was ?" Clare asked
"Well you said 'I think we should talk more about this later', after Josh accidentally used the Latin word - 'pulvinar'....", Jim explained.
Clare nodded.
"So what was the problem ?", Jim asked, still not really sure what was troubling Clare.
"Well, if you remember, a short time ago you tried to explain to me about you and the 'boys' - and your previous lives, so I listened, but didn't take it too seriously, but then, when Josh used a really strange word that you had no trouble understanding, although it was Latin, I began to think that maybe you were serious about what you said, and that's worrying me.", Clare said.
"But what about the Latin oath, at the funeral, and Terentius and the ring - didn't that tell you anything ?", Jim asked, sounding exasperated.
"Well to be perfectly honest, I thought it was all some sort of 'cover story'.
I thought that you were all some sort of 'Mafia family' - after all, I wouldn't be able to tell the difference between Latin and Italian - and it all sounded so 'farfetched', and I didn't want to offend you by implying that you were making it all up - but now, as I said, I'm really beginning to wonder.", Clare said, sounding very nervous.
At that point Teddy padded into the room carrying his plastic Walmart bag.
"Oh Teddy, you've taken off your bowtie all by yourself.", Clare said rather patronisingly, wondering what Teddy wanted.
"Of course - I can do lots of things - but sometimes I ask for help just to make people feel wanted.", Teddy replied as he sat himself down on the carpet,
Since his time in Egypt, Teddy liked sitting on nice fluffy carpets, like the one in the Mosque of Muhammad Ali Pasha, as well as on comfy cushions.
"Now I've been listening to you two talking and, if you do not object, I would like to give you some advice.", Teddy said, sounding very serious.
"I see - your 'super hearing' I suppose...", Jim said, wondering what was coming next.
It was bad enough Faunus lecturing him, but now it looked that he was going to be lectured by a teddy bear.
"Well OK - we always appreciate your advice...", Jim said - not entirely truthfully.
"Jim, it's one thing to appreciate advice - another thing to take it...", Teddy said, taking his horn rimmed glasses from his furry pocket and putting them on.
"Now think back....
The concert was good, the music was beautiful and the whole event could be seen as a wonderful tribute to you, Jim - and that should be enough.
As for the past, Clare - as relating to Jim and the 'boys' - well what does it matter - where they came from, or who they were ?
They are obviously very special, otherwise Faunus would not act as their 'guardian'.
And you are now involved with them, and they all care very much for you - even if some of them - perhaps like Zac or Brody, don't often show it.
And you obviously care for them, particularly Jim and Ethan.
And that should be enough.
And also I think there's been enough of this 'human talk' between you two.
So now there are new adventures ahead for you all, so I want you to look at this.", and Teddy then opened his Walmart bag.
"Now Jim, you might remember that a week or so ago Faunus took you and the boys to Room 33 at the 'Club Athena', through a rather special 'door'.
As you probably realise, that door is not only to be found in 'Room 33' - it can be found anywhere, as it is 'supra-dimensional'....
So - I've brought it with me - just to give you and Clare a demonstration.", Teddy said, sounding inappropriately flippant.
"And what about Ethan, does he know about this new version of your door ?", Jim asked.
"Yes, of course - and it's not my door - but I won't go into that just now.", Teddy added.
"And is it safe ?", Jim asked.
"I don't want anything to happen to Clare.", Jim explained.
"Now, Jim, you're giving yourself away again.", Teddy said quietly.
Teddy then took a small box from his Walmart bag, and placed it on the carpet.
"There !", Teddy said proudly.
Clare stared at the box, wide eyed.
"It's beautiful, Teddy !
Is it real gold ?", Clare asked.
"Of course - but Jim's got lots and lots of gold, or perhaps he hasn't told you yet.", Teddy said.
Jim looked annoyed.
(see 'News for Mexico' - earlier in this chapter)
"OK Teddy, so what's it do ?", Jim asked impatiently.
"Well you know, Jim - It'll take you to any place and any time that you desire."
"OK, so how do we squeeze into a tiny little box ?", Jim asked sarcastically.
"Well it only looks like a box.
Really it's a 'dimensional portal' - or rather the 'container' for a dimensional portal.", Teddy said.
"Will it work ?", Jim asked.
"Of course !", Teddy replied enthusiastically.
And with that Teddy pressed the red 'button' on the front of the box, and the lid flipped open.
Suddenly as Ethan, looking bleary-eyed, came into the study, there was a rush of what looked like white smoke that seemed to emanate from the small open box lying on the carpet.
Then the study seemingly disappeared, and in its place appeared white clouds and a large white doorway.
"Oh... I see you've still got the cute doggies - but should you be playing with this ?", Ethan asked Teddy.
"Oh yes, I've got Faunus' permission.
I'm just giving Jim and Clare a demonstration of the new, portable gateway."
"Very nice - and all that came out of that little 'gold box-thingy' ?", Ethan asked.
"Yes, it's designed to go in my Walmart bag - the doorway just all folds up - for ease of transportation.", Teddy replied.
"Very 'dinky'...", Ethan commented.
"Well, when you two have finished - where are we ?", Jim asked.
"Nowhere, to be precise - but if you want to go somewhere, just step through the doors - it's all set up for you...", Teddy said.
"Set up for where ?", Jim asked.
"That's the surprise, but it's somewhere nice, so don't be frightened, and Ethan and I will be with you anyway.", Teddy said, reassuringly.
"Will I ?", Ethan said, not sounding too sure of himself.
"Now when we step out of the door, don't be nervous, as I've set up a 'SEBF', so that no one will even 'see' you."
"And what's a 'SEBF'?", Clare asked, finally finding her voice one again after the shock of seeing Teddy open the 'Box'.
"A 'SEBF' is a 'someone else's business field'.
It's based on the way the human's brains work.
If they think something is 'someone else's business', they don't even notice it.
It's a sort of psychological 'stealth technology'.", Teddy explained.
"Don't worry Clare - it's good - I've seen it working...", Jim said.
"OK...then let's go.", Ethan said.

"Okey dokey...", Ethan said - immediately forgetting all about it.
So Jim continued.
"And tomorrow we are having the concert, and I want you all to attend - and Clare will be coming as well.", Jim said.
"However, some days after the concert, and after I'm satisfied that everything here is running well, I want to return to Egypt....
There are a number of reasons for this.
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Winter Palace - Luxor - Egypt |
The 'Winter Palace' is, of course too large for just our own personal requirements - so the first task is to refurbish the areas that we shall use, and then later - on another visit - have some areas refurbished, furnished and decorated, so that the can be offered as exclusive accommodation, let on a short term basis, to suitably wealthy individuals, when we are not using our own accommodation.
Our own accommodation, however, will only ever be used by ourselves - and when we are not in residence, our private accommodation will be sealed and locked down.
Now on this first visit, I have asked Clare to come with us - but as a guest - as we will have more that enough domestic help.", Jim explained.
It was late when the little impromptu meeting broke up.
"So, Ethan, is everything ready for tomorrow ?", Jim, who was beginning to get nervous about the concert, asked.
"Everything's 'hunky dory'...", Ethan replied.
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'Villa Athena' |
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The 'Kitties' |
"And for our relaxation tomorrow, Teddy and I will be going to the Villa Athena, and we'll relax with Novius, 'Sigi' and the 'kitties', in the villa gardens.", Ethan added.
"I see...", Jim said.
Jim thought that Ethan was being very firm with regards to his plans, but put it down to Ethan probably being anxious about the upcoming concert.
So they all had an early night...
So they all had an early night...
And not only did they have an early night... but Teddy ensured that they all had an early morning.
"Come on Ethan... we have a rehearsal to organise !", Teddy said - unnecessarily loudly.
Although Ethan had slept well, he wished that he could simply turn over and go back to sleep.
Now that the day had finally come, he was beginning to wonder if it was really a good idea - the 'concert-thingy' - but he could hear Clare preparing breakfast, and Jim showering, so he realised that he had little choice to get on with the rehearsal, and later on with the actual performance.
Then, as they were having breakfast, a courier arrived with a large envelope.
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Concert Programme Cover |
It was a copy of the concert programme. Ethan gazed at the programme, and then handed it to Jim.
"What do you think, Jim ?", Ethan asked, trying not to give away his own feelings.
Jim scrutinised the programme cover very carefully.
"So who designed this...", Jim asked - giving no immediate opinion.
"Well, the 'nice advertising-thingy-guys' - as usual.", Ethan replied.
"I see... well I think they've done very well... I like the design.", Jim said.
"I like it because it's got my name on it...", Ethan said.
"Yes, but what about Teddy's name ?", Jim asked.
"Now I think that you are being silly, Jim - if you will excuse me saying so.
I'm just a teddy-bear, and the audience wouldn't understand.", Teddy said very seriously.
"And anyway, Ethan did all the difficult work.", Teddy added.
"Well that's very generous of you to say so, Teddy...", Clare, who had been 'listening in'.", said.
At that moment the apartment door buzzer sounded - and Clare left the dining room to answer it.
"It's Faunus !", Clare called out.
Jim, Ethan and Teddy looked at one another - puzzled.
Faunus often simply disappeared for a while.
They never knew where he went, or what he was doing, and Faunus rarely explained.
He usually arrived when he was needed - but on this occasion everything seemed to be going along fine, and they wondered why he had turned up - but then Faunus had always been unpredictable.
"Well that looks very good !", Faunus said, taking a close look at the concert programme.
"So you're all prepared for your debut ?", Faunus then asked Ethan.
"My 'whaty'...", Ethan replied - answering a question with a question.
"Your 'debut' - your 'first appearance' - your 'first performance'.", Faunus explained.
"Oh that - 'suppose so...", Ethan replied, affecting an unconcerned attitude.
"And am I going to get an invitation to the concert ?", Faunus then asked.
"Well of course - if you really want to come...", Ethan said, nervously.
"Right, then I'll be back here this evening, and drive up to the theater with Jim and Clare.
Meanwhile, I will go and spend the afternoon with Novius, 'Sigi' and the kittens.", Faunus said.
And he departed as suddenly as he had arrived.
"So what was all that about ?", Ethan said.
"Well I think he wants to check that all that information he gave you when we were in Berlin - you know, about how to write music - is being put to good use...", Teddy tentatively suggested.
"So you're all prepared for your debut ?", Faunus then asked Ethan.
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Ethan Composing |
"Your 'debut' - your 'first appearance' - your 'first performance'.", Faunus explained.
"Oh that - 'suppose so...", Ethan replied, affecting an unconcerned attitude.
"And am I going to get an invitation to the concert ?", Faunus then asked.
"Well of course - if you really want to come...", Ethan said, nervously.
"Right, then I'll be back here this evening, and drive up to the theater with Jim and Clare.
Meanwhile, I will go and spend the afternoon with Novius, 'Sigi' and the kittens.", Faunus said.
And he departed as suddenly as he had arrived.
"So what was all that about ?", Ethan said.
"Well I think he wants to check that all that information he gave you when we were in Berlin - you know, about how to write music - is being put to good use...", Teddy tentatively suggested.
"Well Teddy and I have to be going to the 'Park Theater', so I'd better get Chuck to bring round a limo...", Ethan said once Faunus had left.
Jim looked to Clare.
"This is probably what it feels like for parents when their teenage children go their own ways...", Jim said, half joking, and Clare simply smiled.
"I like what Ethan is doing.", Clare replied.
"And if you don't mind me saying, Jim, I think that for as long as the 'Boss' was with us, Ethan behaved like a little boy - and I think that the 'Boss' encouraged him, but now he's becoming more like you, Jim.", Clare said.
"And that's a good thing ?", Jim asked.
"Of course, Jim - very good.", Clare replied.
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Ethan and Teddy's Office |
On arriving, however, they first went up to their 'secret' HQ office, situated in one of the huge 'towers' of the 'Athena Paradise Park Hotel'.
Of course, this pleased Teddy, as it gave him the opportunity to 'play' with the elevator buttons.
The reason for going to the office was to check on the sales figures for the concert - and it looked like it was going to be a 'sell-out'.
"So now let's go and see if the performers have turned up...", Ethan said, half seriously.
And on entering the auditorium they were greeted with a round of applause from the orchestra, the chorus, and also from Aaron.
"Well that is nice.", Ethan said, as he mounted the conductor's podium, and shook hands with the orchestra leader, and also Aaron.
"So - lets go through this as if it was the 'real thing', in the correct performing order, and with as few pauses - and mistakes - as possible...", Ethan said.
Meanwhile, at the 'Villa Athena' - near Los Angeles - Faunus had joined Novius, 'Sigi' and the kittens in the gardens.
(Glen, of course, was attending to his lessons at 'Green Valley High School'.)
"So, Novius, you have decided to come with us to Egypt ?", Faunus asked.
"I think so, Faunus, now that there is an easy way for me to make the journey."
Novius reflected for a moment...
"I have always wanted to see Egypt - to follow in the footsteps of Herodotus, Pausanias and Strabo, and many others.
Now I myself do not read the ancient hieroglyphics, but apparently Ethan's strange little furry companion, and of course you yourself can decipher the hieroglyphics - so, with your help, it should be very interesting for me to read all the inscriptions that apparently still exist.", Novius said.
The reason for going to the office was to check on the sales figures for the concert - and it looked like it was going to be a 'sell-out'.
"So now let's go and see if the performers have turned up...", Ethan said, half seriously.
And on entering the auditorium they were greeted with a round of applause from the orchestra, the chorus, and also from Aaron.
"Well that is nice.", Ethan said, as he mounted the conductor's podium, and shook hands with the orchestra leader, and also Aaron.
"So - lets go through this as if it was the 'real thing', in the correct performing order, and with as few pauses - and mistakes - as possible...", Ethan said.
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Villa Athena |
(Glen, of course, was attending to his lessons at 'Green Valley High School'.)
"So, Novius, you have decided to come with us to Egypt ?", Faunus asked.
"I think so, Faunus, now that there is an easy way for me to make the journey."
Novius reflected for a moment...
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Herodotus |
Ἡρόδοτος - Herodotus (born c. 484 and died c. 425 BC) was an ancient Greek historian from Halicarnassus in the Persian Empire. He is known for having written the book Ἱστορίαι Historíai ('The Histories') - a detailed record of his 'inquiry' into the origins of the Greco-Persian Wars. He is widely considered to have been the first writer to have treated historical subjects using a method of systematic investigation. On account of this, he is often referred to as 'The Father of History', a title conferred on him by the first-century BC Roman orator Cicero.And the Greeks, and also we Latins, we always credited the Egyptians with the creation of so much mythology, religious teaching and philosophy.
Now I myself do not read the ancient hieroglyphics, but apparently Ethan's strange little furry companion, and of course you yourself can decipher the hieroglyphics - so, with your help, it should be very interesting for me to read all the inscriptions that apparently still exist.", Novius said.
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The Final Rehearsal |
The rehearsal ended at lunchtime.
Ethan thanked all those present, and then, taking Teddy, he returned to their office at the 'Paradise Park'.
Having checked all their messages, Teddy turned to Ethan.
"So where are you going for lunch ?", Teddy asked.
"Well, back to the Penthouse I suppose... ", Ethan replied.
Teddy looked concerned.
Ethan was in a hotel which he partly owned - a hotel with numerous restaurants - and there was also a McDonald's nearby - and yet he was about to scuttle back to the Penthouse - probably to have Clare make him some cheeseburgers.
Teddy knew that from early on Ethan had only ever left the penthouse with the 'Boss', and it was only when Jim had arrived that he had regularly ventured out elsewhere, and only then with Jim.
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Max |
"I know - Max is here - why not invite him for a cheeseburger at the McDonald's in 'South Las Vegas Boulevard' - you said the cheeseburgers were good when you were there with Jim.", Teddy said, worried that, at that critical time, Ethan seemed to becoming depressed and lacking in confidence.
"OK... you 'phone him.", Ethan said.
So Teddy did just that.
"Hi, this is Teddy...
Ethan and I wondered if you'd like to join us for a lunchtime cheeseburger ?", Teddy said.
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McDonald's - South Las Vegas Boulevard |
I forgot that you could use the phone...
Yes... I'm just sitting here wondering what to do.
I'm supposed to be Ethan's assistant, but I haven't seen him for days." Max said.
"OK, see you soon...", Teddy said.
"Hold on though - where are you ?", Max asked.
"'South Las Vegas Boulevard' - it's right near the hotel.", Teddy replied, and then he switched off his mobile link.
(Teddy, you see, didn't actually have a mobile, or rather, it was built into his systems - so he seemed to be just talking to himself - which he often did anyway.)
The McDonald's was only a short walk from the Hotel - and Ethan, with Teddy, and Max soon met up.
"So where have you been all this time ?
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Executive Lounge - Paradise Park - Las Vegas |
"Sorry about that - but it's all been a bit 'hush-hush' -
You see it's this 'concert-thingy'
I've been rehearsing the orchestra and Aaron.", Ethan said, as he tried to explain.
"Well yes... but I'm supposed to be your assistant - so how come I wasn't in on all this ?", Max asked.
"Perhaps I can explain...", Teddy began.
"Ethan's been very nervous about the whole thing - it being his first time - and he really didn't want Jim to know about it, and so I was the only one he told... ", Teddy said.
"Yes... well perhaps next time you might let me know - after all, I might even be able to help...", Max said.
"Of course, Max - I'm very sorry.", Ethan said.
"Anyway, I got the invitation to come to the concert tonight - although I was a bit puzzled - but now I know, I'll be looking forward to discovering what you've been up to.", Max said, trying to smooth things over.
Meanwhile, Jim had an 'important' meeting with Franklin at the 'Club Athena - at least Franklin said it was important.

"So why has Franklin called this meeting ?", Jim asked.
"I've no idea, but I'm sure it's going to be something extremely boring... ", Josh replied.
So they entered Franklin's office.
"Good morning, sir.", Franklin mumbled - refusing to make any 'eye contact' with either Jim or Josh.
"Franklin - I really think that you should get this office redecorated, and buy some new filing cabinets...", Jim began - as he surveyed Franklin's tatty office
"Well, sir, I'd rather not.
That would be a poor use of your financial resources.", Franklin replied.
Jim looked at Josh - who looked understandably alarmed.
"Are you trying to tell us that the Corporation is in financial difficulties ?", Josh asked.
"No - er - not really.", Franklin stuttered, apparently absent mindedly looking out of the window.
Franklin's nervous response convinced Jim that they were possibly going bankrupt - and Jim began regretting his acquiring the 'Winter Palace'.
"In fact, quite the opposite...", Franklin continued, in an equally nervous manner.
"Well just calm down, and tell us what's actually happening.", Josh said.
"Well, it's Mexico...", Franklin began.
"Yes... and what about Mexico ?", Josh asked - as if he was talking to a rather stupid child.
Now of course Franklin was far from stupid - in fact his IQ was off the scale - but he had a serious problem with communicating with people who were not 'super-intelligent' - like himself - so that could make things difficult - and very time consuming.
Franklin's problem, of course, was his 'Aspergers'.
'Asperger's Syndrome' is a neurodevelopmental disorder (a form of Autism) characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction and nonverbal communication, along with restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests. It was first identified by Dr. Hans Asperger. Fortunately for Jim, Franklin's interests, at the time of our story, are restricted to making a fortune for Jim - and before Jim, for the 'Boss' - and before the 'Boss', when Franklin was a teenager - for imaginary 'rich people' in complex computer simulations.
Hans Asperger
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Siegfried Brandt (left) |
Hans Friedrich Karl Asperger was born on 18 February 1906, in Vienna, Austria, and raised on a farm not far from the city. The eldest of three sons, Asperger had difficulty finding friends, and was considered a lonely, remote child. Confusingly perhaps, Asperger suffered from 'Asperger's Syndrome' before he discovered it (which would later be problematic when Teddy tried to explain the fact to Ethan).
But, returning to 'News from Mexico'...
'Sigi' As an odd coincidence, Hans Asperger attended the same school in Vienna as Siegfried Brandt - who later became an Oberst Gruppenführer in the SS - and even later became Dr.Brandt, and finally became our 'Sigi' - but that's another long, and very complicated story - which shows just how strange life can be when Faunus starts interfering with things - or should that be 'thingys'.
Dr Siegfried Brandt
"OK - then just 'spit it out', Franklin !", Jim insisted.
"Gold.", Franklin whispered.
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Mexican Gold |
"Don Picaro located gold - huge veins of gold - on the land that you inherited in Mexico.", Franklin said, almost smiling.
"When ?", Jim asked.
"Just a few days ago - I think...", Franklin explained - sounding a little more normal.
"The little 'skunk' !
Faunus spoke to me just this morning, and never even mentioned it !", Jim said, grinning.
"So what do we do now ?", Josh asked.
"Well, you and Mr Johnson need to do nothing.
I will contact geologists, mineralogists, mining experts and technicians, and inform the various institutions who manage our finances.
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Coat of Arms of the Government of Mexico |
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Mayan Gold |
Gold is a soft, dense, yellow metal. Its chemical symbol is Au. and its atomic number is 79. As a precious metal, it has been used for many thousands of years by people all over the world, for jewelry, and as money. Gold is important because it is rare, but also easier to use than other rare metals. In Mesoamerica, gold artefacts were accessible only to the elites who used them both as symbols of power and for ritual purposes in burials and ceremonial offerings. Only high levels of society were allowed to wear jewellery made of the precious metal – the great symbol of the Sun and the gods that represented it."Of course the net worth of the 'Athena Corporation', and your personal net worth will rise dramatically....
And... may I congratulate you, sir.", Franklin then said.
Jim blinked, opened his mouth to say something, and then could think of nothing to say.
It was the first time that Franklin had ever said anything of a personal nature to him.
"You will, of course, come to Ethan's concert tonight ?", Jim said lamely.
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the 'Boss' at Palenque - Mexico |
"Well, thank you for all you're doing, but I must go now - the concert, you know.", Jim said.
And with that Jim and Josh left Franklin's office.
"Well what do you make of that ?" Jim said as they made their way down in the elevator.
"I really don't know - but I wonder if 'the Boss' knew about the gold when he was in Mexico - all that time ago - but for some reason never mentioned it to you ?", Josh said.
"And I wonder when Faunus really found the gold ?", Jim added.
"Does it matter ?
It looks now as if we will never have to worry about money - ever again.", Josh said, with a grin.

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Las Vegas Taxi - Nevada - USA |
The last time that Ethan had taken a taxi was when he and Jim were in Memphis with Al, the 'friendly taxi driver'.
Max, not surprisingly, had never taken a taxi anywhere, (before he found favour with the 'Boss', and later with Jim and Ethan, Max had never been able to afford a taxi).
Of course the Mexican servants at the 'Villa Athena' were somewhat surprised to see a very ordinary looking Las Vegas taxicab pull up at the entrance to the main pavilion of the villa.
Ethan, carrying Teddy, hopped out, while Max was left to pay off the driver.
They were then escorted out into the gardens, where Novius, Faunus and 'Sigi' were sitting with the kittens.
"Howdy... how's things ?", Ethan said in a rather unsuccessful attempt to sound like a 'born and bred' Californian.
"Things is very good...", 'Sigi' replied.
So soon Bastet and Sekhmet were stretched out either side of Teddy, who was very relieved that they had decided not to 'wash' him.
"Are you looking forward to going to Egypt, Aurarius (Ethan) ?", Novius, who always ended up using Ethan's previous Latin name, asked.
"Yes - very much...
And are you looking forward to coming to the concert ?", Ethan reciprocated.
"Yes, although I must admit that I sometimes find this new style of music difficult to follow.
Our music is much simpler - and I would say purer.", Novius replied, trying to be as polite as possible.
Novius, of course was referring to the music of ancient Greece and Rome,
"Well, when we come back from Egypt, we could perhaps have replicas of some of these instruments made, and you could help us write a few pieces for them, and we could include then in a future concert.", Ethan suggested.
"That's a very nice idea.", Novius commented.
"But now I think we need to get back to 'Vegas and get ready for the concert...", Ethan said.
And so they parted, only to meet again a couple of hours later at the 'Park Theater'.
Novius arranged for Ethan and Max to drive back to the 'Penthouse Building' in one of the many Cadillacs that were kept in the large garages at the Villa Athena.
"Well, it's a nice night - so I think the concert will be well attended.", Ethan said, as he gazed out of the tinted windows at the Nevada sunset, as they smoothly sped down Interstate 15 to 'Vegas.
Max, not surprisingly, had never taken a taxi anywhere, (before he found favour with the 'Boss', and later with Jim and Ethan, Max had never been able to afford a taxi).
Of course the Mexican servants at the 'Villa Athena' were somewhat surprised to see a very ordinary looking Las Vegas taxicab pull up at the entrance to the main pavilion of the villa.
Ethan, carrying Teddy, hopped out, while Max was left to pay off the driver.
They were then escorted out into the gardens, where Novius, Faunus and 'Sigi' were sitting with the kittens.
"Howdy... how's things ?", Ethan said in a rather unsuccessful attempt to sound like a 'born and bred' Californian.
"Things is very good...", 'Sigi' replied.
So soon Bastet and Sekhmet were stretched out either side of Teddy, who was very relieved that they had decided not to 'wash' him.
"Are you looking forward to going to Egypt, Aurarius (Ethan) ?", Novius, who always ended up using Ethan's previous Latin name, asked.
"Yes - very much...
And are you looking forward to coming to the concert ?", Ethan reciprocated.
"Yes, although I must admit that I sometimes find this new style of music difficult to follow.
Our music is much simpler - and I would say purer.", Novius replied, trying to be as polite as possible.
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Hydraulis - Organ |
Ancient music usually had fewer instrumentalists, and employed various 'modes' or 'scales'. While brass and percussion instruments, and also pipe organs were also used, there was no equivalent to modern string instruments, such as the violin, viola, cello or double base. They also lacked the piano, mainly for technological reasons, however for string instruments they used the kithara and lyre, harp - and for woodwinds there was the aulos and the syrinx.
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Interstate 15 to Las Vegas - Nevada |
"That's a very nice idea.", Novius commented.
"But now I think we need to get back to 'Vegas and get ready for the concert...", Ethan said.
And so they parted, only to meet again a couple of hours later at the 'Park Theater'.
Novius arranged for Ethan and Max to drive back to the 'Penthouse Building' in one of the many Cadillacs that were kept in the large garages at the Villa Athena.
"Well, it's a nice night - so I think the concert will be well attended.", Ethan said, as he gazed out of the tinted windows at the Nevada sunset, as they smoothly sped down Interstate 15 to 'Vegas.
As evening came, everyone was getting ready for what was 'billed' as a 'black tie' event.
Everyone except Teddy - that is.
Real teddy-bears, you see, never wear clothes, so Teddy would just appear as he usually appeared - very furry, fluffy and cute.
'Black Tie' is a semi-formal Western dress code for evening events, originating in British and American conventions. The dinner suit for men is a black, midnight blue or white two piece suit, distinguished by satin or grosgrain jacket lapels, and similar stripes along the outseam of the trousers. It is worn with a white dress shirt with standing or turndown collar and link cuffs, a black bow tie, typically an evening waistcoat or a cummerbund, and black patent leather dress shoes. For women, an evening gown or other fashionable evening attire may be worn.
Now previously, the inaugural event at the 'Combat Club', was not a 'black tie' event, as it was somewhat less than completely 'respectable', for obvious reasons, and so Jim and his associates had simply mingled, apparently incognito, with the audience, (the 'club members').
The concert at the 'Park Theater', however, was highly respectable, and so Jim was prepared to appear as the owner of the 'Athena Park Complex' (although he strongly disliked being in the public eye), along with his associates, (which included almost all the individuals who had attended the funeral for the 'Boss' - also in 'Vegas - some time before, - with the obvious exclusion of Terentius), and in the 'Park Theater' a large, luxuriously appointed 'box' had been allocated for Jim and his party.
Now regardless of what had been said previously, however, about teddy-bears and clothes, on seeing Jim and Ethan dressing for the concert, Teddy padded into the Kitchen.
"Clair...", Teddy began in his best 'baby-bear' voice.
"Can I have a black tie ?",
Clare looked down, smiling.
"Well I don't see why not.
But we'll have to hurry...
I'll just phone the 'Club Jaguar', and get one of the bellhops to go out and get you one.
We can't use one of Ethan's or Jim's because they would be too big for you, as you're not very old, but I'm sure we could get you one that's made for someone young, about your size.", Clare said.
So Teddy went back to the master bedroom, and amused himself sorting out the pillows while he waited.
And he didn't have long to wait, as his bow tie arrived after about fifteen minutes.
"And how do I put it on, Clare", Teddy asked, as he looked suspiciously at the black satin tie.
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Ethan as Rick Blaine - Casablanca |
"Well I think it's best if I help you with it...", Clare said.
"So can Ethan tie his own ?", Teddy asked, as Clare busied herself with the tie.
"Of course not - it's a difficult thing to do, and anyway he only ever wore a bow-tie once, and that when the 'Boss' came here for a special dinner - a 'dinner party' to be exact.
"I don't remember that...", Teddy said.
"Of course not... that was before you arrived.", Clare replied.
watching a DVD of the movie 'Casablanca', and he imagined that he was Rick - the boss at 'Rick's Café Américain' - and he kept wandering around the Penthouse saying, 'Here's looking at you, kid'...", Clare explained.
"Well that sounds like Ethan...", Teddy said.
Once Clare had finished, she stepped back to look at Teddy, and check that it was OK.
"So how do I look, Clare.", Teddy asked.
"Very suave, Teddy.", Clare said, with a mischievous grin.
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Creed Cologne |
Now all things being considered, it was obvious that it was a very special occasion as, while Teddy waited, and Clare changed into her beautiful 'evening gown', the scent - or was it simply the 'smell' - of Ethan's 'Creed Royal Exclusive Pure White Cologne' drifted into the living room
At a minimum, 'Creed Royal Exclusive Pure White Cologne' retails for about $300 for 75ml - so not surprisingly Teddy was puzzled as to why it actually had such a strange 'smell' - but then maybe it was because it was made in 1760, Teddy thought, being a very logical teddy-bear.
'Top Notes': Lemon, Bergamot, Grapefruit - 'Heart Notes': Galbanum, Pear, Petit Grain - 'Base Notes': Ambergris, White Musk, Rice Powder
And also Teddy was puzzled as to why it had such a long name.
And then Ethan appeared, resplendent in his formal black tuxedo.
"Please don't put any of that horrible 'Cologne' on me.
I've only just got rid of the smell from the last time, and that was months ago.", Teddy said, sounding quite alarmed.
"Okey dokey, but just make sure that you give Max all the stuff that I'll be needing, including my baton-thingy.", Ethan said in reply.
Meanwhile, Jim was giving instructions for Chuck to bring the limo to the entrance of the Penthouse building.
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Ethan's Gold Plated 'Colt Defender' |
And so Jim, Ethan and Teddy, Clare went down to where the limo was parked, only to find Faunus, dressed in an immaculate 'tux' and black tie waiting for them, just as he had promised.
"Hi." Faunus said, without any further explanation as, along with Jim, Clare and Max, they climbed into the limo, and set off for the drive to the 'Park Theater'.
"Have you got your 'Colt Defender' with you, Ethan ?", Jim asked, as Chuck skillfully drove through the evening traffic.
"Of course Jim...", Ethan replied casually.
"Well don't under any circumstances shoot anyone with it - and let me keep it when we get out of the limo."
"But I'm your bodyguard - with Zac !", Ethan said.
"Not tonight, Ethan - Tonight you're the conductor of the orchestra.", Jim said firmly.
"Shucks !", Ethan protested as he handed to firearm to Jim.
Meanwhile, Chuck took the limo round to the rear entrance so that Ethan, Teddy and Max could enter the theater unobtrusively, while Jim, Clare and Faunus would enter by the main entrance.
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Park Theater - Main Entrance - Night |
Now all through the drive to the theater, during which there had been a brief shower, Jim had been thinking about the gold - and if Jim was thinking about the gold, then Faunus would know it, as Faunus was telepathic, and yet Faunus said nothing.
Equally Jim said nothing - as it was a subject that he didn't want to discuss at that particular time, especially in front of Clare.
But it made Jim uneasy - and for Jim that was annoying, particularly as he was looking forward to enjoying this particular evening.
Jim and Clare were met at the entrance to the theater by the 'Athena Park Paradise' Manager - Evans, and immediately escorted to the executive lounge.
Zac with Glen, was already in the theater - obviously supervising the security, while the auditorium was gradually filling up.
"Are you ready for this ?", Teddy asked Ethan in the leading artists dressing room.
"Stop fussing, Teddy.", Ethan said quite sharply.
"With you sitting on my conductor's desk everything's bound to be OK..." Ethan added.
At that point there was a knock on the door - it was Aaron.
Aaron came in looking nervous - and admitted it to Ethan.
"Don't worry, Aaron...
The rehearsals have been excellent and this will be the real start of your career...", Ethan said encouragingly.
"So, I'll see you later, guys... and don't worry, it'll be great !", Max said to Ethan, Teddy and Aaron, as he headed to the executive lounge.
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Ethan, Josh, Terentius, Jim, Vespasian, Zac, Demetrius, Novius the Pulvinar in the Baiae Amphitheater |
At the same time Josh arrived in the executive lounge.
"Right Jim, it's time for you and Clare to appear in the 'pulvinar'.", Josh said.
Jim nodded.
"The what ?", Clare asked.
"The pulvinar - its Latin for the 'Imperial Box' - like the 'best seats in the house'.", Jim explained.
"So you weren't joking when you were talking about ancient Rome, Jim." Clare said, sounding nervous.
"No... of course not,", Jim replied.
"And you told Clare ?", Josh asked Jim, surprised.
"Yes - I had no choice...", Jim said.
"I think we should talk more about this - later...", Clare said quietly, as Max joined them - along with Novius.
Josh, concerned about his 'slip of the tongue', then went off to help Zac.
At that moment the orchestra and the chorus began to assemble - which fortunately relieved the tension that seemed to have suddenly developed between Jim and Clare..
"Now I'm getting nervous...", Max said to Jim.
"Well the opening piece is from 'Snow White', which Ethan is always watching in the home cinema.", Jim said.

'Limelight - you were all I ever wanted since it all began.
Limelight - shining on me,
Telling the world who I am.
Limelight - don't let me slip right through my fingers,
There's a long way to fall.
After all the years of waiting...
I'm... gonna show them all...'
Limelight is a type of stage lighting once used in theatres. An intense illumination by a combination of incandescence and Cando luminescence. Although it has long since been replaced by electric lighting, the term has nonetheless survived, as someone in the public eye is still said to be 'in the limelight'.
Ethan then entered the auditorium, quite unobtrusively, and sat Teddy on the conductor's desk.
Aaron made a more prominent entrance, in a dark sequined jacket, to the applause of the audience.
Slowly the lights went down, with the exception of some spotlights on the orchestra, Aaron and Ethan.
There was silence...
Ethan looked to the orchestra, the chorus and Aaron - and raised his baton.....
And then the concert began...
Overture to Snow White
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The Prince - 'One Song' - Snow White |
First there was a magnificent orchestral introduction - the 'Overture' to the 1937 movie 'Snow White', mainly featuring the Prince's opening number - 'One Song'.
This was then followed by Aaron's solo rendering of the number - 'One Song', which is sung to Snow White early on in the movie, with Ethan's orchestral accompaniment - which was received by the audience with rapturous applause.
The audience gave every indication being being surprised by the power and professionalism of the music, particularly considering the apparent youth of both the singer, and also the conductor - especially as there was a fluffy teddy bear wearing a black bowtie sitting on the conductor's desk.
Ethan turned to face the audience - gave Teddy a quick pat on the head, and shook hands with Aaron.
And all seemed to be going well as Ethan gave his first bow of the evening...
The next piece listed on the program, 'Boy on a Dolphin', was an orchestral section from the soundtrack of a movie made in 1957.
Much of the film was shot on location on the Greek Saronic Islands, notably Hydra, with other scenes shot in Athens, Rhodes and Delos.
The original score, re-orchestrated by Ethan for the concert, was composed by Hugo Friedhofer, and was nominated for a 'Best Music Academy Award' in 1958.
Ethan turned to face the audience - gave Teddy a quick pat on the head, and shook hands with Aaron.
And all seemed to be going well as Ethan gave his first bow of the evening...
The next piece listed on the program, 'Boy on a Dolphin', was an orchestral section from the soundtrack of a movie made in 1957.
'Boy on a Dolphin'
The film was Sophia Loren's English-language debut when starred opposite Alan Ladd.![]() |
'Island of Hydra' - Greece |
The original score, re-orchestrated by Ethan for the concert, was composed by Hugo Friedhofer, and was nominated for a 'Best Music Academy Award' in 1958.
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'Boy on a Dolphin' |
The music from this particular movie was chosen by Ethan as it related to the Greek origins of some of the 'Penthouse Gang'.
Following the orchestral and choral section, the popular song 'Tι΄ναι αυτό που το λένε αγάπη', composed by the Greek composer Tonis Maroudas was sung by Aaron, in English and then in Greek, as a tribute to 'Marcus'.
Clare had never seen the movie, or heard the music, but to her it seemed to encapsulate much of the mystery that surrounded the 'boys', and particularly Jim.
Then, as Aaron finished singing the song in Greek, Jim quietly left his seat, and stood alone at the back of the box.
The words in Greek spoke to him - and he sensed what Ethan was probably trying to say to him - and he needed some moments alone to compose himself.
Faunus, of course, noticed - and was pleased to see that the music, and the words had apparently hit their mark.
Clare had never seen the movie, or heard the music, but to her it seemed to encapsulate much of the mystery that surrounded the 'boys', and particularly Jim.
Then, as Aaron finished singing the song in Greek, Jim quietly left his seat, and stood alone at the back of the box.
The words in Greek spoke to him - and he sensed what Ethan was probably trying to say to him - and he needed some moments alone to compose himself.
Faunus, of course, noticed - and was pleased to see that the music, and the words had apparently hit their mark.
At the end of 'Tι΄ναι αυτό που το λένε αγάπη' Jim returned to his seat.
Wisely, Clare said nothing.
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Robert Wagner - 'Beneath the Twelve Mile Reef' |
The concert then continued on the same 'marine' theme with a brief orchestral interlude featuring some music from 'Beneath the Twelve Mile Reef', which was a 1953 Technicolor movie using the new CinemaScope format, telling a tale about sponge fishing on the Gulf Coast of Florida.
Starring a young and handsome Robert Wagner and his female interest, Terry Moore, the soundtrack was composed by the renowned movie score composer Bernard Herrmann.
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The Island of 'Bali Hai' - 'South Pacific' - Younger than Spring Time' |
The whole concert was advertised with the theme 'younger than springtime', and the next piece was an orchestral account of 'Bali Hai' as orchestrated by Ethan.
'Bali Hai', of course, was the beautiful mythical island where the American Lieutenant Cable met a beautiful Tonkinese girl, to whom he sang the song 'Younger than Springtime', which in Ethan's concert was sung by Aaron.
South Pacific is a 1958 American romantic musical movie by Rodgers and Hammerstein, which was loosely based on James A. Michener's 1947 short-story collection 'Tales of the South Pacific'.
The movie was nominated for three Academy Awards, winning the Academy Award for Best Sound for Fred Hynes.
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The Star Keeper - 'If I Loved You' - 'Carousel' |
The instrumental introductory section, orchestrated by Ethan, had, in the original manuscript version been concluded with a dedication from Ethan to Jim - but Jim had never seen the original manuscript.
The piece in question was 'If I loved You' which included somewhat enigmatic lyrics.
'If I loved you,
Time and again I would try to say
All I'd want you to know.
If I loved you,
Words wouldn't come in an easy way
Round in circles I'd go !
Longing to tell you,
But afraid and shy,
I'd let my golden chances pass me by !
Soon you'd leave me,
Off you would go in the mist of day,
Never, never to know how I loved you
If I loved you.'
In the vocal section Aaron sung the lyrics - obviously not realising to whom they were apparently addressed.
Teddy and Faunus obviously knew, and Clare had her suspicions.
'Carousel' is a 1956 American fantasy musical movie, which was based on Ferenc Molnár's 1909 non-musical play 'Liliom'.
The movie contains what many critics consider some of Rodgers and Hammerstein's most beautiful songs, as well as what may be, along with the plots of 'South Pacific' and 'The King and I', the most serious storyline to found in their musicals.
And so the concert came to an end with 'Something Wonderful', from the movie 'The King and I' - the song being preceded by the well known orchestral piece, 'The March of the Siamese Children', followed by Aaron singing 'Something Wonderful'...
And so the concert came to an end with 'Something Wonderful', from the movie 'The King and I' - the song being preceded by the well known orchestral piece, 'The March of the Siamese Children', followed by Aaron singing 'Something Wonderful'...
'He will not always say
What you would have him say,
But now and then he'll do
Something wonderful.....
He has a thousand dreams
That won't come true,
You know that he believes in them
And that's enough for you.
You'll always go along,
Defend him where he's wrong
And tell him, when he's strong
He is wonderful....'
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'The King and I' - 'Something Wonderful' |
The 'The King and I' is based on the 1944 novel 'Anna and the King of Siam' by Margaret Landon.
That novel in turn was based on memoirs written by Anna Leonowens, who became school teacher to the children of King Mongkut of Siam, in the early 1860s.
The film was both a critical and commercial success, and was nominated for 9 Oscars, winning 5.

Ethan unfortunately, didn't know the expected response that the conductor was supposed to give - stepping down from the podium, leaving the stage with the soloist - or soloists - and then returning to take further rounds of applause.
Instead he simply stood - looking bemused - with tears rolling down his cheeks.
Unfortunately Aaron was rather neglected, as Ethan picked up Teddy and gave him a very intense, long hug.
"OK...", Teddy muttered quietly, trying not to squeak.
"Leave me alone, and shake hands with Aaron."
Meanwhile, Jim had left his box, negotiated some steps and a short corridor, and had arrived on the stage.
Jim then waited - and waited... for the applause to die down.
Eventually Jim gestured for silence, and identified himself as the owner of the 'Paradise Complex'.
"I would like to say just a few words on this inaugural occasion.
This night is undoubtedly the beginning of a new era for the 'Park Theatre' and for Las Vegas.
Firstly it is an important debut for Aaron - a fine new American singing talent."
At that point there was loud applause, and even some cheers.
Jim gestured again for silence.
"However, I must also mention the debut of the 'Park Theatre's' senior conductor and orchestral arranger, Ethan Duncan - who was also responsible for the organising of this concert, and also the creation of the Park Orchestra and Choir." Jim continued.
And Ethan blushed, and was given as tremendous further round of applause.
"This may I say, is only the beginning and further concerts are being prepared.", Jim concluded.
And so the evening came to an end.
Ethan seemed a little confused and disorientated, standing clutching Teddy to his chest, so Clare looked after him.
The whole group made their way, escorted by Zac, to two large limos that Josh had called to a side door of the theatre.
In that way, they avoided the members of the audience who were leaving the building, and they also avoided the press, who were eager to interview and take photos of Aaron, and Jim, the elusive master of the 'Athena Organization'.
Not surprisingly, Faunus was missing, but no one was concerned, as he always managed to get to where ever he needed to go.
"That was wonderful music, Ethan - and beautiful singing, Aaron...", Clare said, trying to break the 'ice'.

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Penthouse Building - Summerlin - Las Vegas |
And so they were soon in Summerlin, and arriving at the 'Penthouse Building'.
Jim, Clare, and Ethan left the first limo, while the others went on for a meal.
Clare was obviously concerned to get Ethan 'home', as he seemed to be a little disturbed by the stress of conducting the concert.
Once they left the elevator and entered the Penthouse, Clare got Ethan sat down, and went into the kitchen with Jim to get Ethan a big glass of his favourite chocolate milk.
"I think it would be best if we got him to bed, with Teddy, as soon as possible...", Clare said to Jim.
"I heard that...", Teddy said from the living room.
Ethan was quite happy to go to bed, even although it wasn't very late.
Teddy, of course, quite understood, as he had been aware of how much effort Ethan had put into working on the concert.
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Penthouse Study - Las vegas - Nevada |
"Marcus - can I have a word ?".
It was Faunus' voice - despite the fact that he had not come with them - and the sound appeared to be coming from the study.
Jim, shaking his head, made his way to the study, wondering what possible problem Faunus might now have.
"I see you managed to infiltrate the Penthouse...", Jim said - finding Faunus sitting behind Ethan's desk.
"You do know that this is not my Penthouse anymore -
It belongs to Ethan, and perhaps you should wait until he asks you to come in.", Jim said.
It had, of course, been a tiring evening for Jim, and he was not in the best of moods.
"I do know that, but I didn't want to disturb Ethan, now that he is sleeping - and anyway, Teddy told me it would be all right.", Faunus replied.
"And I suppose Teddy told you that telepathically...", Jim said, in an attempt to be sarcastic.
"Well, as it happened, he did.", Faunus replied.
"But it was a good concert..." Faunus said enthusiastically.
"Yes - it was a good concert.", Jim agreed reluctantly, taking a seat as he suspected that it might be a long 'chat'.
"And all because of that strange trip to Berlin - which turned Ethan into a really talented musician.
And of course the other strange thing was the fact that the concert was all about you." - and the final comment Faunus added almost casually.
"How come - me ?", Jim said, feigning ignorance.
"Oh, so you weren't listening to the lyrics... like, for instance...' time and again I would try to say all I'd want you to know...' or 'words wouldn't come in an easy way... round in circles I'd go !..."
Jim looked puzzled.
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First Evening at the Penthouse |
You should try to remember your first evening together here in the Penthouse...
Do you understand ?", Faunus said emphatically.
"You see it's most likely that you two will be together for a very long time, as I've tried to explain to you before - so it's best that together you come to a good understanding of how you both feel about that...", Faunus added.
"OK, Faunus...I appreciate what your saying, and I'll try to be more open with Ethan - and let him know that I appreciate him...", Jim said.
Faunus continued...
"You see, most of you, even people like Max, and Brody and Glen, have had a pretty rough time - early on - and I understand that because of that you all, to some degree or another, find it hard to open up.
It's like with you, Marcus.
A long time ago, when I first made proper contact with you at the 'Villa Pastoralis', I told that you needed to 'find yourself'.
Since then you've come through a lot - but you need to understand that in order to 'find yourself', you need relate to other people - and particularly those who care about you.
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Gracchus |
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The Boss |
But don't worry... it's all slowly working itself out, and Ethan's concert is one important step on the way, even if it may not seem so right now."
Jim looked down at the carpet, and a wave of sadness flowed over him, and when he looked up - Faunus had disappeared.
"Who was that, Jim...?", Clare called out, as she made her way from the kitchen.
"Oh just Faunus - but he's gone now...", Jim said distractedly.
Clare came into the study.
"You look puzzled...", Clare said.
"No, not really...
I feel just a little bit stupid...", Jim replied.
"So, do you think Ethan's going to be alright ? -
He seemed a bit overwhelmed by everything that happened tonight.", Clare asked, ignoring Jim's comment about being 'stupid'.
"Oh yes - Teddy will have a talk to him, and tomorrow he'll be back to his old self.", Jim said.
"And talking of tomorrow, what's going to happen now that the concert's over ?", Clare asked.
"Well before I answer that, I have been a bit worried about something you said as we were going to our box.", Jim said.
"And that was ?" Clare asked
"Well you said 'I think we should talk more about this later', after Josh accidentally used the Latin word - 'pulvinar'....", Jim explained.
Clare nodded.
"So what was the problem ?", Jim asked, still not really sure what was troubling Clare.
"Well, if you remember, a short time ago you tried to explain to me about you and the 'boys' - and your previous lives, so I listened, but didn't take it too seriously, but then, when Josh used a really strange word that you had no trouble understanding, although it was Latin, I began to think that maybe you were serious about what you said, and that's worrying me.", Clare said.
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The Ring |
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Terentius |
"Well to be perfectly honest, I thought it was all some sort of 'cover story'.
I thought that you were all some sort of 'Mafia family' - after all, I wouldn't be able to tell the difference between Latin and Italian - and it all sounded so 'farfetched', and I didn't want to offend you by implying that you were making it all up - but now, as I said, I'm really beginning to wonder.", Clare said, sounding very nervous.
At that point Teddy padded into the room carrying his plastic Walmart bag.
"Oh Teddy, you've taken off your bowtie all by yourself.", Clare said rather patronisingly, wondering what Teddy wanted.
"Of course - I can do lots of things - but sometimes I ask for help just to make people feel wanted.", Teddy replied as he sat himself down on the carpet,
Since his time in Egypt, Teddy liked sitting on nice fluffy carpets, like the one in the Mosque of Muhammad Ali Pasha, as well as on comfy cushions.
"Now I've been listening to you two talking and, if you do not object, I would like to give you some advice.", Teddy said, sounding very serious.
"I see - your 'super hearing' I suppose...", Jim said, wondering what was coming next.
It was bad enough Faunus lecturing him, but now it looked that he was going to be lectured by a teddy bear.
"Well OK - we always appreciate your advice...", Jim said - not entirely truthfully.
"Jim, it's one thing to appreciate advice - another thing to take it...", Teddy said, taking his horn rimmed glasses from his furry pocket and putting them on.
"Now think back....
The concert was good, the music was beautiful and the whole event could be seen as a wonderful tribute to you, Jim - and that should be enough.
As for the past, Clare - as relating to Jim and the 'boys' - well what does it matter - where they came from, or who they were ?
They are obviously very special, otherwise Faunus would not act as their 'guardian'.
And you are now involved with them, and they all care very much for you - even if some of them - perhaps like Zac or Brody, don't often show it.
And you obviously care for them, particularly Jim and Ethan.
And that should be enough.
And also I think there's been enough of this 'human talk' between you two.
So now there are new adventures ahead for you all, so I want you to look at this.", and Teddy then opened his Walmart bag.
"Now Jim, you might remember that a week or so ago Faunus took you and the boys to Room 33 at the 'Club Athena', through a rather special 'door'.
As you probably realise, that door is not only to be found in 'Room 33' - it can be found anywhere, as it is 'supra-dimensional'....
So - I've brought it with me - just to give you and Clare a demonstration.", Teddy said, sounding inappropriately flippant.
"And what about Ethan, does he know about this new version of your door ?", Jim asked.
"Yes, of course - and it's not my door - but I won't go into that just now.", Teddy added.
"And is it safe ?", Jim asked.
"I don't want anything to happen to Clare.", Jim explained.
"Now, Jim, you're giving yourself away again.", Teddy said quietly.
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The Box |
"There !", Teddy said proudly.
Clare stared at the box, wide eyed.
"It's beautiful, Teddy !
Is it real gold ?", Clare asked.
"Of course - but Jim's got lots and lots of gold, or perhaps he hasn't told you yet.", Teddy said.
Jim looked annoyed.
(see 'News for Mexico' - earlier in this chapter)
"OK Teddy, so what's it do ?", Jim asked impatiently.
"Well you know, Jim - It'll take you to any place and any time that you desire."
"OK, so how do we squeeze into a tiny little box ?", Jim asked sarcastically.
"Well it only looks like a box.
Really it's a 'dimensional portal' - or rather the 'container' for a dimensional portal.", Teddy said.
The box itself was decorated with Ankh hieroglyphics and representations of Was-sceptres. The 'Ankh' or 'Key of Life' is an ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic symbol that was most commonly used in writing and in Egyptian art to represent the word for 'life' and, by extension, as a symbol of life itself. The ankh has a cross shape but with an oval loop in place of an upper bar. It was commonly held in the hands of the ancient Egyptian Neteru, and the Ankh represents the power to sustain life and grant immortality. The Was-sceptre symbolises power and dominion, and was often associated with Anubis (Upuaut). Was sceptres were depicted as being carried by the Neteru, pharaohs, and priests."So would you like to try it out ?", Teddy asked.
"Will it work ?", Jim asked.
"Of course !", Teddy replied enthusiastically.
And with that Teddy pressed the red 'button' on the front of the box, and the lid flipped open.
Suddenly as Ethan, looking bleary-eyed, came into the study, there was a rush of what looked like white smoke that seemed to emanate from the small open box lying on the carpet.
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The Extra Dimensional Portal |
"Oh... I see you've still got the cute doggies - but should you be playing with this ?", Ethan asked Teddy.
"Oh yes, I've got Faunus' permission.
I'm just giving Jim and Clare a demonstration of the new, portable gateway."
"Very nice - and all that came out of that little 'gold box-thingy' ?", Ethan asked.
"Yes, it's designed to go in my Walmart bag - the doorway just all folds up - for ease of transportation.", Teddy replied.
"Very 'dinky'...", Ethan commented.
"Well, when you two have finished - where are we ?", Jim asked.
"Nowhere, to be precise - but if you want to go somewhere, just step through the doors - it's all set up for you...", Teddy said.
"Set up for where ?", Jim asked.
"That's the surprise, but it's somewhere nice, so don't be frightened, and Ethan and I will be with you anyway.", Teddy said, reassuringly.
"Will I ?", Ethan said, not sounding too sure of himself.
"Now when we step out of the door, don't be nervous, as I've set up a 'SEBF', so that no one will even 'see' you."
"And what's a 'SEBF'?", Clare asked, finally finding her voice one again after the shock of seeing Teddy open the 'Box'.
"A 'SEBF' is a 'someone else's business field'.
It's based on the way the human's brains work.
If they think something is 'someone else's business', they don't even notice it.
It's a sort of psychological 'stealth technology'.", Teddy explained.
"Don't worry Clare - it's good - I've seen it working...", Jim said.
"OK...then let's go.", Ethan said.
"I do...", Ethan said as, on Teddy's instruction, he pressed the button on the top of the box, and the portal behind them instantly disappeared.
"... 'Seen it all before - but it's good to be back.", Ethan added.
"It's Luxor, and that's the Winter Palace, Clare.", Jim said.
"And you bought that !", Clare said, unable to believe her eyes.
"Yes... Do you like it ?", Jim asked.
"Of course... It's like a fairy tale.", Clare said.
"So can we go in, and have a look round ?", Ethan asked.
"Not tonight, it'll be all locked up.
Maybe tomorrow.", Jim said.
"Are we coming here tomorrow ", Ethan asked excitedly.
"Maybe - if we can wind up all the business, and if I can arrange for us to have somewhere to stay.", Jim said.
"Well why not stay at the Winter Palace ?", Clare asked.
"We need staff - it's a big place - so we need to make some arangements before we can move in - even if we will only be staying for a short while...", Jim said, bringing everyone down to earth.
"But before we go back to 'Vegas, let's cross over the road and have a look at the Nile.", Teddy suggested.
"Well for coming here, and going back, it's so much better than all that silly sitting around doing nothing in an aeroplane...", Ethan said to Teddy.
"I agree...", Teddy said.
"It's all so beautiful, and the air is so fresh...", Clare said, as she gazed out across the Nile.
"Just wait until you smell the camels... then your opinion of the air will change...!", Ethan said.
"... 'Seen it all before - but it's good to be back.", Ethan added.
"It's Luxor, and that's the Winter Palace, Clare.", Jim said.
"And you bought that !", Clare said, unable to believe her eyes.
"Yes... Do you like it ?", Jim asked.
"Of course... It's like a fairy tale.", Clare said.
"So can we go in, and have a look round ?", Ethan asked.
"Not tonight, it'll be all locked up.
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Feluccas at Night on the Nile |
"Are we coming here tomorrow ", Ethan asked excitedly.
"Maybe - if we can wind up all the business, and if I can arrange for us to have somewhere to stay.", Jim said.
"Well why not stay at the Winter Palace ?", Clare asked.
"We need staff - it's a big place - so we need to make some arangements before we can move in - even if we will only be staying for a short while...", Jim said, bringing everyone down to earth.
"But before we go back to 'Vegas, let's cross over the road and have a look at the Nile.", Teddy suggested.
"Well for coming here, and going back, it's so much better than all that silly sitting around doing nothing in an aeroplane...", Ethan said to Teddy.
"I agree...", Teddy said.
"It's all so beautiful, and the air is so fresh...", Clare said, as she gazed out across the Nile.
"Just wait until you smell the camels... then your opinion of the air will change...!", Ethan said.

After the concert Teddy gives Jim and Clare a 'good talking to', and then demonstrates the new 'portable' 'dimensional gateway' - by way of a quick trip to the Corniche at Luxor in Egypt. It seems that they all want to go back to Egypt as soon as possible, as travelling there had become so simple and easy (as well as cheap), but Jim then has the task of arranging things in 'Vegas and Mexico, (the gold, remember ?), as quickly as possible - as well as Visas for Egypt.LINK